HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLD-021-07 .. ,Cl!J!.-illgtDn REPORT CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Report #: CLD-021-07 File #: ~kJ-~Q1 ~~t1l-Jn--en By-law #: Date: Tuesday, May 22,2007 Subject: NAMING OF A MUNICIPAL FACILITY RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CLD-021-07 be received; 2. THAT the name of the new recreation facility at 1780 Rudell Road (Rudell Road and Edward Street) in Newcastle be chosen from the following nominations: a) Newcastle Recreation Complex b) Murray Butler Recreation Centre or M.A. Butler Recreation Centre c) Ron and Judy Hope Centre or R&J Hope Centre d) David Arnot Recreation Centre e) Newcastle & District Recreation Complex 3. THAT the Community Services Department, Leslie Wilson, President, Newcastle Village and District Historical Society, Robin Brown and Charlie Trim be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: PLB* Reviewed ~ R In Wu, .I{) Chief Administrative Officer REPORT NO.: CLD-021-07 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND On March 29, 2004, Council adopted a policy for naming of municipal buildings/facilities through the approval of Report CSD-03-04. In accordance with the policy, advertisements have been placed in the local newspaper for nominations to name the new recreation facility at 1780 Rudell Road in Newcastle. In response to these ads, the following nominations have been received: 1. Newcastle Recreation Complex, submitted by the Community Services Department 2. Murray Butler Recreation Centre or M.A. Butler Recreation Centre, submitted by Leslie Wilson, President, Newcastle and District Historical Society 3. Ron and Judy Hope Centre or R&J Hope Centre submitted by Robin Brown 4. David Arnot Recreation Centre submitted by Robin Brown (This submission suggested that the centre should be named after the person who owned the parcel of land in 1856, when Newcastle was incorporated. A search of the Registry Office records indicates that this was David Arnot. Mr. Arnot Sr. had the original crown patent to the lands and later transferred the lands to his various sons. David was the son who received the subject land.) 5. Newcastle & District Recreation Complex submitted by Charlie Trim The policy adopted by Council states that names shall be chosen based on the following criteria: a) The contribution of an individual/group must be well documented and broadly acknowledged within the Municipality of Clarington before the name may be used. b) Names of individuals or groups who have donated money/land towards the purchase or development of a building/facility may be used. c) Names may recognize local history (people, events, etc.) or cultural diversity (aboriginal, pioneer, ethnic). d) Names may reflect the service, function or programming of the building. REPORT NO.: CLD-021-07 PAGE 3 e) Names may make reference to the neighborhood, area or street on which the building is located and can take into consideration any naming themes in the area. f) Names of living political figures shall not be used. g) Names shall not insinuate any political affiliation. h) Names shall not duplicate or sound similar to existing municipally-owned assets. i) Names which are cumbersome should be avoided. j) Names which are discriminatory/derogatory in terms of race, sex, colour or creed will not be considered. Copies of each submission are attached hereto. It is recommended that Council choose a name for the new recreation facility from the nominations received. ATTACHMENTS #1 Nomination Form - Newcastle Recreation Complex #2 Nomination Form - Murray Butler Recreation Centre or M.A. Butler Recreation Centre #3 Nomination Form - Ron & Judy Hope Centre or R&J Hope Centre #4 Nomination Form - David Arnot Recreation Centre #5 Nomination Form - Newcastle & District Recreation Complex Interested Parties to be Advised of Council's Decision; J. Caruana, Director of Community Services Leslie Wilson, President, Newcastle Village & District Historical Society Robin Brown Charlie Trim . . Attachment # 1 to Report CLD-021-07 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NAMING OF MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS/FACILITIES NOMINATION FORM Nominator's Information: YV\u () Name Address City Province Dvrln VMJ Postal Code Jd c. 2A~ Telephone J4r&) b:J-3 - ~-:rq Proposed Name: ~. Check accompanying documents l:J Background Information (reason supporting request) l:J Biography (include information such as: given name, date of