HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/12/2007 Special I "n.wrinlTl-fin Cl!Jlillglon SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING DATE: THURSDAY, JULY 12, 2007 TIME: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS PRAYERS ROLL CALL DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST COMMUNICATIONS Receive for Direction D - 1 Sean Keane, forwarding correspondence in addition to the formal request submitted by five local residents including himself, to audit the election campaign expenses of John Mutton and requesting deletion of one of the signatories, John Thompson, from the process. (Copy Attached) REPORTS Verbal Report on the Findings in Europe regarding Energy From Waste BY-LAW TO APPROVE ALL ACTIONS OF COUNCIL ADJOURNMENT CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 D - 1 Selln Kcane Munici pality of Clarington 40 TempernllCe Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIe 3AG Junc l~, 2007 'PaW Barrie, Clerk's J)epartment Copies to: Jim Abernethy, Mayor Charli<: Irim, Regional Council, Wards 3&4 Ron !looper, Local Council, Ward 2 Gord Rohinson, Local Council, Ward 4 Mary Novak, Regional Council, Wards 1&2 Adrian l:'o~ler, Local Councillor, Ward 1 WiIlit: Woo, Lu"al Council, Ward 3 [)t:ar Ms. Baric: On WetlncsdllY, June 13, a formal requesllo autlil John Mutton's campaign expenses was submitted to the clerks departmenl, along with the reasons for this request. wilh II yuiek eOver lctter that lhb audit request be submitted to the Monday June 1 &,2007 council meeting. It was noted in lhl' formal reqllest that a statutory deadline i~ approaching. T11is request was signt:d by five local residents, including my~df. Prior to submitting thb, we l'Cvicwed your weh page, where it slllte~ that items received before 'I :10 on the Friday prior to the meeting are placed on the agenda, and since this did 1l0t agree with IllY past knowledge of council meetings, at 11 :30 on that Wednesday we eontactt:d town hall and werc Ilotified that items had to be in prior to 1100n on W"dnt:stlay to be included. This was thcn immediately run over to the clerks offIce, where a copy of the requcst was time stamped 11 :55 am. This explain~ the quick cover kIter. On my review of Monday' s agenda on the internet Friday June 15. , do not see any eulIy related to this r"yuest, unless it is picked up in one oflht: gen"ral information categories, but since I und"r~land this l'eqllire~ a vott: by council, I believed it should be an t:nlry, This cOllr...scs me, as I thought items re~ived b)llh~ clerks tl"partnlcnt prior to nOOIl on W"dncsday arc automatically on the agenda, pm'ti"ularly time sensitive issllcs.lfit is there and I missed it, or it wa~ added at II later revision, I apologize profus\lly . r only have whal I can see on the internet. Section & I ,(I) of lhl' Municipal Ekctions Aet allows any voter to "hallenge a candidates campaign expense statement. After having revicwt:d this section, r understand that one of the signatories, John Thompson, lIlay he ineligible 10 make this request. The other foul' signatorics arc all rcgistered voters and have the right. Plcase deletl' John fi'Ol1llhe process. Otherwise, seelion 81.1 app\lafS to have been eomplied with. Section 81.2. oftl", Mlmicipal Elections Act states the application shall he made to the clerk of the municipality or the secretary of the local board lor whidl the candidate was nominated for office within 90 day~ after the later of the filing date; il ~hall he in writing and shall set out the reasons for thl: e1ectol"s beJit:f John Mutton's election expenses were moo March 27,2007. Ninety days from this date i~ June 25, 2007. Note that it is not IIcceSSlU'y for council to act on this within 90 days, only lhat the clerk's depattment has re<:eived the complaint. Becaust: this i~ a new process to m", and I may have llsed tht: wrong format, 01' pos~ibly the application