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$ S t t ! Y # t k 3 ! ice{' , 3 -R: - . e.,. r_. �.. . . ..,,.�.. ,..' ..., ,_., I LIN, . aY.'k ' . . 40. , F3' , _ o -. - _ 1 ,, ,., 1. , , I'll ,... ,. 1 I 1:. � ., - .e 1. • :,r . s . ., , . • }. — ----- 11 ! S — R.ft" ,____�.u.__�_--_____ __. CouY1 i nLta 2 1 , Ro 195 .��. i c 1. om , Ja ry 7th , .L,c a a». a ld on above date . The Clerk reported on the results lt: 8104%` `�: Inaugural meeting of Council 'was h -�o �^ • 1852 as follows ; Mayor Sidne Little Majority 544 , �� of t he, Municipal Election y 1 r"'ql _ Reese ' F .I�� . Vanstone Aa :a soon Deputy Reeve � {. S . Dale , �2a� ority 214. , Councillors llors ft"11 I ' ' . D . Carruthers , 1159 , F . S . Cole , 790 ,� F'°11 r N .E 0 sb, me 129 0 ,11 N . J . Scott , 1384 , , ' O . F . Robson , ? 54 rY . DeGeer , 753 , Public Ut �.iities Connissioner , N . R . strike , Accia . Public School B oard 'N .G . James R Kitson Ke'lr . ' 4..ckson , Acclamation . After takin the oath of office , the members elect took heir seats and the Na or 11 .It ,a r I. g �� called u o,n Rev S . R . Henderson to open the meeting, with prayer k; ?. 1 p 11 I ,1 '""` moved b Rv Vanstone seconded by DpRv Dale that a vote of ; thanks be extended to nev . y " Carried T, 1, �' Henderson for his services . ss '' welcomed members elect to Council and gave his inaugural addre 11 1, The b�ayor The ".ayor called upon Ex N�ayors �ason and Elliott to address Council ' ,r, Moved b Rv Vanstone seconded by Dp bi►v Dal e t hat the standing com�oaitt ee s for 1 ; I ;, y , s t named t o be chairman ' ,. be as follaws , fit ,Van stone Dale C a rrut he r , tt I .Finance • , , s Sc.o ,I'll ,1 ' Street s Scott , Cole , Vanstone I �, �; 7�.. Roads & ,1. Osborne Cole Van stone Fire , 9 �. ;;" . r,� arruther s Scott -.11 Dale C , , AM .Pol ice I • Osborne rather s. DeGeer cl Pro a rt . Car , , , Pubs.i P Y ' } I .. .a :... . F -- Civis , & Relief , n � Osborne � � _ .11:T. 0 so e ee r n � - :h as • H ._. r ,, •1 . n "I ete r T.:.ti,, _ ,. d . f: -_ _ �_v.._ - _. .. _.. - __,� _ �, e' D- k�0 s0 n � ��a�_. S O n s� ._ M e I�.� , . ,� :. - e1G' °er 0 - . -s a.:? --' - µ ,. Indd�strial - -- - - . !71 I 11 .. r,: . . .1, I C� r,u �-11 1_ ; ONS 1. ' 1, CONiIU ,ICATI 1 . Lea ue of Canada Toron o , . as ng ounc1 f or a grant. From Navy g to t h „ t e'- reque st , be referred e I AI . '3., Moved b Cr' " Carruthers seconded by Cr Osborne that, . . , y • " 4';1 r 1 n.l,1l , _ sts • for grants . Carried- F ar�ance Co aittee to be taken up with other reque 1 asking Counci �. for a grant . Toronto , ' From Hospital for Sick Chi�.dren , . r. ,., " Referred tO the Finance Coma " .. Hos to 1 • sin of a at i ent being admitted to Bowmanvi l le p i From Counties C 1 erk ad vi g p , ,1 1 r ��. 'Ree & Filed 11 1 .�, '��' s. . ''I , o Coro Good Roads Asso advi�s ing of the 'a ua]. convent ion to be held in 'i'or onto. From n " Rec & Filed " t and re ue sting renewal of member ship on .'Feb lti and 13 h Q' I ;; et.ar of, the womens Institute , applying for the use of .From ',Mrs Irene Clandler , Secr y . ... �. . . 1, • 11, , -- -r 1- the Town Hall fora Kopper Karnival on Thursday March 13th ., 1 ,. I .,. '1' .,1 Moved b Cr Carruthers seconded bit Cr Osborne that the request be granted ree o y " Carried " I 1 0 . 00 , 'e �' an Hannan off erin to purchase a �t�own lot on Ontario St for 5 11 11 ., From Mr Norm g - thers seconded b, Cr Cole that any lots owned by the Town be ,Yu More d b y , C r C ar ru y ��1 . 11 I se for sale b tender . Carried " divert i d Y :L . , „ , et of h s O .� . ., +V. Hoar requesting thle - - 3,nstalati n of a str 1 ght n ron From b�.r . - ,nl : .11. . I 1. . . 1 t o re erred t he b pr°Pe ng th r e e s t i c rty on Ki t as -- ed b Cr Ole hat q 3 dove d' b Cr Osborne second y C,,r t e u b f f ° t Y " Carried " . Property 6onunittee with power to act • �4 .: 1 r1 - 1 1.11_ n ,y1 L , _ r_ _. _ w,H _ Brc�nrn.. thanking Council for orders, received, in 1951 for culverts . ,_, . .. �. P Fr —r I.y " Rea & Filed h r t r ;i•. 1, lx. ' .� I - �Torkmen s Com ens ion Board , Tor ont o , advi sing t hat e,o ve rage for aolunt eer, ' ,, From p ,1.16 t�. 4 , firemen can be increased to ,000 . 00 'n orne seconded b Cr Robson that the assessment Por volunteer firemen ill, Moved by Cr Osb Y r Cried '� } �, ,1 be increased to �. , 0000 c ov�e rag e . , ,r i e bars of Council and members of the Seho�l Boards From Rev �Narren Turner invit ing m rn " vice in St Johns Church on Sunday Evening January ; 20th . . to attend ser MO.ved b Cr Vanstone seconded by Cr Carruthers that the invitation be aceeptre y Curried and t bat the. School Boards,' and Rev . Turner be not if ied . , S star C i.vic Defence Branch , Toronto in regard to ba91c , From Dept of Provincial eer y , �r tr8inin .. , f first -aid g to the , R ale seconded b Cr DeGeer that the circular be referred e { I �[ove d by Dp v D Y „ �� '11. Qhairman of the Civic Cornrnitt ee . 11, 11'u Carried Fr,-oYa Bell lele�hone Co , Ddontreal , enclosing rate group for the own . 1. L � '.+ d ^ b Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr DeGeer that the Clerk be instructed to reply : dove y « Carried ' r , ` 1 m Misa Dora Pardon Secretary of Bov�nanville Recreational Commission in regard -to 1. r � Fro . . grant for 19 5 2 . - owded b D Rv Dale that the me►tte r be referred t o the C ivia �� r loved by Rv Vanstone sec Y P �� n . - their bud et Carried Com�aittee to be considered with g , 8 of Conf ssi oners Ottawa in regard to the application, for the From Boar Tre► ��,�r �� o eking of the arosaing at C .N .R . ft ion. � ,I 1115 . ��' p 1 1"� N'. I ,�•. 1 ,,. _ r .a . ,1 I < I I . 1, �. _. ',...,.-.� �.,.. .,v r....,.,tea, -.e.e-.....,.-,�..•..,...,,.,.....,,^ ....1 d .....e..r_ q+;��+�.+1«br'y+.�"S•• �? l 1 . I . '1 I,., i 1. 1 ..x ' :.-,.:.- ••._.._ ..�., ....wi-3.os:. ,.c..l:nw.....+c, x .:v.,x.,an 'a>-..asp' ..... I v...xG.„:iks .:r _r1',:: ,:.a'.''.z:. �.'ll..'va u,. h.. ,..:,11 V LUMP 1x s s �� .1 0 7 11 -: r .. _: _ ._ 11 4. ,, 1 ' N� M 111 'Al ft""T a co, la nu y 7th 1952 Council oom ?c4 by Or Scott hat . the Cliark be instructed to , reply C 0%1-.0"M Moved by Or Carruthers seconded some Carried , ry info rmationo with the necessa HPORTS mmittee S ubmitting sundry accounts , 7Tnance Co Xv . Vanstone presented a' report from ending, payments eing correct. and recomm 2 , o6 certified 4 b amounting to 6 , 45 " Rec Adopted be instructed ott ' and Carruthers e y Moved' by Dp Rv Dale -second d b Or DeGeer that Grs Sc es that, now mete" r situation in ,communiti have them in to investigate the parking Carried he Februar rwetingo cil at t y tion and report back to Coun opera 160 . 00 be granted to the Fire a Ur Osborne seconded by Or ruthers th - Moved, by Carried , " uts' ide* fires's bein Brigade' 6 320 * 00 e ived from 0 g 501 %,, of BY , 14KN oduce a By-Law to borrow money for cmrrent expense mission to intr�� ke Rv Vanston.L� . as d per and , Council went Granted and read the first time . . On motion rule 33 was suspended or in the chair . On Comittee ' s -- ' Co=ittee of the whole on econd reading 'the May into ks f 11.16 d in , By-LaW was W rising .the Mayor' reported the second reading ' ' ith all � blan d ordered to � be signed and sealed * then read a third time' t MrYen :e Nicks of the Kinsman Club U0 e onded by Or Osborne tha Carried ommittee for 19520 ber of,, the" Arena Van ag em e t C be appointed. , amem s be '. that Crs Osbr Carruthor Moved. by, Rv V by Dp Rv Dale . nbth,e Arena Yanag em ent Coramitt ee ' f or 19520 as members from * Council 0 ............... ............ ............._p_p _0 Y... ........... "he a Wn - Scott seconded by d other details ' relative�' r ties , dalary an is responsibili Bowmanville , on a full time has activities his duties to be worked out , at a later date-9 who w eo-relate a e head directly responsible -to th ' ', Council of . covering Civic A JA tration under one dm n s - the ' the !.rown of Bowm arivi 1 le be; -laid on hat the motion Rv , Da1e seconded by ' Cr DeGeer, t Moved an 'Amendment by Amendment Carried - meeting * table until the next, 'nly - use o ploughing quipment be d pvpd.. by Y, . Cr' Scott that the snow ing" frontages wma. e 'To of ' Bo nvill and ' on ,tax, , pay ty which is o' ed bythe wn tye And' further It panies e fra-in ' f rom hat private citize* ns or . c4pp_ n private 'proper e p . ublic, thoroughfareso on , to th ies of now d by Or DeGeer that the, whole. matter be, turned. -tv Dale seconde Moved a n, Ame ndmen t by, . Dp' i udgment on any s itte r theiR to .,Pas e ov er to 'the Roads a nd Stre ' ts Co e , to empowe ied motion present Amendment Carr edto Council * i ch are now Rv, Dal all - va e that cant, lots ' Of land .,wh Moved by Cr , Sc d - by Dp ad vih ic h are imits , of the Town of Bo 'anville a WM within the 1 ved �by Town water -system-9 ser thaprope rlty of t he Tow n ' of' Bowrmnville be ' advertised , with a detad ion' sea le d , t end er he a d , offered for sal. e ' b Public ', in local , paper n y und ut - in -Committee.. -.C- 'he Town of Bomanville' sal e to idered n fo M these . : y-- ,lot 8 which i ght, be . c on.6 ecessary n reserve from to , hold " Carried Oivie or.-Public purp ............ 1.11 ell,On Moti n Council, adjournedo 0 mayor, C till, tVOLUME 7 r t t s { s } . } a a' v t �. .r 3 4 s, r 7 c •fSx - ", a a z fit e s a t v +. 7' _ e - g:� -. .. _�.. _..} ,:>� a` `�-_..t.t..: ;; "_'-' -^ `—""+ -Vi•.µ ,p C F=t t .�):. _,_ -'-G .,:.. .. .,, r-,.a _ ,� 4r, .1�� c Y fit'', .. .s'i.-i.. ,.a..v m_ w,. ,. .rid vx r,. 3,.2 -,M _ F .,�. ...- .: , , 1a i iS, P Cp: r;..; -.,.*•s< 'N +`n,,,.<bY R w'-A" yc. ,.y, t s.'S rt.cfi_'« .^ -. - .. _. -. eI I _. • a, �} • r • : - / _ , Y I 1. *,y I Y t r I ;x � _ ` x,m3: n , „ , +. , , r ,, r �' ,. . , , , r •r. • • , • , t' -- ,, ,, , , I - _ - —___ _ r r - ------ 1. __, - -- _, _.__. _ ___. ____ - r 1. s .PA - _ - o 11 r ��S<o I . ,., �... _ __ _ - i Room Fe _w. «.,«,to i. / unc• '1 Ilth , 1952 c o eld on abs�ve date , members x: 11 present the' is"ay or, , I It s .� �; r�-egular meeting- of Council was in wera read €end on r otJan confirmed . ,, N� :' '� presiding . r�"inutes of last regular meet g ,Y offer rb ers for his late r}"a jesty King George f The r., ay,or called upon Rev Turner to P y z �� r,•` H l ; 6th • 7 .,, that �, vote of thanks be exLerlded to Rev D Rv D$le seconded by Rv �anstone �� r � I�.oved by p �� Carried " 4 ll �. s services . Turner for hi 4 �> , AT I41�� .11 ,, , . C 0 . 'tJr'�C ,� u 1 a r e c i a t i o n t From the family of the lar• e. Richard Osborne ackowled�;ing with ,ratef pp " Rec & Filed . . j p ession of sym ath 11,, , the kind e x r sympathy * t o haV e Ill, .1 2 v G et r.:cCoy Y'I ili.n ton �t reg nesting x From ,,.,r �i d . Bond , .�cugog �t and i��r am , front of heir respective prod ernes . trees removed in , ^ Dale thr�.t the re ,iue st s be r ef,erred to the hRoved by Rv Vanstone seconded by Dp Rv it rjarrisd � ,} Public Property Committee with power to act . It • ufficient street l kiting on �cugog I From her Frank '4illiams complaining of the ins , R d b Cr De Geer thst the comp. nt be referred to the 1. Loved by Cr Carruthers seconde y r �� Carried t, Committee , with power to act , s Awe opposite 4 rl I -_. ti, 7 Via, Publ is Property on eet 1i ht on X,.earn, , a.t i ,a -s t r e st in' the rlsta:.l'1 _: in Fro�c L'r . S . Baker re ,�u I ' • . �� f .` ,a ' I r` N •' 11 a his property north of Concessions mot . Geer that the request be ref erred to l the e.r s s , c o nd e d b y C r+ •De t, f?• x D��oved by Cr Carruth Carried I'll t Committee with . po•�ver t o act r .� ..,..•. o . t e.. h.e un �,� .ro er, .•..•. . c�.s :r. e ,. -•e, .. 'Se. ,_« i.i .n•xvw�wi�7>+'r<v.cw rwht,+♦w,�.u,,.,«..- .. r la,t � can � a �: ..,, N, y _. ,. • , .��,iy .y U.. . _ a 4N. +7NA, 1 i .. 4 ., .[ S, ..,r... a. :. s .. .. • ,r s , ,.r ,•„ ,>r ewrrdtiFV:m k..w,.. 11 . 1 ... C r L:1•S wry,, .r,.+r.r f.T` a7,rnF,,. rn xa.,..pro +.,{n.S _1 ,.•:.,RU,✓w:/k., .:u SJ ° i..r 1.. . 't A•,. " „..-.- $le^....n.,♦r rx. fy,c5 1 ..,-..u.tJ.RlAIUY'9tiYI�92FxGFrVi�akv3 �JY YlX�CY'Z9fSYG M1?Nwii F7GF"116 (.4`X4• a.. r ). r on .,r. .. ! , . ..'415 a ti = 7 r ?•7 .,-Sr iirrtll� .,,.{3./h,p„GfG57s.rGh.Y1i17F!4i4J,n.rdr x.dU,e�:.AS,.v t,, 4.':�c♦Adi -- . . - _ , f� +►� p� - i..n I.�.a. _x � - - _._ Y � r - xr. r. c.n, r,I-r .yyE,.6veL ta:p�}7teM,::,r4,...�r. � ,., :!;_,..rn..n..._,. .. _ .. _... ..: .. a,5..r«.rn. :.,,�.,..r,•ria,ure nay+f._t.e�:iitaYGYykY`hTktl3w;P 2YFd.at�da�/Jrktzv* +-.+�j��L�� +� ,,.y •CIr ± ,_.�..r,...__._...rnW>ca,..•r a..r_ru.sxre_•ea.x,r..rx...-r...es.Ir...merarsx:rr...r..r..muc.ro.wa.,an ryr.I.rr:-.R:n.. ,n...ic.xmau.•.tm.avnvurr.�,xea:r.eu:...:o:exuu4'<>s.-.,�•rn:.:e•.ervrr..:-<e�-er:..evwnwn.veuny,nvax4,•r,usun:aorta..rmzea..'x:.:rxrxa.^mm,.�i.a+.u+•.,w • \ �t n , property on Uivi s�. on - . . eGeer that the re :�uest b,e referred to the Lr Moved b Cr Carruthers seconded tby Cr D 't Carried 11 1.Y , over to act •1 .w Public Froprerty Committee with p �Y the • Courc it Roem for• -their '12 From rBowmanvi lie L.emor ial . Hospital ita.l rel�ue st i n.�, the us e o • .i. ch 20th , I meeting on the evening of, �::ar : -ranted . �t ��r ri ed. the request be ove�l b D Rat Dale seconded . Cr. Scott that • .� y P re nesting . the use of the. Town Hall l,a, r. From Father F .K . Yalane , of .�t Joseph s Church 9 evenin - of Larch 21st I for a concert on the g be ranted at th',:, usual a, b Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr Robson that the reques ,� Carried ” : ��ov e d y . , r J ,P rates . . . os ital0 t s bein admitted to Bov�rmanvi lie H p - a.dvising cif atien � . 11 From GountiE s' Clerk P ,� Rec �sc 'iled " :. F t Co Toronto in reference to the insuranc 11 I on a A From Hartford Accident and Indemni y , Rec & Filed " � r e - — , • N7 crossing . e bri ade were i .R . t and Toronto st8ting that the fir g . ... From ,"�orkmens Compensation o , s f ro 11+th , x.952 ; r um of �+r 000 . 00 per man per annum a , m fan �! t cover to the maxi cov �• Rec Sc Filed , urin f Day-Licht Saving Time would be t uq. G CanadaI��ontresl enq gi It- From • Railnray As so of , L, own H 1. this year and i f so what dates w•oul d be ado P e Y observed in : the T a Light -)axing Time be adopted in 1., Cr. Robson-that Day- , . y P Droved by Rv Vanstone seconded by er r .:-_ r r w-rA p from 12.. 01 A.rJ7 . Sunday April 27th to 12 . 01 A .�l . .gun a ►tee e --- -- .the Town for 1952 ed accordin ly . " Carried ,� - ,1 . ,, that the Railway As soe notif i g 1. 28th ,an,d. appointment _ e Recres.tional Commission requesting Council to confirm „ _�-- - From Bowmanvil w i . Recreational Commission. e —r- - members - of ed b Cr Osborne than Council confirm the appointmen I'll - of t e �� N;oved by Cr Carruthers second y . R Hende rsor. I�"r L . W e Dippell for a team of one year.,. f . of , D:rs. Alan Osborne , Rev . � . . F on Ba n :ll for a term of two ,years , and that Cr Cole nd;: arid; M lti Yr �� nt g sign ''for 1 5 „ i s s Dora ur oan a e be s ointed as members from Council on the Commis n ed '� . and Dp Rv Dale Pp Carried fora rant , . ;r on Arm Toronto , asking Council to the �, t From .,a l vat i y , econded 'b Rv , Vanstone that the request 1. referred ,+ Moved by Cr Carruthers s Y �► Carried " Finance Committee to be considered with other grant s .1 .13,I received from D Rv Dale that the letter , previously 11 5 Moved by Rv Vanstone seconded by P ittee to , be considered erred to the chairman Of the Civic Comm , Herbert G Cole be ref �t Carried ' '� • - • fi" .,,, , under Town Planning and that Mr Cole. be , not f e , t Insurance , .for. 1952 • ``' ` - Nina Neads enclosing . renewal of Public Liabili y �,: Frolll r� iss the Public Liability insurance for y Cr sborne that Moved b Rv vanstone seconded b �� Carried " �, y at a remium of ' ' • 1952 be reftewed , p 00 --- ,, : 5 , ;r ,,, rlurl, ation as to where the future population ,, oo Board enqui g fQr inform I, t ,, y7,. From Public ach l , 't I 11 ;are the Town is 1 cable to be located . e(erred t o the 7 of ;f 0 borne seconded by Cr Carruthers that the enquiry be r �� gd 11_ , Iloved by Cr s Carri I , . Cfvi�c Committee . r • ,s rt s owin 'ths amount of receipts and expenditures il • , t\ ' From Bowmanvil�.e Memorial Hospital h g . Council consider an increase in the amount of the annual �,,: for 19 5� and a string that I r! 1 ' t , ','. , ' V i ' meant . J ,�:• _ 11 4.. r �tp d� 1: , - I �* , , , I r o t it lI 11, ;: fix.. wr.,j.'..✓ 4 .Am .a,•... t«i kt•r�.'J"i,I � � 1,r,..i,�1.'J.`' t,.,' P'a x !`. I, ' l4 1 r a.h VOL= 7 E . _. « .... .11 48 : ' .,. t 'ak'k Ss x r,.tsr -rzz - a 11 If! :` rt mA M M Ne „ , .- , i I.' uN „ �s 'loo s '" k, ,'' ¢ ce,` .� w,- _ m , .,s .M "11 4,I 1 i,: ,P 11 . ' - _ - I J < - . . _ .z _ r ,.,. .. , '1. I I a vii L: % ,. s .M ., ...Y.: o 1.11 9 x - .. , " ,' Al, ,11 Y 11 I ' ? . . . - 11 1.11 1. 1.,r I I I I 1. ` ra -. / r 't _11 Y 1 --.. ._..,_. _ __ ._..._...- - _ --. `J } Lin / I cit Room ' Feb 11th 1952 t4 ' Council •11 , .._ 11• '" " ,� t0" roved ` by Dp Rv Dale seconded by Cr. peGeer that' the rest be referred to the ,.�� t, Carried , " ��r •� ;. Finance Committee to be considered with other grants. ,.. s ' o enclosin estirlates far the exter�sian of a �ti IL From .,Public, Utilities Commi sl n g ' the vicinit of the � C . 1' . R . itation ,, ,, , .l , , I watermain 'frog. Base Line to serve residents in y , ' t� b * Cr Scott seconded b F�v Dale th�ct �hc t�:ayor appoint a corrittee to confer el xx . h�loved y Y P „� �� n i wit the ubl is Utilities Cornriissi on and report back to Council . married h . 3 ����� { , The 1'a or a olnted Rv Vansto ,. , ,, Crs DeGeer � and Oarruthers , as a Corn.; ittee . ,; a y r , r From GountleS clerk Cobourg , advising that r: o fox bounty ��rould be paid at at the �. our.ty ; ' " tiec & Filed "' office e,fter 'eb ist but, �,wou�ld be paid by the "unlclpali�ties . _ , lis : , ; From Canal i�.n Le ian , Bowmanville , re �iu1-1 Cou. -i1 to pass a' By-La �v exernpting their property on ,ueen at from taxes for 19 5 2 except �.ng school Ta E g . - :owed by Cr Osborne seconded by. Cr Carruthers that the Clerk be instructed to prepare �� ' tt Carried' I��11 a, By-Lew . r ` 'r.om Lions, Cl{ub , requesting a grant equal to the taxes for 1952 on their property ,. on Beech eve 1.. 11 ,,. b Cr Osborne' seconded b Cr Cole that the request be referred to the Finance d Y , l� ov e Y , ' ;pith o act �� . Carried t N, Comm l t t e e pow'e r t , 1. " artrrer:t of 1 rovirlcial secretary Civil Defence Branch , Toronto in reference,1 .ill 4" 11 ,a., r om De p . .11 , o f e a o i`ntment of a C iv l Defence Committee for the Tos�m . il , 71, 1 . t h pp w 11 ., r.7?� 1r mar ,., v ..,.. s. t, u; a �. :..., .. .: .V,._., .., :,ALV+ ,. L: .a �' z nl..✓. '.laT+: tV+,ri 5i.,r.N. �KT,.'v: fiI. [� � e e - - t. t t mgt ,,....I r : . , ,,x~_,.. , Vance t ,.,..,Y .. �. 5 c,o , ddb _:� _ aµ. G,,,,_.U.J,Y , ._._. �,., r,1 _._. v '{ a..-_... ..z.. .I.....v,,,. r ..r iv,•- 'ui:irpNW.fi,tT.r»vN +i P.trnaF, .ar-,r LY naYf:.3 Tl..a.{vTLV.Tmt<u-.JUJI.W'ah>n4�:LVt t'a a,ec¢n ,:•_or�.aL'M-nIL•.L{yvt+ N ..y 1':>'+ 1 Y.k ilYr,<wA1.F.v,m..u:� �tiv<.e Y.:r.>+x.: .W.,:,a..s AJW T..YM.IC..Y_!. �ALL%fS Y.IJIX4p w --_ _ .... a,iun'Y +LYVa4V ti _.....__...Y_�,:.�+r:+ � _._ _.. ._ � ...:.,- .r.n,�.wearr�_:v:u�+4Na:.v..c.nwe.s.a n..aw.i-¢„r.wr:.v r..., i � 4 wars. n� ,,wl c, *i.,:. x,iv.r� _. ., ri::r 2 .,xw rdca6v�3SnTMwsa� Miiieafs;,aeant!' 3EG5 ?nwuwu.ana..rY:Axucnuw:..,n..ax,.a�.wG::k^..S' ,rrzu4ac.x.r ....r aN S - u .r.,.1 ,1. C ss Committee Committee and to contact the Red ro Marr° ' � ri• F, „ , r . 11 4 ,; F ' re r Chef Hoo er submitting his r,eport,, of fires and fire losses for J 11951 . r Frorn , i p ,r.;�,, " '`Rec & Fi led " �G, Y ,d,I �� Frori F'� lice ChiefTenton subMittin�; re ort. of . eactivities of the r'olice Department ., ' t, R e c & Filed t, °�I for 19 51 . . , r . `, , : ,f unit • welfare Council of Ont�rlo , Toronto , re':�uesting membership . From Comm • Moved b Cr Carruthers seconded b Dp Rv Dale thu . � o �e ° . �t �a Y y t the request be referred , ' �C,i,vic Committee to study . anal r-eport back° t . Gpunc.i1 . « Carried I �1! ' rr - - „ 11 _,�> om 1�e artment of F'lannin' ; anc� Deve'lopmen t , Trade and Industry Branch ,,, Toronto , �;F, ti, F r Ft hn d . e.