HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-26-99 .. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Date: REPORT GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRA nON COMMITTEE File =triO -r :, A JUNE 7,1999 Res. #GPA- 31:)- 97, Meeting: Report No.: WD-26-99 By-Law # Subject: APPLICATION TO STOP-UP AND CLOSE AND CONVEY PARTS 1,2, AND 3, REGISTERED PLAN 40R-19013 PART OF LOTS 2 AND 3, CONCESSION 4, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON - CROOKED CREEK GOLF CLUB LIMITED AND PETER AND JOAN TAX Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-26-99 be received; 2. THAT Parts 1, 2 and 3, Plan 40R-19013 (shown on the Key Map - Attachment No.1), being parts of the unopened road allowance between Lots 2 and 3, Concession 4, former Township of Darlington, be declared to be surplus property; 3 . THAT staff be authorized to advertise a public hearing required by the Municipal Act to stop-up, close and convey the unopened portions of the road allowance as follows: Parts 1 and 2, Plan 40R -19013 Crooked Creek Golf Club Limited Part 3, Plan 40R-19013 Peter and Joan Tax; 4. THAT the total selling price of the surplus lands (parts 1, 2 and 3, Plan 40R-19013) be established at $12,075. Parts 1 and 2 to be sold to Crooked Creek Golf Club Limited for $11,525 and Part 3 be sold to Peter and Joan Tax for $550, plus all costs associated with the above transactions; 1 1 26 REPORT NO.: WD-26-99 PAGE 2 5. THAT if, following the public hearing, Council approves the by-law to stop-up, close and convey Parts 1,2 and 3, Plan 40R-19013, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary documents to complete the transaction; 6. THAT the Clerk obtain written approval of the by-law to close and convey Parts 1,2 and 3, Plan 40R-19013, by registered mail, from the Region of Durham; and 7. THAT Katrien Darling, Tunney Planning (representing Crooked Creek Golf Course Limited and Peter and Joan Tax) and Debra-Lei Nixon be advised of Council's decision. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No.1: Key Map No.2: Application for Closure and Conveyance (Revised) No.3: Statement of Appraised Market Value No.4: Waiver signed by Debra-Lei Nixon No.5: Correspondence from C.L.O.c.A. (February 19, 1999) No.6: Correspondence from Planning Department (February 22, 1999) No.7: Revised Correspondence from c.L.O.C.A. (March 25, 1999) 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Proposed Development by Crooked Creek Golf Club Limited - Kevin Sewell and Doug Summers In December 1994, Crooked Creek Golf Club Limited submitted a proposal to develop an 18-hole golf course (DEV 94-061 included Official Plan Approval, Rezoning and Site Plan Approval). In June 1998, an application was submitted for a 9-hole golf course (Clarington Official Plan Approval 98-001, Region Official Plan Approval 95-006 and Rezoning DEV 94-061). As part of the development application and circulation process, Regional Works Department agreed to permit an entrance on Regional Road 4 (Taunton Road) to be placed in the REPORT NO.: WD-26-99 PAGE 3 technically preferred location, which is the subject road allowance. The applicants approached the Clarington Public Works Department to close and convey the road allowance. 