HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-69-99 ,..;t .., DN~'PD~9~99 l. ~ f~ ~. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Date: Monday, June 21, 1999 File#IlJtJ-r;F Res. #bfl1~ yt-9Cj Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee Report #: PD-69-99 FILE #: PLN 31.5.2 By-law # Subject: NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN PLAN - GLENVIEW NEIGHBOURHOOD PT. LOTS 29 & 30, CONe. 2 & 3, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON FILE: PLN 31.5.3 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-69-99 be received; 2. THAT a copy of Council's decision be forwarded to all interested parties. 1. PURPOSE OF THE PREPARATION OF A NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN PLAN 1.1 The Clarington Official Plan requires the preparation of a Neighbourhood Design Plan prior to consideration of any plan of subdivision in a neighbourhood not having a Design Plan. These plans do not require Council approval but are to be utilized by staff in reviewing subdivision applications for the specific neighbourhood. They are also valuable documents in which to illustrate to existing residents and perspective purchasers the intended land uses proposed in a neighbourhood. 1.2 The design plans are to detail the following: . locations of schools, parks and open space blocks, including stormwater management blocks; . lotting patterns and residential densities; 671 , . ~ ,'. _ I REPORT NO.: PD-69-99 PAGE 2 . road alignments within a neighbourhood, including right-of-way widths and required widenings; . walking or cycling trail systems, as well as future transit routes. 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 The Official Plan requires Neighbourhood Design Plans to be prepared by development proponents. Subdivision application 18T-95029, submitted by D.G. Biddle and Associates on behalf of Black Creek Developments, precipitated the preparation of a Neighbourhood Design Plan for Glenview Neighbourhood in Courtice. (Attachment No. 1 shows the limits of Glenview Neighbourhood). Report PD-139-97 to the October 6, 1997 Committee meeting advised that a draft Neighbourhood Design Plan for Glenview Neighbourhood had been submitted by the applicant, and that a Public Information Centre was to be held on October 15, 1997. 2.2 Staff directed the applicant to concentrate the neighbourhood design efforts on the lands subject to the subdivision application, including access to the northern portion of the neighbourhood at the easterly and westerly limits of the neighbourhood. The reasons for this are as follows: . the considerable amount of existing development within the neighbourhood; . the number of draft approved and registered plans of subdivision in the neighbourhood; . the north central area of the neighbourhood is predominantly designated "Envi ronmental Protection". 672 REPORT NO.: PD-69-99 PAGE 3 3. GLENVIEW NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN DETAILS 3.1 Open Space and Environmental Areas 3.1.1 This neighbourhood has a number of environmental features within its limits. An Environmental Impact Study (EIS) examining the existing environmental conditions including ground and surface water, vegetation and wildlife was prepared by Gartner Lee and Associates. The study focused on the area subject to plan of subdivision 18T-95029 and incorporated findings from previously completed studies in addition to gathering information from the surrounding lands within the Neighbourhood. 3.1.2 Open space corridors are provided along the Black Creek and associated tributaries within this neighbourhood. These corridors promote dispersion of species by providing opportunity for wildlife to move along these corridors. The forested area north of the George Reynolds extension is an important component of the wildlife corridor linking the Bowmanville Creek Valley with the Black/Farewell Creek Valley. Connections to these forested lands are important in maintaining species diversity. 3.1.3 There are 3 parks within this neighbourhood. A large community park is located adjacent to the Courtice Community Complex, Courtice North Public School and Courtice High School. Two other parks are found adjacent to the open space corridors north of Nash Road. These parks are 0.62 and 0.48 ha in size. Trails are proposed on the lands between Nash Road and Highway #2. The trails will utilize the riverine corridors in part to connect the valleylands to the Courtice Community Complex, local schools and parks. 