HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSD-008-07 Clfll-!llglOn REPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE June 18, 2007 Resolution #:{bP4-i.f39'-Z:>7 Date: Report #: CSD-008-07 File #: By-law #: Subject: SCHEDULE OF RATES AND FEES 2007/08 - 2008/09 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CSD-008-07 be received; and 2. THAT Council approve the attached Rates and Fees Schedule for the two (2) year period, September 1,2007 to August 31,2009. Submitted by: J s p P. Caruana ir ctor of Community Services Reviewed Q~.2..,kk Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer JPC/SM/GA/jm CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-5506 REPORT NO.: CSD-008-07 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 In June 2004, Council approved Report CSD-09-04 which recommended various rates and fees associated with municipal recreation programs, facilities and services for the period September 1, 2004 to August 31, 2007. 1.2 Historically, rates and fees have been established for a three (3) year period that coincided with the term of Council. During the last election, the term of Council changed from a three (3) year term to a four (4) year term. In light of this change, staff propose a change of the term of the rates and fees from a three (3) year period to a two (2) year period. Staff believe that a two (2) year period will still provide participants/community groups adequate time to prepare and plan for proposed fee increases, while providing a more accurate analysis of comparative data and a better understal"!ding of the current costs to provide the service. 1.3 As part of the rates and fees review, staff completed an analysis of applicable comparison data for the municipalities of Port Hope, Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax and Pickering. 1.4 This report will identify existing rates and fees and recommend a new schedule for the 2007/08 year and 2008/09 year. (Attachment #1) 1.5 This report includes fees for the gymnasium, meeting rooms and pool at the Newcastle and District Recreation Complex which will open Spring 2008. 2.0 Summary of Major Changes 2.1 Public Swimmina and Skatina Currently there is no charge for children ages 5 and under to swim and/or skate during any public swim/skate session at municipally run facilities. This report proposes the introduction of a nominal fee ($2.75/session) for children between the ages of 4 - 5 yrs. Children 3 years and under would continue to attend at no charge. 2.2 10 Visit Passes In order to meet customer needs the Municipality offers "10 passes" for a variety of services (i.e. public swim, skate and fitness centre). The proposed fee schedule adopts a standard methodology for determining the cost of a 10 pass. All 10 passes have been calculated on the basis of 8 single visit admissions, therefore, each 10 pass offers a standards savings of two single admissions. REPORT NO.: CSD-008-07 PAGE 3 2.3 Family Rates Currently the Municipality has established "family rates" for both swimming and skating. The intent of this rate was for immediate family with no restriction of the number of people. Staff are recommending that the family rate be revised to reflect a "group rate" which would apply to any group arriving together. This rate would impose a limit of 5 people, with a maximum of 2 adults per group. Staff believe this change will result in improved customer service and greater public acceptance. 2.4 Non-Resident Rates Currently there are individual non-resident rates for membership categories and facility rental space. Recreation programs are currently not subject to a non- resident rate however, the registration period is delayed by one (1) week to allow Clarington residents the first opportunity to register for programs. The proposed fee schedule recommends a standard 10% surcharge applied to all facility rentals, membership categories and recreation programs. Currently, the number of non residents participating in Municipality of Clarington Community Services activities is very limited. 