HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-056-07 Cl~n REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, May 7,2007 Report#: PSD-056-07 File #: PLN 17.13.1 blu-l-ij; B~:i!>4: \ - 01 By-law #: Subject: SOPER CREEK SUBWATERSHED PLAN STUDY RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-056-07 be received; 2. THAT Council confirm Staffs actions to postpone the Soper Creek Subwatershed Study, with the exception of that portion required for the draft Plan of Subdivision application submitted by Far Sight Developments Inc. Submitted by: Davi . Crome, M.C.I.P., RP.P. Dire or of Planning Services Reviewed by: 6.~~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer COS*DJC*sn*df 1 May 2007 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-056-07 PAGE 2 REPORT 1. On September 18,2006, Council endorsed a staff recommendation in Report PSD-101- 06 (Attachment 1) to undertake a Subwatershed Study for the Soper Creek Area, specifically with reference to lands on the east and northeast sides (Attachments 2 and 3) of the Bowmanville Urban Area. Most of these lands, with the exception of those owned by Far Sight Investments Ltd., are designated Future Urban Residential. More detailed information on the area and scope of this Study is contained in PSD-101-06. 2. Subwatershed studies are a pre-requisite for development under the Clarington Official Plan. Staffs position was that it would be best for the draft plan of subdivision (Attachment 4) submitted by Far Sight to be considered in the context of a comprehensive plan for the sub-watershed area. In this regard, the larger subwatershed plan would provide the necessary information for the Far Sight proposal but would be a useful background document for the upcoming Official Plan Review and the consideration of the Future Urban Residential lands that may be considered for redesignation under the Official Plan Review. The estimated cost of the Soper Creek Subwatershed Study was $300,000, 90% of which would be covered by development charges. The Environmental Impact Study component for the Far Sight development was to be covered 100% by the developers. 3. Staff worked with the developers' consultant and CLOC to prepare terms of reference in preparation of tendering this project. The project was never tendered as a result of the considerations below. 4. In the course of preparing the budget for 2007, it was determined that there were insufficient funds in the Development Charges Reserve - General Government to undertake both the Soper Creek Subwatershed study and a number of studies necessary for the earlier phases of the Official Plan Review. In fact, certain other Official Plan studies were postponed as a cost-control measure. It was also determined that there were insufficient staff resources to undertake the Official Plan Review and the Soper Creek Subwatershed Study concurrently. As a result, in consultation with the Director of Finance, the Soper Creek Subwatershed Study was deleted from the commitment for funding. In reviewing this decision, staff was also cognizant of two other factors: . The Municipality has until June 16, 2009 to enact conformity amendments to its Official Plan to implement the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Growth Plan). The Growth Plan calls for the intensification of already built-up areas, specifically that 40 % of new units constructed after 2015 have to be within the defined "built boundary". This analysis needs to be completed to determine if and when these additional lands would be required in accordance with the Region's and Municipality's growth management strategies. These strategies will need to address both provincial policy and the Municipality's long term infrastructure needs and financing strategy. REPORT NO.: PSD-056-07 PAGE 3 · There is no urgency from the Municipality's perspective to bring on additional lands into development on the east side of Bowmanville within the next five years. At the present time there are approximately 10,000 potential units that are within registered plans of subdivision, draft approved plans of subdivision or under application for a plan of subdivision. This represents a supply of approximately 13 years on the basis of historic absorption rates. There is additional potential supply of units that would come on stream within the Brookhill or Northglen Neighbourhoods that are currently not subject to an application. Additional units are also anticipated through new development or intensification that would be on properties outside of a plan of subdivision. 