HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdmin 06-84CORPORATION OF THE "TOWN OF NEWCA6TLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVIL.LE, ONTARIO LIC 3A6 TELEPHONE 6234374 CONFIDENTIAL REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING HELD JANUARY 3 1984 ADMIN. 84 - 6 SUBJECT: Discussion Papers One and Two, 1984 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1.'; That this report be received "in camera" as background material towards the formulation of the 1984 budget. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: In 1983 Budget Discussion Papers One and Two were handed out in their entirety. We have used the 1983 budget discussion papers as a base upon which revisions have been made. Attached to this report you will find the updated material of the Town''s organizational structure contained within budget discussion paper number one and the, Town's policies and procedures contained in budget discussion paper number two. Attached to this report you will also find an organizational structure chart which identifies a number of possible areas of change with respect to full -time positions within the organization. The first is within the area of Public Works where the suggestion being made is that the duties and responsibilities of the Administration and Records Supervisor be redistributed in such a way that there would be no requirement for that',position. As an alternate, it is suggested that a Junior Engineering'' Technician be hired to complement the efforts of the Engineering CONFIDENTIAL Technician Public Works report WD -7-84 provides the detailed rationale for• the changes together with a job description. A second area of the organizational chart that requires attention is with respect to the Planning Department. While no changes with respect to the organizational chart are envisaged for the Building Inspection and Plumbing Inspection side of the operation, it is felt in the best interest of the Corporation that we examine the positions and responsibilities on the Planning side of the operation with a view to possibly re -organizing responsibilities and duties of individuals. At this point in time we do not have specific recommendations but would indicate to Council that we would like to examine part of the organizational structure. Currently within the Fire Department,the Corporation hires a part-time clerk - typist to handle secretarial duties. With our increased training program together with the hiring of a part-time fire prevention officer and increased inspections, ill is likely that the amount of clerical and typing work will increase. It may be necessary to change the part-time (24 hours per• week) to a full-time position. It would be advisable to monitor this position closely to see if the additional work generated merits the increase of this position from part-time to full-time. It should be noted by Councillors that the position of Deputy Fire Chief has remained on the organization chart and shown as vacant. At this point in time there is no intention to fill the position of Deputy Fire Chief. We are recommending that it. be placed on the organizational chart as a vacant position. l VIV I'LL/C.IVI 1/l l._ �4. A fourth change Uiat 1 would like to bring to the attention of Council is with respect to the addition of a position of Lead hand in the Community Services Department. The Culture and Recreation Master Plan advocated the creation of this position. In reviewing the functions of the Department, I believe it would be in the best interests of the Corporation to try to establish this position. The Lead Hand would report to the Facilities Manager as well as the Parks and Cemeteries Foreman. The 1984 Community Services budget has been prepared on the basis of the inclusion of this position. As such there is a reduction in anticipated overtime in certain areas of the operation. In addition to the areas identified on the organizational chart, it is my intention to review current job descriptions, and where necessary create job descriptions for, various Department Heads. The ultimate plan would be to have job descriptions for all non-union employees within a two-year, period. I would also wish to establish an operating policy that no new positions may be created or no existing position may be filled within the non-union category without a ,job description. For all unionized employees, no new position may be created without benefit of a job description. In addition, where a vacancy occurs, the Department Head will be responsible for reviewing any existing job description to ensure that it is up-to-date and meets the needs of the department. Budget paper number two has a listing of the policies and procedures of the Town of Newcastle with respect to a