HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 fi i? � k 3 ., } _ 2 �.: � o n _,ti. ".F* I j .n _tit. r �;. 1 - , .. I - . �6 , , e • 1 r !, r - , t 1. t, .L i 1. , .y. : + - _. .. - y y , .. , .- t -r ..-' k.M ...+,:ap 1 q ,: .,Y t :.,. eI!! ,r ' r. , • - - —__ _s. ,_>a - ,,� t ,, ---"- - , _ t.R.14AXT t tQ _. «_ _,_ _ _._ � _ ,Y,, r ..�� , !C4 C ounc i 1 Room , January gth , 1'9 5'1 c ,,, > CC cow ' I z{ ,t w s«sc♦ • s 04f} was held on above dente . Thar Clerk reported on the Inaugural. meet ing of.Count i Y ows all being el acted by ` results of the Municipe.l election for 1953. a s fo , , } .+ 3 h �� acclamation ; ,r ! Ttr J mieson De uty Reese , F ,Me Vanstone , Councillors ; Mayor , L .0 . Mason , Keeve , G .F . a , P ?;, , G .R . Woo 11 a others N . E . Osborne M . S. Dale , A .0 . Darch` R .J . . Nidder'y , , . . D. Carr , '�" Public Utilities , Commissioner ; �I: . J . Elliott ' z y ,",��} offer Mrs Winona Clarke , W . G . James , . ., Public School Trustees R . 1 . Kitson , H .W . J y , K .W . Jackson , W. L .Lycet , K �, the Ma or o ti ' the oath of office the members elect took their seats and y , After taking t y ,a u on Rev F Meredith to open the meeting with prayer . ? 0 called p _ ,`• • : The Ma or thanked t�ev . Meredith on behalf of Council , for his sere eeS . y t e former members of Council and the tw►o new members and gave hi s The Mayor welcomed h q , a ass stati that many new problems would confront Council during 1951 ., �: inaugur 1 addr n8 t d b D Rv Vanstone that the standing co�aittees' for 1951 . Moved by Rv Jamieson seconds y p � ., . ed , be as- fo f rs th rs Carru e flows i t nam to e t a rman , , ! Vanstone ,, Jamieson , Dale. , , Finance , i Streets • . ' Jamie sons Niddery, Vanstone ,: Koad s and , . , Osborne Jamieson Darcn s , ,a. , r'ire ; . . ------- W. __. - •, r .__�____._:_._. __ _ ._.__r_ Carruthe - �a 18 Vanstone �_. _ _ _.,. ... _ y.., _ ...,.._._.. a- _:.. .r.,s,.i�fi .t NW j �+ 4`r '+E�11:ef.,�6PMib�rfbth'z•t�."rt .,, � wr•«Y;�?v�£.,t�...r�lvn.. .. , ..::..........:.�.aF„..�,r., .,,,9,,,.�,•,r.+..rm.+a+a.w..W. ,Y+.w,w�xsi+�v+. ::.m. :: - _ 'cr:_.-_- ...:, -•rwi->e^'•-..n-.n.-e-•^r;-r ..�.:. .a.x �:`.Yr.;., i -_.x-!-_........_.,......_.r. , ..<,�.,,w.«rr«..,.,;.r".�.....:�vxat,+,�£�£•aww "�«'+:",r��+'*w�.+sr, rar.,��.+w�w..nwW...,.�..... ,. . , r , :! Publi�C p ty ' , aid Carrot hers. �.: , . . Pro er , �s me . o , e �- . . Darch Del a Osborne . Civic & Relief , , I Kidder Wooll , Dale Cemetery , y � ' � � '�fo o l'1 , Mason Vanstone ' �Cndustrial , D�erah Osborne , Dale , Woolf , N ddery , . N- �: Court of Rev 9 io , . _ _ „ harried y confirmed . , . mutes off' last regular meeting were read and on mot on !� � ld . . COMMUNICATIONS gard to 'rt, ; , tb and .B. Bennett Faving Ltd , Oshawa , in re From Mr D. J . � Dean , Enginee , Wh , y „ " !t> I !„I Rec & Filed !, Y , paving repairs on King Street . is Utilities Commission in regard to the condition of the {, prom Bowmanvi lle �'ubl ” ReC ;& Filed , " ,, �� y Manners Koad opposite pleadowview Blvd. Ottawa in reference to C, .N .R . station crossing . �, . ;. From , Board of. Transport Conissioners , , " Rec & Filed . M < . . s • ' " others askin for fhe ' installation of a street light at or r From Mra T . A . Garton and 8 _ � near 109 Church ., St . oast be referred to the �blio �Qoved b Cr Darah seconded by• Cr. Osborne that the req n „ Y t Carried �ropert.y Committee with poorer to ac . From Bowmanvi�lle Chamber of Coa�nerae the C donation and nking ouno it for •t e r, . assistance in making , the manta Claws reds a euceess " Rec & filed " "I tario Good Roads Asso requesting renewal of membership for 1,951 , and advis ng a' From On _ .,,.. to , be held in Toronto on Feb 20th and 21st . w �.. of the annual convention at a y C rc that membership be ' renewed for 1951' n ' s Moved by Cr Dale conded by r Da h " Carried " .z annual fee Qf . 00 c dad b Cr Carruthers that the Town solicitor be given the , M©ved by R Jamie son se on y =� ett Davin Ltd and be advised by the chairman of the { contract bond of the 1N .$. $enn 6 s ` r A ; �' s a d streets committee of the situation in regard to the road rape rs on n8 ti s : road n • a an ste s he may think advisable in order . to protect the - aced be authorized to t ke y , p . .. ,, " Carried " ins tore st s of the Town r ` REPORTS , , !, � nanc a commit t ee submit t f ng sundry account s Y, : D Kv Vanstone presented a repo from ie f i P account for $ 60 .00 , certified 8s bel a anti t o 50?4.. gg and Pu School Building „ „ -_4 � ' mo # Rec- & Adopt ed ,,... correct and recommending pa ant u e sec nded b Cr Dash that the ` Fire insurance on the �l'own Hall Moved by DP Rv Vanston y .a be increased by * 20 ,000. 0 0. and that 2 000.00 additional insurance be , placed oa ' the " *+ Carried M Fire Hall . $, , seconded b Cr Niddery that the Finance C omvmittee make a Moved by Cr Carruthers y 1 „ Carried " further study of t he Fire insurance on c ontentA of the Town Hal . �, ,p� !r ed b Cyr Dodder that ' t he following not ice be inserted in t Moved by Rv Jamieson second y y , '.!! State amen for three issues ; ,( Street s C hai rman on matters pert i.aining z �'. ' T© avoid ca►nstant telep�ioning the RoaB s . and ,,y, ; rom this date o ratepayers arerequested to ,� , , to the Town , during bdsiness hours , .. office at ??9 and any aotaplafnts and other affairs ©f the ' owe., y��� a �2, phoxle the Clerk 8► n `ui`' t Roac��ai and streets Chairman end his co�aio�ittee , regularly„ �,aµr� will be dealt w3.th by he n Carried R'p4 n-i , zk1;Y 4yfpI-1, , , �` ` !� a that the Roads and Streets Co►mo�nittee be �,�. ,� Cr Dal i loved by Rv Jamieson seconded S „ h t ` iwn ahl ' Carried . t© uraha se 30 tons 0f as►la oxide , authorized p - : t, �/f ' ,, « ,i,. 1111 q✓ +•r, •, ...1:.11...1. a,,.,..r,u+r,:..,...-.1+••_vY�• ,;1:: r:, ,_..r+I .... ,_" ,I ,. /i., ,! 1 y _. 4 ,r s,air,2¢w :: -7 t r ! �L r -:s.A Y f t d t 2: 4 k ,_ C i s ; Z a ° L' 1111i _.. "" _:. -.ss ,,,n r �.- ° - t ; r-i< � 5 of ,,;:,n ri ,.? ,� �F� s,._. .! 73 _ - - _ _,,. , - .x¢ "--r,., .Yi .. F { - . ' • , . . , ` . . . ! e_ ,; , ' _. , . : n ,. . . , ,, t .. . . - _11 a� a - e.l - _ _.,.-..._.. ,1.1 , I�,WIRf t CO . _ ;, 0l ---- V Koom - `an ary gth , 1 51.1 6 u"� r � C ©Snc i 1 C ii: , c p»` Bl -LAW I -� N ' uc e a B =Law to borrow money for current expense 9t Rv Jaie9Qn asked permission' to introd Y ' - : / on rule 33 was suspended and Counc it went r - Granted and. read the f firs time , On mots the Ma or in the chair . On commaittee into committee of the whole on second reading Y n B -Law was then !. a or re orted the second reading with all blanks filled y I 6k rising the M y p ., ssed and ordered to be signed and sealed . time a r d 1 .. read third , pa econded b' Cr Darch that the present arrangement in reg ' Moved by Dp Rv Van'stone s Y i 1. to the fire brigade attending outside f res be continued and that the Fire Conittee '. ' i 11 e Bri ade attending fires outside the Town be authorized to study the matter of the Fir g " Carried " -. U t�. C end bring , in, a ree omnendat ion I , � - (, eson that the Public ili es ommission I by Cr Carruthers seconded by Rv Jarni of Miss L Downs on V, osi to , the property-11 11 be. instructed to r emove, , a dead tree opp I n Carried " ' ,.r ,t , I 11 1 Scugog St r 3..1. ' -- , , , . t ' On Nio ion C ounci 1 ad ourned . : : , : .. . , rtyU ,.. e. �'1 ,' .. a Yl 9 .te r 1 T , , ' f �O ,1 .. .. ,.. Y , . 7 1, •r y , �.,. r ,11 as , i•,;, „'1.ut,: , , .,,r .«.mow.,•...,.:••„-r .+,w,.ww-•�•_, ... ... .... .... ._ _ __. .,.. ... _ 11 _ 1 i 5 ounC i 1 ,:Roo ,�, . . ary �• �� �:;�,, ,:: � ;� - N .Ad ill Council was held on above date, members a31 present fheayc .: ; 11 I Regu],ar , meeting of o t a ra ular meet 1 ng were read and on motion c onf firmed . '1 .presiding . Minutes of las g :., : . tale and Mr W Prouse addressed Counil asking . for a grant for equipment 6 6 6 6 -11 Mr Sidney Li Port H -, for the new office of the Children' s ,id Society in, ope t . w Jamieson seconded by Cr Niddery that the request be referred to the . Y, „ loved by " Carried il ', Finance Co�aittee witY� power to act ... �s C ON:�':UNICATIONS �, to con ratulatin.g the Fire Brigade on their oron g & Filed "1.From Office of the Fire, Marshall , " Rec i -`' r� .� 11 excellent work during Fire. Prevention. ,Neek I advisin of a patientbbeing ' admitted to 8owlnanvil3.e Hospital . �I T 'k `.. From Counties C,ler 8 �� ReC & Filed 61 1 1 .I 11 „ .� . Ao" A. l From Miss Nina Needs , enclosing renewal of affability insurance or �� w C D le that the liability insurance for 1951 be ;; Moved by Cr Osborne secoded by r a " " , Carried W . - --_ - - ;16 Y� �,, ;} ,renewed at a ye ar ly premium' ' of 599 .7 5. - s the Wome '.s Institute asking permission for the t I ' a From l�rs Irene Candler, secretary of 11 first two rows of seats .. for a • Kopper 1.Karnival use of the Town Hall and t o rer:ove t he f .11 ,.,��L . - r. on March gth f e,son that ermission be granted without charge Moved by Cr Dale s®corded by Rv Jam P ��1 --_... : > Y, w rows of seats provided t hat ,they are properly . ,11, oY�e._.....t.he_ _..f. ,r,st_- Q. .__.__ __ _ .... .. . . _ n ,,,_ e ..and pe rm :e s i o n' rein Carrie d tO „ �. . v - -ep�.ace l - - - - �- _ _ rt at-3. 6 -i n From Mr Jack Cole asking to have a tree removedDn fronts` s p �- -- ., r St East . ; r corded b Cr Darch that the r�e' test be referred to the Public . r;:,_ Moved , _ . _ __ 'Carried..-- 1. d by Cr Cx Osborne e Y q " Garr "I 11 te,e'.. .yvt t Sa g sae .... I" Commit h power o ac i Montreal en wiring f Day Zigh vin '1'i would be �� FromRailwat Asso of Canada , , 4 " I I the down - for 19 51 • l adopted in , Saving �t'ime be ado ted Moved b Dp Kv Vanstone seconded by Cr. Osborne that, Day-Light Davin P Y t h t o 12 . 01 Sunday . Se pt ember 30th, 19 51 , and in the'�°Town from 12 .01 Sunda Apri 1 29 . Y " Carried " 1. the t�ailwa Asso be' motif f ed accordf in lye. •, I the Y W �a�aes R .A .. Kitson ,11� a From Bowmanville Public School ,Board advising that Messrs ,I 1,6 i "" , .,, t I , .61 . and K.W . Jack$on would serve for a term of one year , and , that Mrs '�tinona Clarke , W .L. L cett would serve f or a term of two years on the „Board. ¢; _ 1 . µ Mr Howard 1ef f ery and Mr Y " Rec & Filed. 11 t rant . . �h ' rom Salvat ion Army ., , Toronto asking Counci 1 for a g i Cr Dale that the request be referred to theinana® Moved by Rv Jexnieson second®d by �, " Carried " Com�afttee with power to act �+ Council of Ontario Toronto requesting raembersh. p for ].951, ,, ,' r ;'" n 'L From C om�nunity �Ne lfare Qt a membership fee of 10 00 west be referred to the �5 Cr Darch that the req 66666 f Laved Cr Carruthers seconded by �s, ,, „ " Carried " ttee with Po t act Finance C omo�ni vrer o embe r shi f 9 5 , eating renewal of m p or 1 1 . 1 l_ From Asso of Mayors and Reeves , Toronto requ 11 ,11 ' econded b t Cr Carruthers that membership be renewed, at an Moved by Rv �amie so 3 " Carried " I W.Ao „ t ., annual 2'ee of $ Z - „ r From Canda .ian P'ederati of Mayorg apt l�tnicipalities requesting renewal of . .1, 11 1 F1­1.11 4 _ .I 6. r, an annual f a 25 . 00 t membership for 195 ee: f 1 11 1 i " V econded b Cr Carruthers that membership be renewed for 1951 11 Moved by Rv Jam ieeon s Y Q " t at an. annual fee of � 2 .00 I. Carried ��; ,, ,.w—.., .,w�,r...wf.. Ms+a.,.w+-«r, , .t>F.11 . . 16 1 -a. K. ,,:.,,.,:1. t k. .., a., ,.. :,, s_., t r . 01", . .. 1. 4 . ,. z -, S k'T. ar 4 L a S:' k,- , G r 3 K�rl�r t ti.a Y * :.2 y Wit.. ..,_ w_._.__ , w-__ ..,.� _...f.. ._11 ti,.�i- .L..:S:i .'{*.. i.t' e a ,pwssc,..3''. g_ d.,.e...:' .. ,:fit:. �a2 ri�r .Y .Yen:�o 3X,;' 1.-If x n 2-. f -P �,y,� -t ..3`- .. .�.q , f"�-.Y�„ } _-1 - �._ • •: ' _ . , , ,, , , r . • er 1 , - . . 11 t .: •, , r:' I _ _-.arm. , r , , p ,, t ,3- - — -- c .-- 1f ' �'R,ttArflT CO - ---- - • � - y : ,;11 __._ __ ._ . . • . Council 1 Room February 5 • un Fe t , 1 •1.. L.,� n . c i ,, bru r h 51 F f1 a. 4°»� endorse a re solution rs que st ing "I I r"` ., ' om Villa a of Chesterville requesting Council to g bsid of 33 , 1 3 on the cost of construction s a ncial Government to pay a subsidy y f „ „ the Provi 1 F I1 yf: , �, . Rec & Filed of sewage disposal plants sewers and waterworks 9y s ems j -. ,�. d 1 . L ' �r: �,�``"n {. � � � � rio in reference to the enforcement o�f the Liquor �� � 'From Liquor License Board of Onta Rec & Filed " �,: r lY! 11 . } C ont r o 1 Act 1. sin -Law t o provide for the expenditur® s I From Department of Highway' Toronto enclosing g By a :'r ; I1, , .r, • , r.„ , on roads for 1951 . � C able until By -Law be lad.d on the t ved b xv Jam a son seconded by Cr Osborne that the " ed ,� loo y Carri the special meeting . that the Tor' ont o enclosing plan showing the road s :_a_ .I From De partmme nt of Highways , c i f t o confirm the arrangement }', , -Y.;, Department wish t o close and asking C oun . conded b Cr Dale that Council approve the plan as submitte Moved by Cr. Carruthers , se Y . . ,: " Carrie`d t � f , 11 . R ORT S d f ce Committee subYnitting sun ry account s ` Dp Kv Vanstone pre rented a re por from the nan i , p , , ou and Pub School . Building accounts am nt ng to 1 5 f amounting to $ 4366 a 74 �� •ReC & Adopted " , as bein correct an reco�mnending payme�,t �•: ,?Rr certified 8 111 . 1, ,�,; Mr ,• E . F Hall Counties Asses r ' addressed Council inn reference to , future assess�aen . '. , i �, . of the Town . Cast able L .R .• jl 1 seconded b Cr Carruthe�, s that the resignation of. A ._� _... .._ . Moved by C r Da e " L 1­w . . �.. . _ ], .1� 1-st 195 - - r...______.. .. �rox� -___nom a _ ;.,:.._ ._w e p of e.dr _ s �t o� u.,r�,,..•,r a _. r.0 o i ,ee.. .._h ed b Rv �'a :a,so b Cr Dale second y n th8t.-..-the: +ol i. :e Moved y a ce on the Police car at an additional premium of ,y • increase the coverage. of insur n , " Carried " - . , 4 3 g5 It tee be authorized to� a, a s®conded b Cr N .ddery that the. Fire' ' �, Moved by Cr Osborn y to portions of the for fire protection submit a lan to It he Township of • ,Darlington 'II Carried '' A 11 su p , 1. r „ i township . ace Committee bring in 1� a that the Fin n ,1 ' '� secoded by Cr O born r � "" Moved by Cr Carruthers xl 3;, the Conuriit Council . " Carried " s ,, y . 11- 1 ' reco�aendation in regard to the grant tQ ,I . a"7 n fire losses and fire alarm calls for 1951 Fire Chief Hooper submitted his report o {` t o 2996 7 5 & Filed led ., "' showing 29 calls' answered and fi re loss amounting " Rec ;,,, ort on the activities ° of the police Department 4. ,,� police Chief Vent on submitted his rep a' " Rec & Filed " p for''. 1951 . be ted to wri seconded b D Rv Vanstone t hat the Clerk nstruc te , - -- -- loved by Rv Jamieson Y P ,, em to have the repairs to King Street finished byr y. , Bennett Paving Co Ltd requesting th 1 . _ ��. " Carried March 31st next : „S.. - ,V, I y h .. ., , t.e „ on Motion Couna,il adorned tl 11„ sy _ `NUMMMOMNOW f, .7. n -�___�� !, _ ��_�.__ - __ _ _:_ .. _. - _. — M _.__.....__ .._.._...._.11-1 I 11 I, 11 ..,. _. _ M._., .. .. ,, . „ _. . r . 1 I . .v .,t.6' y< U r1 i . r to ��0 11 <.;:. N,r,,, , :r ,s,.,.,,,,y„ o,a,.a,.,a,..:, , k „,�,:>.,..,..r d,..,.L.,.,.,., _ ^,S” fit ,1. r .n ,. - .. rN' 1, r. , _ _ - -_ - ___.-.._ _ _ —__- —_--_.__ . .. h.11 . nci o 2 1 .1 0 ru _ C u _ i O .� .. . . , y J , . . . . i Cr r I I!1 W _ _ :11 above date members all present eucept nS, -.I L �. Special . 11 meeting of Count was e . on ated that he had ce►ll•ed the meeting for the purpo e „ Darch , the , Mayor presiding and st -., y t' J . . , , g pa , . . of ss n Y . a 11 8Y- . . LAws 11 R , , .1. I 1. , _ - , ' s s . t o introduce e f ollowing By Laws ; .r, Rv j amie so s sked permi on ' ea enditures on Roads and Streets . the 1 1. - . 1' ,lo provide for 95 P 140 . k. o appoint Town Offiafals for 1951 . _I' vehicled fora ,limited time upon �' �o ovide for the parking of automobiles o�nobi he s and other , 1, � ' . h , _ certain streets . , f / To provide for the a stabli shment and regulations of a volunteer fire brigade On motion rule 33 was suspended ' ' uspended ' and , Council went into Granted and read the first, time . ]I 0 on second reading the ldayor in the chair . Committee of the wh d the second reading with all blanks filled in. On com�nitte. rising the 8yor reporto aid on the table . The other IL ar T e B -Lai to establish a volunteer fire brigade was 1 h y ordered to be signed and s ee�l ed 1- I by-laws were given a . third reading and C Dsle seconded by Cr Woolf that Mr welter Hall be phi d ' X0 .0 0 per month. ,� Moved by r 1. ` ant e a s from January l st , 19 51 and the Clerk be inst rue to d t o. b as a retiring allow " Carried " � 1111 . r lu prepare a By-Law c oaf irming the grant .11 1 , :, Vanstone seconded by Cr Wooll that Crs Dale and C,sr rut hers e , ; loved By DP RY y es from C©until oYl the Arena Management Coiittee for 1951 • I' ll I . . appointed representativ „ Car rigid K 1 )1� ; ll `' hat the Civia. Con�nitte® bring n a owed b Cr Niddery seconded by Rv Je�ai®son t , y . Za .,. , - .w.q•Ik.rM.MMµ1.