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r _ _ -' :. 11_11. - _ 1111 _ ^.' r .. „ - ,. .:1_:111. " ,`. ..t 11 ,Y.yx.. n .. ., . .r v. r.. .:a..0.`i- .3�" :,y.s r fr.w .;vl ,y _r,. ,c, =_.. t �k .:^.A �5. e',',,.t .,. u,34z x, ,<;h. z 1211:,..•.'3'+n,. "x y3., . , < —1 3y m ^, , _a s ' >ta`P`"�`t 'z ,.� - a'" i ,}. ire," '+1;%11 � .r s..... ._ w _ __. _ _ 1111 s Y ' .: Vii,,-.,:x' 1111-1_11__1.._- 1111 r , .v-..+.Y d 1==;04`1 b_J-w_1111 ... .-:.. ._ .._.,. .-v,_ 1111 _ '_ '' kr 6 jj. - '{ , ) :'� , cA. , Z • I , r 1 - YI. 1111 ,I - - , 1 a , .. ,t. . council Room, January 6th , 197 1. ;. . . q4 11 1 Lo"" , , ,, ' �, �, ' �« above date . �1'he Clerk pre sented a report one n , _ , ,' �• , . . , «w.. Inaugural. meeting of Council vas held on 1. �a ���� s of council held on December ,�3r`d as follows ; - �"� � � the result of the electron for member L 11 r"�, 1 Ernest .6, latterson a.� , wrence C. Cason 522 , Reginald 0 Jones , x+55 , - ,� ,`F; George N Fames , 5 31 , �•1 . X26 . 1 and the �:a or called 1.,q I. After taking the oath of 0.1 off ice , members elect took their seats , Y ui le to open the session with prayer ; . upon Rev G Cameron t g Y �' Garton that a vot a of thanks be extended to Rev „ h '' Moved by Rv Baker seconded by Cr " Carried x , ui le for his services . I. _. Q g Y ural address welcowing the new members of Council and , The N�ayor gave his inaug ' , "stressing the nead, of economy for the .coming Y ear . . b D rev Allison that tie Mayor , Reeve and Deputy Rs eve n M d ove by Rv Baker secon e Y . committees for 19 +7 . . • ' I s din Carried be a committee to strike the tan g �1 t e strikin coaittee that the standing aker re orted on the recommendation of h g ,1 . Rv P ed to be chairman ; . . f e fotos ; - aona .t as l w first nam tees b �... F - Allison Mason , dames , Garton • In 4 �� Finance • , "billing , Saker , ,11 de •: IAm.m,nMm»ph+em.f»nevm+>♦mrn',iv maysua..p» .,.,nw., - .. • .-. s .. .' 1_111. ,.K.x ,mtx.. , .. 1111, r,,.... ..e. _......:�:..� , . - 1 , , , IL .�..,....•a„_._«...- •....� ,..�.,.I ,,...._4:._, 1_rr,..,...-.. - > + _ _ .. 1 f _ �frt„ O�.ice 4, , , h -. a S ol'2 . . s . . , }, me s Alli on . Baker , Ja P. , , 4'. , Fire , _ __ _ __ .. w..� __�. W �, 1 . �__. -w__. one s ,� �aar ton Dillin ” -- __ _ �_ _�__-.__ _ _ -,:__. •-. _1___1.1:1 rt - ,�-°- . -.�..—: .. . ,u,r�,...,. .1 _ _ - Ir:-- „v.,:rm�: s_.rr... —— mesa:-'.` akrv,�r. 1V• . ,n Pub3. .c Prop, ' �, :',', �#,"W ,� -.1 ,�_, lattersan _11 .. - - ,i-T,Y452•S'liL4hdfIkP- 14 ' , f s Demeter t,l,�x. 1.11 1, Jam es billing , n Y Garton Baker ,, ,Al1i son , J•one s , Mason , I L .. : t Ell ; Roads and S rests ' Patterson , Jones ,, Mason , Baker , , Dil,li g , f 11 ra. , Civic , , Ntason 1: I 1. 1 .11 Garton , Fames , Janes , o Revision; Patterson , dt :�: k 11 h Court f I ' �, the standingoinittce • Rw Baker that the report of. „ , I,N Moved b C•r ULli seconded, bq " Carried ,: : - , , ' 1 ,. ., • , �Q, t be_ ad _ . 0 4j„ �;, - -------- - --- -- , CO1I�tiUNIC AT'I0 t. N ' 00 for the Towxl lot at the corner of King and {� erbet Smith of faring 15� • t From Nir H . , �� treats . e o ® r Lambert S t o the Public Cr Allison that th ffer b refs red « Moved b ing seco�d.ed by n Cr Dill Carried , Y back to ;Council . . ' Pro erg Committee to report r 1. 1u: p y . far 1'9�+, • ., . — '.; u'aI . ads Asso soliciting renewal of memberships, . ,/ From Ontario ' Good Ro at, , an 11 4 L ' Kv Baker that Ine�nbership be ran®we�i for 19 ? III:IA.r y t;r ,Garton seconded by . J{- L Koj'ed b dant and member of the Roads and Id 'i 10 . 00 and that uperinten �� Carried n,v . annual fee 'o •� the Road - the convention . - -- ittee be authorized to attend ' Streets Comm RpORTS submitt in sundry acc ounc s mmittee g Cr billing presented a report. from the Finance Q ro sot 5'b9,• 35 Y f 41j . h ' tin to 64.69 . 58 , Local Impro..vement g 57 . 2 , ous ng �� a�noun g Commit e , Rv� Allis a t hat the F i nan e e ee xam ne 1.u Moved by Cr ' Mason seQOnded by p " Carried" , 11 t" V ' 11 ,f t$ and re ort back to %ounc it . , that = accoun P and moved seconded�� by Cr `carton , .J� zol C D n reported the Finance.. Commmittee L cal ant 4 r r 2112 for b Im roVem 0 00 s g 2 o p , paid , Accounts 9 5 . ,,,, the following accounts be Sunday • . . 1 ce Committde 1 . ou s f n ro a ct b e re erred to the Finan .. } t the , accounts, for h B P 3 . Ct• %Afi Mind V ha �' n V Ri r e d �' '= �; ve st igat ion : g4:1. for n HY-LAW • d 11 By-Law authorizing the Mayor and reasur. , .I 11 , �LLL 1. »N� h432 Rv Baker asked . permission to intro uce a o borrow money for current expenses • s ended and Coun.c it wftnt t , and read the first time : on motion rule 33 was sup air . On committee. . f, , Granted theIa or in the ch into committee of the whole .on s�eeond reading , y fled in . By-Law was _,_ orted the second reading with all blanks f I'll I. 1 , ri sing the Mayor rep a seed and ordered to be signed and sealed .1 . second and third tim pa y then read a • structed to write the C Garton the Clerk be in - C son seaonddd by r that to l�200 .00 s; Moved by r ,,, t he t the charge for hydrant rentals amount ng �, - • 1 �; public Utf lit ies Com�aission , :3 st that the Comaciiassion asswne the cost 40 , 'fl s been ob acted to by Council sand sugge ing per year and that 11 s ha par a of 1 .0 0 per hydrant p y „ n dram rentals at a nominal o g Carried , of y' for 1946 be sent to Council when available . . µ j , 1 f auditors report C that the Clerk be instructed to have motion #rIl k� ° , , . Moved b Cr Tones seconded by r Mason , �� Carried n 11 .11 1 . , s �" is ;. ,r,t ' "'"r _ forms rioted for members of ounail . of the Canadian 11�t P C 'one s -THAT AREAS representatives 1. Moved by Cr James seconded by , r tatiwes j ` '`�` March and April 197 , with repro son �,1 ` ,�° tovernmerit meet in conference in Europe n ant and M5 1 �' 4 [�S 1 t� talcs 111- de c is i ons of f e of i.ng emp�.oy � . ;, , , . from sixteen other nations and there I . ' ' ,1 , �� industrie® located within the ,rl ,(1 1 f D WRAS ' ' ' world trade for many years to Dome , AN ,, ' :,,� �� ,.. 'i {, i= d La,�,N i -�Ii;fl 1 e P` ..11111111_.-N !/-'t ' i+M�.w.UnNif ,.,n.WI�.M.IJ4,J1.. aY,+ .:k. ..... ...� . _. ULUM�i�,111 IN fL' _r. . a I , LL t c. 3 ya.. _ .. : ;Pr� ,.^ax J' r , .�?�. - k.',r; ,�,.y -�' k=" ?f o rya x { .) `f 4 ''i s r , 3:: s 1 sr , { ' 1Y a Y- s „ . ,._ .. •: ",,. i= -a aY..�ha" un Y, -.. x x-+`s' ( s z... ::I; S IS ,.- .y', f.-w;t" .+l. :i''s - a{" .t'-i,Yl '.yi..l+ .. ., ......<i y, ...., ,k. 5'M. ._1<-�,.-. -.F Y. ?.'v S^ _v. s -�,_ .75 a-.. .. ..Y�... .. a st >.,'.'': i- 4 Y _ a �, - .,;a , :' fir, - ..�1a 'a;�Ft �.:i::"" �. .'�':ary'.. s._�...rte=..w^ _:._. - - -- . . il _ �„ ,;1 _ - I 11 . ., . i {'i. • S.� 1! • ... . - :I , • - I I r ounc it Koom , Januar 6th , 19�+?le Y 4 ' c 111 11 11 nv ille ma be ,thus vitally cons erred, AND �• corporate 1 imit s of the Town of Bowz Y I ' h „ q �o .�zo al revenues of the Corporation of Bowmanvi lle`' , a '�VHREAS employment -and copse que nt tnunic ip u h unfavorable decisions that ma possibly ensue from I 5e. 1 e 1 , �Pl lill, r y may be adversely affected thro g . city as Financ e , ,. t it ion that you , in your cape f' 1" . I the conference. abroad , '��e Therefore. pe ce o� this petition t . ' h stem for the. Government of the -Dominion of Canada , take cogn zap It, ini t taken to instruct t'he Canadian delegation of the situat on n ,That all due steps be ' ; e to ent and financial consequences in Towns such as Bowmanv e 11 I ,f respect of the mp ym I. t v�here industrial wages must be maintained at. a fair level . rye feel that at this t me that the v+ i 11 receive your earnest 11 1 our representations are highly important end " Carried il conk iderat ion e` cted to� insert an _L b Cr Garton that the Clerk be instru 1 . Moved by I Cr billing seconded y i warnin tnotori st s not to park cars on the streets sll n g advertisement in the press g il e • streets , cars will be removed li with snow Toughing , and if legit on th t,11_ ,; 5 as it interferes p Carried 1 . to a garage' at the owners expense onded b Cr Patterson that Gr 'ones ;be added to the pence 1. �` Moved by Cr Jame s sec y i' . ,t Carried .. _. 11 } t T. `/ 1 , :. C onuni t Mr . n q s t o tee . ianha bee ue e d be ava a Mo D xv Al.l i son sewn ' er a v _. _-._ ..' _ _ - _. _ _ _ __ -11. i , C )'{ , I l ed by err � e n , ,�. .. _ C --� - Dubs,i - s meetin oft �� , f b h say 11 TM., r ur d n gh g . 1 r I ,I. 11 �- r p Motion Meeting Adjourned . , . n / Y,111.1. ;,. 'Div r t • .�. I �'ijll. . I I-I: ;,O, I I I . : -�., - - ,I, � ,..;I�_,I I.�� or I �........ 0 1 r Ma?i� . : �, .. � ,. . . , , � . . 1. 11 I�11 I 1 , ,,�: . ,,�, �.. V I _ww----- 1-1- I; C erk. . a , . : , , , , ." ill a:r ' fi .ir, ". '� 1 ,,' ar th 9�+?11. 11 I �"anu 9 , ouncl 11 Dom , y k 1 . 3ti "p a cr��, 1 al„ as 4i I . , a I rs gal l resent excepting �P v 11 fn be i1 hey. o — - - -- a I a Dune w s don b vQ date mem ,� , pedal insets= -o#- -� ' e meetin for the purpose ` and stated that he hsd called th g Ili . �,` i f i Al 1 i s I. , that kayo r pr e(s i d i ng 11 11 I nts and eneral bus peas in connection ro ect accou g �,. for the ,:Ipurpose of passing hous ng p , It 11 , I 11 ,..rl with housing contract and other contras 11 act that several members of C that in view of the f „' N�oved by Cr Fames seconded by r ones il fI ;, sated the wish of the e elected , b opular vote which indi . = - � - 4 . resent Council wet y P y rr,'I :, p ks ro • e c•t s during 19�+b , and that none o anion on all public wor p tatepayers ' for full inf �ma tte knowled a of the n. . ' rs f 1946 Count it and hence have li g 1 .Y of those .elected � were membe , a 9• eral ro teas of the contracts ' entered into ; details , tertes and gen p g . ` 1 . That all correspondence 11 with the Government and any other parties ins connect on w , �{ Cam Buildings be' made ava�.lable to the members o,I .the purchase of the .Internment . _ p :� :., f 1 . -- Council: t 11- 1' ' s� red contracts ,, correspondenceoro her, That all or $ c works 11 I. _ ... .,..1,•.•..•. W..... ' ..I. w.,:. , i'gin 1 .d ents includ ng 6° s on all public�� ��'�' memoranda , entered into or carried on with the contractor .11 ble to �ne,bers of this •.ounc il . 3. . ro a ct s during 194.6be made avai la aid :: . �, p e f of the contractors , whether p ff ` That ' all accountssub�nitted to council on, behalf 1 I .3 '. . the on in 1 .1 .all a ents made in excessof g a 1.`,, 4 �i aid on all contracts , ins lud ing P I Y __ �1, or np s council . '}� � act tetras be made avai lab 18 to the. members o f t hi , coritr , the 11. blue tints submitted by y subsequent plans or p �, fat the original and an s of this • used for inspection to the tgember h Q 11 . , �� i . R 2 on the ou s ng pro e . contractor t e pr° ,11 i' 1 ` .......••,. .1 .Council . to the following;.1 I 5 . That aotnplete i oformation be supplied to this Council as 1 . _ ted to the Town solicitor , on public works projects �„ °; ta), What contrast s were submit same .? mere -any such contracts so submitte 0 __ for. his advice prior to signing to be used in the m letnents 'were purchased by Council (b) What machinery , i P sins rred .by C Duns i1 to Permit housing construction and what expense we. , n ldin site . �Yhat eras the total outlay Bind val of cam build .ngs to the bui 8 . charged. ? ,: to what account s ens►ufi�ed into before ,, submitt�.n6 tender Was the f inapt f al standing of contractors l p d were en uirie s made as to . previous .f °' aontraote were let on behalf' of Council an . ,1, ,� tracts . ? atl ex erf®nce in such con at amount ... _ �' "' P eve been ? Wh usi �o eat h sold to de►t e . ' `� • .". ` �w many units, of the Town ho g P 3 f'ZI,.' i JI rn ,x., �zn `; "" ? repair these houses .? How much as beet , �� haebeen taken from the McGill funds 2'or f i 6 4r ' r . ® through sale s .? �I 'l return d f 1 ed b the Munio ipe►].ity t ,i.* - d contents ov�rn y at he; char a of buildings att f 4`r,' �,,�� x ��8 who i s in g 1Y -- In X111 s 1 .F rl , it��,,1. t ti ��1 � d t�. �"'"p'�nsib].!! ., ? r, Interm n Camp .? What ire his duties an"il I »' I �' ;,' I ' ' , ' ' 1,1 , ,. 1 ill , . ._4.-..,........aw.:1..,1"1 _l.4r.w...:...•.....ti»..ar..._..N.. n . LUMP ? � m : .._11 11 I � �.. 11 I , , . x .. ._..'� .. ., .v "i '�.A.'vf _ is .. f %<':e„ ' __ _. _ ;Y Y£' b: gym. - -... tfrf 6 . - .,lvl� r < , ,r: L.. ,^ .: ,.: .fir ., _ :, :. a ' `- .' < " - :. :t 5 R�11_. �""" ____a., _...._,W�__', '_.,-_,__s ,`O._",__,...._ _ ,mow,__ _ _:_,.i ._. .'::I ..w ,5- :» .r ,,, a a.sR, �'.' ,. t>, ,,.lxN :, .c,,:. f ass'--r.:� ..x ;�S,t.,.-:- W X -'1,R.6?2.: M1,.. x:... .g y,cr. ..- :. max,x.:; .•EI .,..- g- ,c•r..: .&if - .a wa,.5++-. y., , .,.5, r......L. ...,_ I.. r f{......,-.,, ,..._,,. 'xS ,.,,; .,, ..,' icv JS. „ ., rX ,.3f �.' ., t3'a?F.. - "`,<s3ks41 ..,}x:.:i,, c _ Rb1-a. S , , ,u.n'r a°,z 4'ei- 1 r.b iIm"SNF t, e.mow•TES; " Y �; .eM4 .. _11 v: < ..° .. 1 1 I r , , ° . r , - %. , � ! $ t I t i2 I i I t .1 • M;' 1 ,1 . , Y , ,r + I , , n ! y , ,.. , bh , , , l 1 � .« � : doom Januar 9th 194? il t „�. � . I ounc i t , y f% Doss ,` a ;, materials to date . , � � �� N 41�� t amounts halts ' been realised frprn resale of Internment amp I 1 9 : - ha • 5: 15r a has been aid to date into the Town treasury . ? rYhat was the • ill�l 1 , Haw much of sam P other rentimeration paid to any agents employed on resale and total corvmi s sion or materials still , s the estimated value of 11 whom were such ayment's made , ? �1�hat i , r to P , . unsold . ? 1 j ,; „ COMM. NICATIONS 11-1 .1 Kiri St was , •' bei,ng co istantly��11 h. L ' From Mfrs Kathleen Nayor , stating that their driveway on g,1.1 . I ked b trucks and card parking on ' King :�t and asking Counodl to take ant on . I bloc y ' - C Jones seconded b Cr James that the request be refered to the col cev ,.,. Moved by r y n Carried , h x Committee for action / { ue st in to meet the Public Property Committee in ` From Pulplic Utilities ,Commission req g , ' . regard to new street : lights to be in stalled e Y C Patterson that the Public Property . Cornznitt ee .meet Moved by Cr Garton seconded by r t I I�Zl Utflitie-s Commission . " Carried , ; , the Public n Council not to , sell �totary Park without From Public Utilit�.es Com�aission requests g .r. . ,,_,.�� . ..I _ consulting 11 e an t m . h err ed to 11_ of r_,-x f _ re cei ved d r 11_ _ e e b _ et r _ t T- e 1 C G t.c►n.. t th __ ,.,...: .,„me?•n♦w.'i%SMlpxitnl,•: ..,, ......,..n.•,....,... __,.,.,,., r. ,�,,...,,. ..,...,.. ,•,.,....,,.,•... ...«,,,...•J....,.,,.r-. ..,.,..,.,......,.._.,.,_,..,.,...,„..w. .....,..».�...., r..n.. ... ,..,_ .....-................ MovE3 d by. C r D :1 .ng by s-e-cranded ° r ar ', .�� , _._, _ w ... ., _ C oYCl�1 i _...- _ . . _ __ __,.__,. __ --- - - -- - ___ _., ... t tt.6 Pr . _ .err... �e. If the ,Pub 1 i c pe y �_ �,_ s seconded b Cr Mason that account of , Torcm, I Con tructi.oi� Corp Ar' It"11 11 . Moved by Cr dame Y 11 I 11 I ,I , b not aid until further information' is secured t for housing accounts 'or Decemiier e P n Carried "1. <, by Council . tact with Toronto : Con•struction I . Cr Mason secornded by Cr Jones that the cont Moved by , I � w at �f urt her ;,IN oli°citor for his opinion and advice as to h Corp . be r farted to the Town s , ° "_' take ' i'f any . " f Carried " . 1 I this council ste sin th s connection , should , p BY-LA:d . ' , ♦ . - _ � 11 _ - r o er asked ermission to introduce ? a., By-L.aw to provide for the borrow ng Ho 133 Rv B p debetures to defray the cost of an extension to the sewage '/'�' 1 ' ° Y $ 190 040 .oor upon , - - , ..11 , k treatment lent and trunk sewers leading theretof.1-1` P d t on rule ended, and Council went �; f Granted and 1. read thee first time . n mo i 33 was soap 0 c omtnitt ee ' reads the Mayor in th+ chair n r ttee ,of , the whole on second nS , ' into c ox�oani . GI B -Law. B -Law was then laid cbn the Z. rising the Mayor reported the second read ng o y table . Mr Fred Pattinson Cr Patterson that a better bye sent! to Moved by Cr Jones seconded by r . �cl 1, n ins actor at a meeting of t.ouncil held on I'll stating that he vas appointed builds g p 1. I ..( be aid 1 of total cost of construction entered f nto with 1.11 r March 22nd ;, 1946 and to p ull . Toronto, Constructiron Corp regarding the . housing project and that he as 11 , ' wn 'to rotect their interests : pursuant' to contract and that . corpy d •► authority from the P - " Carrie # y, :` 0 _ � ,�.;; . -._; t T be sent to Toronto . Construction Qorp .11 - Spector be called in and seconded b Cr J'ones that the building, in 1.! Wry �0� QO rQa 11, Moved by r son ,tJ 11 1 C struction Corp are d . ng n thhol i g lined from e asked why Toronto on " Carrf�ed xi L material at the Internment Camp. < sale of Construction Corp be ,, ,1 Moved b `C Jones seconded by Crasonr that the Toronto 1 Y r the have collected f rom the sahe k requested to pay over t.o the Town all money that y r ent Cam immediately " Carried " • .I1. . , of sur lus material and buildings at the Inte nm P t structed to 1 �, p Cr James that the building inspector be in 11 . Moved b Cr Baker seconded by y s Buildin at the Internment Camp , have the material stored in, the Oflf icers e. e g i d " _ 11 Carr a ,.11 , removed to another , building . i 1 r .,. .. , �w rued . / - I .1.t w , n 0 sour , Mo ouno a ou , L a6,, r 1 11 I t!r f _ , a ! , .•.� or IWAl ., k , May , e . ,, , Y, , , 5 , , I ...,1, . ! - f r` I,I! t ..... !. ,tai ' ,. �, - 1,111- .:.. ,.. . 11 a as1 :. ,:.._ '::.. , 5 p , , , ,' ..1. l .. .. , ! .. ,. ..., :,. ., , .,. , ,.: ,.y r v ,.r ,.. i. ,� -�.. .,: .. ,r ..,.. r -,,.,.,.. ,.., - ,.,..., 4 •1 ,. 7 - : ,., , ., ., , , , r., ,r .. ,. i.. A. , , .:a , , r ,1 . ,,,: , .: ,! , Y t r.. d _._ t _ _l _. _ ._ ._ , _ r, n. .,. aP - _ .: ,.. „ .:._fir t. .. I r, .. „ ,.._,,.. .,:-- ,._ t:r 11 a. _ 1. ...,.,.r..,.,r ... .,.j. .- ar. .: , ,.:.... t:. ,.,• ...:.::,,.,.r.r,.,s ,. , .. .<... ,.1, :.II :1,f , J x,... ,. , i.-, ,e.r,1., .":,w , ! { i, ,. : ♦ , ., • „!.. „. r -r-.: ,.is is .. , a ! , . !1. • , .., _ k .. , f ..r -_ -„_.._ t t , -_ 1 ,}} 4- .I....., F .... 1. :: -: ..., it - 1 ::,,,. „ +r, is , .. .... r. ,::. I . :.I 5 r n r :.:: ,,.. .: :.. r �.. .- ,I. ! t! ,t,.. ,. ,..: i.. , `f .. :'r.a,,. , f ..�, r I,. :t ,. ::-, z.., il.- :.. I:.j. / 1.. i. .I. if ! i- ! f :. . +, -. f: r .. ... 1 kt ,_ .._.11 f. - ,:- t._ -. ..::: _., ,:':'. ,. .. ...a _. ....1..._. .. ._ _.. _ ,. 1 .' -. ..� .:fir.. , r'.:, ., t',. r ,.., r : , .1_:,.. _11 � -..., ,.. `!. .'. is :__. , 1, r. Sf , r. ,, t.,. .. ,. ,.c,.. ..,. , - - 1. r�ij r ,.. t a, l 13 r :, , , ,.. _Y., ,. .. .,. , ,. ., ... .. , , ,.' .__. , 1_ _.f .r 1 .. .. 1 it-..,. .,_: ... .i..,, , ,. ,. ,... .r ,.� ,, t.. v �.-r x r- .:,. 3. ,. ., .,:. ,... . ::':, a, , 11 ...> -. 1 t r 1 4, . _ n '. r 1. I. , _ 1 r 1.: , ,::::. l ! ! ... .. :R..,. r-..1 :-.. , ,, ...:,.. a... ,. .. ,: ... ,-:1 x 1. .11,..,_. .I . ,. , . 1 ,r , -a ,1 „ -. V' _ . ,, :k r ,: i - --., rr 11 1. ,._ _..,.r L , I f, I r,..._' k:' .r, ..... .i ,. _,.,- , .. _ :.._.. .. ,r-_ . _ Y, . ': . 1. -}: 1 "I I 11!t ),., {r s. .., „ '„ I ,. , .. r , ....,% .. . S ... r ,, is 4- .." � s: ,. , .. _. .. .. -' 1 ,.: ..... , .: r.... ... i ... . ,':•.. t.. 1, -r.. .. ... ,.' '.: .... '... :. . 1! r , ,.,.,z.. , 1:: •. l .. Ir r.. .. ... f I , { Y „ ,. , ,...r .. , I 'T , I', t G ,." }r 1. 1 .... I i ,, ...,..r..,. .i, ..: ..n { n .. !li r. I. , 1 ;N' .. I M'Ill �111,c", r y .1 ,, r I , I ' ,.' :4: , ,.;I f I I_ _I,!I t .Yid+ MY .�'�^ /'IY:M'wL°.•`. • :Y r 1 VOL V �r .:"_ ,..rte ,... «,F "I'll t. !}" re y a'''T'1' "�� ''v._Sit P w. p ,' i, . . . 1Vv ,r - ` :. ;s• „ s -x `9 a� + r. 4 - 3 t is - . xq -z w r :>.„,.` ha-,•, n.. ,1 t x,-,:-. ,.. ... ... .... ... .. ..;.. ' .. s.-e.. 1.r•e� :t sir-•:,•' ,. ' , ,, r.., �, r_, ,.: �. .• . .' �. rz `a. .�. __ ,.. .� 2 �+ S x •a`i,.. ,., , _ w. i.,, . I ., / , sue, Council Room , January 16th , 19�+? a art1. , r� esent excepting '"` d. on ' above date , members all F ....� Cou'r,ci1 was het «a« S cial me et of ,. 1*o N 4120 pe for the { 'called the' ' me et•ing Rv Allison , the Mayor presiding and state d t hat he had ' r actor in r g d o L ',4 , - diecussin a letter. • received from the building insp ear t sell n Yi - purpose of g . ,0 .. � I 11 s the housing units not y,et completed . �r T I r . C OMTrti cATI oi�s units on , „ � to the unfinished housing From I��r ,N .R Strike , Town solic or n re erence . " • . t� Rea & Filed .,, , 11-11 � ?iambs Lane , t l� ins actor in regard to selling four housing un is on , From bar Fattinson , building p ction by tender . Lambs Lane now in course of constru , 11- , e letter be laid on the table r until ` ' ' ed b Cr James seconded by .Cr Jones thatr th 1 11 Mov y " Carried " further inf ormat ion i s secured . ,•. es of all letters sent by the Clerk Moved b Cr ' Mason seconded by Rv Baker that copi F of Council be read at the next meeting of Coun� 1 • to be written by motion I. 1: I ,{ and directed " Carried tl�1. I,. / ' r y: 1 r ' , _ ,, On Motion Council adjourned . �`11 „. ” G , •I L. :r M or, , _ _ �_ 1. t. .a. , • , • >•„.,,.,xs...