2.5 Ice Rate - Statutory Holiday Surcharae This rate is being reduced from $90.00 per hour to $50.00 per hour which is a more accurate reflection of our actual operating costs. The rate is added to all ice rentals that occur on statutory holidays. The surcharge offsets the additional costs incurred to staff a facility on days where holiday overtime rates apply. 2.6 Off Ice Trainina Rate This new rate is created to provide minor ice sport users dry land training facilities to complement their on ice programs. This rate will be applicable to South Courtice Arena Upper Viewing and Garnet Rickard Recreation Complex Multi-Purpose Rooms. 2.7 Indoor Soccer/Outdoor Lacrosse Rates - Prime Season/Off Season Dates Changes to the dates applicable to prime and off season have been proposed. Currently, the prime indoor season runs from September 1 to May 31. The proposed revision will identify the prime season as October 1 to May 31. The revised off season would operate June 1 to September 30. Staff anticipate an increase in the use of the facility as a result of this change. REPORT NO.: CSD-008-07 PAGE 4 2.8 Multi-Purpose Room Rates - Community Group Licensed and Non Licensed This new rate is based on a 10% discount off the existing applicable resident rates for multi-purpose room rentals for Clarington-based community organizations. 3.0 COMMENTS 3.1 Generally, proposed fee increases for the majority of services are between 2% and 5%. 3.2 The Community Services Department continues to focus efforts on maintaining quality services at reasonable rates, encouraging community participation and active living. In preparing this report, staff monitored various trends in recreation programming and comparable services provided by neighbouring municipalities. 3.3 Council is aware of ever increasing operational costs, specifically wages and utilities. These increases have been considered by staff in preparation of this report and are reflected in the recommended rates and fees. Attachments: Attachment #1 - 2007/08 and 2008/09 Rates and Fees CSD-008-07 Attachment #1 Schedule of Fees and Rates - 2007-2009 - Proposed Program/Service Unit urrent Rate 2007/08 2008/09 General Admissions I, i - - ~ --- -. .~-_._"--_._-~._---- - .-- - ---r---"-~~- --t------- 0..---_--- 1-----.---- -~-.. ---- Public Swi!fJl$~ate- f!!!'-Yi~/L_~ _______~_ _ ._+______+_ ____._ ~_ ~__~ _ Adult I : $3.75 i $3.75: $3.75 Youth/S~nior _.--_ --=-.=-=-=.=--==--=---=- -~=~~-,--~--=--~=- =~ $2~7~J=-_-~~~~?J- $2.75 FamilylQroupjf\llax 5-1 ~ adultsL~___ __ ___---!- ___ .---l=-- ~7.5Ql~. _$~_.50: $9.25 ghildr_en. 3 &._und~ _.____ _ ____~ ----f--- I .f\!o charge: _f\!~JlCi!9~~_ No_charge C~i1(jren.4 - .?yr:s_ __.___~n_~__ ~____I i N~~ha~L.__ ~~.7~l_~_.~2.7fj AduJt 10 pClS~_ __ ____~___~____. 110 pass__+--__$29.Q~-- $3Q.QoL n__~3Q_"_QO Youth/Senior 10 Pass_._____~__~~!lJ~ass. ! . $21.00l-__$l?___QQt .. ~_22.Q() FClmllYjO.P~s~__ _____._ ---~--.-.------i 1 0 pass~--t-_-- $57.09f--j65.00 In_n_~? 4.00 ficketJ~e- ~-=-_~'_- ===-=- _ -four_+----$s:b~--_--~.6-"-Q91-.-~= $6~6_0 ~hil1n~__ _ .u_ _ I i. $5.00 I $~.OO '_ ._$6.QO Yol!th..~t}inDY.n_____ . 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I I Pay-go activities 6/6/2007 Page2of20 CSD-OOB-07 Attachment #1 Schedule of Fees and Rates - 2007-2009 ---.-l~.--."-- Program/Service Unit Proposed Current Rate: 2007/08 2008/09 Total Hockey i! I -- -- -- -- --- ----.-------------------------+----------------f--------- General Admissions- per visit ! I !. GEmeral(11-~4 year~_-~-=--==__=__==___________=_ -- 1--==-~~J_=---=----$EfOQL-==-~~.oo $6.00 ~:~{~~j~;~:;~~g~~~r) ~-=--~ .