HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOD-019-07 ClNiPn REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Tuesday May 22, 2007 Report #: COD-019-07 File #_ ~u\icn*qm~~O-Ol By-law #d..C()1-119 Subject: Tender CL2007-13, King Street Bridge Rehabilitation, Bowmanville Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-019-07 be received; 2. THAT Miller Paving Limited, Markham, Ontario with a total revised bid in the amount of $1 ,322,219.56 (excluding GST) being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of Tender CL2007-18 be awarded the contract for the King Street Bridge Rehabilitation, Bowmanville, Alternative "A" as required by the Engineering Department; 3. THAT alternatively should Council endorse Option B that Miller Paving Limited with a revised total bid in the amount of $1,158,359.68 being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of Tender CL2007-18 be awarded the contract for the King Street Bridge Rehabilitation, Bowmanville, as required by the Engineering Department; 4. THAT $1,000,000.00 of the total funds required for alternative "A" in the amount of $1 ,597,200.00 ($1,322,219.56 revised tender plus consulting, contingencies, utilities and less Bell Canada portion) OR for Alternative "B" in the amount of $1,407,300.00 ($1,158,359.68 revised tender plus consulting, contingencies, utilities and less Bell Canada portion) be provided from the 2006 Engineering Capital Budget Account #110-32-330-83309-7401 and $95,000.00 be provided from the 2007 Engineering Capital Budget Account #110-32-330-83212-7401 ; REPORT NO.: COD-019-07 PAGE 2 5. THAT should Council endorse Alternative "A" that funds from the 2006 Capital Budget, for the 20 King Street Fac;ade project, in the amount of $189,900.00, be transferred to this project; 6. THAT should Council endorse Alternative "A", that a revised budget amount be considered in future budget years for construction of the 20 King Street Fac;ade project; 7. THAT for both Alternative "A" and Alternative "B", that the additional $312,300.00 be funded from Federal Gas Tax Reserve Fund depleting the unallocated funding available; and 8. THAT the attached By-law marked Schedule "A" authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the necessary agreement be approved. Submitted by: Reviewed by: ~ Chief Administrative Officer rie Marano, H.B.Sc., C.M.O. Director of Corporate Services f ~ ~er- ~ an y Taylor, B.B.A, C.A, ~l Director of Finance ~ 4L AS. Cannella, ~.E.T. Director of Engineering Services MM\NT\ASCL \AB\km CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 REPORT NO.: COD-019-07 PAGE 3 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT 1.0 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT Located along the Bowmanville Creek system, the existing bridge structure on King Street is included in the approved 2006 Capital Project budget through funding from the Federal Gas Tax. The total approved budget amount is $1,000,000.00. This project includes the rehabilitation works of deteriorating sidewalks, parapet walls, and deck structure. Consideration of a decorative parapet wall is recommended in conjunction with the ongoing Community Improvement Plan for the Downtown Bowmanville area. The site location is included as Attachment #1. To assess suitable construction measures for the projects and to obtain local resident and business owner input to the design process, a Public Information Centre (PIC) was held on April 4, 2006. The design proposals for the work presented were generally well received. Each of the comments made have been considered by staff and Report EDG-27 -06 was received by Council. The recommendation specified from Report EDG-27 -06 was to proceed based on the enhanced option for the structure as presented to the public. Based on the Public Information Centre and the report to Council, the design was finalized and tendered in 2006. At that time prices tendered were far greater than the estimated project budget. This was mainly due to the relocation of Bell Telephone equipment that exists within the structure slab. As the services belong to Bell Canada, the estimated costs were difficult to foresee. As such, a redesign was necessary. As an entry feature to