�s k i n Toront can I.arch �1.3and 11 advising of c onference to be he3. din ' Q , I ,. e resentativ'es I Council * to send r p • , 1 1:R C Car. rut hers that Cr DeGeer , chair,mari o.f t� ', e 11 .1� if . .� ._ �r'�,"U , Moved by D'p Rv Daleseconded by r s 11 NEI I' I r ,1�����. � �' .. 'l^ Industrial Co�r: nittee be `authorized to attend the conference with all expenses pa d ,1 . : r. ', I ltiII , From Fire I.:arshall Toronto , in � referenc;e, t . - -' ti;1. o . the standardization of fire lose thread . � oved b �RvVanstone seconaed by Dp Rv Dale thatch e ' letter, be ref erred to the Y �� C ar r i ��1 .Fire Committee e d 1L s, `'` om Canadian Federation of �ayord and t�'unicipalities 9. l� ontr� al , requesting ,renewal Fr � ;T of membership for 1952 . . w._ a ° ° C Carruthers seconde Cr DeGeer th�it membership for 1952 be renewed at 1 . b 1. �oved by r �, : s i f e of ' 35 . 00 .Carried t� a. member Yip s $1. ;: •, s Branch , Toronto in reference to :_: °, z -. .. _ _ From De artment of �du t L p � c a't i o , ommu n i r o � _1 . •Y ; 11-$ ......_.... ._ 1 r fir.: ..•,_ I.- ,y �� Municipal programs of recreat on . econded b Cr Osborne s y Cr. Carruthers that the` memorandum be ' referred to Moved , by - �, ; . W .Carried , the recreation committee members . , , . �.` artnlent of Plannin and Development , , Toronto in reference to planning '.fc� From DeP g I I rural municipalities . s. loved by 'Rv Vanstone seconded by Cr Colle that the communication .be referred to, t e 1. R ttee " Carried " Civic Commi i of Tannin and Deve to menu Toronto in reference t o the ��o sp tai From Department P g p r. - I I ,_�: Sub-Division .1.11 �e s econded b D ,Rv Dal a that' the letter be r e ferred to the C iwic Loved by R°v Vanston y P „1.4 ttee with ower to act . Carried y Commi P ent of Hi hwa s Toronto in. r eferance to By-Law for expenditures on . A, , From De par tm g y , Roads and Streets for 1952 .� " Ref , to' By-Laws' .11 . REPORT S ,,k R� Vanstone resented 8 report from tie F nanc a Conittee submitting sundry accounts 1 . P amount i n t o' 1� 2g . 16 and Public Sc hoo 1 Building accounts amount ink; t o 1 ,9 1,. g + J_ �� R & Ado t e d " �Y, �� certified a s berg correct and recommending paylrient . ec p , '. , Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Carruthers that a vote of thanks be extended to 1. ;'. r'.. r rr ° ,, ,I. i . members of the Fire Brigade for their services in securing the construct ono a i ;I ; r ire truck . " Car tied �� tank for the f 4A i Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr Scott that the Public Uti hides Commission Moved by a instructed to install approximately 2 , 200 wattr bulbs in the street lights in , the northern part of the Town on a trial basis. " Carried '" ,k • ' ' Moved by Gr Carruthers seconded by ar Osborne that the Clark be instructed to request ' 1 rtr, ll : the Public Uti.lities,iXommission to cha.n g e the str,e.et lighting system from series ill g a 1 - '. ....sississis"issislissississill ,, 11 11 4_1 " .. 1 �: - ., :. n -r_.e.:. ' ,,. ... .. ,..,.. ....:._.....,Sue.x.,wuu+1•...n:..♦.. _..l.: .. ,-:_ ....w,-_• ,,.,, , y.,- t^S , -f ,. Y�% t 4. 11 LUML . x , ;-t „ , , ti .., _w n. v� �k,� j r ., "M�, �f � l K. ,. _,l 401%,,- , $ ,. i- 7j , ,, ,._ r , l 11 F' ; : �������������,���������l���i�����i���������i���,i����i����il��i��ilI ,111 - , � �" I� ,,,,t',_,�"I - Mal ______ W�= MMUM I �, I 1. _,��4� - " , . I , i r , x r s , I .. ,.. . ' Y 'r .. . - - '.. ! ,. , ,Y r I , I - •Ar !' , I , n 'Y r " Y , >. , _ .. F r ! . — w .. I, 4 T _-,, _... .._ . . ..__ _ s.R.W1f1 fO - _ _ __ ___ ____-.—_-_,_._.___ __-_ , . 11 I . c kaom ' Feb`r�uar 11 1 52 UNIM __._ 1 ou - c C Heil , y th 9 i 11 11 r ,�' to" to a multi le s stem and ' for an a stirc�ate of power charges to increasre the, street t4 /. P Y I �0 h ' . . ' lights from :approximately 233 to - x.50 , as - soon as possible , "" Carried t 4, {. / ! } 11 1, 11 S , ,1 . boved by Cr Robson seconded by Rv Vanstone thdtr an expenditure of y� 65 . QO per month be authorized for g months , for the cost . of rehabilitdtiori of an incapacitated resident o,f the Town . �t C:�rried ,� Yoved by Rv Vanstone seconded by , Dp Rv Dale that r4'r '.'alter B Reynolds be. , appointed, ' ` 7 y''' " as the representative frog► the Town o� the Durham District High school Board for a „t ,5,, o of t ci ears " Carried 1 z peri d y . s r,_ . 1 . �,'�,Y h:oved by Dp Rv Dale seconded ,by Cr Osborne that Cr Robson be appointed as ' X11 ' representative from Council on t'he 1'emoria1 1io.spital ",oard for 195'x . " Carried 11 +J _,, _ r, BY UW ,,,,, LL, ",x 1 �Rv Vanstone asked permission t o' introduce a By-Law to , provide for the 1952 1. expenditure s on roads ,and streets . . ' { ` 1! , Granted and read the first- time . On notion rule 33 ;vas ' suspended and Council ,went,' into 1. �,.. '� , the t►ta or in the chair . � On corumittee ris ing �i committee . of the Nhole on second reading , y , •:v 1 1 e -La t h n a Y P g l b links f it d _in . By w was e re .L . `the �'a• or re orted t e secon � rea In a ,,e ed _ _1. a third tine , passed and ordered to be signed and a�l Loved b Cr ; Scott seconded by Dp Rv D�a le that , the matter of a Town manager be brought 4' Y Car ried " up at the next meeting 'of Council , . „ry,4'u a.�. �a ,. _�: ro ,ed... b. Rv . Vanstone seconded b D Rv Dale . that the ,h"ayor be instructed to pr'ocl im , , '.�4^ ¢ 9:^!°,?^•C-..tMM_.,...,7n,u4•"+v.^.rMe .. v,. ,..,. .. „r... • d o4htMQ4]W'U!Mu .iV1Mr c / Y ,. Ip:. ........ ..... o., y.., o• r..,. .:� ..., ..... pe , ot-r. .....___..__...._ W .,--►A NMAYYAIW YM !d M N51r0,. s v , .. , .. +. .,.:,.. .. �.... , ,. ,.,.. l... A :..,_...._..� _......_7L.,_..___. ._ - WM1L�+J i AS 4W*N ,/lORNGfAYbH,rnN 0. t pA+arw nnnr.nrr n ., 'vr,♦w;r an..e-,: , , ,. .. ,1, ,__ �.._._ _ __ _ ,f. e u.e"S' <... -- t" n"d <, . ___ _ _ . _ ,. e7r f. T ,. _.. ... ......_ .. .. ,. r.._...._ .... ,. :, '+ ',�.: '. SS:. 4'f:.A41(":YOF:dr.-,x,.1.,CVfr.i .`T?ry: �. ar I♦ r .f.. n.� . r , aA F b r v r,,.w „x �.,. . Y^..._.'aF....�.i.Tll,...i ....,,:1><Ia: Y�Y.'_!VF '.v r ".ftcfA^N ,111'�f,Y�. wb�-n k.•.^Y'.r p ..ti.' -y.11 .. , '�},, ,.r _ 'Y." .,.....Y I...YF- S.t{..O,.Y..1.-X,,.stG_�..r2Aay ..3tS..1JNA:1`41F,�'�.ftiAfl f<a I[._JJ�.t_.._T«,2...h,..........� ... X11 citiLens to observe minutes of eilence a,t l°l . fi�C � . , . , , Vjw;+• d1 ., 14�oved b Cr DeGe,er seconded by Cr Robson that the nett regular meeting of Council 11 : , Y th " r Carried t�1 .' be held ran Tuesday ,Y.arch, 11 „ , I On 1 otion Council ad journed . .. V ,It' _ liirh Yntl ntn itM.Y .fr ...., , ., .,. ,,. ....., i. i,,. •hr .. �.. ,,.,,.,.g ,,,,;;� rn -,.L1 l., t. 'r ., ,� ! , ,, s r 1 .. t t aY. r ,, .- 11, . 1., . r tt ,:`, , .g " ., 11 ♦ J r .':1 i. 1. �. 11. � - ,� ," :,�7 l;..., �' � � 11 :",i - � ,11 , ,�,. . __ � 0. ,g e k' �a or r y ,., ., , " ,i LF<V r 11th 2 lYt �� Room March ch' 1 .9 5 C u ci w , o n ; , R s o ent the A. ayor P ' Reg-u .lcer mee in of C.ounc11 wa he al on ab ve date , members x.11 re's "rr r . presiding ' : R � j e' introduced br: Arthur I���il,lman , Oshawa , rho addressed Council on organization 1 .Dp - 4 ;� for Civil Defence 11 ., . . , Moved' by Rv Vanstone seconded by , Dp Rv Dale that a vote of thanks be extended to .r.,,:. �t �+ IuLilliman for h .s address . Garraed ..... The hlinut e s of last Y regular meet ing were read and on mot ion confirmed C OI�'��� "IC ATI O N3 �. ;r,� a�:9� .. reared' 'in'11 sidewalk:alk o i „ t e br ken - t „_. _, _.` .,_... ,. ... _., . . _4.. m,. . MwM. ..._. o r Je f f er. s.nd.... .ot her ._re . ue s. ng t.o hive , From :r V i ct Y :, .. 1, 0' . . C . ert ie s on Du ke T St _ o t of their r �✓ 0 n ,..., .. r l ,y...t. rr..Irl.nYV'Yr�t. ri.,n..+. �. /.v...... ..,��.,.....-.,r.. .. ........ .. .... ... .., P ..� ..r/, .... �,... .<. .v. .. e . r ,. 0sborbe seconded b Cr Carruthers that the reque"st. be ., t. lIS a4' , ..,' ... =Yi, T 1 YI . N 1 . c �. Moved b y r Y f,+ rrre. or: e. . i Roads e►nc� Streets Committee with power to act . Carr e' r an N t Iona l Institute for, the B1 ind , Peterborough , a ski dig permission' to R I 11 t � From C ana d i e. 1111 .1 1 r /`Y fold a Tag vayo on Saturday Nay 10th . . ,I.z ,41 thers seconded b Cr Cole that permission be granted . " Carriedr " 11.:, Moved by C r C arru Y in his real nation as caretaker �f the Town dump .li, r t.j ; ' From- .Mr I. John H Mohan , tien er g �; °Moved by Cx Carruthers seconded by Cr Cole that . the -- resignation be accepted , and a ' - - sent fo r l��ohun in regognition of his services . " Carried 5. let=ter be • • . '' From Counties 'Clerk advising of patients being admitted to Toronto General Hose tal . r. r :, I 11 Rec & Filed "'7PI . . . , . , N:r H .0 . Osborne et it f oning for the construction of a sidewalk ,h' From Mr John Maguire and . , P ., - , r on Brown .mot from King to Queen St . Y ' Cr Robson that the petition , being cert� i.fied as being 1�: Moved by Cr Osborne � seconded by . , ' ' , +� , I signed , be granted and that the work be proceeded with �rhen ocher I 11 s are constructed . " Carried sidewalk . 4 ' , k Part Arthur re ue st ing C onncYi l to a ndor se a re so lut 3 on, t o petition ,n Y From City C ler , , 4 the Federal and 1'rovinc ial Govern�rr�ent s to have the Trans Canada P�.pe Zine constructed l, », ,' ' 11 It) ' �s a� cell Canadian route . �, 4 b Cr Carruthers seconded b Cr Osborne that the resolution be endorsed and that . Moved y Y �� I r �, 11 Carried the City Clerk of Port Arthur be advised accordingly k, ,. , s REPORTS I ,! (a♦`M t�t'1 . �P ,r:, ed a re ort from the n : ce Committee submitt ing sundry accounts, 11 ,��, � Rv Vanstone present p ' ������ '�' � am�ountito , ;�200 . 1�6 and Public achool B ding accounts amounting to 121 .02 11 , , , n8 1, r ri „ ,, c�ertif f ed as being correct Qnd reaommen n payment . " Rea 8� Adopted ��� I r ., k, . r , }, r ..,.. .-r..w....r,..+.+�yMw,.,..+raawM,.,r.r..+.rw«.. ..w.. ....F.+...,r,�,.w:...,,. .,rrr," i+r-r! ,1� .1-.t_j✓...,n..k UN 7 f vO� >< , ">. , f. 111 I� a - _ ._ .: C, t °. 4.c. r}- ;•s - '�. •-1 1 51.:. __— .-. - - k r . r , , I LMARTS CO __� f uN 1952 Council Room, :arch 11th , Ir' ,�cNr o e st i .at e d t o re s f o r 19 5 2 E %` fr �� committees resented their reports f e, pendi F The standing nd ing p ; 8's follows • Road's , and streets , �+7 , 30x . 00 , Fire , 129720o ( .0 , olice 12. , t �.5 . 0 \ 000 . 00 ' Civic 6 200 . 00 , � et�aetery , , 20 . OU o erty 109693 . 00 Relief 4 4 1�; l lublic. Fr. f , . , ' 4 t� Lai d on the Table " � e seconded b J Rv Dale that the reports of the standing committees P Loved- by kv Vanston Y p *t ,a as submitted be adopted rried �• 1 `bved b �Cr Osborne seconded. by Rv Var.stone that, the Fire irigade be granted . 212 . 50 I I�. y } g �' amount received ived from' outside fires , " Carried " i 1 being 50 /o of the ,�' t� �Ved b Cr; Scott seconded by Dp kv Dale the , the previous motion in re�;�ird to the t Y �`,. er be rescinded end that the subect of the l y y matter of ., ppoirtment of a Town . anag , of tment of a Town I.-'arlager for the Town of Bo�r� .a>nville be presented to the people . r I PP " 11 a n. Carried " 1 at the next1_unicipal ; election . Jle r t cond.ed b Cr Cole that Cour�ci l invie ' a, � representative ' from the .ov d by Cr C r .'c of i s y 1, es Commission to appear before Council and explain the latent method of Public Utilities pP ,� Carried " street lighting e Town Cr DeG�er that Parking L:eters � be installed in th `t iT r I�love:d by Dp F�v Da1: P seconded by .t , 11r ' r LTot on Lost C r I�eGe er For the Igotion ••• D P RV Dale and 7 — Rv . Vanstone Crs acott , Osborne , Carruthers , Cole , and ' Robson . • I Against the T,.otton , , „ S r , :_[..._._.1..r.,n,,.•ern nrm oat n � .,,,, �.rovn,,,:.rr7ra,..,r...,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,>, ,ry .,..,, , ,,,,•,.. ., ,. .„ ,. •...« , r a ,w,r.•w,.r..,♦..,.—.. ._I ........,. z u,.. m a.f Irtumtahr',munxlizam?t•t,?wsstt'�r�.,{".•�nmel rNn,r rA.r. r w -...-'. �. '1°" • ..........-,.,,rte.,;..... .. .. .. , .. .' K:., +11.' ✓.'. .4J; -:r•: wr 1:.SY" r"a♦ai r,x, "vr'r-r` ., ., ♦ I.a. �::'c. .'1: - .. .. , _ .,. .. ... .,.. _ ,.. , r e ,N N -s 1 I. y ,.J. !r• n ^,nwv el. i '. .: y. r rr it r... .rr, r � v > .., a w:. wl l r rt.. - 1.w.u,(m. � a+.A.rl►.n ' .ti,i Y14rN t x e ,, rtv+f.. qtl t,[r,,l♦ Y,Mt rnala.t/V+ I.N.r' I ...,_ � , :, 11. .. _...-_._. .. �. ..._. _. .. ..r_.. 14Ur4 :, r 1.. Y 'YtCi J.W4'a1AN1.Y \.. a ", , •y.,,k k : :»F/..1..� l •t r x \ .,..__ tr. .,r. > x.. a_....—. .._ ... _.-� .e r sr.__...-. ,. ...,t,l: _ 2-_._ ttArf++HtMg1'r:nlrNJtPUp)i CW _ _ w!"R ,v_. Ms �fsxrwilwrrPrr•arrw;aww' w--wP♦>r„� r.... _ ,.A,,.. ........._.. .... _-. .._. i , . '" r., r ..Y,,. x..Y.•!. ..r � ([j' .:r ,,.. Ya}.MtPex e..tia .. ... .. ._ _.. ._..._ _.__... ...._ ._..... ... _...__._. .. � - , A y�,ry^Jy�7t ( .AM� S...f rF ♦ nl_rT011, P ^'.qr '.:>: •,r,. ..w... � - •t.,—.__ , �r ,�Y(7.1J}ry��y`���,r{rn,Q/.fg1 y���+.�.])�-,�♦�'�1pjy a ll:.Zt lr�., It ♦U � 'YJ' t� �.iY� M � 1N{( .+rlrhi! - _ _ _ _ ___� — `5r• ,•�.',�• ` � n y y/•V.Yi�V � � � �� � 1VX 6S.Trr.:Ot Jliv�IYOC. 1.NrAWIf,�[L .SLTY w.'z'(:u'w_%AIF,Y1YtlKTLY1:rtC'.:k:1nM1:laWLY:1KdW �-rF JIC'CEY•.Vt.TA9l b'AM'Wf�tKMGIgi'IPYI.ti,41LMYMIr►fMN,aTiY1(AtIt FWT'YMIipWUY•A,LfYili4t�l/ �blXQ+uVr. c .. sc..,x.'ntirrxrt,hb'19M17caxur,�A. _ aaW.�ftu4irt2d`d434 't6.w' irerrrarrt v+rciBL•.'.rLr y::: d;,[,t�:ei r,in t,f .:, x F Officials ;l ntment of „Town ok r t h o appo For th e exem ' tion -from ' P: unieipal Taxat ' ori1, except for Local_ Impr-ovment s andchoox ta _ es , the property off' the Canadian Lion . rt� y for Town ,' .,County , Debenture ando'chool T ra tion certain suns- of mone purpose s for 1952 . ry _ d the first time On motion rule 33 .yes suspended and Counei'1 dent; into r Granted and rea 0 chair committee`I of the whole on second reading , the layor in the., , • the lti"a or re or.ted the second reading Nwi th all blanks filled in , an committee rising y p T - o exem t the ironert�� of, the' Canadian Legion from taxat ion. Wa.s laid on he By Law t P P 1 o f To w n of f i c i a l s and T ax,l By-Law as given #` the table . the By,-Laws_ for the appointment, the : third reading and ordered to be signed and sealed ',} Irllt to ru l�dil� d r,1 roved b D Rv Dale seconded by C r Scott that the memorandum of. agreement with the y P, L '. , 41� Kinsman Club for the installation artificial ice in the :error ial arena accepted addition that the kinsman Club make an agreement , vith the Company W the following , ' installing the e,' ```Uipment to waive alb. lien, rights and that the total cost of the jf �] Cam' 7 " t " ' ect be available before the work of installation is commenced . : " Carried " entire prod • o ded b . Cr Robson that all persons engaged in the ,rbusine ss of 1� la Y�oved by Cr Scott sec n y K in the Town be licensed a t a fee of, 1 . 00 per year , renewable collecting garbage annually and An' consideration of being; granted such license that the collector agree a rules in res eat - to - theco� lection and disposal of gar bags as se _ -�-- _ _ _ ao� adhere to certain P blic P�•o ert Cmrr�nittee and that a By -Law be prepared for the next ,z down .by the lu P < }ay Carried " _ . On LILot:ioil Council ad ,.ourned n , , May or . , \ . I , ' �h �,1:. •t. r, r ti r , r is 1 1 ,.1., _: 'M ,.. ,... _. ...,. ,,. ,1... ,.<, ,:• '...,,.,.., ... ..._,:• J,. .._ .r . ..a , , r , .: ..:. k• ,:, it , ,,, :,�. ..,. .,...,., .: ,. I ,.. .r , - .•- � `- - r ., .. _. ,,. -..,._ 11 it ,,;'.� r ,-: ..: '. ,•. a :�:: ,T :.., :....,. .ire..r :;: 6, :�.. • .. -.:,I :-.,N ,1.,.. , ..al,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,... , '::a, , .� ,. _ ., . :1 .'I \ '1. 1 t � _: i _ ,.. I. • : .. tar• r ,- .'red., ., ,P :_.. .":: ; • 1 -• .. :i. , 3i "',:. r. .I r „f :::- '. -I ,I , r r r..� . ., •r :•n / „-. .",1,t ,::,.r ,'. ," -.i: ,;. 1 1 r;' ,' ., :' i.... : .... , 1 .. 1. - "'r 1;=. . c :: ,r ,.: ,, I: � '+ �' '';7)'�'I � 1'r ir' }l., r rfl � ! s t•�4 �l,r'xl'.' I 1 , r VOY V. E a -,� t 1 � > 11• x 1 fT 5 t � L� S. ' ., • . , • „ .. i. a' , A , , , . .,.,. I .... ...r I .. I • k . ..11;. ♦ , , v I ' + ,• ► ' . ,' i r"' :. , .- • • r. .: 1 t • ., ,.. - _ , 4 -. - ,'. L� - . _ - _ _.___._ d .. �o ncil R 71 52 , LW� o o Ap ii h , ) 19� e� . u P a o». 3 bo al l prs sent the h.a�,. �,r { �� Regular meeting . of Couric it was held on abQev c}3te , m�,r�� „r .11- ` 00"ev N�, � .~ residin h�inutes of �.ast reular meeting ' were read and on motion confirmed . { { , '� Kt{ � b:r C . ►� . Saisof the arena L:an3ement �Comr���ittee addressed Counc � irk reference to the ; ,. Son and subM itt i ng a f inanc is 1 re Fort operet ion of the arena for the past sea . •:`I ', . ; bir Van grid er of the =ubl is utilit3.es Cam �issicn �:ddressed Council in reference to , • �� street lihtin ,_, In the Towr. , it 1 k +oved b Rv Da seconded by Cr Robson , that . the � iblic ��roperty Cor�:Mitfee co -n�erate 1. w ` " ' Y p • P C ' s s i orl t o do e x er irlental work with street 1 fight i n ; on 1 .1. ®ith the Public Uti _. iti . s orr :� l p 1._ . Libert St from hin to Concession St . " Carried �� Y 1 C 01.11.'t TICDTI O1`T 1 ": 1y , I - ' _ • �, n Clerk New T. -r onto erEclos n re o��uti�n in regard to d :rna. -e c�:used by high l ` , - , From i g , 1. �� r } e rout _rte �erty . �t kec & Filed 1 , w water to le.k f �' z ,, uestin� 1 ' Fz'om �rar G ,� . �d �v:ana er of the Bank of T�lontreal , req the t some trees be cut Y , g ' and trimmed in memorial . P rk' a the3� are , causing damage to their bui ldin ,• t 11 e "N�ov��d by Rv VanstonP seconded by Cr. Cole that the , request be,. referred to the Fubl is ,. ., mn: ittee with ower t, o act . ,� Carried "11 i 1-rolverty C o F ' �- From bars Irene Cand3er �eretary of theomen institute thar. kin Council for the use . of the Town IT la1t ' " " Rec & Filed " 1� rom Seeretar Durham. County Di . t�rict High Schoc�:h Board enc ?_osing copy of estime.tes aclote�i for 19 . Re , Vic, Filed . 5' h e �,.. _... .. �.-,r1 "l=,1 ,E-_,=+tM pM,YV!1t1C4'l°7t �--.xnY .YS'.:/"S'"r�n)'lu^YrNin°1._..tL^ 1 �, • • S n - r i. th y f th ..... Sv:.,, va;rs .uP ,�M a o � �, _:, en ccr'ea13:C�: 1 S,.S a e r _. �.�!(n e tare3owmanv 1.,111, Re t t r,...,. n'.iC'w: �iFSk'i6v»'fie%1%... _. _ s, ;>vr'.Plt! +t. r. ,e.,.,,. .Ilw!w.4!'� ��y y�y�,�.} �('�7, ,sy�� .. C omm. .' ... ,o,n: g. ;; s-3hser,Tr ._ �sa} �_ ..._..!!.N'R.. ^R^ � r. 7!a., s. ..r,�1 r,11r „I,..«., , ,�.:.. _r._„,.:r _.._ _ C'G s....__._..._c_........... - .. ..._:. .._..- ..-.. .I r ,,.,rl. •w.e;�l.':!. i .. .....:: .. ..:a rL„n,t.. d.: ., _ .__.__. .:::.... .:c: a....v:.., v,..... r _I,....._..., ,.. r I: 'Iry ! •,, i. ,q 9 , TM.;y�,� T`'��' r e ,,, , Y..nrx's'x--C.t,e,i ,.,-,,,_r.,.-, -. ._; -.•-.._ ..� .,.:., .. .... ..�t_. .-:. _ .re,',•. �.. .,..r ,., Jr�—y/y�� J(/, (V� �}t r'u X'1 Fi:! O' l f lt..:...s��/'M�[■yyjj'y T ry{�y�p:pwy,r,.I1. 'C':iL :.,;,' f_Mr. r i u ,� 17 .9 , .,. i V V t V rl�i l'. •V i i V V.... � r. _• t... t 11 recreat ion d . %, tx , a q}��J; ,. ... ' !yl"',.""r' 1 3',:c e�i7^. ,c � is i1T V I�2ov e d b y Dp Da 1 Cr Cole tha ry 3. . y : ,• , , . . Rv a . .seconded by �'� • . _ ll •1. t the s a la o `I. � ; .h ,. ` . per annum for 1952 anc� that By-Law be prepared for the nppon ,ment for the nex ` • ,° gu alit” x&. �t Ce,rried " ,: me�tin 1. "X J J . Fhett consentn to the passing of a. By-Taw restricting the land. on 1 11.1- I; , Fr orn r . Orcharcvew Blvd to residential use with not more t -han one single family dwelli`hg on i+ ' . , �,r each lot and t,o ;.ravel and sh . e up Orchardview Blvd; to make a passable road J r , t� Rec & Fired " , , ' , l" r • I 11 j Y M{41 11 11 <; ,'t From Chief venton in reference to Dog By-Laws, and. Traffic By=laws,I . 1 w ' I !., / IVioVed, b Rv V nstone seconded by %Gr Os'born� that the ' letters be referred to th.e Police 11, . , y r� Carried. t� C.ommj_ttee ,and t hat suitable By-T ws be prepared .1 . p tubers of the of Police �.r I From Chief vent on requesting that new unifroms be" urch&sed i. o r' me �& „ „ . b t h t o " r e ed Moved by Dp Rw Dal second by Cr Os orne at the reque s b ranted Carr e rom M s Glad s Bartlett pet it onirig C oun} it to prhibit parking, on Brown St north of I .F y ;'� j{ her garage from King St . Droved by Dp, Rv Dale seconded by Cr Carruthers that : the ,request be referred tot e . t� e n . V with ower to act . CBrri d Police committee .P ` R Postmaster re nesting to rent ' the Council room to be used a s a : From . D�,r J B -- -- • • . • en . --„ --� ---- a s t o ' the r. ost office from December 13th to December 24.th inclusive , and enquiring t. _._. _.