3.2 Traffic and Roads 3.2.1 An important component in the design of a neighbourhood is ensuring the efficient movement of vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Higher volumes of traffic, travelling at 673 . . REPORT NO.: PD-69-99 PAGE 4 a higher rate of speed, utilize arterial roads which are located on the outer limits of the neighbourhood. The local roads convey traffic within the neighbourhood and support a lower volume of traffic travelling at a reduced speed. Transit stops are located on arterial roads generally in proximity to major intersections. 3.2.2 A traffic study was prepared by Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited. The traffic study provided many recommendations including keeping Westmore Street open and extending George Reynolds Drive easterly to Courtice Road. The road pattern identified on Map 7 of the Glenview Neighbourhood Design Plan provides good connections between the local road network and the arterial roads, promotes a grid system which complies with Official Plan transportation policies, and results in lower traffic volumes along Fourth Street in the vicinity of the elementary school. 3.2.3 The traffic study made the following conclusions and recommendations: . the additional traffic generated by further development will not have any operational impact on the existing local road intersections and road improvements will not be required at the Trulls Road/Nash Road or Trulls Road/George Reynolds Drive intersections; . reconstruction of Fourth Avenue from Nash Road to Westmore Street is required as is the reconstruction of the Fourth Avenue and Westmore Street intersection; . reconstruction of Jane Avenue from the Fourth Avenue extension to the northern limit of the existing neighbourhood and the reconstruction of the Jane Avenue and Fourth Avenue intersection will be required; . sidewalks are to be constructed on Jane Avenue from George Reynolds Drive to the intersection of the Fourth Avenue extension, on Fourth Avenue, from Fourth 674 . . REPORT NO.: PD-69-99 PAGE 5 Avenue (at Jane) to the Nash Road intersection and on George Reynolds Drive, from the western extent of the proposed development to Courtice Road; and, . all heavy construction vehicles shall not utilize any portion of Westmore Street or the southern portion of Jane Avenue from Fourth Avenue to Westmore Street during construction of the proposed subdivision. 3.2.4 The status and alignment of Adelaide Avenue is subject to further study which was identified to be beyond the scope of the neighbourhood design plan. 3.2.5 Sidewalks and the proposed trail system provide for the movement of pedestrians to transit stops, schools, retail businesses and parks. A couple of walkways have been provided to allow pedestrians an option to take shorter walking routes to schools and the future commercial site. The walkways also facilitate pedestrian movement within the neighbourhood providing residents with the opportunity to walk/ride along local roads as opposed to arterial roads. 3.3 Population and Housing 3.3.1 Table 9.2 in the Municipal Official Plan identifies the housing target for this neighbourhood (1135 units) allocated as follows: . 550 low density units; 535 medium density units, including 110 units in the Local Central Area; and 50 intensification units. . . The neighbourhood design plan has provided for 568 low density units, 512 medium density units, for a total of 1130 residential units. The number of low density units slightly exceeds the numbers given in the Official Plan and the total numbers of medium density units falls just below the stated objectives. The 675 . , REPORT NO.: PD-69-99 PAGE 6 population as allocated in the Official Plan is based in part on density allocations in the former Town of Newcastle Official Plan and existing development approvals. In consideration of the number and size of the environmental features within this neighbourhood, Staff recognize that the unit count and density allocations may vary slightly from the objectives contained within the Official Plan. 3.3.2 Staff note that there are some lands still available for development within this neighbourhood. The neighbourhood design plan allocates 156 units to these lands and provides guidance to the future design and density of development. The population targets identified in the neighbourhood design plan are generally the same as that within the Official Plan. This provides some flexibility as the density of a new development may, in part, be determined through the preparation of an Environmental Impact Study. 3.3.3 The Official Plan requires that a mix of housing types be provided. In this neighbourhood, an adequate mix is provided in that there are condominium units, townhouse units, semi-detached units, and single detached units with frontages ranging from 12 metres to 17 metres. 