HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdmin 23-84CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40. TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 20 1984 ADMIN. 23 - 84 SUBJECT: ACTIVITIES OF THE BICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That this report be received; 2. That Council accept the terms of reference for the operation of the Bicentennial -Committee as attached on Schedule "A"; and 3. That the Bicentennial Committee be advised of Council's acceptance of these terms of reference. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: When council authorized the formation of a Bicentennial Group they did so on the understanding that the Committee established would formulate terms of reference under which the Committee would operate. The formulation of such terms of reference has been delayed by the consideration of the scope of projects that have been presented for the Committee's consideration. The terms of reference attempt to provide direction, while at the same time being flexible enough to accommodate a variety of projects that have been suggested. For the information of Council members, I am attaching copies of the minutes of the meetings. In reading same, you will note the wide range of projects that have been considered. It should be noted that the Bicentennial Committee has referred the matter of the preparation of a Town flag to Council as a suitable Bicentennial project. The Bicentennial Committee itself it currently considering the minting of a coin commemorating both the Bicentennial and the Tenth anniversary of the Town of Newcastle. ..2 ADMIN. 23 - 84 -2- Other projects include participation in the sail past of the Tall Ships; the writing of historical sketches of the various families that enriched the heritage of this area; the planting of a possible Bicentennial Forest and promotion through advertisement of various Bicentennial projects which are sponsored by community groups. It should be noted both in;.theminutes ands>in ,. the terms of reference, emphasis is being placed on the advertising of community group activities as opposed to their direct funding. In accordance with Council's direction, the Bicentennial Committee is avoiding direct contributions to individual Bicentennial projects that are sponsored by community groups. We are, however, providing a counselling service in advising them of both federal and provincial funds that may be available. This assistance is in the form of both letters and notices in local newspapers having general circulation in the area. Respectfully submitted, DSJ:nof Z7dS. Johnston, M.C.I.P., Chief Administrative Officer SCHEDULE "A" TO ADMIN. REPORT 23 - 84 DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCE MASTER OBJECTIVE: To promote the ,IProvince's Bicentennial and the Tenth Anniversary of the Town of''Newcastle. 1. To enl6hrage citizens of the Town and visitors to the area to participate in the numerous existing social and cultural event's throughout the year. 2. To assist those interested in sponsoring special Bicentennial events in applying for financial assistance under the Wintario program as administered byLthe Ministry of Citizenship and Culture andthe'Canadian Secretary of State. 3. To promoteproposed Bicentennial cultural and social events sponsored by community groups. 4. Maintain a close working relationship with all groups sponsoring cultural and social events within the Town. 5. Identify one or more community project(s) to be undertaken by the Bicentennial Committee. 6. Recommend possible municipal Bicentennial projects to Town Council. 7.; Recommend to Council on all requests received by Council for possible Bicentennial funding assistance. Minutes of the Bicentennial Committee meeting held January 26 1984 at,4 p.m, in the Bell Building Conference Room Present were: Mrs. M. Veinot Mr. H. Tink Mayor Garnet B. Rickard David S. Johnston, Chief Administrative Officer Glenda Reynolds, Recording Secretary. At the beginning of the meeting, agendas were distributed as well as the new Town of Newcastle colour brochures. It:/was.,.moved::.by;.Mayor, Rickardethat,.the minutes. of the Bicentennial Committee meetings held December 7 1983 and January 11 1984 be. approved." "Carried" It was moved by Herb Tink that the Santa Claus Parade Committee be contacted to inform them of the parade float available and to give them all pertinent information. Glenda Reynolds agreed to contact them. "Carried" It was moved by Mayor Rickard that the forms for the grants from the Secretary of State of Canada be received for information and that they be contacted for further information. "Carried" Mayor Rickard moved I that the News Release be received for information, a.!.further release be put in the paper in MId-February reminding groups and agencies of grant