HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO-10-07 cmr.pn REPORT CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, June 18, 2007 KesolL-AiitJn 1=FGPA-4-<od-07 By-law #: Report #: CAO-10-07 File: Subject: STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CAO-10-07 be received; 2. THAT the 2007-2010 Strategic Business Plan be adopted; 3. THAT the list of action associated with each of the Business Objective be endorsed in principle; 4. THAT staff proceed to implement the list of action and to provide a status report to Council semi-annually; and 5. THAT the Strategic Business Plan be posted on the municipal web site for the information of the general public. Submitted bYO ~ --=- ~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-5717 REPORT NO.: CAO-10-07 PAGE 2 1. BACKGROUND: Consistent with our past practice with every new council, the CAO has initiated a strategic business planning session with the new council and senior management staff shortly after the new council was elected. The purpose of preparing a Strategic Business Plan is to ensure the Municipality has the necessary road map to guide its business actions for the next four years. 2. THE PROCESS: Council members and senior management staff met on three separate workshops to develop the key elements of the Plan which includes articulating a vision, a mission statement, identifying major business focus and objectives, and developing strategies and actions. Embedded in the process are two critical analyses of ascertaining our stakeholders as well as understanding our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT). The final piece of the process includes various implementation strategies to ensure the business actions as identified will be carried out. 3. THE PLAN: The business planning cycle of the Strategic Business Plan is intended to coincide with the term of current council and hence it has a defined time frame inclusive of the years 2007-2010. Once adopted by Council, it will be made available to the public as well as posted on the municipal web site. Public comments and feedbacks are welcomed as the Plan is always a "work-in- progress" and is subject to amendments from time to time as council may deem necessary in order to meet the changing needs of our community. Staff will be updating Council on a semi-annual basis with respect to the progress of our implementation effort on the various action items in the Plan. u -- en ell .., ns I- .., '" ell .., ns I- o Q. I- o U c ns - Q. '" '" ell C -- '" ::s ~ g ~ g N o ~ g g N . ,'.. - .;. . " .' .. 14(')3 ~ ..~ ~ TABLE OF CONTENTS Message from Mayor Jim Abernethy .....................................................................2 I n trod u ct ion ............................................................................... ....... ............. ................. 3 Ou r Vi s io n ......................................................................................................................... 4 Miss io n S tatem ent ........................................................................................................ 4 Key Bus i n ess Foc us ........... ...................................................................................._..._6 Business Objective, Strategies and Actions ...................................................7-14 Implementation Strategies ......................................................................................15 Corporate Strategic Business Plan 2 MESSAGE FROM MAYOR JIM ABERNETHY NEW TIMES, NEW IDEAS Clarington is among the fastest growing communities in the Greater Toronto Area. Our challenge is to grow at a rate and in a manner that preserves our heritage, enhances our quality of life and allows us to prosper. As your new Mayor, I directed Council and staff to develop a Corporate Strategic Business Plan to help set a course of action for the next four years. The Corporate Strategic Business Plan brings together the experience and skill of our staff and the energy and will of Council to develop a blueprint for tomorrow. Finally, with input from the people of C1arington using this document as a guide, together we can create a framework to build a prosperous and sustainable community. 3 .