HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-55-99 .A.~. ON: PO-55-99 . , ~ , THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON REPORT Date: Monday, June 7, 1999 Fi Ie # '0\4. De_\.J' Cfi!;C:Jo I Res. # 0 PA -;;;Y1fo-99 Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee Report #: PD-55-99 File #: DEV 98-061 By-law # Subject: REZONING APPLICATION - APPLICANT: ERIC CAMERON PART LOT 10, CONCESSION 3, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON 2681 CONCESSION ROAD 4, DARLINGTON FI LE: DEV 98-061 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following 1. THAT Report PD-55-99 be received; 2. THAT the rezoning application DEV 98-061 submitted by Eric Cameron be APPROVED and that the amending by-law contained in Attachment No. 3 be forwarded to Council fQradoption; 3. THAT a copy of this Report and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and 4. THAT the interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Owner: 1.2 Applicant/Agent: 1.3 Zoning: Eric Cameron (same as above) from "Agricultural (A)" to "Agricultural Exception (A-59)" to permit a home industry being a woodworking shop in a proposed building that is approximately 1,342 square feet. 1 .4 Area: 1.2 hectares (3.0 acres) 670 ~~ ! , REPORT PD-55-99 PAGE 2 1.5 Location: The subject lands are located south of Concession Road 4 and east of Liberty Street. The municipal street address is 2681 Concession Road 4, Darlington. The lands are located in Part Lot 10, Concession 3, Former Township of Darlington (see Attachment No.1) 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 On October 9, 1998, the Planning and Development Department received an application to amend Zoning By-law 84-63 and an application for site plan approval to permit a woodworking operation housed in a separate building. 2.2 A public meeting for the rezoning application was held on December 7, 1998. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Irving advised that they have resided in their home for 16 years. They stated that, contrary to the existing zoning by-laws, the subject property is being used for making fireplace mantels and selling them at their stores. They stated the following objections to the proposed development: . it will spoil the view from their front and back patios; . it will have a detrimental effect on real estate values; . it wi II create more traffic; . it will ruin their privacy and enjoyment of their home; . it will affect the environment and ecology and cause more pollution with the heating and washroom in the new building; . noise factor emanating from the road to access their building and storing of their trucks; and . outside lighting They requested that, if the proposed development is approved, the building be smaller and located on the far west side of the subject property. 671 REPORT PD-55-99 PAGE 3 No one spoke in support of the application. The owner/applicant, Mr. Eric Cameron spoke in favour of the application noting that the subject property has been a school property since 1837. He stated since he purchased the property in 1994 extensive renovations have been carried out and approximately 1500 trees have been planted on the property. He indicated that, to date no objections have been received from commenting agencies with respect to his proposed rezoning. Mr. Cameron explained the nature of his business to Committee and indicated that he would be willing to move the building 30 to 40 feet west in order to keep it further away from the neighbour's home. 2.3 On December 18, 1998, Staff met with Mr. Cameron, Mr. & Mrs. Irving and Mr. Khouri to review the issues and identify how they could be resolved. Noise appeared to be the predominant issue and Staff requested that Mr. Cameron undertake a noise study by a qualified consultant. 3. EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES 3.1 The property currently contains: a one-storey brick dwelling (a former elementary school) occupied by the owner/applicant, and two sheds (see Attachment No.2). 3.2 The surrounding land uses are as follows (see Attachment No.1): North: Rural Residential and Agricultural; South: Vacant; East: Rural Residential; and West: Agricultural and a Regional Equalizing Reservoir that is no longer operational and beyond that, Rural Residential. 4. OFFICIAL PLAN CONFORMITY 4.1 Within the Durham Regional Official Plan, the subject property is designated as Major Open Space. The application conforms. 672 , , REPORT PD-55-99 PAGE 4 4.2 Within the Clarington Official Plan, the subject property is designated as Green Space. According to the policies for this designation, the application conforms. 5. ZONING BY-LAW COMPLIANCE Within Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 of the former Town of Newcastle, the subject property is zoned "Agricultural (A)". A home industry is only allowed in the "Agricultural (A)" zone by amendment to Zoning By-law 84-63. 6. AGENCY COMMENTS 6.1 The rezoning application was circulated to various agencies and other departments by the Planning and Development Department. The Regional Health Department and Ontario Hydro had no objections. Other comments received to date are as follows. 