�..11W„�'h� .... It'.1rFb_,M,..w...,."M -p.w..arw wipNH� I , � _ ,,i I,� , `:Vr l i' , (I ' I� 17...,2.... r t:. ., _. .-,- .,v..i.., _n,.......-. ., ...,�. ..t r. ,.,".x .;:.{..-.-a.s.a.:::.a,. ,-.ea._.-tsi:. .si 11 117.1 1. r Mw�w • I 11 s , v L - ¥;. , v t ...._ ! h * `, '11 .x.:. .. #_.:: .,.xf. .. .t x .. . .... s.. x. .._ y ... i, . � n.. [ ...i.. . ..f , 11 c ,._.- . 1 . .. ✓ , .„. . .� e C ! - r .,I' , i, , ,1 , , „ , , I. .. .1. 1 41 ,.4 �. pz 11 I °.t 5._ i..It t,. .a.r,,. - .! .::apt. `?.. c,•,, r „ r .< .:5 ., �,� , r , ,,. p . 1. a. - : 3 {, t »: .. ,,: .-, _ _ t _ - ._ _ _ _ _ -..-. R WART l co h , _ __ , Y e 20th 1951 '��� � 2 ' , � 0"IM �� C ounc i�l Koom, F br uary .�,1 ent C ommittee . " Carried " k C�»z tIIlent s on the Arena bran a,g em L. recommendation as to appoin N dder that Cr Dale be appointed representative x, j . " ~ `" 'n Moved by Dg RV Vanstone seconded by Cr i Y " Carried " g 4. for 1951 . _ „ . From Council on the Do�wnnville Hoe ital Boar d t r< a ' er s why are three years " b D RQ Vanstone seconded by Rv Jamieson that all taxpay . , �, Moved y p ft ied that unle9s satisfactory arrangements are made on or . , i,'a, in arrears o f taxes be not i f b' for a Apri 1 1st , next , for the paY me nt of arrears that the ,propert i es wi 11 be ;s {; " Carried "1.'� ; , , 11 ij�,j� } advertised to be sold for taxes . 2 . loved by Cr asborne seconded by Cr Dale that t he Mountain .sanatorium , Hamilton be ' d : ent anent from the 'Town at a cost of 11 authorized to supply clothing to an in g P " Carried ", �� �, approximately �. 3 . 00 ne� that Cr ��foo �.1 bring in a report at next 1141,I� � Cr Ni�dder seconded by Cr 4sbor 1.r 1�oved by Y " Carrie d " • :, }+f. . meeting on Civic Defence and rner�encies . � �11 I 'r. t � , I, r �pn Mot ion Council adjourned e n, 1 slt 11 . , a - • ,„: �� , „'. �I ,« , 5:; 1I Ma or :; a 111. r . Y "` ,r ,3, ,11 ,. I •a ,. , , a, " . , . . ,, „ c� : I t 1 1 �., 3; c l Rohm March 6 h , 95 1 1, . 0 un i . o _. � � :u �, 1m, _ �. .. -;;.f1..19:s:1 iJy Y,: �+ 1f7.db 9.5:r'G,bk,7.`I.X.,.SL.TJt.SiLY.' •,y M. .. , , r. 1 Sx'NC1C1L�Y1 Sit1777:,bA56hYd}GYJ"t' H7/ItRY«'.'!/A".dl Chi','k,.•X.StlttS..'.S"..k�'_•1 •«• '. .d.._.,.. .. -�. ...;..,..... ,...': ... ,,,.•..,....... .............w.w... v,,... t '-. ._.t'..,'..YS ., ,...,L.......,.... 7�t`j=,,1 T. ',H' „YGLLG9w"SGdt:l.'x;.C .d.L'1S'L _ ... f.:'J..3SL�.'l�.«.,....__ 1..,.. ,...1. .....�,... .,•w,.........• .«....n..........,.w u............ ....r..uw.-.,.......L..,...,... ..�...., ... •.l,�`� ,,,.... u! .ar#c.'ra:,t.,......xs .,.m._..-., .. _._.... ._s,,.,,.,.n,....sr„aa�_...._..z^z^;.._...aL........_c,_ ,._.. ....x...__-___.__�_._..... a,.__._..__.._. .___.._._ s_. t.. .___..w....,.,. i ,.. a��:. ;:.rr.,.,.w. '"lrtif%;NA,.....+nac.c. ..._.... .. .-.-._ .-:._:.._. ,Y...ab_ �;� r 11 r S e,, .v.'`L..S,.1wie".•:Sbi3'2£71f."ixGRYA'If .AN> iY 1, , , t. -. ,..- ,. ,: i. t, - "",!'!I lAYYt 1Y�9h'Y.SY 7C�d7fi 4TCVlL lYT7t OWC 6Tf lX Cf, dk9ia f n v a n, ��y] @�y __. . ,_ .. ...__,._._ .+S7RSOP Lfi iS.11i AnW aWR .u C�.9?ti N' 7 _nt i v. + ,». �,.. •., 3 „ ! Y .,YfN14. U';.___'a _.. a.w,..+....+.,=«:_ .._.:_._. .-,,..;__�._3_..:.,_._.am"", iTRtGd Y TA T'.`JfY r...h a. 7K'i 1• C .?h,u{,1 F .. L� a.�, nt P.7r: �,� a tR!.3a" rs:.,t 1.cum. ,. �.w., ,.. ,. -. 4., .r.. �., ., . J. 1. r. t:',aGA':. :..f.i:. .. _._._ _. _ .., xz _. E .. wwa+.u�MgvYmwM Alrr.rrY.Yr .quWYwncsnnr,rr �� , �,,, ' ,1. .. m aet°I �. . ti �eee t n Minutes of: last r egular ands ec s. •were rea Darch the IUiayor pre s .ding�. ,1. 11''I onfironed . 1 �° andon motion ' „ �' Moved by. Dp Rv Vanstone seconded by Cr Carruthers that the �C ivi c. Committee be }1 . d. better re ort on:: the ap}�ointment s to the Arenas 1 r requested to bring in a further an . P � � ��I Carried " 1 . anagement Committeeat the next special meet ng . ti i �n ` , � ���; Vanstone seconded by Cr ,, Da�le' that the grant to the Community ' s�unc i Moved by Dp Rv 11a C rried " 'a, e I 1, r1 1 be .000 . 00 including salary of recreational: director . , a t;, fo 95 eYlcies 1. Cr Woo l l reported on C,i vi l de�'enc a and Emerg 4 Cr Dale seconded by Cr Carruthers, that 'the matt®r of Civil Defence and Moved by ar " Carried " { meeting . er encies be brought up at t 'he next regul 3 e Y 3 'I i��+ g a , a3t 11 GOMMUNICATIONS . �� 1. , . Board re nest ng hate noinations and election for members From Public School Q e Board be , ,b 1 . t e tune as tunic ip811 elect ions and that t h 11- . , - -- - ?. of the Board b'e he a e s . elected by wards . lied with Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Dale ' that the raquest 'be comp Moved by " Carried n l amounting• to $' 66 ?00 . 23, , u 1 Board submitting estimates for 19'5 " From. Pu ]. c coo , " Laid on the. 1 ab 1 e .11 G ::: ,,f r h ta, , F, trike Towri ,olicitor in,. .regard tote _contra;c ,for the K ng _. ree.. I 11 :;" From. Mr W.R . S , t► Rec & Fi.led " 1 11 t repairs . 0 Church 3t , 1111 ,i ' From Mr A.MR Hardy, requesting to have a tree cut down at o the. public L - b Cr Niddery seconded by Cr Wool than the request be re�'erre t� i Moved y " Carried . l fro ert Committee with ,, P Y _ account- - g or 15 ...O t- . __ power t o act o From Northumberland and Durham Health Unit , Cobourg , epic os ng losing- . account 4 T, . e of the C :N .R . t+o Toronto to o , the,. Isolation 1 .1 ti.r « for the transportation of an employe . ti; Hospital . . stating that �.'�r Cr Kidder that the account be returned ���I Moved by Kv Jam�3.e son seconded by Y � �� at we are not ,liable for �K � es�ident of the Town of Bowmanville and th this man was not a r �� Carried " _ ' . , li y ; ,a this account . 1. ", a Institute for .the blind asking permission to hold s iag Defy From. Canadian Nat ion 1 on Saturday, May 5th• rant ed. " Carried' " , y 1 . ,11111 1.r.1 1 n e seconded b Cr Carruthers that permission be g Moved by Cr Osborn y „ their 11 uesti a rant equal to th,e 1951 taxes oa . From Bowmanville Lions t�lub req ng g tr , r each `1. -property on B Ave . e 1 1, taxes ' be remitted . ' b Rv Vanstone seconded b y Rv Jamieson that t h 9 5 �Iiove d y P . ., " Carried I,:( ,. G '/ - .. at ion for the exempt ion of 1951 taxes exaept�.ug - , From Canadian Legion, making applic . .. }_ f , ,,- , Local hn rovetn�nts , on their 'property on Queen St . t School taxes and P . borne. seconded by Cr Niddery that the Clerk be instructed o prepare Moved by Cr r " Carried il '. '" "0 :r% t taxe s , a g . Law for' the exemption of he 11 Y the Fire brigade dor their services at k Fro�u Dov�glas and Mrs M . J. Courtice thanking E 1 t,;� s <� afire on their property on Feb I Ot h. of the three , out standing � 1 s orne seconded b Rv �' meson , that the matte r x`+ '� a ( , ' I Moved by Cr 0 b et i " Carried " ry. ,� ! AS SS° - is die brd�ught up at th�o next me ng +1. azt Fire accoun �,, , - ... ,, nville Hoe ital asking permission to use the . Council Room far their 1. J From Bowma p et in oYl Frida March 9th. at ,00 P .M. a annual me 8 F „ ;` 11 fur «, 7 .,.,..• a,...=s.,, .. ..,. ,,. _ , rq,v"A'•-' axx .`':GK :,,,6 R" ..x:t.,hc & >u @3 s.c _ Q , K"' ' �'OLUM� ? ,,a H 'x-;k�>< r a ,'x - .' 15'x'1 1. _. r`. 2G *t I 11 s z f $ k x ',v z - -11 ..:.4.. , .ri, i-, r r i S -«,N 5` + W$'y P#'°.. }:A''= ,'." i t ... 3 +`€"-: -. - w. , «. 'Y .,£� z:s ..:&S rt. 4 s 4m cr. F, . ,. 0,1 r ..P ! : eta at` ` - 1'P4 f ,.,C +` r '#. >x>'r 5'• =r, .E' kE-,R, ".r ., F�1! 11 A:F .r�.a i.i• et S,'':` A „r_ fir, } :.,y5^.:45"x' . _.; 1 - , . ' , ' - • a • .a , ' .. -s . ' I .1• _. , , f 4' , , w I 1 •r •„ r -.• .. •:,. , + ., -, ,- .4., . .... ;.�1 r .. a - ",I a r ;/ ..11 to I _, ' 0 I 11 . ,; - .:r,. ,r: _ _ _ _ -_ _--.___.__. 5 ____. __._. .. �.� t .__.__ - - rc , �,►.� c Council Room , Ma h 6th , 19 1 .L� 4 a ted . " Carried " �' ieson seconded by Cr Osborne that pernais.sion be r n i .�rT Moved by xv a�a �� N tt Pavin Ltd in reference to the completion of the road repairs on 1. . From . 8 . Berme g " Rec & Filed " ,King St . ��� �A , , stone s econded� by CrNiddery that the request for the removal of ree s +�. Moved by Rv Van Ix ��� „" Q �, d Grants • Lane be referred. to the Public Property Committee w th power on Beech Ave an I r I I " Carried• „, �Y to act . I R� 0 RT S submit t ing sundry account s � �:�� It , ' ittee � D Hv Vanstone presented a report f the Finance Comm ed s ei c orrect and ' rreeommending payment . n f amounting to 2?43 . 98 , certified ++ & Ad , a ; Rec , opted 11 . . . Yy r P!Y'-LAW,.1. l"A_ 11 d ermission to introduce a By-Law to provide for a retiring Rv' Jamieson asks p /' . allowance to Con ji st ab le pia l l,.1 . t time . On motion rule 33 was suspended and Counc 1 vr�nt into .1 . r Granted and read the firs terJ:a or ,' in the chair . On c ommi tee rising 11, committee of the whole, on, second readi,nga._ h y e the second regdin wit allblanks filled. inr, By-Law was then rea the Mayor report d ' . a third time , passed and ordered to be signed and sealed . C der 't het the Fire C omm�.ttee be authorised ' Cr ' ved b Osborne seconded by r Mo ' _. , y. Y._,,_ . . �y 0 _ _._ - .. _. ,� _rr;tu�:aa.sxw... -_-- _____ - ... _ ..__ _ .. - .. to �N � x /+� e o , ,:, , � . yj(� � .. .'.'.. . r ... 'TI o ..w�..,. '. ,.'{ .uh ..... b 1 . , < b..,... 7 a .,,m -. . .... ,�,.1.r .. o 1 fiSYFPJ€'S0.xR1YR rYI.iP•,S ., .r...,..QyJ' ,.�/!�lq�;.).._... .. .,..._...,...__...�.. ,...., .. .. -.... e..r.. .....<.-...:r,.........r _ ....... _ .. .�, i•�_1.. ...—11 ,.. ... r:.....__ ,. .7�yn�,.- 'Vlnifl +... .. .. _...-.. ... t�_.._.._ ...,.._.r.. c .._... . : _.. r f f ..,.:wsy.Cywl,4m>'3!IIl+9�C � ?mli@a+7�B�4t' f ' .;.w- -°.. ae.ua...s...,..roar:,....« A r Mil! .__ _. . -.._ - �� I+ _:�11-.,.......�..+...»..,.;f:.�i A:.:c�.,.... °' aaamx+:vaena�a m:ene o.�.,-,.r .v!!J.. .....r... _ _ —11"f ,. .;,w..rru.rn-"....aRwaixrYWOnamNaiaa a'e'rvL21�.5•unM.IIRr'AW'LSC^�MtP4ctl�bn55� v .... ....a. .....•... ,._..... ..,1 .11 ' :. ar`r Moved b Cr wool.l seconded by C,r Niddery, tha t the Fire Committee be authorised to y a e farther in regard tQ the purchase of a 50 Foot aluminum ladder . , r . nvestig t _ I Carrie'd.. " . . , r .I.. .,'� . ,�, ri I % . .. I'll I f Oh Motion C oanc i 1 ad our ned •r,, . . r . }', ., ,I ,, , . . ' ;+ , r 1. �' r 1. r 11. r,„' „' , r .I.. May o A 1. 1 . v _ a li.1})) . ,. rch 1 th 1951 1 . , .. , . c ounc i 1 Room Ma . 3 , , r l members ell resent the Mayor.11 satin of Council was held on • above :date , . . P . Spec ial m g • a d st8ted that he had csiled the meeting fQr the purpose of p assing M« presiding n 1.r; 4 estimates, and By-Law• . .. I t REPORTS ' ' f 5 — - tl_ p „: oittees resented` the r reports o estimated ex enditures for . 1 " � _ The standing c p Public 1'ropert 9 , 993 .00 rolice es follows ; - Koads and Streets , , ' f Relie2', 3' 200 . 00 Fire 12 , 3 ,4 .00 2 6 00 Cemeter 1 , 000 ::00 , civic 1 , 2+00 . 00 , , ��, I'll”, I 11 : . , , '' I �l'. I � -,$ , l , �+ 5 . , y �� Land on 'thee Tab fie t Printing & Stationery l , 000 .00 - b Cr Dale that ,the „ reports of the standing Moved by �p Rv .Vanst one seconded y „ Carried " �lo�nittees as submitted , be adopted . z 'i , rt , B-LA,W um s _ ._ "'.. -L w `to re.i se by taxation certain , s : ' .a R�r Jamieson asked permissa.on to introduce a y a 11 ... ,D -. of monre�'­ill for Town Count Debenture and Sehc 1 purposes for the year . 11 I P ... ,,,, 1h.10- . . Gra�:nt ed and read the f i rst� time . on motion rile 33 was suer ericed and Council went into - j ,1.I'll - eon sea and reading, t ' e Mayor in the chair . On committee ris ng :::: aom�nittee of the whol second readin with all' blanks Pilled in . By-Law wag then rea the Mayor reported the g me seed and ordered to be signed and sealed. . { a third ti , Pa at the ,'olice Com�nittree be authorizedo b Cr Dale seconded by Dp Rv Vanstor�e th „ n Moved y Crarried d fference of .00 ' olet� Coach fora i $ 975 ' . ,4hw, purchase a new Black Chevr . D�1' James , C Samis S Little, , b Cr Darch seconded by Cr Dale that Messrs �'ohn , 11_ l ,Move d y 11 ,, ointed as members of thr Arena Management Committee for F . Hooper and R Koval be aPp _ r ,.,Wyr , 1951 • Cr Nidder that the appointments bsl.ef t• ent b Rv Jamie son seconded by y I � II� Moved and Amendm y n ed " 1.:,l r me et i t o f C ou nci l : Amendme ntC ar r i r oven until the next ointed a member of the hyi Rv Jamieson seconded by Cr Niddery that Cr VYooll be APP n Moved by Carried . ; 1 A r . .1. Survey Committee . b Cr ;Osborne that Mayor John Foote , M .P.P,. be Moved by. Cr Carruthers seconded y. �1 the necessar rocedure to obtain an Order in Council under the �� • requested to take y P • Bowmanvi lle . " Carried „f ! > x ;, str Aat to rocure a surveyors plan off' the Toi11 of r Regi y p �� '; .it Qn Mot ion Goan it ,ra d Mourned :: c' t e K Mayor . - 11 ► :,? �, .,; r L �� + ; . ., ':-rim ..r .' '� ._ i � � • r r I .1 ! I , a' r r r: 1.,_I. f ;.k 11� s. t . . . . tf:! rr • .. r• � r. . ..,r t ., i,. ;,� 6 1 1 rt +rd ! 1. r U ..:., ,•,.. . . :. x r ,, ,,. ..�, , ,- r: . .r L r al ,, ,_, t. I. ,;, r.. I r. r rr .: _._a I. t ..1:d",,. .r. .I. .. I + r. , + ., .. ". t + .. -:1�, .. . .t '.l ! I r I g5 ,',i„ r. '.�,.,1 1i i. ,�. ... I 11. A. , 1 rr , ' w A111 I �: _i , . ..uaAUw.k 4111, 4w 1M:�.ir Gv. r ,��•r.w Ni, NA'm} , •q-.r, 11 � 11� .'a r V r � VOLUME 7 .^ �, 1 " �� . r .; x,» fi _, l n, 11 - a -. -. 11 I µ " s a ` . .. UN _ _ `. '�5.x". a'a [t#satr ':+z,r ra,,T�:+i ,to iir, �* t.' ., r"F „+A��., rfisd . „ I . ' ' , . I 1,..,. ":1 r . y5 .. : , r . ♦ .11 , f , _ ,.«. ► _ _ _ __..._ _ _ - - - - _ - - Counci 1 Ro Apr �2 t, -- RffCO _ _M- •il rid 19 �Nn.PIc4 a 11 date members pre sent excepting Cr 1,' x , 5,� etin of Counci 1 was held on aboe v al meet in s were f 1. - Kegule.r me g a st re lar a d spec i I 1, '� `�"' the Ma or • pre siding . Minutes of 1 ! rf Carruthers Y o read and on mot ion confirmed . Z) Littl. e , f es , C Samis 4 st ded b Cr Dale that Messrs J M . Jam �� t Moved by Cr ])arch secon Y of the Mem4ri�1 Arena b.ariagemen 11-_ K Kowal be appoint a s members 11 , . . F Hooper , and . C:: 1 11. Comanitte9 for 195 ]- -1952 • Cr Nidder that a yo a be taken by �. ' endment by Jamieson seconded by Y i1v 11 f fDoved , an Atn Y Maria . ement Cotmnittee from membeyts members of Counc i1 for representatives on the rena n Amendment Carried " .. 1. tted b the Civic Committee and Kinsmens Club • and Cr Carruthers be subm i y ; Jamie son Rv Vanstone that Rv . t C ommit•t I . :.. Moved by Cr Dale seconded by Dp ee for 1951 . . _,1 from Co nci 1 on the Arena Iota nag eme.n ;� appointed a s .representatives �+ C ar ed �� , ,, t hat 11. as moved by Cr Darch ' seconded by Cr Niddery As ' a result , of the vote taken it w J •M . Jame s be appointed , as representative Elie s srs R Kowal , C Sam i s , K Watt,, F Hoo pe r and It �� Curried r an emerit Committee for 1951-1952 • nditures ' of 1. >on the. Arena M aS submittin a report of the' rece3.pts and exper 11 I M C Samis addressed 'Council g r the 1950-191 season : the Memorial Arena for -, ; 11 I COIVIl�:ZUI`TICATICN� a ssion oP P w s nears thanks the kind expr n n +� 11 'i �- u . _ l, ,1� �. a wl am:is _. . _ - e.c .'fi _ RaFI l y._ . _._.._ t re _ _._ _........ �:..�::e_•�_.:�__:__ .IYdII( 'trvd�A;'R3VFFS.BYG" p ?S .'E. _._..._.__ _ t.. . :,. - ..,r..,:...,� W,YY4=1 iWPYliiRk $P&B.SZti1'i�ta1'ii' "'sa 6T'? .eft ^fir'"'^.^ .. •._.•.... ».�.r., Nei:.«. r E•TFCS.m M45 u'1... a.,, -r, r .' ......................... .. _ .. . ....._ n•' vrU,','�'nr'6b _._..._...... ..._ .. a .a n .a .ssaaa:s,var_crv...__ r. ,.,a :. r 1. T bd:'•r ...: , 1. i.....ri.,S w._ r w r.gfvx<a .+<^aa+rsvr#.. "•-esaeeerwc,_..e law...-....___..... _... .. r a...,v.r.�.,t•.n . S .. , r' wl...,re ..r rr.. n�. , . �..r r.rrc n...., 3n.a: ..av, r •� -.�:...5 ..: ..r.u,.e,r,..r:....._.:.:_..,_ .. _......_.:. .. ... 4...,,.,i1 ,...r..,., r.,..n..,.r 1.;.1. ....xt:r.. ,.l:„.-i.+;i il,. ..5.r �.,x eF. MnSJ. ri ! ,tw...... .���,: .vl .i.. r.N.h .u..+a'.k.ItitNnY70.Vetgt lRlT�4PR17kNkkYtlYiLWQGLY!!X n4WU,TUUnarAU'eu�c (cmrz-_�- _..�..._._ .