2.2 Preliminary Review and Disposal ofthe Road Allowance The Public Works Department reviewed the subject road allowance to determine future needs and uses of the property. The most southerly portion of the road allowance is a large ravine and has designated environmental significance. A portion of the abutting property and the unopened road allowance is provincially designated as an ANSI (Area of Natural and Scientific Interest). It is therefore unlikely that any development would be permitted in that entire area. This would prevent construction of a through road. 2.3 Joint Application for Closure and Conveyance The joint application for closure and conveyance was submitted to the Public Works Department on January 22, 1999. The applicants are Crooked Creek Golf Club Limited (Kevin Sewell and Doug Summers) and Peter and Joan Tax. The original proposal was to close and convey the entire road allowance between Lots 2 and 3, from Concession 4 to Concession 5. Comments received from the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority as a result of the circulation of the application required that the application be revised. The revised application was submitted April 9, 1999 (Attachment No.2). 2.4 Abutting Property Owners The abutting property owners are Crooked Creek Golf Club Limited, Peter and Joan Tax and Debra-Lei Nixon. Crooked Creek Golf Club Limited owns the lands on the west side of Parts 1 and 2. Debra-Lei Nixon owns the lands on the east side of Part 1 and Peter and Joan Tax own the lands on the east side of Part 3. Peter and Joan Tax expressed their desire to purchase the portion of the road allowance abutting their property (Part 3). Debra-Lei Nixon has signed a waiver (Attachment No.4) to her option to purchase the east half of Part 1 and has no objection to the east half of the road allowance shown as Part 1, being conveyed to Crooked Creek Golf Club Limited. 1 1 28 REPORT NO.: WD-26-99 PAGE 4 2.5 Circulation of the Application to Agencies and Authorities Comments from the Planning Department and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority caused a reconsideration of the proposal to close the entire road allowance between Concession 4 and 5. Attached are comments from the Planning Department and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (C.L.O.C.A.). In summary, c.L.O.C.A. preferred that the portion of the road allowance, from the travelled road south to Concession Road 4, remain in public ownership. The Planning Department agreed with c.L.O.C.A.'s comments. The applicants agreed to amend the application to accommodate those comments. The revised application includes only that portion of the road allowance between Lots 2 and 3 from Taunton Road, southerly to the northern limit of Steven's Mills Road. No objections were received in response to the circulation. 2.6 Appraisal The appraised market value for Parts 1 and 2 to be conveyed to Crooked Creek Golf Club Limited are $11,525 and Part 3 to be conveyed to Peter and Joan Tax is $550 (Attachment No.3). The applicants have agreed to pay the appraised market value dated April 27, 1999. 3.0 CONCLUSIONS Since the Public Works Department has determined that the subject road allowance will not be required as part of the Municipality's future transportation system, and due to the environmentally sensitive nature of the southerly portion, the subject portion of the road allowance is considered to be surplus. The applicants, being Crooked Creek Golf Club Limited, have submitted applications and intend to develop a 9-hole golf course on the abutting property. The addition of the subject lands will permit a more desirable and safe access to Taunton Road from the proposed development. Peter and Joan Tax wished to purchase Part 3 to ensure their continued access to the creek at the rear of their farm property. The applicants have agreed to pay the appraised value, plus all associated costs. 