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i •s a sv i ' k ��� �w Y i 4 , r .:�: �s� Council Room January 3rd , ,1949, u.+�. !� The Clerk presented a report of � meets ofCoun c i l was held, on above date, C..�► Inaugural ng .�.. follow s N 412 municipal Elections held on December 6th as ' De ut Reeve G . F . the P Major 180 , Reeve Norman Allison Majority 4 , P y ldayor , L . C . ason , y . . , Carruthers 1072 N . E . Vanstone 12 4. , W D C ' Jamieson , Majority lgg , Councillors , F .M . M . S . Dale 948 , A4. C . Darc h 6 56• , Board or Education' o- Osborne 1044 , J. J . Flett 1000 , Acclamation , Public Utilities Commission Dr H Ferguson , D .A .Moregor , W . L . Paterson , liott Acclamation , due stion ; Yea ,e.� ority 435 • a M • J• El t took their seats and the May called After taking the oath of office members else o u n Kea S. R . He�der9on to open the meeting with prayer. r- . :•; '� � that a vote of thanks be ' tendered l�ev . � ` loved b Cr Carruthers seconded by Rv Allison " Carried . , . y s services . save and if Henderson for hi . D Rv Jamie son that •the Mayor, Reeve , Deputy R Moved by Cr Dale seconded by p e standing committee $ for 194.9 • " Carrie " Cr �`anstone be a committee r to strike t e striking aOttee that the Rv Allison reported on , the reo nwlendations of th r R first named to be ahairnan ; / staadin committees be as follov�s , 8 Allison Jamie son•, Dale , : Carruthers Finance ; Vanstol'le , � ne n Allison , . VanstO ` x Roads and Streets , Jamie so n Allison , Osborne , Jamie con rr Fite ;, - € r t. ---- - 9 r ]Police ; r , • Osborne , Van stone , s Folic a P'lett , D . r i e son h • � : • Car rut hers s , Jam , { Ptiibl i c Fro pe rty , . Dale Van st on e , Osborne , Carrut her s r civic and Relief ;r ' Flett De�le _... _. Ott= to C me rah 0 3'Y -� _... ._. ^n Da Darchr 1{ YR7PRiN4' Yd1AFX . . . -_ Mason � " .'. ! .a ;fir'.^.(1WAC3'S'k.°/HF7 Ql ) a V F le � a 1 Re .at i flr! , , • - . ...: :..w :�.: r r. f Y Indust Garru h:erO. h _ ri . - t :"Court of Revision l�lett , Dal..e►,� r:c, .n ./ t: d b Rv Allison. s e�conded by Dp Rv ,Jamieson that the report of the striking Move „ Carried .� a adopt ad. and committee b -mayors ors Elliott and Little to address„ Counc 1 they , The Mayor called upon Esc M y 44t r election and wished them 811 sucrcess for the com ng congratulated Council upon their v year-* outlinin y � � member s �� to �C ounc i l. ,and 8 the ' Ural , address welcoming The May gave his inaug ; business ahead of Council for this year. � t�i and on � motion were adopted 'as The Clerk the minutes of the last regular meeting , reference to„ read , on the Community Council in' $ A .M. Thompson addre,s s ed Co unci 1 on be - -- h rector and asking Por a .grant of 3',000 .00 engaging a new recreational director thers that' the request far the grant be ,� d b Rv Allison seconded by- Cr Carru y '.. ve " Carried "> bo y Finance Committee to report back to Councr 1 . referred to the be a ointed as representative Rv. Allison seconded by Cr Vanstone that Cr Dale PP Moved by R "' Carried " rom Council o n the C ommunit Council . r y the Rink Building ' Comanittee reporting Mr John �d Jams s addressed • C ounc,i l on behalf -Of 000 .00 to the - on the progress of the building and asking f or a temporary, loan of � 7 , _ - acted revenues for this amount are received * k building commkttee until expected Rv Jamieson that 7 , 000 .00 be loaned to e n loved by Rv All seconded by P from funds from . Provincial Government rr committee , as a ,temporary' loan to be repaid f correspondence From on Qar and that the rink committee hand over any then sources of Grant and draw grant ', t e nd : • so o M a ried G eat in . reference to the gra o Coun it a al Provincial Governor C r ` will be• repaid .. revenue from which the loan r COMMUI�I CATIONS skin the a ro s si ngs n o e snow plough b10 From Mrs J.A• Tait , Elgin St compla n6 and re ue st i ng t hat ,they be made pas sable . snow lough piled the snow 4 oases L er Ontario St , complaining that the P i t . . , From Mr Th 3►m t cars are , parked on, the streets day and n blocking on his sidewalk and the . r , •. .; Rv �d�ie son that the matter of , the snow B { Moved by Rv Allison seaoadedr by Dp war to $he roads and streets comm ittee with Po the crossings and sidewalks. be referred ed to the police Co�nmaittee r to act and the matter of the parking of cars be reran Carried " with power to act e ®ervives to Council in and matter of a t oz Mr C .E . Stephenson! M.P . offering his n Rae & Filed Fr inserted Federal nature e that advert ei8ement had been Toronto , stat img roator Redfern and Isughlin , From P ,� r a : ���•, , , { ,:_ struction o� s®wars and ,.,that. tenders !r f r Dail Comoneroial News for tenders fort a con n Rea & Filed 1 in y wil close January 10th. the Counties representatioes to use a Board of Education, requesting Wit � 1 From Bowmanvill tad � as � Count ie s representativ4 on the their influence to have Mr Walter Rutndle appoin ' Board for 1949 • to the loved by Rv Allison seconded by Cr Van stone that the request be referred " Carried " . , Countie$ rep�rosentativesf. r yry , k 3. YULUKE 7 r y 4 c S` h. s:A.MART&CO Council Room 1a nuary 3rd , 191+9 From Brunner Mond Coo Toronto enclosing' nc l0 sing quotations for Calcium Chloride . .T eson that the matter be referred to the Moved by Rv Allison seconded by Dp Rv Jami " Carried N0 w 4120 J ;: Committee to report back to Council '. sponsoring Roads and Streets Council to allot money for spon g uestin <. wman v i�l he Chamber o f C omie r c e r e q 8 From Bo �'or 1949 w ioi al . Christmas party for ' children erred to the f a Mun P qu st be ref z Cr Flett tbat the re e fioved by Cr Carruthers seconded by _ " Carried vic Comoaaittee to report back to Council . weeYk an 30th to Ci of nat ional health From health Leagde of Canada , Toronto advising s n8 " Rec & Filed " ail to set ' up a Local Brand Committee . Feb 5th and requesting Council REPORTS ac a ount s t from a nance Co�moaittee submitting sundry Cr . Vanstone presented a re,por 7 amounting to, $ 5191 . 5 Local Impr ovemeat accounts for 12 . 30 )and Public School moved seconded by D . R. J , eson the adoption of th Building accounts fo 6017 . 9g.- and mo " Carried M t subject to the approval of ' the , Finance Committee * ra repot BY--LAO d permission to introduce a Y w authorizing, the borrowing of money Kv Allison a s 1+e p ' �y for current expenses . on rule 33 was suspended and Council went into Granted and read - the first imp . on Motion May or in the chair .; On comonittee rising t e com�aittee of the whole on second reading the Y ed in -Law, way then read a se 01 the second reading with all ,blank9 fill BY ; Mayor reported h e cased and ordered to be signed and sealed • the , "second and third times p Rv Jamieson that the utter of re-decorating , Moved by Rv Allison seca�aded y , to the Public Property __Co�mnitt_ee•_ tQ .__.re► O.rt-- bac __ _ Q__. dune ® e�rr.ed Carrie !k. r P r -M1 -5......Y1b+{f% .,,tr,r,nk.r... 4 - i u r-• - n v n { ar. ..P...✓i.. .y...,..rt itf,..e.,._.-........r,......,.,,f..x...,.qt'.,W..: ... t,.a. r....,,.IN .t tt•1>l'n,rS}.rwnr.TJ1,:G Y1t rn..M.11iill:1`NLv,,.ilm_,i?lv1Y:,/.F..e..r" ,,..irAnYl...aTtkW.1.:12 .F.A.II n.n{,,.f,'h.11t..'l a.t{t?rilty A-/U t n ,..to-.'^•' `.'.Y. Xt P'A r,0.,t5,tli.pYl_,tr.•x uY.9VYY;N..n•. ... _ ....-- _.wa to :.a .. 'tW1SxlYEC' ...... nGflAfiNttdKYtlaiTR' A br y uc ,a,t....vx ..x f A 9 t .,n„Z,..t...:.a,...tr i..., ttrar,.,re✓:ri.,,.rs,.tic.s..v 1 v that the matter of forming a rink comitt e Moved by Rv Allison so by Cr Osborne ointment ttee to bring in a recommendation for the app be referred to the Civic Com�ai special meeting of Council. Carried' of five members to the eommitt ee at the next p e letters from the Board of { b D Rv Jamierson seconded by Cr Dale that the ]dove d y p the C .N.R . crossing be referred to the Roads sort Commissioners in reference to , Transport , Carried Commit-tee to report , back to Council. and Streets Com�ai P o into cosmnitt•ee of the who , the , Moved by Cr Dale seconded by Cr Flett that ounc r a Town an And the advisability of hiring s n r Mayor in the chair. to .discuss Carried y receiving apP licationse - .� " Jamieson that the, applications for,., sown Rngine®r ved by , Rv Allison seconded by DP Rf Jam " Carried " Mo ', a R V be laid on the table . at the Ma or be requested to arrange econded by Cr Vanstone that Y U s Commission to di souss the hiring , of a Town eng nee Moved by `.Rv Allis , t ilitie . meetin :with the Public. � r " . Carried " 6 �mnittee the Roads and Streets Co Moved b D Rv JWdes on seconded by Cr Van stone that �► _ Mo P Into rnational Truck ., " Carried 3► zed to urchase four tires and tubes for the be aut hors p . • 1 Counci ad 1 On Motion -- -- - , 'le.. .. _ r _ _..- __ _,_ _._� , -._ , _. 1 1 a or r M a ;1? r. 1 ,'. t 7. , Council oo F . R 0 . :• . Januar s 81.1 present excepting Spatial meeting of Council we►s held on above date , mem er a meeting fir the a or Presiding and stated that he had called t ; Cr Osborne , the y of sewer$ . opening tenders. for the construction purpose of p 8 CO� UNI CATIONS kk on si a In front of :his premi$es on From ' Mr '�f X e Brown asking perm3.s s on to e rest a ne B _ King St 0 • that the request be referred to the Moved b Rv Allison seconded by Dp. Rv Jamieson M Carried " Mow y r, 4N Publio. Property Committee with, power to act * that the tenders b® opener " Carried !' Move b Rv Allison seconded by Dp Rv Jamieson t tender rice; ; M y with t*e P were received from ' the following c ontraators _ g .00 Tenders 18 , 37 Construction Qorp• Ltd Toronto ;� 159 691 .95 ` Dover Construction Co' Ltd '189059 ,000 , ` MSullivan & Son Ltd , 17 , 031 .1+5 ' Construction dO ,. , nr , ..�_,,.,.. tafora Con � '�� ��� � ; � , :IR ,bb? . 50 W, Port Hoe Construct ion Co Ltd , , ; ,� :, 23 120 .?3 P t on Co r,. { �� r, k ' 1 f _f t,`���, ' Sanders Construa i ,,. 219590 . 15 s Paisley ,: `�: �, Onwa Construction Co .95 021 �, {.t i , i � .r 39 , , McMullen & Brum Ltd 6 , . 3�, 30 25 we 23 9764 .100 -0105 C Dundas Construction , Co t -Ft VOLUML , • / Y ' Ij , .•r t , , - . y f r • , ?° s.�. TSCa C Cons i l Room , January lOt.h , 1949 4 209256 . 55 o C� Klimack Construction Ltd t „ No w 4120`. a Roads and Rv Allison seconded . by Cr Dale that Council recess to give th t Move d by " , Carried . " Streets Committee opportunity t o discuss the tenders with Mr Redf era . ed b Rv Allison that a port ion of Flett and Belleville Moved by DP Rv Jamieson second y against frost in order to lay the sewer Streets be c"obeyed with sawdust to protect it aga on is obtained by a . t e tenders be laid on the table . until further informat ,ried and that /h High St Car R tracks on • Mr Redfern in regard to tunnelling under the C . . • that the Community . Council be notified of the Moved by Cr Dale seconded by Cr 'Flett h i 1 1 000 . 00 f or 1949 : grant of 3 Council in regard to ' support of � i s on oppose d . " } Carried with Rv All party Committee ' be. D Rv Jamie son seconded by Rv Alli son- t.hat the Public Pro G Moved by p satin the Library and necessary carpentry given power to act in regard to re-deco g Carried estimates F work and that the cost be included in their 1949' " ' On Motion C ouno i 1 adjourned,* _r i , Mayor ; : • e 1 r . . I • r. _• '. _..:. . _ .. - C ounc i l Room a Hoary +-'P': /' - • .:: ..:-..',.. .. ._ :.:. , I?AVU.i11oLLY'dW'sxti�r 1prolaWY1t4l 1R'L71Cql iNmR!3 1t RC•iN1Prb7sMl aSAFYpmR.'R60.V 371b51iMtaV/MU:i6C7:HN'kYa114fVa. fw ., vr+YgttWtlKVtIM.rtffnwwaxmvromnwesw•><anal...cua'ae+.rlmuvauL.auf•.+a,>Mawnausrr; ronnfy.aawarf•laarcsatr*+rcwwnews'ruuwnexrsaxr.+waumlxUnw•a.:xnfmrtr:'ra.x .wx+.ttfaasluximnmxscewrr. x»'ynarxY.fu&v1 wYM}IwO:NIf •"•mNr[4!f+v presiding ' residi g ri,lx Mayor , and e ate Yo P above , the a n stated of C Cone i 1 wads held on d the Spe�eial meeting' pose of awarding the ccntract for h that he had called the meeting for the pur construct ion of sewers . Members all present . . - 'reference 'to the tsenders !..re�eiwed . Mr Redfern addressed Council n r „ b Cr vanstone that the tender be awarded to Dover 1. Miftl 5 Moored' by Dp Rv. Jamieson seconded Y 1 b91 X95 being the lowest tender, struct'ion Co ltd 0 Brampton, for the even of r. , JIL C°A � own t o ' the etra coat , over cement t ile , the rN ,{ v 4itrified clay the to be used , t pay ediately 1 1 Railway Company charges and that work start :iman contractor to assume all Y " Carried " Streets * ` 1 on Flett and Belleville l • oh 'C unc i 1 ad Corned . on Mot i o � 11a Y or . L. /1 , , i r ,1 4 •iV`l• 1' 1 r t h 949 l J. 2. , C Cone i Room, .'anus ry Special meeting of Council was held on above date , members all present excepting , e Mayor re a i d i ng and at at ed that he had called le d t e me a ng DPty Jami a so n , t h Y p _ ant of members of.the Arena Management Coanca ttee . the appointment Cr Dale be the representativ Cr . , Moved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Osborne that �� Carried " Card for 1949 • AA . .. Lf //S r6S dY Y1 .5.1f t .I Y•^ -r. .. ...�. ... ... f,:. ..e:.. Ri�f4 -'•. , . p. >w. , x _ . .t' :: _ .... i.-. .. ....,.., .. .. . n. of/.n,,r•=ferof,,.,.In-.r:r. ..., _.fr, ,....,.....,. ._.fro- . .r„ ,� c , ` .. .. rC t��t�i � $ • r 1 c i 1 on th ow�oaanvi�l,le' sp COMMUNICATIONS from z Crook d Others o s wer d watermain , on, I,�nbs Lane From Cdr Milo �f . roo an � er pet t on ng f r e an Fr Odell 9t to Second St y Cr Flett that the petition be accepted and } Moved by Cr Carruthers seconded b ion Of the ` . Construction Co Ltd for the construct v definite prio6lbe obtained froffi Dover sewer and that th® engineer be requested to make the. necessary plans, and specification and that a construction by-law be' Prey` red. " Carried al in reference to the crossing at -the C .N .R . Prom Canadian National Railways , Montre , stationw. a letter bar laid ox� the, table until ed b Rv Allison .seconded by Cr Dale that th Carried " Mov y Council have had an opportunity to investigate . f lJ. l REPORTS to the , . s o the Civic Committee , in regard Cr Dale reported on the recom�aenda on . appointment of the Arena Management . Committee and , moved �aeconded by Cr Osborne that' P t the following be appointed as the .Arena Managemen ' the report be accepted and that Committee under the authority of the Community Halls Aot ; Messrs Clifford Samis , le Frank . Hooper , Council�.ors `�f .D. Melbourne .Wight, John M James , Sid Hey Litt . " Carried " lj 1 V Carruthers and Melville S Dale . Ir Ir ' the borrowing of 189000000 t 8 given B -Law No 14? o provide for r' Third reading wa 6 Y a Memorial Arena, with all blanks n debentures to aompl ete the Qost of building e , /� nI� ed and sealed . .t� Sig n filled in , pet seed and ordered t o be •, . ... ................. r.w.+auW✓w. lf.4i`iu+I+•k�a..«i.f.frf:,.i.;l..........l+,w....«.. w. .