�_ ... .. ...._.. -_..... ..._'_.,._. - ... ­­'11-­­­'-­­7 .. _ r....... .r.. _..... , .. . . . . s athy. _ Qi a..: - ;Taw- .to;. ..p p s 11 Tor o nt o p ov� n Y`. the Fire Mar ha • ce of ec d! ' a oP "� From Pr & File ” t and re ulation of a volunteer fire department . astable sl�men S st itute thanking Counc i1 for the r- 1 s Trene Candler , Secretary of the .Nomens In " Rec . & Filed " :k - rrom Nr ` use of the Town Hall Auditorium . , a n that he would be pleased to take trhe necessary From Ma or `:;Sohn Foote , M .P .P . tt t , a n a surve ors Flan of the Town . Order in ounce 1 to obt i Y - . . steps to procure an ,+ Rec & Filed " ", to urrchase a piece of lend on the, south end of Liberty From Mr Roy Sw3-ride 11 s offering P 11` G WI f I r - Street . Clerk die instructed to advise Nr t El Cr Osborne that the Moved by Rv Jamieson seconded by a as it is used by ,the Town t4 gain access art is not for sal +� f . lls that the prop y Carried " 'I : 1 11 -—; A.: Swede,11 to the beach. Toronto advising of Ontafro Il ouri st Conference f . "r From lle, t of Travel and �ubl is i Y Rec Filed �. p 17th and lgth . . I A811 to be he ld in Toronto on April 16th , ath re iced on Odell St between • . , 1. From Mr G Richards requesting to have t e c n er 7.F1 Lambs Zane and Elfin Street . ue st be referred to the Roads 4 Quad b Cr Niddery seconded by Cr Wooll tha a req +� Carried 1. :r - . ,f }�I y om�nitt ee, with power t o act . e st i the I . ,r an 8t reet s C Drive: re n ,:,, f.. '' E Richards' and ot ►�er residents of Southway 9, ...-__-_ From Mir Ronald merit on the North. Side of Southway 11 . c, construction of a sidewalk a : s a local mprove ' :, :Y z he e i i on b Drive from ty Leber St to t t uff ici� lY si.gn Flett t t n nt e �r Woo 11 t ha p t e - g ",1 11 Moved by Cr Niddery seconded by " Carried 1. ranted . t petitioning fora �-, -;r ; -- 7 be g of Duke St. Sou h,1 . r resident s ,. From Mr Charles Stirs and othe om Buse Line to Station, St . n to be' constructed a s a local improvement Pr �. �,.: f watermai . that the petitioners be advised' that the Moved b 8v Jamieson seconded by Cr Darch n; Carried . 'o - titibn is not suff�.ciantly signed ,, . 1, :r, a se a r e solut ion iri regard to ,n �: p e God ' Tequesting Council to endor, ,prom Town C1 rk , eric I . equahized ass®ssment for County purposes. Cr Dale that the resolution be endorsed an f , Moved by Rv J mie son seconded by bar Mini ter of Muniei.pe�l Affairs . ,f ndorsation be forwarded to Hon George H Dun , n Carried " '+; s n ri�ere�ice to a f f Le al Off ices , Toronto i » . H.0 . Moore , Assistant Inspector . " Roe & Filed , r From Mr r , I 1. 3 . new Municipal, plan . of road s ,. }�. . ,., s n a reement for the aleeing , From pa rtment oP hlghwa�is , Toronto enc to i g g Qnd controlled aQC�ss to the new highway . y ne that the . C�.erk be instructed to wrote „t,, Quad b Dp Rv Vanstone seconded by Cr Os or re and to the bridge z f M Y . 11 u t of Hi hways asking for c larif ication in g same t e of 11 I ` ,, the DQ pa rime n g as acit and stating the�t we expect the y ` aonst rust ion and carry rig r.;: ! s i of the resent bridge on the east de 'lake roa �' 4l - 1 ?, aoristrua t ion 81S that P " Carried " �_� ! �, ' f J Photo ra hie Surveys Corp. Ltd - can i eson � seconded by D� Rv Vanstone that g p Off iaea that an. t , � Moved by Rv �' De ut Inspector Q! Legal ,� 'v adirisad subject to the approval of the p Y as outlined in survey „ 1 '�f taken at n0 C O Bt+r t 0 the Town h h ! aerial survey of t he Town be , Carried �1, W , 1.t �� !� t roposal au� witted. r , a _71 1 1 4 �s! '� r rF1 ! {!•� ,' 1 �� 111 ( 5, ,: { s ,,t+ i r .ill , r , . r 11 .,. , t f - r ';t ih r4 ;�, ! ff i e,.•.+li1+Mn+n f.:WrYNM`1""IS�aw.t M�w.{ r . f (. .- !��'(I! r�: ... voLUr 7 K , , - . a _a . � 11, r if. ,.». . 4 r h y �� „ _ 'z. v iY a s , M .. 'sm _ 't3" XR °'P. ,>; „L— ar ;, P..-.,7 ...' - ,- :1, sr F *z�i , 11, f ¢, S'•..- '? 3z 1 r , ., t,, ;r t t kP x , . r : ,. �, a y - • u ... f� • _ I , tF 1 I. Y ! __. _ _ . __ _ _ ,,. e ,r,5 ......_...-- —_.._ -- __._1.T 51 :R."aracc - ___- - R'om A ri1 2nd , 1951 �.,� ��� C ounc i�. , P .�, x , a ,. o d�s REPORT S t s r e Finance Committee submitting sundry' e.ccoup s : ' NC,. N �" R,v Vanstone presented a report from 1 : - 8u i ldi n�; account's amounting t o . �+2?g • b9 � amounting t o 29,02.• 5 + and Public Sc ." Rec & adopted " correct and re ending pay me nt', • certified as being Clerk be instructed to advertise IL Moved b Rv Jamieson seconded by r Osborne that he ose on A ri]. 10th . k x' y rader , tenders to , cl . P , , for 'tenders for the sale of a two horse g " Carried " Ia t the Roadg . and Streets Commmttte t. e Van stone tha, v Jamie son seconded �y DP Rv " Carried ,f �. Moved by of 12 inch culverts . t ��' urcha se 16 f eet Z: ! b;e authorized to p a the Fire Brigade be granted g7 . 5 ' seconded by Cr h th t 1, 11 rr , Moved by C r 0 sb or ne �� Carried ".' move received f ro outside fires . ,--� ; being 5 0 of the Y ' 11 ,� � b Cr Dale thanthe Gle rk� be instructed to write loved by Cr Osborne seconded y . rice of a 54 f coot aluminum 1 eider and t o write the t I�o�niniQn Magnesium Ltd for the p en uirin if the right price was quoted I;arance Fire r:nine & Foamite Ltd Toronto q �3 " Carried' '" " , for 't he ladder in their previous letter . ' ' he Police Committee be authorized to , Moved by Cr ,;` Daly sec onded by C Cr. Osborne that ection for the stop, light control at an . proceed with the purchase of a corm Carried a roximat a cost of 25 . 00 a lication of Mr ' 4veret t Bi,ckell se con de d Cr Dale that e Pp _� e by Rv Vanston 0 mm i tt Committee . , _1 -,- b he Po1i __ _. __.�_ s of ce s _ _ _x� _ . l.at on _. t t o t e ___._,- __.___- ______. ___ _ _:n :_� __ _ : . b a� . ..VV/ ��.:__ __. .. ._ n_ _ _ . e tu. F .:. e'i .,.I' t d ^'f I ., .�/Irr�rN I ,,,�"y] 11 i .. .:i c- 14 ,. §.,..,.v'.,�.1 ,<,./... rl.,..,:. ... ilrl .�.,r. ....,.,,.,..0 .I I,...:,..._.7FF' .K..f....„n..., i. .�;i,.r 1 t.,r .,t}.: .I C, r.7.,1 nJ'.4. la t. ,:S 7.,. ,.�I d. ,r r..:i. :n,. v r v, t . , ,rzt ,, I1 S t 1 I , , t i i Cr ooll .that, i a he to l ce Committee t e e be� t e'd ..,.�..., .. • , 1 . Moved by Dp Rv Vanstone seconded by r., , 11.1 T. I 1 to. investigate the regulations in ,regard to taxi , licenses snd report back to' Council . ' ,N' " Carried "11 1 . �,1 Y - �. that the Cemetery Committee be 1. I Cr lq'idder seconded b y Rw Jamie son f # � Moved by Y . at an a r ocimat a cost of 17.5 . 0,0 t; � ,' authorized to pu.rchasea a power lawn mower F ?. +t ' Carri - . ,, . . . ' ea .11 . . r . .1.. , « . , IJ' - w� a nt of a T own 1.r rinission to introduce a By--Law ;;fc�r the appointor ILI / �. Kv Jamie son a ske pe .11• . Official . n rule 33 was suspended and Council went into , LL! G n f,ir me . 0n mots.o ranted a dread thr st t in the Mayor- in the chair . On eom�nittee rising coa�ittee of the whole on secon rea _ as t ad 5�4. ,� 8 1 l an k.s filled i n'. B Itaw: w hen r e A. ttr:• orted the second reading with 1 b y "� s��, „ , d . ,. 1 . the ayor rep assPd and ordered to be s Lr, x a third time P of a voluntee i gne d an se r re N? t/� fs' r�� rovide for the a stabli shment and regulations sealed . �' fI'a 'r� I' , xhe By I,aw t o F s third reading , pe�ssed ,f,,PLnd ordered to be signed : an ... � ? , department wasp given it V i�'' • , . . . tL .� '' '11 .1 f.: Ir 0 Motion' Council 'ad j ourne d . , On ,I . I. ._ ' • I { ' , Il(� " .�,. or , a' ,., ,� . �I t rk .I.' . + 1 1. rl _ , ,t,, , 11 w,4 ,,,:, tv ,i s' .. "x „fie 11 - 'x I :', f; , - -. i ., II." ..a..__ 1.. :._ • . „ r .: ,..11,. .., _ . ,: I ,I �,� C ounc i 1 Room ,, ay �1. o f Goun�'i 1 was he�.d on above date members all pre sent the Mayor Kegular iae etli ng ' I re read and on motion confirmed . Minutes of fast regular meeting we , pre siding ., --•- C Ob'IlV�7I�ICATI ONS Council i : : 0, other seta 1 gas o ne station QP eratQrs requesting . : From Mr Joe Cooper and 1 1 ati the hours of sale for gasoline i,n the Town. to ass a . By-I,aw regal. t e et i't ion be returned to 'the p eson seconded by Dp Rv Vanstone tYiat h , P tea Moved b Rv semi " Carried "11 Y . ` etitioners being not sufficiently signed . ' �� Council to installs a toilet p Ii ,: e s Auxi llar of the Memorial Park As so request ng 1. I From �,adi Y ' . . I ; in Memorial Park-.L. c;h than the request be referred to the n Moved by Dp Rv Van stone seconded by Cr Dar , " , Carried Public Property Commit tee to investigate and report bock to Co uncil . tion ario T affic Conference advising of the first conven, t :,,� ! r�rom the lre sident of the, Ont t 1 th and reque sting that delegates be. sen . to be held in St Cath81rines on June 13th o a Cr D le chairman of the Police , = 31 - �I b Rv Jamie son seconded by Dp Rv Vanstone th t ,a n " I Moved Y with all expenses paid Carried {, 7F ittee be authoriz+ ' d to attend , the convention C omom L.. ro ert owners on Duke St requesting Council to �� From Mr Rrne st. �a s cant and o the r p p y ,} ' . ust and road conditions on Duke St . take action in regard to the d I f 1.7 � Da,rch that the requQ st be ref erred t o the itoe.ds �� 11 , r 1g Moved by Cr Niddery seconded by r " Carrie ':f d Streets Committee with power to aat . on : . an ee removed, outside .hie property . . From©m Mr D.V.H. t8�1n requesting to have a tr �` ( �A , o St . to the Pu�blio Ontario nest be ref erred `� ` ' e seconded y Cr Niddery that the req 1. pl� ' �Iloved b Cr ©shorn b �� Carried " 1(, o ert committee with pov�er to acct . �. M Pr p Y ,1. : . .., w; ., t.,l"1r1 t. 1 , . - , z I. YnLUN ? . r� x.w 1111 11 - . _ _11 x� ..r . 1. T }. .,•. - % ._ - _ - t c' .. 3., r Y ( L I fi t - t -1. rS,A -` x - i .. - .. _ _ fn it au `'t. ,r:.rat ,.»,. Z z .yI_,Q °` :, 1 a - . •. }, ` 5 . ;1 - r 1.ro �1 f { „ ,. -. �_ , , •; - .. i _ .,f a - S,. "t .. r,. 'i• �. t:Lit J. , . - ' -- __ - -- ---_ I • „ -., •' x _ _., _ --- __ - - o . ,,, , . ,C 1 Koom , N'ay 7th :;;, u«rVts ' . ,;�• , { i! of an By'-Law limiting the time of R, ,' , " -ON& a ainst the passing y c & Filed tt l�lr Sam Wilkins lkins protesting +t Re f� / . From , o dit inn r� ,, , �� 'h � .: � sale for gasoline .,Vlo ,` `,Ir' From Northumbe rland & Durham Heal th Unit in reference to the unsatisfactory c n r ' ,�> wJ,�. t o the 1 -1-11 of the Town Dump . that the co?�iplaint be r.eferrad �+ ; • 'k4 I r:1 . b D Rv Van stone seconded by� Cr Darch +t Carried �Yr_ N�oved y P ack . ,1 y . �,.; public i roperty ComQr � ttee to report b From , Durham County High school Di strict asking C ounc i 1 to give their approval and F services of a firm of architects �� '°' on sent t o the building c ommit �. Ae t o retain the . c 9 the Board prPpo se s to erect : �, � �� �' draw lans and sketchesfor new sehol� build ng oval be iven by Council . to Pv Vanstone seconded by Cr Osborne that appr g C edit �: d' by Dp +t ar r i w ]dove 11 .1 w ,, .I'll 11 losinP copy of budget for 1951 • �.., r ' Count District High ach'ool Board enc J +t Rec & Fil_ed " t a : . r From Durham Y . , a road allowance at the north end of Beech ''''..:1st ,. 'rom bar J .H . Lander offering to , purchase ,I' ll{ a 1 . the sum of 5'00 ,.00 advised that road .Ave for at lair hander be' the r C I'll �' hsoved b Cr C'arruthers seconded by �,r Darch 1t Carried " y snot for sale . hre na Diana ement 11 a1.3owance i member . of the g r tendering his resignation ,as a From' �lr J .��: , James . .... Committee . t at the resignati-on be accepted .' t� h '� W.....,..n ,nw, w J son a de d y r G� r,rrtmana, rt. s con b C Darn h �r . �r,,,,-' � r x;p v e C rr mi t, ..,!'., a P (L� p.l l:,•..w t,...,v. ,r,.ied M+W r'fi• ,. ,. - 'WA5,9aau,.waer�;.n r.,. ,'M {1p�,..z•a::,TS�, r>, 8 , ..., , .,w .. .. ...._._. , :1!(r'{�LA,,�� � `Tq. ,,.,, .,. :,,1. !,1 ':,r,.,.> F,"'. :•./.,.,. ,., ,�, r ...,.� - i,:l f..:tYI..,JI I:•.1.,,.:...:�. r.t!,,....M. .. 1P".: 1 t' f Hb TI t ., "1 ..Jf., _...... _ , r..,,,t. .r., ,. , r ., . ,, n „ : ,.,, r/n,. r, r ;P. :::::.: ,. ,......? .. �' i! t�•� .�_ a .. i.. �,.,,,,:.ra '.v: ,..r,.:. ,....t.,' r ,u.0 u,....m.r„ /.uSN.ta ,l,t':,/,�;r 1.,I,' l', F;11)n .._.._.__,..,.{-taaS ,�',J, .�t.4[. rc . z r r ,ii.;. ' , r1 "T"1 S _ .. _. r . . :,: i r , ' r r. x .,, .:._ .� .1 i"S r ,n,: 4 ,„.. ..,,.. :,..r. __ - C” 6� f j) _ _ .., I, wW - ne y lc4.3t. ,. .. ...... .. .. ..� ,,. .._ rr _ .,. 7 ,. �t,'. 4. -.. maax 1 .rca...n, dcnx. _.._... ,.... r, ,t ,. ,... 1. { ./�.,,, a ..- rs .....1.....� ... , ._. .- .J t , .. ,v , ,.t , u , ,1, �.Awa ma . ... .. .. K, ,:,1,3.., f 1. c. .ht r as ......._r .._ ._: .. -,.A.1..,.,.t.. ,,,I: _7 ..:,. ..X i.. .,• ... wawm}s.xxs� , .. .. ..:,% .... .r ,.1:, .4 o a / nc-zzx. ...-,-.. .. ... r. .0 /J ... - 1 , C om�ri . t,t. qtt . ,: t went " , ,. Ylana e e e he,�;I'll. From the l�,ren�a g iil� premiums * $ ,500 ,* 00 be made to the insurance r Cr Niddery that a loan °f 1 ved b Rv Jamie son seconder y �t Carried , ,," 1 .O •y • Arena Dana ement Commilttee 4, the a ointment of Der Don Shay a s a the Arena Management Committee requesting Pp , From J.M . James . 1._ 1 4' �, ,member of the coimnatee in place, of hlr at Mr. Don Shay be appointed a member - r� i} ttv Jamie son seconded by C,r Carruthers th 1 luo�red by tt Carried " went Co =ttee for 1951 -1952• f t he Ar ema Mar_age that the late „ , nk o archoundation,l Toronto advising t, f,I11 `� From Ontal'i o Cancer .Treatment and Re se ed a sum of money, to be used to pay for the ��, Miss D+ argaret M .M . Horsey had bequeth the Town igcluding the .payment of ,any , t ient s residing in { treatment of needy cancer pa , al bills incurred in such treatmsat . t letter be sent to the local Hospi of the Dfloved b Cr Da�.e seconded b Cr Osborne t. a copy t Carried '� y doctors and the Health Unit 11,,; a onference to. be held in London' „ In ,1 tario Recreational Asso advising of th c r� sec & Filed From On s „ '11 I ' on May 3_lth to 13th: n admitted to Bowrnanvi Ile Hospital and ties • Clerk advising of patients bei " sec & Filed From Coun , Oshawa Hospital . . a surveyors plan' of the Town . From M r John W Foote , M . P .P . in reference to . procur ng letter be aid on the table z . 11 I I'll Van stone seconded by Cr Niddery that the le �� Carried �R II ova y until further ` clarified . ranee o a a► _,. _Mn L g p s w , t� ,......� s stalnt p,ec or . of . i . ho a Table i Legal ffice Toro „ ' n ' , ' „ .From Mr H. C . NO , Laid on r , I surveyors plan for the Town . or,�_ in reference to the .aerial survey m photo raphic Survey Corporation, Toront Filed t� r'ro g " Rec. & ,of the Town . advisin a building officials . . & v e o menu , Toronto g ° . . ..; ��: :, From vepartment of 3:lanning ev l p , , 0 on M ; 11th to 1'7th and reque sting that ' 11 be held in Toront ay •� RecBc Filed " . Conference to , ' representatives be sent . ointment of a wee of riculture , Toronto requesting the app , From Department A8 d ins actor for 1951 . er be appointed ' wee • P C Carruthers that Mr Thomas Lym �� t -, b Kv 'Jam.ie son seconded by r ' . Carried " Moved y a last year . s actor for 1951 gat the same salary _ . in p to endorse a re�solut ioh reque sting the om Cit Clerl Sudbury , re nesting Council gr Y of Children' s Aid Society yards to contribute 50 of the maintenance °., ,. � rovi.nce that the re solu ion be endor sad and ed b Rv Jamie son seconded by Cr Niddery +� Carried " , Movr y �Ne 1 f are . o forwarded t o • the Minister of M L w ¢ py ture B :a,,,,,r,rey. ,,r " % to enclosing copy of road, expends y- a 1 . r �� Rec & Filed " , From Department ofighW°`ys Toron . +! A, , t ,. approved by the De partme n .I to enclosing copy of' agreement on , controlle From Department of Highways , Toron �� Rec & Filed " of roads. I access Highway and the closing p �; 1� ,4 Toronto in reference to the completion lotion E . Je�akson Guarantee Underwritor , �v From Mr T . td . Filed " 1 t �f Rec 8c �' Y r t _, ,, act of w.� . Bennett Paving L advertise I . . of road repairs contr I,, '+ de b Cr Dale that the Clerk be authorized o e .3 dove d by Dp Kv Vanstone s aeon d y I -1M t 1 , . 0 . 00 Public School debentures as soon as they ar 1. for tenders for the sale of 60 ,00 " Carried " 1, 1 : f - .1. ;,' f 1 , .� `' - ready for sale r -il. i. 4 .f � ret<YP"i!W� 4 v//,lSir,N�, ?ta f'Ji t�l ..•m. ....... ...,r . . i ' t h a.._ .^,... ,,X 11, 11- 1 F I 11 :^. .k! .- _ 6+ - e jl r r . , r ` , „ r r r h , r. , r , rJ -M h,� 1 �-Go ncil ,, f 1 z, 1 ,��M. 1 r. • � . ; � � r : • REPORTS tin �.sundr � } Committee submit Y eserited ! a re t from theft Finance - �� h . • �� Rv Vanstone � Pr , �� fl Dp c School Building accounts amounting to {, �y '�� � and lubli 1 # accounts amounting to 576 �� Rec & Adopted a e pit � �. certified as � b' jig correct and recoannending p ym � Dorris Co ' 2� 31� • 7 ' d c D c Rv d recce that the accounts for F . F . �� � ;��;, �•1, � „� ,' �I� � Moved by Rv Jamie9�on sec nde y P a account amo nting to � 24 . g0 be ' � • � ' tin' _ to 1'"5 . 40 and Toronto Isolation Hospit 1 � _ r +fi ��. • ` , Y�' amounting � ,- , -, their a royal and if � sati sfactory � � ;:, referred to thehayor. and 'gown solicit or fort PP �t Carried ,that the 'accounts be ' paid * Dale e t hat the , surety bond on the Clerk and a �tioved by Rv Jamieson seconded by Cr $ µ that a : surety ' bond of 2 , 004 00 be placed Treasurer be increased to 10 , 000 . 0 and a f 1 C ector . " Carried Clerk and Assistant Tara ..Collector } on Yr C . S . Oke 1�sisstant 1 P lice Committee be instructed Jamieson seconded by Cr Osborne that the o Moved by Rf. Ja the d i s o ss l of st ray dogs: and report back to �unc to 'investigate ' in regard' to P �� C arri ed, " 1 • , - � authorized to attend , Cr D to that the arsessor rbe '�lioved, b Rv, � Jamie Son seconded by a � aid . 