--~~__~n_~_ --. .-- I-~ No c~~~~i -N.Qc~1r~tNo c!:g~ Far:njly (~a9u!ts.arldb.QuthL ___ ---l! $18.0~+__-~18.00: __$18-"OQ G'!Qups gQ 0-," I'l!o--,"~L ----____~ ----tel' person $4.CNt $4..:.QO i _$4.00 , I I $35.obr-$3S.00i -$35.00 I r---il- -~- I Per person I $20.00 1-$2O:ooT=~$1()-"OO Irer person 1- _._ _$15.0l $1?OOI~15=00 I ~- I i ~:~~::Ir:;i~~~~:SFe. .exduding facility renlals=-j f --. - $1o.ooL - $1000: _-$~~()O ~.~ F_e~ _ ------_____ 'I ~ $20.001_$25.00i. $25.00 Re lacement Access Card I $5.00 I - $5.001 - $5.00 Season Ticket Holder IearTllBLr!h9~Y pa!!Y:gold L~_rnl~irtbQC!YP~!!Y-silver Pay-go activities 6/6/2007 Page3of20 CSD-008-07 Attachment #1 Schedule of Fees and Rates - 2007-2009 - -------- --------------- --T------ -- Proposed Program/Service Unit i Current Rate 2007/08 2008/09 Fitness : i Fitness- Assessments----------------rHour ---- - 1---$32.00T- $36-'<)0- $40.00 --- --- --------- ------------- . -- -----r-----u~--- ___u______ ------ FltnessAs~essme!!ts=_~~nio~__ i I-IQ.LJ!___~_~__u $16.00 j~$18.00~ ~20.00 i::~:l!~:~~~,senior =- -- !~i~ss I $m.~~;Hi~~~$;iH~ Persgna! ii-ainiQ9:.SeuI}iQ~_-=-_==_~-~-15pas~_ I $57.~Q~~L5~00 _-j9Q~96 PersonaLT@i~u______' _~_l1Q Pass_~ $230.001 $2?8...:Q9L~32Q.90 Personal Training-Senior _ _ :10 Pass I $115.001$139.00: $160.00 __u_______ ------ - j-1hrper i ----i-i-- Perso_nalTI'"~inirl9:-Qro~~~ ~SOrl~ $20.0QL $30~Q.Ol__ $30:99 , 1, ---- ------~ i~--___l--- -1--- - Fitness ffiero!>.Lc~______ 112 Classes_ $49.~00 __ $51.001,_ _ $53_.90 Fitness {t.erobics)-Senior '12 Classes I $24.50 $26.001-~27.00 , ' I I Programs 6/6/2007 Page4of20 CSD-008-07 Attachment #1 -- ---- -- -----'----, ~--_._--,.. ---_.,--_._~------ -------,--- --- Schedule of Fees and Rates - 2007-2009 Program/Service Unit Recreation I -- -- - -.-- -- - -- ----.-------.--- --.----.~---.--.--. -,---..----1___ _____ Marc!! 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I I ! Drama_ CJubj1.~ .ho_l.Jr~\N~~______ ___--l1.QJ,IV~~Is..~_J_____r_.Jew~$140.0Q.L-$J4.9.90 Drama ClllP (1.~5_~ours/we~~L______~___i16_WeekS_+__$1~.OO!_~J.!35.00.J 11??O_O Pre-! e~r1'pC!ng~s____ _______ ____ ______-+~l9!!L___+-___..__!~. O<2l____~9J291__ ~9:...QO Iper child I ! 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Private 110 Lessons I $208.00 $218.00! $227.00 .- ----------.-.-------.----.,------_~_._.__ n~ _.._ ___ _ _Se'!lii'rivC!!eJ.2..2.erclas~_______ i10 Less<?!ls i ~$130.Q.Q _$136.QQ.L$14~..DO_ Bronze Star ~10 weeks=4= $78.Q!ll_$81.00! $84.00 13ro!:lz~Miaa}lioril+-m~muaIL~ . 110 Weeks I $145~QoD150.QQL$155l>0 Brmon?e_Cr2.?_~.__!"ma'lual___m__ 110 Weeks +~ $132.0&$136:001-.1141-_00 Red Cross Assistant Water SafetyJr1structor i I $198.00 I $204.00 $210.00 - -_._--_.~-_._._-_._------ --- ._~ ---~-- ------ Re9 yros~~!fesavin..a.Society Instructor ! ~I' $239.00 J $244.Q9Lj24f~.0_Q Nat~()n~1 ~ifesaving Society .155 Hours --1-_ $239.00! $244.90;$248:0Q. ReQ~rossJ.nstructorR~cerL _I $67.~~. $6(.001 ~10.0Q N!-~_R~cert _ _~_ . $64.00 I $67.~$70.00 Adult!!:lstruction___.___ 10Lessons i $78.001 $81.001__$84.0.0 Hea_(:L~'!rt 10 Weeks! $25.00i_$25.0~t-$25j)0 Swim Patrol 10 Weeks I $72.00i $75.001 $78.00 Syn~~~ro_l-lizecLSwimming i 10 Lessons I - $6~.00 ~ $68.00! -.. $71.-90 : -f--- I ' i 12 Weeks+__ $8{OOr$87 ~OO [$~O~QQ 112 Weeks I $42.001$44.00! $45.00 i 12 Weeks $125.00 l $14'0.061 ~_L5~_.90 112 Week~_ $62.50 I $?0:90 1 ....178.00 112 Weeks $165.0~~185.D0'11 $2Q7.0Q ~ee~T~_n.!82.501 ._$9~.00+_$104.9Q_ -110 Weeks -t-_$84.00+- -~i~~i _~i~c .~ Classes-lNew .. -==- ~j1 OO.~ $1Q.4~90 -416 Classes I New ______H__+__ $50.00-i-. _ $5~-"-09 I I ! i '~--r---' -.---. -,-' -.- - . I I t.q~afit -lI""eek AqlJ~fit..1!~eek-S.~ni~_ Aq~~fit::-.2l""ee~ ._. .__ Aqu~fit:.2~~~~k-Sen~_~ Aqll~t=-3/""e~~_ AqlJam-~!