HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948 ,.w, ,....4t'X. 4 5 7� 7r. M, # •.. .m ...-... VS' .. ..n. . "^ ' -2 +r z$v+ !k. ,E � ' �' 4 - ,• 1 . rr r l • i.. R.wut a co ! Council Room , January 5th , 1948 a ural meeting 6f Council was held on above dat e . : The Clerk pre In sented a report on «. ug n %0 " 420 the results of the Municipal Election as follows ; - Mayor , Sidney Little , Reeve , Reeve , Norman Allison Councillors ; L . C . Mason . . R .J o Dilling , A * So Bake r Deputy �Re , , •. Acclamation G F . 1amiaso , 463 , 4 G . James 392 • J Nidder , • L .F . Tatterson , R . y l Wright 294 ' • and of .ducat ion "�'0l iver 3.58 , Mrs Winona C-lare 298 , Rev . J . de , Bo ' ties Commission d . R . Strike Acclamation . Dr J .C . Devitt , 292 . Public Utilities 1 i ,. e taking . the ' oath of office , members elect took their seats and the Mayor called a After a „4 upon Rev . J del Wright to open the session with prayer . sreconded b D Rv Allison that a vote of thanks • be extended to' . Rev . Moved by , Rv Baker y P n Carried " Wright , for hi s s ervi c e s . d4 ! r inaugural address ,welcoming the -new members of Council and stressing The Mayor gave his in gu w the Head for acionomy during the year . - seconded b D Rv , Allison that the Mayor , Reeve and Deputy , Reeve be - ' Moved by Rv Baker a Y P n n strike the standing committees for 19 +8 . - Carried a committee to g ' ker , reported on :ab�e recommendations of the striking committee that the. standing Rv Ba p h i Qommittees be as follows , first t named t o be c a ,man�; . „ . li ng n o , r Finance ; s n Baker Allison . Dili a . ., a�,W...yw. w- ;. .. n ,.. . •. -'i41 _ 'r 'St re*�� �° r. ' •I �!! M!"+ru'Nn! .niyivt'rr.+^w.!*'^(,w«+-«,,. Roads and , .._�.�.. µ�•�.W�.�... .:-. . ' r r:: i I{,_:. (I,r ;•. '. - .. � '•y wr„o,nM„w„e:wr..avrmra«,.rmlrM.nnr..wrnr•mrnrmM»wMni' »r«rwm+.+.=+ar*r*.*er+mi^•^*. - Bak�/ .r ...........+,. ,n.vertmee.�Iwa+w.xrmzmn'e gene+maMa+*n.F.ne,m.-nA...»n,llp ,ow•.,...,...._..... _ ......r...,,....,.....,.,.,..,. ..w,,,.••n.,.wM,.n --Al .. �yy�yy�+� Fire • Alliso Patterson , Allison , James , ;_•• :Police , 1 I, fl art Dilling, Mason., Jamieson w! Public , Frop y , a,r J mes y., Mason '' •/, <<,,t :k,. ( Curia,•• a , Nidder i? Baker Dilling Cemetery ; l�iddery , , , Little James Baker, Al l i son industrial Relations.; _ �I • `` Ja�oaie son Mason, Niddery , 1aMes , Dirll'ing . r, :Court of Revision , f D Rv Allison that the report of the standing L C omonittee Moved by Rv Baker seconded by P h r Carried be adopted . COI M NICATIONS 0th e r ;than n Council for t he it rememt�ranc a of their 5 From Mr and firs N e & Flumm g n & n Rea Filed wedding anniversary . Counci 1 to request the Count ie s representatives to use ` From Board of Aducation asking - o have bar Halter Rundle appointed as Counties re�iresentrative on the their influence t Board . of 4ducation. n a Cr Dilli that the letter b'e referred to the Moved by Cr Fatterson seconded by n8 , C11y .�; n , Carried, Counties representative's . Nx r. • m Mr Lillian F Dilling asking Council to turn over the bell from �i.M C • • u ? ,Fro at i o n for use. as an alarm at Bowmanville Bowmanville to the Bowmanville Beach Associ - " Laid on the Table - r 4 --Beach-*' -- -----' Prom Bowmanville Branch Vanadian Legiion requesting tax ex --on on e r operty-� .C . S Bowmanv ill a be turned over to them to be bell from o n Queen . �t and .that ,. a om laced in the building P b Rv Baker seconded by Cr , James that' the application for tax exempt on +ove d y e finance committee and that the bell be turned , over to the Legion. referred to, th b Cr villing seconded by Cr Niddery that the bell be turned over. ,. Moved and Amendment y to the Bowmanville Beach Association . D AV Allison seconded by Or Patterson that Moved an amendment to the Amendment by p e omsiendation the request be referred to the tblia lroperty C,omnittee to bring in a r en ,• • th q as to the disposition of the bell . " Ammendment to the Amendment Carri®d f' REPORTS • ,. :: . sundry account$ Cr Dilling pr seated a report from the "T nance Committee submitting a ant . . . amounts to 22�? •?3 certified . as being correct and recommending P Y n , Rea do Adopted Community Council addressed Council reporting on the e►ativities Mr A .N. Thompson of he Comm y _• Council for 19 ? asking Council for a grant of 3000900 and to of the Community 9 ry nominate n mamba r of Council to the Community �ounc it . ,�, seconded b Cr Dilliag that the request for a grant be referred o Moved by Rv Baker Y Council 11 that Cr James be appointed a member of the Comunity n the' Finance Committee and " Carried (1 or 19480 Rv Allison that Mayor Sidney Little and Clerk A .J .Lyle i,• i V .. e { 4 li Moved by Rv Baker seconded by iii , ena of employees of the y r , are hereby authorized to certify to the permanency be y y , a � she e " Carried " Bowmanvill lit of the Town of . . s w Cr dde that the Horsey Building be valued, and Moved • � Cr Jamieson second®d by r i � era advertised dor deb. 4 such as a real estate agent and then authority priced b� some known the bu�.ldin � 1, shape as soon as at a s®t rice and the buyer must guarantee to put h 8 P § y h p what the builds will be use d for , price to satisfactory r , possible and to state building .,'. , r 11 , . .... n.•.•a•.rr.r'./r..••......r4✓..w....riw,M r .. .s.l.+._. ++ -.• Y•1NMiY . {W�Y'Iii4 vown ? 7 r 4a f,rt+4v m+SH^ ,. . ...,..,,. ,.. .,x . ," .r„ , ,.: ,: -. .,. - ... :. .. , ,.a ... ...,!r.,.r+'as, ka ,-. ., . ,, ..x ... .�,. `s:, '.s ,r:. •r.k g.1.=' -1 :x' ,, • .. ,.rte. 't ., >;, z ^s.O':u•i"" ..e .,., » : b,'>r. z•S" s.f .a-;°r,., -..,« .x ,.,., , ,-.„ >x?•aVS..• „ a. � - ,..,k:r..a ' t i > , F IL QJVAT A Co. « Council .Room; January 5th, 1948 to Council and,' the sale to be under the supervision of the Public Property Committee , 010 'N 4120 ' " Carried " Moved by Dp Rv Allison seconded by Cr. Jamieson that the opinion , of the Town solicitor be obtained as to the' legality of any member of ounc it purchasing the horsey Bloc n n Carried BY-IAN Rt Baker ' asked permission to introduce a 'By-Law to authorize the borrowing of money for current° , expenditureso t into Granted and read the first time . On motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went comittee, of the whole on second reading , the' Mayor in ,the chair . On committee rising the Mayor . reported the second reading with all blanks 'filled in . By -Law was then .''read. a second and third time , passed , and ordered ,$o be signed and sealed . . On Motion Counc it , ad journed . „. , , r Mayor ke d ....-.,.•......,-+...... !... Ir11�eYM1lwxn+rtnrr++we+e!iNriu.tfMR,nm!Imt?!Y/mNY.uuwllMm•YehS?Mb*'1!!ln1L "N'^'S;TRW+nrsmtam?eA�l gmnt-119er:nrgNl::srCt_1'aevlAhnectmnt!crrzav+vtM^etG':srt: s .ta.rtv^m_c-.,r....'t_. .n....,.... r ••-.• .. ... ;c '.:.h±r.+rHn,:.-M1L'<±?@ rdrm+ronnmrril, ..:TrNew,mUlelre.ren1 n•,mlrnwmlwnneaewwrekas ._-.._... ...__._..._. ___ .....T .. ____-_i:.__.__.. " .•;n• '.' r.._ r. , .. - ,. - b end 5 Council ,, Room, Fe ru��y� , 9�8 . • Re ulcer meeting off' Council was . on above date , members alb. present the �isyor r g , 'presiding . , Minutes of last regular , meet ing were read ,and . on motion confirmed COPZU1gCATZ0N dr" From ' Board of Aducation' stating that the bu lding dommittee would appear before Council z� in regard t o the building of the new proposed , Ontar1,6 St School k. `r{� Moved b D Rv Allison _seconded by Rv Baker that the delegation be heard . " Carried 01 v; r�l x y P rl „4 ` tif'y Mr , 1 . h . Paterson Chairman o$ the bu3ldingb committee .addressed Council in reference • , : approval of Council . to the proposed new school and asking for the ` Moved, b Rv Baker seconded by Cr Tatterson that the Board of education be instructed "jjol u y ` to obtain the approval of the Ontari6 Municipal Board for the issuing of debentures w1 " for tie building, of a new school with the approval of Council ' Carried - s h r'; Moved by Dp Rv Allison seconded by Cr Mason that the necessary 8y-Law be prepared and held until 1 the; ' Board ,,of -&ducat ion has the figures on the, ' amount necessary ta� s - - -- 1 - ' Carried " r erect a new South Ward School . Rev. d .P . Rogers addressed Council asking for a grant for the Fublic Library ' Moved . by' Rv. Barer seconded by Dp . Rv Allison that the request be referred to the y nence Committee : " Carried, " rl` a ,Petition was presented signed by 256 ra tepayers requesting , that the bell from P , H.M .C'. S Bowmanville' be presented to the Canadian h�sg�.o.n . r J. .. .- .. ., .., , -! j r s :. le and 77-77, _77 y n Moved b' Cr billing seconded b Rv Baker that the petition _- e a on e a - p Carried- _ m dealt with under reports . _ tree in t property " From Mr A .1 . Shred requesting that limb on a a r e iron 'o s n - � - - .Cr:. , f d t t h z Liberty St , be removed. Moved by Cr Patterson seconded by Cr filling that the request be re errs o . e Carried " Public lroperty Committee with " power to, act . From Canadian Dre'd e, and Doak Co ,, Toronto , submitting price for repairs to the Honey, Bridge . . o seconded b Cr Patterson that the letter be laid on the table Moved by Dp Rv Allison Y „ n ° information is received . Carried until 1 urt er f From Miss • ` a •� Needs Nin enclosing ,renewals, for liability insurance and , insurance on the . , Town Hall . ,1 insurance be renewed. fora r Noved by Cr billing seconded by Rv Baker that liability - r " premium of 2�.? .2 3 and that the insurance on the he Town be increased to 209000000 "" Carried h '. a Carruthers asking permission.-, cut down some trees on Town property From Mr Wilfrid g P , at the dump on the Tine fence next to his property. % 1z Moved by Dp Rv Allison seconded by Cr Patterson that the request be referred to e c Property Comittee with power , to act . " Carried Publ� p y From General Evaluation Go . Toronto off®ring their services 8s consultants on 3 v C1 assessments . Rec & Filed" ° ers Toronto offers the services of the City Hall to the Mayor and „ From Mayor Saun , , _ , • r ,fir a , + ... Toronto { members of Council visiting • L C seconded b D Rv Allison that a letter of thanks be sent to i r Dilling , k Moved by y P *' Carried" Ma or Saunders and that the letter be received and filed . y From Ontario Good Roads Asso ad�rising of convention to , be' old im Toronto an Feb 24th {r " 1 and 25th and solioiting renewal of membership . . -, .;. ,. , _ .I :r 1{x,'1 ': B • ,, _ ,' i r ' ._..... ...... «.r....i.Lw,Y«r.}.w.wL.{...s:krar..d.!,+.d..xi.r+.w.r.-...,.ur. «,r. 4......µ,u„1,,,.:.1;1 t' t f 4 * •r } 074 ke r;W VOLUME 7 t -' ,:✓lea 44 „ , >n r t ,.-7 _ S _ `tv r • .r` ..-.-•;,x,,., ,3 a,' •,,. ,-: ,r ,-:. :.. ..-»..',. -' ,_,.::" ..,v]° .., ;x, .: .S k .s.,L<. d'. tx.., ,a..,"' , :. >,:- ,. - ,� ,,=; -r°.:':+-sK.• ..7r.;, : ',, =:'"3,`•w,,;: .,, pSS-"`-,. r=.i4 _'." 1";i' ,c',.� `�Mid 1 • , r' 1 x .&&N"�� , .' . , ` •� �� � �ff. r 'Council Room , February 2nd , 1918,` ,SIT �,oved by Rv Baker seconded by Dp nv tillis�on that .membership for 19t+g be renewed at a, ` w° 4120 '' cost of 10 . Q0 and that the Roads and Streets Committee and Road ►cry 2nd , 194t be authorized to attend the convention with all expenses paid . Carried � From Canadian Institute` on Sewage and Sanitation and Association of Assessing Officers i r asking for renewal of membership . - \'• Moved b Cr Dillin seconded by Cr Niddery that membership ,be renewed for 1,9J�8 . , , . o ' Y « Carried " 3- From . Railway Association of Canada in reference to Day-Light Saving Time . �t the matter be refrerred tot the C ivi,c r Moved by Dp Rv Allison, 'seconded by . Rv Baker that Carried ation at the , eetnCommi t t e e t o brie g in a re onaend g , " _. Oshawa' and District Labor Council asking the endor,sation, of Council for From tr' on of r iee control ,1� excess profit tax , � removal of new excise „ ' resolution , for restora i p , `.�� "` � � `� °' � r"� ��1:• � texas and increaseYd exemption �of income tax , y IF Moved by Dp Rv, �Allison seconded by Rv : Baker that the � resolution be endorse " Carried " 14'!, �! From 0 shawa andi stri-ct Labor Council encl os ink resolution to the . Dominion Government 1 r1 " Rec & F i 1 e d'.' ' to permit the sale of oleomargarine I From r J IL �Highfield , Cemetery. Caretaker asking for an increase, in salary . Y) Moved by Cr Di�.�:i.n� . seconded .by Cr Patterson that ..the request be, referred to the , •.Y 4_r � Carried• ._r.. . ...r..r ��tt __.� �- �;1� _.�.,�.,.��:�,,, ..�,.,r,_ • . . . . .exe struck be- considea�w.F i n anc c Comm itt ee to' .._ REPORTS r Chief Venton resented a report of the activities of the 1-olic'e' Deptnfor 1970 �! .� t :; • • r , � F i Rea & Filed of Hooper resented a report from the : 'ire Dept showing fire loss in •191+7 Fire Chi P r . ' present " , Rea 8c •Filed. " of � 3975r000 � r n pre se report from the Finance Committee subnai,tting sundry accounts Dr�asont ed a re, p f� to 2 6'1 . 18 certified as being correct and recommending payment Irr� amounting � 7 {1 r rV h dl It .'„ • p� Rec & Adopted " , � Rv Allis � n �seco�nded by Cr Fatterson t�hat the Clerk be ins�tr�cted to , write »„ Moved by Dp the Town Clerk Port Hope , enquiring the name of the. agent of the Parking Meter Co `` and to re west the agent of the company to , appear before Council at the nett regular , ; � f t ,��I�ti,, 1♦ :, 4 , Garr-ied meeting on March 1st . , !I . ��1 11 r �•��' I �h�s„ • son seconded b Cr James that D+Ir Walter Hall be presented with a Moved by Cr Patter Y .11 the ue fQr I'$ 150 . 00 for his thirty , five, years. service as Constable , with ' the Town -� - ,., � " Carried the' the ue b Cr ; Ptte>rsori , Chairman of the P�liee �r Hall •was presented with q y �` Co�aittee who commended � him on his long and fait service to the- Town , Moved b Cr billing seconded by Cr Jamieson that the price quoted by bir isney orl ., Horsey- Bloc . .r... .Y•. :. ... .., . -k . is acceptable , to Council ..and ,that, Mr � sne� e _listing for sale of the Horse Bl �, Ir,,i • ;� Carried given e�cclisve right of,• sale' , for. a ,�per•iod of sixty. dais . 1 , Moved by, Cr N.i�lder __ seconded b Cr Patterson that the bell , -from H M.C . S . Bowmanville :.._ be laced in 'care of the Bowrnanville Branch of the Canadian Legion and the e. 'Mayo Wand Chairman' of the Civ .a Committee be authorized to make the presentet on. .e1 r � y - ” Carried " Droved b ltv Beer seconded b Cr Dillin,g' that the �ol.ice Comanittaee instructe o warn all ear owners , who park their cars on the street s all night that t s prae ce � � " Carried, .� l discontinued . seconded b Rv Baker ,It the Clerk with the, . assistance of the 'Moved by Cr Mason e y Town solicitor prep a . By-Law under Secton .0�. , Sub-Section 30 of the Munic pa � e r . ,., arena . ' 4 Act rso the appointment of a: Board for the purpose of th erection orb'. 'an � t , " Carried " r . On b�ot'ion ` C ounc i 1 Ad j ourned . , rt , a - e r 7 1 1 r 1. .r ,, , , � ,. :- ..:. .,, � ' :. •, �y }, , r I sue-^• ,, , ,, , ., , I _ ` .r. 4 v ,,. . , / .. .....�.. _.. .. ..\. a .. .. ,�-. .,t , .,• ,I „_e. .. r. -. . ., ..,.-. ,. r y r,um, 4 , ,,•.t< r t..r .. ., . 1 ,•, :... , ., .,, r 1. _ ,,.. .r , t i v ! { � ...:`. -i ,' _ r .r ,.. r-. -: , �..t. ..f.,. ,.. r..✓, ., r:. .., .-- :.J, ,1:.. r:S TT 9� ' 1. FF � t- n '4 : , � , -.:.:. .. ,. ,:.:, 1 .: :♦; r..." ,. VOLUME ? tr� ;t ... n.._ _ .. e e 4 .-.0 a , -. F ix`rN. K >.:x ..� 'i,_:?, .i i' .,:....-+C {t..;,;4„x........,.,,,. F,,:s. 'xe.,"....l ,..s;::;� :_ s S,y r r .Via., .a; , 'SM,.. t 3,. 6-... .,'.,,fit *,K......fr r':, �-..3_ -`ga.^ „ ^�"+. ,,,,..t.„ , r7s; 3'*.^"�'4i s§ .gn.+i, 11 I4 I-.'s:,r. .R5'Y,,;--,# .i,.,tF -s` s,.,<,<! +(.,. 'Y-' ­1­1.1?,,. -a � xsJ-. ., I r_ . , r . '+ �' r - I - - •,. .. I.+.t'< _ I1• mss^_. .. r .'t ' '1S .1 — rr � ILIL�S� - , Council Room , Feb 10t`h , 191+8 r �• meetin of Council was geld on above date , members all present exempting DQ r. . ..... Special g No � •1?o and stated that he had called 'the meeting in regard , , ` . Rv Allison , the Mayor presidi�rg . 11,- . ,,�ft '�'.•' to repairing three houses on Veterans Ave and other bu9iness * , .,', „ moved by Cr James seconded by Cr Niddery that the Civic Committee be authorized to 41 1. ,. z ` 1. make minor repairs to thre® houses on Veterans eve at cost hot to a xc� ed , b0 . 00' and that the Clerk be instructed to write, the . Toronto Construction Corp Ltd requesting 1 • cellars on Veterans Ave as promised to Council , " Carried " b them to repair two. I 11 t ` I `1 loved by Cr llilling seconded by Cr Patterson that the Mayor and Civic Committee e 4 authorized to investigate the Baker , House on Lambs Lane , and report back to Counci 1 . z ' f tl " Carried " µ .';!d r s to 11 1 .- e seconded b Cr Dillin that No 7 Veterans Ave be advertisied fbr Mode d by Cr Nidd ry y g sake sub a ct to "the approval of . the Town Solictot� . " Carried " ' s o ed I b Crl James that the , Town Stlicitor be instructed to obtain ove'd by Cr Mason ec nd Y n second 3t if a ant in full for the. ,, 11 I possession of the ,prorErty of ichard Hatfield , P Ym ,, . house is not obtained by Feb 20th nest . " Carried " rA • : ,1. '11 , . ' b Rv Baker seconded by 'r Jamie son that., an adverb sement be inserted in the.11 t, I s , r Moved y 5t8tesman for an assistant Road 5uperintendant 'and maintenance man , stet ng' age , e ufired �� , Carried " ---� -4 ,._ experience , and sa ary r 9. w _ Moved b Rv Baker seconded b Cr Jame"s. that the Town Sro3.iCitor he instructed to } , ,11....- _..._..__�.. .: ¢._._•__ y Y rapers a Law $rem tTng the___ ._ ro rt �f 'the Canadian Legion, queent'i, rom axes ' �,` Y p p n " Y --4- - _._F - _ _ for one ear= . 3�' • : Moved by sec „ Cr Mason by onded Cr Jamier son Y t ha t,.. t ..a. :e•�e�n -.aw:.•rw... ,err 1 '• ,7,>, increasin the salary of the Mayor to $ , 250 - 00 and that salary of the Councillors t�g n Carried to $ 100 .00 per annum. , . �, R B ker seconded b Cr F�atterson that the Roads and Streets Committee be I Moved by v a Y . �,y , „1 "authorized to. purchase 2 5 tons of r Calciu Chloride'; anew cart for the street cleaner , 11 #r . , . " Carried t�11, an d a new tine for the large Town , truck e ' .11 11 I ,f On blot i on C:ounc i 1 a d 3 ourne,d,. N 1.1. e . , 1, .y .: ,♦ ,.11 C I ,,_ ."' . I � ­­ I I �I I I ., � ...." I . ­ . , I I I. �� . , ­ I .11. 11 , I I... .­ :il : ­ .. .1. 6` 1 e k . Mayor. r,"3 ',,i x. .,$, .. I it ,,11�Itl�� Fe rue r� 2 th- 19 .8 t . Couinci 1 Room, b Y ,,.1 - _ _ . - . �� - nt n 1 - . . 11 -1 I ' , " ' excepting Crs Special meeting bf Council was held on 1 above date members al pre se . Patterson and N .ddery, the Mayor presiding and stated that , he had ,•,called the meeting . . fo'r . the putrpose of authorizing t:he Roads and Streets Co�nittee tom a ' necessary 1.I'll, �: ; n< 1 repairs to thr Honey Bridge : 11,, R_ _ A li son -_that_ tow_--I_- beams _- be__ purc __a as r om r , . Moved by Rv $ekes seconded 1 . y _ - -- _. r . I Frankel Bros Ltd , Toronto ', at an approximate � co st of 920 .00::11, , " Carried " � _ ,. 11 . „ , . i,i , , ' I'> �. - 1 _�_ 0n. Motion Councl radourned . - - -_ - ---- _ . t • I Mayor,' ' ,: , r . r . rt t g 1.