-i~ -) Corporate Strategic Business Plan \_--,,11 INTRODUCTION The pace of change in communities continues to accelerate. Municipal government needs every possible insight into what is happening, why it's happening, and what needs to be done. A well thought-out strategic business plan provides the road map for meeting future challenges and ensuring our commitment of economic stability and high quality of life. The Strategic Business Plan complements the other three important planning and policy tools of Council: the Clarington Official Plan; the annual operating budget; and the multiyear capital plan. Collectively, these governance tools represent the corner stones of all municipal government decisions. Corporate Strategic Business Plan 4 ~ ~~ ~ OUR VISION CLARINGTON: YOUR CHOICE FOR A CARING AND VIBRANT COMMUNITY The Vision clearly expresses our desire of what C1arington will be for years to come and gives purpose and meaning for the Municipality. The Vision reflects on our history and culture and is not bound by time. Clarington is not just one single community; we are made up of small and beautiful hamlets, productive farms, and urban areas. This rich variety in geography and community diversity underpins our desire for a caring and vibrant community. MISSION STATEMENT TO PROVIDE ESSENTIAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND QflAUTYSERVICES TO OUR COMMUNITY STAKIHOLDERS THROUGH LEADERSHIp, ACCOUNTABlLITYANDRESPECT. OUf purpose of being a local government is clearly artiq.tlated in this mission statement. Essential infrastructure is the hard services such as roads, parks, recreational fadlities which our residents expect and depend Ofl to enjoy a high quality of life. Quality services are the utmost customer care to be provided in accompanying the provision of infus$tructure and services. . . . , .." '., .'~'-'-, i,'- ',. '>< ' - - -< - . _ ... - '-,: ," - ,,' '. ---~>-_:-- - "_ In order to meet the elq)ectations of our stakeholders, it is that infrastJ'U(ture and services are delive , ., rough the leadel'$hip, accountability aJld respect. The Mission StaWment is our promise to our stakeholders. The strategic direCtiOft and busineSS focus detailed in this Plan will elaborate on how Clarington will transform our promises to reality. 5 Corporate Strategic Business Plan ~ ---.. --....; 1 ~ i\ 8 -p,. ,-----! -.0 KEY BUSINESS FOCUS The business focuses of the Municipality are prioritized as follows: A ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT B COMMUNITY PLANNING AND IMPROVEMENT C CITIZEN ENGAGEMENT D GROWTH MANAGEMENT AND TRANSPORTATION E INFRASTRUaURE AND ASSETS MANAGEMENT F RECREATION OPPORTUNITIES 7 Corporate Strategic Business Plan e>Cotlo-.._ ....CS , · pi n , ,I A. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT il'! OBJECTIVE 1 - TO FACILITATE THE ENERGY/SCIENCE PARKS PROJECT Strategies & Actions I.J Develop a schedule, an implementation servicing scheme, and an alternative funding scenario o Enhance University of Ontario Institute ofTechnology Partnership o Work with the Region to speed-up site servicing Ll Seek partnerships with senior level of governments o Assist current landowners to facilitate energy project implementation I.J Request Provincial Government to allow for tax increment financing incentives and other incentives I.J Prepare a marketing package targeting energy/science and technology companies Corporate Strategic Business Plan OBJECTIVE 2 - TO PROMOTE AND ATTRACT ALTERNATIVE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES Strategies & Actions U Explore the cost, risk and benefits to our community regarding energy from waste technology o Give high priority to development applications that support alternative energy technologies o Establish a network of alternative energy businesses OBJECTIVE 3 - TO SUPPORT PHYSICIAN RECRUITMENT Strategies & Actions o Continue financial commitment in recruiting family physicians through annual budgeting o Lobby provincial and federal governments to increase admissions to medical school and regarding Canada certification of immigrant doctors respectively (, ) 8 ~ C) OBJECTIVE 4 - TO ATTRACT NEW BUSINESS Strategies & Actions o Continue partnership with C1arington Board ofTrade with emphasis on attracting new businesses l.J Assist OPG to bring New Build to C1arington U Give priority to energy and science businesses by fast tracking development applications o Assist BIAs in small business creation/attraction o Explore feasibility of development charges exemption for green buildings, and