HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-28-00 ~/ , THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Meeting: REPORT GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File #1f3rv If JUNE 21, 1999 Res. tt6Rft- 5~'I-97' Date: Report No.: WD-28-99 By-Law # Subject: APPLICATION FROM 542985 ONTARIO LIMITED (B. V ANANDEL) TO STOP-UP AND CLOSE A PORTION OF GAUD GATE (pART 1, PLAN 40R-XXXX) TO ESTABLISH A O.3M (1 FOOT) RESERVE AT THE EASTERLY END OF GAUD GATE (pART 1, PLAN 40R-XXXX) TO DIVERT THE IDGHWAY SHOWN AS OLD SCUGOG ROAD AND THE INTERSECTION WITH REGIONAL ROAD 57 TO A LOCATION APPROXIMATELY 55M (177 FEET) NORTH OF THE EXISTING INTERSECTION Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-28-99 be received; 2. THAT Staff be authorized to advertise a public hearing required by the Municipal Act to stop-up and close part of Gaud Gate, being Part 1, Plan 40R-XXXX; 3. THAT Part 1, Plan 40R-XXXX be established as a O.3m (1 foot) Reserve; 4. THAT Old Scugog Road at the intersection of Regional Road 57 be diverted approximately 55m (177 feet) north of the existing intersection in accordance with the approved construction drawings and subdivision agreement between the Municipality and 542985 Ontario Limited; 5. THAT, if following the Public Hearing, Council approves the by-law to: i) stop-up and close Gaud Gate; ii) establish Part 1, Plan 40R-XXXX as a O.3m (1 foot) Reserve; and iii) 1 ] 1 6 .~ REPORT NO.: WD-28-99 PAGE 2 divert the intersection of Old Scugog Road and Regional Road 57; that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary documents; 6. THAT the Clerk obtain written approval of the by-law by registered mail, from the Region of Durham; and 7. THAT Mr. Bob Annaert, D.G. Biddle and Associates Limited, the Regional Municipality of Durham and the residents of Old Scugog Road area be advised of Council's decision. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No.1: No.2: No.3: No.4: No.5: No.6: Key Map Application to Stop Up and Close Gaud Gate (542985 Ontario Limited) Correspondence from Uldis Siksna, Regional Municipality of Durham, dated April 4, 1997 Correspondence from the Regional Municipality of Durham dated April 21, 1998 Report WD-11-98 Petition from Keith Clarke and Joan Clarke dated May 16, 1999 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Draft Plan approval was granted for DEV 87-88 (18T-87076), with conditions, on July 27, 1992. The details regarding the proposed development and a chronology of events leading up to Report WD-11-98 (Attachment No.5), submitted to Council on February 2, 1998, are explained in that report. Council, at its meeting of February 9, 1998, passed Resolution GP A-83-98, as follows: "THAT the developer's application for closure and conveyance be withdrawn; THAT the proposed intersection construction at Old Scugog Road and Regional Road 57, as modified by the Region, be deemed as satisfactory to meet the conditions of Draft Plan approval as set out in Conditions 17, 18 117 REPORT NO.: WD-28-99 PAGE 3 and 19 in Report PD-283-89, submitted on November 6, 1989 (Attachment No.3); THAT Mr. Bob Annaert and Mr. Bas VanAndel be advised of Council's decision; and THAT the residents of Old Scugog Road and Gaud Gate be advised of Council's decision;" An application to close Gaud Gate was received on March 25, 1999. 2.2 Application to Close Gaud Gate In response to the requirements and conditions of Draft Plan approval, the Region of Durham reviewed an alternate proposal to deal with the intersection of Old Scugog Road and Regional Road 57. Although all residents are not in support of this alternative, the majority of residents do not object. Ultimately, Gaud Gate will be stopped-up and closed by by-law at it's easterly limit with Regional Road 57. A barricade will be installed and the intersection with Regional Road 57 will be eliminated. A O.3m (1 foot) Reserve will be established where Gaud Gate terminates. The approved Draft Plan of Subdivision includes the specifications for realignment ofthe intersection, reconstruction of the intersection and restoration of the property. 2.3 Establishing the O.3m (1 foot) Reserve The Public Works Department recommends that a by-law be passed to establish a O.3m (1 foot) Reserve to terminate Gaud Gate (Attachment No.1). 18 REPORT NO.: WD-28-99 PAGE 4 2.4 Diversion ofthe Intersection of Old Scugog Road and Regional Road 57 Originally, as a condition of Draft Plan approval, the developer was required to make application to close and convey a portion of Old Scugog Road and the intersection with Regional Road 57. Gaud Gate was to be reconstructed and the intersection improved at Regional Road 57 and Gaud Gate. As a result of objections from residents, the alternative approved by the Region was to move the intersection to the north as far as possible and terminate the intersection at Gaud Gate and Regional Road 57 (Attachment No.4). Council endorsed this alternative by approving Report WD-11-98 (Attachment No.5). It is recommended that a by-law be passed authorizing the diversion of Old Scugog Road and the intersection at Regional Road 57, in accordance with approved construction drawings and the conditions of Draft Plan approval. 2.5 Traffic By-law 91-58, As Amended Traffic By-law 91-58 will be amended in a separate report to eliminate the Gaud Gate intersection. 