�Ij 1. C ou nc i 1 Room r ebruary 2 3rd , 194 „ I I I. 4 Spe:Q iale etirig of Couna i lr wa s r bald . on ar ova date , members all pre sent except ng 1. Crs Dulling and Patterson the Ma or and stated that he had cal d the >.:. Yid#dim meeting ' for t-he purpose of cons i daring estimates and, passing By-Zaw. ; . . , W-LAW rTo 1 0 Rv Baker asked permission to introdude , a y-Law , to provide : for the 19g exp ad tures 11 I on ,Roadd sand Streets IL I en readthe f ir�it tune . On motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went into I .. � ' I Granted d 1 Committee of the whole : on second reading , the Mayor in the chair.- 'On committee , rising ed the s®coal r®adi with all blanks filled in . By-Law was than read . . .. the Mayor report n8 ,f I ` 1. . 1 _ •, a second and third time , passed and ordered to be signed and sealed . r r f .1 - . , ' 0 ��� 11 M r m Motion' C ounc 11 adjourned . g ( , A' �. ,r, ' .. I1 ,,r. it ' - 1 II I,.' 1 r' 11 t , t r ,ij erlf'"~ I 'll Ma or y O 9 't!.. t: t ..,.: ., ,.., ♦. , H., t, =1' ,vY? i)el t: 1, 11 1 _ : .'. ,':. r . :... ,,,.. y_ .t - :,i.' to ,1. I5' , i 1 b,.. ,. }.. 1 r t:. S Y.11 � ' % _.,., "- rr_ t _-_.. _: b i. . ... _ _ .r ..r; �- _ # ,t _ _, 7 1 1 r: ,_ .[ .,.s t .. ,_eta .. ,, ,..a.. in ,, r � t p.. : ...r :c d _:. r.. _ .f .. - .. 5., 1. l ., -,. _, , .. ,. , -, 1. ,.r_. ..,1' „ , > , v e r , ... 'v , f' - ✓ ... ... r , , ... ,.L t. ,, ... a '.,:. : -_ .. , 1 ., kt „ , . ... , , i .. ,. , r } ,1. y / r 1 :.... , .: �. ) ,e ,:., 1 p, i t. :, I. 5 . ,, f ;;, ,• a . : 1 b t.,i.. t I . ,... + i.l ,- - r. e. 1 c,, I. 4 S, !}i ' y . r . fiv r,., f o' {, e,, . y 1 ;1 `f Y,, r t ;, ,',.1 d..t.k ,t, '' - I .. ,.J"..G,«L.AWW,,,,1lbWi�'.•.'J.r:.4 4 +,k dL•.M... 4_,,___.wJww,k4rY•�rr�.-tt I' I �� i, , I�M,11N�{.,,{I .•'S r. ..,.. .....w M,'....oL , jl'� 4 $ �C�LUM ? Tmmwr ..,� st a x r,_ .>. , Z,_._ „ ,_, �_FIR. �_,. W t/- .j 1 I'll f,,( rIII v rat^- , , s," .0 .:?.,.'..^: ,.t^' •,._, s.,- c-, '": .v :'"r.;. s-: ,': .,,x:r _.a.` ,1-.ir, , Ee .µ3`,i:,: r ,. ,9A`a F:.z,.t,,a$ +r+ .i", "f lk-'> .:trpH-?, S r 1 it - S.WW"sea, Counc ii Room , Larch 1st , 1948 Re ular meeting of Council was -held on above date , members all present' the �►ayor, g "° " 420 presiding . Minutes I of last regular and special. meetings were read and, on motion ; confirmed . j C 0 WU NI C AT I ONS m . From Board of yducati on making a ppl cat i on. for the issuance ' of debentures , for 4 150 000 . 00 for the building of a new school on Ontario St . ' ' r Moved b y g Cr Dillin seconded by- Rv Baker , that the letter be' laid on the table until r EI '' .definite cost s' are received from the , Board of ducat ion and that they be notified k r accordingly . ' Carried " . { From Board of Lducation submitting school. estimate's for 1948 as follows , dub,] is ►school .x $ . 25 , 51+5 . 1+1 , and High School 4 -..121+ . 01+ ' Rv Baker seconded b Cr Dilling , ghat the estimates be referred to the ""tFiriance Move d by Y Committee Garried " S .J Coffe s 1 in far the' use of the Council Room for . a euchre on barch t From Rev y PP Y g M 17th in aid of St Josephs, Church : Moved b Rv Baker seconded by �r Dilling that permission 'be granted . " Carried '* ; r Mo v y r From Me s sr's F Ni c erso'n and L Bird complaining of water flooding the cellars and sidewslks of t he it prorerty on Liberty St � Moved, by Cr Niddery seconded by , Cr Jamieson that the complaint be referred to the " Car r iedl!t ��ofid�s._ and..._ po Streets committee with pow to act _... _w._ _.._ _ ewa: of__lnsi: arie� sect F : ;+ -d.- -- . C _,. r r.e.. , _.. .. ,...r.,....... ........_..,..,,,+wry.i•.wnn.�1++,Mw*+MMW�r•�"'•°^�lvYMawRMt 7 ..._,.. .,..r:,.».,....,.., r...,.,µ.,. . ,...,.«......,........ ,..Mn,. v.,�.u.,.n.,.,wsQ ...« r.:n....» «.w..rn.urmlkr' .ncwr.wrrl..It~ ©u11C O r From Mr J' 01 ' Neil , Ire si�dent of Bowmanvi lleo spital hanking ' the .reri`gace for f co-operation in assisti , in . tire at the Hospital Rec & Filedtheir n6 Fran aecretar o.f the . L freventi.on brar Board in reference to the Library grant * F .E .F .E . Vorril l y Y Moved by Dp Rv Allison seconded by Rv Baker that the letter be referred to the Finance r , , 1 m to be de a " Carried erg r ants Committee= " �Ir .R . Strike Town Solicitor in reference to By-Law for the building of , an 1 , f 'From , , arena * f b Rv Baker seconded by Cr Dilling, than the letter be laid on the table to be Moved' y - t u under B y Carried brought p .-Laws: Dr G w . Miller Health Unit in reference to maintenance' of Miss bargaretSleep From , „ } ' Laid o ' the Table " j. ' From Personal Parcel - Service , Toronto , in reference t ' s ending parcels ' to CBeat Br t an - Moved by . Cr Cr Mason seconded b$ Cr Patterson that . this letter 'be referred to the ' Civi e " 'Carried " Commirttee . F /r9 dian A erl for Children Toronto , .: request ng the appointment of a chairman Y rom Cana Pp for the local campaign b Rv Baker seconded b Cr Patter son that Cr James , Chairman of the Civic , . Moved y . Y t n Committee' be appointed chairman . Carried .n er. ..r }w.:}.nr.. 1.}uu,.r5 '.i,.r. m. M:v.:.,r............ . ..,,.. .......;......-.,.... ...... _ _ _.. oft Council o ' their, Ro na for r From Bowmanvi l le Ho s p1 t a 1 r e que at i ng e use. .. e. ._. mmeting1 , on March 16th. y - Moved b Dp Rv .Allison seconded b -Cr - Patterson -that _permiae_ion be granted Carried _ S '� From ' iar 1 Arnputatins of ' Canada , Toronto , asking Council to endorse a resolution +` Increasing the pension, for disabled veterans . �! Carried " 3 Moped b R� Baker seconded b D Rv Allison that the resolution be endorsed . e y y P prom 'Canadian Federation of Ma , Montreal , enclosing account for annual dues. Moved b Rv , Baker seconded by Cr Niddery that , the account be referred to the. Finance �. " Carried n r Committee - d .P . Ottawa enelosi co of letter received from Committee From Mr C . r�a Stephenson , M n6 PY , on Lake Shore Erosion advising of conference to be held in Toronto on larch, 1 an re nesting that ,,repre sent atives be sent . t ' X11 Moved b Cr Dillin seconded by Cr Jamieson that, Rv Baker be appointed to , 'attend the , s ; 3� n Carried" . r :, conf erence REPORTS Mr J .�• : Milne addressed Council' in re erence to parking meters . u Moved b Rv Baker, , onded b�► Dp ' Rv Rv Allison that a vote of ,,thanks be extended t o r „ ,> : y n " meters . . Carried } r , Ksj w t ;r Milne for his explanation of parka.ng m t s for E son resented a report from t'he : Finance Committee submitting sundry accoun T xri,i . Cry P f r,, -be ing correct and 2756. ling and housing accounts for, 77 .68 certified as ,: {f recomme payment . Rao 8� Adopt d Cr Nidder seconded b ICr Dillin that the charge for d&gging graves for a , , Moved by t 1, y y vaults at the cemetery be increased froth 14000 to � -17 .04 Carried Cr James seconded by Rv �aker t hat Day-Light (Saving Time be observed in the Moved by Carried " Town from April 25th to Sept ember 26th. , ' , , 1,`, ;' ,►"t rr R ed b Cr D llin that the Clerk, be instructed t o obtain Moved by Dp v Allison secorud y �. g the rice of a sum um and that the Roads and Streets Committee be instructed to P } p p P o the os�if bilit of constructing a sanitary sewer on High Street bring in a report n p y { ` • this ear . .; -- - ........._....'.'«r...•..., a.•Mawwu..-w r,.. .,.,..r r....7..,. .......... ..-.... ............-...«... Iw.r.rr4-:.•,rn ..w..N.-n I 4: vO % 7 zf _ x 7 v G p .. Dr Nam- ...... J , } .... .� Council room, March 1st , 1948 s of towma nv i ll e 1 b Cr A lison that whereas the ratepayer . o� Cr Mason seconded y l Moved 'by large ,, R ..... tax rate f•or 19�4g , traceable in . ak °' " "20 are faced with a substantial increase in the y be necessary and provided for all residents of Bot.,. anv e ; art to services deemed �o Y exhaustive ; Interest on debentures for sewers including the following which i s not 2 000 .00 set li hting ®creational 0ouncil t 3 , 000 . 00 ) over , and dt sposal plant , str g , Fire rot ect ion ,' R� ads and St re ets debenture the' N.unici lit l olice and P .: net paid by Par y rite and others not here mentioned . 3 Interest maintenan ce and ' renewal . Lake bridge grants , ' .vi lle has been charged Hydrant rentals by the 3t d 'Nhe re a s ° the Mu n i c i pal i t y o f Bownaz► 2 , 00 er . hydrant , 1' nd Wher ea•s it the said Town at p lublie Utilities Commission of off an h drams was ori�inallY instituted to pay R has been advised . that this rental of y eas this charge is at present which has long since been paid . And rYher indebtedness hi . tip• s rate considered to be' inequitable ,* - t at ` thi to the 'ublic• utilities BE IT RE.SOLVLD that this Council earnestly recommend 4a. 10 , 00 er , -F that the annual rental of hydrants be reduced to Commission of this Town a able ' this Council to cut the expected . annum each , for , 1948 and in' future , which will n ov Y e b a roximately one mill . at for i increased tax rat y PP t Commission with request „. � ��n warded to . And that a copy of this resolution be for st 0arried ff l to consideration in ' 19 a mate �s . r early theQe.d and .St _ rep y to s. re is , be t a en n _.._._ .._._.._ Cr 3�atterson thy_.._ .. t ed b e d °�` b - _ r N i d d e r _.._.G_.e _ .,,...,.......„. ..r ._,....r..r.t�r „... . .. ..,.�o�e.d__._._.y__.__._...__...... , . . . . _. ... -_...._ w .�a r ' co _. r .. t.. tt o i T � ' Carried k,�W.�, °���vme.�:,�. n _ .n tO un Mr H Lawson and report back Co r cottage s. on the property of „ r • BY-LAN r ' to rovi de , f or t he . erect ion of an arena : . . B ker asked permission to intrroduce s By Law P e ded and Council sent into Rv a On motion rule 33 was susp n y Granted and read the ,f•irst • time . 0n , committee rising eadin the, 'Yayor in the chair Committee of the whole on • second r � , the bayor; reported. the second . reading w i th ;,. gill blanks, , filled in • By-Lew ,was then laid �. on the table a Darch i iessrs . U. Breslin, � . .. James , and A • conded b Rv Baker that y µ ":l Moved by Cr James se Y cure information in- regard to the be requested to form a , temporary committee o se +� Motion Lostff §ti 1 t r erection of an arena . _ adding , t By-Law w No 923 be amended by in seconded by Dp lv , �.11ison the Y a 15th day of Mov e d by Cr Dill g y , follows ; �,ffect .ve the l5th day of Apr .l to the y Section 1!+ to read as fo be ke t tied up at., all times or � � 'the. Towri��� p a 1 tim t . October in each and every year , all dogs in f, Carried ff ' on leash the - care of a responsible person o int e d as - b D Rv Alliso'n , that Cr Patterson be app "Moved b • Rv Baker seconded Y p for 1�94gr . �� Carried "r _ y e Bownna nv�'i Ile Hospital Boar d representative from Council on th nc•ir,• l Ad J ourne d oOn Mot in Cou t t r `.. . Mayor.- t . , 1• Y , u it R oom , rcauric >' tw h, 1948 've date hers a present the Mayor as held on abo , �mem 11 pr Special meetin of Council w for the , , purpose ' ( ` Called the meeting p se of. sing residin • and stated that he had �a ,t estimates and ” By' Laws one wont hs notice, �be given t oMr,s. Nary Ann Moved by Rv Baker seconded by Cr James that �� r C erne d n then rtment n the Rorsey Block smith to vacate pa b® requested to appear Cr Dillin that the assessor ;r•� Moved b , Rv Baker seconded by g aslad Y his ' as t e Ma or that he w ill have t o do » r before Council and told by h y " Carried down, in' the Assessment Act REPORTS . k tandin committees presented reports of estimated expenditure, ' to,' 194 as follows - The s 6 . 00 CI-vi, a 2 , 600 . 00 , Pub a grope rty loliee Dept, 7 , 000 .00 , Fire Dept g , 39 Op Printing and Adverts sin 000 • , , „ _. 1 , 800 , 000 0 .00 Cemetery 4 9 000 .00 � Roads and Streets 2 5 , '7 ,:55 Laid on, the. Table ff j Relief 2 , 200 . 00 , t e re ort s off' the staning comonittee s ker seconded' by Dp Rv All iso n. that' h P by Rv Ba " Carried r Moved as submitted , be adopted . ommittee be authorized S600 b Cr lemieson , that the Cemetery c Moved by Or Niddery Y •� Carried to purchase one hand mower and one power mower. rt atinview of the substantial Increase Qved by Cr Mason , - seconded by Dp v Allison that { ste to reduce the ,'Public �a t the Board of ducation be reque d n in the 198 tax rate that Carried " b 2750 .00 to 22 .795; 41 School estimat®� y f k®r. asked permission to introduce f ollowin y- e�ws Rv Ba P For the appointment of Town Of f is sal a . ' Roads and Streets *' Tlev , merit of a Su erint endeun t for the / For the appoint p T _ r r r voLUM 7 #g k s _ °y e _ I I 1' , ,.� a� 8 �.. Council Room , 16arch 8th , 194. � . �..:� point of a caretaker fo -the Sewage ' Dsiposal Ilant . 4 «,�« Forthe ik poi went into • �r4120 ted and read the first tine . On motion rule 33 was suspended and Dune 1 1x On committee rising r ran committee ttee of the whole on second reading, -the'' .Y-ayor in the chair the Ya or reported the . second reading with all blanks filled in . By were then .- Y read a second and third time , passed and ordered to be signed and sealed . Cr James seconded by Cr ItilriasQn that the Town lolicitor be instructed to write Moved by r a 4 o b: E • n • Baker for , immediate payment of balance owing on his house t r r the solicitor f ne amounting t o 3700 . 00 leaving a balance of $ 200 . 00 to be withheld un� it on Lambs Ira 0%arried re airs are ma de to the house P b Cr �illin 'seconded by C'r J .mieson that the offer for the purchase of the Moved y, g �, Carried ,t Horsey Block be aces ted subject : to the approval of the Town :solicitor . u 3 t the Hoads and street s Committee Rv. Allison i s on t ha e Moved by Cr 1✓atterson' seconded by Dp snow and -' be author zed to purch ass a farm tractor with all `equipm.ent fo.r loading . r, Carried " I cutting weeds * • 0 ,ad ourned . n. On blot i on Dune i 1 ' sr Ma I r , C e k .. ._.. _ or , K li - .ob KtMI_'R4Nk•,` :: A,.udJ1[Vl. vwH144 nY• v r . nw In W . •. � „ ",r.a.>rr I:..I•, y FA•..+n.w . .. '..,.. ... ,.a - !?qbY M nsrturM S nwmwrprrNS .sN°f!'. Nf l'!r R7!q�..ki'WKaY_�MfIYAMM3s!'ffi•'^^7_. !!if32?'@. ..__.__. ...MM1n4lwY...KMwn??1?..-!C4Yhhft_.__ !`. - r r� w_... Yf � - ..r. �y,1 4�rrwr�� • r_ C�?unc�. doom: �� �,,�t h^'�,' sacs t ng Special meeting of -Council eras ' held ., on above date , members all present p Cr , Patterson the Mayor presiding. and stated that -he' had called the meeting for the ' eneral business . :, purpose of passing By-Laws and g li Anne St Moved. Rv ].lison seconded by Cr James that the matter o! gravelling . Mov . by Dp be referred to t he Roads and Streets C omomitte a with, power to act we of Hunt 5t , " Carried , COMY.MCATIONS t , , r their sta n tat t was impossible to make any reduction in From. Board of Education, 8 'I " Roo & Filed " e stime►tes for 1948 * at the Provincial Constable R Kowal asking pe rmission,. to erect an official . sign From , r entrance to the Town Carried " Hall e ranted . " I Moved by Cr Dilling , ,sego°nded by Cr Jamieson that permission g " o to remove a few limbs from trees in' front w From Mr George B �Bi c kle as king permi mission n . T of his property on Liberty St : permission be ranted on his ow16- 4 Rv Baker seconded by Cr 'Jamieson that perms 8 " Moved by Zarrie d " responsibility* up camp site at Boys . oration Toronto in reference to cleaning From �Yar Assets Corp , I I Nidde that they be adv a ground will be Train ` d s c on y Moved b Be►k ® � isdthatthe y Rv er . I e ed b I'y _ Cr r � Carrie' d cleaned up as soon as the snow Is gobs• BY-LIUS , r following By-Laws ; - - -- _ - rmiss�.on to introduce the e lour ` Rv Baker asks pe nt Debenture and School r . To raise- , by b taxation certain sums o! money for Town; I Cou y, . , 4 purposes for the year 191.80 d f of renumeration .to the Mayor, Reeve , Deputy Reeve an members To authorize the payment r Of C ouno i l,. r o of an arena and the appointment of a Board of Management . To provide for the erects n Granted and read the !fret time On motion rule 3'3 was suspended and Council went ' ttee o! the whole on second reading, the , Mayor in the chair . into aom�n3. s seconded b Rv , Baker that the Board of Management shall be r Moved byCrMaon y n the matter of expenditure 'and contracts for expenditure, to moneys restricted i " Carried " on hand. Cr Df lli that the building site for the arena Moved by Dp. Rv Allison seconded 'by n8 " Carried " i s ail before an building contracts are awarded : �: must be approved by Council y r, Mayor reported. the second reading of Bar-Laws with all blanks On Committee rising the May p Filled in,* reading and laid on the table . By for the erection' of an arena was given a second r . S renumeration to -Laws for raising by taxation ion certain sums of money and , By-Law or ` By seed and ordered to Yes , members of Council were given the second. and third readings , pa A f ,, , • I I; signed and sealed . 8 .: the follow s grants be made , r Moved by Cr Mason seconded ,by Cr Dillilibrary that ' r° r:t. , ' Board 800.00 and Mrs ' George Lyle Ile Has ital 1500 .00 , Publlo a Bowmanvi p Carried k e lire alarm calls . ,, alter th � 500 .©U for looking [ s that the Roads' and Streets employees be i Moved by Rv Baker seconded by Dp Rv Allison " Carried" c t eme�rgenoies 1° granted one half day holiday on Saturdays ex ep in grant I a LUML 7 .._. ,, _. F : n ..• ;.: , tit.,- .-.n.; ::.. •, ....a:.u. f... :.+. ...., ,t x ,.,.. to _ t 5- . w „ Vs xp tt , a, M, . rah 15th, 1948 ' .��. Council Room, Ma k b Rv Baker that Counc 11 investigate the Assessment , Moged by Dp v Allison. seconded y , sin assessments that are too low . " Carried No N 4120 Roll with the assessor with a view of raising write Mats seconded by Cr Mason that the Clerk be instructed to Moved Cr Dilling , l ! that her furniture will be moved out of her apartment M Ann Stmt h advising her h ' S 1 cry - e e that time . "� carried ' Block after April 8th , if mot already moved b for 1 in the Horsey to a } be rants d 600900 ed b Rv Baker that the Community ounc it g Moved by Cr James- second F " Carried " 3 appointment of { seconded b Gr Niddery that the petition for the k Moved by Cr Dilling seco y , " Carried and filed a a Parks Board b e re c e i ve d Moved by Dp Av Al l i son seconded by Rv Baker that the Clerk Abe , instructed to write the as to f ranahi se issued ,to ' Mr ' Gatton for operating a bus Town : Clerk Whitby enquiring " Carried c e in t Whitby * , Y f j On Dot,i on Council ad,j ourne d it d j k mayor • • • , t _ _ . __.__.. _,_ �_._. _ ._. Council ----- ---.---- ___ �, .1 ,.__a.�ove.___.-d€5t,e- ._ _ _s e_nt_� -_the Mayor_ a r m�e r. ul eat►i n of C ounc 3:�. were held on ��nbers_ a. '__-- _ --._.- ,. _ .. . 1-all--me-et N 1'r "w•• 7MOsr116 nlv.:,.vr .i. t.,_ Minute s of ' lasz , , regnleand epe non a _ . s d i o i , re i ng w P ..e r oonf i COMMJNICATI ONS ^l i � .de Piled " e a to si a au tors re port for '1947. ,• Ric { From Mr ��Y .E . Johnson , n n8 Hall 4: Health Unit in regard t o wash rooms in the Town From Dr .. G .�f . Miller , the Public ` ' '. :,"! •., aker second , b Cr •Patterson that the letter be referred to Moved by Y " Carried " A Property Comgiittee with power to act * „ U t in re and to complaints of ' residents' of Scugog St From Dr GX .Miller , Health ni , 8 L1pM W'. smoke nuisance * regarding the smo the Public ed b Cr Jaames hat the complaint be referred to Moved by Cr Niddery second y „ „ Carried mmendation. Property Comm P y ittee to bring, in a reco bus service in 'shit by. ° From Town ,Clerk Whitby , in reference to } ! seconded b Cr. Dilling that the Civic Committee be instructed ,. Moved by Dp Rv Allison y osed schedule f^or bun.