HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-06-20 MinutesTyrone Community Centre — Minutes of Meeting Wednesday June 20th, 2018 7pm Attendance: Larry Quiney Dave Taylor Craig Raby Joy Vaneyk Kyle Young Lyndsay Luckhardt Corinne vandeGrootheveen Steve Hutchinson Regrets: Alvina Hare Claude Godin Marlene Raby Marlene Craig Corinna Trail Kat Caplan Cecile Bowers Justin Vachon Paul Rowan 1. Adopt minutes from May meeting. Corrected to reflect that internet is in progress by Danielle not Steve. Motion to approve amended minutes by Dave, seconded by Corinne — All in Favor. Carried Thanks to everyone who supported Paint Nite Fundraiser for Sarah McConaghy. We raised $640.00 for Sarah and the night was a success with all attending having a lot of fun. 2. Treasurer Report - Steve — Copies of transactions were distributed. Bank balance is approx. $15,000.00. We have not received the $3,000.00 grant as of yet. Motion to approve the budget as presented by Dave, seconded Kyle — all in favour. Carried 3. Maintenance Report— Larry— 2 kettles have been purchased and are in kitchen. New mats have been bought and will be put down. Next polishing of the floor will be in August depending on bookings. Health inspection has been completed and passed. Dishwasher is working well. 4. Hall Booking Report — Danielle. No report available 5. Dance Update — Dave — final dance was successful. Dances will be starting again in September. It was discussed that starting in September the price of drinks will increase to $5/drink to cover the rising cost of alcohol and the increased cost of the liquor license. Motioned by Joy, seconded by Steve — all in favour. Carried 6. Old Business: x Sign - Kyle got some quotes from local businesses. James Printing and Signs quoted a price + tax for the signThe size is 48" x 96". Russ Gordon provided a quote for similar sign to the church. Does not install or include any extras. It was felt that we would like to use James Printing and Signs. Will be presented to the board x Internet & Web site update — having some issues with the calendar option on the web site. Motion made by Steve to spend up to $75.00 on purchasing a calendar program for bookings. Seconded by Larry. All in favour. Carried x Update from Municipal Meeting on May 26 - Dave attended and provided an update to board. Joy will forward the link for Accessibility Training to anyone who has not previously completed this training. x Update from Last Month's requests to the Municipality o Fence between Soccer field & parking lot - approved parking lot for upgrade this year. The entrance walkway will be fixed to allow better accessibility. Fence will be put in next year between soccer field and parking lot. o First Aid Kits — not required, but we will keep one located in kitchen and one in bar just in case o Eaves & Foundation repairs — on list to be completed 7. New Business o Gardening — Thanks Steve for pulling weeds last week. Proposals to maintain Garden: A retired gardener stopped by the gardens and commented on how beautiful they were as well as the work that they required. She offered to clean out the gardens for a fee and also prvided some suggestions on what to add to the gardens. Going forward, probably a monthly cleanup of 2 hours. This will be brought forward to the board at the next meeting as the gardens are in need of attention. Spirit Day — volunteers — Sept 30th Discussion was held about possible activities and ideas. Will be brought to the next board meeting. 8. Next Meeting Date: July 18, 2018, 7 -pm at Corinne's (Carry over: Jack Wilson Memorial Tree to be planted Sept. 30/18 @ Spirit Day; Sound System) 9. Fire Extinguisher Checks & Tag sign off 10. Adjourn — Motion to adjourn by Steve. Seconded by Craig. All in favour. Carried