HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-058-07 Cl~n REPORT PLANNING SERVICES PUBLIC MEETING Meeting: Date: Report #: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE PSD-058-07 File #: COPA 2007-0004 ~\lAt\O() ~ePA-3~-D1 By-law #: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 Subject: PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICANTS: BAYSONG DEVELOPMENTS INC., 2084165 ONTARIO LIMITED, KEMP, CARRUTHERS RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-058-07 be received; 2. THAT the application to amend the Clarington Official Plan COPA 2007-0004, submitted by Baysong Developments Inc., 2084165 Ontario Limited, Kemp and Carruthers be referred back to staff for further processing upon receipt of all outstanding supporting documentation, outstanding comments from various agencies and the completion of the Neighbourhood Design Plan Process; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Reviewed by: 11 Fr k In Wu, Chief Administrative Officer CS*CP*DJC*sh*df 14 May 2007 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-058-07 PAGE 2 1.0 1.1 APPLICATION DETAILS Owners: Baysong Developments Inc., 2084165 Ontario Limited, Kirk Kemp, Douglas Kemp, Helen Kemp, Robert Carruthers, and Patsy Carruthers 1.2 Applicant: Tunney Planning Inc. 1.3 Clarington Official Plan Amendment: . Amend Table 5-1 by increasing the population targets for Bowmanville from 60,000 to 64,700 and amending all corresponding totals. . Amend Table 9-2 by increasing the housing target for Northglen to reflect the following: i) From 975 low density units to 1600 units ii) From 250 medium density units to 725 units iii) From 50 high density units to 100 high density units; and iv) amend all corresponding totals. . Amend Map A-3 -"Land Use Bowmanville Urban Area" by: i) Revising the collector road pattern by deleting a portion of the collector road and relocating other portions; ji) Removing a public elementary and a secondary school symbol; iii) relocating a separate elementary school; iv) relocating one neighbourhood park symbol and adding three new neighbourhood park symbols; v) relocating and adding four (4) Medium Density symbols; and iv) adjusting the Environmental Protection Area. . Amend Map B3 -"Transportation - Bowmanville Urban Area" by revising the collector road system by deleting a portion of the collector road and relocating other portions. . Amend Map E2 -"Neighbourhood Planning Unit- Bowmanville Urban Area" by changing the population of the Northglen Neighbourhood from 3,750 to 7,500. 1.4 Site Area: 185.88 hectares. REPORT NO.: PSD-058-07 PAGE 3 2.0 LOCATION 2.1 The lands subject to this amendment are located north of the Concession Road 3, east of Regional Road 57, and west of Liberty Street, being the south half Parts of Lots 11, 12, 13 & 14, Concession 3, in the former Township of Darlington (Attachment 1). 3.0 BACKGROUND 3.1 On March 2, 2007 Staff received an application to amend the Clarington Official Plan submitted jointly by Baysong Developments Inc., 2084165 Ontario Limited, Kirk Kemp, Douglas Kemp, Helen Kemp, Robert Carruthers, and Patsy Carruthers. The group of landowners are collectively known as the Northglen Landowners Group. The Official Plan Amendment application is for the entire Northglen Neighbourhood. Two separate applications for draft plan of subdivision and rezoning have been submitted for lands on the west side of Middle Road, owned by Baysong, 2084165 Ontario Limited, and Kirk and Douglas Kemp. Similarly, applications for draft plan of subdivision and rezoning have been submitted on the east side of Middle Road by Kirk, Douglas and Helen Kemp and Robert and Patsy Carruthers. 3.2 Supportinq Documentation The applicants have provided documentation to support the Official Plan Amendment application. The following studies have been submitted thus far: · Hydrogeological Analysis prepared by Geo-Iogic Inc., dated May 2005 was prepared for the lands subject to development applications in the Northglen Neighbourood. · Archaeological Assessments were prepared by Advance Archaeology, September 2006 and November 2006. Five individual reports were submitted, one for each of the individuals properties that are subject to development applications. · Functional Servicing Report prepared by Sernas Associates, dated April 2007 was submitted for the entire Northglen Neighbourhood. . Neighbourhood Design Plan prepared by Tunney Planning Inc. was submitted in accordance with the Official Plan Policies. The Neighbourhood Design Plan will be discussed in Section of 10 of