2.6 Petition from Keith and Joan Clarke dated May 16, 1999 As a result of the newspaper advertisement "Amendment to the former Town of Newcastle By-law 86-112", a petition was received from Keith and Joan Clarke (Attachment No.6). Although the notice was dealing with a street name change, a number of residents signed the petition that Keith Clarke and Joan Clarke have been maintaining the corner of land which will be occupied by the diversion of Old Scugog Road. In discussion with Keith Clarke and Joan Clarke, they stated they had not been informed of this change. Numerous Public Information Meetings have been held with residents of Old Scugog Road and Gaud Gate as follows: 1. Wednesday, September 6, 1995 2. Thursday, January 28, 1998 19 REPORT NO.: WD-28-99 PAGE 5 Notices of both meetings were hand-delivered by Municipal staff. In addition, the results of Council's decision regarding Report WD-11-98 were mailed by the Clerk's Department to all residents. The developer, as a goodwill gesture, contacted Ms. Clarke and will assist with planting cedars as screening. Mrs. Clarke and the developer have mutually agreed to work together when the reconstruction occurs. A copy of this report (Report WD-28-99) was hand delivered on June 11, 1999, to all residents of Old Scugog Road and Gaud Gate. 3.0 CONCLUSION 3.1 Draft Plan approval was granted in 1989 but due to the poor market, the development has not proceeded. The applicants are prepared to fulfil the conditions of Draft Plan approval. Although a number of residents are opposed to the proposal to divert the road and intersection, after several public meetings, this alternative was the most preferred. The design is finalized and has been approved by the Region of Durham and the Municipality. It is therefore recommended that Council approve the recommendations to proceed to pass the necessary by-laws to stop-up and close Gaud Gate and divert Old Scugog Road, approximately 55m (177 feet) north. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~~ Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng., Director of Public Works ()~~~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer JCO*SA V*ce 15/06/99 120 REPORT NO.: WD-28-99 PAGE 6 Pc: Uldis Siksna Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department Box 623 105 Consumers Drive Whitby, ON LIN 6A3 Area Residents of Old Scugog Road and Gaud Gate 1 1 2 1 Bob Annaert D.G. Biddle and Associates Limited 96 King Street East Oshawa, ON LIH IB6 I"- L() -0 o o 0::: o c o PART 1 OF PLAN 40R- PRIMARY IN TERSECTlON PROPOSED SCUGOG COURT Concession Road 3 I C:\ATTACHS\DARL\TRANSFER.DWG I IP._RA WN___~Y: JM IIDAT_~:mJUH~J 999_' REPORT NO. WD- 28 -99 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 APPLICATION FOR ROAD CLOSURE AND CONVEYANCE PART A - APPLICANT INFORMATION POSTAL CODE: . M /I..e.~ 542\)85 4 29 Lt:o..~E'-~~e.e.. ~-r ~y L-~L- \t-JI 24r \'fJ9. O"'-1\A.e.\c> L \ N'\ \ ,e:t7 ~\\J~ DATE:. APPLICANT: STREET: CITY/TOWN: PROVINCE: 0\--1,A..ce\ 6 . TELEPHONE NO. : ('\05) '-Z3~~ 18-~ . PART B - DBSCRIPTION OF LANDS (Petitioners: Use separate sheet) RE: MUNICIPAL ROAD ALLOWANCE/RIGHT-OF-WAY KNOWN AND DESCRIBED AS: Town/Township: M~~\c:.\~U~ or c....A.E.\~\O\--1 C[A...e~\~~) Concession: C1~~Ss.,<::)~ ..~. ~ \S Being Lot(s) ~~ Eetween C~Recse~oa(s) J4 .;. \(. Or Block(s) According To ' e.-...p ~\oJ~~ ,(...S G,6..up ~\-e: Ces\~,-\S~ Original Plan -. '- , " ~ ~\.lt-lUM~e:~ e.y-L..e.~ .D~\e:P ,-....\1. " \857./ A, ~\C:>~\- ~,.. r' ... 57. C - APPLICATION TO CLOSB OR CLOSB AND CONVEY PART I/We S4-Z~eS ~\~\C> L..\~\~. , being the owner/owners of property ~J fin:" the Municipal Road Allowance/Right-of-way as described above, do hePe y request to have said road allowance closed iIlRM.' A. IU",g<;;... ~..d' __... -.I _tl in accordance with the Municipality's Policy for Road Closures and according to the Municipal Act, Section 297, c.M.45, R.S.O. 1990. PART D - CONFIRMATION OF OWNERSHIP f\e:l..C'"'. i) I/We, the undersigned, being the owner/owners of property aB~ttiR~ the municipal lands described above, acknowledge and agree that ownership of the lands described in Part B is vested solely in the Municipality of Clarington. ii) rille, LIlt:: u.uJ.~.a~~4.1{..J, J", 1:1i;OO.~h.l' ,"",V""f~""ll' tll~L r/tl'-I IJ.C1vc ltJ.nl..i.o~~~~-:: ownersnit-t 6:E to},.. l;:mnR ;:)hllt-t-ing t-h~ Road Allowan~p/1:l~~1-.t: elf ,Jay Qe8e~ibcd- "Tn part: I:l. PART B - APPLICANT'S AGRBEMENT TO PAY COSTS I/We, the undersigned, agree to pay all costs associated with the closure .onhl/v.L lillellilli.E'e eRa ggw'e} a!\ee prior to the passing of the by-law and in accordance with the Municipality's Policy for Road Closure and Conveyance. - 16 - ; I I i3 J ATTACHMENT NO.: t REPORT NO.: WD-28-99 '."'''-., " The Regional Municipality of Durham Woric:s Department BOli 623 105 Consumers Dr, Whitby, Ontario Canada L' N 6A3 (905) 668.772' Fax: (905) 668.2051 V.A. Silgl'Jilis, P.!!ng. Commissioner of Works Please quote our ref: ,? '97 10: 49 FR RMD ldORKS DEPT 905 668 2051 TO 19056234169 P.03/04 April 4, 1997 D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited 96 King St. E. Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1B6 Attention: Mr. R.C. Annaert Project Manager Dear Sir; Re: 542985 Ontario Limited Regional Road #57/01d Scugog Court/Gaud Gate Municipality of Clarington Our ~ile No." 89-C-51 Further to your letter of January 31, 1997, the Regional Works Department has reviewed the alternatives that you have provided with respect to the intersection of the proposed subdivision street/Old Scugog Court and Regional Road #:57. We are prepared to accept a modified version of your recommendations as shown on the concept plan labelled, Proposed Conditions - Alternative #2. The intent of the original proposal was to have one entrance onto the Regional Road #57 at the best possible location to accommodate the proposed subdivision as well as the existing residents. In order to accomplish this, and taking into consideration the existing residents concerns, the termination of Gaud Gate (removal or the culvert and reditching of Regional Road #57) and the construction