-. 1 -__—._-_ - - "-. ... 11 111.1 I 11 -_ amount of rent . _ t b f'`I _� Nerved; _b : Gr_ Carruthers seconded by Cr Osborne that ' the -Post Office a given permission 1. . y the cried . . fl Carried " � to u a the C ounc i 1 room at a r,ental of 100 . 00 for P I w. , :... =- o Ltd Toronto ask in errni ssi to ersc an overhanging s �n 61'L I „ . From son C , _ . T �_ _ __ , Robert S mp 7•il -, 7 at 6 5 Kind; St Y b Rv Vanstone seconded by Dp Rv Dale that the re due st be referr l. ed to the. Public Moved y ” 'Carried " Property Committee with power to act . ' M' Counties Clerk advising of patients being a dmitted to BoVIRllarlville Hospital and 11� . From �� Rec & Fi led " i I' . Toronto General Hospitat vial Secretar C �.vi1 � Defelm Branch, ,. Toronto in reference to From Dept of Provin Y " Rec & Filed' k equipment for Civil 'Defence . . a a Fe oration of �a �or9 and l��unicipalities , N:ontreah advising of the 11. From Canadi n d 3 �+ Rec & Filed" annua]. conference to be held in Calgary from June 2'9th to July 3rd . . Toronto �.pproving of �y-Zaw No 1533 From Dept of Municipal hffairs , ; " Rec & Filed " ` ` there seconded b Cr Rob,son that the Public Property Committee be �Io�ed b Cr Carru y I,: ..�; structed to investigate the request for the , installation: of a stireet light on cugog 1. in ' �� led 'r r% erne with ower to act . Carr 11 ..... ,St' north,of Uill 1 , p ♦ d b Cr Carruthers th�a the Civic Committee be instructed to I loved. by . Cr Robson seconds y �` } with the Town solicitor in regard' to the widening of Lambs Lane above. Third St . pie e ♦t. ,., i 1 a Carried " ' , " ,.11 I . ' . ; i ed from 6 residents ' of the Town petitioning Council to submit a Petit�.on was receiv 5 '111 1 �,Ir vote of the qualified electors on th+e following questions ; - r 1� 1 . n favor of the establishment of Government s sores for the sale of liquor? ;., 1 l j Are you i es for the sale of beer r , . � Are you in favor of the esgtab].ishment of Government s31or ,�_ "' � one. for residues aonsumptWn . ? Y 2 , I 'r ' I 11 __ , F ........ x �_' . , r 3F ?I I ,.J i • r , rr l i .,r '. n:_' � .p . ! , ,'.11 I . 3 ',. . - - .e ... :-.. ,., a ,. r „ .. „ , , , I ,11 . • .. ,. t .. ,-. . „ • ,c - _ - -... _ . - - - - _. s:It.NAlItACO _.._ __._- - r . ►�fno s ��� . C oune i 1 .L, „ i 3' Room ,� �`�pr it 7th , 19 5 r b Rv fa.nst6' seconded by Cr CoIe that the petit inn b� referred to the Cterk i».[.T ��oved y , .. " . Carried �� 'for certif ication,. r RPORT �- rt from t nonce Committee submitting sundry recounts I If 8v Vanstone presented a repo �'�,: •! - �., a I1t t n � t o X152 . 6 c ert �f ie,d e ng cr� rrect �.nd rPcor� nendin paym. j amloun i rt t e d '1 Rec & '�d i y , jT t et t hP FIre Br1.cad, P be ?ranted � 215 . 00 1 IK a, loved by Cr Osborne. seconded by Rv VFin �fone th ' 1 �. rec,eived from Carried, '' �� been 5.0 a of the amount 1 out s i ��j e f r e s 11 s � yea b Cr Osborne ' seconders by Dp tr gala that "t he Fire Cor mitte'e ue, aut.horiz ed o ° y �; e c Lantern �' 2 . 00 Y b. ,.ate rice s of 1 ctri f'� purchase 'the , f 011_ o ving equipment at �prroxir� _ p , , ,�1-1 5 . 00 Pike Pole a. 2 , 00 and hydrant wrenches 6 . 00 TM: -1 11 Fire hose ,�V G . OQ , No , le 3 , 11 1�, Y Carried l t c �e nt �f a Cr �eGeer that B La N for the establi �hrr , Moved by Cr Robson seconded bg� y - , "' for the next meeting " Carried "1 .A Town , plane i z� bar d be pr e pared ., Moved by Cr Code seconded by Cr Scott that . the C'err�tery committee be 3uthorizec� to I 11 -' ower �,t do o proximate cost of 150 . CO a'rid a hand mower at an purchase a power m p� . , 1 " Carried Ili 1, Y €� pproxinrate cost of 5 . 00 _ 3 ',! , b Cr De(�reer that the, Town' of Bot.nmain.vill_e endor. se and ;' z, , Moved by Cr Scott seconded y hat house to h, ' 01 ution to the Federal Government "t � , the effect t ouse t .present a re 5 _ .' • Carried .� {1. �t,0 n , , . 1 delivery be� instituted in Botivrnanvi �-le '. BY-? ` 4 the 1 11'�v eadin' of a y- w _ to exen,pt the . pr.ope r°ty off' .1.. y , v Vanstone moved the third r g a ,.,.,n.o r.,,•nY'r.erenmmremprminnwmm�arrein tirnnn,ro,»v�rrlirenu+r..rt i�..A imrrn,.v.. ,v.,,,�,,o.......:...... ,.. .,.,. ,,.,,..,., i „., *� r T Loy;a l Im r ov een.t , ,,�,�,,nd.,, .Sc b o t .:x �„ T, 4sr,i,�;, ,,.1,,,.,..,. ry+ r] a V' ,, .' . ..._ ...... ... ..,.. ... ._,. , -,,,.. ,. .. a ,''y,.. , r W .rt t f t+ft h ,91 3 A 'N.A rZ 4v1aVe,15Y„ U 4' r[�.t, C,� n ,f..t.. .F.,3..,,If&lC vwx .�.,r.. ,. ,_11,1 x .. ... .. .. 3 < r v r r yr !, Y >tr , ,.t,..h, k.!l,».M r s 4'U'C3fiY1,K...ir`F ?. t. .1 _ .Y r , W. .,JN ..r) .. n,3,nu.Fl,1N. Y t. ... ,� c i. ?. ,,3 .3.0 r.,..4\P .l o.. k.. r..,w:,,,:,, .. iWFm.f.. , lc , .Y15S4 5't4 Y, °r r . 3 .. ..e,....a )YT"L..4 /nt . r. l'i ..t J.,. ,i..... .., !t A?,1 l r. ! 38, .._.. (.. j_.. - r r! r 4 vr.. A . .. .. ,/�q' (y,.��YTprt�� 1 i,[, tt(�Yy) 3. "v YI .. _.... ......... ..-..._. .. .. ry _ .. _J.' ,.::r .,,.. v.. .rti4. ., t c L?T'.,�.h 7�.i,a l�r"` ...__.._.. _.......__-. .__ _. ... _ _.__ _..__..._.._ ...".__. d' :4,_..-n, ,,::::,.,m:,rsmrcuruw.ucm,n,.wcu....:I._. '+�] �''� .1 .,.. .., ..,... .a.._. .. ,R.. . t.. r., ,Y.r,.s. r e, �Y.,,,x..,. a. ,; ri. �. era _., is.J...,. , ._.,..n ..�.. .• .._. ._�-.._..__.- .. �'C o -.., _ ,.,.. ..,. ... .. - w'. 'r, lc <Y.v::gif..,2 ;aM�;y �+ u;J. •!ti i']Sti,nR/1irR3NJ3p.LT1TlaPSWAG?SW7A"L'6:16�87f,)Ff1ilt:1:?:a n..�" ......,a.K.„c r,.Y'... '�...."... ... .. , ... .. 'r':-,,s'[.,.:�, 1,1"iL'.Yj/N'''.'t�]v4'iw:.W.'1 XY' ,rMO Mt v:_ti. '1:A:�11 ,l`'A'Y�., �..,a..•YSts ry�r'y]7�4.J !. 1..tt.i M Y-�''p1'+bM':Ja' F•A 0.'n:FY' ,AI,iF �4PN..F •l4 y,�y,!{�[,/��.+y,y. d vA]M 14tiA,CAAt#21}SCSM'�Rt PI'Ak7-0 SOECIPI'�IGIL'p4.1HMND.YVU�CMSJ hLTiflllM al:rSlt,Ym4T ,.YWMt.u.a[.V+F..IC:I'L11YA.SV.n.PiN.PTV,.a•N.,VS.Jtta,_U'4,.flV,t�r..Y,. ,R M �'�] �^ � '�" �{�' �T V' .?y{y,f /!� •"1'r, j �' .' ytr ` ':•"Ty�/"9yyr► • e ,;r ..�Sw was then r 8 3 c( 1Na11 Q1 , y` U cede r V 11 I Y 3 R o Counc i'1 ad : ourned . ,� = Y 46-On h:ot.i n ,, , ' �,. t- . v , . , .:. .. ,,, „ , lr ,' �; . r�:, , tr _ , „ �/ , ' � � , ,_ii 3. . Yl . 1.�,. . . „ .. .a:._ : ......,., .r I J , , „ , ,; '!1: . ,., , � / . . . I or� ,t, r „ r,.,y v u a' ;; •1.a _ A .,.. .r..r , ,11 J,. J 1. ,.. , .. . ., ., ,,.l .. r .• ,ir �a.a f .,,,.- ', 11, , ,11 ounc oQm y , 1 2 A T n r 1 �' „ r 1 ire sent the ��, or 1 . a s he d on above ua.te rn ,mb er s y } ulr meeting of Council. r, �. . � , e tar rneetin were read an'd on .•motion confirmed_ .t , r l - ., ., pr es lain b.inutes o �. s „11. _ a 11. , _9 r , :� „ .001111U I��.T�IONS 11 ; ifs F o . itteeof the 8owmar_ville Y:emorial �' rk �,s�sore ..uesting a le' • 1 a se on J r om Bu i 1 di n g C mm 1 .3 ` a ren7orial Park fir a definite length of time that the be iven- ermissi on to ' F;rec . . �. y g r ,t. , a lain for , recreationa urposesin •the -Park , that � a11. revenues from t/he useof4 11, 111, I bui p 'erno "islPark Asso and that the �. ,T the bui building bP used for the . upk'eep of the Park by, the l.. 1 To•�in ,construct approximate �_y . 50 felt of water aid ` serer into the proposed clubhouse . W IL a ` ' Beau rie chairn�lan of the ' memorial P rk Buildin , Committee addressed Council Q bar I a t v �, _. , �, , rij`. i ng a 1 ea se on the r 3 n re erence o� secu , Moved by .Cr �cott � seconded by' C�r Robson thaf therenecessarystepsbe� tken tQ � s et u . - _ _. , t -_ - - R el ,i ., Y , t _ ' Carried a park Board with pec ifi� reference to the Bo��rJmanville r� ria For s r�o 1 k . Carr d 't 11 II " - Moved b Cr �3cott seconded: b J Dp Rv T)flI tm that - trie. Yerorial P�Lrk 1�isso, be Ivan 1. I 'll :,, e rni t i I1 kcations .are 11.1,�� �, - _1 .---� - - _ . - t ,. P �' :'` ' ng Carrie d o. ssion o erect build n p:rov di- tha-t� the -1 �ns an sego • .3 /!' , . _.._ ,,: , ..g ' --- --a roared _ x I pp by the Civic Committee , r I� D Rv Dale seconded b Gr, Scott that 2rrangernertts be made with' the' Public, 11 w 1 Moved by p y t utilities Commission to inst�:;ll water and sewer connections to the new building , wen 11 11 �, ` e �d$ ., r, " Carried f! erected . i e Recreational, Commission reaom�nending that D► r Jack Hawes be pointed From Bowmanv 11 I' to the Commission in place of Rev S .R Henderson who hn s resigned . r �►;oved by C;r Carruthers seconded by Cr Code that the, appointment Hof h.r , Jack Hawes ' asamem ber of the Recreational Commis sion ,be confirmed . " ; Carried " . rrom Bowrrnvill. e Recreational Commission revue sting to have ten loads of lip top . 1'�,:/rlr,: ; soil P1 iced on the baseball. diamond to improve the playing „field and to supply the ,. �ft,.� ' ', fo,r drainage . r �, . �� Carried � ",1.I 1. °' °Moved b Cr Robson seconded by Cr DeGeer that the request be granted . ' "� ;`" y ell Princ :� al of thR Hugh School requesting the', loan of y ; ,r om lv7r L . �'. Di AP p 11.,. '' 'approximately l 210 feet , of snow fence to enclose the High school garden 1. I 11 11,A. `:`t' Moved b Cr Scott seconded by Cr CoTe that perm- ssior� be granted for any quantity Y { ;1 re wired and t o be returned in the same condition a s when recJe ived and t het any fend 1.f , q �� it �o'v „s 7 Carrie d �� dammed to be paid for . y m Mr E .A. Summers , re uesting to have a tree cut down oar trimmed in front of his Fro �. 11 „ ro erty on Liberty St and a�k�.ng permission t� plant three maple trees in front of fi., 1 , - ' I,i •r r' A� aR r ,,,, the property .11 R'' .� : . ; Moved by Rv Vanstone seconded by Cr Scott t�iat the requests be referred to the Pub I el E t Property Committee with. power to act . . . . �� Carried It .� ~ >u "I _ .-, w ..« ,w».,,...,. Ww .�.nn.« r1M rte'`n ; .,.f I P .. c§. r -. .. . ,e'ni-.r LU'MI� 7 YO � ,, �' . =,Y 1. F y:Sm :I I:;I 11 1 � 3 u r"�'s. ,._... ,} te.w... ,5+'.. 11 I ' h` 7 , . l '! .. x .. ' 1. I ... . - ,. , r ..r .,.. t !.. .. 1.,. _ r .. R' - i ,11 r # .. n.:. I '- .<. . , , i'v . . r "ii ., .. ,t! ,. , <. _ _ —_-i.,.., _ _ '1 ..r r _ ........ .. .... _.__.__ r < .4 __ _, qq ,} * ,t„a rte ., 0 ou nc, sy 11_ :_ _. _ v 2 Room , 5th , 195 . h ~,o. ton in 'refereneP to the ro d at , the south + est corner off' .�cuog _ # .� s�« r rom Itlr! Thomas He l,,h 1.11 K nr, tt ^ end reoue. stino- that it be repaired . . ~ . .. _ and i street , :> Pd by Cr DeGeer r thrit the complaint be referred. to the ,1 ��.c�ved by Cr Osborne � ec and ' '' C rried " 1 +, : Dads �: nd Struts ,Committee with po�Ner to pct . a 11 ;Y R. di. tcY'� on Lambs Lane ! From b;r J . J . Cuddahee , �'rospect . t in reference to an Improper - i . 1 E �y t. - ,. tch . be dee ened ',1. 11 ' ooc� in� of his rot. rt,,� and re ,u shin, that P causing the fl p ainte referred t � the ,•• E 1 : ,ji i i ` �1 1� J ;�o ed ' Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr Osborne th�it the compl °I# t v y o act Carried. ' �, "',' ` Roads a nd �treet. s Cc�r�rlittee with polver t ' ! ,! r ew Blvd re � uPstin tre. 11 r ,5 Y r 'j?'Z r2.,r John D�.vi s and. other ,psi dents. of Orchardvi �: insulation of street lights and tthe construction of cside'rvG1k . , b e t het the m� of street li -�htin1 e _ 1`:oved btu Rv Van.stor.e seconded by Cr Col tter � ,t q over t/o act and tie t _r Davis Abe ° N referred t o the Public Pr�rerty Committee Yvi th P al yr ..11 rY P it ' �r� wilt huv e t o 'be pre-se'nted for, the construction of advised that a separette p ,t ,� Y, I I Y I Carried r a siae�,��a1k . I r om t rie' Farr: i __ti o the 1 ate John burin acknowledging remembr .nee and s�rr?patr�y . 1 . �' ,Rec & Filed"1 .. . p c tar , r lle ,t of ri u1 ins ect �r , ' From A , Toront . e., ointment f a wee o re uastin� th app - P g q ! t , i. 11 . for` 1.952 �,p ted Need Cr e that I�:r C . � Oke ns se :� sor , he C Din b Cr .�cntt econd e'd by h.oved y . ,� �arri ed " ns p eetor for 1952 at, a salary 75 . 0 �: this • Tor to st'atin�' t '" t, t, hree Lon` on buses ar'el to tour . • From Brit �:sh Travel „srso , . I w 7; " ,.• 4 n 1 A s to v a�uu r, r+..✓,wr.t v,.,.. A :u,ew r , tl J rr...x n.n i u :r Y s I r.m.rlumv.1.um as t � u . • #,w w a U.1 1 t",,-,. ,...'u..une. N "rore(rv:u v w,trv.>,m um a u, r t;;eN-M m, u v . .i . w .r . , . ,:r,.,.. : , . r ,r .. �......lr.., .,r�,,.,. .u�...,u�..,..:.,.��rr.W.,r.r.�.,,a„n.,r,����4,�. �,,,,r.rs:,,:r.,r., ,� �. , g� .al� A r � � r �.,..... '�..rn.rrrr:rnr:T. a:' ,' Ar-- ilrU,rl tkr;r/rrNU ,a,r, r x r. �u ..v ,. ,.r ,n .. Asr r r .v .a�� �f 't,�e a.r.....r.r MYi�Yri ri SA r!.?}•' N #. ttrarnmar°iPAbnWWG.U'{+NUAMBkri11tG4r#MMSG../itCYl,'slrammisAlan[Wn. r4l4r '�” , r<. r nau.++., r•• :...v.e•l.r I. x •, •, r ,V YktRUn *zi S:, s '�,�* ty y rt`�- .., . 1 r. i ,r nn5.i d u Ye..Uvl -F.ryi,h, Q'Y ,!,Rr.:l.rry "' .. K r G.i nXr.,vrh"AiH�...Y•r r F d k ! `V n ,,,tliA '+NM F�NI#+.1WJG#r T,};.Y.ar¢L3.i'.".5,td'i, lhv h! Ar. !•,t w�'u .,�4?73 .i' .. 4t 4_ A'.4?•�..-. _.. -_. ��..._. 1 .`'�, r ,i .. H ARll 'r __ '- .._ ._. x..:, -v.. - n a...r. : y:.5- ,w,jU•Jq�'trr.:rS` rr. 1 ..5. .1..t..l.�Y• Y1, .. .__. ,.. __ 'Xn .V._.. _..._.-. r.. .. !` S .'l.J.', ,t s, l ,�. w. .. r � s �u<wvm .eRM. i': :.. 1; .r..:. •^S'Yr -�.+�5},yy� , >.r.� �H.»..v..r�:.,r - v:<:4 <ry.......,.:..... .rJ ,^.rc.,,._, 1. �a '� w!!AKIt.:W'4_. �'..�j lY i , .:,.A•.... 'i:.urLv:SFii�A al t ......... .. �`M,.........._w. ...yy.yy��,y 1...� ::r...._.--��T]0y¢+}/4�/A�.�t;/��ry7.,•/.!ya. r. ...x V .. + .....r_.. _-.,c �4 *�r'.:Si Y�'• '�K,,v+ ua�APA ICrf� ..,...--.:.. t'.�':::it '•ru"!.^.Yl�'K�Yar1hSG11C8AYa�r LifiAYM11 IWWwp7:Ai,'FF�iNlitR'YSWSrACY W. iaL+'.119 'U..,—V iXUY ¢'1rIIrLnm)+.tlrt� �./ Y V '✓r .v.,.. ! l.. x-'!M"nil6i ��1�y!, V\R )y'ry� �iFR'lC �.' BtBtY4Jl�` p4Ah'k�la�^yiQ6M'�)1�'11t F. 4�E x�' o p ]S?t TM• t.`•',.TfF 1 Spl'.N'6 1F rira:.::r P Car , d 1.I'll, . and details be referred to` ,th.. I'ayor . �� r construction of r � de�wa?k on Ontario' . From Public ►� hoo1' Board , in reference to the , w 1. t St to the scYiool pro.rerti ,'. 11 Ylt F St from Al b:er - ., b a nt i l '' ; - 0 b me that the letter e held over a 1 , Y n a seconcried_ �bv C-r s ? , ., �.,.. , , ��. .t t, l��oved by. Rv Vanst n " Carried 11 I " ,�.1r . f`, i' meeting tivith the achool °Board • . oste 1 de• llvery service in t „, fi �"ames I� . in referencex to: re,c�uegt '©r B From I►1r John ��. ' ° the Town .' Rob son' that th'e letter f rorr,,' Hnn . xlc i d e Cote , Moved by Cr �COtt seconded by Gr, stating th"a postmaster General dated zpril 25th , 195`2 , be . replied to by the Clerk • e _resentin the citizens of the ioWn o Bovmanvi'l1e �_re quite 10 F. the C oullc 11 r P g _ e r t,.., has taken in 11 �w disappointed with thr attitude of the Postmaster Gener �l s lle.partm. ,n - at it i s the • ery in Bo�wmanville end that he , be advised th respect to posta]_ dells . I 11 utlined in h.is letter -are not correct nd that belief t�f Cour_cil that the facts us o ; theta local postmaster be advised to for�Ne.rd to him the correct number . That. further ated under the authori�ati.on of Council obtaining 3s ma.ny ar public petition b'e circul I ' ; ,° atures as ossible . The:t the ' Postmaster General � be advised ' of the gross, ;11 11, d _- s gn I. • service that, exist at the local office at the present time i and.it_. inadequacies of motion . , Further __. ,r tu4 that the initiation of Posta,t delivery service would relieve t s fs ' 1 ., Pr q . 1, . P . hlr John - J�.me a a e c�mm p -- n d tha --- �.. { hn s ,___ --- ---- -_ p - a ��ccessful th t { yr M 1 t tee be a Dint ed to wor w � . ent local ostm� ster press the ` 'Petit ion for postal delivery to 11 11 . ' , r . :r. '� '. , l conclusi can • -- r Z'� ._� _..�____ _ - G e d b a s Comm 3� r I C. inted Crs acott De er n 0s orne ttee . It}ayor p4 e ce t ec The ap o o s ing 1 _----- - Y------ _ re 1. Canadien National lnsti.tute for the Blind Peterb rough n f rear • From i • 1, V+ +h: s dat i on for I��r IV orma n Spry ••11 I accoma taken to y e y . ��fr roved b Cr Osborne seconded b Cr Carruthers Chet •th'e neces .Inr steps itl y R e « Carried ,� have :r $pry admitted to the C punt i;e s om .. -Law, to set u a' planning Illy" From Mr ' .R . Strike , ro�vn ' solicitor en ii- 11, sing draft By -L P Rec 8c Filed " Board for the ,TOwn ... ��,� t ha the Road Foreman be i-r_s true ted t o mad e "I a ' , I ''I ' �0 I '�,.. : '�:__f,��i,,, 1�,t , 1.Moved b -Cr ,"cott seconded by Cr Osborne t . I . ,t x, . C o nc i l a s t o . wlhere new trees are to be' planted on the streets 11 I # a recommendat ion to u I 11, U. ,. ere trees nave been taken do��rn end the number of trees required preferably wh it ,Carried ' .1. i° REPORTS ,1.• ' t e ranee Committee submitting sundry accounts.11 Rv r Vanstone presented a report from it „' # amounting. to. 4.990 . 50 and Public Sch Buildin a c count s amounting to $ 9 304 . 58 411 g �� Rec & adopted " . irate a s bein corredt and re nding payment . r certif g Jp l eGeer seconded b Cr Cole that $he peition to submit to a vote of t e • , 1,, tl Moved by .r B by e establishment of Government store for the sa a of liquor , being ,1 ele ctor s for th r 11 Clerk a s be in guf f is f ent ly signed , be f orwarddd to the Liquor .Control cer�if ied by the g �� Carried 11. . 1 Toronto ��z Boer d Carruthers that the Fire Brige�de be granted n b Cr Osborne seconded b r, 11 rIllliov e d y by . Cr of To fires . " Carr ied '" �0 00 bean 50 of $ 410 received from , , Y $ 5 .,, g , Moved by Cr , Ca 11 rruthers sera ded by Cr Osborne that thO Public Property Comm�.ttee 4- 11 I r f, . ... :fir. _ -� # P 11'W I^i, .1 r - , ..,r . , . r,T'n-i .,iM. ..f_,L,....1....,«,rMNrIW ,iVM!,6vi Ii.Ai_'wN4.r'nN,vw.r,..y,My H,V," g,�'r!,,'F,%,, I. :(+ .1 I 11 I . r•..Aw krt.ill, ft � � r :: YnLUM 7 '{�., T'~ i" } , „ r , Y t . , �� ' ' I unc i1 Roor.� �►ra 5 1 •L�i C�o �' th , f . . • ONE �. eEOratin , the ��=olive offic'e. s and . lobby of the T��,vn ��a11 . •, �' " / ;�� , be authorised to proceed. with decorating ►t . Carried " Pq� �, J � the, u u �t i onar P be r returned to the roved by Gr R 'obson seconded by Cr DeGeer that th q - _ 4T u� stating- that then owners , of the Hospital and ,�vnhaMuh -�d . vision '�vi 11 plarninh, bo rd of� the r ads, . „ CE,rr` ied " "� be' liable fnr thz �;ra.vellinr� an �� �radin� o •, Is• n s be iSSUad fore ' Loved by Rv Vanstone � s Aco�nded by Cr ►�co.tt that no bu �ldln�, perm.l � : , • bii �. �. lj_n�; 9 ire the vicinity of north end west of the 1.'An�or•ial Kospi'taJ_ until t'he ' I Carried " I p1�,nnii'1� board , i s f orr.�e c�_ . - 1 I . 1 r �:oved b Cr Robc�on � seGonde•d btT Cr DPGeer . that . the ' Clem be instructed �to ap;� ly to the � y - 1 nnin ar a r� ,tarried " T•r. ini �ter of Flar_n�i'n� anc� ,Develorr�ent for 3 p a � e '�;TI 5 BY-L :;IBS • x Vans n eked errtissi � n to introduce t�zQ f.ol:�_ o�xin By -Laws ;., � In , , A ,° •.,r r 3 • ;Fora tale GpFointr��er_ t of T��1vn Officials . 1 � 4ry•. � �� _ '. � , ' x 1 r For the cur .,O sP., of bc�rrol rri na � 26 ', •C`04 • �0 U Fob � � b?nture s . • :� ,l •� ru�.e � 33 was ' sue:)end�d •arid C�ur�cil,, we into a • I Granted �.. �� ,`. read. the first : time , 0n motion - • whop on ecor.d read .�;, the , l'9,,,ay i,n the , chair , On. ComTLirttee r"is�ina , . Committee o t • ,' rich e 'By -Law, f o•r t he, . • the t>,"a y o r reported . t Dried the 'secc��d read in - �,rvit �� ra 1.1 �: lan�- 5 1 e a.n . r � 1 � laid on t�.e table . �h? �� Law for barro�win o ' , J0� . 0.0 upon c� ebding ' wi wa . r 1, � � , � a � �.�tn � Official ial was ven the third' reading , passed and ordered �to b , � FT ointment of T � , I , :: skn s i.skNx•Wnrnnamw. - ' ' , «„a m,ro�n Q s e�. , • � � rjM,1 "T yy ,1�y, yty ' ,.... r.,..u•,,,,vf.tc, .....: r.,:r,a.,,.,. ,,,,.,.nrs,rul,:.,:,.r.,-•.,r .., ,,,,r:: a.•'.,..:..,.,,r. ,rr , ...r.a...,.,.<.r,..•.o,.lr.,.,,.:.,..,..:. ,.,+, r .x:, ,: { .. �i ti!•.,.:9f' tE,� — M' 4�"rP"li,Yp(}/�}��y "t rtP "' �i}'�' r. Q/��� ,. ,Iin'..i�d..r �.�r�, ..� ,,,e„ .r �,Jr.i.,:rr n: .,..,... .. r'.IIf:t1.:.}..CYf C:r.�,L^.IkftP.,9rUid,Rb9'1,L,Nl'Yl1dfFt ^ *•`�•!I�r3',d{p'1., � r� ' '. r. .-r .• n•�'{•'�••O.. v,�,:�a.Y i VV •� fYS i/ YYY/// YJYr„ ., cures S +�'�di.m ,..._ ,. fr NM1.. .l. 'K ,\ �... ,'.. 7'':. •1,{h o , .. v K� .•.. •, r,n d e d ���(,,YII,,,/`t•� �r�f". , ..-.. .. _......r_ ..'