i~ misplaced, pJcas~ advise, ill writing, as tu whether this sectioll has been complied with, or if there i~ some additional/'JrI11 or procedure that is requirl'd. If! have mi~~ed something, please advise as to what this is ~o that this can be remedied prior to Nuon on Wednt:sday June 20, 2007. Tht: reqUl,~1 for Jim Ahernethy's audit was allowed on <{uite a bit less paperwork, though. Finally_ Section 81.3 of the eleetiuns act states lhat within 30 days after receiving the application lhe council shall consider the application and (kdde whether it should be granted or rejected. Assuming thatlhe application is valid, this creates a problem. Silw\l the item was apparemly not plac~d bcfore council on June 18, the next JlJeeting is Junc 25, which I understand is the last meeting lor the summeL lJnless this is hrought bc1ure council at one oflhese meetiug~, the municipality automatically breaks thc MUllicipal Ekclions Act. This could be (juite a problem, Pllltieularly in light 01' other corr~spondence I have forwarded. I apologize 1,,1' bringing this in so dose to thc lInal deadline, however I. felt that the Jim Abernethy audit should be completed tir~t, and this hasn't happencd. The application was submitted with two eouncillllcelings left, howt:vt:r, which should have b"t:n sufficient. :\1)1 phone and fax lIumbers arc at the top of this It:tter, If then: is II problem, let mc know as soon as possible. I have fOlwardt:d this letter and thc attached paperwork to all councillors in ea~e any person has questions prior to lhe vote, Scan Keane , Ie/""\.", ~o,.,....., 11 "~1 I /lJUv~L<:...-' / A"~Chl1lel1ts: Copy of origimll ("omplaim Willi backup Copy of cover and d<lte!tfllle stump from clerks Jcpanrnent (11 :55 l1m) Copy ofSl~ction tn ofMullidpaJ Elecli(Jns Act. .---- Extractions from the Municipal Election Ael CompHanc(' audil 81. (I) An elector who is l~ntilkd (0 vote in an elect.ion and b",lieves on reasonable grOlmds that a candidate has contravened a provision of this Act relnting lo d~elion campaign finances may apply for a compliance audit of the eandidate"s election campaign finances, 1996, c. 32, S"hed., s. 81 (I). Requirements ill The application shall bc made to the clerk of the municipality or the ~ecretary ofthe local board for which the candidate wa~ nominated for office, within 90 days alkr the later of the tiling date, [he candidat.c"s last supplemenlary tiling date, if any, 01' the entl of lhe candidate"s extcnsion for filing granted under ~ubsection 80 (6), if any; it shall be in writing and shall set out the reasons for the elector", belid. 1996, c. 32, Sched., s. 81 (2); 2002, c. 17, Sched. D, s. 32 (l), Decision (3) Within 30 days after receiving thl~ application, lht: councilor local board, as the east: may he, shall consider the applicntion and deeid" wh"lht:r it shollld be granted or rejec.ted. 1996, c. .12, Sched., s. 81 (3). Vf,JUN1<J ilMll:55r18 '07JUN13 ilMll:55r18 .~ // ~,~:f:} ~ /10 L---"-'" , J 5-<':._\..."""'""-.. DROP OFF CLERKS DEPARTMENT 2ND FLOOR FOR MONDAY JUNE 18T11 COUNCIL MEETING ~ \2)0"7 'o.;.J\ .:::,~\ v.K i ._-~.' Extraction~ from the Municipal Election Act Compliance audil Il J.m An eJector who is entitletllo vote ill an election and be!ilwes on reasonable grounds that a candidate has contravened a provision ohhis Act relating to election campaign finances may apply for a compliance audit oflhe candidale"~ election campaign Jinllnccs. 1996, c. 32, Schctl., s. 81 (I). Requirements ill The application shall be made to tlle derk of the municipality or the secretary of the local board for which the candidalt: was nominated foc oftice, within 90 dnys aHer the later of the filing date, the candidate"s last supplementmy Jiling dnte, iLmy, or tllC end of the candidate"s extcnsion tor filing granted undec subsection &0 (6), ifany; il shall be in writing and shall set oul thc r=ons for tile c1ector"~ bdief. 