«:1.... ..wilir.w..w•».I.w»»...., VOLUM 7 Nom. 1 I - 5 ,.�,, •. ws t-,l4; ' ? .P +,zt"„ a., r,3 Vim. '� ` t,, 1 i r , r' Roo m Januar 25th , 1949 : C ounc i . ,. 1 C D�arch that the Hospital Board be given permission ( . « Moved by Rv Allison seconded by r Carried .«.. Fr i da Fe brua'ry l8t h f or r their annual meeting to use the Council Room on Y ` ,f �f Qn Motion C-ounc i l ad ourned r _ Clerk . Mayor . t h 1949 a Council l Room Coun February 7 , or w date members all pre sent the gay Re ular . meeting of Cou,ricil was held on above , g cial taeetings were read and on motion residing , Minute s of last regular and ape P l. confirmed . d asking for,, a grant o ti. rev o�P . Rogers addre s-sed Council on behalf of. the Library e1T 104J0 .00 for 1949 • the re uest be r ed to the eferr seconded by Dl Rv Jamieson that q " Carried . " Moved - by Rv Allison rants . on to be dealt. with under g 1 r , Finance Committee for, their considerati COMMUNICATIONS f seatin in the o for the cons`truptiorn o 8 I I•!, , w ith Pyramid d Concrete Products st of reement Y done .,immediately at a co �8 Councils ii art of which i s to be Mena was pr . 00 to be done lat pre to to er nd t _ balance in re f erenc - _ nce amours ng a to to 3 ti he 0 a T _i __.. 43C drew Coup _ ,... .. ... ......:... ..cr„.r,.,w_......._ ,,. n}��a�yj _...... _ ......_ }/+�jlyr,�S fax l�x ,. roP•1'uf;°9.;i5c1_a+wren..ssnw..r.,.4o4.V..hc4w.arawx dla•k.snvlr YMn,n.a .-F:a 4vtvra..::'KUTdRti4t'i'w.'1a;ul' :,wnsYnAVUrr,lauw'ailru+MaePY.rl.la¢bziolSMlY:.aaxxMi':Fl:<a4]:4w:wn(+S'rlUS<nuoaMpY.YtYaaaN6YBWMM'C7'A, rr:s.. • r., C .YID►� sf It h\/ e.nar••.. � '\ib"`YiLt M.i r K wf V i EY'.u'Nfbe.0., 1nt'1'LLM1r.F AN1•x Mr . 0 • 1 seatin teat for. the seating be accepted . g y Cr. Da that the coat Cr Dale seconded b " Carried ” Moved by oulevard in Star, asking permission to install bicycle stands on the b From Toronto and Jury & Love 11 - he remises of Mr d. J . Bagnel referred to lolice front of P the re ue st be the " b Dyed b Rv Allison seconded y Cr Dale that. " Carried y ., Comm with power to act . liability 'insurance . :1 Nina E Needs enclosing renewal for lie Y From Niss that the liability insurance;.,, for 1949 be R Allison seconded- by Cr Flett h Carried Moved. by v DO r stating' , ` awed at premium of X50 •. stationr 7 tars a oe to ithe crossing at the C .N .R . From, Bowmanv i t le Beach As so in r e f er.e n ed to pro the crossing • s. -wa •s stem -was desired P attar be received and, filed r n that a w�,g 6 y Rv Jamie son that the 1 Moved by Rv Allison son seconded by Dp t e s teats Committee when the ina ' ter of the cross ng• to the Roads and at It and referred . dealt with : been App Hinted Council stating . that Mr Vince Mathewson had x 1 From. Bowman v i lle Community Coun " Rec & Filed " ., onal director. euchre in aid of, as reereati to user the council Room. f or a, From Rev S . J. Coffey asking permission .�. �hs Chug' on ' )hut.. ay - e ranted ch $ b d March 17t n rr® o h. r , �, Ca e d St Jos b Cr Osborne than rmissi g b Rv Allison seconded y ' Moved y half of• the Co . of tiling an open d tc on r fferin tp pay a aerie _ From Dow , I . t r am -. I r . �s t er e ad ,i,.;,,r'1. . [:.f.l ifr^tr.ir.,LrZV4lLT1-t411rI•ri1CIC1rorF.i84hiM1t,)iL, ItLiH0. .a__ •,M•,ct,><[1C,A,:.,•.r.f.. ir...f. . .. a _..� ,i, r ,.ry , .r, .. 1�.r... {. p n ". St Georg a .. , :. u hat , .t, Carr e - tied , be ref:�.�red e Droved, b Rv Allison,son Seconded by' 'Cr Carri Y t s Committee to report back , to Counc i and Shree the removal of a tree in front of his , , Liberty St request . From Mr George B Bick e . o art the nest be referred to tie . pr P y econded by Cr Darch that th q +• Rv Jamieson s �� Carried Moved by DP Committee with power to act . Public Property months leave of absaence on account , of illness . ,dot , Chief S Vellton asking for a three t From that thee request be taken up under new Dltove d by Rv All i son seconded by Dp Rv y Jamieson �� Carried n ,.. bus ne ss . the aralel l parking of cars on s ire quest st in� P etr e °for Ki nB s Tak q . - 1 From Mr Ne i 1 Lathan t o cars backing out and damaging t h c e St o pos it a their taxi stand owing <. five cars on Temperance St . Tamperers P he be allowed parking space for f i taxis and also that t y t: tt that the reque at be referred to the D Rv Jamieson seconded by Cr Fle n Carried Moved by P war to net . Police Committee with Po ant equal to 1949 taxes Financ e From Lions C lub asking for 8r 4 le that the request be referred tot e by Cr Da loved by Cr Carruthers seaonded Carried ". t 8 to be dealt with under gran stablish�neni� of a parking lot ,l 1! Committee bet of Commerce in reference to. the e y From Bowmanvills Chamber t om n the old Organ, Factory Proper y . „ Wallin on St o the matter, be referred to the on seconded b Cr Carruthers r that . Moved by Rv Allison sea y ” Carried Committee to report back to Council . Proper installed eat the ,corner o� t public P'e s requesting that a street light be r • From Mrs (Drape Curti 4 ; Nharf Road and Simpson Ave . _' .».,....'.. .._..,_....r....w...». . ...r::+....:.✓.I.r.,.u.i+u.r. ..+i w,.. .:r5•r.4.F .«I.... .i.. w ...,,.... .`x k VOLUM ? Y 3 3 S. , r r 1 r Februa , .7th 1949 ta . _ 7 , �� � , • • Council Room , February � 1 t ♦ Cr Osboone that the request be referred to the Public ./ Moved by Rv, All seconded by 4 back t o Counci 1 " Carried " sr �° N 412° Property Com�aaittee to report ba 1 Blind asking permission to hold a Tag Day on T From Canadian National Instttute for the g Saturday ' May 7t h. Rv Jamie son that permission be granted if the Moved by Rv Allison seconded by Dp " " t Carried date is free , uirin if Day-Light . Saving Time would be ' # From Railway Asso of Canada , Montreal , enq g ado ted in the 'Town this year . he table p Rv ,, Jamie son t hat the 1 etter be laid on t Moved by Rv Allison seconded by Dip " Carried " rw until next meeting . . n Toronto in !reference to the contract for sewers . # t From Proctor Redfern' & Laugh! , " Rep & ' Fi led " I for ' 1949 . , ! Roads Asso requesting renewal of membership From Onterio' Good Roa , q seconded b Dp RV Jamie son t hat membership be rrenewed„forte n Moved by Rv Allison 3� Carried annual fee of ,410000 g n Rec & Filed ” From , Chief Venton su muting the' Police . report for 1 _ Cation Toronto , reque sting renewal of, t From Canadian Institute on Sewage and Sanitation , membership for 1949 borne that membership for: 1949 be renewed Moved by Dp Rv, Jamieson . seconded by Cr Os , • " Carried " at an ann'ua 1 fee of 7 . 00.o4) 7:7 Mayors and Munk-ipalitie,s, re uesting;._ renewal of ,•.. ....'.:.>vu♦.'Jt.ft&VOhak'+p37AT,dRI/fPl r e r'at i V'n .. w'f -_--- tdiran. ._ Cana. From . ... .... ........._...:. ' .:—......... membership for 19490wV ,..••.i-A'kY '}JLLS•>. W.. .. . ... . .., .. .. -... �.' ., .1.4t. •LLC r,.nN[sNA4YA...I.WN.«.YlVa.4YfWnWf.1Vt4.C.tYJ.63Y"Irlr;ti.s,.to+,♦�r.:tsr4.�>.AlM1l:ikK^..M1N14YY.>f'�i.H1V.1t+Si.'M4!•A�'4:4.4�.'r 1Yt14+{,a',.ty�.a.s{Hn'.Y+aWAfS,q.S{..wl+rf'Wlilff..:l,..,Fl l`lK.7il.4,a.?VtM t[V'.:il::ii.IV,i/ YYi37!.Lsull7tJACY.T:YItXL"Y3H+.V!Sf H1::.S1Jf�:ld:'il1A7fAk#:iGl.1M'•: C Flett that membership be renewed for 1949 at an =p Moved by Rv Allison seconded by . r Y 1: " Carried " annu al fee of , $ 25 .00 s so of n Officers Ontario Cemetery Asso and Ontario A From Association of Assessing , ". r members to their associations .' t " Rec do Filed Rural 'Municipalities requesting p .' and Development Toronto , , advising of a conference to be From Department of Planning rch l th and 18th and requesting that �repre.sentat°ives be sent . ==a held in Toronto on Ma ? 1 onded b Cr Flett that t he invitation be, left open to members 'Moved, by Rv Allison sec y " Carried t #' of Council ,who desire to attend . to Coal . " Rec . &. Filed r use of Alber once Hamilton in reference to the x 1 r From Mayor Lawn , : �, REPORTS resented a report from t e dance Committee' submittingsundry accoun Cr Van'stone "p to $ -5832 70 ¥: e.mount i ng to *' 3198 •g g and Pu blic School building accounts amount i�ng a ment " Re & Adop ed " - " c ert if ied a ing c sect and recommending p y ,► - ' seconded, b Rv, Jamieson that t he' Clerk be instructed to writ e Vowed by 'Rv Allison se rindshield for the fire truck l ... � Bickle Seagrave htd , Woodstock in reference to the " Carried `k ordered sometime ago . of Venton and moved seconded by Rv Allison or Osborne reported onthe illness of Chi to the police Committee ' that the matter of sectring a rel ief constable be referred " Carried " vrith power to apt • , Rv , Jamie son Oat, the •C'hamber of Commerce be grant ed Mowed by. Cr Dale seconded by and that this,,. be included in the Carried 100. .00.: f or a 'Chi Christmas mas par y " }•, + es -_im�e�tas 'of the Civio , Committee for _ granted cence be granted o -- b Cr Osborne seconded b Rv Allison that ' a a leave Moved f a Carried " -- -- 0 o r y th a . " Chief Venton , for three nths i s hi � months'. y , . BY LA' e s' - w to alit horizle the construction of ♦ Rv- Allison asked permission to 3.ntroduc y ca Improvements a . 1 ce stain works a s L� P 1, s�rent Granted and sea the f irst time. on motion ,, ru,le 3.3 was ,suspended and Counc . On coffin ttee • r Into comma ttee of the whole on second reading' the Mayor> in the chair * , a or reported .the second reading with all ' blanks filled n . By-Lave was � n .'� rising the M y 1 " third time assed and ordered to+ be' signed and sealed * then read• a second and P by Carruthers that the Clerk be instructed to write Moved by Rv Allison seaondee y �nissioners and Canadian National Railways enquiring hove the Board of Trgnsport Co the cost a w _wa system em could be ineyalle'd at the C ..N *,R . stet on c ro s s ng , 1 ' 1 soon :i6 6 y t the : wi -wa system to be in olperation the year around y rill, 1 to the Town acid Towns liabili y 6 Car ed " . r 1 M, u r 7t r On Mot�,o� Co nail ad; ou ned . ' u';i sf Y Mayor C k . 7 , lip , k 1 , . 1 ♦ u / ;+;, 1 Ifi r 1,Vii(. , ry ->... r ....:r,. ,. '.:-: r : r r. .-.:.: ... a ::.. ... .--.; 1 -:...:1 5'':{ 1~ 4�•. ., .. .. , .• , 1. t ,• .. .z1 ..t,' , -. f 1,19 .I , r a I 1, 1/ 2 •- f " ' <a. a t'k.,,, .F,-°` LULL 7 1 x , r 1 •h fA February .15th 1949 ,�. Council boom , y .1 5 on above date members ' all present excepting • Cr . Clue ' :. Special meeting of Council was held the ur os'e ` P wa w 412° or residin and stated that he had called the Meeting or P P w f Flett , the May presiding usiness of passing By-Laws and general b • t 11� CONWYICATIONS the caused I ,I - e Balmoral Rote 1 ,, c omplaing of a noise s I From Mr C -A* Jarrett , proprietor of th Council ,to I " ne s in the early morin;g and requesting by the running of parked truck engi take action . 11 seconded Rv Alison that the `Town solicitor be instrncte �► 1 ' Moved by Cr Carruthers sec y f t _ e revention of unnecessary noise and that Mr Jarrett e to prepare a By Law for th p t� Carried " u z notif ied accordingly . advising s in that the salary , ,of Mr Vincent Mathewson From Bowmanville Community Council g �, Carried " 2 00 per annum. ecreational director would be 1�0� . verl Construct ion , t r , r r - � for Redfern &, Laughlin , Toronto enclosing account for the ,. ' From Froc C o r ,Lt d on account of work done to date and recommending payments , esori that the Dover Construction Co. Ltd . Moved byv Allison seconded by Dip. Rv: Jam to h, r Carried' e to dates ed 1r' f sum of 4869 ;2 on account of. work don the be paid, the P -Law to provide for ' the Department of Highway , Toronto enclosing co fes of By expenditures on Roads and Streets in 1949 . ��,.. t ' be entered into with Al. ison seconded by Cr Vanstone that an agreemen Moved by v i b' t e expenditures of roads ' and street,s r: a artmerit 'Highways providing , for area on exP the d p o f'Hi hwa r, +� Carried " , , , 1 . •..F ,:a„e r.-sx,,ti'�oai{'Bxc4lte:l:gMA$L: . .8tt .fncerarrr .kxr3si. t.vts. ,t x,c'w'nu..AW�d%'�.e=.auiu571.1.«eGa.e►el4r.nlntAn.Y!'IU.rnurunr.>.,3YIT•-Orse.,ua.xY.t..,,tVN1'v:;,r�watY4t'lnMils's;NYA:MPar7tw'tNnJ rtB:Xrd"firtt�B:v. Iv' ,., ,,., � � r .,errraW.YlsnO. agr'ner/xMNmr„Va'n1'.:UIU+W+rMtc+�Ai'p�Aa'A'rns„�.:r-.. _ _ raM 1gNg2�klYwWi{C}1NLYlMChRi9l P4NW4AYOW �Y K �W� WAAOY�OMW 4WIMUFY4Vq 1YWNtlIM -+w►• bYYtu!a+aw.YY• qY .JI.+AUi,.M+ +*Ya'rnxrx x+,w sldr ��' ntroduce he , following By-Laws ; Rv Allison asked permission to i . , .r a ointment of superintendent of the . Roads and .street s , '`f 7 For the PF s bsal lent . t of a caretaker , of the seage d p P f Co FAD the a, taker s / For 'the a poiritment of Town Official , p , or the 1949 expenditures on Roads and Streets,; •r� - a , For. to provide , for 447 ar advances to meet 1 the cost of construct ion of: Local For to provide for the tempor y Improvements gent• into 0 motion rule 33 vas suspended and Council/ . Granted and read the first time . n Ma or in the chair . On comocnit•tee rising commaittee of `the, whole on second reading, the• Y the Ma or reported the second reading with all blanks filled in By-Laws were then Y s ne d an ,IPr d .Sealed ) tune passed and ordered . to be ig read a second and third , P REPORTS recommended r ” }t reported for the Roe s an Streets Co�a�aittee on the rules Dp Rv . .Jamie son report 1t e' em to ees of the Roads and Stree ts. department and; move by them for goys rning t h p y of the rules for the employees of the Roads seconded by Cr Tanstone that the report ��`' Carried " t be adopted by Couricit . and Streets Departme a , � d fire losses for, rt from Fire Chief Hoo er on' the fir®s an scented a repo Rv Allison pre M Rec & Adopted " follows • 17 fire callls , and fire loss of 497 . 9 committee Av Allison that the Roads and Streets loved by Dp Rv Jamie son seconded by a cost of 34 . 28 per ton ,; 1,--= authorized to purohase 2 5 - tons of calcium chlor de a W • . , , r -' arr e . wmanvill F , .0 •B . Bo , : a ° , i' ��►r�T.�L. G - C ounc.�.1 -_-_ , On, Mot ion , ad dour a ne d r er k. .......... } C 14 „ tnrey , i r r r , •4 r , r• ' 1h r , ... r .. ,:. ,. . ,,,,,. , •,. . , '. ,, ,r �, to r, , rl S i r , y „ A , , ,. ', ..1 ,.! a ,,,., ,'i• 'S r r , 1 _s;.- ;. ""., °:: , ,,.,: .. ...". .,,..... ., ,:.,.r ♦ ., ... ., ':. .. ,:,: a ,.. ., o ;::: ,f, :.:_. r.. r:.: ,+ ,.. r.: - V.�:• ,. -. :-:.. , , � ..- .... .:.-.. 1 1, r , ..;..:.', , a • .n r r r; i , ..r t '.. .: t � ..+ :;r •r' ., 1.. .51� , , }i , r, r , , ' ., ..r. ..,•,a... w:.di.K«.rw.rw..n u_ ..•a w.Mr:rw uv,aJw'��11..,..,.....,...u,r.,..w,...,Yw�Fw+r.4nArPr✓1."^YXP•'u'�.,ar r k• 9 b x,Y e .. VOLUM 7 1 r i V { i r • ;•f R e 7th 19 +9 .•, Council Room , March ? , t .��,* c ent , exce Sing Cr a ci, 1 was held on above date members all Ares P e ular meeting of Coun ' «�:: g last re ular and special meetings were p �o 4120 uther Mayor residing e yinutes of , la g Carr s the N' p on mot ion confirmed . t x, read and S t COlSIUNICATI.ON - School of 35 g?6 . 