HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944 .. .Rd ` •M i • . , F• i'• is till till gg 4 S.R.""T i CO , ."„�. p lJanuary , 3 rd , 1 944� Co un c i l 'Room.,, : ° CO ow Vaev - "o " "2 r D1 etin of Council was hold. on; move date . rafter taking the oath of office'' Inaugural e g• embers. elect took their seats the Yayor assumed the chair and called upon Reiv . JOE m too en the session with prayer . }` Griffiths p , ' b Rv Little seconded b Dp Rv Northcutt that a vote of, thanks be extended to Moved y by , tarried Refit : Griffiths ` for his service { ` r : e his inau - urul ' address re,- sting ing the . co -op of �ounc 11 and stating The , h'layor gav i F that this will be 'a critical year . He also stated that their was a need for low cost s .n anG that Council must be prepared to plan for , post war ,wo'rk . hou g ± tv Little seconded by Cr Nicholas that the Yayor , Reeve and i)eputy Reeve be ..Moved by r " Carried . 11 appointed a committee to strike the standing, comniitt,es for 19�+ . The -peeve reported on the; recomx endatioris of the striking Committee that the standing ; { : committees be as follows , first named to be chairman ; - r , 1 1 S O , ,w • ___ r _- • ._ , ,. •. _. - 1 , D 11 n g , G a r to n � Ba ker— icholas Little Northcutt r _ k . Roads and, , � • , , : Sure et s , ,. � �arton Little Baker • ' Little A1lisor. r41G.ho1as , Fire it Northcutt G �bbs I�ichola y Fol i c e .t , Garton'Gibbs royelubl is LrtV t , 1 , .. - ••.a.......m.G...bt, »r+..*t / .. _- .. , s V i.iYw _ k;-Y}y,M. -....9.H,y, ..C1'^f`-.•,!rim l^k ...:. 1 .� Sr...v. at.•wt,.,�k -.x• ". _,... (jj`��� }/�± 1 � :e ](/� � _( -q � #• {"C' k' s. V eTlat ,Y i�� , 1 t Revision • D'illing Garton , Baker , Little , lorthcutitr ; Count of t es.• Gibbs Allison Vortheutt ;. ill .ng ' �.ivie & dar tact ivi i , • , T R thcut,t -that the re ort ' of ' : tie . standing Moved by Rv Little . seconded' by Dp v rsor P Carried 't committee• be. ado pted . ` COr.' `tTNICATIOYS r' Y porting From 'A'es sr S T . Flaxman and 'V . J . Cull re. ortin on the condition of the •,wll.s oft the t Laid, on the table " Davis Hoult building . L ducat ion re l ue st in Caunci l to. recommend the appointment of her. R :R . From the Board of d q g Stevens , as Counties representative on the Boa of education,. Moved b Cr Dilling seconded by Cr Garton that I��r R .R . Stevens be appointed as Counties , r, Y the Board of Education . " Carried -- - _ representative on Y dal 'thanking Counci i for the installation of a street :light From the Bowmanvil�le ' Hospi g ., , c " Rec & Filed : on hamber a From It� r Thoma Lymer asking- pem -s--sian -to -cut :_down a tree in front of his- �?ropert.y- an Brown St 4 e seconded; b D Rv Northcutt that the request be referred to the Moved by Rv Lit Y �� , t d tf Public lroperty Committee with 1 " an poWe r tD_ act , _. From Mr Leon Standish offering to rent the land at the disposal plant for pasture d Ii v enquiring about fences - .• q g • • V.. ved b Rv Little seconded b - Cr Dilling that the re uest be referred to the lublc ' :hl F ert Co ittee to report back to Council . Carried •' , ro p Y of Health Toronto stating; that , no no •grant s are made, to• hunic i'pal ities From Department , �t nec & Filed employing aLublis Health Nurse , 5EFORTS Cr Nicholas presented, .a report f rom the Finance Committee submitting sundry acco un s p P ent to 11 . 31 certified as being . correct and recommend ding pays r � amounting �+5 � C Adopted 'Re c 200 0 , u .. Moved by Dp Rv NorthcuttLL seconded by Cr Garton that the Fire, Brigade be granted Carried .. r ' • being one half of the .amount received from Newcastle FireAs r Rv Little asked permission to' introduce a, �3y-Law authorizing ; the Mayor and reasurer pa to borrow money for current expenses , t into Granted and read the , first time . On mot ion . rule 33 was suspended and Counci 1 wen eommittee of the whole on second reading , the Myor in. the , chair . ' On committee rising reported, the second reading with all blanks , f6iled in . By-Law was then read the Mayor p sealed . a second and third time passed- and ordered' to be signed and a Little seconded b D Rv Northcatt, ,that Rev . J . B . Grif f .ths be granted, 4 Moved by Rv Li 1 , Y P " �� Carried 5 00 for. his services Moved by , Cr Nicholas seconded by Rv Li the that Cr Dil'ling be appointed a ' rnembe r of the " Carried " Board of Health . be re nested to Cr C Nicholas seconded by Rv Little that the , Ministerial Asso q Moved by r i et With the Civic and War Activities Com to arrange for a public memorial Berg ceh me Carried r !•. ,. f or - the local boys killed in action . Moved b Cr Allison seconded by Hv Little that the Clerk be instructed to write Hon . F N .:T•s; s, . :: . .. I, : .,,. -.;s 3. - .. n.<. f,4, - a,.'.. ,., awe, a.. .rl ;.z ws.* =z. � •.�*m. 11 . i.m Yt t' rs..?",.?a .. ._. ...� _�. _ . �' :: z. #'-.xs p> :x awz.-,� -___ k. ,�a, '• .,.r Fr_c. �5' :' ?+`r' s _ - __ . , ,I e . , . %,,1 . .r.. - , :.#: , ,. - �5., - . . ,:, ,. :.., , ,..t rt ,' -, - .: ,11 a a s :» - : - , ...E _ - - F , : _% r '.. , — jr ` u 7 ", , ,.,, ,P. _ oun,e i 1 Ro om�sr Ja nus r y 3rd , 19�+�+ l� • _x t , I ,,, t�O11' j , ( ,;f` 'tI .�ca t I I ,. �� N °120 Dr Vivian st,atin that this uouncit are in fa �ror of � o �ternlnent assistance being given t 1. 1 L=ub1 is Health nurse , I r, ' married 1` 11 ` h"unicipalities employing a I il , " 'Il ved b �r hllison seconded by Cr Di'lling tht1t the, Roads arc streets Coruu�ittee be . o y 11 .1 u t s d ewa lk f roni Ne 1 so n '-t t�o , �' instructed to bring in a report on the condition of he i . I " Carried " . Liberty rt .ti t Ii o�t i o n n n /�, n you cild our ed , :.. . I � r -� • /. .! ,.jl I ,,.. �, r. : ;I . I J 61 s r s „ , 1 R nt 1 t7.: 4 ..11,, : . 11-11 t *' ,.11' i,, l : � :.' ,11, u ti . ,;� . „ .; . "A. .. �oun�i �. r�1. . .. oa 11 , : 1, I . �� . .,i;- ­ ,- r, . e 'e i t .:t he„ T ,,d y,o r 1. �r hove datelt.Tt1 15 11r .� . r f � oure1.1 ,M.a ' held. on n O " t. I e In " PP u r_ - - - -_ .. . yIwrt f.: M ,. ...,,v _.. _... ,. �,� -.,,.. .-:�._.:::.-, _. _ .- -a.g-.._-,r,.n-.e.,--,rte.......:.,. .,.y_-,.-.-_;d. lase® r .:.�.. r _ __ � __ _ _ _ _ _ �� �. f I.__._.L� _........ .... ... .. , : .., _ ,. �___;_-_ _ _. _ t� : _�,� e re a�� a ne��r� :�c�t�i,,o :,=eo��'= =rr�e� F;;----- ­1-- -�-:_ �.. _: . _. -.11 t r - »esidin� , I'xinute•s c f..:.,,1 � ` rE �ular r�eetir � . re ,1 . , , • vi , / r . : r , :: 11-1 :, �,' t r , . , i c.Zb T s ur an 11 I «,, r rr . c o;= ins r 'riewal fir T, i1 i:tS I1 , ce . . �.. , _ ,� - - From I'�.i z s , 1na �Seacl . e:ii_pl �� Ur3aker that the , l .ab :lty insuranc,P bey re rt n d , I..,ov'ec� b r Ca ors. secanded by ewe, with , _: i e '� nn . I'1 .,' , �:. , ', � s t �, ai 1 , , r ,. t. , _ �,, f r y v �: - ].' ej Vii'! �,: .� �+ the r z e t ar o'f t �� , . e r 1 , 3 ;. o 1 1 - T T T fan, the 11 , s nddd b� �� R,v ; T�orthcutt that. the -re ..ue st'/ b'e e 'erred t 1. 11 r, �; �v Zi tl cQr I? „ „11 ove d b,� e• e T r rv. _ ­f 11 I i J I r,u . �''inan - . , ,r 11 ce o l ittee ed , r 1 do ion . i -,r .xom the navy I.ea�ue thankn fir the a ­ a , I : ''I �.1.�} ;, ,� e jce to grants for ` b'1i;c Health nursrl . :_, ,. , .':, From the he t of He�,tth ir� refs n _ ' _ I 11., �, :� „ Rec le ,', i.1 I e tree: re ved �rj :f`ront of s nrope rty V From Ii.r RAcha-rd� ,odv;a.rd re u : sting t'a v .11_ ,�. . . I . . , ,r ,- h ♦ n _ r1 I r r o z'd . �t :. 1Q �: e ,.,,, T ,rlta [ _• :,,�. � „ C :a�, T ,. :: fl�t �, � ,,,,:b �� a d v e.d tl,, v. I t �. e c:o y -� v o h b �.e nc ed b R rt cuff t �.� t � � t .w t o ,, ' , t,�oved Dove the. tree y r as Yee will hake' to obtain a �e dEtment t �, „ hr, their o pe rr:�i's-s i�o n r e lid , Y ' - 1 arried ,,�.: ;� t ed ire rose ; t of resolution . ' e _- !'rom counties. Jerk ac,k I g g P • ;,; ' " dvisin of atlent bein�Y admitted' to... Toro�rto General Hospital .1.�� : r} Frorn ` `ourti•es . clerk a ? t, Roc ?� Fi.led fe I 1, n .' - - s �... I .r - ' ) l:,. , .,J r7 1 . �L !: .. ,.. I,% .. %i!Il �. , - � • I"I ' • Y "�, a'r' \r�t o n 11 1 C11 , : e i��r on �:" - �� .d o�c.iety �t.han -- --- - - -'rom. - G cif the uhlldre kind, . l the , .,octet ry ;, = ,�40,. _ 81c. F11ed � y ec 11 .t =, r •r n ;; ounc�i 1 for t he it e pre � s�io,n. :,o.;;f 1 syr�pathy upo�i the loss o it ,��r From l�.r : J .. C�ibb.� t„har�kl g �t Rec ' ed h s' . & F11 ,_� bro er . --, : ,� �� r e s s,i o n 1 ."I - — their exp , ' ni the faMi1 of the late I,:'s nUn:es ,'. . on. thank' ng . Council f0 rr tr . . _. _ _ Ilia lz� r o Y' ,lG. I . ,( r ©f s a : P Y - , x rant : t �' s Hilda Ti he 'ecreta y of the omens rear ��uxilla. asking Cour�c i1 for 3 ;. ,. From l r €' ; . ;� T c onded L� �Zv Teo ��thcutt that t hP re uet be referred to the I,:o v e d b y l�v _�i t t l y P d „ :�� e se Council " C, drrie � lo, . .. r nar�ce �oinmittee to report. . back to , • t e l:c cal co nittee of the Oanadiar' National institute far the From the �ecretarS of h iai d the bl �. Da on. atuda Iti�ay 13th of blind . Blind asking perrrlission to,. hold a. fag y y � t arr i'e d ” I granted e ' " . .{ , ' lvloved ' b Cr Baker seconded by Cr �arton Ghat permi. ssior� to Y +,! ; ��` �, a andl, other residents of 'ivashington 'Place asking council , . from oY I� rs L1i �ab . e , , .ii, I have - the roadway,. repaired .11"', b ,7,: Kov e d Dp 11 R�r Northcutt seconded., by Cr Ni'tholas that the re clue s't referred to the by t, Carried ".1 I . ',11 Roads and ,�treets Committee w�.th power to act 1. the T�ians Club reouesting 'the h"ayor -to form a citizens Cor. mi ttee on :' From ,, T.,ai d on the Table ff . rehabilitation . p ded F.1 r :` t that the Bowmanvill,e. Fire Briad� were away ::; From the F ire ' rear sha 11 sc at i�� honorable Mention i n the Fire Prevention week contest . " Rec &, Filed "_ From the Lions Club stating th 't the Lions Club and Rotary , ,Clubt were sponsor n� a �1 Rec & Filed 11 �,i�own Forum . , . , aln sneer in regard to 'ost Nat �bork pro sects . f, From llr C .A . Poynton - District h�unicip i ,�1 1, , . ' , " Laid on the Table " , ,' 1 , �� ,, Force thankin Council for t'he use of the Council. 'Room 11- From the royal �anad ian ��ir For €' Re & Filed " for recruting ci sl 1Lffairs in regard to Municipal employees Bonds . From Dept of Muni p "` Cr Nicholas seconded by . Cr Allison that - the.- letter be referred to the Moved b , ff ft y Y rt back to Council . Carried . ,;, Finance Com �ittee to repo �sso askin Council to become members of their Association ' � From the Ontario . Good Roads �' g # ' Little seconded by Dp Rv Northcutt that membership to the Association ,� # Moved Rv .f ff 1. by Carried 11 hip ,,, I, , amounting to 10 . 00,A be pas d *'` ' ' Moved b Cr Garton ' seconded by Cr .1 ker that the Roads end �at:rE.et s Committee and the 11 y I -- I— I 11 I ,.. �_,. '� .. r..s �Cll ,,.� s �� �a,` . _11 r,.:. of e {a 1 _. _ x: ;.M I b 1,,. 3.. '§t a° i= a :c ,: ,:.. 11 �.: r..'r .. r ' A fir;• r S .. , ,,, r _ / f � - 1 r . � sR, uT t for h�unc room Fe�ru a r y' �t 1944 � t ,�.«ss. � , '� „ Good,,, � � s �o,i'1 v P�r t.ion �,ti►.i t�� � f��. d �� •�;�� w• `„„ "�r, 41*20 u��t b� �u:thori ed� ' t�o ��. ttend tY�`e ..�oo� -�,oa � , � � �urried ' a k r, ,; ario .':uni•cip�l i.�so re �,�:� e �tiri� renewal to the A� s� � i From the, Crit '�' � that a�renetiti•�ll � e rah.' i cl at �: cort •-Of k� 20 , r' :' • , ., , 1 , ,, ,i' �'�ioved by ' itv �:, ittle seconded by '�p , �v . :ortr.cu'tt j � ►► r , � .,1� rr•i e d • , r � r �, '. � ` c � _ u� �ti � A.. renewal' a o tr. e , :ten soc iat iori . . Fro,, the �ssec :L at' �. c1 of i-s ,.� c., ., ir1 - off i ., er r - •v* (/�� /\} �/. (f , ` �, .J.. '� �”h i� �il T e'd �t Y. \4 cos � e./iJ �••( 100 r � r � o n d e�3 btz r- ,, r � G�.b b� ��t h at, member m��b e r .� � , b e r e n�e a �. ;t I�.owed b � � _ T�sicholas sec ,, I:" „ r -:�, -� tir:r* � �o�,��� cil • to � �ip _�o �:nt a weed inspector , , � � • • • ; : 1 t�'lC �e �.:t 01 la��,l icalture re.'.�uE � f ��. . � • � '��`�` . :.' ' . , -�. ,� .•'- ,.'r���::. �,: Fr0'?1 -. . . ,+ . . � - � , .� •� ton t'�� �:�t ' t�'r '�!,•���� • -.... rrl..an_v�i�ll�e � be ° �a.��.�o ri�, ed.;. �wee�. T siacondec� b r far i - 1v.oVed by Env .,i� �t 7- e y , . 1 a r r i e,d nspe, ctor for 1941+ , a ` , > ` . . •1 TM1 `�. ��r� a �•- repot from the • �'in��nc,e � o , , ittee �.ubr�.ltt �rl� 'sundry ac-counts � r 1 Ir� 1licho ��. ._ resented. a ' r _► r . . o , . C 1 certi �' ed a bin acorrrec,t and recommenditn>� p �ym ount 1 t 1 `� �' ' I ,sec & opt te d �,. r a rP ort ' from ..the Fire De' c1I•ti�le nt f o r 1'9 -3 , showing ► rl Fire �.hri� f ���. I, . I�oo}�er,: p� esented �p ` • 1 ,� • ., , � r l�ec r-i 1zd 11 r,e .loss''eS amo.uj�oope;.� to .,e 6-1072 * QO - ' ,_ � -, t-��d r a rep or t s h o-Y�yi t he �a c t i v i t i� � l c e :)e pt, 1�} . Uh of �.