. .. ,.. _.J' ,, ....,.. .lie. .. 4 1 tiY ... 1, t,,t U r,,n•+., ,,�,r r ...t N1T,t5Y?:,n:TT�'. uh•'r .. Y , ,.. , .-._.. ._ , �&,S. ,. �lH,rh! '44 A�rl' "YYfYI,a.YYWU .. ,,•. .. .,.. .. , .< r ....... .. .... ,. a4+�'��*'H't•4.g T ,. i ,. ! _ �T .F'`S3 'iS1, .dL^ . vY r. ti.••r. N?'-^ '.. 1 A r.R .9. ,. •. �.....C. 11r. .. 4or.....[_ ,. ,.� u .. _ \ f .._>._...._..,..t___...._. ,.. - .– :.. -_. —.a?—r. n.....�....._...---. tL•PWf rYo.fb-tTT.r AS Jlt M a.n„1 ...Y (l.h,. •4,, t Cr,R; ,, 1 C.YIr1aMk ) ., , .'4F::rr�JE,'•T n rt:.rR�v '.l�-, .. _ . �• .'�' d �. h, ,a.11��_a,.,_,.�,...�..�.,�..r...,,r,.rwp._k., r.,..r.R, „�.,�.N.,. ,.�. . .•, ,I.,_., ,.. r,,._... y :” ., j:,. .• l ., : .,. ,. y x,•.t^nxn ,. ¢,:til•n���'.nYtr,aaw.r.?eV,.y,.lr ,• IN.ti�F N 1,u'i�2F. v:�.v CitiNR viR.. N ^C" , ', : ' ,• � � It s 1 • - �ouncil 'meetings , an oraler of theb 'ness� a°ntitl ed��', T ,-�`t��es �}h :,the minutes • " end that such order of b,�siness ., be pl�'ced on the , ��enaa irrunedla,te,ly ; i of rlinutes and con�rmin SR re ThGt �:ll mat F;rs referred to committee . _ , : 1 , f�llo'xing read n� ' ' ,•' of Council either for action or invest igfition s,hF311 a�_so carry the d�i�rection to : report r That s13. m��tters referred ••{ ,; back t�o Council -t,he x•esult of such 'fiction '. or' investigation . � writing to the • .. ,; c 4 ,; uln l,�unici��1 C1.e,rk in " committees of Co cit shall -be forwarded the 1.•�: ' ,: � o C 1•Prk shall ke.e a list x chairman of the resFec�tiV�e , committees for information . Th., P � 4 �� � ' ,1' '; , . f�,+, 11 . + :` ,: 'r� :• ,. • alf such matters for ' pr:esentatlon to . the next , r. egular C�oune3.1 meeting ' and each tem i ` r • �� "'' ' '� " '� • shall � rem�: in on the list• until retorted back to Council by the �Corr�iittee , respons ble . . .,,. r. "C arr i'ed • '- anYd final di srostl�n made of save . : t ' �On� Tti.ot �.can, C oiinc�i�, ad j burned". : I ' , , 1,r e or. k •C r Y ,r 1, 4 4 la 1 nil Room.,, h y ,,5th', 19 52 5. , • • , • o e date members .1 ]: present�s ld , xcep ng r n d 4 tested that he had culled the �neetli,n ; for t he (In � � • Chrruthers , the r��ayor presidia ;fir ., .' , � . � �. � .rose of discussing a'rphicatio�, far as.si �tr�nce in placing a �res�ident in a rest home . , r purer .. y : 1 5, A w bta., n.r,,, , � � . .. 0r 'De that the Clerk be ink _ _ _ : "- "-- .�►.ov�d by �r ., econd�d; by -�----� --- D o b s o n ru . . , P at� this c ' °Yj- II rf . , . the Town Solicitor rulin as to th`e Town• s legal. respensibility in r ,, art cula „ • p � r a ncu iry a• , _ r. a � C Dun 1 �.d u�•n e On I�.o t i on c �. � Ir! r „ I, 941. 91 �I.a . :a a rk Y r I r _, J ___ ,,:,:: .:'.n ;err •. : w. 1r ..-' - ,:... _,, ,. - :.,,. • 1 -: ,: , fit , , , , I r r 'C� , ,. r It > ,, r,.::i:• , • .. I I a ... r :... � ,.. :\,I1rJ�� , .: :,.,, , II .r r.. I.` • ri,'. „j 7 :.. r • a ... r _.. .._.;. : -. ,::a :.,. ,. .. „el le,.ei•r ...w...+G«r.,.u.1..,1.ru , .,7 � >r.,, r .•,4 .... _.�.. _... . .` .. _:... 1 „ } .1 4��•vi!11.. �.,!.VwW,9•W_ n 1 V, -r.,\.. , 5 r 4 r r ' t e. :i, w , .�. ,. _. �:.: � • (, ' ! :: :.:alt ,.: , , � ,..: .. • .. ,, r ... , h , .-. r -, <r .u,,. ., -,• ., r. r , . ..:., _,._. -. it i _ -. a[. . -_.- •v- -- L- ---,.. _ ._, �- _._ , -: _f .• -.- ,, _.,_r �r nF. .. , a. I l. . ;:fir • .., ,.', ^ (,,, s.{w•A.IYI.TIa.•r.4rr+! .a.wlMw.wr.ra... .alx•,I.r :5 '. _ � ' ..._.._ _ p,r•r+ur„i.,»Y•RJd.p/r•Y✓J.Yw, •tray 1.+""1"`.I I '"7r . 1:11: •!I;i •d•.,1 , Lt s " OL t Fes.. r r ! , �1 Couneit Room ;Una 2nd 1952 r s 'hold on above date , members a1 present the Rayori 1 , co� Regular meeting of Council 1�ra ."" regular and s ec is 1 meet ing s were , read and on motion N : presiding . Minutes of last regul p r conf irmed . I C� C ICATIONS 5 4i ' C Osborne seconded by r o at the area known Remoria l Par Moved d ,bq r period ten ears and all previous motions in reference 4 .. designated a s a park for per Y " Carried " „ t to the Park be amended . f 4` hers that the Clerk list all past motions 4 Roved by Rv vanstone seconded by Cr Carruthers , .. a n� the Bowmanville Memorial Park ,and that the Civic Comrnittee and By . Laws reg rdi or and obtain hi s, advice as to the blast legal ti ` tter with the Town solicit discuss the ma 11 , solution of same , at the Memorial Park Asso d an Amendment by DP Rv Dal® seaonded I by ' Cr DeGeer that a I )dove ten year and activities in the I be granted a lease of Remorlial Park for' a period o Y h Recreation Comonission an•d Recreational Director . P rk be the responsibility oft h 8 Mottion Carried " ` Bo . vill a Plsaiug o wmea of P 1d�n �" and. Develo P m®nt � Toronto in ,reference t From Iniater 1 z area * t!ee a onf er with b Cr Carr uther that , Civic Comonit N Moved by Cr Robson seconded y " C�c rigid C R son and endeavor to form a committee at a next meeting . „ x lrtrr L. a Rec & Filed From .Rr W.R . Strike , Tow�a solio itor in reference to Nr Normie�n .spry • tr ,kc_ Town solicitor in reference- to setting up a Parks Commission " ':, 'r...'•.,,.,.. ulu,,mxut¢Mr4n mvranlvwn..ammroamwurnsmr .ammum.oxiduimavxrlrJnrarh umt '1wr.. .� _ . ,Fr . .. . .. lec� a R ac � Fi .... ..:.. � v`l. . - .,., '... ,• . .. ...- . .. -.. .' ... 1 1 V.1 .. .. .{ : ..... .......r xt• c ter. y. ... . . .. _,. t r. .,- .�, 1 �..,..... \,�,... 1�,... / . A. �ur .aldff :_:.,n._.t.. :_ ,..v a r,t t.. s.. wn r...a.I. .T t _YVtN t _ iYlAS61 '. mY'MLLT,.MeA/qYR{ TtL643f41C X4AIXriiY by ai ... ,,.. ..,.. .,...t ... ........: .:............... ......: ...\ 131 Y� A Nn N.,I ..r., ,:.:� ....;.: - .. , w... . . .."In .. ._. ..:ar...., r..r r..,.u.r rv, .'.,....... ......' .r..,....... •r, ... .,.., n rtrl.o: i.r. c ra Memorial park .... . j _ ,. set t . ne {d , 5 , , v'�e M �Ie ar� Board ,, Toronto ng bth „ ..•.1 �� he..� r��F on From Liquor License So , " Rea & Filed 1 ection �s to be held. which the el to in r eference to Town F t From Mr AL.3. Nash . Doo of Planning and Deb el op�nt To ro n " h Planning . � .\. ' Red do Filed ho Da , askf ermi s s i on to' h ag yon some vi l l a Memor is 1 k ss n6 P From Bowman Par A o , 1 Saturday in June . that es�ai s s i on be granted for Saturday, W t Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Carruthers P ,, ,a, I Carried Jugs 21st , , 19 52 • onto in reference to renting the Council Room from i From Dept of Public Works , Tor ng that the r 24 th 19 2 for post off ice purposes and reque$ti ,1 p December 10th' to De cembe , rent for the period ba reduced to 75 .00 o the period be set of seconded b Cr Robson that the rent f r Moved by Cr Carruthers , 1► � � � � " �Carried d that the Dept of Public Works' be so advised. a 4 em 1 100�.00 �n P -- I Chief �Tenton re ue st ing two weeks holidays for Constables Dens an Bradley r From and three weeks holidays for himself '.. e re request for holidays for .the Police ]doved " by Rv Vanatone seconded by Cr Cole that the q " rigid " Yrr force be granted . From Bowmanvil le Public School Board requesting that one of two members o the oar t, be included ou . the Town Planning Board . x Carruthers , that the re uest be referred to ' the 4 - Moved by Dp Rv Dale seaonded by Cr Carrvtth q M Carried. " fa. Committee to study and that the School.. Board be advised . --- - - - >f Civ ttee front of his olme Hu has re ue sting the removal of a dead tre a in < 41 .whI. L,uL>ilCr nF.tukil}.^7.Iqd,DlurkA.Nrart.{.wh••u}ampltfirs.rr.urrtjlss,rvv0.•A.ruir.,.'t,c.,�!r:o�.r � r .. .,. r , ., ,r,r ir.._ .,nr . ,. r„ .r , r..r.r ,.,, r ,.n ,n , r P •`>'. �'.. o' at � •... „r:.,..,. ,. , c. ..r„ -: ,r,. nl.... �.. r. .r. g.. ,.hlrl.,r.r_ ,... property on ontarf es be referred to the b :1- Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by ' Rv, Qanstone the a reque ++ Carried " s .r war to act . p arty Comm ttee with' po Public Prop be taken on re nests for - d b Rv Dale that, no action q Moved b Rv Vanstone seconds y Dp de to y League and salvat ion Army , that a grant of 38 5 .00 be ma grants from the Navy gu ,1 the Lions Club being the amours t of t he, 1952 taxes , and that the Bowmanville , Memorial• be ranted 1800 .0 as maintenance grant . " ' Carried " Rospital 6 Rv , Dale that the motion at the meeting of January Roved by Cr DeGeer seconded y Dp c ti the Clerk to advertise se Town lots for sale be rescinded as e 7th , 1952 instructing " Carried . ni ng board is formed * over until the Town plan Cole that the Clerk he Instructed to reply moved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr $ lotions are being held rsons a lying for street lights stating that the inst 1 ,� " ed " , to pe PP F Street lights.- Carri endi the installation. of new types of . 1 up p � ro osed 4 ng C Robson that' the notion in ref erence,� to t p p _ C tt seconded b r M •+ Moved by r Soo y' Carried #t{` collectors be resinded . Law for licensing garbage 13Y Com�aittee be granted seconded b Cr Carruthers that the police Roved by Dp Rv Dale y " Carried " 4.a. rani ssion to purcha se 20 gallons of yellow traffic pan . rY r Pe Police Committee It. of the Police Co�mnittee reported f or the Dp Rvi Dale , chairman s for the a royal of Council ;- �autb�nitting the following recommendation PP and that the Town solicitor be asked to prepare +� t By-w-L w No 1170 be repealed No Stto i The1 a Pp a By-m-Law WK ch will perms It the enf oroement of all " No Parking, n6 M s net lied at the present ' e time only and Stop Signal, that are i a I ,r P rking for lsmit d Y s t to install. additional. signs which Council may see fit 4 tae and also to cover any • e. M1 i R . . . voLUKL . 7 1 ' ' r n ,p ♦ r, r Wit.- .. .. ... .... .R.NARTacO - A 2 oo use ad 195 Council m, J 2 , c in the future . } y " banns eking here to corner within 20 f eat of the . That No Parking signs be . rested banning pa intersection of an street , and this to be incorporated in the By-Law . , sat , y , " s ns be erected on the south aide of queen St from } That permanent No Stop ig -- Ontario St to King Ste " N That permanent No Stopping signs be erected on the west side of Silver St from King Church St and on the east side of Silver St fro®a Church 3t to Wellington 3t St to h . " „ One dour Parking 89,00 AOMO to 6 , 00 P .M . except Sundays and That signs marked. n8 } ast side of Sliver St from King St to Church at . " Holidays , be erected on .the e signs waked No Stop ing rbe erected on the west , side. of Division St frm hush That s ig pP to Xel lington St . r Sunda s and Holidays ,, , be erected on the east ;f " That signs marked No Perkf ng except," y ' side of Division St from King S t . to Church Ste •+ Stopping hours be erected in the area on the west side , That a sign marked Angle tope g , of Temperance St from, King St to Queen a a marked No P rki hereto corner , be erected on both sides of Brown �t That sign a S at a spot 7 5 .feet north - of i ►g es he limited to a 30 foot apace for parking purposes on any „ That all taxis c ompan i j Town ' street at their regular locations . r e st ed t o remove the garage on his. property at the : Tha requested ' t Mr Bernard Dill ng e r - , q, `,• ...,,...,.,,•,;,,.:..,n-eu,ra,;,.uwew.w.q'rnw,xmxwrwzar!i,wrnir irkmuirrnl(kmo9,:+wr,n!.¢,ira}ea ewtmumesvnnwm.ut ,,,'..,a. .. _ _ . bstruc�t the . , a y e x � k t o , .nn, v� ere it o , 5 re t e� _ h n o ,. N��. �� _. :.: -.:. ,... :. .....:.:. .. ....:.::. ., ..:::..: ... t •T I 4+•: !,:'7 f.1'M1'e:':Y' r 1MU,••5+'Itl q' )', Z J _.,, .rrh V, M♦n 4 +ia♦,is}flrnxvc'emitl�Ik�IGfitlki9iNlIAM�{BM7Fi010R451tlupAE4CP N.vueaurrurrfea Ad ,C . .: of the traffic travelling on Duke or Nei. sox eteeta� Problem . ,,; 1 . i T,,- That no , solut ion has been found for the Dog , " ,• Rv Dale seconded b� Gr Carruthers that the, reaomomendations of the Police Moved by Dp n Carried ". Co�mmiittee b® approved by Council Moved b Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr DeQeer that unfinished business be dealt with +, y " ed " under item of the rules and procedure of• Council Carri a Jua t at 8900 P.ld C ounc i 1 a d ourned t o meet �Yedne ad y . 1 . Room �Ue n 4.th .1952 n f Cou ci � eting of, Coumof�. bras held on above date , members all presem a ayor Adjourned m � f, .presiding. , R . C 018MIC ATI ONS i v From Canadian Le ion Bowman 11 a anc , requesting Cou�iail to a alb. ,a nee ng o : - -.- 6 ~` N C nail Ministerial Asso and Legion Comu�ittee to arrange fora Deooratioa Defy tiw ou , , service at the cemetery on a proposed date of , June 22nd. . Rv 1e seconded by Cr Cole that Decoration Day at the cemetery be hold Moved by DV Da d that the Civic Committee be inatrueted to co-operate, with, on Sunday June 22nd an " Carried " the Legion amd Ministerial Ass99 _ s Toronto advising of a, Muniaipal Conference to be From Dept of Municipal Affair , e entative be send held in Cobourg on Tuns lath and reque sting, that repr s ;t struc�e - - - Cr obson that the Town o lark or Assessor,' be in Moved by Cr DeGeer seconded by r " z Carried 0 �} to attend with all expenses paid* tientw being adaaiited to Bowm�anville Hospital and From Counties Clerk advising of pa n8 - A Hospital f or sick children, Toronto. Cr Osborne seconded by Cr . Cole that the notice in regard to 8owm�Qnville Moved by patient in the Ho801"1 Hospital be ree a led and f sled and that the not ice in regard , to pa " x p e be returned stating that the patient Is a non-resident . Carried for sick childr n Con000 aission requesting the loan of 325 feet of snow From Howntanville Recreational fence for the ball park* that the tense ad b Cr Robson that the request be granted and Moved by Cr Scott second y „ M .: . , d whea received. Curried be returned in the same condition as eral Ottawa "in ref erenae to letter oarrf er From Hon Aloide Cote , Postmaster den delivery serrioe for the Towne . b Rv Dale that the letters be acknowledged and Moved by Rv Vanstone seconded y Dp � ' " Carried !' ; referred t© the spaial committee 'e a in reference to hearing on e1ppiloation From Board of Transport Comm ss ioners ,' Ottawa N " Roo & Filed" u of Trans Canada Pipe Lines . From Riverdale for 96 Isolation Hospital , Toronto eaclosdtlg s000unt of Mr8 ah r ey Cowan , 1 , . 5© and requesting paym ant • a to Mrs Cowen for d b Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Robson that the account be sent Move y � y Carr led " her at and payment * lief for Mrs Betty Lindss�y. e e once to reli i From Dept of Public Welfare , Toronto in r t r t era that the Clerk he Instructed to check on Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Carru h Carried " the dates of residenoe in the Town. , 3 .. NX W YOL= _' . �,�- -� .-- L�-_�i , - � � .; i ,tied'. '4&:� ,ie � „ . - b Al. c, r ' , I I , _ - .11' t X, I ! .c.,, 11 11 -` +-t„ ` t - f4 r . . ♦ +, . :, ,pt � ., 4 . :, , , • „ 1 ^ r ♦ 4 11 ,, r -- M1. i' + k h , ter. _ - ,.. ....._.._.__. .. - - _0 . • - __ _.__ r---- _... $' F ,A _ .MJ�511'T�« - _ _ -- _�� ! Room June tth , 1952 j - - _� C Council nc i 1 , ���• a s sure r en d for the construction of j �• »t • and of be r s pet iti onng - ;f �p.� Frain Cdr 8ugene Col , F ; aHtisr ; 11 watermain on Rehder Ave . , - that the etit ion be returned as not ldoved b Cr Carruthers s®conded by . Cr Osborne P 1 y " C or ried " , . „ ' being suff icientl.y signed . I I ; fferi to urahase an issue of 2b , 000 . 00 local ;.;� ' ` P'ro'ul Wood Gun.dy & C o Ltd , Toronto o n8 P Laid on the Table" ,t a a rice of 1,00 and accrued interest . ", ! improvement debentures t P y¢ ,� , REPORTS 1. accounts t . ': e pd Ce Committee' submitting sundry Rv Vanstone presented a report from in accounts amounting to 320 . 81 ount ing' t o 5 , 69�+ • 59 and public School Build g a�n " Rec & Adopted"11-1 ' a s bei correct sad recom�aending pay�aent 1. certified nS , ew rubber stamp be purchased which ldoved by cr Scott seconded by Cr Robson that a n .r,. �� i etails of which will, be worked out will contain proper identif iaation oT account , or sash andevery itea 1L'1:.;1.11.{, , and delivery slips be obtained f , 4 by the F�.nance Committee , " Carried t I�, and ahecg�d before any account is paid. s Committee bring 4 , I. r, , Roved by Cr Osbron 11 e seconded by Cr Cole that the Roads and Street 1 as to, change or addition ion to the personal and system "1.. in a re,00minendat ion to C ounc i " Carried . of operation .� b Cr . Carruthers that the assessor be authorized to re �'' loved b nv Nanstone seconded y . .:" Carried " e y ..assessment extra help to $f nish the re s hat the offer of Wood Gandy d� C o Ltrd Al ,' bed b' Cr Car rather t Atil, „ Moved by Cr Robson secon Y at . 100 and accrued 11 1 B"'! ' 26 000 . 00 locQl improvementcebenture s ; I— 111 .��m.�....,.•. for the Car ,i _.w..., i� purchase of rigid ” �.. - +� . ..��w. .,_ _ , b.0� _.'".,> ���,� R� � p _ _-.. .__.1.1_____._. - �w.wr>, '} a, t3 t e • „ , �{pr7 w�._.. _,,. 1. ,! ..,z`x ._ E _... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..,. „e. ..,.. .., , ,.. .^ ., y -f- rl,l 114'�r�5' f �, �y,�t we . ., �r t n. , i r.., xu .r 3>.-.a 1 t ,...,v- CGT.G7VfSP1CY;, s ..,,.... ,a_.r n. r .-t .i .,_.�{, ,.,., a'wccwor ... .. ..._-__ t Y"�e P r S Y nM 9...n. r .. -:.:.._. �,. ,,. .... ..._:. .. ._ :. ..,r' f L ^���:,.,::o'f. ,.._i,n, _ ohs th ��!� r .....�,. �W11'JII sv. n:'�,�r... ., .�y r v �.� .+,,e,s�, .... n,.,mw,.n . r .m rarm ,u,,+ ..... ...�v+n,.r..,.. .. `4 x. w .-...,.,. ,.:..�,,:.. t....;...,, .,v..,, .,, .�. ,�:r v- '.. t...n. t, $ ib,...+ ✓+ t!J,re.,..,. 1•Ye.'. ilrt+tit . i loved b Or Robson second, .b , ,C,rr C`ol'e ,th �' a ort bas at - Y roads and streets committee to r p I a d f lamp thrower be referred to the " C rried n a j �r next meeting � ttee bring d d tre b R Dale that the - roc s an s eta aom�aai .Moved b Cr DeGeer seconded 7 D1� v e a I, the Hos ital . Y what is to be done about the drainag P il A. in a recommendation as to � " . Carried " .. ! . . ; {� streets committee be ed b Cr Robson that the roads and ' . , ,, Moved by C r Scott second y # rr ; Southwa Drive. "harried " £: r{ authorized to purchase tile, to complete, the ditc on r ti �! :, „, ;, bed b Cr Cole ' ghat, an agreement with the Township o a i rY , , rf f r, Moved by Cr Osborne. secon 3� ear with a guauantso of 1500 . 00 ,1. 1 �,: rlington for fire protection be extended for one y educted 'ram say charges ojt e rovision that up to 1 ,000. 00 will be d �� lli�l N�', ( , t f r year , with t h p ,CO er hour for each. r {'�sl r , to of 100 . 00 for the first hourand * 3 5 P for fires at the ra �' + 0 .00 will be made „ e t is used a service charge of 5 �. s add'it tonal hour .i. If no equipm n % „+. I . Townshi accepts an agreement for fire protection instead Or $ 100.00 If the p " Carried ” I in be pl acedon both fire trucl�s . ttee be authorized , y �Fi the fire oommi Moved by Gr. . Osborne seconded by. Cr Carruthers that 00' for new heatf ng and new chimney for the fire ha --to, s end not over :a3 •'$.. . P 00 . " Carried " . .. 11, ,. C ief Venton bet allowed one month' s " a t th C t " Sot a F __.._. .��� ..�. .,�.�Y�,�.. ._.�...�..e_ ., _ R e e e coaad y . ,,,� _ _ , r ,__,, ._. � . _.,_ _ ,_ _ _ ._ _ , , ... . . r._ . . ., . _. r�.e d , _ _ � 1.11 ►oved . , by r olide� s to mB1ke his trip west . Committe® be h y Cr Osborne that the Pu�blia Proffer y ]RoQed by Cr Cerrut�iers seconded by - . t s at the dutap. " Carried author izea to spend 15 .00 per month t o destroy r t he "":: b Cr Osborne that the sub�eot to the approval o t �y lQoved by Cr Carruthers seconded y structed to act as a Court of Kevision at' the Finance Conmaittee be in I - Town solicitor th " Carded " i . • _ for the local improvement as ses�ment ro 11 .1 . Moved b Rv Vanstone seconded by Cr �bbsonw that the tractor, loader be covered with I y " Carried " Ziabilit and Property Damage insurance. _ . Public Y BY-I�AW . 1.11, 'i R�r Vanstone asked permission to intr o ac e a -Law for the . sUbmission to, :a vote on questions under the Liquor License Ac .3 ., was:1 sds nded. and Council went• into a tad and rehd the first time . 4n mot ion rule 33 committee rising car n hw whole on second reading the Mayor fn the chair. n • , 1 oo�ittee of t with 811 ' blanks f illed. in. By-Law was then read , the Mayor reported the second reading . ` 8 third time' passed and ordered to be signed and sealed,* I . ' e that the assessor be instructed to investigate �ti by by Cr Scott seconded by C r DeGe r coated on a operty on ` J ola Road and on any of er L ., the matter of a trai ler 1 p d M C arried 1. which trailers are f basted. 