variety of matters. From time to time throughout the year, it is staff's intention to bring forward revisions or new policies governing the ddministration of the Town. 4 I, Any policy adopted by Council will be consolidated into subsequent years' budget discussions. With respect to the timing of budget preparations, it would be my goal to bring forward the dates of preparation of budgets as much as one month so that, hopefully, we can establish our five --year capital forecast by mid-October or early November. It is also desirable, in my opinion, to have available to Councillors preliminary current budgets by the last Council meeting of the calendar year. This would provide additional time for Council members to study the budget over the winter break. It would also spread the workload with respect to both budget preparation and year-end work over a broader timeframe for the Treasury Department. I would appreciate receiving comments from Councillors with respect to their thoughts of moving budget preparation forward as suggested. It should be noted that at the time of the preparation of this report, I have not had the opportunity of reviewing preliminary figures for the 1984.budgets for Treasury and the Clerk's Department. Notwithstanding, I wished to provide comments on budget discussion papers one and two. Respectfully submitted, { DSJ;nof David Sd Johnston, M.0 w ., att. Chief Administrative Officer C \ \ ./ \� \\V ,y. \ 6 / 2 \\ .v« \\ /!6 I U .J 0 U 0 Z LaJ Lai �CD LJ d W i � J d J CD 4 Q O O U O w w � Z N F— `t o �C N Z � I r I U .J 0 U 0 Z LaJ Lai N N �.i LL IZ U I � � > C _ V z wl C s >I p I C] LW C} W O l V V) W � I W CD c �V I w IJ LJ I I O v c l -- -_I J LJ W CD O Cp Y I H p � O Io p 3 I I CD O k-- L I W O � I Ip J I N N m cT L() Z CD a. c� lL�J K 1. Z Li U c o w «� i CD o U <n J Q 2 C LJ L yi W C � LJ J O [Y Y Cy W U ~ O 3 lWi O_ Q O tii J O � } J a7 J O CD O O � � � Q W Q IL W d W W CD Q Q m cT L() O C O O � U N 2 r U W � vi � O _ ~ W � O > W } W F- � J Q 3 � U CD h O d 0 C) Mi W � U N ~ W � O > W } W F- � L U Q 4 4'J � L� O 0 C) Mi W W z yyill__ I� ZD r 9ui Q n_ Lli n i� p IQ WICD CDQ �0 K W i M m W F.. L' L.J Z U Q LI C) W Z K o (4 w N N N W K J K O J K O z z o Q O o < Q �- --1 CD - CD I -- I0 �- z Q - I J CD N m m M �7 `L Q K o_ Q rr o w K o_ K w c, -----� w I— w Q J K < K R K Q C) o 0 I� I� IQ II I uj I I I _J J L w -w G O O z w O F-- Q K K Q K Q a: ,S -S UJ C1 liJ 2 W pCD CD CD W W z yyill__ I� ZD r 9ui Q n_ Lli n I G � M 4, �J L F U � W S �= W (� w O a' y' H J 2 d G � M 4, �J L F L. K O C" UZ [t O _T <C LL 4J rn C.7 Z _ C _J _J GO U LL w w L K C c-> Z (Y. W Q QZ L J 1. Z U o w U cn L. K O C" UZ [t O _T <C LL 4J rn MIM I z Lkia Lliz z �pp W F- LJ 7 U O4'� QZ 41 J 1. G U I11 f - MIM I z Lkia Lliz z �pp f+' O V N I VI C G O O C 1 C 1 p _I Q _ = 0 O 0. C O 1 r C 1 ~ } tr1 M N w(Y w Y y --� w LL I Z O w W v T- cn V Ld Y y m I V I I w V V z a d W L I N N a z RQ w �q w LL.. c�= Z cu w V w O O y z Wq• l.. - 0 O N 1 <v i�� ISI -C LU O J�I CD I y I w l ii In Imo, LJ LJ i�� ISI LU 1�1 J�I CD r - i C U w x 0 U m D�^y 0- LL- '�' , F ry�E: 1J.. may^ CL Ld 0 I 0 L Z_ H WUJ U C lLJ c a _ F3 O CD o a D I<of X - o -- o — o _ O -- q -- p -' — 2' o CD n oS CK o •-C J .Y_ Y Y Y Y Y LR _ J - i C U w x 0 U m D�^y 0- LL- '�' , F ry�E: 1J.. may^ CL Ld 0 I 0 L Z_ H WUJ U U lLJ c i C U w x 0 U m D�^y 0- LL- '�' , F ry�E: 1J.. may^ CL Ld 0 I C) O O C 1 W S D G t� O G O S m L ~ N G y I N U n � LJ Zv�iy.. L6_. S i � W W W w L J W nW 1t11,'' W CD 0 M v) c C � � 3 c +� U c }. � � 2 R o - - n N c: z � w - W J i O 2 Y G W U U O w w � v) c C c7 � o < LLD a LD +� U c }. � � 2 R Ll c - n N c: c � w F- � Z V <of n H 4 W H W J O O W a w a W N � L'] I i - v) c C c7 � o < LLD a LD +� U }. � J 2 R Ll c - n N v) C C o O +� C � C o c - n n c: c � ,n �D z L.Li Ll.j 0 l/ ! cr LLJ cr -D U LLJ TOWN ;OF NEWCASTLE •., JOB DESCRIPTION:- DATE OF DESCRIPTION: _ JOB DESCRiPTION NUMBER: D E PA R T M E N T __ Ell3F____-_._._ DIVISION:-.---- SUMMARY IVISION: . SUMMARY OF DUTIES; The Fire Chief is responsible for the administrative and technical work in planning, organizing and directing the firefighting and fire prevention activities and other related duties of the municipality. The Fire Chief is responsible for staff training, budgeting and all other administrative matters, and for the development and improvement of the department to keep abreast of changing local conditions and technological changes in firefighting and fire prevention. With the exception of major policy determinations, the Fire Chief is given considerable independence of action in making administrative and technical decisions. RESPONSIBILITY: The Fire Chief shall supervise the overall administration of the Fire Department including the work and discipline of staff requisitioning