HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-059-07 Cl!!f.pn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES PUBLIC MEETING Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: May 22, 2007 '~e:dlA~0yl~qPA-35S-01 Report #: PSD-059-07 File #: ZBA 2007-0015 & S-C 2007-0004 By-law #: Subject: ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION TO PERMIT THE DEVELOPMENT OF 1342 RESIDENTIAL UNITS APPLICANTS: BAYSONG DEVELOPMENTS INC., 2084165 ONTARIO LTD., KIRK KEMP AND DOUGLAS KEMP RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-059-07 be received; 2. THAT the application for Draft Plan of Subdivision S-C-2007-0004 and application for rezoning, ZBA 2007-0015 submitted by Baysong Developments Inc., 2084165 Ontario Limited, Kirk Kemp and Douglas Kemp be referred back to staff for further processing; 3. THAT the applicants be required to pay their proportionate share of the Financial Impact Analysis to assess the impact of this proposal on the Municipality; and 4. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Reviewed by: ~~ .P. Fr kinWu tff Chief Administrative Officer SA2*CS*CP*DJC*sh May 11, 2007 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-059-07 PAGE 2 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant/Owner: Baysong Developments Inc., 2084165 Ontario Limited, Kirk Kemp and Douglas Kemp 1.2 Agent: Tunney Planning Inc. 1.3 Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision: 1342 unit residential Plan of Subdivision consisting of: . 842 single detached dwellings on 10.0, 11.0, 12.0 13.5 and 15.0 metre lot frontages; . 102 semi-detached dwelling units on 18 metre lot frontages; · 155 street townhouse units; · 115 block townhouse units; . 128 medium/high density residential units within a mixed use block; · 1 public elementary school block; and · 2 park blocks. 1.4 Proposed Rezoning: To change the current zoning on these properties from "Agricultural Exception (A~ 1) Zone" to an appropriate zone to permit the proposed development. 1.5 Area: Baysong Developments Inc. 2084165 Ontario Limited Kemp TOTAL 46.841 hectares 15.119 hectares 12.583 hectares 74.543 hectares 2.0 LOCATION 2.1 The subject lands are located on the north side of Concession Road 3, west of Middle Road and east of Regional Road 57, being in Part lots 13 and 14, Concession 3 in the former Township of Darlington (Attachment 1). 3.0 BACKGROUND 3.1 On March 2, 2007, Baysong Developments Inc., 2084165 Ontario Inc., Kirk Kemp and Douglas Kemp submitted applications for draft plan of subdivision and rezoning. The subject applications propose a total of 1342 residential units consisting of single detached, semi-detached, townhouse, medium and high density units. 3.2 The Northglen Landowners Group (Baysong Developments Inc., 2084165 Ontario Limited, Kemp and Carruthers) have also submitted an application to amend the Clarington Official Plan. The proposed Official Plan Amendment includes the subject lands as well as encompassing the entire Northglen Neighbourhood. The Official Plan REPORT NO.: PSD-059-07 PAGE 3 Amendment application is subject to a separate report on this agenda (PSD-058-07). A draft plan of subdivision and rezoning application submitted by Kemp and Carruthers for the lands on the east side of Middle Road, north of Concession Road 3, also within the Northglen Neighbourhood is the subject of Staff Report PSD-060-07. 3.3 Supportinq Documentation The applicants have provided the following documentation in support of the proposed development applications: 3.3.1 Environmental Site Assessments. Phase 1 Four separate Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments were carried out for each of the four properties which combine to make up the land subject to these applications. The findings of each of the assessments are summarized below (Attachment 2). Bavsona Developments Inc. The two properties owned by Baysong Developments Inc. encompasses the western half of the subject lands. Two Phase 1 reports were submitted, one for each property. The reports state there are two minor concerns centred on a fill pile near the former barn and the adjacent operation of a wrecking yard. After further analysis, it was determined that neither had any significant environmental impact on the property. The reports concluded that the sites are suitable for the proposed residential development. 2084165 Ontario Limited This property encompasses the northeast portion of the land subject to these applications. The study concluded that neither the past or present use of the land or its neighbouring properties has resulted in any significant environmental impacts. As such, the site is suitable for the proposed development. Kemp This property is located on the southeast portion of the lands subject to the applications. The majority of the site is currently an apple orchard, which has existed prior to 1974. The results of the testing revealed no environmental contaminants exceeding the Ontario Environmental Protection Act Standards for Residential/Parkland/Institutional Property Use. No further testing is required and the site has been deemed appropriate for the proposed residential development. It is recommended that any harmful debris found during construction be removed and disposed of properly. 