1 1 29 REPORT NO.: WD-26-99 PAGE 5 Respectfully submitted, ~ Vd--/ Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng., Director of Public Works JCO*SA V*ce 31/05/99 Pc: Katrien Darling, Tunney Planning 340 Byron Street South, Suite 200 Whitby, ON LIN 4PS Debra-Lei Nixon 3075 Taunton Road RR #4 Bowmanville, ON LIC 3K5 Reviewed by, Fd~4~ Chief Administrative Officer Donald Wright Director - Environmental Approvals & Planning Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority 100 Whiting Avenue Oshawa, ON LIH 3T3 1 1 30 Taunton Road -::~::=::~::.:-................ PART 1 OF PLAN 40R-19013 LOT4 LOT3 CON. 4 LOT2 LOTI Debra-Lee Nixon 010010159 ~ c:: ~ o ~ 't:l ctI e 't:l Q) c:: Q) 8- 5 Crooked Creek Golf Club Ltd. 0100101161 ~ travelled summer road ~ Soper Valley ~ (LS) ANSI \/ \ ~ ~ ~ P'ART~ OF ~ _' .. _ _ _ I 40R019~t~.:>. - - - - _ - 8~eve/}.s ~. Kevin Sewell " - ----_-I'~I?Oqo, 010010162 - '- - '- - '- - '- - '- - '- --- .:--'.::--"--. - '-- - '-- - ..... '- -, '1 Peter and Johanna Tax 010010158 Pe er and Johanna I Tax I I 1001016201 I I \ -- -I ~ART30A " i 40R-19013I "" " I '-- : \ ,- ---_.-t~ ~ '-. ) Stephen's Gulch ES ANSI -_\ 1'( ~~~ s .= DRAWN BY: J.R.M DATE: MAY 1999 REPORT WD-26-99 ATTACHMENT NO.1 1 1 3 1 Re:\/\~?e:l~ APPLICATION FOR ROAD CLOSURE AND CONVEYANCE PART A - APPLICANT INFORMATION DATE: A-r~1 L--- ~ 1 \999 ~ll-B'D ~ bOi,-F cwb L--1O- ll. .~~ ~X ~~~. An~BD lA?1=-fV~ Appl..-ICA~j27' IN FD l2.I\A.A -r o..J APPLICANT: STREET: CITY/TOWN: PROVINCE: POSTAL CODE: TELEPHONE NO. : w' PART B - DESCRIPTION OF LANDS (Petitioners: Use separate sheet) Concession: ALLOWANCE/RIGHT-OF-WAY KNOWN AND DESCRIBED AS: VA t2..L-1 t-Jcs'TZ/f'-l 4 2 aYlC-t .=? Between Concession (s) RE: MUNICIPAL ROAD roP-M (2:a.. ~Township: Being Lot(s) Or Block(s) According To original plan PART C - APPLICATION TO CLOSE OR CLOSE AND CO~Y C-r2LX?~ ~ GtOi.-F c-L-Vt? L..-TD. ~ , being the ~owners lng the Municipal Road Allowance/Right -of -way as described above, do hereby request to have said road allowance closed and/or closed and conveyed in accordance with the Municipality's Policy for Road Closures and according to the Municipal Act, Section 297, c.M.4S, R.S.O. 1990. PART D - CONFIRMATION OF OWNERSHIP H) ~we, the undersigned, being the ~owners of property abutting the municipal lands described above, acknowledge and agree that ownership of the lands described in Part B is vested solely in the Municipality of Claririgton. . 1Iwe, the undersigned, do hereby confirm that )QWe, have undisputed ownership of the lands abutting the Road Allowance(Right-of-way described in Part B. i) PART E - APPLICANT'S AGREEMENT TO PAY COSTS ~ ~ ert/t.-F c.t...l.Jf:;I ~TD. )QWe, ~, agree to pay all costs associated with t~e closure and/or closure and conveyance prior to the passing of the by-law and in accordance with the Municipality's Policy for Road Closure and Conveyance. - 16 - 1 1 32 ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: WD-26-99 .t< '.... PART F - 1<er\Ilbf3() APPLICATION FOR ROAD CLOSURB AND CONVEYANCB Page 7J :.:? LIST OF PROPBRTY OWNERS ABUTTING ROAD ALLOWANCB/RIGHT-OF-WAY DBSCRIBBD IN PART B NAME: .~ - IA51N I xOl'l NAME: ADDRESS: ':30:1-6 '~NTDN RDA.D ADDRESS: ~ . Q :*: 4 . ~V, U,..