of a new entrance is required. The construction of the new intersection interconnecting Old Scugog Road/Old Scugog Court and Regional Road #57 as shown on drawing #C-4 should be revised in the following manner: - Increase the paved section of the t~avelled portion of. the road in order to accommodate a 15.0 m turning radii - Increase the section width of the proposed road from 6.7 m to 8.0 m . . .2 * 'Ol1lb POll Consume, i4 ATTACHMENT NO.: 3 REPORT NO.: WD-28-99 ~7 '97 10:50 FR RMD WORKS DEPT 905 668 2051 TO 19056234169 P.04/04 -2- Therefore, we are requesting that you submit revised engineering drawings for approval to the Municipality of Cl~rington for their review and approval, as well as to the Region of Durham, in order ,to finalize the access issue. . Should you have any questions,. please contact the undersigned. Yours truly d~ Uldis Siksna, P. Eng. Development Approvals Engineer usI cc: S. Vokes, P. Eng., Municipality of Clarington B. VanAndel, 542985 Ontario Limited S. Mayhew, Region of 'Durham ** TOTAL PAGE.04 ** iJ 2:0'd ll::J10l Th. R.glonal Municipality at Durham' . Works Department Box 623 106 Consumer, Or. Whitby, Ontario Canada L 1 N 8A3 (905) 86a-7721 Fax; (90S) 668.2051 V.A. S1I98111" P.&ne. Commissioner of Works Please Quote our ref: _. April 21, 1998 D.O. Biddle & Associates Ltd. 96 King Street E. ' Oshawa, Ontario Ln.I IB6 Attention: R.C. Annaert . Project Manager Re: 542985 Ontario Limited, l8T-87076 Old Scugog Court, Works File: 89-C-Sl The Regional Works Department has.reviewedthe noted engineering drawings . -. ,_~;, r . and' wish to provide the following comments. ' ,. . , The submitted engineering drawings indicate our concerns and rec'ommendations r~lated to the modified Alternative No. 2 location of the intersection improvement of Old .Scugog Road and Rogional Road 57 and the elimination of access from Gauds Gate to Regional Road 57. The engip.cenng drawings a.ppear to be acceptable for the preparation of a draft subdivision agreement. Prior to the preparation ofthe agreement, the engineering drawings must be signed, MOE approval certiiicate for the stoml sewer & outfall must be issued, M-Plail appro~ must be' obtained from Regional Planning Department and Ii detailed (lOst estimate must also be submitted. Should you require any additional illfonnation do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. .. . Yours trUly, ." I~~;. John Molica I ' Development Approvals Division ~~ (.~,.:~ :."'~ 1 : L 6 "'.... ___--.-_____..d ~.". ATTACHMENTNO.: 4 REPORT NO.: WD-28-99 1:>. 0.3. f S. C;;'" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON REPORT Date: FEBRUARY 2, 1998 WD 11 90 File #: File # Res. # By-Law # Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Report #: Subject: OLD SCUGOG ROAD/GAUD GATE ROAD CLOSURE/RECONSTRUCTION (18T-87076) Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Report WD-11-98 be received; 2. That the developer's application for closure and conveyance be withdrawn; 3. That the proposed intersection reconstruction at Old Scugog Road and Regional Road 57, as modified by the Region, be deemed as satisfactory to meet the conditions of Draft Plan Approval as set out in Conditions 17, 18 and 19 in Report PD-283-89, submitted on November 6, 1989; 4. That Mr. Bob Annaert and Mr. Bas VanAndel be advised of Council's decision; and 5. That the residents of Old Scugog Road and Gaud Gate be advised of Council's decision. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No.1: No.2: No.3: Key Map Correspondence received from residents Summary of Residents' Concerns "leyellD ~ PAPIER PAP'-.. 'tt:J::1 RECYCLE -...----..---..-.---.--- il ATTACHMENT NO.: 5 - REPORT NO.: WD-28-99 REPORT NO.: WD-11-98 PAGE 2 NO.4: Correspondence received from the Regional Municipality of Durham 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Draft Plan approval was granted for DEV 87-88 (18T-87076), with conditions, on July 27, 1992. The Developer is proceeding to satisfy these conditions, one of which requires the closure of the intersection of Old Scugog Road at Regional Road 57, and improvements to Gaud Gate, which would become the southerly intersection. 2.2 Recognizing the length of time which had passed since Draft Plan approval was granted in 1992, the Public Works Department facilitated an Information Meeting on September 6,. 1995. T~is meeting allowed the residents in the general area to rev~ew the proposed changes, hereafter referred to as the "original proposal", i.e, to stop up and close the intersection of Old Scugog Road and Regional Road 57, and improvements to Gaud Gate. 3 . 0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 Mr. Bob Annaert, D.G. Biddle & Associates, represented the developer and displayed the proposed -plans for the new development and the original proposal for changes to the subject intersections. The majority of resictents who attended the Informat~on_Meeting are opposed_to the original proposal to close Old Scugog Road and reconstruct Gaud Gate. Correspondence received from residents both in support and opposi tion is attached -(Attachment No.2) . 