- service in the ..Town and to interview Mr Lake in regard toprop y „ d n -- _ 1: °• Carrie . report back to C ounc i 1 . - From Board of education in reference to cost of proposed Ontario St School . seconded b, Cr Patterson that the , letter be laid on the table a ]lowed by Cr ; Dilling ' secon y until accurate cots are obt .. ai ned Carried ' -r others petitioning ioni to have the bridge repaired on the road Fromm DRr Norman -burn and oth r p n8 to the Town dum Roadg Cr ames that the request be referred to the ' seconded b r Moved b Dp v 1 son F y e taken and Streets „Committee, to bring in a reQOmonendation as to what ac on w " }+' Carried t and also pro osed cost for. repairing the bride „ t t , l...... , r y : - s'idents of-�'8ne St pet itioning Council to have street lights instal ts onr From re Jane St RV Baker seconded by Dp Kv Allison than the pet it ion be ref errednto the „ Moved by Carried Public Property Committee to bring in a r®coa�nendation. in ex expression,sion of sympathy " Rec Filed" w From family of late J .T . Hooper acknowledging, p •' essin ' a rooiation of remembrance on their 50th Froia Mr and Mrs J Poolton expr 8 PP Ree & Filed " T wedding anniversary . the road be opened on Runt St between Albert and From Mar .,Fred Griffin asking that P Victoria Streets * ref rred to the Cr Dillin seconded by Cr Jamieson that the request, be e Moved by 8 - recommendation. " Carried •" Roads and Streets Committee to bringt in a s High jt enquiring as to the reason for increase in taxes for • From Dar lfred pence , ig , Q 19 g also complaining of the condition of the road on High ate ' Cr idder that the clerk be instructed to write Moved by Cr Dilling seconded by r y d that the nom Taint iri Mr Spence ea laining why the tgxee have been increased an P " " P P Carried: regard to the road 'be referred to the Roads and Streets Comm ttee . t of rioulture Toronto in reference to the appointment of a eel 4 From Departmen �,g , " on the Table " Laid d Inspector. s Geor a Dilling and Dar D.M.Kilgannon From Dar W o F. ward , acting for Darr and Dar g H oompl.aining of the odor from the disposal plant end claiming damages • u d b Cr Dilling that the letter be referred to the tt Moved b Dp Rv Allison seconds n y �" Carried '£ Town Solicitor to report bank to ouncil G t :3t COMP laini of. water draining onto his property From Dar E • • Mitchell ,,l l , Hun , � OiU from Hunt Me .......... - - ...«..,.u.. CuAe+YwtY.aW .w.i�J4ii1►ebilJt-ik:+i'I'�ta+awn,.w..,... , ..».WLi,.a,lawYwJMt►'*}N'�""i.' YoLUML 7 a?.fl ..-:... n;a.s 9<„.k h> . ..,#x!ZZ.a._..Ffi„x” 5. .S a:•5.,._A,. d`S5 ::-,X'.2.-h^t._.,..,, ,::,•. .!.,.. rkGJ,,A .."'s..,.i` -.s.a.•. .i, ., ,,., xa, .af ... kx ,r.kr,• .. 2.>.. 'r. `.`.5' • ' '+ ..., a s,, �xza xt,;',-r r r ,;,y,' F t•t.� ,„'�n ` •..:" "' .", 3 ^`*'r - •a'#,' `' ..,.a�,'s? „Fi .,it _ . _ rur ,: rt: A' it yq . r . e pl IL*IMRT a So Council Room April 5th , 1918 s con x ed b Cr Nidder that the complaint be referred to the ' « « lioved b Cr Jamieson e , y y j . y Carried a "o " 4120 Roads and 'Streets et s Committee with power to act . { Duke St, ' complaining of water draining onto his property and From Mr George R Heath , Du , p g y requesti that this be remedied . } t � � N b Cr James that the, complaint be. referred to the Roads , . Moved by r idd�ry seconded y am n Carried and Streets Committee with power to act . . " y From Mr and Ire .6d gar Bedford , King St , requesting that a sanitary sewer be installed r g to th it property on King Ste • Moved b Rv Baker seconded by , Cr Jamieson that the Mayor and Roads and Streets Y " Carried " Committee interview them in regard to the sewer . C . � • Ste henson M . P . acknowledging receipt of resolution ' " sec Filed "' - From Mr P `k From Canadian Cancer Society , Q shawa in reference to the appointment of :Laid on the Table. representative from the .Town . Board � : ' From Mr halter Degeer , ' Submitting a list , of names for the appointment to the �r Rec & Filed " �� � of 114magemeat for the erection of an arena . ". i( - , : From Prbetor Redfern and Laughlin , Toronto , enc losing .p18ns' and specifications ;,. , for the construction of a sewer on High �6t . - : RQ Allison that, the lather be �laid on 'the table until Moved � by � Rv Baker seeonded by Op Carried + REPORTS V Vo Cr e report f rom tie C ._._. . T ,a . .. �lisaso n presented nt e d a r P �,e. ma t t e.,e, r. ubmtwt ng> u, . 'y ..,,. r nan- .:na..��.�o�.nt s. amounting to 8011 .79 sand Housing accounts for 30 . 98 certified - as being . correct. z g Rec Adopted" and recommending pa n • 'IL'he Clerk presented the auditors report ,.,for .. 1947 '• rat, s v Baker seconded by Cr filling that the ,'reports be referred to the Finance �+�oved by R " Carried " . , Committee. F to D n �. s seconded b v Baker that the ire Committee , be authorized R • r Moved •by . , p v 11i on y j ; r the• necessary a uipment for the •f ire department amounting to $ . 736900 purchase 4 n Carried " Cr ames seconded by: Cr Patterson that the �'oli,ce Committee recommend that Moved by r s' and other asking restriction signs on King St the present one hour parking sign P ` ; b signs- reading " One Hour Parking 8 .00. A.M. to 6 .00 P .k' . be removed and be replaced y g g b ' that all Kin St be properly marked where vehicles may , be parked and that al s re f and g atel ad oinin King St for one block north and , south, be marked where vehicles a immediately j , ,g L be arked.. The `ommittee also recommend ,that, the street '' signs throughout the own uisy P o date and fined up on recommendation of the ' thief of Folice and all be brought 'up t b t the abov, asking restrictions to be enf or.ced y he Police , Department . j p Motion Lost,e, 7 D Rv Allison seconded by Cr Mason that the rolice Comunittee Moved and Ar_�e n dme nt by p bring in a further recommendation as to the cost of having parking signs changed , • 6 par s ces, marked ' and if the present police force are capable of handling e , - . F A Amendment Lost r4 situation. , b tee r• r t e star Committee , e C em T Moved-by, i, y,,, � ' 'tried Cr N• �ded++,� , _dde.ry . .,se�c•fln , r at a . cost. .of 21 . 2 C authorized to purchase 25 bags of cement 5 r,, 7 p D Rv Allison, that Mr Oliver Roberts be 9ppointe'd Moved by . Rv Baker seconded by P „ .00 per annum. Carried weed inspector -at a salary of 75 p Moved b Rv Baker seconded by Dp �v Allison that the Roads and Streets - d ' treets . Comm ttee .:; :, , . 4 : : • ov y �� . Carried " to urahase 5 culverts and one car of crushed stone be 'authorized p _ s ed permission to Introduce. e -following by-haws ; Rv Baker 8 k. p -: Z . � To ,amend. . By Law No 9 3 To exempt the p roperty of the Canadian Legion from t axes f or, 19�g • M % p first time . On motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went into Granted .and read the fir „ the whole on second reading , the Mayor in the chair . On committee rising Comon3.ttee of. , . reported the second reading' with all blanks tilled in. By-Laws were then the Mayor p r sad a second and third time g passed and ,ordered , to be signed and sealed . By-Law to prov ide for the erection of an arena was given its third reading and ordered .{ to be signed and sealed e t Police Committee bring in a b D Kv Allison seconded by Cr Dilling that the Moved y p dogs sho ld be held and later di sposed of, if not r recommendation as to how the stray g ry Carried n } claimed . M C1 fford Smie i Cr Mason seconded by Dp' Rv Allison that �Ie��rs Sohn F Moved by cat as a Board , of Management for the erection G. end Melbourne Wight be requested to , : " Carrie d- n t of an arena. ' 7 Rv Allison that parking meters be installed � in the r , ! Moved by Cr Niddery seconded by Dp Town for one y ears trial and that the parking By w e c aged . Carried 7 , 3 On Motion Council adjourned « a s, 7777! t e . v77 VOLUM 7 : . ' ^ �,�,:­ I ­ ­. ' ' ' I I I - A Vote - 'of thanks was extended to Y1r Gilchrist fo, I I . 1� I �, ::,�, �,-�,�""',�;_,`i"`i1o`,�,,:,�"_ - I ­ I Moved by Rv Baker, seconded by ,Cr Jamieson' I 1 �!�� ., I ::-, �"' , 1.". .. 1. I I .. � 1 . . . I. . . 1. I 11, . �. . '­ ��"_. � ;;' '. *M!M . . .0 , I I � � - � I . I I I I �I I 'Jpt, t!;, , . I I I .� - . "'! . ' ' . .1_ � ­­ - " ,_ � " . . � � . . I ar . 1. 1 . .. I . I . 1,� I . I , . i , . . Ma or.- to consid_o_3z__t44k, ­ I �, __'__,_� , , - ri All-ison S onded b' Cr Patterson that �r�­, . :, ,� � . , . .. I d wi , nt f I It I ,.,�%, ,. , "!, I'i ,��%� . I � " . .on Motion Gouncil adjourned4f . I I 11 I . I ­ I'd,, - � � fiwiw�il ii������� ;t �,l 0 11 f J 3 3 r k 3 • w� fir. rbu" 1 :. _ ..-_ µ•6v kw i . .z -.� - ...- r , . =3 r , r 1 { • ! r t , 1 IQI f , .a,AW ace Council room Matr 3rd,, 194 s all present, except ing Cis z above date member p ' y :,, meeti of Council was held on al meetings were read Ke ulcer a ul$r and specs Ko N 4120 g soap r the Mayor pre siding Minutes of last r g Patter , , confirmed . k and an motion CATIONS k} front of } 1,, to have , trees removed in Mr ' Robert rt E Evans and bir George t.e requesting ' � r rom 1. t their propertiess Baker that the requests be ref erred to the , Publ is Moved by Dp Rv Allison son seconded by Rv Bak " Carried ' Committee with power to act . Property have the road repaired on Hunt 5t ; From . Mr Fred Griffin asking to h ' {t: . .,t • r e e quest, be referred to ' the Roads . and Moved b Kv Baker seconded by Cr Niddery that, the r q �, Carried a „- Mov Y with t Streets Commaittee wi power act . , r From, Salvation Army asking P er i scion to ho 1'd a '1 ag Day that permission be granted for May . 29th . Movedb Cr billing seconded by Rv Baker P " Carried " D� y z pe- rmission to hold a Tag Day's r rom Navy League asking perms t,ed for June 12th F y b Rv Baker that permission bre gran , c� n Y ! i g s d �. r 1 se co , - Moved r • .r. by n ,i n •1 e o eration of the. sewage disposal plant • _ enclosing 'a report on the P Toronto,, �& Filed From Do rr 0 0 , " Re c �. ._ c_1 o s#n price s.__ for work on '. the ro a s _ - -- 1 s �' Toro n e o c� �. t C h o to • n re t�, . . �.a r_ �?a.v _ .._ _ . _ ._ _ be re f �i1 g _ _..� �. ,t �•,rT. ___._-_,. ...� _- --___ Fro r h_. -�:. � - D os b A son as Ail i ible . r ed v secohded by', ..0 _r Di. - _ 1-1 ng- Mov y P ion� as soon r s �a•rr e�d and Streets, Committee to. bring iri a recommendat p the submitt ing price s f or repairs to the bridge , on F From Toronto 0onstrucrtion orp k ' roadto the Town Dump • e letter be receivedand f sled for by Cr Nid�dery that th Moved by Rv, Baker seconded �� Carried . future 'reference . letters from Mr N •B . nedf ern and Dr d Mr� W.R . Strike , Town Solicitor , enclosing F rom s at the s swag e d i s po sal plant • porting on the condition se Mr Berry re Clerk - be instructed to advise Cr Jamieson that the Moved b Cr Mason seconded by Kil annon that the Town, 3� Geor a DI111ng and bar D. 8 t W .F . Ward1 as solicitor for Mr 8 n re and to conditions at the sewage dsposa -' considers that they, have no liability i g " Carried " c }: plant Ar a ce to claim for Northumberland and Durham Health, ' Unit , Cobourg in ref er n From i ht and Mrs Theressa �illin� the ,maintenance f or Mir erne st main g son that the matter . be referred back to th x Moved b Cr Masonr seconded by Dp Rv Atli y ' - d 'to is• not. now in effect and that . advice e n . r , �' Carried Health Unit since the section re, erne i s said t o be liable for these costs . :1 rer ue sted as to why this Municipality e to the Town providing rest rooms 4 From , Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce, in referenc n Rea & Filed " Fr aes i • the , Townes nc 1 to attend th l and Parking sag spa n t at ion t o C ou i. e ding an invi r e ex t n • - C own erc ber 0 f r Ch am . r i'or - wa.. ., un .,, -From � �ti it show 29th . k be . instructed e o e pl had a on Saturday -tom$ _ d . ng May t y � �r . � r t y Cr`ames ��1-8-t n Move d by Kv , Baker second e d r y s Bible• attend . r Carried em for the invitation and that as many � s po ehool to be helyd in Kingston =n them f of Fire gighters S f From Fire Mar ah a 1 Toronto, advising~ Y d askin Council to send representatives • find out the on April 29th an 30th an g that the ' Clerk Clerk be instructed to Cr Jamieson seconded by Cr Dihling t ves be sent with all Moved by 29th and 30th, that two repres�nta i correct date and if May " Carried " expenses paid . e annual conf erende to be herld ' n zply:. As so of Mayors and Reeves advising of th From 1 �findsor From June 2nd to 5th. 1 d b D Rv Allison -that the Mayor and Reeve. e Moved by Cr Jamieson seconds y F Carried '� r end the conference with all expenses paid * authorised to attend, s to, , his car r accounts for 51 .69 for damue�ge Mr V .L . Y , Toronto enclosing From Kenn Mar oh 26th. b rough road on King St East OR be sent to Miss Nina -E Nead caused y B 1 Moved by Dp Rv Allison seconded by Rv Beaker that the c a m �� Carried for her' er attention. complaining of the condition of the road Tait .Elgin St addressed Council compl 8 W s John , ! ,1 front of her residence . a wised Mrs ,Tait that the road, , , in f of the !Roads and Streets Comtte e d ` ttv Baker chairman would e repaired. uld REPORTS e e submitting sundry ac a,�ou�at s C om�ai.tt 1 . son resentedr: a re ort, from the dance lrg1�•66 certified as Cr Ma P Local �m roveent accounts for i suaaounting to 2393,• 51 nd P Red . & adopted. Pa ent . being orrect and rea mending p 3►m d g that Mr Henry Pawson 1�e advise tit the �doved by Rv Baker seconded by Dp Rv Allison behind the cottages at the west Bide Town i s not prepared to take ov�e►r the roadway n Carried " beach. y S YUL ? Y. } „,7 :•.s` iii t fiT 1 a I Rom Ma 3rd , 194 g .�. .� Council o y ^� mmtteQ be authorized 4 that. the rolice o _s V , R i► lison seconded by” Cr lames . 1 C44. D v 1 e C •N . R . crossing from May 22nd :` }a` i4a 4120 t� MOVed by P the west side beach road gate at th a Carried to put watclunen on as last yeare t ber 0th at the same rate off' pay cad on Temperance c e �t be k to September 3 s J Moved by Dp v Allison seconded by Cr Jamie son that the r I Carried skin on both sides of the street t Committee be ked for straight Pa 8 t the 'lublic Proper y ,mar Cr billing - seconded by Dp Rv Allison tha ,Moved by r the police offices and obtain prices rchase floor covering for " , Carried " given authority tP I fi f or floor covering for the engineers office . a an hourly rate of 70 be paid for f Cr Jamie son th t Moved by Cr Niddsry seconded by " Carried " labor at the cemetery . = la that tenders be called for the construction Cr Jamieson . ved b Cr Niddery seconded by inserted in 0 shawa rdnd Toronto papers Mo y advertisements be in - , Carried of a drain at the cemetery ,, a-cce ted . i ece scarily. P . : the lowest or any tender not n Allison that the r Cemetery Caretakerbe D Rv b Cr ' ,Biddery secondedby P a the flower beds at .the Cemetery . .Moved y 2 . pp for flowers for n Ccridr authorized to spend up to ,$ storm sewer on 6t Georg son that the matter of the n ' Cr Niddery seconded b� Cr a Carried Moved by tre�t s C o�ittee wit power- to o act ' red to the toads and $- St be ref e r instructed to send a reiatere ovs seconded by Rv Baker that the Clerk be case as the 'town ----:-�. '-_M .. .h.'im t o vacate. .the -_--- _. __ . :�_. _ � S Y e r Ian. �' '4 _, ..r«.^1MHllryr!M'1°l wry p b a \I r Al .vro..n.pVr.ww, a� 1 e� a r a ,• +., ... .. ... ..,„ww..•.,...{....r...s. ,ns+4.,....r.rm.t t.r...wr.wnn .,r,.ww+.pr+....r,. w «wMV .......r r,..ry,. +. ...+..rww. .m ...r«rmrnn .....,. M:vw ,}. r h IIle C re uire s posse by at C cane i 1 W r.. y scion ay t ole . T, �.. �.� eat �r. h s w idder as . ms : Moved by Rv Baker seconded by Cr .r y taking n over the sewerage . system and 'sewage o in re and to their t g ” Carried .. utilities COMMIssi n � Albert al Plant .. Council as a whole, , with Mr r d silos P Allison seconded „by Cr �Dilling thaf for Moved, b Dp v k to f ind out if there is enough room . y at Rotary lark ' pT Cole inspect the Town property the size of , the rink and the road a,llowanAe r; out to, find o the constru ction of a rink and t� Motion Lost " line, ad ourned . 0n Motion Council , Mayor • { rr C 1 ak. 1, y r 1 9 - r ,r , Co , *aY , 9 1�I1C f 1 OOIn t r r r f , , � " 4 r s all ese t c P i g , CF r member. pr n ex e t n � was he;ld on above date , S e`cia1 'meeting of Council: . ' eeting, for general P ed that he had called the m -the Mayor presiding and scat - Dilling., Y be . s Hess . amount of road re-surfacing bu i seconded by Cr Niddery that the same „ Carried Moved b Rv Baker 'er ov M - r y _ .......... ......r._._.. ..., ......_.. ,... .. .. . „f ... .... :enwl ....,.... .-.,........ act. .. e8�r . . Ctad...'to done t,h s- 1 year_ ,a Y he Clerk be iristru s 1 that t . • merit+s-: _ _o . bved b Rv Allison d for .a event 8 inch, c - - � v Cr James seconded by DP ar P oncrete Y, r prices per ,, square Y -- - " C Ct sob i r different contra or obtaining ng P road . COMNIUNICATIONS months" f„ to .o. drrin sulmn :. - From Mr E• � r . JBaobs aPPlYing for per t P e rat e a taxi g the e r from the West Side Bowm�etnville beachs license be granted if he, complies , wit r : ed b Cr Patterson that a 1 Rv Bake second y "r Carried " b, Moved by R the By-Law. ers ti�tioning for a water main on Lovers r an • Kenneth Nick's and oth From bar etition � be granted and referred b D Rv Allison seconded by " Carded " Rv .Baker t� a e P 1 Moved y p . - } to the Public Utilities Coaunission . ' the Town solicitor be instructed to makes Moved b Cr Mason seconded by Hv Be.ker, that a the - west : side beach and that al l y } f er to �lir J .H. Fox to t akeov�e r the road formal of ' a matter � be handed over to the Town 'Sol c or . evious corresponde�nae in reference th �� Carried P� D Rv Allisom seconded by �rJamie son that a letter be sent to the r1 Moved by P Soho col thanking hil for the invitation to the oils Super intendant of the Boys Training end 'entertainment provided at in him on the f Ine exhibit ion atul "� Uarried " house and aongr @� Public the�t the By -Law to amend the a. ' D Kv Allison seconded by Cr Niddery date and confirm with the Moved by p to the Town Solicitor to bring up to Heed th Act be ref erred " Carried " Health Act . to inve st igat e ' i'rovina ial Mr Miller be request a que ste d Allison seconded by Rv Baker and Albert Moved by Dp Rv xisti in the vicinity of Brown n condition e { the matter of the unsa nit ary " Carried Council . s of the Roads d report bask to o ee , streets an P the wa e$ of the emp]. y ` I that g f Cr Jamieson seconded, by Rv Baker Moved by a son 177 7, tl y i a r 3 „''!}, ....... i..r.. a.,.3..MV.+IA:•Jer.4r.+.x-d....y :...... .-,wwY..-.... u . VUL[JMI� ? r '• r rnRy2% u3 ii P 1 x y ^' f 4 r , to 19th , 1948 Lgg Council Room, b y t r hour to r g0 ¢ per , hour of Feet ive as from June s r � an Streets be ,increased 10¢ per " Carried MRCT a k N0 � 4120 v Baker that .the wade s of the cemetery employees e ' Cr N idder seconded by R " Carried Moved by . Y r hour effective as from June , 1st , 1948 • 3 increased 10 ¢ per hour to 80 ¢ per t the Town ►solicitor be instructed to Moved by Cr James seconded by Cr Niddery that M vacate the Town house on Lambs. Lane • have an eviction notice served on YX x . 