6.2 The Clarington Fire Department noted that they were unable to determine the location of the proposed building's fire access route. The applicant has had some discussions regarding the matter with the Fire Department. The permanent or temporary use of the Regional Equalizing Reservoir driveway immediately west of the applicant's property was considered but the Region did not want to grant such an easement. The applicant will provide the fire access route on the east side of the applicant's property. This route has been approved by the Fire Department. The applicant has stated that he cannot provide the fire access route on the west side of the property because of the location of the septic ti Ie bed. 6.3 The Clarington Public Works Department, Engineering Division noted they had no objection to the proposal as long as no existing drainage patterns are altered or adversely affected as a result of construction of the accessory building. 673 REPORT PD-55-99 PAGE 5 6.4 The Clarington Public Works Department, Building Division offered the following comments. The proposed building will be classified as Group F Division 2 Industrial occupancy. One (1) washroom must be provided in the building and Health Department approval will be required for additions to the septic system. If the building is more than one storey, a 45 minute fire resistance rating is required for the floors. Additionally, an exit from the 2nd floor must be separated by a 45 minute fire separation and the exit must lead directly from the 2nd floor to the exterior. It was also noted that the Fire Department should be consulted about the provision of a fire access route to the building. 6.5 The Regional Planning Department stated the proposal may be considered as an ancillary use to the existing residential use as long as the zoning by-law is structured to ensure: . That the principal use of the site remains residential by limiting the size and scale of the proposed ancillary use, buildings, signage and machinery/equipment used in the operation; and . That the proposed home industry is compatible with the surrounding land uses. No provincial interests appear to be affected by this proposal and subject to the foregoing the proposed amendment is acceptable within the context of the Regional Official Plan. 7. STAFF COMMENTS 7.1 The applicant has agreed to move the workshop westerly so that it is a minimum of 29 metres (95 feet) from the east property line with the Irvings (see Attachment No. 2). The proposed zoning by-law amendment restricts the location of the workshop building to the setbacks as shown on the site plan. The fire access route has been resolved to the satisfaction of the Fire Department. 674 REPORT PD-55-99 PAGE 6 7.2 The concems raised at the public meeting by the neighbours to the east have been addressed in the following manner. . The view would not appear to be significantly affected given that the setback of the workshop building from Concession Road 4 is essentially the same as that of the neighbours' house. The only building that will appear in their northerly view will be the Cameron's existing home. If the proposed workshop building is setback the same depth from Concession Road 4 and if its north-south dimension is no greater than the neighbours' house then it follows that the neighbours' view from the back should not be significantly affected. . Regarding negative impacts on real estate values, the Planning and Development Department is not in a position to comment on future real estate values. . The proposed home industry will not generate very much additional traffic beyond that of a normal garage and driveway. Only on rare occasions will suppliers, deliverers, service providers or customers come to the workshop building. . Regarding privacy, numerous trees have been and will be planted by the applicant on all sides of the proposed workshop building. As well, the neighbours to the east have carried out an extensive tree-planting program on the west side of their property. . Regarding environmental/ecological impacts from the washroom and the building heating system the following is to be noted. The Regional Health Department has been satisfied that the washroom facility will not have any negative impact on the property's septic system. Regarding the heating of the workshop building it is not unusual for an accessory building to be heated. Given its setting on a 1.2 ha (3.0 acre) lot it would be difficult to imagine the temperature of the local environment, especially beyond the Cameron property boundaries, being impacted. . Regarding noise generated by the use of the driveway, it would appear to be insignificant given the limited scale of the home industry. The garage in the workshop building is for one vehicle. . The outside lighting consists of wall-mounted "colonial style" lamps. This type of outside lighting is no different from residential lighting on any dwelling or related accessory building. It is difficult to conceive of there being any impacts on the neighbours to the east. No light poles/standards are proposed for the workshop building and surrounding area. 675 REPORT PD-55-99 PAGE 7 7.3 A Noise Impact Assessment was undertaken by John Swallow Associates Limited, Acoustical Engineers. The Assessment confirmed that, if the doors and windows of the workshop remain closed, the sound level will not go beyond the limits established by the Ministry of the Environment at any time of the night or day. Sound levels to be experienced when nearly all the work will be done (7.