• Teraton: preset P „ � � of t' e rp r c Filed�l d ' , r . ,. ... n. , ;....., ..,.,,..... '.... :. :,:::. , :.., ... ,-"li u-t.•, .., c 'n I , ,...: r,.r. .-.. .,.,.. .. .. .+..,:a.:x, A..:,.r. .,1 .. w,. ,a,..;,.:: tr..-..'d. 4yF..,.......t.v..., .S-�... -..._ _ M. N *�'� , b e o r • •- � wr yak' �- b:l, e `�� i . er `� c• nd.�d r x . Y �r ..�. r son that"• t h .� �, �. � o-�: . � �T'��nton one day- ,ho li��ay per: . week �an� to, �h��.re �.� m;an fo r allo� a f � . • I. � ►f . . . , and � �ai�•e ' e t� 1l , . t r f iu uses . r r e.� 1 :. r -- r , ---.-m _ bb .t h ,e t y b, t� a p . d _ �, s pay , , .. �T • o ,sewn e•d ,� �r G . J vex er �u �.y - , J T�.o v,e d b Cr 1 c h 1 a s y ,. . ,. , 1 y r r I ra e that � �. e for any. ,,unday work . t tt bP ,, I �; ,ed �T j ��v r'ortl7cutt ,that thee , Demeter r Lo { iii �.e - 1� l�rdve d by �-r �l l i s.0 I1 , .�e C O Il � P r 1 '. ' '! darried �,. thorned to have ` a road in thr: cem?te ry , repaired . ' ��u `' r � t f�o r ' : �, � /� h1.�1'i ~on •� be �, a�en on the re sue a Loved � :�v Little seconded: b'�t 1 r•,, r that, no . �;c�, lon ►�, . � r 4 - ' pion ��treet until further notice � �.�rr.ied ,,. tie removal of a street light on Jive • I : ,-� r -. �, t .the ' �o.. n �1 e. � t �. s•�d ��or c ��- � • >� e b »r .�artQn tha �� _-calls b• dvEr ' ,► h-ov:�,d by �r B<.�ker second � y r n r ►, . I a z. F ry , c,' deter T oITimittee b:e ' `3uth ri : Pd to -- 1 1 — - '--- IToved• �b C-r � l�lliron . secoonded � y �r faker ' t:h �.t the �. „ , .� r r i e d „ ' • purchase„, a wheelbarrow , r t .� , • � � I tee ven t,,h.-t :the verleter'y, �o�nrn_it be - given . ' 1 lfoved by ., Lp l�v ��Worthcutt seconded by Jr-: Ga�rton� � - - e'd . � ar . ,'land t the pow , to' dct - in re , � a' t o r e�.t 1, ., r i Z;i� � erg e t e r y 1.! �? Cr s D Rv l�jorthc.utt the, the to �d.s anc'. .tr et r �oruriitt ee r l�.o�ed by � Garton �ec onded � p `� . na �rin� cif thee pr: sent damaged il`or►In be , gran power to ' �•ct in connection with the re , � , ; u e :t e n d tune. o f f r o:�. - p , . . or t h:� am pr ov�= 1 of a n ` - -- -_ , -�-- t ru c � � r �'�5 . 00 to • •� towards . � re ort back t.o P of a n ew truck, to ether :frith 'the insurance s,ettl- em, -ent �nd,� p - � .� ', � s taken.. r � ” , mar ied- '► ! -- �ounc it bel ore any, aef init'-e action. i ttee be ranted li Oi'."s2*l _ � ��r Gart o n . by - � . e e �. o a d r � nd t r i s � � oved by seconded r Baker , that - fi he. _ - ' r r tons, of ,Cal rchase Q t ' �' c iuM %hlor �le . • ie d ' r , per s,�i on to pu 3 r , �� rTo t matter- i's in funds p- -- ---- -- rthcutt thaa r h e tte . 'of e or, Loved' �y �v Li�tt�:e �econ�ed by �I? v � , • �= � • e, Committee , �ar t i e d �► e se war . work be referred to the F .nt ncea I, �D ��v . �vorthcutt that • a vote o f thanks be extended to' h�oved by Cr G Baker seconded y p ' the 2'own Hal l . .� �n rr i e d 4 Jury for donating t;he rail on the steps o,f . r ' (' On �_oton �ounc�.l f�.d jou •r�ed . �:.� � .r ' � . . r� �G�''f/� , r , r 1 , , I r . • tr , y , , • r I ,.,__ n 1. :r',�(.,. .:.i.• ,.. :._,. .._ " '�I �' "- "' '> tiJ t,11 r, , ll r R 1 N , V r i , r: .: � ,: 7 ., r.::::, ,,....r':, ,. r "; ,,,..� .. .. _ .. a :. .. ,. :-. ..� :,', it f ,1• .r , „ �4 r r e le rk. .. Ott,. , .,.,. : r., t , ,. ,, .. •. +.., ::: .. _., ::. :..... r ) :,.:.. ,..,i .� ,11: :: r • ,r.. a 1.�,� ".1 t _. t :. ,: � : _.. , � •.:. , f : r.. ,�. r i .• r ..;, .•. :. �., .y a - ., - . 1 .! .: :. is >., ,., ,'t :. ", ,,, ,.:,: r .: :.,:; +r ,. .. ,. ... ,•:: ` u it t, b. 4 ,r.,..,: :,.. ;`.: ::. a ,r r_,. �r .. '.r_ ';, ,�; •,: Ii. r ; , ,,.• r.:.•, r .. I ....r.l r ,:, ,. .- .., f r..-. 11 , l.. '1 V it \ „ :_ , .: , ,•:, r r u: r r t` ,►yywMliL„W{IT„yr;,41.:+iw.a`rr.raM�+ww -:.r...+-u.IlII1M1r 1-4' ,rk si .,.-.....,.. .n - 7 r, Y. +. i ,H".,, s. "... .,fl. , , ,.,,. ;}. ..A ...,F. _.,.. ,-S.,....,!...s9 .`, .;$ .an =+ , .P',''.'. `€.: a . .• '.,t:t' n„! .. .. - .rte..•• ,} e t y • , ?1 it c : t, « t` t t• i , r y y ` 11- MO RC ' SALMART ounil Room , March 6th , 1944 «� e t in of Council was held on move date , members all present , the P�ayor ..�.� Regular m e g ”, 4120 res siding , h� `nute s of last regular meeting were read and motion confirmed . pre g C0112- . RlI CATIONS I From �:r T . Flaxman' submittir► est mates for repairs at the Fire Hall . t seconded b Cr Nicholas that the estimates be feferred to the Fire Moved - by Rv Little second y t Carried " and Public Property Committees . S d i sh asking ermi s s ion to cut down a tree on the' Lake Road * From Mr Leon tan g P b' Cr Baker , that the request be referred to the Public s , b.oved by Rv Little sedonded y �* Carried " Property Committee with power to act. .., errnisson to use the C{,ounci.l • Room for a card party in _ From R.e,v S . J . o f f e y asking, P i � r aid of St Jo seph ' s Church on Thursdayy , March loth ,,c t by Dp Northcutt that P ermi s s ion be granted Moved by Cr Nicholas seconded. r C'arried' . � F omr Mac �7oore asking permission to cut down a tree opposite his property on r Brown , St -- Moved by Dp Rv Northcutt r seconded by Cr t'�l.lison that the request be . referred to the ` Public Property Committee with power to act . Carried " , Miss Frances Jewell asking permission to cut down, three trees in front of 'her From ert y o n Ontario o Ca . r e qn the ha t the e refer P r oP Cb1 e d to Moved by R v" Little -seconded by - -Dr D 'g -t st b e'd�is ari . n. Property Committee with power, to act,. il• .. r . Pub-tic Library Board asking Council for the annual grant From y Cr Nicholas seconded by Cr Dilling that the re quest be referred to. the F Hance Moved by , Carried . = long Commit,te a to be dealt with a with - other grants . ' From bar Zouis Laskar,is and three others as that the license fee on amusemen " Laid on. the Table " machines be reduced . 4: ville Hos ital advisting ,of the annual ane et ing of the Board to be held # ` From the Bowman P at the �ounc it Room on. Friday March 10th at 8 . 00 P M. and inviting ing members'. o f' Council r „ 4 . A: til to , e present . y and a s b D Rv Northcutt that 'the' invitation be accepted Moved by ' Rv Little seconded y p .� Carried many members of Council as possible attend . r . Veterans We Division Dept , of , National Health and Pensions iri regard to From Vet er P ' ehabilit " the Table +' Fsr the format ion. of a c it.izens 'c' =Ittee on r at ion. Laid on „�. actor Provincial Police requesting office• space in the From Mr H storey ', district In , p ♦♦ Town Edll for the Provinc is1 0l ce ' Cr that- the re nest , be referred to the Public r Moved by : t' , r :, : ♦, ,I,;t�t},r _ Cr Gibbs ae c onde d by r cho t SCarried "r Property Committee with powe�e to act r . Bowmanv i l l ,o f H ,M,Co a in refe - - - _ From Lt C . Br. Merman , Commanding Officer rence to 9upplyirig comforts to the crew * , on that the letter be referred* to, the chairman .r � nded b Cr Gar - .� ]r.. ..,, ,♦. .0 u. -._.,... ,wWn.tliWlin;.,..oy.._u..nlili,y...W♦..♦.u!• au. G' 7: I 1:';�tf.i a 'n❑111 r Jf)�:' ! )11'.IUW'r✓IF' _. .. _._ ..... ...._...... Moved b �r - , a, ....:.. Carried. vice • — the Civic , and tsar Act ivi �ie •• ri�ni•ttee From H&spital for Sick Children asking Ucncil for a grant . C lin that ' no action , be takei} . " Carried Moved, by Cr Nicholas seconded by r Dil g From the Board of duc,a tion enclosing estimates for the Public ' and High schools for 1944 • be referred to the Moved b D Rva Northcutt seconded by Cr Allison that the estimates y P " Carried ' ", . Finance Committee to report back to Council . REPORTS ; resented the auditors report or 43 . The - Clerk p N seconded b Rv Litthe that the` ' report be received andr left in ' the Moved by Cr icholas y " Carried hands of the' Clerk. Cr Nicholas presented a report frorl the Finance Committee submitting sundry account s, a ent certified as being correct and recommending p ym n amounting to 995 . 35J� Rec & Adopted o ded b D Hv Northcutt that the Fire Committee be authorized n Moved by. Rv Little second A " 1 repaired . ,+ Carriea a to have the f&oor and ceiling in the Fare Hal , the Town Buildings Moved . by by Cr Baker seconded b Cr Allison that the Fire equipment , in t Y Committee with owes to act . if necessary. be checked by the Public Property P Carried •' that the Clerk' be instructed to secure prices ` Moved by Cr Baker seconded by Cr Allison �� Carried '" a new f la . on g z. seconded b Rv Little that Miss Lena Taylor bear appointed a member Moved by Cr Baker Y �� C ar r iO d .+ of the Local Ration Board . Gordon ce be requested to mesh b Cr Allison that Mr K iMove d by Cr Baker seconded y office r s pace used e Public Property Committee in regard to securing rent for the P by the Local Ration Board . Carried r , .,etc a VOLUME 'T , , s. _ I :, _ •x+,'>a' r' t,ia -.,f.-��a'. %,+�„ ,aA, ,.t rte'.=�'ss- r. ,. ,4 I,. 71 u k fr.' u. �, I 11 ` , - � 1". , ._J . , .' , r .. , I r. I 1. 1 e .. I .1 , I I 1,1 ,. , 1 , I r , " t.l ::4 w rte: .1, , , . . < ' _. ,.,. ,... , r � ,� t;l doom , hfiarch 6th ; 19441 1.,_ iF ounc il- Y Y OUK r ' -1 I I . � �" �, ` e b i�v little seconded b Dp Rn Northcutt that the 1�Iayor be ' authorized to ..��T Mov d y No " 4'.z°, meetin o or, anize a rehabilitat .fon committee . in ,the Town r "' r arrange, , for' a dinner g g I 1 . . „ " Carried 11 f ,1, . j� :fi i , I, '1 ved b Cr Allison seconded by Cr Baker that the matter of organizing a ' Childsl • Mo y ' Welfare Coznmi ttee be left in the hands ' of the b:ayor with power to act . " Carried' " i 1 11. Moved by Cr Baker seconded by Cr Nicholas , that,° the Clerk be instructed to write The `i Davis, Leather Co bringing to their attention the dilapitated condition of their build n 1. , y ..1 : ! r, 1 and requesting them to have the building repaired as it is situated in the cen re o. a e IF ! r ,I " 74 ,, reside\ntial district and, Council are very anxious to have some usel made of the building 1. . I I , : 11 Carried 11 ___ . 4 son seconded b Cr Gibbs- that no act ion b ' . taken in regard,, to moving Doved by Cr Al1i I I . the street l ig,ht on Division St . ' "„ Car.ried "I 1.it., ' IF 4 , , 7h, , "I . "A' '.�.­ �;'%�,, i�,� I I A . ': . :,� „ ".4,, " 0 n blot i on d r ' �� C ounc i•1 A °urns d . -t � ., _ .4, _ . .: :r' +• . _ _.. j _ 1 '.,1 _I 1 ,, ,, I . , t�l e k . ayor: .I I., -l ' ' '1:, . . Room Marc th 1 I ,r r ' . ' C ounc i1 �i 9 941+ ." .. + L., _. .,,__.rte.,.,.--w• n ...I- I 1!-. „•,.e t.l:w._. .-, cL,-.',--.. ww.lw„..a - ,.g, ,ew ,y-.-,. ::.,_ _ _ 1, 1 I "I I , I ' ,a- .. r , , t' , , P ecial meeting :oft .council was held on above date ;.' memYers a1 present the Mayor„ residing ' and stated -„ghat -he .'had cal led the meeting for , purpose of passing estimates 11 P ;I,' and By-Laws . I -, REPORTS , ._._.._ i 1 . i The standing committees pr'esented their reports of estimated expenditures for the year as follows • Printn & �ttationer'y 500 . 00 , Direct' Relief' 1 , 500 . 00 , Roads & Street s g . t `1 # ,,!( 9 ?'75 .00 , Public Property , 6 ,000 . 00 , F�►lice Department 4. ; 000 . 00 , Board of Nealth 1. � 11 1 600 .00 Cemete 2 500 . 00 .Fire Dept 6 ,`6'74 . 00 " Laid on the Table d ' s e c onded b D Rv Northcutt that the reports of the standing Moved by Rv , Little y P . . . . 1.f , committees be adopted 'as submitted . " Carried . BY-ilA . ' S " . tle asked permission to introduce the follow ng - -- - , -_ Rv Lit y aws , ` ,1 _ 40 he. appoint oa ea t meat of h 1. For iembers of the B rd of H lth By w No l f. --- 4 No 11+02 For the appointment of ;Town Officials . ° J`I. I . No 1403 , For the appointment ' of a _Road Super•intendant . . '. . 0 For the raisin b taxation certain sums of money for .' School , Debenture , 0ouny ; and: No 14. �+ I , g Y Town. purposes ,for 19 +4 . ,� 1 ,.. i e.' ' - - --- Granted and- read the first time. . 04, motioxi ru�.e 33 was suspended and Council went into .. I i._ �� Committee of the whole on second reading , the N�ayor in the chair . .•.. ..•.n. ...c.ommit e.e:.: rising' .. ,J the Mayor reported the second reading with all blanks filled in . By-Law:: was then read ,t a second and third time , passed and ordered to be sigmed and seals ls'l;' I 1:1 11 I Ddoved by Rv Little . seconded by Cr Allison that the license for amusement machines e �� f ,11. reduced to -$ 100 . 00 the license ,for music machines be 50 . 00 for one year and • 1.' for six months or less and ;that the present By-Law be amended . " Carried " " �ri .... Moved by Cr Garton seoonded by' Cr Baker that the hourly fat a for Town >;labor be increa s active after- March 15th 1944 ;t, l "' Carried.11 I, ,I to 50¢ per hour off , ,,I ., - I 4 ' _ . 1. t e d „ ;if 11 w On Mot ion Council Adjourn . . , I � � ___7 . ; '' . 0 O& r 1. fi �P:1 . r , : „ .. r 1 ,12 a h} q 1J r u a or . , I. • M . r _ , irk y I.1. :r r ,r•. _, ,.., ,, ... , ':. ,r<. ,, Y. J. r yM; .Iii'., '11., I y ' _.: ,.:: . ,1 ,. ,..J ,a , 5 f ice' .