birth/death, place of birth/death, contributions, awards, achievements, history of nominee etc.) CJ Letters of permission signed from nominee{s) or next-of-kin Name Is to be used for: (Provide details such as location/address of building) Policy Statement: Municipal bulJdlngslfacllltles, either new or existing, must be named to recognize Indlvldual(s) or an organlzatlon(s) having made a significant contribution to public life and well being 01 the Municipality of Clarlngton, the Province or the Country, or to recognize significant local geographical or historical features/events. Elements/components of the buildings/facilities may also be named according to this polley. I~~ , . . . Criteria Met: (Please check one or more boxes) [J The contribution of an individual/group must be well documented and broadly acknowledged within the Municipality of Clarington before the name may be used. [J Names of individuals or groups who have donated money/land towards the purchase or development of a building/facility may be used. lJ Names may recognize local history (people, events, etc.) or cultural diversity (aboriginal, pioneer, ethnic). ~ Names may reflect the service, function or programming of the building. [J Names may make reference to the neighborhood I area or street on which the building is located and can take into consideration any naming themes in the area. ~L Z~,.xo4- Date For Office Use Only: ~Names of living political figures shall not be used. ~ Names shall not insinuate any political affiliation. ~ Names shall not duplicate or sound similar to existing municipal buildingslfacilities. car Names which are cumbersome should be avoided. [J"'Names which are discriminatory/derogatory in terms of race, sex, colour or creed will not be considered. M Municipal Clerk's Department Date PersonallnformatJon on this form Is collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Any questions pertaining to the collection should be forwarded to the Municipal Clerk, Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L 1C 3A6 Phone 905-623-3379 NEWeASTLE VILLAGE AND DISrmer HISrORleAL 50eIEfY ~~:~~~~~~2t~_o7 P. o. 80x 585, Neweastle, Ontario LI8 IHl '07MAY07 "t.t 9:45:23 May 7, 2007 Municipal Clerk, Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 Re: Naminll of new Reereation Centre at 1780 Ruden ReI. Newcastle. Ont. Please find attached some background information for our choice of a new name for the Recreation Centre at 170 Rudell Rd. Newcastle. Murrav Anderson Butler was a local Newcastle resident. He was born in the village on July 24, 1913. His family roots in the village go back to at least 1848. He was a very good athlete and just before going overseas to serve his country he was accepted by the Toronto Argonauts football team. On June 21, 1940' Murray Butler, an RAP (Royal Air Force) Pilot Officer (Navigator) was shot down over Denmark and is buried there. Age 26 yrs- 11 months. If you have any further questions or require more information regarding Murray Anderson Butler, feel free to contact me. Yours ~-:';' TN I'. W'I ~ Les Ie I son, President, Newcastle Village & District Historical Society. Pride In Yesterday · Pride Today · A Proud Tomorrow Reason #1 Reason #2 Reason #3 Reason #4 THE CASE FOR NAMING THE NEWCASTLE RECREA nON CENTRE H MURRAY BUTLER RECREA nON CENTRE" or HM. A. BUTLER RECREA nON CENTRE" Newcastle can't have a "Poppy" street named after him as that has already been done; but it's in Bowmanville of all places - where Murray was neither born nor lived! Murray Butler was an athlete. and apparently a relatively good one. just prior to his enlisting and going overseas in 1939 he had tried out for, and had been accepted by, the Toronto Argonauts. Murray Butler's roots in the village go back to at least 1848. 1) JOHN PARKER married by 1841/42 to MARY [?] their fourth son: born (date unknown) in Ireland Innkeeper ofBond Head born circa 1806/07 in Ireland 2) JAMES PARKER born 1848 at Bond Head married by 1879 to ISABELLA MELROSE born 1850 in Scotland their daughter: 3) ISABELLA MIGNONETTE "Nettie" PARKER born 08 jul1888 at Newcastle married by 1909 to FLOYD ALLISON BUTLER of Newcastle born 1882 in Ont (but not Newcastle) son of Richard Parnell Butler & Elizabeth [AINLEY] of Newcastle Nettie & Floyd's third son: Shoemaker of Newcastle 4) RAF Pilot Officer (Navigator) MURRAY ANDERSON BUTLER born 24 Ju11913 at Newcastle shot down over Denmark 21 jun 1940 age 26 yrs 11 man It was through a Veteran's of WWII grant, as well as fund raising by the men & women of the village (many of whom were themselves recently returned WWII Veterans), that the Newcastle Arena was built. Let us now honour a WWII Newcastle boy who lost his life in that war by naming our new recreation centre after him. MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON NAMING OF MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS/FACILITIES NOMINATION FORM Nomlnatais Information: Name Address City Province Postal Code Telephone l~SL1E. WilSoN ..... I LPl'e,,,j tn+ Newud!t V,UQc1- ",:Dtstl'l(f ~t)r./~ SoCJ e'J .'