this report. At the time of writing this report, the following studies were outstanding or incomplete to process the Official Plan amendment application: . Transportation Study . Noise report REPORT NO.: PSD-058-07 PAGE 4 4.0 SITE CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUND AREAS 4.1 The site characteristics are varied throughout the Northglen Neighbourhood. Natural heritage attributes include ponds, swamps, woodlots, thickets and regenerating vegetation where agricultural activities have ceased. Creek valleys associated with permanent and intermittent tributaries of the Soper Creek are also present. The lands west of Middle Road include cultivated agricultural lands, orchards, an auto wrecking yard and existing residential uses. The lands east of Middle Road include orchards, a place of worship, existing residential uses including an Estate Residential subdivision known as the Rills of Liberty. 4.2 Surrounding Uses: North: Rural residential, agricultural lands, Bowmanville Golf Course and Quarry Lakes Golf Course; South: Existing urban residential development and lands that have been draft approved for urban residential development; East: Regional Road 14, rural residential, agricultural lands and valleylands associated with Soper Creek tributaries; West: Regional Road 57, estate residential, and Bowmanville Creek valley 5.0 PROVINCIAL POLICY 5.1 Provincial Policy Statement 5.1.1 The Official Plan amendment application and the corresponding applications for Draft Plan of Subdivision and rezoning were reviewed in the context of the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement. 5.1.2 The Provincial Policy Statement encourages planning authorities to create healthy livable and safe communities by accommodating an appropriate range and mix of residential, employment, recreational and open space uses to meet long term needs. 5.1.3 Policy related to Settlement Areas, states that new development shall occur adjacent to built up areas and shall have compact form, a mix of uses and densities that allow for the efficient use of land, infrastructure and public services. 5.1.4 The Housing Policies, states that Planning authorities are required to provide for a range of housing types and densities with a ten year supply of lands which are designated, and a three year supply of zoned and service land within draft approved and registered plans. New housing is to be directed to locations where infrastructure and public services are or will be available. A full range of housing types and densities shall be provided to meet projected requirements of current and future residents of the regional market area. REPORT NO.: PSD-058-07 PAGE 5 5.1.5 The Public Spaces, Parks and Open Space policies, state that healthy active communities should be promoted by planning public streets and spaces that are safe and facilitate pedestrian and non-motorized movement. A full range of publicly accessible built and natural settings for recreation including facilities, parks, open space and trails should also be considered. 5.1.6 The Infrastructure and Public Service Facilities policies, state that infrastructure and public service facilities shall be provided in a coordinated efficient and cost effective manner. Planning for these shall be integrated with planning for growth so that they are available to meet current and projected needs. The use of existing infrastructure and public service facilities should be optimized where feasible before considering developing new infrastructure and public service facilities. 5.1.7 Energy and Air Quality policies, state that planning authorities shall support energy efficiency and improved air quality through various means in the planning and development process 5.1.8 The subject applications are consistent with the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement as they are proposing the development of a mixed use community with a range of housing types and densities. The subject lands are adjacent to the existing built-up area and will make use of existing infrastructure and public service facilities. The applications will also aid the Municipality in attaining its three year supply of available residential land. 5.2 Provincial Growth Plan 5.2.1 The Provincial Growth Plan encourages municipalities to manage growth by directing population growth to settlement areas. Growth is to be accommodated by building compact, transit-supportive communities in designated greenfield areas and by reducing dependence on the automobile through the development of mixed use, pedestrian- friendly environments. Growth shall also be directed to areas that offer municipal water and wastewater systems. Municipalities should establish an urban open space system within built up areas which may include communal courtyards and public parks. 