HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-079-07 Cl~-flJgton REPORT PLANNING SERVICES PUBLIC MEETING Date: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE ~eSD\u\iffi1 ~PA~l\-d,d~Ol Monday, June 18, 2007 Meeting: Report #: PSD-079-07 File #: COPA 2007-0006 By-law #: SUBJECT: HARBOURFRONTCENTRE APPLICANT: PORT OF NEWCASTLE HARBOURVIEW LTD. DEVELOPMENT RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-079-07 be received; 2. THAT the application for Official Plan Amendment (COPA 2007-0006) submitted by Mr. Kelvin Whalen on behalf of Port of Newcastle Harbourview Limited to increase the Floor Space Index (FSI) from 0.75 to 1.7 to facilitate the proposed Harbourfront Centre development which consists of four (4), 4-storey apartment buildings with 236 units and a five storey hotel building be referred back to staff; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: D . J. Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director, Planning Services Reviewed by: d ~...:..... e-...rh Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer JW/COS/DJC/sh/df June 13, 2007 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-079-07 PAGE 2 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: Kelvin Whalen 1.2 Owner: Port of Newcastle Harbourview Ltd. 1.3 Proposal: To amend the Official Plan by increasing the Floor Space Index (FSI) from 0.75 to 1.7 to permit the Port of Newcastle Harbourfront Centre development with four, 4 storey apartment buildings with 236 units and a five storey hotel building. 1.4 Land Area: 22,578.30 sq.m 1.5 Location: Part lot 28, B.F. Concession, former township of Clarke 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 On January 6, 2005, the applicant originally submitted an application for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment to allow the development of 4 residential apartment buildings with varying heights from three to six storeys and an eight storey hotel building on the subject land. The application at that time was deemed not complete and was returned to the applicant requesting re-submission with additional information. The applicant was informed that the detailed information of the proposed uses and improvements to the conceptual site layout of the proposed development and its relationships to the surrounding uses and the proposed public square within the subject site are required. 2.2 On April 4, 2007, the applicant submitted an application for Official Plan Amendment to increase the Floor Space Index from 0.75 to 1.7 to facilitate the Harbourfront Centre Development which consists of four (4), 4-storey apartment buildings and a five storey hotel building. The concept plan indicates both surface and underground parking and a landscaped central court yard in-between the buildings. 2.3 The applicant has recently received a Minor Variance Approval for construction of four residential buildings by increasing the maximum allowable height of the buildings from 12 metres to 13.6 metres to permit a pitched roof on the 4-storey buildings on the subject land. 2.4 The applicant has submitted a brief planning rationale dated April 30, 2007 and a copy of the Environmental Site Assessment Report prepared in June 2005 covering the subject land. The applicant was informed that an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) will be required for this development and it should be submitted prior to a related site plan approval application. REPORT NO.: PSD-079-07 PAGE 3 3.0 LAND CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES 3.1 Currently the subject property is vacant with natural vegetation. The existing marina and the Durham Regional Water Treatment Plant are located to the east and south of the subject property at a lower level. To the north of the property the new club house building is under construction. The subject land has access from two public roads, namely Lakebreeze Drive and Shipway Avenue. Please refer the Attachment 1- Key Map. 3.2 The surrounding uses are as follows: North South Port of Newcastle Club House development and Marina lands Lakebreeze Drive, Durham Region's Water Treatment Plant and Public Park Port of Newcastle Marina lands Shipway Avenue East West Fig. 1: View of the subject land with the partly completed new Club House building at the background 603 REPORT NO.: PSD-079-07 PAGE 4 . ., ~ ;~"f. Fig. 3: The view of the southeast end of the site looking from the South 4.0 PROVINCIAL POLICY 4.1 Growth Plan According to the Growth Plan guiding principles, the lands should be developed with compact, vibrant and complete communities, optimizing the use of existing and new infrastructure to support growth in a compact, efficient form. The principles also describe that the developments should provide different approaches to managing growth that recognizes the diversity of communities. The applicant proposes a mixed use development with residential and commercial uses in multi storied buildings in a compact built form. However, the proposal is not in a major centre that would be identified as an intensification area. 4.2 Provincial Policy Statement Appropriate densities should be promoted for new housing which efficiently use land, resources, infrastructure and public service facilities, and support the use of alternative transportation modes and public transit in areas where it exits or is to be developed. It also promotes development standards for residential intensification, redevelopment and new residential development which minimise the cost of housing and facilitate compact form, while maintaining appropriate levels of public health and safety. . 604 REPORT NO.: PSD-079-07 PAGE 5 Healthy and active communities are promoted by planning and creation of a full range of public accessible spaces, built and natural settings for recreation, including facilities, parklands, open space areas, trails and water based resources and shorelines. 