HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-43-99 . . t- THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Meeting: REPORT GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # 70 r DECEMBER 6, 1999 Res.#&fJl1-j73-ff Date: Report No.: WD-43-99 Our File: D.05.18.21 By-Law # Subject: TRAFFIC ISSUES IN HAMPTON (CONCESSION ROAD 6 AND OLD SCUGOG ROAD) Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-43-99 be received for information; and 2. THAT Judy Gibbens of the Hampton Citizens' Association be provided a copy of this report. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No.1: Key Map No.2: Correspondence dated September 11, 1999 No.3: Summary of Motor Vehic1e Collisions 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 At a meeting held on October 25, 1999, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington passed the following Resolution #C-665-99: "THAT the correspondence dated September 11, 1999 from J. Gibbens regarding traffic issues in Hampton, be received; 11 06 , . REPORT NO.: WD-43-99 PAGE 2 THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Public Works for review and preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; and THAT Judy Gibbens be advised of Council's decision." 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 As an interim step, until a full review could be completed, the stop bars at the intersection were repainted the minimum distance of 1.5 metres from the intersection to encourage motorists to pull up and take a good look before pulling into the intersection. Temporary warning signs for southbound and eastbound traffic were also installed showing "High Collision Intersection". The summary of motor vehicle collisions, shown as Attachment No. 3, shows that there have been three accidents during 1999, which is an increase from previous years. The vehicle damage has been moderate to severe, but fortunately only one of the 7 collisions over the past 5 years resulted in a minor personal injury. Staff also met with the Durham Regional Police to review the findings of this report. 3.2 Cedar Hedge and Tree on Northwest Corner: Proceeding from the west, the sight distance from this corner looking north was 150 metres, if motorists stop at the painted stop bar to see past the hedge. On November 4, 1999, Staff located the property bars at this intersection and determined that the cedar hedge along Old Scugog Road was on municipal property and not on private property, as originally thought in previous years. Staff met with the property owner on November 9, 1999, and it was agreed that the hedge would be removed by municipal forces and the ground restored to the property owner's satisfaction. 3.3 Elevated Grade on Northeast Corner: Coming from the east, the sight distance from this corner looking north is 180 metres and is considered safe, although during winter months it is possible for snow accumulation to reduce the sight distance. Staff met with the tenant and agreed that the elevation would be 11 07 REPORT NO.: WD-43-99 PAGE 3 cut back from the property line and sloped towards the ditch to improve year round visibility for low vehicles. 3.4 Road Grade to the North of the Intersection: There is a dip in the roadway north of the intersection, but Staff confirmed that sight distance is adequate. When the road is reconstructed at some point in the future, it would be designed with a more even grade to further improve visibility. 3.5 Vision of Stop Signs: Approaches to the stop signs from both the east and the west are very good, but also include advance stop ahead signs as a precautionary measure. Concerns about visibility of the westbound stop sign during late afternoon with the sun falling and shaded, or eastbound with the morning sun, are common to many intersections. 3.6 Survey of Vehicle Passes: Such surveys are not usually performed, as results would not be consistent from one day to the next. Passing usually occurs when there is a wide variation in vehicle speeds. 3.7 Installation of Flashing Overhead Light or All-Way Stop: The existing traffic volumes and low number of collisions, combined with planned intersection improvements, negate the need for further warning devices which are unwarranted at this time. 3.8 Speeding Concerns: The posted speed is 50 kmIhr on Old Scugog Road from 200 metres north of Concession Road 6 to Taunton Road. The suggestion by residents for an all-way stop at the intersection of Old Scugog Road and Concession Road 6 would do very little to reduce any speeding concerns in the actual village. Stop signs are not intended or effective as speed control devices because motorists quickly regain their speeds. Staff is pleased to hear that residents are taking advantage of the Road Watch Program. The Radar Message Board was used 19 times by Clarington residents during 1999, but the unit has not been used by Hampton 1 08 REPORT NO.: WD-43-99 PAGE 4 residents since April 6, 1998. Staff encourage regular use of this device because it transforms speeding concerns into actual results. 4.0 CONCLUSION 4.1 From the above, it is concluded that the intersection improvements to the northeast and northwest corners will improve visibility and reduce the risk of motor vehicle collisions. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~-L/~~ Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng., Director of Public Works OY'~-~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer RDB*SA V*ce 16/11/99 1109 I 1--- ---CEDA~HdG - 1 I REMOVEF~ M i ! WITHIN ROAD AL~ W ~CE I I I I I i I I I EARTH REMOVAL- i SLOPE DOWN TO DITCH I I I I I L______________ #6010 Id Scugo Rd CONCESSION ~~ . ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -g-; ~ I U I C/) I I I I I I Cl \ ...J o SUBJEC SITE l"- ll) "0 0:: iii <: o .0, Q) 0:: V" Ta nton Rd Cl cd:: o c:: KEY MAP #2256 Concession Rd 6 / ROAD 6 i EXISTING STOP SIGNS 1'1 ~~~ s DRAWN BY: J.R.M DATE: NOV. 1999 REPORT WD-43-99 ATTACHMENT NO.1 1 1 1 0 COUNCIL DIRECTION D-5 HAMPTON CITIZEN'S ASSOCIATION .......................................................................................................................St:,....~,.......2...1:~r~................................................... September 11, 1999 Durham Regtonal Police 1998 Regtonal Road 57 Bowmanville, Ontano LlC 3K4 . . ~.. -.- - --. -. .. ..__.0___.____.._ 4... .,,~-:JI;~UTION -..' ...