5. In further meetings with Far Sight, Staff have agreed to a revised approach that will allow their development application to move forward. Recognizing that since the Far Sight lands have a different status than the balance of the lands in East Bowmanville and are designated for Residential purposes, arrangements have been made to undertake a scaled-down subwatershed study focusing on their lands. The study will be carried out by the Environmental Consultant in our roster as per Council Policy. All costs are covered 100% by Far Sight. 6. The Soper Creek Subwatershed Study for the east and northeast portions of the Bowmanville Urban Area designated Future Urban Residential would be deferred for a number of years in recognition of limitations on financial and staff resources, the current and forecasted supply of residential units, and the preparation of a growth management strategy to address intensification and other policies of the Growth Plan. Attachments: Attachment 1- Report PSD-101-06 Soper Creek Watershed Study Attachment 2 - East Bowmanville Area Attachment 3 - Northeast Bowmanville Area Attachment 4- Revised draft plan of subdivision proposed by Far Sight Interested Parties: Nick Mensink, G.M. Sernas Bill Cawker, Baywood Homes Hannu Halminen, Halcan Kelvin Whalen, The Kaitlin Group Rick and Bob Schickendanz, Far Sight Investments Attachment 1 To Report PSD-056-07 ClJJ!:illglOn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, September 18, 2006 Report #: PSD-101-06 File #: PLN 17.13.1 By-law #: SUBJECT: SOPER CREEK SUBWATERsHED MANAGEMENT PLAN STUDY AND DARLINGTON MILLS SUBDIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: ' 1. THAT Report PSD-101-06 be received; 2. THAT the Planning Services Department be authorized to proceed with the Soper Creek Subwatershed Study as outlined in this report to be used as background information for the Clarington Official Plan Review; and 3 . THAT Council resolve that the Future Development Lands in north and east Bowmanville proceed by Secondary Plan subseauent to the completion of the Clarington Official Plan Review. Submitted by: Davi . Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning Services Submitted by: ~i7U"~, A.S. Cannella, C.E.T. Director of Engineering Services (r \, -LQ .' (; TI Reviewed by:-- ,Ur- ~ --- A..- \. '- Franklin 'vVu, Chief Administrative Officer COS*DJC*sn*df September 11, 2006 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-101-06 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND Over the last number of years, property owners and developers of lands located in the Soper Creek Watershed within the Bowmanville Urban Boundaries have shown a strong interest in proceeding with residential developments. These lands are located mainly east of the Creek and to the north of Concession Road 3. Our planning policies require a subwatershed study before considering development of these areas. The lands are designated Living Areas in the Regional Official Plan. The Clarington Official Plan designates these areas Future Urban Residential and Environmental Protection, with one exception. The lands on the west side of Lambs Road between Highway 2 and Concession Street, owned by Far Sight Investment (Bob & Rick Schickendanz) is currently designated Urban Residential (see Attachment 1). 2.0 CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES The Principles adopted by Council in the Clarington Official Plan call for sustainable development that considers ecosystem integrity and the cumulative impacts of development. Furthermore, the Principles place emphasis on energy conservation and the need to create healthy communities through public involvement and excellence in urban design. The plan also refers to the need for growth management practices that preserve our natural heritage, phased development to encourage compact form, and efficient use of infrastructure. The Plan further details policies for the protection and enhancement of the community's natural attributes and "supports the need to undertake multi-stakeholder watershed planning studies in order to protect the integrity of ecological and hydrological functions". In addition, the Plan's Stormwater Management Policies are designed to manage the cumulative impacts of development on streams; based on these policies, the municipality is required to prepare a subwatershed plan prior to granting approvals to any draft plan of subdivision. The subwatershed study is also a requirement for neighborhood design plims and environmental impact studies. 