~e~~-Senio~___ Nic~ ~nQ Eas'y~guafit _.___ Summe!f\~!it..y""eek __ ~ulTl'!le-," ~q~fit-y""eek..Senior_....__ Programs 6/6/2007 Page7of20 CSD-008-07 Attachment #1 Schedule of Fees and Rates - 2007-2009 ------ -- ------- - --~~--r-~----T~- - --T - --- Proposetf Program/Service ; Unit r Current Rate i 2007/08 2008/09 Standard First Aid/CPR C ! 16 Hours! $78.00 ! $81.00 $84.00 Standard First Aid/CPRCRecert-----~-8 Hours--T---$50.00T-$60~OO' - $62~00 - ------ -- -- ---- -- --- --- ----~--~~-,---- -- -----r------~ i _u_ ----- - ----- ------- Em~!g~':l~y J=irsL Aid/gPRJL _______;~__Hours__~--_-$E30-99j _ $60.00-+-_ $l?_2.00 ~:g~~:i~~~~~o~~f;--------_-_-_~HOU~__+__~__ $6~.~~1_{~~:~~ t---~~~:~~ Programs 6/6/2007 Page8of20 CSD-008-07 Attachment #1 Schedule of Fees and Rates - 2007-2009 - ~~~ ---- --~ ------------ - -~ --- Proposed Program/Service I Unit Current Rate 2007/08 2008/09 Arena Rental Rate~_ ____ ______~____________ -1---~--------J-----------L- _ ___ ____ Winter Ice Permjt~_ (L_abQur QEJY-Jun~~O AnnuaIlYJ_l__L__ _____~ _ --t- ~_~__ Prime Time Monday-Friday S pm-11 pm, I ! I ~~~:d~r~~u~~~ft6arn--1J:oQp-m__---------tHo-ur----+---$169.aoi - $174])0 --$179.00 ~:~_~~:ee~~~{~ ~- -- - -~ = =====--=-~~~~~----+-- -~~~~::~~! --=--~~~~:~~ _ __ ~~~;:~~ Non-Prime Youth -- -- -- -- ]i;our 1 ~$106.001~ -$106.00~ - -$109.00 Non--Resident-Adu!1__ __ =- =-= -~--~rHour =+-~$21o.Q911oo/;surchar9i_110o;o-s~rCbarge-__ St~iHoliday-~~rc~aigi- ~--==__ ~~our 1- $90.00i---$50.00L-=-=--=-Iso.oo ~~~~~~:&iS~/~E:~nts==- - I:o"r -=1= $180001__$17~~oi__---~ $179,00 Agult ~o~~P!ime_____c____ +~~ : $16~.~~--- ~~;~:~~----=~=-~~~~~~ ~;_~~~~;~rim'!. _u_ ~---- I~ I N.,.,I___$10600j _ n ll0900 ~u".,n-,~rice piimilsiJyiy]J-abour Dayj~___t L_____l-==_ j_~==-_____- - - _ ~~:;~_:i:~_:_$~~~~-~~-~__~___ ~~~~ I - ~~~::~- ~~~;:~~t=---=--~--~J-~t~~ ~9!1_=Prime Adult ______ Hour___ i New! $144.001 $148.00 ~ol'l-prlme YOlJt~___ ---- ----- Hour =1=- $-1SNo-.eO~QlII----.- - _ $$11-2s_9s..00mOI ----__--_ $$-_113S-~S--'.-000o H9_~keyJ)c~o()ts _ __________ Hour -+_ _ _ ___ _ __ __ N~rl...8e~id~ntA(:tl!lt__ ______ _ Hour --t-- $190.0'oO/~~urCh~e --f 1 O!o~l!rcb~!9~ ----- -- - - --- - -- ------------ --- ---+--~--___t-~------u_-~--- --- --------____ I 1_ __~L : ! I , i I ~_____ ______n~_____!- ___ ---~-I---- - i--- - Facilities 6/6/2007 Page9of20 CSD-008-07 Attachment #1 Schedule of Fees and Rates - 2007-2009 -~- m__~__ --T-~-~-~- ~T--------~- Proposed Program/Service ! Unit Current Rate 1 2007/08 2008/09 Off Ice Trai[ling _~ates lin ~o~lL1nctio!! ~tbl~e rentalsL_ HOLJ!_~__~____+_____~__ ~13Wi_~~___$2Q:.oJl $20.00 South Courtic~ Arena Upper Viewing, Garnet Rickard I I ! Complex Multi-Purpose Room I I : - -- - ~ -..------~._-.-.---...-~ --.---~-.-~--_.~..-~-------.-.~-.~.-----+----~.--~.----t---.---~--. -.----- Iii - ~-- -- -r--- +------~--+-~-----~ Arena F/oor Exhl"-~ts - -__~_ _____~__ +_ ____ 1_______-+_ ~__ ___ _H.--__ _~_~~:FU_~ction~com-~unltyGroups_=_~=~- ~~:~ -----~~-==_n i-~~~:6m-~~=__: :~~t~6L~_~ _ J~~~~~~ Exhibit Funti~n~g()f!l_rn_~~~i?=~ -=----=-~-----=y=i=- - $970.0.QL._ $1~000.~~1__~_ $1_.~3Q.~~ f'l;J,~/oor~fl:m!t~__ ~_--:~~==_ --=:----- ~ur--- I $70.0ot-.=--____~--$L~.0.9L__ __ $74.00 Youth Hour I $61.00 i $63.00 i $65.00 :N_on-B~sjg~nt~ -=~~=:::- -===___ Hour L- $80.00r100/~-surCharge _j_1Qo/~_~urcl1~rgi_ , I Facilities 6/6/2007 Page10of20 CSD-008-07 Attachment #1 Schedule of Fees and Rates - 2007-2009 ~- - -----_.~"-~--_.- ._._-~-~ Outdoor Lacrosse Bowl Rates -~ -- -- ------.-- ---------- ------ ~j9hted__ __. --___.__u~ N()!!-!-i~bte(L_ __ ~_ __ _ Pool Rental Rates -- ~----_..- ~'--"', ...~ -- .------ -------- Pool OnJyIVlfl GlJf3r(j~(~a~1c!QL__ . F>o()l~nctTo! Po()1 ~Gu_ard~_ ______ pOQla~~~li<!e_ (4 ~uardsL______ Po()I/~licte-'! ()LPoolJ~~rd&_ --- ----- ----- ----- .