5.2.2 The applications would appear to conform with the Provincial Growth Plan. 6.0 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 6.1 Durham Reqion Official Plan 6.1.1 Within the Durham Regional Official Plan, the lands are designated as "Living Area". Living Areas shall be used predominantly for housing purposes. However, a mix of uses such as certain home occupations, convenience stores, public and recreational uses, limited office development and retailing of goods and services may also be permitted in Living Areas provided there are appropriate provisions and designations in the area municipal Official Plan. REPORT NO.: PSD-058-07 PAGE 6 6.1.2 In considering development applications in designated Living Areas, regard shall be had for the intent of this plan to achieve the following: · A compact urban form; · The use of good urban design principles; · The provision of convenient pedestrian access to public transit; educational facilities and parks; and · The grid pattern of roads. 6.2 Clarinqton Official Plan 6.2.1 Within the Clarington Official Plan, the subject lands are designated as Urban Residential, and Environmental Protection Area. The use of lands within the Urban Residential designation shall be predominately for single and semi-detached housing. Public elementary, separate elementary and public secondary school, medium and high density residential, neighbourhood centre commercial and neighbourhood park symbols are also all identified throughout the neighbourhood. 6.2.2 The Northglen Neighbourhood has a population allocation of 3900 and a housing target of 1325, consisting of 975 low density units, 250 medium density units, 50 high density units and 50 units for intensification. 6.2.3 The Neighbourhood Centre designation is located at the northeast corner of Regional Road 57 and Concession Road 3, within the subject lands. Neighbourhood Centres are to serve as focal points for residential communities and provide for day to day retail and service needs. The maximum gross leasable f100rspace shall be 5000 m2. Neighbourhood Centres are intended to be developed adjacent areas such as transit nodes containing higher density residential uses, recreation, community, cultural and institutional uses. 6.2.4 Section 9.5 of the Clarington Official Plan states that prior to the consideration and approval of a plan of subdivision, the Municipality shall require the preparation of a neighbourhood design plan. The plan shall be prepared in consultation with the Municipality and other agencies. A neighbourhood design plan is a visual interpretation of the future development of an entire neighbourhood and does not require the approval of Council. A neighbourhood design plan is being processed. 6.2.5 The policies of the Official Plan require an Environmental Impact Study for all development applications located within the Lake Iroquois Beach or within or abutting any natural heritage feature on Map C and any significant natural heritage feature which may exist but which is not presently identified on Map 'C'. The majority of the Northglen Neighbourhood is located within the Lake Iroquois Beach. Significant Woodlots and Significant Valleylands are also identified on Map 'C'. The purpose of an Environmental Impact Study is to provide recommendations on the development limits for the Northglen Neighbourhood Design Plan. Such a study has been undertaken and Staff are awaiting final submission of the report. 6.2.6 The Official Plan requires sub-watershed study to be undertaken priorto approval of a plan of subdivision. The plan also states that where a Master Drainage Study has been REPORT NO.: PSD-058-07 PAGE 7 approved, prior to the approval of the Official Plan, a master drainage plan can be substituted for the requirement for a subwatershed plan. A master drainage plan for Northwest Bowmanville, was prepared by G.M Sernas & Associates in 1989, which took into account the development potential of the majority of lands in the Northglen Neighbourhood. However, the lands on the east side of Middle Road and north of the proposed draft plans of subdivision by Kemp & Carruthers requires the preparation of the Soper Creek Subwatershed Study. The lands subject to the Soper Creek subwatershed will not be considered for development until such time the Subwatershed Study is complete. 