1 ,, Carried. ” Y th with all . expenses p assessment school in Cobourg on play 9• at the auditors report be Moved b Dp RV V nstone seconded by . Rv Jamieson t y Committee to bring in a ,report at the next meeting . . referred to the Finance � �� Carried " r .._ ::, a t.. " .:. .. i •r.. .\ r �.,,� i:' ,. -r r r. i ,. -, ,f, rA. ,. , . S , 'S.li ...r31r t re., :., i. ,i. ..r. ...,... ,..r:r al t!,.", f /. ..l .(• ,.1 i. Y, 5. /�1y� y1 !� ,. ,...r..,. , 1,,.t.,,,. .u,+. ,.r,....::, „ .. ... �. _:yy1-.,: `. :.,-,r•t,... r .' .,. .rr . '::.. , .r.n x,,,A -1 u i .::,./..:(.r,•J,...,.:R1,LfltL.,?Pt.#XM't01'•1uY1lE}iA'RWA+4! 7YY:¢3Zgala%!S 'r.�' S.'r'BCarWN1>rNRP. r /1�i+/V : •..a�! ..lrryl r. '•�.. ,.. ,. v._.'_.. ,r r.r..,_. ..,i..,., ,.r- .v a�' �" Mave d by V LL �/ acv am eec y . r , chloride .' , . r s of calcium l ton t Crarr e 1 , 9 I' be authorized to ord$r 30, , . ,�3ri �'dP be ranted .150'• �� seconded '�' Cr �e.�rch� that. .the , �-ire � � �� , _ oved by r Osborne � : Carried . •^: � � 0 0 of the money �ece�i � d-• from outside fires . � � � � 1 • b.ei•ng 5 � � that rthe F�.re CoIImaittee be authorized• t'o , , ��r .tt� r • - � �illoved by Cr Osborne secorided� by Cr Wooll tt Carried Eump ed� on • the Internet i�onal Fire Truck . , have the repair ded b fir. Osborne ,that the Firz Committee be authorized 1 1 r Moved by r �yool secon y r r ladder, and , mounting from Bickle Se,agrave Ltd at an r � urchase a 50 foot aluminum t� Carried " 1 P „ 11 A roximate corst of � 900 .00 r er K .be authorised � � � Cr, that t�e �,emet y C ommi ' I,1 b Darch ttee loved b Niddery seconded y y r y " Carried „r 'to urc bags o . cement . 'hase r . BY-LAWS � r r introduce the if By-Lawn.;. . to introd • Kv Jamieson asked permi��sion , r off'` a ' Community programme of rec'reat ion e , Illo� authorize the carrying on 1 � � - � t'ion for: the Township of Darlington . ,: T roV'ide F�.re Proteo 1I ' : QrP the ur ose of an addition to a� �ubl .� c �rovl de for, a temporary loan for P , F r I r r , �wentr�� School . o rule 33 was suspended , and Counci ' On mot t1 on • Granted ,anal read the .first .time . ' 1 • • and reads t•he ,Mayor in the chair . 'On , committee 1 � into C ommlittee of , the : whole on sec � � {. r -Lawn e second' ' reading with all blanks f 1 .ed iri. By rising the "Mayor reported th ' • � d time assed and ordered to, be signed and sealed * , � the were then read- a third , P r ; •, � '��• � borrow in of � 60 , 000 . 00 upon debentures to deft y _ r �l'he By-Law to provide for the g - - ...� 1 in „a ' four room .addition to the Ontario St , was ��- cost of building and equiFP g aTl blanks:; rfif led in , passed and ordered to be signed . g�:ven ,its third r®ad�.ng with - ! r • r .r ' acid sealed . I : + , r Moti on n G� ni� � ad�o a cn, e d .un , t r l a or r . , ' r c/c , k I , 5' ..:. ,.. .. :., .. �- , :•, „�..:y._.. : .,: r,I r.......Im+•-i.Y.n„—«•.+1-i!114th i1 l,aN - - .. ...-.. 1 I t r „ rr , i; ,r „1 :,:,:, .:,. :: .r. t ,..,_.. -, ....- ,i, t :, , 1.Yr• ,•r ,' ,. a u' , • ,:.... 11 ,,-, .:.... ,. .-:;:- ;. ...:Q .,, ,-: ,,, -,. a •,.. t • .. -: .. ,.:. ,.. .- , r 1 .:.. ,' ..,. .. :' „ :.: A ,•l. ..., ,, n..... _,, i,:,:, ,."..:, r ,: .�:., .. , t. .: :. tl :;. .,.. \ r I 'n{:, ::. r p ,.4 r , �': .. ..It n > ..., a _. ... r.. .. .r=. ., r. ,r, •:..: ..., t :,... :: .. .... II -, .• -�.d ,,.. 1 .7 / , .. .:r.r 1. ..,,Ir , .. r ,. ,.,, .. ,., .: ,....r. .::.( -•....,,: 1 .. :. i ., ..w ,.t .. ._r ,.a ',. r .. :... .:..'.: ., ,}. .. .........:.. .. � ! i1 v::;.r: Y ..,. - I Y- •1 , ; r,.... r ,- ,, , r,, r•..is ,..�>-'.,.+ rr :, ., - ,. _. , ,.. :., ...-: i. -, In �-'' �-� ;+ •1` 1 ,Y , , r r 'r : , Y , , r ` t! , -...t,,, ,,,;'', , r :. r f" -. :/ ,.. ,9 -.-.1 _ ,,.,. i ., ,•!.. :-:' ... .:. ..': ., '� tai nay , , : ' ,. , 7 �„ , , ,•:, i -. - ?, ,, ,, T=• • to ,. _ _ z' 'r. , , i r r ,:,{ , f .,rr.,,-, r -,....,,• r .e,_.i.,r y A.r.,sr±, ,w ry-4Y�,.r'k r�"v'fft('�r ,:IIF vOLUM t� t 1.. ,. Y 7 c'. f r '� :'1. S. S t .� P. _ _ �. - ,,A • xr k'r€:.e _'fie.. Y..k.•k,.f"Y{y,,'ax AM —, zf r : • , f;. ,. I 1R , • .. „': ";- • �.11 t , _ ,.,. 1}A f ?: . J n i _ _ --- x 1 �.►u►�^r co _- _;-_ __ ___ _- ____��: _.____ . ._ __ C ou n c i 1 R,o om , J e a J .�(c� above date tn+e mbar s all pre sent the h.ayor ,.�' a �� Re ular meeting of Council wa. s held o,n gad and on mot ion c,onf firmed . ,, s„«. g eetin were r 4 Minutes of last regular m g X ' ., } ��� j .1: � pres . ding "UrIICATIONS �4 � � t � ,k COI+11 -1 t Y,r Har've W I Road Y Luf fman Ara Road and. I +,a5 prom b`r ,Thomas Gould , Ziberty �' � lr oVE'd in front of heir respective Ar le St , requesting to have tries rem „ti F Gorden , gY , the Public # „ ropertie s . the renuest s be referred to p Cr Dale that a, � b Cr Osborne seconded by i �� Carried "I 1 . , . Move c I y � rt Committee with power to act roe own on Nelson �t for 1QC • 00 i 11 �' t o urc ha 11 g® a 10 n �� From I��r J ck Vermeulen of faring p h lot be sold to Mr Vertmeulen for a y Cr Dale that t e "' Moved b f Cr Carruthers seconded b , i 11 I. M S t within one year to conform with the a house is built on the to . , 00 . 00 roviding " Carried t, ant t o him : N l F _ d that coy of By-Law be s at action I 11 pre sent bui lding By Law an . p ' ` - From ' Mr Norman Burns and . ,ot her re sl dents near the Town dump reque sting , th of the est of flip s from the dump'• ,,,, ��- : ; N taken to, c ont r P i 1, e e - com faint be referred to the b e ' seconded by DP Rv Vanstone that th P „ Carried « , „ , b�o,ved. by Cr Dal ed in their report . t, ,- v Ca nittee to be inclu Ro d 'Committee Public �ropert„ a of a meeting of the C�untle s . advising 4} rotn Counties Engineer , Cobourg 00 ,c,.bs . ,and requesting Council to� send ' 1. b h ld in Cobourg on June 11th at 10 . , �; +a . t. e ,, e • . , to , . ,. :....... , a : , ..._.r r,,..._ r. ,, , ...,. a:v,ru.....JJl,+P3AAin#S5L Yu .L.�'1'3t4E:1P31:EPs.:x.{ri xi. .�.:: :'x._. ..:_.•:.... .:__,_.....^........__r•.__.-._ ,.:'...._. ,. :....»....:r_. �.'1: , ,...t.x _ _ _... .... _ .... :a. 'A'IWAtF38A6WaL$+Y�,tA.'BYrf•� "T _. _.. -....._: l...a ._ ._._ - ... S' >. Z t ..'l 1.11 .L:v.i._4,1,x. _. _.:. .b:.:...,:. .,.. .0 k 12R�' t9S'� ...--N.TE, lJ .ull ft'CM3i'PSit •L8.l ri7 f.d4 ...._..__- ._:_:_.. '..._.._....._ .._: _ ._..___ r,;.,.::. ''}}p�ryry u- x t n• rhxt�e xa�s +_. .!A- --.... e. .., n�dr: .. _ _. a,t. l v . e P..,. ....:.:..:_.._._._�_......,.,,,.�o',ti.,.� J.r -� � �.a,�rn..:..,> .-_ ,:, _,,. ,. .nt r :•:o .:: .. .. r.:- - _.._.... -._._. .j(�6 'yyt'. .. ....__,...<,�-usuvwm ou'.ee' i,, ,._a__.,: ., r , r .•.e.,... , ..�: . ....,.arrM!h•-PfICM1a:e::2,?'C:v':: ,r , r'r:r.. .n.�. , x: _, r "•mmw':k+`tramcMema>.eio4 Jra+J¢Kn1Yt�iv #frfQ+ructsOOk mxrdu QQ ,, >.Jr...,r:..zxr_:. a.otu:,•+.w.•r.:u .�c>u.....� _e...v.., ,,, ,r -- .. .. .. 1rJ C o nn nca.,� rv.- .a•.o maapc.wr...1. P Cr Kidder e nded by b Y aid . r r d Crsorn ;mod;:, hove y arises. . p �C s� t o at teed the meeting with all expenses,, nested a went of one 'be. req Board l ort. Hope reque st ing Y Disttict, High . School From Dv rham C ount,� 1st next ' achoo 1 le or . 1 1 July be e Hi h vy, 9 5 by e r e u e st gra.nt d :, half. of g T R `nstone seconded by Rv Jamie ion that th q ,� Carried , Move d, by D:� v Va, . . Council for M thers Auxillary thar_king Y of' t e Guide o n Kance billing secretar Rec & Filed . From bars own truck . kee in and destroying the �Y �e ?f the T u e of fees for catching , P blr H.'N . K-naPP enclosing new ached 1, r r' ri , From dfiledandtY� t ta, dog s b� re ceived an ,r,4 . letter „ onded b Cr Osborne that the " Carried ,: toyed by Cr dale sec, Y under sonsideration . k. attar is .11 Mr app be notified that the to admitted to Brampton Hespita1 . advising of a patient being ntie s Clerk ark be instructed to' take such (I From Cou y Cr Woolf that the C1 t �' I�Ioved by • ,DpRU Vanstone seconded b Carried 1. �x 4 • t action as is necessary . a taxi license . -- — filler Making application for , , e` rafted . " °Carried ��. IL 1,115 3 From Mr John R M b Cr l�iddery, . that the application b g 4 Cr . D le seconded Y b o annual rants forllunicipal IL t. _ Moved Y a of •education , Toronto in reference t . g 1. & Fi led ' De�,artment _ " Rec Fro �• aim for, Recreation Programme . ce t o Mr W ! Edwards c l re,feren ' of Canada Toro.nto ,, in *' ,% sua It C.ompa ny , �I R e±c & Fi 1e d.11 11 I , From C a Y . Ci it damages . De . _ .. fenc,e,_._. , , c a1 �ecr' eta�ry , , Toronto in r.efere.n�.e__.t.© . . ._ v . . _ vin i e ��� __ __- f ., ,r.Q .. . _,.. . ., ist,r 11 From De ar.'t�aent o t t.he,.' ..Clerk- i 1 p ha 4 ."�':�. ,, 4 "W-_ .,.A . ;;s. . , arc h 1 . D,.. . t be not o a v Moved by arruthers s econd:ed by Cr re read �to go a .. ....­­i ... ... . ead 'wit} Cr r that C ounc i 1 wi 11 a o-operate when they a tho Count fie s t C leek n Carried or anization for Civil Defence . Laws in g _. copies °�B 4, h Uni b enalos - d" and/Durham Healt uses . R$� From , Northumb t C o ourg , er1 1 11 g , ova 1 r o ' reference to the r 11 L of dead anima s and slaw hte h „ N ,, , � REPORTS ttiri sundry account a ce Committee submi g Vanstone relented a report . om the F n n ounts ' for $ 131 • 20 certified as Dp Rv p Publi hool Building acc , ounti n t o �9 5 4 and �� Re c & Adopted" being . correct and recommend ng a ant . ,,: b Cr Dar ch that the Finance Committee e ' Moved by Dp Rv Vanstone secon ed Y , to collect two OutstandiXig tax arrears . authorized t o Make any action Found necessary �� Carried " at Council approve the expenditure of µw Cr Osborne seconded by Rv Jamieson that and toilet facilities in ILI :: ' Moved by 00 . 00 for the construction of a u n ,, ,' approximate 7 s rk Co aittee be responsible for the care , PP roviding the�t the Memorial Pe �� Carried " Memorial P rk p and equipment • 1. intenanc a of the building Committee be 1 ,#:% .+ ,i .. ,su�pervisio and m� ed b t�v `' amieson that the Public ]Property l •: b Cr Niddery second Y e the rats and flies at' the 11 ,a i, Moved' Y r i authorized to take the necessary action to exterm na �� Carried " . r Town dump • drier that the R®ads and Streets 'Committee, be ed b Rv Jade song s econded by Cr Ni Mov Y ` ah�onide end one car of crushed stone . .` order 30 toms of calcium Carried 0 authorized to of xpe nditure , .,�, J C ounc i ZaPProYe t ha e al f . , aeaoded by Cr Darch that MrE . F . Marston, �� :`�' J ,, Moved b y v Jam fie son L­ i for re airsto certain r4a�ds and tha of a pproxfmate ly 10 , 000 00 P tenders . " Carri®d , F to advertise for a odds En inset be authorized � , � �, Municip 1 g , {, s » , t t , � �� �a , P., •i . ", -f .. ..' ,, , t ..',,..,.. , S't n YOLt]Mh ? . If 1, .�p r' a1 �.•i, ..„', �I s :�. 3�" ''... - r ,- iS`2 s z 11 I r--4 _ _ _ {{yy y� �_ -e�# "2 :} _ "z'i'£•f _r:: r `b G.1 kF.a Fi 2�.< ;{ -,.N ,.. a e .•. 1i"i' 'i- .,.a: _ Y_ - »..,.^ _ _ ,.._111_1 1111.-_._..__....:.....+....,-__-_... ...- .....,a........ . 5 I i . .1 l , 1 - a, , ? ,. 11 TI . . , ,._ - . ,, • F , it : ,. t, : a u ",. vk I— I i �.. I(, 1111 ,i .,h.t c.. 4 1 ,., r, , h;, n . ,_ : , . y < n• a ,. , a r .: :. -�_11 i c _..i - _- , .. -l_ ,k, r ,. r , 11_11 ._ r,_1111._._---. - ...-__+- b ' •,, ;'JI • -1111 ,.. • 1,•111-�._: . r ' . . r R -. i J c. ___�- .., N C oun c 1" m , th 11..�,t � � .Cam o ert Committee . �� b D Rv Van st one t hat the Public P r p y N� �� Moved by Rv Jamieson seconded y P ht on :�c�� o� St and rel;orti back to of installing a street llg g t, ,� . t, investigate the matter Carried Council . e be ranted 50 . 00 „ Cr Qsbor.ne seconded by, Gr Darch at the Fire Brig d g � „ Moved by t' Carried " { � f the amount , received for t ide fire �� 1� being 58 o I b R Jamie son that t he Public Utilities C ommi s's'i _ n :F -- . a Moved by Cr Carruthers seconded y e'l r P 4 aka a systematic check up of the ,hydrants in the Norm tot e be requested to' m 'f Carried " / •II satisfaction of the Fire Chief . 1 0 ' ded b Cr Carruthers that the Clerk be instructed to write 't l) ,:f\ Moved by Rv .. Jamie son s econ y , :,: ,x , of Darlington stating that the agreement in regard' ,t o ti ,,t� A 1 the Clerk of the Township ., 1, Carried " l I / t s ready t o be si fined `` ° ,,. fire pro action i y r i_ sr � Y Cr h dder thart the Town solicitor. be instructed t'o �' ,�� ,+; ore d b DpAv Van st one seconded by , i Y 1 . ,,-' �' b t the �rmament establishment of trailers ,,t , .I.. n1,3. ,� prepare S ' .By-Lgw by June llth to prohibit ,PP . I tt Carried " . k (I h l4 1. in t he b;unicipality • J�51 t ' N i d e y t the oDUri tee i nv a st i gat e c ded r ' 4 ,,:: „ one s e �t �� C d r tha Civ�c C q „ „} , I it 1- 1 . , , Moved by DF by st ' �'an o n ,, ��. tatn , Carried e �, in regard to a zoning By-Law • �� the Roads and Streets C ominittee be v J m i e son t hat . .t Cr Nidd r onded y ' Ca d ; t a�i Moved b e y sec b' �R a t� rrie " ,<< " y Blrack To f or driveway s ' ed to seta price on P I a th or iz u : " _ __ - _. __._ _ - : ....:z.��n ,, - _. ._., __. .. ,,;:.:. ,"<- ,. _.-. _. _ .. 1.1 11 - -__ _\. __.._ ._....... ...._ .-_..._1111. .Y ...� .x- m..:..., - - _ _, _ :_ n _. as l__ s_. ._. - - "'nr _ _.. __1111. _ _ n W, I 11,,. _:: AT__1111 --- •.y.>Ak,, c , _ _ .,,,,."v o>:' ,.t-4,d.,wv�,.d.y..�.•..r�.,.db::F.'•' ...__"-_,11,11_ :11 -.r:.. 1111 .. '. .� ., 1111.: �.... 1. ,......_ ... 11_:11.,...... ..._. ..._.. __. _- ',.-:,;..;.( y. J h iL✓«,.f. ..._y.;,: , „ ,. .�.• � ,; .._.•�. _._ >- .r:--u,<"">-_-_s.._v>a.,Ir ter.._ ... 'j. ..k W 1. 1111 ,.. ,,.,.:,.,,.,-,.-. ,�. ._..i. ..c__t r,.:.w-._x_.�:.Y_..:1111., _ a...."_-_... 1_111 _1",`_ .. 1111 �N� 'n,°iSTfC3i�SR457':, Tw. ,:.,.,,......,.....,n,,, ...,•..:..w•-.. ..,. ,t pia,"'�ir'6+'3.Xf •'k�im.+r �rw+m,+n 1,a ,S J ,. ,,....,,,✓111,1,,...,,. ..,:._.._- :. ...1.... .1 - .,,.. 1111 :.,r:- ::n.. .:.::1:11,1. x..::_,._.r. xxa-.a.�.eswuvcurnsxlvz+a;"MA e., r! ._.e_..--_.,...::_.i. .-._:..�:,,-. _ 111:1:':.,, �.::...::-. _ -..,:, ...-..,....,..,, �" _- _11 .,r. ..,. ,,,. ... .,..'%runes•G rv+.•a.tna' 7 !fir.. 1111. :.:' -,: ..DP - vaspxsi rn i .w'.,.. 'U. h.♦ ..:s., w .n...>,,... ..nn..v» ni ..., a Yv.I fz. Y311t.I]t42T.UHil.1.KM..YtFlkK„1J.1�ttil,tL U,✓W,J..r Al • .k vel:,wM `'� �%c+r�,�,+' .. ?�,{ ...,. v..au,..t..,v,+ sltb: a,NNi..%%ra , ._✓'.• 3r[.- W xv .,(.. „_v,tr u.:is:nv�eea'tGtx.t,cctKltiktAT'X..uett4IUrltily.sttans.,,,tuhr.lbnitti.A..,.r se,a,:.>tze.:l�v..-`,.!cr�eytsrlbwt, an's'ATrsivlJ:u:dL RU...r. >: .. .. ...'•"v % ,'v%•�urrxxxrnrarra:aXNVNmtwk/t,.W NWT.+Aea1W;Wal;Ysv,W,1'f.Yt tesNlvgiY31�iTL'di"'htXtNiSdJ,'x;'' I+ixtc'tvruy xutt.'t,a:,'.rvl..x._ . 1+ r 1. - - y .1O o .1.h , „ r ,.t x n r.{ C,, ounc 1 , .. 1n ,I 11�tf t \., " � .� �, �Z,e,�. t - I . .. t& ���` ��� I 11 " I , : I . . I C% --���� . y r :} ru o •' .1 I k ay ore, 1 c, r C e.L • 1. o. n , }, `, ' ' . , i , : ,� r ha°fr wy at I IJ a ,,a, 11 i4.1, n' , ,,It4a ,• '1,� .:413 - �z e11t'h. 19 51 Counc i 1 Koom ,Jun, I . „u i I P ' � 1% � e sent the �,a or' ' �1 ,yG,• ��. date members all pr Y al 'n�eetin of iCouric it . was. herld� onabo>ve, , �� tt. Spa g etin for the . purpose of� meeting tl ,P, 1 "` ated that he, had called the me g 41 11::. r „r, re siding ,, .nd" st • 0 1 Bo d ' ter• . undte cha3.rman II „1 P i strict Hi h ,::) o ar Mr ' dal %r r , members of the Durham C County D g 11 „, W s� ,�t ' ,Board pre sent . ` to Council introducing the members of the addressed ;t �' ,tf t,,, r tha al . s ace would be. required tt,.r�, t add it n p �t R �cGre or addressed Council ststaing 1*0:bs,3 N. a� 11 Mr D.� . �► g . onal _ ils_ and asking Council to 4, 1 Hope ad PI P . at' Bowman v 11e and Port .' ­ 1 '.. ' '. 1, .'. ... .�� ,'. ., tii,,, I • .. to ac c omodat e i 1 V,], , e bui ldi zl programme � ,k approve of the propos d g y, - �rl C0r1�U�UA�ICATI0NS ,n . Council oom from Dees 13th 1 , . , "' Fostmastar request ng o rent the. r i from v:r J . B . Kent .' iL" " . v , , r 1. Dec 2th , 1951 ' e Council Room, be rented to the Post _ C Osborne that t h `,)� Cr Dale seconded by r 1. . Moved by . '. 1 1 at a rental „ of 5� • 00 ' for the 11' tl �rs. il, . Office Department from rDec, 13th to , Dec ,2 24th, 95 " .Corned 1.11 . y 5 ..T... . .� .r,-�•,...�.M:..}),r+.«x .:r...,.•. ,r..�..•,... ::. 1111., .. .. ;.•1 .t- 1_1- _11._,_...-. .', ! r !; I.••f .. ..,:u.,..v •.,. ,•.,. • .-.. _1111...1111.... ._..- .. ... 1111 - -_ - - __.. _ _ , t e h Se � ' peri od . mhe f o.l 1 owi ng ers were received for - -h •. pure ._a. ._ ,of .. -1 b0 ', fl00 . 00 deben ure _ __ . I . . . ? _ _,_ -. 11 en Gund & rood Co Ltd, F y .-_ _..__�, ._� ._::P... 1111 _ .. ' 0 • -..t, , .. ,x. '• u ,.,,I .�, _ - _. -- _ !.+-1.,_.,. .�..__1111 _,•.�.,•, _-___.__ _.-___.. __- - ,. , „ ., r ' ... _ , Ande'r #. son ,& Co Ltd I . erid ,: . , 4 , erc a I.-1.�� -. _ 11 n k of Comm e . 9�7� • Og , x . ', . I, Cana . • �a r. a , 11 ,- -- -.r.- 1 Gou i n l o c k C o Ltd ' Bel . r ,. 11 , 11 I _.- " 1111 , 1 ,, .111.1 ' , Graham . � 8c C o• Ltd , J.L . •9 . 