�uxarw.ww•„M.«»nnmWaae,wos.,tw >.:era.:»/.a...».+ew..n.a.,.w,.,«sr,�a,.r.rnn,,.w..',,.�,.w..,.,Mw•rrvy„rw.w,.nv..«•. ,lu«.nMwe«awi'rrnx.wnrw.wui�..e�c.;�..�sa..nwwf u...wvm. . r 1. !a" "'°++7 M"++014�Tr 11 t I I L wnr+ .«°uww wn-.Irrr'f,.c..w ,,-,' «Cmmw:w.Y. nvlfo nwll.wwX...r HM}, N r,.wr W,;.�YMamrr rb....v na a n r rm r T "R I .�— xe,Yrt�1p w...jn,.,,1.,,•. r4rt,...!e.+r•r.n.,..r+. ..v^^w+. "•1,,,.,..«.«;......r,.«-,..•r,..,,.......•,r......re,.«,»....u...,..•,,....,. n.v..k.,.:...,.-..,...-....�.• �,,,..r.,.,r,.,.,, •a,.., ., T� 11 1 ou n'�� � ��o��°� � ate members1pe , �.e, pt ;ng...,.prF M�K:.. �� ar meetin of Council was held on above d , , .11 �: egul �: 11 I i son the h�a or Ares id•ing . Minute s of l 11 . ast regular and special 'meetings . 11 .Rv rAl1 .. , . ,1„ mead and on motion coif ir�ne'd . e uestin ermission -to pla e a sign on the `' Mrs R Hobbs Libert St addressed council r g P 1 .y . __} rX. boulevard outside her store.• .11 11- that the re uest be referred to the Public xv Bag er . seconded by r Dilling r , Lowed by . . " r Carried �t ID .Property Committee with power to act f „ Counc i1 stat in t ld be erected in the i'ri, -�lir : chof ie l.d Oshawa , addressed g 11 1. I ha ouses wo I 11 �.; ,� • Ce tra Mort age and Housing Corporation Town for veterans by Ur J . J : Lett for the n �. g m sewer water and roadway facilities . i f the own. would supply , �- C 1-atterson that the Clerk be inrstructed to send a lette I. Moved. by Cr, Nason seconded by r 11 -to Central �ortgage and Housing orpor ation stating; that the Town will . supply water , t es if the houses are erected . tt . Carried .�I 1.s►nd road facili i - - sewer , a annual grant for the Public Library. 5 f - Ree ��f . 1 . Rogers addressed Council asking for th . . , the re uest be referred to the • Finances -1.All I v Bak seconded by Cr Garton that Q L 11 DJiove d by n er, tt Carried " . [ ovrer to act . , , Com�iittee with p ATION� I � , COMMUNICATIONS . . r: Y ' - of KI g and Lambert ;1 . I t at the Co me r 1 .ffering 1?$ . 00 for , the Town to 'I . . From Ur C Raby, o . . sts . be referred to the , rublic b r Cr Dilling that the offer Moved , by Cr James .seconded 3 - at the next meeting . ate aind re ort back to ouncil n � �,�}. Property Con�nitteer to investig P " Carried �Y; Town lot at the% client, and en .uiring if- , the I it From Misspha Hodgins acting fora r Streets was for sale . L 11 Y,,. 1 r iLl.L '11711- t • weet corner of liberty and Park , 4 Nor h r be referred � to the lublic Rv Baker that the enqui y r, Moved by Cr Dilling seconded by " Carried ". tl e st i ate'. and r e port back, to c.ounc i l . Property Committee to inv, g ' 00 . 00 for a Town lot at the head of Liberty Place . Mr A •D• Bickell , offering 1 . 1 From he Pub 1 i c 1.i fi , b -Cr arton . seconded by Hv Baker that the offer be referre o Moved y r r . „ t� . Pro art - Committee with power to act . Ir ,r['•. P y ' iL that the offer be referred to she C James seconded by C•r Dilling Moved : an ,A,taendment by r _ ate" and report back to Council . {l Committee to in�restig h . Public : Property „Amendment Carried, . C ci ' ' ' to a oint a member' to the Community oun Council PP A,I, From Miss Marjorie Couch requesting - I t Nor Geor ea �I Jame a b® appointed a9 Moved by nv Beaker seconded by Gr Dilling tha g �� Carried " I I "'.�_'_�`,,111�_".:, X, �� Council 1. tine From Council• on' the Community •. ani . repres®nta a vi sin Council that Mr T .B . thson 1 ti '� rom Secretary Bowmanville Community Council d g be paid twi c e F that his salary a esti�n 1/ 1 i y t 1 _ , I , �. r, .� been a ointed director of Recreation and re �u g ; had Fp J r °�V ' `a month if possible . , e salar of Mr . Smithson be paid twine 1. � � a A by C�r Jame a seconded by R Baker that t h Y { ,.�{,t �.ti �� �A G i r, t .�� f Move d ' ' r'� r` ° � �`' th . ue stbe re f erred r 11. :r I the re �� ib. ip 4x a nn in s ecc�nde�d by `r Patterson that � ,� " ;i,�a�,�� lMo�re d an Anne ndmeht by ,Gr Dill g .1t IL a F i E S , �' +. } > lei r r 11 r:l tiY,,�, tl ,r, 7 ,r{ ` , r :'• ort ' Ito Council . t� A�ciendment Carried 11, to the Finance Committee to rep I •� �� t :v: r� 5 . r t F 1 '1 L7 1-1 1. }; 5' r 1 . , '�� 1 u. ' _ '.. 1 1 , {,,.u.w..r.J.r°..+•,+.•w. „yy..,,jr„y:.,.u..l..e.r I r • .. ,.._... ..w.1 "i4M. MY31J Y..�°XYWFr•`.u,. 1 - n�..S1wi.'�wk+/.+ I •YM.I _:, .• zr.F x w'I a,yrt v q e- �r : , , . ' ,. ..,.__ 11 'L u2 ULUI+ , . ,�' V �. k 11 _ t #. - '• -;., s . �.,x .x .:" °' r'gh' ;. r,1„rw s~k`„r„3.�'- '- - - a .� r ise 1 i '" C s k_ x V.y 6 It,' Y 2: t A'}: - I § 1.. S^ r , I - Y i ° / ' - I '", i I 1 �' , ° , I i i C' it , ! . k .- ,: , .;. - r t, , '# , .a.«�.:� Cou�ncit �ootn , February 3rd , l94?11 .�«�... , � 1 ' o the Hi hway It on o advi s frig that t:he share f , `� Pto .W 4120 Fro Proctor , :Redfern ,ti2'rd_ Laughs in , Tor t 2 15 " sec 8� Filed '11� 11 St Fa�aeraent would be 1 , �+ �+ f ,,,` �A e tnlent for repairs to King _ „5 02 n ° r+ 6Nl � ,. , �' . T -, T osin renewal f,or Viability insurance .I. From h'i�ss N . E • Neads en I g den®wed at an, 3 the . iabi 1 ity ir: surance be ,1 illin seCOnd.e,d by �r Baker tht�t . ++ arried +, hove d by �r D C annual premium of 2 .7 . 23 ed •Nith the 1 that a record of all claims fit 1.�,. "ove d byr Joni°s seconded by �r Di 11 ing +, Carried " Town 'be made and a re cord ke p t of the final di sposit ion I 8I'1'$ • { r : r Sick �hildre�a, asking Council forcer m 1 From Hsopital fo t e re uPst b�; referred to the Finance is L. t. 1 ,rr . ed b Cr Jones seconded by Cr latterson that h , It ', . h.ov y Carried �;ommittee, to report back . ; t from „ , corn lainin , of . the smoke nuisance on Scugog ,'It From residents of Scugog t P factories and ' railway .1. the core' faint be. referred ro , the Hea1tY / 'Y ved b Cr billing seconded ' by �r �o3'les that P •� Carri.ed " $} b o Y k to Council at the neXt • meeting . , 1. Unit for i nve st fat i on and to report lac t . . a rant Rec & Filed ' a ue of �'Canlada askir,E: Council for . g for 1947 F it, From Health Le for renewal of membership, , • Ontario I��ayors and Reeves asking eyed at an - From As 90 of be ren d ed b � Cr Garton that member. ship for 1947 n �+ c on ed Y ri ... ...,e�e. �ar ..� .0.. .v° rXMV..aiNAHAWI1iIRmW x1 1 11MrAMMVSSU,whvur.,nr:�, .+v.uur _ �., - -u.�.r......, .,........_ �, a,. r,A �... ..., .: �... . . ....�_, ., .0 .y.�,,.r_ ...D�:�l:�. g._ �� .....,«.,rt,� .,rt.....�.,.M_,»M. ,rt.,�...,,..,..�..�,...M..,.. ,,,� ,...,.rrrw.� ..,,W r�..,...,,,»...�....,,... ....�..».....»M .�.,�,. .» ,�..... � o.v d b . . �,rtw „..T..,..... .�,,,..�.., . , �. »...,., .,.,. tr Y.Y.w.N t'RYih1m3►i*1!I%'f3W.�WnWAVOR IN �.. �. ,YYn r,.w'.,.. �• •w.,».r,., y.•.I,..« ,, !aTV.q..,.=�.,•,n.vm,°...wn wn' .. r rt. . anna . f e s t f r f�:r o s e I » TM , �,»N_. � k:l . e of CC o e ',ewe M :e� _ .n. , ..� � I" Y e Ltd e 1 i �., rn.�A IY �„». aea _rav enc lo.s ing pri c e s of From �3i �kle es at the City Hall for � memb 1� Toro3ato offexin ; faciliti 11 From May o f � aund e r e wisitit Tor'c�nto . be s',ent to , Mayor Saunders 11' , . Council �+ r that aletter ,, � , �; Y I u, seconded, by Cv' Garton t� Carried :, Moved by Gr Same s , s letter - .thanking him for �hi to ' hold e Tai Day on , • for, the Blind asking permis's yin From ��anadian National x,nstitute tr I 11 II& I ,,. . x;11 }! turda Ma �10the. , , _ be ranted : ” Carried �, d r lli r a C lung that , , perm scion �L � ,- �,, y Cr Garton secon ed by ii, '�, 0 ' tioved 'b ' to hold a, Tag Day • L �zl 11 ,4 r , i e rmi S s . on It I f. : , Nav League of Canada asking` P ranted Tag. Day to be h� ld k ��a, ,.Itr From y , conded b KV Baker that per�nis,sx,on be g �, Carried I��oved by �r Garton se y ti r, • , ,I ",� t o ho l d a lag . Day after May one month • l�Ot y. d for an ; ,, • f��, . 11'` Sailors Societ" asking permission date : after From British Garton that permission. be grants . , • ed b Cr Carried " �,. b Cr Masoan second Y r Moped y F .;, ' ;f:T - ' - duly 1st , 19�+? m laming of the low emperature in,iIi son Secretary Library `Board cop _ , _ „�: >,; From Nr A �I�1. Thomp , .! . th Public 1. 1 . t h t th c Alai e e Library . o e C •Di l n hat , � e om nt be r e f s re � e d " ded b�/� r g esker secon Carr I s" Y Moved by.. Rv ci1 4 1.IZI tit- t , I erty Committee to report back o oun° P I e westing that -two more firemen be taken e i __ From Secretary Fire Br . ade and F re e nL for the firemen en th of the Fire Brigade and . an increase n Pa - ©n the str g the request be ref errad to th a--FTe t . C r vi�.°ling that - , D�Iove d by v Saker seconded by " Carried " fi council . ttee, to report b� ck to o©king after the ' 'Town Dump • - Commi �- IL �: un asking for an increase in salary from 1�Zr John Mo h Cr I��ason that the revues# be referred to the u c C James seconded by �� Carried " _:: �, r - Moved ley r. 1', I a re ort. at the.- next meeting• 1�t. Committee to bring in p Property ker asking for. an increase in. salary er M ' ,i Caret a From Mr J •H . Highf field , , Cemetery ere ue st be referred to the Hemet +y It illi,n seconded • by Cr James , that th �l " Carried . . Loved by -Cr r g .1.1. Conittee to report back to Couxlc „ admitted to Bowrnanvi lle Hospital an W afe sb +t " I` Mies Clerk advising P^I t n sing Rec 8c Filed From C our { Ge eral Hosprital . ' -Law for the issuing of . . Toro n art' in reference to By 1. m Thistle Jt d son and I agg t� Laid on the Table " Fro Daly , ' „ j'1. , `. , debentures REPORTS sundr as c punt s �. . . , the Find ce Committee submitting Y ,p ' resented a report Pram i. Cr billing p• gp 0 and Local linprovement ao4ount s . 5 to f071100 gU , Housing a�ecount d n" a�,ount i ng n d r e c omme���:ng � p�►3►me nt • n �c Adopt e '1 �u 1•' jt t,t. ;� . certified as being correct a „ 0 1 . d fire losses for 1916 , as 201 .9 11 ltl�e� Hoo er submitting . his report of fires an �� Rec & Filed " rota Fire chief h y t`ol�nws ; 36 fires f ire loss . 22 ,060 .00 a Police department ' t f • his re ort on the activit3.es of th f , r 'ram �;hief venton submitting p r the k'oli�� ort be referred to 3 . t 11 for 19t�6 that the rep n . es seconded by Rv Baker .h CarrI'd C r Jam ,t ��t; �� tot Counc1]. �� , �� a ort back I, , Committee to r p . . • �.,.': 1 4:.11 �� t�� 't' 'I' `. 1.," sf 1, It : 1.' - :. . _.; t 1 .?J.%F v ? I ,, t,'. .--„- s.,.,h.N tr - _11.. �. .c:....n. :, .. • a ;rte, W i _ _._� OLUM S<"i SM1.F �„ S k.��a b S '[7`F 4„• "k H` n`'`I . ,It _ FR r 11 '�� L 11 ":! E MEMPFF�� v} < ,,9 < a, V,7,Fars-: tom.;,a.;;'ww „s,.jn`� h ..:..'^�'-r_,s.,;£W,s"" .• :4 s.d 2> S';T+. ay. _ _ .. ._ iJt,c t _ F - Room February 3rd 1947 ,L Council , " f ` ' the Roads and Streets ' Committee be Cr Dilli s ,F r � .�7o Moved by . Gr, Gartopn seconded by' n8 that �• snow removal equi pment f pr the next few days • " Carried" authorized to hire C James that the Town employees pension plan be held F Moved by �r Mason seconded by r Jam " Carried" saussed at a meeting to be called by the Ni$Yor • e tad to submit a F over to be di nded ' by Baker that it G . i . Miller be re u s 4 Moved by Cr Jones see Y actors of garbage and providing co of B -Lair to the Town ,, licensing individual co copy Y disposal l " Carried ,. collection , safe service and for the manner of coil , the building inspector be instructed to Moved by Cr James seconded by `r Jones that t tion Cor and find out how much has been spent on contact the Toro Construe p individual houses on Lambs Lane and what the cost of these houses will be when the " Carried A houses are finished , on the outside . C ark be instructed to advise Mr. : b Cr Di lung - seconded by Cr Jones that the 1 Moved r y u 5th at 1* 30. P •M , and to bring gebr Han Jan 'to meet with Cour�cil on ' NednesdayY ' � � � 6 rsf�rred to in his letter of Jan 28th . with him letter dated April 22nd:, 194 , " Carried •' ' dated ri1 21st , -1946 Moved b Cr Jeiaes seconded b Rv Baker that COPY. of rosolut ion P Y ct ion Corp ,be . held by the Clerk f or future , } to the in referenceoront 0 ns . c� ru Carrie reference , \ _. .....,r .. ...»M« r . « y rr +�rw.^^.nmaNrrm.,ry.M'anrnne.vr ' � uw:.vu..v»ar.n S. .n.v:r..a....v.a_m':..ua»gFu.::e�..w.wvru�u . .-� r.0 :w.^xarvau+r•'.:..nc<..raLrwavnn-n,.,rxv.i«vo-.:ar..ua ....... ,:.. .��........_..+.-__....,..,._,.-._...-..._ ......_..._..,. r..n..v».mr,.a.m .w,..n nuw ,�«» .rraM. wam» v xsw . m+ ..r.....,..,.•,...,.,.^......_ .. ,..,. .. S. ..,x r.w,......r....w«,..lw,..... w.,...r...,.............._.r r r,...r......,...... r ., ,t!a'rtt:PNJtr+.rIR.IF"1JS!lOFY�_. ............_....,...,.- .. ,. .,... ......... ....... ....... wrr.r.y nv..r.«,....r.^..rata..,.^ .........-...�......,.wnw�.rv.....«..n......�..w.a....-..............,.0 ...nw...-.w.r,......«»..r...r. .,.,r... ....r....r....r n i� w.. a .,,r ...- - ,�...,.r.: rm.e:.r... .a... i.•u\. ,�rnlr.ar '.,r .xr«. r .:... .. ... ... h^�. \. -r^-u Frvr.y ^R e�vavn .a.........v..n m•. na. .. .,,,I .,.. , . _ A r ...!?"!T.M.IeW`Y'Af i_h r'aNI N.', p 1 C. F.T. ... 1,.>IY �.r.,.,"a.r`:•r«ya.1 , ..,+., - ..•.,, ..,,...+.- .r'. -,....,.........._-... r.v..«....., ..� - Law to �prov .ado for, a t Baker asked• permission to fntrodr�Qe_ a By- on to the sewage treatmen So ,1433 R• • enture•s 'to defray the cost of an extensi 4, 190 ,0000 * 00 upon deb plant and trunk sewers leading there o . , d the Execution of , an Agreement with Also a By--Law to authorize and entering into, an No 134 Al Y se Board of Ontario . �rsnt The Liquor Licen 0 motion ru°3,e 33 was suspended and Council n r Granted and read. the f ijrst time . n the chair . On eojoVittee the May aomtal.ttee of: the whole on aeeon rea n , r; ,m- -- - - --. 8 B Law for t he issuing of Laws • r the second reading of Y- y' the Mayor reported 4 ' Sing :, to enter into an agreement with the Liquor devebtures was laid on the table • BY Zaw be signed and., control Board was read a second and th irk time passed and . ordered to , d sealed . patte tech be appointed repre sentat f ve b Rv Baker seconded' by Cr Jamee_..^that r Carried " Moved Y Hos ital Boar for 194? . e Bowmanvi lle p d Coun�af 1 th ' Minister of of o at this , Counci 1 petition the 1 a� ved b Cr J'amas seconded by Cr Jones th loo Y . - that Works Ottawa, as follows , so r filled with silt {w Putblie . the orb oaf Bowmanville his become therein Where8s the channel at tau ht vessels have diff�ieulty operat ng, s navigat ion of even shallo�r. B hue to o erate in the aom�aercial fish r�g Y ,dad Whereas several local fishersUSa coati P vre rea ctfull ' ., submit. thi Therefore pe bueiaess each season at r the Port of Bov�aaanv a clearing the channel at, this a e s be taken as soon a s possible , for at measur � s o orated K Petition, th oaal industry which ha p er�nft continuance of this important 3 to doe en the rt tot p taken P po Tat unless measures ark not sooa ,. successfully foray years ; h M, saoat inue.. All of which are true , F' this ^ induatry will be' forced to di " Carried " channel., r r� nttat ions humbly submitted . �Dune i l petition the Mf of stet °p d b Cr Patterso1 that thi s Moored, by Cr James secon e y exitt s ad�8aent o as follows ; Whereas a level crossing eadin f rom Transport , Ottawa , Sowwanville on the putblic Hf.ghway 1 C$nadian Nat tonal Railw81y on a to e � Cor oration of Bowmanville has- for the Town to s Lake side Community , And Whereas th p s int during the sunMer F es at thi po ontinuous watchman eervi some year$ maintained a this f s considered a dangerous F considerable expense , And Whereas at vet we rea ectfu].ly suba Beason 9 b thousands of .a it i Zane . Theref ore � crossing used annually y t to establish 'at this point • A� �`at ate a be taken under ,your authors y this pe tition th � actor . That this cmuaai 5,..: em in use at other points o! like air the customary signal syst k vas , for di saussion of the matter at any et with resentati e re red to sae your rep i All of which, i$ submitted p to the ma Dint to enquire further in tter . A at this -� Carried t3.�ne p Council . f the ublic by ssolutions be �F oa behalf o P at so ie s of the above r b Cr Tames seaonaed by Cr Jones th P N Carried rF :r �doved y 1 Cdr C .E. Stephenson, M.F. forwarded t o A } J 1 ad ourued on NOtion T � no'� ` k Mayor r r � I n. s VOLUML ?' . y -: - F i F M. ns a� r +...,::'.. , f,.4.� t:%'P"...rhr,a s ,a ,s,„,;. ..!mr.s > "�.st�,,: ..,, '.,fix xrs:e'••.s'�I '.r ° ta:z *.s:�s - _ ..w..., .w.-.....,..,. ter., 3 ' r m, -.. *' x'TM -�, - .. . P.,1 _. I,,, ,I cc-_ � �;.�, .5 —_u • . • II , . , . I ,. , . I - ,, .. . , I It• . ,• ,. • I ,. . ,<._ , " a .. .� council room February 5th , x.94' ;1 �„„� 11�� ;, the �. a or presiding , and. stated that 11 ,� ►� N .��o �. he 1 d on above . date , Y t �o e c ial meet iag of �ounc it ,was 1. r 4 , p sin . ro pct with Tci.r' Hanlan , mer�.bers the meeting far discussing tha hou p he had called � , 0 �} , Garton • I'll lil, 4 . one s and a, 1 e� it exc p g Dp Rv Allison , rs • e t in I # ' ' C O l� _UYI C AT 10N S J• , , .... .. ... Y `` g of materials and buildings 11. r nor enclosing statement of sgle construction 1� iF From Tororl Q . , , , and accounts f or December and January . I F Hance Comrriittee be authorized to 1. - ;� „ ,; r :�illir�g seconded by �r A:ason that the i .. _ r ,E h2oved by r for December ar.d arluF;.ry on the basis of I'll t s of Toror;to onstruct on o p a the accoun t, Carried �t P Y m : , , I , statement submitted . the ' `Toronto Cor�struetion Corp be onded b Qr Dilling that 1. �floved by yr �, ason sec 3 C ark to declare surplus e.ny` material I ' . 11 - rued under the ' signature of the Mayor end 1 :autho a uire � for the ho.usin pro act and to sell .• F , t F•.. at the Znt ernrlent . Qamp that they . do not r � c such ma.teris . sub act to the approval of he b�iildir� ; inspector and the . proceed. of 1 3 ,t month less their ow� rYiead selling charge of }!5 • paid t o the T own m Y , such sales to be 11 Carried ,. •I . , � , { _ _ , v tl 11 - „_ _ ._ 11 . F q ,,.1 - , a the Ior u o es th t 0 r Jam 7 oxlt o '4 on s c t 1 rp le a r tr I , • b n o ,r r JMI..r ..�. � ,I .�....., ..,�. !.. ......., , .1SrMw.��e, onI . .. y.n..,. ..w �.. _.�. ,..........�.•,.,w.,r..s.,._,.. , ..a. . .w,_.._..�ul....,M�,w�..�..�... • .. , ;. -1..�b,.. .� C _._..._ ._. ._: ' d as o1r,i c • _. .... ,,.kw.�:� .. .. d r , _ _______.___._____.___._.m..._ _ ... __,.___._ .�.... _. _ __... (�!'j� be ..cam Ie :. .. - � ti i 14,5.1CtM b'Iw„h NPS 4'M.IflillY ..gym .:. I.n.�rhr!f F!`l�i.T.IW xYe't....'!1'ry,,hY �y �-�fs� ghat 3-� -� A/ , :.f,� � .. r.. .Mw.... .... ,.>< 1— .rw.�•, � .. .i. m,. i•n..,w! . u»I.m-•�Yr .. � �v Y r�rr ��c -1111 Y ��!» .,.,. � � that th1. 3 gun ii uct�on nder ,-.tie co ..i s�lraurs•" •�mP H . u under constr , u ,�N . W ',, , � I 'intended ,,, list to include 1 houses at re��'i�t �1 Carried t act r ., for as set out in •the con x su erviion of lthe Building z, spec P I , , ,. I. 1. 7 0 Motion council adouned,. . I , "I'll, ��,� . / . � J_ . 1, .,.' • , �;is ,o � G� , :' •I _I 1' Niay or ,,111 .t t; C' k ., . . I . I r. <;l fah ' s, ,., 'i r , C _y 4i +' � .I '« Co cil •. u 5 !- o n om rc 4 ®sent the Mayor . b e date , meMbers all pr . , I 11 • f Counci-- Wa. held on a ov sad and on motion Regu�.ar meeting o $ ec ial meetings were r d, , tea of „ last regular and p. cl 11 z residing. Minis in i P , reference to repair 8 conf�,rzed .1 .„ Asso addressed Council in -- Fred Cole of the Bowmanvi e a� .,T a ere st side beech , road and other ma er to I hone bridge and gravellf ng th o into committee of the who ki�I" th Y Council *g 1., Rv Baker that . "I N. Moved by Cr� lone i. s seconded� by " Carried ” Pe been submitted by the Beach Asso . the Com�c►fttee roblem$ that ha t discuss p dad b Dp Re Allison tha Rv Baker secon F. r, 1 Was moved by .I " 'Carried " After discussion it I I- I. . f z rise . �IMUN IONS 1- 1 .11_ - . I. C0 I CAT C ouna f 1 for a first . . a Secretary of the Bowmanville 8 erred to the Fi din Shotlt r , e ne st be ref Wane e From Mr seconded , by Cr Garton tl'iat tie r q " Carried C Dill n8 I'll 4 Moved by r ussed when other grants are cons ere the snow .... — - ., .1 ,f ry 1111 - 1 Comomlittee to be disc nd Streets Committee in having son thanking the ,Road d a " Rea & Filed " From Mr George. R Ma ,11 11 t • his house during his recent, bereav®men th fora euchre ,, removed! from in front of o f the .Council Room on march 1 11:4 Ree S J Coffey re que at ing the us e From ` . , S J se he Church. a ranted free of Cr6e • I . 1 �+ aid of t o p permission sio b 8 „ ++ , in lin seconded by Rv Baker that pe Carried Il II Moved by Cr Dil g enclosing i . , receipt of a ,etter 11 FinaUoe aaknowle$giag , ` C . Abbott , Minister of n Rea & Filed " ,: From, Hon D . . .1.T, enclosing esoluti©n• •l' aknowlled6in6 letter r Cheerier Minister of ransport a M Reo do Filed " cl r, From Hon Lionel e 1. 