4t f .a li { 1) 1 ad our�ed ' { 4, , r ' ' Y. 'It.... A oa Idot f on Council � ' , 4 . i' - .0 y , 5 (. 4 . ' r 1 r 1 r '1 .I „ C Dior. .11 4 r „ , 11 11 , t . r ,. , „ .: n f, . + ,.,,- .1 - „, 1 r , .,11,., , , , i a ° w.,, .. , , . i, fr y , 11, ,, �[ z, " f t ,,, a }, ' •.t . j I 9 1. �� �� ` VOLUME y� _ fist ,,. _} r,•. �yax t .-:s r,. ".J,;, ,A1:x�.3 •. ,9,v. ,Eee.=�,?,.,,'3t 'fi ,w..S ., •-e -". rl r. ,:. ,., .�.." .,:. ,-M � .i 5 r w .qL. t v, , :"!#t Sry .=E' d f I V' --. ;s�x, a..:...- zu, �-�ya�'�s 7€ , .,,'. L^:sM^_ii �,Y ,:,, L; ill .��. ; , .a . ,_ , . , , . - L . , , �� +; ,n.11 r t ;,/ >. ; r '' t ,r f • 1. , ,I 11.I'll i � i .. r. .. a :, , : k` •,r- ,...::.�- • "Al ! . _= ,.EFE e `3 ` f t t ,...`. i� ,'_ �k. _ -, 6 s , .;r _. . __ _. _. ...._.1. I 11 �_ . . j . �;. ,� s �.�� .r . -_ _ C un it Room , July 7th, 195'2 ,i5 I �{�. . ;, _t co.�. meetin of Council was held on above date , members all present the Mayor 1 . ,,,� ONSC V , Regular S �r;. ; ast re lar meeting were read and on motion conf'ir�ned . t,t , Ni. pre siding . Minutes of 1 8u '1 .j J',w `°s ° the Arena Cana ement Committee addressed Council in reference to 1 .,n. f,,' , Y • repairing the roof ,; on the Ar ■YI ollll '. ' blic Pr Coaunittee be 1.Y Cr DeGeer seconded by Cr Scott that the Pu operty Moved by work in con unction with the Arena Management C omnaittee to bring in a instructed to E e t re liar meeting if f the Ma or to call a special meeting before th"e n x gu " • report and no i Y Y " Carried C ATI ON S� C oMb'UNI . f, „ , Fro�a Mr J.H Ai hf field re ues ng s annua holidays , 1, g q e ue st ba ranted ' " Carried " ` ' C Cole sec coded b Cr Osborne that t he r q g 3 ' �doved b r Y space in 0" y C adian National E�cpress requesting parking spa ,� T. From fir L . D. Eason , Zoc al agent an • " 'rV front of their off ice or King St . erred t o the Police le .l n n ' Moped• b Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Robson that the request be re , y. Carried 1 CoIIUnittee with pov�er to act . a 6 '; J.H. Aberneth asking permission to erect a sign in front of his store on ,. Tro�m, Mr , y, . . � �� St . t o: a Putb lic.17 yy King a the re uest be referred th 1., f Moved b Rv �anstone seconded by D Rv Dale th t q n " Y Carried Property C o�aittee with ' power o a c i f a St re uestin er e ueen 8 to have trees trimtn®d n H. B. undl q _ :� t_r r4x°_ -1 -ti,' . ;, ' - .. om Mrs •1 B i , � Win,« r Mrv.wymm�,..I I b6 Fr e d� in ,., „,.W w. �µn...w:.w. I , ,' ..,.. W. i ^1.i;611 t� r r+, c ..:.�ayF+'1�•' 'iY �I �• sk W . 1/� _ a, Centre o I�f!q� r, =x. .t -,li, . .. n.,.l. M... .f N'.a+•Y Y,A9. p.. ,.—...1----. t _.. ski k :.. .r............ ...,maw:n,,va-vw.+na, front of his proper y . e Publ is ed b Cr Robson that the reque9t be referred t o th Moved by Dp Rvr Dale - sec oind y . �. " Carried u Property. Committee with power to ac .. - -Tr he Putbl i c hibrary Boa re q ng a n 1 I s . of t Mr L.M e Rathbun Se . Board requesting st a nu �'rv�a h _1 . Y, grant , _ ,:w tit the Public Library Board be granted 11 ,. " Moved by Rv �Tans'tone seconded by Cr Scott . r I " C rried" �' 1200 : 00 be ing included in the e s t ima.t e s . _, , , anville Hosta1 . 11 � From Counties Clerk , advfsing of patients being admitted to owon r " { ,. " Rea & Adopted ,11 ,' 111 -21 i e g t :_ i 11 •. is o w Y e s 8 J, 1 ,11 a Utilities Comiaission quoting pr es n ne t p a of tre t 1 h n Fiona . Publ i . , . , Sao . ,.z ;� �a li�tures. ' the Public Comonitte.e cooler - Ai I ' ll. C Carruthers, seconded by Cr Cole that r � , Moved by er elarifcation and report back to ' with the Public Utilities Coairss� h - fQr Furth i " Carried " . - Council . c # ' `` c Yorks Toronto accepting of Ter to dent the Council Room fora 1 . From Dept o! Publi , ' a a rental of 100 . 00 for the period to Dec 2 th 1952 t „ � =. post office from Dec 10th �+ "' Red & Filed 1 . e ue9ti that the Town dispose o! stone s on the road on Martin From Mr C G. Morris r q n6 �{ i ro art and requesting that brush * t __��.m.:.._�,� of!er i n o a 11 ow them e 11 .. .. .._. �__�,' .. `�... ...,:T.-... ..,, Road-.._.and _ . . . . .r.. g.._ ._ _. _ _ .1.1. 0 ur ,r<• a j M,i. be cleaned up , along t-he fence rie J.... n bson seconded by Cr Carothers that the request be referred tote _ ,-- _.._..�, - -7-7-- .. 7--.._. . ::_ � . t ova y r o - ttee to b® -icoked--after_ _with .. the - least.- :pos sable .expense �.:_. .� roads and streets co�i ,1 .11 "' Carried . .. W rd re ue sti on' behalf of Mr Peter Murdoch that Martin Road ,be kept , l From Mr W .F. a , q . . .1 . free O stone$ • . the clerk be instructed to write. the Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Robson that " r6 esti that the stones ,be removed. Carried " Township of Darlington r�squ n8 being grant for 1._ C ,. tment of &dueation , � Toronto enclosing cheque for 19678021 M �4 From Depe�r. " Rae & Fi led : 1951 for MunicipalReereation. aseholds and rebtial s. - _ �,_ 1 r i 1. From Minf star of Travel andPublicity , Toronto in reference o e%ii. " Rea & Filed " . y� ' taws in reference to water levels on Lake-ill�n From International Joint Coissioni t M�pl . ' 'i it, .,.11 Rec & Filed Ontario. Toronto enclo�s i,ng audit report ' on road ,expenditures for From Department of Highways , , 1951 • . ' sierra to the Financ e "l A. Cr Osborne seconded by Dp Rv Idle that the report be r M n owed by " Carried n�` and Roads slid Streets Committees. .I 1111 to in ref arenas to Federal- 1'rovincfa 4 From Department of planning and Deve].opm�ent , Toronto I- " Rec &. Filed" �_ ,. ' , Housing projects . others etit coning for the construction of a° sidewe�lk From ldr Albert R Meedows and oth p u ; ew B1Qd t'rom 1 ne St to 1�2�5 if set south o! Tens St under the Local jl,F ,. on Orabardvi a . Imo rovement Act . as P cart if'ied e b Cr Osborne that the petit ion, befog , , Mov®d by Rv Vanstone s�eeond d y t e work be roeeeded with . } being su ff iQient ly signed , be a ceepted and that h . P I"I 11 ,I�+r f Carried .. $: ' , , :'Set - r I . , ; J�$ ' , d 1 ' ' ,, .' L 3z VOLUM 7 11.MINIMUM, - i7_ p1JJNJJJtT*WW4v:ge'-4*_ 11 I : 1 11 1 .S ,,.e ::?F 3h trkz :;'m`" 3 .z.a, .� fi,�'° x '-r^,'fi" - 1.11- & 11 d -{.., _ `P S- x a.t• '-. y ', ..."sue y.S`i.Y4'3C•7`�' , .. .. 1 . , . .- . r . • e , , n_ y,, � a< '�'y ,. a I ,. 1 '` I'l :♦ _ __ ,',. ° r ..- , _ v 1 " ._.. 1. R:��Kx z�o f - ,* Jul ?t h 19 5 2 untyn , �tAt Council Roam , y , r . 1p�t f co.c . . REPORTS , . 11 .� accounts "._, ` nae Committee submitting sundry �- esented are rt from , e ► k i Rv Vanstone pr Po certified and Local Imsment accounts amounting to 7 +96 54 , r7f } amounting to 9 , X39 . 29 p " Rec & Adopted "11 - F! as being correct and recommending men seconded b Cr Robson that the Roads and Streets Committee be i Moved by Cr Scott Y ' at a . cost of 618 .75 plus 10 % 11�� authorized to purchase one 9 H . P . power chain sa�r ,1 �1 " Carried '" : I, { sales tai less 1 cash discount . "t a that a reac�oamaendation be made to succeeding m " �� �7 Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Osborn 111. .7,1 �I� er 00 . 00 be pent annually on planting new shade trees on C ounc i t s that not ov 3 " C ar r. i e d 7 " �r f es have been cut down and on new street s . . $tireet s where tre �� .7. ded b Rv Vanstone that the Roads and Streets Committee be Moved , by Cr Scott secon y that fish plating be r gl and - orized to urchase a new truck at a cost of $ 6 , 128 . " " I, auth P o re=inforce for lqughing snow . C'arried ��`� installed on the new truck t P attar of the , r that the m straightening . .ldoved by ,Cr Carruthers seconded b3� Cr DeGee'A I ref erred t o . the � ' tb►e brig e' at Jackman Creek be s creek or ' re-inforcing the ahutment on 8 ' . . C rigid �" • I ittee with o�Ner to act ar 3:.' 1 !! ' roads and streets , comet P '` I 1Qoved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Robson that the Roads and Streets Committee be `1 the ditch on the Base Line 11 o hire a bull dozer or grader to clean out , " . authorized t Carried . • west of the west Base Line bridge , . hf- ,. ; to t i 1 r , . • oonded'__b _C.�c_ C-o" a the_;.. Roads and Streets Committee be 1 -11.1 �. le s e aa. r M 3� . . . � ,lIf�J�It�yi r and.1. I.... z. mlm,.yam'T.i cf c.. _.e. a . - . .. .. .. .. .. 0,��1q .5 il� .. ,7. '.9k 4 1, ...r ..,w....m.w•..xn.. a'xe.... •r_ .. x wv .r.'.., _ :•,,r, r. n r 7Jf" 7R7.r r s _.+}YN(fT .v .r,.7. .",r•.•n,...vR Jw rx.ya I+au fl u, 7. r. o-. '. ., .. . „ , .„ ,..,y�{/y .,X i ukt , 7 t r: m: rs r S > f .. Y.• .4 '7% S Tt � •, n.w„�;PLI+'.«.xr',txf.":s! v-. .._. .---_..._.. MN... ..-.. - _., ...... ..- ..,, .. l- , ,.)....... .. �.. Yl..♦!)Y Jf42 x. .d♦ f 1 V... bnN ..Ali!P Ntie 7AJf k0.c..! M1 :�.. 1.. ._. '-__. ... .. ..: _ _ .. < c...,.._..' ..< .. .. .f�... ,.. ., �. t.,. .. ..,. �• .. ,• .. , �.. 4 ' 4A'.F47[zkrt.'.NXsG'NMY^Y:a.......,. .. .. .. n.r.r i/� n... . .+• �..yM,,♦pw.w+w•+?!'^I.r}fl1' r+aanv_:_:__....'-.-r......�....+.._.. y.-.-.._,.,....... ... ' ...,....,.... v vw m rn te. rw. rv♦...a.l�w w w.nmmen +w+ - auth6fttdd to plc a ,fin arrfed�11 ce son alto ..",. ..M.� �.� _�. m , loads , , e Fire 11„ ,Op be granted to th Brigade b Cr Osborne seconded by C r Cole that �+9 5 11 . �ddve.d y outside " Carried ” . ' f move received for fires . being 54 o y. 1. ... � 1'; 11 ,1, C r Car rut hers that the salary of Mr Walter Hately be Moved by C Osborne secon�Ced by 1st , 1952 for servicing. the fire trucks . . t o 200 00 per annum a s from July " "111. I. 1 , increased Carried . I 1.:Ill `f�` f�tGY ' , '1. I �. ded b. C .� Scott that the Police Committee be authorized o 11. 1 ,$1 Moved , by . Dp Rv D le secon y " Carried I'll 7 , =7 uurhase si ns a ` a cost .I 1+ 6. 21 h�• 14�V , P .g s that the matter, o,f membership to the ! - . al Moved by KQ Vanstone seconded by Cr CaY'i'uther the Police Committee with , power to act . 1 Chief Constables Asso . be referred to " Carried " rA . c R,. tad as D Rv D le that the following members be apPoin C Robson seconded by p a Moved " by r er to Dec 31st .1.95 , � ��� "1 the Town Planning Board,; -MrL.0 .. Mason and Mr Gen Land �� members of Rob son and Cdr Wa1 G Jame' . ' j1 1. Cole t o Dec 31st 195 3 ands O?F . �� gon A Bert' p , I , Ms g David Carri an . _ ed 1 . - - to Dec 31st 19 52 • ,. ' C' a that the C it i e Service D i 1' C o . Ltd be • Moved by Cr Scott _ seconded by Cr of fi a tal drain in 7frout of their service station to prevent wa er F: instructed ,to .install me . " Carried " , , , , fro�nl running ♦ over the sidewalk.A.. a ruthers that a small ditch be constructed along ' CAL ' Moved by Cr Scout seconded by Cr r Arl b of Mr Thomas Heighton ' the west side o f the road on Scugog St opposite the property „ I and that ,he be advised accordingly and 11 ,, to relent water running onto his property z �� p " Carried " that copy be sent to, ; the road foreYnan . - en uir from the Public School Boe1rd �floved by Cr De�eer seconded by Cr Cole that q Y . annin Board. �' anon of the Town be r eferred to the Pl B - ture popul IX . 1. in reference to the fu "- C:arried " ..1 I t the C1 k _ C is o _ 1 ., �, t r De7G th . er and iv C IIma ee- e 1.' Rv Dale seconded by C eer a• __ �Qoved y P " red " . b D Tannin Board . Car i instructed t�o arrange 'a meeting• of the new p ,{,, y Geer that no action be taken in •reference to Cr. Robson seconded by► 1 Cr De Geer Moved by " Carried " ,. , C ounc i 1 . . member ship i.n C ommunity Welfare BY-mlAl" -L.. w to rovide for the establishment stone asked permission to f ntroduce a'�y a P . P Rv Van I "I 4 ..,: -y. / 343' of a Planning Board , s nded and Counc i 1 went int o � 11 Granted and read the' first time . On motion rule 33 was su pe p co mnittee. rising Gr the �Iay,or i n the chair. n 1 , c ommi ttee of the whole on second reading, =t was then read :1 I,. ., . , the second reading with all blanks filled in . By Law 11, the Mayor, reported salad . passed and ordered to � be s igned and ' s a third time , .11 k�Z. 1 ; . t . r r�. . On Mot ion Council adjourned . , } . Y. , , . X, d'r 15 1 , r1 `f `rr+� �r. I ' 1 ;r _ tm•. a� •1 _ .�, _t a ,.. ' c: '.i _ 1 ; .i MM ar ,.. ' Ir �I` - 1 . , 'a s , 7�,1 ,. ua', , , r- .• ' .. •I,r v 1 1, Ii,.r `I _. ,.., I i ,. , , ,1 x� t ,7 1 r:. -.. ..,b.. .., gin: 1 11 ',..,r'„ ,7 t ., . ,,i 'i, t _ . r r,.. . -� . . <,I .1 ,�, , L` . 1 . a ,. ., �. ',..,. .. .i ,, . .. : . . �, 11 , , -i:. h r J '. r .. ,. I �' ,• c.' .. ... , , :., h ,,...7 11 , , �, ai I ,1. i� t • P a. -'?1 . 1 , •h ', r' , 7 r -. ♦ , , , r ,, , i �, , , , i �' ' -. L ,u,, ,1 1, ,:"I�I I I I I .. I I I I ? . . . . ,. � I I I � . "-I,/ � j , 1 y` .. } , , ",Y 1 I I I 1 1 3 , f+ tt1s.. ~ yy�� i ��, VOLUMTv 7 x 7 :mss. - .. -. >-a,- "I 4 _ f � � Y i � i V`n 4. : f" $ 1 i ri` F 3 _ y -. _ .. 4 t. S ice„ , ,. .r+ , .r a .- , , _ - �,i ><.6.n.:.r f 1 , - f/ ' I r I ..11 "'1. . W a ,';, ;! s .! [ , ... 11 � , - r. .1., i , a •• t'11 a s ,. a ,11 I M" t r - - t .. ..1 _.. { �. _ C ouncil Room. 1 31 st 1952 .�,. ; ,_ I y,, 'I "'� �� satin of Council�tas heal on above date , members all present exceptling Crs ;1. tr �,,� ..g« Spec ial m 8 t e meet ing Por +i`i Geer and Robson the Mayor presiding' and stated that he had ' called h rt from the Public Property Committee in reference to , the purpose , ,oP receiving a, repo 4 •4.') [• I ' the roof' on the Memorial Arena . o art Committee stet ing t hat a new root' would Cr Carruthers reported Pro the Fubl is Pr p y . r.' Th ' have to be constructed as the old roof could not be reps re C borne that the tender oP Semple Good er & C o be, Tn f .. ' r• Moved by, Cr Carruthers seconded by r Qs . 11 „. a Memorial Arena for 6 , 235 . 0 providing that an . accepted for a new roof on th s made b a a om event engiheer stating that th building is sound tot e t inspection i q p n Carried ” satisfaction, of. the Public Property Committee . I T �� Mr Stanley inn o f ' the Kinsman Club addressed Council in reference to the installation tin that the Kinsan Club had fends on hand oP artificial ice in the . Memorial Arena sta g I a' ed 20 40 . 00 to complete the installation and requesting for this ,purpo,se but 1 ck , I 1 .„ , , r l the Town to secure a loan for this purpose . Moved by Cr Os.borne seconded by Rv Vanstone th at the Finance C omnaittee confer with the reference o the I{insman s o3.ic itor and Mangy er of the Bank of Montreal , in ” Town B " Carried I eclared Civic Moved b Kv V nstone seconded by Cr Scott that Monday, August ' 4th be d y accordin ly . " harried " ' and gist the Ma or issue his proc 1,a' t ion 8 1. Holiday y , . 1. _,__..._. __� .. I `- . 1111 I • . �_, _ - - _ -_'.__.___....__._._.._._._ _ .. ..r•_ __.,_.. �... ,.._._ ... ..' - .cots.. wY - •� .r 1 , . r•-sR!t+)YS`hISkVE!'At51A,CPI..R}AC7lFCRNF._-.._...__:. _ ,. ,. r :.u..........._..... —. _. .I h r T z ', r r + , r .1. [ • M J K.W ,, :X3 4,. F Y. .. _ .-.. �.�f_.r_.—=+--moY!I!!!- _... .__......_-._______.. v.r ..6 d .F,r.. ! dlr C:� .niJ�°tt .. !` Sl! P il J n d.Yi* .4s%w ,V;,;,IRnk'fQk1 k! iV.kA't.'Yf 15[[k.d+kFS91.W�GAl7_11Qi!i4,.&Aral,QE nF.,Q14Y8 P5FX+Sl�Hfa,.x..ifi.R.,._.0 _..Sr.../..1,..•3>X-0. ,n7.C-kdr?h,S.Y.,,5.s7 .JY"VtT.4bGk4m; a r .. r.-.. r•.. ,,. '.--y ..... -..+z. ___.__.. _.._ - _... .. r. ... dXSiWi_ AkSYt.xn'Fl•. _."_ __Sli_�Cb579i'YrtPi1L� TxGXl,B __...._.. _-.�'. J'a,.rrTR.X,9r.LG'mfaF1.Y wY7"h+'i,'k73t7.Y.^,I+h aG? l;, , }.tYR .6aP.,?W.R.IKt�4C(.4SJdr t -`k ,qZ'I ,,..10 11 __... C.__ E. z ="— _ -- _- _ .__. _ _._: � .^�__._,.:- M�aS,rF gym. .�Tr r, '�j��!)T,j]��1 .,---a-d ',' ed. r _ .J� - ._.----- ------.___�.`- -__�.,_ � _ .:� .---.. s...._.� _I.__:..v__ ..__....:._....... �. ,r+aaa.r•,rM«`Mn11bf A?1.fuIIMir,r�Pln.MyYNHYI16iMflll,gp t •N�6'li9/�ur ,F.e .r%_�r�. .r - :---_._.-..-.-.____�:___._w..._._.___. .._____.._ .. _______. �n� l X.s.nSY...•c nY.n-.haYn%IMw hrnrM SRw�Y1tiHN0E 33 YntM1'F2YFWEE lG2NYp@[lie•!99tlW Ii W�gN1k...lNkf Bi Ml SAYE RR',1f1ffiAw'1P.i�NLrytt iFN natenMi Rw 414fM e9fG/1 Ytic' rvr lu w, N Nr fA.t WmxslglWMn4PiGLLYWM pA gtlWL ueW-AP#Ilan- • I M!'AYMN�IIIY.1. .. ... :,m,'JN,L..nw,lftV,p'IUVINmYal',r, ry I r h.. ,. I 11 t 1/[ .. .m _ _11 .P .,, � : �, , , � ., I� �I.' I I - -6 i �_ , � .� - . . , . or ,m / 1rynl, .11 r I w 41 �a•I ! . q k fI, . . ,., -.••- 11 „ r. r r , :, 'I -:, - u I. . r r 1:.r . .. ty,., .: .. .. ..... ,r .. :, - , I ohcil Room Au u�st �5, 19�5�11 I g !, abovedate Ynembers all present excepting Rv ,e "ular meeting of Council was held on ,, ' g sot' last re ular and ' special meetings were read 11 9,I Vanstone , the Mayor , ,presiding . . Minute . , :.�, 1 , •1 I - , I I 1. ,'r � an d on motion I c onf ir�ne d .11 J COMMUNICATIONS m_ ill t' y \ o rli ton a-ccepting agreement fo 'raQnr J . D. Hogar th , C le rk of the owns p Da 1 I fire rotectfon with the Town t that in the event of payments exceeding $ 3 ,000 . 00 exc ep I or stand b charge be deducted from any euaoou�at I . 11 I 11-14 u that 500 . 00. of the amount P Y ,Y . - _ �. rendered. w. .1. j Cr Cole that this agreement be accepted . " Carried . U Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by ill�l M t es ClerkF advising oFI patient being admi-tt;ed to Bowmanvill:e Hospital .Ii. From Coun i n Rec & Filed ” 2 Amounting to 30 286 .25 . From. Counties Clerk advising of .County 'Rate for 195 g ---r 1 .I'— IF . " Rec & File`d , t, I 16 .. _ es Clerk ng of the C ount y Roe e for 19 52 amount ng o From C ount i advi si d ivy n & Filed " . Rec __ 1r0 903 5. $t s Ae so Toronto enalo sf ng report on Fire protection for the From Canadian Underwriter , , I I . " Rea & Filed ' " 1, Town . infront of 37 King w. N- - - --- v i l le wet p ___R �.. .__-,---,_.. -. Pram Bowma n _ F to Sho asking per mission o e :mrec a sign, ed b Cr lnc Cr Cole second y Robson that the request be referred to the b F Moved by Carried Co�naittee with p to act . . Property ower . i_ _�� . a Hoa ital giving consent to the passing Iof , . I, . • From Downham Nursery Co and Memorial' p 6 fermi 1� dwellings ,* `t+ r ctn lands on their roposed sub�Division to single a By-Uw rest �, ., .�� B Cr o a that, a By-Law be prepared and referred to the ,r )Loved by . Cr Deeer seconded by r r M n Carried lawn Planning Board . :, a questing chairmen of the From Mr Geor .e W James , Lditor of the Canadiantatesm�n r q 6 g r m�1F; I, 1 standing. clomocnittee�r to supply editorials for an issue of the paper on August 21s Geer seconded b Cr Robson that the offer be accepted and the chairman ;r Moved by Cr De Y ethiri in the hands of the Clerk , by August 16th . of each s tending aommaittee have som 6 . �' " Carried " From Cane► dian Foundation for Poliomyelitis , Toronto, requesting that a local 1.F r1 QomYnittee be Formed: . , .I b Cr Cole th t the request be turned over to the Civic Moved by Dp Rv Dale seconded y 1 A e " Carried "'a L it aCoYmnitte ,s . ,, i :� I. ens Cole end others requesting t a installation of a sanitary sewer and y ,, From Mr Eugene west of Saugog St 1 ' wet arms in on Rehder Ave from Saugog St to a point 350 fee r_ I ' Cr Carruthers seoonded by Dp Rv. Dale they the Clerk be ins tr�uated to aheo Moved by . �� : ' f euf f is i ant 1 e .gned be referred t o the Pub1.is Ut it it i e a C om�ais eon. 155 1 the petition and f Y / " Carried " �; }rl, « . , r , J .11 . 1 .r 'I, I I r. , .y '+ A r . o. ' g - r 11 „� �, • .♦ ....,-.Mr.r�'.+fwNr,+M.{..y,,.t.Hf...h:.� .+i�sW.k hM•u..i[!1'fr�'' �•fviTrrr/ f"i+rlM YfbM• 11r,v M1•J; irk ,M,0 11 I ` � I' , `�#.,>•.:� s .,.r sse.� ..><s.- as ,� "�.n,is.,c :�ri: dui 1. 11 7 r .j ;a VOLM 7 1 - 111 , . a ” ., u;. .; . °f , " 51 „ x •m ,• 5 :-1 .,. e S ,�J..Win. r�, .?s-. { ..`.h ,, ii 1 . . - ,. A , - . 11 . - r . I t / t .' as: _. . r r � , > . . s , ;, _ , ,. ,r 1. .11 M m P .. , - 1 f ., �. • 1 . - - -- - : ,... _ - -•4__..T._. ..- . _... .: _ t t , Lmn= rc Council , Augu t , _._ _. _ ._ Room A 5th 1 2 t •�� for the installation of a 4 tom u Nelson Sa , and others petitioning , It Facom+ 1�r. Do Douglas a e Curl , ."", n S from Liberty St t o the end of Ne,l so n St e r '''` . .N� k .:. ,� terma�i n on sanitary , sewer and wa .1 zFi _ -1 7._ _ _ t ;11 Ne so �j4r' r -11 ' loved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Dp Rv Dal a that the Clerk be instructed to ehe-c if suffiQientl signed be referred to the Rublic , Utilities. Cot�insion 11 1 R the petition and , Y ri d ., Car e r u las Curl and others requesting the installation of a street 1 ght on ,1 .