~... ._.~---------- YO~th-Clubs_&_ S~h()Qls-5a.!ll-~a!!!... _._ ~LGuard _y ()u!tl.:-Clubs__~~~h(:)Qls-8am~.LOJ>m ~uardsextra) t\du!ts-9!lIbs_(Gua,"-d~._e~aLu._____. Speci~J Evellt!?(GlI.a~(js~.xt@l._____ _~.__ Lifeg I!.C!rd.s 6/6/2007 Facilities Proposed 2007/08 2008/09 $70.00 -- ---- j~-____ i=~~____ ~.__ ._ ~~;:~~t-- -~~;:~~l------ - ~~~~~~- ! ~. --- -r---- u_._____ __ t--=-~~T---~_ $12~ $125.00_$J?9...:0.o I $141.001 --$141~()Or-- $146.00 1____ ~~~~:.~~~- ~~;~:~~!--=------}}:~:~~ I $57.00~ -- $~;~~f==--.-$59.00 -----y----_._-_.._--~--~..~-_._, - -----... -- ------- - I $55.00!___~5~.Q'OL_ $57.00 -I---. _~ $65.D..O-L-.__ _$65.Q.Q j _ _ ~6~00 ! $79.00: Disc Disc -.---- --~ ~"----T------ ------ ----; i--_$20.0011___1~OJ~()i $20.00 i i i --~~------t j---- -r---~ ~ -- --~ Page11of20 CSD-008-07 Attachment #1 Schedule of Fees and Rates - 2007-2009 --..-----~_____r__-.~--~ ---r I Proposed 2007/08 2008/09 Program/Service Multi-Purpose ~ooms_ Unit Current Rate n __. ___________+ _____ _ _-+ ____ __ I I Courtice -----------r I ______1___________ --- ~---------~ __n_______~~ --.-T---- _____ _ ,_. _ Full Hall __ ______m____~Onday-ThUrSday :-----__L_____ __ ___._ ~i~:~~~~~~:~~:e~~idef!t -- ---- ------------I~~:~:~ ~ ~ -t----~~~~:~*----~~~~~~ r- --- ~~~~:~~ ri:~~~~~~~~~~r~~llJl-~~-: __. ---:-. f-:- n .1- -~=~::r_-~:~;~~~E--:~~~~ Non-licen_c~d-t-.J(:>n_-R_e~id~nl __ Event-10 '$345.00 10% SurchCl!9.El__ J jO_%l'.LJrcharge_ licenc~cI-t>J_~n-B_e~i<!er~..t ___ _ _ ____ Event-10 $490~00 1 0% sUrCharg~~ 1.QDfo~!!rc;~~rge_ un -- ---- ----- ---------- _____~_________ _m Half Hall --- ~ - -------.-- --..------- '--'-_._~-_.~.- Non-licenced-Resident - -----~._,_.._-_._-_..._- ---_._--_._----~_.- -- ._~._-- licenced-Resident -~_._---- --------..---- -.----- --..-- ---..- N.QI}-p~~nced-:QoB1ml!ni!y _(3r9l!Q___ Ljc;e!!cEld-=-C~m_Il!!J'!i!Y_G!()!!p u_________ Non-licenced-Non-Resident - ----- -_._._-_._--------~.-._---_..._- '-~- Licenced-Non-Resident Monda -Thursday Event-1 0 Event-10 $160.00'--$160.()Ot- $164.00 - $220.00 -$220.001-- -- $-225.()0- New--- $144.001-----$148.00 ------t--------n--- ---- _1-~$20~.~~'1 0% sur~~gr~.~~ 11J>~~sjJr%~~~Q $280.0010% Surch~~_boll;'o Sur~b.~r9.~ I , I I _ l- . --- ..--~E=---~~~------ -1=-- - -k - . n=j-- ... .--:- ---~t~-=-~---=--__J_~---------~-~----~ -- - - --- I I ! --~ -------- - ----r-- --- Event-10 Event-1 0 --~--=- = =-= =-= -==-=---=-~----+- I 1 -+ Facilities 6/6/2007 Page12of20 CSD-008-07 Attachment #1 Schedule of Fees and Rates - 2007-2009 -- --- ---~~In_---------i----- --- -- - Proposed Program/Service Unit Current Rate 2007/08 2008/09 Courlice _ __ __ _ _ -~-~--J : ~_ ___ _--1 _ ___ _ _ _ _ Full Hall __ ___ _ _ __ _ __ __~ I Frid~y-Sl!!l~~1___~_________ ~ __ _ __ Non.Licenced.ReSident~Event.l 0 : $345.00: $345.00 $355.00 ~i~~~~~~~~:ci~~;~munit ~r~u ~ -=- =---=-=~~=~=- ,Event-10 ---=-=-~-- ~-- $50-~~~~ --= =-~ -i~-~~:~~~- :~~~:~~ ~;;~~:~tJ;~;~~%e~~d:i~~ ~___~ ::----- -- - -~ent~:' _= _-. t :._ $44~.~~ 0% sUr!:';r~Z~I~02' s:r!:;~ZO L~~~;.~Q~,ReSi~enL__ ~= _ --- ~t.l0 I $590.00110% surc~~e _+1_0%_S~~harge t;r~!n:~.ReS~d~nt::'-= -= --- == - I ~~~~t~~Unday I $190.J- - ---- $190001= -:... - $19~00 Licenced-Reside-nt --- ---~-IEvent-10 $280.00i-~$280.00r-n- $288.00 t!C;-n~Li~ence~~:C_oril_l!!gnitLGrollQ -~ I Newl $171 J?Ql= =-_jT7~.Oi> !-i~~Ilc::~~-Qommuni!Y Grou~ NewL__ $2~~~OJlJ__ _ _~2~~.9i> _NQIl:hic::enc~~t-Non-~~s~enL____ Event-10 $235.00 1 0% SurchCi!9~J1Q% Surcharge__ _L_i~e_~c~(j_-f\J~-Re_~denL ___ Event-10 I $340.00~ Surch~0 0% Sur~~rRE:l_ r:ilBi~~!~Jt;~d~~= _ --=~-- - -~I~~:~:::~ j ~::~!H~L% s~r~~~~0IiO%8~r~~~r~~~ !-ic~!lced-go'!lrT1_urll!L<?