{;;i I ~T l-16 ~0 ROLL NO.: 1~'I=f'OIO'OIO. ie9'CX::V,COO ROLL NO.: ce.oo~ C~ &ot..-F ~b~TD' er~'.:f P-\ "'~~lC6 'D'2-l VB &x10t-0lTAI2-\O t,...IT -:?~9 1e;>.i::J-. 010'010- ib\OO ABUTTING PART(S) : ABUTTING PART(S) : Pit-1 NO. '2bb90'002.' "P1'f..J. NO. '2I:::h90'CU?t/2hb90- Cl:f?:;b .....................................*...*...................*.............*... NAME: ~...J (j0At--J?>l NAME: ADDRESS: 22.20 ~ID-JAL.- aQtV:) 42 ADDRESS: Q. Q. ,ii=-.4 ~v'lue) a-J'f. t..1 c '3\t.6 ROLL NO.: 18.ir'OIO.0I0'158oo Af.JD ROLL NO.: (<v A..-. I'JO . ~~~ \B-r=f~ aOOIO'lb2JOABUTTING PART(S):. . PI,....) No. -2I:;bPA- cor:=f- *.........**.....~~*.....*........................*....................*....*. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT,: DATE: ~--' t) / Ct q 9~.~ /- ~ '~--- ,,' TELEPHONE :" " ',' r:!(!) ~- - (jty3 - 9,( ~ 7 - 17 - "'. .. 1 1 -53 p a1 ,n ~/~~ APFL1CATI0N rOR ROAD CLOSURI AND CQNVSYAHCS Page ~ 'M1' F - LI.t 0,. PROPBMTl OWN1lRS ABU1"rIna "OAD ALLOWANC./RI(jKT-OJ'~NAY ~B8CRIBED IN PART B ~~~I_')lo.J MDRESS: .W~_ 1.~~~~D 1\DDRESS I RP-...Jt'.4 ~~V'!~t7,0~T ~~~6 t}A)(J ~N"p~O._~I~9 ROLL NO. I \~. \-q. 0\0. 010. \~'CCO~LL 110. I ler \";f' 010' c;::;tO.l(?ICO_ ABUTTINt:: PART(SI: ____ A1UrrTINO PUTtS): . . PIt..J NO.2~O'CO:Z\ 'P1f.J NO. 2~~O'C~Of!'2.bb~O"~ NAME: NAME I c.+kA?\(~ ~ ~c;YF ~ t.:fl; ~+ ..!2Jv'~~It:.E' 'Da..,~fS. ...............**......~..*.....................t.............................. NAME: ~~~jP~.~ NAMSI AODRESB I ;22.'2.0 ~l~ ao4D 42 ADDRESS: - y --- - -..----.....-. ".' R.I<. ......4 ~VI.u..6-, ~~. L..lc.. ~~-./ ROLL NO. I Ie' i~' 0\0.010 15~OO ,.oINt) ROLL NO. , RO\..\..- tJv-: --,- - --- - ..-- - ----.- ~)ftC"~: I~' \~~OIO.OIO. \bZ\OABUTTWO PART IS) : , _---.~_ ~INNO. ~~9'~~ ", . ***.....*..**.....l.~....~...................**,.t....,.,...~.....,~........... SIGNATURB or APPLICAN't' ~--M~ --:- DAtB I Af\\ 0"' ffi~ ______.... 'tp.a.EPHON~ : -11t),D lfa1:tlo([ __'_.' 'lit' ele:-t-JArv~ Of" AppWc..,6.~1 ~ --~_..... N .AI\I\ e'; Of' ~'c.el2. '. a P.At,-e . _ ~.1~&:. ~~'~'2.~'l9;'?'\ ~. - 17 .. .. t\.r 1i 34 1 -24- flembal (1nUwW~ Certification (cont'd) The Appraisal Institute of Canada has a mandatory recertification program for designated members. As of the date of this report, I have fulfilled the requirements of this program. In my opinion, the Market Value of Part 1 of the Subject Property, as at April 26, 999 is $11,000. In my opinion, the Market Value of Part 2 of the Subject Property, as at April 26, 1999 is $525. In my opinion, the Market Value of Part 3 of the Subject Property, as at April 26, 1999 is $550. Respectfully Submitted, 99-061 1 1 35 ATTACHMENT NO.: 3 REPORT NO.: WD-26-99 .,.' WAIVER FROM: Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng. Director of Public Works Corporation of the Municipality of Claringtqn 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON LIC 3A6 fntfs ::DE,!;';,/)' J.E; ,J; %l),J 3015 TAu.~(.),J If.). tfo(A)md..n f,Ji lie., ~J /./CJk"5. TO: RE: MUNICIPAL ROAD ALLOWANCE/RIGHT-OF-WAY KNOWN AS/~~ '1A~ RoAD ~ (..IJ~Cf:'~i ~ AND DESCRIBED AS PART (S) REGISTERED PLAN NUMBER SITUATED AS I ) /J 9- .~ FOLLOWS: BETWEEN BEING LOT(S ~ ~ CONCESSION(S) OR BLOCK(S) ~ , BETWEEN , ACCORDING TO (ORIGINAL PLAN) OF , FORMER TOWNSHIP OF PA~ t-Jc::rp"'-.l We, the undersigned, being the owners of property abutting the road allowance/right-of-way as described above, do hereby waive all rights to title to: M(JN Ic,.q:~AL..