HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLD-022-07 ,CJ!Jlpn REPORT CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Tuesday, May 22,2007 Report #: CLD-022-07 File #: ~du\1on4tqfJA-~19 --dl By-law #: Subject: FLAG RAISING/PROCLAMATION/PARADES POLICIES RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CLD-022-07 be received; 2. THAT the policy related to flag raisings as outlined in Report CLD-022-07 be approved; 3. THAT the policy related to proclamations as outlined in Report CLD-022-07 be approved; 4. THAT the Municipality's current practice of processing parade requests continue; 5. THAT the request for the Annual Orange Parade to be held in Orono on July 7, 2007 be approved, provided the organizers apply for and obtain a Road Occupancy Permit from the Engineering Services Department; and 6. THAT Gary Cole, District Master, West Durham District L.O.L. and Ron Milne be advised of Coun ., decision. Reviewed by: nklin Wu, ft Chief Administrative Officer Submitted by: PLB*ct REPORT NO.: ClD-022-07 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND At its meeting held on April 30, 2007, Council considered correspondence from Gary Cole, District Master, West Durham District L.O.L. requesting Council to declare the week of July 6 to 13, 2007 as "Orange Week", requesting permission to hold a parade in the village of Orono on July 7 and requesting that the Canadian Orange Standard flag be flown at the Municipal Administrative Centre in Bowmanville during the week. At that same meeting, correspondence was received from Ron Milne voicing strong objection to the issuance of a permit to allow the march of an Orange Parade in Newcastle last July and requesting that a future march not be permitted in Clarington. Copies of these letters are attached for information. In response to these letters, the following resolution was passed: "THAT Correspondence Items D-11 and D-12 be referred to the Municipal Clerk for a review and report on the municipal policy related to parades and flag raisings to determine appropriate occasions to be acknowledged." Currently, the Municipality does not have a formal policy on either parades or flag raisings. Also, in reviewing this matter, it has been determined that we do not have an official policy on proclamations, so this report addresses that area as well. In order to determine municipal practices, the municipalities within the Region of Durham and the City of Toronto were contacted to determine policies that are in place. Within the Region, only the Cities of Oshawa and Pickering have adopted formal policies pertaining to flag raisings; only the City of Oshawa has a policy pertaining to proclamations. FLAG RAISINGS The Municipality is requested, at numerous times throughout the year, to display flags at the Municipal Administrative Centre and to arrange flag raising ceremonies. These requests are submitted to the Clerk's Department and placed on the Council agenda for approval. Once approved by Council, the flag raising ceremonies are arranged through the Mayor's office. REPORT NO.: CLD-022-07 PAGE 3 It is recommended that a flag raising policy be adopted by Council as follows: The courtesy flagpole is identified as the flag pole at the Municipal Administrative Centre that normally holds the Municipality of Clarington Flag and will be considered our "guest flagpole" to be used to hold flags of other nations or for awareness campaigns. a) Requests for displaying flags and flag raisings may be approved by Council for: · Non-profit or charitable organizations · Recognition of national or international dignitaries visiting the Municipality · Public awareness campaigns b) Requests for displaying of flags and flag raisings shall not be approved for: · Political parties or political organizations · Religious organizations or the celebration of religious events · If the intent is to defame the integrity of Clarington Council · If the event or organization has no direct relationship to the Municipality of Clarington This policy is in keeping with the policies in place in other municipalities contacted. PROCLAMA TIONSIT AG DAYS The Municipality receives approximately 25 requests for proclamations/tag days each year. Upon receipt, the request is placed on the Council agenda for Council direction and, upon approval, the proclamation is advertised on the community bulletin board. If the organization requesting the proclamation provides a ceremonial document, it is signed by the Mayor once the proclamation has received Council approval and provided back to the organization. It is recommended that a proclamation policy be adopted as follows: REPORT NO.: CLD-022-07 PAGE 4 Upon receipt of a request for a proclamation/tag day, the request will be placed on the Council agenda for approval. An organization does not have exclusive rights to the day, week or month of their proclamation, however, tag days will not be approved for more than one organization for the same date. a) Requests for Proclamations shall be approved for: · Charitable fund raising campaigns . Public awareness campaigns . Arts and cultural celebrations . Special Honours b) Requests for Proclamations shall not be approved for: · Matters of political controversy, religious beliefs or individual conviction · Events or organizations with no direct relationship to the Municipality of Clarington · Campaigns or events contrary to law, Municipal policies or by-laws . Campaigns intended for profit-making purposes Proclamations do not constitute a personal or civic endorsement. PARADES Currently, Council considers requests for parades, in accordance with our Special Events By-law. There are no restrictions upon the types of parades which will be approved, provided the organizers can comply with the requirements of the by-law. This includes approval of the Emergency Services Department, the Durham Regional Police, Region of Durham (if applicable) and Ontario Provincial Police (if applicable) as well as providing $2 Million insurance, showing REPORT NO.: CLD-022-07 PAGE 5 the Municipality of Clarington as an additional insured. If accessing a Regional Road, the Region of Durham must also be named as an additional insured. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law. Specifically, the Charter states that everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: . Freedom of conscience and religion; . Freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; . Freedom of peaceful assembly; and . Freedom of association Based on the foregoing, it is recommended that Council not limit the occasions for which parades will be approved, except in the case of an organization promoting an illegal activity. CONCLUSION It is respectfully recommended that the policies outlined within this report related to proclamations and flag raisings be approved and that the current practice of approving parade requests be continued. ATTACHMENTS #1 - Letters from Gary Cole #2 - Letters from Ron Milne #3 - Flag Raising Policy #4 - Proclamation Policy Interested Parties to be Advised of Council's Decision: Gary Cole, District Master, West Durham District L.O.L. Ron Milne AGENDA '0 Attachment #1 to . 7APR16 At-110=16: Report CLD-022-07 West CDurliam CDistrict L.O.L. c/o Gary Cole 42 King St. W. Bowmanville, ON /'..........-- hN."",~....,.., L 1 C 1 R3 i elf E. C. .' """ . ~...~.~. . I -'. ~,...l'lt ....... .. ,,,g ..~ \. 1.~ It-"-D I .'. ~-- . ~... / API? 1:; . February 22, 2007 Municipality of Clarington Attention: Mayor Jim Abernethy and Council 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON, LIC 3A6 Re: Orange Week 2007 Dear Sirs: I am writing to you to request that Council officially declare the week of July 6 - 13,2007, Orange Week in the Municipality ofClarington. We have scheduled several functions for both for members and non-members of our organization during that week, which will commence with the Annual Orange Parade in Orono, on July 7th. We would also ask that during this week that the Canadian Orange Standard flag be flown at the Town Hall in Bowmanville. We will, of course, supply the flag for this purpose. I look forward to your response. ,';,';.~;Ti..:;N f I !, \ . I ~ . _... ~ Yours truly, I ' ! .)){~ ~~.' r Gary Cole District Master West Durham District L.O.L. , . Oio~~~ AGENDA West (Durliam (District L.O.L. c/o Gary Cole 42 King St. W. , Bowmanville, ON LIC IR3>7APR23 PM 2:39:22 April I, 2007 Municipality of Clarington Attention: Mayor Jim Abernethy and Council 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON, LIC 3A6 Re: Annual Loyal Orange Lodge Parade Dear Sirs: I am writing to you on behalf of the parade committee for our annual July celebrations and would like to ask for your permission to hold a parade in the village of Orono on July 7th, commencing at the fairgrounds at I :00 p.m. Another member or our committee has already been working with Mr. Ron Baker, Traffic Coordinator for the Municipality of Clarington for this function. I look forward to your response. Sincerely, btf!lb 1 0 I ./)./),. ! OlE / V-J At 0' L '",-_0: Gary Cole District Master West Durham District L.O.L. i :' ..' ,.J)] 0 ~ COt:: -~ Y. '.'"