HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLD-018-07 ,ClwJl1gton REPORT CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Meeting: Date: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Monday, May 7, 2007 '~~\vJ;O(\ *E\PA":.34-:2-0'7 Report #: CLD-O 18-07 File #: By-law #: Subject: PROPOSED ELECTION SIGN BY-LAW RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CLD-018-07 be received; 2. THAT the By-law regulating election signs attached to Report CLD-018-07 as Attachment NO.1 be forwarded to Council for approval; and 3. THAT a copy of Report CLD-018-07 be forwarded to the Region of Durham. Reviewed bYO ~----t5k Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer PLB/LC CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: CLD-018-07 PAGE 2 1. BACKGROUND During the recent municipal election staff received numerous complaints from citizens and candidates about the visual affect of allowing unrestricted sign placement on municipal property and road allowances. The current Sign By-law 97-157 deals, in part, with election signs. It sets out time, size and location restrictions for election signs. In order to clarify and consolidate these requirements, a new by-law is proposed to deal exclusively with election signs. The Municipal Act, S.D. 2001 allows a municipality to pass a by-law regulating signs and other advertising devices, including any printed matter, oral or other communication or thing for any subject. In the case of the proposed by-law, the intention is to regulate only signs related to or used for the election of candidates or for advertising a position on a question which has been placed before the electors. The proposed by-law will apply to all federal, provincial and municipal elections. The by-law is intended to create a fair and level playing field for all candidates by setting firm restrictions on sizes, locations and duration of signage. Without these controls the landscape quickly becomes cluttered with signs creating visual distractions and safety hazards for motorists and the general public. Once erected, many of these signs are forgotten and never retrieved. Often these must be removed by municipal staff at municipal expence. The proposed Election Sign By-law will authorize the Municipality to enter land and pull down or remove any election sign erected or displayed in contravention of the by-law, at the expense of the candidate. 2. WHAT IS COVERED The proposed by-law extends to any form of signage used for promoting a candidate or an issue in an election. The by-law does not cover items which are mailed out or REPORT NO.: CLD-018-07 PAGE 3 distributed by hand to an individual, only those things posted or displayed. The size of the permitted signs does not vary greatly from the existing Sign By-law restrictions. In reference to locations, the proposed by-law will prohibit the placement of any election signs on roadsides or on any municipal property. This is an approach that has been successfully taken by the Cities of Barrie, Mississauga, and Brampton among others. On April 16th the City of Pickering passed a Resolution banning all election signs on boulevards and municipal public property. This Resoultion has been forwarded to the Region of Durham with a request that they impliment a similar ban. The proposed By-law will also set a limit on the number of election signs which can be placed in anyone location. Election signs will be restricted to private property only and their numbers will be limited. Residential properties may display no more than two signs per dwelling unit. All other properties may display a maximum of three per property. In previous elections, staff have received complaints about candidate signs being placed in front of the home of someone who supports another candidate or party. The proposed by-law will require that the occupant of the dwelling unit must agree to the sign on his or her property. If there is no agreement, the sign may be removed by the Municipality at the candidate's cost. Vehicle wraps are a new form of advertising which are also covered in this proposed by-law along with other forms of Vehicle Election Signs. Section 48 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, prevents anyone from attempting directly or indirectly influencing an elector and prohibits the display of election campaign material or literature in a voting place. As the Municipal Administrative Centre is used as a voting place during municipal elections, the proposed by-law will prohibit the parking or placing of any vehicle displaying a Vehicle Election Sign within a one block radius of the Municipal Administrative Centre at 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, on the Voting Day or on any Advance Voting Day of REPORT NO.: CLD-018-07 PAGE 4 a Municipal Election or on the property of any Polling Place on the Voting Day or on any Advance Voting Day of a federal or provincial election. Any vehicles found in contravention of this restriction will be towed at the owner's expense. Candidates and those registered persons seeking to influence another person to vote for or against any question or by-law submitted to the electors may have campaign offices. The proposed by-law will allow for signs to be erected on or at the offices once a municipal candidate has filed his or her nomination papers or registered as an agent for a question to be placed before the electors. Since most campaign offices are on commercial properties, the Campaign Office signs shall not be calculated in the maximum permitted number for that property. Signs identifying the candidate's campaign office may only specify the candidate's name, the office they are seeking or the registered position on a question or by-law and any other contact infomrmation the candidate wishes to include. In the case of a federal or provincial Election, the sign may include the candidate's political affiliation. 