-I'rY ?AaT L"oT~ 2 ~ -?, e-ot--.lCe*tON 4~ t:'F C-L-AC2.1 l'JGt TV~ PART (S) PLAN 40R- to which we would be entitled, according to the Municipal Act, S.297 - S.302, c.M.45, R.S.O. 1990. We hereby affirm that we are in agreement with the closure, and subsequent transfer into private ownership, of the subject road allowance/right -of -way, and understand that, upon such action being completed, the persons acquiring the lands will be fully and legally entitled to fence same. Dated this c2o~ day of ~ 19 <fll and L.ot~ 2 ~ -3 abutting Part (s) Cot-JC~1 o~ 4 abutting part(s) abutting part(s) signed: ~ ,.. Signed: ~ - 24 - 11/' 1 1 36 ATTACHMENT NO.: 4 REPORT NO.: WD-26-99 ~ ~U Central Lake Ontario Conservation 1 00 Whiting Avenue Oshawa, Ontario L 1 H 3T3 Tel: (905) 579-0411 Fax: (905) 579-0994 GC>\.;~'~ TO II1Ve5~L];'Jte & Report 18 & File February 19, 1999 ;,": "{;'. "_ ._._-~- _.~... ...~.;;;.;;_..-~._'- .- .~~_,. r :" T! ,fI.'i"l~\1 -:::rCn I r-,iN",P,\j.fTY I-'-~ .- CL'''~''''~Tr"YIt i I .n".!, "n~ , I 1'),,~'~r,jt:D I --.... '~vl....' - t:; [, Return to me PUBLlG WORKS Take .:.ppropriatt> Acti0(; DEPT. Municipality of Clarington Public Works Department 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON LIC 3A6 Attention: Jan C. O'Neill, Administrative Assistant to the Director of Public Works Dear Madam: Subject: Application For Closure And Conveyance Of An Unopened Road Allowance Between Lots 2 and 3, Concession 4 (Darlington) Municipality of Clarington - Crooked Creek Golf Club & Peter and Joan Tax CLOCA IMS File: POFG23C7 Authority staff have reviewed the above noted application and provide the following comments . Please note that the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority is an abutting land owner to Crooked Creek Golf Club Incorporated, (part 1/40R-14585), Kevin Sewell (part 2/40R- 14585) and the 'TRAVELLED ROAD', as indicated on the circulated plan, provides pedestrian access from the Stephen's Gulch Conservation Area lands to the unopened road allowance between lots 2 and 3. This unopened road allowance also traverses through both the Soper Creek Valley lands 'Life Science Area' of Natural and Scientific Interest [ANSI] and the Stephen's Gulch 'Earth Science' ANSI. Both of these provincially designated areas have been identified as Environmentally Sensitive Areas [ESAl by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. cont' d...2 What we do on the land is mirrored in the water 1 1 37 ATTACHMENT NO.: 5 REPORT NO.: WD-26-99 @ Cen tral Le. Ontario Conservation Municipality of Clarington Attention: Jan C. O'Neill February 19, 1999 Page 2 Consequently, we have a number of concerns with the proposed road closing and conveyance. 1. ANSI & ESA Designated Lands The Stephen's Gulch ANSI & ESA exhibit natural heritage features and environmental functions of provincial significance. It is worthy to proted and maintain any portion of such a unique natural heritage area in public ownership. 2. Public Access to the Stephen's Gulch Conservation Area Public access from the Conservation Area, via the 'Travelled Road' to the unopened road allowance between Lots 2 and 3 and thereby to the road allowance between the 3rd and 4th Concessions will be dead-ended by this proposal. The closure and conveyance of the unopened road allowance will impose a limitation to the current public access into the Conservation Area and may interfere with the Authority's future plans and programs for the management of the Conservation Area. Notwithstanding the foregoing, staff recognize the importance of