63 a lublic ool eat mates for the F ucation presenting aa, From I 3rd of and Hi h School of ? �+96 • g0' for 19 +9 at the estimates s be dealt with under g ' Rv Jamieson th �t n Moved by RV Allison seconded by Dp Carrie d estimates . parking ng on various, streets . h From �icting Chief' Kitney in reference to Pa Dale that the matter be dealt with under reports Moved b Rv Allison seconded by Cr Dal n Carried " Y of the Folice Committee . a licensing of bicycles . From Acting Chief Kitn@y in reference tot t the matter be , referred to the } b Cr Osborne seconded by Dp , Rv Jamieson that „ Carr,ied " Moved y , Committee to bring in a recommendation , t.ional Railways , Montreal Folice Transport Commissioners , Ottawa and Canadian a From Board of p C �.N R . Station ,crossing . R: 9 9t @ITl at the in reference to wig -wag y Cr lett that the fetters be ' laid on the table . Rv Al son seconded by r " Curried + Y , , Moved by fi . Temperance SS t� Rec Filed— in reference to a pa rki king, lot on .i From bar F Derbyshire rant of 1500 • 00 for 1949 • iri Bowsnanvi Ile, Hospital asking for r a g a From the re asst be referred to the f a �� that t n �� v Cr Van stone ,o r e b• Carried" rri, C :r d a .-, on , c , son se , Y RV _ Y t- t s �, Finance Committee Q be dealt with under gtzan r. _ tree i o Fi.n for ermission to remove a ront � g f R. L . s Carlisle Ave , asking p From Mr Fvan 4 :. st hi s pro pert y, • the re u® at be re (erred to, the Rv Jami a so n t hat seconded by' DP N b Kv Al sbn • Carried - Moved y ower t o -a c,t • y om , Fub�.ic Property Committee with P smoke nuisance fr the Road eo arining of the sin sance Jackman kman R - a. , From Mrs - Donald Iverson ; a A. to have the' situation remedied . and caking Council to take acti 'dump }. tt that the complaint be ref erred to the Pub lie - on y loved by Rv Allison seconded by, Fl rubbish burnt . ' >' o be dealt . ,with and to .give . consideration o av ng, n Carried " property , Committee t any day but Monday * a st in renewal o2' membe rship for 1949 • As`so Of 0 nt ar i o Mai o r s and Reeves r e qu '•grog be renewed for 19 a Cr Osborne that membership k gloved by Cr Vanstone seeonded by Carried J an annual fee of 5 . 00 0 . 00 for the old air compressor . - ,�•rom Mr F .F . Welch , Oshawa , offering 11© • 00 for the old air compressor. ock Bowmanville offering ck of $' J10000 IL From Mr Howard Hanc , the offer o f Mr . Hancock y. C r Flet t t hat Moved by Dp Rv Jamieson seconded b " , Car r�ied n be accepted. in admitted to the Hospital . `s Hospital advising of patients be g " Rec & Filed � From Bowmanvi lie 8c Fi e x , t R ec is at i on . _ ci A o .t ss a ,. ....al Assn.- re- uast ing .Yaembe r.s;hip. t+o the r � Ontario P .� From rant . , �Ilun i or. a g 'e c _ From Canadian delf are Council , Ottawa asking Mayor and members of Council for their 'ohn M Jane s. addressed Q�ounc ilr thanking e Y Mr the Arena and asking eouno-il - to- sanction co-.o eration in 'the building and opening o e Arena at a cost of $' 33?0 . 00 a lat3,on of t balance of the seats or .u{ the inst 1 e Jamie son that Oounc i l confirm the instal a on Rv Allison seconded by DP Rv 0 . 00 �� Carried " rr. Moved by a na at a c o st of � 3 3? R at the purchase of t-he bala�►►nee of the seating onto addressed Council offering to 1 y . r r Mr R .M. Dixon of Be 11 Gouinlook Co or 4- : price o , , . es issued.. for the construct- -on of the ._Arena a a x $, 184000 *00 of debentures { accrued interest •From' Marchlst . and of Bell Gouinlock & Co be 99 a that, the offer Cr Darch Move Rw AL'lison seconded by " Carried " . Mov y accepted . t REPORTS sub i the following _ g e Committee Sting , Cr Vanstone present a report from t e nano ' Local Im rovement$ di payment ;; Sundry. Acc ount s 628 . 2? accounts ad reaomme.n ng. P 3 n Rea & Adopted School Building Accounts , * 6 .02 .95 as follow 95 •11. Public Sch rt s of a stim ed expenditures f or 199 Committees presented repo 800 .00 The .stan ing Printing and 25 000 .00 , �tatio'nery ' „Rr 0 00 .00 Roads and s 00 . 00 Civic $ , 2400eOO , Fire ; 1 � ? • 8 , 100 .00 , Relief 2 , ? a Pro a rty 8 , 100 .00 , kolice Laid on t e Table " Publi P La Cemetery � 3 300 00 r • ° reports o� the standing s Jamie-son " � son seconded by Dp Rv am that the rep n carried S Moved by Rv All i QomoiaMittee s a s submitted be adopted. rants included in Rv JeDaie son t hat the f o l to ng , b Cr Vanstone seconded , by 11p o0 00 Tu�blic, Library Board Moved 3► Sal 15 } be ranted Bowmanvilie •Hospi this years estimates 6 v " Carried . " ;a 00 00 Lions C lub 300 .00 to the assessor k,o'+ 1 0 . , report iuregisrd e d b Rv Al li �tha a ; 8 stone seconds y son t the rep „ q Moved by Cr V n q Carried r be adopted . An E r r , 3 J 4 k fit:' - ,r?• K 'S En r r r' s.«""'TIL C-ouncil Room Iarchr 7th , 1949 M�. o s e d of the May or s Allison that a de legation comp Jamieson seconded by Rv Alli d Comrnissi on. s f � one Moved by Dp Rv ed to meet the County Road v �o � ���o Reeve Deputy Reeve and Cr Vanstone �be�r: instruc Carried : a Cobour on Friday Mar ch 11th with all expenses pa t g � � , _ b D Rv Jamie son t hat the Road Supe rint e ndant y*. seconded p . z N Moved by Rv Allison y ' � Road for the delegation . 1 r < 5t and Manvers ascertain the condition ot� S�augog ,+ Caz.rieff ,a instructed to a Moved by Rv Allison seconded by Dip. Rv Jamieson son that the Clerk be instructed to write e for thr delegation with the Counties Road ,b he . Counties Clerk making an appo intm nt " 'Carried " r t ...,r.u. } F Commission for , Fri day March 11th e Moved by Rv ki.lison seconded by Cr Dale that t the Mayor be instructed to cal' 1 a re resentative s of the Board of ;ducat ion to secure J_• a `' meeting of Council. to meet p special g in School estimates for 194 in re and to; the- increase " Carried " further information 8 , n a On Motion 'Council ad j ourned . W s, Mayor r e . r G r . J. t h 1949 n em IV , ,r : . a M r ch Couc�. �. 0 � .:. , �.. ._,. .,..-. ..-,:._._...r ,_.�: .__.:_.:. aw.r-..,_. .._..__ _,. ._ -,_...__ ._..-.._ .....__..... r ....._.,_,...,rar,: ;zH-._�rrccSa.'r:ci : ^ -•'�-'._;-x..x.+, - :.,,.__..:,:mss., - -• ,:.. '"-s"'a'Gta,•- •a::faw'.:.".4;utassr..•r,Sara:cuw�tc4vxtisceaYax,;.r:.w-:rr:.',si#1�+':x.:.:;a7;x•WS:r.•.:. r'z�"`.s•-xc of C Go c i 1 was held on ..above d at e,,, me tubers all present excepting. C ecial meeting for the t he had called the meeting the Ma or presiding and stated t ha the, Y ur ose of pa ' assing the tax by-laws p p COMMUCATIOh - reem+ent in regard to the maintenance I cif is Railway enclosing copy of a �... ( From Canadian Fa cif of a sewer. under their right of way . 1 t 1 n that the bray or, ' and C erk be authorized n Allison seconded by . Dp Rv Janlieso Carried Rv Moved : by Corporation* ign t he ag re-ement on behalf of the p BY LA 11 _ _ s e b taxation c e rt�i i n sums of asked ermissi o.n t o introduce , a y Law t o, r ai Y r .� �' Rv A,1 i i so n p . year 1949 • School purposes for the Debenture and P 1 one for. Town , County , ended and Council went into money Granted and read the first time . On motion rule 33 was soap: On committee ' rising $ the whole on second reading the Mayor in the chair . rt, "By-Law t hen " committee of reading w ith •' all blanks f illed in. B w was read h,EP. the Mayor reported t he second g s 11e d and sealed * z, d or to be ig a second` and third , time., passed an B laW raising the of l tax v s. o • amend the Statz�tt a Labor y Rv Alli son gave notice of motion from$ 5 .00 to 10 . 0 „ On .- Mot Co 4 , ion rici 1 ad . A �°ern , : , ........... I "-..— p__-r--rte—•_ r :y r : t- , �Counc�il Room pr above dat^e members all present the Mayor regular meeting of Council was held on 'tin s were read and on motion a t re ular and special mee residing . Minutes of la g E: onfi d c rrne CotSMUNI CATI ONS tj ,I the i the . T own From Mrs Elizabeth Davis an other red dents residing in vicinity of p p e 'have ,� the dump removed' from the resent location 'owing to 'the petitioning Council to hav p se d b smote from the burning refuse damage cau y at the Clerk be instructed to. write Rv ,Jamieson: that Moved by Cr' Carruthers seconded by Dp to burn an more waste at' the ' ear Tire & Rubber ' Co Ltd inst ructing the not Y 1 the l Goody ": Carried " damage to neighboring residents . . dump• es the siaoke is causing g er of the Town dump be referred b Rv Allison seconded by Cr 'Dare that, the matt Moved' 'by • opinion as to the legality of the present location an to, the Town solicitor for his p a that the Public' property committee be instructs if it is found to be situated .11eg lly. r Carried •' 'to enquire as to the location of 8 new dump, to 8ovenanvi lleio`spital • ounties Clerk advising of 'patients being admitted From .C " Re c & Fri le d n i f , ' scion to use the Town Fall Auditorium on a full Fr om Comununity Counci �. asking permi tim18 ' basis Couna11 granted b Cr Osborne that the Community g Moved b Rv Allison seconded y Y F Y r the' next six months - sub jest to the approval of ermission to use' the Auditorium o r : p �! Carried " u ;,f the Public Property Committee . ,.. ......._ „,,.«way.,.«•:•.r...:-..r....•..•,,..u+a.r.4:.+a.«wL.«+.+i.••":"'K""'. voLun 7 � •.7 sit„ /:: "9 is '{ i fh ' ;�:. i , max," r • I • ati" r .. . Touncil Room April lath , 19 +9 C { �. l ' e �t petitioning for a . o her residents of the south side of Jan p From Nor Ralph ' Cole and oth •' Rec & Filed �o N 4120 sidewalk . rs T o and I� nily simnick asking to have the From Yr Douglas Curl , hlis s Loretta a g ann � east end of Nelson �t gravelled and a street installe fi,•: that the request for the installation Rv Jamie son Yoved by Rv All son seconded by p ee to re port back and the f a street light be referred to it lublic trope rty Committee p g o to the Roads and Streets Cormitt'6e with request for grave 111 ng, the road b e re f err e " Carried " j ' power to act , a er and Yr George button asking for to have a From I�.r r�alker Henderson , h r � . Re cinder sidewalk constructed on Albertt and revue sting that the road be : repaired , ,Quad b RvAllison seconded by Cr Carr,uthers that the . re - 'u e st s be referred t o the M y " Carried Roads and Streets Comm ittee with power to act . tinQ that he hoped' , Venton thanking Council for the, le - ve o,f absc.ence and st8 From Chief " Rec & Filed " to be back shortly * the south ward on pen a pool room in Nlr Char King asking per�rii ssi on to o {; ' r From Y ' Durham Ste red t o : .the kr,wY 4 r �� d +� y � ue s e referred r Carrie , , Moved b �r Vanstone seconded, b Rv Allison that the req y t back to Council . Folice Committee torepor - ht Savir. t irr�e From Railway Asso of Canada i ' reference to • Day L g g e iri truct'ed to issue Al b y Gar A c a e a o r t Y I d e d. Cr ru th e r .� h 1f { seconded n ec t � y Day g �av�. r a Proclamation , P motion declaring i�a r /1 Carried":I• ' Carr '1 1` , From Yr George B Bickl e in reference to the water front problem . Cr Carruthers s that the letter be received and filed s Moved by, � Dp l�v Jamieson seconded by 't Carried " and kept for future reference , From Board of Transport . Connissioners Ottawa in reference to the C .N . R . station crossir " ReC & Filed " , Weer fort Hope , in reference to the 4 , District Muni ci paingi • From Mr E e F . Mar st on . b Pro vi nc .1 road r grant for 19 ±9 • hat the letter , be referred to the Finance Moved b R Allison seconded by Cr,C 'Osborne " C rued " y r a Committee 1 + r REPORTS accou is Z m t he F nance Committee submitting sundry Cr •Vanstone presented report fro and ublic , Schoo 1 bui ldin sdcount s amou�-ing .t o 1479e 68 r . , amounting to 3513 . 5 „ Rec & Ado ed " a mento certified as,; being . c rect and recomomending P Y 0 Cr Carruthers . that the Fire Goittee be authorized Moved by Rv Al li son seconded by, ,. ed abd that the new f ire truck be not sent out of own' have the . ,; ld fire truck repair " Carried " G until• the other 'trick is repaired . - Be , Redfern 1 = nded b Rv Allison that a letter be sent to N'r N. Moved by Dp Rv Jamie son s eco Y e stir that ' 'Mr Glen Martyn be given access to his tt And Dover. Cosntruetion . Co Ltd requ g 't Carried on High St • sent to the : Dandy property , ` •- M Jami®son s econd'ed by ,R Ail,ilson that a letter be , _ .. Move by Dp di sp d` v air thie fence around the oral plant " � Carried" • w ' Fence Co Ltd re sting them t o rep t the Town solicitor be instructed{ C F ett the r - to ' seconded b • Moved . by b Cr Osborne Y r 1 y n annul license fee of 50 ; Town at � e o B -Law licensing bicycles , in , the g - prepar y _ �� Carried', + , Roads and Streets Committee . seconded by Cr Vanston�e that the n rrie ",. w Moved by Rv X11 i so`n the roads . C S d ' be authorized to hire the necessary trucks o gravel ; BY-LANS by-Laws e f ollowin ' • �ssion to introduce 'th � ` Rv Alli son asked per Limits ibit the discharge of firearms within e To _ Prop a vvn � • It,,Y ��o a poll Tax . { To Frovi de for the , payment o f Prohibit the making of unnecc'e ssary no . h To Prohi Was. - suspended and Counci 1 went into 'Granted and ' read the first time . On motion rule 33 Mayor ' in the , chair. on comacnittee rising b committee of thy ' whole,• on second reading the y second reading with all blanks filied A,in . aid the Mayor reported the g shootin be, 1 d b Cr Flett that t he By�-Law prhibitin g 41 loved by Rv Allison 'seconded Y e police Com�aittee . •' Carried " r' le until further information i s obtained by t h on the tab g unneacessary, noise ,. Joil w prohibiting 4 ;{ � of Tax and the y- P g e levying i n , _ r th g B Ls- sealed. The By Laws f o Y ird reading passed and ordered to be signed an were given a second and t t for 1948 . The Clerk presented. the auditors re port be referred to the Rv Allison seconded by Dp Rv Jemi-eson. that tYie re move b ' � " .Carried " �� Y bac k to CounQi 1 ' elf ter study Committee , � Firianoe to report r on Motion Council ad journed . { 1 Mayor rk . V C ., r , KtTr?7 r • ...-« ....w.»..-. ................ V - : afire. K ! 5 # C K _ ' > i z, t ` 'S ' • ; ,.e. n ..' 4t 119j.. c i > s {': xx ` > 's. ."►R*a co Counoil Room h 3rd 1949 u eetin of Council was held n above date , members all resent the av regular m. 3 on confirmed . �'r' N 4120 residin h"i nut e s of 18st treguller meeting were read and on mot ,f p g g 1 COl;' CJFI CATI ONS r J .aa urn erland ` and Durham ea ssex Count .,anator urn 1 t, n t obourg a nd Y F _ From North b oindsor , in reference to post sanatorium care of Thomas C owan . ` . b Cr Flett that , the Cle rk be instructed to write ! Yoved by Dp Rv Jamie son seconded y Legion for their assistance in . establishing a claim for ;r Cowan for the Canadian Legi , w .�' : Government as s i st anc e , and that the Town assume the cost of the post sanatorium care . ,t . " ed Carr . From proctor Redfern and Laughlin , Toronto., enclosing - tender . from the Dover Construction construction of a sanitary' sewer on Lambs Lane at a price of 2 . 