7.0 PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS 7.1 Two Public Notices were prepared for the Official Plan Amendment and two applications for Plans of Subdivision and rezonings. Both notices referenced the application for proposed Official Plan Amendment. Public Notice was given by mail to each landowner within the Northglen Neighbourhood and within 120 metres of the neighbourhood boundary. Public Notices signs for each development were posted on Concession Road 3, Regional Road 57, Middle Road, and Liberty Street North. 7.2 As of the date of writing this report, there have been three inquires. One individual was interested in the northern limits of the Environmental Protection Area designation on the west side of Middle Road. One individual inquired about the location of the east-west Type C Arterial Road at the north limits of the neighbourhood. One individual expressed concern with the potential extension of Nash Road over Bowmanville Creek, the lack of road infrastructure to service the area, the concern with development in proximity to Bowmanville Creek, and construction techniques for the stormwater management pond, where it will drain to and the potential to contaminate Bowmanville Creek. 8.0 AGENCY COMMENTS 8.1 The application for the Official Plan Amendment was circulated to various agencies and municipal departments for comment. 8.2 Clarington Operations Development have offered no objection at this time, however the extent of development will be monitored for future budgeting exercises. 8.3 Comments have not been received from the following agencies: . Durham Region Planning Department . Durham Region Works Department . Durham Region Transit Department . Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority REPORT NO.: PSD-058-07 PAGE 8 · Separate School Board . Public School Board 9.0 STAFF COMMENTS 9.1 Baysong Developments Inc., 208412 Ontario Limited and the Kemp and Carruthers families (Northglen Landowners) own large parcels of lands that are equal to approximately 62 % of all lands in the Northglen Neighbourhood. They have submitted one application to amend the Clarington Official Plan. The proposed amendment submitted with the application is contained in Attachment 2. It is requesting the following: · Increasing the population and housing targets for Bowmanville and Northglen Neighbourhood; · revising the collector road pattern by deleting a portion of collector road north of the mid block east west collector and revising the location of other portions of the collector road; · relocating one neighbourhood park symbol, retaining one symbol in its original location and adding three new neighbourhood park symbol for a total of 5 neighbourhood parks; · deleting a public elementary and secondary school symbol and relocating the separate school symbol; and · adding four new medium density symbols, for a total of nine medium density symbols. The specific locations of the various uses, the mix of housing types are identified in the corresponding applications for Draft Plan of subdivision and rezonings. A detailed discussion of the specific issues associated with these applications can be found in PSD-059-07 and PSD-060-07. 9.2 Neiqhbourhood Desiqn Plan 9.2 1 In keeping with Official Plan policies, the proponents prepared a Neighbourhood Design Plan (NDP) to provide a visual interpretation of the entire neighbourhood. It includes road alignments, sidewalks, lotting patterns, high and medium density blocks, school, parks, environmental protection areas, a stormwater management facility, and mixed use commercial. The plan does not propose to alter the nature of development in the Rills of Liberty. No development is proposed for those lands subject to the Soper Creek Subwatershed Study at this time. 9.2.2 In June 2005, the landowners held an information session to discuss their intentions for the site and provide findings from technical studies including Existing Conditions and Constraints Report on the Natural Environment Component, Hydrogeological Study, Functional Servicing Study and Landscaping Master Plan. 9.2.3 The NDP was peer reviewed by municipal consultants. In April 2006, a community design peer review workshop was facilitated by Staff, planning and design consultants REPORT NO.: PSD-058-07 PAGE 9 The Planning Partnership and transportation consultants, Poulus & Chung. The workshop was attended by the landowners group, stakeholders and agencies. The recommendations of the peer review consultants were used to prepare a revised NDP submitted in January 2007. The NDP forms the basis for this Official Plan Amendment. 