3.3.2 At the time of writing this report a Tree Preservation Plan, Noise Study, the Landscape Analysis, Transportation Study and Financial Impact Analysis are outstanding. The Municipality of Clarington is undertaking the Financial Impact Analysis. 4.0 LAND CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES 4.1 The northwest portion of the lands consist of a woodlot with some cleared areas in the northern, western and southern sections of the property. The northeast property was historically used for agriculture, but is now vacant, naturally vegetated land. There is a REPORT NO.: PSD-059-07 PAGE 4 barn and building debris present on the land. An apple orchard is currently being operated on the southeast property (owned by the Kemp family), with vacant, naturally vegetated land to the north. Finally, the southwest portion of the lands consists primarily of farmland. There exists a residential building and the remains of a barn on the southwest corner of this property. The subject lands are relatively flat and generally slope south towards Lake Ontario. 4.2 The surrounding uses are as follows: North Agricultural crops and rural residential, Quarry Lakes Golf Course South Concession Road 3 and beyond, existing Urban Residential, Hydro One's work depot East Middle Road and beyond, orchards and rural residential and lands subject to a proposed draft plan of subdivision West Regional Road 57 and beyond, Estate Residential, Bowmanville Creek Valley 5.0 PROVINCIAL POLICY 5.1 Provincial Policy Statement The 2005 Provincial Policy Statement encourages planning authorities to create healthy, liveable and safe communities by accommodating an appropriate range and mix of residential, employment, recreational and open space uses to meet long term needs. The subject applications are consistent with the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement as they are proposing the development of a mixed use community with a range of housing types and densities. The applicability of the Provincial Policy Statement is discussed in greater detail in report, PSD-058-07. 5.2 Provincial Growth Plan The Provincial Growth Plan encourages Municipalities to manage growth by directing population growth to settlement areas. The subject applications generally conform to the intent of. this document. A more detailed discussion of the applicability of the policy is included in report, PSD-058-07. 6.0 OFFICIAL PLANS 6.1 Durham Reqional Official Plan The Durham Region Official Plan designates the subject lands as Living Area. The intent of this designation is to permit the development of primarily residential areas with defined boundaries, incorporating the widest possible range of housing types, sizes and tenure, developed in an efficient and cost effective manner. - REPORT NO.: PSD-059-07 PAGE 5 In consideration of development applications within designated Living Areas, regard shall be had for the intent of this plan to achieve the following: · A compact urban form; · The use of good urban design principles; . The provision of convenient pedestrian access to public transit, educational facilities and parks; and · The grid pattern of roads. 6.2 Clarinqton Official Plan 6.2.1 The subject lands are designated Urban Residential within the Clarington Official Plan. This designation is to ensure developments provide for a diverse range of housing. The applicants have filed an Official Plan Amendment application to allow for the following: . Increased housing and population targets; . · Revisions to the road network; . Revisions and additional medium density symbols; and . Revisions to school and park requirements and locations. 6.2.2 The policies require that an Environmental Impact Study be undertaken for development applications located within the Lake Iroquois Beach or within or adjacent to any natural heritage feature on Map C of the Official Plan and any significant natural heritage feature which may exist but which is not presently identified on Map C. The majority of the Northglen Neighbourhood is located on the Lake Iroquois Beach. Significant Woodlots and Significant Valleylands are also identified on Map C. The applicants have prepared an EIS which is being finalized. 6.2.3 In addition to the woodlot being preserved through the EIS, there are a number of trees on the property of various species and health. As such, the preparation of a Tree Preservation Plan is required to identify those trees that can be preserved and contribute to the natural heritage of the neighbourhood. 