HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-06-27 MinutesBOARD M EET I N G June 27, 2018 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance St, Bowmanville, Ontario Present: M. Morawetz W. Woo S. Bobka S. Cooke Regrets: H. Ridge (ED) 1. Call to Order: 0"IfingiRm museumti K. Warren (Interim Executive Director) S. Elhajjeh S. Cooke called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 2. Adoption of Agenda: Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: S. Bobka THAT: the agenda be approved as presented. MOTION CARRIED 3. Approval of Minutes: Moved by: H. Raj Seconded by: W. Woo THAT: the minutes be approved as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 4. Business Arising from Minutes: S. Middleton H. Raj None. 5. Disclosure of Interests: None. 6. Correspondence: None received. 7. Announcements: M. Morawetz took the opportunity to thank the Board and staff for the excellent support and assistance for Doors Open Clarington on June 9, 2018. Museum staff Katharine and Alex were an integral part of the display and experience for visiting guests at the SS #4 Newcastle School House owned by Frank & Betty Stapleton. 8. Reports: a) Finance: See Appendix A Note that the number of rentals at the property for weddings and events is up this year generating more revenue than in recent years. Regarding PCards, the municipality is setting those up and the Board was made aware that the limit can be changed from month to month depending on seasonal needs and special event requirements. MasterCard can also be used at Costco. Printer/copier contract and use of ancestry.com were also discussed, as well as the need for petty cash floats for the Canada Day event. Moved by: H. Raj Seconded by: W. Woo THAT: the Finance Report of June 2018 be received, and THAT: the board approves using Xerox for printer/scanner/copier services on a 5 year contract, and THAT: the board approve a $1000 petty cash cheque be issued to cover Canada Day expenses and floats. MOTION CARRIED. b) Membership (& Fundraising): See Appendix B Numbers are up for attendance this year, new memberships, summer camp bookings, and Summer Tea reservations. Moved by: S. Bobka Seconded by: S. Middleton THAT: the Membership report of June 2018 be received. MOTION CARRIED c) Property: See Appendix C Discussion on need to examine further snow and salt contract options for the coming year. K. Warren is waiting for quotes to come in. The hope for the development including carpeting, of the children's exhibit area is late August or early September 2018. Congratulations to summer students Heather and Jordan for the work being done on the "native plants" garden area. Moved by: H. Raj Seconded by: W. Woo THAT: the Property report of June 2018 be received. MOTION CARRIED d) Curatorial: See Appendix D Noted exhibit development of the theatre and Camp 30 exhibits. Collection deassession processes reviewed again including a list of 103 items for consideration by the board at tonight's meeting. It was recommended that each list be date stamped as part of the process. Lists developed over the summer are to be emailed out to Board members for review and comment in an effort to keep the work by volunteers and staff progressing on the Collection. Moved by: H. Raj Seconded by: M. Morawetz THAT: the Curator report of June 2018 be received, and THAT: the deassessioned list dated June 27, 2018 be approved, and THAT: the board approve the deaccessioning process for the summer requiring that only after lists are emailed to Board members to be checked and no reservations are expressed, will items be deassessioned prior to the September Board meeting. MOTION CARRIED e) Programming: See Appendix E Canada Day preparations and need for more volunteers were discussed. This year's event will support and promote knowledge of Grandview. S. Cooke will act as MC for the day with official ceremonies scheduled for 1 pm. Events of note include a successful Teddy Bears Picnic, Active Adult 55+ BBQ and Doors Open Clarington participation, 3 events at the Clarke Schoolhouse, with Canada Day, Edwardian Teas and Summer Camps to look forward to. The "Wild Ontario" 2018-2019 school year exhibit in partnership with Soper Creek Wildlife Rescue registration has been overwhelming with 5000+ students scheduled to attend. A sincere thanks was noted to students of Fleming College's Cultural Heritage and Conservation Management graduate program for spending a day at Waverley Place professionally cleaning the first floor rooms, handling artifacts with the greatest of care, and noting conservation concerns. Moved by: S. Bobka Seconded by: W. Woo THAT: the Program Coordinator Report of June 2018 be received. MOTION CARRIED. f) Executive Director Report: See Appendix F Board members discussed expectations regarding attendance and recommended K. Warren find out the language used in the Municipal Bylaws. K. Warren reminded the Board that CMOG is required no later than July 2nd, 2018 so finalizing policies at this meeting along with the Strategic Plan was essential. Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Bobka THAT: the Executive Directors Report of June 2018 be received, and THAT: the Board approve getting the "premium" level Wordpress account for website development, and THAT: the Board approve the changes to Policy 2.1 Governance, and THAT: the Board approve the Strategic Plan. MOTION CARRIED. 9. New Business: Nothing brought forward. 10. In Camera Moved by: S. Bobka Seconded by: W. Woo That: at 8:50 pm in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing the following matter that deals with b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees. MOTION CARRIED Discussion followed. Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Bobka That: at 8:55 pm the meeting move out of camera, returning to Open Session. MOTION CARRIED 11. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting: The next meeting will be held September 12, 2018 at 7 p.m Location: Library at Town Hall Meeting Room 1 C 12. Adjournment: Moved by: S. Middleton THAT: the meeting be adjourned at 8:58 p.m. Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives June 2018 Finance Report Overview 1.1 Weddings have been great for rentals so far, we have another bridal shower and another wedding coming up. We also have birthday party rental scheduled as well 1.2 TD Visa is in, we have bough the outstanding items from last years budget for Clarke and SJWHC programming (storage, camera, button maker) 1.3 1 have told Catherine Carr to go ahead with setting up PCards 1.4 The Xerox company has provided a quote for printer/copier replacement, they will buy out our old contract and have lower non- profit pricing for copies which should save us an average of $40 dollars a month from our current services with Clarke Office concepts. 