HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-72-99 ~ DN: PD-72-99 . THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT PUBLIC MEETING Date: Monday, July 5,1999 Fi Ie # ])/ t Z/3/ff!ciJ,;;2l) Res. 4iG'P1}-~3-o/1 Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee Report #: PD-72-99 File #: ZBA 99-020 By-law # Subject: REZONING APPLICATION APPLICANT: SYVAN DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED PART LOT 28, CONCESSION 1, FORMER VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE 20 ROBERT STREET, NEWCASTLE VILLAGE; FILE NO. ZBA99-o20 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following 1. THAT Report PD-72-98 be received; 2. THAT the rezoning application ZBA99-020 to amend the Zoning By-law to permit the development of a day care facility and a commercial school, in addition to the existing permitted uses, be referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.4 Area: Syvan Developments Limited Syvan Developments Limited to rezone the lands to permit the development of . commercial school and a day nursery in addition to the existing permitted uses. 0.12 hectares 1.1 Applicant: 1.2 Owner: 1.3 Zoning Amendment: 601 REPORT PD-72-99 PAGE 2 2. 2.1 LOCATION: Legal description: Part Lot 28, Concession 1, former Village of Newcastle 20 Robert Street, Newcastle Vi lIage (Attachment No.1) 3. LAN D USES: 3.1 Surrounding Uses: North - Residential South - Residential East - Funeral home West - Residential 4. BACKGROUND: In 1993 this property was rezoned through application number DEV 93-043 to permit a medical or dental clinic, or a business, professional or administrative office. On May 27, 1999, an application for a further rezoning was received to permit a Montessori school and a day nursery. Staff clarified with the applicant that they wished to maintain their existing permitted uses. It was also confirmed that the Montessori school would be for preschool aged children through to children up to the end of Grade One. This type of facility is best classified as a 'commercial school' under the By-law 84-63's list of school definitions. Therefore, the application was circulated and notice was given as such. 5. PUBLIC NOTICE 5.1 In accordance with the Municipality's procedures and the requirements of the Planning Act, written notice was given as follows: . The appropriate signage acknowledging the Public meeting was installed on the subject property; and . Written notice was circulated to all assessed property owners within a 120 metre radius of the area subject to rezoning. 5.1 As of the writing of this report, one verbal enquiry requesting clarification of the school component has been received and no objections were noted. Two letters in 602 REPORT PD-72-99 PAGE 3 support were submitted and are incorporated in this report as Attachments No.2 and 3. A third letter was received following a verbal enquiry. Attachment No. 4 outlines this neighbourhood resident's objection to the application. The submission is discussed in Section 9 of this report. 6. OFFICAL PLAN POLICIES: 6.1 Durham Region Official Plan The subject property is designated "Living Area" within the Durham Region Official Plan. The predominant use within this designation shall be for housing purposes. Additional uses are permitted provided that they are compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood and do not negatively impact on other established land use designations. 6.2 Clarington Official Plan The Clarington Official Plan designates the property as "Urban Residential". The predominant use of lands within this designation shall also be for housing purposes. Other uses may be permitted which by the nature of their activity, scale and design are supportive of and compatible with residential uses. 7. ZONING BY-LAW: This property is zoned "Urban Residential Type One Exception (R1-38) under the former Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended. The R1-38 zone permits, in addition to the other uses permitted in the Urban Residential Type One zone, a medical or dental clinic, or a business, professional or administrative office. The eXisting building currently contains a community care facility operated by the Durham Region Community Care Association and office space soon to be occupied by the applicant. The community care facility accommodates an adult day program for senior citizens and is considered. a business, professional or administration office as defined in Zoning By-law 84-63. 603 REPORT PD-72-99 PAGE 4 8. AGENCY COMMENTS: 8.1 The application was circulated to the appropriate agencies and departments for comment. All comments have been received and no objections were noted from any department or agency. 8.2 Comments from the Clarington Building Division of the Public Works Department state that a building permit would be required for the change of use of the building. Part II of the Ontario Building Code requires the evaluation and upgrade of the early warning and evacuation system in addition to additional washroom, ventilation, etc., systems to accommodate a school and a day care facility. A fire alarm system and health requirements will also have to be incorporated. Other issues will be addressed at building permit stage. 