55 } that the t gender of Wood Gumdy 8c C o .11 ,. ' d C , ova by DpKv I aeon Vanst one e Y Carried •' ,kx be ac,ce• ted� at a price of 47 .72 I .11 Ltd P 11 BY-LAW , asked ermission to intno uce a By-Law to provide for cans n , Rv Jamieson P 11 / re ulating -and governing tourist dam and trailer camps'• ed and Council went into �i., a � I . . . . I g , and thr first time Obi mt�tion rule 33 was suspend rising Granted an On committee g of the whole on second .read ing; the Manor in the chair.r. then 11 committee By-Zaw was 11 i or re orted the second reading with alb blanks filled n • I 11 ..the May P . , e assed and ordered to be signed and sealed . . read a third tim , P I :0 I . r t I - On . Motion Council adjourned : ; 1" 1, i % It ix Il ��r - - , . '1 1 ' t' - ,, , - �.I 1. > ;% s a or .ti��Al R' C 1 er k M 3' „: , , _ „ „ ,1 , I Ii • , S .., , ;� ,, y. i ' ••I .1..11 1 .,, ., I ,,, .>.' ..r '. .' ,. , r,' } , , f :.;.:n• ,_:. , 1 ,1111. ±{„ .I , ,. .. - ,, ,� . f _ .. r_. .. , .,; _..�, 111 ,, I . .1" „ .1 91;. .. , ,,,�: 1; ,. .. s'au- 1. - , 'J , -.,, . I.. r , . _ „. .. ,.. , 1 Ir r 1_111. - _ -, t 1 �!. I .. ,. ,: ,< ,, ,._,,, ,., ,:-:," ,111,:1. �' i ,l r 1.1111. ,.., ,. ,t_.. , r .a „�,'. .... ,.t,„; ,., . 1 1 . 1 y ..F: I .. !, . :. . �.:ti ,1 „ ,.rt I' �. ., t „ I -:F , - ,.: ..,,. , ,1 n.,. 1"': '., ,1+, .1 . . :, r.., ;: .1 ,, ., ,:.1... .. 1111,.. 1111 :a. , r -. __ . r.,° t' n.. , v:,.. , 'r,., ., a1 .. ,. fl '1 _ . ; ..«. .1 r:v. , ,:: : r , ,..: :,1,111... . ,'';. , i -.-„:. , Y.,. .., 1111 r .. ,% .. ... .. .. ., t ,. -,.. . 1111. . •• ' -„': ., "t/,I t, ,:. 1 111. ..,,",. x._, , 11 1.1:, ..1 , ::. ..:.: ,:;. . - _ .:,,s.e ,.: , , ... ,.. I , _( c: 1111.. ,.- - ,1-:; _ ..s, r :, r ..:: , 1111..-t; t '.:.. 1111. 1111.. . , ,' ,• 1 .. 11 ":': ti, 't�j_,. ,j,... ,.. I,., r , , ::.. ,..,. L.. , , A ,,, 1111:, , 1111,. , . , ',II 1111 .. ... .r ... ,. � 1- �� „ ,. : ., :.: -. �...r. , ,: :.I , _1111 I. -11il- c.. 1111:I . ,I. , ,1. -•:., ..'�V oP "i. 111,1. ,1 _., :a ,- 7 ,„ r _ i.. , :. ., 1 , �. , �%. 1111+. ,-° , rr. ' ,!': , ,Y .'. ,. , .. '.._ ':.-.._ .. 1:11:1.-._ � ... , s � '. ,. , -r' ` " '-1111. , t -1111."i, ,: .. k. , 1 t, ,.. 1111 -- ,r (I . , .I r le .. t _ .,I, 1.,, ,: , .. r , ,. -.1111 --..I' '�' .- • I -' ,I I 1 ._. _' r 1111 1111:) ,::;,, :. „ , , r,'. , ' r 1111 ' 1 �1 fl, 111:1 .. .. .�. 1111 :'. t•. ,. :.: • 'I. • , ,. 1111,. ., 1 ,y. .,V , 'r}, -1 ,,.,t .,'' '1111::.. , a .,, 1111 � '..' -.; ,. :-,.. ., ,:: �. I, 1111 .;. _ ..x. i i 1 .. ��.. .. _ ::, 1111 �, :;I. -.; ,. , �%r , . 1_ , , I " 1111 _ .I - r • n. _ t ' I .7 1 p 1 x . .. ,v,r,M,«.yr;. i.m,.r4n t /..,,m i1.J tint(.rM^y' ytirWwy�'h•*+1\ tt+5?".'T/Y„ ,�•�' lk�r' � I i . � r.: 11. ' '�. �. k r OLUM6� 7 11 I t v - r _ to n 11 il .... :•£+ ':. .d'.y r.- .,'v.._ W :'a, S '-'1•}'R`- .yr.•w. ):3 _ t`.z,' e R�`° ,.+im:C �.yn:., X,� d ,, rJ n - a sa r :.`'sa: �. :a rtf . • 7 1 ' - + • . . . . • ' I • , • r , • 11 .,. _.ms'• . T r r 1,. i.I 11 r >. ;< I ' a . ! i t <... , . .t , • 1 •11 -y e 5. I • • • , :'. .... .. - �. h - v 4.. I �, z -I _ f.:.. . :. ,. _ .. r I .. .t r . y. r.: . • _ a _ _ - • : , _ �. ,. t'.'. -1- _.. .... . , 1.11 __ 3 .11."T s co __ ._.__�._ c r d il t C . i 1 lY � R- ors • �'u 9 51 �M u n 1 . ���� r d _ �. n above date 'member• s all pre sent , the J� ayor "11 �` °"� Kegular meet.inrg of Council was held o eetin s : were read and nn motion x t oaaw c ti ..raT dingy R a st re ular and s perc ia1 IYl I 1.press I�� in ate s of 1 g I Kh yr , ' confirmed . , playground on �, C ounc i 1 a skin - fora grant towards maki nG a Mr ovilliam I Tait addressed , . . the Franklin T-roperty on Scu�og St . e that a ?rant of $ 500 . 00 be rtia 9 to tre b�oved byr Cr Niddery seconded by Cr Osborn , ' . ,'=1� e sub ect to a written agreement from b�'r P .M . Franklin � Franklin N:emorial dark . C ommitte �� j ears for, the payment of the taxe. s on the land ` � � d � to lease the land to the Town for ten y " Carried ++ ,4G ' for the purposes of u parka T bor e that the ublic rroperty Comn►ittee and the Moved by Cr IViddery seconded by Cr�' s ed to ne otiate ' with Ir P •L' ,, Franklin for .the purpose of. 11 1'axk Com�rli.ttee be authori � g +� Carried It r 'd� securing a lease on t he property . C O� TI CATI ON S ;' -3V,:" Eder Ave c omplaini n of water being +- From ��essrs J .H . Parkhill ' and kale lc n yre , t �... '1. Place onto Alexander kve and asking C ounci 1 to have drained from bui ldin s. on Li be rt3 ,11 li- - 11 1 �' th-: drain pipe removed . oads and Streets Committee be 1 .`" ' Moved b Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr Dale that the, R +t , Carried "1411. F y 11 instructed to investigate' and report back t o Council. ,T at a ara e , so ing t o be built on , th g �I re st at i n g a d c n tr g n l__ Y _ e Ti ra. g . xkh,i..i, . _ - _ r p l _ _ ant ,,.., ,:. r. -- _ ___ _= � 'r©m a -- --ski-ng-- _ u.T�.c i 1 not o _ ....,i?__ __,v_._....T__ _.,, - _ e a r.w_a an t ....-.... ilk L7A 1T, .. . -e -I.'t. ...._ i£�4%0.l . n. .wn ,.. ,_: Q.. .. 'AuX,r,.,�..... .t. _....._:._ _.._..-_ :.... .. ?1'&.0.1"'Fk"�I - .I-x ........-. a �sru �i:..w .w..w n ... ......:. x :- 'iyR ai'i :. _.i ._. _..._. .m..eyvuanea.aM+aamevsuv -..t�t• T. ..t:.rr,,n. v. 1... rr n>..r.,1 aa. a w . , .n ,.,a.n, ns,,,•a ,•. -.+ ' nn'li`<Id'Ltii.'a.vd,r r .r r r pp�eyq �'*yj ,j�"�, h TxTa.. �,(/J�Jrr .r.7Tr .iv.cr,.,n., ts. , .,.. .;..n v...s....vr..,..e.ea.,,. r..,r r .: ,'�,''�'had`i1N.U: ,,�pCt r¢,/Wi4Clri15F,a11tY,>�'ttlt0.Alk$ d{Lk... r t 1�'�y 'ls,l� is1t r ...'f.S p, n.,, i t ✓ a ..:.;r,.:u.5...,::.»�....,. - _:,.n.,a . .n.,,.... _ear.,.,..w.x.xo;,.:.ut ..'c ry.:.... _a,,.:.,rr...rs.:,'....,v:ar.n.t..c.'r;r.,'!.'W.,;.x.an,,x,l,e.r> •:'.vidu.rr...mm..._.Waal _c„cv v�1:,'t..w_,�ox>�nms.,h<u-a,.:ct ew.11 i r #'or building on this location . } than the Rlatter be ref 6`rred. t o rrt•be , own Moved b Cr Osborne seconded by Cr• Carruthers " o Y re is an thing that can be done t o pre�rent r= solicitor for advise as to whether the Y f vA +t Carried x+ rt 'owners on Liberty Place having access t o �le�cander A t 4 grope y cation for the clesing of all unopened . .r , From Bo� anvi lle Hospital Board makingppl ,1 . nectin Liberty and St, George at Teets and deP ded to the .St. ePt named 1 rince St con g Ho s-rital Board . and t he Board 11 will deed to the Town the same width of land south of 1 . ,:' t Ir.i nce . St . ed 'an t t he . rant d t ha r oad ��, °. rt, - �. onded b Cr Niddery that the request be g Moved by Cr Dale sec y a.11o�v:ance g 1 . ranted to the Town be 60 feet wide 'instead of 52 Ft 9 inches and that the B -haw c�.osingPr`ince St and a portion of 11. ��1, pr e pa T e a Y Town solicitor be requested to " arced " C , ,,; t , "' 1. : St. Geo r e Ste r • or.. ayment, to g cheque f 2 �J0 . 00 t o yard s the p. � . . + , From r Bowmanvi I le Beach his o e nc to s ing :1.. 0 • and statin that they. . would be unable to send eny fur er 5 , I crossing were not t n�1 . watchmen for 19 shat the watchmen a tends se and also c opla i ni^ng rr donations for this p�rpo ,11 1 � ' at the cros sink . to their : duties " Council sso be advised 'that, f de b Rv .Jamie son t hat t he Bea ch A . 1. t Moved by Cr Dale secon y 11.µ 0 . - 0 s ear ` towards • the expenses of the watchmen and would expect a payment .of 25 th y , �t Carried 1. request a reply . ' p - _,r. _ . _ -. Board asking C Dunes 1 to pro ide Police r©test ion fore c Ten ;, From Public school t o cross Hi hwny No 2 . attend e 3 ng t e nnt-ar��-'Street ci oo3.-�vho-hav e-.- - - - Police I'll ,. ded b Rv Jamie'son that the reque st be referr'ec tot a 'f ' , , • Moved by Cr Osborne secon . _ _ - - - . 17 ,I ­1 11 Committee to reportback ' Council to have a cement sidewalk construe a on From luf�l i c school Bo ng 1. - - . and a s t . �. - - - ----- - - ---- -- ----`--- __. - -- - --- --._._-r -11 r Ontario St ,' West Side. from Albert _St to Nel so n . d. , C Nidder that Council advertise that 3 cement Moved by Rv Jamieson seconded by r ed on tYie west side on OntarJ.o Street from Albert St o t� 1; sidewalk will be construct . it Carried 1. I on 3t index the Loec 1 Improvement Act General Hos its 1 . Nels k ' a dvi of a patient being admitted t o Toronto P . From ,Counties Cler sing +' Rec & Filed " . Rte f or. 19 51 amounting t o s C lerk C obourg advi s ink of the C ount a t. From Countie Rec 8c Filed " 2? , 8.63 .•35 . d. su 1 the t�i 1e i f - the Town would 1'{ • . :. From Down Nurseries stating that they wou pP Y 1 - St Geor a St from' queen t o King Street supply the• labor to fill in a ditch on g Roads and Streets Committee .be I Cr Darch that the • . . . . it #- Moved by Rv Jamie son seconded by r � �� Carried authorized to prooeed with the wor 1 . , , ststairi that they are interested in the All From H Powell Chemical Co Ltd , . Toronto , , g 1. t ' pureha�se of the old Hospital building for manufacturing purposes and asking i it 1 . •' would be passible to have a I. fixed rate of taxation fora period of 5 years . b D Rv Vanstone that they, be advised that Council are 1 Moved by Cr Dale seconded y p ,,. t : a B _L w f or t hs a pPr oval of the rate payer f or a f x e+� proper y„-11 11�a willing to submit. Y a Carried easment of� $ 7 , 000 . 00 for a period of ten years . g , Og over t ie ass da Toronto St sta ing tha"'t a balance of 12 ... From Casualty Company of Gana , 000 . 00 under the liability policy on the lolice ,Care ' property dame►ge limit of 1 , ai and ' re nesting cheque to cover r Co and Wm Edwards Temain� unp d q r A on dana�ages t o B.A .Oil , v Vanstone sego d by Cr Carruthers th at a c heque f or 12g . Og be sent t W. Moved by I ►� Carried "F. to tY�e claim . Pay d / , K h ,:., .y,-• ,....• .,.•..,.,.. ., .,,r,. «•.,i r '.. �r, `1,,,i,s4. y I•sr: . - t, 11 1� z VOLUME 7 4 w *.. !: a i 1 4 4 a I. ' ,,. 5 6 p-T a co t Counci 1 ROOM , July 3rd 1951' U"rmmn U S' t Ing the extension Q Ic4 f, t he s anita ry urch req e i st i SM Ch colcm From , Trustees -of t bie First , Chr their -lay r­_F� d e from n order that , connection scugog -St i NY C) N feet north on zewej� �75 t it'i 0 ' 1 s prop -hat p e ased chure h buildings ed t that t hey be' ' a d v i s ded by Cr Dale by Dp ,Rv Vanstone secon Moved Carried the propos,ed sewere . perty owners fronting� on required from- the pro end f a arfitar�y sewer lett petitioning for the construction -o From Y r To s e ph J F iiardview St and on ' Orchardview St n out hway Drive from Flett cit t o Ore watermain o e. St . from Southway Drive to Jan C Osbo b rne that 'the, pet"itio0s , b,.e referred to the ieson secorded , y Moved by Rv JaT- Carried mnissiono Publ i-c Ut i 1 it te s . C 0 9 intment of a buildin * to, ,t vi 11 e, in reference e , appo From Herbert G Cole Bowman Roc � Filed Re d c , & File inspector * esting membership * pl uni- cipal., Asso ,requ From Ontario Y a n , , of, umbing in ,her , the i ' std1l . tiO n, Scu?,og St n reterenoe . to From Mrs David Brow Rec Filed -of road-agreement house * s. be 9 pies tifi that 60 -Engin er , Cobourg , r eq4e s e From C ountl e,s R6adt r uthe. that the agreemen by the gned e urned.. ts be a rs onded by. C r Cair ne see v e a n Deputy t lie t ay, or Ri�e d pproval 'of and returned - subject to t he , .a Carried Mayor and , C �erk .......... ...... e t t. ee SU 0 am p, 8084 * 53 and . Public ,, Xr Rec ounti t& Finance omm Dp Rv' Vanstone presented . a r eport Unt ing to 11 920 n to unt s, amo & dopited 9 -ed as being correct andL , r ommending pay me nt as,8ess certifi ",pt uthorized to that the or. , be. a amieson Rv Vanstore se Moved by Dp Carried f 4 25000 per w ssistants at a ; s ConirrittLee hire ' four a . b e ' blic , l-roperty�:' Cr V i'd d e ry A.ha t the lu C rried seconded by Moved ,, by Gr Dale a t�he toilet in th c ay of, the , wa e�. t c hrk�n a the ded . by Dp Rv, Vanstone that , th� P Mov rri'6d ed Ca CeN ri tf3 -cro eased by � 5 0 pet hours ed to W 'Clerk ssing 'be iner 6R e son t at ' the e e Of Cr Osborne s' c'o--- 0 L 0 -t h stall' ation he in 400 gall n tank n o n t rice Carried Bldkle ' ,Seagrave Ltd or a ck " ru a solicitor be Intern t16ftal Fire T Carruthers that the Town by ,Gr Moved b a l et the nter e st of the' , TL OwnL C -necessary, to prote I I to take rried ' ted a instruc oi'' ient, . -ubl,i'c Ma. e 'd o r-om t 11 in the titer of. a relief re p ad unt' rch ' that . a relief c 'n de d. by C Da C ar.r I ed mou pa .-Yoved by, C r Niddery se 0 d n a ntingL ' to , , Utilities, Commi'Ssi'0 BY.T 'W third reading' of . ,a , By-Law to rovide f.or P oved the. Dp : T'N' , Van stone, m d trai ler c amps -id , gove g 0 rnin turist c,amps an se' led . ed, nd ordered 'to s a . 2,5 00 be Made to d f i. JaPieson that . 'a grant of Wne Moved by 6rvic p Rv. Vanstone seconded ve years s e with, the To le "Tqwn Clerkg on A* J' eLy the CO of twenty r 01 C unell � ad JLOUrned,* ' . On Mot i n o yor e C t1 rill, k�2i so.04. VOL%% 7 �� r c < `� shy - :o : . . u s ` a ra.' r. ' - - ,� ti. • - ,..t:- , ..: , ' -. l) o .q, .4. _ , I - > t .. ;, r I. - .,: , _. I-I r ',. - :. ,. �.11 • y s, t. it o ti. r , _ .�._-- -- --- _ _ __ — ——_ _J__,_-- -- �� Council Room, Ju];.y 3 I •V_ pre s e nt t be Mayor Y above date , members a l l 1 10, of Council wa s Yeeld o ' a �: t# S c i°a l meeting pe etin to , o en t ender s for road rep irs . _ W40 ~ d ;'0, residing and stated that he had called t rie me g P 11 p CON�±UNICATIONS Lf� ,_ . 'xww� ,° From Mr He rmea n Moe s and of he ms pet on ng for the construction of a fan itar y sever ` n xve . o St ' from the pre sent, terminal t'o Taolp ed as bein k, an Scug g t petition being cert"ifi 8 1711,x !,� n Moved b tcv Te¢aieson seccadsd by Cr Dale th he , I F rwarded to the Public Utilities Commission. ,. ' � suft'iaiently signed , be accepted and fo I "I • " Carried " '� It � X ILI t e construction of a cement sidewalk It `� From Mr Kay West lake and other a petitioning for h I'll A r Drive from Liberty . St to Flett Street . on the south side of Southway ' '"i ` ,. . etition being certified a9 oved b Kv Jamie son seconded bo , Cr Dale that t bey p , y , M y • at the Clerk be instructed to prepare a By-Law sufficiently signed , be accepts and that " Carried " authorizing the coast ruction . u r1 and others etitioning for the construction +of a waterma n on From Mr John Graha�a p 800 feet south. Ro d . f C olenan St to a ppr o=imat a ly waverley a rom s that ' the petit ion be returned� t o the Moved by nv Jamie son sec cads d by C , . C arrut her . • entl si ned and if returned sufficiently signed I'll r petitioners as being not suffiai y 6 1. 4 . �t " Carried t� 1. ` r' to the Fublic Utilities Com�nissioa . - to be presented �� r't submitting tender for repairs t© certain �y From K .J . Beami sh C oast ru�ct i on C o , Toronto , , su, I �:. I ' ` road sin t he I�T©wn . s t on the t th e tender be . returned being not r, V n s eoonded _b Rp. v a " .- _ . . Y _ - - -.. . _ _- z � .��. Q s n._ _.. ... �� ,� . .._., _ d b -nv Jaa�4i - �C�arried .a. e y .,: ----------- --- 1. ov ..,..:,.�_��... �t,y d of _ e ._�w,. . � +�'+� . �yy er, - _ 3 : �.. ,. .. .. , i u.,... "' .,, ,- t t_r , .�..; ., _. ,, ,:. �.: r . r an•.Atc�uLaa�+wer..a. 53G#Amavx��i�zu iw?;:r. �,, 4Fr ;: .+r-� ". .. ,. .., ,n.r.: ,< .,. .,. ,ai,.� _„ ea... .. .. .. ,n., ,..., ■��w���1��11 -yai■c ■AZ, ■�R� I •1... r 11 t:n�v.x...ti.n..MM.v3.aY114W4QF.i4 Y pta t n . o i Y+•� e f i�/�a t•��I n� _- . , . .,. bi,�e as it y d yfor�. a"Lrt'•" 'h• Tonto en wiring for a er e'1 ' From M i l le r Favi ng Ltd , T o 4 , IJ . . 1.road repairs . o e that the be ".advised that a tender on. Moved bF Rv Jamie so n s eeorid ad by Dp Rv Van stone I I'll}' ' , tender b ' advertisied again to close 12 noo 1 . th+br own form will be fat i sfaat cry and that . " Carried " Au u t ? be authorized to ,t s th 1951 C maa�i ,.,.+ t i i t rIr' I I. 1 Roved „ by Cr Osborne seconded, by Rv Jamie son .that the Fire o ttee r a led on the International Fire Truck by Sickle 11 ,t ,Y have a 300 gallon water tank inst 1 the 44 at the same time as at an a rozimat a cost of ?5O 00 �� Seagrave Ltd , .NoodstQok pP t " Carried 1, , puffip is repaired . .11, R Jamieson that the CemeteryCommitteebegranted the by Cr Niddery seconded by v ' " ' Carried " i;F.,� „At„. _ f ill in sunken graves at the Cemetery. 11 �� se of the Town truck wr* Al+; Cr Osborne that the Road superintendent be paid 1 ...,. ,Ar•"�f .. •' , �d©ve d bit x�v Jamieson a sort seconded y- 11' for All , gas II, .�� us'e of his car ®n Tov�rabus roes a�� superintendent to Pa3► "1., � per mile for the .. Carried I .t and repairs . - .. �' t< . ,�� 0 1 . o n ,I. ii I m 'M t i on C ou a i 1 a ourne . I Ida or �V. „ F •. 1. e. t , 1., 1 , ,kl .._ e. I 1 ..0. ,_- ,I :1 I'll • ,,.' �, , I. , . �. I�, • Y/ unc R it . ;. _,.. or .. -'.- - r.._ ....__ _..,...... .. - e o oom, ugu _W r th May R uhe�r meeting of Council was h+ald on above date , members a press 1 -11 TM e8 az,l ��, re ular sad special meetings were read and on motion 11 I 11 . 