11 • Baker to '� Carried t the crossing watchmen be paid � b y Rv Baker t ha Moved by Cr Patterson seconded " Carried rate of 0¢ Per hour ., the roads and Streets com�mitte'e be s Moved b Rv Baker seconded by Cr Patterson that MO y r e St at an . approximate co t.--af 70t00 „ A, aut ho r ized to the the ditch on St Geo g �� IJ On Motion Council adjourned'* . : Mayor , �er'k . J r , 19, �g oC dun c i 1 , ro� �n, Ju n e ath't e Ra orr f above of Council was held on a ve date , met ers a. t . r ; : Re ular . meeting g dial meetings were read . and on motion iding �fii,nute s of last , regular and spe _.r__..._. ire s _ _ • NI _::_w_.__._. . . .,.r - ON-, CATI , r r... � - -- .�+iQj/;��iY'ur� '?Jm rwwrM� rt!Uw1.rW �t A\ admi wnvmtrl I N,kMr irc. , r NwNxI.YnMM .N. �..� ,� �'��,r,. �,�orb:... adv�isin of pat ents -being , r'rom. Counties Clerk , s ital Michaels ' Ho p ral Hospital and St ce be checked to see if the . . •Toronto Gene P Rv Baker that the residen r . Moved by ..Dp iO r 'Rv , Allison seco by nded " Carried Town is .liable road on Mann St be gravell&d a nd the re ue st ing• � that the milfrid Johnson , q From Mr , ed to the loads ditch cleaned out . Cr doer the re uest be referr n �t ded by r i y that �. b Cr billing secon Carried Moved y after investigation . report back to Council • Commit to rep s property on Liberty and Streets Comm boulevard in front of hi p P e as to have the, E From Mr E .A . Be el Y , ,y e r' at , filled in and levelled . , ormed that he would: a n that Mr Begley be . inf �t Moved by Rv Baker seconded by Cr Dills g' Carried r; M to have i t done at' hi s own expense Club asking f or. a grant, ;. Young Sec -Treas. Goodyear Rod and Gun , - - _ George ge From Mr at ion. the . the urpose of pheasant propagation.* rant :of 30 .00 be, . made being .+ . for nded that a p by Cr • Patterson at g Rv Baker ' 'seco �� Carried fr _ Move d by var d one en. : ,f era laced on the boule cost of p a asking to have crushed stone or cin p „ �� Ree &' Filed •From Mr Harry Alin g store on . `Diri lion �t . b removed from a tree and outside his St requesting to have a limb. T _-_ BrOW From Mrs Bernieoe uer . n asking that a . ,ditch be filled n • Baker that the matter of the limb bs the ree - _ Rv Al li son seconded 'by. Rv Moved by Dp With owar tQ act and that the mat ter o „ Pe Committee P - �� be ref erred tone Fub :io Proia y atee with power to act Carr .. - r 'referred to the Roads and ' . Streets Co the ditch be r n takin over a roadway to the west s e John H Fox, in reference to the Tow g ., �� Rec & Filed n From Mr be held X beach . to advising of . a . Fire Fighter Training 6ohool' to Fire Marshall .. Torori ' 1 _ From • i It on -_11th'. nam on June 14 and a member 6f the d at McMaster University b : Rvr Baker that the Fire Chief and on Allison seconded y. " Carried Moved by Dp v All enses sid. ,. B i ada be authorized to attend with a exp Fire r g e stir the purchase of rat poi sin fo r G .'J� . Miller , County Health knit , sug� a From Dr cost of g 00 .the Town Dump. 2 lbs be p a, n Cr' Jams tha urehased at • Cr billing seconded by Jamieson Carried Moved by the - to rent Town Hall a d Baptist Church , Toronto ,. requesting , " 1 From Rev J Scott , F orw r P only . for services for period of three months on Sunday . that the. request be referred to the ft t f Moved by Dp Rv Allison seconded by Rv Baker Carried n . Committee with power to act . street arade on lublic property s Club asking permission. for hold a P ' y. Mr E. Crawford , Lion n From " 'Gar August 18th. Cr Nidde that permission be granted . ° Baker seconded by ry permission Movedby Rv amber. of Comeroe asking � e of t he Ch ruin Mr Charles H, Carter , s eeretaryto the Town on the highway at the approsahes ; 1. . � two signs � e ranted and to advise them. to erect 6 Cr , James that permission b 8 „ Carried Baker seconded by ` r Moved by � �v � from the' Highwe1y Depert�Clent • will have to obtain permission, f.r -that they I ' i r VOL UM w,,. F ,_ 4 - ; t�111, - .'"t mom ,•s:; .ter a, z,< .=x i-•",, ,;� �'>yr,"+ Y .vs•`gu>h s --q rbryY--c �.r t� '• > fi I ...Z'­­�, ­ zi�, ,"I�,� I I �- I :�.��_'��­ � ., . §. �,. I _ , ,I ),• - _' v r , , ` •11 „ , i „_ :. ... . r, .: ,1. III 4 ,1 - € ;. �� Council room , June 8th , . 19 +8 ! : Kin st on on �e pt 20th I o vention to be held in g k . �t' Ontario Munici pal As so advising of c n n r �, t.a.� From v 't Rec, :& -Filed, 5 . # _ I . No w ,.,-2o to 22nd aA asking that �repre sentatives be 9en - ,, :, onto in reference to rental housing ! e and Housing Corporation , Tor n ed ” j.11;1 Brom Central h,ortgag Rec & Fil . . , , t�R } } -program : osin account for bg5 . 6 fnr Prepa'rin 1 . i, Z From proctor Kedfern & Laughlin ,in , T oront o encl 8 t. r �, , , °: II ' 'assessment rolls for Local Improvements • a account be laid on the table . . 1111.1.1 b D Rv Allison seconded ,by Cr Niddery that t h ��oved y p " Carried , " Y^ , e to installing swer and water under 11. 4,,,: I L Frona ' Supt , Canadian Nat1 oval. jai lways , in re erenc tracks on Hunt 3t . °be C Jamieson , that the; Roads and at re ets C omYnitt ee j ,y +' t ,., . Moved rby Rv Baker seconded by r taunt St to find outa 1 . o ert owners on the west, side of ' to intervie�l the pr p y instructed v ces , and report back to Councile r , ,, how many intend t o install sewer and wa er set Carried " 11. . I after c are , }o Health Unit Cobourg q, in ref e I I t . A ,. 1 From Dr C . rY . I�,cC.harle s , County , atients discharged from the sanitor um. t at the matter be referred to r the ,. - A ' Cr -Patterson " 1. ded b �v A1Z i son s®cot. y. Mowed by Dp tried r I I . oun b e I the accounts be pa i d . • a Town X01 . c i_t or and d t o . ___. ... .. if f . _..R__..- - _ I .1 .,�.4 p _W r, .. ..,._. , , - -- - sub t t i g sand ,.w . �r _ i t mi sw �,�. ce �o�I 1., _ , . ._ nan tes _. . _ - . _ry._..a-o-c.o.� 1 ,,1 Cr, Mason pre snted a repor frc � tho d _ ,� _ b m rovement s for t� 91 c r � ocal I 0, ed 11 ti�'ie ae n _ ,.y cl,� F;and L p e c Ada t amounting to x+388 ' ? Re P IL 1 and recommending Pa nt iV that the atter of dogs and the keep ng } Rv Allison secon ded by Cr iddery , Move d by, DP ' C nunittee at the next regular , meeting. �� of dogs be reported on by the FolicQ o It, Carried . !,. . . I, ; �u' 3�oor coverings be laid in the I ,I d ed b Rv Baker that the new r f e d Moved by' Cr Dillimg , secon y r Carri vl, police offices and Road Supt office at a cost` of 233 . 40 r �N � hat he wou�,d introduce a By-Law. at the next 4. ,° ' ave, notice' o f motion , !} Cr Jtterson g ��, t., No 1 2 for the apPo'intment of Town 0ff icial s . ,11 I �. ,1` : „ re ulcer meeting to amend By-mow, 45 g R Allison that. the tender of Mr Harry Kelly for Cr Niddery seconded by Dp v 0 F Moved' b� - be aces at a price of 625 .,0 ted t t �.on of a drain at the cemetery P „ n, _1 .e construe Carried ����� ,} th write econded 'b Cr Jamieson that the Clerk be, instructed to ,. C Jame s s y an s I`ve as promis®d / Moved by r 11- - ction Cor asking them to repair the houses on a er L.T I 111. ri Toronto Constru P Car ed` ,1 . possible , as soon asp Streets Committee be � � b RV . Baker seconded by 'Cr ,Patter son that the Goads and Il oved y at a cost of ?5 .r00 only . n t e ditch on at George St uthorized to tale h ! " ' Motion Lost . . Cr Mason that the Forward $aptist Ghurch,. Toronto �� rc .. . Cr llilling seconded by na, June 20th for a 11. . oved y; IA ,, rated the Town Hall every Sunday for three wont soenc 1, be r e. - ---_-- Cried " - - s : 11, 0 00 for the pe at abili rental: of ? d ' t ter of Town li tY - - _",. 11 _- -- rio on D Kv Allison secondedfby Rv Baker that he m - 1 Moved y p 0 Town solicitor for his opini` n abs to repot ac , r t '11 n rested trucks be refe red to he ' Carried �� I. ,, to Council . . J . -- - - I C Nidde t2�at an agreement be discussed w t e ..,, , �. I .' Y Iii �Moged by Cr- Mason � s ecohded by r . for service9 rendered by the Town for which Public Utilities Commission for payment n Carried 1 { 1, . . . 1 ent is \ received t the s,idewa k on Agint between the no pa�rm b, Cr Jamie son tha �� t� b Niddery seconded y Carried - Moved y cr I . C'.P . R . Bridge and Second St be rep81ired . 11 1, . BY-LASH - aw N o 12 3 8 r 11 e_ I ssion to introduce aiy�-haw to repeSll By L 1 went into �I 0 Rv Baker asked perms rule 3 wad suspended and Counei �: ed and read the. first time . 0n motion 3 -Grant the or in the chair . 8n committee rising comanittee of the whole on second reading , y s filled in. r By-Law was then read j.... . Ma or re orted the second reading with all blan the Y P seed and ordered to be signed end sealed • d time , , a second grid that Pa I : 1, O,n Mot ion Councf 1 ad �ou�rned . r I . ! Mayor . } 4 rk.11 R } . , t ar, !! 0,: y, 1 -,-�a O4:.P ,.1 I dP/, 1. • r '; r ..;-, .r , , ... , , . , ya , 1 r r rv> - .. ..... .. I. A , , Ir v h.1 I ­1 r ,. ,!r I , ,.,,:: r.: , ,. .. s'; f :, C, l t :r. 1 - ,,,; it .;_.1 ,r , , ., _. .r , , ,.,,. .. r 1 a ..... .,.- i ...w �- ! ., .. i , v I 11 : i .:i / M ,. ,, r ..,. ,1. , -.. `_,:" ,. �„ ;.., ,. :r, [ .:. :.. is ., � ..,. ., :,. .il - �,A, -:,.t ,. :,:.,..4.r.. .. ,. 11 , , r ....t, ,.L :::' v , i::. .fit .._,r. ,.. ,1. -. 1. _ y ,I. ,, ... ... .1 ,F. ...,,i ...r..: ....r.: y 1 .. ...t. 1 ,,Y. .. " i :.. _, r:.... .: .. I: _i :: , .. ,. 1. .. _. .. .1.. ._.:� IL r,, r. : :..,. r :. r.[�, ... .. v. rl J l , �. ,r. - . ,t ,. -: .. -. .., , .,,:, :. .... t sr .. . s .- ...d - -. ,. :: :, :',. , I ,a - „ - _ _ f t� 11 " ::, r ..t t :: I, .. - ...i r., 1 ,.. r ,. , , , ,.. I .. : n ,. , , : ,,. 'jl..,rl, :,,. 11 .,, !:: v :r. a , ,. ,{. ....�:,.. ,, .S ,,.., Y ,. 5. i - 1S'. I , _ .,> , f, t I 11 ...... .... ...7 l:.: ,... ,;.. 1 ,.Y, ,r.,) ,:.. r ,,q a`!-•,n...w ,., :I,_ .c ;.. ,,. -,a, ,- 1,..; t 6 1 '.i. , 11 : , - , '! r`] , Yr� - 'i :. f �' ,r{ ,'1 ;,_ .. _ , ,,nba7aH1. L +t W. 0..,+..al�..ww..,.r�w.✓..a:..r.-»r.l'w w«,,,a,w..wn;:1,11 rr-«,IM#„i+;w,,.:.«.!.»w , :. t- 1 ' - 1 .. ' � VOLUME7 _.� _ _1 .� ti� t:,, . .� _11,,.. - x,. .:�x�_,11 ;:9k> 1. - T,_ _ k 3� j'.'Y.� {52f '� S - "� � „ _ �x� t- ... - _ .. ., ,. .. _r .. ,_; S r t .x. '��11 ..._..:i:�..9 Vi i:., "2,`+r'f^k'F^3"«N""�frG' :P'��'� - �s5.. ?=�c. �^:&`"g .`sk,.. 3(.,. �' . . ", I. 1 - . I - . �N I .' ; .. .. .. . i , , :, I _ 5 . .«�t.� Council doom June 2gth , 19�+g R ..'* uMrn. y . ' o s lie ld on above date , members all pre sent excepting Cr r. i ,z s ' . . ,11�' especial meeting of �cunc,i 1 .Warr- w .��o a � a or res.idirig and stated that he had called the meeting to' mee i , Ko Patterson th Y P over the . ,* ' I 11�+ � . F . t members of the i'ublic �T.til'ities Commission in regard to them a ng wi h 11 . i .', operation of the sewerage system . - { I Comnittc a and the Clerk bring , C r J me s seconded by Cr hason that the Financs b.oved by a eration for the sewers and sewage disposal plant for „ in a report on the coat of op 11 " Carried " ' t n with the �-ublic Utilities Commission . 11 j another mee i g, Cr Niddery ghat the Mayor appoint a committee of Moved b D Kv Allison seconded by . ., y P r securin a reduction in the price of gasoline � 7 I.to. �sl three to , investigate the matter odi g �� Carried '� ,,; sold to. the Torn and Public Utilities Commission . .x�_ d - - _11 I ... ` t.. , , . - . . . . _ t . M ti CO a u "$O/ 1� on o on Inc 11 d o rase d . =11 • ' ' v . . ,1 .. ,l . . . Ma or I C k .1 y 11 1._zt.. : , ,. . . , a t d:' g 11 Y . ci 1 Room July . 5th 19� r -- - _. :r. 1K _._, ' �oun , , 4 z I e o C lac me in o uhc _ _ , members all presea �xeep Re u g i t was held nn a boar a dt e - g Minutes off' last regular ar�d special meetngsrere r e s d n . e 11 or .11. .. D th �a . 'R Allison- . I - --- conf'ir . __ f r on 1 o r M... .�....�.,�... ,rah �11 ��,. � .. . ed in f ,,11 C11f' CAS �. .1 t o have t lie trees t rimYn he 1. I From I�.i s s edit h r�eeke s , Duke �t , a s ng .I 11 ro erty . - to the Public 1 P . P . o Moved b RY B ker seconded by Cr Patterson that the request be referre I i­az.. M v y a +1 Carried " Q o�moa3.ttee with power to act . property hi a a✓skin to - have a tree cut do�r�m in front of s From blr F . E . i l l i ems , Brc�was . t , g ,l property *rty . erred t o the Pub li c `` Moved b Rv faker seconded by Cr Niddery that the requet be ,�,. y �� , Carried "11 .1 _11111 Froperty Con nittee with.,, power to . act . . the 'Nest _ n Bowman Beach Asso thanking �:ouncil for„ the work done on �, From Secretary , t, Rea & Filed '1 11,l.�ide beach road and - building a new Honey Bridge . e Beach Asso re ue sting to have ' two street lights installed 11 From sec rat ary, 8owmanvi l�1 �. ., ,1.�� at the Cove . to tb.e lublis . Moved by Rv faker seconded by, Cr Patterson a e r q east be re acre t e to re ort back to Council . �+ Carr e, Y . ,Property Coron�itte P ." g that r enclosin deed from l�:rs Fox and requestin i From Nir '�I1. R. trie , Town Solicitor , g 7 n re a d to erecting fence as set out in the deed . 11 fa action be taken i g . 1. 11 d b Cr Jamieson that- the. matter be referred to the chairman Moved by. Cr James seconded y �� Carried gads and St re et�s Committ ee .1.Y t le , of the R i of audit. report on' ' he From Department of Highways , Toronto ease os ng copy r r , �' , expetditur�s on Town roads ,_for .191+ • ferr.e, o dad b Cr Niddery tYat the repot be re d to the Finance 11. Moved 'by, Rv Baker secon Y . . I I Carried " -- - - - Co nitte e , c eani the grounds . at Bo s " Cor Toronto in ref ere.nce to 1 ng uP% e " From War Assets , � , . N, , Training School . R be instructed to reply statin Moved b Cr J'ames4Jseconded by Cr ,'Jamieson that the Clerk Y as far as the building sites are. concerned and that the �oounds have been cleaned up n Carried *+ y what further , they require . I airing as to : q Council to take steps to have victroa St closed from at ion asking- ,,. Front Board of �due�,z_ . r Omario to Duke Sts . , , that the Clerk be instructed to take action . Moved �by Rv Beaker seconded by Cr Niddery , . �� Carried "11 , when necessary. '� St and others etitioning for a seinit8ry 'sewer. on Second St .t From Mr J Brown , �e c and P �'` and T,atnbs Lane . that the et it ion be referred to the Roads Moved b Cr Niddery seconded by Cr James P • Y rt � back to Council with the approximate and Streets Committee to investigate an report , " Carried r' 1. post , Ma 1, , mine . L bor Council soliciting advertisement for Labor Day 8 From Oshawa and stric a Rea & Filed " t . . 1. 4 , _ r ual holidg s . Mr J .H. Hi hfield , C.eets_ry... aretaker , asking f From g C or his annual , y n C cried •' Y 1 « • I ;S ,,W,^ , Y onded b Cr billing that the holidays be granted . a r Moved by Cr Niddery sec Y .1 . ", '` £ , { I ' ll' : , ief Yeast on asking for the annual holidays for the. ]police Force . „ rfed From Ch i� , ., �fiove d by C r let terson seconded by Cr. Jamieson that the holidays be granted . ar of.J ne St addressed Council requesting that street lig 8 t Delegation of residence a . jr, 11 1 . f a r`` I s,a nstai�ed _ �r" t_111 � be i Utilities is would. be installed by the Public �, the Mayor i,nfromed them that ligh i ...' f . . r ,', �, 4`1' soon as ,possible . Commission e►s `r r z._ ,I.- 41. ...w « a, ,, , . -_. ., . ,. I 11, I 4.&: I ' r�11 I 111-1 1-1 1. • a. r...•,v..,. Y ,9.: tr < in F ....'1_t .s ...-t y .. ., „_:a .n N...._ w r aS.. s t t Y _ r - , ' ! 198 1oms July 5th ,,,Co C o u ncil Ro za+ N t � Ile St o«. that sidewalks be constructed ' on Jan se = Delegation also requested f . � Cr 1-atterson that ., the Clerk be instructed to advert , No .��� b i1v Baker seconded b� bove d y a ks on Jane 5t and that the Road Supt supply or ,tenders for the construction of sidewal n Carried f fications o the s e ci on �earnsve ; 1 �� d, • ,� P � � that �t he ditch be, opened uP Disley addressed Council requesting r ession St .: the work would an d Conc ttee advised Nor Oisle that The Chairman of the Roads and ,street s Commi J #�. . � possible * � , . be done as, soon: as p � ' t 1 REhORTS .accounts ce Committee •sub�itting , sundry Cr 1V;ason pre se ed a report from the non rrect and re commending �'' r. ' �• tin • to � �.��.4 . 61�� � c ertif ied a s being; co r �, i�ec &. �dort�ed • rf amours � �'� r � ue stud to. ��♦" -, Cr Jami that the lo'liCe Committee be recd �onded by a son. - ��, Move b Cr James se in st'ra dogs . " Carried �" • Gov y and destroy g Y Tin irn a report , a�s to the , cost of keeping a,7 b the Civic Committee be auichoequed d . _ Cr J 'me s seconded by Rv Baker It hat � n Carried " _ Moved, , y a 0 . 00 for •repairs to� Town house on I►am s an spend up to � 5 at the Clerk be � instructe d to write Der ' , • C soul � bit or e�t�a Moved b e e of 1.5fl • 0 �t r 0 r. � y �`a seconded C•� rDilling f �, uvo�k ; • e st �.ng an additi�na3. . • , . ' •. �N.f$ Johnson , Town Auditor, sing. ce for the 194.8 audit . „ Carried , � ..n... _ _ him: t o • subm t a prr _�1.�.•..-_�Y�.V.,•��r g � _... - ,.: . oil tY18 - r �/Y\(� e --"•-"-----'---F--�'---- ; ! T:d„IR...�•....,.1d,�.,,.. . ... _ _,v:ut. .M,.., :..r , .,.. r,.r. _ rte.��"a... '.:,. .. .r .-.: �, .. :, rr > ,.:.,.p. y,.., I vrAxr�S'It+9r. t tJy,n. '.y. ::. - ,, r., _R1 .,.,t» „ „!!�. x tier ha?; �,r. rv,..« i ��.l�.r• �.,: .,.,,,„".� �.:, A,r, r r : ,. � ~art _ ;�� 9„ u.�._.. .. ��� 1...4 wed f an .__.� � tract or� P - � •,+ ,.; balance of .account, for � Murrell that r 1 " Carried , until the mower i s: received . � � � tlhat the � Fire Co�aittee be authorized .. to 1 +: • , er seconded by . Cr' Patterson n Carried ” dove d by Rv Bak fl a n a r ox imat a cost o f 38s ,45 pure a battery for the Fire ruck at approximate the Civic Committee be requested; to b }�� Baker seconded by Cr latterson tha Roved y \ - • �. , r numbers and street signs . and also the Bowmanvi a . :' •�° � � investigate:, the Ynatter lof street numbs , back to Council . � •' Carti�ed ♦_ j � at� the approaches to the Town and re�ortJ signs r that no Town equipment be rented, , out under R v . Baker �� C 8r r i@ d ” " Moved by � Cr NJ�dd'e ry seconded by , for the any conditions * that tenders be called construction - � . b Rvr 'Baker seconded by Cr Patterson , ed � Foarth St . " Carried " .Mov y h -Street • from Third �� to � , of � � sanitary sewer on High ; �' : BY-LAWS B - s , ,� �r : y . r 1,. r , ssion to introduce the ,ollowing y Law , Rv Baker askerd Permi � Town Officials *, ,. � r • r r - end " B -Law No . 14.52 for the appointment of To soon y a , Road . Su at . • for , the appointment o - No 14.:53 •: .To amend By-Law I � rule 3 3 _'was �:suspended and Counc ��1. went � Grant ed and read the, f first I time. on motion �,� or in the chair.. On co�nittee _ committee of the whole on : second _reading , t e ay • • into c � din with, all blanks filled in . By-Laws were .� rising the ��ay or reported the second rea g w � r � and ordered to be signed and sealed . r 'then 'read a second and third time , passed �%ount ��eed Inspector be r ^ � _ .s n 't ha the Y • : � Rv Baker seconded by Cr F�itters. .r, h . IVioved� by r ois�nr- ivy when i .� Carried nint • svcn • y . 1,1 • ; /j :- - - s ra, any, p , r e ue st e d t o• have the : 0 oun,t y �praye r , P y q 'Go : -; ... ' �roronto add•re s se d unc i 1 submitting, . 7 s' _ 1 _ Ltd �' e . t ,,. rr..rl,N T lrL L?JHJL1Lry1-S1rrS.klTWli.Frllf�r-ti.FL R131Y1>ItID.I, ilt rr lr -),•- , ,F ._. _..__, _ _ � n _-of X11 earn •r,int,e r r , r . , . to for g:2r't���.