3.2 Residents Opposed to the Proposal The Public Works Department summarized concerns that residents had with the original proposal (Attachment No.3) and proposes to address those concerns as follows: LO REPORT NO.: WD-11-98 PAGE 3 3.2.1 Traffic Concerns i) Traffic volume, speed and truck traffic using Old- Scugog Road as an alternative to Region~l Road 57; ii) Visibility at existing (Old Scugog Road) and proposed (Gaud Gate) intersections; iii) Additional stop signs at Gaud Gate will increase noise and traffic backup; iv) Request traffic signals at Regional Road 57 and stop signs on Old Scugog Road at Maryleah and Andelwood Courts; v) Turning and acceleration lanes requested to be installed on Regional Road 57; vi) Traffic at Christmas due to the annual display of lights which attracts numerous visitors. Response: The Public Works Department is presently conducting a traffic and radar study to determine if warrants for stop signs, traffic signals and further speed zones are met. The Public Works Department will liaise with the developer and the Region of Durham regarding visibility and the installation of turning lanes on Regional Road 57. Present proposals for intersection improvements at either Old Scugog Road or Gaud Gate are both acceptable to the Region of Durham. Christmas traffic was monitored during the 1997 Christmas season to see what possible improvements could be accomplished and staff are not proposing any changes to traffic controls in the area at this time. 1 : L '1 REPORT NO.: WD-11-98 PAGE 4 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 Trees The residents wanted a guarantee that the trees on Gaud Gate would not be affected. Response: The original proposal included plans to preserve all trees, and staff were confident that the proposed construction methods would produce acceptable results. Residents were advised that no guarantee could be given, but every effort would be made to preserve all trees. Historical House on Gaud Gate Both staff and residents agree that adoption of the original proposal would have the greatest impact on the residence on Gaud Gate and the residences ~n the west side of Old Scugog Road, opposite Gaud Gate. The owners of the house on Gaud Gate purchased the house in 1995. Reconstruction of Gaud Gate as part of the original proposal would include surface excavation, installation of drainage works and asphalt surface. Traffic volume would increase on Gaud Gate if the original proposal was implemented. Sidewalks Some residents felt that the construction of sidewalks represented a solution to a safe walking area. Other residents feel that the area is rural, in nature, and are opposed to sidewalks, but want traffic slowed so that walking on the road is not a danger. Response: Sidewalks are not recommended to be included in the design. )U REPORT NO.: WD-11-98 PAGE 5 3.2.5 3.2.6 3.2.7 Environmental Issues (Sewaqe and Water) Residents commented that proposed lot sizes may affect sewage disposal or cause well interference. Response: The Draft Plan is already approved and the lot sizes exceed the requirements of the Municipality's by-laws. Chanqed Conditions from When Land Purchased The proposed changes in road configuration were felt to compromise the conditions in which present residents purchased their properties. Response: Residences located within 120 m (400 feet) of the subjec~ Draft Plan were notified of the Application for Rezoning in 1988. In addition, notices of the proposed subdivision were properly advertised in the local newspaper. Two Emerqencv Exits Should Remain Inquiries were made by residents regarding the possibility of using "emergency exits" at Old Scugog Road and Gaud Gate to facilitate closing both roads to through traffic. Response: During the rezoning and draft plan approval processes, consideration was given to emergency access. The draft plan was approved conditional on the closing of the southerly intersection. Emergency exits are not recom- mended by staff' for this location. Closure of both intersections would require emergency vehicles, as well as service vehicles, to travel north on Regional Road 57, west on Concession Road 4 and then south on Old Scugog Road in order to service residences south of Concession Road 4. 1 : ) 1 REPORT NO.: WD-11-98 PAGE 6 3.2.8 Disposal of Land Members of the public felt that the closing of Old Scugog Road was being driven by the developer and they also felt that the Region/Municipality wished to sell land for further development. Response: Closure of the Old Scugog Road intersection was actually a condition of draft plan approval imposed on the developer by the Region and the Municipality. Further, the Public Works Department researched the highest and best use of the land if the intersection was closed. There is insufficient land to be of value to the developer. There are two possibilities: i) the land remains as municipal property and the developer would be responsible for its restoration; or, ii) the lands could be offered to the abutting property owner to the north, at a nominal cost. 3.3 Residents in Favour of the Proposal Two households agreed with staff's opinions and the original proposal for the following stated reasons: i) Decreased speed and frequency of traffic; ii) Less traffic on Old Scugog Road and preserve the condition of the road; iii) The intersection will be safer; and, iv) More cost efficient to maintain one (l) intersection. ,') JL REPORT NO.: WD-11-98 PAGE 7 3.4 Additional Investiqation The original proposal called for the closure of the intersection of Old Scugog Road at Regional Road 57, and improvements to Gaud Gate. The majority of residents in the area are opposed to the proposed changes. At present, unless the changes proceed, the developer is unable to fulfil the conditions of Draft Plan Approval and therefore is unable to develop the subject lands. Staff recognizes. that the developer has incurred costs for rezoning, design and engineering and is now attempting to satisfy the conditions as specified. Technically, these conditions can be met. Given the residents' concerns, in an effort to move forward with the development, the applicant has put forward an "alternative proposal" for intersection improvements at Old Scugog Road and Regional Road 57. This proposal is in lieu of closure of the existing intersection, would address the residents' concerns by leaving Gaud Gate in its existing state, as well as addressing engineering concerns with the existing intersection geometry. The Region of Durham Works Department has reviewed the applicant's alternative proposal and indicate that they are prepared to accept a modified version of the alternative proposal ("modified alternative"). These modifications would include: i) the termination of Gaud Gate at Regional Road 57 (removal of the culvert and ditching of Regional Road 57) i ii) minor pavement widening to increase the section width of proposed Old Scugog Road from 6. 