of material and equipment preparation of departmental budget and maintenance of records. Organize and direct all firefighting activities at 'large fire or emergencies. Direct the operation, maintenance and improvement of the fire alarm system. Supervise and organize fire fire prevention, inspection and promotion. Direct the maintenance, repair and replacement of firefighting equipment, fire .stations and other properties of the department. Direct the training of firefighting personnel in methods of fire- fighting and use of equipment. Prepare rules and regulations for the efficient operation of the department, and consult with superiors regarding major policy determinations. Conduct conferences with staff, civic officials and industrial representatives. Participate in civic programs, emergency measure activities, fire prevention and safety campaigns, attend meetings and address groups. Perform related work as required. FIRE CHIEF QUALIFICATIONS, { A broad knowledge of mode N firefighting and fire prevention methods including the use of apparatus and equipment. A thorough knowledge of rules and regulations governing the activities of the Fire Department. A thorough knowledge of all Federal and Provincial Afts relative to the activities of the Fire Department. Considerable knowledge of building construction and related codes, Electric Power Codes and location of hazardous occupancies in the municipality. Thorough knowledge of the operation and location of watermains as applied to the Fire fighting activities of the Fire Department. Thorough knowledge of modern techniques and methods as applied to the administration of firefighting and fire prevention activities and related Acts. Ability to evaluate the effectiveness of the department and to correlate its development with changing conditions in the municipality. Ability to plan, assign and direct the work of a number of subordinates. Ability to maintain harmonious relationships with municipal officials and the general public. Ability to initiate and develop public relation policies for the department. Ability to provide leadership and make sound decisions in directing the operations of men and equipment; under emergency conditions. Ability to prepare reports and carry out long-range plans and programs. Above average mechanical aptitude and skill .in the operation and maintenance of firefighting and rescue equipment. Ability to read building plans. Desirable Training and Experience One year of satisfactory service as Depty-Chief. Graduation from a standard senior, high school of technical school, or any equivalent combination of experience and training sufficient to indicate ability to do the work. SALARY GRADE_�..I POSITION ESTABLISHED BY BY-LAW T TOWN OF !NEWCASTLE JOB DESCRIPTION: PLATOON CHIEF DATE OF DESCRIPTION? _ _ JOB DESCRIPTION NUMBER��_.,__ DEPARTMENT-: FIRE DIVISION_- - I SUMMARY OF DUTIES: RESPONSIBILITY: The personnel, administration and management of the Department, including safety matters, in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and the Fire Department. The procurement and control of supplies, the maintenance and repair of facilities and equipment. Formulation and recommendation of proposals for improvement of facilities, equipment and methods. The investigation of deviation from rules and regulations and the recommendation of necessary action. Responding to all fire alarms and taking charge in the absence of the Fire Chief. Conducting in-service fire prevention inspections and enforcement of the Ontario Fire Code of all classes of occupancy. Participate in conducting training sessions monthly at all fire sessions. Conduct pre -fire planning operations in conjunction with the Fire Prevention Off icer. Organizing and conducting Fire Safety courses, as required. Generaliy managing the ongoing operations of the Department on behalf of the Fire Chief and acting .in his stead in his absence. QUALIFICATIONS Keen interest and high degree of professional pride in the Fire Service. Proven experience in the use of equipment, apparatus and modern fire fighting techniques. Good mechanical aptitude. Holder of a Class D driver's licence. Willing to relocate to the Bowmariville area. Have the ability to communicate orally and in writing, along with the initiative and ability to inspire and lead a trained and technical work force. Must be physically and mentally fit to cope with all emergency situations. Education to the equivalent, of a high school graduation or its equivalent in training and experience. U SALARY GRADE: 9 _ PO51 f IaN ESTABLISI iED BY BY-LA—M- IM TOWN .OF NEWCASTLE: JOB DESCRIPTION' FIRE FIGHTER DATE OF DESCRIPTION___._._ JOB DESCRIPTION NUMBER_ DEPARTMENT_' FIRE DIVISION:-.