9.2.4 The NDP has been circulated to various department and agencies for comment. A detailed review of the plan is currently underway by Planning Staff. It will be the subject of a future report to Council at a later date. 9.3 The proponents prepared an Environmental Impact Study for the entire neighbourhood. It was required to assist in setting the limits of development in the neighbourhood. The draft report was submitted in May 2006. It was deficient in many aspects and amendments to the document were required by staff at CLOCA and the Municipality of Clarington. The revised document has not been submitted at the time of writing this report. A revised Functional Servicing Study was submitted as result of the January 2007 NDP submission. 9.4 The Clarington Official Plan shows an east - west Type 'C' Arterial between Regional Road 57 and Liberty Street, located at the mid point between Concession Road 3 and 4. As part of the peer review process, the Municipality's engineering consultants, Totten Sims Hubicki, concluded that the Type 'C' Arterial was not required to accommodate development with the urban area boundary as proposed through the NDP. As this road was originally identified to address traffic needs from the Bowmanville urban area, and it is not being incorporated in the proposed NDP or subdivision applications, the proposed Clarington Official Plan Amendment submitted by the applicants will have to be revised to delete the Type C Arterial. In addition, the Type 'C' Arterial is also shown in the Region of Durham Official. Staff have not received comments from the Region of Durham to confirm the need for an Regional Official Plan amendment to delete this road. 10.0 CONCLUSION 10.1 The purpose of this report is to satisfy the requirements under the Public Meeting under the Planning Act, and taking into consideration the outstanding comments, outstanding supporting documentation, and the need to complete the Neighbourbourhood Design Plan process, staff respectfully request that this report be referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Proposed Official Plan Amendment REPORT NO.: PSD-058-07 PAGE 10 List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Kemp Family Carruthers Family Mike Dome Baysong Developments Inc 2084165 Ontario Limited Florence Cinquemani Grant Martin Kevin Tunney Robert & Patsy Carruthers H ~ON :! 'S; C IV E ~ lD Q. IV :::IE c o ;; IV U o ..J ~ CD Q. e D. LS O'v'O~ HH:lON IS AH:138111 ~ LS a\fO~ I I I I I Ir I a\fO~ 31aarVII Attachment 1 To Report PSD-058-07 - c 'llt CD o E o'C o C . CD I' E Oct o c NJ!! ~~ o .!!! o .~ == I 0 c I i c I .~ (J It)'llt "l"""O 00 00 . . 1'1' 00 00 NN <CO men N"C ~i ~i CD It) "l"""O 00 00 . . 1'1' 00 00 NN <CO men N"C cj c lj-cQ. oS E c ._ ~.5 ~ Q...J II) o 0 ftI Gi 'i: 'ij) > ftI ::::s CD e 0 coc CI It) 'C C CD C o or- ftI II)-.:t..ll:: ~ co ... ftI 0 .- mN~ i.: CD c ~ o Attachment 2 To Report PSD-058-07 ~osed Amlmd'ment to the Clarinl!ton Official'-Plan Northglen Neie:hbourhood Purpose: The purpose of this amendment to the Clarington Official Plan is to..modify.the land uses) transportation network, and .. neighbourhood plan-ning unit population of Unit 10, Northglen, in order to permit development in accordance with the Northglen Neighbourhood Design Plan. Location: Lands subject to this amendment consist of the South Half of Lots 1)) 12) 13) and 14) Concession 3, Municipality of Clarington. The lands are situated East of Regional Road #57, West of Liberty Street and North of Concession Road 3 within the Bowmanville Urban Area. Basis: The Northglen Neighbourhood Design Plan is the basis of the Official Plan Amendment. Actua.l Amendment: The Clarington Official Plan is hereby amended by amending Land Use Map A3) Transportation M.ap B3, Neighbourhood Planning Units Map E2, Table 9-2 and Table 5-1 of the Clarington Official Plan in accordance with on Plates 4) 5, 7 and 14 of the Northglen Neighbourhood Design Plan, Amendments to Schedule A3 (Land Use Map Attached) are as follows: Environmental Protection and Neighbourhood Parks · The addition of an Environmental Protection Area in the vicinity of Soper Creek on the West side of Middle Road. :; h.....__~._t __.c-.~ ~--'.~_.._ __.f!"..... - 'J"'l. ,... - - .,. -;;rnTPf''Tinn J..'~l1ll1Vd.1 lU p'UIIlJlI.... IJl u~~ .1..J.!!V!!I_tH!!!t::'!~!.~:'-! _ . ..........._vu'"""" "A.. __ "-'_.. ~u..... i-,C:"~1i ..J1UV V.L .1...