�,Cflv ,d,eb, e b +��, rr, inter st d accrued in rest � nci al and e x off 24 P , er yea s .r o f _ to 3 % ' for 1 to 10 years and 3 for o .. a able � •�in Bowmanville . • of Bull Gouinlock & Co for the , P y ded b RV .,Baker that the offer e a B -Law Moved by Cr .Mason so y - Solicitor be instructed to' peeper d y r debentures be accepted end that the Town � . I. r n , err fie d " ..,, bentu •C 2 de of debentures . � 4 for the' issue r On Motion Council a d�ourne d � ,{ • , '� � • . � • „ r r tk . 1 r i r 71 I ,.:...,. .r. ,r. _ : 1 r1 Ir Ir , .. :.. • " r :.... , !- it - ': !��' � .,.�� r � r,,':' •:' , _,..... .' .: .. tL l _r .. ,1 ::,qNi. .'� �-, .... } ,,.r-.•-,:.. :,.:fir. c._ ;.,- „r ..,, , .... 1, ♦ .. , ... -.,. ... .., ... r. , .- , .:...: .:.- ,:.' 1 ..:. ':. f :.. a -.. N 4, fl> 1. , -, ,,. M1.:i.- r ,..., ..... r ._ ,. .. 1...... .. it ',: ♦ .: ... r...r'- , i.. r e - -.: ,-„. :{r� ! _,: „ r ,, i , '. .> .':ern.. :, ,,. ,• • r:' _„ ;,.. V .. . 1 h I•. !„ err.... r. , •jt-: ,.... 7 .... , ♦ ,1 .r --,,.., ,. ...._. -. : ..-, :; .,... r .. ., r.,}..-x..141, !t, _ , . ...'+, .,.-,_ .,. .• .. ..: -. -.:::i• ..: ....J .,:.. t:.. ...: ,w-. ':is 1. ,�.. - ;. ..rt. _.. .:: .. + .. r ..r .. ... 1 ....:.rr. , .._, :.. .:.. . .......::... ... ...::. dr.,.,, 1.7r• : :qcr- :,. f.. .., ': , Y.. ... I. t . � • . , ... 11 .... , .,, , , ,.:,. :., '. '.: ;.:._it 5 5. 'a , ) i • 1 ` "1 ...•.,.w.r•.,.ww+t+w+?�..,•b.lYw.+lr,...w..iexrrw.,.,...r:dw.w:rr+'I,I.iL✓cai.iirWH',r1'h` 1_ YOLU'ML ? �� r , a , i . . k s I 1 xn °r -,:n•. :", "` :: ;' r ',:2. s *• Yi' r. •4t+ _ x•,.s:' .r g?. ",',•- r'€i•?.Y w--.l$r r, Nii - x.,'x' Y-•.,,."-. .r ice• ,' 'itau;,' 3 5`=> '`•Y, �- a v r , ...., ..� i Room July 30th , 19 +8 ,. Gou nc ]� � i D t�v 60 °ova date members all pre sent a xc et n� p - one 5 ecial meet ink of Counei 1 was held on ab ' state that he had 'called the ' � I wo N .�ze P son the Mayor presiding and Allison �; nd Cx Patterson , son . meeting to Pass' a Bay aw • BY-UAW rowing of Ce a By-law authorizixi the bor y _. Rv Baker asked permission t•ointrodu , j 0 upon debentures for Local Improvement purposes Council went into1, to 8290 ' 2 000 . 0 p s s ended and mot i o n, rule ,1 e 3 3, was u P Granted an read the first time . On pn � r)7,rittee rising { • d reading the �:ayor in the c'h3ir . committee of the whole on see n g n with all blanks f i lied in . The By law was then , e b' ' or reported the second readin;, i the y t, table . laid on the ], } ; • a the s ecial agreement for the 'purchase Moved by Biker seconded by Cr Dilling t t h . M Y sties Commission from the dealers from "u u st 3rd , 1918 • ins for Town tracks and trucks of lublic Cat of ga so l t in of f set as special discount , , be put ^ Signing the e:greement. for " Carried " s g g C0111 � • CATION .th i �s r 1 Lion n and t Y _ io` t� u a s i rag o• the Town , n h' From Bowmanville Ho spital enquiring as g r 3 deficits in operation of the Hospital . R t the letter be referred to the Town _ by Cr i.hlin seconded byv Baker tha f� Carried ,1.-,.. �- ... v , . ,- ,,,;•,. . . .-- w . snrnrr+wewwer++ aa.nautas .nrnuK. +..w ..M , .,...___ .. _. .pp _ `�L ,,wlr.Ifiy J/JA/ .;: .. : ,. r1 -.1, , :'" •... .. V , . , • .:.tc-t...u<a -,r..:c:.r7"..Ta ,xan.vm.,...n r •J T^•1 / �._ . / .. r, ._ . .._--r ,.ter ,.,..- 'v.s-......• ...._r_.-rur,--'m's 'EF.'<iaraet .cyy�,wu a.. - .... . .._.. ... v .v;crrxru [t On Mot iom,", Council ad journed . - v, .. b�'Iay or ,i rr , J , TC lark Roof Au iot 3rd 19 8 _J J . Council , g � i ft; Bove date members all present ®xc,ept ng r l of s he l d on hr an viler- meeting Council wa d teg s di� Minutes oft last regut� Cr Dillin the M Yor pre i m8 o Allison nd g DP 19 4 , r• . . .- ��R motion,3 a and on coot armed . ' ' $ esi.al� meetings were read p COMKWICATIONS ffin Hunt. St askin F Gr g or a a 2.n der Path and to have the goad roppired . from From Mr , Albert St to �hi s property uest be referred to the Roads and ,� by Cr Niddery that the req Moved by R Baker' seconded *' Carried " Stre ttee with ,power to cot . verni their' eta omom NO amended n8 e skin o have w 1393 From the barbers of the Tovrn asking „• bu9iness • amended according ,to thei hours of Cr James than the BY Law be Moved by Cr Patterson seconded by " Carried S' etition. ,�� n of a t orth p ftioning for the oonstru ctio s dewalk on the' north root residence of Jane 'St pet __- tad and that . the side of Vane St • son that •t he, pet it ibn be gran „ „ - Roved by Rtr. Baker seconded by Cr Patter Carried se tenders. a instructed to adverts .four ' A Clerk level off the boulevard in Froni.•;_r.8ow venv ills Motor Sales asking for per�ni ssion to front of, the it �emperty on King St . e re 11eSt be referred to the Roads and z b Rv Baker seoonded by Cr lames that t h 4 " Qarried :. Roved y o Committee with pourer t act '• ass created outside his F ` , Streets Hotel , complaining of di sturhan From Mr C .*. Jarrett , Balmoral t t night and asking '%ouncil to take action. promises a 6 t be referred to the Police. prams ded b Cr Jamie son that the complain RV Baker see y action has been taken* m loved by on and to report back to Council what a Comacaittee to be slote�d up " Carried " sign n on the boulevard outside his liberty St asking to erect a 6 From Mr 8.w. Pp� roperty• the request, be r the F�ibl a s+, p t eferred to „ ` d b Rv Baker seconded by Or Patterson tl'la " Carried dove F t Committee with power ,to act 1 0.00 for extra Proper y auditor accepting the offer of 5 ' T and From Mr ' w. Z. Johnson C .A. own .00 !or the 19 audit . l•r :. ° ,Fl audit and su eating a tee of 575 , 0 extra for the work on the 197 Mason that Mr J'ohneon be paid 150. 0 b R� Baker seoonded by r ” Carried " , Move d y 1 audit * w f or the apply � " 4�? B Ira intment of 9 he►t t he Cr Jamie seconded by Cr Udder t y , Roved b .00 for the 1948 'audit. for t ed rovidi.ng he annn+il� fee of 5?5 tors be amend p " Carried " 079 .00 , 1948 . amounting to z� k advising of the county rate for ' the hro�aa Counties Clar s►6 Clerk be instructed to write „ James seoonded by Cr Jamieson that the M Carried a Moved by Cr < , a of the 1948 rate . counties Clerk for a breakdown se i nts to the 8MV { , Proctor Redfern and Iaughlin� Toronto eug$eating mproveme From , • ,, _ r , ,' t e r r r disposal plant . .. VOLUML 7 , ,y C1 ._ F f "1. C v,E'»s*r.' ¢.,,, L i:.:IA .t¢ '.'.FL LY cK3:° -.1i3' '�1`4aY;�1 'i' N F'w-:.i L.23 - 4v x-y _ ,4 t. :: F ,r h= 4:I _+. a *,x Y '-' a.,m dti'{ ,, g f wa < ,:" , 4 so .'z ,., .. ­­,;_1',­,4­3,? --10& :"�—_ .SSI 'r,Y-'T".Z ' 41" s: '. •t+ 1s . i, , , \ ... .. , }` _ r - I p 4 • 4• ., p > `n I .1 . , . \"# ,, r t ` 1;,,+ ern ` , '� r / • .. I } A t � .�. ►��� a 1 doom August 3rd 19 8,11 V1, ►�� Coun i , x # x 3 , he b® advi sad that the sugge ations are ` � 1'tv, 1 «« Moved b Rv Baker seconded by Cr Niddery that t y " Carried " , , y t Np N 4Z�D tJyti 117. being oarried out . ILI f :Fl rr IF onto enclosing copy of letter from ldr S .R . Jackman an .; I From Ontario M�tniaipal Board , Tor ore iri the bridge to the Town DuYap . IQr NOr'm+Bn Bwcns i n re f arenas t p±a n8 attar be received and that the aleck -; ldoved b Cr Mason seconded by Cr dames that the 96 1 y the province would pay 75 j I tructed to r�rite the lduniaipal Board enquiring if " Carried " I be ins oat of re airing the' bridge • of the a P reception to be held in Toronto for . 1 From Lt Governor Toronto inviting six guests to a reaep ,I . yj the pri�ae Rinister of Ireland . on be referred to the Civic C Nasoa seconded by Cr Ja�aie son that the in�ritati dove d by r " Carried "Ili �a , eply 11- Comanittee for their attention and r . ���1. V, MV?�` it,� . REPORTS accounts , . ' - tlt'f son resented a report from the flan ce Committee submitting sundry Cr Ma r ,., 4' P correct and reaoao�mending payment . I , amounting to , $� X4282 . 331,1) certified as being r " Ric �C �do�ted. ., n ' e aPP be appoin dog ca �l A. b Cr Patterson that hr H .W . to ItoYed by Cr kason seeroYlded y ees 5 . 00 for Qatahing a dog and keeping the is the following f ' roviding he aeoe tor.. r di epos ing of a dog , no dog- p 6 hours, ?5 Far day for any extra Jaye CLOO _ r suian 4 ,first 4 ces ands - c 1al ircu�mstan . a : _ .to be kept over 3 clear days unless under spa _t - i _ s of all dogs ci si�ue d are liable pay a os 1. n.,�M., own®ro c y #' :.t urrr.,,.w.t•�.H'.r -,.a..•'I,Trnra,.wrx,,.,eawV+vmv.,..nwr+'0,'.ree.T..urew w rr,ur,.mnaaraY+,A"r+"rSkFY✓lN".r, r,.ra .vt ,+iWUl.r,•rv.V.j,\.#'YetY..l.'N IY i- �___ 1 _.. , CShea,-�r.•P ,c. . e:pa, t ,. .. ,,., } nn„ „•,.,..,+w,v%a ,,..ru•mevnr.mwrru,,r..,,.,w.wWk:wWWx'•"" r. {•r •r.rP':.w.xknlY.rtu Ia.,.-ly. !'.,..Ww! ,. r.-w,'+'rr.. Y '• =Y11" .�u,+.^`W:fr" Se111�T11' v,Y,r: '` � jlr 'iYr:'e fir' .. 'r, : ' ..r.� ,..I 1 ... , - . fed b Cr James seconded by Cr Niddery that . t he letter from the Toronto Conatructf on Mo Y Ave be turned over t o the y 11 a to re airing the houses on Veterans 01 Got in `referenc P " Carried ," P µ w' Town, .sol46itor for action . the Clerk be instructed to write Pedlar Cr James seQOnded b Cr. Niddery tbnt e Moved by . y s . •" Carried 7 Co for' rides for ,street sign �` 1 f people and 5.0 . Riverin do P hat the Roads and streets Committee be '1t; Moved b Rv Baker seconded by Cr Patterson t ` ;r,,- stone and to erect a , fence around the disposal 8ut�iorized„ to order n car of aru shed Carried: " 1 f'I - ' �1 r 1 �aI 4 1 ro�cimat a cost of 4.z7 5 :0�0 o r the ,�, f lant at as pp tune the charge f p Rv. Baker - that in t he !'u C Nidde ry seconded by l[o�red by r cubic foot with monvuva®nt s at the a emetery be ?5 per tal.lat ion off' foundations for " Carried " _ : y : I ins 0 11, a minimwn charge of 8 .0 a instructed to write th^e moved by Cr �dason seeon�ied by ;Cr James that the Clerk ion inre and to Toronto for' inforrma Indust and Labor Board , Parliament Buildings , "'' ++ 1 Carried " ' -- .- - Industry .11 'la vaoation pay S riatendant be instructed to b Cr Nidde that the Road ups Moved b Ro Baker,~ seaoaded Y stalls vier on a treat tannin » Mo y the �i'n t ion of a se ' . g 11 obtain petition from Mr Je J.Flett for " Carried w _ - south from Jane ' St . 1 . Roads end Streets Committee be authorized ldoved b Cr James seconded by Rv Baker t ar and re rt buck to Council .it . ;< F I a e the �aatter of aatah basins at ldetnorfal P C tried " tonve st i g t r a Commaission be ,. Moved by Rv Barer seconded by 11. Cr Jamie son that the Public Uti itie s " 1.; streets lights at the Cove nt the west side sac Carr ed t { ,' 11 11 t the ' clerk be instructed to arrange an iris j, tructed to ins tal woo Cr amie son that Moved by Cr lesson seconded by r N .R . at Bellevile for the Mayor and Roads and Streets �, 'A', interview with lac Young of the C : the railway crossing to the West aide 11 t o securing wig-wag system for Colmittee tin regard " Carried" , J ,, ° beach. bar ranted to t he Roads ea d .• C Jamie son that permission 8 ` Moved b Rv Baker aeaonded by r the Cott • Y iri the road behind agee e omnittee to use the road equipment for :r repairing eat s C I . . r " Carrie& " r �i { li on the Wrest side beach. t t t he ahairmietn o! th'e Po ae Go ttee I . ' :,1.-- r ;:. -rr Moved b Rv Raker 'seconded byCr Niddery ha► ' Y o aolleating licenses for amuseme�r�t n�a�i�aes,. r Chia! of Police in regard t V C rr ec� I - interview the . r I a s ,r 11 I on Notion Council I .. .I I I I. 1, � I. . 4 I ,.. . I . . I 116.0"',0 7 . ,. ,V . Y it 11 I . . � I., ,!"!I�ji', • . a Off"• If s '�;; , C a rk. .Ill „;; it I , M (' i , r 1 ' r' .,. ._ - _1. -,t, . . r . { `.1 - - . �t� I' 1 - I 4 , I• •,ins; ,r ,.i4 :1' _, .,. , r _u r Y, , r, ., 1 I , . 1 ,,.: I I • .! J .. ., ....r Y. .11 ,..,... 11x1 Iw, ,� :.r.«. .. r .. '1. lr ,. :: } I r. . r 1. ,, , I a%1 „ , r,. . „ . ...I.. i , , 4 r,.,,. , ,, I"., r !_ _,, , ; z . : . • r t- e ,- . f,. „ .. _ 1 r p ,, r .. „ .. ... _..,... ... .. .....:.:. ..cal ...r. , ,. # ,� f + :,, . ,. ., , a a ,li. .:, I, i, , .,.:. ,:. :: 1. r. t , r t t r:.u., , I 1 v 4. Li I , , r , i r, { ,.. : , ^. r S,.. ..:, i.. ::1. , ::r 1 r r r / , -,..,.1 1 1 .. , ,1.a „ , „ 1 _ . 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"I",­�',1-,,­-,,­,, ,��,.,���,,�i�,!"",:,,��.,,,�;�,,�,, oting of Coun � 'N . !�: ��11,�!�­,;�­-- ,,, , � 11 . 1 � I 1��:���,,!tl�,E"',i 11 -­:,L ­ ­," . , c" -, �,X -, . I I 1,:� l ��:� ��,��,, ..3 ­­ �." ,�, I 1. , .Special m0i --,%P I and stated that- he , had � ,, . I �1'1,1­ ­"'""' , " ="9 I I I � ­ I - ­ P - ­­­, I , , � - jamiesont the Mayor . I � -� 71 11 �� �-'A!,'�,�: % '' . " ­­ I so 1� �­ I � ", 1 4120 -,'I 1,. I ,e­*,:­-­-t�,�: "2� �*A, . wo N n'� and I � ! 1, -�,-`-,1`111' �IL I ­­!�': - "k.111" . . ,, �� Al. lison , ' Cre Ma ' sal plant, * � I_- "I'll", '­,­ . . �, , . I I I 1�%­­ . il;!', �L�.�., � - � ��, :, ���,,,, I I I :-J­.:` ­', � ,:` ,,­ .:, � d, the d1s,v%^ % I .; 1, - `1 I I k~ I I I 11 , :�:­,4,��,-`-,-,�,I,,� . I I '' I I for a " "i I — I �1, I t'�": ' ' , � j'lL I ' � . ­ � 1, L I . , I I I :�:�- ... L, 1 . , _ �. , 11 : . ',�� ,� . c estimat6s I 1"Z I , I - v -" I 1 , � I - ��; �!, . ,, ,� ' ' , �,� .� d . . 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'(q'l I I �1 11 ��L�l ,-I, 'r�'!. �"-""' ' _ "'�'L,"­, . I I I L � ' be given one weeks ­ -1. . . . ­ I L� 1, . L L , . I .. , I . 1�f"L. ,�": ' ­ I I I " . I L I I I 1 ­'­7, ".. . I I � OL.. ­I I-" I I I , . "" :�; ;1", � ' I ' ' � ­ - � . I 41, I '. . , I ,iL�`� ,,� I I .!� . l ­ ,.I,. , ., I I I I � � , I �,:f.��;,"�' L ­�,,;,i,­, ;. ��,­!,�,`,Ii��;, !� . - . I a that . Mr George Kempt horn . . ;-111, I I ­�� . ;;:, �,:, ,- ­ :!, - by Or . J'ame . I WCa riod " � ­ I I 1 : I ': L ' , ' ,. I I onded I ,. . . I ­'L . � 11 -­ '' .t1 '1jI,lf ­L­ � , , . Baker see ,. . . I I .1 r L L." ­ I I ; �Vt I I , ''�;�. .�". I "'. � I .,". � L . Moved by RV I I : ­.� . " L I ,� � 1, . I . , L . ' ; ­ L ' . I I I "'," , . ,V" , : ",,"� :: L' ­­:l" , a to take theme ,� , I r�J'�1'1-11 , . 11 . .:,%`�­ � - 1. I �,il 11, l� I I I ,�. .� .. .: '', I . . . .. ­ , ­ . I �.`A I , if and, when hp, wi she 4J�' . . . � I ,I I �­ ­V L . 4., . L. adv a d . that '*no I.. :li� , I I L .. I . I I"," I .that .'�,,. I . . .": 1 .� ­ �L� ' . , I lvi.­ holidaylls ' Mr , NoB. godforn be ' i 0 �� I V,,I,' L L ­ 1 '­'1­-1'1 -�.' ., .. - r I �­. ' ' L I L, � �,�L"�,.�­,�11­ � - , ' ' Bake � " I L _ __ _____ . ; I ,i­--1­;----.:-� L 11 L . . L, :''. . .� : ling 'seconded. -by. Rv Ome 11 -:,�11 . . .. li, ­. .' :.,!�L'' ­ I- L L" I I I . I ' ' . l 11 ­1 I I.. ­ . . . , L "'­ ,; , by Or Dil uesting him to 0 ' I I - 1' . . - 4 � , . , Moved and req , ­ . .:�­-' ��-�'�'�� '­.'­,L: ;�:­ L . . 'L ­ ��-q I � . ..t1'1k;l . �L:i: , �,,L � 4.. , disposal plant has been burned Lout . . L I 'I I I �:�, I I 11 _ �., . , . " . �­ if the Mot . I �Ss I I , ' ' ­. .11,11. 1 , I— : ' '. , �.­� . . at the - .,. , "", . . . 1. � 11 L ., ,!, , I 10 H,,,p.,, motor I . � ': ,��,!! I , . ,� - '�L , - ­ ,L , , ,�� ,:, " . . I ' ',il 11 I ,�"!V': (L, ­'�, ".1 ;­ , " ' .' . . ore are overloadedo I , I I . I I ��,; I � . ­ lk: ,:,­',,, "';;­L .1 I . 1:77� I , . . � I I I .; . -1 ­ - . nt to find out I . I I . I 1. . I . I :�, . " pla, � I I . 1, . . . . I . . I :1� I . - L spoot the . I I �. I " I I .. I L in I . L I I I . I I - �'� .1 I , �11!.. ­­ill' I ­ ­J11 ' L I� -down .and , L I I . . .V 1 :", , I I I � ' "", . ' ' � ," � �&,- I - ��i ­-I . I I ,� . 1. I .1 I . I - L' '' I "I . ,� I I I I , ,L'L�fl . . 411�11 � -�V'I '1�1,1, ' 'l . . .. ,. . . . 1 . I . . I I I. , I . I I ( 11 - �, , , I, , . I I I I ­� L , . 11 . . . . [ . I I .­ . 1 11 . I I '11, , I I . I I . I . 11 I ,, I . .11 - 11-�. . . �� , : I I I . . 1 I' ll, , . I I ?.,, L , . I . . I , � I I . - I "�:!�" ' ". ,­��,%:..I I I-1" % . Y. C L . . 1 I I , . I I ­:­ V, , L�' . ' .. I . I X1. I . .1 . �'� ,, " ,, I I . 111 , 1 . . . . I - I .. I . I . I I X) . . .1 I I I I I I L . , ­aL'i �� , , 4 ' ' . � ' , - noil adjourned:. . 11 . I 11 0 ee I , - I I �� � ijo". '.''�,��'L ' ou I I I 1: , , 1� I 1,�­. I L. .., . �­ : . � `:' .'� �:­ I ,, � On MotiOD 1 . . . I . .'' . .. . .. I .. I I I (C� 11 . . . ,�, �, I . I . L . I I �t,'��­ , . ­ , , "' 4 Ill." � I . . I L L I . ,. ,p� - . - , I 1� I L I',, �. . I ,; 1 . - " ". �% L " . .. I . I I ­ , ­ '. I . i I I .. � 7­- - I,., 1, - I I 11: I , :, I ,, - - . , , . L;�, . . L � - - I I I I . . I I . I ­­­ I L . I I I , � I . . I L dnkamx� . I. 11- .-I I ....")���', ­­­ I, 'L �, . I I . I .L I. : . . ' . 11 ­. I— . I. . . I . I ­ I . . I , I . ­ 411 I . , I , , , I . . , �L . , , .. I ......­­ ­­ I . L I " . �, , , . �.I I 1. . . . � . .. . ­ I I . , . I ' �'I - ­-­­�­7_7"­ �-------------­. ­­...­... .....,.-­­n­­­... .....",*-*,"-"�"-,z---------,�1--���.�........­.:­­--­­­1--------1.1­1-1-1­-�je1­--­­­...­ ­­­­­­ I ­- . , 'L I ; i , , , L. .11 � I .L L L . - I I I 1.I .. I . i. " ­­ - I I ..�', '�'­;­ - , . . . , . I 1 , 'L ': . �. - . L 1. I- � I :: : : �- I L . ' 11 I . � ,,, I .I" li I . L I I ,I I I . I I I i �­ .. I I.11 ill, I . . I I . . I I I . . . I I ��:'�'l - ­ I '­. .�,- - , ". , ,­­�..�­. I ­L­"�".�­' . , 'L. 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I I .11, �I I : I L'� `""­­1..­­......�...............­­­', ­ .O�Z"­­­­­­I L.I I , L . ­ � I , I I � . I - I . . I L.­ , � I . . ,­ I .­ I I I� �I­. - ­j lL L- -� ��-1 ­ �-I.. L; -I I I . ,. �11,, I ;......1,I 1. ­1 I l.1.1 VZ­,:, ­,_, . L I .�, I ­ I L � - :. '. - . - I .:I .1 . --,l , I , i,, -, � , - . � I I . I , I I . 1 ,4 11 I . I I ,�I � , I I I . V ; .. ... , I . . . I I 11',, I I 1�; L,I !'�(" : , , , , ,. . .11� . I � I 1 . , , I I. ,L . I . � I . , I I I I 1, � ,,11- . 11 I.1 �. L -- I � I . I I I I 'L L , : ,I ��. , I � L . I I I "I I . 1. .1 � - � I :,: � I i� 11 - . I . . � . . L . I. I . . . L I �,�, ,� I Ix. I :V . ' � , I . I . � ; I . I., I I , � I I I . I ;. . . I I . 11�1) I. I I I l 10 . , I I .,�,� 1,­l, . ;11 � . ;,:,;,�l 1,�:'-,� ­ ­ I ,:''!.,V , . .... . . I I I . . . I ,,, I Sept, L ,7 ' 1948 . I ,� : ", V:I":',�`."­�L�- � ' ' I . L. . 4l . .. .. 111 . . ... I L 1: . ". . � I 1�1 11" '., ;, I . I - � � I I % � .1 ,t­ . !, : .:.:, !,.VL:, , , " ' .' , ' I . I . - I �.V­ . 1 I. . . I , . I .. 1 .�., ­� , I ., , .� . I I . . I '. - Pth �, �,'?� I .. ' . L�fllll� l ' V`."� , , .' . . . 11 I . 11 11 . i I.. I 1. .1� . I I I I I . 111. I I . 1 . I il Rooms , , 11 �1. 11� � ' L l'' � , . - Rv 11 �I" I '' ..". ... 'L "" " 1 '', . 11 ' ' , - , � 1 . .. I . I .. I .. ., . I- � I I 11 . 1 , I I . C0%=0 , I �,I I �: : , I I �L I ,. ii VA,4� �­ �:, . ", L . I I I . . . � . ptin ,Dp " � - , sent 6X0e 9 � I ,. I � �,,";�', L ­1,­ ­- , I I . . .. . . I ., . I I I I , I �'! L I . I 1 . : 1 , 'L?'-­­,�,�, I 1L . . L . .,I � ! . . . . moilbers all, pro L L I I . ­ I I I . I I - I �,,j I ' . 'Ll ` �,: , I., 1­1 ­­ I V . n , date ,, - ead. ' 11 "'A I ­ :' 'L" ' I'.,,,o L , L I I I held ' o , above speolim, meetings were , r . : :,",, .1 . . I 1­ ­­:,,,-., ,­� , 11. . I ' I I - . I . I , 11 . , . I Of, 0 il was, 1, -- I I..'­.". ll­ %�".�, ,- , I , �. � ouna � -",'I . L ,.... .� ��''LIL,"I%i�,:I ,,,I I I I . oting I.. gular 4Wd I 1� , , :,��. ­J ­ . I 1, �. I � l6r. me . . ­�,, ,� . ­­ � �­i­�.V,­,`�,,L , . I , Minute of last . re 11 � 1'1'�,'� . I I L . I I ll ltegu ' 8 I . � .`­ . I I. �! � . . 0 L I . I �, I . IV I.. I'll.L I ' I I.... I�� . L;,:.,�,"." � � ..11 I I siding I . I � - . � ' ' " , ­ .. � . ftyor I I . . I - l � " '' I . , �'' .� ,%;";' '�L'".''