HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-79-99 <& ON: PD-79-99 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON . REPORT Date: Monday, July 5, 1999 File # 1757 5/ Res. # ~Pfl- -=)1J-c{9 Meeti ng: General Purpose and Administration Committee Report #: Subject: PD-79-99 File #: SBA 99-003 By-law # SIGN BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION APPLICANT: PAYLESS SHOESOURCE PART lOT 16, CONCESSION 1, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON FilE NO.: SBA 99-003 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-79-99 be received; 2. THAT the application for minor variance to the Municipality of Clarington Sign By- law 97-157, submitted by Provincial Sign Service on behalf of payless ShoeSource, to permit three wall signs with a wall coverage of 12.3% on the north wall, 12.3% on the south wall and 11.4% on the east wall, be APPROVED; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 1. lEGISLATION Section 210 of the Municipal Act, Subsection 146 (g) allows Council to authorize minor variances to the Sign By-law, if in the opinion of Council, the general intent and purpose of the By-law is maintained. 2. BACKGROUND AND PROPOSED AMENDMENT On June 10, 1999, the Municipality received an application to amend Sign By-law 97-157, submitted by Provincial Sign Service on behalf of Payless ShoeSource. The proposed amendment is to permit three wall signs with wall coverage greater than the by-law maximum of 10%. The location and size of each sign as proposed by the applicant was as follows: 658 REPORT PD-79-99 PAGE 2 . north wall- . south wall- . east wall - 16.1 % of the wall area 18.1 % of the wall area 11.4% of the wall area 3. SIGN BY-LAW PROVISIONS The provisions of the sign by-law permit a maximum of 10% wall coverage by wall signs for identification purposes. At the Director of Planning's discretion, he/she has the authority to make minor exceptions without amendment to this By-law for size of a sign, not exceeding 10%. 4. APPLICANT'S RATIONALE The applicant has requested the amendment to enable the use of their Company's standard sign design and size. In support of their application they have stated that they are an international store and the signs proposed are used on the majority of their other sites. Also, Payless ShoeSource states that they are a "destination store" and require the larger signage. 5. STAFF COMMENTS 5.1 The applicant is proposing to use channel letters, surrounded on all sides by a 4 inch eyebrow. Upon reviewing the application drawings, it was staff's opinion that the 4-inch eyebrow is part of the sign area and not the display surface. The agent, Provincial Signs, is aware of this interpretation. All further sign size calculations by staff include this 4 inch eyebrow. North Elevation The 36-inch letter chosen by the applicant for the north wall represents a wall coverage of 16.1 %. The application package submitted by the agent contains information detailing smaller letter sizes than the applicant proposed to use. This data is summarized in Attachment No.5. 659 REPORT PD-79-99 PAGE 3 . Using the smallest letter size shown in the application package (24-inch channel letter with 4-inch eyebrow surrounding the letters) the wall coverage would be reduced from 16.1 % to 12.3%, a difference of 21.8 sq. ft. for the north wall. South Elevation The 38-inch letter chosen for the south wall represents a wall coverage of 18.1 %. Again, using the smallest letter size shown in the application (24-inch channel letter with 4-inch eyebrow surrounding the letters) the wall coverage would be reduced from 18.1 % to 12.3%, a difference of 33.6 sq. ft. for the south wall. East Elevation The 44-inch letter size chosen for the east wall represents a wall coverage of 11.4 %. This is an increase of 18.3 sq. ft., above the 10% wall coverage permitted by the By- law. 5.2 Staff conducted a site visit to examine the view to the site of the proposed retail unit and signs. Staff found that the location will have excellent visibility from Highway 2, Clarington Boulevard, the Canadian Tire Store parking area, the road south of the proposed store which connects to Green Road and the main aisle within the parking lot which is parallel to Highway 2 Visibility is only limited from the aisle directly abutting the north wall of the Zellers and the retail plaza to the west. The proposed Payless ShoeSource will be located between Canadian Tire and Zellers. Due to the size of these two stores and thus their wall area, the signage on the north wall is 1322 sq. ft. for the Canadian Tire Store and is 752 sq. ft. for the Zellers Store (these are both well below the 10% maximum wall coverage permitted). By permitting a minor variance for sign size Pay less ShoeSource will be able to maintain a visible presence between these two larger retail stores. 660 REPORT PD-79-99 PAGE 4 6. CONCLUSION Staff are not able to support the application as applied for. However, staff would recommend approval for the 24-inch channel lettering for the north and south walls, resulting in wall coverage of 12.3% for both, and 36-inch channel lettering for the east wall at 11.4%. Staff feel that this maintains the visibility of the signs for the proposed store, and does not interfere with the continuity of the signage between Payless ShoeSource's other store locations. The applicant has been advised of staff's position. 7. RECOMMENDATIONS Staff would recommend approval of the application for minor variance to Sign By- law 97-157 at 12.3 % for the north wall, 12.3 % for the south wall and 11.4% for the east wall. Reviewed by, o f1~_ ~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer Davi . Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning & Development SL *LDT*DjC*cc June 29, 1999 Attachment No. 1 Attachment No.2 Attachment No.3 Attachment No.4 Attachment No.5 Key Map Proposed Sign Detail Elevations of North, South and East Wall Sight-Line Sketch Applicant's Letter Schedule Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Robert C. Vansickle Provincial Sign Services Limited 375 Frankcom Street Ajax, Ontario L 1 S 1 R4 661 002 ATTACHMENT '1 ...J - ~ w C z C!J - CJJ C W CJJ o D.. o a: D.. z 9 ~ W ...J W J: I- ::l o (/) z o ~ W ...J W J: I- a:: o z ./J.'" . '-." '!'-.l~ . I . I I I ~ 11 ! 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