1 , resolution. reference to test . ice Beaeh arose tans ort Commie stoners in 1 of p " Rea " From Board T & Filed " to railway arosai ons f n tabard M r I ' it s+�lu1�'i r 1. F M.P . fn reference to re „ Rea & piled From Mr C. . Stephenson, . I - th s observed in' „ t i Time would be and harbor .. i f Defy-tight, Sae n6 1. I I. ��fj s so of C�un►e►da, enquf ring M From Railway A Town remain on Standard Times !, wnfor1947 • . �, r To Cr Patterson that the i. I I b Cr Jones seconded by Cr ' ' � �, i a+, } r Move d F g ..Li ht Saving Time be I 5,11 that Day 6 i,v { r ' I 1-111"s for 94 seconded by Gr Garton " M Cr Fame$ Carrie d 1 r I { ued an Amendment by bat h 1947 u r i{ i . I t© �e �1p1 ri,I 27th pt�n ,; , �i � . �„ .t t I from +r , +ti ,, fed in the Town for 1947 } ,- , adop ,I K- ,.� 1 I £. ' y ,I�� 1 : , ..� , 1 - 1� MWr.iliuil ,.. ,.I 11 1. _.... .,,,,.w,:11�.L:. .YiMM,4',1.lau'�+ttw.i.•«.r.r.1,a+r'w+.1N,..a.+++../.:11.++.+.,wd1.+w,.t.•`Y d.AU.�.w.hSN+•.(I I " `M ; � YULUMI� ? , S ____ 666 kk I: mss., ,r >z.,t. #11 t r 3 c 11 I i 1, tom'$' tj.? } M ,!FE, 4" a , ;i a J•r. ..M,, to v -.4. ,.. :: ., �'a" x ' . `.`r32 ' trrrb t...•<._ ^.,L p'tCr',. v Council Room March 3rd , 19 +7 w W r s.R.wurr a.o• n „ Roo & Filed St S oke nuisance on Scugog • D G , Miller in referenoe to the m From r s removed in Front of his property on W �►�z� Fr to have two tree , ld Bo e ..vesting "° m Dona e r the t t h rasa at be ref er e - From tile a erred t o t n A. 1 Libert St . ' Cr Barton t'ha __ „ Carried } r ®d Cr Patterson seconded by to act . Move Y Co�cma3.ttee to investigate with power admitted to Bowmanville Kos its d n kk Property is beingea do File - Count Fro Clerk advising of patients '� r From an of sub-divi s ion k e've to ant a nc to s ing draft plan From, De pa of :Planning and D Pm Fr p the a proval of C ounc i 1 . would be a b Mr J .1 . ]�lett acid requestinge plan, and stated that .,houses t = owned �' dressed Council in reference to sion •' Mr Nash ad t this year on the sub, divi a Sent t o Dept of Manning erected by Mr Flet 3� Cr Dilling that letter b F Cr Patterson seconded by " Carried " Moved . by lane has the endorsation of �ouna that P . Develo meht stet ing d p t due to the extreme shot age of an Dilling• tha Moved by Cr Patterson seconded. by Cr strut the Council of Bowmanville n. veterans in the Bowmanvi11e di fed Housing Plan by , ` suitable housing for ve •• C home s to be built under t e integrated ve l nt of 1 e eaeseary roads and , sidewalkl� or recomucend .a d 1 the n ` t t he T oven of � Bo�rmanv i 1-le supp F the area be serviced with the t hat water, > To Flett er_. t.le,.._.__I.oca3 Improvement Ac e t and _. to the Town sewer systens under t e el,o. u. ne.ct .d. . a sew,, ...O. n __ -- the- --- -- - r a`nd. t be • .._ c t n - t he Muni c . a�. 'st a _.. ..._ �►t3%+e��a 0 .r tide► -r8-s _ That t*e pass of 112,-, whi sh _mnyy --d Im rovement Act . Tha to arnlot except 1 Local p dwelling on area to one single f1F im rovements to the proposed sub-divi si tre for the area ., bat any P That thi a rs shoppin8 can vi lle , for stores as a . TOVM of Bowman res ensiblit the end opm t of e °f planning Devel en AA eat or to the land, be' th cis Department of P1 n 6 " Carried " IMF orn�etion be submitted to the in C ounc oil on any matter s 1 J v • Ontario • -operate with, e would oo op y From, Canadian Legion stating that `t y " Rec 8c Ff led " usi or veterans affairs. -Law for the collection „ J pertaining to housing Unit enclosing, a draft By let Counties ie.s Health From Doc G.W. Mil � ref errs e lei the t ab 1 e and M of Garbage . attar b d on Cr Mason seconded by Cr James that the 1 Carried Moved by to Counail at their discretion . , E c Cc�naaaittee to , report report back and Public Schools for 194.? • x to the Civi he High r enclosing estim$�tes for table until Education aid on the -- From Board of �anae s that t he a st imate s be 1 » - - b Cr billing seaonded by Cr Carried Moored y s eceived from the Board . on Town ft loyees • x further `8 tion is r ce to surety bonds airs, in reference the Finance From Dept of unicipal Aff be referred to C° b Cr billing, that the letter .* Carried loved by Cr `ones seconded F s rt back. abd saclosing Commaittee to repo St pave aen repairs e to King' ' w -0 �o Toronto Construction Corp. Redfern & Leiughli _ proctor n n _re From amounting to ?32 0 5 the table until „ account f'or, 'in�]. payment Cr Garton that the letter be la on �� Carried Moved by Cr Jones seconds d , by • d f tom the ,Department of ' Highways • er information is received aid off the Roads and Streets ep • Furth eton in reference to being 1 iai 1 World . be be From Mr John Shackl Baker that nine OOPJOO_ of the dun ed " . seconded by Rv 8ak M0 ved Cr Mason g by or 19 ? of veterans embers of Council l f f the snb-diviof IOU ordered for C Garton that the plan o Cr son seconded by r horized to aftia the r awed by t t he layor and Clerk be ant ,+ Carried ` " i - by this Counail and �th� � Ave be aPpro ed - a nature Is thereto * , sig REl'o d aoaount s Comittee submitting sundry e tad a report fromthe• g'inenc,a g .g2 certified as being Cr Dill ing pro s n t s amount ing to 19 M .4� and. Housing Aaeoun M Rec, do Adopted amounting: to $J2256 a be orreat and reoom�nending pays►ent . the. Rods and Streets Coemn t e . ` a Cr Di 11 ling that e g ye a seaonded by Bridge . Cr cost of repairs to the Hon Y � loved by of the estimated oo " Carried 'to bring In a report • ,nstruc,ted art Coluittee make the st side Beach road . that the Fu�lrilo Prop F 1�e ded b Cr Dilling Kin and Lambert Sts loved by Cr Jones seaon F the lot on the Northeast corner o _ Fsb . 10th . ; • qx lowing reoomomendations • That of further bids are received by , f b for 17 5 .00 end if no on Liberty so�ld to Ur C Ra y to si n in front of her PAparty given ermi ssion to ereo 6 ri© and hark Sts and to w That Mrs Hobbs beg p t ;rl r the lot atthe corner ©f 0n a of Liberty 1 t bids f o e head That ail accep th j; r , Conn iven regarding the lot eft ! TbALt more information be 6 with • Sn' line south 11911 at once ; southern boundary i (' whether ries that is as to aIze and bounda �I j1 t ,1, , t ♦,t. 4 1 ,:Ihfr Z" it (-' v iJ d , ,,• ' r . n i YULUML ? xrz f r .. _ :-. ..;::. ... ....... ., . ::4... °_- __ . ' r ` .-: .,.__ ..:.. h. ',:-,.,,... ,,.-..-. i x. a. .1'x .�Z _? _. - 5,.. � �r ,.. 4 7c4 ttF "-'r,,:-,"F ShY.§""..x"Y-,... !i,�`t+t. -.,1'�h'�e'� - x9.- .-§�.. SiY,f =L -- r 3i A v k r s K t,v w / 9q . ., I . , ' , I 1 , 7 I f " v r a , ,1 f , } # k a '� ,. - ;a . ' ,.. r - ,11 , ,� - .. . - . t , ,' �; ,1. _ .. r rc .. •.' " •`° ti:+ Council Room March 3rd , 19 .7 11, �,. . �, ::� 11 �3 , side of Road on Liberty Plea I r extends further south ; That request from library - Hoard on heating be referred to Mr Wm Tait to report on the condition of windows , doors ,r :. Tat the re uest of kr John kohun for increase of salary be ' ref erred o e k: 1 etc . , 9 -r hat owin to the condition of the road to the west side Finance Committee for report , T g for b e , "� ter ' ,11 li hts will have to be made when ccSn�itions are more fa ed " 1.1, x as re oft on 8 �arri E, {. b e h , p :. ed b Cr Jones that the Road Superintendant be instructed to Moved by Cr Jame s second y r. ="it ted coat of sid®walk construct ion to be laid this year , bring in a report of the estima �t " Carried "11 less labor and the location ,of same . .11 , . . ,� ,y R Baker seconded by Dp Rv Allison that the Heach As so be granted perm s s on . Moved by v 11- " Carried t o ho I d a Sports Day o n August 1�t h, 19 47 • :r r that t he. Stop Signs be returned to their : r4 , Moved by DP Rv Allison seconded byRv Baker 7 1 • ,;I s nder the uri sdic.t ion of the .,Roads and Streets Committee . �� � ; original � street corner 'Carried I 11 r �, Inventor be taken of s�.l . so a , �Io�ed 'by Rv Haker seconded by Dp Rv Alli n th t an y 5 t C erk' s of'f ice 11 I'll com lets records to be kept on file in he 1 . departments of Counc it , complete tteea be res nsibYe for seeing that they are . and than the Chairmen of the various comoni ,, Carried" ..___.. -,,,.,..,r..ow...:�.wa'evur..>n,m rmxarv..om„ +, .....,..._. .,.�. .,, .. »....,. ,....._..,._._.. ... ..., _. _. ..... .... .,<.;. w,e ,, eApm.xxmreurrw�inNwrix.•au»mrnrw+rt+rxa.u..revnrT,rr .a.nr m (r., .. 11 ...•._`-.d:-'ilY�'t e"�' - „ al, a _ r n ra .mm „ . m. p ,de. ...b _ w.._ • - n ,_ , . . - ��la rr .: , t the �1.t s ...,1y,A-.YII'.. t+aMntMOIwdMITiLV/d/,wrtt+ffuYtl�lx51',7nrMYH%altmOtMK tiY?rfilM;ffR AA1h'rna ,f,w..rr : d d b ,,.,•'.. _•_ - ,.-c...n..,. ...... .i�Hw..,,,..a.. ...,or n.w. .f Moved b �► Hake .,Carrie , � se4on for attendance at Tyra , ne .. .Fir y e. '�� .d ^� being 5 of the money rece 3ve ;1 .b Cr Patters,on , that the Building Inspector be requested '1 .loved by Cr Mason seconded F . Council meeting , statement to date in similar �.11 to .prepare and have ready before next �_ mod. P p I. shed in Janue�ry Bad to include a swa�nary of construc„ion form to stet enaent furni es to membe,r9 of Council . Carried " remafining to be yet , completed and to supply aopi I 3 that Cr Patterson be added to the . Finaace r; Moved b Cr Jones seconded by Rv Baker . . . I I . " Cor ed " 7 rN `� Committee . I I. n , . .. �11 . __ __ �{� _ __.__- --. i _, _ ..__. __ - --_- - -- -" fir t � i ' ,11, n . .1 - AilliA I ; - 0 lotion Counc , dj' , , n ur it " a Q ,� nod . • ". �:. N _. .rt1 4, •, . r I _R , - ., , :1 , •. , _ iA .,, ., .. , { r. , Ma or. . y 1.1.' u, r , ., �� _ ,. . e . .i., , ."r ,11 ��i:, i.�; 11 „' Room Marsh 11th 194? �� -_ - - - na , ,1.. .. Cou i . ,„ m �� . 1 I , r . s .i i , e date member aka resent excepting Patte was -held on abov , °n,41.special westing. estima ed the meet i to ' pas s to s and - stat e,d than he had cal 1 x'18 the Mayor, presiding . , . . . . COMMUNICATION$ . , . . . ,. School „ estimate s �' ati that they had reduced t:he Pu�blia, ;'. 4 From the Board of �ducatioa' $t , ng I deaf ded not tor.ereat temporary acaomdatcn f o by 4 - 7000 *00 5 � 5 .a toy___ ___� :__,.7� _. , . , 2 , k s and that the High school estimates remain at 4124. 50 1.11 -,Ili the, pupil that t he original Public is School estimates of I 1 Moved b Cr -Mason seconded by Cr billing. , F School }.t o 21 95 .41 and that the oiginal High 4 32 545 .41 be reduced by . 10 .?50 . 00 t ,7 ' 0 to 4. 50 and that the Boerd of i:` estimates of 4124 . 50 be reduced by 75Q .0 337 " n 8uaation be noi�ified acoordingly . . . Carried 1 x The standing comYnittees presented their rep% oft s of estimated expendtu�rea for the 00, Printing $ 704 :::::11 r, 1 2220 .00 Police 6100 . .00 „ r • dr as, follows , Roads and Street s 5 , , g0 00 e 2000 . 00 Cemetery2500.40 Fire g000 .00, Pu�b].ic Property . Direst Reli f , . i tt Zai d� on the, Table " ,' : C a toh that the re ores of .the standing aomMitteee I. Moved by Rv Baker seconded by r G r p . , "' Carried " : . 1 as submitted be , adopted . ?. t ble ki a be granted 100 . 00 �daved . b D Rv Allison seconded by Rv , Baker that Cons a 3t " ,, r y p " Carried V ' ; ; . as moving expenses from Cornwall . e s that the tax rate for 1941 be struck at Moved by Cr . Dilling seconded by Cr Jam : " Carried " . . 41 mills ��' f Sri `M;, , { 1 o $ed b Cr James that t he salary of the Firemen, Chief and Depu Moved by acv Baker sea n y 'p er ear t h�►t the two veterand , Dean 81 aka 11 and Loui s 11 r '�`�' _, ' Chlef be increased 10.00 p . F t That Lorne Bickell 14 131,i'll ,, , i `� th® fire brigade ads a s per existing agreemen , ,.,� Lyle be re-instated on 6 2, I �,tls r`�,` ` ' l ;i � s once That the fire Co nittee is of the opinion i. �•,,r and .W . J'acobs be given one taonth n �, ' Carried 4. '`� ` �;' �;� '� th to 0 orate efficiently " P �� `� ' ��' �,�� �; that twenty men are suf'f is ient streag red to meet �� �:,Ft,�; „� �,, �,��n�„ �r a Co�mm�ittee be author R Baker seconded by Cr Jones that the Ff r }� r .,F dove d by v ,ii ,-11 {,{ �� � " Carried " { n;q��t�,, .� ,�9;7 h /y A t e Maple Leaf' Insurance Co . !sj � r4(vcI f��.""�1�,��� lit 1 ;9,��� �r rT '," wi�ih e<pre V�nt1�t five of h 1 ,�, b I'll �. . , 1 John Mohun for salary a_ ° �` ,�,'��� }°� �t e b Cr Mason seconded by R1i Baker that the recu�st of I�r i, r i Mov d y , s,,�i ,,� Carried " t a ;, �` ; be re o oned before Council 1.�b .1 I- �.norease p , .11 ` `; :. A, � � 1 < k i xi d y r 3+ > VUL ? " , _ -`-;:x.»�,.;�. :- fir:-, '44411,_ a.11 .,w .: ., ,_ fir 111- ,t x,...,, ; , ' w _�. .:�+e: ''f t, 1. R. " r .V � .}, it .•t• ,. . '. ' • a ',' f , Yl at s..,wutttoo Council Room, March{ 11th , 19 +7 Ad C. w 9fl1 ar be giVe11 t0 r John «�.. �' e s that no increase in y wo Cr- '�'8ra se�oonded by ;Cr on - ! zo Mov.b d by ' , •, ! : � r '! b Rv. Baker that the salary of Mr John., Mohunr • " Moved and Amendment by Cr Mason' seconded ' by = 0 per mont-h a s from January 1st , 19 +7 • - " Amendment Carried " be noreased 5 . 4 p estimates o f the Public , Property Jones seconded by �r Dilling that the Moved by Cr " Carried : }t be re -opened . f the x'ublie Property Cr Garton seconded by , Dp Rv Allison tha Moved y t' the ett�ima es o " Carried " r 6 �►0 . CO , Committee be changed to 5 . Moved by Cr Jones seconded by Cr Garton that the lublic Property Committee be ized to remove trees in front of the p roperties of Donald Boe and Mr s John t4 author " Carried: Mutton and the°=wood used ' in ' the Town . shedfa tf ., On, Motion Coura.cil adV ' t 1 }f , It' r, i r. , , , • r r C or Mayorw .. .-..,:.:,.., s:.r.rw,.v,W.[,wt,N.vT.rcwRNwW,NMR0WM4PMwItu.MrM:NW1111'ITPW#JYUAR+%%NTWWSWMIIMf}'W'MV Wa'+ tWM.N.w'..vtMFa/FVf.YI:FaR%M,OIMY.NMfeuM.YWMORYtgYNiwU]%'IAttK,NWdCYtNhPlrM1;0.1MNP0rtWIw'.t/WiM:a,14r 1R1f-1M1e.N1,HAYn M<M nFa.v:uwnwi, natsf.VYrw'urvs.',f.NilervN lY.s.FwWNr rf.iAeMWRwMH1NNPnA4VKYMVN.r•NerIS,V'NebriXtrinNNV n,..,:M+,r...w.• ,M,vw,r,vxwaunrru.,w.wm.uw.W,...r ' . S' -. rr..+.•,r„»rRe:Yr nm. :rv,.mrv•^,.,+...r.,..,,m nr•rrn•+.n w,,, -.,,.w 1 n..r.:,•+q{v« ....,. r .«.•. -«,.r,.,..,;.m.; -. iV .. ... .... .,...:. ..,, «,gym. i .. .. , r ' .r.SA?T:I,uGSA1.Yt7.ihM44FYgY 7},i!t rM4W#lYRllhrnAVkiITTY,rN! lt.Y:lf'S,tWSSlCh71l8CSN0g1Y1. ®lMN7kCMRCUM1IIAS:RPXttlVrJ'44R1 UYit wRWIVRYC'K1lt 7PluFFRTVtl'M,4tl„7:A30iMW.4"1!#:MFlgRgAt14N'.'Y1\FN,If!'NrA»f ia+4t:.,k«,f el/t4a,140.YMIgC.,tli'MM4WMmiftaan4rrMwxr:W.s'+esNCfm,rr.,e.M4,irt'll+t ui,Mnw•, .«, --.-•.,- r _ W„} RYAMMI Y'8'NI{i1VlSN1 kN'AA7i{!f'i?IfY>'F7f%9VMItTMF,N.PAY'iSS\„RYM1h'hCt AH,1 r r „ruv » w,.'rrers.nr u .._•,'•••' — 1-90477. i :. r kYllSk' .. .. , , -'VC,xa' N,+•• .:wr u ,,, , -::. '..� •.. :, ., .. n,r. ” .. r n r,res.. nrNM. .w r+,✓,.,vn>..',NINN ,,, , cal..... o� m ... .a n of Couna it was held on above. det 6 , member all pre sent �exc apt ing Cr Special meets g a called the meeting ; for the 'Patterson , the Ma or eaiding and stated that he had. ur ose of ssing By-Laws ; „ j p ` .. � LA t of Town off ic,ial B -L w ', for r the appo i ntmea e' Rv Baker asked permission to introduce � , y a „ 'at a No . . 11 35 a t" o a 'Sd erintendant . of the Roads and St s and Also a By-Law for the' appointor n p No 1 .3+6 se s ' stem. ewerag y a ce rt ian sums of mo4ey ,for Town , County , taxation -No. 143? Also aY - By-Law -for the raising by 1 i�ebenture and School purposes for the year 94� • was s s ended and Council went into Granted and read the first time , On' nction rule �3 M p , second reading'eadin On aomtnittee -rising , the Mayor reported the A � f 1 j° t t Commit ee o he who lie on Mra were then read a second and third second reading with all, blanks f 11 le d in . By--La signed and sealed . tijne , passed and ordered ' to be ign reading with al l - blanks filled By Law for the issuing of Debentures was given its g £ ; and ordered to be signed and ' healed . It end of -Ubertoy Plac Q be Cr Dillin that .the lot at the , Moved by Cr J'ones' seconded y " Carried Mr Dean ' Bickell f . or the -sum, 0 1 r n . _ p nMo tio nC0u n al Council adjourned d . rk r S. , " , r March 31st 1947 , , rr r Council Room 3 , r , r. , e date members. all present excepting Cr Special meeting of Council . rwas held on a ov , L an ste►ted, that' he had called the meeting for t'he purpose Done s , the Mayor presiding of passing Sy-Laws . COWUNICATIONS 'ry reference to amending . By-Law No 1433 Front Daly , Thistle , Judioa andcTaggart n R &. FileRd " UESM EY Baker asked permission to introduce a ,-By , Zau to amend. By Law No 143 PTO. 1436 Rv Ba P the -�; . ,,. . Also a Sy Lahr to authorize the sale; r- b6 aertaia 9 veterans o . built . , sing t s y' h Cop to authorize , the making of cart _ ra. ma in .. Corporation and n e r or e+aicl veterans* gent into e on motion rdle 33 was suspended and Council r Granted and read the first • t inn . R ,! _� second readin the Mayor in the chair, On committee rising ,....,x Committee of the vrho].e on 6 filled in -Laws were then Mayor re port they second reading with all blanks f ill . By the Y p to be signed and sealed. t rd tune passed and ordered g N d third read a second an , 1 „ ! Rv Allison that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to Coved by Rv Baker seconded by Dp 1 { ,aY1URANPNMI'F,w, . ` .. t y},:,. .' .. MA'AYAMMYr?+\V 1VR&eiMVM!NRBMY/NNNPr'.MW'tt+MMV'• 1,,,* 3S i R 3 ` VOLUML ? .,. . ;: _., " ,,� u, N.: ._11 ,y__ . ,., m �* .:>-. }..,.-- i. ::-: ,"""',A.4 q a. a 'a>�aNa>Y W`,.t.v. ,i 'R s:: e ,. ..i. t-, '>rP y.e e x a a .. a .5. �.. ._a 4':' 11 'B;`,v, - :s3___ --- n.wudx • �1 ,2: F / ' 1 , � .11 A i I . t A.. . R I • ' I. , ,yr . . Pi. , - , i 1/ ''y" .. ' , • I " , ., .�. .: :1 r - t k, .� 1 u , A out C ouno i l Room', I�reh 31st,, 1947 A ,` 1,' : sin the , conve arises for the sale of the veterans houses ,, " " it 4I 140 N 4120 B y Carried ,, tR Moved by Cr - James seconded by Rv Baker that the Civic Commmittee be authorized to make 1 11 I " I „r k" ' a presentation and ' tender a, banquet to the members of the Juvenile 'Hockey Team ,upon , ` `:1 winning the Ontario Junevile Championship " Carried 't L . , 11 n Motion , Counait adjourned , . a . !I L. ."2? - ;�,, ,z r�,-I, . , a., r_ 1,e�&g A, i�,t4 , ",J.,: . ' f x I „ >, '..Y - f • , k , ..,. , : , .. t +�Y L.. r I 1. . 8y or I 11 ,. - _ 11 1.,. f , I ., 1 e.. ;",i, ... .,,” 51. , �' !� ,1.. . Council Room A` , 7th- 194 P c . 4 Regular meeting of Council was held on above date , members. all present the Mayor 1. i � � 1,1, p -1 " it observed two minutes of silence in memory of late Cr Garton. The . f ' A esiding . lh ounc ' Minutes of last regular anal s}�ecial meetings were read and on motion confirmed . 1 17 . . . , . COMMUN ATIQNS , ,r 1 I..' , f From: the, fa•m3 ly of the � late . T .A •�, Garton acknowledging with deep appreication .'the ; thou htful a1c raebibh,of�rig ath " Rea.. &, Filed. i."��,,,, ..,. �,,i�aHA��a 3 L,. . .,w,.., .: '" F{V?N{%LF/NfSMfA HIM U t'lA a•vi•i'Um,♦ '.s„•++... .,. ' ., ......,-. .... , ,..,....r.{•.•,.•, \� ., ... net6)1'A M.,Mti�AJ k.i .f.+Y r. a„,..,..' ,•..,,.... .. ........., ,.� ,.:,, ....,,._., .., .. ,-....,..,. ,......,,. ... ..,�..........,. .. .. ........... .................-.,, ....,. , .,«. .n ,,., ,,. , .. .I. ,...: .,, .,.�.., i,. ,.�'..... . �' .. ...: - ., - ... r,,...,nnn v,ry nnrvm,..T r. n. w,x�r:rvllxc ,nrn•u.uv,m .,<r ..,......,..... .....,.,.. ... ...- .. _ ,. .. .. ,., ,...... ,-. a. _ ..___".kT _...-_, Vvo,-Iiz, ..._...,. �. : is .,. , o :ert. on A ,..n.e: ;. ;:. . ■yEq{) yrry, ��+y� sk .n toia e a tract removed n r.,;, t,,, .,.of„M,..h „s,A r n ,.o,...�«mu7a.IC O, y(�a.- �,.<..,�}�}��+y■.r>y-.,,. ;..:, 'ems. .11^''.. .� �. � ,, ., . •....i ,.. _... r,:::�:,. nrznurx.cn•'w f�!Ih .;11PM`, !lA��'�IK...,. L •6i9tnanun;M�uiWpaNi�i¢at1rA�RkACY•ar%srttra nrG�'1r(1':.v.vn ',,a.. ..�`/,r.. ..,\..,. ...,. ,., .. ...........,.....;. :, ..<,,,,,, ,r.,....c ,, •„ ..,r..,i, „w., ,.,a,.... ,.. ..., .... •..,_._.. ... r .. Move d by DpQ A11 i son seconded byRv � Baker that the request. be re ferre d � to the Publ is Property Committee 'with power .to act .` ” Carried. ” ^` From . Bowmanvi l l'e Ho sp ita�l asking Council for , the annua]. grant I 01, . _; , , Moved by Dpv 'Allison seconded by Cr Patterson that the request be ' referred to the Finan'c a Committee to � be dealt with under reports . ” 'Carried " i , " ' " From Dominion Bridge ,Co in reference' to two 'new bridges 1. r0 • -- Moved by Rv Baker seconded by , Dp Rv Alli son , that the. letter be received ;arid f fled for a F future r f n , j e e re ce . " Carried .� 1, i 11-0 a . . , .: ' ;t,: From ',Chief venton . in reference to stray dogs . , F _ 1 Moved by Dp Rv A1,lison seconded by Rv Baker that t h�e letter be referred to the Police �L . �o I& es to - bring in a recommendation to Council . " Carried "1 .