�"��,f ,.::�,".,,�' ' ,''. . � L . I � the ' I ­- . I � I �: � I L . I ' '.1 11 1 . ' ' ­ I 41118009 imatO "I L . I I , , �- * ...; "- .*:­ . . I . I 1 . .11 . eat 111� . , I ... ''L " I I ­', I L, '. I , . - I �, �. � I do . , Council submitting , �- . l .� V" ' :::�, :�`�'�*'L '�" � . I'll L: , ,l : , " , �,­'�"% "�, , , '' ' ', " � ion confi . "" 11 I . . -1 I I "' . . ':., '", -i,: , "­i I I and , on not rd , of AduoatiOU ' 6ddropsed ; 1- � . I I, . - 1: � . I e, 11 . . . 11 ;�.­­��""L� , 1-'K;i1, I , ­. , . .� of t be Boll e sting ' " I I , " _,�!�' - 1 . r 1. member I hool ' and reVqu . I . I L I � "i"�� - L�, . I , ��, I I . . . � 1 . Pt. �'L - ' ' ` "'- , , I I h, i.'' .. `� ".��`:�'­ � ,� � I . 11; � � ­, .11,V, Alex MeGregorq now Ontario St So I . . ,.,�` L I- "I , :'l::,�:i�­ ­ Ift the ,,��,,, � . . I . 7 �­ 0 - � L , , I ­­ ". '' . i n Of I I I ­ , , � � ' 'i ,�A,: :j, . �� I . I L " %� . � . �. L I­­­ I .1."L :14 : I . , , r I I I I �,-,��,,'; "; . . " . :. .. L��-L;LL�.,� � ' ,� L.. ­ ' I . ' L , . I . I ­ � ,l � ,, L ; . 111- , ','� I 1 . :,l'I., -' 'L L ' ' . � , of * ' - " I I � . ,.�,��`­�;­, !,��'­� .'�';", ­(h I . . . � � e the ,-i ��,.,! ,�­,LL ' .1 instructed to , tak I -1 �. 11 , �, '��;�,l'­. '. ­­ I for the finanoingo ­ ,� , 1� ­ ­ I I - �� I L I I" � ­ I 1 . I , Clerk be I ." " L -- :l- . � ! �,if, -L-.1 -. -V I'll, Coun tbs I � " L il-, I � I t1­1 I I . .1 yCr Dilling that . Carried �, I 1. 4t 1". i I 11 �,:::, I . : , . :�i, �j4"":'i ­L ,"., , Bake r, a ate �", . � -, - .. 1� 1-4 . I ­,'­­"I.I' �,­!".j L I 'L ., Moved by Rv Iti, 1� I ". . I at the Board of Aducations reque ' ' 4 and, asking I . . , '' I . ,a I . , I 11, . I .. . 11 ­11­ L I � , I ''.. , 1� I... .11 I � � -, - L� procedure to me laining, of oar a speeding ou, . Liberty I ; I I ,I " L j­ L L . I ­ � Ll; I . ,L,K,,�* I I I " .. ."L' 1,I I .. necessary Ill. oomp ' be �- �:7',M� I 1. � I . ­��,: iV.- ' ­ :. I ' , at ing that dust ', jayer ,,� LL� ­:1LI �, "I''.."7 . 1 . I I s I A-.1 L ; ­ I L I L V� . , ,V . Mr, 47 Honeym= , � ;,�, ";: ­1 ing, and al 1. ;f,i l', .."L .. %,­L�� � `L "�"�', ' ' ,L � rb speed I I � ,- . '�� : L . i ., that some I I �, I I l * -' '�-,­­:­­, .. I act ion be take L �, � 1, 1. I t� . I ' '�l , I I . 44 . I .: .,"* � . . , ' I �,"";,L ,ll"%""]i,f"�!�"�L"�'� IL . be ' I I I , �� ,i­. 1 1:�L . I.. .. � 1. .. I I ,ard to Speeding � I I �L I .., L� ,!� �4...... ra Lane * jaint in rag I . :.!;­:�� plaood on Love L 'Led " I L l I ��..�,;­�­�,!,­.,L'�......­ I,) I . ' ' ' L .� ,.,L-IL,­ L. , . " Carr I . I L I ! 1 . " .,�,'� ' ' i �, , nded by Or J&X6 Is that the coup ­11 ' -,''­ 4'­ ­. , " . I . I . I'll �,,�­�. ILI - I L . move I ; "I ," . . , 1 . " L I ­ i�­111­­ ­ . I � I . , .4.,i -: I .� '': I . I d by ' ttee with, power to act ' .drawing earth to the Wast " !., . .�, �",�­�! " ... I . : ,: '­:,i_,;ii,�1;­�­L; ' ! ;. ­ - ,* to the Folloe C town truck I .L 1. , ','_"_: -:­- ,�, I ­ � 1 .I- , "I 11�.�;Inl L L . ,L eferred . I I L . ­ . I " � 1, - r I'll � . I 1 - 1 , L -L L I .1 I I I � �­ 1 ,,:il�.t­:,;­ ­�­­ 1, , I 1-� L '­1­11 . I - 1. .: : ,� . ., , I , , .1 ­1 L "'' � I, I L . . L �,, ., L.,-;_,L',��-�fL':.� LL'."�-.'��-�;"".;'r,�;"-�':�... ­"' , Begley . I I" . ­�Lll'�F�L�. - ,.,�: i." � , ,, ur 9 owo I I I V;.��­­��,�,6'47., ­�L. I ., �­,,�::�-,,:", L I .I . red It , L � . I. I I�­ �-, 1, I I ,­., ,, �1. � � � ­��,�­,L,,L",;­� L. L' '�.�, ­�j��."-­""-;'':.. 1 . " . L:'� I ­ . ,i'41. 1-1f�l I � . , 1. ,l. � � ": 11 ,z ��­l� ,,I "' ', ­.�111'­­ 'L e c * th&t t he matte r be refer I I 'I, I 1. L� , , , I I I . " Carried " , , -� - .. ­ I tL, I U, 1,; 1�...l��2,','��11,.,., !,�,.­ " . . �-,­111 114, ,���.,L�,L.""�"L"�-.���'�.,:,�"L'���,,,��,',,,�,� , , . I I .", L� I ., I I L t'�- 11 I ­ I 1, : �. L: , , . sc , . ' ­ � 'L I , "L�,J, "" l­ 1 �'­ ' " by Or I I A, I - ­, ',,� .­ ­­ ._� _ � ­' d 1, . L , . A , L ­1 , ­ � move I �1, I t � �,,; ; : ­i�. ". L � ;:, I � ­; Ill ".­.!:*,1� ", - I ";":' � �­ ­., �I�i'l LL , -1 I I L �7'�V: . I . 'L " I It baok and take aotiono . I L . 1, I I ll", L L I I I -Z �:, �­;C.51'.,",L � � I- -:1, ' I . I....""', . ' ' "' ­ ­ 11 : I L., � I ­­ .V �, ­!`�"",�­���"�', ­ I I I 0MVIcATIONS � - ' - . ­. I-, V. I a -- -1, . ­ ' L in front I , ���'��I' 'j­��:'�:!:"­:";:­'� i 11 . I . ' !�:,� ", .- �'- '. . I . %:1 , %:111 , I � 1L.' , 'J 11­ ' '' � ­� L - - ­- . and; drivewaY t��,, 1 . � %: , ­ L , 'L'L L L I , L 11 1, '�'.'!,'4L"�� , ��." It�lil,r,�,!�,7,:"I.. ­ I " '�` '­ -' -: ,;,,­ -1 . .1 - the boulevard V� L ' , .,� � �� 3�l!,� I , L -, ­ � 71 �� . ., .,_ ­1 I ,:Lj­;.;, ��,,�!�1�.',�: _ I I ­ '� � . I L ,.­ I i. L 11 L . I I I sting parmrssion to come . . . ­�'­ I ; ­­�!­ : 4 ' ��' - ­ , , I , ­��,', ,'� % � I ''I ",�-­�;V,�`:':'L:� � 0 , � L I" , - � '70 . I �,�­,11 I ­­ V.,' '', , �, I, il �'L':� 'f - L . �, " , . I ­ 'i L , 'i I , 1," ­:,'I ­";, "� -;!,111i` , ,. . Mr 0 Robson reqR0 . M . 1 e,,;­­1. t' ::�...� �. �',',� 'L�IL .47 ,-,"'TI;�, _. From ,�, I;.: , -, ��11 � �­­�­., ;��:A ­i , :. �'­ I , � . . .�, ", :�,,,,,, at e a and r,�, , ,i ' ' ' . ­ - � I , *1 11 . �­ _ l:: '7 ,L� , ". '�%I�k . , L' ' . 11�1i`.,. I .1 l,:!'� ,, 11 -L ' ��, ;L I � �., L' * ' _ ' ­­1 �!- .,I sea at 134 King St Ea � �­, " ,_2"L 1 I I ­'Ili ­, �'­��'L�"L�i' ­. . , _,!, it' I'll 11,T­,­�­ : I 1, '­jj�.­­�­;,I . - . , :� VV.�; t�," ,''V': _,�!_ L L'� , I Of hi 8 pr that t he request be ref6 , ­l , � ' � � ­ :: , 4 ''I !­ ;,­­�:, ­ � ' ,' I ,:_ ,;""'�''%' . , � 1-1-.1 I V! I � 1. ­­ " ­., i s000nded by Or D11,11ug � ­, All .1 L, �1, r ,i, i I Baker L ", ,, , L "'-��`t-I���,�'::�,"L ��l,L:�"�,: , , " , � ' L­ . t l,�� ,:,!, L. , 1,.", i I 1. �:l­ '-, ­ - , - , tv , - � I.- ,­ ­­, Moved by I 11 L il I 'i 1' ' - - - I I � � I ... LL , IV ��. ­�,` ,�, ,!:'��,-`.!I',"'�(;"".".,l� �,i��� I ower to act * l h&t re ld be I � ­ I, ­.� . I iz �, I iiL � , ,., �i", 1i I I � . . .1 11"L ,­ I itt pr entatiTOMOU ,� ILI, L ,��",��� �L".,��!,,�,�,L.L"L,�, 1 . 00 with p as ­ I. .L �,iji� I, ' '�- i,%­,'' ..�, , ­� "I ": ;,7 ,,,,,,�: I 1� . � i, L I � 11, " �,�­: :"�I��.' ' �1, I Streets C I - , , c � ,. - I ­ �L � """"'.. ,��, "i '71l ; I Toronto stataing It I " L 1�'. ,� - �, ! !,�,;�,�.­ .I . nt Got . I I , % 11��, � ' ' - -, 1, l­ �. 11 I ��t:,.,.��-� ��;:',,.'�,,��V�'!i�'-�.-,�"I, ��4, � I 1, I i'l 11� I :, , ,- ' I i. , I� . � .::. . ;",t ":"�,.'��,.;�';: : �.�,'' L' prom Truck a il �� l" �� 1A.iL .1 I . - " 1:1 �V, 1 ,�i I I . . l'L�P A . 1, � ' ' ' ' . .1 ­�- - I I it�),'�' ,,, � �,"L ' ':"' ­ ,�. I , I Ili , �Li .' � i� :-11 , ­L � ' I '�!� L I �l,,,-% . i,�,L : :1 ­ "�i . L, I I I . 11 �t, ,li'.�.� I L , �, I I IV , , L , , ­� .� I L 11 - �1 I �L ""'L . I I � � I I �,�Y', "'r," L l' ' I. � "'�. - ':�L­ ' ' 'l I IL I -- - . ­1 .�:, 11 . j"I'­i I - �`­� .1 � . 1 . d I I il l - --- -- L, " I I L I �:,j- ­`� I � . - , . I -- �­�:� , I ­- �! I L' . . . � L 1-1111.:, . I V L � I . I L I ­ . I ��,�:.l l � 1, . ­- I I ­­­W..V,64��",�­­­ - I,, I . ­I....-­�.­­...­-­­­­­­I.- Tl�l I .I.­­I­ ,�� I,L 1���, I , ,, V I I . I. . ,I , ,-?�',�,�3�-� � . �, W�1� �- ­I L.­ I � 1,., ... - --I . -- -� �. ,�, L L 11 i,.-P��il , , 'I- - ,.I W P ppgl"� , I� L - ii -"'- -4 P �,,,�­­, I � ­4 ,�� , ­ � I -- i.;.: ­: ­ ­-.111­ �;­­­ 4 �ii�,,­�" 7 I - �­ - 44 �.1�%,,­-1 I -Ii- OV MR-7 T�,"OK"e ­7 1�� �, � I �, I 11 �,� I I 11 I . I I 11 I L I I - I ­: ,� I I I ­ I� , I I I L I . I �­, I own 7 . E�l , " 1111i.� ­ I I I I I , V :.....,;�-�;�4" ­­­ L I ., - - - 1. 1 ­1 ­ ­. 1 111­11­1. L 1 - 1,l,�:'A�,,-,, �� I �­­ I I I I L L � 11 I I I I ­ - - � ­ I "I, ""M 7.�, ­11 - , . "T',x I , ­l 11 - , -,I � ­L I 'L I J., I --­­ ----.-- ' ' ­­11-1, , 1:�1'i 1, `Y-1� -1 ­ : � : l I- :� ,�� ­ � L - L ,� � , 7 - ,� �111,,,, , " - I W,-��, I , : - " - I � ,�' : � 1; I I r. � ­' I�,:,� ",-, I I , , '�i� l �,�: 'I- � -, I. �,',­� 1�I ­ "I 1, I I - �,;�!;­ I �� ­ .-�� f� -,�,�,",i-1. ­ . ." , 1, L', "I ' , -1� ' , ��, �v� ""',, �,�,, ��, I : - ­ 7��­. ­��­, ­­'­��7�,, , . ''. -1 ­ I ' -:­` ��,' ,- ' ' ` , " '' LT �- , " LL 1. - �L�:��'�1,1"��:�`:�,4,-,�," -,", -L�� � I I � � I I�,i�l .. L I " � I t L "I 11 I � 1 I , I L ­ I L '' - L L �ol L '�:­ 7� , �11 11 I. I .1 ,- �,,�- - , ­ L L , I I L' . , 11- _ , _�, �� I :: � I � ,. '�Llli I :::,,111.1 qt. rs i , Council Room September 7th , 194 s Odell t claiming damages to the it I F = From Mr ' Alfred Spence and ldr, Gordon Richard , N° " •j20 gardens from the weed sprayer . � ' � that the complaint s be referred to the 'weed jr , Moved by Rv Baker second®d by r billing lair as possible . " Carried ins ,otor to interview the ale manta and settle as K Pe ` r aria a and Health ,Unit advising of the dumping o gar' age From Bro okd al a Ki ng array Mu s on the Base Line west o! the . bridge and asking Council to take action to have it Stoppe - r. `�• r be referred to the Police , seconded b Cr Ja�aes that the matte ldoved by Cr Jamie son y n Carried " Committee with power to Bat . : the sum of � , 50 . AO for a Town Lot on Nelson St . ' From Mrs E , Brinkman , Trenton , offering ! er be acce tad for the sun o! `= Moved b Cr Dill-trig seconded by 8v maker that tote o t ation . ": C cried " l�ov . F t for drawing the deed end co$t�s o! regi s r a � 50 . 00 , purchaser 4Y evi lle stating* that arrangement a would be made to e Su t C ,.N .,R . Bell �r From ldr , E .H . Lock , sup to connections on Hunt St . " Rao do Filed �'me-at Town Council in reference to se reference to wig-wag yptem laor beach as C .N,.R . Belleville in , From fir 10 H• Lo c ke, , Supt , w the matter be taken up direct with the Board of , crossing , and recommending Transport. Commissioners , Ottawa . . 1doved by Cr James seconded by Cr Mason that the Clerk be instructed to write the Board system at the of Transport Co�iissionero , Ottawa in referents to installing a wig=wag F } ' , l P : .` �+ Carried � � ter be .sent to Mr C .S. Stephenson, •� _ beach Crossing and dopy o! e __. ' • references . to_ sewea�_:. conneations__ to Canadian Canners an • N "' From Health IInia: in t i.t1 wi th { , . .�,,, e' . . held me , /I 1y® h 1.d _ Irtp71k!Rauh ,MwayyrM'RPnOVoMlurtAaMam'Rar , _. ....,,.:..,„ ,,._...__.,,,•,., A_ n.,.n '.. »i�.u>.r .a .,�.+w.vi4CT..d ., �,rc,.. cavnr,rm. .« Mw...rw c..a cv a�rsc a r ; , •.. ,. -,.l ,.r .. .. .. ., aNw`• i .. ... 'n:ry . Y.�i • � ��:W,ln:��:ru!♦:✓�a{t ©r fln jy. Y{ • , • r1lo, , .,dedYfn:,.b, �. :,w ,t.'6�u6�f�*pr> th�t AK'�L41h i �e n �: t •, b ...•n::xnu�n-r♦.r +.we, ucaarnx r..��� r!•w ,,., ,.•�.• tin.vsrnf�'KCrmftioJl+r'Mn loved by R Baker' yarri d ailwa off iaial s and that Cdr Stutt be advised . sin of receipt Of r y Toronto advi 8 ;> Director of Sanitary engineering vrom Mk A eg Berry ,, as to whether anything can be done , G .A Johnston Lambs Lane enquiring letter from Mr to, ,provide her with a sewer . strutted to re ply stating that the Clerk 'be in h Cr Dilli seconded by Cr Nidery C rr3ed Moved bu n8 be sent to Mrs Johnston . a the aircuntstanaes and that a copy sin over her premises at So King rmission' to erect a 8 "Wanda Clarke asking pe From �di�,a s Wa n I . St W Cr J nai.e son thatt he , request be referred to he c t Baker, seconded , by a "Carried Moved by Rv " :Irt: n o art Comanittee with power to acta side his property . on party for a street light to be planed out Pr fr From Mr' ' Fred Griffin , asking, 1,11 Hunt St • i Hun west be referred to the Public r Cr Patterson that the req ' Rv Baker seconded Moved by of back to Council . " Carried " and P.0 .C . t o inve st igat e� and rep Y that Trope rty Committee ewe a disposal sal plant and stating , • erenc`e t o s g Po N W.B . Redfern Toronto in ref From hr , " Roo & Filed own d e of t night ins he would bed an p ' reciation to Council for 8 Nurseries Ltd expressing app �, �• From Brookdale Kingsway Roo ' & Filed , ,kl s police protection.. ' o enclosing regulations is reference to vacation Boar , _ From try d Indus and Labor Toronto sy• son that the regulations , the 8 t C ie t no b r � be tale _ rte __. oved by 1 ng to the Clerk. Cr Di 1i s eaoaded �► , Carried „1 • : he Cemetery comm to investigate Bind return chairman o! t y of 2g �, g5 for ate ' abain quotation ion 5 , a aompl From Lundy Feriae Co Ltd Toronto enclosing q t gat vt C b h ' link lance with es °� �or the d spos pan e that the Lundy Fence o. Ltd be awarded e , Moved by e n around ,the disposal plant 1 :...,.,��,.. T ,: „: . ....... . . . ..: _ Cr Patterson seconds by d v r dal ant gat contract for the erection o! ,a oomplet® Feria® with a erections of : at a cost of # 285; .g5 and that 811 previous ago tions in reference to t Ye " Carried fence be resaiaded . sewer on Platt St . A_ .J . F3.ett titioning for the construction o! a sanitary Front Mr Z Pe t the tit ion being properly signed seconded b Cr Jamie son that pe Moved by Cr billing y Carried y : be- granted . 1 or h sanitary sewer and watermsin on Sigh From Mr George Purdy and others petit ioing f F S St from Third to First t . Irr petit ion be referred t o the Road , b By Baker seconded bbl Cr Jamieson that the p " Cdrried " Moved saute the frontages and report back to Council . Supt to a REPORTS name Con�ittee submitting sundry account s Mason presented d a re port from the certified a s be f rig Cr P aaaaunts amounting to 10 .50 mount to 3011 . 5 and hosuing �Tr " Rao & Adopted „ ant . oorreat and reaomvnen rig Ym • Baker that Constable Kitnay be granted two weeks :. loved by Cr Patterson seconded by Rv Balk " Carried " in lieu of holidays . o! procedure booke be printed ; §Wved b Cr James seconded by Cr Nidd®ry that 100 rule p Val �► for is obtained.� o t� Town eolioi a coat of 1? •5D provided the appro 1 I �r . at ,, Carried � �� ' ... .. ...,..../r..w.♦i+iwr.M....r...,N,.e..r.+.jNww....,s...r....t.., .0 .. , .•.. i,w.. .♦ n ri F �; ,. ''.. { .,...' ,.;� =>- J a �� .; S F { Y 5, X t >y # 1(. 3 t _ 5 n t rFi d :; c .1:. ,t ��? $ r.°.::'�`...,1....: ,:{.r.:; .. `.:'., t.. .�.n,•;� e # ^r sJ, t `'t'k. .1` Ji ,° . ..11 r ,>,,. I 11,�v „, ..iii._, i7 .0 s , :` .x .fi. . , r r I 'i. I .1 , • f ` } - , , . A _ - � ,, ...�. T.� Se tember 7 thh 19 .8 Council Room. p I 1.,N,�M ! 1 t .L . s t a ublic meeting be called to discuss owed b Cr James seconded by Cr Niddery tha P , «I�.. Y and that a }representative from E ; x 'f frl, r �� N •120 develo ent and planning for the Town of Bowmanvi lle r, `; 1.. Pm `r ,x. 7y rtment be Gihvited to be present , the Mayor to preside and spec a7 i I. } . Ontario Depa " Cartried " G invitation be sent to interested parties . , the Clerk be instructed to write and F Move d b Cr James seconded b Cr Jamie son that r,. , 1, y , Y r " Carried " „ veterans Ave e ' r obtain balanoe of money owing on house ' on I. .I . ,' 'Moved by Cr Ni;�ddery , seconded by gr Dining that the Clerk be instructed to write to > . 1 lots with a fence 8connd them, that they be requested�to 11 , a all persons owning cemetery pl their removal . " Carried �� 1 -, ` � ' , �� � have them repaired'. or to obtain permission or to a fence on Torn property ,, ` �� :� ldr iKalter Johnson , Brown St addressed Council in reference. 11 r Council that it be re�aoved .11.,.. ;1 adjoining his property and asking ,.�,'F ��� a than the matter be referred to tha Roads and . ldoved by My Baker seconded by Cr Jams " Carried r" . n Streets Committee with power to cat . 1 Cr Jamieson that the C�.erk be: instructed to write the u '`' + , 1 Moved , by Cr Jame s seconded by . 1 1e secure, a breakdown of County Rate , showing hbi the money i ! farden of the Counties to " Carried " '- is spent . , PAC-LAS rt_ 1 - - w e�uthori�ing the borror�ring of :1,1111 . I .: ,61!; Rv Baker saCed pe �� I . rmis$ian to introducey . La ,::�� �0 82 000 .00 u n debentures for Local Improvementrposes . to ' po on rul ) nded Council t e was suspe W en n r„ ii, , and +i A i r st t inure . :,,2. end t ale ' _ _ _.____..___._�__-___: ___.__.__ ...,.__.m _._.._._�:__._ _.____..__,._ and r H, w., ._._. ..... u„R n Granted n ._ itz r >, -I�b7Ls :.y'qa'.NWkW19..NN41tRPR07r7#!l 7j�Mi Wi:Ythe,WS iG,M4MR.ll{kl'�N,:fn7,11NtiP;IgK+WIM►'bIFA'�''' , -.::.. .......�:.. :M .w ..,w ;�..:rurn ,.�,M �... ��..,u t ne Ada or in the aha it . On Comm R ttee o t� r" woeeeee on second reading , Y , ' r commi ks filled in . �By#Law was then laid ,11 I ' ll the �dayor r, p orted the second reading with all b'lan '11 .. on the table . jl To take ove r a pi e c e of land running wet j I 11 r R .G . NaI addressed ' Council asking that the vrn ' ovide f or a building sub-division . from North Liberty St to pr C ins ect the property on Cr Nidder that ounail ,�. r Moved b Kv Baker seconded by p " Carried „" .00 F , Y1 set 6th at 5 P .M. 8 11 t ,, Wednesday p . I 11 1 . �: On' rMotion Council . ad30 , ' ' . ,11 tl A 1, r,,w , • .} � �'. „ or II �IiBY . rk'•' f a,FS4;1 , ,': " s, q;, rl� 4r ;{; 2 th 1 48 I'll y..'.,. h -1;, h r .".. ..' tr ,7 9 11. Counc i 1 Room, Se pt e�mbe r , . �. �. _ . - 11 - - _ _ _ Rv 3 I "I ta, r r , n abov date 1 t - �� tsembers el resent excep , ng p 1 . 16,b, q>, meetin of C o11nC it was held o e . ! d that he had. Special 8 Mason and . Di311ing , Y pTesidi and state 14 isQn • . Cry Nidder the �fta or Al�. Y • g t o a By-Law , e ur ose of givi,n6 third rendin ?r. called the �aeEting for the p p , . _u ,1. COMMUNICATIONS ,, n to ergenay Fund for Britain,, requesting e,I .r, :Pram F _..� _. ' cal campaign National Camps gn- rec o z Ma or tp appoin - -- einted hairma�a L.. t a chairman for t he fro Pa , Y Mayo PP ie son that the a MQ ' I, M IT oved by Cr James seconded by Cr " Motion Lost , . aommai A ttee . that Cr James , chairman of the Civi,a „ Moved by Rv Baker seconded by Cr pat erson " Carried i d " P n , __ - Committee be a be - appointed to carman .r .. ' BY-LAN I 1! a 8 Law authorJ7Ang the borrowing Rb Baker asked� p , ­. . .1 & ' L ' ermission to gi ve thir reading to y- r ' enure s for Local Improvement. purposes .1 .11111 1%. 82 000 .00 upon deb ed d sealed . of • ' ' ' the third time , passed and ordered to be sign 11 . Granted and read ldin sub-divis i n on Liberty �t • N 1 .. , ' Ha addressed Council in reference to a building Ur Z.a . y 1.. storm sewers and a oulve,rt on Liberty A N . , ,-and asking Council to instal so that the Grayson Guild of �foodaraft be Cr. Patter n Moved by Rv Baker seconded by the road be accepted when four houses are' ., d t hat P rovided with a road and culvert an " Carried " . built . Aousi 1;�,l` O on that the --Central Mortgage and' using ,1. �1' Cr Jerre a seconded by �r Ja�nies Guild of Move d by . +A t letter endorsing the housing pro feat off' Grayson n ed „ Corporation be sen a Carri >7 Woodcraft on Liberty St North.11 ,; �3 ' � t on Cotina3.1 adjourned . !L:t,, On. Mo i 1- I i . r or'. . e. 1 k . „ .. .r ( r, 1 1.,.. . C r .r . , it ',1. r „�Ir lf. :,,. I ,d, i.1., u •. 11 1. I t, P ti '.r,L 1. 11.1 r. ,11- : 1 . :. r r - . , -:! , n ., ail 4 . 'Y - :�1'. ,11 , :. r.... , ., ,,. ., ) .a.. ,1,. ,:,.,. , ,, r ,, , .r...,I �:5.!1. • tl .:,:, }.. ( .. .1- r ... , r r -, 4: ' • t .r', 'i r. a ,,I,..111.. I.. 1, .. ,.. :..1 11:,.,. ,. - , .. ,- ,.:- 1 .., : , �., 1 11 , .. _ t .' r 1 ...,.. . ,.�. , 'r ,,,_- \ . .,1: �.,. \.. .. ,.:.;•. -.;\.,1 r, lad, : (_. i ,, -4 _ _ _.i ;r ,.... ..,. - 1 ,. : ,, is 1. r fi'., ,. - ; 4I..r �II.:w,Yf:wv11M.. iM M,.,«m♦fMa..NIr,A4,MW"1 rr,...nw :1 ..,...­1__­_.._.1..M0iArHr .l�:nw.rl t..{MM•4wwrJMM+mMY:1 , , : wH-Yrwr.r,�l-r r , - , 1 f �,..` ...P..-k t.-.°F-.w.�S'�3.- > a,-,+.+.,. «z°�'w.