HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-13-99 . ~ . THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File #10'6 Ge Date: MARCH 1, 1999 Res. #(,,9 PI - <::'1':;-9 '1 Report No.: WD-13-99 File #: C.OS.29.03 By-Law # Subject: TRAFFIC SAFETY ON ORONO STREETS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Conunittee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-13-99 be received; 2. THAT adult crossing guards, all-way stops and pavement markings not be installed at the proposed Orono locations; and 3. THAT Judi Campbell be provided with a copy of this report to advise her of the Municipality's Radar Message Board, which may be borrowed from the Public Works Department. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No.1: Key Map No.2: Correspondence dated November 15, 1998 from Judi Campbell No.3: Radar Message Board Brochure 1109 REPORT NO.: WD-13-99 PAGE 2 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 At a meeting held on December 14, 1998, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington passed the following resolution: "THAT the correspondence Item D-5 be referred to the Director of Public Works for review and preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; and THAT Ms J. Campbell be advised of Council's decision." 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 Vehicle Speeds As a result of Judi Campbell's vehicular speed concerns, a number of Orono streets were monitored for sample operating speeds. Studies in the downtown area by the Region of Durham during 1995 showed an average speed of 42 kmIhr with the highest speed recorded being 53 kmIhr in the 50 kmIhr zone. February 1999 Sample Speed Study Location Average Speed (kmIhr) Main Street (Regional Road 17) at Millson Hill Drive Main Street (Regional Road 17) in Downtown area Mill Street at Millson Hill Drive 59.18 43.24 48.43 Residents wishing to check vehicle speeds and educate the public about their concerns may borrow the Municipality's Radar Message Board from the Public Works Department. This device is a community operated radar gun and electronic display board, serving as a road safety and educational tool by showing speeds to both residents and motorists (Attachment No 3). 1110 REPORT NO.: WD-13-99 PAGE 3 3.2 Crossing Locations for School Children: The Orono Public School provided figures of three children crossing Main Street near Millson Hill Drive and eight children who cross Main Street in tbe downtown area. Crossing guard studies, as designed by tbe Institute of Transportation Engineers, are carried out witb a stopwatch during crossing periods to determine tbe frequency of safe gaps. A February 1999 study again showed tbat an adult crossing guard is not warranted using tbe established guidelines. The low traffic volumes and slower speeds in tbe downtown core negate tbe need of an adult crossing guard. A small number of children makes it difficult to justify tbe $6,100 armual expense of an adult crossing guard unless it is truly warranted for safety reasons. The preferred location for an adult crossing guard was identified in 1995, if needed in tbe future, and would require tbe loss of three downtown parking spaces. Staff will continue to monitor tbese and otber crossing locations on an armual basis. 3.3 Request for All-Way Stops: The requested all-way stops at tbe intersections of Church StreetJPark Street and Church Street/Centre Street are unwarranted based on Provincial guidelines due to tbe extremely low traffic volumes. There does not appear to be a safety hazard at tbese locations but illegally parked vehicles can occasionally reduce visibility. The Municipality's By-law Enforcement staff provides periodic parking enforcement at tbese intersections. 3.4 Request For Pavement Markings: As noted in tbe letter, the faded white lines at tbe two intersections on Church Street offer a false sense of security for children at tbe two way stops which is why tbe lines have not been repainted for several years. The lines are now almost completely faded and will not be repainted. 