-,"-Ol!P___~ I Newl $915.0or $942.00 !'JQn_~~ic::e_~~e==~~ -=_===-=-_ -!I____~ewL __$915.Q~I- -_$~~~:-6Q --- -------~-~-~~=~ ~~ IL- ==_ .t----=----=~_=L_=---__ _ I Ii: I I - -~~~-T- ---- ~- -1-- Facilities 6/6/2007 Page13of20 CSD-008-07 Attachment #1 Schedule of Fees and Rates - 2007-2009 Proposed Program/Service Unit Current Rate 2007108 I 2008/09 Ri~kard Recreation CO!!'JJle)(___ ~_ _____~___ ____m___ ___-+__~_____~__ __ full HfJlI ____________ ____ __ Mond~- Thursd_~t_----~ ___ ""pn-Licenced-ResidenJ ______ _____________ Event::.1'O___-+--______ $510.00j_____ $519.00 $525.00 Licenced-Resident Event-10 I $730.001 ____~?30,OO $750.00 - - -- - - -- --------------- ----------,---------1-- ~of'l.-Licenced-Comn~ul1ity_GL~uQ ___ __ __ I _ New! _ ~459.00 __ $472.00 Licenced-Community Group --------~-I--~Newr--- $657.00f $675.00 Non-Licenced-Non-Resident Event-10 I _ $630.00 i 1 0% Surchar~ ~ 1 0% Surcharge -Ucenced-~Non-Resident-------------~ Event-10 \ - $875.00110% Surchar9..e: 1 0010 Surcharge u_ ----- ---===_=-=_=~-- C~------L~==-=- -l-=-=~- --__~ ~~~-~~~-nced-Resident---- --~-- ~~;:t~r~ThUrSday -1 $275.00-t---$275.iio 1---$283.00 !-ice~~eq~-ResidenJ__~===~==== Event-10 I $420.00i___!420.QQl=-- _ _$~32._Q6 NOf'l.-Licen_ced-Q.Q.m_rl1uni!y'Gro~ NN1eeWlww, __$$23_4880,.0000tl__ ___ __ $~23-_95_ 5_1..9000-_-_ Licel}ced-9()!l1rl1unlty_Gro~________ ieWf- - _ U __ Non-Licellc~ci-!'J..C>n=-~_~sid~L______~__ Event-10 ~ $355.00 10% Surcbarge J10% Sur~t:!.arg~_ Ll~~"-~~d-Non-Resident Event-10 ---1 $495.00 10% Surcharge 110% Surchar:ge f~Y,~~~BeC~t~~C=~ex- .-___ ~ -<J~ .. . .... J-~~-- ... N~n-Ljcen_c~<i-~~s!denL___ ___ $645.0QL--_ $645~ ___ $6~4.00 Li(;~f'l.c~cl-!3-e~jQ.ern______________ $925.001~?5~QOI _ ____$95_?QO Ci~~~~~-~~~~~~i~~~~U~_r:R _=~-- i--~ - ~:;l- u_~:~}~(~~__ ~:~l~~~~ Non-_Li~nce.d-Non:B~sidellt.__ ___ _____ __ Event-10 -T - __ $76_0.00 I 1.0% Sur<:h_C!!'~__IJOj'o .?l:I.r_charg~ Licenced-Nan-Resident Event-10! $1,100.00110% Surchar.ge i 10% Surcharge - -=___==_-__--=--=_~ --~--~L__---~-l_ - -=L----=---- -=1~- _=~ _n - -- --------- _~~__L__ +- -r-------.l- -- -- -----=-:.--= -=-~ j=--- i ---I -=- i-u-- Facilities 6/6/2007 Page14of20 CSD-008-07 Attachment #1 Schedule of Fees and Rates - 2007-2009 ---- --- - -- --~--------I---------- ----r------ Proposed Program/Service Unit I Current Rate 2007/08 2008/09 Half Hal/ __ __ _ _ ____ ______~"____r_Frid~undCly----L---~--~---- _ i_ Non-licenced-Resident I Event-1 0 I $360.00 I $360.00 I $370.00 -- -- -- --- __u_ -- ---- -- -- -- -------~----------------r----- ~__~!____ -_ ____ ..L ~~~:tt,~:~-~~mmunityGroup .. -~:_n==_=_-=fent-1 ~-_~=- t-=-- $51 ~~L~~~ }}~~g~ - }~~~~~ ~i~~~G~~~~~~~~~~~e~f~~~t _n_ --- --- ----- i EVEmt~10-- - -~- i- -- $43~~~ ~ 1 0% sur:~~'~O 11-1 0% sur:::r~'~O ~::::~:o;::e~d:nt_ - _ - _-: __--=-=~I E~~v~:nt-1 0 -=---l.::- $595.0TQ% SlJrcharg~ i 1Q% Surchar.!le Licence-d-Resident -- -- -~-------- Event-12 -----i-~,000.00-[-----$2,OOo-.6Oi - $2,060.00 Uc~nc~~~.NgB-liesicie.nL -=-_-=-===- - Event-12 - -----J- $2,400.09110% Surchar~ 10o/~_S!!fiharge_ I,.JfeJ1fed-(:;olTllll_urli!y: Grql!Q_ __~__ I I New! $1 ,800.00 _ $1,854.00 ~~n-L~c~:C~~~~~__====-_ -=1 I Ne~-r- $1~800-.00 -_ - j1-,85AjlO I Facilities 6/6/2007 Page15of20 CSD-008-07 Attachment #1 Schedule of Fees and Rates - 2007-2009 ----- -- ---- ---T-~----- --- ---- ---- - Proposed - Program/Service Unit Current Rate i 2007/08 ! 2008/09 Meetin9 R~om_ Rates ; I ! g~~~~~~g~~~: - --=--_--_ H -JgUr~--- ~;~~ - $2~~ __ -:: ~~~'~~F= ~~:~~ Resident _ ____ ___ _~_ _ Ho~~__ _ _~_ _-.-1.38.00~__ _~_~l38.o0J_ $38.00 Private 4 Hrs I Newl $105.001 $105.00 - ------ -- -~ ------ ~ ---- t---- -- -. --~-..-------- ---'--"1- Non-Resident/CommerciaL -_____~_______u_ HQ~_~____ +___ $70.0011 0% ~l!Esha.!gei1.()% SLJr~harge ~~~~~:~-_n _n ~ _~_____ -- --- ~~~= 1::- - $2~~~t =~H%~= __m~~ ~~:;~:_itY_Group: == ..