the Bowmanville Downtown area, the King Street bridge design considered enhanced parapet walls and decorative handrails and lighting within the scope of works as recommended in EDG-27-06. However, due to the increased costs of the first tendering attempt, the Engineering Services Department completed two alternative designs to re-tender. REPORT NO.: COD-019-07 PAGE 4 Alternative A includes decorative parapet walls and decorative lighting as presented to the general public and Bowmanville businesses. This design will certainly enhance the entrance into the Downtown area. A conceptual artist rendition was prepared and is attached for this Alternative marked attachment # 2. Alternative B restores the current bridge structural deficiencies and reinstates the current features that exist today. This includes the basic concrete parapet wall, the typical cobra head lighting, and the replacement of the handrail that is currently in place. Subsequently Tender CL2007-18 was advertised and issued with bids being received and tabulated as per Attachment #4. In order to reduce to the bid price and in accordance with the tender specifications, negotiations were entered into with the low bidder. Changes were negotiated for a total reduction of $26,449.94 for Alternative "A" and $77,764.16 for Alternative "B", reducing the total tender amounts to $1,322,219.56 and $1,158,359.68 for Alternatives "A" and "B" respectively. The changes are as identified in the letter from Totten Sims Hubicki marked attachment # 3. The Municipality's engineering consultant, Totten Sims Hubicki, has completed the tender analysis, cost apportionment, and recommendation for the works and is included as Attachment #3. The total funds required by the Municipality to construct Alternative "A" will be approximately $1,597,200.00 and for Alternative "B" $1,407,300.00. Both alternatives include tender amount plus consulting, contingencies, utilities and less Bell Canada portion. In consideration of each bridge alternative, the Engineering Services Department discussed the funding options with the Finance Department. The unallocated Federal gas tax funding in the amount of $312,300.00 is available to achieve Alternative B. These funds are currently in the Federal Gas Tax Reserve fund and relate to the first year of the Gas Tax program when detailed information on allotments were not available at the time of Budget. This will fully deplete these funds. Should Council wish to construct the enhanced Alternative A, a further $189,900.00 will be required. REPORT NO.: COD-019-07 PAGE 5 Previously approved in the 2006 Capital Budget is the construction for 20 King St. Fa<;ade. This project involves the construction of a shelter and public area for the downtown core along the frontage of the existing Municipal parking lot. The project will have a great deal of impact in the area giving specific attention to the BIA requirements. The construction of the shelter/public area has also experienced budget shortfalls through its tender process and has not yet been approved for construction. Approximately $370,000.00 is remaining from the approved $400,000.00 fa<;ade project fund. In order to meet the expectations of the downtown community, it has been determined that the budget amount for this project will need to be reviewed and likely increased or the scope of the project significantly decreased to meet the budget limitations. Therefore in order to achieve the construction of the enhanced bridge alternative and the 20 King St. fa<;ade projects, it is recommended that Council endorse the transfer of $189,900.00 from the 20 King St. fa<;ade to the King St. Bridge rehabilitation project and that the unallocated $312,300.00 available in the Federal Gas Tax Reserve fund be provided to the bridge rehabilitation project. It is also recommended a revised budget amount be proposed in future budget years for construction of the 20 King St. fa<;ade project to achieve the requirements for the downtown core. Otherwise, Alternative B is the only viable option at this point to resolve the current bridge structural deficiencies and reinstate the current features that exist today. The Director of Finance has reviewed the recommendations of this report and is in agreement with the financing proposed. Attachments: Attachment NO.1 - Site Map Attachment NO.2 - King St. Bridge Alternative A Conceptual Rendition Attachment NO.3 - Totten Sims Hubicki Recommendation Attachment NO.4 - Bid Summary CL2007-13 Attachment NO.5 - By-law --------- L_-- . ----1 \::\\, --,;! I-LLJT7~"'Jllnw~~ -------J ~\) i---J ~A./ ,~:;;; ":/Y ):I'~L'--:,-"'<j __! ..... ..