7 m to 8.0 mi and, )) REPORT NO.: WD-11-98 PAGE 8 iii) minor pavement widening in order to accommodate a 15.0 m turning radius. Regional Works recognize that the intent of the original proposal was to have one entrance onto Regional Road 57 at the best possible location. Taking into consideration the existing residents' concerns, the Region's Works Department has given conditional acceptance to the modified alternative as outlined in the previous paragraph. 3.5 Second Information Meetinq On January 28, 1998, a second Information Meeting was held to review the contents of this report with all residents between the bridge north of Concession Road 4 and the southerly limit of Old Scugog Road. Although some residents still had concerns with existing traffic, the majority of residents were not opposed to the modified alternative. One resident whose property is opposite the new Old Scugog Court/Old Scugog Road intersection is opposed. The developer committed to provide coniferous trees to screen vehicle lights. All residents were advised that this report would be considered at the February 2, 1998, General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting. In response to traffic concerns, residents were advised that traffic studies are already being undertaken and the results will be included in a future report. They will be advised in advance of the report being submitted to Council. 4.0 CONCLUSION Although the original proposal for closure of the Old Scugog Road intersection was originally acceptable to Public Works Department, the applicant's alternative proposal for the reconstruction of the existing Old Scugog Road intersection (as modified by the Region) now represents the recommended 1 : ) 4 REPORT NO.: WD-11-98 PAGE 9 approach from our department. this additional information, support, the Public Works following course of action: Recognizing the submission of combined with strong resident Department would suggest the i) the developer's application for road closure be withdrawn; ii) the Municipality deem that the proposed intersection reconstruction, as modified by the Region, will satisfy the Municipality's draft plan conditions of approval as set out as Conditions 17, 18 and 19, in the staff report PD-283-89, submitted to the November 7, 1989, General Purpose and Administration Meeting. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~~Eng., Director of Public Works ~ W.H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer SAV: jco Attachments pc: B. Annaert D.G. Biddle & Associates 96 King Street East Oshawa, ON L1H lB6 F. WU, Director of Planning Spokesperson for Residents of Old Scugog Road jJ )). () 3. IS. 0;) ,-- October 30, 1995 tfri1::r~ ,_-;:--__.____________ _ I · t~lt iDi'J r..,; ~'" ".". ',:,..' .... :.,. _..... __.____. _.... :-a-'!lID'..n:. c:;. v-: ... E.:".~/.:;'m m. n7illUWTtlTlij). . " ~~~c. l..... j"\----. --- ---- .:4~~J..:..:""" --- 4i J RI U.-v;... ..---.'-.......... .___..} ~~. ~ : fI~~! (. r . ; .:------. -- +':'-.... ~ .. ;;,' lJ ;,: () "r 3 1 1995 L~_; .7:_._~~_.._~ Jl. 1.;;r~2 -"'''-'.,. - , -.-.......- L " MW';iC;pi-\UrY' OF CU\RINGTGN - . fvlAY0n-'S.OfF1CE_. .:__-!l Dear Mayor & Members of Council, We, the residents strong opposition Regional Road 57 Our opposition is of Old Scugog Road are writing to express our to the proposed closure of Old Scugog Road at and the proposed "improvements" to Gaud Gate. based on the following concerns: 1. Gaud Gate is unsafe as an entrance to the neighbourhood. Sight-lines from Gaud Gate while turning onto Regional Road 57 are poor and much worse than the sight-lines at the current Old Scugog Road access. Staff has not convinced us that the "improvements" proposed to Gaud Gate will improve the safety, nor do we believe any changes can make this entrance safe as it is on a curve on. Regional Road 57. 2. The proposal puts the trees lining Gaud Gate at extreme risk. These trees are very large maples dating to the last century. They provide a natural barrier between Regional Road 57 and our neighbourhood. Furthermore they are essential to the character of the neighbourhood and the historical value of what was once known as "Gaud's Corners". Staff has informed us that they will be excavating within 10 feet of the trunks of these trees (which have 40 foot limb spans) and "cannot guarantee survival of the trees". Our experience with other trees in the neighbourhood affected by ._~ construction activity suggests that these large trees will not survive the proposed "improvements," to Gaud Gate. 3. Staff has suggested that the proposed changes will improve neighbourhood safety by lowering speeds. We disagree. Speed control is a problem on Old Scugog Road and we would consider any realistic proposal addressing speed control. However, this proposal only moves the point where people slow down 100 metres up the road. As a speed control measure the proposal fails. In conclusion, we ask that Council reject the proposed changes to our neighbourhood. Respectfully, The neighbours of Old Scugog Road (see attached petition) REPORT NO. WD=11-98 ATTACHMENT NO. 2 J' JO 'I /I, ::1 . ~ I :. ;-; " ~ . PE77770N 5UHH~/ / 7On1.L S/GNArl..J~.S No USeS ~/2ESGI\./T1:L> ~'1. - ~8 ....._..