-_.. - - _ _ }Hour L--- $52001 _u_ $:001--- $52.00 ~Q!11m_u_nityQroups ~Hr I Newi-- $f35.00r '--$135.00 Resid_enJ______ --~ Hour-i :7Rnnr~- -~-T--- - ----- - --- -- --t $~n---~I~~Q<4- u__ __178.00 RN-eO--_Sn-_~dRe~n_s-_t.-/C--o--_m-m_eEc__I;a-_-I___-__-_--_-__ ~ DHaoiulYr _I Newl - $210.00i -- ___~?JO.OO $125.00 10%_Surch~e~-1Q~(()~ur<~ha!ge Schools Hour $41.00 $41.00 I $41.00 Schools ___ ____==_==~=___ 4 Hr New ___ $1-10.001-___ ___$110.00 I I ! 1- -: I --- - 1-- -- I~~~r ,I $2~~~! -=--~~:!O~t -~-- -= ~~~:~~ Hour $45:.01' -j- $45.-00 _-_~ _ __$45:.00 4 Hr New $120.00 $120.00 _ _______________ ___ Hour :j -~$70.00 10% Surch<!rg:~\Q%.?urcharge Hour ___~~ $21.00C.-__ $21.Q9J _ _$21.00 4 Hr ' New: $45.001 $45.00 _=__ r f~- -___ : n -- - . I I -- -- - -------------1 I ----!---- - - - ...._ __ - - _..__ _0'--____----, ....________ Half Hall - - --- ------ -.- ---- --- --- -- -~.._- CO'!l~uJ1jtYG.rQups__ ____ C()_m!11_uni.tYQr:QLJP_~ ___ _n______ Resident --------.- ---..-- --.. --- _._-~-_.. --~- ~-- Resident - ..--- --..----.------------ Non-Resident/Com mercial ----~- ----- Schools -"'---~'-'---- ~chool~-!Y1gn-Fri-da.YtJ~e___. _~_ n___ Facilities 6/6/2007 Page16of20 CSD-008-07 Attachment #1 Schedule of Fees and Rates - 2007-2009 ------.-.-----.-r.--.~--~-.~ .----~~~- --.-- I ! Prog ram/Service R;c~a~d R~creat;on Comp~~x________ ___ Full Hall --. - - ---- 9()l'1lmunity Grol.lP~_ C~mmunity (~r()up_s Resident Resident u_ _ ._ _ __ Non-Resident/Com mercial -- --- ..-- -- -- - -- ---- ------------------"_._- ---- Schools Schools Unit Current Rate __ Proposed 2007/08 2008/09 ----- Half Hall -- ------ -- -- --- -- --- go_mrn~ni!Yc;r~lI~s____ __ _____ ____ Qomrnun~yGJ:()lIP!?_ _ Resident ___._.__._ ..__ ___on ________.__.' __. _____________ Resident --- --.....-. -..--------- -'--- - _._--~-- Non-Resident/Com mercial ---------- Schools ____ '.____ n____...____,____..._ _ Schools I i -- -- - -------------- - - - - ----- -_ _____ -I __ _ Hour I $100.00: $100.001 $100.00 - _~~~-_=-========_~Hr===-=-==t-=___=_~_=__Ne~_~~=-~-_i30().()QJ _=-- _-: $300.00 IHour ! $150.00: $150.00! $150.00 - ----------- 4Hr-u---~----Newl -- --$3T5.0oi -- $375.00 ------------------ ---r---- --- Hour 1--- $240.0Q11 0% ~u!_~ha!9.~_i19%_?_urchC!rge Hour 1---- $76.0Qj ______ _ $76.00 1-- V'~.OO 4 Hr i New! $210.001 $210.00 _._-_.__._._~---~---~-- -:- ---~:-----_..------I---.._.------_.__..__.- - --1-- ____ _______L~ _ __ u_ ___ I -T- I ! $49.00 I -------s491l-0 i -- - $49.00 -,----- ---- -1- --- - -- - - - -- Newl $120.00 $120.00 $75.00! $75.00 $75.00 Newl $21o.00r--H--$210.00 ~_n___ r-- -~ --- - -- $125.00 10% Surcha~__~J()% ~lJrC?harge $38.00 i $38.00 I $38.00 I ---~_.__._---- --,-..--.-------~-~- New: $90.00 $90.00 ---~-_._- --~. -..--. ----- i Facilities 6/6/2007 Page17of20 CSD-008-07 Attachment #1 Miscellaneous Fees --..----....-- .._---. ._--------- ----.---- --..------ _._._-"~._------- Kitchen-With Hall - -- ..._- -- --_._~ ---- - --- ...__._-~.- ._._-~---_._--- Kitchen-C.'!t~ring Only _.~_ __ _.__.__~___._. Iiefundabl~ [)ep.osiL ~ .. ______ Bartenders Program/Service Unit Current Rate Newcastle Recreation Complex ! --- - . - - ________ ___n___._~____.~-.---------_~-~-~~---,- ____ _. __ IEf;;U~ ~ ~..~. __ - -- . .. .f;ur--~ ..J---= . :ew L~~~o. . Youth/Senior_ _ _ __ _ __ ___~ iH~____~_+______Ne~---.l30.00_ __ m_ ______ __ __~~.~__~-+-~___~_~+___~----~-~-~-~- ~~!Yrn .- - - - - -- iHour - ._1_ Newt-- $3000n- ... $31.00 ~:~:g::~~~iosi:=- ... ~our .1- NeJ $20~~___.__~10~ Col11l11unity_Groups___ ---- ~~~r 1= ~:r= =-.- };~g~ln___ -m~g COI1!.n:!I!Q!ty~r~lJfl~_ -~~. I I Resident Hour.J Newl - $38 OO! -----$38- 00 ~~~~:=id;,":c~m~:::i--- ~::: I ~:io% s~~~~~~O! 1 O%-su~~~r~~O ~()~~Re~~~n.t/G.~:D1_merCial_ 4 hr -I Ne~11 0% Surchar.9..e..l10~ ~u-,"chaige~ ~~~~~:: ----- .~__._n ~~~r I ~:::~ ~~~:~~f - -. i:~:~~ ~ct~i!YR~"n,_ =_ _-~_ . . .-- IHour t=- __ _Newi_$20QQ__-S~-i~~Q~- ------ ~.