• ; , , �,'L - From Miss Apha Hodgins , offering $ , 150e00 on behalf of a client for , the lot ' at the- - t L. corner of Liberty and Fark Streets . I 4. `�r' M�pved Cr games sea+Onded by Cr Patterson that the offer be referred, to. the Public < - Pro ert Co�rnittee to inve sti ate and re ort, ,back ,to Council . " Carried tt t. . p y 6 P Y . , from Mr George .Nhite requesting to ' •have. . a tree, removed ifi front of hi s property oii , , . It . Duke St Moved b Rv Baker seconded b D2v Alli on that : 'the rc que st be ref erred to the�ill- . G ; , Publ C t " is Property omm tee- with power cat . . . to , , ' arr e s s s infront of ill. From, Mr E .S Harnden asking permission to install ga olive tank and pump T -- hi'e ar eon 0�1ario' street F 1.g ag .11 1 Moved by Ric Baker ' seconded by Cr Di111ng that the request be ref erred to the FubliQ . 1 t it C,L. , , Property Committee with power to . act " Carried " '' From Counties Clerk �edvi sing of patient being a •itted to Bowmanville Hospital ' If Rec & Filed that no assessment notice w r'. ,1. From ,Mr O .F . Robson claiming , as received for his property . . • F.l 1. , r. /'. it on King St and that his taxes were,, , too high. r' w, , ; ' „ Moved by vp Rv Allison seconded by Rv Baker that the matter be re�'erred to the Town s t r , . , Solicitor for his advice as to what can be: done for Mr Robson .11 ;. Moved an. Amendment by Cr Mason seconded by . Cr Jones that Mr Robson be advised that as t o „fer as this Council is c�noerhed , the assessment was properly made and the assessment 1I must stand for 19 7 " Motion . Carried " ra . I • ' ' From Mr Clary King asking permission to erect a taxi 111ga:� outside his office on e ,t 74� a.' '�• f.,1 ��hemperance St Ar ' ,; Moved by Dp Rv Allison seconded by Cr Di111ng that the request be ref erred to the , 1 Public Property Committee with power to sat . " Carried " a , ��`� I �, :� From Mr N*L • Paterson, Secretary of Moods Senate thanking Council for the use of the , '' Council Room for a euchre in aid of the Hospital . " Rea & Filed k • k 4v I `' -�: �,� ,�;�"" �� .` From the Board of education statin that the are willing to curtail their estimates '. ', ' �" .. 1, il'iZ as far as possiblQ but will not be responsible for any expenditures less' than their 1 �� �" revised estimates 1? Roo & Filed " , ", ". .'it i , , 3 11 a 1 1 �•:. It"7l�5 �N1��+'��� kw ��' �1�1 �, y'I ��, a� nu��' .'I'll«. ._.._.-,.«N 11,L - f VOL ? ,* ..... . ..., - .: is . - 'r t x.I 'll.,.,f:.,_dsr,,. ,. ,. .,- .. ., ,«s"?,.:.�, ,....,.,,,,: ..,., {; 7 u„-j rrt ><- ti a<:}! erk s-r-a�4..,.' a5 , , . .- .11 L 11 11 I'll, ?i ; }1 YI . ' x, y r 4 t }3, , a _ s n : x - co April 7th , 1947 Council' Roam x t. the Hi h School ' District of the g 1 dissolving ,`.`_ �•,,� on in reference to «a.. From Board of "ducat ion N 4120 municipality of Bowmanville . e Cr ones that the Board of Lduc ati on be re qua s e o -Moved by Cr James seconded by r „ Carried 4..; ce Committee for , further Information on the �a er • road meet with the Finance 1 ees for maintaining t e From 8owmanvi lie Hospital thanking council and Town employ Fr �� Rec & Filed �, into the Hcbspital during the winter . a oint a weed inspector . Ii �ounci 1 to PP From Ontario Department of tigriculture asking U t s be a�pointed weed N seconded by v Baker that �r liver ob;er P tt Moved by . �r Dilling �, " Carried at a salary of 50 , 00 ;per annum. : inspector for 1947 ► t.. e ce to the smoke nuisance on Scugog } ther refer n 1 , 8rom Dr G .'�Y¢ Miller in, fur Filed " „ bus franchisee within the Town. ..0 . Lake . -in reference to his application for From bar A the . Clerk. be instructed t,o interview Rv Baker seconded by Dp Av, Allison that „ r� 1 � Moved b3� a ort back to Crouncil . Carried Town solicitor in re to a franchise �an report ,.. the 9 'REPORTS bmi t t ing sundry account ........... re sented a report from the Finance' Cow t ee su C e n c orrec.t ' sand n a s b i i e g Cr Di P rtifi d M 8 e • t s for 99? • 45 r C !� t1 .. . , , _... A Q i/:(/��/) .. .,..o,..,,.,.,.....,,,,,,,,, ,,,, I6f.,;S7e. .,.,e,.,.:r.�.,r..,,...,,..,�,. �......,,.„ ..,,,.�A„ ,..,,..... .....,..,, ,I.x .,.,.rn.. ,.�, e.. ..,...�.,.a .�.. ��,I� �f��.:•, , anu•L�A:. �D' 717�S.ZAIL. .,.,,.».. tad „ „ w.an ..w, ., �. �\ (� _.._ •. -. „ ..,...r;wea'm.H UdywIWMS•:IM.tM4NYWrptMPMTMYI9,!M.MYWM11! h M'AW!TMIMMXN� '� 'V'�'�� 7 -�9 •.•..•• _ � �.W ��••' f'�AjY '�`fie T' �, II.j end :,n a end ,., a and e d.,, ec, g,:�. ker that... delegations be h Moved b Dp Kv. Allison seconded by Rv Ba Y ' enCe to the bad condition of the -ditch and roc Mr H �naPP addre s sad Council in refer s property on Liberty Ste ad to the Koada opposite hi P P C ratterson that the matter be refers �� n seconded by r Moved by Cr James Carried said Streets - CQPnittee with power to ae scion to erect a sign on his premises a Mr R h addressed Council requesting. perms � Romboug ' r , Temperance St . e,d to the � Public s on p - �C e $ that t he segue st be refers ; i , d " secon ed b r Jam . . -- - -- a r • Moved by Cr Dill �ng Y " Carried Property committee with 'power, t o act * cal complaining laming. of .water , in the cellars Tice and . jirt. Robert Hayes addressed oun to h via the situation. remedied • ali Mr Council A houses on `Veterans Ave and requesting of thei eferred 'to the Civic m* that the matter be r s by Gr Jame s Cr Uillfng seconded and Ha an to investigate x. Ir Moved by tor and Mr E . nl „ " , - - committee to instruct the building Jnspec Carr ied : repo rt back t o O our1.c i l . 6 8rants -be made Kv Allison son that the followin Y . V s e c onde d by :�p ved b Cr. Dilling lle Band' , loo . 00 p owmanvi Mo y public LibAir 700 . 0 ,, H s ital, 1 ,,000 .00 , wmanville Hop ear ookin after the f ire .alarm calls for, the y : Geor ® L le. 500 . 00 for 1 �� Carried. " J and Mrs . g y , . CQm�nittee be authorized to n seconded by Cr Dil�.i�ng that the Civicta. Cr Maso ile Hockey •Team and ?, : Moved by hies for presentation. to .the oven � a roximately, lac gvte rpp se 15 to � c'o s PP purchase P s' °r the former t 1� e ' momentos for coaches and trainers, ee be suthoried to other suitabl no more than 10 .00 ; , That the eotn�nitt l0 . 00 each and tie latter St TohnsPari sh Hall on a e held the banquet t t o � i n proceed with arrangements for 4 rox3mately 4.0 and n com lime to team etc , app 1 suitable date as may be arranged, P „ Carried tickets limited to 150 . . 1 Com�aittee besuthorized b Baker that the �.,Poli lice , . loved bu Cr Jone s - seconded y Rv c le s and, r®port back t o Counci 1 . bic the matter of licensing y " Carried further investigate j be a pointed chairman of the Cr Mason that Cr Jones Pp b Cr. J'Mes seconded by *� Carried t . Moved Y committee . n of the Roads and Streets Comm ointed ahairma o dad b Rv Baker that Cr N1ason be app „ Carried 1 - Moved by Cr Jones sec n y Committee . Patterson be appointed chairman of Public , property C lames that Cr Moved by Cr Dillf ng seconded by �' h Carried " f N the Civic committee . hat the ass of the Roads and 1 Rv Allison seconded by Rv Baker t the middle road Moved by DP dozer to repair , s h bull 00`n�i.ttee to hire a u Carried . is be author�.�ed Scree authorized ` l ff necessary. t the solace Committee be w Hv Allison on seconded by RV Baker t�ia No by DA e beach crossing if and when necessaryo atahmen for, the west sad „ Carried " . hire w to a three , b C Jone e that the Clark be instructed to . obtain a copY ; ' 'Moved b Cr Mason seconded y " Carried , . 1 'Mov y from the Kings Printer . ,refund Act of the Gasoline Tic , 1 iw a •OL V M 7 } ' r t s. L f 1 1 1 v _ a � * I t f #. S 4 t. z5 M. ,. - ., �r� Y .k.x-r ,. .:" sue.,. �.i tti t_ i.xr ., . ._ rte' q:, .n• a •, ., ,s. ..s_ � spoon " z?+a<.. kr': . . . }. ., .,, 1 • _ ... 1 . F , ,,I . I I.. i A , . f •:..,.�YS�.' i - Council Room April ?th , 19�? , a�+{n. , } " o rovis ions of the Act be ref erred t o ri c� ' " : I .. , "� �T owed 1, b Cr Mason: seconded by Cr Jones, that t e P nd to take steps to 1.x j I ' ,. x :; �: 'MO N 4120 11 sets Connnittee to designate the work. required a he Roads and. Str " Carried " :. ` A 1 11` „ ass a By-Lawn: under the Act . der , the Department o2' Planning ., Ved b Cr James seconded by Rv Baker that N un ' 1 Ifa .,.11 o y made to assist Municipalities in a.1. nd Development for Ontario , provision has been ;lr d that some discussion has already $ -, .' .: ' A programme ramme of Te=ore station and conservat on , an 6 its ado tion in the Township of ,a en lace among municipal repro sentat ive s as to ak p Cor oration of Bowinarnville hereby resolves ; ,. . :, 1r : ;. Darlington , THEREFORE the Council of t e p ittee with a view of assembling : e stion be further explored by the Civic Comm hat this qu . _ ons to Council at as early a date ' to re ort back with reconendati Bible data and P r I r " Carried " s 11 po s 16 s porssible . the Civic , ,, the. rule book be referred, to . L. y Cr taffies that w oved b Cr Dilung seconded b " y �t Carried �. n a re ort at the next meeting . �anita ommittee 'to bring i p urahase, Y It . ,: " Clerk be authorized top • C a e n owed by' Cr Mason seconded by r Di11 ng Carried 1 d container for the offtee . I'll t rinkirng cups an .111.1 .r k R ... j ,. .. .. ±k-n s I V A _. ,. , , 771 ., :,'-y1, 1,I,:V1:•ilsth,'�y+rc+A'Mi'x nWw�aw�}�{CinlMi,}}auhA�u'?hawwwrtax}.•mrerrnw,'gfda 1}gnvmgcar:urwa}+ « ouncL . _ .. ,. as� _ .,' . nwbrR wJ "lw! �� ; t 7 r' t - -°., 3 t „ � 6 w _-� _. ._i: ...: Y _affil - �M1;...,1- .,e 9• „ - ..." 0 a ?. r=t F a - . .,:.:, W • .r . tr .. .:... , , , , ._ - - -_ : �� Council Room Icy 5th , 1947 . t Un" ` , , '" , K .11,` :. ',; Dillin had erected a v®randah on his TM ,: { a stating that bar Andrew g � ';120 From bar " Geor 94, N. �iumpag es on Town property and asking Council to have the r �� e ,St which encroach t on k 11�, Proper y '� verandah removed . Public Ef �� er that the matrter be referred to the I'll 41 . b D Rv Allison seconded by Rv Bak +' Carried " 4I dove d y p C . I ounci16 rt Committeeto report back to fi Props y . or 50 . 00 as are cult of the St , claiming merge s . 3 1 . a8 ' From Mac Nii liam Terry , Nelson of a trunl sewer y of his cellar drain ce.used by the' construction , blocking matter be referred to the Roads and J , f that the p „ I. loved by Rv Baker seconded by Cr Dilling c tor . . " Carried " ttee to obtain legal advice from „ the Town soli Streets Commi S complaining = Mr Herbert rif Knapp , Liberty t N 0 sha act ink for ' From Mr Artgur Greer , , to have _��#' r' d drivewa opposite his property and reeuesting of the condition of the road an Y . , the situation remedied .t.1 eferred to the Roads and that t he matter be r Moved b Cr Jones seconded by Kv Baker Carried, „ Y ew the Town , 'Solicitor . R Streets Co�nittee to intervi fern would be statin that a Recreational Gon a ce b om Bowmanville Community council g a el Fr a uestin Councf l to assi9t towards'1.2 21� and 25th and r q sting, held in Hamilton on May 3 , ,1 . ._____._ ,. � �,.- _ .11�.. �,a_ yangPe . c i 1 e s pons I.. the a uses of delegate Cn s 9 �\ t.__.0 Un__ b 3 e 0 r e ex _ .:.err r..:MaY�dv OraN„1MCJ�N<AHVM!IWtWpWItATKMN![IIYYN .�a......... .. . r. .. .. .....- :. .. ..- . � �_.._-.,... ._.......____—___.. .... .._ .__......_. ... _ .. ... -- _ 11 A11 r rv,r�.awnmeh,w++rw+ •»+w+nrawwi'r.rw l++ V G-,r J ,e ps,. ...7.�°a..c...A,<-nd.•e-d..,..._by...,.1 . ,J_._ _so'n.. tba bey i >r. _._.. ��I�) y(}''�� ' ._..........Au,_,,.,......�...._r.... _.,_.__....,._ Cared I .V ,r a9G ” .- .... r , . ,.. � , -,i w ..r,v.v...-,. ♦ ,,w. ra.,r..ru.. r M n', ,. rr...r+esv. M. ..,rnv'ru.ra.,�.w,. , ., ,.am ,......,.. `<A,,. :.<•:au,at.xs+srrt.Mww,r+1!M'�'111i�4Ml rf?II,�YpftA/WMitA1,1�'N♦WiRN��iM !�,r�, �,. xFi"�• �.^,:rv,. r.<R4,�,•�.,..'+•rner n+•....mn..xrn n,.....,e.4.,,.<•n.�rvn�...rr. rr.r.r,. .v ,r ., ,. : .rn. <. .. -rtt.a.u...w1�Y,rFr•rerx�n.rcvw...,,..v n..n. <.y +v"✓�'l�rt.1. vt�srw nmrlM1avn... .,n•....-me•na;�i.� � (y�4y� -,, �]��J��,,, n ij .n`:,i. a to t o ■••y■` \/ on �r n. �I . •1.� of two d e l egat sub�iittin price's Por the spraying of weeds . .f. m Munic ip , r t the , Roads . and .. Fro sl Se vice Co ,,'. ed HV Baker that the matte be rsfer�ed to „ z r, P ' Moved by �r Jones second .by Carried ,11 d report back to Council Streets Committee to'. investigate an„ av Lea a asking permission to hold a 2'ag Day on From Mr D•R : Morrison . SeQretary N Y 8u . ,cr 1 n 1. Se�turday , June 7th on be ran " • C arr f e d 11 11 11 r Cr 'ones. that permissi g ted 1.qa ! , , �Iloved by Cr JaII1es seconded by b ting shooting within the Town n in of eren ce to By Law prohi i From Mr D 11 i ng i d on the ,T a b F :A . i r le ,1 . I 111 lim .t s • rence to the posit ion of dog Catcher . From Mr H . Knapp in r®f e 4' Cr Dillin that the matter be referred ,to new I 11 .1 I. �I ,y ,� Moved b Dp Kv Allison . seconded by Carried " -1. Y . > I . qT v+ , business ert on Liberty St to the •driveway into his prop y 1. x From Mr H . Knapp in reference . the Town 1 . Cr. Mason at th® matter be checked and if, Moved b Rv Allison arried seconded y N ,C Y Dp , r drivewa that he be notified . sf,ble fo �'11 i s not re soon he ce 1],ars of houses on C Lt'd iri reference to water in Toronto construction orp " R c & Filed " ,; • , From situation would b® ' rectified Q d shat i that the w , Veteran Ave an uotations for the installation of sewars From Toronto Construction Corp Ltd submitting q IT - bs, Lane . 4 the Roads and on Lan► T Bonded b Rv .,Bak that ' the quotations i'be ref®rre o :r, Moved by Cr James se Y - - Iz to act , . a Streets Comonittee with power , - - (RE- __ .__.. __, �L otatf f 8 . , r 1 , -__. - -- Ltd submi t ng ,.,,._qn ons or grave lung an ra � ng _ - - --- r' C o onstruction 11-. , t t - -- - - - . . _ � . row or 1. . . k that the natter be referred to the Roads and . , seco ed K k r ,� " 11 e e " , r dame s nd by v e Carrie d _Streets Coxaoa�.ittee with owes, to ere advertisement spaaen ;�.. d Distric Labor ,1. Counc'�.1 O shawa colic ng . From Oshawa an 1.. , .11 bor Da Magazine tisement space for 10 .00 11 Y Cr Nicholas that an advertisement Moved b D Rv Alli son seconded by ", Carried " r' Mo y p . t be aken ttee solicits B ind Bowmanvi l&e Con I , a ' " Troia Canadian Nat�.oval Ins � .tute for the 1 , `,r t' Rea & Filed �: IT . donation. twit in members of Council to . a tree ',11 I '�� C,anaraska ,River Conservation Authority 1 6 From • Co .1 Hoe Township on May loth e I .. lancing ceremony on Lot 34 9 n. � , Hope e invitation be accepted) and a9 many { �, ed b Cr Dil].ing seconded, by Cr James that th carried �, Mov y , ,� } s sable attend . , members of Council as po Ottawa' in reference to signal system at 11 C .NR. IT err , t C o�rnni s si one r s ''` x° .� ' d , From Boar d of Tra ns'por . �, . . station crossing . t e 1 tter a lai � on t �a x . . he� table and ha t; „ Rv , Baker that th e dy Al a° -�a„ $ Moved bye • Cr James seconded by the course of the road , than 3A ` that owing to the new highway changing Carried " be advised '> t i 'ui 3 r ,y 31i�r, J� ql Y� ,l' llhey ,.�, �,� �G�r ` ,,�, the signal would not be necessary . ferenae � oa Social welfare s, r f1 '� ° , ; � �f ra COUncil Of Ontario , advising O� 40Y1 .;,,, }'' �x : z y, , �� r Comocnunit lelfare :r: , ,� d „�, � t, { 1�'xon� Y ..tt++ ' " Roo & F3.led �, f , �+> t to be held �.n Toronto on y ume IPM14thle ua l re ort for 1946 .I . ann P �r it j �1�� �� St r 1,1..; j �� �n�t sub tf n� e'�� , M 1 -1 �� ` t�� ; �,_:� r � N rthumberland and Durham Health " Rea 8c Filed •.I .1 �, -, ~ From o , = e , , �r , r : µ ...,Mu...x*,Wi+-YrL �1�riMWIrtwr:.w:4urr•.:..Lw,...`;...am....'._.r...d 'i.6. -.....- ,..... r '.,E'.,$, 'i Ay 1, '�; Y ry r �I �� E, LUMP, 7 2 �, __ :�., v0 x : E , a� � U ' , _ . d� ; � - r nr.r�11 Y f ii, `: �, �'-�-- - � - ,,-. ,�._ I I I _ ,�; - ,X,!:" "", ,,�,-,�,-�.,...� a f : ...,-,P' u u. .:r .r+.'.a t x, s!'�T., _a -v c. C r-._ e. .�".. s,. <Y {•- -,yt 2 ,:s �t.,,G,?„e.__',?':,,.aaY 6y ,_ ,. ., M ,: >:,:_ .s,..=x._.... .,_« s. v„ n� {. F. ,, w. eti. - _._t.,,_ .r- ^_..,..-.. ,.-., _. ,.a,. _ .._ , `y r 11 M /1 1 1 3 Y'. , , : i ♦ , `11 ' ,e 1+ > .a . a , ",. . • , • - , • • .a < Y I " I , a .� , , ,I. , r ,� .. > . , ,I Ii I _ 11:�,_,o , : � 0 1 . vounc�l, Room ,, �sy 5th , 19�? I ON& , ' 000 ', Le . " ,� _" 1, , _ P to ra hic Surve Co and '�irmaps Ltd , Toronto , in reference• to aerial maps . N . z� From ho g p Y n {' N0 Rec & Fi �.ed is- r E ° 7 re , From L I 11 sevens Bros Ltd Toronto in reference to aeroplane epa�aying for mosquitos . ,11 11 -1 " Rec & Filed !' f Ma ors and Munici lities , Montreal , enclosing resolution From Canadian Federat i on o y Fa .1 I 3 I IM Ir r 1,14111, I in regard to immigration . ' .,_-.';s_' , I I . Ft �,,, '•, I , Mobed b Dp Rv Allison seconded by Cr Nicholas that the resolution be given 11 I'll Y " Carried " {1aq consideration . . IL tment of Hi hwa s Toronto enc�.osing copy of By=haw to provide for From. De par Highways , ., . ",k;1- , '' , _, .__ a , ' exp®nditures under the Highway Improvement Act . b Cr Jones seconded b Cr N�ason that the By-Law be brought up under the hewing Moved y Y " Carried " �' �r� o f, B -Laws . , I df erection of a rink . From Bowmanvilie Community Council in reference tot the . " Laid on the Table ".1.,;, . r`i , REPORTS {li,' , , �� r t > The Cherk resented the auditors re ort for' 19 .6 . , �,n v Al.l i s o n t hae►t the re _ _ _ _ sea ded by ort be iai d on the .tae e owed by Cr. Dp I ii Dillin _ g I . r .. Carr "I "a -- kub i c . A - � � re or�t of 1 Utilities is refceived , " ,led a, ." ` , , �._._ Unt �t' it d ��... �� _._ ��� - _ -nanc_ __._..Committ r .)c-f.r,-5:h,1�'Jd¢Y.WthtlYlgRS4({jrl^V'viJkP' i5'F�.79%jinf NP•. ... _ ...f rbr. .-the.-- i e ee subm t ing sun ry accounts r ; Y rn, � I t e d- er:.,_r+e port -_ .._.___ Irir . : re S e n __ , _..__. _ _ _ _4.__._ __ g ,1 P _- _."_ _ ___ _. . 3� „. , t .fl, a i4, a .,,., amounting t n o rUg''3 , ocas Y I� �rove�men -" ..r�,:, , r e c omme nd i n a e nt. ��� ;et, . �r -d opt:a d�� ,. certified as in cor rect and p Ym ' � :, ����� .� g R Baker , that theatter ot� licensing bicycles �';���I Moved by Dp Av Allison seconded by v :g44 " f Carried a r 1 be dro'PPed at the pre sent time . , r �` "' ` D Rv Allison seconded b Rv Bake'r that three watchmen be hired for C •N •H . �> Moved by p. Y ., 11 -k t,: �� .- Jo��son and G:. �� . Humpage ,r °r ° " `'' crossing for west side lake road , namely L . D3.11ing , , ut, r o"' ati ,, It �'fr� rate of sy be increased from: x.40 per, hour for a 12 hour shift to 501 pnr hour or an �ultiu ,Y- �.,. p Carried - -- _- _ hour, shift ,11 I Ili 1, '..' II ,IAI �,,,�,�,' ' R Baker seconded b Dv Allison that the ' Fire' Copimittee be authorized to ,� ,� I I. ,r'li Moved bar v Y I? . 11 . . , ; their estimates ., " Carried "I.I'll 1 w; , p►utrchase supplies included in D Rv Allison ' that .the repairing of the , Town Hall steps,Ili"° ,' Moved Cr Mason seconded by P �f by , ! . �' a referred to the ublia 'roperty , Committee with power to act . ��`.,,r ,111 and Library windows b r » . yr, Car�cied 11 11, r , I' . FiS` ;� ded b Rv faker than :the By-Law to provide for expenditures on 11, 1 7,11 „ , ,:; Moved 'by Cr , ,Jone s se con y s sable and the c 1"erk secure the, inf orma't ion I/ t - Roads and Streets he filled in as far as po ,1. /E1, I Carried " ' r t oaa Road - expenditures from the Counties Clerk .1. ( f 1 ' 1 ;h .. ,' : • -LAW ` 1, 1 - 1 ~wd�`t Y . I l,, a 11 Rv Baker asked permission to, introduce a By=Law to provide for 194?- expend tures on Roads and Stree s , , . _: ” G anted and read the first t i�ae . On mot ion rule 33 was , sulspended aci-C-ouc 1 went into o f il l�, r second readin the May in the chair e On committee rising . I Committee of the whole on g ,s.Tril 1 o e orted the second reading with all blanks filled in . By=Law wa"s then read 11. f, % the May r , r p . a , . ....... . . I.: r,E ' d seBOnd and third time , passed and ordered to be signed and sealed . ;1. Moved b Cr Dillin seconded b Kv' Baker that mr Nicholas be appointed chairman oft e 11�� -, Y Y g " Carried n ell „ Court of Revision and member of the Finance Comma tt-, ,, • Orr rolice � Commmittee secure: information” ' �J' Alt '. Moved b �Cr J'ones seconded by .Cr: Nicholas that' the I it y at lar a '* 1� , . , overnin the licensing of ' dogs and dogs running and briaa in a Bq-Law g g n n 11 " ,, g r , 1 . . i . ` D Rv• Allison seconded by Rv Baker that the policre Committee be given Moved by p ks' , �° a and titan in a re ort as to the cost o a car for the Police authority to i nve st igat g . p . s 1 " Carried �' it department "1 . I . �q p.a,I 11 . 1 0 n ad 3 ourne Motion Council , r ,I I . . . I I ,�S! , N 1r , M .w 11 , r a or . _ lerk. 3� y >~ I- 111 sa, .,. ., :�. 1 :::. - ,. _t:: - A. _ s - , .., , 11 x • c., ,r ....r,.... f. •3`1 .r. , -,. .. .i-. �I : •u,,. r„�_:.., is.I1 I , .,. ..: ... .. :. ::.: '.. , r:: i r .. :J ..,.. .:. : :. , .,L: :.» ,. i. ,. _ E , '„ ,. 1 I .:I r i AM ,I a , - : , :.. + .. i d "1 ,,. m, fl. _„ i, ,... a . ,,. )r =': a C tz i f _ s"°.11_. ,. ,:» • ,- • ;• _ ' ,, F: „ ... :. r . a . r, t, a -,I j I r ', ,... . ..':i. .. , t... ,r .. .: r.: , 1 , ra ,:. .,: it t ) ..t / f , t � e.. r.. .. ,. "Vti, t. 1r.1' $ _ 1 6 : ., a;I ,,. —s. a 1 d . 9 �. .. .. 1 .._.. .+ .