45 Co Lt d for the con per lineal f oot the tender of i the , Dover Rv J am i e so n that e Moved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Dp t "• Carried on Co 'Ltd for .2 : 45 per lineal foot be accepted . Constructs to the Town dump .' FI Town solicitop in- reference + From Yx 4 R . Strike , d t o the public 1 Il J I ' loved by Kv xllison , seconded by Cr Dale that the matter a re erre Committee to meet with • bar Strike for 'further' information and necessary Property Health , Carried communicate with t he ' De Partment of e , H m ton Fire -1 ratection . C.onimittee yin ref ererice to the fire protection for From a P the village - . of m on a _ p __.._ _ _ .. .� .. : -. rider___ - .0 _ _ . e . b r t. _ u .. . ue-st. b _ o. th _. (� R_ ..,�T/,/j�'y�1■[��(Vf�� �/�.,✓/ .. -asuiuuvmmwnnacvw.wafuoHiz:..a,Y. 'T -'-' +.l•E1 AA'i'D''!'. { IC1.Y.i %-.,LY.D C�Y'IM.t SI'SAM 9' aww.u'. JtAV:,+3c..MIV..uiMF:.YAN4l"Nx'T.Wb\KMiNI:.r'iiWi'. 4CaT.Rff.. �:'YW'ir T -W.."=:..� 'ilu'. +g!!W\NKgb?amNis t:. _._ loed A_ .p. �, a s ...,... .... _ r r:ie by Rvt .1 . on, ao ., ,e eomm tee reports . da and the u'se of ' the Council . room av League asking permission to hold a tai y From y g T 21 at Zlt n Carr ed n on Nay i b Cr Osborne that the request' be granted . ed Moved by., Rv Alli son seconded y at the 2 Hard askin to have a tree cut down opposite his , property , ,v -From M A h . y g ofeor a and 'Nellington attests . corner blic to , the ku ieson secondedy 'Cr Dale that . the ,request be referred �� + Moved by Rv. Jam Carried t� p ! w th ower to , act grope r tv C i�mmitt e e i h r o fill in a ditch in , front of his ' property; ' +. From '��lr Victor Jeffery asking', permission t .,x 1 1 on Duke at , ue st be referred t o t he Roads and b Rv Allison sec©nded by Cr D�rch that the req " �� ed „ Moved y Carri t OI a C t s Streets Committee lwith power t e' di s osal plant would Ltd stating that. the fence at h P p r�rom Lundy Fence Co Z �' Rec. & Filed � _ fired as as posbib�.e . st the ` be\ •repa , soon A in with 147 sigtures protesting again etition was presented by N.r F . Di1L g licensing of bicycle - C Osborne that the.. petit ion be laid on the, table k . .Moved by Rv Allison seconded by r ` �. • until such t ime a,s the -by-law is' dealt with . , From ' City Clerk , Oshawa requesting the end or of a resolution in reference to " Rec & Filed concerns . � . � " � � _ .w:. • � ro �ert • • Sunday Council ' to exempt their p p y y _ _ From Bowmanville Branch Canadian Legion recuest rig - ,on �u exempt a rid that the e�e n St from t'ait s for 1'9 Cr Darch ded . b - t t g •� tha �granted a _. _. Moved byr Dale sewn y he e�emp b -- Carried y 1 d e ne c e s sary b aw. be re pare t. erenc to a ti b p athro n re lu St r i s: .to . K nl � e r s.o . . , on r Mc i . e . .. r ese �.rom �Ilayo McKinley , , St Canadian Federation of Mayors convention *; b Rv. Jamieson that the letter be . referred to Rv Al son . Moved by Cr Defile seconded y �p �� r.0 1 ., �' •µ . . Carried f or be authorized to attend Moved by r Carr uthers seconded by Cr Flett that the Mayry vent ion at Quebec . City from Blune 6th to lot h ; with all expe rise s r ri the. __ 'Mayors con led " Carr resignation a s a member of the Fire Brigade . r 44 rA om lvVirfa�ter Hately , tendering his . r g ; ed b ll Rv .Jamie son that the fetter be . .turned over to e Moved by Rv Allison second y p n ! Carried " Fire. Conittee to, investigate and report back ' to to Council . Toronto advising of a surmaaer course. in Town planning. From University of �� Rec & Filed " r G,A• Borden applyin for the Sob of watchman at the C .N .R. crossinge' From M g. be referred to the D Rv Jamieson that the application e Moved by Rv Allison seconded by p �► " Y z • Carried Folio Committee with power to act . s _ �,.b0 " 8c Filed m ante to B w No 1 Rec r From Department of Health Toron o n re er By.La. 0 ricultvire Toronto , in reference to the aPP rote nt o a. wee From Department of Ag , inspector . appointment of a weed inspector be Moved by Rv Allison seconded by Cr Dale that the pp " Carried " referred to the Public Property Committee . ulat ions and questionnaire in reference to From Fire Marshall , Toronto enclosing rag departments the, new grants to Fire , Yr aR IlI Nay 3 rd ' ' 1949 C ounc ossin that -the Cl,M Carried all ,0 N 4120 e. and .return to the Fire Mar s h enclosing agree o during L the period when the gat.e s are 'closed ,ss -�lthe CeR to cro .R . station cr g ad b Y , R v A so seconded by D M Ca rried �.. table until the cost of . e o sundry accounts rt from the Finance -C Cr Vanstone . . presented 'a repo 001 for amoun n ant accounts 3681 , 72i" and lubl,i c • Sc h 93 ti, g, to $ , 2617 Local, Improvem n certified and- recommending , l R ' Streets Committee repairs to i:own d by Dp Rv Jamieson seconded by Hv Allison that the Roads and Move ........ for repa i,pment necessary rz Carried ee llapproximate � cost of 20,01000 be reets Jamie nded • b c o y 'C-r Flett that the' - Roads ,and , St Comnitt Vioved by Dp Av J 90 'roxim 000 de- at app ase 25 tons of calcium chloride t h Carried ,- from the. Hampton Fire ,dad by Cr Dare h that�' the letter • infivrmation is obtained frmi ntil further,committee be laid on the u.Protection' c-ommi Carried o the old ,fire truck t a Ltd in regard agrav -nd-a r . 0 prohibit t 6. . .-Law t 'he y d, Et o be, . signed and sealed * .ordere Council ' adjourned #. I tMayor -rkL tIo 20th 949 on a x • of e members all e. cepting, Crs ld,ng u oil was he,S a i'al meeti P f or.,that he. had called the, meeting Darch the Mayor presiding and stated .Flett and ,"the - purpos a .,.o f. passing - By-Laws ,,Cormuni cat ions 0 0 0 joultur'e ---Tor nt in reference c rant .'for the Community ,' ,, , From ' 'De artment of P Ree Filed,re , .k.' Woodstock r Ltd , d fire a tru ve Lt r Rv Allison seconded back to, Ketle by D 1 a that the letter be, .sent' Moved , by. a Carried each item.,,,a Ltd requesting ng. th price for 'ea BY-LAWS , haws- - ------- to introduce the followinp, By-L n ked permis,sio ' w m' nt with the Can , Nat, Rai ! ' ay s a To authorize the , execution . of a Community Centre . 0 establish a................. ' Into e read rs - -. On mot i.on,,-,,.rule,,,�.,.,3--3:,�"-was",--su-spend,Granted and t On c ommittee. rising- --- -------- a • Committee of the whole on second 4 in' chair. n L blanks illed 'in' By-Laws were l the the Mayor reported the, second reading with all o be signed m d sealed ,second and third time.,- pa,ssed. and ordered, t O .Mtin Council ' adjourneds• r. mayor.,ke IiIIIIIIIIIIIttIIIIIIVOLUM, 7 • �.S q ,.::^,.r v s'ca•-- '. t.;`;s.<. 1,.� -a`At, �rEG- ,mod 1 7 y: r r R _ June 6th , 1949 ... •� Counc it Room , RV � resent excepting C* meeti.n cif , C•ouneilr was held on above date , members apl P residing . «...T Regular convent i ib n at 'sue be c , the r'. ay or p .�o 4120 n the Jsayor and Reeves 1 i i s on attends �, read and on motion c�nfirrned . I y s of 1'�st regular and special meets nos were r load i nut e on beh&l.f of the• resident s of ,�averly \ Nr Jo seh hunt l_e addressed Cour. rec�ue sting that calcium chlori Id be spread on waverly Road • a ci chlorid r this }would be done , a s soon as the c 1 t1 that RV Jamie son assured Yr l�..an ; . p y ° is received CCr.'�y 1rTI � TIQrTs r A lai iri of the smoke nuisance ' , from Lyons Dai y Frommr . v . Hoar . end 3 5 others comp n Jouncil to take action . a nt. be referred to the Iealth „ and asking conded ' b Cr Osborne that the complaint, i 14 Carried . ��r• , 1 I�:Quad by Cr Dale, se y • Unit * he' weed t r o,sit ion of inspector From . N-x' Thor!zas Zymer making , ppl�_catlon fo a lication 'be referred to the ,Fr Cr Uale., that the pF Cr an stoneseconded �.' by C:arried Moved by r Committee with power to act . mend t'o make anY . kub11c ropertY F, 'Works Toronto en�,uiring if the Town i pd ment of l�ub l i '1do , From Ue rt c :. h nst r e T de alk repair. s in , Cher near future t e Clerk be i ructed to Y si c•onded by Cr Carruthers thtt 't Carried Dove d by r llp the pre se-nt . _..T.: - RV J amle son s e stating that ono repairs are e to be made at y g � � � �wo ' trees removed � in front of 1 �'is proper , {I t e requesting to have From Nr George shit r C - 'Pub l� :� th E ;. t __._ h e r e , , _. .___.�.......__.. ..�..W.�_,..�.._._.:.._ _ . . _ t can . . 4 .. .._____ :: : - - u.e. __ _ __ . ___-.___ .... _. on _ the . - ,' ��el.l..i���y that F:� _ e er r .' .. .,t::�:os.a.ra•rina:tMMB'�'E'6's45'17:ai:VXtY.W1isY.{t y�q)LI':,Yq/tptlia�AtYNY7^.tGtlK0itd4Md`AR A.IUV1aN',sM.w.rm-+r:.Ct:wxHrno,r.«r,.na.;.. n,:,cazrrr.::nr>;' +:ror .,.a...v,. y;, VV .Cr _ r ....,._,_........_..... .... ,_. .. ........ ..... ar.r.�.`r«l.d .. ... y. ai++:jrat�;t!s+n + ,.d,w,.,c, ;7Aa:..,. ` ' ,..: ... _.. fir* ,.... ,. ./�}�ry�� aw Iwax,xmtraestxrr!fz'twaaxuxuwarnrlr rL•v.., s ,•.: >< . , .. _ .. .. , .... ...: '41 . .-- •:.. ` V� ���� M Df.dq HIWL�GN)i314W4M,Yi..\WM1KNAAf0.fY1.J41�YYh:>.hJrrWfi,.N✓AArJ44Vb+A^NI.3A,T.Lte fl.Jht U::.1N114t411YY1wT1YX:L:Y:\}�(Yi,+./:1;.9�V't.tr1>.1'rJrrr.TiY.\Y•JtnTa\r1�4i5JG'.r � �� ..•. loved by with —pow t o act a Town`. �o s\,.t, we i`xr F C onnittee or the er kkro peTty it i n advertisement, f; ,, ,t �1.. Kec 8c Filed From radio StsLtion , CHuM Toronto solic g of` the , Fire Brigade . station • n r�lJ oat ion as a member erred to the h From l�:r `:Vii Aarn F Cal ' making p. Darch that the' 'pplication be re,f .. .� 1 �ted b Or Carruthers seconded by r Carried o Y ee with power + to act . ointed County deed In itt en a Ins Fire Comm. ��illbrookl_ stating that he had •bE pp � �� ointed Yr 1 .1 . Bentley , � e Town we inspeCtor is p,P . Q. From as soon as th ved aril filed { an reque st ing r to be not i f ed Cr Osborne that , -the letter be re:ce ,t Carried n i seconded by ointed • Carri ,E Rv Jamieson so n • 1�7oved P as the weed inspector, is aPP ton the . A entley be advised, as soon v . en , 1 e �;ui pry and tin rices for , change k uo p e o- e�r of a Buckle Seagrave Ltd �doodstoc � � From eferred to the. d f ire •truck. ' e son that the �.ette rl • be r , N ' of Carruthers seconded by P , With a r v Rv am 1 , fa �11 �1, - Mode d by Cr consideration and - to report back to ounc p I tr f;q ` ttee V �. Fite Comma for f/urther "arrie C , , the sanitHry s�,• endationo ant tam on sewer on t recomm miss �`� ha I Hodgin s , regarding local improvement and enquiring , nqu i ring as to the h From N'i P of Mr .G Nitche ll Hunt ;;t 1 - front of .the , property under the railway tracks . is and cost of taking the sewer ; en t the C1`eTk �,g instructed' to* advis C Carruthers seconded by DF �tvr Jamie son that. . .. arrange Moved by r s received for Sewer. c,onneCtian the. _, oWn lica ion i Install - a s s Hodgi ns that a s soon as app company t o btsin remis lion from the re.�.lway I steps too P �' ' -- take the necessary will r x .. ......... ... ...... ! ,. , ,1-r . . .,-:.. . r ♦•r„ .rr i • ... r hr: tMrlel�Y.l rYrr1> l ] (> .t ,. .. .. ... .. ... .... .,. r, ,.....: r^n. ,.. a v,. '.rl USn , .. r. 1 s _.. ..s1 ,..ttvt, ,b!rty.raG. V.•l ... . ..., .. AISLlI'cSCF62�ShAF�•. - .LYaSAC�LrE_tLe11,LL.S:...... c.-..,t...••__ .:�.�.�._e..:..�/yr��..♦.,-wrs,�,-.jlt• c..:r_7_s_.a:• i:_, :�_d....1.u.....e.yr�Il.Lla,..«..1..•.::x.�c_-.....>�.nrr.i.:_.rq?._.i..._...d__ .-1._.1aL..h.is��.._.ct y..r.1. 1.11. t,.r_. .,:f-\,i ..1��_t ._c,.vr4 :L,. .dir Mr.'• _.... _-� ,.<,.,. ... .. .... ... .. the . �` REPORTS i it n sundry accounts, submit t i g, from t he finance •commltte e 6 202 9 Cr Van sit one pre�ent�d,_a--r Por 0 • __ School ,a u i s Wilding' 1 d i ng c'co nt s _am. u n t n g o 169202 , � amounting to $ 6144 * 49 and, lubl in a. ant . W c sect and recommend P pert e1S being the �cr�. ce Co " , Car be . ithorize ,� firer Cr Vanstone tha Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by „ . Carried s eci.al constable Uense . endC • 00. f or a uni f orm for P to,, sP BY-LA�Y.� ti introduce the following' 'y--Laws , ., e s n asked permission to Dp Rv Jami o t e licensing of bicycles ; ' Cana an Le,�ioin . to l ,]Pr f or h 1 ro art of the Ca A By -Law. p oxide for exemption of taxes on the p p and council went into / By Law, to pr first time . on -motion rule 3 3 was suspended Granted and read the fir reading the 11 or in the chaire ensin of comm ittee of the whole , on second r g eson that . the 'By-Law for the lic g Cr rruthers seconded by Dp Rv Tam s b r or further consideration and that Quad y reed back to the jolice Committee f Carried icyeles be refe no further reading ,* to rovide i, a _L w p the By -haw be , given a second reading of th By a ittee rising the Mayor reported the adian Legion , - with all blanks Un eon of the Can �,A•'' !�J : e exam t ion of taxes ol'1 the property time asked and ordered to be for th p read a second and third t , p fi lied in. By-Law was then r signed and sealed . t t ers that the Civic Commit �ee m e a Rv Jamie son seconded by, Cr Carru h Carried " a Moved by , P str et signs and report back do Council . � � " survey of the Town in regard t o � RvJamieson seconded by Cr Carruthers that the Roads and Street s committee Moved, by Dp , mate cost of � 110 .00 u authorized to order s car of crushed stone at an a,pprox�, n C i s. U 4, 7 v LUt � . a r 1 1 1t 4 i 1 .r 4 1 , } ' , �4a ..., -.w...<,un..... _ - ..)-.. .. . _ . _ r. �,. i. , It--", . . : { . 1 1. ' t + I 11 .: r • _ •. F: '1 ...� : _ , . r . ' .. bs .i ."11 r T . ' I, . I t` a�j� €. . y _� . r . m e 9 n ii.b •,w.wu�T a aO �u n . i 1 6 . o , J11 t h 19�+ i " +' � ( { 1 1 - . . . . out .. _ _. _____..._., _ • :., CO60A 11 • B. 1� a ��� ,IF ! i+i y �pN X112 �n �1,.�t �� Voun�i. 'e. �' i 1, (mil.., i ,� ;. y r ) . ..__ , U � J 1. f - 1 ., 1, 1? r . I % 11 f' +r' ,11 • June 8th 19 +9 4 k. 3 Counci 1 Room , k 11 rs all present. excepting' ,•; ) cil was . held on above , membe the I 1 , eciale•etin� of Goan that he hdd called A I� h,a or r s idin ► end stated al li son and Cr Carruthers , the y - p e vin et it i one . �, rising a By --Law and recei p meetin for the purpose of p T COr��."UI�'I CA'TI Oh S • . 1. I 1 . s of. the south side of Jane. , t 11 �' t ions were received ; From resident • r the f Mowing peti act ion of s�.dewalks on their �f Flett �t petitioning for the constr 1 , . r . and both � si de s . . i re spec'tive streets . • � ' t the et it ions i certified as being , seconded b Cr hale tha p .� 'Dyed by 11 I Cr Osborne Y , , tt . Carried ,r Ii.. k be accepted properly signed Vy the 0ler , , BY-L AN t t �. the c =l► w o a.. ..ho St Law .. . _ _.« . _ . :e o s rue c on 11; , • ermis i t 11 . DP nv • am le son a eked p s on o introduce a $� . 4 �,, �-,, art airs works as local Impz ovemen s . • .A: d , . of c .A . �_ _- . �. __ .__ __wa;s :cu-spend ,w .. �. .. '___. . on uIe 3 � . _ _ . _ _ . -� l men ._ _ . e s n nd 0.ca.�n.�•- . _. 'y.fin, ,.. :,,.,.,..:_ .. i........ i..: .. ... :.. 