- . - -- ON[' r - Proposed Name: rnU~a.A1 HIlTL..ff{ RECR~ArllttJ UN7R.E. Check accompanying documents Of Background Information (reason supporting request) . Biography (include information such as: given name, date of birth/death, place of birth/death, contributions, awards, achievements, history of nominee etc.) o Letters of permission signed from nominee(s) or next-of-kin Name Is to be used for: 17 eo R l.W~. NE.LOCA S1lE) 0 NT . (Provide details such as location/address of building) Policy Statement: Municipal buildingslfacilities, either new or existing, must be named to recognize individual(s) or an organization(s) having made a significant contribution to public life and well being of the Municipality of Clarington, the Province or the Country, or to recognize significant local geographical or historical features/events. Elements/components of the buildings/facilities may also be named according to this policy. Criteria Met: (Please check one or more boxes) ti' The contribution of an individual/group must be well documented and broadly acknowledged within the Municipality of Clarington before the name may be used. o Names of individuals or groups who have donated money/land towards the purchase or development of a building/facility may be used. rsf Names may recognize local history (people, events, etc.) or cultural diversity (aboriginal, pioneer, ethnic). o Names may reflect the service, function or programming of the building. o Names may make reference to the neighborhood, area or street on which the building is located and can take into consideration any naming themes ,em \he ~/lla. U~ O~-1Y\~-9t- No'tninator's Signature Date For Office Use Only: lit' 9'" 1St ~ 5( Names of living political figures shall not be used. Names shall not insinuate any political affiliation. Names shall not duplicate or sound similar to existing municipal bu i1dings/facilities. Names which are cumbersome should be avoided. Names which are discriminatory/derogatory in terms of race, sex, colour or creed will not be considered. R3. Municipal Clerk's Department ~ 1 7/0,7 o te' Personal information on this form is collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Any questions pertaining to the collection should be forwarded to the Municipal Clerk, Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, L 1C 3A6 Phone 905-623-3379 3: 5 00 00 -II 00 cJt -0-0 ~.~ ~ '" 00 0 0 E.CIl 00 ro Il' a .., ::'6" c:- 0 c: _0 =<0' ~.~. r:: (") .......... ::l.c1:) 0 Cb r:: ro c: Cb:::; CD (Il CD 0 gsg c: .., c: .., rio ~ ~ ~ ~ ":-?~ ~ 0. .., 0 ... 0 I 1I>c: 0.- 0."'" '-.,-' ll> CD .-",~fr:J r'i'~~' 0' 2 2 r ~ ~,;-;. CD;:r CDll> ~rL ~ ...........0....... _ ::J Il' "'Il' ",,< . 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Butler Royal Air Force held in honour as one who served King and Country in the world war of 1939- 1945 and gave his life to save mankind from tyranny. May his sacrifice help to bring the peace and freedom for which he died. 'r~_ ~ 00 a. ,: leI' r ~.".'o' ~~:~ ,'.~, -t,;~", ,/ \f)~{ '. ,;.~ f" . f.", " ;"';'.,.1 '''~ "",,-"iiif'.. . , ':p.;" ,; 'i... So..., <"', I. ''''tl~~r. + :ir" >" I \. ., '., "~.. ~~ ~ ., ",jo oS '" ~ tJJr;) 0, '-0 t:;I, ~b ,. f-l L C1I _ . W CO , ilIi!:\r,;. .~ '~ ' ~ 'f:;~ Ii ~~;.;~.~~"~t ...' .. .\: ',' ,', , 1', i>' .",.<.,~ ,...~cl:~~, ',' "'1M.:'~, "~r~':',; . 'I ~ WIif' '~,i; :' ;;,. . .."...:. I' ".: .~, ~, "III'Jt:..J' "~',,) ;~,.~. .r" '-Z'~') S' < ~l.,~. .... . . . 2 . ". ~ .,., .:,;;. :" U Ii!i' .~ ~ ~... ~ .1J.I'. ~ ~ ClJ " ~ H C:. f k: ~ (.. . ~ ~ ~ ~. IlJ >-3 a' ~ I I .. /()- "- c' "'j ~' -' -<ll .....~... ;! -.:; '-1/ J' .. '\. \ '-', flnc..'tl C- . , . ~f~ ~ ;. ~;.w~....... :,;i-:?/ ..'~.1'l'; :'....~ tf}':' ~:. '.":: ~.( ;'1'. 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" ii";' ,., ~'~'<b~~:.> '" ~".' /~ r: ,..;l.