9. STAFF COMMENTS: 9.1 Play Area 9.1 .1 The appl icant has confi rmed that the school and day care faci I ity wi II accommodate a total of nineteen children on a full and part time basis. The Day Nurseries Act dictates a minimum requirement of 5.6 sq. metres of outdoor play space per child. For nineteen children 106.4 sq. metres of play area would be required. The applicant is proposing a 114 sq. metre fenced play area in the north east corner of the lot (Attachment No.5). The new play area will provide a 1.8 m high wooden privacy fence along the north boundary adjacent to the residential property. The garage on this residential property is immediately north of the play area. 9.1.2 Mr. Bob Willsher, who resides two properties north of the site, has noted his concerns on the application in Attachment No.4. He has stated that there is Hno suitable play area" for the number of children proposed. The Day Nurseries Act requires 106.4 sq. metres of play area for nineteen children. The applicant meets the requirements of the Act by providing 114 sq. metres of area. The approved site plan currently depicts a grassed area of 102 sq. metres in the northeast corner of the 604 REPORT PD-72-99 PAGE 5 lot. The applicant has stated that the play area will extend approximately 1.5 metres onto the asphalt driveway which runs along the north boundary from Robert Street. Therefore, there will be a total of 12.75 metres of paved area in the play space. This will bring the entire area up to 114 sq. metres. 9.1.3 The Day Nurseries Act does not state that the play area has to be grassed. All day nurseries are required to obtain a license from the Ministry of Community and Social services under the Day Nurseries Act. Both interior and exterior facilities must be inspected and approved before a license is granted. As the Act is the authority on appropriate outdoor play area size, and as an inspection must be conducted and the facility cleared by the province before a license is granted, staff are satisfied that the play space will be suitable for the number of children proposed if the license is granted by the Ministry. 9.1.4 There is currently a registered site plan agreement on this property. In order to incorporate the Act's requirements the approved site plan is to be amended to depict the size and location of the play area. The applicant has been informed of this requirement and will be filing an application for site plan approval. A building permit will not be issued for the change in use of the building until a site plan application is approved. 9.2 Traffic Generation 9.2.1 Mr. Willshire has also expressed a concern on the potential 'negative traffic impact on the residential area'. The issue of traffic generation was also raised by the neighbourhood residents when the property went through the rezoning process for DEV-93-043. Originally the main entrance for this property was to be located off Church Street. The application was revised to locate the main entrance off Robert Street. This revision was deemed to be satisfactory and the related site plan was approved as such. The day nursery and commercial school will also be using the Robert Street entrance, as this is the main entrance to the property, and the location bU5 REPORT PD-72-99 PAGE 6 of the primary parking area on the lot. 9.2.2 The principle of the use of this property has been established through the residential exception zoning previously granted. Regardless of whether this building is used for all professional offices or a medical or dental clinic, a commercial school and day nursery, or a combination of two or three uses, the building will generate traffic as it is not a residential property. The building currently contains a Community Care Facility and vacant office space. Should the applicant wish to rent the vacant space for a medical or dental clinic this would be permitted under the existing zoning. Such a clinic could generate a constant flow of traffic as patients come and go throughout the day and possibly into the evening. A day nursery and children's school would have a set time of traffic flow that being early morning, mid-day and late afternoon. No evening traffic would occur. 9.2.3 The applicant has informed staff that they are planning to occupy the entire third floor with their office space. As the zoning permits either office space or a medical or dental clinic, a clinic will not be located on this site until the office space is vacated. 9.2.4 This site is located two lots west of Mill Street, a Regional road. Staff would anticipate that the bulk of vehicular traffic will follow Mill Street to get to the property. The residential neighbourhood should not be greatly impacted as there is easy access to the site from the regional road. 10. CONCLUSION: The purpose of this report is to facilitate the Public Meeting as required by the Planning Act. It is recommended that the application be referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report. 606 REPORT PD-72-99 PAGE 7 Respectfully submitted, Dav .. rome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Director of Planning & Development DJC*ID*cd Attachment No.1 - Key Map No.2 - Public Submission No.3 - Public Submission No.4 - Public Submission No.5 - Site Plan Reviewed by, d~~~~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer i Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: ATTACHMENT NO.1 _ SUBJECT SITE LOT 29 LOT 28 LOT 27 r~ ~g \ ST~~ ITIII ~ arJ~l~~ . ! !ill !8 ~~ ' -, ~~ fJ ~ \ I II j 3 ..- z o (f) (f) w () z o () ~I 1 -~- HIGHWAY 401 1l-----4 d ~I ! NEWCASTLE VILLAGE KEY MAP ZBA.99-020 OJ0 ATTACHMENT NO.2 DURHAM REGION COMMUNITY CARE ASSOCIATION Community Care Respite Program Adult Day Program 20 Robert Street West Newcastle, ON LIB lC6 Tel: 905-987-3000 . Fax: 905-987-7272 Planning Department Municipality Of Clarington ~' ;~_._-_. if!" t\~ .:;;.r JU!1 ..---.--.----""[ .' i June 9,1999 ~~ 'L (\~U3 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: MUN'iCif"':':,LIT\' C>: "', ,''''' ~l''"" PLANN\\~I.) __ \ :..i\b', \ .._.---...~."