1 �_ . presiding . Mute of bast g . I . '1.I .1 z, ,11 oonf firmed . , . . . j C OMSJNICATI NS d From Miller, Pavings, ht. 9 Toronto , am s oaastruatign Co Ltd , Toronto , an o to' submitting tenders " for road repairs and Municipal Spraying & Oiling Co , Ltd, Toronto ,, t re-surfacing . der for rood„ repair s oved b Rv Vanstone seconded by Rv Tamieson that the ten faci • ' to Biller Paving Ltd and the tender for re Bur n8 1. sections A and B be awarded C net ruct ion C o Ltd sub eo t t o the approval of Section C be awarded to K. J. Beamish o n Carried ” aif Mr N .F. l[ar stop , runic ipal Roads Engineer . ha se a Town, lot on Duke St f or 100°. 00 Nk;�' From fir Ernest Nielsen offering to pure t be sold to l�r Nielsen for 100 .0 Moved by Rv Jamieson seconded by Cr Dale that the to g' as when it wa $ previouslyr offered, for sale �r ' su�b�ect to the same conditions " Ceacried " .I r ' I + ,I y ' _ . ,, two trees trimmed in front of hi property on 1. Fro�a htac W.E. Shane requesting t o have 11 11,x ' ` J ' Pros eat St . d to the Public I . i r Cr Nidder seaonded by Cr Wooll that the rege st be reterre ed " r - , I Dove d by y " Carri 1 . Property Cono�nittee with power to acts Qille Hos itai . _° Pa pat ient a being admitted to Bowmen p From Counties Clerk advising of • Rea do Filed " . {. auditors r® ort of read expenditures for 195 • o� Highwa Toronto enc loe fag P " IJ x From Dept y� " Rea & Filed 1111 I a , y �l „v i 11 11 .1 I i 1. ' 1 ��, , .r, , , - I , . . �„ f - ' , ... A 7 -7 •. ,F p++ _. ''H Z$ h.. %_` a iC' rs ,re^ trc s .,';-° r rb 1r ,x P 1, l . �,. 'V'OLUMC ? t � t 1 ­1 11 7,. .: z x : , f• CID e .� Council Room, A R - i 1 h , 1 ��r -- ugust 7t 1951 . �Ct ant . " Re c .8C Filed " ° salvation Army Toronto asking Council for a gr f ;„�«� From t o unem ]�o a nt assistance fora From De t of Public Welfare , Toronto in reference P 3� P ' resident of the Towne a , ed b Cr Dale that the Clerk be instructed , to fill in Moved by . Dp Rv Vanstone second y " Carried " and return the form. ° e t o the o oration of the traffic lights 4- { .. From Miss June Knudsen , Toronto in refs+ anc P .y " Rea & Filed " on King St • q i osi resolution in r egard to leasehold regulations. From City Clerk London encl ng " . Rea & Filed " . ; T onto in reference to congested areas . From, Clerk ' s Office Legislative Assembly , or n & Filed" r � Rec -- ue stionaire on housing I ,� ,t Assembly , oronto enclosing q a,f From Clerk' s Office , Legislative , 4 survey * t o f i l l � i n the O r, Ni ddery that the Clerk be instructed Moved by Cr Dale seconded by J �* Carried " questionaire and return . nvention to be - held in Niagara Falls ' From Ontario Cemetery Asso advising of the co " 'Rec & 'Filed " tative b s that • re r sen e e nt on. Oct lgth to 20th and r eque �ti P e ,.f in her house . } St in re r�d to defective plumbing { From Mrs David Brown , Scugog " Rec & Filed " t, a,• , •; , • r �, sewer From nd ni for the construction of a sanity y . Mr Lloyd , Brooking , and of ear s pe se d .Y , ...::.. :: :n.t n., .r n ,{ 1n,' t,,.. 'Mi+,.:..•11...a. ................. ...,. ..., ...... ....,,,..... ...,.,._ :f. H•!RS. : ,.•r ., .,.1 J.,.) ,.'.°'C w'i!!^,:TL^,:C""!1'.".^!.�9.F ...-.G".'«„",.h.1A'1• .1.._._..�. _- - !r ... ..... �y �t" .::_:. ::. - ,o,.,., Y . . .. . . ,,, ..•._, 1.- .t I:h... ' .•i_o.:n'�. .r. 't�e. Sara ._.:....,.,.,,..-..,-t~, rl+ P a IJt3; + Y'7 ri .. .•a„. - r ., ,.:. :, '. ry,,, `.;d.: _ .•fw,a.,y.,:,a ., u•.(,:. ;: ,. .,,._ t..a:�t,`h}�ta';�u.,+ .��� .•{v�c,evn.).v_, ....1_,:,.n. s -.'.: .:.,,:,r.,: ,M1,r..-.m:xi,• u rosr..auw;:... rmmm:;u. 1 .ft.1,.O.A_. .kSa`.LLd.uuS,A�1•'.t..1 .{d. ��f'f.t{1STi�3 C'�1P +� ..r..�rl....,.u��h..�. ..... I'!'..:r`.,:. ...{si ri�..,o,e:..,': .u.v.• ...,.-tP: u, i.r -.r)a,.. , on Chapel St yet it ionin for the', construct ion of a sanitary sewer From Mr Sam Wilkins and others p g sewer on King St . for rthe construction of ,A 'sanity From Ur �1 Chat terson and others . petitioning on Coleman St that the etitions� being not certified ast b Or Wool] P „ b Cr Niddery seconded y C red Moved y ar i ” � � heed �n r signed be abeyance * , i being p Qperly REPORTS nce Committee submitting sundry accounts resented a+ re from a na Rv Vanstone p en DP t „I as being correct and recommending pe3� am,ou�nting to � 9 703 .86 cart 8 n Roo &• Adopted " 1 , the petition is -received properly. Mo ved b Cr Niddery seconded by Rv• Jamieson that if y sidewalk on • Flett St from the property of Lo ruction of a �� +� a1 signed for the coast eeded with • Carried Some;scales to Southway Drive , the►t tics work a pros a Streets committee Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Carruthers that the Roads Moved by t i lit ie s and e with Mr von Bridger, of the Publ is U " o'l be authorized to confer vri eta to be re=surfaced. " Carried ' �r arrange s to raise the manhole s on the s re Jamie soy the�t the Roads any , Stree,ts Committee be , Moved by Cr Niddery seconded by v xtension of. Prospect St,. '� Carried -_ instructed to destroy tYn poison ivy on, the e y Moved b Cr Niddery ,, seconded by Rv Jamf+e son that the Roads and Streets C omen itt ee be o y y t hink advisable e d in ditch opened up that they ma p " authorized to have any filled 11 Carried for t his I`ope r drainage of the -roc s . Police C o1o�n,ittee be authortized Moved b Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr Darch that t y •- � I at to guard school 'children cross -- to hire a guard end , purchase t be necessary a qu p� -- a Ontario , St school . " Carried " at Brawn st and 'attending• th the highway rociation be sent 1 Cr Osborne. that a letter of aPP Moved by Rv ,Jamieson seconded by C ounc f 1., " Carried " ex McGregor for the gift of ash trays for t he use o f to lr Al 6 re Brigade be granted 62 .50 a Moved b Cr Osborne, seconded Cr, Darcht that the F 8 Mo y " Carried 0 of the money reot ved 'for outside fires . being 5 the fire con aitt ee be authorized Moved b Rv vanstone seconded by Cr Osborne that 0 00 " Carried " Y able f ixe pump at an approximate cost o 60 . to purchase a port P C Osborne that the chairman of the roads and s�,reets Move by .Cr Wooll seconded by r e emonstration of a weed cutter and if satisfaatony committee be authorized to see the d " Carried e roads and streets eomQnittee be authorized to, purchase one . „r that the C Osborne t hat the Public Utilities Commission be Moved by Rv Jamieson seaoaded by r .'' feet in v�idth along the weft and south ranted permission to construct a driveway 12 g y the Commal providi that 4 !s al Arena roperty , to be maintained b ssion n6 aide of hemori P {' z e ex st in parking arrangements for Arena pe�trons . o Fences are erected ans subject t,h $ „ 1 �. Carried t i toys seconded by Rv Jamieson that the Fire Comam►ittee a v se k. Rv van8 Moved by o trio number of fire hydrants they wish to have Public Utilities Com�nis8lon as t M Orohardview Ave , Southway Drive and'{ Installed on the nevr waterm+e�i n extensions on i C ried " Waver ley lltoad . Iap r 1 Council i l XWor , 1 4n Motion oun adjourned. M 'a, • t kf OL UM6. 7 y v N 1 11 =r n , w :_ ' s s:w► � s co - . September ' �th , 1951 C ounc it Room, j the Mayor u ail was held on above date , members all pre sent y ca"m Regular meeting of C o n � ::: Minutes of last regular meeting were read and on motion confirmed . k ,pre siding . ; e uest� i that a blocked drain on the road allowance � A Mr C3 . E . Rehder addressed Council r q , n8 villa Foundry , be repaired which ,was caused by the construction of a to the Bowman sanitary s ewer . tructed to write the Cr Da the C lerk be ins 1' b t hat Moved by rcv Jamieson seconded y " Utilities Comnission stating that they should have the drain repairs r ,r Public i Moved a n Amendment by Dp Rv Van stone seconded by Cr, Wo011 that the matter be. referred d event of no action being .taken that the noads ' to the , Fubl i c utilities Commission an and Streets committee be instructed to have the drain repaired . r Amendment Carried " l Mr C G . Morris addressed Council n reference to an outstanding ambulance service I account for an indigent pat ie:,nt d requesting paYm , Carruthers seconded b Cr Niddery that the account amounting,-to 15 . 00 Moved by Cr y Tied C ar be paid CONNU�TICATIONS station g i the vicinity` of the C . P .R : r•rom Mr W .R . Strike` and other. res dens 1 v n h r take action to abate the staoke ' nuisance caused by s'uanding request ing the Council - to trains' on the siding . h R stone seconded by Jam that , a re st be referred o Rv i e son . . v,. Van _ , b .. .. .......... _ . ..,, . . .. . . . Y � i c i., ,o r "` a � ..., --._.... .-.. ..._. ,. .. .. .,.,. ,.... .. ,. ,.. . ,. i.,:e,.Vh,Y,....... ,.....n .t..n :. .-..,:....r-i, :�. a's:C&azL.wACAaCiS5cLanlill$iOR. , . inmwl4iQruLSC._.un -JU 7 i .. '. ty< Y.. :., •ia..tn .: �`�t't.e,7iN'a_.wnr7`T`i!"'t. ....,, ,.. ,, r,....., r,..1 z:.r4rw,w .yj� r�l/ that street. lights . Hospital requesting be �ln _ etalle��d� ty From Bowman vi Ile p c� .,:� nb�er We-e n St and Lambert St ._ b Cr. D rch that the :reque st be. referred to the Moved , by Dp Rv Vanston�e seconded y a !+ Carried. Public Property Comittee with power to act . requesting permission to remove a tree in . front' of From Mrs S,G,. Preston , Church St , requ ng Pe her residence . µ R Vanstone that the reque st be referred t o the Moved by Cr Niddery seconded by Dp v "' Carried " Public Property Comittee with ,power to act . P . , 4 Port Hoe en wiring as to the progress of the re-a`ssessnt s. Froi�n Mr, H. S. Ryan , p , q t; a of, the Durham' County - District High School Board { , on behalf Vanstohe., . seconded by Cr Carruthers that the Clerk be' instructed to , " , i �red by. D'P RV " Carried the letter answer�� ., enquiring if an kind of •l own planning has been adopted by From Public School Board enqui ng F � y C ounc i l . , ,-n - D Rv Vanstone that, the Clerk be instructed to Moved by Cr Carruthers seconded F p ., e e o zoning By-Law. but that the Civic COMMit tee reply stating that at prey n there s n " Carried .r have it under study. to :.. to submit, the name of one person eligible ' = From Counties Clerk ' requesting Counc i1 t sit on a County Court of ne�rision. „ that the or reeve and Deputy Reeve ba Moved by Cr Osborne seconded. by Cr, Daroh May eating ulcer . m s t name s for r a pr oval , of Council 'at the next rag • Instructed to submit P " Carried " r a patient being admitted , to Bowmanvi l�le Hospital e, !it ldrurM�Y t 11T+ r ... ....... .......... ... .. _, _ nt s, :: .1 ,r1 �. 1;Xri s n. o & Filed "', Roe c t Toronto in r of eranc a to •incapacitation allowance for From e s e 1 Dept of Public i a �I 1 r , " Rec & Ft led a resident of the Town * Go Montreal enclosing copy of application to , Board of Transport 'From Bell Telephone , , ` Com�nissi.onera , ot`tawa� for increase in telephone motes . write to ed b Cr Dale that the Clerk be instructed to . Koved by Rv Jamieson second y taken any action to oppose the the Mayors and � Reeves Asso enquiring if they are g y " Carried increase. of a ligation of d e , To a , Gray and Coyne -9 Ottawa , enclosing copy PP r , . From Herri , g , , Transport` - anada Pie Lines Ltd to the Board of transport Commissioners for leave „ T�cans C P Rec & Filed construct a pipe line for transmission of gas . from Alberta . From Mr Samos B Bedford and Mr Ted C laisdos petit f oning for the construction of a s dewalk on t�ueen St from , the property of Mr ' Bedford to Lambert Ste a ement i Southwa Driv® petitioning for the construction ,of a cement F From Mr Brenton Fog6 , y e ro rt of Mr L Somer�cales 'to Southway Drive . sidewalk from th p pe Y seconded b Cr Osborne that the petitions being certified as k= Moved by Rv Jamieson y " Carried " x M s ' being properly signed , be accepted. x enclosing resolution in regard to the Childress Protection From City Clerk North Bay , 8 " Rep & .Fi led " Act and requesting endorsation of Council . 4 .z Yrom Mr Coulson H Ruiter and Mrs Catherine ri Ruiter protesting against the aonstiruction of a sidewalk in front of their property on Ontario ' Moved b Rv Jamieson s®conded by Dp. Rv Vanstone that tl�a letter be forward®d to e y " Carried " Qatario Manic f pal Board . , ..,...«.,.........,..,.:a.. } aiT; ,iG ,,.tNl,7.�2. a4 -c?,;I,v "5+ ..t• , • 7 VOLUME „ rc d I= : i : .-� "", ' .Y• M — . +._....m •1-_' 4 I �:d . , . . . . it. - . - ,4i, :, r ' d `.:, ;. , , r , F `_ a. , 4 ., , , , ..v .. a .. '� / . .; - n• .,' . „ � ,, -11 . S.ft. CO __ __ Ro , 51 1._ -w i 1 3e ,� . - uM C ounc om , pt th 19 11 .G I , �o~ r R� RTS ��"' F Hance Committee submitting sundry accounts Dp Rv Vanstone pre sent ed a ` report fro e i "`� .F a d :-ublic S of Building accounts amounting to 13 , 188 . 01 amounting t o 6 6 2 3 . 9�+ n . . < .': t a d re mmednin6 payment . " Rec 6c' Adopted " : It, 4 ' certified as being correc n 1. �� seconded b Cr I Osborne that no action be taken on increase for . Move d by C r Darch y " Carried a:, ,; " I i r r r relief rec ip ent . . at relief recipient ient .be cut off relief + n1 Moved bV Cr. Niddery , seconded by Cr Osborne th P f t; r M i ill examination a s requested by the N�others Allowance Board . �unle ss he goes to Toronto for " Carried " 'i asr t3Ctil , i_ "f 1, $ 1 seconded , b Cr Da]� e that the following grants be made loved by Dp Kv Van stones y Hos ital 1500 . 00 , Public. Library Board ur rovi�de d for in the' estimates • Bowmanvi l l e p i . " Carried ' " �' �00 Community Council 3 0t� . 00 .� 120 , sec nded ' b Cr Darch that the Clerk be instructed to send letters Mooed by Cr 0 sborne Q '� Chief and firs Geor Lyle in regard t o calls' 'for outside fires as k to the Fire of Darlin " Carried " �N t on . contained in the agreement with the Township g 1 `" '+fr; Cr Darch that the charge for' opening standard graves ;; is Moved by Cr Niddery seconded by :zr,�, increased to 15 .00 and t he charge f or � vaults be increased to „"ti In the cemetery be " Carried a September lst , Y951 20 . 00 a s f_rom , „+;{.;' Jamieson that the Cemetery Committee be • Moved by Dp Rv Vanstonb' seconded by, Rv ate as to the charges for plots at other cemeterie9 and report st a n ve " to� i , ru c ted g , 1' instructed ed i Carri ., .. •. Fes..._ate.._ ea w a,w.:: M __ _ __ r.'.'... 1.'i'_ .. r � scr,n.i.. ..ui __u.-_._n.v f ,... �s I ,' .. r a, .o ._.._... ... ....... _ .,_..._....._ ._. . .. .... ..� .. _.._,.._�____.__...�..—._ �...._ 1. `.: �. ..lMNlMli _...-:_._:_, -,. - t ��tiuu . _.._, ek c el, �• t:� --. ,... .....' .. .. ,. I..♦... .f.,., .a...v. a.L.f t, I I+..,..,. ♦ •\..,.f_,. ..f. ��>,`.r.. ..iV 3 •�at.r a �{ y;y11:1y�J�'11. 1i��7d3{ G, ,17A'Ci3L' > {Gy:B'•'t'l� dYl,{'�6S .MY;IYi?4t.�..,f.,.�..'1',Y. r:.,,.e..lw/..,w 41:F.._..•....,tl.-�......:...t.l..r..........,., ..,.t.•._... ..4,1 r 1 .,! r�Q.�. .r `yt ..:yyy■���. n ..., .pp�1��,,.,. yy��^�.,•f�,r,..,1�' , r .,a ,. tltiniYlGb,." .rR��.i.11M. .. tau .......1. ('�' 1 h C + --f ..1.%Y.la,.a4.Na'fA�4A:A1fk&_..:`.SSIIL'L'•,YFd•il wa.1.:::•• v Vanstone seconded by . V Mw MM �doved by tt a o Silver i emperance and �.' n , I 11{� to brie �.n a report in � re.gard t o . all day P . rn6, g " Carried ,I Division Streets .I. 1olice Committee be instructe ,.r kI �Iloved b C Wooll seconded by Cr Niddery that. the 11 Y r St . °'" `` a revenue received from 1�$ring fine's on King :.1 to. bring in a report a s tot ' Rt 'Carried "1.,a � ,, „i".a �r'„t q p i,I. n,. , , . 1�,:, t 11111 1 11 'n,r+, _ �` r I.,� �� Cn Motion' Council.. ad ourne:d i;: , r\ f ,t. ..,,, IU. .,. . . . .f... ' . . ,,, ,iv, ., „" I.i 1/ ,. 1 v� In Aln '.t5,!ti#? 'Y. �' (4 '.q III I 1!1. I 4 yarn 'i! r 11 I, I 7.' , , .�r Mayor , 1• C k `, sr It , T 1 uu/ � , { .. v .,5 , i r , ;1 � � . 117,1- .:4 . :f , - �ti . , ,a ;• 1 5 , r ,. ouncil L'I�ffl .. . . .I . �� Room ,' Oct st , 19 1 . . ,, , ,,7 d st a members -all present the Mayor' , . e ular meeting of Council wa.s held on above. , 11 ' last re .ular meeting were read and on '�riotion confirmedr. y4v presiding . rHinutes of g, . °',, Council re nesting the , use of the Town Hall Audito:riwo4 for . . Mr L. .Dippell addressed Q I . r ,1 u•? 1 I , U Y . ,w h School C ommen cement for the week eo�ne;nc ing November 2 t' the High ,,,,;;, "' - ft�;v ed b � Cr Carruthers that permissi.oll b.e granted and account e , , , g_ drove d by Cr Dar c s ec on y --- a a s can"be,,� { eyed to cover expenses of heat , light and .caretaking s near y ed - " I.