portions of the unopened road allowance to the development and potential future development of Crooked Creek Golf Club Limited lands. Nevertheless, it does not appear necessary to close and convey the entire road allowance to accommodate this development project. Staff suggest that consideration be given to only closing and conveying the unopened road allowance between Lots 2 and 3, Concession 4, from Taunton Road to a point approximately 3360 feet to the south; coinciding with the north limit of Part 2/40R- 14585, which also coincides with the north limit of the Provincial Life Science ANSI. Staff believe this approach would enable the development project on the Crooked Creek Golf Club Incorporated lands, as well as maintain the Authority's objectives for the conservation of significant natural heritage areas. Further, the maintenance of the existing linkage, via the 'TRA VELLED ROAD\ between the Conservation Area and the unopened road allowance, will ensure that management opportunities for the Stephen's Gulch Conservation Area are not hindered by additional access limitations. cont'd...3 1 i 38 Central Le. Ontario Conservation Municipality of Clarington Attention: Jan C. O'Neill February 19, 1999 Page 3 Thank you for providing the opportunity to comment on this application. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the undersigned. 704- Donald Wright, Director - Environmental ApJ>rovals & Planning. DW/klt cc H. Brooks, Municipality of Clarington, Planning cc N. Rutherford, Region of Durham, Planning cc D. Summers, Crooked Creek Golf Club Incorporated, Ajax g: \planning\planning\comments\2-3road.doc 1 1 39 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON From: Memoran.9u.rn.~ . ." . . ._...__~-_.- ---- -.. .,.. - ".~- I."~-':""~" "~I""C'-^ -, ~. , - ~.1, ~ Ll'~:: J -. '~., r.'1Ur"t ,k"!"Li! ~ Of ! f~nf~ 8" ~:I:'; 1 L..._.__....., 't.,,' I ,.... . , u ~ I ,":""r"~"',~'1 1":------- f----. ...__..._...,.;__!..v)0is;~'.;~~G' I_G~~~2~~'.~_._..__~_] Jan O'Neill Administrative Assistant f---.--....--.:"." ~~~f..-F.E--B--- -:-~;(:.~._!.~.:.~.~_..-. .... _.'.. ~ , I 2 2 ''''9 ,'. " ' l I'-!I.i I.',"'" '. , ,~.~.",,,~,._.:...,~~._...,,--,- _ _ . '-IV "~~.;~.~.:.__-.,_ _ :_.__ .~ , ',..., ': 1 Il-sc I r'q""..,. 1'" i. -,I, ',: ' i Heather Brooks, Planner, Development Rev,ew-Brand1--''"'''''~'''=--'''''';'';'':::''-'::;':'w....~: .,.' ',. ..." .___;. __I I '\ PU8UC 'NOF{YS ray.E: Appro)pri,;;'~'j'\L:t<J::1 wzr. To: Date: February 22, 1999 Subject: APPLICATION FOR CLOSURE AND CONVEYANCE OF UNOPENED ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOTS 2 & 3, CONe. 4, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON CROOKED CREEK GOLF CLUB & PETER AND JOAN TAX FILE: COPA 98-001 The application for closure and conveyance has been made in conjunction with development applications to amend the Clarington Official Plan, Durham Region Official Plan and the Comprehensive Zoning By-law of the former Town of Newcastle. The applicants wish to establish a 9 hole Golf Course. The road allowance and adjacent lands are bisected by a creek valley which has beEm recognized as a provincially significant life Science ANSI. Attached is a copy of the assessment map showing the limits of the ANSI. Identifying the location of this Life Science ANSI on the survey would be beneficial. The Planning Department has no concerns with respect to closure and conveyance of the road allowance north of the Life Science ANSI. Conveyance of the road