- My name is Jennifer Rusaw and I am the Program Manager of the Durham Region Community Care Adult Day Program located at 20 Robert St. in Newcastle. I am writing you to express my enthusiasm of learning that a a future Montessori School is keen at locating in our same building. The Adult Day Program offers social and recreational opportunities to the frail elderly, physically challenged and those with a cognitive impairment. It also provides relieffrom caregiving for families and others caring for an individual who cannot be left alone. Our program has been open now for about a year and a half operating Monday to Friday. 1999 is the International Year ofthe Older Person and one of our goals this year was to implement an Intergenerational Program with a local school and or daycare. We were successful with this project and have had a great program and experience with a grade three class at Newcastle Public School. It is with great pleasure that I inform you that this program has been both beneficial to not only our seniors but to the children as well. We are hosting a BBQ and games morning as a wrap-up party and look forward to continuing this program in the fall. This is just one reason why our program is really keen and anxious in having a school right in our building. The potential programming ideas and relationships that can be made between young and old are too many to list! Newcastle would be very lucky to have another fine program available to its community. For any further comments on this letter please feel free to call me at 987-3000 Monday to Friday between 8:30a.m. and 4:00p.m. I appreciate your time and look forward with great anticipation to the footsteps and voices of children in our building! Sincerely, ~~~ Jennifer Rusaw Program Manager FOUNDED"" ~) INCORPORATED'''' ou9 ATTACHMENT NO.3 NEWCASTLE FUNERAL HOME LTD. CARL D. GooD FuneNl Direot.or DELIVERED BY HAND . "1"\\l:-':''\,'-~~ .-.-....i{,.fer\'r.\\i "~', ". ;'i.. 1\.4- If'.1 'J .~- "lj m~,..O)J.-,U"o J ~-> l\l\\ '\ 7 '\9913 ,~'\ON . ", ':_F'\"jt,J .,"NIC\?i\UI'i [j.,~;.'~;\,\Hn ,,'u 'l' OLr ,"LP \lV'Sl"\. U June 16, 1999 Planning and Development Department Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 3A6 Att: Mr. David Crome Dear Sirs: RE: Proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment - Syvan Developments Ltd. Part Lot 28, Concession I, Village of Newcastle (planning File ZBA 99-020) With regard to the above proposed by-law amendment to permit a commercial school and day nursery in addition to the existing permitted uses of the property at 20 Robert Street West, Newcastle, we would like to record our support for this amendment. We are next door neighbours to this property both from a commercial and residential point of view, as we run our funeral home business out of the property beside 20 Robert Street West, as wen as reside there. We are fully supportive of a nursery school operating next door to us, and feel it would be an asset to our growing community of young families here in Newcastle. As wen, we agree with the current tenants of the 20 Robert Street West property, Community Care, that there would be many benefits derived from the inter-generational contact that their elderly clients would enjoy with the children. We have enjoyed an excenent, cooperative working relationship with Syvan Developments and their current tenant, Community Care, and look forward to expanding that relationship to include those who wish to open a nursery school for the benefit of our neighbourhood. We look forward to your favourable consideration of this Amendment, and look forward to welcoming this new venture into our community. ~ Joyce Kufta Secretary-Treasurer j..............................................j ........... .-........-'..'. ,',',',' -'- ','--- .... ".. . ",",n_,_.' . "." ,-.-.- ". .... .'. .." ,." '---'- -- ','" -",' "-'-'-"-"- .'.-':'-"-':': :':':',': . .H' .'". 386 MIlL STREET SoUfH, NEWCAS1U>, ONTARIO LIB lC6 TEL. (905) 987_396<1 -- TOIL FREE, 1-877_987_396<1 -- FAX. (905) 987_3769 oiO Sent b~;KPR NEWCRSTLE Jun-24-33 03:48PM frOM ... ... .......5 62: ATTACHMENT NO.4 R. L. WlLLSHER 323 Church Street Newcastle, Ontario L 18106 V ojce: 905-987-4845 Email:bob.will.net@sympatico.ca Fll:l: 905-987-1308 VIA FACSIMILE to 623-0830 June 24, 1999 Isobel Dekking, Planning Department Municipality of Claringlon Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON Pear Isabel: This will confmn our telephone conversation today conceming your file ZBA 99-020. From the mfomation provided you have indicated that the Municipality is considering a request from Syvan Development. Ltd. to add an additional zoning entitlement to the property at 20 Robert Street, Newcastle, ON. I wish to register my objections to the proposal based on the potential negative impact on the residential community in which the building is situated. Specifically, when the original plan to rezone the property to its' current status was consid=d a day care was part of the original proposal. At the time there was significantly more land involved to provide appropriate play area for the children. This new proposal has virtually no suitable play area. In addition, it is my understanding that up to nineteen children would be pennitted. It is my opinion that such a proposal is unsuitable fOf the site based on available land and the negative traffic impact on the residential area adjacent to the site. Please provide me with a copy of the report to Council in order that I may prepare a presentation for the July 5, 1999 meeting. Sincerely, /~~~ R. L. Willsher ~ 01 1 I 1 ~ I I I \ I i t ! o l. 0' j ~ r., ~, > ~~ \() ~ ''I \1-, , " " 'l- \- ::! '< ~l -z Yf \ "~e> , w.li1ZOl. li,ll, ,,0';:> ,02- ) '11 J, }.J 101 <> r'o\..\.' ~p ~.... 1- ~ ? I 'l>! <~i ":< '2 '>_ i " i LOT 23 I ~TTACHMENT NO,S I ('~ I r~-- I , --- \.... ~ '{) ., , -'-1 j i ~ .- ;:.~~;.~:;~. ,~.~~~,~,,~_..: .- ;~/'_"'. ~ l."~i:'--..JF"'F'-A-~~. t:..<: \K::x )C ;,., h' P: 'J.-\. ~~- ,''''' -' .... ~ ,., .. vi. ~_... 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