- rehd ' . , Carri --t{ determined . i E Bant.i of Downham Nurseries addressed ' ,1 Mx J o'Nei 1 from the Hospital Board and �+ r 11 r r e �i�ov�n closin certain streets allowances passing through ... Council fn reference. to th 6 I am- , ro ert and deeding over certain streets to he the Hospital property and Downh p p y , Y4 , Town as shown on a plan submitted . er that' the plan a s sui�nitted be adopted subject M,ovd by Cr Dare seconded by. Cr Nidd y t Carried " . urnished . t o further det�e►i 1 s being f , at the Town solicitor be instructed` to ,. , 1 Moved by Cr Niddery seconded by Cr Darch th ft Carried It I prepare deeds when details are received . the Town petitioning LIt k` : and 12 other owners of grocery stores in . d . r From Mr E .S Harnden t.4 e eat. the B -Law governing t he Saturday night closing of grocery ,stores s . Couneil to r p y 4-1 IL b Cr V�oo11 that the By-Law governing the early closing of I ,u} I, I loved by Niddery seaonddd y " Carried " grocery and meat stores' be repea e r,, • r ;1, t .f, conded b Cr Wooll that the Town solicitor be instructed to. 11 Moved by Cr Niddery se y i.: , 1a1 . :I`l • ° t e existi B -Law governing the closing of. grocery and e a By-Law to repeal h Y . prepay " Curried " 1 1 1 7" meat stores. a St Catharines asking permission to construct „, il' From Aiken and macLachlan; contr otmrs , . �`RI , >. t _:� cook ho�ee' on thee' Base Line on, the property of 'Mr H.W. Knapp . a ele8ping camp and t 41 .: j Y ' ,��;. I! ,� ,. I} b Cr CBrrutbers seconded by Cr Niddery that perm .s� ion be granted or ;,; , , :• loved y it Carried "' I one yrear a;►d that the contractors be notiffed. ,... ., 11,, rt '1 I y , , .11 rs oda �filr�ox Lambs Lane reque sting an explanation in regard to roc , From M Rid allowance for Prospect St bordering her property. ' !!P , econded b Cr Dash that the Town solicitor be instructed to 1. I ,1 r Moved b'y C r N i ddery s Y� 11 as he nay think fit . reply , .. •, 1 q - - 1 . • , h r..-»--., 1 •, , 1 :�;, 1 "tl. `�alde=_ih`,.4y1Ul.,i'w'�; II 1 1 '�!:'. r 'r 1 + -1�Z. G 3 �. ., . . , �� YOLUI++1 7 d tz F ,a iv , . R r .. F r r - • rw s:R.lU1RT L CC' October r� - _ - c i l Room , , 1 t- Ober. 1st 195 s t C oun 3 �► a seconded b Cr . Carruthers that the Clerk be . -. �; loved an Amehdmenrt' by DpRv an s on �, " Amendment Carried " N . instructed to reply . statin that the side of the road on Liberty St N From Yrs EX . Brown , Liberty �t N g ` r a local riding school and reque sting Council to was being cut up by horses f om investigate instructed to advise Cr Carruthers hers that the Clerk be i ove d by Rv semi a son se co nd ed b y r I 1 had already been sent requesting the owners of the horses not Mrs Brown that 1 y Carried letter to use the side of the road , i Board thanking Council for hiring a guard' for the school crossing ` { From Public 1 i c Sc ho o 1 f rcr ={ r'a at the corner of Brown and Kind Streets and for erecting signs there; " Rec & Filed Q Reeves, and Canadian Federation of h►ayors and Ivunicipalities F Fro?! As so of ..,Mayors and R r that the intend to make formal protest- in regard to the rai�fngof rates 8 y stating ,­ � " Rec & Filed by the Bell Telephone C o . � the ' in stal let iori u' From Mr Clarence L Osborne and of her, residents , of High St request ng ,1 11 4 of a street light at the , corner , of ,High And Second ree s . , ved .h Cr Ni drier seconded by Cr Osborne, that the request be referred tot e c . Mo y Y d over to ' act r " Carrie Propert Committee with p • , y Ottawa advising in of sittings on 1th in R 1+'rom Board of Transport C omen i s si one r s , 0 wa g �Oct,,Re Filed " a.n ation of Trans-Canada• Pipe Lines Ltd , c & ar. :..c _ . ; - _ g - h ' ld a 1a • ......._._._.._t_vC.�.5.G1xYY 9 .v._:.. r..,._. .....: r,.- ,.... .. ... .."� ............ .. r 'e" Y a n pTSi7. ..ai �1 9' et r , _of.ast .r, .a• ,. ea'g.• _ _._. ..._. . .:• e. ._ ... ... ._. :. , ........... ,...,,. . 4mrve . .(�,'.r.0 -as,kl!a�,k,,sdi •r%:', .1. ,l. .. _' ...,,. - ..., • Y M` �" � . ♦I.u4l.r .:: :\.,_-.r, - o the oil , on Saturday. October 13th and fora the use ,4w.••,' _ be anted " arr�: ` seconded b Cr. Dale that permi$sion gr id Moved by Cr `Osborne se on y a visin of ' the annual convention to be held in Niagara From Ontario C eietery Asso d g 17th to 1 th and asking t hat repro sentative s be sent . " Rec & Filed" Falls on October 1? 9 ,PO RT S a resented a re ort: om he Financee Coriittee submitting sundry Fx);at Dp Rv Vanston p P a, r! s amount in t o l� 29 . . ? ertif i ed a s ' being correct and. recommending � alb+Yt account g " Rec & ,Adopted {rpp rrl r,u pa ymen t • 0 0 be �aa d e t o t ` � Qov'ea b D RvVans oner seconde y Rv Jamieson that a grant of y P to the Lions Club .. . Scoie,t and that a grant of V35? : 50 be -made " „ the C:�i .drens Aid y . Carried Y ,yrr , and , to speeding an,d ) resented �a report : from the PoliceCommitteein reg rr ,1 C r �t 1 H,1 ; e Pe. "' Rec & Ado+Ped =, P ark„ng . erected. on , Moved b Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr .Osborne that a Stop Street sign . be blov y " 'Carried Ontario o St " L'.bert St at'the intersection. of On - y a of the Police C ' -that” Cr Niddet seconded by Rv Jamieson, that the chairman�+;ove d b y r , y and' report back to Council . ate the matter of parking meters for the Town investig Carried " 4rD '�;�'? 'ilre committee , b® authorized to Moved b C'r Osborne seconded' by Cr Niddery that ' 1 y feet of 1�- inch fire hose and: nozzle a� . an approximate' cost of 00 . 5. _ p�irGhse 500 2 " - Carried ale be ranted G Osborne secon by ' Cr hiddery that the Fire Brig g Moved by r " Carried " fire d• ' of the mo . ,r ceivod, for outside ' . . being 0. 5 �' 'Committee be aut hot- ed r D Rv Vanstone seconded by Cr Osborne that the Civic Moved by p .k a st ends of the 00 to assist in erecting s igns at the east and ,w t o spend u to 50 . t, + Carried . r ,down . BY-LAWS L asked permission to intro uee the following By La / KQ Jamieson s pie To authorize the construction of certain works as Local Improve�ente T .. no Provide for the holding of 1junie ipal. Elect ions t To the first time . On motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went int o Granted and read h ` On committee the whole on s r econd reading the Mayor in the chair *' .,r committee a of . Laws were ' - the Mayor repo rted the second reading ' with all blanks filled in . By- rising , y a second a nd ,third time , , ,passed and ordered to be signed and sealed . then read his resignation as a member of , Council stating that he was moving tie Cr Wooll tendered g r, from Town Rv Jamieson that the resignation of Cr Wooll be Moved by DP Rv Vanstone seconded by r " Carried " aoce ted as from October 2nd , 19510 e b D Rv Van sit one Ir Mr X v L . Roenigk be nominated as 4 , , Moved by Rv Jamieson seconded y p ve of the Town for the appointment on the County Court of Revision . a represantati C rried " on M otion, Council ad journed rk Mayor . r,•� a ' 5 - 1 •»a.r+_rf a. 1• ,tn.wr' 1 +Sr +r�Rr•++»i + w tM M Y . .. 717,7 77 ,. VOLUME 7 y t , „_ ; :2. .v` =t,= • ` ; . ., . ,'` r. s I , , ,. >: :r } .. x.I'll, i1A ' t ,. I •' ` 1: y':- A • a _.__-..._._.- -1_111. __ - ' s _�-. _ �- _ _ ._,.�._ ... .. _. _1 __-_ � .. _..____.�.__1. �,>~� U r - nci1 0 , October 1 I C ou Rom o� 18th , 19 51 t ��01m � - residing and a that - 1.111 ; meet ing of Council tivss , held or above date, the :ayor p �; st tea Special U 11"� ~ `� he heal called . the meeting for the puric�Se of discussing the advisability of a � ° ( installing parkin meters in the . Towwn , ' members all pre sent : r _ ' ,,, . N�oved b Cr Osfiorne seconded by Cr larch that there being no proper petition presented Y a". grocery { . _' x t'o C ounc il� to repeal the By-Law in regard .to the Saturday ni �.ht closing of c, It , 1. , rx f - and butcher shops , previous instructions be cance .11edand the petit loners be notif e i ' I rr.` a 11 Carried " � �1 �11 1. re;r a f + ' - seconded b Cr Nidder that from now on any petitions coming ,E k N�oved by Kv Jamieson y t Y�11 . e or e C ounci 1 ust be in the Clerk s Viand s by Thursday befo e the r�:onday meeting of C oun cil and Councillors be sent notices of all petitions , to be in their hands before 1-11` ,;L bs of i o n Lost M 11.. xt the week end .1 . t l p n reference b;r �, ,�'� . Horton re re sent . n the Dual Farkin h eter Co addressed Council. . 1. G to the installation of parking meters in the Town , , 1. -- __ �r Horton was advised that, decision Af Council' would be made alt next meeting o 1. 2 ,. "' 1 �� =i 011 n C l . x , . , ' 1 ; ' .1. E` • o Council ad 'ourned, 1 , On h of i mn ,, ar ' ' I 11-11 . . 1 r . 4 " a o erk . y �. „ " - 1. . ti . -.. ,;r...n rn. 's a.r r n +wn n x aavm.sn+oa amsar.v m*enm;. &". d:'E+,fs*�._• , wnrr.,<nmar,a,n_uweria.aW lu.,s°' °!L_...rtr+`sv,!"°_,.s ;;�.T Ri°e"1111".4__.-_ Sni.,n, t::..._..__ 1_111__.._. -__..._..-... __vi^n..*'.;n.:.�.ns?w. ,_ _ a ,....._:'`�w�. '.�}.,L�.}° Lµ[�LQ.��j�a� ... ...�•....... ..•n �' w.,rg.. � w.�.e.rwxi�,i �.m�mlS� . .,i�l. .......:w.x.'x�`r.w.raP� .......y..w.•�.,...-- ..5._.-_..+�.o.��.--._.. I- _.. _ £• .1_1_11 111_1-� ,.. _._�_.� _......_.__._�.-.. _..._.._.r..�... 1111 111_1._ ._1111 ..y._..._...... _ -1111 �s n - :c - ..,_,1.111.._._ _ _.w a. .wr a»x"r» nx±xmu.?rF'a..Prg!4x. .�.: .. . � '. .,.. _. .,. r _ 1111 .. .. ,.,�.nn w., .c.�.r>,r.: w+vnwnx. .._.....r,. m_1111 .r.__._` ., Y'&"a .�,,.. r _. 4a � '.. ., ,.. .. .. ., , .. .. _, �^mi�^ ,, a..m.,e.nu�,.u.�u:.rr., ss. .. .._ _ ..m. .-.twbI,111 -11-,`, L^rl•.!�. ,t„-t ..1111'n;e r.�y e r nn ^i^•-. *., atCC 4y� K y v hT6x's"7 xSn,eT,$nW�fd 7,=.w�i#' a• i 5'.i'ATAx"41Y'wF€AHlaai»i ivaGF•abur n>.u�y. ...,: ." ti,v ,,.,...u,� .r..4 t P- :A'nWAaASi a h, 8 '7v.n iGiu[T»m3�T'� �' y ' .. r. ., , ,. , :. r + 1 iP m.rw mew uridNS d �1 A �y�'�,yr�S�,`,,Y� ., ,.... ti+,•.t...,_ ��ii��.,7g i wJ�ift+...��1�'' c i7.ak� ei.y.vcm„ws .t__�.sdg,w;p,'�j, uii� ero'!.��t mti ,.lbrDv..wom,.:amrvu.vs - m.a..• ,11.11 _1111_. A .,.1,111 .. � ,_.-_.,.. -".:''- _ ,� ..,rte.snr*a:wrwF'ifdAlc,bAV�eIY> ry.:... < ..._- �uHtV41� _ ,_ aihltb ti+nr .. :„,,,.: ,,-,... , !- x ,w'. yt r'4� C{J.c:lteldl:/SY1L3Ca4 .4� 1111 ... ..,.. r. ._ - .._.., •. ._ .- 1111 .. ,. .�.. .... _ .,.,._ .. .y. , k r� .. .. � .. . .� , l.. 1.Mx 5`Yi1d11 �r� h JX1Gd. ,'�LE♦li:... :i f. •:•'6:n'.1.7•. Seq..1.' .,..;;;�;ik :.P_:n�air��Se3,a" ?'.£I ass.+lE3"1mvrez '1T111�S5.t9� ` a ;'. ^ '.da ...v3t$:tP� Y?t�.;u Ga' :Iily&.t'.:.en:5I1'a7�YfiiSt 3131E:.�fidu .to't'aO. r Sa}r�.2`EfaG• i{!'dxtffYt diSfYY.YE1Y,irnAY? t..a5iY�6LLi.am.n�..v.><.a .w1i7�+ ul9;fit•Y YZr+S' i'niuSaa�ra:3@drA itfiII'?'SE!/bkAs'r ctxhi:§t 'Sn:;ntu';.tw p_��+�y�ya��� . . �VMiiV� V ��� e ular meetiof Council vvs held on above date , members811� prosent the Mayor R g �g , • 11 .esidi Mf,nutesoflast regular and special , meetings were read and motion p 9 .1.conf firmed . • ,,� COMMUNICATIONS rocers an butch®rs petitioning �'or the re sal of ' -From Mr . � . Harnd.en and 11 other g P p ,q , . ' = ' the B --l.aw governing' the Saturday night closing of such totes . BY-Law C Carruthers that the B Law governing, the Saturday �: �doved b . Cr Niddery seconded by r y. „ A a y a �� Carried �. :�� , ., ��� ,� :. night ht closing of grocery and butcher stores ; be repealed. 11 g Moved bC� Nidder� seconded by Cr. Carruthers that the Town solicitor, be instructed ,I 1110 y � � to prepare'` a By-law to repeal the existing By-Law . C -- arried " o r R .M. Cale Church St requesting to have dead limbs removed from a 1. tree in 1.f Fr m M - - c front of iii s property I Rvamie'son seconded by Cr Niddery that the request be referred to the Public . I ti � j M X .• , N 'Carried " *c 4 1 4 Property Committee with . power to act , ,; rR $. ' From �drs Lucy III Rowe , Centre St requesting to have a tree reznoved ' in front o er ill. k property 11 . q �doved . b Rv Jamieson seconded by Cr Niddery that the re nest be referred to the Public . " ,t y " 1. 11 V__ _ - - tte�::, with overo act . __ _ _ _ _ Pro arty �ommi p Carr e P r ort t e d Soviet fort Ho n8 eP �t e s� of� h t �vi i 1., -, s � pe � env activities i l re. . . 11 .1.1._ •_..- . . ,1 111.. ... _. 1111. . .: .: 1111 n y � " From, C.hi d ,�AAi 1 , . _ y . ar ,_ ,y j From Mir O•M. Kennedy , Hespeler , in regard to County Road costs . ` Moved by Kv' Jamie son seconded by Cr De�le that the letter be ° refereed to the Roads an 11 1 .- - e to re ort bek . " Carried " Streets Commute p h . ,r �e Hos ital and Downham Nurseries in regard to the transfer of road From B owm�e�nvi 11 p `� allowances . Moved b Cr Daroh seconded by Cr ' Osborne that the letter. be deae�.l . with under By-Laws . y " 3 1 Carried . err d e Tolme Gra & C©yne', Ottawa in regard to the application, of Trans Canada �,.�, From H i g , y �� " Rec & Filed " r . ' Pipe Lines" Ltd 'for the eonst ruct ion of a � pipe line ,e ' p ;x �� � and ©f Transort Comnissioner � , Ottawa in regard to the application of Bell .; d From Bo P : ,, ,Te�.e hone Co for aninarease fa rat®s. " Rea & Filed " P From l�r Norman G H,ennan offering to purchase two Town lots on Ontario St far ?5 . 00 x eaa h. N Moved b D Rv Vaastone seconded by .0r Dale that the offer be referred to the Public ,. 4 F A c " Carried " 11 11 , :,. §. A Property Commaittee to report ba ,> ii.''' ®r and & Durhesn Heel th Unit , Cobourg in regard to the supply of water 1.i From Nort humb 1 to houses on Dulke St Southend Qn? station. ��` Cr Datah that the Clerk be instructed to advertis►a that , Moved by Cr Da,].e seconded by sit 1 {;,,: + yrr _ 1'•1.� i ' it i the inisension of Council to pr©seed with the installation of a water maim- on 11 i duke :3treet from Sa�se. Line to Addition St under the provis ions at the Lodal Improvement y " Carried . Avt f ,' iJ� + ` Canadian Legion a eking perm,i ss ion to hold Poppy Tag Defy on Saturday November 10th * From g a fed " Car rie d " Moved by ar Oaboroe s eeonded by Cr Dale that permise ion be gr n > , 11-1 I;�y , . 1� r` k �_� �ia . ,% .I ,. 1 ,I tr,-, , ,. `. 1111 - I +� r 11 1,� x ,i * w.. I ".k' �, .�+ { r,+ _ ,�a •� ri rl¢ v'.,St z_-;;"'Fi�.� -'{k"�a a_, ,:��.,:. s,-. voL r 11 ,t. I 11 ...wx r ... 4 b %.: is Y f 4 �. _ . "1�;< x. ,. , I . . . , : d , i ! I i . 1 •. . 4 r ' , -I , ,I . . I -: r - ,- . _ „ _ - _____1___­..__­___- - - , , __ - - _ _ �._...__.,. - - -------- --- .---- ---- _ , _ _._ ., <<� _� - _ Council room November 5th , 1951 ) �,rr •�r - wv ��°� rom Durham Count Federation. of Agriculture , Orono protesting against the i proposed 11 .! fM�[T F F �� ~ �� °'fi installation of parking meters ,in the Town . , .1 •, I _ 11 M©ved Y b Cr, �1lddery seconded by Cr Darch that the letter be received and f led . ,, y I m • • + Moved an Amendment by Cr Dale seconded by Rv Jamiesod that the letter be referred to , I , a t ee to be brow ht u under their report " Amendment Carried " r the 01 i c e C omoaai t g P ` 4}� K swa Ltd askin ernaiss inn to install signs at ' the corner of King 1.{ From Brookdale ing y g P IV z �f . and Libert Sts and at the corner of the 8aee Line and Liberty jt . y e b Rv Jamie son that permission be ,granted subs eat to the �� Moved by Cr Nidder second d y " Carried " approval of the Highway' Depart�ent . 1 :' a Councit authorize the payment of �doved by Dp Rv Vanstone seconded by Cr Osborne th t IF tl u to 300 .00 , towards the expenses of a guard at, the C N .R . station crossing during p o'r t ha ur os a of escorting school children across the railway' tracks . the Winer months f • p p „ „ .:J , Carried I „ r : rl 1! .fir rq7 N. Is" I Moved by Cr Dale seconded by Cr, Carruthers that the Clerl� be instructed to write e ,Department, of Highways requesting them to start the coast ruc tion ,. o•f the bridge and road .. „ IY south of the rai lwa tracks, first , inl order to provide a road for the residents of 1 . 1 y " C rie d "t. the. west, side beach. Y r ! • ,1 .' PORTS Rv Vanstone resented a report f m e Finance Committee submitting sundry acooun s ! ' F Ir P ' 0 CIll O . 00 Public ool Building accounts amounting to 1 . , 518 . 25®an ounti ng t ?3' , ,: a :: _ ...•._ - -:. ;:. _. - _ ,.. .,:cf 1fi....7TT!:._...._.~-. w'�".=T• .. ... .,.. ,faar•,LE:aaN_ ...-.. ,. € . . A 0 certif fed ss being corre a .. S: _.e. _unts ?5 5_ _t :_ - �y ;ri _ _ t, _ �. _ ►, en l _ v - a r _ ._ :__ r . _._,_. :_r„___, �r . , 4 n. Lo _ _ _ >' . r r f !. 4, „>'rY, x f .�vY't..4e1t::.1 .. _ .... .. .. .... .. r- a , r. x.1:.5.F,.,... r,'.n,+ ;n,._s.,,, a;..',t...:,r:uY,u.i,.. .ur..r 4 a f ...,v.s i •,..}}.. .. _ .. ,- .. .. .. »., , ._..._.. ..... .. , ..'.... __ �,.. v , . l ,in....!4:1:1...,-.1.411_ .1r.i+I.1),tu{ )K.Y,...,F.<iw„k:l 1.f... r t...H...1,«, r . .T' ...... ...... .. ,,:.� : ,� r • YM1 ._.. ....r.. .,.;.. , .,....,.,,.....r ...... ....,..,r.r".".. ,.:1..,. C.t-••�,l?,:1ry,nt{4lC.L,... -....Y. ..a 1.....,11,., ...F��,,., ,. ,...F4,1._. ,./ r., ...rte! - r ir,Fl:,.eve. c»,rirStslT� 11Frid Sift �'li E Bit rahrx �. t ,�yr..,...! srl r 7i. 4 1 ecommend ng . . , , o - Cr le s econded b Cr Nidder.y that Parking Meters be installed in the Tavn , ,1 Moved b y Da Y l and t be location , '�'ype , number' to be installed acid any other details be left in tltie 1. hand 8 of the Police and Finance Co mlittees . I- ' �{ C r Car rut hers' t that the matter aP ! Coved an Amendment by 4 Dp Rv Vanstone seconded by °e installation of parking meters . be � held over until the, first of the year i'' ,. „ " Amendment Carried n "� , �{ Y' i, 0 11 of the M ao deter ►.