• : . ... . ;,p 1 ,r• ., rV ,17.E, „ . ;I I:' r.. b , .:_ :,: , -,. A r.. f. .,.. I ,. 11 r 1 1, j. I 1' r ' i J • , Yf^ , LIr , . . ,., t, r ' n �' x ''a 1 „ . , i 1,I'll 1 R ,r :: ., a,,,_. ,J :� ..,, , I ... r .. f.' '.1 :.. „ , .. ,I ll -11 11 .' ,. ;:+ is 1c'.. x,. .. - 1 " :.•,11 r _. ::.:.., .1. SF r u I. ,. i. ., 7 .. r .._,.., ,:1r::. I __. ..._.. r: . .,.. ,. ., , S,. ,.. :: „ .,,. y ll,.. , :., ,....,. 11, 1. ) .. i »,:'t .i a ,._ ! , :.. J a' 1 .-...r .. -.r ,.: 1 4 , .. . ,.� , ', ,il. _,.. try'1.,; . ::: 1. .1 ,. ._r .1 [1. -. h V 1, I..: r .., 'I: , ,,. } .:: ::. :. u. ... ... ..:..t, : 1 ' II.'.11.... ,t., ..t-,..n : " :,s 1. 1 �:, ;,: I ... r.; ,sr. , .,.11 ...,,, : ... ::: -. ::. .. ., .r.. .. J 11-1 ..A__. -.... __R -S -a .., _ :t-.. ...111. .__ _ _ __..-_ _ .._ _._..... I''F 1. •R', d4 1 d 1 „ r..:; .. , .. , ,:: , ., 11.1 17 "I I '. lr s 1. n ,_ I .. ..,. - . t , _,-. x. ,_ r..:.::v. , J.: r ., 1 1. . ,...i ,1 _,,,. S i �'%:. .. - c" :1..1 ... 1 .:... .: .. , ,, 1, 1 .P I ., ,.,. d ,. , ' ._ u ' r ", , 4 ,1 , r! a e, :e�'. .,J „ :i .'_ ', " '3r r v..: , . :, , ,. i. t-. n L / °, .' ;.. , ;.. ,'. ,: 4 it -:, , . 1',11, ,.., tl, F ) !,, :: 1\ o . :. a.," ;. 1 :1..1 . ;... C r 1 1 , ;, :,;) + , it -.. . . r r r t, , ,:.,. , i ' :: ,41 I.I, A J r f .r:;:. , r. .. ,� r .• ,, .. : :r ... :. : , I 1' Vy, 1 -„ '' , , r M , :,i ,e,, ,,,.. , , r,,. ,. .F , \ .: .. F „ 1 ,,, .. , f, a', I , q, , r , 1 iI I '.., . , .,, ', .: , r I .:.'. ' , . :. ' ,, +p �h +�+ a I ' , ., a«i.FwY.WuL+wwnwal+dil J " b' - , - -z, `}z a ..._..Y ­7__,'' ,_ . <a S. i 1' I .1 t ' e y '.. �>s-I r Ly _ `""tr M.A..£`}9 w x ? iP Y« ,'.t .. _•'=.4•' i^k. 'llm '-K`,';7e". :' ,.. r, -3• .n"YET F''.. . ..; 5. •w.' •- r,.: ,- • r , s - , #.R.lIAA►T Co „ ,,. fI ,, C ` nc it ROom , March 2�'th 0 ' ,. 1944 ' couut . 1 hi N 412.0 Special meeting :Qf'' Cou.nc11 was , � held on ;above date' members all present excepting Crs Gibbs and Dilling , , the . 'Mayor presiding and stated that, he had called the meeting far general business . °4 00 be sent to the commanding Moved by Cr Baker seconded by Dp ,Rv Northcutt that' 25 . . ,officer of H .1�� . 0 .'S . Bow manville to purchase cigarettes for the crew , �' Carried " 3 Mobed by Cr Garton seconded by Cr Baker , -that the Roads and Streets Committee be authorized to purchase nozzles for the disposal plant at an approximate cost of 52 : 20. r r Carried " , 4r -- " Moved by Cr Nicholas seconded' by Cr Garto,n that th'e elective service be given a permission to ' use office space at, the Town Hall for two days, a week . " Carried " Moved by Cr Garton seconded by Cr Allison that it A Ruit` is salar be increased by 100 . 00 per year commencing m , h 0 lib.ir Carried . �, er, seconded b Cr Garton that Isar am be giv permission to use Moved by C r Bak y j - r the vacant lot next to his property on King -St as a garden . Carried " - I Moved b Rv T,ittle seconded by Cr 'Nicholas that Whereas in the' opinion of this Council. y it is essential, to the welfate of the community to assist in the providing of ' suitable r ai d1 ; , and adequate hospital accomadation ,. this Council therefore ag' ree to, provide the '�,i �,�,A ,� necessary fin�ancial� bred•,flt, to th' x � n ��' �: � , 000 �0 Alin harder , to assist the ' ;-, - Hospital Board to proceed with the , proposed agdition at' the earliest possible date , 4 6 don the definite assurance that the full sum re 1ui This, credit is provide red to finance' the building will be raised - if possible by •,voluntary contribution secured through s campaign sponsored by the Hosp Board . Drily the above ment i'oned sue or any portiron thereof shall be requi'siti.oned by the Hospital Board as required to underwrite a deficit acquired through their, inability to raise by their financial s 1+ C err I ' d 't he full amount o•f 'the objective campaign t • ° Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr. Garton that the Fire - Committee be authorized to 4a,r, t urchase two gallon d ortable pumps at an approxirnat;e cost of 30 . 0 . , , } 3 P g p » Carried Ti A � 1 ourned Y 'V i d • 0 u C f a 1 o n b oti n " , , 'Ir C r r .. + ip A. Ma or ;,T lerk .. . . . , . ' Councpil doom,, �.pril '3rd', . 1944 et n of Caunci 1 was held ` on above date mernbe Regular me i g rs all pre ng sent except , r ` Allison , the A.�ayor ° presi•�din' Minutes of Asst regular ,and special meet ngs were r.ea and 'on r..otlon confirmed,* f, r s' Council on heha .f of th'e Durham -Central Agricultural Society «I Mr J . Elliott addressed - s skiing for , ,a grant R - seconded b D R•v ' ITort'hcutt that the Durham Central Agricultural M obed by Cr Baker y P �► ,Society be granted , 2 5 . 00 ,r . ,Parried + 0 • z l Countfe•s Clerk advisin of atients being admitted to Bowmanville Hospital . From @� " .Rec A Filed � ct Labour Council asking , Council , �to endorse a resolution requesting From Oshawa District ri g n , the Dominion Government to keep the Pickering plant open . after the war . p g p Moved b Cr. Baker seconded by Cr Garton that the resolution be endorsed and that lette y 'be sent to Crown Assets Allocation Committee petitioning theme to convert the Pickering Plant for peace time use . ►' Carried ing • , From A Davis• & won Ltd in reference to the Davis fioult Build . F Moved b Cr Dilling seconded by hp Rv Northcutt that the Clerk be instructed to write Y • & So asking them to quote . a price for the ' sale sale or lease of the building . A Davi s n g ►� Carried �Coun 1 to ' " education stating that the, Board , would be pleased to meet c i From Board of €� 1 discuss the estiipates . ' M ved, b Rv Little seconded By Cr ,Nicholas that the Board be advised that if they wish p yC the ma do' so at the next regular meeting on Aonday , May 1st . to meet oune it , y y Carried 1 i . 1 I I r. J ' it r r , F .y r; , s .....••...,. u.-.w.J"+l..wrr+NLiwwsJrr aJl•wMYww+�..Kw ,Y,., fi YULUM 7 k£,t.i s ,..: - ., __. _ 1­­­1'i;41­1­11;i -a_-...- ,. .:_ -4... re- :-a acf..:-r e +.s, Y vin ,> _ r. x r. , Y .v ..> , 1 9: - .. :.'r3se.:.�pM ,.m ..., .,:-- ... , _. _. -$c �f v,- t. fks , Y.- , Y.., .. 3S ,..,'�i.r. ....mow. ...�:' ..��*._ -c. Y .S.. Ru. .f'J�,-.k2..'`"�S'-,�,`roj,;.`i S£".�#' fl.i,'4E'S'&!v � ! .. - - .. m+- +c. ..1. . "' x - - ,"t!'11001!WIN, 11­1 11-11-1 $ "iA ti . .>a . , .I, - ', ..I. , 1 . . I -•1 it ^\•. t ,r a !! I 1. 1 . �' ,/11+ I. L. P 11 11, , , r, ' . 1:.; , t , 1. "1'; a . - ,- , ^.,. , , it 4 '. ,r..,.. .t rr i) .rM• 5 1 / .. a .. _ .Y .:4. ,il �{ 1, , r , e.. .e,. , f' r... '1 .4�«.� r 1... 1• _ , .., - r P v+., ,.r a R.NARTit"O �---• . `�: ,It: 1. ..11 1 * �» 1c council room April 3r 94 .1. ,. , r.. I , , • 1• . . :. �W > "° " d12° From Nelson : Osborne iuoting rates for fleet ' insurance on true a:s . I'll,11, I " 121111 Cr Baker tY' at the letter be re.fe;rred. to the °r' hjoved by Dp Rv Northcutt - seconded by , �� Carried „ . finance committee with power ta ' act . �, - ;1.:t RFO RTS 11 . as resented a report from the . ' nence Committee submitting sundry ace�unts 11- * Cr Nichol p I to 1 1 . ?1 certified a s , be i,n� ' correct 1,and recommending Payment , h� �t amount ; Re c &, Ad o Ft e d 1 _x. .11 i tle seconc3e$ b c:r Baker _ that the Clerk be instructed , to write the _, -Yoved by Rv Lit . y . U hies � �r�m , ssion stating that council ire opposed to turning of. f water and . , Public tit _� _. , . wart 1. tel b a tenant e:nd where a , sub -tenant. i s 1 still occupying 1 .I/ lights in a house vase y .1 .- use unless the rsub -tenant in ' unwilling to assume the charge s r for water and of the ho " Carried t}1 .ra ' f i g ht urs e d by them ram 's be made • �`' seconded b Rv Northcutt that the ,fol^lowing 11 ". ,oved by Cr Nicholas y F 777 ; �y e Au ��ill ar E� 240 . OfJ r Bowmanvl3�le Hospital ' 1 , fl00 , 0 ;,4 `...ice S - r 11 I 10 « - Publ is S�irary Board . 5.00 � 0 _om_ n �' �-..� ' s �, ��' T CO , 00 r with the understanding• that he 10.0 after he fire $l rm. cal Irnd . George �� le ;, 5 , " ,�1 . r, Q " Carried I 11 during the year. 'dal ke r 1 . s corded b Cr G'ibbs that the Hospital account of William s �joved by Cr Nicholas e y ,1 o the Town solicitor t.o investigate and find out' if Nlr ��falker has r any 1 .� �� �� Y referred t P�, 11 I be r �, , rl asset's end opo� buck to �du . .� D�loved by r Nicholas seconded by Cr D .fling that -the acccunt 'oz�, main enan.ce of" S ; s "I k . y d to the Town Solicitor to secure aayment' from her family ,' 41 Ethel Bennett be :referre r ' . , Carried' ,� C Baker seconded by Rv Little that the Town Nurse be given' permi ssion to'' use R Move d bq r , er week after - L4lay, `1st the. To�xn B'ngineer ' s office ,for a clinic , one a ternoon F if Carried i; ra , . , . seco ded b Cr N'icholas that the clerk be instructed to inform ' N�oved by Cr Baker . n y i�Y ',r r ' cer s ace in , the Town Hall can be secured , for tie , Provincial 1 .11 Inspector ,��torey that offs p r . l0 0.0 er month commencing �►�ay 1st . " Carried " Police at a rental of p G bbs that:) the Red Gross Committee be requested ' o moved by Cr Baker sedonded by Cr i stora e ,,space in, the Council I r the Public Property, Committee .n " regard to securing g P , " married , 1f 1 - k. .11 . 1 . • room for supplies . Moved by Cr Baker seconded by Rv Li ttls that no action be taken to cut down trees ter of suthorizat,ion be sent to the unless s s authorized in writing and a c opy of lst �, n ,x I. a Carried y 1 Public Utilities Commission. be '1v Northcutt that the Public Property Committee, r I ;Moved by Cr Gibbs seconded by Dp g �. and-Horsey r e ermission to cut' down any dan Brous trees at the , corner: oft Concess on• an �� g v n p , . Carrie - ;f_ �' _ d : r Streets , t the Public Co�rnnittee be Pro a rt. ed b Cr Baker seconded by Cr Nicholas bha P y n i1 - L - =--- -.. ov y _ _ _ t the to in of maple trees within _ the _ Tow�a limits : ' _ Carried 11 11 authorized to prohib PP 11 . I ded b �r Nicholas theft the Public Property Committee be author ze 1 .... T 1 Moved .Cr Baker sec n y , . a Pla for the 'down Hahl at an approximate cost of 10 . 00, 'r Carried 1 to purchase g i �. BY-LAW - ermission to introduce a : -Law to license amusement machines . 11 By- Law. No : , Rv,, Little asked p p motion rule 33 was suspended ,, and Council went into 1 ;p5 Granted ,and read, the, s first. time n a or in the chair . 10n committee rising committee of tlhe'�ole 'on .,second reading , the M y :, all blanks filled in . By-haw was then read the Mayor reported the second reading with I assed and ordered to be signed ' and r sealed .r a second and third time , p . : arton that the repairing of deske be .left in the,.61 Mooed b Cr Baker seconded by Cr r y et Carried " yti ' e b Property Committee with power . to a ' , r hands ,of th Pu lie ' rthcutt that Cr Allison .be : appointed a member Moved by Crr IBaker Seconded by Dp Rv No Carried " os ital Board as, a representative of Council . . o f the Bowmanv i 11 e H p ' 1, , r r r 11. r, I 0 Council Ad our ne d . - r n Motion . 4 .1". I . I I I I .I � . � I I ��e.l A, ... P , . , : , } ,•�, , . r ,,, , ��f. 1 ; » Ma yor,e 11, , !N1' C k - f I' - , ': . r 1 1' 1. ;' ra i c'' . . _ , . .:t. _ r, s ,.> 1 r r r ,' ., t ._- r 1. r.:....:.: ,, r,.:: .. r- -:.:;I , * r ' '4 r ':1'' .. I., , r r r , r. r ,1. .,,. rT - ,:.: ,r Ir :. . , i .. ;:4. .�.. :1 r 11- : ..- .. ., , fir.: r .,., ::. , r ..-i ,: :.... < :-.':. ..., .. .. , r .: r :i -i.., r ::l a :. _ ':•1. r,::.. r -r II - ti { :.r r 1 , ,. , :, ...' , I • r { /'12 , .. .;:1„ ,::..,:,,r ,; .-: :. . -,. J r ..•.. gyp I ;.y. .. „ .:.. ..R� - I:i r ,r ,.,?. .. ,1 -..r. I. 1 , Ir r ! r " :, r -. .,..t.t, t 11 � ., r 1 ,'. ,.. r .,, t -'t, ,I .r p :.: ,r r .. .:.1 0 SY f ... i a 1 r ' ,. I .,.rr ,1 . .:' : , , l r r.,1.. .,.. i ,. , , ::, I.11, • : I. 'P . #1.,. 1 r .-. , -a r'. -ri ::.... r .:,_.. ..:r':1: .t .. 1, r {.-. _: --. 1 ! .:.111' 1.7.r rt t Y: 4 , Y /, 1' Y ..1. r. v .1 r , r. ..: r .. .r rt v. rrl r. 1 . 1 •11 r '.Y •..., :z r t.. ::, , I : r1 1 - , 1 r. , ., „ 1 r r ,: a.. r::. r I ' *r :. �I 1 ,. l:, r '�.. 1r �.., . ' 1 .. 1 , r .r r. ... r.�r :� .. r a ..1 r r tar :-: r ', II l:' .v , v , r.11 ,1 le .: .I, , , r --- 'I 'M 11.♦ 1 r 'ni.wA+.r♦sv't�:l,•.,.I+�U Ii1, 44;il.""W� ", ."",-la«wMr.iwvwnra .; .w„ 1 �". ., ::_.......,,,.r..... nrW+11•�fc4w niJ'i.•.r:1•�d��+N>a•'F•+^M.L: !1b� 1 3 _� c -_„ . < t ,r ,. - « :. `i t „'J 'y gt } .. .r� ' +' x _ m .: :r�: n v, r "a c. x , . .r I c 9 r z ... xs_ _ , ,•... . r .< ''�.t�..rdt::n` h." ,. i. ., z.5 a }. �._ .. .:9r. �< s. _-v .. -d nL. ..... !:8 xs 's u?.L'..,s .is c,.. 41.: r.- ,+iS�.., `by`TH.. .%v,e aWi+• :...... ,...:.:. ._ a .r .. ., ,f_ ;z.+, .. S. a, a ..:. 4. -'b ,.ws -.,dia._ 3;:..F.- x:>ia,' �, :; ,P• ..k '..Y _. .. �. x,1. ... . ., _ .. - ., 11 I ' i., .. .. - v . 