deadlines, and that anyone requesting financial assistance for Bicentennial events should be given the grant forms, available from both provincial and federal sources. "Carried" A number of pieces of correspondence were received. Replies were to be made to these people noting the following: Mrs. Eikens - send her the proper grant forms but explain that we do not expect the have funds availabiq acknowledge that the date they have chosen will be noted and please keep us advised as to activities and preparations. Jaycees - send them the grant forms but explain that we do not expect to have funds available. Please keep us advised as to the dates of Bicentennial activities. Newcastle-Newtonville School - congratulate them on undertaking this type of project and send them the grant forms. It was moved by mayor Rickard that Mrs. Veinot contact Cable 10 television. "Carried" Herb Tink made a motion that Glenda Reynolds contact the organizers, of Tall Ships asking them to come in as close as possible to share in the Newcastle-Bowmanville area. Once their reply has been received, contact the Gill's to obtain their ideas on some special event to celebrate these ships being in the area. "Carried" It was moved by Mrs. Veinot that it be recommended to:Council. that they undertake a competition to select a flag for.the Town and consider having it open to the general public and award appropriate prizes from their funding. .J. "Carried" �(0) Marion Veinot attended the'January 19th 1984 meeting held by the Newcastle Historical Society in Newcastle Village and the following events have been finalized to date: Tuesday, February 6 1984 - King's Royal York"ers", Newcastle Saturday, June 16 1984 - Band from Cobourg, Newcastle Sunday, June 17 1984 - Heritage Plaque (Massey), Newcastle Saturday, June 23 1984 - Barn Dance; Orono Sunday, July 1 1984 - Bicentennial Day- Bowmanville Museum held at the Port Darlington Marina December 2 - 7 1984 - Museum Christmas Show, Museum, Bowmanville It was felt that a reply to these groups should go out thanking them for holiday events and asking them to keep this committee informed of any. further events they may plan. The.Bicentennial calendar was discussed and it was felt that one should be placed in the paper soon and have a note saying that the next one will be published on (date) and any further submissions must be in 2 - 3 days prior to this. David Johnston and Glenda Reynolds are to have some calendars drawn up for the next meeting. The Mayor is going to have some letters to the Service Clubs sent with the response form enclosed, to solicit events that may be in the planning stages. Such events would be listed in the calendar of coming events. The next meeting is to be held on February 9th 1984 at 4:00 p.m. in the Bell Building. , Marion Veinot moved that the meeting be adjourned. "Carried" i Minutes of the Bicentennial Meeting held January 11th 1984 at 5:30 p.m. in the Bell Building Present were: Mrs. M. Veinot Councillor Ann Cowman Mr. S. Rutherford V Mr. H. Tink Mayor Garnet B. Rickard David S. Johnston, Chief Administrative Officer Glenda Reynolds, Recording Secretary At the beginning of the meeting an agenda was handed out which suggested the first order of business was the election of a chairperson. Ir. ii absence of'the complete,committee being present at the commencement of the meeting, David Johnston acted as temporary chairperson. In reviewing the notice posted in local newspapers, Mr. Rutherford indicated that a caller from the Newcastle Reporter had indicated that it was their impression that the final date for applications was December 31st. i i It was moved by Mr. Rutherford that staff contact the Newcastle Reporter and re-emphasize the contents' of the notice which indicated a second deadline of April 30th 1984 for projects in the lat e t_r halfIi of the year. "Carried" Mayor Rickard briefly summarized response to the Mayor's New Year's Day Levee. He indicated that approximately 200 guests attended the Levee with ladies receiving the Apple Blossom Bloom and men receiving the Apple Blossom Pin. The cost for staging the event was approximately $600,00. It was I+� further indicated that none of the money necessary to sponsor the event would be drawn from the Bicentennial account. The responsibility for hosting this event was solely 'that of the Town of Newcastle. i It was moved by Mrs. Veinot: that Mr. Herb Tink be nominated for theposition �! of Chairman. Mr. Tink accepted the nomination on the basis that the Chairman would chair meetings, report t.o Council, co-ordinate input and act as a contact person. It was agreed that: the committee should control the funds and advise Council with respect to disbursements. It was moved by Councillor Cowman 'that Council be requesteddto review the I' terms of reference of the Bicentennial Committee