HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-052-07 C![pn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: May 7, 2007 Report #: PSD-052-07 File #: ZBA 2007-0010 l~esdu-\lo~ ~PA '33~rol By-law #'cJ.o07-/00< Subject: REZONING TO REDEFINE THE FRONT YARD FOR TWELVE (12) TOWNHOUSE UNITS APPLICANT: PRESTONV ALE HEIGHTS LIMITED RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-052-07 be received; 2. THAT the rezoning application submitted by Prestonvale Heights Limited be APPROVED and that the attached Zoning By-law Amendment be passed by Council; 3. THAT a copy of Report PSD-052-07, and the attached amending By-law be forwarded to the Durham Regional Planning Department and the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation; and 4. THAT the Region of Durham, the applicant, all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision and forwarded a Notice of Adoption. Submitted by: Da d . rome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director, Planning Services Reviewed by: 0 ~ ~l Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer SA2*CP*DJC*lw April 30, 2007 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-052-07 PAGE 2 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant/Owner: Prestonvale Heights Limited 1.2 Agent: Sernas Associates 1.3 Proposal: To rezone the subject lands from "Urban Residential Exception (R3-17) Zone to an appropriate zone to permit the development of twelve (12) townhouse units with the front yard facing Beckett Crescent, where they were originally draft approved with the front yard facing Meadowglade Road. 1.4 Area: (0.31 ha) 3,080 m2 1.5 Location: Part Lot 34, Concession 2, Former Township of Darlington, municipally known as 31 to 53 Beckett Crescent. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 On February 7, 2007, Prestonvale Heights Limited submitted an application to rezone blocks 178 & 179 within 40M-2148, located at the northwest corner of Bloor Street and Meadowglade Road to permit the development of twelve (12) townhouse units. Twelve townhouse units were approved as part of the original Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision for the referenced two (2) blocks. The two townhouse blocks are bound by Meadowglade Road on the east and Beckett Crescent on the west. As such, the properties have frontage on both streets. 2.2 The original draft approved townhouse blocks, were zoned to try to eliminate the need for a noise fence and provide for an aesthetically-pleasing streetscape by providing vehicular access off of Beckett Crescent, but dressing up the "rear" door on Meadowglade to appear and be defined as a front door to the dwelling. This layout works best in rear lane or condominium situations. After a number of attempts to arrive at a suitable design for the houses, the owner has requested to revert back to the traditional arrangement with the noise fence along Meadowglade Road and both vehicular access and the front yard on the Beckett Crescent frontage. 2.3 The subject application is necessary since the zoning by-law defined the Meadowglade Road frontage of the lot as the "front yard" so that the "rear yard" amenity area facing Beckett Crescent would meet the Ministry of Environment guidelines for noise levels. The change in the defined "front yard" proposed through this zoning application is simply to allow the reverse frontage design to proceed. There is no change to vehicular access; it was always to occur from Beckett Crescent. 2.4 The applicant submitted a Noise Impact Study to address the concerns regarding noise exposure from Meadowglade Road and Bloor Street. The study concluded that noise REPORT NO.: PSD-052-07 PAGE 3 fencing will be required along the side and rear property lines, abutting Bloor Street and Meadowglade Road respectively, to reduce the noise levels in the rear yard of the proposed lots. 2.5 In response to the public notice, concerns were received regarding the following issues: . The potential increase in on-street parking resulting from the proposal; . Concerns about the safety of the neighbourhood children as a result of increased traffic on a narrow street; . Depreciation of homes resulting from the subject rezoning; and . Objection to the inconsistency of the subject proposal with what was originally planned. 2.6 One resident spoke at the public meeting with concerns about the safety of the young children in the neighbourhood, however, understood after the staff presentation that the original location of vehicular access and traffic patterns were not being altered by this rezoning application. The concerns are addressed in Section 9.0 of the report. 3.0 LAND CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES 3.1 The subject property and area subject to rezoning measures 0.31 acres (3,080 m2) and is currently vacant. 