�,i.,-t� S-�fl. (35tt - .. ,,, ...., ' '}'rv. 7 1. . v.. 'i n - } 11 C'rt ,i= S t I ..; .-.: M t . .,, S.... .5. -4 .; r=n x• 3.;.ar rfiWrs( : 'r= o- t Rr , L t i , rgz i.a-MAT a cots Counoi 1 Room , September 28th , 1948 co Special me-et of Council was held on above date members all resent excepting D p Rv Mo1►+ asp. P $ � P P $ P , . .' Allison and Cr Patterson , the Mayor presiding and stated that he had called the t for the purpose of giving a first and second reading to a By-Law.meetin$ 1 i BY-LAW Rv Baker asked permission to introduce a By-Law to provide for borrowing the sum of 149 000 . 00 upon debentures to defray the cost of the buildin . and furnishing of a � , P Y building , and School to erected in the SotLth Ward ,', Granted and read the first ' time . On motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went into committee . of the whole on second reading , the Mayor in, the chair , On , committee rising . t the Mayor , reported the second reading . By-haw was then laid on the table . r4 , Moved by Cr Mason. seconded' .-by Rv Baker that the, Clerk be instructed to arrange the loan - for the coneruction of the Public )School with the Manager of the Canadian Bank of . - :: � ;( , r ,a •' Commerce without. any undue dt sarrangement ' with our present- bankers , " Carried " Moved by. Rv Baker seconded by 'jr,. Niddery that the Fire Committee be authorized to purchase paint for the Fire Hall at an approximate cost of 25 , 00 Carried Moved by Cr Niddery seconded- by . Cr ' James that the Fire Brigade be granted the sum of$ - 62 * 50 ,: being 50 9� of the money reee&ved for attendance at outside fire . " Carried : „ On Motion Corunall ad J a►urned^. ' r .,- -- ..--,.. _.:. ,y _..;..-.. .•_.:.`..... - r ,' n!nNNKJ}C.'.:^w ,v+v:A.YNb - , .v4^ ♦nM ..'.prmvr+w :IeA i"d'-wnap.YRawn.v2si1MUs9M1wViM',:'Y,C7J'Kh,ra,rnwrr•wrw a 1 ;,: ....r..r`.4+.s.'r6a1"ar::NU�yP�',#A14 'Nrti' WMItMpMllf i?P!lW:l"!,rvN10.t 'Irekue'•,ntNH,alWA0.YYNbt171U;C",m-Innxl'u/rMMVaMiSK(Yt hYr':,"'^rrvmN.4uMiU,MYMgpKNMNirau+rnunu5°'YMAtlkVVOV,iIaY.MMM1N'•u.nuorMN1VMMQ MMVe�.4PMiY(OXAAMA!M7iG.: 'R' u... h; `*"*F.":: 'ti';„Aifr ''•••-vapgq�Y�,"� vn!AHIH9AN/Y!kM 1^' . , • e Y r �� � a or . , : Council. Room October 4th 1948 } r: Re ular me '.of ' Co' -a1 . : was eld on above date members all resent excepting Crs, $ n$ �? P P $ k Mason and Patterson , the Mayor presiding . Minutes of ,last regular .-and ^ special meetings ,4 were read and motion confirmed COME ICATIONS From Downham Nurseries Co thanking$ ounc 1 for road im p rovements on Meares Ave and , t tf y i i 4 { ' offering to pay half of the cost of the necessary t+o fill in an open ditch on: #, St George St Moved by kv Baker seconded by Cr Dilling that. they be " thanked for their letter and the matter of tiling the ditch Abe left r i abeyance owing to ' the shortage of tile`. Carried' From Counties Clerk advising of aptien eing admitted to Bowmanville Hospital . R e V & Filed ,. .r From Mr John H, Fox 1 Toronto in ref erence to the erection of a fence between the Fox property and the road allowance to the west side beach * Moved by Rv Baker seconded by D ' Rv Allison that Mr Fox be -advised that the fence will, be erected as soon as po sible Carr ied 'From ,Bowmanville Community Council statin that the Recreational Director ' Mr Smithson Y B , had tendered - his resignation to take effect Nov lot , and had been accepted by the ' direotors and advising Council of. a meeting to be held at Lions Centre on Oct 8th , ' at r , r ` 7. 30 F .M. and inviting members of Council to be present. { m Moved -by Cr James seconded by -or Jamieson that Council as '•a ; whole be requested to attend the meeting . "'Cawed ° From Mr H �Nenriing, Secretary Local 189 requesting Council to reque:st the Unemployment Insurance Administration to have one, of their men in- Town one L day per week . ' y Moved b Dp Rv Allison seconded byCr Niddery that the Mayor be instructed to contact the Unemployment Insurance Administration requesting .that a man be sent here' one, day. V� per week . _ " Carried " } Drom Kilborn Engineering Co Ltd , Toronto offering their services as oonsulting engineers to the Town . M Moved by Dp Hv. Allison seconded by Cr James that the lotter be received end f iled until vutch time ,as engineers are needed. Carried From Proctor Redfern and Laughlin, Toronto enclosing copy of instructions and drawings of p a at the disposal plant , . Y Moved by Rv Baker seconded by Cr Dilling that copies be referred to the caretaker of , * the disposal plant to study. Carried From Canadian Legion asking permission to hold Poppy Tag Day on Saturday Noveember 6thip .r 1 Moved by Dp Rv. Allison seconded by Rv 43aker that permission be granted . " Carried " f From Boy Scouts Asso asking permission to hold Apple Day on Saturday. October 16th . #_ y Moved by Dp Rv Allison seconded' by Cr Dilling ' that permissibn be granted . " Carried " From Community Planning Asso , Toronto advising of a conference to be • held in Toronto on October 14th to 16th and requesting that re resentatives 'be sent r 4 n$ P Moved b Committee' ' n Y Dp Rv Allison seconded by Cr cr Niddery, the�t the Civic Committee ' be authorized to attend with the expenses paid . '" Carried r MY , vows ? a v 1, z Council Room , October 4th 1918 ar+� ' d Sanitation , Toronto advising of the annual { F �• From Canadian Institute on Sewage that representatives din Ottawa on xolr 1st to 3rd , and requesting k, � .�zo to be held i4� convention 4 ent . o and Road S�,ip�erintendant be s' b Cr Jamieson that the May r , Reeve " fl Moved by Rv Baker , seconded Y Carried be- authorized to attend -the convention with the 'expenses paid • be held in sso Toronto advising of the annual convention o From Ontario Cemetery A , 8th and requesting sting that representatives be sent * Niagara Falls on Oct 7th and 8 q f, rf D Rv Allison that the Chairman of the Cemetery { Moved b Cr vi111ng seconded by p id . " Carried " y , Committee be authorized to attend it' possible with the expenses pa f that a short report be given and read " Moved b D Rv Allison seconded by Cr filling " Carried y¥ y P Council b all delegates attending conventions . the mower purchased with It 4 to Y Tractor Equipment Co , Toronto in reference t o From Truck and r q actor a uipment . the .tr q e balance of ' account owing for the Moved b Cr billing seaonded by Rv Baker that th Y $ ­ 792,* 50 z T' amounting t o be paid and the mower e actor a uipment to Mr C .� . bsureell " Carried " . r q k• echanged as soon as possib e . "From o • Jone s requesting that a tree be removed in front of his property on, R'• s,. r • r r Ontario. St o , the re ue st be ref erred to the ' Fub l i on t AV Bake r s e c o nd e d by Carried Mo by n t �.lY•a" t .R.� w"' :i`�� �AW thw �. -Mga�NMM"s.Y.n;.-atwutilxm'n:TkACV'#1VYd]X•`S('W]k'Sx.xm.,N,, drop i for s n to?Y e� ty �C om�ltte� � t i o� n a �.�iT: From pars ,Mary Hobbs and others yeti 8 e eti•tion be referred to the Road by, Rv Baker seconded by Cr Niddery that the p Moved Carried " e ort' back t o Council . Su erintendant to r p and waterm'ain on Fiett St rand P .� petitioning for a sanitary , sewer From Mr J • F le t t p g Belleville Streets . p ranted and that i that the etition be g Dv Allison seconded by Cr Dill ng �dove.d by P he , necessary construct ion By-Lam . 1 the 7 own Sol ieitor be- instructed to prepare t �+ Carried " „S . � an others petitioning for a sanitary sewer and Ovate retain on High e Fr.om Mr G . 1 .Purdy :St Prom Fourth $t to -First Qt • that the petition be b , granted and the Town , Cr Nidder Curried " v , Moved b Rv Baker seconded by Y natructiony-I,aw . Y > . of -Solicitor be instructed to prepare the necessary c ,. and Development � Toronto ng �enclosi dry P n f om . De artme nt of planning C ouno i 1 . .}{.r. • . ' Fr p � approval of 4 b Mr J .J . Flett and ` requesting PP :, sub-division on land owned y D M . � b 4V Al l i s on that the " plans be appoove � " ' Moved by Cr billing seconded y P the a roval . " -Carried ' or be forwarded' confirming PP • tter signed by the . May Town debentures . • that le g . . •:,° and their it urcha se of Gouinlook & Co , Toronto' in reference to h p From. . Bell the Finance x , that the . mattes be ref erred to _.. Moved by Kv Baker seconded by Cr am a son n Carded " , C omit p° ¢, tee with wer to acts, ,... . w _.. RpORTS the finance anc so to resented a report from e n e mZa it tee Cr billing in the abs, of r. son , , „ . r r, amounting to �.2g? .79 certified as being„aorre c't and submitting sundry accounts Rea & Adopted 4. a. .. recom�aending payment N r that no action be taken upon the complaint.. b Rv Baker seconded by Cr idde F ” Carried t , Moved y n Town roperty on Brown St . t of Mr W Johnson , in regard to a fence o son that ermission be granted to Mr g .S. „f:: , „ : �' oved b Rv Baker seconded, by Dp v Al li p y son his property on Ontario St , Harnden to ins$all gasoline tanks and pwnP Carried Perm ssion from the',. Oil. con a obtains p ,• h � ittee •`be authorf zed to providing •,,, Fire Comm ' nded b Rv 'Baker that the a rave Moved by Dp Kv Allison be co Y Clerk be instructed to write to Bickle Se g n purchase two' adapters and that the " Carried P windshield for the fire tuck. ' Ltd Woodstock , to secure a Kv Baker that the order off' the Ra i lwe►y Boar n Moved by 'Or Dillin , seaonded by he west side be be referred to the Town f erence to the clsoinh of the gates to t re lice be instruct p other lock ' to e d t° lace �� �� inter rotation and that the ' for ,for p to the west side .. beach So 13.o i the road. + that the. gate on t. e and. that notice stat f ng on the gat . - had lock yor be • '`�� ��' ' � ,�� h been ed . • � � Cr N iddery that the � b a' a D Av l�llison seconded by U7 ed an Amendment by p' for in regard to the, closing of Mov r' obtain legal advice from the Town Solis „ dment Carried instructed too g Amen e road to the west side be instructed to th Hv Allison that the Clerk be Moved by Cr Jamie son seconded by Bp A e s to commence as from January 1st , l94 : En fine e r dint i ti{ advertise fora qualified Town g " Carried d to the closing of Barber e a law with respect asked permission to Introduce y r �tv Baker a , Shope . a was suspended and Council went into i read the f .rst time e On motion rul 33 Granted and ao�manf ttee of the who s econd reading the Mayor in t he chair. on ,g VOL ? dam. fi :? rr �, L - _,_..-.,. _v�..� - ___'L.,_'_­, _ _.13 , i. V 5 ar, -Y3�b r',,.j- •5 -iK� ,x.,,+:� n� :'r: ,2, '".°.^ Y ,.:5?- d-acv_.,:, a'° c'fe ::S ..,•'^' -}? •ft�,T eT i ,_.'y.�k ,r R 1 "I'll,', 41 }, Tom,,, ,n. f... s sus} --s • .�:..,. - - . r t - �_ – . . -- -. - _ .«MT�� - r� October lath 1948 , Sr , _ . , �- .Council oom , : 1. L .��.. r , ' , ,r the second reading with all blanks filled in. { � � " ,fir . ; On committee rising the ,Mayor reported d , ordered to , be signed a,nd _. 1 ,� .;T ' �o w 4120 -Law was then read a second and third time passed e.n X.��� iX By 1. sealed . urchased from r C . E . y b Cr Di lling' that the mower p f } I'' Mav ed b Rv Baker seconded y �} L 00 and that i f t he Y the ur chase price of $ z, t 11 Murrell be sold to Mr Leland Payne for p 1. for satisfactory that „it he purchased from him mower owned by bdr F�ayne fits our trac " Carried 0 fo il 1. 2 0 . r - _ <,, c i 1 ,� urn �� 0 Moti Co • n on un ado e d . . - . , .11, , 4 : Clerk. Mayor . .a. , . t . b 9 , C nci , Oc h r , ou l Room to er 1 , residing and stated that Special meeting of Council w as held on, above date , the Mayor p �� business all present excepting' Crs -atterson 1 .1called the meeting for genera•1 , a��11 1. he had • n and N iddery Dilli g " NICATItJNSI: I COMMU 0 0 r s t o th e __ 1 From McMu 11 e n & Brum I�t d., s g 1. . a rce of , 5b321. for 'epai Toronto ubm n . �., r 11 d f P i g ill . 11 1. Jackman Road bridg hat enders ca a h�e re e . t a .r acne s t be or n ded ♦V/ Cr Jam 8 s i ,._,_,..,.,.x sr:.ry "',:rpwtrnr.M.ww'usx..snw n._•„c .r,Ay,t .. •,z w •xi-"U i.C'>Jb1tmvvrNrwrkl y' ant..mr.s.•uhriswwledK'FN.,:aznwuurwoaislE+�lp'naewtt..:,k m.rwwwanraretaa'Nw4�:1.>,,.ar+urwa.1-11 a.{.rN•, u ,wr�.0 LL }�( x rr�!row,ar•runr+wmmnw+rr..•:.�� ,w,..A.., : _ L� ,C�t O3Cl Ili r .: r Os m . of the bridge onac ► rn� l roc e su �bm ,td n°°byw t the p �cM :ernurl� D y Rv Allison seconded by Cr Mason tha be accepted . 151 Moved by p he brid a on Jackman Road amounting; to $ ` -5632 �00:n t� Sru m Ltd for repairing t Carried 1.�� - trees in I�f rout of his property on le R bTichols asking permssion to remove M From. Ntr oy' Silver St the public' t at the re ue st be referred` `to �`° Moved b v .Baker seconded �y Cr Jamie son h q n �, y r, Carried ` with ower Pro er.�' ommittee p to act . y reference a installation ofa p ' in cetoth r�tllr Commissioners , Ottawa i ,, From Soard of Transpoer �� Rec & Fi led tt t ., ",I Ir. .. iiA , ­_Al. 1 ; • ; � ,, ;t -wa sstem at the C .N .R . station crossing : wig . g the Fire Committee be authorized to � Rv Baker that �� MoVe'd by Dp Rv Allison seconded by n t n a roxmate cost of 11+ . 00 Carried „rhave two 1e" gths of hose repaired a a PP Chamber of Com�aerce be given permission Cr James seconded by Cr Jamieson the +� Carried �' b Moved by urda October 3Qth 1. t gets on Sat y , for rum buses on the s r of bonds to Bell Gouilock x. Cr Mason seconded by Rv Baker that. the delivelry t� iii n C Moved nby , arri ed k hem as outlined in their letter of Sept 2gth . , - & Co ade to t LASS . be m BY T . w ;•for ii the holding. of Municipal elections . �� f* ,1 r Rv• Baker asked permission to . introduce a Y- - was sus ended and Council sent int o d and read the first time . On motion rule 33 p pn committee rising 1. 4 �o 4o Orante or in the chai r.. � :,. the May 11 Committee of the whole on- second reading , ks filled in . By-Lraw was then, read a or re orted the second reading with all ble►n sealed . I r the M y p 11, , ,, cond and third' time , passed and ordered to be s gne a n of an = atY �let is f iedd a se ssion to introduce a By�L�w, for the builds g er asked e rani Ba p :,r. _ ,. :.,7,: t _ .;,,. Kv, _�;]�$ �.�=rst� � I1_ _'_1Y dl .:J7..CPS l.L 1.:;1::LJc_�_- , ___ 1xA {-- •it`:L!_._•_Il'�.r.`. . _ I -,751 --•-- ."= 7 -- ri ink granted' re `d; . ,, , , By-Law be iaa D and including s skgt i the tab g r ker that the B ew► oil t i'or Moved by Rv� 1�l .ison seconded by Rv Baker " . Carried , , , so1'icitor . , further inZ'o�mie1tion from the town . 000 .00 from the . McGill testate - 11 dad b Cr Jamieson that the . 15 er owed b Cr James, secon Y Block be . turned ov to M Y e of a Horsey n , ' roceeds from the sal th n a tied L. 11 i7n: .111r granted. the Town 'and p _ , C r . . , ink committee . '` committee be requested to ; the r seconded b Cr Mason that the rink D Kv Allison Y with ,: Moved by p the wording on the plaque comply n ill , ,, la ue for the rink and urahase the.: necessary p �! " Carrie P din on, 'the deed , deeding the property to the own. activities of the the wor g . son addressed .Council submitting a report on e Y 01 y ,7 A *M. Thomp oint a new L. a ear and reLlesting that Council app . ,r,� crommiaunity Council during the y I i r I111 . r, .. I recreatf oral director . tter of hiring -a new , , seconded by Cr Jamieson that t he m�a �' �Iloved bar Cr lame s umber of Courici . are present and ' �o atfonal director be left over anti l e1 fu1 n w Carried ,, recta meeting of C-ounei l e . 1 1 .11. - ����1 brought up I.L at the next regular 1 - . .. Ori Mo ti I 11 , on Couna a ou . . - 1 - e or. Cl k• Y 7111" ` - „ r� ,r J'L F — .•a ,:. b _ . . l {1;�' ,. , ,-,_ ,..; , it; •,,' t ,, ,.. . • ' J ,. 1 r n ::, , .r sr a ., , ',d: ._ -:„ .,,.: ,: c,' c r„ .,- , - ' -., 1 '_1 I, ,..-, „„, . , , ci. M. t r r. -r � � r' i ”" i r r r -E. 1 , �. -,r t .1 .-.. , ,. ._ t. ,., is t r :. '., . ... � v 11 I r. . r ,... :... ... -. .. '! , -,. 11 r ,r' r r, v ,:... .:::,.. , r 1. �l r •'r .-„ / ,ru /. a , ; 1. M , , I,.... . , - :,I.' =r; , ,j a �7 :. �I: 1 y r '.. t, — ', 1 ,�.. 1: I"a d I i : I •r _ t _ .'iu..,.{ywII�,J�i...++6Uiww•. 11 .- I r I,ill ;: „ .,. Y 7 „ 'L I.,k,`e ::�" - 11 r v, L il -(.k x T .aF .' __ _. _, _ _ ' : .ia r .. f +r ,N- .y K. ^ :s s' ,� 5.:1.sx..e P - ?'k A:.I n h s';' w,:" :s-- z.;Piy r,,.:,A:S .. :.4 d �f. f`, t .I x- _. ._ {_ ,fir U3 ' ` ! . 1 ' i t ( . } r r' , I. ,� o- r �.` . ,. ,�. 11 y ` � C I � r .r -• _1.e . e. 1 . A r , ♦r om Oc obey h , 1948 ' ,: z ...""..� . . Counc it Ro ,11 eld on above date ., members all present excep ng rs lil� T� I ��. eial meeting of Council wash ed that he had called the meeting ayor presiding and stat i i N `.«.<< n and Patterson , the M- asain Law 11 ,� . Dilli g ct for the building of an arena and. p g Y- �1.� ` for the purpose of signing the con ra . n bi �n. ' arena �'rotn the lryramid' Concrete rroducts Co , ,., f Contract for the construct ion o f an s tad to Council , i ''amounting to , b2 , b33 . 00 was pre an ill ;,,1,,';q, I �'�,`�,",`° LL ` : Moved by Cr James seconded by Cr Jamie s on that the contract for the construction of an 1.. and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to 4 , ;': area be accepted with corrections made , a �, Carried 11 I ; F r 11 � sign the contract . 1. Alison that the treasurer be instructed o paY i Moved by Cr Niddery seconded by Dp Rv e t o� the contract , amounting to {, I ramid Concrete kroducts Co, the first paym n " . Carried " t the st i gat e 21 , 573 .00 the Clerk be instructed to rove seconded by Rv Baker that �lioved by "r Jamieson ts. Co aiaount3�ng' � 20 , 000 . 00 to run crateroduc tO t, n ' the cost of a bond on the lyramid Con Carried , 11 111. 11 r_ unti3., the contract ' is finished . . . BY-LAN rink rr , l c field and including a ske.ting te ovide for the building, of an athl,et �1�,yy '.,... / 4 j By-La t Q Pr /LU Y seed and ordered to be signed and seal e, . a Was given its second nd third _ ng , rea . , __ , 1 ourne d ,"11,On Iiotion Counci adj 1. _.�__, ____. _ a __ _ _ __..__ r 11 S ' ., ��: I I�:�'. ',. .. .. . i'- y ... t r ,....,r..v anM'. `__ r r. • .1 , e" x. _. _.. a".'l",,1..-tnt,>sr ,__..l .. _. - . rr: Lill . �,� . e r r s vember 1�th 194 . . , ,, r r , ,� . .C ounc i 1 Roc I No 1 . memb'er8, all . present - the . Mayor , . Counai l was held on above date, .. I 11 Ke ular me1eting of s were read and on motion It, L g last regu�:ar and special meeting presiding . Minutes . of , ; . • conf i rme d hrta,. r COMM(�NICATIONS ed outside -her 5 at. a street. � Tight. be instTall l Mrs A Chartran, Liberty St reques ng t A tt roln t o art a oast be laid on the able , G N , pr P Y that t he r r q '� lison seconded by Cr Dilling r Moved by Dp Rv Al A ,r �a. • ; ed to the for the present . be referr that the . request son seconded by R`v Baker " A. �' Moved an .amendment Cr Ma " Am ndment Carried �Ii - !k , public Pro arty, Committee to reFo ac t towards th@ upkeep of : the Commnunit Centr .1, I 1­1 , P a ran From Secrete Lions Club , requesting g ere oast be ref erred to the Finance. ���i Cr 1'at terson that the. , q " " Moved by R,v Baker seconded by d back to Council . Carr e , 441 C omanittee t o investigate and report . ill I , . IL elosiri breakdown of the 1948 Counties Rate . . From Counties Clerk C.obourg en g ' be instructed to find out if y. I b Crr James seconded by Cr J'8mieson that the eev Moved y road rate y wa whereby the Tov�rns . are exempt from the oun y. �� Lost " IL t thereris any y Motion Rv Sakes that the Town o r --- --- ---i--- r v ec n ed y " lo r an Aendme nt by Dp R Alli son o d b Amendment Lost.11 It,1, Modred at ion .. ...b..