for projects in the energy/science parks o Assist in the promotion of a "shop local" program OBJECTIVE 5 - TO SUPPORT AGRICULTURAL INITIATIVES Strategies & Actions U Provide policy changes in the Official Plan to protect farmer's right to farm o Support current and future agricultural initiatives and projects such as the farmer's market U Investigate best practices to alleviate urban/agricultural conflicts and incompatibilities U Explore the feasibility of incentives for agri-businesses U Assist farmers who diversify their agri-business o Encourage school boards to increase awareness of the farming industry OBJECTIVE 6 - TO MARKET THE CLARINGTON BRAND Strategies & Actions o Develop a marketing plan to promote Clarington brand focusing on our vision. Possible themes include "The Urban Agricultural Gem';"Leading Edge of the GTA" or "Energizing Ontario" o Continue partnership with Tourist operators to promote our local tourist destinations l.J Ensure all promotional and communication materials from all departments carry the Clarington Brand C[;g,iJlglon 9 Corporate Strategic Business Plan ~ B. COMMUNITY PLANNING AND IMPROVEMENT OBJECTIVE 1 - TO DEVELOP A PLAN FOR COURTlCE CORRIDOR Strategies & Actions U Create a focal point of development o Develop a trail system along Barber's Creek o Update Courtice Corridor Study o Engage stakeholders in plan development o Assist local businesses to create a business improvement area OBJECTIVE 2 - TO MAINTAIN VIBRANT COMMERCIAL CORES Strategies & Actions o Continue support for all Business Improvement Areas o Plan streetscape improvements o Explore opportunities in the Regional Community Improvement Plans for infrastructure improvements o Encourage consistent business operating hours o Encourage development of downtown civic precincts for Bowmanville, Courtice, Newcastle, Orono as a long term goal Corporate Strategic Business Plan OBJECTIVE 3 - TO BEAUTIFY CLARINGTON Strategies & Actions U Undertake landscape improvement at gateway locations o Proactive enforcement of property standards o Implement Banner Program at various communities with emphasis along Courtice Highway 2 corridor o Eliminate reverse frontages in new developments o Revisit sign by-law to address sign pollution OBJECTIVE 4 - TO ENHANCE AND REINFORCE CLARINGTON AS A PEOPLE FRIENDLY COMMUNITY Strategies & Actions o Promote walking and biking links to services and amenities o Encourage street front buildings o Implement accessibility features for people with disabilities o Lobby Region to re-introduce community policing 10 ~ r0 C. CITIZEN ENGAGEMENT OBJECTIVE 1 - TO STRENGTHEN CUSTOMER SERVICE Strategies & Actions o Enhance existing Customer Service Program including staff training o Implement a Customer Care Management System o Expand hours of By-law Enforcement o Conduct public information sessions for small developers o Follow-up customer feedback cards o Explore other initiatives such as maximizing web site as a communication tool OBJECTIVE 2 - TO ENCOURAGE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND COMMUNICATION Strategies & Actions o Improve media relations [.J Investigate most cost effective way to deliver information to all citizens o Expand e-government services such as making documents available on the website, easy identification of staff and phone numbers for emergency calls o Utilize tax inserts to update citizens on time sensitive or important matters o Review the information we are communicating to ensure consistent message and branding o Ward Councillors to conduct town hall meetings with assistance from staff OBJECTIVE 3 - TO SUPPORT AND EXPAND VOLUNTEERISM Strategies & Actions o Enhance existing Volunteer Recognition Program o Provide support and training such as management, fund raising, marketing to volunteer organizations U Develop a program to promote volunteerism including the development of a Volunteer Directory o Use existing community events to recognize volunteers 11 Corporate Strategic Business Plan ~ v-J D. GROWTH MANAGEMENT AND TRANSPORTATION OBJECTIVE 1 - TO ENSURE BALANCED GROWTH Strategies & Actions I:] Initiate Official Plan Review with the emphasis on managing rapid residential growth and educating the public !.J Implement Places to Grow with emphasis on intensification I:] Protect the Greenbelt and the Oak Ridges Moraines o Maintain urban separators between urban communities U