- rr ,, r. ....,. __ v .., . y , a � :r3. r. 1 _ 1:_L .... _r :., _, _. ,i , ,.... l: i > , ,a.. "..._. .: a ._ , __ .3 r _,_.,..". .,.. __ . . - f r,r :. :r: 1. , r ,. , :, r .., .::, 7-lt t ,. _, , :. _.,,. _, .: ...., f . ii F . .:E 1 n.:, ... l :, , :. .,11 � r r 3 *:. 1. r . .. f1 .,. .. .. r ,. :r .. "'t , th- , k: Wue :I,r.,: :.,.... r.. , _. r :., :, ,. „o "., .. n a h „ „ „'y: t i,. _, a - • „ t' a, a.; ' s -Is : t 1 5t x. 4 a4 t ,,. „r ,, , . 1, 1: r. i 'M. 1. ,I,, I. _ ��i. ( `I 1 v f , ./ „ , - 7: :4.-. 4 't 1 u1;,,+1•ia:walwLJfw'r.iAJrw�r•' l yK „ - YOLUMb� 7 n i w ,-• ,- w # , ,'i c+ _ ,v r I' ll` f Ut :F 11-1, c .a i ixs a;It r .. ' 1 r r sue, ... .. . I*Rr?+. "+�AdiC,.: d,`„ . s'; j ;1 , _ ., . . � : t •i , t tr y . •11. ' _, , ,, , .1. ! t :. F w • { \, o 11 r. ,. "° Counc i 1 Room June 2nd , 194? I 11 11 . ce tin D Rv "` �« n of Codneil was held on above date , members all present eg p g p ..af Regular meet i g r I.K' "'L L ot° " `12° A ison Crs ��2�son and Jones the Mayor presiding . Linutes of last regular meeting we�'e �\ ll , , ". . a .,, III r®ad and on mo# i on confirmed . 11 . TTCATIONS • ` . t' It . m Bowmanville Hos ital asking 'Council to' pass a By,Lw for the issuance oP debenture ,..z' Fro p , ,. . ' I 1 for the ne�v building ., '€ u z , t Moved b Cr Patterson seconded by Rv Baker that the request,st be referred to the Town�IL y " Carried " �� � solicitor for his advice . - � '� r� l askin ermi ssion to install a neon sign over hi his on King ►mot . 11 . From her urphy g p t, � ,',� Rv Baker seconded b Cr billing that the request lie referred fo the public „Moved by Y " ,J " Carried a rt ,, "` Property Commiittee with. power to . act . •11 '` ," " �f From Mr Norman Tingle asking the Town to supply the to fill in a ditch in if , of ray , I 1 . „ : hi a rty on El,gi n St . s prop . . i�! q Moved b Cr James . seconded b Cr Nicholas that . th'e re uest be referred . to the Roads an t , Y Y t 1.1 i!, Carried ” k s , " . -Stre et s ' Committee with power to act .11 L.I: I Fo Da wnham fur series asking ision ult _ ,fi to c ivat a the land on __ perffi ,the , ' road a war ce } Sim son and Niee�rns Avenues . �n . , o n s n d R d s th oa ...��. .�..� :� _---- . _..ti_ --.-- . _ - - . _s est e r eferr ed to e v Baker second d -b Cac-_ ng. ._-- - _ _ __._ . q_ _ __-___..____-_.____ - --. __ _.___.._. __.__ _n �.� R Di 11 i a e 11---- - ....... ,r n.s rvr a _. _. ... 'Ili u y .. .. .. _ ...1.s++',+.._i. ka t sr 1wY! ct».au s~,� x.,..__... ..�,.,:.-L .HM N4tae_. F rna .. ...... � .. ... .. .. .. .-...,,.nrr H r.MW.,,... , .,, � , streets Co 'i.t po tee w th wart. t act ,. Norman ' J Scott Sec,retar of . Memorial. Park Club and Nor . Jack Cole , Secretary of 3 1 From Mr , Y •' :i 11' t softball League requesting Connell to prohibit car `s t from parking and, driv ng across, e 11 �I'll, I. , Park: ' f .t .. . �° Cr Patterson than permis,ion be ranted to erect signs Moved b, Cr Nicholas' seconded by g , Y h d " �" .! ' rohibit i driving and parking on Memorial Park Grounds . err. ,, .I. ,l p ng , ,.. .,, rY 1• . ` '�. ' ��:' 'ron 1Uir William J Challis requesting to have a tree removed i,,n front of h s proper y . . ",rte „ , T E _:t__ on Liberty st v, Ptb l i c aeaonded b Cr Patterson that the request be referred to the Moved by Rv Baker y " �t ' war to r�dt . Carried �m Property Committee with po • �� wn Soft Ball Lea ue requesting Folice direction• at the 5ecretar To g From Mr R N�clntyre , Y " R' '& Filed " �',`' "' s J softball games to. be played in Memorial 1. Park �, . Fro Lions Club asking p ermission to hold aQrade in the Town on July �+ h • . . " Carried 11 il x „�.� K e seconded b �r billing that' permission be granted .IS. Moved by v Bak r Y p. . erin to . o en the senate Club Roo Ms as, a tourist' i'nforYaati.on bursa From Mr L . . . wooed o g p ',>}. r - ved b Kv Baker seconded by. Cr Nicholas that the offer be referred to the' Public Mo y n , Carried r Property Co�nnittee with power to ac . 11, 1 .l '` . Chief Benton making application Pori the annual holidays for the police Department . From ` " ,a C s seconded b Cr billing that the request be referred to the lolieeI 1.A. , „ Moved by r Jame . Y " X j" Carried " :It _� L, I Committee with power to ac . __ . : I _ . 11 C ties Clerk advising of a patient berg admitted to Toronto General Hospital . rot Fro3a ov,n " Re c & Filed " .' - �' 1 ,9 %, ,11 .w m . �1 Ham to3z wills a Fire Committee requesting 'a xmeeti 19 with . ,,},a From Mr H • Barron , Secretary p g `'' arran a for Pire rotection. 4 , ,� ,, the Fire Committee to I P 1. ,�t , S�� I ed b Rv : Ba"ker seconded by Cr billing that the Fire Coraa�nittee be authorized o mee "I ov y " Carri.ed i. TM the Ham ton Committee and report back to Council .1 . �;. , .. -. From Conant 8� Annie , Oshawa requesting Council. to deed over certain road ,a owances I+ r lrtt,,, satin on an old lan of the Town to Mr' J. J . F1ett who has bought the Stand sh arm Al � M . I I app g P '11 I r for the rection of houses . ,�, .1.,•p kt 1 ;,,. . Moved b Rv. Baker seeollded by Cr trilling that the . m8tter be referred to the Town t. y "'` " ate and if found, in 'order .. that the Mayor and Clerk be' authorized L. solicitor to investig • . " Carried n �• r/ to sign the transfer . , cars advisin of a Convention to be held in Sudbury From Association of Asses ,ng f g , z " . � " 1. I on ,June ].6 , 17 and 18th., the h , 11 rl�ii Y �f } r seconded b Cr Nicholas that the assessor be authori„�ed to attend ��L .11� Carried 1, a ., _ `, _ Moved by a e " C convention with all expenses paid 11 t RRPORTS � , , _11i" i ' sundry accounts , + ` ''i f, • t -y }' n resented' a report from the Finance Committee submitting Cdr Dilli g p accounts 393 .03 , certified as being aorreat `y ' { , - a e�nount3n to 22 +5 •?9 , andousin� �� " iu �. =� i g Roc & Adopted f and recom�aaend ng payment authorized ,! J, f' '{';F' F b Cr Ja1n®s seconded b3� Or Patterson that the Ceza®tery Committee o { , Roved y { , ' war the usual plants far the aem�tery flower beds and the '.r to purchase one new ].awn ma , L 15 s " . Carried ". the caretaker be granted his usual holiday .11 N z! M, V' J { g • 1 ., .'( .> , . :: ,. 11 t {,, .:� .,, - '�,: € kl & I0 ti J 4, W1.10"IL CO '1947 Council Roomf June 2nd ertisement . , be inserted inthe hat an adv x1v Bake r seconded - by Or Patterson t Moved by 0 iOf 4 120 hursida J Une 19th ROOMS on T y man advising of a meeting to be held in , the Council States n the propo, Department of �d;ducat.ion o sed by representatives f rom the to be addressed Carried chool a r e a,,,, new s Ur Ott to have the holes :4, he request . of Moved by ' Rv Baker seconded by Or Nicholas that ., t d Streets Committee. - beach road be ref erred to the iio ad s an filled in on the west side ed J Carri with power to act , 3treets Co mmittee be by Or Nicholas seconded , by Dilling that the, Roads and Moved elin , Church f Kr H Jak the property. 0 er from reques ted to investigate that matter of wat of Z;, I Carried Yr 3 kreston ., St', crossing the road end flooding the garden ent be. authorized to e Dppartm kolic Moved by , Rv Baker seconded': by, Cr' Dilling that the Carried delinquent dog taxesa , take immediate action 'to colle,ct OnVotion COU, 11 - ad j ourned nc ------ It ----------- ---------- C ko , mayor .......... une 30th J 19 47 to ncil Room membe' rs atl preseat- date, the May or n Special pie e t i ngp of, C6q ell was - held on , above f th n cal le d t he meeting f or the , purpose o e installat o esiding and, stated that 'he P,r of , a sewer for the Flett sub-division on Jane Sto and Laughlin e instructed ' Cr- Mason seconded by Rv' a Move d by. B ' ker that. Proc' to,r ,,+ iieffern he 'Installation of to survey n, islo for the purpose of t make, a of. the Flett . Sub-div Carried , " sewers * by Cr Ni nder s, -se ded be- called for the installation cholas that te Move d b Rv Bake y r con . Carried de ur s ma , ted to Council that t he a ,urvey be presen Moved by Dp Rv Allison seconded by 'Corp or any Construction ' July 7t ar. d if he Toronto . e at t q.f the. o Cou a il ' for the other dontracto r-, wishes to submit tenders t if the price - is sewer for, their , contio 'g that It be' endl and if the Pried . is not satisfactory , that t ntract---,-be warded sat is factory 'that a Carried * 0 nts be made t Froctor rt ,that � no further ' payme Supt , Moved by Cr Jones seconded" by . Rv , Bake 9 , are e k already don' r ceived b� t he" Itoad in until. plans of -wor -Carried B k6r se-oo f Moved by v a ded by Cr - Wicholas that Proctor Redfern and .L Hunt and Albert r the installation ,- of ted to make a survey, of High , " Carried ' " sewers * e I to Ur Marsden ructec n that the Cl rk be Inst, by "Dp Rv Al 11 so Baker se0o Carried Moved ,by RV, nded -Super nd ting . him 'to Uit e 4nt , tcontacV the:, Road pt . �Engi ' Highway Do On M uncil, adjourned e ' k . r 'Mayo tt VoLula r j f F E 4 Council , Room , .: July 7th, , 1947 - Regular meeting of ,Council was held on above , date , members all present the Mayor P e s of last re. ulcer and s pec ial meetings were read and on motion �a presiding . Minut g . fi conf irmed . k , SP or Director addressed Council requesting transportation for boys 1 k Mr B Sm•ithsop , and girls to the Training School , for swimming leasons . + airman of the Civic Committee be Moved by i{v Baker ' seconded by ' Cr Nicholas than the oh airman and authorized to spend up to authorized to contact Yir Garton for transpo , " Carried M for this purpose r Council on ' behalf, of the Beach Association in Mr R Hallman and Dr h�illen addressed , reference to the bad condition of the west side Beach road and Honey Bridged and " requesting Council to have the situation remedied . Cr Patterson that the Roads and • Streets Committee be , Moved ,by. Rv Baker seconded by n Carried " .. ` strutted ' to investigate and to have the repairs made if poss b e in v . at g . 0 F .I�: . and ed b Rv, Baker that Council adjourn 5 Moved by Dp. Rv Allison second y vene it 9., 0 I .M . for se of ins act ing the Honey Bridge aad Road reCOn the purpo " Carried • err ,. After ad �ournxn ant Council ' re-conv ened' at 9 . 30 . COISMUCATIONS surwuur.u.urw.'., ,aW.nxrw.wnrw :.urv4wa ._.,. ,, r(triOpIMNMYVM . ,n,MwWN/u!M ..... V..w:auarww.u:u+wmr.uww.w.rrancur •.:.;.aw. xx.ru.raann.w..mow.wrrww4w'wrrwvwvaa,•Irwvs Nw+wr rw.w...elw.•n........«...++..«. . ....... _ �.struction 'Of a : san r .,.., yn.::M•1ris1W WI ny vv,�,':♦ h' a x:. b Y .... r .....•.... - w - - rrr++caw..ao+.s.wawa.w.iNW,rcyvw.».. T o ' t�` o V Y" ul tiW /+,H ,iM:tmrn.v m rn. ^-...a.......:....+.• .«.r.. .... ... r t g r . e•-x1 . 8r�- . „ .. ; ' .,,..,,,y , 'w .a ,. �'•vmrw,m ,«, .aw aw rrrw.,M«'....x. .HwNw rw ... r M 'Hunt , and Albert St e e t s ; x. �. , . ,. .y 4, P,, . ..,<�, ��:..�,�„�.,..�,. . • �.... v sewers o n, J'an e .. t 'the tender' be referred to the Roads and Moved b Rv Baker seconded by Cr Jones the Y and If satisfactory that the contract be awarded to streets Committee to investigate t� Carried n Corp Toronto Construction to Liberty Streets mission to use King . 'St from Division , From Canadian Legion ...asking, per July th -of holding a soap box derby , , on,' Saturday Afternoon , 19 , for th f purpose N fl aff is be diverted for about ' .three hours , and hat they be given re'que st ing that tr 4 a . '1 pe to ateto theolic k 1 rmi�s i o n decor King�� �t� with ones s � Cr Di3.lin seconded by Cr James that the request be 'referred e Moved ' by g „ Carried �r Committee with power to act . d Hunt e' t s etitioning' Council for a sanitary an S r e . From e d s • of. 1 , or tw: s :r i �e n • sewer . �, be ranted . " Carried " . d b Cr Dill ing that the' petit ion g )Aoved by Cr James seconds y -- •rt., :H - et it f onin Co nci A for a sanit ary Sewer . ' From residents off' High �t p- g etition be granted . " Carried " s seconded by. Rv Baker that the p r; Move d by, Dp Rv Al l i on pro posed ed sewers on Wan e , Hunt , From Proctor , Redfern and Laughlin in reference top P " Laid the Table r On ' Alberti and High Streets . _ e t s re ue st ing CO unc.i l to Queen , Str e q t s o$ Liberty St betw' aen King' and Q y From resident �� Re & Filed grade and gravel the road trees be cut down in front of his property on From Mr W . J e Cully requesting that, two cut , down Sto t the lublic ' request be referred ' o rcv B ker second Cr James that the re u t Moved by; seconded by• �► Carried �t e t Co tee , with power to act . ed and,,., �f A Pro P r Y a e d and rave 11 From fir J ' H e Alldread , High St, requesting to have the road Cr d g q '1 corner of Odell and High Streets . 'that a 11 ht be installed at the !erred to th, e. g. that the matter be re Rv Allison seconded : by Cr Fatterson ,, . „ Moved by Dp Carried fi s; Comanittees Roads and Streets and Publio Property to 24*093 972 ..{i, a Clerk :advising of County Rate for 194.7 amounting n Rec & Filed , " r From Counti s ' Health Unit in reference to flooded call ar s In houiges on Seeond From Der G .W a Miller Heal y fi r Streets * � t be r end � •and Libe t Street ter eQeived and led f b Dp Xv Allison that the le „ ; f ,, �, Moved by my Baker, seaonded� y f } , t tDr biller be notified that this had been reined e t a h drant be moved in front of his property on From Mr. R .L. Dill.ing requesting the y - Alexander Ave . t the ed . over o y b C r Jame s that the letter be turn „ D RV Allison seconded y �� Carried In' r t , Moved by p be of if ied. , Public Utilities Commission an d that Mr Dilling n r "A. t , } ; 'F �� A rrow of feri.ng ].00 .00 for a Town lot on Nelson - From Mr Harry Fa ' the 1-ublio . RV Baker seconded by Dp Rvr Allison that the offer be referred a rred t o } Moved by " Carried with th o to e Pro arty 0omacnittee p war L beet St } 4p on i o for sewer to his property Y From Mr Leo Berger making appli�oati n request be referred to the, f45, f4 Y 'n # f ' 1;'�... ' • lison seconded by Cr Dilling that the 1'equ Moved by Dp Rv Al r ins er a 41► � a roved b the • eng Carri ttee with' power to eat �f pp y Ronda and streets Co�mrni f VOLUME 7 " ' 4 k < G Ci Y ' C "S G t.. •fir xI • }'5 SAL""T L Cp July Jt �.�. t , 1947 Room Council 7 «..T d street`s lle artment as k�.-ng f or anncrea se in wages of w 412 From employees of the Roads an p 200 per hour ¢, 1 the Roads Baker , that the r���� st be referred to " ova d by Cr Nic holas seconded by. Rv « - Carried " ` and Street9 Cornittea with poorer to .act f r o ut : raised on they pavement Jn �� t ,V' Osborne aborne re ue sting to have the curb r ro7n h.r r.veret q 9 property on King St . :a of hi. p p Koa d s and ' James that the reque st be referred to the Loved by Rv Baker. seconded by Cr " Carried " n Streets Committee "to take any action they deem necessary . to have the ditch opposite their property an . a: From Downham Nur,seri e s requesting Government on Sit, George 3t , f illed Jr., 'and tiled • property of Dominion ed b Cr �-atter9on that a ,letter , be sent to Department of Moved by Rv Baker second y Carried " National Defence to obtain their approval . u ds t From gar Assets k Corp , Toronto , in regard to cleaning up the buildings and gro n a . the former internment camp9 ed that . ' that the •far Assets Corp be notifi Moved by Kv. Baker seconded by Cr Nicholas h u n 'Carried " s be in done to get the site cleaned p everything i g _ Bri ht on I�speetor of Public ��choo3.s', aski.n.g �.�' Gounc would _ �.F.rom_ �lr._.._A,. A.....,.o 2.a.r.. .._ _..,.._._...._.�....._ ._�._..__ • o. d .s . . s.c • c _1. h ct _�._..._ the ro eased.._.legs __ .. r.�", �. „ �,, �Rx - , , �. t fir., cuss° _ _ ay .. e ei n z d , n� p... b le- 'k'e to h g �,.,��.� ,..„:.���. ..,...:�.�w..,�.,,�, . �.` . r fat t e r n r�- t^ham � �` }. 1� Rv Al 1 i s on seconded by . atM..". �t . es. Moved 'by p Garri d- 7 bjrJ J :H . Hi hf i e l d; reque sting • t o have• t,he o urii restored in front of his property From g the unloading' of trucks with bread St and. com laini•rig of the, noise made bpi on King p in'• the early morning.,; h 1 em r.' that the re. asst fort a rep ac ant, of u ,1 booed by Cr Nicholas seconded. . by Dp Av rAllisor� q r blic fro art Conrnittee s' with power to ourb be referred to the Roads an Streets and p y ttee with , eferred to the Police Commi act and the complaint in regard to trucks be r 4R,U1 ! " . . Car.r i e d ” power to act . s servi vices as a consulting T/, a �1(ir C .G : Reid Civil: Engineer ;. Toronto , offering hi n ac „ o R & Filed " engineer it C s 0 ri o Shor s o x n .behalf off' The Ontario a Ga r®que tins., Conant & Anni s Oshawa , acting o their rates for gas by From' t o raise Pas, a B -Law authorizing the Gas Co , _ Counal 1 o pa ' y !, 'approximately 15 . app c i1 advertise that the Gas Company, Moved by , Cr Mason . s eeonded by' Rv Baker that; Coun wishes to appear before Council y rat e a er who i p:P intend to raise their rate, and that an P y. se in rate s" may do so and that Gt Council to rotest against the rai y' at the next meeting of p S erintendant with plans of the gas be requested, to furnish the boa up the Gas Company �� Carried " trim n s. i n�, the Town : , , TS REPOR . e'' COMM ttee submitting sandry, account s • �.11in resented a p t from the Financ u ' Cr D g p rep() amounting to 13 x+70 96 amounting to 4.3 3 .6,6 'and Local Improvement ac Counts amou g g ,f Re c' & Adopted " , . certified as • sing correct , and recommending payment • ' t the public Utilities Commission lie s}k ved b Cr Mason seconded by Cr Jones that of ge �h to , . r y A property Geor y' i requested and authorized to remove a tree opposite the r Duke St,, and pert of tree at the corner of Lowe and Division Streets and others , n. N, Condit ion , list to be f�krnished to that effect lo an d that the Clerk notify 'dangerous Public Utilities' Commission be auth�ori'Zed to the commission to this effect . That the remove in future such trues as it may be notified in writing that have been orders o tf rrried be r emove d b t he C ounc i t y cil confirm the �a1e of 8974 7•12 b Cr Dillin seconded by Cr Nicholas that Council R : loved y g car funds to Bell Gouinlock & Co Ltd at 144 and sundry ' bonds of Cemetery Perpetual e } villa bonds amounting to 9 ,000 .00 at a Price the purchase from them of Town of; Bowmen, n Carried of 101 . 5 0 Mason that a new ear be rehased t o be used for is owed bb Rv Al�.ison seconded by Cr M olice dut e s and to be fused under the urisdiction of the Peal ce Committee at a cost available this month , present ear a3.lowane } h oar i n t , y..Rkf Y„.iwa M ruarw, 4t to exceed 1487 ,00 and whne e a d n to Chief venton to terminate . } : as that the Clerk be granted one weeks d Moved by Cr Dilling seconded by Cr Nichol acting Ole k Jul 26th and that Mr Fred yattinson be appointed ; r ho]adays from July 19th to y " Carried " ! F in "'his abs canoe . son that the Maple Leaf Fire Insurance Co Moved by Rv Baker seconded by Dp Rv A111 Township of Darlington t roteotion with the Town p. ant} for fire p f 2 000 .t�0 e that the agreement, char e o be not if i d � ' t ease a standby y @� T t the Town intend to imp did not materialize and the , , v V all OLUM 7 ` r t ,5=9 I is co July 7th , 1947. m Counci.I Roa Un"s Carried out the pre sent , agreement * termination of Comm nnum on the -T per a BY U'll. NO N 4126 ction of cert `htrodu e By-Law to authorize the cons,tru mission ,. to i c Rv Baker asked per he Local Inprovenent ot 1 . Improvement under t t into works as Loca d and Jouncil WOn e t i,yne 6, on motion rlule 33. Wa�S SU sre nd ad the first Granted and re n committee rising the . 1r.ayor in the chair , 0 cond readinglo, e whole on , se conmi of th ttee n �read f illed 'in le By-Law Was,- the pg with all blanks d the second readi the Nlayor reporte led to be signed and sea nd ordered sod a e pas a , second and third tim ' us line , busse' s be re-route d tt b Baker . that the ' Collacu ded by Rv Jr Nicholas , secon krove d by "treets Yioti'on Lost �reet to Church Street from 3cugog 'to ' Liberty rom -King ,S at t he Rods and 3treet Is Committee be Baker th Jones seconded by Rv Moved b ' Cr complete- Y gh gravelto ar load of crushed stone and, enou ed ' to purchase a . c r' authoriz Qar iod-, graVelling. the middle ,roade of - the en�ineer, In regar on e T'oro Yoved by Or James seconded. by Cr, Jones , that the recommendation onstructi -th nto C an the tender of acepted 's d , that to construction of sewers be ' a pted . Jane 3treets be. acce s on Hunt Albe'r' t and Corp for ewer In of s Carried the constructio , laimed, as August 4th be proe - by Or James that. Monday ed ...I....... Moved b, y Cr ,.,Di1Ung second n accordingly Garried ............... ............. issued his proklamatiO d that the Mayor t ivic Holiday an ee b; instruc ed to Jame's that ,- the kolice Committ ded' ;by Cr by Cr , D1,)_ ling ., secon . a rom - on Ki g Str et ' f the ' .qouth ,east e e 110T pro- F-) pert o -S of Divj'g'j"on orner ree Minton Hall to the, cornerio o n' the north side of , . ", , Carried ee be ts Gommitt onded by Cr 'Dilling ,t'ha,t, the Roads and Stree Carried Moved ' by Gr Jones see e rs to t y r pa to' make the ' necessar uthorized . ed.. , ad On' Motio' n' Council Journ May oro erk 28thsl1947 ' council ft om July bove pt ing members all present ' ex le aial meebi g of Cuncil-. , was 'held on a n ed t hat., he had at the Nayor presidine and *st -an Crs ' Patterson Nit t ispo r , the d g EA man to look afte o called' the ",and by Rv Baker that the ' Mayor nd Chairl Moved ed to look after the ' her.... suita,ble m8Ln ittee contact ts Comm Stree r ,Kenpthorn or . an r r i e d' pow d with er . to , act di'sposal p1qnt an end the Cr ames that ' t he Fire Chief be authorized to att conde by 0 ved , by . A* Baker , se Carried" w1t,h, lal i d Petrolla firemens convention at IS eting adjourn do On Moti me Mayore /'c 1 erk . .......... VOLUM 7 `3 i a i k at t ors r r j ,� r 4 s ry q _ 3 r ' 1,.