HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-06-19 MinutesCLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting June 19, 2018 Members Present: Todd Taylor, Katharine Warren, Steve Conway, Tracey Ali, Victor Suppan, Peter Vogel, Robert Malone, Councillor Hooper Regrets: Mark Stanisz, Filip Aleksanderek xV. Suppan announced that F. Aleksanderek tendered his resignation from the Committee and thanked him for his valued contribution to the Committee and Registry Subcommittee. Staff: David Addington and Faye Langmaid, Planning Services Declaration of Pecuniary Interest None declared. Adoption of Agenda 18.24 Moved by R. Malone, seconded by K. Warren That the agenda for June 19, 2018 be adopted as amended. "CARRIED" Adoption of Minutes 18.25 Moved by T. Taylor, seconded by R. Malone That the minutes of the Meeting of May 15, 2018 be accepted. "CARRIED" Delegation and Presentations xMyno Van Dyke provided a presentation on the history surrounding the Belmont House and Wilmot family and in particular the Fish Spawning Museum and operations in Newcastle. Myno will be presenting the material to the Planning & Development Committee on June 25. 1 1 P a g e Business Arising Jury Lands Foundation (Camp 30) xA public information meeting on the future vision of the Jury Lands was held on June 13. DTAH, the consulting firm retained by the municipality, presented the historical references used to develop the guiding principles for the master block plan, Jury Lands park concept plan and building re -use. The open house for Phase 2 of the Soper Creek Trail proposed along the west side of the Soper Creek was held concurrently. xThe display panels and consultant presentation for the Jury Lands are online at www.clarington.net/JuryLands please submit comments to F. Langmaid by July 31. Potential Designations 26 Concession St. West (Dundurn): xThe owners have applied to sever two lots from the front of the property. Should the severances be approved, they have agreed to designate the property in order to help ensure compatibility of the adjacent infill development. Infill would be guided according to guidelines that resulted from an earlier Heritage Conservation District study of the area and would be registered on title of the new lots through land division agreements. The parameters proposed to restrict the infill development and their effectiveness in protecting the heritage of Dundurn was discussed by the Committee. 18.26 Moved by T. Taylor, seconded by S. Conway That the Clarington Heritage Committee recommends to Council the designation of 26 Concession Street West under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act acknowledging that the owners will proceed with land severance applications for two lots, one on either side of the property frontage and including as severance conditions architectural control of the new homes in -keeping with the infill guidelines of the Old Bowmanville (North Ward) Heritage Guidelines and the restrictive covenants requested by the owners. "CARRIED" Reports from Other Committees Bowmanville and Newcastle CIP: The Bowmanville group met on May 28th and the Newcastle group met on June 6. Items of discussion at both meetings included: xCIP brochures - have been printed and sent to BIA and will be continue to be distributed to businesses. xOutdoor patio pilot project — patios and temporary sidewalks at 36 Kitchen (Bowmanville) and the Snug (Newcastle). A report will go to Council at the end of the season about the results of the pilots. xMandate/Terms of Reference — the mandate of the groups were reviewed and the terms of reference will be updated and circulated to members. Each group has vacancies presenting opportunities for recruiting new members. 21 Page xAccessibility workshop — held on April 19 with 30-35 attendees. A resource list resulted from it and has been shared with BIA members, other businesses. xPublic Art Project, OMAFRA Main Street Revitalization — funding has been granted to the 4 downtown areas. Council have approved the staff recommendation to concentrate the funding on public art projects and to work with the Visual Arts Centre on details of the artists call, jury, types of art and locations. xSecondary Plan Review— Planning staff are working on a number of Secondary Plans and update. Members will be informed of the public meetings and other milestones as they arise. Architectural Conservancv Ontario. Clarinaton Branch: xAt Meeting on June 18th, group passed a motion to support the Heritage Committee and the Newcastle Village and District Historical Society's efforts to encourage the creation of the proposed Wilmot Creek Heritage Park adjacent to Wilmot Creek. xTours at Camp 30 trail are scheduled for the summer, next one is June 23 at 2pm. xDoors Open occurred at 15 sites at Clarington east with over 4,200 visitors. Next year is 10th anniversary of Doors Open in Clarington, currently brainstorming ideas to commemorate; 137 sites have participated so far. xAGM for the Provincial ACO is in July; locally it is in September. Newcastle Village & District Historical Society: xChange of officers at NVDHS: B. Malone is now past President; Tom Wallace is the new President; Myno Van Dyke is Vice President; Patti Duncan is Secretary and Sher Leetooze remains as Treasurer. xThere is currently an opening on the Board, they will meet Wednesday, June 20. xThe status of a grant application from the Mississauga First Nations is pending. Museum; xRecently obtained accessibility grant; they will work on improving the accessibility of the bathroom and re -carpet the Sarah Jane building. xSoper Creek wildlife refuge and the museum will be running a `Wild Ontario' exhibit in October with the school programming taking place at the museum; over 5000 students are registered over an 8 month run. xThere will be a children's exhibit at the front of the museum with a rural theme xTwo new exhibits are opening in time for Canada Day: history of theatre and a revamped war exhibit including Camp 30. xConservation students from Fleming College came to the Museum to assist with archive work. xAfternoon teas are scheduled from July 11 -August 11, Wednesdays and Saturdays; need to book in advance. xOn July 7th from 1-3 pm, the Museum is participating in a nature talk at Clarke Schoolhouse. xCanada Day event at the Waverley House will feature live music, horse drawn wagon rides, crafts, games and food; volunteers are needed. 31 Page Project Reports Municipal Inventory and Register Committee: xThe subcommittee evaluated three properties for potential inclusion on the Municipal Register, as follows: 0 10 Argyle St: Group 1 evaluation; finest surviving example of a Regency cottage. 0 11 Argyle St: Group 1 evaluation; Regency cottage with entrance at the side. 0 4 Duke Street: Group 1 evaluation; Regency cottage with 5 bay construction. 18.27 Moved by R. Malone, seconded by S. Conway That the Clarington Heritage Committee recommend to Council that the properties at 10 Argyle Street, 11 Argyle Street and 4 Duke Street be added to the Municipal Register. "CARRIED" New Business xThe Committee reviewed heritage permit applications for three designated properties: 5161 Main Street, Orono; 2662 Concession Road 8, Darlington; and 110 Wellington Street, Bowmanville. The owners have applied for heritage incentive grants and require approval of their proposed works as they involve the alteration of a heritage attribute identified in the designation by-laws. 18.28 Moved by S. Conway, seconded by K. Warren That the Clarington Heritage Committee has no objections to the following proposed works: the alteration of the soffit and fascia at 5161 Main Street; the replacement of siding on the northeast wall of the sawmill building at 2662 Concession Road 8; and the repair of the front verandah roof and columns at 110 Wellington Street. "CARRIED" Revised Foster Northwest subdivision plan: The 2nd submission drawing of the subdivision plan were provided for Committee for information. Planning Services will be updating the Secondary Plan. xClarington Heritage Website: Is being revamped and brought internally to the Municipal website and server. It should be up and operational within next month. xNational Heritage Trust Conference: the National Heritage Trust Conference is taking place on October 18-20 in Fredericton, N.B. Registration dates and fees are as follows: o Super early bird effective until Aug.7: $435 o Early bird effective from Aug.7-Sept.28: $485 o Regular rate effective from Sept.28-Oct.20: $535 Next meeting: September 18,2018,7:00 p.m., Clarington Municipal Offices, Room 1A 4 1 Page