'M t ... ... ...._ -.XI YG '�'y y"S';PraiWbl M,. �.. ,::� µw,�� .. ..�, ad: the ' ; �` t d a d _ _ _ °h hti'r r. n... ..w. _.. _...__..__ ... _..,,.__, 1 1. 4 :f i` _.. ............._ .'iir.'A •�4R •)i .1NJ .\: 't)]' J!.aA{i�) iL!N7.. 'e. 3W" w 'i' l lk.� I:L:U:SA}J:.Y.AA1 M $f,,LYRMwiiiih S%RSObfY i X ; afi {y f,: .cxY." .SIUd F. !F(su tf ■• v a� p}� L/ _J l�w w V V ,. ' in c �riit �; blanks filled in , , y ,: k ted - the second reading with all salad . . rising the I�.aydr repor third time' passed and - ordered to be signed. an s wa then . read a second • an b ompany , 0 s . , b . Cr Vanstone that the Belo C . ' aY.l Iv:oved by Dp nv Jam.leson • $econced 1 . F ett a'nd Jane ;streets onstructi on of sid1, t 1 . r on 1 �t e contract for the c �� Carried I awarded th . 5 a rice of 4. 5 per square foot ,,1, ;'i at p - ?, x + )i �. urned . - �11"I I 11, •' , n ti, ,;11 , L 1 �1+ / �x .or� -A, , ayo . , Dom Jul �t h, 199 ,:, . , ' , Co nc i 1 R F 10�. r bars all resent sac opting Cr �5 gild on above date , �aeim P *` ,4% 11 ne ular meeting of C'ounail was re, Jar. and Special meetings , were read �, e . the mayor pre s i d,f ng e s r I' ' - Rinut of as gu - •Osborn war ; cohf lrlaed eu�d on motion eat fo r $ , 30 ' 00 for p . ' J .W , Robinson addressed Council claim ng paym o eni ass ; g th sewer eaa�. , : ldr of wood blocking a maid .ri, oa Brown St caused by a piece there that the matter be relerrad to the Cr Carruthers a Kv Allison deaoaded by " Carried " love d by ttee with power to cat . avi three . Roads end St re eat s C omen a Co addressed. Council in reference to . p n8 .. 1 I_ , - 11 -- - _Mr Grant of __ the Storms one rug l. 11 I . sLre®ts in the - Town and quoting prices .11�__ ..._ i . .... that the Roads and. Streets C'©nm�ittee Rv Jamieson Moved by Rv Allison seQOnded by Dp bring the matter before 11:. a further information and if aeaessary w Carried ,, i, tad _ .,.. --- ' - --- - -- . be istruc , ing Council* ` , . , , 1444" C u a spa a ial NS meet of o i1 : :11• COt��[UNICATI0 tract io of St q t re ues i the cons From hr R• J• Woodvrd and other r e en s o arse n n 1,: , e St through t o Liberty St t o e Roads the $idewal]c oa Jan Cr Derch that the request be ret'erred , x � Rv A111son ssoonded by . " Carried " 1. yioved by eats Commnittee with power to cat . the 1.nstallatioa of` a' St re e .. and qu qtr t�].an Clarke ."'C.,: and other L . residenst of roMna� xrom . 11�1 :' la set li t between King and 0huxah Streets . e ue$t be re ferre(I t o the 771 str, 6 aonded b Dpv Jamieson that t r Q Rv Allison se y " ,Car '� , 1 .1. Move d by . t Committee with power to cat . onstruct a sidewalk Public Proper y would c •Y t o r e Se l le r 9 s tat ing that they ravel �ql From l�r C .p. �iutton� cad � � f t he Town would supplF the cement cad 8 k S� between Bunt and Dutke Street s i IL L 4Y at such on, Park hat rmissi n' be granted as " a ed b Rv Jamie son t pe ° rigid Mbvea by Kv Allison second Y DP n Car k4. ) 1) i 1 11 11 Canadian cement is avai lable . . time as ki for the annual holidays . caretaker as 1'18 , : cemetery � Carried From ur J.H. Highf iel d, t the holidays be granted . „ . Cr Dash seconded by DP Kv Jea�tie son the �ove� by stirs that school signs be erected oa Ontario From Bownanville Board of �duaation re qua sting ,that , . ,,. ed in front of the new Ontario St School 14. treeti that a new sidewalk bs oonstrt�ot S , don the boulevard south of the Holgate "' ° that aen�ent or other material be le►i I 1, ,1 �1 and li i� building on Qv�e en 3t. t be ' referred to the ,Roads d bui ng seconded b Cr Denis that the . 'reque s red b Rv Allison F ". Carried " o F Streets Committee to report bag k. #, �� Y . I s -, w•.w •. ... 1. f ,...... ., .. uwrr r.:...r'... )........... .. y. - - 1 :.vP S:w q1, , �r .r a, .-...a,x r1 _ .11 v LUIS '�1.rqr a t 11 I ;. _ . _.R VCS '� 11 t s .. 7. t4.., 11 t 3- ` ,i "t.1 .`tom A,.` n i 1 ' : • (`. F/ I - f• I ' ,1 , .. • . ,..I , -, , • , • .•, r, . ,t ':: - t ,. - - 0 ' r ,� ,,, I .. _ it,I . n.,_ -�11 « : , Y - . , . • __ r l { i.R.gAwTiCO — ~�— V VunV�� ♦tiooiii' Ju�y "Tt� ' �9T�ll� ., Council to make the necessary arrangements to f na�nae V_ From Bowmnnvi ll a Hospital asking 11-1 1 .00 �� the erection of a new hospital I Ill 11, , mli'T.r.' , . . 1 NC) N '4120 Moved by Dp nv Jamie son seconded by Cr F1 ett that the request be referred to the tt " Carried M tr ( 'inanae Comoaaittee to report . bac �� Council to plate school `l AF Su t of the Boys Training School asking Fill-� �� , t, ,1 From Mr W .J . �a staugh . p signs onConcessi on St at the approach tot he school . -{ - s that the request be ref erred to the �� ,, � Moved b D Rv Jamie son seconded by Cr Carrot her " Carried " 111 y p ; t 7 of ae Commirttea to investigate and report back . ` . P i owmanville Beach As so requesting to have Seore n Dilli tary`, of the B st beach and _ LLLL u F rom Mrs L i 1.11 a n8 _. " and weeds cut , to construct a parking lot at t e we Yy the west road graded x king over the road behind the west beach cottages . �e „_, asking Council to consider to ng H r; VO - that 'the request be referred to the Moved by Rv Allison seconded by Dp Rv Jam eson " Carried " ll 1 f ` ° Streets Commafttee to report back to Council . Rodd$ ' and P rk asking Council to sake action to' I . From Mr Norman Scott Secretary of the Memoria• a t er than the r e gu l parking s pa c Q . r.event the driving of oar s on the park o h be ranted and referred t o ' P y Cr Dale that the request 8 Rv Allison seconded b .' JI ,Moved b " Carried �' , ng the Police Comanittee . l - . ! !- { ,: wa actin �'o r Ddri .W . Kna PP and Mr ' W . L: Ly c e as I t�'rom Mr Arthur W.S .Greer , Csha g r Y = , � e t ' the flooding of their properties on Liberty • ii I - Council' to take , action to prey n . . FA nv ,: Janie son that th+e letter be referred tot e ,, . r b Cr Vans 1 .i _ _ i___.___ Mov+�d y tone sec"onded tally_ Dp arried (15 .... 4,._. _.._... _ Y rN',. •, .}IIAI:f,.: xuW:V:lY4wlSW Uri ,M'vnK,r"] V>INrN�k4,:.HWX•t.MkctHA'1` ............vN xtt,`MN'Y.�.?,Y'a1L`RP:IAk1Aw'4! IJY9fl,'15+7iMAilY«ti®.,f�iA1i:: A+X :. .. .. - rv',&F_....�. -,.r, ,y.. V, :u, '�,.v.:.. ,., :r, ;r,Y,..,:" :.., r1 + ,::, :` ap,.y,c.:,.,1(/hTiYr,kE :Si.!1LVYrA;,,ss,Wi1'Urfrc'hnCti'AY.'S,::::;Y.'kf!♦ 4 xis.1,,./I et J M.I(3t.4+,, P, .^ „v .. ••-^••• .••..•...... o sol i s rep y h Pp o f ownahi o `Y � _���./j■ _._ Yf ti „ '!I. t\/ f i O t .d• '^.?"`Y^^. r,fWNYky .. 8 sal Cobour advi s ng a theYr:�a :, �t r rom Mr Larry Da ym n , 8 . ,lI against t the Counties Cr. Assessment . 8'8 the letter be ref erred t O the Cr Carruthers that{ Droved by Kv Allison seconded by " Carried " ill sear to take such action as' may be nece y , , si or 1 . Town so l�aifor d Development , t oro nto , advi ng Mr A H. Ri shard so n ; Dwpt of; Panning an 4 ' ar iri t he Ganara ska aut hQrit y• �: enl 8 8 e matter be ref erred to t h®' rMayor to ed b Rv Allison seconded by Cr Dale that th 1. �. ( Mov y I " Carrire,d ' follow up . 1, osi re so lotion in re Terence to Chi ldrens oc e y . Fi*om City Clerk , North Bay , encl ng n . Rec & Filed " r , ¢ r 1 }1 , � of Una ent il 11 J ` t 0 a lai3.ng arrears o P 3 t Insuran+a a Commi ss i , orpn 1. t, r From Unemploynaen on emandi ytne nt ;, YI' 222 . 15 and d ng Pa I . • 11� _ own em to ees amounting to ' $ t0 222 . 15 ,insurance on P y Rv Ja�f a son that the c 1 ded b aim, amours ng Moved . b Rv Allison secon y DP Carried - be psi d 11, I error is 1 „ Council in ,ref erence to dnpaird accounts of t e �� Mr' John • M 1ame8, addressed loan of 00 from t he I o pay the .11 `�`,I, 8000 1Own t i and asking Council for a temeporeir� Arena , , r 1 . ri S d 114,i account r loan of 8000 .00 be ma o to / C r Darhh that s► t e�npro ax'y loved by xv Allison seconded � s t die acao8nts to be t Arena Committee for the peyanent� ofpa �' eucried '� . � the Memorial Communi y , . C I Y, .% . repel av i lab le . .1 . d . , when funds are a , . . -- T , , . REPORTS , , . t a g M e comae ee' ,on he hen a over of he Qqu Amen on IV,- itv' fA].li son reported ,f or the fir t �:.,_ . moved by _ , nd seconded Cr Dale th+e�t the repo 0 I 1 old fire trunk on to a new ohasI a :.. t the change e I over be proceeded with at a cost o ttee be adopted and that �8 „ Carried A the Yire Qonnni " F ill,tk = ,00 ' J I'll, I Og 5 • ttee submitting sundry account s 5 ted a re ort from the f inanae oomoini 1 880 . 10 ,r , ;a Cr vanetone presen P Y - , ' school building accounts amounting to , r amounting t o . $ 672 Rea 6 .33 and c ant . d� Adopted Y i aertiff ed as being c teat and reaomtaen ng p� 0 00 per C F1ett that Dar John Mohun be paid 5 • 1 r ved b Cr.'- Carruthers seconded 'by r � � Carried _" . �� y taker of the Town dump a s From July let , 199 ed t tieke month as aeiretak e k bethoriz Q 11 b Rv A]aieon t t the C1 r M " #a seconded y b D Rv Jamie son J Carried 1 . 11 Moved y P to Jul 25th, weeks holidays from July 16th y ,. " I I ,� On l Mot ion Counc i 1 ad journed* -1 y, ,' , , - s : I / , , 111 _ , . C. rk• 1a 1.r - „ �, 1, , `,J i. ,... ., . S� ,' , „ �„,. 11 v , v^. ."..,, .,11 3 , . Tr ,. .': : ,,,: : ,: , ..r...1 11 : ,,, ... .„ ,.n, r ry , , , ', ILA ,.. , ,^, �r . r .:..r ,. ,: ':. .mac. :...,., .. . :;' ..:.:, ,,: : .. . ..,.M. t I. sY r ........,. , .3.,. -, ,L- , r. : ,: :: , i, :.i ., .,..... , ..1 11 .r. , :: , ... .YI , r :..;i , ,. ,, r .. ,-. .. .. .i r S� 11 t u 11 „ .:,, :' .. a r.,,, ,C ,r r.. li� a ,. „ , _:: ,. 1. _r 1, .rl „ ,..,.. _... !11 r 1, . ,,,,. ,- - ..:, 1.. _ ,,,. , - 1 ”1., ,, r t„ n , w j ...,: „ .r .:. 1 r .� m . . _ ,... _._ ... -... 1 -..-. le . _ , , " . �,, . .1._ . .. ...... .. ....: :.>. -- , r.... �. .: , -. r .. iii- i. r 1: ,. .: I t--, f L 11 i ,?T1- ', ,,,, - r, r f , 1. { 1 -f 1 . ,. :., ., '.,6, , i i 11 k ,,,, _, , s..,1. �/ r 1 a. . "f, . 0 n 'I'll 1 il ,I ,, , f ; ,, , _ !. ^:ti.. „ . .r ..::1 , ., .., ,r , 1 r ,It : . 1•. V I • , 1 ? , . _ ,,q,. , . '. , .�.i{I¢.^£ B vr+,,.a'kx a;: ,t rdv.3-�e.N6.. :5^m€ .F,. c,.+,•ax lle,>' nsr ;wh:'..r_r;. :.,.,. x�.... -_ ,,._. .�,a' , d.?sa, ^wry. ^rr,wx.. �.,k,y..z ,ra _WIN oL , . UML , K..; , i_, 1,. '":i. �A,�,z'y S ,. 1 : i • r. C!. t r zs 2nd 1949 r .N.WATaCV Council Room, August tdLWnmn a ,r c s al l re sent the Mayor ,.� . ® memb er P f ok :12o of Council was held on above. date ' on motion confirmed . u Regular meeting were read and ' Minutes of la st regular meeting y pre siding . CO�JiUNICATIONS t sis { that they would advise when a ne M k g at ng 1, i •ti • From B i ok le Seagrave Ltd , boo s oc , t from the old fire truck . " Rea & Filed _ arrived for the change over of equi pomen • 4 From Mr George Heath offering $ 5 0 . 00 for a Town lot on Nelson St • Cr Osborne seconded, by Cr Dale that the offer be referred to the Public b " Carried " Moved y pro per t y Committee with power to act * t of her residence, on ;F ,• ere ue sting the , removal of a tree in from Yrom Mrs Lucy Row q tre St ,� 'the re a st be ref erred to the Cen Cr Vansto-ne that h qu Rv Jamieson seconded by ^ Carried Dove d by DP t o act . is �'ro rty committee with ' power oleo osite his �operty on ubl Pe request ing the reonova'1 of P a 'telephone p pp `p rrom Mr . E .G. Say 2 6 Liberty St N $ the Clerk requested. to write ' the t t t h t be re ue st " move b Rv Jamieson 3 e conded by. Cr P'le Carried Mov y le moved . 2 , , 079 .00 a s. 'Bell Telephone Co asking t�mto have e Rate e for 191+9 amounting to s Clerk dvis ing of the" County a n Reo & Filed " - -= - - :prom .Count ie , MF -.. •. .�._ ._._.. ._.... • t to tie ' Town a ece of land ad Jaoen r ing t° see the ro Mr Nor n D o f f e •-:.',+vhsaxyYrdt7cxieatfekPAlldMktfQMf!lA%'NIN6tiA6t" YkPIiYl'R!4'.`'If7sK'gmr ;Na.vau".;ua _. .____._. _ ......... _ , at'ru• � i:..::YnaNtl�.•�rr:,.:,.:�ry -fal A,a.l4.•!- f,.,tiA t.tltiT.IMS..a.�k:F')....,+'uN,Wf.t 4.M1t,1:i.:�£.ti'r M.-v,::', �. .... .. , ., ... t u.�.�\.,..i ., -� a',i ... •:U•.l..t. ..�.. , ,�/,�f` ��g] /+•{fib �j [A] ,.. ,,.... ' 0em+et er . ' :, C h.e) s thatlR ..t il:al.'WT': i�Cw ltt.".e.s ..alw;)ny;,,� .,...:z', .a4U'Yw! 'M.:,.... •'F1' •el[R7T4.Y.1%A1[[ti<i4N3 z Y Carrot her "h Move d b Dp ,., Rv Jamie son seconded urchas ing t he, lan d at the preset M Y Town is not knterested in P reply stating t hat the h Carried o „ P y He &• Filed r time . dip ' t unit in reference to . the Towaa from the west side beach . z rrrom :. deal h d i sp osAl of; garbage f r the th Unit in ref erence t o be rsf erred to ' the' - From heal Rv Jamieson that the matter moved by Cr Carruthers seconded by Op blic Pro arty Committee to have the bul ldozer fill•' in• the present 't-reach and dig . e collector cover th P to insist that the garbage, " e `*4 to contact the Beach Also Carried anothe r and ► would 'be held �refuse every day. statin the decoration day t rom Bowmanvi lle Branch Canadian Legion the co-op►erat,ioni, of , Council . on Sunday August 7th and re qua sting a t the , Cemetery Rea & Fi1ed w to have ch e equ , of the west si de b a r esting ,a t From Mrs N :D • Fox and other , residents residents oalcium chloride spread on the road, adjacent to ,the cottages . red to the a x- t nded b Cr, Osborne that the request ere er r, Moved b �r Barruthers seco 3� Carried " loo y Roads Streets ' Committee with' power to ac Maas ement Committee in mes addressed Council ,-on behalf of the a re nesting a teamporary. ldr John M Ja a ermament flour in the arena and q :f reference to construct ng p 000 .00 f ue st be def erred until further x d Cr Car the re 3 ._ ......-.-.. ....».. •-•+n r••..LL,.-.•r-.wq ..-........m .. _ _ _ _ .. con .._ an Moved by "'D le.. __se de . . by Committee and-I.,that the Mayor be instruc e � o ration, is obtained by the Arena " Carried " f ato re e st h t h i t: q • a w • � _ toed it p meet"i a ' REPORTS c i t re sundry a c count s i nanoe omen t e® submitting c;r �an stone presented a rApoi"t from a ount s for 5813 .95 nd Public school ounti to $3202 -724ILooal Improvement acc ant am n8 ed as being correct a reaom®o�ending pe1y 577 • certif,i N Rec & Adopted " k building accounts f 8 79 s f ;a be instructed to Cr vanstone seconded by �r1� ' Dale that the Town solicitor n. moved by n ario runic ipal Board to issue debe n ores Information from the o t Carried obtain necessary inf ormr ; con of a hospital* 600.00 be made to ' the for the a xv Allison that a grant of�. n Carried by Cr Dale seconded by Committee f or 1949 . ' r : • Moved he a at imates� of the Civc�� to Cam�nunity Council included in t Cr Van stone that the Clerk be in at ructed to arr �d�ove d by Or Osborn 'e seconded blt, . re ue sting him to ha�re signs made is t t endant a f the Boys . 