-;.. + o,ieLGr�-r.€ t mss a` - f __ > SGl '__'. j - i '`f. . _ �. ... '§X, . . . . T T ! ", .' a .:I 1. :R ♦. .t �. . - �. , .. I .. I ;:, i . s Q • . I ♦ .. ♦ I . • , r.,. 4 , :i� T • >- S k' : th 1947 .1. N., "Sce Council Room, August 5 w+�+. 'I . oMt members -all pre sent excepting Dp nv ..... f ounc i 1 was hi ld on above dt e , 1. .T a ular meet ing g-�e c ml meetings were r®ad r , �o «z�,, R g 2inut s of last regular and _ , ,+ the liavc�r p esiding .60�. Allison rate a f Qr and on mot ion canf i rr.� d . . �, Gas Co addressed CounQi]. in regard to r s ng (V. , 1 fc, b2r Hobbs , of: the Onta o ,�h�re to ss a By-�,a�r authorizing the tai se . he ToT�vn nd retestig Council Pa u r 11 sets in t th.e as u I the matter be brought F undor g ed b Cr Nicholas . ,t.hat t, Carried " �, Moved by Rv .. Baker second 3 . . >, , . ,T °i heading of By-Laws . T COA .:UI�ICATI0N5 - } . ?", • encl© sin two copies of operating manual for e„ �,: From �.roEtor, , Redf ern & Laughlin g f1 Rec & Filed x�; . �1 , at t he sewage di spo sal plant . 11, ,� e� ui. went d from the down on Liberty St were equipment at i n that t h purchase t :,� ! Dutton st g e lot s purchase l0 7, . . From Mr rim Towri plan and . requesting to +., �` - �' . eet short of frontage shown on the P . �., 3 o f t 0 t ar i o St . t ar i o ;�t b e I s o ld t o �r�r b,ut t on °, on n on On ' ' �r Dining that Lot 7 .1. b b Cr hason seconded y "' Carried " e love Y 00 to t Ming the . for the , sum of 50 • to letter in reference i efe ce Ki n , in r. ep�.y ,� s. t of Nat onal D n , ngsto " Ree • & .Filed 1: Fromm Dep �, . • - de beac , , --ditch on �t Georges �t • - rass and weeds cu on e m 111M . 11 t the be t we s _. _. -- t ha g , � , th From Mrs '�'�innif red Fox request ng . d s ad .___.._..__---��_--��•��_�.� �. .�__. ..� � �to e Roa cho3.a t e� �w 1 .1, ,, ��. _��-�__u.: ._.�w.�_. _.h w _ - - _-._.__.._v_ C ,,..�:.,. ,� ,. z b N ::. ` .. ., :a d-- .'... .......... rvu.Y.i.r•. vA�.gtlV+I-Y_.AfFT. bMbY�_�._._ tY Wds. ..K .yw.Nn .nii.�i.-r V'�n r, �. ,. .}�at..,.�...t.:h,e .avr u e s e in s y . a� r. Di . 1 edV,.� ,.. . . �. of 11 x / is Comrriittee power r act ' f~ a treeµ on It 1. Str with a to., mb o Scugog . .� and ee ce tt� a an in li. 11 From hlr +Nallace I��arlow in re f eren, an ov rh g , , ,11 .nd asking that it be rem oved : . a matter be referred to th® Roads and d b Cr Di Ming that the �� tied seconds y Moved by ttv Baker Car, � ti r to act . n I . ., r.. ,• Streets Coitte e with powe osite his property o 1. ,! bbins asking to have a tree cut down oPp , h, From r Rns sel 1 0 .2= - J! j x „ to the Reds and dell inton St . at the re due st be referred 1. ��,, Rv Baker seconded by Cr Dillin th �� Carried ' blove d by Committee with power to �� :� is act . blockin the driveway of her lil' Stree een ' Na for c�ompla .ning 1, of t rucks an From Mrs Kit hl . y . ♦ ' ro arty o King St �;ast . .the com Taint, be r®farted to the 11 P P e Cr. Nicholas that P ,,,, ie d. .'t1 ved b Cr Dining second d. by Carr Mo y r 11 I mmittee with power to act i-,olice . Co a weeds on the Horsey && erty o.n 11 I. 1N .E .N�. air , 0 shawa in ,referenc e to th From Nor Sinc l e e d over to the Tov�m ert would be d� d r ' Kin St stating that the Prop y t the Road Supt be ' instructed to have the .ell King ed b Cr Fatt,erson that ;.ti Carried, " Moved b Hv maker second y ,t ,,,, �� R & ,File d weeds cut . or further grant of $ 500 . 00 ec . vine Hospital asking Ca►unci � f From. Bowman _ unci l to car ' arry on t e . . ,: ;1. o_._ Leaf Farmer Mutual Fire In surance equ 0 From le ---- -- ..J.�...l-"--.�-:..�..�esw__.�.,-. . ;--,..,..-.. ...«.... .v�_.,._. .: ._.. . .._.. .. - _... . �- the e re ame that pr .t u - t a n .nt.i .�e.pt.. 3.O�.h.�.. .g�.7 f i sent �' pre sen g that they b® no�i ed �3v Baker seconded by Cr Patterson write for legislation N�oved by Set 3oth ana that the Check �� N a r®ement wi1.l be continued until p Carried . � ' o fire r�otection . o r sewer and ` passed �.n regard t P nts of i�u�te St� South, petitioning f From Nit Len Fowler and other re s i de 1 , I � . � i4 4 back to the , . I . . t the etiticn ,be referred n by Cr Dilling tha I F " Carried Moved by Cr James seconded r it io g • �, bone d al rs for ,11 Y � ,x � � -., et i u, -, ad n sin es 1 . • P RETORTS owing . ,. ttee -submitting ,the fo11 • x esented a report from the Finance Comm 20 .00 , c tified 11 Cr .Dilling, pr Local Improvement 10 , 1?0 . 60 , Hous ng $ t69�. .14. , t� Rec & Ad tad " • account , sundry ,4$I nd recommending payment . , e Roads and Street s 1 s,s be ng correc a ee s of the ,,.: " s Conde d by Cr Patterson that the employ s retroact .ve t o I. Moved b y Cr Jones a ®r hour over the present rate , , aid an increase of 14-¢ P Ni�c De artment b,e F oint ing I ,, ,, p be instructed to prepare a By-L w apP . d that the clerk Carried " e July lst , 1947 a t ker of the sewage di sposa]. plant e a ' George Kompthorn oars a , e'f , :a ct e d t o pre par ed b Cr James that the Clerk 'be ins ru a �� Carrie ' Moved by Cr Jones second y sews a disposal : plant a closed are w dec Taring the property around the g the C1 k be instructed to write the 4 ,: ft '-La Cf Niaha Tae that er n Carried " R seconded by Moved by Rv Baker the of sin i`►Y in tie Town do t �l for estiri him to BpraY P t* 3 ;�,. 1 Weed Inspec rlyQu . �. T t,, ,, t1©untyC-?�Aw 11 f .ti v � n�A �M/� s . - , r ERs YV I,I +,_ the Ontario Shor+�,1. , ermission to introduce a By—Law authoring Rv Baker asked p r as in the Town . t rate s f DD g �,, : i. I � I t to increase h . . Y�. ,.A-.__..apt.+4.r"- ,,...,..v.. «�....w d.�,awoL + ... t '. +1' :i. f :.k .s J,s iii :: LUMP ?74� I � . "I - �� � .1� :I 1� I I -.1 _ ' }_�11 -I ���1_11 14� • � U, M 1, ,�,i':_'11 ,I ,,1�"�111��7 - .. I M, Y '�,�:"t I,� I I 11 � . I . 11 Counc i I Roorn , AuCU c ' 5th 1947 ent int 0 emit f irst ti . . -as , suspended 0M and Coune 11 W Coke* d read thr me , On rroti6n rule 33 , Granted an rising , iii 4120 th �e Mavor i n the chairo . On -comnittee e on second , reading Committee of the whol ed tc ' the Town hat the By-Law be refetir by Or Mason t i t was moved by Cr James seconded Carried ding 10 , third , rea roval, before the licitor for his, app so cited towtite the rk, b e instru aed by Rv Baker that the Cle Moved by Cr Jones secon E 1 ' in and Irospect oaches to epair the appr - requesting them to ' r, pacific Railway ins �e Canadian e whistling of trR d also in regard, to the $1noke T.luisence and tb street bridges an Carried write Yx that t ' Eichola ed ' to nded by r he Clerk , be, instruct Moved by Cr. Jones seco t be restricted an 0 g t he Honey brideelmus n y ad crossin Alfrid Carruthers stati. 9 that -use dinely , ridge accor and that a sign - be , erecte dth and that he milst -the b to a . 9 foot wi 'icted � t6 . 9 fOOt 1 loads cros at al sing -the bridge are restr bridge stating th on the Carried ' t ' ker of . the width . 1, tlant ar dewage . disposa h NoVed by Cr �Jones seco.nded by Rv Baker that t e , c e a ' it , is a restric e .' l pl,ant stating -that to place at the' 'di sposa 0 be instructed t paint signs, Carried S coTmi s sl on , be eaq tilitie by Rv Baker that. the .1�ubll c U nded oved by Cr ' �Jones s,eco Liberty 3t et lights on King 3treet between Ontario and ta tiq ins 11 new st re.. ....... inst C a--,-r*,-r"*'1`6 ru s - an the -s'ewer Baker - that Mr .-Leo, Berger, be' adv..i .'ed th6t -iV seco b, ndedi y Moved by Cr J one s'. have a for . hip to .,Anstall, ;ump "be made available to him but,� that he iijill Car ried, ter A zewerage rne d -il adjou On ,,Motion ; Coune ayoro /erk , st 11th ugu, 190 Coune Om ing was, held on , dat a members all pr �jal t1e , t g �o "Goun f t. he . abov6 e in tated that P t he Mayor �r ' Dillingg and - Patterson, J ame s - D ' 'AV All i son Crs 'to a. BY-Lawe r me the p�rpose , P of . 9 , g givin ' the ' 'he had ca e e 111 d t h etin 0 BY-LAW given its GOL 9 Co ,, Ltd , Was ,, , ent with, Ontario, Shore greem By-Law` to , ame an d sealedo' signed dihg ' - passed . and ordered to be third rea %irn ' 4, over be t e list , *.of dog owners , nded y -Cr Nicholas that the Uoved by Rv Baker ,seco 0 n rt ba k to C U c Lb at th - actionland it.o ,. repo C . -Car tment for jnmedlat,e e ried lar meet ing. next regu on � C6u oil adjourned On Moti n OOA ]Kayor CVerk* 14Z itili T177 VOLUM 7 Count i1, Room , Sep. ember 2nd 91947 . so6ma o 4120 s Regular meeting of Council was hold on a bove date g, me mb ore all -exce pt inW Gra Xl meetings were eoial Mee ding Minutes of last regular anS, OP ;one s , 'and Mason the Mayor presiding . tion 0onf irmede, read and on zo, C OINUNI CATI ONS daddressed Council on behalf . e Lion' s Club requesting the remission Mr 9 *,IN ' Crew or , pf th, of taxes, for 1947 * stating that the promises was being used as a 'youth centre I or the he Town.. benefit of the youth oft referred refe to the gown Av Baker se byiOr Nicholas that the matter , be Moved by Carried - rt back to, Council�* ,solicitor for his advise and to repo convention. to From Canadian Institute on Sewage and Sanitation advising of the be held in Niagara Falls on 00t 6th to Chairman of the Roads and , seconded by Gr ,'Dilling that the Mayor Cr Nicholas all expenses loved by convention with olegated to, attend the Road Supt be d Streets Conmitteei. and Ro Carried*, • ide sings and the the smoke nulfanoe ,, oros in reference to Canadian Pacific Railway From Cana histling of trainso W. , the reon that the Cler'k be instruoted to writ Cr Patte �P Move d by Cr Dilling se0onded, by, n -regard to the y take ' some aotiOUA A the Rdar d 777777' 7- 0MI-saloners-reque-sti, -hat vb& Grosalin unnecessary Re 0 of Dog 94' From Constable' Kitney repqrting,. on the collection In front of his property on to have a tree, removed From Mr Pall Simpkin asking for e' Church Ste he Public seconded by Nicholas -that, the request be reffered to t Rv Baker seoo-- , ved by " , Carried 9""with power to aot '* of s9ptio- tanks ftVperty Committee ctjon Unit in reference to the 'constru humberland�Durhem Health From. pools - in the. Town* building rine r d by Cr Dilling,. seo nde er. t d ' ove to the that the letter be tu ove .0 d byiRv Bak U Carried r inspeotort mth Uni t in reference to the maintenance of a patient From or diss' oharged from the Sanato rium, 9 Town ferred to th that the matter be ke Baker seconded Soved , by XV nded , by Cr Patterson , th Ctirried Count ljoitor to report back to so ng to have , the 1-front. ,,of his property, sidewAlk repaired in T Howard Hancock aski From Ur on King Ste ' and reque at be referred to the rRoads nded br, Cr , Dilling that the 641 by Rv Baker s000 Carried , " rests Comitte.e with power to not e Ing , to have..,,the,,, scones, removed , from the'. road allowance tt reque at. TOM - ft L ." ". Mr . Thom Be on Prospeot Ste . , re to the building that, the 'request refer d be seconded by Dp Rv Alli on ved by. Rv Baker Boo Carrie d ,, " inspector For Imediate action' from otor eking for a raise in saltry,6 on 'be,,dealt w Kitney , a Constable under now with d by Dp RV Allison that the request, ed by Rv Baker seconded Carried sinesse, Training of buildings at the removal in reference to t, Toronto From far Assets Corp hool .* he" Building be referred t that the matter seconded by Rv Baker.ved by Dp Rv Allison 900 Carried to the oonstruo Inspector for action* Lt water main tion , of sewer and Ltd ln� referenoe From BrookdaleseXingsway Roo & . Filed on '%Uth* Duke ft sewer the oonst d Mr . Z passi&nt in reference to � t ruation of ei Ltd ,an "In Brookdale KingSWalr in on the Basis Line that tIL and water ma 0 refer to the =tter be re seconded by Cr tterson by Cr Dilling. Led d w - C f Revision* RI�POAT3 Coma submitting sundry accounts nanos ling ]MOsented a i6port from- the '71 ' Or D13L certified as being 2464939 and Local Improvement Acooftte 421*789 WOUnting t0 - Roo & Adopted corre ot a nd r000mmending nt • Rv Allison that the Fire COURIttse Chairman obtain d by 1tv Baker seconded by Dp '} pri�a 3? T and bring In a report at the next meeting or epairing the fire hall doors ouno, -12 the Clerk be instructed to write The uded by Dp Rv 'Allison that Impose a 8600 U by that Council intend to v_J , Co stating t Maple Leaf Farmers Mutual Insurance `M�,,7 7,;qTW 00 ,fig IRV now" 77, 777777-1 ,,%,�,-i,v:i 3�Ili I I , - , .1 , , I ,, , , 3 - - .1 - ,, K _,,�L"�L_,"L '�,L_�-- - I .F� '. - ", --,i-_� , I- :�,�,te_,-f,.I�J',i."���`:�`�-�'�'-�ii�,It`*�-,,z'1`,"i ,, ,� �_,"ii',,Li�`, L��,:'Ic,,�- ,,z" , I , __�k�L� -�:� - ����- ,�L ----,- ,� - I , , , -, " _. ,I-:!,-7-l-:,7F,�77,,,-,--����z��,�5, ", �, I I�'. - . ,, --v- �� i, �;��ii�.4'.� '� -: . . ." `i-'��'�,;�.�w,�',,,;� - , 1,�I -1 11 1�.I- ,- I � ""'. _ I " 1,321111 _ ; �� _ I I 11 11 I � . I � : ,:,:,t,�,,�'�I, " _�__�1�15 '71'1.I ".1,� , ,., �, I, ,�,,;x_�t� ,W ,, i" l_`_ 11 I—, , , ,� , _ I'l," I " �� I-A I � I I __ .., 1, - - - i_I lkii, I.-.,I, 11��1, -0 ,A �1I ,- 17 I . � 1 . ill . I I - . I . . I , . I . . I I. . I � . � I I . . . I . I I I - i I . ,. . - . . I . I I. I � . . I I I I I, . I I I I . � I �. I . I � I I . I � . 4 i � I I � . I . . . . I I I �I. � I .1 - I I I I I. I, " I I � I � . I . I I . %-, I� ,, . .I . . I : I I . I . I . . I . I I I ., I - � I �� � , � I I I I. , I'll =N..� I I I %1� . I � . I I 1, � w, : I F- I I I � . . ,') " e,. � ". . I . - � � ��,�) -- - I � . I � I I . I . I 1, I �. � ". ILl""I'Sco I -- � � . . I I . 1 - I 1. - - ,. I ' 'I I t . I . cour ow 1�; I . �:� ,:, . 3 U"J"i . . I L !, - 11 I i��,J . j- i �.,1. I . I I I '.t ; "'�'��% '' I , . I :1 I I . 1 . . � I I- I agreement on , Sept . I'll , I I A I . �. , present agreeme L, I ":",) . , I " ,,� I., 'i. L , . ,� I 'L L : - , _ , 11, I 0,06$,Iwa, , ' 000000 oer annum after the prese 11-11. I f ,�o .. - , , f $ 2 . ` ' , " � It -Lii'l- lilp , OWST I . ` .', . 1 ,4x1 ;, . ') , . stand by charge -0 9 I ,_i 11'� . � " . Ontario Municipa 1. " I , . . . , 1-11 I I 1:1i . 't � 1-1 I� I %0 Ps 4120 . I I "LLL, I �, 11 "" I . � L' 1 I � ! � � . , . I " �1� , f, �h � i," I . . I 1 I � ed 1:� t,:1, I . I . � i" . � '.I I I L " Carri , ,�O I , � I . I , . . I I LLL I -� 11, , , ision. , ;i�l I . . . \ . . I I 4, . . \ caretaker for - 11 ; . appointment of a, oaretak a aL By-�;Aw for the a . I � . . I I L I " I_ I L i, I . . � I . . � 1 � � I � I eel - = I . I 11 the sewage I i.. , L � r went into _n.- :2 i , . suspended and Council -we I . I � ,, I .- , , � I . t i3je . on L _ I L I , I L Graate L �L . � I . I reading , the Iftyor in the chair* On L CoMittee rising I I I , I, L M11 I I � , � I 111. . I . 'Committee of whole on second � . , ., 1� I I . . . . L . " , I , � I I I � � ., � I., the eading with all, blanks ,filled in, . , , I 11� 1 I I 11- .- � . I I . I I. '' , ''.. I I to be signed , and sealed . I ILL'' , , .,_ V :1 . '. . a,, 860ond and 'third I 1. I ,- I . � L I I I I 0 .1 , "'.. ': . f Constable , Kitney 'be 1 Iii - ,I I .. I I that the salary o 1, I , . , 1 , , ;,.�Z"' . �';,.,, - , I Moved by Dp Rvi by Patterson , . . ", I I 3 ,Yob'er t,': i. �, from 00 I I 1 I 1 . from . I I I . 1, . I increased * 1700 -00 per , year t o . $ 1900o 00 pe 1 � . I . I . I . �I.:i_1�.,.;..i:�,"�f,� !,, �� . I . , I �� ,,"�,I�L� :.� '. : , �: ,j __ _! 1 . . I � " , 11, L i, ;i' I . . '; I I _' " I I st v 1947 • . -L 4��L, " �' 11� . _. 1� 'it . . , I I . James I I I I , V , ' , 'I. I . . T .. I _ . . �. ist , 1 . . . I 0 I E%ker, . AgAir ;� , , , ' :, � Allison, , ' I .1 ; on . For , the Moti 111 , , I ' , � I . I � . I . I . I L I I " , Motion Carried " I I I I � I . . I � � . I I I I Not Voting ; Dillinge . I would be given to Increase the . D9 RV Allison gave no ion that consideration I I I I I I L . .. I . I I � Department I I I . , 1� . . * i I .11 I' ll sal of t-he Police . I . . . I ' ......I—- - - , , �' ..,.,-L--,-L'�,�'"',''-"'���L' - m6tJ----------------b----------L_L_L i _ 11W___t0r_' - _._______- - I 'll . . I . I . I .1 . L... . 1! ! " _.' ' __1 1 I L .111 _ 'LL W . app 1_..0X_f�•X•/ulG{.*,ha _-Road.' Zu_,,�t. , , I L I I ., I . L � I I I I 4 - 1A -.the--- ointment , i 1 I _ ;, � 111 . �L 11 . I I --_,-�-.--_7-n- . . � I 1 , , 11' ' �,;,.I - .1 1. , , � . 'L", ". - 'i"l-Of on � 0 ame]a, . . I I 1 :,:� ,,,-,,,!,, . "011111,�1000MONOW"I'#M .6. 1 1 � 'A d I . I . I I _+Y.D��, I �."-.�-":.�.",--"""!""Il�-��-,-.,---",�L"��,�.-�,--..�.�-11.�.--".-""-.�,,--�----l�-,.*,--- -.__1_,________ �.Oowa*�_Mf�,,W^W�Wvw �4�? _,�___-I __,_ _______1 _!f .. -M, I ., . _,�.A.W_i44 , -,. i'11--__*_10", I—" , 11L ._ftker,..,.,&%vA_ "'u-04-t-1 I a , . I . I' .. 11 I . I I I . . � . . I. . . 1. I 11 I . I . . . I . I . I . 1 I . I . ...1%.1 I., I '. . I .1 . Inoreasing , ht a salary * I I . 1 • I . . I . . 11 . . I I . I I I'- � I I I . :1 I I I I I I - L . - P.M. I I �. 11. I I I . I - I" I I " . I. 1 . 1. ' 'I . .. t . I I " - -11 I. � 1. . . . . rA � 11 dL to Inset 'Friday September 5th 1p at 7 * 30 . - , . - . . I . I I I � I . I c I I , i I I . .. " I 11 I . . I I ; � . I I . . I . I � . I . . I . . I . . , , L ' ' ' '' ' . . . r I . " I I , . Lt . ". . 11 I . . . . I .11 . 1 f "I I I I I 11 . , , . I . I . . . L "..-- ') . . . 1 . I - . . . L I , . 1�/ ' � / . � I'll I . 11 - ., . . I . . , . I , I L I I . . I -11 I I . .. . :�', -, I. " " i . __1 I .1 . 1�! ' ' , : ' -i i ��L _..'' : ". L L ' I'L . . . . L , I � I . I .1 ,ILI I . I" �..:11 I I I . . . I I - - I . I .. I .. . . . . ., M� I -, , �'!�:��:: ., L I I . I . , , _.t_i, �:', I'Lii- I , 1: I _i�. __�':�,'ti��. , . .. _.; I I . I . . � i 0 . . ' `, ' ', , ,.,- � J.��L,�. , ! , '111." ! ,1` t L . . I .. I � . . . I � I I 9 r * ... .. ,-""�,,,,,.e.",�".",.� : *!...'..�!L��� ':�L._ _ - _ ,.�.�,,-,,�.�,,I�.,.-� � � �-7 �.��-,. ,, . I - I I . I I . . ,: *�,,��,*'% ,�"_"��.�ii.L�'[�,�, ,,, :A ,,� ' I I I,, � k ., I .1, .. ' __ i _ It �11, . I ,�_ ,,�'tL' . �'.1lI.-,l�',�� � i '. I ,,, I I I ) / I ... "�, i ,�,�:���.�"," I _t�� ,_ -� , , , L I I -, :,.",�',' ,,,�":` ".�,i , ' ' . .(�f . , �'' _' 'L"�',,i, 4'#',, '' i:L!, -,;,'��ii`,'� ., I I, � 1� i, � ' I :,� ,'i,,I�,!_�, ,: , I :. .��.. . ., it �I.,�,�' _ . . I p..1 I , : v-� . '_. �"'..- . I . 1 . I� I I . I I . : - . I .� �.,!",;. ,,',-�.,�,-�, � ',�,..f,�", -, " ,. �. , I —— L '1- L :- L.t,: l't - �' '!Fi _ " I.... ,. I ' L W�r . . 11 I . � �"L�,:_-,��',�'��i': .. : ,:L � ." - '. _:LL I ., . � I 11 , . I. I—— t I 11� �:i 1''!, 1 �::';!�_ , � `jiL:; '�,, ''�1., - : I � . -f, ,� , ''�_-A!" t- i'.--"�l!'�,*.ii�",*-�il". - -I 1. ; L , '. 11. 11 11, � L; '' I j , 'i . i, " ;Lf L?��' ��r.: .. � .. I I . I ., ' `,__,, �,�_ p.i 1. .L ' � . L ' .� it 11 :L1 "L.' ''; ' ' � ' ,:: , ' I 'I �i �; 'L � ,- ' ,� � . ,�i 4�, ,11 1, ,it o3',,- ,, , , I I I L . , - I I k; 'Li: :�" '*'L:' , : ;`� .'w,� � ; ' � - . � ", �:" jj_l � 1� I , . L", , . . . . '' , I�"';,.,� '",: 't.' :""'e .,.. ., " , I I "", � , . , ., 1. L I L . fr'. . 4 . I I I L, 11 - I '. ,":�'A'i . F, 1 , '_ii,�;":,,, ,", . , .. " "I I 1.11 . , . , .. i,, .... _�!,; � '' - �2 I . , . .V. 41) 1 1, th . 19 I I , , ..�",;,",". 't`,!,�,�," � _,L'L"I. :,, "'�' , I". , . . . I L I I. . . L . I � . . I . I . I �L I ", L" , i"'!"Al ; . `: .. I. - " " . . , . . L I I . I I , . I Counoil Room, &%, Pt 5 , 9 . . � , , . �, ,,� ��;f:�','�.-,,��'-,����,,�--"""-�,*�,*,,",,,,,,���",',_,',�:�, 4 :'_ ' ,. 1, . " L 47 , , I . i�:"It. � : 1; , �'j�:,,:4;'t., 1�'"� . � %4,��%;:;" I ''_';':.. L .., � ,. . I . . I . _ .W":i, "i; . � `: � . . . I . . . . I I , ,, . L 11 . # ., . - I . , '. - L . . I . . ,.. . . ""�.,;' :.i:'. : . 1, L 1 , , I I I � ,-. I 1. .. : ii � . , L .,�:li,�I�i,,:�,-,.1,�11t-:,'t,. ::% 11..i.1,1��,., ,!, . 1 . � I . . . I 11 . =01, "Via 8� 1614 on . ove I date a& , , I L . : I I I I . - ;ti , ,�1. �, , , , L, ,.;i;"�,�;� ,,��` .; L , , called A% or to , roceive I �,.,;, t. ,I .1 . . , I . I I I I , ' ", . ,V , s.�`,�,�." , ,? , ok� by the y , I . � L I I - -.','_��,! �;!L." -,:.�'�''i',]; ',':"�;'L ' , . I . . . . I I 1, i:* �', ,`1L�� .f L o1al me sting Of Go 1 . J"11, _4 -�, , , SIM , I pro ea '111. . I I 'i 1 . t, �� t�* � 1"�"_ 'L I . ,, . 1 . - , �s '' . ,��,"'�' l', , F ,, ' L ,j-.;, -!