5.0 OFFICIAL PLANS 5.1 Durham Reoional Official Plan 5.1.1 The Durham Region Official Plan designates the lands as Living Area. Living Areas shall be developed in a compact form through higher densities where appropriate with particular consideration for supporting and providing access to public transit. The application conforms to the Regional Official Plan. 5.2 Clarinoton Official Plan 5.2.1 The Clarington Official Plan designates the subject property "Harbourfront Centre". The predominant use of land within the "Harbourfront Centre" designation shall be for mixed use developments including commercial, residential, recreational, community, cultural and institutional uses. A public square shall be designed as an integral component of the Harbourfront Centre. 5.2.2 The Official Plan states: · The Harboufront Centre shall be planned and developed as a community focal point and part of the tourism node at the Port of Newcastle. · Harbourfront Centre will be a high quality urban environment that builds on the existing natural setting, marina and park development and views of the waterfront. · A variety of uses are permitted which are compatible with the marina and district park including multiple residential, retail and services uses, professional offices, a small hotel, places of entertainment, recreational, cultural and community facilities. · Retail uses will be appropriate for, and scaled to meet, neighbourhood or tourism needs. · Maximum number of multiple residential units permitted will be 250. 5.2.3 The Official Plan provides a variety of urban design standards and site development criteria which are to be used to review development applications including: · a maximum height of 5 storeys is permitted; and · the maximum Floor Space Index (FSI) should be 0.75. A well defined pedestrian walkway system will link to the waterfront trail, the marina and the district park. 5.2.4 A "District Park" is shown at the Southeast corner of the retained land. The east and south portions of the retained land is designated as "Waterfront Greenway" and "Environment Protection Area". REPORT NO.: PSD-079-07 PAGE 6 5.2.5 The Official Plan identifies the lands associated with the Graham Creek as being significant valley lands. The policies of the Clarington Official Plan require an Environmental Impact Analysis to be undertaken prior to development approval for all proposals within or adjacent to a significant natural feature identified on Schedule C. The applicant has been made aware of this requirement. 6.0 ZONING BY-LAW 6.1 Zoning By-law 84-63 zones the subject land as "Holding-Commercial Type (H) C1-23 Zone" which permits residential use and a number of non-residential uses including a hotel. On April 19, 2007, the Committee of Adjustment approved a minor variance application to allow an increase in the height of the proposed buildings to 13.6 metres from 12 metres to permit construction of a pitched roof on the 4-storey apartment buildings. 6.2 The second phase of this development, the construction of the five storey hotel, will require a zoning change as the Zoning By-law allows up to a maximum height of 12 metres on this site. The hotel building as currently proposed would not comply to the zoning by-law requirements for height. 7.0 SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND STUDIES 7.1 The applicant has submitted an Environmental Site Assessment Report dated June 2005 and prepared by Geo-Logic Inc. The report suggests that the site has a low level of concern from an environmental contamination perspective and is suitable for its proposed residential usage. 8.0 PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS 8.1 Pursuant to the requirements of the Planning Act, the appropriate signage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands on May 18th. The appropriate notice was mailed to each landowner within the prescribed distance on May 18,2007. 8.2 A number of enquiries have been received regarding the proposal, some simply requested additional information. 8.3 The key concerns are: i) traffic impact in this area due to the proposed development; ii) Environmental Impact Assessment Study is required to review the OPA for this development; REPORT NO.: PSD-079-07 PAGE 7 iii) issues due to the ongoing construction at Port of Newcastle such as disturbances due to the truck movements, handling of equipment and materials etc.; iv) increasing rental market more than home ownership within this area; and v) concerns on the proposed improvements to the existing railway underpass on Mill Street and a suggestion that the widening of the underpass should be done properly. 9.0 AGENCY COMMENTS 9.1 The following provides a summary of agency comments received to date in response to the application circulation: . Clarington Engineering has commented that they have no objections and the further extension of Lakebreeze Drive to the east will be subject to further review and discussion in the site plan approval stage. . Clarington Building Division has stated that they have no concerns with the OPA and will comment at the site plan stage. . Clarington Emergency Services Department has no objections for this application. . Ganaraska Regional Conservation Authority has stated that they have no objection to this application. Further they have commented that they are currently continuing the review of flood plain issues prior to their submission of the site plan control application for the proposed development. . Durham Regional Transit Department commented that the on street parking on Lakebreeze Drive will prevent buses from entering the cul-de-sac and this will be reviewed at the site plan approval stage. They stated that there are no other transit related issues at this time. . Bell Canada provided comments pertaining to the construction of sufficient wire-line telecommunication infrastructure and any required easements over the property have to be included as conditions of any site plan approval required for this development. . Rogers Cable Communications Inc. has commented that they have no objections to this application. . No other comments have been received at the time of writing of this report. 