Encourage builders to build high density development o Educate existing builders to adapt to the character of the community !.J Prioritize residential growth areas through the develop- ment of a phasing plan o Require Market Studies to support a plan of subdivision Corporate Strategic Business Plan OBJECTIVE 2 - TO DEVELOP A GREEN COMMUNITY STRATEGY Strategies & Actions l.J Establish Community Advisory Committee including partnership with local businesses through the Board of Trade o Develop a Municipal Green Plan I:] Retrofit Municipal facilities for energy conservation U Liaise with Veridian on energy saving partnership program o Maximize senior government funding opportunities o Explore green building initiatives such as LEED certification OBJECTIVE 3 - TO IMPROVE AND EXPAND ALL MODES OF TRANSPORTATION Strategies & Actions l.J Lobby for both GO and VIA Rail stations in Bowmanville o Investigate the feasibility of"bikeways" o Connect trails and walkways 12 ~ ,;:::.. E. INFRASTRUCTURE AND ASSET MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVE 1 - TO DEVELOP A LONG TERM ASSET MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Strategies & Actions U Hire appropriate staff to ensure compliance with Provincial legislation in asset accounting o Inventory all capital assets electronically U Update Development Charge Study o Establish a life cycle cost for each asset o Develop a financial strategy including decommissioning cost o Acquire the necessary software OBJECTIVE 2 - TO ENHANCE INFRASTRUCTURE AND ROAD NETWORK Strategies & Actions o Provide steady capital funds in Annual Budget o Prepare a long term 5-10 years Capital Plan o Monitor condition of road network and implement preventative maintenance works o Review best practices i:J Upgrade rural roads o Lobby senior government to enshrine Gas Tax funding by Legislation OBJECTIVE 3 - TO UPGRADE EMERGENCY OPERATION CENTRE Strategies & Actions o Review existing operation to identify deficiencies/ opportunities o Develop a budget strategy to fund this project o Expand envelope of provincial emergency funding through lobby efforts - priority of being nuclear site o Lobby Federal and Provincial governments through Nuclear Host Communities Association for financial support for a new Emergency Operation Centre 13 .+=a Corporate Strategic Business Plan LJI F. RECREATION OPPORTUNITIES OBJECTIVES 7 - TO ENHANCE PASSIVE AND ACTIVE RECREATION ACTIVITIES Strategies & Actions o Complete expropriation of waterfront park properties r:l Enhance youth/adult/older adult programming U Explore public/private partnership opportunities o Give priority to volleyball court projects II Continue development of community parks OBJECTIVE 2 - TO ENCOURAGE COMMUNITY EVENTS Strategies & Actions o Acquire a "mobile" portable stage o Assist local groups in marketing o Assist the Community in organizing cultural events Corporate Strategic Business Plan OBJECTIVE 3 - TO ENHANCE AND CONTINUE THE DEVELOPMENT OF OUR CULTURAL PROGRAMS Strategies & Actions o Promote events on municipal website li Provide event boards at entrances/gateways to communities 14 -+::::ao ~ IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES The Strategic Business Plan is more than a structured and co-ordinated approach for articulating our municipal vision, a mission statement, business focus, objectives, strategies and actions. It is a genuine effort to address the needs ofthe community. Our strategies to ensure the successful implementation ofthe Strategic Business Plan include: 1. Each department shall prepare a departmental business plan to define, augment and implement those actions identified in this Corporate plan. 2. We will move slowly and cautiously. 3. Ensure all actions are feasible from the perspective of available staff and financial resources. 4. Review every six (6) months and amend if necessary, to ensure this Plan remains current and to reflect the changing need of our community stakeholders. 5. Ensure each and every decision aligns with the business focus and objectives of this Plan. 6. Post the Strategic Business Plan on the municipal web site to allow continuous feedback from the public. 15 Corporate Strategic Business Plan +::a . -...j C .Q III 'S;: o EOlC C .8 "C .- Ol OJ Q:i C C ~ ';:: .;:: ~ ro 0..:2: u -g-oO C ro C >. .- "C ro.,!:: ~ OJ III ro ro CCo.. 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