��,�-, ;�',�:,",',*�'�'i . nz � I L . ��. ,�,� i" 111,'1�41' 1. - . .... . 0 1 L _' . I I . I., ' :, ; � . ; . . , . r por a.l. , Toronto Y . ., I ,L'�� � L ' t a. . from T I Al '' . I .., Construction Corp and J '! peator on the hour i ng ' . I I .." , �, the 'bixi I d i Us' . I I :1111111 I ..,I IL I; , , � e onto ,. . �L 1 "I. . �, ��, I 1 I , ' .''- I I I ,: ;: ' '. '.. I " - , :'Z:�.:,'"':. �::'�, _, , ' , ' . I . I .! , I I ,; . . �i, , I L. � I L I , . 1 . I ' '.. cepting Or, ,Cason ,Mas on the Ka Ares .1 .!� ., _,_, ��'.,I ': ' ' '''' ' ' L . . nembers .1, present ex material and 1 1 .11 I I :" :, :�r . I i 14 I I ' , .. I this sale of butplUS , . L ' 1_1 I.L , . ' '' , , , �'i . .1 I ".. . I "." "L: � i �, ,:"."":,_ I otor pro seated 6 report on . . I . I , 1, I " - , , ;� r_� , '". I . . I ing inspe . I . . . . . I . � build I - . . I I . I The, � i L. . j,. L�� .�,,� I " Laid on the Table' : " " J� .%,.L,1 I". - _ .i� , . I L . I I � -��*00 1---�-,�-#,'�"7--'-L�-".---,�-�-,-'L- , " , - the housing Plroject * * - . I s : _ -.----.- - I ' - , j I .. x3penditures on wish , 0 1 �'l�("���.�"""-7 L I --- I I L , I 1. � 1 I I . �J . cled by Rv ,Baker that (;ouncil hear any delegation who A , , I I .Rv Allison 1 1 , 1. 11 � I I , I . I . . . 1 � Moived by DP I . . . . " Carried " I I I . . I I � " I . , - I I I . I P . . . 1 . . " I I I . , 1 ) . . ...L. . . ' GounCilo ,. _ . .." . �q, to address I . _ "i .. - I , � I - I , I L I . , . 11 ting' :the Poli co, Comdttee , to take to , ' Arthur I � I I . :1 . , I . . 1,.:":, , :, �_"L,-;'' I L . . t-It. , I -i_ L, . ' ' . .1 . I I I I I � - .."", �L_ , . I * , Bak d CouLuall requps I I I . 11 . . I 1.- 1. I '' . �, I ". , ,. � . . I I i�..�I � L , . . I . , . , .1 . teeLtake ac, at outside t be Ealmor might 0 1 . . .. . I k . I - '. ." , J . I IL'.�:,j.l "L , '1, ,., . . Police L COM.It tion L I � .. ! I I 11 . . ' ' . .�!�,: I :"�: - �,�,u�q` j :A:f1 1111i'., ...i;,.q, ,.�.""*,.qri,.;�;� !K1111�111'1!1rfTY1.1_ 1111,.�111... I .. n, that the ' . LL I I I L L . 11. .......11-111"...1, �1"t'..0!.......A,Iv'l I I 1- " , �',- : seconded by Dp Rv Allison . I . . L _., '. "n �'.. . I . L ,'Moved by Rv Baker s000 ' I ., I . L I .1 � I I L . I I " . .." I.,. 11 _ .. . I . I �, .. I " Carried , . I L , . . I I . . I . I I _: ..._ " , .. I , - 4- 0 I - matter - report back to Council* . I Upal I 11 , . and , . . ovements 1 �. ." L 1, . P' that , the of mpr , I . , , '. _� I I v, Baker seconded by Cr billing' . . I 11 . . , -�----�7......... I �- I I I . � L , I :'L �;%,i', � �..I L I �I ". . . . I � I . I ,.,".. I.1. I I ,L , . . . .!"�.. �,i,�i, L ,' ' _�. , I - Moved by a I Solicitor � report 1�11 . I -�;i� il� ,111 : I I I , 011 I � . I . .I,." , 1 :.. - ..� ', � ,. I'i :, . . , Areforre e . 11 I I 11 I � : I I . 1. .L I . I Veterans .Ave . � . 7 1, I.— 1 . .� I , Installed an I I . - ' I � L . . . � I I I I I I I 11 11 " I : !' �, I. 1 . . A . . � . . , , 1. . 1. Council . . . I 4W � L I %. ." .��':�, I I � I � L ��IIV45 t L I '1 :1 I �';� L - . .. 7 I I ., ��,1) , L":, :.:'i L' ,L',- '.1- . . I �vj,, bank to Gouno . . 1 , � I - ,"' .: I I 67 C,r L, I I . . . 1,;L., L. ' '.. � . "I I �_ : ; �. . I . Toronto i... ,.... � , L ' -:. '. ... - Inspector_ I -L lo � "y . � ,.". " . I - I L I � Moved by Cr lan a seconded I that th' Buildi eator' and � � " . nded Patterson , 0 . ng . chasers, I I , I � I 1i � �_' i. ..�'. .' �";,�Ii�,, ,:,: : � �. . :" ,�:. . � & list of, pur I I ��, ! , i- .. _ ; I . �I .: ;i,� .. I 1. L . I naLl with I —' . I ,. i 'I, - �'�"' ip� " , . �1111, ., 1 . L �, I L L c furnish I L , V. I ,�.. . . L!. ;�.,, I ,�:,.A%, � ", �� , Corp dorp be requested ate I I I 1, '" I, I � : 11'. .'' . �,N_ ' " ' L ) . . I Carried " . .. 1; I . . . L i . . . I . I,.,.1. I I, . .111, , I-. . L . I . .. ' IA material - from the Internmut caupo . 1 L . . ...L' . I Re Deputy Reeve tie or i; . . . Cr Or D1111 t the ,Ifty , eve and I I tha L I I I , . � �. , , lboved by Cr billing , 40110i ' I _�." . 1 . tox, regarding ' . L, ,". L I ova I I . I �.,., .�'.. L' .1 11, . I ' ' .' , L o ing in a report from . the -T 1. . I I 1 ." . ' ., appointed . I I Carried " ��'',:""Ll,�:,�":il,�,� �1'1!' 1. L ftm�Law , I . I, . �':` I .1 i .:, " , . I 11 I I !.,,I I . I I � 11 I ,. � I , , .. . I . sing project 0 11 . . i ., . I 1�1 11 : t,- . different I X" � . . I . I I I, . . I I I L Mawl ' , C CATIONS . 0� Corp - I . . oron . 1 , L ..", _.;,�,_i,. :��, ,� 1 . . . . .., I 1 . 'L, 11% .11, 1 . --- 16 Ing aceoimt I . -L'�' I ' ' . . : ., "', � I i,.� .1 I . I enal s a for, Toronto to Construction * I I I �_;.��,�,,,- `�., .�. . 1 . ,". . I i� __Ilt,, � __ . . "'. , � � 11 I L I L I . I .1.1. :. lm�.! �' . ,?,roni Proctor,, Redfern & Lau Co ering ' L, ;,:.� � I" "�d L . I I � - eng -.1. .1 i ' and requesting payment for' . 0 , I , 1 . I l Re Go Ltd . � . . .1 L . . � . , Toronto I .Atervloese I ' on r j",�L of Constru"'' I Jj'` L , " . . seconded by Dp RY Allison that &000unt . 1, i Moved by Cr Dillimg second 'q'11�il,,. � . I I .'�, ��'; - __ �J _;_� I Regulator Co d for $ 3895Y.be ,paidit and ' - -? `�� ! �, I. " lie Honeywel I � . i :, ;nl -, . ., .LLi - t•, , � I for $ 9 ,540 ,65 and Minnempo plans and ' I , I I ; - ,, . . .a`,�111�1.11! I ,1,- ':-�:..!:�'l i`i� 1�f%i"L, _ii!'� .' I ' 11 if "".. ,; ,�',�' �L . '" ' . , , _:L ;��___ "" L ., L L I 1_'�:,;�, � _ Redfern and Laug 11i be hold UP until the . I * L . , L - 1_:_L,i I Proctor I I . " � 11 1-1 _,:",, '' i,iL,:' I L , , 'L ,�:. ,._ti � that accounts for . , . -j,�`�i7�',�'�.';�,?_,_ . L I �C�' L . I . I " Carried I L '. I , '. " , . . . ' - �".. .,. L I . I . I .� . . .i . . I � . I I . ft � , e(seived L • 1, . .. . I -- . . I I I , , I � I bluepr I I 1 - . I I . , . I � ,�,,t I iLL . . I . . 1 . . I ��! ,� ., ?_.11-��_ . : !!, I � I . . I I . 1 , 1"; L .1. . I I I I 0 � . !,� �"_'_' �' "-'�",t L , � 11 . . . I . L �. . I .1 _ ,� ,�� t . . . I I I i Ji �p I I ;.:, - - �;. . I . 0.�".x ,, I I I I . . .10 I ,41� . � - ' ,�,,:�_��i";"' I L , _ i I I I . I . : , �'�,,�',,��;", ��tL."���"1"'f"', I . I '' - i:� � I ' I � K i , . :, �,.. - '..,�'�L�:�;!,".i�';.,, ', I I. 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"L L '' I - 1 I fk�l � I I I � � I i I L i I A I 11 "I 1. �11 I , �1 �.- awl. t a, r , r ' , a r _ Oil Room September 11th , 1947 . ,. Count : r meets O2' Council was held on above date , , members all present exoepting Rv 000 w, 4120 Special n6 n and stated that he had oalled , 1 . esidi g Y r Cr Jones Patterson and Masoa , the Myor Pr 1 Bake ' on the Housing Fro lea final report fro m t he Building Inspector the me e tin g to re ceive a . t the Cleft be 'instructed to write Moved - -b up Rv Allison seconded by Gr Nicholas that a sal plant as n®arby resident Redfern request ng h�a to come down and, inspect the di po P t l�Yr " Carried " 1 • li are oomplaining of the odor from it * 1 members of ,1 C 1 in that C ouno i 1 ad � ourn unt i 1 al " Ikl 1 b r Dil g �r Moved by Cr �am+es seconded y Mayor . � " Carried : a e able to be , present at a meeting' to be called by the y low r r , �i, Y 1 s f r , 1 '• � � r � — �t ark. Mayor • , r .. t 51 •1 Room Se tember 26th-, -1947 f Como i , P 1 ,11, Speoial meeting of C,ouneII , was held on above date , members all present except ing Cr . 1 ._. •-pat ers the_- or residing and stated that he had called the meet ng or e ro' ect . t i6► _ urpose of report ; t ce.iving ,a r e housing n r e rt o nlRl' C stru e n r .r . . -_-. - ,.,.� _._ Mova�d._b C.rr. w e by s seconded eh �--- r � . t .._._ id until t herµ •..b�oc�ks� .of,. Wa�h� ,�T•o�o,nt:o�,r.��'ons�'rr�,�r+�R ..r.�<Y� .M� ,. Corp for 74ousing accounts be no Pa accounts ' are audited by our audiisors and a complbte ,. Corp pertaining to the housing t the contract . " Carried " re rt is received on the whole pro� eat as it appl es o PQ d b Rv Baker that a registered letter be sent to Proctor Moved by Cr Jones seconds y and Laughlin reque sting the ` presence in 8owmranville of Mr Re ern on e Redfern a 8 e tuber Oth to confer, with Council, in , reference to the operat on .ni't,ernoon of S ..p 3 r .. h " Carried Hof the sevrage disposal plant . Baker ,mission be given to the Memorial p Rv Alli son seconded by Rv, Bak that . Moved by D Pe work hours f or t he transportat f on o Park Committee to use the Town trucks 6 " Carried " �1 play ground equipment C unail adjourned-* 1 1 r ' 1 1 on , • Mot ion � o . r d Vida or. r , , , t, ' Calerk Room October 4th '1947 •, 1• ; II ;; .: Council , _ r+�sent the or -- Council was held on above date , members a3.1 p 3� z 8 Ps 'c 1 d t a at meeting exce t Crs Nicholas rind .�'� .., . r. .r�..r . dn of s ,.- 8t�ersrori .•and, stated that _ '' e a ca press g p t from the Town, solicitor . On the terms upon which f for the purpose of receiving a report N S would be deeded over to the Towne n the-. Horsey Property on King t - _ '- -- eased Council explaining the terms upon which the Y �f.R . Strike , Town solicitor e.ddr r would, be deeded over to the Town . ' P property t the Tublie Property' Conmaittee be - Jame a seconded bar Dp Rv Allison that Moved b Cr Y e s ct the property rt y and' re port ' bas k to Council at the instructed; to rove stigat hilQ in pe p " ied " Carr next regular meeting. ti Oh MotiB it Council adjourned . y r. Ma or. lert ' 1 r ii , , n yy • �..... .." , „':.. ;-..'. ».-.. r ,,,, ,1 .:.. -: it „ ,. ":. :.: ... '' .,'' , f 'rY/:, , r , i • , r 1• r • , 1 t , , U r , ., , v".' ,. •' .. , r ,. � _.... �.::.: .. .: .. .,. r .,. `:;,r it { :: , ,1 1 r , r r .: : 'fir. ,..,. , :,.t .:,•. ,, :': , ::' .: .,.. I ::.. ... .. .......r. ..e:: �..r r , .., e •. :. .. ..1 . . � I -�.. , ,: :... , .fie, r ii v.,..ii si, :. ,;:. Ir a , , t1 r w , ,. •• r.,. :: r .. ,.,:. . ,::.t ,., ;C" • rr,,.l�l. 1 r,-1i 11 1 s _....,» .. i ..r u.. : . u. Nuu}4,i><I iu,ar.uu,i uu ur nrr>+v awYYr>., ate. > 1 ..rw Ifv�, .1 rr!I.+w••w•,s««,.rrr,... .,,.G. ..•i,a..•.a.• .. r.�ww+rx>i u.urwwwrri,••Mi•ri�ri+V�w:yf.r.w.n•r.�,-.r..w,r•t..ro .....e+ +aw.wu.:...wr,w•a>M MN••.w�M•$WrheANH,A!rN.YVM.eNWP A.•1•... u<.. ti w•P::.rw„ n• ..; .k I".— v,!+"^ t. »u , .. «.. 1 5 ..��.,r. '...»,: m.s1r iu. ,a,...J. rP6t�>. ! 1 Yf•:-• •... .. rww ... 1 4. _••. r _ ro,u•w.S. :,N+ aw IN M+uuv«� .P ,tF«+N wrww.Y+Pxf+N,l.0+lw.4.. l , 1`.•'IY .. ",M N fiP T". �. `"1. -. _ ,.P •i!'.P,r.N.1 1:......IMrvr.Mt v1Y "!w•},. ' L,a,.P .! , ,. PI., r,r ,. ;.{,:, ,-,., ,, A•..._t.....r?rr.rr.m"w!,r >W`w•L a �h M R,W,.. .,. r , ._ '-,..._ ,"... ..•„ ,.. .. .r r :. ,. t :-, ` - e`er' ,r. ' _:. .. ;. ,..... .. .,... .: .. ,.. :,. .. r.. ... :... :. Ir t .., .. ., : • ,'.. qtr. r ,r: :: .: ,. r r _ ., {. r. '1.: - it- .fir -'.1 Ir-,l,. a.•.,1 .4. r:,. 41 .N ,•z •,_,. r ,. ,. .. .fir .. -'.t r .r:r:. ,-. _ _ r :.,- ., ... .,..:,�., .::. P,; -i i'Nr r .:a .r. .._ YI 1.. ,. ,, , ,,. r .i ...i. a 1 • 1 A k .r r , ,...... , . � ,' .. .. � .,�... r.. r Y..„I, } ... ,. .1 ;::,_. ,., ,..r ,. r r, t.. ..,t'1.1 .). ,Ir y •1: 1 , - � r .. ..... ..,......w.w+•...rNa,.,dui«iJJiL”i!'4s'r4Wyra...n.{+,ww'.YRa+..wro.l.r�.+k. a a.Yw>+rYw�..ra.�ryy+lll 4 d VOLUME ? 1 ? x:ss s do ra° .sy:,, ; ;-, t rte c' :ti'tvXi '-.• {3 �i+.k"' - a-.n' - u b mv, r' $ •� �W' n ,».,�, Council aoom , 0 c obey 9th , 194 e =� was held on above date ,. members all pre sent accepting Cr « Regular meeting of .Council tin s were read %0 :01 4120 Patterson the Mayor presiding . `Minutes of last regular and special mac g k ^ ' M ved b ll Kv Allison seconded by Rv Baker that delegations and on motion confirmed .Moved P Carried- 4 " be heard'. eer and Miss A ha Hodgins addressed Council in reference tQ the s � Mx #alter Deg P establishment of a larks. Committion . re uestin The were asked b Council to pre sent a petit ion at the next re�►utar , meeting•, q t Y Y ss a B -Law for submission to - the ratepayers" at the next b,unicipal ;lectio '' Council t o pa y A . Dillin addressed Council stating that Mr Mr F • H pawson would be willing to deed ove g Town a stri of land behind the cottages on the west dude beach to be used as a t !j to the p t , road,r Baker seconded b Cr billing that the matter be referred to the roads and dove 8 by Rv Ba , Y Mr F .A . Dillin be , Streets Committee to ,inve st .gate. and report back to Council and that g " Council the, letter received from Ur lawsone " Carried r, requested to hand over to ;•. addressed Council in reference to seouri'ng sewer, and water - connection Mrs James Kennedy for their house on Lambs Lane . was advised to obtain a petition if possible from other residents of Lambs , fir s , e nne -- " Lane . . _ and present t0 �hg Cle y 1 COITM La, , CATI _ . R .. _ .. .. . . a qu Gordon.- - ® ._ . .« ..From. �r Bro , - wn , .__.� �, Barr _�. . t t and A _ Burge s s r , Jn p Nt .rv.r_•.r••-•,.n+....•.+.n•++•++ w..n«r.,�r+_.f..xr+•,_w• In .n+•rn,..n.!r..•r.+.wn„+r......•w• r,• YM.rauw. . ear the dun tQ prevent the road being blocked in, the winter ° erected on the , road n P that the re ue st be referred to the Roads and Moved. by itv Baker seconded by Cr billing 4 Carried " Streets Committee with power to act . ,, , From Mr Louis Iaskaris ' re nesting to have the sidewalk repaired in front of his, new on King , St o the p d b D Rv Allison son seQOnded by Cr Dil:ling that the request be ref erred v } Y Move vests ate and report back to , Council '* " ' Carried " o,ad s and Streets Committee, to . in g u` 1 use of the Audit oriu fora piano rte c,ital , in aid �! From Mrs Vera Ferguson reque sting the u of the Hospital �u`Building Fund on November 21st . r+ - IE t1 P. r r seconded b Cr Nicholas that permission be granted . " Carried ' Moved by nv Baker y Hospital . • C a v sin of t ient being,, admitted t'o Bowinvi�lle r�rom Counties lark d i g Pa „ Rec & Filed " Vent on . Secretary Bo Scouts Assn asking permsssion to hold Apple Day on z. 'From Chief Y Y 4f October 18th that permission be granted . " Carried " Moved by Cr Dil�ling seconded by Cr Nicholas pe " F orenCe Williams requesting permission on behalf' of the Salvation From, Ma 3 or l _ to hold a Tai , Day. scion be ranted_ for Saturday , owed by Rv Baker ec y Cr, pe d s and , . ed• b r, n n ., Carried November , 15th . sala From. Mr J'oh'n Mobun applying for an increase in ry along with Rv Allison that the request be . con$idered, g, Moved by Cr Mason seconded by Dp " Carried " ts other reques . lit , wit " a'l , Fire Insurance Co stating that the present agreev* From Maple Leaf Farmers Mutu protection would automatically lapse on September 30th , 1947 • the- Town for Fir e p b D Rv. Allison that the caneelle�tion� be accepted. , '� Barrie Roved by Rv Baker 'seconded y P " Rec & FI.1ed " wa in reference to the ' whistling of trains . From Canadian Railway From Canadian Pa�if is Railway in. reference to the, approaches to overhead. bridges. . Filed " Prom' rom Dr G� .go Mi]aer , Health Unit in refe rerice to the condition of the toilets in the . Town Hall . that the matter be referred to the Public . Moved by Dp Rv Allison seconded by Rv Baker Property Committee with power to act . " Carried " to lace a street light on G.arl isle A ,v From residents of Carlisle Ave requesting Council p seconded b Kv Baker that the re qua St be referred to the Public Moved by • Dp Rv k1lison Y " Carried Property Committee with ', power t act tee .. n owes o w of the Wollaston Township Tornado belief Comomit . From Clarke T Rollins , Chairman for a ' donation. kasin Council " 8 made * Carried " e b Rv Baker that a -grant of 2 5 .0 0 be Moved by Cr Nicholas seconded y ' asking for permission ' to erect poles and From Hydro Flec�trio Power Go�aomaission, Toronto g t ransmission line adross ' High School property and Rotary Parke seconded ` b D Rv Allison that the Mayor appoint a committee to Moved by Rv Baker sec ,y P � . investigate end report back to Counci . a n Carried " '.A e s and Jamaes . r appoint ed Crs Masons Jon �.. The Mayo F :x 4. :s VULIJM 7 i e a r • r4 ! r • r { 8.4L$kW th 47 ►» Council Room , October 9 , 1 9 a w . ittee submitting sundr y "accounts N zo from the Finance Comm Cr Di llin 8 P resented a report �RAe 60 certifie to 6 . 9 and Local ImprovQment accounts amounting t22 , amounting 995 c & Adopted . " as being cor ct and recommending payment . ` Cr Mason . {repor ted for the cotmm�itte® that investigated the Horsey, property and sta e , ' ' { . their opinion the property should be advertised , tor sale . t that in th p seconded b Kv ' Baker that the Clerk be instructed to write a letter f. Moved by Cr dames Y ores property to the Town . " Carried " n thanking Miss Horsey for the gift of the Horsey p P Y rc , seconded b Cr Di11ing that the Municipality of the Town of Moved by Cr Mason Y } e accept the gift from the Horsey Astate and Miss Horsey and the own 4 Bowmanvi'l l P g A That the buildings and land deeded to Solicitor be instructed to register the deeds . '. 1•- flr 1 1.. above be advertised for sale by tender for cash , certified cheque or ,. the , Town as , rice to , accompany tender and to be returned if tender is not accep e , 5 % of purchase p Clerk , be October 31 947 , tenders to be sent to the Town a. aht date for ' tenders to st , 1 acce ted advertisement to be inserted in 2 highest or any tender not necessarlity p , {1. a of the statesman , Oshawa and Toronto paper s �� Carried " issu s C .E . Murrell - for. $ 2690-0 seconded b Rv Baker ,- that , the account of Mr Moved by Cr Jones y, r Carried " `.-._-. ....._ ._,a,.a,..vrK..U.w.u....r.,.sr.�+.r.+.'1.•a,n�tis.!!!h-nv!!YN!*.x• " '.rt"' n"u"yM'rY"R""xw.L-�,"—t,M-r�r iron!-•":Y?-"q':'�_.r.+l w"'+Yn-tawK.,'w^.y+.w.....r.f.o.r�-`.w..,..N sQ!.'Ai"4",.�d'.. eAl 1G w a`41fi.�l__�_._p......a.R1 J•.MR7y.7n«.s.. .._,.w..W.. _- ..W..U.....-.N,.m...,.,,..„.o,..n_d,...._,1.......,.,._.-, ......., .d „w-. ....r-..,,.r•d..n..we n'.-i .n,mew. .g ,..-. _l e a.. .......nP,.wo. awt.w....,. vi Y wd� .o wan ce on ro a .«.w .e..w. we r �r r�w, of t e s� osa p r'n-- ..-a. ..n„ . , •mrr. Ma.n.rm+. ..uaryr+• n...hyrrtY . "/.. ner+. . ....w ..._....... .n.n.+r1n 'm'a.ar.Y N.Xn••RILR7M1y +PYVfrY.Y'< 4r Laughlin * { Committee be e�d b , D Rv Allison that- ' the Roads and Streets . it Moved by Cr Jones second' y P ver at thee , senage dksposal plant . Carried authors zed to purchase Tanks for a co ed b D Rv Allison that the , Fire Chief , and Deputy Chief be Moved by Rv Baker second y P a end the Firemens Convention at Toronto with all expenses dried " authorized to tt Car q BY TAWS to introduce the following By-Laws ; r r Kv� Baker asked permgeion / °For the appointment of Town Officials ; For the a ointment of a Road Superintendant". F pP way sus ended and -Council went into Grantddand '.-read the f irst time . . On mot ion rule 33 P k e f committee of th e whoYe on second reading , the Mayor in the chair " seconded by Cr Di lling 'that , no further action be taken on the By Law . Moved by Cr James " Motion Lost " ^ -- blanks i'illed in . . ee rising sin the Mayor reported the second reading with all b n On. COTitt 6 passed end ordered 'to be signed; and s were then read a second and third time, By Law : sealed. On Motion , Couuaal 8 ours rk M r. C e 1 a I, 7 1 n rs . Counci m, � oo c o er. Co on above r of � nci�l was held a ov date , members all present e$cepti g S• ecial 'meet ng - p d tated that he had called the billing, Nicholas and , Fatterson , the Mayor presiding an meetiu�o'r the purpose of passing rousing accounts . R so that the account of Toronto Construction Moved by Lr Jones seconded , by Dp v Allison Ltd for , housing Moues accounts amounting' to 4844 . gl , be paid , and that the Corporation d be re ue stud to give a letter to the Clerk stating Toronto-, C oast�rutct ion orpo rat ion Lt q further accounts . in regard. to the housing that they will protect the Town agai nst any accounts are paid .Han lan when local " Carried pro Jac t and that , final cheque be handed to }e F Fatt in son _ A econdedmb � Cr Jones that the account of Mr red , Moved by p v Allison s " Carried " 8uildi Inspector , amounting to 4.98 •'86, be paid * ng M. C Mason seconded b Cr Jones that the Clerk' ' be , instructed 'to complete the 4 Moved by f Y „- .. the sale of veterans houses with the proper names to be inserted and to By Zav�s for next re lar meeting. " Carried " be presented to Council at the n gu { {, b Cr�:Mason seconded by Cr one that a flag and rope be purchased for the flag " Moved y " Carried pole at the Town Halle R son seconded b Cr Jones that the , necessary 'house numbers be �� jA Movred . by Dp v Atl i Y ti I„ " Carried purchased an d that the rate paid for numbering , be the name as paid before . Cr Jones seconded by Dp Rv k1li son that an advertisement be inserted in the Moved by esman warnin coal dealers and others not to park their trucks on the sidewalks 3tat g " Carried " in the Town while delivering, and unloading. 3 b Dp � v Allison seconded by Cr Jones that a w a be purchase for late. &-Mayo Mo ved Y --#-Carried" . J .J. Mason . 1 On Motion Council ad journed p .k orF yw fi' VOL - ' . 