6.2.4 The Official Plan encourages the conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage resources. One residential structure on the subject lands has been recognized as a Primary Heritage structure on the Municipality's heritage resources list. Where a structure is recognized on the heritage resource list, the Municipality will allow alterations, renovations, additions or repairs provided the proposed changes are compatible and consistent with the building and surrounding area. The Municipality discourages demolition or the inappropriate alteration of a heritage resource. 6.2.5 A Neighbourhood Centre designation is designated at the northeast corner of Regional Road 57 and Concession Road 3, within the subject lands. Neighbourhood Centres are to serve as focal points for residential communities and provide for day to day retail and service needs. The maximum gross leasable floorspace shall be 5000 m2. Neighbourhood Centres are intended to be developed with adjacent areas such as transit nodes containing higher density residential uses, recreation, community, cultural and institution uses. REPORT NO.: PSD-059-07 PAGE 6 6.2.6 The Clarington Official Plan states prior to consideration and approval of a plan of subdivision, the Municipality shall require the preparation of a Neighbourhood Design Plan. The plan shall be prepared in consultation with the Municipality and other agencies. A Neighbourhood Design Plan is a visual interpretation of the future development of a neighbourhood. The applicants have prepared a Neighbourhood Design Plan which is under review by the Planning Department. It was the subject of a peer review workshop last year. An open house was held in February of this year. 6.2.7 The Clarington Official Plan states that the Municipality may require a Financial Impact Analysis to be undertaken for major development proposals. Where such an analysis demonstrates that the development will have an adverse effect on the Municipality's financial situation, the development will be considered to be premature and contrary to the intent of the Official Plan. Staff have advised the applicants that such a study is required and will be undertaken by staff with the assistance of a consultant at the applicants' expense. 7.0 ZONING BY-LAW 7.1 Zoning By-law 84-63 zones the subject lands "Agricultural Exception (A-1) Zone". The proposed development does not comply with the provisions of this zone and therefore the subject Zoning By-law Amendment is required. 8.0 PUBLIC NOTICE 8.1 Joint public notice of the subject applications was given by mail to each landowner within the Northglen Neighbourhood and within 120 metres of the subject lands. Public notice signs were installed along the Regional Road 57, Concession Road 3 and Middle Road frontages. 8.2 Submissions received with respect to these applications, as of the time of writing, are documented in PSD-058-07. 9.0 AGENCY COMMENTS 9.1 The subject applications for draft plan of subdivision and rezoning were circulated to various agencies and departments. The Official Plan Amendment application and Neighbourhood Design Plan were circulated separately. Clarington Building and Rogers Cable have offered no objections to the proposed applications. 9.2 Clarington Emergency Services has reviewed the proposal and requested that roads greater than 90 metres long are to provide turn around facilities regardless of whether the dead ends are temporary or permanent. They have also requested a more detailed drawing of the round-a-bout connecting Street A to Street B to determine compliance with road widths and turning radii. REPORT NO.: PSD-059-07 PAGE 7 9.3 Clarington Operations has indicated that they do not have any objections at this time. They require an upstream stormwater interceptor complete with man-hole clean-out and access by vacuum truck. In addition, a contribution of $20,000 for future maintenance of the pond will be required. 9.4 Bell Canada has determined that a telecommunication facility easement will be required to service the subject lands. As such, the draft plan of subdivision should be revised to reflect a 10m x 10m easement. 9.5 Clarington Engineering has reviewed the subject applications and provided the following comments: Road Dedication Sight triangles proposed for arterial road intersections must be revised to meet the Municipality's criteria. Also, a 5.0 metre road widening to be dedicated to the Municipality is required on the north side of Concession Road 3 and 3.0 metre dedication is required on either side of Middle Road. Transportation Issues The applicant is preparing a transportation study which is to address the concerns expressed by the Engineering Department pertaining to current traffic and future traffic volumes, and recommendations for traffic control measures for Regional Road 57, Concession Road 3 and Middle Road. The applicant will also be responsible for an on- street parking plan. The applicants have been requested to provide detail engineering design for the proposed round-a-bout. At