5 year lease agreement. 1.5 1 have looked into ancestry.com memberships for business "library edition" but the cost is too high ($1000 a year approx.) to have it be open for all employees and the public to use, so we would like to just get one personal account for Jen so she can use it when researching or establishing Geneaologies for curatorial purposes. I recommend getting one personal account at the cost of $21.99 per month. 1.6 1 am looking into getting a TD non-profit bank account as the services charges last year were approx. $1100 and interest earned was only $1800, 1 am waiting on TD to see if we qualify for that type of account. 1.7 We traditionally pay the band for Canada Day in cash ($600) and we will need two floats for the ticket takers cash boxes. I recommend we have a $1000 petty cash cheque issued to cash so we can pay the band from that and then use the $400 for each float to have $200, which will also cover nay immediate purchases that may arise on the day. Then all funds from Canada Day will be deposited in one large deposit back to the account along with those two temporary floats. 1.8 We received the $11,000 for YCW students and will get remaining 25% after they are finished and all paperwork is filed. Recommendations: 1. That Finance Report of June 2018 be received: 2. That the board approves using Xerox for printer/scanner/copier services on a 5 year contract. 3. That the board approves creating an ancestry.ca account for the curator to use under Jennifer Steen's name 4. That the board approve a $1000 petty cash cheque be issues to cover Canada Day expenses and floats. Appendix A) June 2018 Membership and Fundraising Report Overview 1.1 Attendance for year- 2058 1.2 7 new members signed up in May and first week of June- total 33 1.3 12 Summer camp bookings so far 1.4 Members only Summer Tea reservations started June 1, June 11 for the public, we have 44 bookings so far. Recommendations: 1. That Membership Report of June 2018 be received: Appendix B) June 2018 Property Report Overview 1.1 Large item pick up has been partially picked up, lower level still needs to be done 1.2 Painting had been done on lower level of SJWHC 1.3 1 have contacted 3 services (maple lane landscaping, the Gardener and Johnny Snowplow services) for quotes for snow removal services for the next season, still waiting for actual quotes to come in. I have one for just salt delivery if we were to salt ourselves but ideally it would be an all in one service. 1.4 We are looking at scheduling the children's exhibit area to start going in right after carpet in September 1.5 New "native plants" garden area for programming, we are looking to have Home Depot Team come install pathway for free, and other local nurseries for possible perennial donations. This would go behind the parking lot and would be used for spring/summer camps/programming. Heather and Jordan working on programming and design. Recommendations: 1. That Property Report of June 2018 be received: Appendix C) Curator Report 1.0 Exhibits 1.1 The exhibit space has been painted in the downstairs hallway. 1.2 Exhibit development continues for the theatre exhibit and the Camp 30 exhibit. 2.0 Collections Management 2.1 The Collection swing space has been set up 2.2 Reorganization of the Collection and the collection areas continue 2.3 Please see attached list of items to be deaccessioned. These 103 items are the first group of items to be deaccessioned. They are mostly all in very poor condition and have no provenance or connection to local history. 2.4 As we will have many items up for potential deaccession over the summer and while we have the staff on hand to deal with this process it is recommended that the board allow all items to be deaccessioned over the summer, with poor condition, no provenance or no connection to local history, be allowed to begin the deaccessioning process of being listed on listserve for other museums to express their interest in the items. When the board reconvenes in September the list of these items will be provided to the board for review. Recommendations: 1. That the Curator Report of June 2018 be received. 2. That the deaccessioned list be approved. 3. That board approve the deaccessioning process for the summer as outlined above. Appendix D) Program Coordinator (June 2018) Report 1 Collaborative Partners 1.1.1 We will be doing a Get Wild day in partnership with OPG and Soper creek for the OPG Tuesdays in the Park on August 14th 1. 1.2 Backyard birding partnership with Orono Horticultiral society was on June 9th at Clarke, another partnership coming up July 7th at Clarke as well 2 Programming 2.1 Teddy Bear picnic was very well attended- #"s 2.2 Doors Open -388 came through our site 2.3 Canada Day- we need volunteers to man the BBQ, the boards help with that would be greatly appreciated 2.4 Tea's- 44 registered so far 2.5 Summer camps 3 Education Programming 3. 1.1 Wild Ontario- close to 5000 students registered for the programming this coming school year Recommendations: 1. That the Program Coordinator Report of June 2018 be received. Appendix E) June 2018 ED Report Overview 1.1 Still waiting to hear back from Canada Cultural Spaces Fund (they have asked for our 2017 audit), TD FEF(denied as the program was only one year and they are looking on ongoing programming that is environmentally focused) Capstone is giving us $5000, St. Mary's (has donated ....)and OPG has approved $20000 over the 2018/19 years for the children's exhibit are to be called the OPG (whatever it ends up being named) so we are moving ahead with phase two area as well, St. Mary's has not replied to any of my emails. 1.2 Soper creek Wild Ontario program is looking to run 3 days a week (4 on some weeks due to high demand) from October to end of May now, we have booked in 4400+ students so far. 1.3 Website needs to be upgraded on our current server to allow for our Intern to start editing and creating the new one, it will mean we have to pay a monthly fee to Wordpress of $10 to allow us to make changes easily and to get new templates to update the look as we go. 1.4 policy 2.1 changes and approval Recommendations: 1. That ED Report of June 2018 be received 2. That the board approve getting the "premium" level wordpress account for our website 3. That the board approve the changes to policy 2.1 governance 4. That the board approve the strategic plan Appendix F)