HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-06-14 MinutesAgricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting Thursday, June 14, 2018 Members Present: John Cartwright Brenda Metcalf Don Rickard Eric Bowman Tom Barrie Henry Zekveld, Ted Watson Les Caswell Wendy Partner Ben Eastman Regrets: Jennifer Knox Richard Rekker, Guests: Nancy Rutherford, Durham Region Economic Development Staff: Amy Burke and Faye Langmaid, Planning Services; Brenda welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions. Adoption of Agenda 018-12 Moved by Don Rickard, seconded by Eric Bowman -That the Agenda for June 14, 2018 be adopted_ Carried Approval of Minutes 018-13 Moved by Eric Bowman, seconded by Les Caswell 1111❑DI L❑❑Vlk:J�❑J[e May 10, 2018 meeting be approved❑ Carried 3 LHEHE05R1111M D❑FE15 dWURISQSUZ LaGD❑ -RI VgHI AKDEHIR VLH-5 HJ IR❑FFFF Broadband Study. To date the review has included collection of information and an understanding of the state of broadband coverage within the Region. In addition, there have been case analysis of the role other municipalities and Regions has taken. Broadband is becoming necessary infrastructure for businesses. The Region needs to determine the role it has in providing this infrastructure. The Phase One study provides a clear message that Durham Region has fallen behind. Therefore our businesses are having a harder time competing. This applies not just to urban areas but also rural areas. Rural areas are among the lowest service areas in the GTA. The thinking has to go beyond servicing bandwidth for gaming, movies and entertainment. Rather health care, banking and other essential services are moving on line. Also many businesses are moving away from bricks and mortar to allowing for Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington June 14, 2018 work from home. This means that many residents are making broadband and internet part of their decision-making process in where they buy and locate their family. Overall the Region needs to be in a better place to be application ready for funding opportunities, they need to define their role for this form of infrastructure. The study clearly defines that the rural areas are significantly underserviced. There could be better interconnection between schools, health care and municipalities who often have extended dedicated lines to service their sites, if there is space within the line to allow others access. Other sites that have dedicated lines that cannot be accessed because of remote monitoring of sites include Clarington Transformer, Windfarm, Port Granby Water Treatment Plant. ❑ ID:W ANHUL:F❑EEIFZ_L\EA I Z LUZ RLN:Z Milli 112 ❑ iFMD-1) DFWI members can express to others why broadband coverage in the rural areas is crucial. Business Arising Durham Farm Connections received the Irene Kock Education award from DEAC on May 30th. This was in recognition of the invaluable educational work of the group over the past 10 years. Brenda reminded all to get tickets to the Agriculture Gala on October 25th in Port Perry. Typically the event sells out. Donations are always welcome. Correspondence and Committee Reports 018-14 Moved by John Cartwright, seconded by Ted Watson 111■I'd �4 ■' ■ i ■■ Illi ■ ■ ■Illllii■ 1!1� 111 ■ '■1111111 1111 ■ I/ 11111 11'1 11■1!1� ■ ■ I■11 111■I '■ 11111 11 • - • • . • • • • . - • 11111■■■1: Illi ■ ■ ■111 Carried 018-15 Moved by John Cartwright, seconded by Les Caswell FM❑DVIVMgcorrespondence received LR JV]HR]❑F1CLFE1-UD:flIL1l HLHLI ❑DAHAE1 F:1 UD/FL-tourism rezoning application dated June 14tnMM❑❑❑ MU Carried The committee does not have a role in site specific agri-tourism applications, rather the committee has provided input into the definition of agri-tourism and the criteria used by Planning Services to evaluate applications. Durham Agriculture Advisory Committee: -Working on DAAC Tour for September 13th at 5 H -i EFZ HNf LSP H VI D®JI]IIAt the recent meeting TRCA provided a presentation on the work they are doing within the urban areas on storm water management and low impact development to address first flush and storm intensity. Presentation by Dan Ruby on the Ontario Centres of Excellence and reduction of greenhouse gas; there is a discrepancy between the funding provided to the Centres of Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington June 14, 2018 Excellence and what Soil and Crop has been able to obtain so that is being followed up by DAAC. Durham Region Federation of Agriculture: (no meeting) Clarington Board of Trade Recent luncheon with Tweed the Cannabis operator was well attended (110 people). The next areas for the business are research and development of the strains of cannabis and varieties including the specific health benefits of each. The retail opportunity and how to deploy into that area of business will come with the change in legislation. Spin-offs of the industry which have already taken effect in education are courses being offered at Durham College and UGIT. The courses range from how to be a cannabis sommelier to the medicinal benefits of the different components. New Business Future Agendas F1 Suggestions for future agendas are L TN5\52❑ -II I -Q F0 33 -D (-I Premier, as well as a business representative from the local cannabis operators. John Cartwright moved to Adjourn. Next Meeting: Thursday, July 12', 2018 @ 7:30 pm, Blackbird and MTO have been invited to respond to issues raised at May meeting. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington June 14, 2018