HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-08-14 MinutesDraft minutes — Not vet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD TUESDAY AUGUST 14, 2018 7:00 PM Present: Brian Reid Kate Potter Leo Blindenbach Regrets: Councillor Corinna Traill Suzanne Land Jim Cleland Staff Present 1. AGENDA Peter Windolf Tom Hossie Meaghan Vandenbrink Patrick Bothwell Paul Davidson Rod McArthur MOVED: by Leo Blindenbach SECONDED by Kate Potter THAT: the agenda for August 14, 2018 be accepted CARRIED 2. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Approval of Minutes MOVED: by Patrick Bothwell SECONDED by Tom Hossie THAT: the minutes of May 8, 2018 be approved CARRIED SWNA August 2018 minutes 3. UPDATES Fishing line disposal containers At the April 2018 meeting Leo Blindenbach suggested that fishing line disposal containers be installed at the SWNA in locations convenient to anglers. Several of these, made from poly pipe, have been installed by Bowmanville Anglers along the Bowmanville Creek. Leo was able to obtain free material from Rona Newcastle and 6 containers were built by volunteer Kevin Leckie. Once the identification stickers are available the six containers will be installed. OPG Planting Project On Saturday May 26 at 11:OOAM a project to plant 500 nectar plants was held at Port of Newcastle Waterfront Park. The project was an extension to the planting that was done in 2017. OPG sponsored the event to plant butterfly and pollinator friendly perennials supplied by Chalk Lake Greenhouses. After a slow start all of the plants were installed within about 1.5 hours. OPG will be asked if they are interested in sponsoring the event again in 2019. Friends of Second Marsh Festival On June 2 the SWNA Committee had a booth at the Friends of Second Marsh Festival at the McLaughlin Bay Wildlife Reserve in Oshawa. Kate Potter and Tom Hossie attended on behalf of the committee. A large crowd attended again this year and it was a great opportunity for spreading information about the SWNA, including the 2018 SWNA Monarch Tagging event. Many attendees signed up for the SWNA blog. It was a worthwhile event that the committee should participate in again next year. Soper Creek Wildlife Event The committee hosted a public event, themed around urban wildlife, at the SWNA on Saturday June 9. Soper Creek Wildlife displayed several mammals including a porcupine, skunk, and bob cat during their presentation. Many families with children attended the event to view and learn about the wildlife encountered in urban areas. The event was sponsored by Jackie Winterfield from Remax. While the event was successful, the committee suggested moving future events to a location with visibility from the street would help bring in larger walk-up audiences. 4. ACTION ITEMS Fall Monarch Tagging Saturday September 8 Following the success of the 2017 monarch tagging event, the committee has scheduled to tag monarchs again on Saturday September 8 with a rain date of Sunday September 9. Five hundred tags have been received from Monarch Watch. Twelve new Butterfly nets have been purchased from a private donation which will be used to supplement the nets that we will borrow from GRCA. Four picnic tables will be requested from Operations and a Clarington tent will be requested from Communications and Tourism. To guide people to the event location, two A -frame signs will be placed at the south ends of Port of Newcastle Drive and Toronto Street. Committee members should arrive for the event at 9:00 AM. SWNA August 2018 minutes MNR Rangers Thursday August 16 The Stewardship Youth Ranger Program is sponsored by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry and provides summer employment opportunities for students supporting community projects relating to environmental stewardship and resource management. Two crews of Rangers will be at the SWNA on August 16 to assist with clearing brush from the snake hibernaculum and along various paths at the SWNA. Leo, Rod, and Brian will attend to direct the work. Highway of Hero's possible 2018 planting project In 2017 over 200 trees were planted south of the Cobbledick Parking lot with volunteers and funding from the Highway of Hero's Tribute program. The H of H program has asked if the SWNA would like to participate again in fall of 2018. Due to the difficult soil conditions encountered at last year's site and the relatively short time to organize another fall event, the committee decided to decline the offer with thanks. 5. OTHER BUSINESS Brian Reid advised that Jim Cleland has moved to an assisted living facility and will not be able to participate on the committee in the future. Since the term of this SWNA committee is about to end, no replacement will be requested. Brian suggested a certificate of appreciation be prepared to acknowledge Jim's contribution as the longest serving member of the committee. P. Windolf will follow up with the Mayor's office about getting a certificate. Patrick Bothwell reported that the interpretive sign at the barrier beach was missing, or hidden by vegetation. When the MNR Rangers are on site on August 16 it will be investigated further. 6. MOTION TO ADJOURN MOVED: by Patrick Bothwell SECONDED by Kate Potter THAT: the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED Adjournment 8:15 PM Next Meeting: Tuesday September 11 at 7:OOPM in meeting room 3C. Please gather in the lobby before being escorted to the 3rd floor. Notes prepared by: P.Windolf