HomeMy WebLinkAboutFND-014-07 Cl!J!mgron REPORT FINANCE DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE JUNE 18,2007 Resolution #:GPA-,%/~07 Date: Report #: FND-014-07 File #: By-law #: Subject: DEVELOPMENT CHARGES BY-LAW AMENDMENT: MAJOR OFFICE BUILDINGS IN ENERGY AND SCIENCE PARKS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report FND-014-07 be received; 2. THAT based on a review of S 10(2) of the Development Charges Act, there is no need to alter or amend the Development Charges Background Study, May 2005, prepared by Hemson Consulting Ltd.; 3. THAT the exemption provided for in the amendment to the By-Law is proposed to be effective on September 10, 2007; 4. THAT a public meeting be held on September 4, 2007 in accordance with Section 19 of the Development Charges Act; Reviewed b0~.:...... ~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer NT /na REPORT NO.: FND-014-07 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND: 1.0 On June 27, 2005, Council adopted the existing development charges with the approval of Report FND-007-05 and the accompanying By-Law 2005-108. This By-Law, by statute expires after five years or June 30, 2010. DEVELOPMENT CHARGE BY-LAW AMENDMENT PROCESS: 2.0 The DCA, 1997, allows a municipality to amend an existing development charges by-law. Section 19 of the Act sets out the requirements related to this procedure: 19. (1) Sections 10 to 18 apply, with necessary modifications, to an amendment to a development charges by-law other than an amendment by, or pursuant to an order of, the Ontario Municipal Board. 19. (2) In an appeal of an amendment to a development charges by-law, the Ontario Municipal Board may exercise its powers only in relation to the amendment. 2.1 To amend a development charges by-law a municipality must go through the same public process associated with enacting a development charges by-law. It needs to complete a background study outlining the purpose of the amendment and the rationale for the amendment. This document serves as the background study required under s.1 0 of the Act. 2.2 A municipality also has to hold a public meeting on the amendment, having provided three weeks notice of the meeting, and has to have made the background study and proposed by-law amendment available two-weeks prior to the meeting. The public meeting is proposed for Sept 4, 2007 and will be advertised commencing August 13, 2007. The applicable documents will be available at the Clerk's Department commencing August 7, 2007. 2.3 Section 19(2) of the DCA is important because it allows for an amendment to an existing by-law to be passed without exposing the unaltered portions of the by- law to appeal. When amending a development charge by-law only the section(s) of the by-law amended or added is subject to appeal and consideration by the OMB. BACKGROUND STUDY REQUIREMENTS: 3.0 The by-law currently provides for a 50% refund for industrial buildings that are LEED certified. Given the intent of the Energy Business Park Plan and the Science and Technology Park to attract an array of prestige employment, there are instances where some uses will not fall within the definition of "industrial" as REPORT NO.: FND-014-07 PAGE 3 currently provided for in the Development Charges By-law. The proposed amendment to provide a 50% refund for major office buildings that are LEED certified within the Clarington Energy Park as identified in Schedule 6(a) and the Clarington Science and Technology Park as identified in Schedule 6(b) to By-law 2005-108 will not result in any individual developer or land owner in the Municipality paying a higher development charge after the by-law is amended. The exemption will result in some lost development charges revenues that the Municipality will need to offset from other revenue sources if any growth related capital costs are required as a result of the exemption being provided. 3.1 Section 10(1) of the DCA, 1997, sets out the requirement for a municipality to complete a development charge background study prior to the passage of a development charge by-law or amendment. Subsection 10(2) identifies what is to be included in the development charge background study. These legislative requirements are summarized as follows: s.1 O(2)(a) - estimate the amount, type and location of development to which the development charge [amendment] is to apply; s.1 O(2)(b) - establish the eligible growth-related costs and services (as determine under paragraphs 2 to 8 of subsection 5(1) of the DCA, 1997) to which the development charge by-law [amendment] would relate; s.1 O(2)(c) - examine, for each service to which the development charge by-law [amendment] relates, the long term capital and operating costs for the capital infrastructure required. 3.2 The amendment proposed is not altering the 'amount, type and location of development' or growth-related capital costs that form the basis of the charge determined in the 2005 Background Study so s.1 O(2)(a),(b) and (c) are not relevant. The proposed amendment therefore does not require an amendment to the Development Charges Background Study, May 2005 and this document serves as the background study required under Section 10 of the Act. PROPOSED AMENDMENT: 4.0 In order to provide for a 50% refund for major office buildings in lands identified as the Clarington Energy Park and the Clarington Science and Technology Park, the Development Charges By-law 2005-108 must be amended in two areas. The definitions in Section 1 (1) must be expanded and an additional subsection must be added to Section 23, Rules Respecting Refunds. The intent of including a minimum floor area is to encourage larger building that can provide for the scale of development desired for this area. It is not dissimilar to the exemption provided for larger hotels. REPORT NO.: FND-014-07 PAGE 4 4.1 It is proposed that Major Office Building be defined as "a building containing business, administrative, and/or professional offices and associated ancillary services containing a minimum of 5,000 square metres of gross floor area." 4.2 Section 23(4) reads as follows: An amount equal to fifty percent of the applicable development charge paid at the time the building permit was issued for industrial development in the Municipality which is certified and registered with the Green Building Council of Canada as meeting the LEED Canada-NC 1.0 Rating System (or its successor). It is proposed that section 23(4) be amended as follows: after the "was issued for," insert "major office buildings on lands identified in Schedule 6A and Schedule 6B and". RECOMMENDATIONS: 5.0 Based on a review of the applicable legislation, it is recommended that an amendment to the Background Study, May 2005 is not required. It is recommended that the appropriate By-Law be recommended to Council for enactment after comments received at the September 4, 2007 public meeting. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169