} • r>} r•rom Mr Dog �� J 1 Nelson son St e uest be referred td the Public ved b Cr Kobson seconded by Cr rCole that the req n " � ' 1 Mo Y Carried , property Committee with power to act iI tfp +f�{ 1 ' w„' . , i. 4 , r , t: r�� l t , REPOR T , j I.�` ance Committee submitting' sundry accounts _� i Dp RvA ,Dale presented a report from e � ' cal Im ement account for 26'. 00 , certified as ,'1 amou mount i ng t o 5 , 619 . �+5 and Lo p , 11 being correct and recomnnending P a t . " Rec & Adopted " t hers that resulting ' from a meeting with the Moved by Dp Rv Dale seconded by Cr Carru L. ,.- ;\. A st lst our f inanc a committee . submit the 11 Town soliditot. on Friday evening Augu , Y } r: 1 : T a a vote of the eaple be taken some time in September r f allowing recaaunendation , h t P ill k+ , 000 00 for 1 e ardin th issuing of debentures in an amount not in ecesa of 25 , - rg g i . ' I ' and t ba t in , the event, that the peo p.l a vote 11 aVOr t1I, ears at a ra to not exceeding 5 amen' ,� ' , , y I 'll I J1,. of thus debentur e issue and the matter receives Municipal Board approval , the Kinsman, t 000 . 00 ' and su 1 a form t of 1 P P Y oun 5 e tested , � e _amt _ _ _ ._ _.:.��.�..��.,�r,.�., �:.�..�..._•.���....�r._ , ,, _ �► o turn over t c� t'h e T own t � 1. b b® _ u _ [ . .,.. _ C � , ., r r, 1 r ..•tC.. k J.. t1'4 ...,,.,..T+YC•,.rff I .iC.t.a.. 1 rc F ,r.: .a fi1«1t,.-..i:LL'U .K. ..V ., 9.. A ., .,.,. .c, .., %a.t ...., 3YX.t .:a .Ya¢7aM. •y, .,. .., - , a,a, . I,J,.�?Jd.rt 4llP:Y,a_.IY.,.Ru.,1.1... ,.'V7.rY,.._.0 1M1,ih,x k Y . -. Y sUl"'7•.r# �, r. r. .+A�RR', � �. 'AlA:IA','. ,' svr..,/.rr.ar e,n.a . .... --.:._. .. . .. .. __ S ..----:. -, _'- _._. �. J .,ro .s, %Fe'Aw*. n,^ dr 19c-, x ra,+.m?' oca^fu�raxtt:cvsn;�,.. _;r.±x:, i EAPdf„aa.,,l,xc,vr _ __ ...._ t l �_ ta}aatlsetat _ _.-__ -_ _ _ � y _..- __ _. _11- h :..t...r 41L'•}�t!k5fYt3P4ffi'f!.YRY7 ._ .- ..., -,.. ,. ,:.. w ..._... .._ r+•r Kor.�„a , Ml.r �r[jj}}��.. _ w,n a ,n „v.nv ,,.a.. r/ ✓'.. w V.r -,: .+: ,N,k. r .. .. .. .,.v nnv�. ,w,�.r�.i'..+ - .r.�t..v 3!a'� _',.__ ^ra ,,,Y 'v:,r +++++�I.,,.IIIIII�r���rr� , V '1 11 11.1„r,.al,:,rcrm NY.Y M1� s`i% ne r'as'o �utµl o the °h shat Ong that they ' rits wr ' 'dam'. . . t to meet the annual sufficien I�3e under . ,r , pay into the general rate .an am ount n Carried " , 1 n Law• / t n the By Law be 11 taken on We�dne sday { ved b Cr Cole seconded �y Cr Scott the a vote o 111 ao y September 10th, 19'52 • b' C:r DeGeea� ' that tie vote on the By-haw be e an Amendment by Cr Robson seconded y 1 . rr,i Mov d n „r l,, r Amendment Carried " 1. taken on wedne sday Septeffiuer 3rd , , v,; I y Robson seconded by CrA DeGeer that the. Roads and Streetsr Committee e 11 �dOVed Cr , r� by de " C,arried edlto order 35 tons of calcium chlori suthoriz a th t' D Rv Dale chairman of the police b DRv D 1 $ P }�, ��doved by Cr De ver seconded y p S �: 11 r advertise a' citizens ' meeting in the Town 11"Committee arrange , a ��date in September and Al mbar from th•e C ivto �Def ance Organization t o �ialh for Civic Defence and invite a me �� J 1 A . " kI t. P " Carried ,I Sttelld . t 11 era seconded by Cr DeGeer that not ion in re Bard to inspection o ldoved by Cr Carru h 1 dad and that the ins�allatioh of the roof be proceeded with 1.the Arena be re sc in - ossible. " Carried.1 11 �, ediatel and ins e,ction of the building be men de as soon asp - 3amm� Y t fl0 p granted to the Town :Planning a hoved b Cr` Robson seconded by Cr Scott the 5 y " Carried " a , � 'a�. 8oe►rd fore expenditures of the Board . o-`L. 1 . the famil currently receiving relief �![oved by C r Rob son seconded by C r Scott tba t y r , , " Carried " ; I be cut .off . rivile e Y r zr, FrI roved by Cr Scott seconded b, Cr Osborne that members' of Council have the p g c 8 - was it` is presently written and , e�ny, member having any - a ' , '• ,. . of inspecting the Graff i y _ • e o raisi objections at next regular meeting of Counc 1 . , , d s v f f rried ferenc Pr e , a e „ ', , ..,r,'r ' '. ' _. .,,r.. ,,.,v, ,. !v:n"-C,,,.,.r.,,. ,1 r,,.r.,, ...,, r,+,..,....ea 1;1 11-1 1., ..e,r. „r.urm rfnt r. .,n, ,, ,. .. .1 .--r�,.,_`{_.�_ - •_-._._J,_ _ 1 . . to 11 .11 I }. 1 . r t ,1 - ,000 .00 upon debentures for Loca he -L w authorizing the borrowing o , a and ordered to be ' signed and sealed. I I � y rov+etaent purposes was given its third reading 1. 0. p ' , ':.1 I JN► 4 On lotion Council ad ourned. ."3 . , I , I., , I V I i I I I I . I I . , , - . ", . '. � . . ) . . . ; 2t .1 I �, n . 1 . 1I , , . r 111.11 I 'Mayor a C k r . 1. . . . , ,r 1 ".. .11.:' r ai .. - 4 • r 1.}: .1 N.' 1 11, ,.. , 1'11 I ., , ,. ,,. :, r �, } '1. 1' �1 ... , .. ,,, r. ,r,",.,. - , 11- t R ... .__._l. 4 11 , 1. ,., 1�Fi 1' > AU, ". P , r- r w ,. , ,a„ „- y 3 :rf , r :. ., f :. f 1 r, , „ +:. , ,, A , , .... ,' 'i.,. , ,. , ..,.. ,. f,�- .. :, ,-. ,. r. , ,. , ,.f, ,s. r., t,,, �'r : o , _ 1 1 I C ,, �i ,, ,.,.. ., :: :. 1 „ ;;. .,... ._.t _-' r .G, / ...: :.-. :it 11 r -- f b ,1 - 1 , �_ „ "r :. I,1 ,r,,._ : , w i r ;;.47'1 , _. 4, l ,r H _j.t: al r...5.. ,... r f ,7 , , ,., }, ::.: r t , , .::r , ..11 - , ._ _.,- „_ 1 LL A , , $1 . . 1, , , .r,..y z.. ! :., , ., : rr , .t ., _ ..,. v r,, ._.i , is _..: ... ......,. f :,.r._. 11 1L11 1 1,. SS, a .. :., :'. jb r. :iIt ., ,,.. r ,..!.. , t ,:I, ,. ,- r i -,' r ,,, , , _: A "; tl .. :: i rr ,4 , f r .. I ,....,. t. 1 I .._. ,. �,.. {.,.... .;_ .1 F ..,�.4 . r 1". ,.,. ,..,.. -.:,. ,: Iru 41 1,-x :" t t: I ..:--,.. .-i, 1. ,!t .Y •I�, }Y Tlr. ,. , ... .. ::." :... f.a; l .... / ,.i. ,r i.1,-.,.t , -,. ,i;. , -. , ..., n „ idt .} } w „r,, r:• , y , -.,-. n r ., r ` r r 1 n ) ...K , .! , : ! .:, 1. ,l.:. .. , ,.. 1 r i z,.-,,, i,: r..k fx , :: t. x .. 1 , ., i. r , , ,,.... ..,::, ,J,i ,. .,.3 I , , , , , , ,. ._ r _ _ - - - ,: , . , 4. ,.> 1 ,f, ,.. , ,. :.,, r-. , r ,1 e - - - - . _ t _ r 1 tf } --. , t A ,.., _. , t n ., t ry n 1 i _ r ,. .1 } q ,,: .1 ,. r ,. , I ,. ,. 11 , ..._ .. J' q ,.' .i. n : ,. .,, , I: '1, p :l r11 }! .. ,.. r ! .. 1 r, ; .., h r ,11 z.., .7..,,..... r t �i A ,. r _ , I .: ... h , ,. J.a It r S , i. I I. 1 1 I !111 J , 11 y.. ;.a� u r ti IAl • ; , :, : ,f a - r 1 ;. . .",4. - t 4 ', , / 4 /It,. ,1 , i t ! ,, .: „ „ ,i 1- . a t1 r " , ' d! t. �f 1'�1. I 4' ;. ,, A . j _ , b:i" 1 I t• rr ,I1M t 1 ,'n. ,i, y'e ' h i , g y � , , pL �r : � �.:, `. r ,.._1111� . -------- r 5v 3 r . r • r ..;�:,, � !', ". a -.. , 1 - � ,. ,..�.. .;. '.,` ' :. 'i r - , r r „ i1.1 Jff t GO • _ _ __. . _. ----____. �t�� oune11 m August 8th 2 L W� � C oo A , 195. Pr o",a► 06, al meetin of Councsil was , held on above date , mbe rs all present excepting Rv s ..m c, Spe c i 8 stoner and Ors' Cole and Carruthers , the Mayor presiding and stated that he had called a Van o the ur ose of passing By -Laws authorising the borrowing of the meeting for' p p P B ?00000000 upon . debentures for the purpose of completing the cost of installing ' artificial ice in the Memorial Arena and for holding a vote of the ratepayers . Cr Scott that no action be taken on the By-Laws and , Moved by Cr DeCeer see onded by t of C ounc it to the Kinsman Club are no date set fortaki ng the vote unt file requests n i I � " Carried t 1, com lied with y t t 1 seconded b Rv Dale that if the Kinsman Club can bring into { Moved by C r Scott y Dp einstallat �.on of artificial ice ' in:' the s Council complete data, and specifications for th ' b® leased t o re cre iv.e any delegation at any time , and Mem vial Arena Council . will p P icationsr are be in considered that representati�veo ' of companies interested ' when spelt i f S +� r n Carried • be at the meeting' to answer, questions . ' 0 Motion, Count i1. adjourned . , <' 13 • _r •1 r r , 1J ___ I �l � e.' ., it II • . . �C erk , MaYojr,,o ' 4reYrd=7"@"'S•yP,i1%'fiP?4`d74SX, ,^".E.�e".,y,.•.-..,'n,r.,,...."w"",w^v""rv+,.,.+qir.+ .. '(i' 44, + ' .__.— --_ -_�_•_,-._:-...�r,.:.�;,,�,,,,y,-�.,:..__ r P..aumrr.,su,•a,,:,,4f a.y,,•,rmawnrra. ..... .. .t,,,a+.,a,w,r,t,rv"sfJelkw'wVCM : _�Ct"l'ttY`k'�•�!9.w_'!_tRffiSMrCafleY!1Lfi91 uAYfMf."AnV1.*i7C1'a"r"TFN�w'�'i7MtUri'l,I.lHR13WAL"pJ YUlr7it'n1(W+Nlld'I.�'fi9�b1Y.uT9l1'6:9AYt'.MY,tMI.AKP.N. ! ILBf' •:Cfiflli6?7StirfA'.` tF d5 ?Ff fi" +' .; ., ,,,, .. . . : -�,•>w..:_,: _ _ ��e.�,-"'y�"w"am_..._ _ ur,r��an�14Pmw;.a'.;ru: r. s.r.:—.--�__- _.:�_-_. _ _ r _ _4 w., r UXIb'.7ti•FfIM.SoY' ;;�. .:, °"'°'^c"rrrcmurirnea,. � � -•--___. _- .. ___. _. .. .__._ _ _ _ _ +Y47.fJ'1Yt1Y1;02I!'d't JrCYre,,::e.: 'y ,,r " - MbAMflb♦3NfdAN6'�VM1M1 t@ bYlfMM1'EIlr.+\a4.TYM?..gT,?l49„ .u•. pteaNYH bIPNUAMM.s /•A`NPMYtKK.WW A .w.rwlylwWxfaciMwM!�Arnen*.¢N4+Va'w.aovnrwurbwu - • � �� , �' ', '• ;1'+. � �S ec` •al meeting of Councirl was held ' 'on above dates , members all present excepting Dp Rv P e Cris Cole and DeGeer' the Mayo! presiding ,Inc stated that he , had called the f' r Dal , � r xt' ' e Co, in meeting for the purpose . 'of received a letter 'from the Canadian Ice Machin . l reference `rto the installation of artificial ice in the Memorial Arena . 3` r1 ys•i -• C Bower and Mir S Richardson attended the me on behalf' of the Canadian Ice the contents of the letter . Machine chine' Co o and were questioned on • �f k° borne seconded b cr Robson that the letter be received ,and filed �dO�red by Cr.r „ ed n Car r i BY=--LANS ,. o introduce h f b laws , V V nstone asked ermi'ssion t e ollowi ng y- r - R a P w e ur ose of borrowing 25 000 .00 upon debentures t0 c omplete tie cost : t for the instal l ing artificial .ce in the Memorial Arena rovide for the holdi ' of , a vote- of the ra-tepayers , entitled to vote on money byr=laws Top 8 { n 2 00 00 upon debentures to complete the installation of x for the borrowing of 5 ,0 p n i the Memorial Arena , artif is ial ice i a the .f first time . On "motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went Na ' into Grantednd read -of tie. whole on second reading the, 3dayor in the chair . On committee. rising ' e Mayor orted the second' reading witd in . The By-Law for / 1 ,: �• t h re h all blanks fille y p 2 000 .00 u on debentures was laid on the table . The By-Law provid�idg for borrow ink 5 , P P read ng , p8 sse�d and. ordered to be s'i gne 1 a vote of the ` rate a era was iven is r . r , .:. ... .. _..,_-_,rr n..r•-•..�Vr..,... .er.w...i rrrxnn,,.,�i.F•n,r"+r,re .,w•r..w....,,.,.;...-.,.1 ... ... . ... t......... r.ru u,nq t .•.rlu rrnn b+r ... and' , sealed ' , --_ _ ._. ,., .._.. .,._..•„....•rr,rrrr•.,,rr . rrr..,.rr.rrr , r,r..,.°......, , . r.. ..,r.,r .! ,.r, tr•r.rrlf,rl.r . .- ,.. nr.. 1 o-r rr rr-.. .,it r.. 1 :.Ir1t .rr rr•r,.r,.r ..� r •r.lrr r.. . r On Lotion Council ad bourne. , r rr . C, e k Mayor , s. , r: • n 1 r t .vr , , 1,. t :., ,:. .-,- _:.:' :: , r .,..,. .,.. .:-3, ,.,:_..., .r, !. ,< I :. _.,.. ,. ._,.•. ,. it r . ,.,:.,:, ::;. ,. ... r is •! ,. ,, >� .,,, '-r ..,: r r : '. :.,, • .::,... r • ' ... :., ::r. ..� ...,' �. , ::, :1 fir,,. 4 1 ? r A. ,• •r r , 1 • ... ., ,.� ....t,.r,w,..1+,..,.,.x,1 f.,..,•.:I:r r.yl r,. r..,.,•:.,.. r.,.,vr...,. Ir t • r 1, VOLUME ? �� 1� 1 e s c eta n 1 , e •' a : r.' . ., ., •' ., f J - - - ''-_ - _.---•-• a .. ......__._,_..,.. ._— ._...._..,_... _ - - _ice. _ _.,._... .._.__,...... ...____•_._.__...__..._._ �_-.. k:: l-W AR'T a co ..Council f Room , September 3rd 1952 ` o of Counci was held 'on above date members all present the Mayor COL Regular , meeting l , 4 � residi,n : Minutes of last regular and special. meetings were read and on motion P 3 Miss Isobel Davis addressed Council on behalf of the Navy League an,d asking permi.ssion k to hold a Tag Day on Saturday October 4th . . " Carried Kv V nstone . that P ermission be granted ,b y C r Scott s e c o nd ed b y " ! C ON14MNI CATI ONS From k rs Grace Tordiff queen S comp a n ng of damage done to lawns and sidewalks by �, the construction company occupying the Arena . Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr DeGeer that 'the construction company be advised that !, - 4 an damage, caused b them , must be repaired ' and that2rs Tordif f be advised accordingly : ., y y g " Carried " " �• " ' S a skin t o have two boulders removed f rom in f ront Y.. From Mr George Richards ,chards , High t , g of his property . ' loved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Dp Rv Dale that the request be referred : to the `4.• r , , n Roads and Streets Committee with power to act , Carried From Ire Rose Cook , King -St E , , requesting the installation of a street light near her residence Cr Ott seconded b Cr Cole that the request be referred t o the Public ' Moved b y r c y - C rried " ,t -'Property Committee , 4ith .power to set f r a c 1 0 , C un r • 'asking 4 Ministerial' sso � r i 1 A 2 s - e . . Rev . e i i t g e t. _ o f -.the N . From _ _W --Turner _ _� Pre sid n ,_ ,.. ._. _..,. ,. .,„...,....._... _ . . . . .. ...._...,...w.m.,.,. ,.._....„._.._,.. .._, From._ Row�an�t _... .,_...,_......_., w _,. ._._ .. _..�....___.... ..._.... ._..._. . ,.,.. , w ... `:Y t".M1•. 'y %'-?\.. .l Diu r,\,19 r,Y�C a'rp: Y,]rn.41 ., �-, .. .. � .�- .. . . . .`f M, M. i.N{I Div x 14 a G .:, .. ..., .,v '" v9!tiSd".dK7..l4.lMA5t9,I.Y E....l7.t fb..4-.r... d .. i1 h..w.A.1`J.-.rail.f!CR"F 1nt..>;/.{, r" ,.,...,.,f .:y....�. .,�,: '.._; .. -. - .fGr BtYAY , .Y,E S ,. C "v. .� i �«. .,.. -. ... _ .. R KI5Y9f3w'tu,.. RRSEI'! "dd'�Y” •lXVT51P _...:_.... .. ...... ... ._.-.__. _._ ,. ._._-_._ ,. n n � .. _ .,- +. i - .. T Irv,. .if.N t p YV^ a 0.� f �. -„� _ ... _ ,w„�r�sr. ,>`•4'...», � car, .a,�kt..r,ta,.c,.,c. a.t.�,r,.v,riu ,..-sr,..,.r7t.,.rctis „,,rtr.a„ ,tz .,ttr,.:•t*.M .v r<,tc<r,,..., !s s,f„ irrfnatrn..ust._....sa�•tr,,.ae,'!:....nsm.; n tx. . _. 2 ss. 1 mwmvnke_ ... �a�� i �1 �e C7 t,it` g:.K R�.���7J .f tea,�,.:.r„�c..�.4;nr, _ • ,l grajjt V V p����de � y .. Y.a:w..is u.n.. .x+�.S�:..�na . ,avnua.J+..ur ,b.1�.f n w.vL..t9•.,rO.v.ua.l RnflYeu,r.asrP.v ta.a x.c,u .,oar ..iNenw ?MRCr..On,turM.t 6.f 4,TZU ,J W>Mw rrHt wi.wen.arr ` b Cr Carruthers seconded; by Cr Robson that the Bowmanvi lle . MinY sterial Asso Moved y ” -Carried ” be granted 70000 rla & Durham Health Unit reque sting 10 . 00 for t h"e purcha-se of . From Nort humbe , clothing for a local inmate of , the Mountain SanatoriuYn , Ham�. lton . ., koved by Gr Robson seconded by Cr Cole tY�a t a grant of 10 . 00 ' be made for t e f c lothin " Carried " 1 purchase o g . ., Bowmanville Beach Also thanking ounci l for keeping the road to, he west side From o condition and rovidin watchmen for , the crossing , " Rec & Filed " beach in good p g T Jan Sweep , Hunt St requesting to have two railway crossings fixed in order to ; Frain Mr P g have , access ° to his property . rreferred . Moved b Cr Scott seconded b 'Cr Cole that the re quest be t o Mr Thomas y y n _ foreman of the Col • and that Mr Sweep be advi, ed . Carried " . Johnson , section f o a From Householders residing, in the vicinity of the Bowmanvi 11e Foundry , R .M . HollingshQa 4 - d Canadian Canners protesting against the smoke nuisance from these factories ,Co an p , and ' asking Council to .take -action. Moved by Cr Robson seconded by Cr Carruthers t,! .at "a letter be sent to the companies a railways re uestin them to control -the, smakd :nuisance and requesting a reply and y q g b return mail as to what action they A intend t o take . { " Carried " . y X From Mr Stuart Ryan , chairman of the Durham County District High School___Soar L 1" enclosing copy of letter sent to tiv district _coupe ils -- in reference to a ngaging , ` architects for the construction of High Schools in °Bo%taanville and Fort Hope . " Rea & Filed " meetin s to be ,held in From International Joint Commnission , Ottawa advising of. g c to the levels of -Lake Ontari o;f � eentres . for Rea & Filed " 51 re�eren e ealth Toronto advisi the treatment of poliomyelit From Dept o f H Rea & Filed, G J e-s and others petitioning for the construction of a sanitary sewer hnd. . . From . Mr Wm axn p , f, twat ermal n ' on Xdsall Ave . seconded b Cr Cole that the clerk be instructed to check the k Moved b y C r Carruthers, y et tion and if sufficiently signed be referred to the Public Utilities, Commission,. t p �. " Carried REPORT nstone resented a report from t ce committe e Submitting sundry accounts R v Va p amountin to . 7 100 .09 and Local Impro m t , accounts amohnting to $ 80 .96 certified g " Ado Rea & t ed' ' ' " as being correct and recommending pa nt . p Ott seconded b Cr Carruthers Moved V Cr S 'that the Roads and Streets Committee be 1 c y " Carried " authorized to purchase one car of a rA shed stone and two culverts* p t b D Rv Dale , seconded by Cr Carruthers that the Police Committee be authorized Moved y p to urchase the necessary signs for school zones . " Carried " p Moved by Dp Rv Dale seconded by Cr Scott that the matter of school crossing at Jane P a Liberty , Streets be referred t o the Police Committee with power to act . " Carried " Y and Z y D Rv D le seconded b Cr Cole that the Fu�blia Property Committee be E Moved .b y p y Lain estimates for new lighting in the Police Off cos. " Carried qb instructed t o rY Moved b Cr Osborne seconded by Cr DeGeer that the motion in regard to the inspection k of. the Memorial Arena building be re soinded . " Carried " 1 , 7 t to :. „_' §A :fix ;1.5 u;.€ a.--tee ,;,a. -t- - ' ...,..._ d x�? . s., , . "I ,, u , , y.1.-.i e , r ., a I.,. r - s I 1i , d`-. .i.:R " , .. V ,.;, i�. . Y iI :1 ' ii `� ., r 1.'.1�. F., .. r - , • , t' , t _ - ____- u.+ P _ - - -- _ _ - _.Y.___ - _ - ---- _. _ __. -- - - ___.. , _ _.._ - f.WMAT S C� - - --.._,.--.. _-_-_..__,.-._. _r , ..,� ncil tember 3rd 19 ;Keti,4 Ol i. _ C Room Sep , 52 11.11 % ;'" Moved by Cr Scott seconded by �Cr De Geer that the Town s'olicitar be consulted in rega rd for -.- stree_t _ vendors or _ if licenses can be refused . " Carried --- �� _.. �� ::, t0 - Inereas ink licenses - _ _ _ _ „rii , . , I • Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Carruthers that the roads arid - streets omnl thee 1. 1_r I obtain rice for widening ' Temperance St from Church to vYellington St , queen St on the . - . 1, I P Y north side from Temperance St to Division St and south side from , jueens Ave, to Ontario 11 , . t Y' om Silver St to Tem erance St . " Carried " c 1 . I St , Church S r p . , HY-LA"N �� Rv Vanstone asked permission, to intro uce a By-Law authorizing an application to the y, I 1, t Department of Municipa , J , l 1 Affairs to extend the � t ime 'for the return of the assessment . . I roll I It, Granted and read t h e'' f i r st time . On . motion rule 3 3 was suspended and Council went into ! z e of the whole on second readin the I�iayor in the chair . On committee rising i . committe g the piayor, reported the second reading with all blanks filled 'in ' By-law wad then read 1 . „ , a third time , passed and ordered t o be signed and sealed . °` 1;he Traffic B -Law was laid on the table until the next meeting of C ounc it 1. i,ti 11 , ; 1 , ,, ed Can Motion Council adjourn . �. • ,,rid ao t' A 1 . 1.�iltllll- 4.. .. r Ma or .� 1. .. u. �5x. . r'^ d&i ''a+ w " W V ,.. o..n....o...+w+ «�w�r.,mm.i�7�.F.i..w.r....ww _ ..�, .,...,...,...,.,....,.•........ ..+........,<.•.,•W.,.�w.,.»,a,,....,.,wow,�...,,�..Y. --...w....w..,w..u..-,.......�,.e,....,r.•Hw.,�.W %,sy "IA.. w.R"""..',...�....xi..vw.......' tY ''.Mf'. w,..�:�....., •,...:'^,- �.,raea„=�.rc�.a.,11,_.... ,,....1,.,.,.,..ww.m,.w...,m..aL.ca, p... ,..�co.oo:t�...,.»�....o..�...m...n.,+�•...,�,..•»..+r.,.....�,ro.,dl,,.. ,..a1;pS,.µl..r..»... - .. � r�.*' �� ��..M �.,_ r ,',. ,,��/ Vsn + H.YfI... . ,ry. ., t ,� �T T; r�.45!$4', - a '_,.. . - .�-sir:.. U, `-„..w _..i.,.•,.J11.35Y�«! 1• ,. �,,�, m.. .'.' �. •i. prYr, ,n; ..s,.. .. . m.n .. "b! Y• �F1.. ('K,. .._... . a . n Yf ,,.�.... .Y T' , "`":C �. CJt'7. 1l. NL .. •atfTx"Sfi!,345$.. 4A�.Y?dtsil .S �P'tit,,.,{iD�.�. K? �3 .. 3 Na?ro. 44 . , „ 9 1V} "1fix .Nxk.ki .`'�'4�§3 ? �. uL•1�{� _'------ 'r ° fS-_..__. __�� �! u3Sf _ .. _._ _.ate _ _F_.C_.._. _._..- �.... ..$s-__ __....._.'t.__.�.._.�._._._ ._ :°:,- TEEM-1Yk3f . t fS@!6�"ARIASG°T52-D- .?�__r,.:�a _�� �,p, . . ���._... ..___._...._ r...... t•'Nfif4kia.�NIM:'ap 4;,w,..rva'a,. ."1 MI,,,..-p .rt.... ' .•'1• •'-....:..,-.. }:_^-,,'1Nv%,6.1,,4txwAnvAk#fflliit?k'WFA A*i*A•d4lt*AJMdaiM _qqA MWdaw:W**.AYwVMXk lt*W.UW'"V«i'*.U..1 r-.A.w,wMaldWiiugbi AWa,ww.oww.3tre•:YM'nl+WrVIA4Ui mMAjY,wwv,a,"I .