3.2 The surrounding uses are as follows: North - Vacant residential land and beyond, Residential South - Bloor Street and beyond, Vacant residential land and Residential East - Meadowglade Road and beyond, Vacant, draft approved lands for a Public Secondary School West - Residential (single detached and townhouse units) 4.0 PROVINCIAL POLICY 4.1 Provincial Policy Statement Policies for Settlement Areas dictate that land use patterns are to be based on densities that efficiently use land and the infrastructure and services that are available. This application is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement. 4.2 Provincial Growth Plan This application acknowledges the province's initiative to provide a greater variety of housing types to meet the needs of people at all stages of life. This application conforms. REPORT NO.: PSD-052-07 PAGE 4 5.0 OFFICIAL PLANS 5.1 Durham Reaional Official Plan The Durham Regional Official Plan designates the subject lands as Living Area. This designation provides that each community shall be developed to incorporate the widest possible variety of housing types, sizes and tenures. The subject proposal for twelve (12) townhouse units conforms. 5.2 Clarinaton Official Plan The Clarington Official Plan designates the subject lands as Medium Density Residential within the Courtice Urban Area. The intent of this designation is to provide a variety of housing densities and forms to ensure that each neighbourhood achieves a desirable housing mix. Townhouses are included within the predominant housing forms envisioned for Medium Density Residential areas. The proposed use conforms to the Clarington Official Plan. Bloor Street is classified as a Type "A' Arterial Road. Type "A' arterial roads are designed to efficiently move large volumes of traffic at moderate to high speeds over relatively long distances. Meadowglade Avenue is a Type 'C' Arterial, which are designed to move lower volumes of traffic at slower speeds over relatively short distances. The Municipality requires that arterial roads provide for continuous movement and therefore private access is limited. 6.0 ZONING BY-LAW 6.1 Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, zones the subject lands Urban Residential Exception (R3-17) Zone. The current zone permits townhouse units fronting onto Meadowglade Road, whereas the subject application proposes the townhouse units with a Beckett Crescent frontage and access (reverse frontage lots). The proposed use does not conform to the provisions of this zone and therefore this rezoning application is required. 7.0 AGENCY COMMENTS 7.1 The rezoning application and notice of public meeting was circulated to various agencies and other departments by the Planning Services Department. Comments received to date are as follows: . Clarington Building Department and Clarington Fire and Emergency Services indicated that they do not have any concerns with the subject application; . Clarington Operations provided comments pertaining to the proposed noise wall, requesting that the proposed shrubbery along the wall be eliminated, as there is not enough space for growth or maintenance. Alternatively, the alignment of the wall should include four strategically located jogs onto private property complete with appropriate plantings. Initially they suggested the REPORT NO.: PSD-052-07 PAGE 5 planting be maintained by the property owners. However, after further discussion on this issue it was agreed that the landscaped area should be under public ownership provided the landscape material is low maintenance; . Clarington Engineering reviewed the application and has no objection to the proposed zoning change. However, they have requested that the engineering drawings be amended to include the noise attenuation fence that is required. Also, the plantings adjacent to the sidewalk on Meadowglade Road will not be permitted; and . Durham Regional Planning indicated that the proposal is permitted by the policies of the Regional Official Plan. Services will be available to the subject property from Beckett Drive. They reviewed the Noise Impact Study submitted in support of the application and concluded that the recommendations and calculations appear to meet the requirements of the Region and the Ministry of Environment. 8.0 STAFF COMMENTS 8.1 The policies of the Regional Official Plan and the Clarington Official Plan limit individual private access to arterial roads. The subject blocks are located at the intersection of Bloor Street, a type 'A' arterial and Meadowglade Road, a type 'C' arterial. However, rear yards abutting arterial roads typically require noise mitigation that does not provide for an attractive streetscape. As a result, when the development was originally being draft approved these lots were zoned to require the front door of the units to face Meadowglade, yet vehicular access was to be maintained from the local road, Beckett Crescent. 