4. AGENCY COMMENTS 4.1 The neighbourhood design plan was revised a couple of times and was circulated to obtain comments from various other departments and agencies. 4.2 The Durham Region Works Department had no objection to the neighbourhood design plan. 4.3 The Municipality of Clarington Fire Department requested that on-street parking be limited to one side of the street to enable access of fire apparatus. 676 " -' REPORT NO.: PD-69-99 PAGE 7 4.4 The Municipality of Clarington Public Works Department had a number of comments and concerns upon review of the original plans. More information was required with respect to storm water management issues, location of sidewalks, phasing of development, reconstruction of Jane Avenue and Fourth Avenue to urban standards, other external road improvements, and the need for a traffic report. The Clarington Public Works Department are satisfied that all their concerns have been addressed. 4.5 The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority notes that the proposed land uses located between Nash Road and the future extension of George Reynolds Drive accurately reflects the findings of the Environmental Impact Study conducted by Gartner Lee Associates (1997). The Authority also notes that the delineation of the "Open Space" lands associated with the valley/flood plain lands and the wet forest block between the elementary and secondary schools is accurate. With respect to the lands located between George Reynolds Drive and the future Adelaide Avenue, the Authority notes that a forested wetland unit dominates these lands. This unit is currently being considered by the Ministry of Natural Resources for inclusion in the Provincially Significantly Black-Farewell Wetland Complex. With respect to storm water, CLOCA notes that the stormwater management concept is consistent with the objectives of the over-all Courtice Stormwater Management Strategy and includes the environmental protection and impact mitigation recommendations of the Gartner Lee EIS. 4.5 The Durham Region Planning Department has noted that the neighbourhood design plan conforms to the Durham Region Official Plan and complies with the Environmental Impact Study. 677 . . , REPORT NO.: PD-69-99 PAGE 8 5. STAFF COMMENTS 5.1 It should be noted that the neighbourhood design plan is not subject to appeal. The neighbourhood design plan does not replace the approval of a plan of subdivision or rezoning, nor will it remove any resident's rights to object to subsequent subdivision or rezoning applications under the Planning Act. 5.2 The neighbourhood design plan has been refined in light of the recommendations of the Environmental Impact Study, the recommendations of the traffic study, comments from circulated agencies, resident's comments, and Councils' resolution regarding parking in residential areas. 5.3 A special notation has been placed on the plan with respect to draft approved plan 18T-91005. Th is plan of subdivision was draft approved many years ago and was recently identified as one of the plans of subdivision that will be requested to be revised in order to address Council's resolution (GPA 270-77 to 289-99 inclusive) regarding parking in residential areas. 6. CONCLUSION 6.1 Staff have prepared this report to inform Council and members of the public that the neighbourhood design plan has been completed and approved by the Directors of Planning and Public Works. 678 REPORT NO.: PD-69-99 PAGE 9 Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, dlA~-~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer. Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. or of Planning & Development HB*DC~df 14 Jl.\ne 1999 Attachment No.1 - Limits of Glenview Neighbourhood Attachment No.2 - Map 1 - ~and Use Plan: Glenview Neighbourhood Design Plan Design Attachment No.3 - Map 7 - Transportation Network Plan: Glenview Neighbourhood Design Plan Attachment No.4 - Map 9 - Open Space and Public Facilities Plan: Glenview Neighbourhood Design Plan Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: ATTACHMENT NO.1 LOT 31 J=-=-- 'I LOCATION MAP LOT 30 LOT 29 LOT 28 o ~ a::: ---- -l HE "Off OOE , I") z o (f) (f) w () z o () ('oJ z o (f) (f) w () z o () COURTICE KEY MAP ~::::::~ ~~f~~~~RHOOD _ LANDS SUBJECT TO BIRCH DALE VILLAGE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY bb3 98-017 ATTACHMENT NO, 2 '- ~______Ll"_50___/ V .'",.,,~~. ',' NDTE'-STATUSANDALlCtldENTOF ADELAIDE AVOOE IS SUBJECT TO FURTHER STUDY. 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