~;.--.70mL /"ICJ~S.m/N_/!JE/~t/Lhf;oO - 6/ --~C"-- /AfQL77-/ :?P6(Cl.L~o/(!P</4.:r) =~--:-.--~.:~~~~l~~-';~.--~..N~~;~~;~~~~:~~~~O . ~:-'~~72'%_' :"' ,.; - _.........- -..-" . ~ .__.. .~. -~~Q7~--~---~Z~~~~I!<;;;:4n..... ..~'-_____ _.. .___ ___ _._. . __.. . _ __ '" _.8_._..... .... . ._. ".'_'__'" _. .P.____ ..i ... _~~~,,_u,____ Lo~&~.__.GO tL7?I o/=._.._GA<./LJ_G~~ .___ =: -~b%_~E'_~;';~~S_=~--;;g(./ED l~8J50) ..._~ u- :ii .:~ ' ~ . L) -.- S .----~.I.-~- .__6't::'~__.._iO.__ZZ:>_~.._ _S~..~~l!!2..._,q-L-~-'l.- , t' . .--... -. :il . .- _4.__.._.... .....--.------ .----.- - . . ~..--.--. --.. ..-...----.----- - :i -- iil ., ;.j ..._.~~t--. . . . .... ...- ------.--. --.,-.. .._------ - - - . 1-1 -~~~~mT.tO~ _..-...- .. ---.--- --....-- . .".--- -p- ACK. BY . ORIGINAt~ C [S T : . '0_ ...._...JA~ ........._..... . :l-- - ,-- . ~ ,t -.---.........j ...-.-- ~ : ~ Ii; 111.__ "T.:Uj/-' , .. ----~----- -..---..-.; PETITION Neighbours of Old Scugog Road, including attached courts and Gaud Gate opposed to the.proposed closure of Old Scugog Road at Regional Road 57 and improvements to Gaud Gate. NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE 1 : ) 8 ..t ,':~f);~~:: .~W;;;~~.~~~.r~~;;r2."'. ., :{:1~fi~~~~1f;'::.:<1{~~i;:~~~:':~:~'.' .. PETITION Neighbours of Old Scugog Road, including attached courts and Gaud Gate opposed to the proposed closure of Old Scugog Road at Region9.1 Road 57 and improvements to Gaud Gate. NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE --.,..-. 1 , )9 ..';..'<'I:.~ . ; -~. ~ .,,~~'I1_&~m'~: .~~.. .~.:J..L~;i~~l~ - ~;:~. ~'::,"., . '\"" ~.~~ '~'.:"V ~~'''.~''.~;.'~'~, .... :~'''~;.:~t~r.t:r'.'"/,:,, ". PETITION Neighbours of Old Scugog Road, including attached courts and Gaud Gate opposed to the proposed closure of Old Scugog Road at Regional Road 57 and improvements to Gaud Gate. NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE 1 : 40 . . ..''''!. . ...~ .... .-." .- - PETITION Neighbours of Old Scugog Road, including attached courts and Gaud Gate opposed to the proposed closure of Old Scu909 Road at Regional Road 57 and improvements to Gaud Gate. NAME - ;~-AL/~ ~--,'J . ~'~.~/(.J'c('!~p. ADDRESS ~ ~CI tJ,~ Z c;~.cA"A c. ^ (fi'- a: .-./.J/',F-",/. "1"'././ /:.' f':-, ,/ -~///ri. I' -;: ':' ~"'.."i/ 1.-' / SJ:GN~ "7 .. k~ d;_'1J .. . ~ ./ ./:- /[11i.'/'- -- ~ . J"LJ . "///./ /.~~#-,:..,(,., /1/'T/Y';- . '7 f' I 1- '/ ([),... -1-- ;~ ...:>/.? 1-1.'0, I - ~ r ;.--~' ~/'), ". ... 1 i 4 1 .. . . , . ....,...-..... .- - PETITION /.' ~~~\\U .-. ~J~"~~~: '~':n' ~.~~~~~. '.~ ". Neighbours of Old Scugog Road, including attached courts and Gaud Gate opposed to the proposed closure of Old Scu909 Road at Regional Road 57 and improvements to Gaud Gate. NAME ADDRESS 3.3~1 0<<'0 S<.!.f 6<>(: /?o ..... -. -" , Kli , 1 i 42 SIGNATURE - .;- ,..~..., ..~ .... .- - PETITION Neighbours of Old Scugog Road, including attached courts and Gaud Gate opposed to the proposed closure of Old Scugog Road at Regional Road 57 and improvements to Gaud Gate. NAME ...... /~/X./J 41 . (~. 'L P '- /;/(..) C (' t:: . ADDRESS .;) t::-tU-o ~J. .:;: C;:,4",e A,' A C /l (fi ,- 'l/,7jh'r/' .; J'/;/ /:/" > .' S:IGN~ 77 kfl d;~'~ .. . J /' ~__/: A/ "./.- ~__-/h . /j) . y/// /<. #/7' ~.",;I /f~'T/Y':- , ~7 ' 11."/II::! P)r.-1-T /tf./'i~/' ......,;;- 1 I 43 '---. ~--._----------- .." - ..* .. t lohn R. Sproule. B.A.. LLB. Managina Lawyer W"al1iam A.D. Cb.rk:. LLB. Assist. Mmagina Lawyer RobertI. Banik. B.A..LLB. Donna F. WOlDlinglOn,B.A..LLB. lames 1. Gorycki. B.A..M.A..LLB. Deborah Haslinga. LLB. P. Collccu Bell. l.t:.B. CAW LEGAL SERVICES PLAN Oshawa Shopping Centre Oshawa Executive Tower Suite 603, King Street West Oshawa, Ontario LlJ 2KS Tel: (90S) 433-4242 Toll Free: 1-800-387-6592 Fax: (90S) 433..()641 October 2, 1995 Municipality of Oarington Public Works Department 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 _.--';'';:'~-'''' -;;_':",--.r":'~._.""'- -', --'1-;:0 '~"_.";-=--t"."",~~,. ..;.:-=..:..:..c.:....:..~. ~~lt~:9!~ . ] M~~{:f~fr~~~pF ~~~ ~.i~_ _ ~ .... .:.. ...4 ""T' I" ...::;:c::-'::" j ;:;:;r.,J~ '.F;: :. _.~.' (J I.::J...'..:J :.__.__.~..,_._... _.. ...-i . -........ ..- 1 f' --:-j :;:~::~~~<_~ : - ._" ;- ". I b ~ O"T 0 6 '..:1,) ~."....t.,"..._. .).... : 1 .-.......-..-- ...--.---. .:...--- .~~~ r;......~.'....,-. .1...,....::....~.:~1-.f:.........! , I "'. '" <." 1.: ...._..._..... . __..../... . ; :......~~h___ 1 ~.. ;:'".: ,I"" ,...".,...,....c r;:;:::-..:=~::-:~=, , 1'1. ,.'AEIl.r. ....~ d.'.vv.e ':..~...'. .'i'..J;.~ t I.;,... f~... ..... .....; ,.....,...,,1 ~..,.~ :::'::JT ,----. I -: {SA\! ! -~.- t~e. ! ! ASG Attention: Jan O'Neill Dear Madame: RE: Gaud Gate Improvement/Closure of Old SCU202 Road. Municioality of Clarimrton Further to the Public Meeting which was held with respect to the above-noted matter on the 6th day of September, 1995, we confirm that we represent Mr. and Mrs. Black with respect to this matter. As you are aware, Mr. and Mrs. Black own the property which fronts on Gaud Gate and are the people who will be most severely affected by any improvement of Gaud Gate and closure of the present entrance to Old Scugog Road. The Blacks have several concerns with respect to the proposal which was presented on the 6th of September, 1995 and wish to address them as follows: CONCERNS RE: GAUD GATE IMPROVEMENT 1. While the Consulting Engineers have advised that the Plan does not call for the cutting down of any of the trees now lining Gaud Gate, it may very well be that the deepening and widening of the road may result in some of the roots being cut with the result that the trees eventually may die in any event. The Blacks are concerned that although the Consulting Engineers have indicated that they have done such projects in the past with success there is no evidence from any Arboriculturists indicating that this plan with respect to the trees is indeed feasible. If the trees were to eventually die it would destroy completely the present atmosphere of that area of Old Scugog Road and would lead to a probable diminution of property values. 