----. and , --. -~T-;;t;;;:;'h7i ~~ Regton of Durham Works Department 105 Consumers Drive \'V'hitby, Ontario LlN 6A3 \ (; Jol_ Clerk's Department M:unicipaliry of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Ll C 3A6 :\ttemion: ~fs. P. Barrie Clerk , . :...--....... -..-... .....t~......-- ._.._..~ ,-'.._.__a.-.-.-.. ,. ....,.." .~.._ 4_ l-...--~e"I- '.-.......-. ,~~.~-~- -. ~ - , ----.. I ~...-.._.......... I ..._~ I Ladies and Gentlemen, . ;~..-...... ............... ..t._. ._._.._~ , , " ,....--...- ...... ", ; nu~~ .\~--': -..... - ~.. ....-:.~.:.. ._-----;.':-.:'::".' I am writing on behalf of the recently formed Hampton Citizens Association regarding a road and traffic issues of concern to a number of residents in the hamlet of Hampton. The intersection of Old Scugog Road and Concession 6 just north of the hamlet, has been the site of a number of collisions over the last few years, with an apparent increase of late. I have personally witnessed drivers completely running the stop sign as they approached from the west, once narrowly escapmg being SIde swiped by a cube van . W'hen approaching from the east in the late afternoon there are times and conditions when the deep shade of a sunny afternoon completely obliterates the stop sign from view. Approaching the intersection from the north, with the right of way, one's vision is blocked by a substantial hedge to the right (west) and impaired with the slope of the area and a house on the left (east). It is widely recognized by local citizens that this particular intersection is hazardous as many of us have witnessed collisions or near collisions. Our concern lies now with increased traffic on both Old Scugog and on Concession 6 by people from within and outside the area using these roads as an alternate to Taunton and #57. Unfamiliarity with the poor site conditions of this intersection and sheer numbers (not to mention speed - a whole other issue) will no doubt result in increased incidents. There are numerous school buses using this route, many making turns from either direction on the 6th. I respectfully request that an in depth review of incident reports at the police department and complaints directed to the Clarington municipal offices, be undertaken by the police to get a sense of the 'cause' of the collisions. We would also request that a survey of daily vehicle passes be undertaken to compare with historical figures, should they exist. We ask that the police and works department staff conduct a site visit to determine what improvements could be made to this 1 1 ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: WD-43-99 Intersection for safety sake. Given the slope of the land around this area and the position of the homes on two of the four comers we realize there is not much that can be done to substantially IOcrease site lines. For this reason we suggest that consideration be given to installation of an overhanging flashing light, or unplementtng a four way stop, with warning lights. The latter would provide the extra benefit of addressmg some of the speeding that IS causing greater concern within Hampton ItSelf, an Issue that seems destined to increase as well with the growth along Taunton Road toward Oshawa and as the -+07 moves further mto Durham Region. The second Issue we raise at this time is the outrageous speeding that is occurring along Old Scugog Road between the 6th concession and Taunton Road - the full length of the hamlet boundaries. We have been taking an active approach through the Road Watch program that we plan to expand through some strategically placed volunteer spotters, and will be calling for more information regarding the use of the speed sign. In the meantime the support of the Durham Regional Police in increased patrols and preferably in setting up some radar surveillance at times when we have noted the most traffic would be appreciated. I have called the Bowmanville detaclunent twice in the last 3- -+ weeks with this request, both times noting that the 'regulars' start speeding through at exacdy 5:45 a.m. and it continues until about 7:45 a.m. every week day. One must asswne that those headed to work at this time are the same ones who then return between 3:15 and 4:15, when Old Scugog is extremely busy with walking school children and buses. For your information the Hampton Citizen's Association is working together right now with the prmClpal of Hampton Junior Public School (and hopefully their Parent Council) in lessening some of the traffic and hence safety concerns by investigating the implementation of a ''Walking School Bus" program; we are taking an active role in improving safety from inside the village as well. Concerned citizens in Hampton are interested in keeping this a safe area for local residents and those who pass through. We anxiously await hearing the outcome of your consideration of these requests. Sincerely, ... ~~~~~ President, Hampton Citizen~ Association "2- 4'() ~ ~bo ~~ 0U03.8'-0 cc: Mary Novak, Jim ScheU 2 , i 1 2 1999 (3) MVc# 99-12479 99-79150 99-103372 1998 (2) MVc# 98-15817 98-67122 1997 (0) MOTOR VEHICLE COLLISION RECORDS CONCESSION ROAD 6 AT OLD SCUGOG ROAD, HAMPTON (As of Novembef 1, 1999) Details February 7, 1999 at 1:25 p.m., eastbound vehicle stopped but did not yield right of way to southbound vehicle, roads dry, no injuries July 29, 1999 at 5:45 p.m., eastbound vehicle stopped but did not yield right of way to northbound vehicle, roads dry, no injuries September 28, 1999 at 8:45 a.m., eastbound vehicle stopped but did not yield right of way to southbound vehicle, roads dry, minor injuries Details February 17, 1998 at 6:00 p.m., eastbound vehicle stopped but did not yield right of way to southbound vehicles, roads wet, no injuries July 2, 1998 at 4:35 p.m., eastbound vehicle stopped but did not yield right of way to northbound vehicle, roads dry, no injuries No recorded collisions. 1996 (1) MVc# 96-102161 1995 (1) MVc# 95-118393 Details September 12, 1996 at 5:20 p.m., eastbound vehicle did not stop, striking a southbound vehicle, roads dry, no injuries Details October 17, 1995 at 11 :30 a.m., eastbound vehicle did not stop, striking a southbound vehicle, roads dry, no injuries 5 accidents in 3 years = 1.7 average per year 7 accidents in 5 years = 1.4 average per year 1 3 ATTACHMENT NO.: 3 REPORT NO.: WD-43-99