>A;.S... A.?R•ilh IkM ,.,Ir fy ,y;.;q �Ih. <�,..,.;u . .r_.� in'structedf:..to.•• .,gi've his interpret • a . the Re ve and Depot y Re eve ,be instruct e d �, I'll „ r A. Cr Jamieson th t 1. 11 11 - Cr James seconded by . loved by. • an be eaem t from the County Road' rate X ,v - - e if there is any way than the Town c P ��' Carried " to enqu r } �, ; e et advice from the Tc�nrn solicitor. re nesting L. __ na d i an n .. ?, and �'ederat io ayo l_ I at the s em+e m 8 o f M r s q ald Re i onal ch , �. ��,r . Don_ 6 airman Ca . From Mr W. J .Mac ' d 1 amounting to 50 00 acrd „r ues for 194? an 9 g amoun • ant ofd he dues amounting to 50 .00 be p • Pays ed by cr James that t 1.; ' Cr Mason second n Carried " dove d by k 1 r , • . Wig_ g s�rstem at a wee ence to the installation of ens+on x ' in refer " Rea &. . Filed � " {1 .from Mr C .� . Stepp , :A.. C .N .R. stattion crossing. to to settlement of claim of Mr Spence . Mr Oliver Roberts , Weed Inspector , in rye oval be iven of settlement . From seconded by Cr Di ling that aPPr g " Moved by Dp Kv Allison " Carried I rdon Richards for damages to' hi obsrts in reference tc the claim of Mr Go . Oliber R ' T- } . From Mx no settlement could be made . ' and stet ing that arden from weed 1 s pray { e claims .be ref erred t o the 'Town Solia or ,, Moved by 1 . Cr Mason seconded by Cr James that th 1R Carried " r . for settlement S 'Ir x REPORT r a Com�aittee subnaittin8 r sundry accounts ., , i Or Mason pre8ented a rep ort from; the nanc ounts .amounting to 234 : 14 certif e = amount ing 7 and Local Improvement acc #, „f to 394 " Re Adopts Z �: " t and eaommer�ding payment . ee andcec�utive of tb�e L. ti es being c orred �a. � � , , , 1� Cr J ieeon that the Civic Committ f a new'. I it 1 , roved. by Cr James seconded y j' ' ,� : s ' chairman meet and discuss the hiring o ��E , ! , ; ,, community Council with the Mayor as a elrlent of the► new rink and y ,, ,�, of his assuxaing the m�e�n g ,, ,_��," �� �� ���� ��4 onal director with a view h ,,, ;�, , ,$, reoreati Carried i, repo back t o Council , ,, , U s ,r,' ,iE -, s • t,1 ('i '� „ q , . ' � :::ti ! r' ,:.,, ,i,. sir .�."• .-A,;—I,. ""L.11 I .11+SwMY+r:.»rxu a ;o Ipm-1,11 , ..11, I 1 , { w , . 1111111111 x- s. r, .. n, : . :,. 1 a,.m 1. . ..Yf 'nom s 2 E i t _ r PIP .co November 4th , 1948 r Council A00M, seconded b Cr Patterson ' that the Clerk be instructed to write Moved b D Kv Allison y iring the Jackman Mo Y P clu len and Bru�a Ltd confirming the contract for rape �o N o a Letter to M �. �� Carrd E` Road bridge , hir James Kokes be given permi ssi�an f ved b D Rv. A113� son seconded by Rv Baker that s « Carried " ado Y P ounc i 1 Room for Band practi ce onr Tuesday night use the C tors re ort for 19�+? be to D Rv Allison that the audi p Moved by Cr �rason seconded by P " Carried Nelson received and filed . , w sidewalk be constructed on , ` ved b Cr i=atterson seconded by Rv Baker that a ne y ,�o �� d f or from general funds un•le s s the Board o : ` St from Ontario St to Hunt Jt to be Pai l rounds from Duke to Ontario a -sidewalk through the schoo g education are constructing " hloti.oh Lost " BY-LAw of B Law to authorize the construction Rv . Baker asked, permission to introduce a y ertain ., work's as Local lmprovement s . sus ended and Council went into, c On motion rule 33 was P •.Granted and read the first ' time - on committee rising F and reading th® Mayon in the chair. ..,� -: _ .. committee of the whole on sec _Law was then tea P adin with all blanks filled in ' By ted the s T , , the Mayor , .repor econd re ime ssed and or dere,d to be digned and se,a e • r ;a second and t third t � � - Mot i Coun i 1 on c a d J on ourne _ r, ..:: ". •-.... :.KeSx�'•.-YCSifAM .1C'M'r3M4•'v ".n':^.ru-.t-rr. ..+.:-,..:1. .Yr...t._,tS..YSr•fi!frm•.r,v .•.,:.`.i-S ..t...t-'+Y..) r.r ..3.t: .., u-a.m.. ..v.4.a. e.a ...• _ .. L r „ Clerk . Mayor „ r rn November l8t h-9 94 Roo : Council • , fs ; ' rz, esent excepting Cr s held on above date , membersr all Pr special meeting o.f Council. wa, N'id r residing and stated that he . had called the meeting to consider t e deny , the r Mayo P f sewers : of tenders , for the construction o calling T ON CONi��t1r.I CATI uct i of a sanitar y A rs etitioning for the ccintr on r f rora Mr S .R Corder , and othe p Pet itI on .. 0 Brown St from Church st to King St . . si ned sewer and wateretain: n that the petition being properly g , Rvr, Baker } b D Rv Allison seconded by " Carried .R f Moved y p t: be accepted . t ker that the Clerk be instructed o obtain - - - Moved. by Cr Mason seconded by . Kv . Ba �� Carried " ications on the various sewers to be const 'ruc e on P etition . s ecif w be eased to submit the question P Cr Mason tha a, By La P James seconded by t - v or of ! Moved by Cr. whether they are in fa a next I�+unicapal Lleot ion asking �t ed at th to the rate payers Carr engaging a recreational -Airec o:r. t 1 r , y C Willi son ;that he C e k be in structe d„ to a seer s n Moved' by Cr Di�.ling seconded b r �� Carried ". o f the Town . . the cost of maps „ , , r i a our n on Mot d �'1 C Ou,., 1 e o • • , i r , t .I MINOR ` er r ov mb 5 m ji " Roo N e � th , 19t+8 v t r ' • •e�bo �e� :da _e , members all present except ng. of Council' was held on .for the special meeting called • the meeting • residing, and stated that he had Patterson , a ayo ' L a ose of passing. By- aw. p ur p °y a Co , NICkTIONS wothe y uld ' be able ° to ating that pment oron st From Truck and T rector 4 ui er at a r ice of 2 5O .00 t of ,. a rear end tractor mow P supply C J e s that the mower be purchased at a co s h t lYe aU F s d b r am b Cr Niddery seconds y Carried { Mo�v�Jed y st ruc to d to writ e ° 2So .00 ,., son that the Cperk be in seconded`- by Dp Rv 111 y•: Moved b Cr Jamie son wished to pure hase ,the -side mower at' y Ne% onvill,e , enquiring if he " Carried Mr Le lan d Payne e of 2g . 00 it surance on the C .N .R . a pric n reference to placing From Caned f an National Railways i rossin for the , passage of the fire truck . �` = , n c 8 Clerk be • instructed' to write { atat�,o seconded by Cr Jamie son that the„ ed b Cr Dilling n Mov y Liabilit insurance for th® crossing „ �ageat s for rates on y two or more insurance " Carried q, ° tad Truck be prohibi from a b C r Jamie son t hat the Fire red b " moved by -Cr James seconded y until such , dime as the crossing is cove � crossing tl�e C .N .R . stat ion crossing " Carried a Public Liability Insurance . B -I'A`W to the , electors e a B -lra to sub�n�.t a Sue stior` Y I � . asked emission to introduc , t l�v , ,n VOLUME ? a s.- tr £'z t 4, z e -;. u s r Y: ^uy7,r—P° t §§ J V i 1 :Y X ] �, �� 4� } '� h 1 Y .; I ) :. { y�• } _..� 1'' f Cox?L�Zzli_� "+ ..... . .. . i-Y' x N 4 r .r.}a - � ,i H ,' {. ,_ .Ik+' :F y OR a, •$, �. 11 I I ­11 . _ S. ; ' 1) . 3) ,P r ' . 1. . . . , , ,r ,.�. �� Council �-�oom November 2 5th , 11�g ►"�. l� ' n a full ` o ,� ��re ou . n favor of the t,,unicipal Counc 1 employing$11/ „/ �- at the P�.unicipal .election , Y «.�� A time recreational director . ? `' NpN412� , P r ended and Council ,.cent into , Granted' and read the first time . On mot ion rule 1 3 3 w S suc ,, a 1,1a or in the. chair: On committee rising �K cc-nittee of the whole on second reading , th y 1,1ad in �y -Law was then read '��' or re orted the second reading; �rvith all blanks fi , _ th� j lay gird t irrie gassed , and ordered to be signed and scale a econd a'nd tY , • rf _ C Jamieson that the Clerk he instructed to write ' the �ti t :oved by � r James seconded by r id re uired to pay the county roald, . �vhy the T o n q 1. 1. hat noes Clerk Gobourg , enquiring 'C ou the �►.uni ci a13�ty roads within �? xr the count does not maintain the count a.I'll"7 t tiP�then Y Y " Carried �`�Iil ra e . �I . I, ,, r seconded by llp v ��ll i son that the Clerk be inst xucted to tivrite '� I�� oved by V'r 1, idle y e license fee for hur.tin 11 P to�i asking that the sam the Clerk of theTownship of . 11arling ,�ed the residents of the 1 . a e d tb�e residents of the T,aw of, Bo��rr��anvi lie as chdr� ro a anon of be ch r ; . �, rent toNar. ds . tr_ e p p g t�ll,l,'`: ;.; ,,'�'. ,� ton. 'owingto the To�Y11 masking a g ,,arced-11 ,vbwnshi p of .Oar! i } de ph_ asant,s . • .1.1' rl f : �ounc i l ad ' o�x 'ned ., ,� o n hot i o n J C , �` . :_. _ ____ _ _ F i \PS - __. . Y . -,...ter .__._ s^kM .Y .�. --- ._...«_ `µ_.. _ -,.».__ _..... .. .,\.,..,, , 9'¢a<Ike —,Y. 2v,xu.Yla,,. ! �vY_NXAMiR t,,Y�xi9rYi+YY[.k...W a.r_:_ .....x.._. ... , _ .:. erk' uuP XN'" ivaRclmr {' w hM4clsr cs sue¢Yws6;uuurmewnohae:ws,lrNatP14ewu.iwwI AeitK.Nwti3PSi?YKYdlka. y y _._, .. ... ,xu:x r> °'71t:m. RSat'lX".4'{kl74A MSt1 a.h4APaiGA'jiW&vgYetle, tsae',t�74tr9",., ^•rl.nw..xuxrca.aurna.,�??o.'�.,.aL1 x -,4;2A.. ...➢{"�p➢?I '..,ly W r . . , 1 r I .. c,ounci o r . , , ,., ",r ,1 *�. ppf ,I 1. ,:i!z .: nv... ,i,,, , , O II1 � � bone date members all present the I .r�yor ,v� eetin of � ouneih was held on ,potion Regular m eting ere read -and � � ast re� ular and special me s w on r�1.t presid'ir�g . h.lnutes of l g = ., . .I 1. o of i rme d .. e T �,� C0111" IIIaATIOh� fr . , reference o �ou�.ty, +toad Rate . . tie's le Clerk Cobourg , in the � Ta.,A rrom' 9 . et,ter be, referred, to :. ded b Cr Niddery that the 1 , . �� .a �� : v 11 eon s seconded y , I Uarried if Drove d by . ,, ,,�,' Y tor . urchase of cium Chloride 1 . colic i of e:rence to the p cal ,� From Brun 91'Co , . Toronto i n r o the 1:91+9 Cr Jam ' that the letter be referred t ri yFl , Y,, �r Cr iViddery seconded by le son ed ! honed by Carri 1 11 .00 .1 a Dance, to crossing at 'C -No . } i m Board of mranaport Commissioners• , Gttawa in re r - It r, Fro . �.; ,, Yr T ,[ a L', 11 3 �- - - stat bn . A nce to crossing at G .1�4 *a * station . Ra i lwa� s , �lontr ela]. i n refer a 11, g :: anadi 1�Tational ' " ��ec & Filed �� ! r'rom an . .. ,1.��� �• other recreational director . : . o erce re ue sting , "ourl�ci 1 to •appoint �►n . From Chamb�:r of C mm q ' Rec . & Filed �� . . •.11 tin a st ima'te s for re -decorating the Library . :Di . kberneth a submit g From T y n mates be re the _ ... -- ded Cr J.amie .sQn that the Est i erne o . . .. K - 6d n rr ie by ,C�r -Di ' 3�.in seco y " Ca d ' - ,� Council. . on 1 ros a ctt from Odell 194 o termain p _ in 1 . fo r a _ � t �Ji so,n _a.nd p e . P . -, _1.-- -. From-..-l��r _. eg A _._. ...... .. . .. _. . .. .._. ._.__ __._ - _... . _._.. ._.. .._.. --_ _.. --.--_ . __-- - -.-__ _- __-_.__ .._ ... .._ _-11 1 41 _ ere . , s�F c� .. St. toec�nd �t . lison that the petition be, accept®d and referre z' oved b Cr Niddery seconded by llp . Rv „ 1 ,. �� Carried a 1..".,, ._�� - y fission ' e il� to the lublic Utilities Comm to th e st i n' Council t o e ubmi t o By-L+�w Memorial' �.rena Building Committee requ C lg 000 . 00 to �"inish the h ou g nt . .ro fo t ra m owner s for their approval r e C nc 1 0 I ,I. -11 _. .}L1 rl_ 1 Proper y . S ' arena . addressed Council . ,in reference to the grant . "` b2r John &� James on behalf of the . committee aced , b Cr Jamie son that the necessary By--L,aws be prep .,\ 1�"oved by DpV ���.lison seconded y ., l ,, r the c m let ion of the arena and: al so to borrow Y Ito submit a vote t. provide money fo Q 1? t. Cs.rriec�.11... , c, r 0 as a . tem orary , loan, to . the rink committee .Li 'k 71, . ? � 000 .0 p i��PORT� s F na nce C ommitt ee stubmit`tin.g sundry account resented a . report from the 00 _ ~ ' Cr Liason p a counts amounting to 2274. . i to _ 16 563 . 4.3and lblic school building c �� Rec: & :adopt "1 .„: amount ng endin aylnellt . a s / being cord and reaomm g p .certified . ant of 300 . 00 be made to th ��ove d by Cr Fa s o n s econded by Cr Jamie son that a ” . Carried t? .� ; o s Club for 1949 . hi n a 0 foat length of Fire hose be '. D Kv �11i.sQn seconded by Cr Niddery that 5 ;� d :n Carried " . �,� , , Move b p is C�' ittea for th4jruse .1 . PI i'f ', IP �� turned oven to the I'll, ­11 I Roads and at r e e `'` son that the Cemetery Committee be authorized Cr Niddery seconded by Gr �amie �� Moved by sat wort at the Cemetery. �� Carried 1� 1 ' 2{ 1 to hire a trick and men to . do nece Y t the Roads ,end 5t rests Committee be ved b Cr Niddery eeaonded by Cr Jamie son that 1. (, Mo y to Construa tion Co at the corner of Kind and 11 -iz. uthorized to Iremove a sign of 'roror� ,t Carried '� , a,ts .0 ; t �.• ;ibe rty St . ranted ,. ,t 1 , on that the Civic Comittee� be ,g i. '„ ' y, lovedy Cr James s econded by Cr Jamie s ;,',� ,1 ,psi rs to a house on vetere►ns eve . 11 Carried, " ` � .4 N r�nission to spend 35 . 00 for r p .. ,. ,.. ...,..�...,x.vl,.kw.....l ri.F.ar..r..,i ...�a. vl� .s.,�,.,..... .._...+. I .a.: .:i i S J ,ti z: > k' 1 r ee a.,.,ate*s. ' =r. _. ... �f ULUMf, ? �_ :_. . '} I 9# .p`- } §. I } 3 5 _ t : : - . -r1 _ ' F ,j� - +, n. .,,... w viY ., $ .I-I I I.ar.4 .,£... 1 5 • ., a .. I ,. > :. ,. ! .. ,t r .. , e .. �..�.� �fluncil u«�. �. Cr Jamieson tht�t the ComL�unity Couzlci.l be granted o«. h_oved by ,r Jame s seconded by or Carried " G.w N � ."o`� authbrit to adverti s e for 'a , recreational direct 1 • e c ansultin engineer , y All son t h t �,.r . B . �edf rn , =� u �� ` dove d. by Hv Baker seconded • by Jp J v ruction ion of sewer for which • t °k b ��. �.�thoriled to advE ruse for t enders for t ale c c?n ...tz �, Carried '' ,1. '' ; ' titions heve been received • authoriLed tc� settle •,�itr 11 t,. I" P� 1 � seconded b�,} �p Rv i�11 i s on that the Clerk be Moved by �r lr.asor • s for 15 . 40 for dr^•ages to his aardzr: by the weed ap ayez, ' ' arried t' i Mr Gordon Richard �`,� ,�`u e rint endari t be �11 �, �: b Kv "11. 1 s on 't hat th e ,..load t� �� ;. fi, oved by �r 1 atte rson second�gd Y P ,,arricd ' horized to construct a sewer connect ion to the r in.k . 112 1. aut r - • at a notice be inserted in the >>tatesrnan r►:owed by xv raker seconded by �r �i llin . th n thy, atreets at nit will be remov..d at onirjers; expen 11 stiat i nV t hat a,l 1 ° cars Parke d o mar rie d . w e necessary . to do so , when ploughing snow . } I the To�°:�1n �0licitor be instructed to } 1 1:;oved by Crillin . seconded by, Cratters,on that tt Carried �t „ , r"' �1vi thin the �.:uni c i pal ity i :: - :. r are a By-La•► prohibiting shooting rA be' authorized to transfer� 11 P A 11 CFarried t, . :. . I�.oved b Cr Itijason seconded by . Cr filling that the reasu care fund . y to the Geletery pre � tu i :� 1 ,; 2000 QO i)ominion oi' Canada' . 8onds BY-I ;�f� ct ion of � c y_ a ;au ho ri z in e n'n I B k d ;e s s • e a F� L w t th c Q st ru , ._ _�__ .__, a er aske rmi . nt r`�du . v . . . , to .' m I , / - . I_.17 , 61�z' ',a e-z i. - ro v em en is corks Local I s ' t1e e�.��vto ,.r. . ,y so �, ;::� oro ary loan for nde do d C ounc it rid` brit ,,., 'a P ;etas s u s pe 11,,, a read• thr first time .� Ors , motion rule 33 11 ._•--- . Granted the h.. a or in t he chaff r Gn coIIUrittee rising committee of the whole on second , reading , y s filled in . By--�a +s were then the, t ay or reported the second reading ng ,pith all bias r.� read : a second 'and third time , p assed and ordered to be signed and sealed . that the Nayor be auhroized •to declare Box ng t hfove°d b Cr James seconded by rtV Baker ,, Carried "�11 y • ,, . a ]r.ubl i c Holiday , Da �► onday lie cember 27th , - ;1 . ;, ,11 l r �yrr • � r� ,11 I "ot on' Courj cil adjourned . ;r 1 1.On bl t . C i �j, i, . ,� t,. ' • I�,a or. , y _.a - r- k 11 • 1. . , -71 r • 1 . art f °, 'fl( y�Y "A . „t,, a, i m , . 11 :, ,, . o ,. o C` unc 1 Roo ec.em 9y el 'a r r _ . _ to , ' - -- I - - , a o a 11 . r of. Co'ncil. was 11 eld on b ev d , members all Pr,e I tri y ' Sitatur�ry, meeting read and on rlo.tiorl conf firmed n N rout e s of last. r e u1r*r „ me et i n tive re : re s i di g �. , '. ICATION COh� �'Ul`� � to the crossing at C .I� . �-I . . 11 Trans ort Comrnissioriers Gtta'Na in reference ,r erom• Board of. P . . Rec, &. Filed " . ,1 . a station . rite e for insurance on t o. enc os in .k ,,. : .,. General ��ccident Assurance Co ', �'o�r•on . -- r rom Gen " Ae c Fri le d ' • . cont,r_act or s bond e or �b 222 . 30 for the,, erection o . a c � il{ - -rQm-- nay-_Fence Co Toronto , enclos ng nv • 'IT - , _ _ . r, fence around ° the sewage dsoesl pan • e ac court I.' R, son • that° th if correct be Pa d . y p _2v ,11i , , sc- _ .--- by Cr Janie on ove d s' seconded . , r R1.IORTS accounts ce Committee submitting sundry re serif ed a. rep rt from the ran 6 nd lubl i c aahoo l Cr Nason p ts. accounts. for w 20 , 15 • amount ink t o 194.6 . 25 oval Improvemen �Iending, a ent I- I t if i e d a s being correct and r e paccounts for 6800 . 40 c er '' Re c & �do pt e d .t building•, . " ,: 11 11 collections as follows ; - or resented a report of current tax Taxes collected The lax Collect p 55? • hg , 60 . 6? Addit i ors 796 .81 'Dotal , 11+2 , y . Amount of Roll 14.1 ,? 225 . �o 11 • 4. Taxes outstanding t 15 � �� ,1i 12� 553 , 51 , Discounts allowed 778 . 17 , Rec & Adopted 1 .. , , 1, I of �xperiditures during the • ed their re ports ,. I 11 T e respe ctwe standing eommi�tte e s pre sent ., ,,t ` w s • a ort U ver WMMMMW • - .1.year a s folio , �x e'nditures h ` e artment estimate s 7 2g D 2 4�" r' ----' „ oo .oo 6 354•o4 1.r itoads and treets - g 0 1 . 9 u �: 9 3? dire De �t 37 • � ' y o ,o0 7 , ?4.6 . 80':99 1 .ert "� 5 11,� l'ubi i c prop y 800 00 719. .01 6 . . �r .nt ing . & stet ionery 2 13 2 . 60 ?11 ie� 2 , 00 .00 437 . 55' . �tel . ., 3 , 200 00 '3 i 637 . 55 y M. r•a Contingent 7 ,6y,3 ,71 61 .3 :7 IM I 1. r '� 000 00 1?� .31 ,,a M o1�Q® rt o 3 , 821 ,e 6'9 t� 49 000 .0 110089 .43 1 . I ,t r 5 5 . Came .. , , , ,!;, . . L , „ . 2 60 oo - , t I'll- I � 1 ' v .a . , r Laid o the `�` e 11 01 a 1 ., ,}' , i , ,, .. .1 11 .1 ',, . r •.:•..i;.m..A.�wrnnww,.w..r,d+..�✓d .4.»,�r...�... ......r ..; - ` „ • , . iLl 6F - .3 „m,#r.F., t ,.:;c ,.,.. -. t .c ..to 7 ::. a, ......._1.11 �1j �: ' VOLUME 7 11 `.Z .. .: «.. }. flu a - 't s .... 10of11�,1, �e ek e z of Council Roonl Do oemb 16th ' 1948 mmittess s of the standing ' co the report Moved by Gr mason aeoonded ' by Rv Baker It hat Carried be granted . 4120 40 be adopted and the supplementary grants asked f or , chased for Town employees Moved by Cr Je a seconded by Cr Jamieson that turkeys be pur Carr ied deredo and Iraid, for when the account is ren BY IA N to provide ' for the borrow Law ing of ssion to introduce a Rv ,Baker asked permi emorial Arena in the a 0 at,, of a M 18 , 000 . 00 upon do,benttures ,to complete Town of , Bowmanville,e unoil went Into 'anted and ,read, the first timels On motion , rule 33 was suspended and Co, Gr chair ,, On oommittes , risIng ond reading the Mayor in the committee of the whole on sea n the table * the . Mayor reported the se oond reading . By-Lawl *as then 1kid o Road Superintendant Mr A ' Ho Biekellq Mot qnded b ' Cr Patterson that ved by Gr Mason sec 14, y ive years service with the . Towne be, g al 5 gn his twenty f r noted Go '00 in teco itiOn' Of Carried,-, n n `7" on Mot Jo ' Cou bill adjournedo , 4 I_ !"V' A e� VayQr . :7 :% it 0"t d M, x fF, toItoifI.I............ .......... ............... ............... ................ .I................ tItit !#46 tfttIitttoftittoit1otfittioIlefoilI40) 1j7; YOLUM 7