11 ­ v;. I ' I � .. I , 'F` 1 - . - • I il I . t , • I ! _ u V T • /� ,. a • ,.V .. _ , sir ':Fy : I I .11 1,< : •' . •<, sal r I) , _.: it _,; . ".o- - , s e, q f . . '" , 5 - .. zr� a 2nd 94�+ �,� � , Counc i1 doom ,: �� y 1­1 I 1 E,> .C� 0 , , , '"t I :k / . .T .,, n' �ofourcih was held on above date meMbers all present the . �� av©r ,11 a� 4�zo .te �ular . meets .I. ;; f` �` of last re t tar meeting were read and on motion confirrledI presiding h.inutes g f ucation address-ed. Council , explalning the increase in the �., tr �,embera of th.. C)ard of 3 ' t f !; . school est ir�atee . I „11' C C }'T."T1' 'I . T I C�rT f T s F . FI, 11 sow thanking Counci"1 for 'their expression' of . From the Fa ^.ily o.. the \etex I ►► s I +sec• &, Filed : sympathy . • theNe:.vv , .Lea ._.,e• asking. r•e-rm� ss ion to hold -.a, as- day yr, From the Boti'vmanville v or. ittee of g : ., °� on Saturdlay June 3rd . ►► ` : ' C in that errnis Sion be granted . Car, ied ,' „" , Droved b Rv T�it'.tle seconded by r will g Y eating th : t the, Government . From the De t of hsunit ion and Supply in, reply , to �_ etter re �u q is p 11 Rec & Filed " ,} , , . f,, 41.I keep the Pickering plant. open after the :. der . ' pe rty at the c orner of Nelson an d ,. . , . From Thomas Gould offering to purchase the gown lro 1 . Ai' ..; . . , � I : L ertt for X00 . 00 t �.a. ��. l y _ r . - T the - -. ._- , . . n ,w F ,,.. ,..; �t, I , Roved b rev Little seconded b D rev Ttiorthcutt that he offer b - re erre ,1 n ed f, . Y },, y P �arri Public rropertyor�mitee w�.th power to act �ol i c P stating that they would take over the From Inspector Ltorey of the provincial 1�ec 8c Filed ►'14 11, offic e - in the Town ay a rental of �; 10 . .00 rer month , ►' t fall on �Mw __.., � i c Ist a __.. __ .,.�. r fps _ ... din t h i r t,c� r , �.. ,�.�m ...,_. : _. , ., bu __.__ _ ...y..._..an.a_, : : .,, ,. ....... _._...,. .._...- _. ... _ _ o o: . � , , �� ._ _ , . t h" . p _..11_ .. .,:�.,µ� .��r::��:. .__. : Fro � _ �--- , at the HQs ita , e new wing P' • : he. th , s J 't c to u 1 ort is onal .Jar Finance �omr:.it`tee1, county of Durharr� , asking �eun i pp 11 From T',Ta :. I I t' ed & Filed 1► x . , .:.11 S it. �L i c t c�.ry Loan . . r ,� advisin of r_.,atent bein, admitted to Torontoen� a1 l'ospital. 11 it From counties lerk g 11, ,� Cr Giibs that ahe. Cle r;k be instructed , to f inch. out how ` Yoved •by Cr Baker seconded by ►t Carried ►1 i 'r i' 1`;# the patient has resided 'in the Town . tt - c +► t o n D'a 1 �3ou ire it e d From rn Davin , ion Ltdin I�refere�nce� to the v •��s 1 3:'t Bu .ldin� : & F , $o. have a si.d ewa�1_k . put down in fronts of herdairy" .an' „ 1. 1l•, ° 'Fom - I� rs Lilian ' Kettles as.kin , - : . _I 11 . • King St Ea st . to the e re ue st be re f ' rre d N.oved byv Little seconded by Dp IRv Northcutt tha th ► , Carried tt . 11 sand streets Committee wit�i power to o.ct .11 i , � � �� . n - . : oa _ _ council .I I.n__askin ay he ditch I front . ., - e l l chi to l G or the in t 7 e 0 , . Fr m r , , property on Yanvers Road ,, . Kov-e d by s , seconded b Cx Dil ].in that the Roads and Streets Commttee be Cr rf i chola y .� . t► parr ed _,�, .. - --= - - �, Gil _ ---- :_ t investigate . and I - instructed _ I a' ent r nd d'ema P y effort- back to ou n , r • I old Nos" ital account fo 21 . 8 a n'ding Fxom Counties Clerk enclos ng p D v orthcut t that the' account be" referred to the Town lV�oved by Cr Baker seconded by P . . , t - -- - ' w th [; A_ .I ._y- t d e a l i __ - - o _ ,, citor _._ Sol i .,_.,-,. ..„ ..�_ .. - R;SORTS . o C is sun ry ac c un , . C Nicholas . resented a . report: from thearice oamttee s.ub �at _ 'ng . _ r a en ----- - --- -- - -- _ rr_ Ict -and _ recommend ng . ym I. am�ouht in ��c g &, d o�p e d g to 1€ 8.3 . 3 er sec _,, .:.. I,M.: .:. � . .._. , t f e a-s e n o Q ►t r 1,;, , , , Streets Committee beI a. -- C Bak, r that the Roads and �;I'll moved b Cr Garton se onded by r the Fublic Utilities � � 00 00 roviding authorized to purchase an air cornprssor for 11+ , P :: Commission a half of the cost . . ,if p y ed b Dv Nortlhcutt that t'he loads and cltreets f Moved anxn�ndment by Cr billing second y P can air com ressors and report back to �ouncit . ft Committee obtain other prices p Clarried 1. . , " a� ot on li,I 600 . Ot� be irive sted in the Sixth I b Cr Allison seconded by '�Cr Nicholas that �� Carried 1 ,Moved Y Per etual Car Fund Carri Victory Loan from Cemetery p s • s ' be invested b Rv Little that ,$ ,.10 , 00.0 ,900 of T ' wn Fund Moved by Cr. Allison seconded y tans ' ►► Carried " . �.1 in the Sixth V1 ct ory , Loan on $he installment P �; w 11 be iven perxni s Sion to use Moved b Cr . Baker seconded b Cr Garton that �jr ric of g a G y y " Carried ►1 ; the Town l.ot on Lamb ' s Lane f or a garden . j_ 1,2 �: g to as halt avement and gravel road Mr Putnam addressed Council in reference to repair p P Dv Northcutt that the loads 1 and Streets Committee be . �: Moved by Cr Garton .seconded by p red to p 3000 00 on surface treating asphalt pavement and priming grave 1 r au, send 'R �t Carried n 11 n roads and the mace to be treated be decidid upon by Council 11 • . : x ; II, �. ded b Cr Garton that the 1�:edical Officer of Health be , , 11 i I •� '; Modred by Cr X11 i son sec on y conditions at the Mouth �'�ard Schhol and take whatever act on I.I instructed to investigate I ,, ed ft 1 .r ncil . Carried ` i9 necessary and report back to ou 11, • , Cr Nicholas " that the Public Property committee, be' Ntoved by Cr �'�.11 i son sec onded by � ' be satisfactory . ew �'la at a co st of if found to ���, o to can �� r 1 h .� .., auth rued- purc as - C.a ried. .11: ,' , , , "I I il, , , , y I On Motion- Council adjourned . . 'r I a I 111. 11 , 1 I t Ma or 11,':! I I I . 1 FYI rk y - I ,. I < s YULUt 7 1 Y =FiF aI_ s 3s, :Tt .,'..a a9 .3 ,'Y.....&z ..t..:': _1 11 aixYr ." ,,n _ e. ,'s .s wl.. . fi 5Y _ F'- 'a t. w 11 I �.: d� = . i r at, k �f _ . t, „r=. o- .>rt :a.k'=`-x?:r `,r-.;v .,r "se-.a.,_ r `k .'- .,. s. "':r"i`,,. .mac „,„_...., ,x_` ,+- ,xa;: <y5 fir. I Is_. , tit • . ' ' , , . f . 0 , , \ ,. .. . . ,. 1 I.. , .. ,• - . 4 �1i I` ., . . , ' I , `°� Room i� a 23rd 1 �+ r g { Ii 'Council , y ,, II ,0 • It' f :.� .1 b�a or 11. «*o «, 4120 S7 c'ia meeting of Council was - field on , above date p . . -members a� l present,, , th.e %. ; ,� 1, : pe , �' } „ p 11 residin and stated, that, he hdcalled the meeting. t'o arrange for watchmen' at the ,11 C .N . R . Beach Gros sing , . • -,r ., , . loved by Cr Garton seconded by Cr Baker that a temporary watchmai . be,, secured• to keep • June is after which the usl�al agreement be 1. the crossing to the beach open uni�tl , �1 ,`. ', :adhered to and the k'olice Com111ittee be atatY�orized to make all arrangements . 4. . " Carried 11 R f ecnunt from G . di . Crothers Ltd 11 .I. Moved by Rv Little seconded byp Rv, NortY�cutt that t e a . t n to 1 8 C for air compressor be Reid and that theu,bllic Utilities amour i g 3 '� t Carried Commission be sent ':an 4ecount for half the above amoun, . : ommi tee be authorized 1. . b Cr Al'lison seconded by �:r Nicholas that the Lemetery t ,: hyoved y �� Carried " ,. t"o spend 25 . 00 for flower , beds ,for the cemetery. u 1 Cr Garton seconded b l Cry- Baker tbat , the Roads, and treet � ,. orrun ttee be S owe71C .?Ig . love suthori?ec to spend up to G . G e h 10 o for n Ca r Q, ' ! r .A I.a W a �+.� 1»:1. d -: y,,,y� Oz , �. 9� !._ '_r { out 11 It s. y:: _ .., w �,_.. ., 'S fit i _ ct , �-�.��-'SR.,,, ter- w". ..11 Pu�c �. w 11 .1 • a ala-d.�I I .,...I , -10 pmnwlr� • „ .r � 1 u, , . , , , ,1 C e I. k Y.11 ♦ :i'Iv „ "ff f,� �'' p n " a . i. . - ,,1.I 11 t . 5 1 .�{,. ;, e h ,v .s � �,ounc i l oom I dun , '. > 'r . it �1 :'t I t. r , .. ok�b .I. . 1 . + 1 ' R1p . 'r ,'r2. p s"' 1 . 'rb�sen,t th , ,' above date >;�n'e�nbPr. �l p Y 1 e uiar . -me'e-t In off' -�,aunc fI, wa's held on , . -r �, t. s wer,ef read , and . on motion pre inutes of Iesltf• re, ular and spec ' l meeting „ , s id ink , . , ,, _[ c onf i rme d ., %, , .1.11 "C�l!'TrCJICTIC�TT ,,, �4 ;; ' - 1' o esi patio; of 11-1 I nt: Fr F ire C e p e st ins C oun c hl f 11. , Hao er re �u w om i to a8k f r the r a rem r ,. of attend fires o'r .. m�eet`ir�gs a s o 'ten I r' . tred . 1 I who 3o n to resign . b' r Nicholas fihat the tWo," firemen be re uI . M, * ed by Rv Kittle.. seconder. Y .. , • T? Carri it , e d , - �_ �r 'V ntre.' t 11 ,a other P st in the remoi o , tr , on_ e arsftrI' Fred heads end fou'.r s requ , f a ee. �:. I 'I From 1 .�� which i s dangerau s :t{ the Clerk be instructed to write , tie b Cr Baker seconded by Gr Garton that , : t�.ove I emoved 11 S r e 11 r street Crid Toronto General Trust �•orp :, reque st ins t hers' to' have th trs,I. + G ounc i l Re c & Fi led "I..� e s ,far 1uxi 11 ar thanking f Qr grant f, From � re tar ,i�om n y _.• ..... - -- t e ec Y ,� t , and . t Fror so se h or . oQ, for. the C 1 . p 'Tayl offering; 5C lot at , the- .•corner o n. �r . . .„ T;, • ,I. c;h tends to' build a, house . i 11 .1 ashinton klace on , , _, > t:2 ' whi he ,intends, �A f a t L the seconded b. .:.. .D . .., v _��Iorthcutt_ _ that t:he_ re_�uest ' be referred to the n , __ D�love d by Y �t ., . v }� ,, t a ct Carr�.ed.�" ;- committee with owes _ o u 11-11 --�-- w Fubl i c pe rt y p - - -- - --- - r w.1" Pro erence to th,e use of- the Beach cros s f n� for f i're pronect .on c',, , From Can . Nat` Rlys. In. ref �t ' M _ . re closed ,t Laid on the Table 11 11, purposes after the �ates a �' ' - gavelled in front of his '"` _�` m I�':ramue . Olver requesting to have the road gradfed and 1. Fro ., .'property .• . Cr Dillin that the Roads and Streets Committee be 1 .Moved by Dp Rv �?orth+cutt seconded by �� Carried 1 . instructed to act t e recent rafns had ±c,aused water from the road on I. From Mr C . C . Barrett stating, that th �' ut hi repaired 11 Liberty Ct to wa sh o s driveway . •. ' Y. C er thQt the re�. uest b referred to the Roads and ;l r �' 'Moved, by Cr ,Garton seconded by r Bak •� Carried " fittest s Com with power to repair the driveway. ,>> From Mr `,� J. Batson ,askin Count for fire protection for his. property in Darlington 1 f Township . �. Ithat the Clerk be instructed to reply , stating 1 Moved by' Rv Little seconded by Cr Dil.lin� • attend if re cited at the usual. rates . " Carried •� than the Fire Brigade, will q ;),,, . . , `71', , i - - • N - 1 , , f , I Is � I f. , _ 1 oRTS _ esented are ort f`rbm the Finance Committee submitting' suridy accounts 1 Cr N Qho�.as pr P e e onunend ink payment . aertif ed as being correct and r f 4 3(`3 . 13 opted,^ R �� `fh ♦ nounting to �O " Kea �& Adopt , , ;� t . . r. ., fll ''�'r; d Cr Nicholas that a vote of thanks be sent to Col . {� �', Mtwed by Rv Little seconds by rest dance . " Carried '1 r 1 ,. i N a' ,_ t 'k f` unsal l for the use o f. the sound truck , for the st Chief tt F e Chief and De ut "`` ' ` ;' " Cr Allison seQOnddd bat Dp Av Northcutt that the it t. �f, s ,r, , ,7;n My Ved y+ f '': , , tl 1 rl , . J , , Q Y servicing of the Fire truck. " Carried ,. { ` ��' �" �`'` retire and bring in a recommendat3.on as to the 1{ �,Is r f 4 1: d f ai. ,rr f.�,1f1 i"lf j ,i ` f ,t, , ,; s conded b Cr .Nicholas that the Clerk be instructed „ o writs tie � ' t t ,,I ,,fay,,; r� Moved by Rv i,ittle ® Y tf Carried n -11 t X It "Ilel { f� ,tf Ifi�' ", �yP oaf t f Af f'- ��1 ,����.u� :� �,,,,� ��r{a�� ;�,f ;r�� �I p R in re�'erAnc to the approach to Flgin� t brige . , d I. f y.r �f +{'�r.,i tiE, f �yt4,f,'b rl '� - ` i ` n 4' .,, 4��it r 1 t {.o-(!iJ,NN 31 -, {r% 4 , . �},: ' 1{t 3�.' 't'I I'' I lt, fi}4� , , II I t , .:n,,, +1, ' I I " „ ,% ..,..., ,orb yy,r. , ,, :,i 1:r 7 iS t n� .t ,� r. ,.>; ,f .M , t. k , :i:y•n ,,,. . 14 .dot,,, �rl .,. ,f, ',, ,P., frl, I ,f t r I ;, 4Ts , 1 I ,.t,r • k: 11 Y OMV_L , d , e �. , Jb'L r. r ; : 3b +4 _n Nr_ ,� T," .fp 11, �r 3 3S;kx`k W_,,% ,E{r_x..:.,.:w ,.tixmt.y°3n ,'JdV,.,,.,v.,. _ .;, s f .. i �« ,�_1 .;•3.,-v `r2='. a^ � r3=,}.' .,rz ?.x r -, rrs;�'' .. ,c, x?,'-s 11 - :r - • _.._- ` t x11_ , ,.-..c . . ,'S q^ ; _ ..-.- r z°t *i .F t -° , �; • '' _ . .r " . 3,- ., .teo- , .. :-. . , � s. 'I ' , . ' .f-: , I - i . . . I , I , , !. ,, , • 'il ..� . - , 1 .-., a ,, iY ! I ,I 1, 11 r ,. ,J ` I �., _ v , , ...« .� �;t doom Ju.n® ' 5th 1944 t : ,, �l „ oun C i.l i ��,' ..�. .p - - �� - ,� 2- `1.., T rr be given the ` _11 I 11 va NO 4120 loved by Cr Nichohae seconded lby r Garton that i�.r nl,ii. iar^. e y iI .N,�, w; ,�t ' for ' the sum of k. ` opportunity of urchas ing the 'own Prope rty- on Net son` `' 200 . 