<- ',~, "'. # Attachment #3 to Report CLD-021-07 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARI_11 PH 1:48:115 NAMING OF MUNICIPAL BUILDING FACILITIES NOMINATION FORM Nominator's Information: Name Address City Province Postal Code Telephone Rd)('(".. ~Ow ~ 0(\\ , ) U "'~ C \ ~ Proposed Name: ;-\0\\ ('M"'~ .:h'.~ r~~ ~ e(\'toc'r or- R ~J 'Hop~ C'€(\\ei (40r S~OM- ') Check accompanying documents E1' Background Information (reason supporting request) o Biography (include information such as: given name, date of birth/death, place of birth/death, contributions, awards, achievements, history of nominee etc.) o Letters of permission signed from nominee(s) or next-of-kin Name is to be used for: Ne......:KP.~~ eet (13('l~a" C.e,,~' (Provide details such as location/address of building) Policy Statement: Municipal buildings/facilities, either new or existing, must be named to recognize individual(s) or an organization(s) having made a significant contribution to public life and well being of the Municipality of Clarington, the Province or the Country, or to recognize significant local geographical or historical features/events. Elements/components of the buildings/facilities may also be named according to this policy. Criteria Met: (Please check one or more boxes) ~ The contribution of an individual/group must be well documented and broadly acknowledged within the Municipality of Clarington before the name may be used. o Names of individuals or groups who have donated moneylland towards the purchase or development of a building/facility may be used. o Names may recognize local history (people, events, etc.) or cultural diversity (aboriginal, pioneer, ethnic). o Names may reflect the service, function or programming of the building. o Names may make reference to the neighborhood, area or street on which the building is located and can take into consideration any naming themes in the area. Ko~ /} .~~ r--.. ~ ~ r---- Nominator's Signature ~ y 11/07 For Office Use Only: ~ Names of living political figures shall not be used. ur Names shall not insinuate any political affiliation. 9' Names shall not duplicate or sound similar to existing municipal buildings/facilities. [it" Names which are cumbersome should be avoided. ta" Names which are discriminatory/derogatory in terms of race, sex, colour or creed will not be considered. ;'7fJ Municipal Clerk's Department ClrJ.<j Jlla; Da e ( Personal information on this form is collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Any questions pertaining to the collection should be forwarded to the Municipal Clerk, Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, L 1C 3A6 Phone 905-623-3379 Ron Hope has served the Newcastle community for many, many years as President of the Newcastle BIA, as well as a Director of the Chamber of Commerce. He and his wife Judy owned and operated Stedman's, Hope's Video and the local Sears outlet until their retirement in 2006. Ron was also instrumental in obtaining financial grants from various levels of government to improve the parkette in downtown Newcastle, which includes a gazebo and water fountain. It is appropriate to recognize Ron and Judy's contributions to the village of Newcastle by naming the new recreation center after them. '07MRY11 pt1 1 :48:41 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NAMING OF MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS/FACILITIES NOMINATION FORM Attachment #4 to Report CLD-021-07 Nominator's Information: Name Address City Province Postal Code Telephone Rob\f'\ ~("ouJ 1'\ Of\, Proposed Name: S~e.. Be.\ow Check accompanying documents o B~ckgroun~ Information (reason supporting request) o Blograph~ (Include inform~tio~ such as: given name, date of birth/death, pla~ of birth/death, contnbutlons, awards, achievements, history of nominee etc.) o Letters of permission signed from nominee(s) or next-of-kin Name is to be used for:J\ewc.f\~~\e 'P.ec reG~C>r---.. C'~f'\-\er (Provide details such as location/address of building) Policy Statement: Municipal buildings/facilities, either'new or existing, must be named t~ r~cognize ind.ivid~al(s) or an organization(s) having made a Significant contnbutlon to public life and well being of the Munici~ality. of.Clarington, the Province or the Country, or to recognize Significant local geographical or historical features/events. Elements/components of the buildings/facilities may also be named according to this policy. T p(OrOse~o.-\ -4~€.. Newcf\'S-\\e. k~c Cen~r ~ho~d foe {)Cl{ned Q\-~€i -\k Ferso" w \'0 Ow (\ed -4 ""e.. po.C'c€\ os.- \o.'-'""'C') ~- ~ ~ '" \ $5SCo I ~a.\ ~"'e eee c:en~- \S 6e\'('\~ 6\.)..', \+ 0(\. 