93 w v e S' v t tm . Jam• r t • ,A ' '.! ,:. _ f .fit.. r t x > y,iWIT i i0 C ounc i 1 Room', Oct Ober 31st , 1947 c i 1 was he l.d on above date , members al l present excepting, Dp Kv Special .;eeting of Coun jrt NQ " "° bison Crs billing and James , She Mayon presiding and stated that he had called the 5 e ur ose of passing a BY-Law . I h meeting f or th p p P g BY-LASS introduce, a -Law to provide' for' the holding -of Muriicipal ► , RV Baker asked , permission to y '/ �• election s Gr ntedanfd read the first time , On motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went into a On committee rising committee of thw whole on second reading , the Mayor in the chair . mm f second readin with all blanks filled in . By-Law was then read r the Mayor reported the g r, a second and third time ; passed and ordered to be signed sea e - Moved b Rv Baker seconded by Cr Tone s t hat the assessor be ins'truete' d to meet: a ative of the Goodyear . 'lire & Rubber. Co Ltd r to compare figures ' on their n represent " Carried assessment and report back to, Council * oud t rnc�n . Motion. Council ad� , r , Yla or C/e. rk Y -- , r ... ; , , • C�ounc�i�. Room ovember r _ ._. .: T4tw'I NSW.bMN'AYat 9Y?d•.iew,,r»xnwSNra {,gfy„•,A.;.,w,,wo,r...rnv :ww ' .. `• _ r ..: rw,wrws#tdlpi/1/^`.*.:'t'twvww ar...we.rwx,e.nr+.Le}.r+nm,••..-...•••.•,Mna r.,,..r.<...«,e.•.....e-•.h'-f •,,,,...-. -f.... .. .. 1 ,m.aur Kegular meeting of Council was held on above date , members all _.pr,eserit,_rt ie yo presiding : Diriutes of^ last regular ens special, -meetings were read,, and on motion confirmed. C012 TNICATIONS { From faiily of late J . J . Maso�i acknowledg ng with appreciation k, nd expression of f Re c, & Filed' n ,r syntpa t by • Llx can Kennedy ask for sewer r and water connections to her property on Lambs rom. Mrs Lane , Mrs Kennedy was advised to have the digging done and connections r would be made. fr From Mrs Violet Cowan request irig to have a street bight installed at the corner of „ r l Victoria, and Brown , Streets h e'r t q Moved b Rv Baker seconded by Dp, Rv Allison that t e re nest be ref ` red . o the 1'ubl e y " Carried " property Comnaitt ee with power t o act � C R Bickle and Mr; H . D. Hoci��.ey as for waterworks. extens3,on ' on. Concession From Mr . ide� o St east • of Liberty St and that the ditch be filled in on the south s f.� Concession St,, east ' of Liberty St . Moved b Cr villing seconded by Cr Jeim6,, s . that the matter of water main' extension be y { to the Public Utilities Commission , and that the matter , of Filling in the- referred , r ditch be referred to the Rod,ds and Streets Co�arnittee with power to act . " Carried " 3 From Der Fergus E �iorrill�, Secretary oP the Fublic .Library Board reque sting to -have .. the ceiling repaired and the libra painted . - T , Moved b Dp .Rv -Allison seconded by r Patterson that - the rocluest be referred to he public property Conunittee , with power , to act . Carried a . 1 ,From. residents . of Alexander Ave, tequesting to have a street light installed . Moved by Cr l�.ason seconded by Rv Baker that the , Pu blic Utilities Cocoon ss on e ht on Alexander Ave a . C �. q Carried street light " instructed to install g s' N t Tonal Defence Kin stop in ref erende to filling in the ditch T From. Department o f a g' " Red & Filed", on St George St . Tag Day on November th From Canadian Legion asking permission 'to hold Poppy " Carried " Moved b Baker seconded - by 'Cr Dilling that permission be granted . y Counc it to attend the annual meeting� at From Bowmanvi lle Community Council . inviting - Lions Community Centre on Thursday November 20th at g .00 , P .M . C i 1 n s conded b Rv Baker that the invitation be accepted and' as many Moved by r D 1 i g e y members as possible attend . " Carried, " P " Roe & Filed " From John H Mohun requesting an increase in wages.. From Kiss Vivian H Bunner compalining of the , condition of the road on, Alexander Ave . which causes damages to -her property .on Liberty Place. Moved b D Rv Allison seconded by Cr billing that the complaint be referred to the y Carried w Dp Committee to investigate. and report back rto. Council. " Roads and Streets From Navy •League of Canada asking Council for a donation. Y C s that a donation. of• $ 25 .CO be mad�t . Moved by Cr billing seconded by r Nichols n Carried " _ u41j were contemplating the • , r m Mr Sargent , Owen Sound, •enquirinwg if Counci 1 p n6 From g , i#etaliation of parking m t a ere . . D Rv Allison seconded b Rv Barer that ' Mr Sargent be requested to appear Moved by 'Dp y' a necessary a sar inf orrae►t i on but under no obXigat ion to Council ,* 'before Council with th y " Carried " WTF .,, LUM6. 7 Fir �_ „ . . ,.. w k v; >x: , µ,: n: r -, ,, ..,. -...:s r .,.t „:er r .. ,-: .. y 11 .,. ... .. .,..i.. .rte -. ;-. v w r.. .. ...- .,. .. .. ,J- r.- _..-,.. .i i , I s,: ? :._ «. „ ,_ _ _ f`11 11 r`F ta: .=:.^bra .,.,...� 'x e,.. :_.^. €' °4'x'"£, `,;;5<- iM x ;,.;, , ,::t.� "ss*u»,H 14”.�-,. ..•fit-..:-.�.:E4°-.p,:,r.E�.n._ ,,a ..>+ ,w 5t3i,-n:,..x.,tr, .._...c..::c-..,€?v e*'v,..."3-�;..�r s,- .'Y... ... ... .�*i.. .a„ ,s-�s.°;�:';� t.'„��: �*s:�c ar 'y.i <- _.., .;-,., ° ors; a. , ., 1, . { Y :4- 6, 'A I I •, S _ l , ", (R tr , r. 11 ' , , - + - .. . . i_ . , .- ,, : ,. . , i • Y , d, a-. i - + C r" . s.*. a" ,I 11 Council -Ro om , November 3rd , 1947 :u REPORTS ,1.y,. """ r.ivan�e �om�ai� tee submitting sundry account► �� �t�° Cr lei lli.ng presented a report Y'rom tiuo ,� tAO 4 . 0 8 and X,: Housing Accounts t Local IZn rovement Accounts for , 5 3 ..�a arnou nt i amounting t o V 5"6 3 2 . b g , P merit ", Rec & Adopted V }; : , 0 60 certified as being correct and. recommending pay 1.. , for 5 . ,I 1 _ b1ohun be given an i�area se in . , Move b Cr ` Masons seconded by Rv Baker that Mr 'ohn � Y *' Carried " wages of 20 � , retroactive from October 1st , 19 +7 • t hat , the Clerk be instructed to write General Moved by ttv Baker seconded by Cr Jones t t instruct their .truck drivers not to drive over the . `° Motors Oshawa , requesting them o 1 . " Carried " t r. 1 :. ' sidewalk din Temperance St . 6i On h�otion . Connell adjourned , f/ M ;: . , .I ., .,1., - a. it c { , �, ' Ma or,.11 I 1 s, , . y.11, ji" erk ! . ,11 .. . . _ _. . , �.. , . ,� n ' Nowembe.r 5t 94? . u ,, C council i 1 Room, , d, ent exce t i Cr Special meet ng o f Council was ,held on' above date , members all pres P 1.. , r residin and stated that he had called the meeting for t e .; .. Nidholas , the. , I�iay. p g 1. o s,.e.--of_- reo.e. °v i..,.t� .. . _ t.he auditors + report on th rig probe rid - .r _ _ __ _ e hou s i u c c . a. .�. , .P.o~ .t_, .. n� _ _ _.. s ..... r.,e _:Q..._._the:_..... _ ..fir :. [/T� .... .-.n.a.!.m.w.s�.4atM..++Y•.nmMYIMN11k%,NAY+nK9ZWMMMIA'r�AttlMW11MMl l�nllFtl4T11111M11•MA •.••'•�•,t h V".•••,'\win ' �•+ f1 __ . . 'h :._..C. orI _read r o b received.- ..and f - led:;, . osu y 1. Cr ' James s eeonddd, b Cr. Jones that the auditors e p r,; : e _ " �riove d by �� Carried ",11 d i at:.__ the auditors fee be not charged to the Cr. Mason secox�de by DR All s,on owed by r " Carried " housing pro sect account . 4 B -LAMS 11 s o to introduce a y-Lw to authorize the construction of 11_ By Baker asked permis i n ,I 'll various small waterworks extensions . " , y Kl sc� a ey-Law to authorize the sale to , certain;, vete��ans of houses built e 1, e the- makin of certain grants to the said veterans . / o rat i on and to cut hor i g . I :& e was sus ended and .Council went into Granted and read the first time . on motion rul 3.3 P s and readin the Mayor in the chair . On committee ris3.ng - committee � of the wholer. on ec g , ' second readin with all blanks filled in . By-Law authorizing the Mayor' reported the g • 4 the sale of houses was ld .d on the table . e ; sions was .read a second and a n By-Z w authorf zing the construct ion of wa erwo . s extensions,. - �N� " third time . passed: and ordered to be signed and seals ut in schedule of 1 a. � Rv Al li son seconded by Rr. Baker that •the, grant s as set o 11° , , •Moved by �p . houses to vote-ra�n�s , amounting to � 29 ;91O . 7g be tanen B3�-haw authorizing the sale of " Carried .1. from the McGill "funds. urchase of the Horsey Block, and re orted on the tenders received for the p CrZason P be instructed to return' all tenders stating onded ! b Cr ,James tha y' t the c er moved sec ' Carried " , that the price offered was` no t satisfacrto.ry . Cr Mason seconded by Cr latterson that the offer of bar VYilliam Nelson for 4, }• " Moved by re d�lar meeting of Councf 1 4 the Horse B�loack be ,consid®red.' at next g ��1.+ :, the purchase of y "r Carried • �. unless " another ,;,±offer .is made � F Cr nest t a iee be nSe - - - n seconded b C N�aI y �o a not rted n x , 's w ...4 „ .. Moved by r h .._ the Statesman to the of f edt th at l�'orsey Bloack , has not yet been sold by the own an 9 �> that offers for the purchase will be received by , the Clerk until November 2 th. " }i " Carried 11 . '' „ On Motion Council ad3ourned . .� _ . ,. , 11_ +` ' > 1 . C. '.• , " i a . ;' ; - y, , ,> ,, , ,. . +, . i +t 11 :+ „r , +„ , ,r t : , s, , r .. ., ,._, .,rip �. t t ill r,. .. ,r Counof l Room November 28th ; 194? { ' e sent excepting Cre s held on •above date , members °a11: pr ,� �q . Stpec ial meet l* of Council wa that he had called tY� �� thea or residing and stated F<.`; lone a Patterson &nd Nicholas , �' P . , . kl;, ., , I ,ti ' ose of s sing a By-Lave. �, meeting for t Ie pnrp „ . f house s bui It by the Corporation I:: P ' s -Law �o authorize the sale to aertain ve eran� o Y o he said veterans was given 'its third uthoriZe the making of aertain grant s t t r# r ;I; and to. authorize d s led = rdered t o be signed an ea • . / L , ,. „ I'll r reading passed and o 'h" . . 0 Motion c ounc i 1 end�ourned . . On , f a . t, F!'.� r r 1; ryr , " ,_ ' , �/ O a ` �(� 3 I. r i 4 t " •' - e i1 • �a• r - it r 1 ;_ 5 t I �1,11. I ,�{ 3 � r. + i ..«uwu.'' +n►1l� N,•.4«w+r+w+ r"' .ar7nw«wa. . w +«-+►�iY ' I� , OLUML 7 +{ r - a '"?� �` Y + Ti, „1' �` .m, ._..,.<,<:: _�..,,.. .4`c.._,..'._A cue,�,,..11 {'e` , ., - ,.? 11 '` , 7S :. s,. - ..- ?.e'Fi=- s,;a�.. , ..- Ra .' F- ..,°. ...� ...n•- F. .... t.. 34,v}. t ., ,. ..r.':. { s+ -. ..4 ?'.fit ,-J fJCr".: Y.,Y, *ax. `� 7: *:fi •' '� a ., . S' ., j � , S: r I t "I...- I 1 . ' 1 . / . . . ' . -4 , „ 'l 1 I. . 1 ! , .�: - . ,. . . . f t: . • - _ , 1.#. CO o«c . Council i 1 doom December 1st , 194? A,t', �� P :1 .` ' """' was held` ,on above date , members all present except ng r . . �► „ %0 so '1120 regular meeting of Council 1. 11, ,.,N James , the Mayor presiding blinu tea of last regular and special meetings were read - j1I i' : and on. notion confirmed . arcs to securing accomadation in , the Horsey ` g°� ba �or Halverson addressed Council in refer ! ;N{ . Block for a company of the h�idland Regiment . YZ . �, s e onded b Dp Rv Allison ths.-11 t the matter be dealt with under report Moved by Cr h�ason G " Carried 1 , , of Committees . GATIOr1S . ,. ' COI! �.'UI�'I1 on Ontario wwwwwwmww� i n ' fo nt o f his , property �.� : ��r �o Nebber asking to have a tree cut down ed to the public a From y Rv Baker seconded by Cr Nicholas that the request' tie' re err 11_ t. Roved by *� Carried tf y Committee with 'power to act Iropert ��; 1, rkin srigri in ' front . of his store eating , to erect a No a g �!" From Ivir . Sam Stewart requ . '�,. 1 '1 ' on. Division St . t t re ue st be ref err. ed to the s lin seconded by Dp Rv Allison tha he q p' ti; Moved by �r Dil g *� Carried " "lolice Committee with �Ipower to act . h ppoi Mn., reference tot e a ntment of a Town I�f aager . ��'1 From Board of �duc tion in ,,, C Patterson that acknowledgment be made and referred '' .1 , C seconded by r •I'll Moved by r ��ason �� Carried " . f i ti to tthe Civic Committee o � � i Kai 1 y re e s 1 .L 1, lacif e �u na d i an wa t �g ..., r & i of o rma " o:n a ou Fro 1dustria i A.�anager i da „ , i 1. ---- bo,oklet ._on industr a LL a r .cul.tucal pro ;r ass r. f or a d t a "�h, n an , .own � � �'e� .� e . ing' that +� h ' �'' ue st be re �,,•a _ �t seconded by ove d i b -Cr . y . son ur Dlll , C mr�er c e . ;,, 1, er of 0 v arr„ .... , oecretar' of the Chamb :,ti y T resol«t i onir� reference tc� sen crimes end �Frorn Town, Clerk , 1Vew Toronto encl"osi. � � � . � „ 11 . . ." .1 I :. ) - sation of Counci"1 . , requesting the ardor a orsed and the ;, Rv Baker that the resolution be nci Droved '.b DpQ ��1lison seconded by " Carried , necessaryr action taken . . Lau hlin enclosing statement of expenditl: ":. on the Jewage,11 From lroetor' Redfern. and g , ,� " , 1 , . , r {� Disposal pant , a ette be laid on the table 1. son onded by , Cr D 11ing that th l ,� •� ,� . 11oved by Dp Rv Alli sec Carried 1. until the'" recon�nendations are receive, . ��:y: C ounc i to s s "a By-haw t o submit s,.. -� other electors petitioning r From b.r R..� . Evan s end , IL" L.5 kN, eon the establishment of a Parks Board. ' l. to the electors for a vo . ,,,, Nicholas , than the petition 'be laid., on the table or 11 Ii Droved b Rv Baker seconded by Cr .� Carried L _ y With .. , 194g Council , to deal . REPORTS s L. itti ;,t" sundry ac count s the ranee Committee subm ng z Cr , Dining presented• a rep. from t fi d , s being �`' is amounting to x,5. 00.9 car i e .,_a, �� 11 11, amount ing t o 2128 . OS and Housing accoun „ Rec & Adopted . ,I a� correct ar�d ecommending payment . ___ Moved by Gr ..Mason seconded by Rv Bak 11 er that Mr heo Berger be deeded 10 feet of the St South add scent to the lots purchased by ; him . . _,., .,,A,L. a y ,.z,, ..,:. .. _. , it so#�the.rn . ,part o,f: lot g on Liberty , +1 " ;. e a'o St of registering tie died . Carried �� ,� froYa the Tovim at no cast oth 1-1" IL er tha�i th �' IV _-__...11� -' � � Town , dad b ' D Rv '� Al.lison that the wetter of the horseyr�iu�K - Moved by Cr Dilling , secon y p r , n Carried ��I."' ';7f; - be held over unt i1 December 15th meeting . ,I 1,11 . 11,. .. --- _ . ad outrned . , On Mot ion Council. . ., „1., . 11 . . . . . , • , Mayor• .1., „ , .lurk . , ,;;,1 . V I.• - Deo ember 15th 194°7 .il�i ounc i 1 Room, .a ,; . statuary meeting of Council �r8s held on above date , members all present excepting , , , ;�. I �dinutes oi' last regular meet.i�g were read and on Y . Rv All i son , the Mayor per I ,e id ing . . ,� mot ion conf iriaed. + 7 • COMENICATIO S . area a si a Qn his sore on Division St t,Y .,, FrO�a Mr K.A. Caverly asking peiss on o 8 e referred to the :1.Moved b Cr Niaholes eceaonded by Cr Dining that the request ., ed " y itt ee with owes t o a at . Carri a pro art Comun p y 1 Fubli p y ern and Lau hlin enclosing plans of water and newer extensions . „ From I'rootor Redf . 6 " Rec do Filed " '�io p''~'x � J I'l 't tures on the' I 1-11 t + _' " 3 ._ , or Redfern and Laughlin enclos ing' s tatem�ent of extra ®xpendi From groat ll�� se�rage disposal plant . t be laid on the table yJ. F 3 t ty� l� + , , ,, ; ,� ,<< ° 'bt©ved b Rv Baker eeaonded by Cr Patterson that th® stetemen M n �,. , , , ; �. r s nom leted . Carried ,1,4 e i 1 4 ? ++ unt i 1 the work i F , ' for a redo�ation or remission of taxes on the Liars Comanun ty i , ¢ �, From Lions Club asking } ,`Itl , + .� t Iti 1' , n( �`I,f�'1 tit - ,� { "t Centre . be referred to 1948 Council 1 $ 11' t t } �' , ... R Moved by Rv Baker seconded by Or ftob�olas th&to the request 1 i, J ,j .. r .,r 11 11 -. , µ , r..,.4......-.,-..1..,,.. ...I..... .-I.u+y- Jfw.mW IIIII .. - . , .. 1. ,+. .rw�..,N...s. k 'r 1 ;2i R ., I n _ _ __n,;€�._ 1//\� moo, _ Y V s-r _ 11 r: . LL _ {,. �. k,r,'` w.:: :, I .1 y.� ;s. :, .F. v�:=: T �, jM.' .CN+;r.r. ".«r -. `J 3a,5 T .10i ?r z _I;�•�., .sx..r .x"'°,,;, : ; Y ,.. } M+: n __ ,,f. 4; '! .. (. L ' „ I , , . . r . �.' I . ,��.� - ouna A.l Roo�a De cetbe r 15th, 194? C _ � �•, C unit Couna it requesting the use of the auditorium for a Chr stmas X_ «.� Fr om Bowmanv i 11 a own y "� " °'�� Program on December 23rd . . -... , 4a �� �� o ded b Cr billing that permission be granted without charge . " „ �, , ,i Moved by Rv Baker sec n Y " Carried SOLit h wa from his property on Liberty St , PI From Mr Leo Berger asking for a right of y 11 ` kin order to ump water . to the arse P �` r t, 't` s econded b Cr Jone a that r Berger be grant ed a right of way for a ... �; I Moved by Cr Mason Y " Carried "1. '' o follow the south fence and pipe line to be buried . L % 11 L .1 pipe line t F n reference to the ' assessment on his property on Liberty S "�',. ,a , Fmm,, Mr Leo Berger i N 11 11 r , �. ReC 8c Filed " j:.,, ,r, s the Town for damages From . Mr �' • Ward in reference to a claim from Mrhertell again t �, ikl a St • - ' '. \ to his aar caused by a broken limb on Duk f , a b referred to the Town ' tat -t he o l im Cr Di111n seconded by Cr Jones h e { { „1 dove d • by 8 ,. of tie olicy as to whether the To' wn is eoi�ered under the Solicitor for interpretation , P Curried " 1 . TO , } Wt� REPORTS . _ tt submitti g sundry s • ance Committee n c.count 111 . re9enteda report from t e n , „ ,t�, • 0 Cr D 1 0 _ p. _ and Housing Accounts 1� ,, .._ _r �� �..... -1. 1►oa al Improvement nt 210 , , „ - amounting to 711 a di a ent . • • � " Rea Adopted "1. wl '. certified as ing correct and re�comI n p ,11 . a4a _. s�tor r8sented a re-p.or�� - of�, current ta�c collection as fo lows ; ' le Tai O0�. .eC'te . n. j. m.:,_,_ __ tao-ns •... .- . ._.2-. _..-. _ --.. - _ __..._ _ ,. _m 1 p dd3. .1,1_ 30 To 1 . �.. U ,UO axes _... • -, I -Amount of Rol � 9 , 1 - 1 693 19 D t s allowed 626 . 11+ , Takes out standing 2 , " $ 106 ,1 10 . 67 , iscoun � R®c & adopted ;;:. the election �`or Members of the Board of Sduc at ion a s f o l lows ; The Clerk reported on " Rea & Filed " 8 Clarke 29g �Yright , 291 , De vit 292 • e y, ,,1' , : • Oliver , ,35 . e sented their reports of expenditures during th • � The •respective standing' committees pr . "JMf' '!r° year as follows ; Over r. F estimates Ex enditures Short .. rtment ,'7 a �i De pa - , , • . ; . 11 :, 2 600 55% 25 220 .00 = 22 , 619 .15 ,IL Roads and Streets , 2 695 ,971 1 � 'y 2 ,600 . 00 1; 901+ : 9 11 Civic x,05 . 60 11 rt f; 6 510 :00 6, 131 �kr 1�?ubli y , ?1 . 9 rl� c Props 2 571 . 19 1 C emt ery 2 , 5 00 .00 g27 5 6 ;,, 61 - -- -- - po f c e �.6 _ 1 �' ,. 3 ° e.l A. 8 ;000.00 ? 353 9 • Fire De t 803 .71} 3 p 700 .00 10 Printing & Stationery 1 76 .4.2 523 . 58 a _ ,, s 11 . 8� • _ Relief' - ' -- - 123 .71 ,. . 11 __ , . 00 , , 3. 076 .29 • Contingent 3 ,2,00 . , . "„ . . ... I/ .; , - - • " he�id �on� the Tab e . _ e its of the standing` �oittees be �o�red b Rv Baker seconded by r Dill ng that t he r po • , be granted . " Carrie d " -- 1.adopted and the supplemeat cry grants a s e or ,. N. ded b Cr Di11iAg that when the Town obtains possession o e" f1; Moved by Cr• son secon y n • ;.., �� - Horsey Block that the Clerk be instructed to hav® it adequeately, insured Carried, w r Rv Baker that the Auditors report for 1946 be adopted . Moved by Cr Dilling . �econded by " Carried " r d I 11 re 8r . eade be granted 137 • 50 . Moved b Rv Baker seconded by Gr Nicholas that the i 6 y " Carried " of mono received from outsi a ,, fire . being 50 Y Christmas turkeys be ` Moved b Rv Baker seconded by Cr 'Patterson th8 the usual arried 4 y " C " purchased for Town employees and Council . ations be made to 19 .8 �r Patterso�a that the reaom�aend Moved by Cr Tone s ' , seconded by , F}� P t e s Commission ss ion take over and operate the sewerages f , , • 'Council that the u�rlic Uti li i " Carried system in the Town . r e Public Utilities Conma�.s�ef on be' Moved b Cr Jones seconded by Cr Patterson that th is and that ,_r u t r y ve further conBideration to reduction of hydrant rents " requested to gi Carried '� ' atioa be iven to aliarging hydrant rectal charges to water user ;: , ,.} eons ider g '_ { ,A. conded b Cr Jones that the Mayor declare December 2 th as a N. ,s Moved by Cr James se 3/ Carried �1 . `` ' �' Pub�.ic Holiday.I.1. , sx �111 i. r tt b Cr Patterson that unoohectable taxes amQUnting to r C ng a eaonded y ,; E� � , Moved by r Dilli . " Carried " ± . • c „1 -11 „� „ :'fit ” `;�J � 1' , r i �/� � �7 '�� written off • Y �,> t. + t�� r V e►���unt� �' } =1� d®d b Cr James that unaolleQtie►ble Cemetear�► �,<< {�,, owed by Cr Di13.ing seaon y ." Carried ". ,� , ,r , �� amounting to 228 .00 be written ©f f . . , l a 1 r�i a� +`Pis t"r r a a �� - (1{r y, r 1 ,j ',y 11 �LLL� 1- k 0 on �%ounc3l ad ed 011rY1 j rr sir G� ,''1`""," �."�n ,4 <'+!; a Moti 1 j L, ,"� ' "ij:, y :. 1 r , �0 ,�� ,.. ,:., - S t , f, ji��ir t� ' t,K�IYa t� `.,�'Ry+ � !+f�i a - _ 1 1 1J t. j { ,, .fit ,ft.t.'�f+t - 1 c i .r n , : E �t c H 1f,� - ��. l �, r� t � 1, ,� :.v t , 1 Or , ` . f 1 �... r; ,r � , �: ark: yr..I il'. ti i 1 a ai +fit r tr t. i, +1 >� tr `laI •, y , ;'.� _� �'. �. ,P�r,, _ ,.� ,�, ;� { a ,,i ;i 1.�:. t �S" , "}� '., r a -S I It, .� � + tea {, Ali ;�1 I! f }i ,� �1 , ..i,: G„tit�f��y,��j61 .i�i �4 , ",'4E,: f�: .J 1 .1 � �,��,� 4 _ .ri „ r a„ ;, ., _ m... ., .. L L111, 1111 'A��s... - ..,,,.a.,. <:. .. 9.J..1.