such time as the design is reviewed and is deemed acceptable to the Director of Engineering Services, the preferred location for the round- a-bout will be confirmed. Concerns have also been expressed with regards to the number of temporary dead end streets that are proposed. All temporary dead end streets must provide sufficient width to accommodate a temporary turning circle. Phasinq Phasing of the subject draft plan will be restricted by the number of external accesses available. Full development of the draft plan will require all external accesses to be constructed. Development Charae By-law Development cannot proceed until such time as the Municipality has approved expenditure of funds for the provision of the urbanization and reconstruction of Concession Road 3 and Middle Road including sidewalks and street illumination as well as entrance works or services which have been included in the Municipality's Development Charge By-law and have been deemed necessary by the Director of Engineering Services. REPORT NO.: PSD-059-07 PAGE 8 Gradinq and Drainaqe The Engineering Department is requiring that a Preliminary Stormwater Management Report be completed in order to determine the size and location of the stormwater management facility. The Department is also requiring a Preliminary Lot Grading and Drainage Plan that demonstrates that all lots and blocks can be graded in accordance with Municipal criteria. 9.6 Comments remain outstanding from a number of departments and agencies at this time. 1 0.0 STAFF COMMENTS 10.1 Baysong Developments Inc., 2084165 Ontario Ltd, and Kirk and Douglas Kemp own the three properties subject to these applications, equal to approximately 40% of the lands within the Northglen Neighbourhood. These landowners have submitted one rezoning application and one application for draft plan of subdivision. . 10.2 Density 10.2.1 The densities of this plan of subdivision must conform to the Neighbourhood Design Plan(NDP) and the Official Plan Amendment as ultimately approved. The subject plan of subdivision for 944 low density residential units and 398 medium density units. The proposed densities for this plan of subdivision appear to remain within the low and medium residential density targets. Staff have been reviewing the densities of the proposed subdivision application together with the proposed NDP and Official Plan Amendment. There are some discrepancies to rationalize between the subdivision submission and the NDP submission. Through the Official Plan Amendment, staff will ensure that the proposed number of units and mix is consistent with the developments in other neighbourhoods in Bowmanville. Staff are working with the consultant to ensure the subdivision and NDP submission match. 10.2.2 Park Block 958, is required to have a frontage on a public street equal to a minimum of 25% of park perimeter. It is recommended that 3 lots on street "U" be eliminated to achieve this. This will give the proposed park block additional street frontage and therefore greater visual presence. 10.3 Mixed Use Commercial Block Baysong Developments Inc. is proposing a mixed use commercial block in the southwest corner of the subject lands. The lands are designated as a Neighbourhood Centre which permits a maximum retail f100rspace of 5000 square metres and Medium and High Density residential uses are also designated. The applicant has provided a conceptual plan which includes medium and high density uses and retail f1oorspace, a stormwater management pond and a parkette. The amount of retail f100rspace and the proposed number of residential units are not identified on the conceptual plan. Therefore, staff is unable to determine whether the proposal conforms to the Official Plan. The concept plan and the commercial block will be subject to site plan approval. REPORT NO.: PSD-059-07 PAGE 9 10.4 Road Pattern 10.4.1 The proposed road pattern is a loose representation of the desired grid system. Proposed Streets "A' and 'B' are to serve as the collector roads within the development. The proposal also includes a network of 20 metres and 18 metres wide local roads. The plan of subdivision proposes six accesses to the surrounding arterial roads being Regional Road 57 to the west, Concession Road 3 to the south and Middle Road to the east of the subject lands. Given the extent of the subject applications, a Transportation Study has been requested. 10.4.2 The use of a round-a-bout is proposed a central feature of this development. Both Planning and Engineering staff support the use of this distinct transportation and neighbourhood feature. However, at such time as the engineering details on the proposed round-a-bout have been submitted, reviewed and approved by the Director of Engineering, the preferred location(s) for the round-a-bout along the proposed east- west collector will be determined. 