2. The proposal of the Consulting Engineers did not address in any way the possibility of ground water contamination of the wells immediately adjoining Gaud Gate. It is very likely that sanding and salting operations on Gaud Gate in the future couldfesult in salt water polluting the wells. As you are aware, this has occurred in other areas of Clarington, and throughout the Province of Ontario and has become a very contentious issue for the parties involved. 3. The Consulting Engineers report did not address in any way the issue of increased noise levels on Gaud Gate as a result of increased traffic. Moreover, there were absolutely no recommendations with respect to noise level attenuation measures which could be implemented to reduce the resulting noise increase. . 4. Although the Consulting Engineers indicated that it is expected that any lighting systems installed on the improved Gaud Gate would not interfere with the residential uses of the houses on Gaud Gate, it is more than likely that in the future there would be increased demands by local inhabitants, and by Municipal - or Provincial requirements, that the lighting be improved, with a resulting detrimental effect on the residential uses inunediately adj~ining Gaud Gate. 1 I 4 4 .c;; Th,., ""^".u.ul..~..._ 'C__:_____ ___ _~ ..J'!..J __ _ . .. .. 2 Regional Road No. 57 from Gaud Gate. To merge safely onto Regional Road No. 57 going south from Gaud Gate .it is very li.kely that a .merging lane w~uld be needed because the existing flow of traffic coming south on Highway 57 IS acceleratmg at the curve munediately north of Gaud Gate and cars entering onto No. 57 at Gaud Gate could conceivably pose a safety hazard for traffic going south. With respect to traffic going north on 57 and entering onto Gaud Gate it is very likely that Regional Road No. 57 going north would have to have a turning lan~ and a passing lane at the entrance to Gaud Gate given the relatively short length of Gaud Gate could result in traffic backing up Gaud Gate out to the intersection. This could very well be a safety hazard to traffic at that intersection if such lanes are not installed and, due to the dramatic increase in traffic in that area in the Christmas season, it is a prescient problem. CONCERNS REGARDING THE PRESENT ENTRANCE TO OLD SCUGOG ROAD 1. At the present time there is probably enough land owned by the Municipality and the Region to facilitate a reconfiguration of the present entrance so that it can be made safer. The Consulting Engineers presentation indicated that staff had decided that this would not be a viable solution, however, there were absolutely no reasons given for this decision and it does not appear that the issue was even investigated in any detail. 2. If the present entrance to Old Scugog Road is closed and Gaud Gate becomes the only entrance on to Old Scugog Road this would cause an obvious reduction of the number of entrances onto Old Scugog Road from two to one and could create a problem in an emergency situation and could also exacerbate the problem created by the Christmas traffic. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS 1. Given that the present entrance to Old Scugog Road has apparently been deemed over the years to be an acceptable entrance given the volume of homes which have now been constructed north on Old Scugog Road, it is inconceivable that the mere addition of six additional residences on Old Scugog Road should necessitate the closure of the present entrance of Old Scugog Road and the improvement of Gaud Gate. It appears that inadequate consideration was given, in the past, to the development of Old Scugog Road to the north and the resulting increase in traffic and as a result the proposal to build six new homes in the area has created the excuse to address the issue of access onto Old Scugog Road after the fact. It would appear unduly onerous for the Blacks to bear the greatest part of the burden resulting from past inadequacy in the planning with respect to development on Old Scugog Road. 2. At the Public Meeting it became apparent that a major problem on Old Scugog Road is speeding and heavy vehicle traffic and that it is anticipated that the closing of the present entrance to Old Scugog Road and the improvement of Gaud Gate may very well cut down on this traffic. Most of the individuals attending at the meeting, who ranged from people living at the south end of Old Scugog Road to people living at the middle to north end of Old Scugog Road, indicate that the problem of speeding is occurring along the entire length of Old Scugog Road and the closure of the present entrance would very likely only result in a slowing down of traffic at the extreme south end of Old Scugog Road. Although issues such as posting of speed limits and load restrictions on Old Scugog Road were addressed it is unlikely that these would have an effect on the speeding and heavy vehicle traffic given that there are already certain speed restrictions on the road and load restrictions on the bridge and these apparently are not deterring the traffic problem. It became apparent at the meeting that one potential solution to the problem would be to close the present entrance to Old Scugog Road and Gaud Gate to all but emergency and service vehicles and to move the main entrance onto Old Scugog Road to one of the concessions to the