--- SUMMARY IVISION: SUMMARY OF DUTIES The Fire Fighter is responsible for firefighting entailing the combatting, extinguishing and preventing of fires and the saving of life and property. A Fire Fighter is responsible for rapidly and efficiently performing various duties under emergency conditions frequently involving considerable hazard. RESPONSIBILITY: The Fire fighters work includes routine duties in the maintenance of firefighting equipment and Fire Department property. Carrying out the specific, orders and directions as received from a superior officer in the normal course of maintenance duties and in firefighting, considerabl independence of judgement and action is allowed in circumstances of extreme urgency where referral to a superior for instruction is not possible. The constant review of the work as carried out by a superior to maintain and improve the efficiency of the Fire Department as a whole. As a member of a platoon, responds to fire alarms, lays and connects hose, holds nozzles and directs water streams, raises and climbs ladders, uses chemical extinguishers, bars, hooks, lines and other equipment. Ventilates fire to release heat and smoke, places salvage covers to prevent water damage and prevents fire from rekindling. As assigned, drives and operates motor driven firefighting equipment. As assigned, receives and records telephone fire alarms and other emergency calls and assists in dispatching proper apparatus and equipment. Performs various maintenance tasks on apparatus and equipment. When assigned to fire prevention work under direction of a superior, performs inspections and clerical duties as required. Performs related work as required. QUALIFICATIONS: Thorough knowledge of the operation of all apparatus and equipment and methods used in combatting, extinguishing and preventing fires and in rescue work. Thorough knowledge of' first aid and inhalator practices. Considerable knowledge of rules and regulations of the Fire Department. Considerable knowledge of the maintenance of equipment. Considerable knowledge of building construction and related codes, Electric Power Codes, hydraulics and the location of hazardous occupancies in the municipality. Considerable mechanical aptitude_ Considerable knowledge of water systems and water mains. Agility and strength to do prolonged and arduous work under adverse conditions. Ability to react quickly and remain calm under duress and strain. Ability to understand and follow oral and written instructions. Skill in the operation of all firefighting and rescue equipment including motor vehicles. Interest and willingness to assist in community efforts throughout the municipality. Desirable Training and Experience Graduation from a standard senior high school or technical .school, or any equivalent combination of experience and training sufficient to indicate ability to do the work. SALARY GRADE: 6 POSITION ESTABLISHED BY BY --LAW BUDGET DISCUSSION PAPER NUMBER TWO POLICY/PROCEDURE: DATE PASSED: RESOLUTION/BY-LAW NUMBER Procedure for the erection of development proposal information signs July 26 1983 Report PD -135-82 Applicants for an amendment to the Town of Newcastle Restricted Area (Zoning) By -Law, to permit any use other, than low density residential uses; and Applicants for an amendment to an Official Plan or District Plan of the Town of Newcastle ARE REQUIRED to erect, at their cost, Information Signs on the subject lands as outlined below: 1. The signs shall not be less than 1.0 square metres on one side, and no greaten than 2.0 square metres. 2. The signs shall be erected within seven (7) days of the application being received. 3. The signs shall be removed within seven (7) days of the denial or withdrawal of the application, or upon Council approval. 4. The wording of the signs shall be approved by the Town of Newcastle Planning Department upon receipt. of the application and in accordance with the attached general text. 5. The lettering of the text is to be black on a white background in the case of a rezoning application, and black on a yellow background in the case of an application to amend the Official Plan and shall be printed in upper and lower case Roman type lettering of sufficient size to be legible from the street line. 6. The signs shall be erected and maintained on the subject lands approximately mid -way along the street frontage, at least 1.0 metres, but not more than 2.0 metres above grade. 