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.) are well within the limits established by the above Ministry. The vast majority of the work will be done in autumn and winter (the fireplace mantel business is mostly seasonal). A ceiling fan will be installed in the workshop to help keep the room coolon warmer days. Despite the fact that (as long as the doors and windows are kept shut) there wi II be no violation of the above Ministry's standards at any time of the night and day, the report utilized numerous worst case scenarios, some of which are as follows: . The location of the residence to the east is approximately 20 metres (65 feet) east of the property line shared with the applicant. However, for the purposes of calculating the noise levels, measurements were taken at the property line. . The residence to the southwest is close to 150 metres (500 feet) away but, it was for the purposes of the report assumed to be only 121.9 metres (400 feet) away. . Although Mr. Cameron has indicated that usually there will be only one person working in the workshop building, for noise calculation purposes it was assumed there would be two persons working in the workshop building. . The two items of workshop equipment generating the highest sound levels were used for noise calculation purposes and were assumed to both be operating at the same time, continuously, for one hour. . The workshop building has a garage in its eastern portion. There are no windows and doors on the east face of the building. The garage has a shielding effect on the sound radiated from the south fac;:ade yet; the attenuation due to this shielding was not included in the calculation. . The Noise Impact Assessment concludes with the statement that "as sound levels with doors and windows of the workshop closed will be at or below the MOE minimum sound level limit, it is recommended that the workshop be approved". 676 c' REPORT PD-55-99 PAGE 8 7.4 The Clarington Official Plan provides for home industry uses in the rural areas as a means to encourage employment within Clarington. The proposed exception zone provides for a woodworking shop. Any other type of home industry use will require a rezoning. 8. CONCLUSION: In consideration of both agency comments and public submissions, and the staff comments in this Report, Staff recommend that the rezoning application to rezone the subject lands from HAgricultural (A)" to HAgricultural Exception (A-59)" be APPROVED as contained in the attached zoning by-law amendment. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, dv~~ D i Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning & Development Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer BR*LDT*DJC*cc June 2, 1999 Attachment No.1: Site Location Key Map Attachment No.2: Site Plan Attachment No.3: Zoning By-law Amendment Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: ATTACHMENT' 1 - SUBJECT SITE 2681 CONCESSION ROAD 4 LOT 11 LOT 10 LOT 9 -- ~ Z I 0 - ~ (/) 0 (/) W U Z 0 U CONCESSION ROAD 4 I l ~ (/) ! Z I ~ w L5 r<) I CD \ -l ~ I Z 0 - (/) (/) W I I U I I I Z I I I 0 I I I I I U I I I I I I I I I I I DARLINGTON DEV.98-061 1 KEY MAP 078 ATTACHMENT 112 PLAN No : f(e: fll;~E:Ac(:.ESSi2vuTEo ~ I~ !~ !~ <51 ID' !l~ ; ~ I, 1_\ /\)..\ \ ' ::::::::::::::::::--g;:;,:) .................. 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' ---;---42.7..(,:>7'1+ (90.",') !I ", \:::::--, \::::\ ! *\~ -j.~ ~r'--' , , !; -. o " 2"5.0 ( 75."91' 29,0 ( q s.1 ~~') b/9 R.E~\'S.E::t> THE CORPORATION Of THE MUNICIPALITY Of CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 99- being a By-law to amend By~law 84~63, the Comprehensive Zoning By~law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of C1arington deems it advisable to amend By~law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle, to implement DEV 98-061. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. Section 6.4 "SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS - AGRICULTURAL (A) ZONE" is hereby amended by adding thereto, the following new Special Exception 6.4.59 as follows: "6.4.59 AGRICULTURAL EXCEPTION (A-59) ZONE Notwithstanding Section 6.1, those lands zoned "A~59" on the Schedules to this By~law may, in addition to the other uses permitted in the" Agricultural (A)" Zone, be used for a woodworking shop accessory to a residential dwelling and subject to the following zone regulations: Yard Requirements (minimum) Eastern Interior Side Yard Western Interior Side Yard Rear Yard Accessory Building for Woodworking Shop Area (maximum) 29 metres 23 metres 70 metres 128 square metres For the purposes of this subsection, a woodworking shop shall mean a building where fireplace mantel, other fireplace components, other pieces of residential woodwork and residential furnishings are manufactured and which shop is clearly accessory to a residential dwelling. Notwithstanding Section 3.1 on those lands zoned" A-59" on the Schedules to this By-law, the total of all accessory buildings and structures may have a lot coverage up to 70% of the total floor area of the main building." 2. Schedule "1" to By-law 84-63 as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from "Agricultural (A)" to "Holding - Agricultural Exception ((HIA-59)" as illustrated on the attached Schedule "A" hereto. 3. Schedule" AN attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. 4. This By~law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. BY~LAW read a first time this day of 1999. BY~LAW read a second time this day of 1999. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 1999. MAYOR CLERK . , " This is Schedule"A" to By-law 99- , passed this day of . 1999 A.D. LOT 10 CONCESSION ROAD 4 N72'15'10"E 65.46m E E <0 <0 N N I") .n ~ ~ ~ fiB ZONING CHANGE FROM 'A' TO '(H)A-59' Z 0 (/) (/) W l' l' U 0 0 Z ~ ~ 0 ;-. ;-. ~ ~ U In In z z N72"15'10"E 65.53m Moyor Clerk "<t Z DARLINGTON 1~2 "!L-l I 'I z o (Jj en UJ u Z o U t II II II I II