HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-06-07 MinutesClarington Accessibility Advisory Committee June 7, 2018, 6:30 PM MAC Meeting Room 3C If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Present: Shea -Lea Latchford (Chair) Andre O'Bumsawin (6:30-6:55PM and 7:30-8:10PM Tim Van Leeuwen Councillor Wendy Partner Pinder DaSilva Sylvia Jaspers-Fayer Sally Barrie Also Present: Andrea Nicholson — Accessibility Coordinator Bronwyn Meech (student) Sean Bagshaw (until 7:OOPM) Basia Radomski (until 6:45 PM) Regrets: Jacqui Watchorn Maureen Reed The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM. 1. Adoption of Minutes Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Andre O'Bumsawin That the minutes of the meeting of May 3, 2018 be approved. Carried 2. Presentations a) Basia Radomski, Manager of Corporate Communications and Tourism, addressed the Committee regarding Tourism and Tourism's role during special events. Basia reported that Tourism is able to share space with AAC during events. Basia also reported that with limited Tourism staff and so many events, Tourism is changing the way they participate at events, such as engaging in partnerships with other tourism based organizations, and walking during events rather than setting up a booth. For example, during Ribfest 2018 Tourism has provided their information bags to Bowmanville Older Adult Association who will hand out the bags. AAC materials have been included the bags. When Tourism partners with other organizations, AAC materials are included. Safety concerns were discussed regarding location, congestion, and crowds. Tim Van Leeuwen inquired about the resource the Committee created and provided to Tourism regarding accessible washrooms. Basia will look into how that information has been used and Clarington Accessibility - 2 - June 7, 2018 Advisory Committee report back to the Committee via an email to Andrea Nicholson. The Committee will be considering purchasing a banner to use at events. Basia estimated the cost would be $200-$300 per banner and will report back with a quote. A banner could be placed at the Tourism office. The Communications staff can help design banners for the Committee as needed. Andrea Nicholson read an email received from Councillor Hooper offering for the Committee to use space outside of his store(s) during Applefest. Basia requested the Committee let Tourism know as soon as possible if they wish to partner with Tourism for Applefest. b) Sean Bagshaw, Capital Works Engineer, addressed the Committee regarding timed crossings. Sean explained that the Region of Durham is responsible for the design and maintenance of all timed crossings. The Region has been rigid in the past regarding the timing of crossings, however new management has been looking at the walk signal timing. The Committee raised concerns regarding accessing the button to trigger the pedestrian crossing in winter time. People with disabilities, whether walking or using mobility devices find it hard to reach the button when snow is piled in the area and the snow itself creates a slipping hazard as a person attempts to get close to the button. The Committee asked if the walk signal could be automatic so that a button does not have to be used. Sean explained that when the button is pushed it will extend the light/crossing time for the person crossing, otherwise the traffic lights are times for traffic optimization. The Committee also raised concerns regarding curb cuts that don't match the width of the painted markings at the crossing. People with vision loss may trip going up and coming down the curb because they assume the curb cut follows the pedestrian crossing markings. Sean explained the paint markings are required to be 2.5m wide and Clarington's sidewalks are not as wide. The Committee noted areas of concern regarding timing, with specific concerns Green Road and Highway 2. In addition, the area between the sidewalk and the signal button has a mud surface which creates a risk for people with disabilities, in particular for people using wheelchairs who may become stuck particularly when the ground is wet. The Committee complemented the Municipality regarding the newer designs for sidewalks and crossings. Sean also explained that new sidewalks are designed to minimize cracks during temperature fluctuation, and that the Page 2of6 Clarington Accessibility - 3 - June 7, 2018 Advisory Committee newer sidewalks have a smoother surface where the joint scribing tool is used. The Committee may forward any additional concerns to Sean and he can forward to the appropriate staff member. He can also forward concerns to the Region where the concern falls under regional jurisdiction. 