7. There shall be one.' (1) sign for each street frontage of the subject lands. '4( SAMPLE: -SIGN TEXT N O T I C E PROPOSED ZONING/OFFICIAL PLAN CHANGE A lic_int s Ida me" has submitted an application to the Town of Newcastle to change the zoning/Official Plan designation of these lands from "EXIST, NG ZONING/Of FICIAL PLAN DES IGNA _TION° to an appropriate zoning/Official Plan designation to permit the development: of : " For further information please contact the Town of Newcastle A ' Planning Department 623-3379 (Ext. 47) or 263-2231. Not required for low - 15 cm ppercase density residential PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE E - 10 cm uppercase Applicant's Name - 7.5 cm EXISTING A PROPOSED ZONING - 7.5 cm uppercase All other text 5.0 cm Upper and lowercase, as required. 031 E POLICY/PROCEDURE: HIRING AND STAFFING DATE PASSED: July 11 1983 RESOLUTION/BY-LAW NUMBER: GPA -618-83 A Statement of intent in respect of Hiring and Staffing in the Town of Newcastle. 1. The Town of Newcastle afford every person the right to equal treatment with respect to employment without discrimination because of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, age, record of offences, marital status, family status or handicap. 2. Employment will not be allowed where the potential employee would be subject to the supervisory control of a relative in such matters as promotion, salary, performance or conduct. This provision may riot be applied in the rase of students employed during vacation periods. a POLICY/PROCEDURE: STAFF RETIREMENT POLICY DATE PASSED: NOVEMBER 28 1983 RESOLUTION/BY-LAW NUMBER: GPA -972-83 Any person retiring from the service of the Town of Newcastle shall upon their retirement receive an enduring gift with a maximum value of $150. Any residual amount not spent on the present will be given to the employee in the form of a cheque. The presentation of a gift and/or cheque should be made in one of two ways: at an annual dinner for retiring employees or at a Council meeting immediately following the dinner. All retiring employees shall receive a retirement certificate from the Town, together with a letter from the Mayor and Council thanking them for their years of faithful service. Council shall sponsor a retirement dinner to honour all persons that have retired during a calendar year. The annual date for the dinner shall be established by the Clerk in consultation with the Mayor and members of Council. The Town will abosrb the following costs associated with the dinner: cost of the facility for the annual dinner, the cost of the meals for the retiree and spouse (where applicable), boutonniere and corsages forall retirees and their spouse, the cost of a guest book and flowers for the head table. All other expenses in connection with the annual dinner or reception will be covered through the sale of tickets to family, friends and other employees who wish to attend the dinner. Where there are no retirees to attend the annual dinner in a calendar year, the Clerk shall notify the Mayor and Council that the dinner has been cancelled for that calendar year. The monies for expenditures for the retirement policy be budgeted in a special account under Unclassified Administration. The policy shall come into effect January Ist 1984. 0 POLICY/PROCEDURE: TEMPORARY CLOSURE OR OCCUPANCY OF HIGHWAYS IN THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DATE PASSED: APRIL 11 1983 RESOLUTION/8Y-LAW #: 83 - 5; As per attached - By -Law 83 - 57 13Y LAW NO. 83- -! Being a by-law to regulate the temporary closure or occupancy of highways In the Town of Newcastle. NOW THEREFORE BE IN ENACTED, AND IT IS HCREBY ENACTED as a by-law of The Corporation of the Town. of Newcastle by the Council thereof as follows: 1 ROAD OCCUPANCY Except as permitted in Section I1(1 d 51 hereof, no person shall temporarily close, obstruct, encumber, injure or foul any highways or bridge or any part thereof in the Town of Newcastle by placing any tent, lean-to, fence boarding, structure, or any chattel, or excavate or in any way disturb the surface or the soil or mMerial thereon including the installation or repair of any public utility, except when carried out in accordance with the provisions of this by-law, and in compliance with the Policy in respect of Road Occupancy. !I CONDITIONS REQUIRING APPLICATION FOR ROAD OCCUPANCY I11 A Road Occupancy Permit shall be required for, but not limited to, the following types of occupancy: a) Special events, parades, assemblies or other occasions where the normal nature or usage of the highway, thoroughfare, right-of-way or road allowance is precluded by the occupancy; b) The transport of heavy, wide or otherwise unusual loads or equipment on Town of Newcastle highways, thoroughfares, rights-of-way or road allowances; c) The erection of a fence or other encumberancet " d) The installation of ti le drainage or other works which will in any way interfere with, disturb or alter the original nature of the Town of Newcastle property; e) the paving of a driveway from the ditch, boulevard or sidewalk to the property line; f) The erection of a mailbox, gatepost, or other