... Attachment #2 to Report CLD-022-07 Fleming, Cindy From: claire milne [clairemilne@sympatico.ca] Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 8:17 PM To: Clerks Depatment Outside Subject: parade Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to inform you of my strong objection to allow or release a permit to allow the march of an orange parade in Newcastle. I was shocked and appalled to see this bigoted fete in my local town last July. I have lived in Newcastle for over 10 years and have never seen a political or anti religious march in that time except for last year and do not expect to see another. I hope i have given enough notice for your decision to take my objection into account and look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Please do not hesitate to call if you need clarification at my reasons for being against such marches. Yours sincerely Ron Milne r .:t.:r' .M": lION I -c';' , /"""'"' " 't ~O~./~J ,_.~ l).-: ,-_... I rnoa0~ To the Members of Council This letter is further to my email of April 12 2007 regarding my objection for a July 12 Orange Parade March in Newcastle I will not be able to attend the meeting of April 30 to voice my concerns in person, so I hope this letter will be heard by the members of council before a vote. First of all I was disgusted to see grown men drunk in the street. We live on Edward St West and not only did my 12 year old son witness someone laying on the sidewalk after falling down drunk, but was also screamed at as he walked our dog. My objection is also a personal one. I left Scotland more then 20 years ago to avoid this kind of bigoted march. I will not get into the history, or the why's of this particular march, suffice to say it is offensive to me, and to all Catholics. The orange order are nothing short of a hate group and are the shame of Scotland and of Northern Ireland and why they are allowed to continue this practice is beyond my understanding. We have entered an era of tolerance and understanding in a new millennium in this country and as members of council you have a responsibility to take us forward and not back into a predigest past. I appreciate you time and would like to be informed when you decision is made. Yours Ron Milne Cl~-!llgton Attachment #3 to Report CLD-022-07 DRAFT Administrative and Corporate Policies H26 - Flag Raising Section: Category: Subsection: Application: H Operations H-26 All Employees Date Approved: Last Revised: Approved by: 1. Purpose: To ensure the appropriate criteria is in place when Council is requested to raise a flag in the Courtyard at the Municipal Administrative Centre. 2. Policy: The courtesy flagpole is identified as the flag pole at the Municipal Administrative Centre that normally holds the Municipality of Clarington Flag and will be considered our "guest flagpole" to be used to hold flags of other nations or for awareness campaigns. 3. Procedures: a) Requests for displaying flags and flag raisings may be approved by Council for: · Non-profit or charitable organizations · Recognition of national or international dignitaries visiting the Municipality . Public awareness campaigns b) Requests for displaying of flags and flag raisings shall not be approved for: · Political parties or political organizations · Religious organizations or the celebration of religious events · If the intent is to defame the integrity of Clarington Council · If the event or organization has no direct relationship to the Municipality of Clarington 4. Appendices: None Page 1 of 1 - Non-Affiliated and Others: H26 QiJlillgton AuaCIlIIl\,;Ul rr"T LV Report CLD-022-07 DRAFT Administrative and Corporate Policies H27 - PROCLAMATIONS Section: H Category: Operations Subsection: H27 Application: All Employees Date Approved: Last Revised: Approved by: 1. Purpose: To ensure the appropriate criteria is in place when Council receives a request to issue a proclamation. 2. Policy: a) Requests for Proclamations shall be approved for: . Charitable fundraising campaigns . Public awareness campaigns . Arts and cultural celebrations . Special Honours b) Requests for Proclamations shall not be approved for: . Matters of political controversy, religious beliefs or individual conviction · Events or organizations with no direct relationship to the Municipality of Clarington · Campaigns or events contrary to law, Municipal policies or by-laws . Campaigns intended for profit-making purposes . 3. Procedures: Upon receipt of a request for a proclamation/tag day, the request will be placed on the Council agenda for approval. An organization does not have exclusive rights to the day, week or month of their proclamation, however, tag days will not be approved for more than one organization for the same date. 4. Appendices: None Page 1 of I - Non-Affiliated and Others: H27