1 rai ni ng Sehoo 1 q the Superin ct� to the.. school on Concession. , St B , re n8 ,„• thei r' w rkshop to erect at the appro� Q Carried. k 1 Area Drive Slowly " • be instructed -to write r Sohoo e seconded by Kv Allison that the Cle road will be Moved b Cr 0 shorn matter of the seed limit on the west sea st�e►ting that the " Carried " Mrs yox . when the traffic by-law is aondidered. dealt with C Mason and Clerk A.d.Lyle o e seconded by Rv Allison that ]�ayor Le G . w Moved by Cr Van st n employees of „ if to the permamenoy of the asap are hereby authorized to Oel't y Carrie d try ; and owmanvi lle . i t of the Town of a " k the Municipality ieson that the matter of road paV11* bs1 b Boo by Rv Jan C una il. " Carried " Moved V Rv Allison meeting of o laid on t h table end dealt with at a special n8 n. #_r VoL ? u,3 • J ' • r• f r • r r r r . , SAAW.� Couna it Room August 2nd . 194.9 ,�,.. , Counci 1 advertise for two weeks Moved by Warr It Allison seconded ,by Dp nv Jamie son that pads on Ontario , No N 41?° oonsthuat. as a local improvement permanent r " Carried " that they intend to Liberty and Elgin Streets ,* that Property owners be charged at , the Moved b Cr Osborne seconded by. Cr 'Carruthers p strutted under local ' y `r ineal toot - frontage on the road con rat a of 1 . 5 0 ' PQ " Carried " . F i } improvement . n t hat ermis sion be granted. the h} Rv Jamieson P th . " Carried " Moved by Rv Allison seconded by DP Lug ust 13 the P rk As so to hold a lag Day on Saturday eor a Aum a be appointed r . Me a Kv Jamieson that Mr G 8 Pa8 � Carried Moved by AV Allison seconded by DP in. stable for the South Ward ' and be sworn y special , cons a e be ranted 112 . 5C ! - seconded b C•r Carruthers that the.. Fire, prig �•$ n C tried " �aoved by Rv Allison s y a 0 r of tbe' money received from outside fires * x • being 5 I ? )Y4 on' Mot i on r Council a d-j ourne d . ' Mayor. ark . r r, Au at 5th , 194.9 c Cr r, , , e mtetnber s ai i , present excepting ing __.r a� 14 „ a _me:eta. g ec _ ({�j' ells me r, �rI�,�x... d the. me ing xr! ,p..wva¢p - / ! c. ,ns,w�th ' t•vr;•r. x,xl r ,l:�r. xr,•.:•r.wra..•, °. 1" f ..�; .. .' " -._ .._.:_._.. .. ,� a,xnwesr. >+aexwwr>wxua•awnwaceu s"�'��d a to r � � °e. .:YIr:rW(zfL,rW4♦n nA.I.xI1•.sVHC.r. ,.,,. y.* , ..,,�: �i,� - �. ��iStr.. .r 44r•:i•51.1.1:., T; .. t...X-!F7AkA'iJtYi rh!Ktl7Rkri7i7M.d Ft' kb7Xt'YS _.... _ .... 'aind.s',• atIII "arrut he rsr, yor f d c with members of the Public utilities Comission to discuss tie water s :u matters o , eson that general approval, be given to the Rv Jami loved by Kv Allison seconded by Dp of elevated reservoir , . conditional Putblic Utilities COSaaission for the erect on tree .and that Council recommend ant of de ben u . ! r 10o atbic u on their being able to finance the payment increasing the 5 P Commission that, a revision of the water rates n8 ++ Carried " 'UP to the Cap ant of the debentures . • 4 et rate be considered to proof de' for t he pa fe Finance Comcmittee meet with the Rv Allison seconded by Cr Tans one f , M01 bey arriving at an agreement under Section Publis Utilities Comaa�ission fort a purpose - of Co�omaittee be authorized to negotiate of the Municipal Act and that the Finance " Carried' " 43 A te,1, s for this year only . o for the rebate on hydrant ran ToNrn solicitor be instructed t Rv Allison seconded by c•r , Osborne that the r zin the Public Moveb a vote pay autho i 6 F yr for of tlhe rat's er $ prepare , the necessary By-La station of tl� sewerage system .and sewage ' ties C omovai s si on t o take over the op n i " Carried Util . Mayor disposal, Plant . a tY�t Rv Allison be appointed Deputy � RV Jamie son seconded by Cr Dal Carried - moved by rp R on vacation. n the abscenc a of Mayca� Mason e . 'i On motion Council ad 3 ourned. . r .r r ,.,,. . r • r. l • let e 1 Rohm at r - -� --- - ; i S �mbe 6th, 1949 • .t, ,• , , • r Council, � tin Rv x ov 'date 1 s held d on ab e , members a11. pre sen excep grow ar meeting of Council rwa t re ulcer and' special meetings x3 ttegu�. the Mayor presiding : Minutes of las g N Allison and •Cr Darch , Y 1. ! 1 tion conf irme d were. read and on mo .11 _ COWUN1CATIONS • etitioning against the s r orris and others p Petition was, presented signed by a y tario St, from Queen St to Liberty St . construct ion of an asphalt road on n Laf d on the Table " Mr John Shac kleton an d others pe. titioning against' the R Petition was presented signed by St from King St to Base Line M instruction of an as road on Liberty Laid on the Table ut and others petitioning for the Presented signed by r M Pro Fourth Ste petition was pros 8 on St from �nellington St to F construction of an as road 6 Laid on the liable hr r ;` a . tit inning against. the ,. et ed si ned by Mr E .C .C . Southey and others pe d Ste { . Petition was preen 8 , ell.in ton St to Third ad on El i n St: from . g M st ruQ t i on of an a e phal t road 8 con " , Laid on the Table . nS - Moved b Rv Jamieson seconded by Cr Osborne that the Clerk be instruct e o pre ov E1 in St from �1 .i ngt on St to r for the construction of an asphalt road on 8 ., Cried a By } i bert Stree6 from Kim St to Buse Line . th St and on Li y Four s et it inning f or, the aonstruat ion, Prose by. Mr H McKnight and other p Petition was p of a wat,armain on Duke St from Base Line to Station Street . ` r yU 7 _ L UI� ? e [ +1 :) , Imo' v {, --�`t S .Y , xa' } 5 3_F I iXI I" -: n.: ..- ,I' � . I I I I I � �, . . I I .. t I I, ,, �� I I I I I I I I . I � I . . I .1 I I . I. . I . �� . I I I I I 1 . .11 I I . I I . . . . . I , , . . I I I I . I I I . 11 1, . 11 I I- e�,, It I � I . � I . .. . 1 . . I I I .1 " - I " I I. . I I .I. I . � I � I , . , . . I � . 11 . it - I I � I I. . I I . . 1. .I � �! I I I.-1 . I �, I � , � . I . ��� I �N il - I , . 'i ,, "-' i; / 1, I I � I 11 . I . �,� �� tkLmr o 4,I t! : . - • Y ; • 1 / 1 , t 5 uT , • , i i . , „ u,� / I I 1, ilo a . 1 .11 , s.�.iwtTacn l 6th 19 +9 -1. ...L j � I .��. �Coune Room , September t the . ett that the petition be referred to 1 �-� b D nv Jamie son seconded by Cr F1 . « dove d y p watermai'n can b® instal led on Duke St if the' "° " "Z° Town Sole citor for advice a s to whether a . " Carried " s i�a$uf fic iently signed .) �. pet it i on _ t to have the limbs cut from a tree in front of �bfis From Mr A .M . Hardy r e que 9t i ng v � �: Y r + �t ( ( F la • property, at 179 Church of his property on , or e Albin re' nesting to have a t�cee cutr down in front From ,Mr . Ge g Q Albert St .1.1 A a ,+.li i t _ k , +. -� have a tree cut down in front of his property on = r tom IMr Robert Evans requesting to r , �t ublic silgin a be referred "to the r sbo�tne seconded by Cr Dale that the requests n Movednby� Cr 0 Carried " F Property Committee with power to act . �1 4 . stallat ion of street lights on Flett St . Mr' C . S . Oke and others requesting the in the A ' �'ro�a that the re nest be referred to ___ _ - " ,i owed b D Rv Jamieson seconded by. Cr Osborne q " Carried 1 . y P o�cn tt ee' with power t o act . Public Property C i street ; li ht installed and i�rom Mr Fred Griffin , iunt St requesting to have a str g w . l:: .: 1. -__ requesting • that the cinder path be repaired onded b Cr Carruthers that no action be taken in regard to . Moved by ` Dp Rv Jamieson sec y path 'be referred t o the 1 _ _ _ e street ii ht. egad ghat the mnt ter of r sg$i rs tQ the cinder ' .t �. �.. , th g fl , , _" Carri- ed Roads and Streets, Committee with power to act . ,1. rms fora ligation for interim subsidy r e artment of Hig fo I • sin P p From. D p hway s 8 BnC O : a th Or iz ed t0 w _," �� 1. 11 , _ the . Ma, .,car. _.anal._. C l.er k be u :.:-anvr x>umrrreKtcmn+era 'w* wnlu,lue L t, :_ b G r Dale that y _, ,, ..,,...,. ._ :� Y, d:�Y�r• _. .__ _ Carrie y!M- �k I �rl I.1 l.r. w. ::..,.....SA. '.0..:ail Y....,.i.J r..:1T iSY u.';.Ir.a .,I , .. .... ,. ,. .. /� 1„-;, 1 , j��y* / R,. a ,(. •,t ♦ r l , h,4 ,' ,N t:lnfl/ V '.'�''., .M ':r,}•,•.,:4.f,ei'.'v .r M .•:.iJ,: nr...+n,r,.NM. ,/l i:,k:.9-,7.�.{it..J.i'.{:.�rA4i>V.W..,]'.'S,A'r'1'44f'I.tli)::.1`•..'..M I.i I'•'!YTtI .Nl+l l'i3ll\ C�:,eh:l,3:,1. .:'�.:.:f,':S,\M.Yi. ,.:1•liY ai+,1'1>.:......r, ".11,.<.,..41.T1Af"V:.•LYG'i:3:I,QYr•l:l.h,... ' 'E:. he a lication for interim eu ,sidy;, on rnad�� . ath on t�lSt,,.�:.Y< :: sign t Pp and Jim thanking Council for their expression of symp y „ P From Mrs Alice Paterson " Rec . & Filed r IL I ' , their recent, bereavement . ,r Ra i lwa Be l l e v i l l e , a nqu . about I. ��' From District Superintendant ,, Canadian National Y , e truck to c toss ,' the stat ion c ros sing after the gates are I the agreement for the fir , . . ' , t .1d4 , 1 1 ,.I closed . to reply it C uthers that the Clerk be i nstructed I 11 � `� 0 loved by �r Osborne ,seconded by r Carr ��Iti, thea insurance called for in the that we are stirll waiting for a rat a o a tied " r ' ' I . stating . , , Car 11�;�, ��_� ) a' reement • n re d •to a 01 L' I �� �'� 8 Af fai rs , Toronto enalo sing iculars i gar 1 .11 ,�d� : From Department of I Muni+cipal 1. �. ;+: pension plan , for Town emp oyes s Cr Dale that ' the information be ref erred to the „ sr., „ ` "�', �aoved by Dp Rv Jamie son seconded by " Carried I'll 1. �11� t stud and report back to Council . 5 ' Finance Comm.�.tte. 1 o I a reement to cover the crossing o - s , + . a A h From y 1, �s' - S, dro Electric Power Comm s on enc 11, F ,1. h dro lines on Town, property .I . ;, r y authorized y �ti Moved by Cr Vanstone, seconded by DP 1. R`v Jamie son that the' Mayor • and C le,rk be to the a royal of the Public. Property Committee , as to t o sign the agreement sub 3 e ct PP I Carried w the form of th a agreement . on .�beh�lf 02' the Arena . Msnement Committee asking Mr John James addressed Council oor inthe Arena at . �.'.. for the appr oval of Council for the installation of an asphalt fl a roximat a co st of ,.$ 2500 . 00 Management C oYnmittee 1. q_. a►n pP D Hv Jamie sori that the Arena Manag 11 M : IIY I. , - I 1 •_- ; C rs seconded y P loved by r Carru rn� ns-tru+ctlon Co �'or _the 11+ SIB _ , .. _ h be authorized t'o enter into an agreement ' with t e Sto s o t I t ri , . in . t floor the Arena . ar hal , 1 I a o . - - T.---' m--- r . P11.1; I -nsta3.°tat i n : _ _. 02' an s _. - REPORTS su ridr account s 11 e rt from he nan ce C orn�a�.tt ee submit t'i ng F - / Cr Vanstone pre sented` a r Po s for . ;�e4c a:md I;ocal 6 . 28 Public School Building Account a2 amount i nlg t o $ 42 5 I certified as being correct t and �o ending „ improvement accounts or 3274 • z0 , Cr Fle t osing "11 I R & Adopted with r t oPP , I "Moved by Dp Rv Jamieson seconded by Cr Flett that tle Road Su�perintendan e • w e and Sanitation Convention at Timm. ns with all expense s . authorized to attend the Se ag " Carried " t , , 1 I ;cl.•- {, on C oinci 1 ad 3 ourned on . � I . � . . � . '' I I L. eq6tmm 1, ii 1 r i d `V `:1f Ir 1 ,11 1 ..1 . fl . Ma or. e Y Y �. C I , '! II r , ,. .. :: -,:. :. - „: :. .. .I,it a�. -_ _._ ..., , .. ..;, a r; n 11• i .. _. I r 1 , t... ....,, r , .,�, , ..,-: ..r: . 1. i .....-.:. .,. . t J :.:y: .-- ....r-. ... ..i 1 .. I ...._, r ...._.._ ...... . ;, i I 1. -,:rf , , :: r .. ..:-,.i 1 , ..- :.- s- , f w • :.: :: : it .. : ;`,' 1 t.. ) ... ...../... 1 , ,::�1 v rl ' l:I { 1 w I l,' r is I'L i ,.'. :1:, ,. 1 +,. II 9,t : it „ - r.. ,:. ,- : : -,'. - r '' 1a+ ,. I .1 ,... 1 _I 1' w 1 . ..: ,. ; II.I. - ,,,. .. , � r ... ,, .1 1:. ,l, <' a,. ,r , „ ,': , 1 7 I ,, D ._- p L ,I: x 1 4 „ti. , I 1. ! . . ". ' r .. ,, I. ::.. - r , : i. 1 :. ,:.: .-- , ,., , I. -,.1 , 1 ., .. I I. , --, ,', 1 ,. .._ , .r: r 1 1 t Y.-.. 1 ,...r -._ ', ,. .:,' '. :. r _:1 , 1 :.•.,a :..,� r 1 :. 1..:� .. r,r ., :i.' :;r i. r t 1 :. ,..,:.... , :;., � r. ,I r , i' „/ , ,. I I . I 1 1, ., r< „ r'..,.,. L 1. , . ,. :...',tit .....« n , ,.. p-., ...„:•-,t. ,r s+.:ala a.- --t�:---rc._.� r-..:C.. .. r .r., .._,_._.w.,,»,,.rro I.r.�,:y ---uras.,tl�.v,�.L«_d,+:w+M.vtH.. u..v:uwP,.w.....<-'w....n....ue....w � � :.'. 11:. ,r ,. +..r, r ....._.,x -,rss•w.rl _...--..-mot .._-n. . . ...,ry--r..-.._ r.-.+r.. 1, 1. M. p )._ -,1__ -FrF"v W, . , ..., , , , .:.:,...+�ti .u,ia.,v.•........,.:. , ' l-' ' ' t= (: (I;,r. 11,, ..I { t 1, 11+ , ,..b: L I „ ... r . ,., r. 1 „ �; li , L I 1 _.I h• . ,/ : , y, 'u ..,i ..it • , , ) I . �' A 1 I ; 1. / _ wd.iiYCw+'.w..+},i1;rsLl�l':,wai"u"'". .W..rt•,... .,. ..a I.,_.L.... ,.r„ 'a w , �� r t Z YoLUt 7 ,' �h ; . ;I 'll I ay Y a i V ..._. . . _ .. . ..,. , .. €. a1. , y ,._ ..,. ..-. ., .,.... M._ . .r,,,�. c � i '„ 4 - f 1 c _. _._ .. ___ __ _ .�_7._ __r:._ _ _ '1•:'>= .'a'. ".8ii ,e'I .. i! ing ='�Y wrYyur `+ <5 -h_.xl - Ill ii, �. ��, a: ; t. I 11--i k,. 1 Y , 1 , . : .. �y .. i'S .. . ,11 ,t.. • r, . ,.r ..,t , ' 1. .v. I , _ \ + 1 •fir r , : , r - ..; t r I ': - + { r 91,-' i}• ... - ++-I .: 1, �r I Room r d 19'49 i 0.1:"Mv.� , Council , October 3 , , UIPIRM,• 1 I date mernbe rs all present excepting Rv ,, o , 1.1 ,��r, :; cesaw 1. .,��. regular meeting of Council was held on a ova a ular• meeting were read and on i Allison the Nagor presiding . Minutes of las r ,, R �1 .: motion confirmed sal of the 1 ,1 Council in reference to the aPP `;' r W . R . Strike , Town .7o .i'citor , addressed x , , . . .+ri ssment and suggested that the matter be ref errs Ill Township of Haldimand on County Asse r. vY, he Finance Committee with power to act . rred to the. Finance . il; tot Cr Flett that tY� matter bye refs 1 1 Move b Cr Dale seconded by 11 IL .111. I I Mov y advise the4 Towno�.icitor on their decision . } � ��r Committee with power to a ct and to �,' Carried " ' , ,�x;, �� . esidents of Duke '. South ,'•� n regard to the petition from r . '` _► � Mr Strike further advi se,d i g 1.t, 11 1 watermain which was insuff- iciently signed • nstructed to advise 11 ,[ for a ;�1 : Move d by C r C arrut he r s seconded by Cr 0 sborn a that the C le rk be i r t si ned their onlyr alts rnative �' t �tioners that the petition being insufficiently ly g . , the petitioners i Toronto for an order instructing the 1. to the Department of Health , r Carried " 41 ,: would be to a Pp. Y of a watierma in . ,111 . with the installation rl` proceed t of his ��own t o e st in t he removal of a tree in f rQa ,j From b;r G ,iN . Shith , Liberty St N , re qu , 4 1 residence . val of a limb from a, ,tree in front ,: 17 1 - _ra Ontario 3t reque•sting the remo . . From Yx Frank Hooper , °` �.� 1. 11 ��: ' : of 'his property , ue st s be ref erred t' o t IYubl is 11, . t a r Mowed b Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Darch h t e eq Y n C Carried,ed n ,� je r _.. h _ _.A �. . . .� _, , .__.. _. .. ._._ _.- . e.M. _.�� e e:. t ® i,tt _ ew::. .from. _. _ _ _ _ _. C aa� p v. x. ,, o►. art e . ...- ...-.,. ... l k. N.7Jw L nP[Lx.• NM•G/Md��S m . v G,.41d«..•dA74. 57VCA'J'N61AW+1«. . : ... .. ,. .. 11 .r r e. r R.. J .MwYlp(.Ufd,lY•MGSLMGD.ANPR '� .:;.. .�.. .. .. r .. . 'r ♦ , ,.r .. r ., ..... -.. -. ,. . ...-.'. .. .. ,.. ..... (/'y'1' ,/�.y. \+jy��MW ..j�u:tn Vi1.i.gt�rG'r.�i.n,ViRt i.t tM I.HJ ii .rd iVp/'4A'tt. ..,.• ,.• r+,11,.:.....h..r+..[1.e:Id,YA:iCkYIj1141F1 A.}�.fC84;.. , WL. �71Yt17l LYE'll]t�SJra1F.Ilbi7�.Y.lU1A`Si 45N.J�' 1.....P..i...r.,,.,.