installation which will be located on property within the surveyed limits of the Town of Newcastle highway, thoroughfare, road allowance or right -off -nay;. g) The placement of newspaper service boxes within the limits of Town of Newcastle property; h) The felling of trees, brushing, and other works which will result in the occupancy of the Town of Newcastle property; I) The erection of banners, signs and other similar installations, whether of a temporary or permanent nature, on Town of Newcastle property, be it a highway, as previously defined, or bridge. (21 A Road Occupancy Permit will he required by a utility or public service company for the following types of work: a) Installing, maintaining or relocating a pole line; b) Raisinf or lowering utility service bods; C) Work on shut-off valves and other existing plant; i Page 2 By-law No. 83- temporary Closure or Occupancy 3I (2) d) Initial work conducted on new subdivisions prior to installation of sidewalk, surb and gutter and asphaltic or concrete pavement; e) Work in manholes, valve chambers and transformer vaults, f) Installation, maintaining or repairing cable television plant. (3) If to carry out any works it is necessary to atter, break or disturb in" any way an existing pavement, boulevard, sidewalk or other surface within the Town of Newcastle highway or bridge, thoroughfare, right-of-way or road allowance, the extent of such disturbance shall be set out on the Road occupancy Permitand the principal person, agency or authority making application shall be respons.nie for the full restoration thereof. (4) The conditions of this by-law and the terms of the Policy in respect of Road Occupancy shall apply equally to construction, alterations or modifications to the right-of-way property of the Town of Newcastle as to special events which preclude the normal daily usage of the road or right-of-way. (6) Any person, agency or authority intending to close or occupy a Town of Newcastle highway, thoroughfare, right-of-way or road allowance must make, application for, and have approval of a Road occupancy Permit, which application is available at the office of the Director of Public Works, and mist be filed at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of said closing or occupancy, in accordance with the conditions of this by-law and the terms of the Policy in respect of Road Occupancy, (6) The application shall be made in the nano of the principal person, agency or authority on whose behalf the closure, occupancy or event is to be carried out and not in the name of any agent for, said person, agency or authority. The applicant shall indicate the starting date, location or route, reason for the duration of the closure or occupancy, and shall furnish any supporting documents as may he required by the Director of Public Works. III RESPONS1131LIl IES Of THE APPLICANT (1) The principal applicant is responsible for notifying the Police and Fire Department and any agency or company operating a public transportation service or school bus service, or whose plant or installations may be affected by the closure or occupancy, of the commencement and termination of the said closure or occupancy, and shall comply with all conditions of the permit, as specified thereon. (2) Where a utility or public service company occupies or closes a Town of Newcastle highway, thoroughfare, road allowance: or right-of-way as a result of an emergency, telephone notice shall be given Immediately to the Director of Public Works of the Town of Newcastle and formal application for a permit in respect: of said emergency shall be made on the next working day. (3) Where a highway or portion thereof 1s closed or occupied .under the authority or approval of the Director of Public Works, the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle shall approve, provide and keep in repair a resonable temporary alternative route for traffic around the work site, all at the cost of the principal applicant, who shall comply with Section 111 (4) in all other matters in respect of such detour. Page 3 8y -law No. 83-':. Temporary Closure or Occupancy , 111 (h) All sign.., barricades, traffic control devices, flag+nen and the use or operation of other persons and equipment as deterndned by the Director, of Public Works, shall be provided prior to the commencement of, and at the location of the closure or Occupancy, and shall be the sole responsibility of the principal applicant, who shall maintain, in full force and effect, all insurances deemed necessary by the Director of Public Works, and in accordance with the terms and conditons of the Policy in respect of Road Occupancy. (5) The principal applicant shall maintain access to all public and private properties at all gimes and shall keep such