-i'w�iq'"O.*M".ft 44 O.-r 1W1N:�d,�""-q"eo,11°l,NM9 WA." M 2 �' a nieetin of Couxlc it was held on above' date , member s all Fre"sent excepting Rv . ape c i 1 $ , 'v nstone ` . Crs Cole Dobson and Osborne , the I�iayor presiding and stated ,that he had called ths, inee`tin for the purpose of authar�.zing the Roads end ,streets Comonittae to c 11 , g L 11�r�, .S: ':.��• com lete, the -r e�-surfac ing contract by-, the purchase of eddit Tonal asphalt . , l ', '`''. 'a,. ,. . p Freer seconded b D Rv Dale that the re -surfacing job be c,om lete'd 'with . ,"i; r Moved by, Cr De Y p . `, as halt not to exceed '300 additional to S� of H . L, 3 asphalt, at a price of 9 . 40 per on 1._. p Iii-N ,j, 1 i „ ' . and that the ,clerk apply for subsidy' for the additional cost of the work an ,,, " ,Carried " I �. �P xecommendatior� ;of the Municipal Engineer • , 11 1 ,a, Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Dp Rv .Dale that the: treasurer:. be authorized, to app y �� "I 1952 .I'll z for the interim sub s iy , on - road expenditure to August 31 s.t , " Car r,ie'd 1.. , . . .I .1 I I, r ri { � , '' - r'11.. , Cou c it �'ad ourned . N,� �� r On :,Iotior . , . - ti „ 11 �. • , . . ,._ , ,11 M . _ n '' y �� _ npIf 11. C e r1,. I�say or . . . - `;,. i , , {h i�•' Council Room September 5th , 1952 • ' .. a eetin of Council- was, held on ,ab,ove date , members all present excepting Cr ,f peci m :Ronson, the N�syor presiding and s tested that he had called the meeting to meet with { "th h P P °n °f r esed installat e Arena Management Committee in , connection w th r . . -- - - = 1_ I , , 1. A;, it artificial ice . 'in , the' Memorial Arena . 'I. .I 1 . C Car others seconded b Cr DeGeer that Council, accept the tender of Moved by r F y Committee , for s nded by t ne age . Canadian Ice' M chine Co a recoikae Arena Man went a `�''►; e tom letie �installation of a rtificial icein the Mexnor` ial Arena Ili,} f, 39 927. 00. for th p% sub' eat to the approval of the Town solicitor and tie ®ntario Municipal Board ns 3 - .1. , . I a " Carried ' "I . e b Cr Scott that the money received for salvage of roofing Moved by Cr DeGeer second d y �� V + '.: , 1 4 1. .1 ial . Arena be left in tY�E hs►nds of the Arene� Management C.omxnittee . 1. , ; „ material, on the Memor . . " Carried y' / . , .,' 1. C Co a seconded b Rv V nstone that Tuesday ''October 7th be seta s a date Moved by r 1 y a for tneetin on Civil, Defence ; that Mr J.H. Adams be a dvised of the date for the g a"., meetin that, the Clerk . be 'instructed ,to invite different groups to attend as shown �- ed in the I. ' , ,. _ , in the ltter eeceived from �Ir �►d�uras , and that adi�ert.isement be inser 1. " Carried " :Statesman '° ' seconded b Cr Cole that the Fire Committee be authorized to Moved b Cr . Osborne y , y s end a' roximately $ 50 . 00 to brick up the old, door , in the Fire Hall . " Carried " . PP 4i Y b Cr 'Carruthers seconded by Dp Rv Dale that the Public FrQpert Committee �I,oved y `' 75 00 to instQll • new lights f n t he i'olic a Off ice;. 41 be authorized to spend.11 " Carried " ��, On Motion Counail adjourned . ,,, • ,` 1 I ,. , /P . I e, ',�., i,� , I i _ - - M o r. �, a e�11 + `, i''' y 1 ' , ill r' ,, '♦ „ ' ,;, 'r , } , . s , ..-....r..++ .,.H,1.. ^'�Pf�••«+F+-+NMM'ew!!±* w.nrTw+.....,x,wr�_. 4,_4-�-.41,._,1 ,M!ny" ,�`'r ,;X41_''t.i,w. ;> .. -.t . - - . 1. .1 �klllll O 11 11 t _ , re r 7 4 .- x,.>s w- x -�'-sox-* - , _ . .,�, v LUNG ,, _ ..z P �+' ,f' �fii �i 's s s; +.t - Irl ,11 { -.. -.. �� x t n:. .m`?'»..ti r m .=t.. :-r-u .31 'm<,' n "'yt-': , tv4,. .s...' T '•it ct:rt , ., r - •- _ - it •' e • .r ,• r f. •..Rte T a C9f u„ . E Council o Room., October ?th , 1952 � z as eld on above date members all present excepting Cr Regular meeting of Council w h , i Minutes of last regular and special meetings were , read -_ -- _ - _ - __ n6 _ _ DeGe e �. , _ r , e yor _p Sl and on motion confirmed COMMUNICATIONS am Ur ; ett a skin that. Ora ar v ew Blvd be graded and gravelled and . enq,uirin.g a sidewalk . about,-,-.the construction of ' b Cr Scott seconded b Rv D le that the maintenance of the road on Orchardviev� : Loved F DP v y a " Carried " r It.4x , Blvd , be proceeded. with . Moved b Cr Osborne seconded b Rv D le that the Clerk be instructed to write the Mo d y y Dp Department of Planning and Develop�aent� �or information ion as to spec if isations for the r 6 " Carried " construction of roads in new developments * ` The Clerk resented a report on the result of the voting on, .By-L w No 1539 authorizing P the issue of 25 9000 ,000 on debentures for the purpose of a otnple ing the cost of installing artificial' ice in the i Memorial Arena , as , follows. ; -For the TMBy-Law ? , l l ; Rec & Filed . 1 ,n dineat the By-Law, 53 �, MsJority For 61 + . l r 2 000 . 00 or 3 From Ontario Municipal Board Toronto authorizing the issue of 5 , FI: " debentures. ' " Rea & Filed r and of hers petitioning for the aonstructi on of a cement sidewalk , ,1 P From Mr Robert F Bate n p g N • - est side of _Orchardview . Blvd. t 'i x cd 1 _ �� �� or nr�e�' :he,;�, � e et it i on being inw+u'W' �+s'inv wiw .. dw•.. ,r t k /.tln` ... ..,,w,- ..s.::.,, •e.e+: t t. y. .^oIRS •:'s!xoRf - ' .. r. �� d y .. ,..,:::. ,r... .,.... ��,,, ... P.. r..♦.•,.,... 'f^...,SS :L :"i' IY 3A1t".. �: » a ttsa�t®n, a" sufficiently signs r d , be accepted , and- the -work be rr�oe•ad�� �ith R 1- e�a s„ t it ioni 'for the • constructi on of a sanitary , sewer ' = , 'From Memorial Hospital and others petitioning , 1 and watermain on, Prince St , Simpson Ave and SouthwayDrive . ,.4 1 Moved by Cr Osbrone s eoonded by Cr Aob son, t hat the petit ions , being certified a s being F " Carried " sut�'icientl si ned be referred to the Public Utilities COMmission. y • S � . From I�ir H.w. 1Hebber and others petitioning for the oonstruction of awaterma n on 31 Sougog St ' from Tackman Road to Mill Lane " Moved b Rv , Dale seconded -by Cr Rob,son , that the pet it iron be referred 'back to the 1 , rr 1 y a not 9uf�f ioientl signed . " Carried " F petitioners f or additional signature s ,r being Y Cr ole that the Town solicitor be requested to find out Moved: by Cr Scott, seconded by r owners of farm lands can 'be exempted from Local Improvement taxes until such time asr ,th® farm lands are used for building purposes and that when the land is used for � building it becomes taxable at the usual cu s rrent rate and the required _ p eriod and if there i's a.ny other solution to the matter . " Carried " usual . taxa bl e p '. a From Xrs B Davis and others petitioning for the construction of a watermain on Mill Laid on the Table " Y,i 1 Lane . ston District huniai l engineer', Port dope•, in reference to the 1 From Ur R.F. Ma Pa ' " Rea & Filed 1. east Base Line, Bridge . d thanks Council for ,the construction of a parking area in fro t From Publ i a ' Sehoo�l, Boar ng . S school andr en uiri about a reply in reference t o the construction l of the Ontario t q n8 t -- of a sidewalk,. " Rea do , Filed From Ontario Fire Marshall in reference ' 'to ire ire prevention week . " Rea & e owmanville Found Co Ltd replying to letter sent theme in regard to the smoke _ . " i Banc e. Filed nu . _ " Rec do e Fro®a, RM6 Hollingshead Co Ltd f n • .reply to letter , sent to .them ab ou' t area ng •r tl , smoke nuisance* Moved b Cr Scott seconded by Cr Carruthers that the Clerk 'be instructed to reply 9 y cto `$ a are still Gamin in about the smoke nuisance from their f8 ry stating that aompl sate 8 " Carried " and asking them If any improvement can be looked. for . %. b 8 Construction Co ' stating that they .. would supply 1000 tons of gravel, From H . J.Mc Farl nd K 1 to re it a roads in the Torn damaged by their trucks travelling over the roads. 1 i Pa ' " Moved b Cr Scott s®aonded b Cr Cole that the letter , be aaknow�.edged and. so for the ; Mo � ' M y Carried 64joium chloride received for the Base Line road*`� t Franklin Park Asso r+s nesting financial. From Miss Ingrid Conway , secretary of a q assistance to improve the park. � 'ran� Bowmanville Recreation Commission asking for financial assistance for the improvement of Franklin P k. y C Osborne that Cr a Robson and Carruthers be a c'ommittee Moved by Cr Scott seconds by r and find out the facts and report back to Council to investigate the Franklin property ...and that the letters be replied t0 " Carried r " y ermis s ion to hold an From Chief Vento a on behalf of the Bo Scout C omanittee asking p 1. apple tag day on Saturday October 18th. M Cr Cole that Pe rmission be granted. Carried " s , Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by From Miss Mar aret Allin thanking Council for remembrano a of the 50th anniversary of 8 Rea & Filed IN her father and mother Mr and Mrs Harry Allin. M s bond on t Uemorial Arena root • "'� From Semple Gooder Co , Ltd, Toronto enolo losing t , ' ,. * .=;,, aM,'. -?i. •a. ty-• ..,.. ..q ..,,,..ik1+1 .t iNq!+x».r•YrmNrr..,.. - ^i. VOL= 7 zr. t - _"i -11 b f ,fryys I 1` ,&sr�...+. ;•` s_ tT. Fi, '(=.t §: ilaxw n".'E.`W^'F*'h.}.; ' , 'Lr,•` y'"v a»H �3„-`.:".° #:' . ,. . _ � 1 S ' ' ' / .. . .: , : .r 5. - , . ' t. : t a '3` ., ; - i • .a -. -a , .1. P 11 ,f' • , t , ..', l 11 4 ,rr .� 1 J.Y. .` 611 ,.. , , - ! ..iA,...,...�+..:t...-��._ �.�+.ww..•+!^.���'�.�.�•I,..�..�. ��. - ► It KART t C0 „ ( c�i,fins., r - - ouZlci�. Room October 7th 1952 �, rt �.' »� a t e recei t of the bond be ' Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Or Carruthers th t h p tou'o11 t. f . �, . .., " Car vied " �. _ _� _. ,r owled ed . 1. ac kn g _ _ _ _ F'ro'D1 Do�ainion Securities Corp . Ltd Toronto offering to purchase the ssue o ,�, !� - t 25 , 000 .00 debentures . Clerk be instructed to advertise I," ! ldoved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr Osborne that the f - x ° ,�: for tenders for the purchase of 25 .000 . 00 of debentures bearing interest at the rate �. ! • I 11 , i, of 5 e r annum and maturing in from one to ten years , and that the Dominion eaur t e s 11#t I. P " Carried �' Ir ; ' Corp . be advised accordingly. R e thankin Council for financial assistance received for a 4 I,� From Misrs Jean undl g s course thus enablin her to secure a position . " Rec & Filed " . b� sine s B r{ From glad s Nartlett , King St E reque sting the removal of a tree on Brown St. . Y P' am Drs T .E . Flaxna8n Lovers bane requesting the removal of a tree a t the corner of r � . , 1. ; her ,property . that the 're ue st s be referred t o the Public i 11 . , :Moved by Cr Robson seconded by Cr Cole q . . , . " C rried " . Property Committee � with power t o act . { son re ue stin the removal of two large boulders in front of i s 1 . • 11 ,•F L I ! From Mr L.0 . a q 11 a, I property , on High St .1 . f b Cr Cole that the request be� referred to the noads :��;" 1 Moved by Cr Carruthers seconded Y 1 . �- and Streets Committee with power 11 to act " Carried ' it le w . of at to Rowena v 1 1. -I � � s __ _ eats being ,r ,ac r�y�ye.STT.F� f34� i 4 I 1.11 t i e s C 1e rk C obour v�. S P - _ - . __ .__ -_ ._. - _ �.( : u . ' , !! C �a . 7 ,. ., r~t sc �,_ a e �., ., ., ........ .. - .. ... nxar �. 1._Y,1 _..._. . ,_ _, n _ ..., m ,. , ,. .. .,,. iw .. x.a . . �t! r.f r -- - �.,. ._-.._ _.... .. rr,.,.. .r,_.....a,..rtf t. (,., J ., r.+.�oV:.r>,.lt..,..r,afi5l.i..�.n1.nC3.a.,t.A,t 6..: .:�.3 .r�„J:S�Lx 4`r�57rT".' t%aa' ti' tA97f'iM,. S'• ."l..w "tit_. - -•, „+�`._ ,»rAslAer,a(aYUVnIAL __. _. .. _..__s,.. ...__._..--. ......... ...- _.......,... .....-._....._. .,..___...-,__.._._....._..._..._._ +j?..._._____. r'�.--. t....M.r ....f!?_,F..-_.. pwtx� m.,.• ,.., w. .. 1.: wlu�rwrmiVwpw .. w....»„ ,:-....., :; .. „.. .. .,. _... ., ..r r M N..k„r,y,.r ' ..l :+ (,. ,,, , � � (wJ,1.,v.,uu.ina.wre.+avv+hrvxomr•+n.1.It wp»!<..ltww�w.+YIKVa'u lt,i• hWw•www.w+.wlWrw,we,+suwaNI YWWHN.w((�M.lt,(MMpwtlti..4,W.+X:x,wlNw+•M_:+4k�•Nd vuW.i4!rcuuw .r, ♦ •..'a j dos ita3. end ding enaera ! . of .t . ..�,!( a.�. ' �.. p REPOTS /, I 1. �kk ... I 11 11 V nstone resented a report from , Hance Committee submitting sundry accounts Rv a P ant . `� t certified s• being correct and reco�moaending paym � �, �° ; r. amounting to , 11 , 253 . 73 , If 1. �,t .,I •-- " R e c & 'Adopted h 1. `.i ap ! • ! •• %',, t ers seconded b Cr Robson (that the Armistice Services be, held at the C Moved by C r C arru h y #! of h on Sunda November 9th at 10 . 30' A,PMO and that the Ministerial Association f� ! x Can . Y " C r ri " ' i , �,,� , a e d be advised accordingly . t , ( . Cr Osborne seconded h % Rv Vanstone that * 85 . 00 be granted to' the Fire Brigade n oedb N " r� tr �� �� ;�. �� M v Y out f Tres . r Carried ��� e i 50' of 170 . 00 rec �ved from s i�de n8 o be given to Mr Ra 11/,I l ` RvD le secoedby •Cr Scott that a C ivic Recepti n g y I. I •Moved b y I)p , onreeeiv hi h honors �'or music at Geneva Switzerland , upon, his return and J;Al I ���� 1"j ' '° Dudley n6 g - \ , 1f1 C committee '! Carried " "' ! the details be left in the hands of the Ci is °{ Cr Osborne that tYye Public Utilities Commission Moved b Cr Carruthers seconded by x 1 rl 4��1 ' . t e of fixtures with 100 watt bulbs �.n othersectio ns r}� - be requested to install the new yp 1. " Carried " t,4t,, of the Town , a s they come t o them.11 , oe authoriz.ed . to u "I I C Cole seconded b Dp Rv Dale that the cemetery' comiaitI ` " I Moved by r Y ost 0 I ' ", Carried a rouima of $ 100 .0 . 1. ,, urchase galvanized pipe at an pp t e c Y..: P I 11 C 0 borne seconded b Cr Carruthers that a meet i jug , be held in the C ounc it �, Moved by r s Y 1. � " at 0 P:M. for 1 the purpose of forming a Recreational ;!' Room on Monday October 20th 7 . 3 e clerk be instructed to invite the following to attend- ; Department in the Town and th„ . ► L ,11 ,11 I �-- Members off. Council , M�e��or John Foote ,M.P .M . and representatives from e o ow .,..-„<•ut¢.,r.t�NtlxY:lN r - �• r( l; wre • .. r u• nclt.n (!. E.(• ,�.\_«.•.-_...or a'niZatons ; F.rankliI1 Park Asso., Memorial Park A9so.; Recreation CoI�QI ss on , - ► 4� h'.t"�tvrtult trklto t, ..< 4taV r.,mtr 1. tt I,t,, 14 !`,. ' nto . k Memorial Arena Com�aittee and Recreation Branch, Department off' education , ono "' s r� Carriad ,I the ;1. {I' D Rv D le t hat a Bar havr be introduced , wit h , Cr Scott seconded ' by p ' i' Y A dove c i 1 Board rohibit ing the use of any addit f ona l land T 11 approval o the Ontario Muni pa , P . s of the I 1 . ion of the Town of Bowmanville fort the keeping t e Cor orat or , tit bin h P k scra iron or other metals , or auto wrking yards. �k establishing. of jun , p " Carried " ,I.�LLAI r Carri w to regulate the traffic of motor xv, �Tanatone l a sked per�nissioa t o intro uce a 8y-ha ,tI ! s4_ blic , streets . .III . vehi of e s , upon the pu , the first time.. On motion rule 31 was suspended and Counc it went int o granted and read On ao�ittee rising �. _'' committee of t he whole on second reading the Mayor in the chair . B Law was t Yuen read the Ma or re orted the second reading with all blanks filled in. y- . 1 . I�J / .� � q I I y p a second and third time , passed and ordered to be signed and sealed . 1�. debentures was given the third 11�' �` n,° a -Law authorizing the borrowing of 25 ,000 .00 upon Th By `��� ' s f i'lled in and ordered . to be signed and ! s.ealed . , 91 reads with all blank , ( 1, " ,p � , ( ,t Oh �[ot i on Council ad j ourned . , f � If• .L " , , f I .11.. 1. r ! 11 . : , r . Jerk . sY !1. I , e ,, ,..,- :.. ' �Ili 1. r - . , • . 0 . \ . „`„. -. , ! I 11 i�k : ' : 1 , I , , YC�LUMI� �7 .��, . _ . 7s,4141...',x,+•_, .uYfi��M' "; `_'�71�11�1 ;� �� � " " � ~ , .i .,. , : _ .,z �-.^ 11 , 1a tom.. 4 1 w E - S S t iti2.' Y . , , s r p . - Ec E } -.. .i"_ . I !: 44t , I _ • • r, . . , F - , .. • I ,, , i 1 ...,s. . : ! ,, J ! r ~� :3 4.„., , - in• . ,. !f - c.I Y z .. --rte—_ 11 _-_ -- O O 1 ,..*. . -�- Cou cil R m Oct 27th 952 Uft"s c - ti I u cil, was held on above date , members all pre sent e�rcepting r S.pea ial meeting of C,o n meet in to receive a w _ _ _ _ is - _ ., _._.:. ._ ��_-� `'_;� : - _Babson the- Mayor- presf ding .and _Stated that he had ' calla e ' s nn in reference to the � onstruetion of a �r i . report from the Public Utilities Commis i ¢, 1 ervice ro art owners in the Carruthers sub -division oIi Re er sanitary sewer to s P P Y . , . d9all Avenues . Cr DeGeer that the petitions for sanitary sewers on Moved by Dp kv Dale se'condedby Public Util�.ties Coaunission , and ehder and �.dsall Avenues be left in the hands of the t hat IY�e Tess be y to what procedure is being followed and P Petitioners be notified as p . ” Carried .+ „� "! t' ' .. ' notified a s to the details . t from the 1.- ! ;` �� a of the rQ�.ds and streets committee presented a repor �! ,t. Cr Scott chairm n a e in re and t n changes in personal , and mooed seconded by • roads and streets committe . " cotrn�aendations of Ihe� roads and streets committee. be adopte Cole that the r,e " Carried " � . . . Cr . . , , .1.. . , . BY-LAW oa 1 A 1 e ct i o s 11 I . I 11 . w '',. Is � ` I uo e a B -Law for the holding of Muni c i, I . I 1 4 Rv Vanstone . asked permission to ntro Y ' was sus" ended and Council gent into ` ' w. / � rst time . On motion rule ' 33 p . Granted and read the f On comit,tee rising committee of the whole on second reading the , Mayor in the chair , the Mayor reported the second reading with all blanks f illed in . �Y -Law was then a� cJ «q .. aw second and' thi» rd time , p as'sed and ordered to be signed and sealed , d Cr Scott tha , „ ..,. '] . _... ... iYA. SCN_*^aN 1 t. lRbglkY ;: YtJAlii 'H '°+ t a letter of than s e en . __. 11- u. .�r _ __ �d- - - __ his ,sound y . ,. h .::.-:r'..... ..... ..... ................. .:-�- -... : ...i ___ '.n•UR"t',.!',mow V �.�.0 �.oan of a screen arcs to -osbt"y :ne:� o Mr _ -_ _ ° t %p.._ - _._ r _ r Ih _ e Sant i ng for the - , _z..� ., ._ 3 i*a ce meetin e e en g f 4 „ Civil . r �-: - s e the , d�tert i to a , ., ea . On Mot ion ,G ounc i 1 ad 'j ourn / ,. .. u, '�;r r � t; : t,; ,, �. .rte r , I ' . " i,,, .. ,' ;. f1'`. . i { 1. 1 I t lI i ... , ,'. ..,. , h .� x, .i'. . ,:, ... " •.' „ . .` rat j .: Mayor • k " , ul iY C r •. .. ,. ',I a �' ... ..' ... i � i ! � ... , " :. . .<: 1, „I'11.r , .. < r .., ; } , ' . : r ' :., ,. ,., : 1 t !1.. ,r. .. , ,11 .�. .. - I ! �1. ,. , .:-i� t , } 1 VTI •11 -. ;. .: tr , , , r C until Roota Nov 3rd , 1952 or , 9 i. 'i 11 i4 resent w Kegu tar tae e t i ns of C ounc i 1 wa 11 s he ld' on above date , members all p the day a ular an d s e c is l the e t i ng s were r read and Qn .motion Y residW Minutes off' last r g . p ' I 11 firmed , t th Clerk be i cted to ac s Town con tru t a seconded by Cr "Scott ,th Moved by � Cr DeGeer 1 - - �� Carried "1._. 1 inistrator . for big meeting of Council , CA IONS d ., comma . g't� s i gn s be removed I'll} , ,;. a e o StoF ins or Standi �. From �Jir G. F. Jamieson , reque sting 11 I ,1 .1. lv r and Kin his at the �co me r of Ste. e g �t sq;, n front o .property � Police �tl, borne 'that the, request be referred t,o the 4 .�. r . Moved ,by Rv Varistone seconded by s. " C rrieci " `11 C omtait t ee: with owes , t o p ,act at ion of a street ` 1.ig ht at the - From Mr J.H. A]adread , High St reque sting t`he ' ins tall h Sts 1. 3 ,zl," ,Ik,' ,: corner of Odell and Hig a be " e.dvi sad ,that all, request __.;,,,.,t3,_; M d b Cr C rruthers seconded ;,vy Cr Cole that Mr Alldre d 7rr _ ov e y t is' installed . " Carraed "11 11 .• be i with held until new l i ght i ng . I - " 1. I'll f or s treat lght s , are ng their c CIhu. .~ - �- om Mr and Mrs W .H. Carruthers thanking Council for remem ranee �on 11.1 Fr _ Bye _�& : �'iged" 1 ,,! ' wedditig anniversary . Council for- Iheir e]Cpres3i - . ;11 of the late W.H� T ickson thanking n ,From -t he family "Red, & Filed " �. �. (. rtn ssi to hold 1. sympathy:. o Committee asking pe i on r a n of the P From Mr w1,R . Abernethy , ch firma ApY -1 .to da on Saturda Novenb'er gth. f 1. _ the annual poPPY g Y y rani ssion be granted'. " Csriec� " u 11{ " Cr Robson seconded by Cr Cole that pe Moved by � shin consideration be ' given for the „ .1. ' From Lt . John H,amm� of the Salvation Army rental of the Town Hall for 11 the Barad concert hdld on October 2th,• . C Cole that no charge be made for the use of the oven Moved by Cr DeGeer seconded by r , : z ,, Ha 11 a of ? . 