- ~~:~~ \\ (;~~~..,_ .- "-~'''j' ~tt~chl~ent N~. 1/ ITT-;7, \:.;, ". L<Q'r_ /~ I fTllll[ , 1,~),U '@i-'-ed,(__ LUVERME CTI '~. ) i / ~LLLLl::::::. JJ!' 1//1 el:" -7:;:7"> '1"1 ~<5--/ '~) //J .FREP:ERi~~~ L-tr CTIC~LffiV/), ~( r~~,: ~ , ' , , //1\ j rr7\:'\n EDSALL\AVJ SEC0 ~8 t;;::)----co //.L \ ~ lIllp:.,LL," .---' i i \, \1 (i"; "f., . /,r/.(~:L,.L"["'~.,..-'---.: '~"~]9 :B I:" /~~ '4~~> / l p",)l"..lL:: l ' ,;.,1 ,! f :~'..j I:,....IJ J i!' 10 -I, .~" EvA~..(,.; 1.0RRAINEI -"'--1 'TIlT' i i-~'-1 ..-,.,!;:/ : / '.' j''''f! ;"r.. .-r.rl"+....~; 'I-j' 'r-< C) _ o ,n"O ?'f:{: /, \,~:..:o -1= j 1,:+,';' (--1. \ / __....J(!=:.__y '\~~'J.J. 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".,,".'. lV W~e 8 f" " Ii ., ~',::' ':jV.j.1 (/I)(-'~' <.:.;"';r \"<};':::3 DRAWN BY: EL DATE: May 15, 2007 ATTACHMENT NO.1 .. ~ ~ QJ '- .E QJ co i!Ol , ~j ~ (IJ (IJ 1- U ~ 'l:t' - os; 0 t: 0 "'z E t: 3: 0 o 0- -0 CQ~ 0 1- o~ 0 (IJ N > "' "- 0 :::J oi: VI Co ~> <: "'0 .... oc Co CQ CI) U .... t: (IJ 0 (IJ U 1- +-I V') bI) t: S2 '- QJ ~ <: N o z .... r:: Q) E -'= (.) cu ~ < Attachment No. 3 . .-rI - e n gil archi I I an p Tot tfi'~)iI3. po; Hj.ruckci;e.~.fio 5ro-s DivIsI5n S.treet. CII :)()Llr~J, Ont<,;ri,o Cailadil ~ (!36j."r2-212"' : (Fil\x ~:90e1 E- ww,cobc "( 1~'.iII@ t! ).('<l.tshlCa May 14, 2007 Mr. A. S. Cannella, C.E.T. Director of Engineering Services Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. LlC 3A6 Dear Mr. Cannella: Re: King Street Bridge Rehabilitation, Bowmanville Contract CL2007-13 Municipality of Clarington Tenders for the above project were opened at the Municipal Offices on Monday, April 16,2007 at 2: 15 p.m. A list of the bids received is provided in the table below. All numbers are exclusive of GST. BIDDER TOTAL BID TOT AL BID Alternative "A" Alternative "B" Miller Paving Limited $1,348,669.50 $1,236,123.84 MARKHAM, ON Concreate USL Ltd. $1,426,849.00 $1,315,026.00 * Bolton, ON Bob Hendricksen Construction Ltd. $1,525,194.40 $1,392,384.50 PORT PERRY, ON Holloway Philp Construction Ltd. $1,728,031. 00 $1,575,256.00 Milton, ON Elirpa Construction & Materials $2,060,364.50 $1,955,093.46 * Limited PICKERING, ON Hugo Mark Construction Inc. Rejected ** MILTON, ON * Extension Error ** Bid was not submitted on required forms TSH has reviewed all bids accepted by the Clarington Purchasing Department and have confirmed the bid values noted above. Miller Paving Ltd. has completed similar work on a number of projects for the Ministry of Transportation Ontario in various locations throughout Ontario. The three project managers contacted for three of the projects, Morrison Hershfield, The Greer Galloway Group Inc. and M. F. Tulloch Inc., confirmed the contractor's performance on thc projects to be satisfactory. Attachment No.3 Mr. A.S. Cannella, C.E.T. May 14,2007 2 Project costs based on Miller Paving Limited's low bid for both Alternative "A" and Alternative "B" are summarized on the attached cost apportionment. This project was originally tendered in June of 2006 and it came in with total project costs of $3.3 M and $2.9M for Alternative "A" and $2.9M and $2.7M for Alternative "B", for the two bids that were received with the cost for Bell relocation averaging just over $I.OM. As a result of the large expenditure that would have been required to address the Bell relocation it was decided to redesign the bridge rehabilitation to significantly reduce the Bell related costs on the project. The redesign resulted in a reduction of approximately $840,000 for the Bell relocation and an additional reduction in rehabilitation costs of $260,000 and $200,000 for Alternatives "A" and "B" respectively. Although there was a significant decrease in the project costs from the 2006 tender the Municipality of Clarington's share of the CL2007-13 project is projected to be $502,200 over budget