�,. rt,li.V r.r..4 .0,..!1.....7Fk' .IJr!x..btvlrw. H ��rrta_' 'VJ4.rtcea.,i-roi.. .)�.r n...t. r y„ .f• �.:1�i... .rl ik L.R1'• pva, 'ML..+.-., d. `b: ,t:RritRi� sNIW' 1A1 :-Yh :11 3 bLr C 0" ' `�� �`� .e a�ict th `rsr statr.ir,ng th�.t bs removed .r From 1 �: .� nd re nesting that the shru b.e I'Ll I. C sine t er y ; si deroa& onto the highway a q . C Carruthers that the�,' request be , referred tote " 'Quad by Cr Vanlstone seconded by r ,� Carried 1.t , I 'll Committee with power to act act . forced on the west si da bey; ch N Fox re nesting that a speed limit be en .v �Rec & 3ile�\d "11 I r rom blr s1 .D ,1. . ' IL a road . ,, � f. No rk3�ng '� signs placed on South sale o ,� From Chief S Venton , reque sting to have a . r ,}' Scugog St t o o nt ar i o St.�. " C 71 . 4 r 1 St From a I rice I the matter b:e referred to th _;1.'.,r nstone seconded by Cr bale that. �� Carried �, . :[ DQve d by C r Va L, I ' x�11 'LL" Committee with power ' tot a c t hat the Bo Scouts tae given permission. toL hold an 11.. From Chief S Venton re que s t i ng Y , . Saturda Oct 15th. „ w Carried �. apple tag . day on y 11 Osborne that permission be ' granted . Moved by Dp Rv Jamieson ,seconded by Cr, � of the, il r r Sick Childs n ,' Toronto advising+ ,,= . . t f e ' : ' - ; - r'ro�n Bowrnanville Hospital and riospi al or �� Rec �c Filed" 11 . 11 , ,11.�� admittance of patient s�. ewa a and Sanitation Co.n 1. e S ve nt i o n at . Ro d S�ipt , reporting on. th 8 1 From hex �.H . Bickell , a " Rec & Filed "LL,�- Frei�ent i on week M Timmins • ar in re Ord to Fire 11 y Toronto encaosng ,circul From Fire �Tarshall , 1 7,11 Oct 9th t a 1.5th ., tt that the. circular be referred t o the F re - ved b Cr Carruthers' seconded by Cr Fle " Carried ,•: .•MW,11-Y.,i R, n, rr .. . r, r 1.1, I 0 . y - . e _ o a io - ens n lan fo , . C omtn�tt e p p P ce for Ontario , Toronto in , reference t C om�ni s s ones of oli t t at,in t hat no grant we uld g 8 ; From a lication for police ran = -�, � _. _ : - -- - once ,the Police f and enc 0 1 s n ensio d to t , ce n . plan re he • . is established. re be hat the . • made unt i 1 a p . ,mat ter be . p fe b I _ -L.. r -----r- _ r -- - ��aiergon_ It _11, Mooed by Cr Carruthers seconded y P . v n Carried " e to meet �,ue spay Oct lgth .1.• C ounci 1 a s a whb l e,gar d to taxation , to be questionnaire An r shi of , Brantford rericl�osing „ Comaaiitte " From r C le rk To p Ref t o Finance . ' d edI. filled in - an return 31 I REPORT S sundry account s :. C o�nitt ee subitt ing Y t : resented a rsport from the Hance to 11 945 .. 17 h ,1 .')�, ,1'. , Cr Van st one p 1 11 1 0l Bui1ding accounts amount . ng n amount ing t o 2580. 64 d Publ i s Scho :, i o: sect and recommend ing PAY me nt " Re c 8c Adopted, I �,k, �ertif ied as. + be ing . . -- BY-LAW a borrowing. of 11 n to introduce e� !3y-Law to provide for th pp Rv Jamieson asked permissio of construct-ing an elevated yank as an z . 4L 4' �' � 000. 00 upon debentures for t be . purpose . 75 � p extension of the waterworks syste�. ule 3 was suspendedr and Council vent into . and read the �'irat time. On motion r ,3 a r. On Qo�aittee rising Granted on second reading, the Mayor in t bs Ch i . ' committee of the whole A�k d B -Law was then laid on the tab,I .e . I%11 :? i� the Mayor reported the second sea ing y I . ad ourne d. *6 Un Motion Council 3 I L- _... � �1 ., ' I 1, • .; . . ,�,,�,�, �"` "j, 2. � _ . L.00 ,� 1e rk Mayor I +� i t } � ", ,. A+ rl , - , , -1 I .. ... . :, I r + ./ , 1 ,. ,. , r. . :l 1 l r. r •r r. r , ',.. ,i ,. r +Ilr e 1 .. , ,., , I qtr � - . . 'x. r + 4 r i I.i 1 I ' .'' a r ,. . I d Ir . ,r . 1'111,11.�'� I 7 , I 71 "g YULUNi � 7 F t ,11 F _i. {, •`y '_ 11 L I ,,��!,�",��, ,_,� � � - � ,—I---— I S_•?::' :,•`}r;w _ •'1c`' t rif`r3= Jv'.!f't.:'S Y a t x -°¢., , I , y- . f I . , ) _ f , - 1 , 41 Y , ,,11 ,.,. - I . , I . , " Y . • , r , / � ,� �� 1. 11, .�I I. . . I I I I ,I I , 1, � - - �- . 7 . * I , I�, 1. � , — � I., I, � I I I I I . I I .r I f "1 t , , - 1#4 " I It 1 .. 49 � , .� Counc i 1 Room October 18th , 19 member present the Mayor 11 r . �,. sal 1 }r a of Council was held on above date , , n , : , 14 �. a1 meeting eneral business and: passing ..�.. Spec i the meeting f or g �W �; �O N 4120 Q A 1 z ; 2 residing aAd ,stated that h heed calls PI 1 1 t I'll, $ LaW9 . �� . �y_ C012WIL TNICATIONS e. Bros request i '9 perm ss on I 11 t o nstall a gas tank and pump in front 4� ' From . Lathangu on Temperance erance St be referred to the their office p 1 .• Il ` lison seconded by Dp R'v Jeanie son that the reque s ��.-� t�/��A e d b Kv Al n so t i c it o r and report back r 4`.Y I f ri M�K y art Committee to obtain advice from the ow lic Prop y I " Carried �: Pu , IL r to Council . rm in and storm sewer be constructed I.11 I ton and Hay requesting that a Ovate ,f 1>r Fro�a He t he ri ng , ,�, ,11 , b�eadowview Blvd t ere ue st �be ref erred to the on D i�v r Jamie son that h q b Rv All i son se cordedby p . 4r Ji moved " Carried " `; Road Supt to bring in a report . on Saturday November 5 nh • , ermi s sion to hold Poppy Tag Day " tied From Canadian Legion asking p e ranted . Car F seconded• by e,v Alli son that permission g 1.11 C 0 sborrle f , 14,"','r - Moved by r 1 . Montreal. enclosling copy of app licat ion for increased ra e s . om Bell Telephone Co , e a lication be laid pan the table . ,,r t h p i n _: r' , r Allison seconded, by Cr vans ,one that t P " Carr ed 11 ��� Move d by Rv 1. a floor 11, r ;li I matter of constructing ( Rv lami that th as t corded �ab�; p e son a that re ort o se r p n u so f i a 1 n t Rv Al i _ flowed. y ' _ ._ . :_ ._ _ , . . _ ., . mmtt:e e.. t.o_ _ng... __ = ....._..,...,_, .«...v... ,re..F}I��'•im�ftwma�,'xlx�txer�^xi.xrrarn�.nr r.-•r.><.d+� .,... .. �,,11 p �rI� en a .IV I..", , , on t r aJ..s.a , ,,nrtarta. �■wt■ ?.x,!4 < r,• n.,...�.,a+m° .m.. ..z. _.: .,...r,:,,4Yi}x7,Pfd%'GiArNt7rY.t•'Y'4FaL?%ff1`fXPLSI.'d`KM'.f'�Ud(Md"1E11@'tlSA`!k`72YStSY�`1YSMS6'Y.•i�.F.X:PA>;'4d'!lYdiS7R'; .wltSj� 1re!1{td a ]/�11!�� ..+ ,� n. �:. � _ .. .,.... , �I .. ....... u•..jL.h7■iil.:r.�... 111.U.,.NI,.,........t 1.� t.l :. V:, �r..3,.} n.�}/r���.i.:. :N. , � �,1►Y c��u 1J��(yl�3�4ry� 4 r'4k"tYr,iH3b l:Il,•,ti- yt'. . &� , t r t Na art � � 1re�r� +ing�n.i:1P- P'e4 x`4.1,4 l F..xwr!IRnc9Xr'+l' r![J.J....,♦ 'N.AI M:Yf1i:"i'..0 r:.J/4 /ti, r ... ) rain e a nd a guarante e t : u S:i_,. 1,;{,1r,.Ya:�xn,.1 - I F d t ve of the. Carla Flooring and pp �t ` and also request that a represepta i �I th . I " Carried surface vedb r fi M c i l a't the next meeting on No s be 11 ,� PPear be f ore Council Ltd a b D Rv Jamie son t hat 200 card board s gn 00 Rv Allisan seconded` y P Moved by " at an approximate cost of g • �Jt, 'r; reads " No Parking at any time n Carrie d " . . 1 �T 4 � purchased n8 I . ;, hat, the lolice Comaoaittee authorize t i Rv Allison, t ._ 'r b D Rv Jamie son seconded by L . tar : owed p d to issue sw�nons to vi.olatdrs . r,,, Y r the speed limit in the Town an " Carried , " to ce the P®lice enf o ]A4 i �I , BSI-0 .. - .. - - . 8Y-LAWS . r r ; . ,� . r f . .'Ni, ce the following By-Laws ; k n asked ernlission to ' introdu `' the Public Utilities Rv Alliso • p e ue st ion " Are you in favor of sal e f o,. a Grote oa th q em and Sewage Di s}�o laf�t . li To Provid e t of theiawerage Syst .11 11 .. Commission taking over the Mnagem n of the �dunicip t3�• ees al ill .� -tfs. rovide for pensions for the . employ . To P h Fore the holding of Municipal Elections • was sus ended and Couna l west into i D On not i on , ru le .3 3 P . ;j Chanted and read the first t inae . the lea or in the chair . _ ommittee of t.he whole on s eaond reading, readin of By-Laws . I" I C isi the bltayor reported the second 8 . On co�nittee r that the BY-Law for taking a vote on .t e Moved b Rv Allison seconded by Cr Osborne . Y c Utf lit,ie s Commission taking over the - ue stion " Are you in favor of the Pub1 plant " be laid on the table vuntit x q the Sewage System and Sewg e. Df s po s al Isivageaient �f _ " Carried n Law i s pre pared �, ,, a further By- ra� ai� nhs- ab�_e_, _u nsions for employees of thei-c� a3t . JW1., The $ Law to provide pe ns was suer 8 second and third reading Munic i �1 1 ec ° ,t ,. L' ,.,, „ r. �...,, r. „,i Sf , , 1 ,. ...0_._..t:Jr�._ L1_...�,. _[141,c...,•.}.!_ .•._.__._..-..:L':..._ ..1.._. ._�L: -_. .....L'_L:;:.i�.....:1::�1•L`Iri. _._fl,- _.L7!•:�.['1i Yi.:lr r. The By-Law for the holding of i "' '' . seed and ordered to be signed and seals ,,,. hat Council request the Publ.i c Ut i l t e 9 ' Cr vanstone seconded. by Rv Allison t hove d by ardent consulting engineer to Took into n Commaission to engage an additional filldep Carried ` h0 a matter of a future water suppl3� • at an ' advertisement ,be inserted , in n 11 1.rr 1 w i Kv Allison th 101 D ' Rv Jamie son seconded by b e surfaced roads . " Carried loved y P of to burn ].eaves on th :1 I citizens n warning r . ,4,,t t the Statesman : '1 ._ 1 ad ourned . .} /�-L l/ I . 11 ,, On Motion- Counci J ` ;� , 11- ., I , t •: Mayor.1. : :, • , , . . a.. r ,1.r 1{111 Y'{ �ry r , 4 ti%` r :ir, �.11.. :. ,, ,. . 4� , ,, 1 , r , , i ,, r, u; 1 .f ,. , .j, .1•. 1., „ 4. u , , ) F - , „ a. -'.1,. .,r r .1,..,, .t. - ,.....,- ,,,I.. .'.J... �.. .. l , ..,. ..... .. ,,1. ;.i +.,. ,;. .... 1 I 1,1. . �, 1 , V 4� , �,: -::, ,.: ., .,:... �:.,.. • -., ..:i Y 1 ..: .e .: : ... , :..., .. , <. -.. : .. ,,: X AIL 1 1 rt., t ,. �. .r.. .,r t a I ._ k. 1,.! . ,., .. r...,. ,: :, ...1 ,: r. JY 1 i. P._I .t � yi. -- ..- ..., .,. ... ,.. i �. ,.1 ..1 , } Y . .'i , f , , „- ,Y- x. r, , .- • ,. , ,.. 1 , .- , ,. ,.J.- .,,.. , -... r.. :, I ,. .-. ...-. .1 r ., .. .: ,,.-. 1 r .',:1. , ,:J.,:r. .. - .. .. .. r.: a ... ... , ,. t l .i. .. .. .. .. :: .......1 r .. _.,, , __ ,I _ . o- ,.::. — „ ,. a :: 1 :. r ., ,. .., ... , , ._ ,.: , _. .. _- ..._'' ..,.,.. - <; i „ r. ;` n,0 I.,...._ :: ....,._.r r......w f•W,•,,1.r,., _._. .... ._. a .....t t,.,y .�' ,}. - .I 4' ., - I r :.,. .-,- .. i. _ f ,. 1 ._.. ._r, .. 7, r 1 :.. .. ,;;, „ J, „ .. ,, ,f it I.4, .I. - J,, , _,. ,,„ , „ ..... , ,,,. r I.. , ,,,.,.. , , r r. ,r ,.. ,., ,..,Y.,1 .. 9 _ ., I. 1... _ --__. r , .t rl _ 11 :r. _r r , , 4 e .. , ... : :rk ,,,. r..:.. i., rt .:..:, t .,. ... ._... -. 1 _ ..,. .. , , ,r .c. I .._. .,. .,..,.,_. .. ,,: It __._ .. � ,.. a -„ .. ,:�. -.,-. ,... .:::.... ,. .. ... „ - ,;, ..., :.. .. r -.. ., I.Y.. _ :.. i.: , -. 1 :.. .... { 1. ... ..1... .. 1 .., ...r .::: : r .t:: ...: - { r. ,,. ,. `I :-r .. , ,,: a ,...: ( ,;. ,< rI „ 1 „ ) w r , I -.- .s :V.,1 ,, ,.,. .. ...:...,. ! ,. ,,•. -.,,.. ...�. in I t ...q :_. .-. , r I - I ,1 ... 1:-:-, 1. } V s r r ,.. -1 ... 4 .. ` 1.. I. r , , .:,..,I 1. r 1 _. .., .. ...4 .,....: , t 1 .: .: ..lr 4 I - r r .. ,.. ,.::: r le 1 1 l . .,.. ..,,, t , 0 4...f l ,� .' _ _ : ,,. , , I :.-n `:, ,.: -,.. .... d. a ,1 1 ... f '1. k t, I r i .. .. .:.,e : ! ., ,,... ,i ,. , , 11 , Y �.. 11 I , , .r ,. , a ..,. , r - a 1, r A.1 1 Y. ;:. , „ I 1, 1 ,r, - , :, ' .. 1 , , b '1 ` '1 r'. I I ( 1 r „6 . . ' .: : ....r;.�a,._r.4i ,, ,W,.' r 1�',,,,�/..L..r�//1,,..��1uu..''rY '//�/ _ r;}'ifs• '_; Fi.�LM-� 1 • - dYx 2 t`1° J 'F+ ads• a ?n "t 11 L Z ` P: $;1�4. , , rr r ' I , r Q I .r Nov 7th 'q 1949 � � M, YaCV Council noom t 7 a,ns r a ova date me r s al 1 present exc a pt ink v .. meeting of Council was held on b s were, read •�_ Regular last re ular and spercial meeting Ko N 4120 Allison the mayor presidung . Minutes of g �� Av AN #1 and on motionconf irmed . of the krena .Management Committee sta ng �k Mr Clifford Samis addressed Counc on behalf r p Co .would. address council n 8c 3,u ply 'that a representative of the Gar Flooring ena . ' Ence to installing a permament floor in the r refer e to the installation of the floor . *� 1 Co Ltd. . 7 Mr Appleby addressed Council in reference & Supply s seconded b Cr dale that the Garla Flooring ed . b Cr Carruthers seco y Mov a perm f loot , in the Memorial Y dad the contract for the installation . of p r; be ewer of Oct 11th addressed to the Arena at a cost of r 3899 . 00 as Per their letter Carried fire na Management Committee . e that on advice from the Town Solicitor r Cr Vanston Moved by C r Carruthers seconded by to install a gas pP and tank on the ermri s s i on be not granted to, Let hangue Bros s Carried , P front of their, office on Temperance Ste ( x. boulevard �.n r �,� T4 S l CO 7I CATION c Williams ; Mr Harold �.cDobald r Richard ;Nestawa�;, Nx' Frank, S; From Mrs , Reta , Dudley , s removed in front of their respective d t g t tree and I�x Dona Bo e r e que s ,n o a ro parties a re uests be referred to the Fublic � p P tr th Q Moved by Cr Da le s econ� ed by Cr Osborne the r Carried, a . kro ,e.' Y_ C-ominittee with power to . P . .. . . .. . ...... �.. .. . . of.a�t on__..a_s. . .a member of the Fire , Brigade * J� __ _ � ] ends referr® tr l r n. . +w 1F b V V ..e ._... ..- ......; .. ...... ..... .. _ _. I.w ry. ... r :e :re s� .. ua: h�tn i.,.,. r la:n ..: • ,.. .- ;,. .. ,. :(�'}j ... r.(/Iy�. .q(/��.r I ::-..»� .- ,, rry16.s. ( -tr/.,Dar�, 7k f1Y 1. ,. '{N'! ` rr t�e r� V�•-��[�.� � �� VA' �/,\�� ! . .k r ..4Y.raiG.rA._.t1.4, _tf r,a. i,!'L.V:n ...lt,J ...v.4 n..r IL....{t5`M.r Yr liV YN.tF sl!_ .i FY...l.. YN♦A.d!7i M...,..x A3.[ ••. r d b C r C ar rLl T G V y D r'Y h r ;, ova �arLr ' M Y ee to be dealt with . I :r Comm tt tsti,r� that as ��c A .H . Bi�cke�. l Fire of the Fire Brigader s g From Nr F . L . Calvet , Secretary case of , f ire this leaves the, , brigade one man be stet i Qned #fit the dump douse in t0 bring the brigade up to full has to ointed { t and requesting that another member be app s shot be referred to ' the strength . �- Cr Van stone that the matter uthers seconded b,; �' . Carried � Moved r by r Cr Carr cat at:e r t ..h r� Fire ' Committee with power to a rt of committee appointed to inve stig N ues Clerk Cobourg . enclosing repo �, Ret & Filed " :� rom "our:.t {, a matter of a County Assessor . ad j th t En sneer in refer�.nce to Municipal Ro Marston , Highway Diptric g " Rec &. Filed ' , fir � .F . Rec & " From - ons for 19 +9 �� Filed x ropriati t r Na League of Canada asking fora gran e . f �' uincoll,ected ,rr r From vy c, a to setting -up a re,s eveo�c E Johnson , Town auditor in referee From Mr W . Finance ' xe s matter. 'be referred to the to seconded, by Crr Flett theft the �� Carried " Mowed -by Cr Osborne Committee with power to act S accoun --- REPORT mit t i,n sundry , t s esented a report from the seance Comma ee s Cr Vanstone pr account s, amount frig to 13 , '�C 5 !• 2� ount i ng t o 32 22 . 8 and Public Sc hoo 1 Building . m t �� Rec & Adopted . . . as being . c erect and recommending haYen . r cart ed. r of a eal s against the loll Tai ._�::.,...�r_. ...�...