north. Although this issue has not been raised in the past it may very well be that this would be the best solution to the problem given that the entrance onto Old Scugog Road could be, moved north to an area where there are better sight lines at the entrances to Regional Road 57 and the problem of speeding and heavy vehicle traffic on the south end of Old Scugog Road would be diminished by the fact that the southerly portion of Old Scugog Road would in effect be turned into a cul-de-sac. Any concerns which emergency services would have with respect to this solution could be addressed by keeping Gaud Gate and Old Scugog Road open for emergency and service vehicles only. The above concerns are-being raised by the Blacks so that this issue of the closure of the present entrance 45 to Old Scugog Road and the improvement Gaud Gate can be addressed in a more thom~htf1l1 :mti thoronoh . ~\. . 3 fashion with consideration being given to the concerns of the residents in the area and not just the concerns of the Developer of the six lots to the south. Hopefully this issue can be resolved to the satisfaction of all parties . Accordingly we would ask that you give consideration to these concerns and we would ask that we be notified of the next Public Meeting which you indicated would be held some time in the future after the residents have had an opportunity to voice their concerns. William A.D. Clark W ADClslI/cw opeiu 343 , t' 4D , 13 ,/>': ~I '., _. '-- .lk~~~:~.~~~?j~S}D'")~~~ . ,...... /is (i.'-- -'-~." 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Regional Mun1cfplllty of Durham Wor1c:s Department , Box 623 105 Consumers Or. Whitby, Ontario Canada L 1 N 6AS . (905)668-7721 Fax: (905) 66S-2051 V.A. Silgailis, p.Env. Commissioner of Work$ Please quote our ref: 905 668 2051 TO 1:... _...>6234169 P.03/04 . April 4, 1997 D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited 96 King St. E. Oshawa, Ontario L1H lB6 Atteritio~: Mr. R.C. Annaert Project ~anager Dear Sir; Re: 542985 Ontario Limited Regional Road #57/0ld scugog Court/Gaud Gate Municipality of Claringtqn OnY' Fi If:~ No.. 89-C-Sl Further to your letter of January 31, 1997, the Regional'. Works Department has reviewed the alternatives that you have' provided with respect to the intersection .of the proposed subdivision street/Old Scugog Court and Regional Roa.d #57. . We are prepared to accept a modified ve~sion of your recommendations as shown on the concept plan labelled,. Proposed Conditions - Alternative #2. The intent of the original proposal was to have one entrance onto the Regional Road #57 at ~he best possible location to accommodate the proposed subdivision as well as the existing residents. In order to ac~omplish this, and taking into consideration the existing res~dents. . concerns, the termination of Gaud Gate (removal of the cul.vert and reditching of Regional Road #57) and t.he construction of a new entrance is required. The construction of the new intersection interconnecting Old Scugog Road/Old Scugog Court and'Regional Road #57 as shown on dr~~ing #C-4 should be revi~ed in the followi~g manner: - Increase the paved section of the t~avelled portion of. the road 'in order to accommodate a 15.0 m turning radii - Increase the ~ection width of the proposed.road from 6.7 m to 8.0 m * . . .:2 REPORT NO. WD-ll ~8 ATTACHMENT NO. 4 ,_ Pwt OOMUlller - -1 i j 8 ~ 07 '97 10:50 FR RI .m<s DEPT 905 668 2051 TO 19 234169 P.04/94 -2- Therefore, we are reqUestirig that you submit revis~d . engineering d~awings for approval to the Municipality of <::l<,irington for their review and, ~pproval, as well"~s to the Region of Durham, in order.to finalize the access '~ssue . " " Should you have any questions; please contact" the undersigned. . Yours truly d~.' Uldia Siksna, P. Eng. " ~velopment Approvals Engineer US/ cc: S. Vokes, P. Eng., Municipality of Clarington B~ VanAndel, 542985 Ontario Limited S. Mayhew, Region of "Durham 1 I J-9 ** lUTAL Pf:(iE.04 ** ~~ LOT 15,C3. 3185 Old Scugog Road, Bowmanville LIC 3K2. May 16, 1999 To Whom It May Concern, IEL - & 2. "3 -71 ~ S I am expressing my concern regarding the new entrance proposed on Old Scugog Road as it directly affects my property. 'f3~ - Z. 730 My family and I have lived here since 1989 and that triangular piece ofland adjoins our ( Wo~ ) property. When we moved here that land was overgrown ,there was garbage being thrown on it ,in fact it was treated like a dump, especially by people who fished in the nearby creek,we picked up garbage bags of beer and pop cans and my family and I spent a whole week clearing the land. I had been into the office of the Municipality of Clarington on numerous occasions prior to cleaning it up to inquire as to who was responsible for doing so and could get no answers ,on one occasion I was told that they believed it belonged to a Mr. Keith Clarke. We have maintained that land ever since and I am concerned that if the new road is placed closer to my property it will depreciate our property ,as our property will then become the fishermen and other people's dumping ground. I would also like to know what the purpose is for relocating the road Listed below are signatures of my immediate neighbors, who have seen us maintaining That land and will vouch for us. -. ;K~I-A ~fUA- b. . -::s 0 (A V\. ~,t Cv1-- h . PHONE # 10'17- 5~/~ bA'J -)0 b)- rod.. 5' $0&5 -g;cj; t) 1-7,y"/l. eo97-/9b7 %JJW d..t&W,t(.. f~tJ NAMES t.t D Catfell~ ( PtGl< -+ ~~ IIttr",'-1~/'+' '- ~"enj ~re~y,Iet\~~j 5}~.D ~IJ 5~~oj -RJ.- ~ 4-Jr5.J ~lfJdJ ~ W. . ~. ;}/f'1I c?~P' 5t!!7'O /- R I? 32-/:; ofd 5(U.505 ~. ADDRESSES 3110 Ou5cUfJ E Jlbo tJ~ )~CC7~ ~ , , , , , , I , , , j ')JAV () ll) fCuG6b r1.o &1.. J -53' L 1 I b 0 ATTACHME T NO.: 6 REPORT NO.: WD-28-99