00 be Y ,11" Cr C rruthers' seconded by Cr Osborne that a chars " �JLoved an Amendment nt 'by , a " Amendment` carried 11 t`4 : r, , $e for the use " of. the Town • p , : _f eta of the Bowman vi l le Beach As so asking C ounc 1 0 11 " 0 `irrm Mrs Lillian E billing , Sear ry gi de beach: e tahc�e over the road back of the a of tnge s at the west a errs d to the Town ;, f b Cr Scott seconded by Cr Carruthers that the matter e r ti Moved Y " Car rf ed " !I? ,t, Y . solicitor for a ruling,. , __ e 1 to motions referred to him in regeird tot N y, From �Ir W .R . Strike , Town aol�citor , reply,y . , yards and Local Improvement assessments . ,r- 1' �, the establishment of dunk and auto wreck ng y ation be made in regard .'` ,,..�, r,f` -a Cr Scott seconded by Cr Cole that further invest fig -111: I �t M4ve d by the Town 1 , d a t wrecking yards and referred to Y': the establishment of dunk yards an u o t4 4 * ! , „ ' " Carried .I 1. -: J "I ,�, i Planning Board for immediate` reaom�nendatd�ans. �.,,r 1 . z YoL 7 s U � . � ? 'll . . :' r *•rid 1. 4 ;'� £ FSx j ' '� - - lfg r �� _. ., ' ._ s m a. __ - I ,s s. ._ -.. _ -. ,�. r. .. . -. i, ' I , } . . i,. . V ,. - , , ,4 , i - . G' •, 11," .0 i - „ ., } ,. : - . .,'' ii . R ,. ,_ ,' . . ,11 I} - - • . '- , . 3F e (L/ 11 I ;.�. TS� — - Council Room November 3rd , 1952 1 o dad b Cr Carruthers that the triatte r of Local Imorovem ant C4� Moved by ,Cr Scott sec n y " Carried. " I •MR[T ' ,eA r ,,} .. ' r. � ���� assessment - be brought _ �� p _ at next Council meet ng , �. �; 1. __ ._ . �?... tr 4..+ , I 11 hinister of Highways , Toront o in regard ; to the issu nga _ K �4, Millar , Deput y s From ��r J . D. } ;, building permits add 1. scent to the new four lane highway. Laid on the Table r , R�;PO TS 11 Rv Vanstone presented a report from nanc ii C oramit t e e submitting sundry accounts Local rovanent accounts amounting to 20 , 731 •" 2 k to x.7 , 606 . 10 an'd ,gyp amount i g I " ' Ree & Adopted " nt ^a. t i fi ed a s being correct and r eoftmendi n,g payment - eer t the Clerk be , instructed not to accept any .1,1i I Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr DeGeer the at it s for and g igned by the I I- ture until there is written on it wh , account in the, fu " Carried " person making the purchase • �� {4 e that the matter of the completion of the I 11 ;'. :," � r Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Osbor n ir� im ro�aement of waverley Road , be brought up by next years ving of Liberty St and p a�� . 1. _ �r I ,� Foote M . P . P . be requested to , co-operate with ,�� Councih in March and that Ma jor John 9 " Carried � " ,,, . • ., mj " : Council to interview the Minister of Highways . rec oendat ion of the Fo Lice Committee , ' ,. r Moved Dp Rv Dale seconded by Cr Scott that on - ;� onstgble be hi red P.or 11 the Town oP Bowma.n vi 11e . 11' and Chief Venton that another c ,, ried " Car 1.I . . . ; , that Council appoint Mr Jack Elston as ii . Moved by Dp Rv Dale seconded by Cr Cole n Carried" A Civil Defence co ordinator for the' Town of Bowmanvi le' i I I'll n s _n s 0 n . m 0 v er a g _....rtv ,�. wMr•� � M C C rut " 11 I. t the alt � -- �- : r e.r hers t ha �, . ..,j . r, h , ,I 1 _: : ' !. _ ,_ li �. c�, t_ s _ - -- _ _ __ _ - -1 = -__,.e -Police Comm,�ttee: w ,h _:.-pa ®r Ontariot be referred t a t h fi of. Council be held on f d b Cr Cole that a special meeting hdoved' b Cr aaott seconds y y embers of the Pudic ut ,ilit ies Commission Monday November 10th at 8 . 00 P .M . and that m • s. the ropo sad By-Law to borrow 3'50 , 000 . 00 •upon I 1 . be requested to attend to discus P cast of obtaining,: a supply. of water from ti, w,•,, d p s of defraying , ebenture s for the r I .. urpo ,... . , . .. r„ . ar ;, Ontario . f `1 .�Y •Lake .1 .11 . 1., 1 11 a; 3e F� „ I :D °' - .r .,1�� - i. , CA ciladonr , r, f4� On of i ,, -. M on .1. I ne:d _,_ , , y,. ,11. . : .:, , 1A ,, , ., , 1.�ht• 1 ,r_v .... a , . } .. .,, .. i . ;, . ,�, li, ,,. , _ •,, r , �� 4 , .N ' ' , iiier W � rrl Yl' :.lil . c . „ rk . . .1. 1A �,; t,a' ���. �, f {•, 11�,1r , r, v... , , ..01,b, At sY .. .. y, I 2 ,i • • . b er 1 Ot h 19 5 -,� , • , . • C oun c oom ova , ,, . . . �� 4rv1 eetinQf Council wQ.s held on above dae ,1. members �al l pre, ant excepting Cr �,� S.pocalm 8 he hid' cal �_ed the meeting to meetwith _` Robson the Mayor , presiding, anal , sta•ted t hat ' ties Commission and Mr Don Redfern , Engineer for the �' iriember sof the 1'ub t i c Utilities 1 i • 1 water f or the f obtaining an,'additional supp Y of Comitsion , to explain the need Q • �_. _ +• • A I 11 Town and to pa By . s s . Laws r _ L . _ 1 _ R _ B� �f� _ t o . i od a as on ntr a AY L arm uc a Pr • sked w t o �. •.. . , ovide� �f o After discussion Rv Tan stone a P u on A ebentWe8 • to � defray the cost of , instal ling an 2 borrowing ng the sum of 3 50 , 000 ,00 p tari'o um ing equipment , nettling •basin and waterma ns �. or. i . 11, ,� . I r intake i n Lake On , P P f t Yea Municipal ty ' 'I'll" W* I / , waterworks s stern o motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went unto Y Dn Granted and read the f 1r,st time , or in the chair . on, C ommittee rising the May cO mittee of the whole on second re+�ding , at the B -Law be given its, moved b Cr Carruthers eeconded by Cr Osborne th . Y • it was Y • " ' Carried 11 . ,, d' readin - ; I— secon g , then iven its second reading and lei d on the tab e . - , The By-Law was g 1, I to introduce a By-Law to avlthcrize the carrying ono a 1� / Rv Vanstone asked permission of the r e ulations under the ,_ Iii1i q unit ro ratmcne of recreation within the ' meaning g ' . . comm y P g I • : Department of Education Act . „ r was sus ended and Counci 1 , went into f I 11 Granted and read the first time . On motion rule 33 p air Gr the .Ma or in t he chair * i committee of the whole on s ec and read ing , Y of B -Law . i readi y A 'th+e Ma or, re orted the second n6 ., . On committee rising Y P , . •. The By-La w was then I A.�d on the table ,, •:r titloners on Rehder and Easell �ivI s r ,R. Me b Cr SQOtt seconded by Cr Cole that the pe I I;11 ' tov y } °, ]Public, ties Commission have recomended toCouncil that the { be advised that the P �tili a area in uestion is not ` est for the installation of a sanitary sewer fort q , t .. ,.•; requ ee from their engineers and that the , raatieable from an engineering stand point on adv e s a sin under an r P ed and may be presented by' the petiti r g 1't , petition i s being return c Ut i l l " Carried j r Com�niss3on . . a ternative plan which is in the hands . f the Publi ties r ,,r, ,if 1 a the salary of the Recreation Directo : , Alt,• $.' '- Quad b Cr Osborne seconded by Cr C th®rs• th , y Sop the year 1952• rl ,� , ,��� r Don Shay , be increased ill 1 i .i r Cr Scott that the salary of the Rearee►t�.on r „I, , ���,�; t b Cr De r seQOnded by r Sc .a -, , r Moved an Ame ndmen y , 1 �, l 4 ' i '' j - t rr , -... .. ..q.a:1 A,,M 411Iy1M r „ .:•,, .. Fyr , .. 2 u x ,,. ..• �' O � � � �� _,N _ _.;A v LUMT ,£ , `r ' +. . ';I'9. ', r I _1 q Y, i l -. 1 u 'L > x t s �' C 7 l - �. � f t , - wr s`' � xJ r } {. s .3 a ° t r � ,�� -+. ,.r_ F 2.' 1 £ 5 34_....-,-u',+,.c- a... S -r,- „ ..,x.d.,.,, :::., :, e -3 L., e ,., ,. ..... tt : j I. ` ,1 '. r , , - 1, 4 5 . wv, ,, . , . � 1 ?, . r• .f — _ �' _ • --f„ - - �. .N , -- - 1 - -_ " 4 - ,. __ r -- _._._.._..._.11 S.&I"tIL� __._ �._ -- ; - N vembe r 10t 19 52 _ x .� �1 Council R o o h : r, E : �,, " :w o creased to !� 040 per annum increa se to start when be `� Director , Mr Don Shay be in ;�" �• �� n i AJ0 4� `cI11ena8s a receetion programme at the Memorial ena . Motion Carr ed x ,; . : . \ s ;; s .. ,' On Mot ian C ounc i 1 ad Mourned . f 11 11 4. � �� I I . � I . . I �11;� : , "' . I . _x" 7,w, 4zaW=,7:"_ - " I r. • \ r�` •, ,. I.. f, 7t is '/ 1 11 I 11 1. rk . f ':�, , r '� �� 'ry r . , �f ;, v S' .. �� 4 , 2 _ bet l th 195 i.�� .., , . Counc.i1 Room Nov�M 7 , ,:, ,li, I , , • 1.• e s all resent the Mayor 1 , , �, :S ecial meeting of C'ounc it was . held on above date mem r P ad; called the meeting for the purpose of opening tenders presiding aiad stated that he h lm • d\\ for debentures and pas si ng' -Laws • owin •11.1 debentures were received from the foil g , - „ Tenders for the purchase o f 2 5 , 000 . C� .11 • ie s C or 100 . 06 Dominion . Securit P , g9 279 , y & C o Ltd . , ,1 J L ' ,Graham r , rw 11 2 .11„ , 99 , 8c D e nt on �� s ,� o s Br \� ., �, rn : • , Bu � . •11 . 2 99 5 . . Bell Gouin�ock & Co Ltd , ; , „ _ . CQ ,� .. — l�..rl t... ._. n' u.,r� .: t fhv«`viYtw. ! ,jT. ,r.yat -r,rynVtn+�':. Y ARIYMtN�6R1. w ___.__r_. "MINN”,.- . 7:Y .. - ._ .... __ _,A ...' .4� "> WJ,1�MA "iW W 1A4Wtld6 4 AI P iaryN rEr..11_ i .... ..... _ .._..... .. ._ , .�_ ..... _ __ ��SHF AAIL1'R All _ rdnyr � Co _ _ . —..'!1P11'—_ __:.__ -_ ,-.-: _ .___.._ nrtcaa, .emnr - ,+mmv:.ra+ww.mnm.ac�w:c..wcuarw..wsem.mcwacva 9. , , ,. _. .:r. ,1. Anderson. er & ___ and � �� r. , _ , , \ , , , • that the tender cif th•e Dominion Securiti s , Rv ganstone seconded ` by Cr Carrut�iers 7 \ Moved by tures be' .acne ted . �� Carried "17.W Corp . for' the purchase of 2 'S , 040 .00 deben Poe ed ` for eneral business C,r Scott seconded by Cr. :Cole that the meeting be p n g 11 11 k_ w -,. Move'd by it Car ried "' 11 � 1 15 . a minted to bring in e seconded b Cr Scott that a committee be : P_ +loved by Rv Vans't _ n y ,,f r; r f under the B _I,gw authorizing the c arrq i ng on o f a a recoinmendti on for appointments Y n Carr ied isi eetin of Council . com�nunit rorar1 of recreation, at the next m g • Y P or a ointed Rv Vanstor_e , Cr. s De`Geer and Robson: r ,, I. The May pP t ion as sed at the last Council 7. .4 Geer that the mo P .. oved b Cr Osborne seconded by , Cr De I'll M y �. Carried the Recreational. Director , be rescinded 1 meeting in regard t o the salary o , . �� : son that the ' letter received by Cr Carruuthers frrnm Moved by, Cr Scott seconded by Cr Cr , Ro , r.stat a ro erty , be acgnowledged t Yanking • - -- Mr P , I . Franklin in regard to the Franklin P P round . " Carried " Mr' Franklin for allowing the property to be used as a P aYg ii a' Cr Cole be a pointed to bring in a repoa�t , "I r Moved by Cr, Scott seconded' y Dp Rv Dale t h t F ,,\ area and re ort beck to Council at. the next meeting .11 _ in regard to securing a parking I �t Carried I 1 . 10 : 00 as the eer that Mr Clarence Soper be paid I Y Moved b Cr Cole seconded by Cr DgG - " C rried " 1;1.y ,V • ; Town ha , er be tified = ... . 11 s s re for bul]:doz ng 'o.a. �, „ to the ed'' h Cr DaGeer thatr . 'A. S . Bak no as �, Moved b y,, Cr Scot t second y F` the insa].lstion of a street light o,n Neatens Ave . . chi s ositi on of his request for +� Carried " �P o 1. hat the Clerk be' instructed ' to write t I. Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr , Carruthers t Bui tdi ng a , Toronto , ---� : Barr Pro arty Department , Department of Highways , larl amen 1. r D y � p om the Public Utiltities Comvaaission , containing its reques and enclose original letter fr t hat it i s the hope 1.` d add roofded a satisfactory ` settlement be m 1.11 , ade with the owner ,, t an - t ilt it ie s C om�nl.s si oi� be granted not onl at the r e nest of the Pubs.is U � of. this ounc i l t h q t al so from the standpoint of 1.1•;, a ss for the .Town of Bowmanvi l l e bu - t I .x` 1 for the usefulln . trance to the Town and as an intregdl part of this new g y bequtif ication a s an en " Carried " , " systems . - lin r o dad b D Rv D le �that the N yor issue s. proclamat on ca g c n a t More d by Gr 0 sborne s e y P e and su ort the forma opening of the Memorial Arena „ il upon all a�ti�ens to ao operat pP I Carried 11, on Saturday November 22nd , " 1 BY-LAWS . - I. . D le asked permission t o introduce e f of low .ng y- aw$ t..� )1�6 /� Dp Rv a _ w No 15z , . / to B -Le►w to Amend c es for a limited : . 111A �1! I y e _for the arking of automobiles and other vehi 1 A By-Law to provid P ;, ", time on eertian sr eats in the Town . ® was suspended and �Counail. went into anted and read the first time. On motion rul 33 ' ,. (fir On c+omQnit tee rising �, second reading the Reeve in the chair . ....ocunittee of t whole on ' al h' blanks filled in . By-Laws were then read ie Reeve reported the second reading with d ea�.ed . a secon d and third, time , ' passed and ordered to be signed n , . . 1, , � !,j, .� � I ,_ 2 ' . , , I � . � I I . 0 a2a-m- �n lotion C ouno i 1 add ` a 1 .t 3 ti ,t , .. ,I.. 1 k � { - `, l 1 , 11 e 4f. s .,, 5-�i 1� 7 VOLUME ? 14 I r � � ., K,., 4 �r� ._, n ' . - . 11 I . , .vw, `. _ T I'll a. __.. _., . sY' - / `, ' . V. , E Y t t, _ <. ... }.`, . . ,1 ._ r , .u. . I .. '4 $, , , 1, {. a ,, r . .,- t a n - f x ' *_*.�T.00 _ �" ---�l_ C ounc•i �_ r 1St 19 5 t,.,,w. c V 1 Room De c em , et . . . gent except ino the eeti ? of Council. was held on above date m�:mbers all pre I ri �, - .... �o Re gu lar- m ' s,KC• __ ti �� h � , � v Vanstone residing . hi.riutes ofst regular and eciA..l mE- ngs_. :rver_e k,. l�.ay or , R P ,, ,E �; n confirmed . ", and on mot i ,' C01� 'UI� IuIiTIQrI� I forrnatiori in ' favor, of i k vi 'lle Fceereatlon omm ss on stat, i•n th .t they • are. ; n i a. From Bowen n on the recreation e ' the Town and that in their. Bpi 1 �f �, recreation d erar.tment in ;, R rena Board i n �.n advisory sort/ capacity only , or I� r ion .� should be �n th . ' �, ed � , a d i ro ct Y e `� Rec� & F11 , I �� • account t` t �' ation a s !�aretek-er of the Town �cl ]. or_ �,� � From Yr Wj 11 iam Tait tend erincr his resign , . .of i 11 health , acce�Fte'd wi_t- h 1 A t at t he � resinati,on be b Cr Carruthers seconded by. Cr De Geer h , . lei hr,oved y that his salary be• continued until the regret and wi skim him speedy recovery i�nd C srri ed " , , i end of, the � yen r From N;r C . S oke , ��sse ssor , a ski n� pe rxnission to ' take two �Neeks holidays , the last two w weeks in , Decemb _.�, �' r two weeks salar L- I .., hat ivr Oka be granted Y 1. . ,. roved b Cr Osb ne seconded" b�,, Cr Carruthers C cried �' Y 2 if it meets wi"/', ` ip ap�,roval . ' a ' in .1i$u o 111 1, x „ of h lide.ys fir 195 eouestj.n . t© have ditch cleaned ' out on the eastt side - I�.,r H . J!. Da, of . . From �d son and er s r I L, �y ;, r$h of the Base e Lin . Of Iaj.berty t No �. n'Str��l �.t;,Qd. Sao �v� rite each u. �x, % P.�Pu m E Tp. _. ,. ._ . Y e ,�/P t t �j\' �' . L . he V �i s. _, + p ..... �ry1 a. s ,_..1 - ...--. _.... - ,. ,,,.....v.. .... ,•. _ ,.S'.- .aC ._ ..✓. .. ..F...0 r:.....,,, .•.,,......> .,;..r.1,.... t ,,J .�,1,.., w l.. ..... t• _:: N - s. a• t mars• a uar :::- .:,..., „ y+, 'A E T_ .,..r7.. ..... _._..-._.. ... -._...... ..... ,i .. ... ..."-__ .._ .._...�. .... �.! -.. .. °• HL AM1G7,AAi1lP..tUl7fi,4a^,.1/.a:l!;J R., .c rcr _.-..... -.- .. _�. _ _.._ -.�� _ ..__,. w - _ _ _ - - t E� '-' ._ =sue�. r --- - .. _ 4� e st ins there t� s n concerned �requ te1�a �t �., ty ,, r o lain ly e.� Pe 9th at 7 . 30 1' .M . t o. exp . . ember more f�l Committee in the Council. Room on Tuesday sec ++%;0, , . " Carried Ij uest their r ,q . . 1. shat the Clerk be 3.r� Ducted to obtain ' ;iiY,, b:oved by 1. Cr DeGeer seconded by Cr Robson t ', x ! ,1. the bui ]:din of a f enc across an unopened road c.11owancs . , information rear i ng arc ed I I", C , ,J P 41� 1 / 1 AMP�' ' - r. ' � ' I L 1 ` s R EPO RT3 t 8 ., f orlmittee sLibTllitting ' sundry 8:cc�un , ! , ' . • D pr nt to , g? 2 Rv D le se ed a report from the ance ;, , P fl meat a ecount s amount in�g 1 00 „ �t Local Z e ++ , ' amount�i , g to 2�. , �.0]. . 6 acid �+ Rec &, ado tad {�` ed as being correct and rec ending Payment . p wine certifi streets committee recommending ,th,e follo • re rted for the road and t ive weeks Cr Scott po . „ 1,' ecu , d r t b t e �� .I�� . 0 . trunk by : at the o 1 d G be. sold : . ten• 'e a advertised,s rvo Th , in the Statesman. T+ t be �rmitted with• permission f t Ya P, . R oa 4ra tre et s d epartmen p �� , That the employees o art. f or of the t o i r�sta 11 waver i n, the heat ed p ,, — — �� from the ' Public i�tilities; Comm.ission work ": os a ref washing trucks , the Towne men to do the Towns had for the pur p of ro d 111,11 �� �� E the purpose a ways ;1 11 I " P cuj_verts installed on T proaerty for j That all f•utur , . ,' teal mated` type an l that the use i 1 inch diameter end be of co.rruQ . be a, minimum of 5 .. 1 I tt"I of other type be not permitted ++I. , i an � of the Roads and y endati ons C Scott seconded �,y c, Osb o rn e t t the r e c run M �� , . y r, ,oved Carrie ,1. , by r a nc i1 I .11 for thc� resent nd inco�air�g p C ou ,streets Committee be adopted to the Fire Hriga:de . .: ed b Cr,, le that ?�7 . 5� be granted ++ 1' r. Moved by Cr Osborne second y , �- �TBrried ��. -� y ed ro out side , f ire s il . �_ a , being Publ;i c Ut i lit ie s C t�mmi s si on 50 q6. of none receiv •I.- 5 - _ 1 secande by t t e Moved by Cr Car;ruthers .Cr 3c of t tha 1', 1 be ins ructed to proceed wi th the in tallati on of. the new type of street lighting as �, r the exits and entrances t o the new four on Liberty St. South :an d r �� ���soon as possi ble , It C rried " . , , , 1 . ,,: , ' � highways . , � Canada ,exterminating L. ,. Moved by Cr Carrut here seconded by ' li Cr Osborne that the . ►"eLeod of . �` r b d that the caretaker o f r t he dump service be dis continued »with the e.nd of they „year :� rst �, the duties of the extermination of the rats at the f "I { be instructed to take over •+ Carried �� ), , a`•' ,11 I „ , of the year . , / i that the s ar�T of t.Yie recreational 11,1.. o dad by. Cr DeGeer , Moved b Dp Rv Ddle sec n or 1 2 . .� Carried �� y . '.f „Vy director Nor D.M . Shay , be increased to $� 3340 . 0 e.nnum . r `'' Medical officer of Health ,be requested Cr De Geer that tji �t Moved by Cr Scott seconded by c Heal th ��ct t R S 0 1950 . ” 1 A, ,6, = a n ermits a provided by Section 93 . t�bl i • not to issue y p =.9+, k 'l. of auto. wrecking or . junk yard s which are ,� ,, Chap ,306 , for the establishment of extension plannir_ Board. have, had '0 ` 'i d which �aa be established -within the Town until the •j, now an Y �� Carried" . • time to property zone the Town k be instructed to prepare a ®,.. Moped by„ Cr Scott seconded by Cr Robson that the Cler of d auto wrecking yards as provided by section 2 3 for licensing un ya Carried' i' , t} ; , �> , then Munic i pal Act . t th@ _O ,V b Cr Robson tha Clerk be instructed to prepare s r Cr acott seconded y corn i { M. ; �, Moped by overnin the 9ellin of potato chips , pop } i_ ,; ,!;: , Sy-Law for licensing , regu�sting and g g " Carried " • ,_1 I ;`:, , ' ;, . and other fooda�tuff s from vehicles . the tractor loader be covered by ;,� Moved b Cr asborne seconded by Cx Carruthers tha w G .M .C . y e �.neuranae , that the insurance on the ne J - f,' "", � �� p'u.bl is Liability end Property , Dame �' . ,.'� ,;�. - ..., y�..., ,.,�+ i•/ ` - , � � 1�!' +sa�'tr�lil �.{K'�Jd49,:1'I,MEM!+.'I pwe++, 1 • , . ,, ,..A.�,x wp!sl,r T/Qyr.^,*!" ww,rT...•. n %, e..,'r'x'i" j,,L,tu•/ . e»€ n.d€v...cF -;ra,,,., a 7 N E _{. ,4.� C 45 "1- „ VOLUML 7 as h. 1 t .'_ ,. T . +. Ego- 171, ..f 4 C oune J 1. RoOM , December 1st 19,52 ' Liability Insurance an d 100 , 000 . 00 , Public 000600 t ncreas 509' truck be ed to ........ 50 , 00 and 100 * 06 deductible - -- --- i s jop J'n *4 0, 14 .1 1, -e as to rate s _c, in, co onquirv. -be mad " - Carried , tit ernational FIre Truoko for' the ' Int G ounc i I ad j ourned On Votion 7 Y, ayor ,ko _YW if t7, 0 it if t J�i i:f :4'i� o pi it� e it it;7 '1' _N tt t, ;I 4 v" it "'i, %: P!7 io, J 4% 1 it 'tii i !zl� ti 6i it 11 fill,it ji tit _Pt ti J!, I,t:l V ,jlr� 0. 7 Ask �I'l it eip it t� :V, 't 0 6 # 411 ---------- Z-7 ------ -4— -�v,I, t'.i,N I,i,j x; villla.lt) w�,,I,& wit "I j ri, minxi;.zI 14; P it :ti 1 tt. YIN, ni, :J jf: '01 il,P Ir it IV iii: pt" it ;.17 p j 4i it 01 It. jl. z i" -it t'I ki 41. if ;t �T j it 4z A, it j ok v, %i-.. -pi A J it f-ilit 4 .I�v, sl Y i i, ,, :0 11 It ,", .1.1 r, ; " , , . I jit', If 1, iq: X� iji q! it It. "I it V� 1;6 11 4 111 lit I, -.,J"1i't , .I I --,.�'l� ' I i, . I "I A I, -l' ) 1" Alt t;i .1 :It it 0 j i I it I',At l'ill,Wit"'j, ff, 0 �4, "irt i -A i It lit i "'tt, it, tit, A, ...... A ys, itV tl it A lot V,I 11 T It e, If r* "Tit I J i:41 A� If 41 .I.... it ;1 7i I" 7 it f 0 i,414J.; it W_mw rx VOLUM 7 7,2