00 and PP P Carried �f 11 I �arri to assume aI1 future taxes , ' seconded b Cr Baker that the clerk be instructed to secure ' . roved by Cr carton y �. �,` s and t o as c e rt s i n f r�r � t he Town^ 11, ill I, ", information from Whitby in reC,ard t© 1 icens ing taxi . r 1.:,} „ t w would securQ an additi�nat t'a: i service , for the ; Town . Solicitor if passing a By ! La t, �' Carried r^ t �,o n f or the I I ved bwT iv 3,ittle seconded by: DF Rv �orthcut.t that tie recommends �t �t 1.r ,, ,r lf: © V .1. "' ser.vicin of the Fire truck be left over for a future meeting , parried , g Rv h'ittle seconded b Cr Gibbs that ^ a letter of thanks be sent to the rotary Loved by 3 - Club fbr their dt�nation towards comforts for the crew of H .h . 0 . `� , Bowman�'i L�.e , z, . Carried " . De curet i on at t e Ce?net er b ' hel d Y i, ' .. r 1`�11'ison seconded y �a y loved b C 'b Cr G' rton' thHt Da Y �' Jul, th Carried " on �:unday , y 1� seconded b Dv Torthcutt that ' Dominion Day holiday be 'held on ... 1, 7 77- � tYr ed ,by Cr lil1 son y P ov harried '. ,� ;- slue a Froclamatinn ' according .v . ,.x, �x r Y{ . I� onda'y , July 3rd , and that the mayor �.� t or h li •1 �, �' ' ,,,r:--'�r� * ...�....,.,.. ::'„1 •"� .rA <, +�fy"' ,� 1I�", S,r% ur b`..l w, . fi° *� _.._._+=c.,.;..+`•'..r w-.:+- ..^,_„�;^.fit r r-o, � ,:fl --, A i7 i s�..,1 ( f.. ,i;, _ . ).,1 '✓-+. �ti.•J r {���'� f i i f + o,v d b C . C y� y ._ , th . �� �e P r . " '. ��rr�.e d. , t " us,e of , the Air Cpm�reseor for own residents only ,I IL 11 ed b �r Garton that the Clerk be, instructed to write l .r Moved by 'Cr Baker second Y r ' or en Scott advi sin him that rjermi scion must be obtained from Counc ii before any 'I ,t< N m ,, " Carried �. E ,'1, ,.,I%.1� shrubbs are planted on Town property . u . Cr aker seconded b Cr Cxarton that the ;Clerk be instructed to write the 1.11 1, loved by �r y Board of Lducat ion requesting their property committee to meet the Pub3:ic Property ,. Pub3 is Head th Nurse . " Carried "1. Committee in regard to ,, provitd,ing room for' the .1. y , Q v uncil Ad r ed 1.14s", ,,; 'ou n ' `Jr n ��ot ion o �2�G 01 , �� h a , .Ma or . . - .1.L, + it ,,'' ! e k Y , . •'t ,11 . . a u s„ . . .,• , . re I,c, Y . a ra : , „ 1.: ! , . ;: r r .v. ,,� „ ' -, „ rk,. ' Roor�l J"ul 3rd l9! �+. Counc .l Y �_ , , „ .' . , , .- - - - ' - , - „ .. -- .-. -- .-- r ,rt7 , .. s r, -:, , 1 tin of C,ouncil� was held on above date , . members all present excep ng r ,Y , Regular mee g I1inutes of last regular meeting' were , read and on mo on f Baker the �ayor presiding . . ,.1 I s� c�onf irmed , ' All ,, , CUB IT TICATI OATS ,.11 I'll (t 'r I . r t .r' , . . s tai 'n. % -.,rk .�•nl sw..t..r,, k � , hV�rr afire al m b P1 ce . rd a ski n t o Kaye t a 1 .:Boa .ar ox - .a din .than _P Hhs i r From .Bowmanv i^1 le P t ere nest be referred to the Finance Moved b Rv Little seconded by Cr Dining that Q _ t �-. -. v J t __-- - v sti - ate aid report back at the net meeting . 11, ne arre C.ommi.ttee to i g at n that a m the Counci l eet ing would' be he�.d in 11 From Bowmanville Hospital Board st i g t �.on in Room on Thursday July- Sixth ' at . 04 organ .Ze Hospital �,,ssocia a 1 .. the attendance of members f Council .11, Red & F l-e Bowrnanvtb l le and r et}ue st .ng I 11 tenderin his resignation a s a member of the Fire Brigade From her Ldgar Tomlinson g r that the resignation be accepted : -1 I s D Rv Northcutt seconded by Rv. Tittlre h „ ed �, roved by p '. , 'a rr i as De ut Fire Chief , roT11 I� r . . Budd s tendering his res i.gnat ion P y '� s that the resignation be accepted witb� tti:e seconded by Cr Niehola Moved byv I�i 1t Car r i e d . tt 1. + regret . e ben f tie Fire Brigade . �� laid on the Table ' From fir C Ru3�ter applying to become a, m m o f� Red Ec Filed ' . sin of Count .'e s' ,Rate for 19 �.. " From Counties Clerk advi g a, t saf�t f n F`ubl is Halls in cage of fire • �� 1. From the Fire m,arshall in .reference o y 1i I ,.' _ ded b D R' Northcutt .that the, le^tter be referred ' to the „ �, &loi�ed by Cr vi1l .ng secon , Y p Carried , Fire Committee .r k r�r1 , �` t on Board in reference toforkmen s Co �pensation. From dorkmen s Compenaa i , - .. , Cr llison that the letter be referred to the Finance } �� , 1 Mo ' e(I by Cr Garton seconded' by e, Carried " ,�. >! Committee to report back . ;,t his pr ert st $r have the weeds cut in front of P P Yr r s = From Vx Charles , Grant request ink to � ;t; r- , , s�L +,' 1 I, �� � ,r „ r the �;ast side Beach . „ , ,�, , t the re ue st Abe. 'referr�d to the Roads ,''� ` , r � ' ' !�`` Moved by Kv i ittle seconded by Cr Df11ing iia �1 CarriedL ” v „t yt t�> �Pr alt, , rr , �„ t , po r, ', ;; �,i,l ,Ir;S,rr t 3 and Btreet s Corrmaittee w�. wen to act . General °' ' ` t be in adxnittP d to Toro�nt o �� Hoepiat 1 C e advisin of patient �� rke c l,r„ d �6 ', Frog C cunt i e s 1 & File d 11 11 f r ;I r� ��� 7 xr;� II Cl iax 1 r - - j: ,, ? �i t ( W (/�� A (/�) L -, s LI X17��4�y 1�� rt�i4 ,, 'r� r r. •� �th r �pp V�4�t �Yn . I 1 , r;' " vste acknowledging grateful �'e „ `' '' From the gamily of the late: Da id it rl ' i0.s e ,1 } �� �i �d p° �4� u,i,e 1 ?: t V ,t, �,• �/► yip. /� �i p'�` - r , -I "I a + yi„ '� tk + ` i{fir. '+ + ,7' v/r JI. i �7 Vn o i�7y .p4�V by J ;�1 s{c 1��4+, t Ir dn:,;!°'1 f ( the 3 n p • ;Li 1 .. r: r'lll , tl r it;, i ��� f11;i t,t+'11 Ysa�,t r� - .. M_�.11 z,, I, t,I,i t 1 7 1 Cj•r^� : s t.< h 1 4 -b” ! r, „ v,f1 t; . 4 yy ,cv ,:{: ,s ,, ,r51, ,'s t, 1. I>4 [ 1'fa , + I ,,•, ,a,1r. ;„!, In?,j tit , t. t t�,.tJ4G.� : ,•; .. ..........i,,,�.-.1/ww,t�` N�,r7,I;J1twW.wh.ih�ut f' '. .,. ..yti+!1�!' , , EWRF , . E „i Ulm 7 �. ., YOL A 7} x -. L I .: I �, 1 f - _ �.`'hy""'-`� :"s ,gym"i' , 4 11 11 d 6. a� i �� �lf -, x•.. z•:.3>:! ..•e,„c'3 .::.'; >:._ v .r -... ,. iII��III11i�Ytl®9d�P W .,-__ _.: n ..: .. ... .aa .rs: xLC_ .. a..-. v.. .w a w.. r .?�.[w�.. L. r _ _.-.. , .:„ _ a,x _. .. ,!. :r"?...a.- .. .. .. :.� . c,. ,,. :. r. .. s ...- -'is tt'�i='.'s.. .1= .}`.ss a+ H. -k°'";:;; u.I. 'il, nE k -'#'+ - 9$ c =Nx u >v., -4. ' 4 . I.�_i ' .. ! } , i 4 - .. • , I '1 �.. t . - }' . , :r :. ! 1 1. Y „ r I \f .! ,ill I • . t ;r ur,� �,, s'' `� ,, ,Room Ju l'v 3rd 19 ,I, . voU 1C it , i '�+�~ 'h. ` i ,/ r - T „ ro t of her - property .:61 s ! �o N 4�za 'rs Lillian fettles askir ; to have a sidewalk put doNn in f n . _ ii. I . From l 1 I'll I r ,' �' and to have - a catch ba sin , f ive,d'. 1 be constructed from �;i hz t) �'�v Northcutt seconded by Cr C'=anon th��t the sidewa__k'LL �,',;.� h ,ove d by P J r� s xt per e nt of the cot `1 hr=rs Settles ro ert to Libert,iT ) if rate ayer wi11 pay i �. e 1 • v e Con L, i Feted ..11'"r.. • } !� F P �,, �� ttl'e that a s idew 3k b 11 r,��ove d an .'Lme ndment by �r « . 1 �. iron e cond A d �, .�v _ i y t es ro e,rt ofl a rox.ii�ately thartJT. feet and that. the goads ard. , 71 in front of Yr het 1 p y pP �, ,� a tch bad fir_ , streets vommittee hove dower to ac_t i.n regard to rep irin� the c� . . ft .,,�endnent ,arried 1• . • From Brookdale Kinswa Iltd in ref ere ce to plant ink- shrubby on the To�nrn road ' al lowar�ce r q �. Y n } b C r Iii 1. 1. in that �ne rmi s s i on b er ant e d t o pl ant shrubb s ,y: I L Wove d by Y Cr Carton see n e r r . ,, . ., on the r road allowance . bou �r e var d Car. Tied r' ��ns Club asking err*lission to hold a parade in the Town on / r��ednesday From the Li .� P ' "r teenth . evening August 'Six r b Cr Gibbs serconded b Cri Nicholas s that peri .i ssion be granted , " Carried " L owed r y yz, ' r .. reference to license #'ees rcharged t,�xi in the Town of �`Jhitb , From Town Clerk , ,h,itb►y, In I t, sec & Filed ,t _ I r . ., . the appointment of harry J Col � acutt and „� From Hooper , Fire • r1hief , recomending r 11 I. YY,I �� I,. s,j C .I.� . nt e d' a s + }t ,,, �I. I - `� �y y, . ra q� ,3 'i : x en a frc �1� :v 1st .d that R.r talt ©r Hatsly be a poi 11 M„.,'�« .1`w�.,rwnw. :rt. a S. a t l .3 1 S./L d . . . ! , L o f the Fire `1'ruc k �r D. v, N arthcutt that Harry Collacutt and .436 Jar I, be Moved � y �v Litt3.e seconded b,, p , era of the Fire Sri ade as at July l st , 19 . . . Carried agpoiraed memo - f the Fire C n� .seconded b r D Rvdorthcutt that the recomrrendat ion o �; Dove d� by r Di l l i ,, c Y ? f the Fire . Truck, be received and filed • " Carried " • Chief .; for. changing' the caretaker o � - , 1l�i ved b Cr Dillin seconded by Cr kllison, that the rlayor be , instructed to wr te• to . ..,. o . 1 . F , Pickard"r itional taxi service for he own . her , h . ' : "l.n regard to securingtdd �, �E I r Carried . j . ` �..r " ;F ed by Northcutt that permission be granted to the .1'y4ovod by Rv Little second Y p • „ r I, _ tur;e date . ' Carried , ,. Cii ldren s hi sac iety t o hold a Tai Day at a f U r" ;, µ .. r 1. I 11 4 > IA • r,' 'i7' ,, .fir 4 I,. , -1 . I 1i I I - 111 I � ::._. , . ' -' I R_..�P r.ftw�!re, , I u . �''. I "i , ,I.. 'i },I r " t e F�. a g a , o as resented a re ort from th n nce. *Com.�m.ittee submittn sundry accoun ..� Cr �Tich 1 P 1, ,; ;;? _ a r e c omrne nd i ng payme n r 11 I'll, amount irig to 3 X17 70 cent if•ied as be in correct nd; �l , �' r . . it &. adopted " Rec . r . �' f 'the Beach crossing 1 b Cr Garton seconded by Dv Northcutt thfl.t the matter o.11.£ r,. Moved y • Y Finance . C , , ;. .. ,ft. P or •,.. k r 41 watchmen be taken u wit'h• 'the Beach A•ssooiation b • the Comm t ee � n re back to Council . .,arried " . ,r b r i l s t t ghf field 11 , n d ha ec e H C li son s and c;$o I1 ve d b r ��l , o Y C lr J Hi� be given wo wee s. - Y . lids s commencing J"ulr 29th providixig that he obtains a man to take hifi place . • { t ., , r.,•.. r• .,,< ho _ Car ried �t . . ._ __ t hat t d9 and IL 11 _ _ _ n eeconded by Lit let he Roa recta Committee be I 1.11 . 'Moved b Cr Di l li Y St ft ov d y g es a nted �t Carried authorized .to have three �,brjdg p 1. H Northcutt that ,1I-oriday August 7th be ° declared ,- I�1oved by. Cr Allison seconded by Dp v �t Carried , . _ I '' and that the rya or issue a proclamation accordi"ng�.y . .Civic. Holiday Y G bs seconded b Cr Dill ing that; a carnival. be held, on �edne sday , �'�ugu s NiQve d b C r fi b Y " . •• n 1. „� y Carri®d 1.I 'L ' • 30th in aid of .N� . C . S . Bowmanvill_e conded b •D AV Northcutt. that the Clerk be granted holidays from geed byv Little se Y. w��` `F s J th and that Cdr Fred 'att3.nson .e' appointed acting clerk in his absce c July nth to my 1.7 r�. Carried �� �r �I �. ]Moved by Rv 3�ittle seconded. by Cr ,�11 i son "that a short contract be prepare"d by they �r b 11 ro ertr owners outs fide the corporation de s firing fit mown Solicitor to be signed Y a P Y , ` the �3ormanvill.e Fire Brigade , the contract to provfide that the property 11 , protection by to the Coy oration the sum of 75 . 00 for the first hour ,or part t ereo owners will p y P ` ' sum of 2 . 00 er hour or pert thereof ' for the time the firemen and and the further P ' 1. <`5,r re awa from 'the Fire Hall attending at his premises at his ,7 the appthe apparatus, ,a Y `,, ,' ,_�, 'r' p lsa contain the rovis�.on that the contract does not binsi the f ire Ir request . It will a P t.� ' } , rs ` ttend an fire out side the Corporation end that the authority of the Mayor , ! •brigade to a . y ,`� sty `, e f or such attaendance f s still. required . The contract forms to be kept � r or his nomine - f the ro erty owners who ,, < < ;v y;'„ , ", / in the a�`f ice of the Municipal. Clerk and a $t maintained o ti,Ir. t 3 e Carried `' ° �, iE x have signed sam t the Town Solicitor • be instructed to !, } seconded b Cr Dil\ling that' b� 4�C /t "'}&i } ' � V a�,° ' �! ' �ved by Cr Garton Y wa of the new highway that r I�' ! , ,�l It Jv I 1­ }k�a`} �a, �, iw'r ' vVrrte tha lle artment of Highways 3n regard to the right of n , r P " Carried " ,� .l;yd1�a� `l r� �i, r i3,1 ' Cr©ss Town Fr"operty. c,_ r qi��1' i y� �X�trf,k{f t, ,, r •�, e, i'll I y y., , !i; ' }S sal dl i it t j r t 1 i Pr fi 1'.I ' l.:ft yli'61.'��(4 �?����.� ,,fir 1,, - ', 4 E 11i f. c . ,/ 6A 0 I1 ci , ,,,r;r •, rr/, �, On Mot ion Council 1 Ad gourd . �■N- r, r o It M,j} �� '���� ��! , I r �' ayoi t 1y1} 1� , ,, I (f t' r K 1 ,0�, r `i�i i - ..�:.. y,. ,I ,. nyr,,f w I r� I . I 61"k r,, .. . I r,' ,.. -._ ,.....,...,..i...."_ W.15.is olJtY� ' r` .e.,.,,.«..'.:;r; .�11 r, �'" : "> k -,..:: ., C • i .,, �kJ i' S fix,, a 'T mpy 4 � F ,;L. iF 11 �r , vOLUM� ? ... ;, 11 11 fl. - r{r` , x. , 4i 11 .;e• - ,:, .>,.. .t..z., •;' ...�.:n.,., a;x_4..... - .r'.., ._:..,.x ,... -:" �.'fib'`'.s�M - ."',­1-11 x, � P' -. _. _ t�'I fi ; ! i .,' . . I an '` / , P 11 it ± b<! ' .u.,,k{. ,�. r. .. ,. , ,.r 1., , <.. r. - y r, . t .. r r'..4 'R• . .. '; , ! ' , 1, , 1 I , " _ . - . .t i __ 1 � 1. 1 �. Jul 15th 194 . r •I I 21 11; a , '� 1 _ ' ', .: .. -Council Room, y , ,1. �, 4 N�: 4� `' sill resent excepting Cr9 .. 4 j V tf . 5 ecial meeting , o.f Council was helld on above date , member P eeti , P n and Allison the �isyor presiding and stated that he had called t e m n8 , Dil1i g , ' business . , for general r., _ , , be instructed to issue. 