&""",,,,-,, .A.,"VU,U. · Redistribution of the Neighbourhood Parks. k-xplanationfor changes to Parks and Environmental Protection Areas The redistribution oft.he Neighbourhood Parks was done ill response to Parks Department and School Board comments. The adjustments to the Environmental Protection Area, reflect t.he ground tnlthing conducted by Central Lake Ontario Conservation staff. Tunney PI<lnnlng Inc. Page 1 of 3 Schools · Relocation of the Separate Elementary School to the East side of Middle Road. · Removal of the Secondary School · Remova.l of the Public Elementary School from the East side of Middle Road. Explanation The removal and relocation of schools is in response to the requests of both School Boards. Density · Addition of 3. Medium Residential Density Symbol on the East side of Regional Road 57 North of the proposed Major Collector road, · Addition of a Medium Residential Density Symbol on the East side of the Neighbourhood Centre, · Addition of a Medium Residential Dellsity Symbol on the Southeast corner of the two proposed Major Collector roads, · Addition ofa Medium Residential Density Symbol on the West side of Middle road south of the proposed Major Collector Road · Relocation of the Medium Residential Density Symbol in OP from the North West corner of the proposed Major Collector road and Concession Road 3 to the North East corner of Middle Road and Concession Road 3. Explanation: The increase in the Medium Density residential to provide an integrated mixed housing form as visualized in the "Places to Grow" and other Provincial initiatives. Amendments to Transportation Map B3 . Th~ i"jnri'hi~nllth r.niip~tnr rnllr1 hMuT"""'", 1\J1;..i..ii~ D norl and Regional Road 57 to be parallel to Middle Road terminating at the EastfWest Major Collector road. The extension northerly of the road is deemed redundant as the lands north of the Northglen Neighbourhood are now pa.n of the "Greenbelt", Tunney Planning Inc. Page 2 of 3 Neiehbourhood Plannin2 Units MaD E2 · Amending Ma.p E2 by changing the projected population of .Planning Unit 10 from 3750 to 7500 persons. Explanation The 7500 population is derived from the rounding up of the population projection for the approved Neighbourhood Plan. Table 9-2 should be deleted and replaced with the attached amended 9-2. Table 5-1 sha.ll be amended to show a. population in the Bowmanville of 64,690. Implementation: The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan as a.mended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply to this amendment. Interpretation: The provisions set forth in the ClaringtOl1 Officia.l Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply to this Amendment. Tunney Planning Inc. Page 3of3 '---/ CHANGE POPULATION FROM "3750. TO "7500' ~-- I f . I -I o 200 400 600 $(l() m - ~ .....-- - --. - I , . I . CONCessiON ROAO,J ~ 0:: ~ ~ .,...,.. II F ) ~~:Jc::j- ! /~E OIVJ.;IR/O MAP E2 -- I ,J/-"----'\ (-- NEIGHBOURHOOO PLANNING UNITS , ~ \,~_ BOWMANVILLE URBAN AREA OFFICIAL PLAN MUNICIPAliTY OF CLARINGTON fHll~LJARY :1. 1 g99 REFER TO SECTIONS ~ Ai'>lD 9 ITHii:'C'ONSOi)DAilON IS PROVIDtD rt5ifCoN"vE;NltNC( ONCYl AND ~f.PRESF.Nl'l; REOUr.SltIJ \,ODlr'~lIONS _~N1l ^r:r.ROVI1J~1 .P""'"' J ~~ \ :d'-O:)1 (1000) lJRSAN BOUNDARY NE1GHBOURHOOD BOUNDARY POPULATION --- ~hapter 9 " / Residenti-ar NeighbourhQods T.ble: ~2 H"'~i"~ brztts by Ndr.hbou~ ~~r.tllb~~l)rtOO<1!a HOlBins Unlls ~~id'1\II.r NeAl Centr31 NeilS 'ntro,mCDlicn TolAf low Mf:djlnn ~1I8h ~llJrTl HIs11 LOurtio: Nt MIl/II Ccntroll\re3 0 0 0 0 250 100 JSD "12 Suh Cemr.'lf Art:'''' 0 0 0 0 0 ~50 ~50 N.J Wordr.n t17~ I~S 0 D 0 100 1400 N4 HI~hI3"d 1225 100 0 0 0 '5 1~00 N5 Clcnvl(!w 550 "'2!i 0 110 0 So II~S N6 H~nrock IJJmo li'~ 0 0 0 SO (I) 97! 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"'-''\'\ .,.._.n ~""-"'_."""I"III'II..'" lYPE C ARTERIAL OFFICIAL PLAN MUNICIPALITY OF CU\RINGTON rEBfWART )., I ",f1(,) REf'I:f~ TO :,I:CTION 19 r'iH;S" r.oN~iiujj^ lIQN'iSPiliiviill';ll lOR c'oiiVi'-Ni(Ni.:i."i)ilir' I ~~ 1!~?RN"r;~'1,f.STrO. .~?!~!:'!.^.!!9.'!~ ~~.~!.'Eqv^,; fUTURE ,77::z:?~ '\~~.~S'" ?lE - 1.l1G J~' I 1 ,~J GRAOE Sf:I>^RATION COLLECTOR RO^/l - - - - - - - REGIONAL TRANSIT SPINE . . . . . . . . .. INTE:R-REGION^I. TRANSIT UNE t= GO ST^"ON EXHIBIT'~ " To Official Plan Amendment No. ----;----. \.,1'rto1%.r." , '-. ,..".~::~.,...., .~~ l"; I I I I -<, f i./ I IV I DEFERRED BY THE REGION OF DURHAM ~~ I TO\"If..! CENTRE NEtGHBDURHOOD CENTRE c :~i~~~ENT AREA t?":;~ ~'~~~OYMENT AREA GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AREA ~l UTILITY 1--------[ ~~~~CNT~~~~~ _ GREEN SPACE r ' "I ~~~~~~~NT .. 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