1996, e. 32. Sched, s. 8] (2); 2002, c. 17, Sc.hetl. D, s. 32 (I), Decision ill Within 30 LU1YS after rccdving the application, the council or local board, as lhe .ease may he, shall consider the aflpliealion and decide whether it should be granlt:d or rejectt:d. 1996, c. 32, Sched., s. 81 (3). Slides Shown of European EFW Trip Council Meeting July 12, 2007 EUROPEAN EFW TOTALS Present Annual 50 million Tonnage Present Number of 450 EFW Facilities Year Landfill Ban is 2020 Complete Increased Tonnage 60-90 Million Tons by 2020 (Result of Closure of Landfill) New EFW Facilities 100 to be built by 2020 HANDOUTS I CIRCULATIONS FOR GP&A Slides Shown of European EFW Trip Council Meeting July 12, 2007 EUROPEAN EFW TOTALS Present Annual 50 million Tonnage Present Number of 450 EFW Facilities Year Landfill Ban is 2020 Complete Increased Tonnage 60-90 Million Tons by 2020 (Result of Closure of Landfill) New EFW Facilities 100 to be built by 2020 VIEW OF RESIDENTIAL AREA FROM EFW FACILITY Europe Statistics Ul'Thfill] 1 0,04 gtrntffr:{iJ!f!:ID~ 3 0,4 ~ ~ ~ 1 ,;\:4h --m:JJLUI .~...? 17 1,64 il-f1rf.T~-~j}:Y~-'il!T.fT _~ ~ _ 4' '-_J-_ ~) 1 0,12 '''-(I.,-J''::rnJ1:u::.m- ... I r. n'~"" ....~~.. Jl.. . I~/ 58 13,18 (3=-E-;Y~-'II-;\:-~;mL.lfi'-' - '-:::~.;;.. S..iL I' ~ ~ 0 . 'Ii! . --"""-.r ~ 't-"~. 3 0,4 ~' (Z - . "'-;'..rll~d) -p,... ,-,,~:.1..iJU::J \fumes.; 123 11,25 (-;:-:-r~~~'- ~J c';'-\') " ";10'" ~,_ .... ...._ ~ ...~u_v 29 2,97 5 0,88 Qn;~Tq-.T;:'A;-..,"" .,JJ.~., '...; \..:1..W:~ According to the guidelines of the European Union 60 program for environmental prevention and protection, the system aims to: . '::'fIll" 'o.:~. ,.... ,\,. ,...."'. .-< '- // A decrease in waste production, dangerous substances amount in waste, final waste disposal := -~ ~.,.. I~j I' ~.., . An increase in material recycling, energy from waste production, safety in disposal techniques ***** * * ***** ~ .... ,/~1 "" f ,<-,<I -.____~ ,f ~ ~~""'''''' r v~-- ..... .", /~, ^ I /' I ( ,^-----~ . ---- -...-_..- ~ \ ~ L__ If -.J . L <>. ..",,;~ ~ff .~ .:5? ' '- t:1 J* ff~ iJlr '\ ~I~~ ~'~~~~;,)."~::;~>!l:/ .~.. ...-. - "' GLAS GLASS · VERRE ~it ~~ ASM Brescia l --- III""" I I Nordforbraending Facility in Denmark - ,.~ . I Control Room in Copenhagen Facility :2. , ~. I-~ -r . , '",~L View outside Copenhagen Facility r- Copenhagen Facility Copenhagen Facility SYSA V Facility in Sweden ~ EFW facility in Wurzburg Germany EFW Facility in Switzerland l Residences next door Zurich Facility r I rtf/ Ai? .\- _ ill'l ~h.l. I, llooJls..a.n., Daycare next door to Zurich Facility r ~~- .E-..' ,., ..;.,' r I~ '.>~">0/__~ t-__~:"'-<._~I ((Hi' jW[~ai:?I(jHitl c' _~u'JCC;-~"-'c,;"j' ~ -......... , , , <. ~.., .-.9' I'~' ~" .!!" 1);'" i# ---.......... "III III iQ, /:00 ; .'I!I a . a .:- L - ASM Brescia - Control Room ASM Brescia - Control Room Presence of an "h ist"l relat from popul whic myb III ~ rrrrrIlllIlI Agenzia Regionale A RPA per la Protezione dell'Ambiente della Lombardia IN SYNTHESIS: THE EFFORTS OF PUBLIC AUTHORITIES AND THE GOODWILL OF THE PLANT OPERATOR, WHICH AT LAST, IS A PUBLIC COMPANY, PERMITTED TO TRANSFORM THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE'S QUESTION: "AN INCINERATION PLANT IN MY BACKYARD: WHY?" IN A NEW QUESTION: "WHY NOT?" It's a slight but meaningful shift of point of view... German EFW Statistics r-' .. MHKW Wurzburg: Dioxinemissionen _ Eigene Messungen im Vergleich - , .: 'J fjli-=- .-,F~ ~ .:;.. Continuous emissions monitoring system Sampling line 1---' 1 :---~ 1 : - - -~ 1 1 Validation Sample gas Data analysis Data storage Measurement system D signal I I 1- / '\. I I Calibration system Data acquisition and analysis ASMA Milan - Front Gate ENERGY FROM WASTE EUROPEAN TRIP JULY 3 - 11, 2007 Mayor Jim Abernethy's Notes to Verbal Report Made to Council on July 12, 2007 I would like to personally thank David Crome, Fred Horvath and Nancy Taylor along with Regional Councillor Charlie Trim and Regional Councillor Mary Novak for their participation. They gave up time with their families and the itinerary of the trip was exhausting to say the least. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to the residents of the Municipality of Clarington. History of Landfill in Durham - By-law to ban landfill (1999) History of EFW - List focus groups which made recommendation to recycle/divert/efw In 2002, the European Union established a directive requiring the processing of all waste prior to landfill disposal. Most countries were already processing a significant quantity of their waste through incineration. Some Countries have taken this one step farther and placed a ban on landfilling any waste that could be utilized to generate energy. Regional Council is charged with the responsibility of answering two questions: a) Decide on the preferred technology b) Decide on the preferred site The EA process will determine both. Our Local Council is charged with the responsibility of answering one question: a) "Will Clarington be a willing host to the Durham/Y ork EFW Facility"? Clarington staff is now completing a series of reports that will be available on July 30th and the balance in the fall for review by Council and the general public. In addition, Council and Staff from Durham Region and the Municipality of Clarington have visited waste to energy facilities in Europe. The visit was in response to issues raised during public consultation on the short-list of sites and on the generic health and ecological risk assessment study. All Members of Clarington Council were invited, and those who attended, including myself, were Regional Council Charlie Trim and Regional Councillor Mary Novak as well as David Crome, Director of Planning Services; Fred Horvath, Director of Operations; and Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance. We attended to gain a better understanding of the European EFW Model. The EFW facilities which were visited were sited in a wide range of settings. Some of the EFW facilities visited were located in urban areas near commercial and residential areas, and in some cases located adjacent to schools, daycares, restaurants, farm lands, and retail establishments. The questions directed to the European waste associations focused on health impact issues including heavy metals nanoparticles, dioxins and furans, and asked about any concerns related to increased incidences of cancer and other diseases/illnesses. These representatives, as well as all other facility and government representatives have all concluded health impacts are not a concern in facilities and countries utilizing modem pollution prevention and control systems. Mass bum incineration with modem (state of the art) pollution control technology is considered, and has proven to be, the best available technology in the European Countries visited. Europe has been developing their model for many decades. DVD - SYSA V Gary Cubitt, Chief Administrative Officer of the Region of Durham is quoted as saying the following: "My initial sense was that incineration was a way of getting rid of waste. My new appreciation is that incineration is a way of recapturing a resource from waste thus saving millions of gallons of oil and cubic metres of gas, both of which are a non-renewable resource. To bury waste is to ignore an available resource." SLIDE SHOW PRESENTATION It would appear that the proposed Durham/Y ork technical decisions are consistent with "best practices" in Europe, and we believe it has the potential to provide positive benefits and will allow the proposed EFW facility to operate without an unacceptable risk to humans and environment subject to a satisfactory site specific risk assessment. However, I am withholding my final decision until such time as the due diligence process is completed. Questions from Members of Council? Video Clip of Brescia