1 0.0 STAFF COMMENTS 10.1 The proposed development site is prominent in terms of its location and surrounding setting facing the waterfront and the marina. The building footprints of the proposed four buildings frame the outer edges of the site providing a central courtyard. The site boundaries face two public roads and open space such as water retention pond and nature conservation area, marina, and District Park. The conceptual site plan drawing shows the site boundary, building locations, entrance and exit locations, internal driveways and an area for a public square (Attachment 2). It also shows the service areas of the buildings at the basement levels are also accessible from the private driveway from the east. 10.2 The applicant has indicated that this development will be implemented in two phases; REPORT NO.: PSD-079-07 PAGE 8 first phase would be four (4), 4-storey residential apartment buildings consisting of 236 units in 23,160 sq.m of floor area; and the proposed five storey hotel having 15,240 sq.m. of floor area as the second phase for which the applicant requires a Zoning By- law Amendment prior to approval of the second phase. 10.3 The application proposes to increase of the Floor Space Index (FSI) to facilitate the above development. The FSI is the ratio of the total floor area of a building or buildings excluding enclosed parking areas, loading facilities and garbage rooms to the area of the lot on which the building or buildings are located. A building footprint that equals a quarter of the site area and is four stories tall has the same FSI as a one storey building that completely covers the site. 10.4 It is noted that typically waterfront developments located in medium and larger cities are often characterized with higher densities and compact built forms achieving the maximum usage of lot frontages, accessibility, views to the water and amenity space. The submitted conceptual site plan reflects certain such characteristics, however the proposal to increase the FSI while maintaining a four-storey height limit means a larger building footprint and less on-site open space amenity area. 10.5 The Official Plan provides policies for the development of the Harbourfront Centre designation as a community focal point with a variety of uses including retail and residential. The policies allow a maximum of 250 units in buildings that are a maximum of five (5) storeys and an FSI no greater than 0.75 for the subject lands. These factors work together to mold how the development will take shape. By allowing for five (5) storey buildings and an FSI of 0.75, the policies are encouraging a development that provides for smaller building footprints and more area to be used for amenity areas and parking at grade. The applicant is proposing to provide a significant amount of underground parking, however, with the increased FSI and four (4) storey residential buildings, the open space and amenity area on site is limited. In addition, by providing buildings around the complete perimeter of the site, views of the waterfront are being compromised by neighbouring buildings. 10.6 The development concept requires further consideration and revision to key areas as follows: a) Improve the layout to maximize the connections from the development site to the Marina, Public Square, Public Park and the lakefront; b) Finalize arrangement for additional public lands at the harbour edge and the joint management arrangements with the marina; c) Improve the urban design aspects and architectural theme of the building elevations; d) Review the proposed configuration for the extension of Lake Breeze Drive to the east; and e) Completion of an Environmental Impact Assessment study. REPORT NO.: PSD-079-07 PAGE 9 10.7 Based on the above comments and concerns, the proponent is requested to improve the site layout plans and building elevations by taking into account the identified issues and submit for further review. 11.0 CONCLUSION 11.1 In consideration of the comments received from circulated agencies and review of the proposal, it is recommended that the application to amend the Clarington Official Plan submitted by Newcastle Harbourview Ltd. be referred back to the staff for further review and consideration prior to a recommendation report to the Council. Attachment: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Concept Plan List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Kelvin Whalen Regional Planning Department Peter Scott ~4r. (I ~r Property Location Map ( Newcastle) Lake On torio COPA 2007-0006 Clarington Official Plan Amendment -I o ;0 CD "0 o ~)> "'0- enD) 00 I ::T 03 """"CD <p::::J 0- """"..... Owner: Port of Newcastle Harbourview Ltd. " \~\ \~~ \, \\~~C \, \ /',; \ \. v./\ , \.-/'~ '" '\~' '\ '" \,;/,,\, \ ):f"\ \~ ~\ ),~/ \, \ ~<::/ '\ \\;:/\ ~~./'\\ ~ 'Residential Units Count '. ~ Building A: \ \ Building B: \~^\ '\ ~?\ " Building 0: '\, /;\~" \ BUlldmg E: \ "'<:;/',\, " )r\ '~ Total: \ )'v~\ \ ) IJ '" '" \ \- \v)~('\ '\ " >;-?Residential Parking Required '\ J~{ '\ \j~\ <'\/A' '\ ' u?'0 ~ No. of Units: /\\ ' \\ "~n Ratio: ~~\: '\ Total Required: , \ MARINA 1 ~ ~~\\ ~ \\ ( '\ Residential Parking Provided 62 Units 62 Units 50 Units 62 Units 236 Units 236 Units 1.25 space I units 295 spaces \ \.J '\ \~ ,~J~0Level P1: JJJJ(CrC rrr 360 spaces Site Plan - Harbourview Block & Captian's Club (scale 1:1000) ,", '. -- KIRKOR -l o ::u CD '"0 ~Q - .... )> ""U.... cnor 00 I ::T 03 -...JCD <p:J 0"" -...JI\.) f\ Kaitlin Group Proposed Residential/Retail Development New Castle, Ontario Project: 04-066 P11 Dale: May 7, 2007