3.0 SOPER CREEK SUBWATERSHED MANAGEMENT PLAN The findings of the proposed Soper Creek Subwatershed Study will inform of the Clarington Official Plan Review when considering the Future Urban Residential Designation. The deliverables of the Study will also meet the requirements for subwatershed and environmental impact studies required as part of the application by Far Sight Investments for the development of the Schickendanz lands. The proposed Soper Creek Subwatershed Study encompasses areas beyond the urban boundaries of Bowmanville. The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and staff agree that the study should cover the areas identified as Soper Creek Main and East Branches in the Bowmanville/Soper Creek Watershed Aquatic Resource Management Plan of September 2000. (See Attachment 2) REPORT NO.: PSD-101-06 PAGE 3 The Soper Creek Subwatershed Plan wiil need to adqress the emerging directions of the Places to Grow - Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, for increasing densities in new greenfield areas. Based on these considerations, the timing for the development of the lands designated Future Urban Residential will subject to the outcome of the Clarington Official Plan Review and will only proceed through Secondary Plans once Council adopts the revised Official Plan. It is recommended that the terms of reference be broadened to include a component to review the effectiveness of existing stormwater management ponds in the subwatershed and to make recommendations to improve their design, maintenance and operational effectiveness. 4.0 DARLINGTON MILLS - FAR SIGHT INVESTMENTS LIMITED On Monday, November 21,2005, Council held the public meeting for the application by Far Sight Investments to subdivide the lands east of Soper Creek and north of Highway 2 into 422 residential dwellings. The report was referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report; as part of the report, Staff recommended to Council the preparation of a subwatershed study for the area. In preparing the Terms of Reference we have met with representatives of Far Sight Investments and they have agreed that the subwatershed component of their application be part of the Soper Creek Subwatershed Study. Since their lands are already designated Urban Residential in our Official plan, we have structured the Terms of Reference to allow the Darlington Mills project to proceed with a more detailed subwatershed and environmental analysis. As these analyses are project specific, Far Sigh Investment will cover the costs. The developers will simultaneously continue to refine their subdivision plan that will include their commitment to the trail system and alternatives to land use compatibilities with the Bowmanville Zoo. Staff has also agreed that for the Darlington Mills project there is no need for a Financial Impact Study, and the Neighborhood Design Plan will be limited to the integration of the subdivision into the urban structure through trail, parks, and roads. 5.0 PROJECT FUNDING The 2005 Development Charges report included the Soper Creek Subwatershed Study in the General Government - Growth Related Studies Section to take place between the 2005-2014 period. The projects is estimated to cost about $300,000. Development Charges will fund 90% while the remaining 10% will come from the Planning Services consulting budget. The funds will cover consultants' fees, communication material, public meeting costs and other associated costs like newspaper advertisements. The components of the Study required for Schickendanz lands will be covered by Far Sight Investments. REPORT NO.: PSD-101-06 PAGE 4 6.0 PROJECT SCHEDULE Staff recommends initiating the project this year with a Call for Proposals followed by selection of the consultants early in the new year. As watershed plans require four seasons of data coiiection and coordination with the Official Plan revie'vv, 'vve estimate completion of the project by 2009, with an earlier completion date for the components required as part of Schickendanz application. This time period also allows us to have a comprehensive public participation process. A Steering Committee comprising Planning, Engineering and CLOCA staff would be formed. A Community Stakeholder Group comprising residents and developers in the Study Area, representatives of the agricultural and environmental interests and a member of Council will also be established to provide input into the study process. Staff will be working closely with the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority in finalizing the Terms of Reference, consultant selection, and throughout the study process. We have met with the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority staff and they support this approach. (See Attachment 3) Once we finalize the Terms of Reference, we will advertise for proposals using the Municipality's purchasing procedures. 7.0 CONCLUSIONS It is recommended that the Planning Services Department be authorized to Call for Proposals for the Soper Creek Subwatershed Study ; and that the project be funded primarily through Development Charges. The Environmental Impact Study component would be 100% funded by Far Sight Investments Ltd. Attachments: Attachment 1 . - Bowmanville Urban Area Attachment 2 - Soper Creek Subwatershed Study Area Attachment 3 - Letter from Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Attachment 1 To Report PSD-101-06 J t o 400 4lJll ...:.0 ioN... .,..... ,..