4.0 CONCLUSION 4.1 From tbe above, it is concluded tbat adult crossing guards, all-way stops and pavement markings are not required at tbe proposed locations. 1111 " REPORT NO.: WD-13-99 PAGE 4 Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~~ Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng., Director of Public Works c7~ ~~~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer RB*SA V*ce 24/02/99 Pc: Ms. Judi Campbell P.o. Box 215 Orono, ON LOB IMO 1112 ~ =~- // ~--~~~l) -.......- " ~~~ }--~~ , ! !'~" ~ I'l ' I i I['~~~ ( [I I L~ ~~~~~ , I _~ ,"~ __--r;- --;-r- c~~ I ! / 1- ___A J / / I .r~~---- r i f/-- ,f ,__~//J ,...J /-- I <::':__ /r.i i '~ / Concession R~d 5 <k ' /;- j r- Subject Locations f ( I ------ \' I I I I \, S jECT fll. E J/-"_f )' , ',- J ) ,J'- _ \ ~ ----,(=--=-:=::;-\ I;t; /, ':;- ~ J \~0t!JL '-/, ,) ) 'I 'I II , I I I I' I' , , , I , , , I I I I I ,/ ------ :--~~- "'C ell o 0::1 ell c .Q Cl (I) 0:: ---/' / I I """'/ . 11J! I lEi / '-... ~" 1 0!! 1::.--../ / /::;::/ / ) "'"', 1 / ~/ '< / I 0~~ I .~ '~. . / -----> I " " / ~ i I I!, Or6no <J / if Public /;;5 SchboJ Iff I !S I 1,(:: Centre Street 1 ----- -- I: i '/ I I , - J//l~) II II I I I I I I ,I} ----------~-------------- -', \ 'I I, (:/ I. ! , I I ) I ./ ~~J- IV W~e s ,F ~ I .e --L~ DRAWN BY: J.R.M DATE: FEB. 1999 REPORT WD-13-99 ATTACHMENT NO.1 ___n.._ KEY MAP _~d____ 1113 d~. :--- .--:\~'C: ~~"--'";~'~,~.;27_\-''''- :- ..." ~-rul ffl(f'TqlT;-tYJ' Tf.lY.~~. v J :'_t \ to,. ! 1;" ! . \, ~ I.' i (, , 1111 JJ....--- '-~i I ~...... '-~ Judi Campbell P.O. Box 215 Orono, Ontario (983-9766) - -..-.....--.--. ~;EG ~ j " J'; tOB I MO~.$M~~~ Dee _.L_L,3.~j'~tS8 ------..-------.1 ..J. ~.. ~--- _. _.7......~- NOV 2 7 1998 -;.:UNICIPALlTY OF CLARINGTON MAYOO'S OFFICE November 15,1998 Dear Mrs. Hamre and Council: As residents of the village of Orono, we have met recently to discuss concerns we have regarding safety on the streets in town. We would h"ke to share these issues with you and ask that you consider adding the necessary safety implements to correct this problem. The speed in which vehicles enter our town via Main and Mill Streets is often excessive. This; and the fact that there are no physical stops on these streets combined with the congestion in the downtown area and vehicles attempting to make left-hand turns is a serious safety hazard. This is truly an accident waiting to happen. We are forced to step out from between parked cars and wait in the roadway for excessive amounts of time before an acceptable break in traffic pennits us to cross. We feel our seniors and school children are especially at risk, as at times their judgement and speed are often impaired. The children living south of Sommerville St. on the west side of Main St. had busing removed from approximately three years ago and were not provided with a safe crossing area. The children to the north who do not qualify for busing, to do not have an adequate crossing area on either Main St. or Mill St. These routes are inadequate. We ask that you review them and provide these children a m crossing. Speed deterrents would also be effective in keeping speeds at the proper limits in our residential areas. Moving closer to Orono Public School we ask that the white lines be repainted at Church and Park Streets and Church and Centre Streets as they are quite faded. These crossings offer a false security to children as they are only two way stops. Often children are unable to see beyond vehicles parked to the west (post office and Armouries building) and again must step into the roadway to resume a safe crossing. We ask tha~ th~ be made in~o four way stops to alleviate some ofthiS~~m:j-~;;:)':~ _ ::_ro.___.oo.___ <_u~ J di Campbell (Main St. Business area) ~~h~chSt.) ..~ ~ ura Head (Main St. S.) c%~ ff-;~ c;t~:: Pam Mahoney (Mill St.) J~,~ .' _ 0r~;; -rc'P(}i:~ ~c-" ""-"... ~<>'" ",'",-0. 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