10.5 Cultural Heritaqe There is a primary heritage structure located at 3222 Middle Road. This property is not within the subject draft plan of subdivision. However, the underlying lot fabric has been identified and this property is to be incorporated into future development. Staff would prefer that this structure be retained and incorporated into the plan of subdivision's design and development. 10.6 Housinq Mix and Lot Confiquration 10.6.1 The plan of subdivision proposes an appropriate mix of residential forms and densities including primarily single detached, semi-detached and townhouse units. The applicant has requested single detached dwelling lots with minimum frontages of 10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.5, 15.0 metres. This would result in 10.0 metres being the smallest single detached lot frontage. The 15.0 metre frontages are the largest of the proposed single detached lots. These lots are concentrated along the northern limit of the plan of subdivision as well as backing onto the environmentally protected lands in the northeast corner. The applicant has also proposed traditional semi-detached dwelling units on 18.0 metre lot frontages. These lots are distributed throughout the mid-west portion of the plan of subdivision, to the west of the proposed central park block. In addition, 7.0 metre wide street townhouses as well as block townhouses are proposed and are primarily located in the southern portion of the draft plan of subdivision. This broad range of lot frontages will lay the foundation for a variety of housing types and further enhance Bowmanville's increasingly diverse housing stock. 10.6.2 Lots should be reconfigured to minimize the need for future noise fencing wherever possible. This includes re-orientating lots to face the window streets to protect the outdoor amenity areas from potential noise pollution and reduce the need for fencing. REPORT NO.: PSD-059-07 PAGE 10 10.6.3 Staff have expressed concern for instances where single lots of a different frontage are interspersed with groupings of lots homogenous in size. It is felt that these irregularly placed lots will create an interrupted streetscape more so than providing for an interesting fayade, which may have been the intent. 10.7 Neiqhbourhood Desiqn Plan The proponents have also submitted a Neighbourhood Design Plan to provide a visual representation of the entire neighbourhood, beyond those lands subject to these applications. It includes road alignments, sidewalks, trails and pedestrian nodes, lotting patterns, schools, parks, open space systems and stormwater management facilities. Reduced road widths are also being explored through this process. Detailed comments on the NDP have been provided to the applicants. Many of the issues identified in this report are contained in those comments: 10.8 Financial Impact Analysis The servicing and road infrastructure required to support development in this neighbourhood is forecasted in the Municipality's Development Charges background study for sometime beyond 2011. Staff has advised the proponents that a Financial Impact Analysis is required to ascertain if the development will have any adverse effects on the Municipality's financial situation. In this regard Staff initiated this process for the Northglen Neighbourhood as well as other neighbourhoods; among them are Brookhill and North Newcastle Village. The proponents have been advised that they are responsible for their proportionate share of the cost of the study. 10.9 Parkinq An on-street parking plan will be required prior to draft approval to ensure that there is sufficient on-street parking for visitors available within the proposed plan of subdivision. 11.0 CONCLUSION 11.1 The purpose of this report is to provide information for the public meeting under the Planning Act. Staff respectfully request that this report be referred back to staff for further processing, receipt of outstanding comments and documents and the preparation of a subsequent report. Attachment: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Land Ownership Attachment 3 - Subdivision Layout List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Baysong Developments Inc. Carruthers Family 2084165 Ontario Limited Mike Dome Kirk Kemp Grant Martin Douglas Kemp Florence Cinquemani Attachment 1 To Report PSD-059-07 ~ .:; c lIS ~ lD Q. lIS ~ C o :;:; lIS U o .J ~ CIl Q. e D.. 11).... "l""" C "'Ilt Q II) Q Q E Q ''0 Q ,... C · Q II) ,... Q E Q N <( Q <C ~ ~ IS ~ tn >0. I i I r:: a .; 'S; :e; .a ::s en I!- a r:: ns a:: 1; ... c .... r:: "'Ilt II) Q E Q'O Q r:: . CD ,... E Q<( Q r:: N~ ~~ o .!!! o .~ = I 0 r:: I i r:: I .~ (.) HH:lON IS Al~38111 t; 1 I I" ~ I- I I I I I Ir I a'v'o~ 31aalV\l LS a'v'o~ V\I'v'H~na cj .5 Ift-Ca. "SE r:: ._ ~.5 ~ a....I II) a a ns a; '': '5 > ns ::s CD 1: a coc C) It) '0 r:: U) r:: a 'P" ns 1I)"lt.lll: >0. 00 ... ns 0 .- mN~ ..: II) r:: ~ o . ~ Cl~g~~~ z 0 ~ ~ ~ . . II P. i n ~ w~1 z ~ ,-j)" --, ' I r=y~ , ! 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