access free and clear of all mud, debris and other inaterials. (6) The principal applicant when performing any works on Town of Newcastle rights-of-way shall keep and maintain same in a normal condition and shall ensure that any travelled portion of a highway, thoroughfare, right-of-way, road allowance, sidewalk, walkway or boulevard is maintained free and clear of arty mud, debris or materials which may impede or disturb the normal use of the lands. (7) While any alteration or occupancy is underway, the principal applicant, pursuant to this by -taw, shall have a Road Occupancy Permit available At all times during which his works are in progress. (8) The principal applicant assumes all liability for any resulting maintenance and/or required permanent repairs, and such works shall he carried out to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Woos of the Town of Newcastle all at the cost of the principal applicant. Upon final approval and acceptance of the works, in accordance with Section III 19) herein, the Town of Newcastle shall assume any further maintenance or repair. (9) Permanent repairs of any nature to all disturbed areas shall be the responsibility of the principal applicant with whom the responsibility for maintenance will rest for a period of two years from the date of completion of such works. (lo) The terms and conditions of this by-law and Town Policy in respect of Road Occupancy shall apply to any and all work on new or existing developments. _ IV EXTENSION OF PERMIT APPROVAL (1) When conditions of unforeseen difficulties require a longer period of occupation for completion of the works authorized under the terms of issuance of the Road Occupancy Permit,. the principal applicant shall notify the Director of Public Works of the additional time required and the reason therefor, and shall obtain an extension of the permit upon the approval of the Director of Public Works. Y GENERAL (1) Notwithstanding Section 11, a Road Occupancy will not be necessary in the case of normal movement Of farm vehicles and other agricultural equipment or regular transport of stock; however, the conditions of this by-law and the Policy may be applied in unusual circumstances at the discretion of the Director of Public Works. (2) The conditons of this by-law shall not apply to any motor vehicle as defined in The Highway Traffic Act, being located on the travelled portion of the highway, but shall appl;- to oversized, or special heavy vehicles, equipment or loads as defined in the Policy in respect of Road Occupancy. Page 4 '. 8y -law No. 83 - Temporary Closure or Occupancy V (31 Nothing in this by-law •shall be construed as derogating from any right conferred upon any person under any slAtute or franchise agreement lawfully entered into and authorized by by-law granting any right to use or occupy any Town of Newcastle highway, thoroughfare, road allowance or right-of-way and in the event of any conflict between the provisions of this by-law and such statute or agement, the provisions of such statute or agreement shall prevail. VI PENALTY ill Any person convicted of any breach of the provisions of this by-law shall forfeit any performance bond or other monetary guarantee, to the extent of the liability or failure of compliance, and shall pay, at the discretion of the convicting Magistrate, a penalty not exceeding the sum of One •- Thousand Dollars ($1,000) exclusive of damages and other costs, for each offence. V11 This by-law sets out the terms and conditons applicable to road occupancy only, and as such must be considered in coniunction with 8y -law 83-32, which by-law establishes the Policy of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle with respect to Road Occupancy. Vill This by-law repeals Dy -law 74-85. This by-law read a first time this day of 1983 This by-law read a, second time this day of r 1,> �- �- 1983 This by-law read a third time and passed this day of 1983. n I Mayor ---------------- POLICY/PROCEDURE: POLICY FOR UNMAINTAINED ROAD CONSTRUCTION Q'I DATE PASSED: APN L 18 1983 RESOLUTION/8Y-LAW: GPA -326-83 The Town of Newcastle will not undertake the construction of any unmaintained road until June 1985, and will not, within that period assume for maintenance purposes any additional roads, save and except those which are constructed by others, at no cost to the Town, under a Subdivision Agreement, the Local Improvement Act or, private enterprize. Roads to be constructed must meet the design criteria and construction standards required by the Town of Newcastle, and all applications for implementation of this policy must be approved by the Director of Public Works for the Town of Newcastle, and be in accordance with the provisions of the appropriate Zoning 8y -Law and Official Plan. 0