11 k 3t Y i r 1 Rv Little seconded by Cr Baker that the Town Treasurer Moved by . '{' /' s G Nerr f or a P1 outh •.car for $ 850 . 00 to, be used to raise money for " 7 7�_ -� a the que t o• Nor Y 3� " Carried "1. .M C S . Bowmanville . ; r H N Activities Committee' ,,. , Moved by Cr Nicholas seconded by Dp Rv Northcutt that the ar.1 I 1 j van ermis sio'n to spend 100 . 00 of R .M . C S. Bowmanville funds for presen be gi P I " Carried " 1 ! expenses . . j . .., ­'­ -` , C Nicholas seconded by Cr Garton that �diss Aileen Gibbs be given c rg@ o Y dove d by r - Kv No rt�hcut t . a ,, ;� ' b e tonne d into . p the b s a ' " Carried .I " distribution of ooks tubs nd ,cash o , _ , . i 4 ' -. 1 , r, ..,, r . .�. ,. I r , ., • , ., , , .. n e - . --- A our .d tu:. w!,,,y� v t 11.1 e , _ _ . 0 A C.oux� d. _-{ __ . , ..z•...+vl,�tlua�vuea+fiml^^�lxs.n=ivn+u ben-•nU s••. 91m'nsnmarn-c-s..m-:- -v 'S ! t "!'n , r 11 11 I y,fr 0 ,/ Ma r .11 .r,1 i1 fl.1.. „, e -a :'1, ,. n • . . 1 ., ,, 11 ...__..__ ., ..yam:, - _ ....11 l m h -. _w w» ! „_:, .1 -1 .,. t __._.,, w_....._._ _ _ . t. , .,,....,: .,u 1 r. c_n..', ..... ....x. ;.:.,....::,,jf... Ital,.m,.,,,..,,:....._...;r11....,. ..�..,.,,_.,....,:1......a,—,. a.v_lr.,.__�..__...r_.. -..:, ---..i:,:. ._.,..,.;:�':.a... ....,_.-:.N.•.,N...,..,>n.w. .,...s....,.: q _..__ . ... . 11 .. •`,�15+,-„..•n^;^+.. }V ,1r .yi'� t,.r.{ate ,_1 11 r , J :. :.- ,- •., J _.4... ..--i.''. - ..,., .. e+; -w,--'- lit r.._____.-....—...cr^-^-,r*._:'-:^yr�o—.,�.,-••i-*r.,.....,"-._'+I . .�,....-. ._,_,. .v�._..,.t.. __.__ ...__-. 'f' wP .,, ., �,.l, I 11.,, •.1 r.IA.: ./ a rs f,' � ,' - R , ,,. .r ,,, �� . • Council Dom •Avtgust nth, 194 . '11 0 ... .. �,,it i♦ .1 , \ .r 1 . a j'J= ,SIR kf n .,"I on above date � members all present excepting. Crs, 11 .. Regular meeting'' of C ounc i 1 was heal , �, son the Ida or residing . Minutes of last : regular and s pee ial Yneet rags u Gibbs. and All i , y P weee ' read and on motion .conf ii�aed . '11_ >t 11 1,71 1 1 CONIl��UN CATIONS ° :,.~ ����� a roadre aired and the ditch cleaned out From Adrs Glad s Baker requesting' p 11_ �, s t�� East Side Beach' . { d the a oIt e s at the 11 behin t o Roads seconded b Cr Dilling that the request be referred "the " �� �,, ,, ,y Moved by .t v Little y � Carried .11 I' ll 11 ,I ,<p , and Streets C,oIIUnittee with power to act . I bein admitted to Toronto General Hospital �, i . , From Count�.e�s Clerk advis rag o pa en s . , . ” Rec & P'i1®d" . Hospital• -1 .1 , '1`_ ` •.. and Sick Childress _. 1 tax " From Chief, Venton requesting holiday 1. s for CoattableHall� and himself .11 1 y Cr Nicholas that the request be grant%d. �,_ �° �Boved b� �p Rv Northcutt seconded b Carried, "I' ll 1, I t =i J- JIAM .. . V �."�'I'll 11 _. u���. , shorts a in the city and t�iat the , <: I Will ,' ,, From City C 1,®rk , Toronto a. v s rag o , ou s rag ;, of be. res onsible for finding aecomadation for: outside residents . .111 .ie city would n P " Rea & Filed 1 . . `7;S _.' Tg . in aid of ',the. Salvation 11 T. 1 Hart re nesting permission to hold a g y From Ad3t q . { on Saturday September 30th, 19 il that rmi s s ion be granted and that a I __ - A. Moved b Cr Baker seconded by Cr billing pe Y " Carried " 11, 3 he Salvat ion 11 ._ _._ d 0 00 b e to t donation of 1 ad n i e ma .r. .-a _ �,�:. Al�� t . , From Oshawa and District Labor Council reque'stiilg Council to near an advert t n - . - ." h 1.. ___ .. . .their sports program for Labor Day Sept ember �. seconded b Cr Ncholas that. the letter be referred to Cr Allison , Moved by Cr Baker y . . " Carried " s d nt ot` the Loeal Union. ` as Pre i e pub halls ! ': 4 1 - 1. ,,'` �,/ From Department of Municipal Affairs in reference to licensng p s onded b Cr Dill f rag that tbs matter be' ref erred to the Public loved by Cr Nicholas ac y s 1 the in�or�nation requested and to re rt back to Council . o art Connnittee to ppp Y Po; ��' ra Pr p Y Carried "lf�.. _. _ s fo r Post, war build ng e - Fran Mr _ '- =N-: Varre�;—Ar i e e ch t at ; in' refer nc a to r pre par rag p an . , . I . " Rec & Filed _1111 I 'W ;;, REPORTS I 1: / cholas' rase a nance Comanfttee submitting sundry acco�un s ,11 V , �r : Ni rated a report from rag re comae nd i �, ,, certified, as bei correct and ng P'ayment Dustin to , 2839. 18 �. ,�,,,' ,' 8Ya 8 ► Rea & Adopted " Moved b Cr Nicholas seconded by Rv Little that the matte r of Workmens' Compensation y 1 { , •_ `� ': Munici al �n loyees be left offer for neat years Council with the Iri,11. f Insurance for p P " Carried " . t ion that the insure all employ®es , under the plan. reconmaenda they , insure�1 a Dint a aontnittee to have a .t ,; ` s Moved by Cr Garton 11 - seconded by Cr Baker that ,the pp vehicles and bicycles in the Town " Carried " , , By -Law prepared licensing all delivery x , f Tile Mayor appointed the Road sand Streets Committee and the Chairman of the Police e.k r I Comoittee d to r. ._ ,I ' ___. as that the Town Fire Trunk be not nllowe 1 .11 Moved by Rv Little' seconded by Cr r Nicho orit of the Township e Town limits to attend outside fires without the Guth y `` I , leave the be sent to the Township Reeve or, Township Councillor and that copy of this motion the locale' pap ,,. d that three notices to this. effect be inserted in er . " " 11-1, il' f• Clerk an Carried 1 ail,. 1 .. ..,..... ............,�wwr.,..:.L.,w.+.:u._.....1..........,.... ....a+...:,,.,:.....r.,.........s....,r..+.....r�w�.n..wu...-.w.�..... F.x'»,_711 I �ill »: 4 =A r 1 G,.)E.' c.,.r1 '' V O U IJ L 11 I . - — i" 77.1.I - " �-,�,—iiii"���l.-I'l�,."�,.",���,�,,�'ll,�'llil�-""�l, L t mow,' ;:� 1! ­`�­_ 1".�z,q ,, I"— �Iil 11 ­ I lli'­1-, ��,�-, li�iiyi I ..... z 3•fr'..�'. . .A - sa rt a ?', I I I ,�. ....�� ' ' i'�'. ,�...­� 'a .», .. _,.,. I . 1­1 � 7- �. 1 �_ ,- 11 1��, "' ki 11 I s,� -. -... _ :Iia ". .- : c u -.,. -.x.; .. -.:z--r f. x .,r"_...^e' .., ,5 a`v.^.'C. -r ,. _ ,; .. k•" £ .Zi, a`Y*, v4.v ': _+/ _,-..: t '£Tn ::2', .. Ant,,:i' ,., :., ,i.' .,t ... -'?•u., , 5r ..A..'! i.S z, y' • 2 r 1 v! , 7 ' M • s , n , r p 11.IL""T t Ca ld Council Room, August 8th , 19" f ONC ' .. . Moved b Rv Little , seconded by ' Rv • Northcutt that the Fire Conmmitt a be authorized, �a 4�2o a x mate cost st of 17 . 00 ase new chains for the F re Truck at an, ppro to pure i Q Carried " Moved by C,r , Baker seconded by Cr Garton that the Fire,, Chief be, notified' that no, :4 3 8 Carried L " are to to be made to the Fire Brigade without the approval of . Counc il . n i PPo Moved b Rv Little seconded b Cr Nicholas tint the resignation of Mr Howard challis Mov y y as caretaker of the Fire Truck and - as a member of tYe Fire Brigade be •4apsd . s Carried t st 1 Moved by Cr Garton seconded by Cr Baker that the Roads and Streets Committee be authorized to chase a ui ment for crack filling at an approximate cost, of $ , 31 *30. , P q P asphalt at an a roximate cost, of 100 . 00 and a car of crushed stone at anapproaimate P pp i . . cost of. $ 100 . 00 and , secure prices for an asphalt . spaayer . Carried " Moved by Dp, Rv Northcutt seconded by Cr, Nicholas that � an � advertieement� be nserte .. ' in the Statesman requesting ' all ;parents to notify the Town Clerk when their sons or daughters . are coming home from Overseas s 0 that arrangements can be made for ' - " Carried n transportation from them from the station to their homes , : Mowed b Cr Baker seconded by Rv Little that the Police - Committee be• given autho rity y to notify, all property owners to trim all hedges and' trees where they interfere with ede'strl ians on the sidewallk . Carried e _ p , ... _._.........»_,...,..«:.4,..: ,..+.-..:r*,+i4•-r`+e.a+N-7.+n•,.«r+„ar71 ntimmfrz,-...er^^•.....,-. On Motion Council Adjourned., ; „ ; , - • . , Ma or . 1 k . Y 1° .r a r ,,. i,y>, ,, r. - o l,;• It °• , <AJ r, September 11th 1 Council Room 944 � r eeti of o ash 1 , Mayor Reg m r. • ng: unctl w : e d on ante date members all present , the Minute last regular meeting were read and on mot ion confirmed residin , A .H . Sturrock addressed Council requesting that the Town shed be turned . over to the y Scouts for a hockey rink . h Q n „ Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Garton that the re uest be referred to the Public ert • ComYnit�tee toinvesti ate and report back �to Council . Pro g Carried P Y - — r COMMUNICATIONS From Mr W.G. Abernethy requesting to pure ase 7E . piece , of land 'from the Town east of ­17 , his property on Coleman St . ,91 Moved by ' Cr Cr All'i son seconded by Cr Nicholas that Vir Abernethy be notified that the Town ; , • , •t ,Carried ” is not ' in a• posit.iori ; to self the land at the, present time . ,. o have a cu veFrom Mr � C ,w,. Downe asking r repaired " re don the , Bask Line . b t t Road eeta r Moved iby Cr Baker seconded by Dp Rv Northcutt t�ha „ ,e,. .., ".an .� s instructed to have the culvert repaired � Carried " From Ml' Harry Bartlett making ap pl i c at ion to - become a member- of the Fire Brigade . , the seconded •b Cr Nicholas that Mr Harry , Bartlett and Mr Coulson Ruiter , Moved by Rv L i . y e appointed members' ' of the , Fire Brigade . " Carried " „t. From the Rotary Club, asking .permission to erect, bicycle stands along King St . . Moved b Cr Nicho�.as seconded by Rv Little , that permission be granted and that the Y !' Carried," placing of the stands be under the supervision of the Police Committee . s>, _• • ,-+ From Toronto General Hospital asking the Town to assUIIle the costs of treatments 'of a patient from the Town . y P Moved by Dp Rv . Northcutt seconded b Cr• Garton that the ..Hos ital � be notified that Carried , Town will assume the cost of tratments e General Hospital, enclosi account for bloo d transfusions for a p e atient From Toronto ----- from t he Town N D Rv Northcutt seconded by Cr Egker, that the' letter be , referred to . Dr .W.H. Moved by P � Barks . Carried " F om Ontario Hos p ital. Asso enclosing a plan for hospital insurance for Town Employees . .: r Moved by Cr Allison seconded by Cr Baker that the letter be referred' to the Finance .x Carried " A Committee a REPORTS Cr Nicholas presented a report from the nance • ommnittee submitting sundry accounts amountin to 1547 . 57 �,,oartif ied as- being correct and recoimnending payment . " g Rea & Adopted ' d by Cr, Baker that no repairs be made to ,the Fire Truck Moved by. Cr Garton seconde P r r � done b a licensed arc a man and it is the ,opinion of Council that all regular unless Y 6 8 ` repairs be done by regular garage operators who are business tax payers . " Carried " Moved by Cr Garton seconded by Cr Baker that , the three town bridges be pained by Town employees under contract . _ Carried r , `"TM .,,th"s a + •t "?.x 'r rS- ar^ r 1 c VOLUIVI ` III � . � ; _­­ 1, 1 0_�,040;U-,-C,, - , , , . , , . . . � . . , � � I',__ lVo.51 1 I . . .. ­I, I I I � -'.", ".��2",,� .'_�t,7 ,_­ ed by Cr Garton that -a vote of thanks be extended ' to the 1. �,",t, L ­.? , ,�__::" � ­ � I I f $ 10 ., 00 per taxi 1� :", _.,.,i�,�_ _";�_1'.i �:_�. . ,. repare " Carried " ' I �'�� � ' 'I .. . . :�, � Is . �i�.:,.I_ "'... '' ., granted 4 50 * 00 1 - 11 1, , 1-n I I I I I � . . I �L� .. I .. '/ . ,I le., �. '' , , I . I . I .11 . t I I . I :_ . I), I ­11­1111 ,. 1 _­5�" fe%_ T60or &A=4ev , I . I . . , ­ . I I I . �' I ­ I . I . 1 . * . � ,. . ­­ I 11 . V� . . �'7 . , , . I From Yx ReMo, Ste hens and three other ratepay asking to have ' t,he watermain . . I I . ,From the Secretary ' f, 'the Boy Scout asking permission to hold 'an ap __ , :._� , '' , 11 I From Ontario Municipal Health Service Boar be rd to the I I I �,�11,�I I . , � " , � ;,� -� , . y Cr Dil ling ' seconded by, Cr Allison that the letter the fibre 111-7 4t gg � - 1�,_ 0­ . I . ­ li 11�_:.­ I'll � ' ' I I i T��,",,. ��t .� � . 11 I I 1 `777�, . � �,_', � I : I I I - li t S kp `r x ..x ro ass ^— G.a;+ ',r- r'r• 9 r r , r } C61 Council Room 0`ctober. 2nd , 1944' C04." NON 41 Qlf 7P0 e r• Cr Nichols presented a report " from the Finance Committee submitting sundry accounts N amount-ing to /(� 16 (r4 , certified . as ' being correct , and r"ecokmending payment 1 t� rye c & Adopted Mr Walt Palter Hatel be appointed r' Moved by Rv Little seconded by , Dp R7 Northcutt that Y . of the Fire Truck as from July 1st , 1.94 caretaker " Carried ' Moved b Cr Baker by Cr Nicholas that Rv Little bring in a report at nest ; ' IU'o Y ins, a' fire alarm, box at the Hospital . ,: . Council, meeting on the, ,cost of in t, ++ . - Carried '' Y " Cr llin seconded b Cr Baker that the report of the r�la or, for celebrating Moved by. r i Y the end of the ,Par in Europe be adopted and left ,. in the ' hands of the Civic and gar, Carried . . Activities Committee . " R Little seconded b' D Rv Nort.hcutt that Council confirm the Nayor ' s action Moved by v I�i t 1 y P r eri Q . Oa re rd for conviction ,of any person' turning i.n , fal.se fire „ alarms In offering 5 t+ Carried " D Rv .No seconded by - Cr Nicholas ' , that , that the principals of the High and <` Hoved by p i : ubli,c Schools be requested to inform their , pupils 'street tre et l ght s 'and vein ws ar e g : 1 be punished accord#ng to aw, 'r be in broken' . , and r t hat anyone caught doing s o, wih ' 'Carried. , , y, C Baker - that- .,Rv Cr Garton e a axed b C � az�ton s'ecended by r Bak hat Lid t .o and b appointed Y committee to interview the local restaurant ' proprietors requesting them to open at " t+ Carried "' . 