�.. Cr Darch that the , matte Moved by Crr D&le seconded by who wish' to do so :�to app�a 1 , Committee and to advi s+e 8ny �� Carried " re rl:nbe�rc,. r f er .r red rt-a the nanc U Rebi s ion . - - , before the C our t of LASS e f o l lows ng By-Laws • rmission t o ntroduce th sked e , electors for essentr at Dp Rv Jamieson a sign of roposed By-Law No 1491, to th •1•o provide -for the submis P s —' the next ensuing Municipal Elections . the 1Jublic Utilitie To rovide for, placing the managemen of -t he Sewerage System under P wout Commission . le was. suspended and Council - sad the f irst time . On motion ru 3 e chair. , on eom�aittee Granted and r le on second reading the Mayor in th into aom�nittee of the who dreading with all blanks filled n• or reported r the rsecon stem under the rising the May the management of the sewerage sY The B -Law to provide for placing F ssion was laid on the table . s Com��i _ 1 to the a lectors at Public Utilitie a submi ssion of proposed By Law 149 _Law to provide for th hird reading, passed and ordered The By a sed6nd and t e neXt Municipal election was , given th ' be si ned and sealed . at Mr George Kempthorn Sewage Cr Van st on tO 6 econded by a th x Rv Ja�aie son s D lieu of holidays amounting Moved by P for be granted one weeks salary in n Carried Di s osal plant opera , 00 stmas turkey$ be purchased for to 31 • b Cr Dale that Chri „ i d M D Rv Jamieson seconded yr Carr . rr Moved by P ,> rr Town employees only • Oa Mot ion Counci 1 ad joArudd . „r l r Mayor. WINTIT VOLUIL 7 .r. _ » r r, i .I.."�.� nth 1 psi 1 C ounc it room , sec embe r 9�+9 t %00- R e u la r meeting off' Council wU s held on above dat e , members all present the I� ay'or F "° " 11?Q g din hiinutes of last regular meeting were read and on motion confirrled . ° re si The Clerk reported on the result of the r'junicipul election as follotNS ; f +� Jemieson l�ccltior . C, , h:� Son peeve lrorman 1lison , Deputy ��eeve G . F . - • �.ayar L 2 0 2L61. 1 11 Dale . 25 , N . 11 . Carruthers 255; 9 Osborne Councillors • - F .D . Vanst one , , N . L . , s ties Commissioner , '1'� . R ._ atrike , i%Cclamation J . J . Flett 21�6 C . Darch 212 ' lublic Utilities ti . k e t, L .L . Oliver ' at ior. ,� .G . James Dr J . G . Devitt , Mrs ��inona° Clar i }r„ Board of Lduc , , ' amat i on . By -Law , For 29 , �'1�;ai nst 46 , Iv a j or it � for 2,52 . Arc c 1 Y C012'UNICATIONa � Council to take action to investigate, all unused , " `From• Local 189 , U .R . i`,y .1. , re ue sting received information of and have them made. safe . we�: lsthat they have ° Flett that the , matter,matter, be ' referred t o the - Police Moved b Kv t�lli son seconded by Cr : y . , Carried' ' . , r eem advisable _ ed ,,tik r Committee to take action a s they d ,a . ' r From Chamber of Commerce suggesting that trees, be placed on the n streets of the Town during . the Christmas Season . Move b Rv hllison seconded by Ct� Darch that the matter b�e re,ferred to� the' Civic y ' ittee with over to act providing there is no additional -cost and if t e are Comm p subject to the s' ,oval of the lublic Utilities Commission and that the .r: lighted sub PP i _ h i g hr stmas party , .. fort a children , _.� C haYnb 1 ,; r i t - er of Commerce be ranted 0o ,, 00 for �: „ Car Carried i . th_.. would,_b.e',., .pr.o _. _.. . 'y , .... .... _. •IRC4}',�,3 r '` b< }yylSLli!R..Y.'( ArAu.Rtt N rxlS. .rFYwz:lI,VHSr1XA•2vW>;fF.iS.YLI"•1%l1NT.Priu'�`M'dTilU61fr,6d AT.:GI.1:+f1h9X3GAd:4{i'IlN??M.AAnN.Iecus.L41L42LAWa:JW"1VM. ,• r'i." 61Y:4:?if4\' , !r^ •• •,,, -r `:.'.. f ,....:.,•...,4af,}Hgl"A.'G11.y1. �� '� M A RNi`C.1:.SL7YILRIBrItM1trt1D1.RXYti. '1bNttf9l Yf f'dI HLrSL'YT19JC(”rr4W.hl 9.tiTdW,dYECtRRlbdf iWR..°WrM+va'9J4fx]'7J4Pile1WfY73'+4i N4l rRKSArJ}dL3T:+7.^TY.Y9v4Hi\kHLWfi6MF!i"hsAFJ19'rSV/".S-+LY,iStir111K+2'iYK4!22 1N:@ YIAN.iJ.CPdYd4lrft{:�w..,4 ._. -' Holida . a l ubl i c y n rr Dec ember 27th be - not Moved b Cr Vanstone seconded by Cr Carruthers that Boxing Day Mov Y � " Carried t proclaimed as a lublic Holiday lication to the ' Board of Transport ' From Bell . -Telephone Co eneld)sing notice of.' app � ssioners for an interim'' increase in ; rates-. Laid or-11 the Table �ommi slay , in the F om Bickle 3eagrave Ltd , + oodstock, in that there had been-a d,. Fr. the chassis of the fire truck , and will advise, us ' when this is rece ved . 4 ' delivery of Ylt 'Moved, b Cr Carruthers seconded. by Cr Osborne that the matter b,er referred to' the Fire . ,7. � y� v.isable . - r t� Carried n Committee with power to act. as they ' deem ad �:, , ' Toronto st at i ng the coverage for firemen couldbe From �orkmens Compensation Board., , �� �� 000 .00 er annum and asking if the Town ' wishedto 10 z increased from . $ 1500 .00 'to 3 P. increase the coverage e O-sbo'rne that the coverage for the firemen be Moved by Rv Alison seconded by ,, p " Carried'', increased from 1500 .00 to 300.0 , 00 per r annum as from January 1st , 195 Y ,r, osin the ue for 25 . 00 for rent of land at the „ w From Brookdale Kingsway Ltd enc�l g Q for one year and: offering to, , lease the' land for .five years at an- annual rent , Cemetery y of 25 . 00 ` Cr Cerruthers that r the '. Town solicitor be instructed .Moved by' Dp Hv Jamieson seconded by 7 draw u a lease for five yeers protecting the Town if they should require t e a 'to'L p t• Carried ' r ..ex it es before. the l'ea se art e a . P y or 77 . . . for fo r Fire De m nt fir. nt From Fire bia+shall , Toronto enclosing ched�ae f �+ P fo 19 +9 • R Jamie s n th�it e n Carrie r , cheque, .be ,,�ok owledged _ ' -� Rv tillison seconded by Dp v o the che �; Moved by i at ion 1 From Ur Wilton Dixon tend r e Fr ing his re s gna on .as . a member of the fire- brigade * - seconded b Cr Dale th'rt , the , resignation be, accepted . " Carried , r Moved . by -Rv Allison seeon y — 1 i c at i on' to become members of e g ap From Mr Glen Virtue and Mr Bill Stephens making p Fire Brigade . ithat the a licat.ions be accepted subject . to the Moped by Rv Allison, seconded .'by Cr Dale Pp Y, "'Car'ried proval of the . Chief . RT S' ., REFO , presented ' a re ort. from the F nan ce Connittee ; submitting sonar accoun s Cr Vanst one p P, d �ub119 School building accounts amounting to , 5911 . 95 1. amounting t o $ 12 , 002 . 50 'an ' ll , r . Re e' & Adopt f ed a s be in Corr et and recommend ing, payment . ` certi i g BY-LAWNS of 5 of -Law to provide fQr borrowing the sum Iry Allison moved the, third reading B� r'. P,v'x , `. Upon deentures for the purpose of construct .ng an elevated tank as an ,fir. 75 ,000 .00 p erwo rks system ., B -Craw wa 0 then read a third. time , with all blanks , extension of the wat By -Law be signed and sealed . filled in and ordered g a r � on to introduce ro duce a By-La to borrow money forr our expenses . / �.. Kv , Allis asked permissi nci 1 went into Granted a read the first time . On motion rule 33 was suspended and ou the whole on second reading , the I��ayor in tie chair . On committee rising 3 Qommittee of -Law was then read the Mayor re orted ' the second reading with all blanks filled in. By Y P ed and sealed . a second and third time , passed and ordered t o be i gn On Motion oux�a i l - ad j ourried . ,. FI Ma . or or w y .( ,,...i+w......,!iial:.;r.,,.r.+..»,.r.,.;...a'.•ti•w:r.1:w'...•+rAa...'...,..r...•.,,..r..f.'. z` YU LUIS 7 , r, I - '° t.. � , .. , ]�- , • ,t "I I . ._, J _ T %.� . , . r v ' u ` f R *. - l th 1949 1. -- C our c i f F�oom , Dec ember 5 «Mt.� ex t ing } '�«�,. td s a�. l resent e il; 11 Cr ... ' �,�., S ecial meeting of Counc 11 was heid o n above date , rne�nb e r F P I ` P e had called the meeting for general .�.T t e d that h o ���o F�.ett , the l��ayor presiding and sta ; �� f �Y ,. - business and reports of committees . r� .� COr112%I CATIONS .1.�� 3 «1 .... Y r ' ` From Bi ckl a �eagrave Ltd , Woodstock , in ref erence to deliver of chassis for the new - " Laid on the table �� .. fire t Committee requesting permission -re truck { •" man of the Lions, Pub 1 i c i y r From , blr kussell 4ke . chair 5 ublic to the Lions Centre . 1 k, d to the Iolice ,11 from Counc it to erect signs directing the P econded b Cr Dale that the request be referre It . Moved by Rv �illison s Y �, Carried tt Ili Committee with p ower ' to act . . erence t o t he smoke nui s ancet at the dump . i c �; From HealthUn:it in ref 1. ' ' Cr I�ale � that the matter , be referred to the 1u .Moved �by nv� Al��l�ison seconded by �I Carried r. r ` lroperty Committee to- report ,bac r ,I t in r'elference to post sanatorium care for Pa t ient to be discharge From Health uni . r : rom t e .3anat or iuIl1 . , li be . referred to the Civic Cr Osborne that t'he . matter . Moved by Rv 'lliso,n seconded 'by �� Carried '' and relief Co�unittee with power to act about a r e eme nt for c r o s s i ng t he. ' ,, Belleville enquiring g C a „ From S�`upt . n Nat Rly s , u� 'h er, g t __: . the . fire tr he tea are h e 1. t c10 crossin wi r on s truct ed to P Y 1.statti g clerk be, in Moved. b Cr Carruthers seconded by Cr De�le that the for the' Mov d y been unable to s'eeure a rate from any insurance compnay �':k 4we+'..T'+y''•l,Y."J.'.!"'tJ:Y".'•Y'r_2".LYJ.'°'yy'+n..u.�.�.�w..�.� 1 . I - ,wneY�.._.4, stain t _ _.. t hat ,1 we have �il °. .�.',�t,1�p :. e.c ne nt and d wo u 1 d r e u,e st t ha no further ac on ° _�. . �_,. w L ¢ u i r e d i n the ag r . _ _ ._ _. .._._ _ �t _.. _ r r.i e_,c ..._it __- i : : an-ce.. -xe ___ - I ,,. 'y�! l tn. PM.x,Y-,, wA141L: .....•, .__._.._....._.. ._. . _....,_. .__ .......__.... ......_.... .. _ _ '. IT&b i y emx!wuin:.r. aaeYrrr�sr. r.�aox;aar.Yc. _ "*tlN.i.AR+rYWii:4it�.,Y.iV4.P.}:811YISt;i.S>•'&�SS!N�Yry. +, .-..• -. ,• .. .,.,. ..• . r:..: ,A II'', T f_1TJ1 Y."+..ti'V�,,:Xr(,kJtLiYti7J.'AHrL•f+..}YrY.JSI::.YLfNp]5Y!1\r-.•F.SAS}6MP'✓A 3.Y('nTh.IW.Y FF.pJA:,}Y,'tp52 T:..Yci..»'1L,a'•.I/Gr.."vN8if11. �\..M4..t.T4•ftrhJY4.JlA/C S:D'ld ,. J 9.-. I 'll'" "� /� n r.1J iv ,.11 be Goo ar od d Guu r.. .' takeni e n the mat e r ., t h Good yea 'Ys�ts7g , C Dorn R 7 flr KP^ J1 4�1'kdh ti p"i 'yt H aecretar of y U :1 From George Youngs sants within the Town limits a:•'d amend the B -Law to prohibit the shooting of hea to Y nd birds �routh of the `:N R . tracks . w the shooting of predatory animals a also t;o allo I t e Civic' ed b Cr Ual e that the request be referred to h j4 ,'' Moved by Kv ril l i sa n second y .� Carrie d tj : �� j.$,s$C1• 4. r r1 Committee to report back Batts �y�Lond�n ,. asking for one` of 11 p`Y „I3 requesting Council , to write La 11 From I�j,r ;George Young f i .. 'Ij.; it, e`y S I. I drivers when some „ e �i b 1e units to visit the T own h o t s s.t aut ornob i'l e ,,� Y their mo i , r 1 �be�ing held . e:d t o the Civic ,, .' ` ch that. the matter be . referr �� tt °tcv Allison seconded by Cr var Carried s " ij D+�oved by . .11 Committee 'to report back . R SPORT S j;: _.-___ ttee submitting sundry account s 11 omm . �, re ort from the fnnCeg j. . Gr. ,Vanstone �presenteda p 1 ? it I E4 ac unt s amount �.ng - Public ool ui �, ng -- t o 1731 .78 sec op 11 h b di acco amounting $ and �� & Ad e d 'f eridin t ect andr recomm pa�rrmen I as be ing c during' of ex enditure the. rv� omrrlittee s presented, the n reports , A The respective standing c °',11. ear. as follows , - I �� tures short I , Over f 11 Y t . Asti ,&x ends wftv�De artme n mates > ,11 , . 2 g 2 r �+3 1tr . �,t. �.Y .mx W.'! .; _., ._.�.. .,.... �.. - _. __.._. _ _.__ .m. _.. . _ is 1...Y .Y.YR .M\, It1Yl(AkYJ' �+ ,. ..y..,. .................. .. ..�..._.. ._�....i.... _..-, :.... ....... , n . ...'.,._... , , �.. • Fire , • 2 �.0 ,7OC 2. 7�. 00� . 2 ? „ �. o 47� ets 25 000 . 00 7 1 . f Rods & ,,tre , . 2 2 • 3 goo : 00 , 797 . ? 2 9 79 I . y Si11 5 Y . . ver I i 1 n ri tin & �`�d �}. 11 r g 21 „ sr i �. \ g 10 o; . ®gip ? , g�.o • �u`b1i ty 57 . cl 9 roper 99. . , - g 6?9 . 99 . _ 1o1�.ce g , 100 0Or ' 6 230 g . o9 1 =: , 2 40 . 00 ,.�. 2 , 1 g . 1? "C 5 {, ivi.c 2 21 . . 83 . �* r �11 �, u, 2 700:,. 00 ' 227 . 02 .1. {,1 of Reli 2 g 3 0? 9 . 00 .00 9 . ' t 3 , 3 .11 . , Cemetery 4 .11 ,t I 11 , �t Laid on the` table . Commi tees b® - .- at I .th r s, o rt s o f the. sta nd i nF. �� Rv 11 seconded by Cr Dale th e P I "It I Moved by �� son Carried. 1,,, lementar�:e s asked for be'r granted . j: ado ted and the supp etter of Bickle Seagrav+er Ltd f� p Cr Dal e t hat the 1 . Moved by Dp nv Jamie son seconded by ed, to the Fire Committee with power to act . in reference to the fire truck be ref,err Carried "1 . BY-LAN sio.ns for employees 1 1 „ 4_.1' reads of� �y-Law to provide f.or FeA I moved the third and r ordered to be signed Kv Allison . y g B -Law wa3 then read a third time , passed%y ,; .,� , of the Municipality . y Y • a�n d sealed . �: �. that all unpaid Poll 'fax and Doi T x be 1W ,, ' ` one seconded by v llison �t Car ed "1.11 Moved by Cr Vanst C of of lolicQ to issue sumamons to all in arrears . ... handed over to the hi A I I (� n Motion it .d ' 0 ,mmm�C ounc ad 4u me r Y, ' . .. , v I r 1.I�A �M1 M Clerk May or. kl 1 . I I ..11 I, , Y 4 , 1. r ' 11 r ,r`h 4 " 1`0 .' _ i� 1. 'Y ', 4WJwr.�w'.�M,r...M' ...5 ."40;4n1.Yt«MAr:. "W"'J '••ra,r ..• ..« ._..__r-1....�I,.-I_,d,lMrrrt�Man AYN.l1iY.tl�4" .. 11 YULUML 7 x . _. _ 11 •�,, r'1 ,. 111 I 1_:" 'N vi ®r 949 'Co &OHM uncil Room, December 29th 1 cepting Rv Special meeting of , council was , held on abov,6 date members all present ex that he had called the meeting for the %0 Oi 4120 iding and stated Allison , the Mayor , pres purpose of passing . ,a BY-Law * BY-IA#Y AV placing the management , -Law to provide for . C r Vanstone Mov ed the third ..re-adfng ,'of a By tilities coinmissionp Granted and read, the der the, Public U of the sewerage system un sealed * d, and ordered to be signed, and thir'd time , passe On Motion Counc journed'. 11 ad 10'� A., r IV.ayor C k * ;A 4'110"":,11;t it a 1: .2 t -1. F, 4th �-to--.4v,t NNE k Of "r.....nn� MftA A A"ii, At 1 F V�f 6Y 5, , - - "I , " I i�!1114 Xjt t, A% to A�-- Al f! if J "PA At IvA zv.: A, �At FI_ wpu A.I,, Tnfl� --�ffj 77 7' v�! :A oA 4 j A"t '.11,111 0 f A,. i�A A li,�, 110 -,l) V.M i I S "14-t IA, 7t" ,It q IAN -A`fr if % "Al �,c t iAi, t, i A J; jt - . :-,�, " �ii, . - ,!,;�:,,;A A'1. y A, n;f t.'_ W J, A A, ;? it l:I�V IV."o". A,A A V_ Plii `4 A,ve Z ��,A Z-1 I ij I ,I kj T !"tt 12 7"t-'A,Ji I, . ,:�.'.. . " t. 1," - to' r _I%y _, 's j�A: fill ol, -.i A,1p,, ry Ito, j, 'wk. . . ... t j4 -VIi X,4 I,L!A v t V 1, 1 VI 1�i A"" --�i ,---J, p, v I. v 'Fff" j�A N i ..A,1 A, P4,i�-*I�t: i� , , V, , j �:, 4r 1 1. .�4 _,N1 x �.j t 1, ir-1 1, , � ..t� A fit, I A (T v! 41 All U Ak, i'b�'""l, A -I T.kl�,vif,: !TV �S! j'';��'�',�'f��'j, 1, tA .3i i if "ji of w, J*i t V,� j'iiM A I%,; j, 1111�vq A V f." .%'flia"ZI,`#Wit A,-- 91 ik ",�,�q,,i+!� if Iql ,k,� Itii, Ak it c pf V A, l+ 11,"o"i A if jj, 0 IA, k A., 1Y, INV�, 1 1,4,00��li,zl.A�� , -.a:'W"it" V;,, 14;`il 1-1"A A.,10 Ali, 4 Ai�A, Y.h Alt f, Iry A V A p. A i -it 1 X4 A -,,4,�,, i It M, A4 "'t, ('A A)t 4 yl, A A "fl t,ti4i- 'o, f Av i A A lo Al. A if "Rig T11, -y' 161- A-i'j, A 1,!i li,., ,Ot df�f:", A'. 1:'� 6* �A I A -------------- 4C 11110,R,4 11,W��iM- VOLUM