3. Business Arising From Minutes a) AAC Awareness at Community Events June 23 Summer kickoff event Andrea Nicholson provide details regarding the event. One Committee member expressed interest in attending but was unable to confirm during the meeting. The Committee noted there are no sidewalks on the east side of Liberty, making it difficult for those who use public transit to attend. October 23 Applefest The Committee discussed options of partnering with Tourism or with Councillor Hooper's store location. The Committee agreed to try the location at Councillor Hooper's store. The Committee has access to a tent and a family member has offered to help them set up the tent. Andrea Nicholson will confirm details with Councillor Hooper and report back to the Committee. iii. Banner The Committee discussed having their own banner to display at events. Andrea provided sample images of pull-up style banners. Moved by Sally Barrie, and seconded by Tim Van Leeuwen, That the AAC purchase two branded banners. Carried Andrea Nicolson agreed to coordinate the design and purchase of the banners, in consultation with Corporate Communications and the Committee Chair. iv. August 18 Clarington Honey Bee Festival Councillor Partner is attending this event at Kendall Community Centre and requested to have AAC materials to display. Andrea Nicholson will prepare a Page 3 of 6 Clarington Accessibility - 4 - June 7, 2018 Advisory Committee package of materials for Councillor Partner. b) Durham Region Accessibility Award for Clarington Committee members put forward the following businesses for nomination: x Swiss Chalet (Bomanville) x The Courtyard (Courtice) x Captain George's Fish and Chips (Bowmanville) x Swiss Chalet (Courtice) Moved by Pinder DaSilva, and seconded by Andre O'Bumsawin, That a vote be conducted to determine the individual, business or organization in Clarington who will be nominated for the Durham Region Accessibility Award for Clarington, in accordance with the voting process outlined in the Appointments to Boards and Committees policy. Carried Moved by Andre O'Bumsawin and seconded by Pinder DaSilva That the nomination for Swiss Chalet Bowmanville be forwarded to the Region of Durham to receive the Durham Region Accessibility Award for Clarington. Carried 4. New Business a) Recognition event for Accessibility Award nominees The Committee agreed to host a recognition event at the September 5 AAC meeting, following the same format as in 2017. Businesses will be notified of their nomination and invited to attend the event. Council and Department Heads will be invited. Andrea Nicholson will prepare materials and coordinate with the Committee Chair. 5. Regional Updates a) Regional AAC Andre O'Bumsawin reported that the Committee did not have quorum at the last meeting, however the Committee members present had a discussion regarding Durham Region Transit (DRT) and the need to inform Regional Councillors about the experience of DIRT users. Page 4 of 6 Clarington Accessibility - 5 - June 7, 2018 Advisory Committee 6. Other Business a) Durham Region Transit changes to Specialized Services Appeals Panel Andrea Nicholson read an email that was received from Bill Homes (DRT) regarding changes to the Specialized Services Appeals Panel. The changes were approved by the Transit Executive Committee and the changes will implemented by the end of March 2019. Mr. Holmes stated that, once implemented, the Appeals Panel will consist of an "Occupational Therapist (to provide informed review of medical information provided by the appellant and their functional abilities), a DIRT Conventional Transit Supervisor (to provide informed view of characteristics of conventional services, vehicles and infrastructure) and a representative from the Community with a disability (to provide an informed view from the perspective of a person with a disability who uses conventional transit)." The terms of reference previously stated that "the appeal panel shall be comprised of the Accessibility Coordinators or designates from local area municipalities within the Durham Region and representatives from the Region of Durham that are not employees of Durham Region Transit, and whose responsibilities include the provision of services for residents with physical or cognitive disabilities." Under the newly approved Terms of Reference, appeal panel members may not be members of the AAC of the Region or any of the local municipalities, or employees of the Region or any of the local municipalities. b) Service Ontario Councillor Partner requested an update on Service Ontario. Andrea Nicholson reported that the issue was reported to Municipal By-law Enforcement and a site visit was requested. Follow up action: Andrea Nicholson followed up with Municipal By-law Enforcement on June 8, 2018 and was informed that on June 5, 2018, Service Ontario was issued an Order to repair the parking area by July 6. A Municipal By -Law Enforcement Officer will follow up after this date. c) May 28 Delegation to General Government Committee Syliva Jaspers-Feyer thanked Andre O'Bumsawin for giving the delegation to Council during National Access Awareness Week. The Committee briefly discussed housing and the need to advocate for accessible housing. Councillor Partner reported that she has had contact with a developer who is interested in Page 5 of 6 Clarington Accessibility - 6 - June 7, 2018 Advisory Committee building communities that provide different types of housing that will allow people to move through different housing options as their needs change but still remain within the same community. 7. Next meeting Wednesday September 5 at 6:30 PM, Council Chambers Note: On this date, the AAC will host the recognition event, followed by a short meeting (as time permits). 8. Adjournment Moved by Andre O'Bumsawin and seconded by Tim Van Leeuwen, That the meeting adjourn. Carried The meeting concluded at 8:10 PM Chair Secretary Page 6 of 6