1p- 30 A .M. in order to serve breakfast * Allison seconded b D t3v Northcutt that the 'Public Utilities Commission , .. . Moved by Cr Y ' P ' be instructed ;to install, a street , light on Duke St opposite the residence of Mr Willi Moved Barraball Carried r , 1 - R ° } C seconded by Rv Little that the Roads rand Streets Conittee be Moved b y r All Son owes to act in regard to constructing a . ' sidewalk in front of the' property of fi {{ given p " Carried' ' , Mr., Bernard Di lying . on . Nelson St . BY-LAW �` ' Rv Little asked ermissihn to. introduce a By-Law to provide for the licensing of tax By=Law P v�i lle N� 1 .'90 cabs operating in the Town of •Bowman •d read the first time . On motion, rule 33 was suspended and council went into ' r Gtanted an , On committee rising Committee of the whole -on, second reading the Mayor , in the chs r .x -Law was then read the Mayor reported the second reading with all blanks filled n . A second and, third time , passed and ordered to be sign d and sealed ,* 000 On /Mot ion Counc it ad Mourned . -G. r Y , :• , nn ,y r , r C7o nOctober 1 4 c l Room 14th , Co n a v the rlayo r pre and scat , r to ed that e da ee't in of unc it was held o bo f P ?A ..... .. .. r . e ., /� .r r n I.r, vl [r r,IdvT)l1,c Ini trnYL,Aq.M1,n 011 A.AbYSa>ln Kdlr..1,.K r ,n r+ (r nA.1 �!.'r ./ .'�'j°'r'T r ,.. r.W� , }, s, N. rn,n.N .. _ uvc.r F`. 9'YItAT'� ed the me for the purpose o'f aut'hori'�f.ng' r`epra,.i,rs.r , o_. .b,er, j he -had tea11 g •,,..,to,. •t' e ` Fire Truck , members all pre sent - B'Y-LAy1f - eked ermission to introduce a By for the holding :" of Municipal i�lections Rv Little a p p,. Granted and read the first time. On Motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went into Committee of thr whole r on second read tng , the I�isyor , in the chair . On. Committee • rising- the Ma or re orted the srecond- reading 'with all blanks filled in . , By-Law was' .then read Y P a second and third. , time , pas and ordered to be signed and sealed,. 5 . COLS-TNI CATT ONS From Bickle Seagrave Ltd , Woodstock , in reference to repairs to the pump on the Fire , " Trudk . • Moved by Cr Nicholas, seconded , by. Cr Allison that Rv Little be instructed to take t e Fire ' Truck to 'Woodstock to be repaired with his expenses paid , to bring the trick back in , good ood condition and the pump working satisfactorily , to take the letter and last year. . repairs , and that the Clerk be instructed to , write' Oshawa snd Newcastle z ; invoice of p , n �� Fire Brigades to stand by if called upon. - Carried Moved b Rv Little seconded by Cr- Allison that Council recommend to the public Utilitie � Commission` that a hydrant be. installed on the Manvers Road near the residence of Mr 5 r t. Carried 1 Roland Cale * Moved b Cr Allison seconded by Dp Rv Northcutt that the Fire Committee be authorized ' t purchase a stove for the Fire Hall at an .approximate cost of � 20 . 00 " Carried " fir' r ........... ...«.,..�,. r...w.4....«:arwlrrWr:..oara tLw«J.kr:y+rr.••.wi.....w ..,....<.......«..r + ..,..,...a....,.m+.«w3.....w4u...+. 1 ' r L r uT 4 a. .§ T-W YULUMh ;'.. ',n' .. w ; ...Pit.. ....-:-,« %' b. ..d:,.zxe.... r •.. .k-f<r r. w:.;-...s rsl ' { 7 �Pf5} ' 1n. h -• ;, , F, i_9 1 I I ' � , ' � . ' - ., , - - is •r, .. a - .R _ - ..... - r., 11 t. + q ,` .' . . _, 1 - — ___ .. . �;. c,44 Councit RoomI October 14.th , 1944�f, 1, fr moo; Moved by Cr Baker seconded by Cr Garton that the 1ublic Utilities Commission be, fl� 11 �r N N 4120 `° fhstructed tp place a street Ii ;ht on Iti'earns E��e approximately 200 yards north of It "' ' >,. ,�,1 ; GoncesSion St . " Carried „ le. I ' 1;r _4 ,f '. , . . Roved by Rv Littlt seconded by Cr Garton that the Tublic, Property �. ommittee be 11 „: l ; authorized to in', stigate the building By-T,aw and if necessary to bring in a report 't, 1 :', to Council recommending amendments ” Carriad " Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Nicholas that the Clerk , be instructed the rent �ontro ` ,, Board , Oshawa asking them, to , send an investigator to investigate the condition of $, �� 1„ I nous e at the corner of Church and George . Street s e t' Carried ' 1, 1.' ' o me d _,{C 1.On Yot.ion. Council ad u ,� G .� �; r / ,r, ; rt ^} _ ._ • � �. erk '. I�r:ay0r 1. . , . i . r. it ., .r , ,...: d .., _ yi. ,r r t ,. ,. t ..- , . 11:1' a t: 11 , , Council Room October 21•st 1944 1 . „ .: { s .11,,2 f .. , C meeting of . Council vas , held on above date , the r.'ayQr presiding and stated that � � !'•' . he had called, the meeting ' for special business , members all present excepting' Crs , Gibbs .11 _._..:+ µ ��1 .. 1. rlv'n: 'l 1. arton and- Alison • d' Moved by Cr Baker seconded day Rv Little that � 2 5 .,, 001be grantE'd to Deptty Jhi•ef , R . A. F�� , . . :$ dds ixpon W. s retd ireme. n � �ifte � man , yea s —� =z.,.r, •.,-—, r s e r v c e . " Carr :.e d '. Moved by Cr Nicholas sec nded by vp Rv orthcu t . that 4 ,x+,00 . 0+0 be` placed at the 11, , � . . disposal. of the ��sse sor to secure services of outside assessor or for legal talent 11 ,}, ,' in order to properly carry out his duties in assessing local industrial properties , as 1. 1. Iper instructions f roan Cou-nci l ' . • ” Carried tf .: „ Moored b Rv Little 'seco'nded by Cr Di�ll'ing t hat the . Roads and '� treet sC,ominittee .be �;J.11 Y � sj', instructed to irnterview the property .owners on Church St between, Libsrty and . t George,,1 . Sts in regard to methods of a in for la in a watermain and report back to council . • „ 1, p' y g, Y lI 'r % �� �Z 1 x „� ,t� Carried 1.,1 of the First V ctohoan bonds ';, Moved by C•r Nicholas seconded by Cr Baker that $ . 259'000 , h . i ICY ' ' be sold at 10l� and the money re-invested in the 'tY�, Qictbry � Loan and that 4 30,0 .`00 of I., n „ y� Carried " ,I . 1 Cemetery , Inve strpent , Funds be invested in the 7th VI ct ory. Loan , , . ,d , J , __.. _ - ` ,aka ,. I ,, ._ 1{,'... "'�. a I . r On 1��otJo�n Councril Ad iourned 1 , �--� _� !,: •1.. {/ / rL , a: - , -) _. _ ——. �_ .y .—__ — - „ _ — ,. -__ -- - - -I ..l:: ... - a —� 1 . I t ,!i .,'. , - ^:,: . . 1. r� •C k � ,r ayor '11, i or,rw {sv,I .11 1 I •' I. 41 _ 6K, . I'll , .,.., ., a .:..,. , � �..� ... f4 •..:,. ,. ✓. f,,, 45. x, vi Ir . _. _ . ... ... - , ov alb h 44 ollllCil ' C . �` e r t, 19 : Room N e 0 C� 6 0 1 . e on above date members a'l1 resent exceptirl , Rv . . y ;.I Regular me-et n of Council was h 1'd„ , P 1. �, ,reSd..... . ._._ ._ !`" -- ,11 Little the ►ia or resid in .--� u _ _ _ _ _ . 11 7 tes- of �.ast re0u1ar anal .�pe.cial me Y p . g;,• Y '�L . , r i�7­11111'1­ Ir..11 ..-..- , I , and onmotion confirmed ,, . I. :it 1, , ' • . . .r ' vill o i a1 . From the counties Clerk advis n of ' patients being adm . L �., 1 11 tt r �. '. . a(1 t O o`WtCla =�P n '8 �� A Rec 8c Filed .1., , . , 1. ` F o�n R�r O .F' . N:cGr eor and her S .R'. James , asking; permission. to erect signs on their 11 s . , premises ,,,on King St s Moved by Cr Baker seconded by Cr Gibbs + that permission be granted under t e 1, , _ ervi sion of the �ubl is fro' erty Committee : •' Carried, " I'll �, 1•• sup p ,. ' ` f, From the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce asking, for thle ` names ,of member s -of "ounci l as, they .I. s t. send invitations to members to attend a ' meeting on November 30th to be 1. „, wi h :F I,f addressed by r�ir . A, .R.� i+posher . I Moved by Cr Baker seconded by Cr Gibbs tha�t� the Clerk be instructed to reply send �tng '1 . in the names as requested . , Carried ,� ,..1 s, ' "!.; g front of his property , From bar William dilcox askin to have the ditch cleaned out n on queen St ll t�v Northcutt seconded b Cr viii ing that the request be, ref..erred to the, , Moved by p . Y , ttee with ewer to' act . " Carried ” Roads and Streets Comma p . . , ' �,, From Mrr .c Colwill asking permi s s'i on to remove a tree in front o� his property on Horseyt� M Moved b Cr Baker seconded b Cr Garton than permission be granted . " Carried ��, ov y Y I. From Yx H. W unapp making application to open a car v�reckin�. business on h s 1.Al I . „ ' remises on �� r St . , P " Carried 11 1 .Moved b Cr Dilling seconded by Cr Bakes t hat permis si on,,, be granted , '� � . °� y 0.11 I 31_1 I . , ' < I r • r,; , , I . �t �� * 1 �� , :, , _.. . .L I » ...., ,u ,,..., ,. ' r'.' "i „ .11;� 5.,. ., as :,• _ € - 11 I w, vo . r u . :: lKS ryr l �, a r. kj , . , .,•, 'November th., 19 + 4 cunc it Room �.a-« p l , `. Np N 412° From .A'r �1, T : Irwin asking permission' on beh8►lf of the rrodyPareere.ation vlub to tun , t ti a binoe s . hoved by Cr ",.Ills seconded by' :�r filling t"hat h:rIr� vi be �;dvised that while it is ;. >s not ;the' policy to -runt permi Est, n ', �:: ounc�i. l hava � no ob ;j � ct ion providied the roceeds } 4 :are used 'for some worthy cause . ,t Carried 1 From Bi. ckle SaaC.rave T,td in r of eren c to tepair s made to the +lire Truok � sec &: Filed 1 From her, C Lunney thankinrr Council for donation fc►r s'erices tendered durir� the , Tf carnivat : sec &. Filed t, ` From Housing 'AA. istration Ottawa in reference to the h'atignal Housing rict , ,. 'Rec. & .Fi le.d r From Canadian Le - ion askin permission to hold a I oppy Te. ay �n ratu~day November u g F ; NO Baker seconded b j�v Northcutt that permission be granted , " Uarr•i'ed " 3 Moved by Cr y P t From I�:r R . hcIGaughlin thanking the 1I7ay•or for his congratulations -, to General ly:oaor�s u p on their' 75th anniversary . " Carried 4 From e Tional `u -en Selective 'Servic-.e stating; that the . Sub in t Bowmanv�. 11e was closed owing to being insufficiently. used . Rec & Filed From the: Lions C lub stating t hat l• r . L . A Parker and �,:r L .'�a r�r wfor d hid been 'a ointe'd ' as representatives from the. Lions Club on the Rehabilitation Cor mittee FP t RPC , , � ��� Hci n of �� or the -- •- �- •t� �.�� �. 0� �0 ;�' two 'r t7�� �.,i.'fie z't� t h:oved by Cr Baker "seconded by Cr 1Vi'cholas' that the o 'fer, of ' G .Ii . Hodgson of : 1 @0 . 00 for the two Town Lots be , aceeted providing that a• house is erected thereon within a year and that he ,a s the cost .: of transfer an. d regi-steri,ng the deed . " Carried y P y I�ir L . � ' . Oi :ell addressed Council in refer nc, e to sectrin� an additional grant , for t , ' the, lubli c Library . T� oved by lCr Garton seconded by , Cr ,Baker . that the request be referred to the Finance r' wer to act , Carried " Committee , , with with po R.�I'oRTS hT icholas resented a report from' .r the . Finance Commit tee submitting sundry accounts p amoun tinf~ to 2195 . 19 certified a ' being correct and -recommendin g paymen to .fiec 8� Adopted. • ,the � C: .h' . R. . Cr Garton presented , a „ report on the meeting held with representatives from P P s and Highway' Department in reference to overhead bridge at C .�� . station . t. � g to the c'onded b Cr , Dill�in that the �' Move d. by ' Cr Garton se y , � ler a instructed� o � wr Dept of Hi' hwa s requesting them to draw up plans for the suggested overhead bridge , d P g Y s at the foot of Liberty St Carri ed over the C o % . R . track Y C Baker , seconded by Gr Nicholas that t he Clerk be .instructed to •rite to Iv�oved by r Mr Lenargi Fowler stating that the !'situation ' of his garage is sat�isdactory and be e iVen • nermission to use "the Town road allowance for a garden . 0axri'ed •• { - g -. By:T,aw be enforced Moved b ' 4 , �r Baker seconded.. by Jr Garton that the present buildin e in regard to new buildings and outdid-e repairs over y 100 . 00 and that p rm e' obtained before ; work i s commenced '► Carried ” _ - � e b Cr Nicholas 4 seconded b Cr Dill4ing that the Roads , and Streets Committee µ' lov y , { - -- no:ti*f , ratepayers on Church st , east of Liberty that their share of the cost of , a UJaterma n- _-will be ' O 50 .00- - each; and that no water connection. _w ll be - installing th � - . 00 is aid , Oarrie.d �t r made until the $ 5 0 p , t at the Ho ad Supt and Chairmah of the Roads NA Moved by Cr Baker sec,ondded by Cr Allison h " s Comm ttee enquire if .labor is - obtainable -from the In Camp' to dig„ and Street , ed a watermain Carri r D Rv IvTorthcutt sdconded b Cr Dining thet the Clerk notify members of the Ylove d by P 1 ry Rehabilitation Committee that a` meeting will be held at an early date . Carried r Y ved b Cr Baker seconded by ' Cr Garton that the Reeve and and deputy Reeve be o y .