8.2 The owner/builder met with staff and expressed concern that the streetscape on Beckett Crescent was not in keeping with the neighbourhood by having stand alone garages and fenced rear yards. As a result, this application has been filed to allow the twelve (12) units to have their rear yard abutting Meadowglade Road and the front of the dwelling face Beckett Crescent. Access to the units was originally intended to be from Beckett Crescent and therefore the subject application will not have a significant effect on traffic patterns. Beckett Crescent meets the Municipality's standard width for a local road. On-street parking should not pose a problem, as a parking plan was prepared prior to draft approval that accounts for sufficient on-street parking for visitors. 8.3 A Noise Impact Study was submitted in support of the rezoning application to address noise from Meadowglade Road and Bloor Street. The study found that noise levels for the outdoor amenity space (rear yards) exceed permitted levels and will therefore require mitigation measures in the form of noise fencing along the south side and rear property lines. The proposal includes landscaping along the length of the fencing and architectural features along the fencing itself to further address streets cape issues. Comments from Clarington Operations and Engineering Services require the landscaping along the fence be eliminated and replaced with articulation in the form of inward jogs in the fence which will contain low maintenance landscaping. REPORT NO.: PSD-052-07 PAGE 6 8.4 Given the unsuccessful attempts to create an attractive streetscape for Beckett Crescent with the upgraded dwelling fayades facing Meadowglade Road, staff feel that this application to rezone the two townhouse blocks to allow for the access, garage and front yard to face Beckett Crescent is warranted. This arrangement would ultimately produce the most desirable outcome, from a design perspective; keeping in mind the functionality of the site remains unaltered by this application. 8.5 Staff have requested the noise fence be amended to include a total of 3 jogs into the rear yard to a depth of 2 metres to accommodate planting of vegetation. These blocks are required to be dedicated to the Municipality of Clarington. The subdivision agreement requires site plan approval for these two blocks and through this process the applicant will be required to detail the noise fence and dedicate the blocks to the Municipality. 9.0 CONCLUSION Staff have not received any objections as a result of the agency circulation. Staff have acknowledged and taken into consideration the concerns expressed as a result of public notice pertaining to increased traffic, on-street parking and safety. Although the units were originally draft approved to front onto Meadowglade Road, vehicular access was always proposed to be from Beckett Crescent. The landscaping and architectural detail along the noise attenuation fencing will be addressed through site plan application to satisfy the requirements of the Municipality. Staff recommend that the application to rezone the subject lands from "Urban Residential Exception (R3-17)" to "Urban Residential Type Three (R3)" Zone to permit the development of twelve (12) townhouse units be APPROVED. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Proposed By-law List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Michelle Courville Prestonvale Heights Limited Trina Conely Sernas Associates Attachment 1 To Report PSO-052-07 .. '" o o~o~ "~ ~"l : t" ~r.~ 1 . 1 '''-''\ 1 ~..J::- \ 'l~~ i' "W" "'"~ \ I ('tf: ," , ~ 1 1 ,., Ii- '1 V l1lI:i,._._j ~..l ~o~ f)I'f100 ~~~ ~ .- z w :E c Oz "l""'w O:E q~ ~~ O<C N~ c(>- mm Nc) z z o N ~ ~ ~ R. o ~ o Qj' " Q) .... 'E :J J!! ..c:: C) 'Q) ::J: Q) iij > c o .. II) Q) ... D.. i.: Q) c ~ o Attachment 2 To Report PSD-052-07 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2007- being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle to implement ZBA 2007-0010; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1, Schedule "4" to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from: "Urban Residential Exception (R-17)" to "Urban Residential Type Three (R3) Zone", 2, Schedule "A" attached hereto shall form part of this By-law, 3, This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provision of Section 34 of the Planning Act. By-law read a first time this 14th day of May 2007 By-law read a second time this 14th day of May 2007 By-law read a third time and finally passed this 14th day of May 2007 Jim Abernethy, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk This is Schedule "A" to By-law 2007- passed this day of '12007 A.D. , , ~_.!.l--t 8 !~ ".~PiFn ., ..;.,- "; ....-1 ~ ,--... ~ ~ ~ ~ ff I ~ rzz2] Zoning Change From IR3-17" To "R3" Jim Abernethy. Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk GORD VINSON A VENUE I I I I I I l~ ..... I r Courtice