allowance would enable the applicants to use a portion of the existing road allowance as a cart path to cross the tributary which flows to the pond on site. However, we suggest consideration be given to having the remainder of the road allowance remain in public ownership. The Conservation Authority land holdings, being Stephen's Gulch Conservation Area, directly abut the west boundary of Kevin Sewell and Crooked Creek Golf Club Ltd. lands. The Conservation Authority may desire to have the Life Science ANSI lands placed into public ownership. As such, the road allowance abutting the ANSI lands should also remain in public ownership. In addition, conveyance of the road allowance in its entirety would eliminate the existing easterly access into Stephen's Gulch Conservation-Area. The lands on each side of the road allowance are owned by Peter and Joanna Tax. If the road allowance is equally divided _between the Tax's and Kevin Sewell, then a small 10m portion of land extending northward from Concession Road 4 approximately 579 m in the ownership of Kevin Sewell will divide the two properties owned by Peter and Joanna Tax, creating an awkward and undesirable land ownership pattern. T~at!,~ou~the opportunity t JJ1!e~l{ttl omment. H B * cc 40 ATTACHMENT NO.: 6 REPORT NO.: WD-26-99 04/01/1~99 10:35 905-666-2468 TUNNEY PLANNING INC. . IIHJ\-.jl-tltl I'IW U4.U:l rn ''IN; Ui" LLHI'<INl.;IUN t', N. t"flX NU.' ba ~:k~t5( ~ 03/e~~., TBU 12:0. F~ aOI'7,D8.. ~L LAKE ONTARIO CA , , i" I I I I I I I I I PAGE 03 V. U( a002 Cent7a1 Lake Ontario Con~ervadon '," ... 100 Whiling Avenue Othawa, OMQ(o 11 H 3T3 TtI: (90$) 579.04ll ,Fall: (906\ 579.0994 ~. March 25. 1999 ., MlIDicipaUty of CJ.ariDctoIl , Pub1lc Worb DepartIaIat 40 Tempellal:e Strea BowmaaMUe, ~ I LIe 3A6 ! A_ I..c. o'N.m.l~_ . ,tit the ~ otPabUc W.. , Dear Madlin: J " , /.t!..; 1:' " ....... , . " SabJat: AppUcadOD tor IUd CoaTIJUC' of.. Uaopeaed Road AIloWIIIIiW ~...... JAtl3 I 4, CaiaaaiGh 4(1):utiapu) , . , ' 'MaDldpellC)' of ~Il ,~CA.~"i: PO~G23 , ,Y",,"'~', ,,' , ID Isr==whh ~~oais 'oflthe Mlich 16th. 1999 ~~.~ CJ~I1ODmd CLOCA ed. we IIDW pt'ovide ~ foUowiq c:oDII2SQre u lli.lIIIeI1dmeDtto our previous conbpOadcaea all tl!e a~ve DOr ~.. " ' , III order 10 ",~I'ft'1ia the ems ~c:cess oppo~es iDto ~ A1I!bmiIr'& Stapba'5 Guidi CcmservaDon Area. we comillae to S\JPPC?rt o~ . putW closure aDd canvtymcc Df tb8 .boY. .-- ~ road allowance. . , '. ' , However, we ~~. DO O'bj~OIll the cl~sure IUId conYe)'anee of t!lat portiQA or die uaopeaeci !'Old aJ10wuIce &am TtuDtoIt Rdad to . poiat coiDcid1q with tbc i.mersac.doD of dle IDrIh lDit of lhe 'TtavdIed !told'. PIN 2669Q-OOt6, bejoS'lppfoximatd)' 1450.071 ~ south trca TIUIIIGIl Roed~ ,CGat'cS...2 Mat we do o~ th, Jpnd is min'ored In th~ wcatu @ I I I ......:. 1 ': 4 1 ATTACHMENT NO.: 7 REPORT NO.: WD-26-99 VL..'U\ll'''''V'' I. f,. I IHI 11V, \ V'-V V~\"I'- PAGE 04 . . e4/01/1~99 10:35 905-666-2468 /'. 'UII' 'oJ 1 VV '''...1.1 ""., .V-.J ll' V,.. Vl TUNNEV PLANNING INC. 0,/!5/10 TBU 12:00 F~ GOSS710gg, . tENnw. LAKE ON'TM10 CA @ao) Cmtral Lalw OlJtflrio C"mfnrlt/tla 1 MlWctpaliey of Cluinpm I 'Mudi~. 1m AttantlO111 Jan C. O'Neill ~ .' . Pap 1 ~~ bave IDY qUOsdousl~... maust, p~e ~u underdcued. · I' , , " "" I : ' ,'.' ]1J;', ; , = .1Plr01Ule&~ Ap'i ~ "-....C. , , . cC H. Broob, MUDicip~ity of ~1riD;t~ ~ lad De~elopneat ~anmart cc D. Summers, Croo~ Creek r~~' Aj~ 1:~p1""I"~Il.~llI\ro*Io"c:d I " / ' . II' ;'" II":', 'I Ii , . , ~."'" ..... .', 42