1.. ni\clI c/I,~~,c"'\""'l c\ek<""~,,,'J CUho -\he per,,,,,, wf\'>. "'floe. o\oesk rewnJ T loc"Vct wP,"- IV" oreA- t\\-los./rtli'lP l;,ool:. ro, / '6 7%. g~~ -:r ge e\ W"- S \-,o.....C d Sa 60''1:- 1 $0 '1 ea.". t-o eJhE'.--, L IT (} ('C\ 'S 0'-~ '-\ ~e_ IYl u.. '0\ c.., Oc.-.S., \~ \"'ie,.Jo...)(f'\,,:::,'\\e Wo~ '(,\'-O(~(,.).."CJ. ,- , f\~'S -\'Y1€- ob'\I\'-.t 0\ ,e<...o{c~s. -to de~~J(\'\\I'\e. w~o-\"ne. \c..~'\cJ 0'-..0 ("'er- u)o~ , 0 ~ (\'\ '-\ be y\ ~, \ Criteria Met: (Please check one or more boxes) o The contribution of an individual/group must be well documented and broadly acknowledged within the Municipality of Clarington before the name may be used. o Names of individuals or groups who have donated money/land towards the purchase or development of a building/facility may be used. . Names may recognize local history (people, events, etc.) or cultural diversity (aboriginal, pioneer, ethnic). o Names may reflect the service, function or programming of the building. o Names may make reference to the neighborhood, area or street on which the building is located and can take into consideration any naming themes in the area. _~'" ~ou,\-... Jf()OLLI tl 107 Nominator's Signature -~ For Office Use Only: o Names of living political figures shall not be used. o Names shall not insinuate any political affiliation. o Names shall not duplicate or sound similar to existing municipal buildings/facilities. o Names which are cumbersome should be avoided. o Names which are discriminatory/derogatory in terms of race, sex, colour or creed will not be considered. PO Municipal Clerk's Department ~) Personal information on this form is collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Any questions pertaining to the collection should be forwarded to the Municipal Clerk, Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, L 1C 3A6 Phone 905-623-3379 Attachment #5 to Report CLD-021-07 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NAMING OF MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS/FACILITIES NOMINATION FORM Nominator's Information: Name Address City Province Postal Code Telephone I~ tfrf' L, J E "/;f/ r~ .III EJAl7& /11' J/ / L t- C' ( 9tJ .5) Proposed Name: YEWC.4.S "/Lk' It> b 1.57/f'/C / I? C C~Ll. .4 ?7 ~t1I CtJ/Y1/'L L/ Check accompanying documents o Background Information (reason supporting request) o Biography (include information such as: given name, date of birth/death, place of birth/death, contributions, awards, achievements, history of nominee etc.) o Letters of permission signed from nominee(s) or next-of-kin A/.. - /<?~oL Name is to be used for: ~v C uJ C4.s; 72 i:" (Provide details such as location/auuress of building) ETC . - Policy Statement: Municipal buildings/facilities, either new or existing, must be named to recognize individual(s) or an organization(s) having made a significant contribution to public life and well being of the Municipality of Clarington, the Province or the Country, or to recognize significant local geographical or historical features/events. Elements/components of the buildings/facilities may also be named according to this policy. Criteria Met: (Please check one or more boxes) o The contribution of an individual/group must be well documented and broadly acknowledged within the Municipality of Clarington before the name may be used. o Names of individuals or groups who have donated money/land towards the purchase or development of a building/facility may be used. o Names may recognize local history (people, events, etc.) or cultural diversity (aboriginal, pioneer, ethnic). o Names may reflect the service, function or programming of the building. o Names may make reference to the neighborhood, area or street on which the building is located and can take into consideration any naming themes in the area. " ~ ~ tor's Signature ~ 0/. '0 t~l For Office Use Only: Er ~ B' Names of living political figures shall not be used. Names shall not insinuate any political affiliation. Names shall not duplicate or sound similar to existing municipal buildings/facilities. Names which are cumbersome should be avoided. Names which are discriminatory/derogatory in terms of race, sex, colour or creed will not be considered. ~ t/f!) Municipal Clerk's Department ~e{t 1~/67 Oat I Personal information on this form is collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Any questions pertaining to the collection should be forwarded to the Municipal Clerk, Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, L 1C 3A6 Phone 905-623-3379