and include the provision that no Bicentennial projects,be undertaken or supported b,y Council without first. referring such projects to the Bicentennial Committee. "Carried" zld/ In reviewing the draft letter to the Service Clubs and Agencies, it was moved -by Mayor Rickard that the staff draw up a list, of service clubs and possible agencies that may be interested. "Carried" It was further, moved by Councillor Cowman that notice be placed in local newspapers by'means of a news release of the Bicentennial Committee's interest in any Bicentennial activities of local service clubs, groups and agencies. Such news release to be prepared and sent, to local newspapers by Mr. Tink and Mr. Johnston. "Carried" In discussiq the history of the Town, it was moved by Mayor Rickard that Mr. Rutherford proofread any historical sketches that may be prepared. "Carried" In discussing the history of the Town, it was brought to the attention of the Committee the existence of the Ontario Government's historical book and whether it would be worthwhile to examine such a format in reviewing the Town of Newcastle's history. It was agreed that a sub -committee would be established consisting of Councillor Cowman and Mrs. Veinot with technical assistance from Mr. Rutherford as required. The sub -committee wouldexamine the possibility and provide a skeleton outline of the possibility of a series of newspaper articles on this area and report back to the Bicentennial Commit.Lee. With respect to an awards night for, ciLizen of the year or prominent athletes living within the Town of Newcastle, it was generally agreed that this is a matter that, Council bight, wish 't.0 pur'sue oil an annual basis. Accordingly_,, it was moved by Councillor Cowman that this matter be received for information. "Carried" Concerning Bicentennial buttons, it was moved by Councillor Cowman that the matter be tabled until a budget is finalized. "Carried" In discussing possible Town Bicentennial projects, it was moved by Councillor Cowman that Mayor Rickard obtain appropriate information and report back to the next Bicentennial Committee meeting with respect to the minting of coins. Such investigations to include not only the cost but any possible problems with respect to copyright, of the Bicentennial symbol. "Carried" 0. . It was moved by Councillor Cowman that staff contact the appropriate representatives of the Antique Car Clubs who organize the London to Brighton antique car race to see if it would be possible to route the race along a portion of Highway.2 through the Municipality. "Carried" In discussing the possibility of a documentary firm, it was moved by the Mayor that Mrs. Veinot contact Mr. U. Vickers (CHEX) of Whitby with respect to the possibility of promoting a Tenth Anniversary documentary film on the Town. "Carried" It was also noted that Councillor Cowman is meeting with T.V. Ontario and would maption this possibility with the representatives. In discussing the Tall Ships that will be on the Great Lakes this year, it was decided to table this.item for further information. In discussing the development of tours for visiting officials, it was decided to table this matter for further information with respect to visiting dignitaries. It was moved by Mrs. Veinot that Mr. Johnston investigate the possibility of having cartographic students from Sir Sanford Fleming in Lindsay make theme maps for the Town. "Carried" In discussing the possibility of a Bicentennial Forest, it was moved by Mr. Rutherford that the Council representatives on the Conservation Authority be approached with a view to identifying what property might be suitable for a Bicentennial Forest, and for such representatives to report back within three months. "Carried" In discussing other events, it was moved by Mrs. Veinot that staff contact the Santa Claus Parade organizers and ask them to consider making this year's Santa Claus Parade one which had a theme of the Bicentennial. "Carried" A letter from the Clarke Museum Board was presented to Committee members. The letter requests consideration and direction with respect to possible financial assistance in sponsoring Museum Board projects. After lengthy discussions, it was moved by Mrs. Veinot that the Chief Administrative Officer be directed to reply that the Committee had not yet set its budget or completed its terms of reference. "Carried" lr I It ws.moved by Mayor Rickard that the Chief Administrative Officer is to advise the writer of the letter that the Bicentennial Committee does not anticipate having funds available for individual groups. It was moved by Mr. Rutherford that we appreciate the interest of your group in the Ontario Bicentennial. "Carried" In discussing staffing for the report, it was moved by Councillor Cowman that Whereas the C.A.O. has advised the Bicentennial Committee