~--- 4 h_,"--- I N~~ $60.00__ +~ l60:9~ , , 1 -~-~~-:~-~-~ -;-~. --- ~._- - -~-- -- ,---- ~. ===t= $120.001~___$1~0.ool__ I~;}~~r~~-$~;;:~~I._. -~---\T----- --. - --t _. _. I $19.50, $19.501 _._----~---------,--- .__._---- ---_._-~- -,------ ! i I I Schedule of Fees and Rates - 2007-2009 ~ Proposed 2007/08 2008/09 $42.00 $31.00 -.-.- ---- --~-- -..- Event Hour --~- Event Hour $120.00 .$33__00 _ $225.00 $20.00 Facilities 6/6/2007 Page18of20 CSD-008-07 Attachment #1 Program/Service ----- ---- ---_. --_.__._~_._--------~_.._~!~._~_._.._-!-_._-----~-~_._-- i Schedule of Fees and Rates - 2007-2009 Unit Current Rate ----..--- - -- Proposed 2007/08 2008/09 Pool Only I - ~ -- - -- - ---- --------~~--~~---~--- -~----+--~--------- 1----- __u__ Adult iAnnual: $150.00 I $150.00 Youth/Senior -- _u - ------- ------~----- !Annual-T~-$76.cfoi-------$76~00 Adult _ _ - _~ ~ -= ~ ~_=~~~~=_~~= __.JMonthly-i--=-=- _ $39.Q.bl- ~ _-_f3~.00 YO.l!t~IS_enior __ _____ _ __ __ _ _ _ -~~-~____~___tMonthly~---$21j)91~_ _~$~J.OO Family, Max 2 ad_ult~ & 3._c:~ildr~__~_ __ _~_ iAnnual t--- _ $240.00 L-- $260.:.~0 _ F,!mily, Max~ aclUI~~~ 3_~'I~ren _-=- -=-_ _ tonthlY r- $6300 j _-:_ _ $63~00' I ~E I 1~nual I ~ ---~230.0~r=- -=- $230.~0 r - - - $230.00 I ~'~--,--- ---- --.- ----._,- ----..-----------..---,~-- _ Annual $115:00j__$J15.QOl _____~11_5.00 13 Month $135.0Ql___~135.QOL_ ____ $1_~~.00 3 Month $70.00 I $70.00 I $70.00 -y--------------'i ---......-.. --- --- --- +-=--=-=-=~j~--=-~- -- -- -+--_ _n_ _j_ _n~ _ i 1 _~L_~-=-~-=-_~_-____ I I i---~-I $150.00 $76.00 $39.00 $21 .00 - - $280.00 --- -- ----, $63.00 Sguash{CF=_C) _& _P~oL Un _ ____ ______ Adult .- .- -'-' .~--_.- -- -'-'--"--~'------ Youth/Senior ---- -- Adult -- _.. --- .._---- --- -- - '----'- .,-.- Youth/Senior I- t ! Memberships 6/6/2007 Page19of20 CSD-00B-07 Attachment #1 Schedule of Fees and Rates - 2007-2009 -,---~._----! Program/Service Fitness(CCC), Pool & Squash (CFC)* *Membership now includes I squash @CFC_ __u_____ ___ ___~________~___ _~____ ________ ___ +___ Resident : I Adult -- --- - --------------------IArmual ---$450.00 $450~60r $460.00 -- ---- ------ ----- ------- --- --------.------+-------- -.-- -- _Un. -- T Youth/Senior IAnnual I $350.001 $350.001 $355.00 ---..-- ---.----- ---------------~------i--~- ..-.--- ------.---1-- - - Corporate iAnnual I $350.00, $350.001 $360.00 F"mily Discount-Acid'l AdulL ---- _ !Annu,,1 I $.3.50.00t--. ___. _.$..350 __OQ1. _. _. $.3E?.!>'..00 Fam!!y" [)is~ol:Jnt:..t\c!cjly.9~h/~enio!..__ IAnnual $230.00: $230.00 I $235.00 Adult 13 Month -$175.00: --$175.00)-- - $-1i8.00 Youth/Senior-------- ----- 13 Month I $155.00l=-$j55~Q6I == $15~.OO Sumrrr~~PrQ9f'!fDcMiY~ELibour DaYl I}= -.!175.0~__ _~175~Qi$1I8..o0 Post~~fOrl<:iC!..ry Student ___~_ ~onth $175.QQj_ __$175.0.0 ~ _ _._ ~17~.()0 ~~~f~Tsen~r~~_-= . · . - .. .-f~~~ ~ :~~ggl -- :~g~_ ---:~~~ Z~;;BeSjdentj1ii~-surchaTge on base rates above) ----:IAnnuall- ... $590.00+ 10% 8';;:cha'9; ~%8~~cha~e ~~~~~~~iO'-~ _:- = = = -= == ~~~~:P=- ~ggg i :~~ ~~~:~:1~~~ ~~;::~: t~.rnJ!y_Di~co~nt-Ad..<:il~dult_ ------------=t'~A~nnual $440.00 h o'Yo Surchal}tej _ 1Q!o Surcharge famiIYJ::>i.sc;()unt-Add'LY..Q.l!tb!Seni~ _ ______ _ Annual $320.QL10% Surch~':9~i _10% Surcharlle ~~~~ksenior - _-~~__-_- _-_-~-==~~_ i; ~~~:~ I -=--=-_:~~~~_~~j~~~_~~~~:~~:t__~~~;_~~~~~~~: Summer _Pro.9rarTl (fv1~y_ 1_:.~aboLJI. Da}i __ 1__ II $225:00 l_--.10~_surch~r9.~1_10% Sur_c!]arge p~~t Se<:()IJ<!ary~t':l.Qent ___ _ _ ~nth +---_~2?5. 001- JQ%~urchargej__ 1 Q!o Surcharge ~d!JIL ... _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ ____ _ ______ _-1LMonth_1 __$1 05.0Ql J..0%_S~!~hargej_ _~Q% Surcharge Youth/Senior 11 Month $95.00: 10% Surchar e, 10% Surchar e Current Rate - Proposed 2007/08 2008/09 Memberships 6/6/2007 Page20of20