•C o a ddre'ss ed Council in reference to the servicing end 1 . Mr M ne 1: ©pe rat lion of parking met er s . .1 „ " ded � Cr Darch that the Fire Bt3.gade be granted $ 97 50. Moved by Cr Osborne seco,n I ;� -be i 0 ©f 195 . 00 ree ved from out�si de fire . " .Carried "'�I.� 1 n8 5 $ ,,it, + `: NY-LAWS 111 t o intro uce a following 8y-Laws ; I R7 Jeaneson asked permission' . / J a ohtaini ©f tea orary advances t,o meet the cost of LoQal Improvements . It, To authorize th n8 P .i KV. I ./ S_o7_i T© rat i f and confirm, proposed a'©nveyaxi c e s of land . 11,117 F , Oa motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went m , • Granted and read the first :,time:.,, into committee of t he whole on second reading , the Mayor in the chair. ' On Committee' ` risin the Mayor reported the second reading with all blanks filled into By-Laws were ' then read a third time , passed and ordered to be signed and sealed . . .. _ , Moved 'by Cr iJiddery he Clerk+ ..be, instruots o Write, . _ . .. ' ��. 1 _I____­­, ,. �, ..seconded by. , Rv ...Ja�n ,e•son tha . . ! a that he must have the, ditch cleaned , out on '+ averle� Road 1. . . y, Mrr A Staokuruk , st t ing , rz 0 osite his property , within ten days sad failing_ to do so, the work- will a one --- --- -- - - - - .1- - . " 4 C. by the Vown , and charge t o hi�a. . ar r e 1. J ' t� r' seco ded b v Jamieson that the matter v of the recognition of the ;� Moved by Cr Niddery n y ' , Ih , I 1. i, Bovvalanville Interm®diate Baseball Club . Ontario Champions, �be referred �t�o t, e v o ",1 1Com�nittee to eo-operatewith the aerviae slabs and authorized to spend up o ;I4 " Carried " . # -100 .00 I I Y , ' • „ Q. der seconded b Cr Dash that members of Council attend the 1.... �� r, Moved by Cr Nid F Y " Carried "1 . r , Alaistiee services at t he Cenotaph on November 11th,, in a bbdy e I 11 . .. ,0 ' .it • , , , ' ,1 1 ' I , .: „ .1 1.• .. I ., On Motion Councit adjourned .1.1 . , . I I , A t.. .�. ' / I ­ It ,Y, , . 11 .1L � , A" ` z 1 / O I (f/ I � . . " 11 t Iuf ,c ' • . r I, ' LI ,,, _ •, ) r Nr j_V III is---ir p ,,aY,r ., I � EI'. ll 'r is `_. r a. ,j, r' y f I r, i ;. r ,:I: ,r,, t a5 _> ,,:, 1 I r, /r 1. .. .. ,� is • +.I,., ..:...,r ,.;.,,.: 11 I 11 r. .. A '.-.r .. ..-.. -.. . , ,:.-. .,::.,. .,. .:i.. , 15.,1. .. I v . .. -,� _' 'tYr', 7�Y 1 1 , ,: , .,,,.i, a ., Y. ..'Ij-.... -.. :,. Y , :. , -.. ,. .. I ,.f ... , , ...11 N ' r...- V 1 -,..., ).. -,.,. t - , , f 1. I a ;. :..- ,.. , .. , , f :r s 1. :r..: r n , , ..I.f , Ill w . Irt,_ 1 1. .. , ... _,. ....._,: ., .r. ., ., , , ,. ,:. ,:. .., ,,,,... , , r 1 , _, r- ,.., t f , 1.1 .V I a I -,..- _2 ' .,., -, .7 :.. ,... :..:.... , 0, :'„ r . -+': , <.- -F.. .. ,,. ., I. r 1 , , .- } r i .. _...t,.. a :. ........ r. 1 r,..,. 1 , ., ..:, w7 \ 1 I s r:,.,.. , ,t,., :.. e, ::.Y4.... rtl... 1 v ! Yl }Y Y, ,,�` v ,... , , ,., , ,z..,. 1: ., , f, j,�� , , r t .. ..L,.r ,er. . , Y ... -Y ..:,, .. . -., r r :: ...: _,.. ..., :... ... 11 .. ...._ 3 .., .....1 .......:...:..._ ... .:.. 1.,,;' r 9 ' .,' ,fit , _.. ; .. :: ... n {� �� , .. ,. t _ _ r _. ,.,... :: �': .. :::- .- .: f:::::' ., .. .. .r s'r`: -::: 1.� 11 13,,. :� �' 4 , ..t, , . , a, , r - I - ,, ., , ,.,, y' ,s.:,�, r ., , 1 , ,, ,.,.,, .:�:.e.1. _.._. , _ _ :.,t. .,. 1 ,, I. :.i.. : w. t .).. ., ai r 1 -. } .,. , ... .. r r r. .. .. ..t-r... r......: .. , 1 r.. ,1.1 , .,.. ::�: ,r ,,, .. , ,,,, 1 ,1 , t , , , :,.t, ' is-_, r ,.,. I :: ,,.. ,4 r ,. , it - K , -. T .,i, ,..:._. .,: , r � ,-.. r,. :�.. F .,. 71. k a.. .. I: r. .,,._ ,. r xr.+ . :,: , r •.. a {. Ir f + ,:., , > fn.: _ �; 1: , .,, .. , r. I , U 4u 9 Y �. :.. , e ,. , ... ,,; I: , . f Y „ t a 1, 'r..l a. 1 .>5 , , ., . , ..1,. , 'r. , , .... ,::. r. ,: , '. ,:.J. r 1 t t ,, r ..,. I. 1 .. .:r..,, 'f it , '. .. ,.1 . r.. :...1 • ,. +. i }. - ": , F.. :. ,. t I., , ) I A I ::,.. .a .,.-:. ::., ...,.. ,.t f;1 ".Y. :a �i , -,s ::I ii r - \ 1 I 4 9 r 1 _. f , d_t. li .. -; ,, ::. .. r :. • r I ( ,.,..,.. .., :1:. ,41...:..1. .. + r .r4 .,.,... r ... ....r 1, :: r: I . l , , , , 1 r .. .. is - :; 1 •. 11 fi ,, ,,: . , t r ,.:.:, I '. .r. Ir , ,., ,,.. 11 I.. : . r,,., ,.. .I ., ..:,' , .: r .. .. 1 ,..,.., f,. r , ,. J ". ., ,. Y , ,: a; , ,. I _ , r 1, } ::•u r 1': r ii�5,.. ,;... r.:.,.. :.Ilk I ,.,:: .4.A- t : 1, I :k �f t .,,,. .. , ,:. I ,. ,,, f-., .P 1- I ' t 1 r ,., . 1 ., , -ir. .Y 'I 11,, d ; c ,: I' ,' :,. I ,.- , I I , 'r sn'I '• .. ,, " I 1, t. I , 'l. .,, r ...r r r u..w-xr,..>•?rww .,1rl.�M.. �I J,,..Y.,t ..M..s x.wwun.rF�rw:awrrl.he'�,N!Kd�,r,.r.r.w.N«.V�:i,r 1 ..'...Ira r -.enw.; , ; 11 r`F. I . , , r , . . r ',,: - . ,' i 113` _ 'u ^�`£ y [ 1 W I ..,sir, ;€`v`' r+ 4 2 r '-i. � ,7' t" 4 y /9 1,10W> "^fl ' ' 7 ,.,11 I , .�t : �,- r � _ U air (�T � .41 VY ' r. lit 7­1 ' � ! r �"i s� f� .r,* i 4 r.:x'.ru,_ Y',4: rFr p, s" A w. w 4m 's;,„F? stir'4ar,4. - - 1H1 ., a A , " s ..�.: , .. , a 4. . .;. ' r ,. ;.I , t ' x . . A ,1 . . t . , r — _— a. A - _ — —.--- _.—_4- 1 �., _ _. . . Ro November 30t 1951 �,t C ounc i 1 om , h , i I'll I ,' ' a �' . ' "u" • S eoial meeting of Cou cil was held on above date , membe r� all present except ng ' r ;s s„acf p ��� Dp ttv �Tanstone , the Mayor presiding and stated that he had called to meeting to t„ .. i' , b j discuss means of obtaining access by road to the residents of the west side beach . _. " j, A 1. 11 Moved by Cr Dale seconded by Rv Jamieson that subject to the approval of the Boar -, cif Transport Commissioners and the residents at Bowmanville �Ven Beach concerns ` 'r,'` -. � a full time guard be hired for the crossing at C ,. N .R . station at the salary o ii q;; ! ,t , 1,A: $ 200 , 00 per month from December 1st 1'951 to bey 31st , 1952 , the Town to pay .. 75 9� 4f the guards wages and the Beach residents to pay 25 and the cosh of ;,�, ' s iabilit to be , aid by the Beach p� „hx fl .i", . any necessary insurance t o cover the Town 1 y P 1. re siden is " Carried„ " Y,1 d b Cr Nidder seconded b Cr Dale that the grgnt be increased to 200��O,Oi. Move y• y y ti ,t " for the Tec ognit ion of the Bowmanvili a Intermediate Ba seb811 Club , Ontario ,,, " +� : Champions Carried i .' `, !' xv Jamieson seconded b Cr Darch • that Mr B .V ., Osborne be given permission { �Qoved by y 1 , , to• install asoline tanks on tow feet of Town property on King St west . , , :: " Carried" . . On Motion C ounc 11 adjourned 1. .:n l ' A . ,. 3 / ., L- _ _ _ :-. �. —�— _a—__—-- �.�'�'� __._ _ � _..__._,_..-_. - -- ... .. -r- m _ -_, - _ ,,.,. .. _. ,,,..r«...,,,, ^,rtmx r+- ++K »*:s.r,7*:7.F s ...,.,..s......«a.a s`_ .. :.www'+..�pxdrz .:.:-� ...11 - ..,a�. ,..a .,n++ r wan. — -- a, -. — :1.:.,:•,_ .:_a,..,.,�. ....,,, ,.,.,:.._,,.:.,.«.., w.,: ,.,_..rw,...,,...r......:.:,. _.v�w..we, n A 'c. -Ww,r....wv..a. _�.� ..,, _... 0 a — � �. arpacpa�zwwwcwws��a ra�sx �—uw=a:z .'.mvzar. mmwra ., ,:.. :•�,.tt#:: ,n�r°@kdi '*+an:a ola�oNa�nxua'rwuaronameis�iwcnm . I t. _ ,. 11 I , yot . L � � • , C e k. Ma . ' :s a,.. , 51; it �a `,.. ` �' . . A Council' Boom ,. December 4th , 1951. r 1 wa s held on abO�e� date members a 11 pre sent exc�' in8 11 'Regular � meeting of Couno�i �. :L 1 .` x' a the Ma or residing . Minutes of last regular and special meetings were 11 I,:, P Rv Vanston , y P . AA tr c read and on motion c onf��rmed ., r ' , r, COMMI�NICATIONS t 9t.��k a um re ue st n that grocery stores be allowed to remain open Providence Farm , For q g _., ;;' ,,1,„, A,�,, From• ' "'' Rec & Filed ” 1. after 6. 00 P .M . on nay night . to remain { ,. �t,'. i ' : From Shaves Hone and School Club requesting that grocery stores be allow o eu on Saturday nights and stat ing ' that ' they are not in favor of , the insta•llat on o , °` �A , P " Rec . & Filed" parking meters . _ a 4 A '- hid, ''•11 eslie Nichols 45 Prospect' St reque sting the removal of a tree and trees From Mrs L , t 11,�,, v ofhe r ert 11, I 11 11 . �q trimmed in front ,prop y • 11 11 5 - - - that a dead tree ,be curt down in front of _1. ' From Mr Percy Williams , Odell St requesting ;,° hi ' , .11 s property . r�r' i,i: St reue stirs that a� limb of a tree be removed . in 11 I a. From Mr Lorne Creeper, 20 Horsey q g,I . 1 t r',t I L r . �. r 1 front•. : of.his property . � . •11, Cr �sbore , that the requests be referred to the Public 1 .� , j: ,11. Moved by Cr Darch secon e y Carren .Fropert y Po , ..I.C omxaittee with veer t o sat , n., I om Mrs w .E . - _ - - , - P ----- q — ------ --- -- ---- t Shane 39 Pros set St re u+e sting that two tree sumps a remo - --- - , - I 11 _ . : . T I-li, . front of her property . t d 1."I y _- Cr Nidder seconded by Cr Darch that the ' reque,st 'be re erre to the Roads Droved by y n _ ` - to act . Carried " . . and Str e+et s C o tee power . F Counties Clerk Cobonr advising, ofiatients being admitted to Oshawa General . rom g � - - al and Bowanenvi lle Hospital : Rec & F e f I 11 . Hoapit 11 Hi hwa s Toronto in reference t o the t�'rom Mr d. D. Iiller , Deputy Minister o2' g Y Filed " . n of the road and bridge to the west side beach. Rea & Fil . . ' c oast ructi�� 1 er of the Canadian Bank of Com�neroe , , Bowmanville ,requesting Course i.l to ;.11 From t he Manag . r ensurer to si n for cancelled oheques and Qerification of t,:' ,, authorize , A.J .Lyle , Tr 6 • t . be►lanc e s . Cr sborne that the Bank be n©tif ied that the r, ,, . 11 Moved by Cr Niddery seconded by r C uncil to si n for cancelled cheques and verification of` ,, ' . , I treasurer is authorized by o 8 . , ," Carried "11 I I'll,_ _ , __ ''I , , ' balances . t of Municipal Affairs Toronto , enclosing statement of subsidies p81id partmen pa From De " Rec & Filed " M` to the Town for 1951 . vor of the Saturday night ' and at her grocers and butchers in fa 11 �, From hr Norm�B1 n J Al l i n " & Filed" „ a _ Council sot to repeal the existing By--Laws Rec 11 ­ $loaf B Zaw requestng , a , y R PORTS 1..'`k I : .� resented a re ort from t Hance Co�aittee submitting sundry accounts ''. Rv Jamieson p P a ' counts amounting to $ 836 . 36 eounti 4236.48 andn Public of Building ,> , n . t O " & Adopted " R K ..ar` co meat aaad rea ndingyment Rec Qertffied as being • r 000.0 be written of f the indebtednes ;` !' 'Moved by Cr Dale s econded by Cr N ddery t hest 5 , 1; ,� a Tawn : " Carried " s , owing b the Arena Management Comonittee to to 1 . y le seconded b Cr Osbar ne that the Police Committee' be authorized to 1 ;) owad by Cr Da F " Carried " p. ur0Y,aae two $now tread tires .f or the Polio a aair A P :11. 11"I . ..',, , �,A. " « ,mp,�jpty , r11 t ( ,', ��, ,7 i, ill;�to i rya,. i i s I 'll-1 i :�J VOL 7 - �. _:. 7 t7Ni�i 1.: rx Y t h f s.-.a. .,, ,' ez:}, ,�_. ,» ,..._ 1. ,. :,- I'll 1.1 ..11 1 -­ il r,I, -:-,,I"ft'?Is",,I� —,I _Z_L_: .......... i'�s";Istl �siii' 'Q,sat�l Y 14 Counc'ils Room$ I'meember 4th 1951 Dale machine be it Cr that a new Burroughs adding onded by Move d , by tiv jamleson see Cst;rkeol" e r d ox intat e c ost of 335 90-0 purchased at an appr n act ion be taken on the of%r' fs Cr Niddery, that 0, Move d, by Cr Carruthers seconded by its, at any time these ' lots wo Town lots on Ontario St and that Ir nantan to purchase t of Y, C ar r i e d e by ' tender * 6 sale that they be advertised f or sal t: are of f ered fr a be -the Public Property , Committe nded by Cr Dar' ch that Moved by- Cr Carruthers seco Carried Is, Council , Room repaired * -zed to have the ceiling in the authori Iff_TAW -Law No 1399 is -introduce a By-rLaw to repeal By i1vt Jamieson asked permission ' to Counc' il went int-00 d d the f irst, time '. On motion ' rule 33 was Suspdnded and Gran�ed an rea ir , On committee rising V, in the cha readingg the I f the, whole co ttee o on 4y or Byi-Law was then .'read , eading with all blanks filled in the Mayor reported the second r ta be signed an d sealed * a third time passed and ordered ce to the opening of the road to the d Council in referent Mr Marvin Allin addresse A he to provide- ac sa 7 b' road to , t o endeavor ' we a an d. request. st sid beach ing . Council t esidentso r c onm -tv Jam ieson that the C ivi C ittee ', and Mayor Moved by Cr Carruthers seconded by is tion , that they' a of th e fiestsside beach 'nd take , any , a'o co-opertte with the residents side beach constru,cted as' _ -br th e we sit, TOW, U it air Carried 2 0.0--- . soon. as pessibl 00 t, ,a , guard: be , hire per""", o ' ded by Cr Niddery tha Moved by, Cr' Osborne see ins 'sible and not. to extend - N ,,R ,, crossing -to be . effective as soon as poss ' Board of- ­iranspo. Mont h fo r the C issioners rt C o= f the ond June lsto' 1952 , su.sbje'sct to the app;r,oval . 0 hat bay urance if obtainable a nd the necessary ins ' ts? not over 100 .00 be , provided for and $ 1 1 to . 00 ' this cost ntribute to a asked . the, residents b tion st f or ,the Installa ded by Cr' Darch that the, advertisement -Mov ed by Cr Kiddery ,secon - next meeting of ,Counc until the . ter main on Duke Sit be held .. over of as, was Carried t to he Civic Commit itea be authorized .'.'Moved by Cr Darch secon ded by Rv Jemieson that Carried keys for Town employees * , abitatin Otis In the , tenders for 19 tur the charge f or C eme tery pl r Kiddery seconded by Cr Pale that Roved by C 9 lot' 30 00 , a 0 Bofta s f rom Zantiary lst 1952 , one � grave p Cemetery be s- f ilows a niville tual a are ,, Carried plot grave plot 15 00 in iluding , pe*rpe two . grave t hat the digging of extra, depth graves in Move Cr 'Niddery seconded by Cr " Darch ried. d by Car come tery, ,be discoriinUed ' immediately * ., itte be ' authorized to, 4econded 'by Cr Darch that the cemetery a om ­'Moved by Cr' Niddery , , e eryo, 'Carried U. t s tool ho ' se at the ,. cem a r pWw 0 the retakers rchase' a B X fo On Motion Council' adjourned -a or rk 41 IsIsVjo itsitt:51 tIsIsitis10 itittVOLUM 7 M;�16 4, 1 .......... ------ 0,C"ART&co A� er 2 lst 1,951 C ouric 11 Room Decemb eptihg Cr , present exe COL.00 Specialme eting of Council was held on above date member s he Mayor ' resding and stated that he had called the meeting for general (rpo%b�b o r n e t P ad and on motion cohf i rmed . business . Minutes of last regular . meeting were re Wv"UNI "ATIONS -itioning for the con:�trucition of a wet e rima F rom Yr E *Ya Poil and others pet in , on berty to Duke J)t an d Line to 'tation St on Station St f rom ,Li L iberty St f rom Base on - Duke Sit approximately 300. feet , North on Duke Sto 'Yoved by Cr Niddery seconded , by Cr, Carruthers that the Public Utilities Conurissio n str uct ion, of a 'watermain as be retques�ecl to submit estimates for, the .cost of con ke at from Liberty St to Base Liheo requested "by petition and ' an' alternative on Du _14 y Ca rried " son applying for relief Moved by Cr Niddery seconded by Rv Jamieson that any . per 'ie I ee and J ,, s t o be ' investigated by the ief Cornmitt t hat t.hey be told that some referred -to the Roads and Streets Comnittee Work is eipected if relief is granted and Carried" Noved � 2 d b 6th Boxing Day , be declar ' d by'. Cr Dale ­Sed ond,e y Cr Diar c h that December Carried"k, ordinglyo' - and tha' t , the 11ayor is,sue a procle mat ion ace e P ublic Holiday - Committee b � Uo - .0 - 0 . ved by . Or Carruthers seconded by Cr Niddery that the -civic , or 5090000 horizedto secure the neces�sar insurance for the , C *WoR . , crossi f aut ' 200 . 00,0400 for two or more- and ' 000 moo V50 Publ. lo Liability f or -on,e person ,, i AA6 , to hi r e two� t# ' 'Daniage-­.,or double -.thi,s-- arlount of insurance-,Af __o_bta.1fnab_1e6., a Ju' e lst C nth to n guards at cost of not exceeding " 200 . 00 per mo, 1951� . arried" . a f Dp Rv Vanstone , seconded by Cr Carruthers that 11 persons in arrears o r Moved by . ute Labor By , L AW ovi s i On, s of . the Stat payment of Poll Tax be prosecuted, under the pr " , Garried" .' 27th, . if not 'paid by ' Dee.ember re r n ars ­f 0 ' onded -by, Cr Carr ra, that all perso s In ar uthe Moved by Dp_,.�,Rv_ Van stone see : :ill�'��,-"!,�,!"_!! W_ 711�;.`�r:_.'I�,:.. l': f the, Dog By-6,-Law i f 'n Ott Pik,iA 'he provisions paym ent of Dog' Tax be - prsoecuted under , t 'Carriedlk' b. Y - December 27th. emetery Investmen '00 00 C ed by Rv Jamieson that, 1 ,95 d. by Dp, Rv Vanstone second Move ' Ontario 4 a price of 1019 , Carried" d bonds at hat tax, arrears amo Funds be inve"st ed in Province of . untingto* Niddery6t Moved , by Dp Rv Valn'stone, see"onded by Cr,. Carried" uhcollectablee 70 ,, 8p be written of f as unting to 28 . 5' 0 be y Cr Darch t hat taz arrears amo onded b Moved Aby Cr Nidder' y see 111 ,Ca;rie. d" n, WT id by.� tra s1ent traders license '. itten off as they were pa n. ti-At tazes amounting to 450 53��. Move d by Cr Niddery, seconded by Cr Carruthers, 6. Carried" ts nd -overcharges � , .......... djustmen ritten off , being a a 11 for' ' 1951 be w the ro , kv . .-On Mot i on , C ounci 1 adjourn6do May, ............... rk . or... ........... It10, VOLIM