of the difficulties with the cost of providing research and secretarial services; and Whereas this Committee recognizes that there is $10,000 available for Bicentennial purposes; and Whereas such funds are extremely limited and subject to considerable pressures Therefore be it resolved that Council be advised that at this time the Committee does not wish to absorb these costs of secretarial and research time and would ask that these services be provided through the Town. Other Business Mayor Rickard brought to the attention of the group that on January Nth 1984, the Newcastle Historical Society is hosting a meeting at 7 p.m. in the - St,. George's Parish Hall where Brenda Couch from the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture is the invited guest speaker. Bicentennial Committee members are invited to dLtend this meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for January 26th at 4 p.m. in the Bell.Building. Moved by Mayor Rickard that the meeting adjourn. "Carried" i U ACTION LIST Glenda Reynolds will contact the Newcastle Reporter and inform them of the extension for grants. D. Johnston will report to Council requesting alteration of terms of reference. Staff will supply Service Clubs and Agencies list through Mayor's office. D. *Johnston and H. Tink will draft news release of committee's purpose. S. Rutherford will read any historical sketches, prepared. A. Cowman, M. Veinot, S. Rutherford will prepare all outline for series of newsletters on this area. Mayor Rickard will obtain information re commemorative coins (cost, copyright, etc.). Staff will contact Antique Car Club - London/Brighton Race (re route race along highway #2). M. Veinot will contact D. Vickers, Whitby, who works for CHEX (Peterborough) re 10th anniversary film on Town. A. Cowman will speak to T.V. Ontario representatives. Staff will supply further information on "Tall Ships". D. Johnston will contact cartographic students at Sir Sanford Fleming College to do theme map. D. Johnston will contact conservation representatives, to report in three months at the latest, on suitable areas. Mayor Rickard - Public Works banner. Will contact Santa Claus parade committee - 1984 Santa Claus Parade be Bicentennial. D. Johnston will reply to Clarke Museum let; ter and staffing resolution. �. Minutes of -the Bicentennial Committee Meeting held December 7 1983 held at the Town Hall, Bowmanville Present were: Mrs. M. Veinot Councillor Ann Cowman Mr. S. Rutherford Mr. H. Tink Mayor Garnet B. Rickard David S. Johnston, Chief Administrative Officer Glenda Reynolds, Recording Secretary The $10,000.00 grant was discussed. These grants were indexed according to the area population. There are also Wintario grants available to groups holding events of a special or unique nature. These grants are for up to $3,000.00 and are available until December 30 1983. for event, being held from April to July 1984. For events held after that.date they can apply for grants until April 30 1984. At this point, there is no budget for the grant but the Committee hopes to use it for advertising various activities. Some groups have already approached the Town for a portion of the money; the Town wants to keep encouraging them to hold events on their own. The Visual Arts Centre has applied for grants and will work through the Library Board. The Village of Newcastle Historical Society has something planned The Bowmanville Museum has two projects planned. Metro Toronto is creating a Garden of Peace and the Pope is going to join the Queen in opening it. Sid Rutherford surlgested a Forest of Peace with white pine. A group of individuals are considering writing a history on the author of the Municipal Act, The 10th Anniversary of The Town of Newcastle is in 1984 as well, and the Town wants the Governor General to visit. A flag contest run by the schools is being considered. Pioneer Day was mentioned, Tyrone ran a Spirit Day, so they will likely have some events. Tall sailing ships are going to be sailing towards Toronto and they are stopping in Oshawa, so perhaps they will consider stopping in the Newcastle area. Mayor. Rickard mentioned that:.the Province is choosing twin named municipalities between England and Ontario and that the Mayors from England may visit Ontario. There is a Newcastle County in England and Mayor Rickard was approached to have their Mayor visit. He thinks this would be a good idea and will use Town money for arranging a reception. Circulation of a 200 year history was raised and Councillor Cowman and Marion Veinot were to look at the history books. An advertisement is to be placed in the local papers as a reminder that applications will only be accepted for $3,000.00 grants tooth December 30, 1983. It was, decided that letters to the Service Groups and Clubs were not to be shalltd at this time.