� Carried appointed ' m mbers of the "Rehabilitation Committee . - „ Al r kison seconded by Cr Garton* that a A'f3�re alarm box be installed in the Moved by �+ Ho,spi ` 1 an approximate cost of ?5 00 Carried i 7 Moved b Cr Baker seconded ' by D ltv Northcutt that a . grant of 10 . 00 die made t to fir ; Y , s Y y p h A.�i . Thompson', secretary of the Childs gel . Carried ." Society for incidental expenses . Carried " 4 Nicholas seconded b Cr Baker that the Childress Aid Society be granted . Moved by r Ni g Y . x.00 .00 and that the Reeve and Deputy Reeve be 'instructed to introduce a .motion at c a Government to increase their grant to the Counties Council requesting the . Provin 1 �.�t Carried , " the Childrens Aid Scoietye Moved b Cr Baku seconded by Dp Rv Northcutt that the Clerk! be instructed to write Y 4 e hand Public Schools re uesting their pupils to attend the the Principals of the Hig q s under the su er ' .s on of their pupils if possible , to attend the Armistice • pupils P „ vUL U14L 7 x- 1 .• .. �­ -. _ a>#, .. .,.,cam,„4__'4•x" �, .. - I - E ' . , ' . I I . I I I � ( ' I I - - I .J ,11 .. ., , .. .• _1. . , a t , . .. r1+ • .I 11 _'. { I' , s.�.t{ART S CO r �. tc ~J C"own c i f Room r�ovembe r 6 t h` '1944 11 a� • . "CT N0 N 4120 Day }Services in the.. Toivn.- Hall at 11.. 00, A .M . on Saturday Nov ernbe,r 11th . " '► Carried ." ove"d b Cr Gc.rton seconded by Cr,; Allison that a letter of thanks be sent to "r , , �° Y ` �� Bur'rou hs of the Ro al Theatre for +ri �es donated t.Q school children for the Victory ,�J �, Carried " Loan contest . 'k 'j rant of+ 200 . 00` be t.� Y1o,ved by �r• .<.11i: son seconddd by 'r' 'Dil�l, ing that an ad�ditiona.l, g � , 1, Carried .mad. ; to the iublic Library Board : I t_ ` 1 ; Mo"ved by Cr $�rker seconded by Cr Garton, ' that the clerk be instructed to request the '11 Town solicitor to secure a dried for the i1aines lrc� erty� " Carried '♦1 _ ' �' 4 , ! - - -� 0n Yo ion Council xc ourned L% - • } .1. C k y / ( .. 11. �� , .7 l , , .r :z. t4 �ounc it Roor� a cember 3. lth 19 �. , , , .1.11. 1 . ,1 , 'I . d to members 11 resent exce tin Cr 1. . . fie ular meet :n ; of �.ouricil as held on above.. a , p , . p I ►:mutes of last' re ;uler weer were rend and on 11 Nicholas ; the mayor presidi�n . .11, . P med o con 11 fir m oti n .. i '. r1 , , , d ' .-... . .' t"t ra*as,raarmuaiwe vxueawmrr�rrE.rt:sa.nn,xu,,�:.+� - Ta_A,v, _ _ I'll .. .. . r. .. ,_.._.,.- . , , ,I �,.... ._ �.�� _ t e' �o. t t f' i. h .:_.1 .. From- h _ ... , . . j _1.. _ n.. w _ _ _ _ - _ .... rr t�1. 1 _ � � y r : 3 . eo & Filed ' � � . t , From JV�rs riarr kllrin , cum St rer�uestin to . have . : tree: removed in front of her : �, property �� la oved by Cr f�llison seconded by Cr Dillin �' that the :xe �ue�st be referred tQ the 11 , V 1 f 1 . :J7 -ubl is �l'ropert.y uommttee with power 'to act . " Caried From the Clerk of rlinc,torl 'T,ownship stating that the loyrnsh' p would not assume the , a l respons �.bility for payment 'or • services of the ,•:Fire Brigade for fires in the Townsh3.p . ,/ 3 a „ 1� Rec & Filed �t' ,�� ,� (I! IJI 1 11 I From r� r au®1 Aver asking to have the road graveled in front of his Fr©petty on 1.�' . , earns .ive 11 � roved b i�v Zittle seconded by D' �tv NQrt•ncutt that the reAuest be referred t°o the' ' . �� t trs Cori ttee with r6wo,r to act . wads and tree " parried . M 1 s �%ouneil for a' grant 1'' From the' Bowmanvi,lle" Committee of the Navy League a king _'. 11 1. i , . 1. owed by, v Little sec.o'nded by� Cr lillison that a grant of 25 . OQ be made to the 1. • N Lea _ue . " Carried �t rvy 'j; I From °iss ��ose Bates ►secretary of the somens , a ��u ilrrry asking council fo,r a 1. 1 11 . t . . �� __.E � _grant for old'i er s Boxes ' nd d y e `t i � :oved b Cr filling seco e b Cr •,'Bak r that he leek l be instructed ,to write : ass Y Bates statin th8t Council have already made a gr.#nt of , �' _2.00 . 00 this year tot eE �_ , - _ Carried . . r,�Onlen' ,�� tau - . s a t x l l a - m ...m.. ---,..,_. _ ,, - _ . . . , r . . _..r__I 11, R�POHTS .,•.' :r I 1 . --- - __ . yr , p P ommitte e submit! i'n � sundry account s , lend i ' a ent . - ,N,f7 ,., Cr� Dill in resented � a rE3 or rc�ri1 e ns.nc 8 � t- d recomzr ,, amounting, to 5?51 . 44't - 4' ertified as tieing correc an I F Ym 1 , ' 11 Rec & Adopted „ ,`' •1 • • t a letter of- thanks , be sent to the Fire «! Moved b - Rv I -1 "; t1.e seconded by . Cr Garton tha yr I'- Carried 1' Bri ad'e .'for they: r donation ire d1d , of , H .I�I I. C . S . Bowman.vil1e . ,,r, ttildved b Cr° 11iSOn seconded by, Cr Garton that the. Clerk be instructed to write ' the 11.1 I °' ". ' o eterb�irou h Co�, our and fort Hope asking for all ir_forriat ion in regard to !, t the"i.r corvettes d !�, Carried the electrical equiperst supplied , o 111,4 A- I .'- r .,l.' honed by Cr Baker seconded by Cr vill iris that the Ta�wn Hall Auditorium be ' ten e o - the Lions Club at the usual 'rental of 15 . 00 , when , required . • , Garried 11 ' 1! . � ; I�noved b Cr Baker seconded by Cr Garton . that a thermostatic control be installed on Y 11 Carried t' the Town Hall furnace . s n seconded b Cr. Garton tha the Fire Chief and dire Committee be Y - Moved by Cr Alli o y , • I tructed to inspect the South '��Tard School in regard to providing a . fire escape and 1 .11 3.ns P ,r Carried n report back to Council. . .1.E . . 1 .. ,, . ,11 . On Notion Council adjourned 11 rt .1. 1. .4. I . I ,, 11 I , t ", , or 1.L. ;7 . . . . . r141, C k . V Y, ,111. 1� a f 11,..r . r 'I •�' n J.t. } i Y .- 11 , , r ._.. , 1,. _ 7 ... -.,.. ., ,. J + ,.. - , L , .11 „f M. ..:-- _ , ., -:. :1 -.r•,- ... .,. is . h r k ,,:. M. ,: ,1.• 1r n r „ , --. ,".1. ...:: ,. . - ..I �., :,.... t . ,,.1., � • ..t, .., .> ,.:., .. ,.... v :i .. 1 .. r. .. - .....-I. .:....... .. r J.. J. : .. ,w+.,..r r.,.;. , :.11 y ., ,.. r, n k :.,. >, ... 11 r :,: r : , , k g, 1'• I r. L i „ - )1 ;> ( I 1 P -, , .t., !m J R.:. v !: z�V1'H�'bp+���,tdrf,��t. 1 t ; �:! , �! ;1�1 rl ,,{{p,,tt ,. r�_.i'.r _:7tx ..... ..,._..,.. .w+..a.!....i.r.Wei!!L�"i�ta„aiJEa.,ti`rl9srw..ur,,Jami,_A,+ir _,_-ti_rflioi Wp i iw iKN}"w.«t...l .M. I ' , , , - A..100111% WIN l! ``'r ,. -• '' } rvv L . 4,,' X 7, nt,{ ....+7'mc.,., xv426"d.4 aai.F,tm a „E"`'P'. h1F ^'?fL?:=4u : -1._ .. .:. ,- -; ...: , s_5,.,. y,,,.s k r* ra54<:.3"'.. ,; ,# ..n`7' .ry,,r if 4 .:. ..0 .,.{�,.,3 .hv. .. i.. xii 'E 111. 1`i.,.. :,Ij,YS:w ;,:-... 1z -,,.-, ,r .7, -.: :^._ ]� "'- E* Y1a ..lt +/J. ti'- 7.•5,'S"' y,y-., ..11-%�YY 'G.d.. .:t'I~ ..<.:.. r..r.- T{ ., 3r,'h' .«..n`f'„ ,.{. b,....'•y b•Y ',,•�-�''3?" 1... I `C n+ -.max: �'Y r :,, r., �,, .,.Tx ,. .. ., "31. J f'C, ,1 ''".rS.G ;' VOL � - ,° 11 a li V_ : -s' ; : ;. s: ' ' , . I I . . . , ♦ . . ` . ,� . I, - , , �, ( ;�: uounci1 loom , . December , 15th, 19 .1, am 0�1' «" O'tatliarY meetincr '• of Uounei1 wa's held o-'' above late , P1EITlbe.rs x.11 �rA � �nt exec tin vJ �. NON 4120 is Garton" Gib ; and Alison the rt:avor r �� f P s , � 0 p es ,din&, , inutes of last regu�:�r meeting were 11 „'�'pN +' . - read and on motit)n conf irTM!e(I . � n V a I • �c rr �j r1 , '' T l �r r> 2 ` 1 I . ., . ° 'ror.� counties e ' , w l rk advi ing. Pf pat iP�t be i ng, --dr. ttied, to Toronto Gen,er 1, Ho's it°i P 1. �. X ft ��ec Filed 1. ' 1 From Or T .jL . ' Garton tender'in his resign=�tior, � s a menbe:r of Council . III L, w y . Little seconde '� by Cr F3aker that r '�ar'ton be �dvise,d , thLA �,ounci1 ` are not 1.�, ��•o�re'd b �v prena'red to accent the rus.i nation in , it nrese;nt form . :,..$ ed " �" From- F� re Chief. Hooper, in regard, to a • �i ir, e *sca.pe for the : Stith +'���'d school ,ILI,11 i , . T+'roved bar �v Litt ?e seconded by . 'rB�.aker th,. • � th•e letter be rec'eived .and endorsed by ,_ . , Council and � tlitA. the recor_mendat'ions be sent to the Board of d�zc :t3on . '' C rri'ed° ,�1./ t I , y . }, , � r Nicholas presentee u report from the r�.�:nce � ororittee subm ttin sundry .ccounts " ` .11. � , .amoun,tinr to -� 565 , '52 ,� certi'f 'ied' a :, b�einr-' correct ' and recomm�endin� pa;�r�ert 1.11 * '1 " __.Ems=--.-- 'he gyres ective standing con?.r�it ees resented tie r reports off' e en.ditures d r n the.. 11.._ _ .. n. u i e,I . _ . r .1. . Near �,s follows . . ` 'It ,; .:....�..•.. ,.wWS...rr . ._. ... _Y , gill -J"I I, - , ' .,I. , ,' _ off .: Wb._� �. y. �e �.rtrr, t , n - s t e nd,;itre s C m • �a e s :�� ..11. .� d/'a I\ L 1 -I I.III I, 11' �, ;;:.,aA. ;n streets r p0 1? 1 6�11.1 . ; ?7.5 , 117 . 7 1. .ti o�lice Jett y� ,•4 000 . 00 4 01+9 39 t , ,. 19 . 3 " ,` ,GI' , , . Fire ?fie pt . 6 6'71 • 00 7 314 2 5 644, . 2 . 1a I I 1. Yd �� e Ie P � , r ct l i e f 0'C 0Q 1.. 83 2 11, . 5 3 . 75 . 32 . ' 5 ",t 1 t T '?, ' . 11 .:_er .� 11 Board of He,��_th 1 60'0 00. 6.20 2 l 2,0 .2 �! •' '`' , n 0 • 9 , • • -1 I -• r, ,t . . 1ub1 c �. r t i e er Y 6 1700 . o(� 6 1 q.1 ._ p 3'R, 5 3 5 7 6 3�1 ..2 ; I - • t5 t,; n y,I 1,11 H "7 i r^ a }. '.: I rint n tat loner r... Ott 00 60 j� ; - g y 5 3 • l 1V3 . 12 . � (; , t1 r ,� em ter ;;; ., I�' ,1o, 2 a00 . 00 2 2 .7 . 9 2 2 . 11 ,,. opt in - nt ,, , 6 00 . 00 i 8. 6 L. :: , 99 . E 39 . E 11 ..,' ,:;,; v * FOR {:r � ,,. _ . o w 1 { . �. , ..e ,, .. . ` . + ,�. . "1 . L ' td, on the Table " . ,' bowed br Ni.cholas seconded : ' :'r Dilliri ° that the re orts of the stand in x y: Y ? g f-`6 f ` - committees be adopted' end; the sup lemientary 'rants asked f&r be granted , " Carrlied lbo,,, } I,�% k `l'he '1"ax ' Co�.lecfor sub zitted ' a : ' tateMenit of Tax collections for 191 1+ as foil sirs, •1-1101 z t '.'` ' mount of Ro�.l 110 , 966 Ol Ta e:s written off s 56 ..52 .Discounts on re i•d taxes . z� , , prepaid S '1'a 11 I - -- ---- - 21 Cash . � rr t . I • ��e po s it e�d , 2 . �0 , e s out st and i'n� 12 a fal. e & . p � Ci t1do. te'd ' I��oved by Cr Nicholas seconded b v Northcutt tha } t t h C e n s t 1 , " y, „ +. i, e t . 1 rk be rue e t i d o �zr 3 wr .te to .r � .1� R'_c�ulloueh accepting his resignation as Trec. surer of the. Relief ry 1t _ e; 11 1� Board and e re s ing the thanks of n ounp1l for his ast' _service a ri d,I.. . . 1 _ I ' : r , I�j.oved V% - Cr i hC�±�as Y' secon red b v ittte -t' hat the Treasurer and- t.he:_.:.Tax.:.-.:� o ect T.I dr bz ( '- k L, I 4 y 1l o +� ,;f be; ' 'ranted 113 . 00beach being 2 o of the amount of tax arrears collected by them { .d'k 7, w s :r "' ( during 19 , amounting to 11 , 301 . 52 . " rar•ried �,lil; f'n ;',r � 11oved by Cr Nich 1as sE?collded by Rv1 Little that �1r Fred 1?attinson ; �isse'ssor be s: r ,: r ,• , v � ��" . granted 54 . 00 or special services Carried 11"r M Ate rJ u rY owed by Cr Nichol s s'Ac ded by Cr Baker ..that ' the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to i. 11 w .' ,4" � ilt � y��T ,,�' a provide a goose , ors 0 1 Town employees for Christmas . , �t Carr,ied 11 1 f, f z. .<t" Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr billing that the h�ayor and Clerk be autiorized ,11" 54� t'i \M>) 11,I{ I� `L,, to provide f our gee s+e for the .Fire Brigade � : � � � � � � � "� Carried � �!' LI� Ili- ' �'}"` b oved by Bp 'Rv 146rthcutt seconded by . Cr willing that • the , Tv+ayor issued his S r('`} P Y p y , t 1 Carried !1 roclamat ion declarin Tuesda December 26th a public, 'holida j � `�r� ' Moved by Rv' Little •seconded by ' Cr Baker that r C Ruiter be paid $, x. . 25 being'' one =� 11 ,�,fi, d a "Ill, !t �, mo.inth ' s sa�.ar a s Fir m n ff Carr e • "11 "". I 'f!,,., Roved b Cr ' Baker seconded b Cr � Dillin . that a notice' be• inserted in the Statesman � ' ' y Y �:.: : . ,'4,j°i '` notifying 311 property owners that if snow i s not cleaned off the s dewalk, in • front :y LLL ,' ° i {. r of their properties , that the Town will have the snow shovelled and the cost charged y 1.1 t em t he r t xe s �� C e •� . 1 to h on i a arri d ` ' ' Moved by Rv hit,tle seconded by I)p nv. Northcutt , that the Clerk be instructed to order 11}. �r. 1 ��� ,N � sewer cleaning equipment from Fralicis. Hankin & Co at a ' cost of 't 620 .00 " Carried " ,� I , ��L i , "" R'k , 11 Moved by Cr Baker seconded by v Little that a vote of thanks be etende'd to the 's 1A 11" ` a"X, ,r"a , mayor for • his leadership qnd help to Counc it during t he year . " Carried" I."+�� "�t,�A �r' , i s + t j '� �55„� Can Mot ion Coune it - adjourned t' I (4 ;Ir ,II ,Y �' ;• I - t ,��j �///���III/// 1. . erk . . i Mayor-..L. 1) I . . 11. �, I L . I . ,V I I ., � s4. {, v 11 f�`. ., 11 t tFE", 1 , 1. . . s:• °F as fi- _ ) 1 L., L xs4 i54�3xA-xx•.-„.: ..:na.,.>r t;r .. -3xi 'a . _ :r.-s, . .:..^,t ,N.x.. w .. ..sn z.n 4&-,!1111!°..;.0 vu+xc.'. ,� ,.�', -R° ,Ill : -.,- . __ . 5 .,t'E ..' ., �, ..Y...l -., 11 -; VULUM ? w,I 3 7 .tµ 1 Y. _ tl c- ai•: y'