~ OFfiCIAL PlAN MUNICIPAUTY OF CLI<RINGTON N7<<WBtR 14. 2003 . DISTRICT p_ Ee NElGHOOURHOOD P,ARl( .-....- SPECIAL SlUCY .-REA '* TOURISM NOD" Soper Creek Subwatershed Management Zones r~\.".. '\J.,(\..J..;; . li . ' lirilrt i ......~7 I I ,-:t,lY' .i;~;~ - - URBAN BOUNDAR'( HifH FUTURE U5' ~ URBIoN R~IOENTIAI. .. D URBIoN R~IOENTIAI. 00 ~~~SlTY - " rru\lH HIGH DENSITY $,' ~ RtS10ENTIAL .. ......N CENTRAL MEA _ LllCAL C~KTRAL ARfA a NElGHBOURHOOO ... COMM"RClAl 1,<::'\ HIGHWAY COMMERCW. ~ AGCR[GAT( ~ ElCTRACI10N ARfA ~~~ij =~ENT MfA rw4i'lJl UCHT ~ PUBUC ~ INDUSTRIAL AREA _ SECONDAAY SCHOOL _ liil'=1AI. AREA ~ ~~~ SCHOOL 1"~,:z.1 UTlUlY 8 ~~~~ARY SCHOOL o ~~:'fA .; ~NT_ SCHOOL IIIIlIIIlI ~ SEPARATE _ CREEN SP,\CE iii ElDlOOARY SCHOOL IlH:r~i1 WATERFRONT GREENWAY ~ ~~~ARY SCHOOL _ COMMUNlTY PARI< -- ~=~fA LAKE ON1JVi'IO MAP A3 LAND USE BOWMANVILLE URBAN AREA _____ -- sp"cw.. POUCY ARfA l=~~~...:sl t= GO STA110N Soper Creek Subwatershed Study Boundary Central Attachment 3 To Report PSD-101-06 100 Whiting AVbr Il.L Oshawa, Ontario L 1 H 3T3 Tel: (905) 579-0411 Fax: (905) 579-0994 Lake Ontario COl1senra tion Web: www.c1oca.coll1 Email: mail@c1oca.com Member uf CUflservatioil Oiliaria ]WECCIEJIWTJ!lIJ] JUL 2 7 2006 July 25. 2006 Municipality of Clarington Planning Services Department 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON LIC 3A6 MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTOt~ PlANf'JING DEPARTMENT Attention: Mr. Carlos Salaszar Dear Sir: Subject: Soper Creek Subwatershed Study Schickedanz Lands File: S-C-200S-002 (PSDG849) & ZBA 2005-0041 (PZOG1496) Authority staff are in receipt of two documents prepared by Semas Associates on behalf of Schickedanz Bros. in support of their development proposal. One outlines a study for the subdivision (Darlington Mills) property and the other is for the larger surrounding area. Staff has been in discussion with both the consultant, land owners and the Municipality on a number of occasions regarding an approach to ensure that the appropriate studies are undertaken prior to development within the Soper Creek Watershed and to facilitate development within a timely manner. It has been suggested by Municipal staff that one study may be the best option. The appropriate details to set the parameters for future development and/or future study within the Sub watershed, while at the same time, development specific details regarding the Darlington Mills property can be ascertained keeping within the larger subwatershed context. , It is anticipated that this approach could avoid a duplication of efforts. The development specific conditions of development could be extracted from the Subwatershed study and perhaps the development of the Darlington Mills subdivision could proceed slightly ahead of the completion of the Subwatershed study if it pleases the Municipality. The above represents our understanding of the Municipally preferred approach to the completion of Soper Creek Subwatershed Study and the development of the Darlington Mills subdivision. Should there be misinterpretations please do not hesitate to contact me, otherwise we offer no objection to this approach. Authority staff look forward to assisting with the upcoming Subwatershed Study, should it so please the Municipality. Yours truly, ~.. rl~/ Lisa Bac.kus, MSc. } Planner LBlbb cc: Nick Mensink, P.Eng., Semas Associates Richard Schickedanz, Far Sight Investments Ltd. Leslie Benson, P.Eng., Municipality of Clarington g:/planning/planninglcomments/Soper Creek Sub watershed Study/SoperCreek initial letter ~at we do on the land is mirrored in tl1e water @ ~ -8- '26,16~ 18-17.{J1().()/o.IOB-QO ~!~1!~m! Attachment 2 To Report PSD-056-07 : J: ( _ ,1:_ __1,1 L...I "'-_=-= Urbdn80t1ndilry SI!JdyBOtJnchry fulUff'RO<Ilh ~ flJtutt' UroilnRf',idw!/i..1 ~ Utb;jnRf'~;cknriiJl [I] M~ium Oensny RP1idenridl (I] fliSh CkllJily Rtt>irkonOal ~ Environmf'nt.lj ProIf'Cfiofll'\rN c=J G"-'f'I15p.)ao CEJ COfflmtJmry Pa,k aD OislrktPark [ED Npi,.nboo,hotxj Pari . Public l~.lry5chDol - .... 0 ,...._'-.II......r._ 0 'U,..,'o'l)fOl(;HOIlJL",U_. G .......;..."..."."...,,"" ....~l<.-_uo.o,o,r 0 IlU".r".llUll-.Jll'N. 0 I'I'00It",....., ..o'_olf~ III..."'...... G G ............."'L...Ul.OlJIK.l..' 8 ....1......"'.. "'U,IMfUrl1_ 0 ."-",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/0 .,.,.,.......1' G ""''''-nt ""Ult>-/OV'" ""'......,.,....L\tf'..rMIIl(M 8 .-- .....lUII,..,,,,,...j11 t;;\ __n.el""""'''''''' \.:.:,.,I/ANOI)I"'OI'WIl..rLTlIt/'tM....... o G G o 8 ~f::~,~,:,:'" ~:J;.";~...... 5I!~N~ ~5OCI.ATI!!5 1A".".(J(".,....~Int, ~110SaldlCouttT~686.6'02 Urt41 F~,432.1m 'M1lby,OH MIl'a.tom .. 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