3. TIMING The proposed By-law prohibits the placing of any Election Signs until after Nomination Day in the case of a municipal election. This allows each candidate 45 days to advertise using signage and creates a common starting point for all candidates. The current Sign By-law states that signs can be placed no sooner than 40 days prior to Voting Day. For federal and provincial elections the proposed by-law allows that election signs may be posted once the writ has been issued. Timing for the placement of election signs for municipal elections varies across the Region. For ease of reference a chart has been provided below showing the timetable that was in place during the 2006 Municipal Elections and includes the proposed time deadline: REPORT NO.: CLD-01S-07 PAGE 5 2006 Municipal Election Timetable PLACEMENT MUNICIPALITY VOTING DEADLINE METHOD (NO EARLIER THAN) AJAX DIRECT NO TIME LIMIT BROCK BY MAIL NO TIME LIMIT SCUGOG BY MAIL SEPTEMBER 1 ST UXBRIDGE BY MAIL SEPTEMBER 15TH CLARINGTON 45 day limit BY MAIL SEPTEMBER 29TH (As proposed) PICKERING DIRECT OCTOBER 1 ST WHITBY DIRECT OCTOBER 2ND CLARINGTON 40 day limit BY MAIL OCTOBER 4TH (Existing) OSHAWA DIRECT OCTOBER 9TH Currently, all election signs must be removed within 48 hours after Voting Day. The proposed by-law will extend that time to three days after Voting Day. Any signs not removed within that timeframe may be removed by the Municipality and will be subject the same costs as for illegally placed signs. 4. FEES Staff have conferred with the Director of Operations on the matter of fees for the removal of illegal signs. The proposed by-law requires that all candidates in a federal or provincial election will be required to submit a deposit of $300 prior to posting any election signs. In the case of a municipal election, the $300 deposit will be due when the candidate files his or her Nomination Papers. REPORT NO.: CLD-018-07 PAGE 6 This money will be held by the Municipality and used to defray the costs of removal of illegally placed signs, at a rate of $20 per sign. If the number of signs removed exceeds the deposit, then the candidate will be charged for the extra signs at the current rate as established by the Operations Department for sign removal. Any money remaining from the deposit will be returned to the candidate, without interest, within 60 days following Voting Day. The $20 fee is in line with the practice of the City of Barrie and is lower than the actual cost of removal. The intent is not to severely punish the candidate for possible errors by his or her campaign workers but rather to place a value on the placement of the signs and therefore an incentive to ensure that the candidates and their workers comply with the by-law. It is anticipated that the candidate's staff will keep a close watch on the actions of their campaign workers in order to keep the costs as low as possible. I n the event that there are more than 15 spearate incidents, the removal cost will revert back to the Operations Department's standard fee structure. 5. CONCLUSION The proposed By-law will be a dramatic departure from previous practlice. It will greatly reduce the number of election signs seen around the Municipality in the future. The visual and physical pollution of the road allowances which was expereinced during the last municipal election will be eliminated contributing to a greener, cleaner Clarington. It is respectfully recommended that the attached by-law be forwarded to Council for passage. Attachments: Attachment 1 proposed by-law THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2007- Being a by-law to regulate Election Signs WHEREAS Section 11(3) of the Municipal Act. S.D. 2001, as amended, states that the municipality may pass by-laws respecting structures, including fences and signs; AND WHEREAS it is necessary to have an Election Sign By-law for the Municipality of Clarington to ensure public safety on our roads and highways during an election period. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCil OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1.0 Definitions "Campaign Office" shall mean the administrative office or offices for a Candidate in an Election or for a question or by-law submitted to the electors. "Candidate" shall have the same meaning as in the Canada Elections Act. the Election Act (Ontario) or the Municipal Elections Act. 1996, as applicable, and shall be deemed to include a person or agent for a registered person seeking to influence another person to vote for or against any question or by-law submitted to the electors. "EJection" shall include any federal, provincial or municipal election or by- election and any question or by-law submitted to the electors. "EJection Sign" means any: 1 device advertising or promoting a Candidate in an Election; 2 device advertising, advocating or discouraging the public from voting for a Candidate or political party in an Election or by-election; 3 sign or other advertising device, including without limitation, posters, placards. bulletins, banners, notices, pictures, Vehicle Election Sign, lettering or any combination thereof, which promote or relate to any Candidate in an Election, including an election of a local board or commission; 4 object or item that uses words, pictures or graphics or any combination thereof intended to influence persons to vote for or against any question or by-law submitted to electors under section 8 of the Municipal Elections Act. 1996. "Highway" shall have the same meaning as the Highway Traffic Act, RSO 1990 c.H.8, and includes the entire of the road allowance thereof. "Mobile Election Sign" means any sign mounted on a trailer or other freestanding structure, which is designed in such a matter so as to facilitate its movement from place to place, but does not include a sign attached to a motorized vehicle where the principle use of the vehicle is transportation of people, goods or other materials. "Municipal Clerk" shall mean the Municipal Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington or the Deputy Clerk acting in place of the Municipal Clerk in accordance with the Municipal Act. "Municipal Law Enforcement Officer" shall mean a person appointed by the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington for the purpose of enforcing Municipal by-laws and, for the purpose of this By-law, shall include the Durham Regional Police. "Person" shall include an individual, partnership, natural person, Candidate, his or her agent or any representative of the Candidate. "Public Park" means land and land covered by water and all portions thereof owned or made available by lease, agreement, or otherwise to the Municipality, that is or hereafter may be established, dedicated, set apart or made available for use as woodlot, ravine, recreation centre, square, garden, walkway, water or any other area in the Municipality, devoted to active or passive recreation. "Public Property" means property owned by or under the control of the Municipality of Clarington or any of its agencies, boards or commissions, and includes any lands belonging to or owned by any Federal, Provincial or Regional authority. This shall include public highways, and shall be deemed to include Public Utility Poles, regardless of whether the poles are owned by or under the control of the Municipality. "Public Utility Pole" means a pole owned or controlled by an entity which provides a Municipal, Regional or public utility service, including but not limited to, street lights, stop lights, Bell Canada, Hydro One and any subsidiaries thereof. "Road Allowance" shall mean that area between the edge of the traveled portion of the roadway and the lateral property lines of the adjacent properties and shall include any shoulder, ditch or boulevard. "Sight Triangle" shall mean the triangular space formed at the corner of a road by the property lines at the edge of the road allowance and a line drawn from a . point on one property line to a point on the other property line. Where the two property lines do not intersect at a point, the point of intersection of the property lines shall be deemed to be the intersection of the projection of the property lines or the intersection of the tangents of the property lines and shall extend from the curb or edge of the traveled portion of one road to the curb or edge of the traveled portion of the other road. For the purposes of this by-law the distance along the property line shall be measured at 7.5 metres (24.6 feet). "Vehicle Election Sign" shall include any sign, poster, lettering, vehicle wrap, bumper sticker or other device attached or affixed either temporarily or permanently to a motor vehicle, trailer or any vehicle as defined in the Highway Traffic Act, RSO 1990 cHB, whether actively being operated on the highway or parked at any location. "Voting Day" means the day on which the final vote is to be taken in an Election pursuant to the relevant provincial or federal legislation and Polling Day and Election Day shall have the same meaning. 2.0 General 2.1 No person shall erect, attach, place or display an Election Sign except as permitted by this By-law. 2.2 This By-law shall not apply to signs erected, placed or displayed by the Municipality of Clarington to provide information concerning the Election or any part of the election process. 2.3 No person shall attach any Election Sign to a tree on any public property. 2.4 No person shall use, permit or cause to be erected or installed, any Election Sign, Mobile Election Sign or Vehicle Election Sign which has any of the following; (a) flashing lights or rotating parts; (b) illumination; or (c) an appearance which simulates any traffic control device. 2.5 No person shall display the Municipality of Clarington logo, crest or seal in whole or in part, on any Election Sign, Vehicle Election Sign or Mobile Election Sign. 2.6 No person shall erect an Election Sign where it obstructs or interferes with a door or fire escape of a building. 2.7 No person shall use, permit or cause to be erected or installed, an Election Sign or Mobile Election Sign larger than 0.74 m2 (8 square feet) on a residential property. 3.0 Election Silins on Public Propertv 3.1 No person shall, at any time, erect, display or place an Election Sign, Vehicle Election Sign or Mobile Election in any Public Park or on Public Property. 3.2 No person shall erect display or place or Election Signs, Vehicle Election Signs or Mobile Election Signs on any municipal Highways, including municipal Road Allowances. 3.3 Signs on regional or provincial roadways shall be placed in accordance with the laws of the relevant prevailing authority. 3.4 No person shall attach an Election Sign to a Public Utility Pole, any official sign or official sign structure, utility box, planter, bench, waste receptacle, newspaper box, or mail box on a Road Allowance. 3.4 No person shall erect, display or place an Election Sign, Vehicle Election Sign or Mobile Election Sign in a location that interferes with a fire hydrant. 4.0 Election Sians on Private ProDertv 4.1 No person shall use, permit or cause to be erected or installed, an Election Sign or Mobile Election Sign on any private property without the consent of the occupant of such property. 4.2 No person shall erect, place or display any more than two election signs per Candidate per dwelling unit on any residential property. 4.3 No person shall erect, place or display any more than three Election Signs per Candidate on any single commercial, industrial or agricultural private property. 4.4 No person shall erect, display or place any Election Sign on the exterior side of any fence without having first obtained the permission of the occupants of the two adjoining properties. 5.0 Vehicle Election Sians 5.1 No person shall park or place any vehicle displaying a Vehicle Election Sign within a one block radius of the Municipal Administrative Centre at 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, on Voting Day. 5.2 No person shall, at any time on any Voting Day, including those days when advance election voting is held, place an Election Sign, Vehicle Election Sign or Mobile Election Sign, or cause the same to be placed on any premises used as a polling piace for elections. 5.3 Any vehicle found in contravention of the provisions of sections 5.1 or 5.2 may be removed at the direction of the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer, at the owner's expense. Such expenses shall not be deducted from the required deposit as specified in Sections 9.1 or 9.2. 6.0 Election Sians on CamDaian Offices 6.1 Despite Sections 7.1 and 7.2, signs identifying the Campaign Offices may be erected on the offices once the Candidate has filed his or her nomination papers or registered as an agent for a question to be placed before the electors. Such signs shall not be calculated in the maximum permitted number specified in sections 4.1 and 4.2 of this By-law. 6.2 Signs identifying the Candidate's Campaign Office may only specify the Candidate's name, the office they are seeking or the registered position on a question or by-law, and any contact information as the Candidate wishes to include. in the case of a federal or provincial Election the sign may include the Candidate's political affiliation. 7.0 Timinll 7.1 No person shall erect or display an Election Sign, Vehicle Election Sign or Mobile Election Sign for Municipal Election any earlier than forty-five days before Voting Day. 7.2 No person shall erect or display an Election Sign, Vehicle Election Sign or Mobile Election Sign for a federal or provincial election until the day that the writ of election is issued. 7.3 All Election Signs, Vehicle Election Sign and Mobile Election Signs shall be removed no later than three (3) days following the Voting Day of the Election for which the signs were erected or installed. For the purpose of this subsection, the Candidate shall be responsible for the removal of his or her Signs within the prescribed time frame. Failure to comply with this provision is an offence. 8.0 DeDosits Reauired 8.1 In the case of a Municipal Election, the Candidate, or his or her agent, shall, at the time of filing their Nomination papers, submit a deposit in the amount of $260.00 to the Municipality to cover the cost of removal of illegally placed signs. 8.2 In the case of a Federal or Provincial Election, the Candidate, or his or her agent, shall make the required $260.00 deposit with the Municipaiity prior to the erection or placement of any Election Signs, Mobile Election Signs or Vehicle Election Signs. 8.3 Sixty days after the day of the Voting Day, the deposit, less any amount deducted to cover the removal of illegally placed signs or signs not removed in accordance with the requirements of the By-law shall be retumed to the Candidate. 9.0 Removal of Unlawful Election Sians 9.1 Any Election Si9nS, Vehicle Election Signs or Mobile Election Signs for any Election, erected or installed in violation of this by-law shall be removed under the direction of the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer and any costs associated with this removal shall be deducted from the sign permit deposit fee at a cost of $20.00 per sign. 9.2 If a sign is erected or displayed in violation of this by-law, the staff of the Operations Department shall, upon direction of the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer, cause the sign to be removed. 9.3 Operations staff shall take the signs to a secure facility where the candidate or his or her agent may retrieve them. The signs shall be held for 30 days after which time they may be destroyed. 9.4 In the event that the number of signs removed exceeds the amount of the deposit, the Candidate shall be billed for the extra sign removals in accordance with the Operations Department's current fees for the removai of any other sign. 10.0 Penaltv 10.1 Any person who contravenes any provision of this By-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction, is liable to the penalties specified by the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.33, as amended. 11.0 Liabilitv for Damaaes 11 .1 The provisions of this by-law shall not be construed as relieving or limiting the responsibility or liability of any person erecting or owning any sign for personal injury or property damage resulting from the placing of such signs or resulting from the negligence or willful acts of such person, or his or her agents or employees, in the construction, erection, maintenance, repair or removal of such signs. 12.0 Precedence over Election Sian Provisions in other Bv-Laws 12.1 In the event of a conflict between this By-law and the provisions of another By-law of the Municipality of Clarington regulating signs, including Election Signs, the provisions of this By-law prevail. 13.0 Severabilitv 13.1 If a court of competent jurisdiction should declare any provision or part of a section of this By-law to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this By-law as a whole or any other part thereof. other that the part so declared to be invalid. 14.0 Effective Date 14.1 This by-law shaii take effect on the date of passage by Council. READ a first time this th day of May 2007. READ a second time this th day of May 2007 READ a third time and passed this th day of May 2007 Mayor Municipal Clerk