for Alternative "A" and $312,300 over budget for Alternative "B". Much of the budget overrun can be attributed to the increase in construction costs over the last 18 months from when the original budget estimate was prepared for the project. The totals include negotiated contract change reductions of $26,449.94 and $77,764. I 6 for Alternatives A and B respectively, in accordance with Clarington's purchasing by-law 2006-127, Clause 10.01(c). The cost savings represent the removal of Item No. A/B 1.20 - Concrete Median and negotiated changes with the contractor for I) a price reduction for Item AIB 1.12 - Temporary Line Painting, resulting from a different application and removal than what was specified and 2) a price reduction for Item B 1.23 - Pedestrian Handrail, resulting from the change in the type of railing and the height of the parapet wall. The cost savings represents the removal of approximately 2.0% and 6.3% from the total tender amount bid by Miller Paving for Alternative A and Alternative B, respectively, The bridge rehabilitation work is necessary and if delayed will result in additional costs to deal with increased rehabilitation needs as well as expected normal increases in general construction costs for labour and materials. TSH provides this review for your consideration in preparation of your report to the purchasing department. Deposit cheques or bid bonds should be retained for the low and second low bids until the Contract has been executed. Should you require any further information, please contact the undersigned. Yours truly, i---l---~- ~ 'y}' / . ..f" / ....\ . ../ >:"" ,: ~. Ron Albright, P.Eng. - .,' \" Project Engineer, Associate RA/ra P:\42-70992\corrcsr\CI.2007-1 J award lelter.doc Encl. pc: Mr. Bruno Bianco, P.Eng., Design Engineer, Municipality of Cia ring ton VI C o .. !~ c..c .- .. ~.c .!!.. ull:: ..... Om ~:E 1;Di 0..- .- .. .~ 1: "U1 ~m c 52 Attachment No.3 "-N 00> 00> NO .,,- i~ ::2* tl ~ "e- Cl- I Ul >- " 0_ ." ~~ :is 0 'Ol' ~ 0 .2 0 :t: 111 0> a.fti C or .. 'C 0 II f ...! ~ C .. O. " ",::li . E C Co .c 0 ." E t' 0_ .!l 0 0 ~ C 0 Cl- . e Qj .ci .. ~ 0 III .. .c . li. E J: alCl- .. ,g " ." ." 0: C... ~8 .!l .!l .!l i5 .. .. .. J: o~ ~ E E a. a.." ~ '" ~ a.c La <( . 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E' :;; ,5 ." 1: ." .c (;) 1:: 1:: 1:: 1:: C ll' E 5l'~ I <( .. s " E C . .. .. .. 0 " 0", C :s ~ ;n . " III " 0 Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl- (;) Z 0: Z zu 8 ~~ 0 .. 'u . 0 :;; Ol z 'ii 3 'ii .. c 1$ E " 3 i5 ON 0 ;; ;; " <( ." u 1: S c. 2 (;) '0 '0 '" .. c c " 0 ~ ~ ~~ c w 1l ~ ~ >- r! >- >- 0 .. ;, .Q ~ ;, ;, ~ ;; Cl ~ u C ." ~ u 0 " " 1l ~~ 0 " " 0 '0 " <( U III III Z (;) (f) III (;) >- Ol 0 C .. .. o U <( ! ." .!l E :::J 0> C 'S; .. Cl- ~ :i ,., III ." ~ " E .c a ." iIi ~ o ...J (; LL >-' ui (j ~ ." " u .ll '" C ~ ~ , E "- 6 g t'~ o u a._ a.u <( e 1ij c o 0 uu Attachment No.4 Clwil1gfOn Municipality of Clarington Attachment # 4 TENDER CL2007-13 King Street Bridge Rehabilitation, Bowmanville BIDDER TOTAL BID TOTAL BID Alternative "A" Alternative "B" Excludina GST Excludina GST Miller Paving Limited $1,348,669.50 $1,236,123.84 MARKHAM,ON Concreate USL Ltd. $1,426,849.00 $1,315,026.00 * Bolton, ON Bob Hendricksen Construction Ltd. $1,525,194.40 $1,392,384.50 PORT PERRY, ON Holloway Philp Construction Ltd. $1,728,031.00 $1,575,256.00 Milton, ON Elirpa Construction & Materials Limited $2,060,364.50 $1,955,093.46 * PICKERING, ON HugoMark Construction Inc. Rejected ** MIL TON, ON * Extension Error. ** Bid was not submitted on reauired forms. Attachment No.5 Schedule "A" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-lAW 2007- Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Miller Paving Limited, Markham, Ontario to enter into agreement for the King Street Bridge Rehabilitation, Bowmanville, Ontario. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1 . THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation Seal, a contract between, Miller Paving Limited , of Markham, Ontario, and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this day of ,2007. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of ,2007. Jim Abernethy, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk