HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdmin 31-84CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1 C 3A6 REPORT TO THE HYDRO LIAISON COMMITTEE MEETING HELD MARCH 8 1984 ADMIN. 31 - 84 SUBJECT: SELECTION OF CONSULTANT FOR THE STUDY OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUPPLEMENTARY AGREEMENT #10 WITH ONTARIO HYDRO --------------- RECOMMEhIbATIONS: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That this report be received; 2. That the Hydro Liaison Committee recommend to Council that that Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an agreement with the firm Total Fire Alarm Verification. -Inc. for the study of fire protection services for the Town of Newcastle; 3. That Total Fire Alarm Verification Inc. be advised of the acceptance of their proposal; and 4. That all other firms submitting proposals be thanked for their interest in the project. TELEPHONE 623-3379 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: In accordance with previous reports to the Hydro Liaison Committee (Admin. report 62 - 83 and 34 - 83), a Technical Committee was formed to assist in the selection of an appropriate consultant to undertake the municipal fire services study. The Committee is composed of Council representatives Marie Hubbard and Ted Woodyard, Hydro representatives Suzanne Stickley and Earl MacKenzie, and municipal staff representatives of Jim Aldridge, Terry Edwards and myself. In accordance with the concerns raised at the November 24th 1983 Hydro Liaison Committee meeting, the terms of reference for the study were revised.and circulated.to members of Council for comment. At the same time, members of staff and Ontario Hydro researched the availability of possible firms to undertake such a specialized study. ..2 ADMIN. 31 - 84 -2- The terms of reference were circulated to four consultant firms: Paul B. Walters and Associates Limited, Ralph Jensen Associates Limited, M. & M. Protection Consultants and Total Fire Alarm Verification Inc. Three proposals were received by the end of January. On Feburary 2nd, the Technical Committee met to discuss the three proposals. Based on the contents of the proposals and their relationship to the terms of reference, it was unanimously agreed that M. & M. Protection Consultants had not presented a proposal that related to the terms of reference. It was further agreed that the firms of Ralph Jensen Associates Limited and Total Fire Alarm Verification be interviewed. Interviews were arranged for the afternnon of Thursday, February 23rd. Based upon the interviews and the written proposals received, the Committee is unanimously recommending that the Hydro Liaison Committee recommend the firm of Total Fire Alarm Verification Inc. Total Fire Alarm Verification Inc. is prepared to complete the study for a fixed fee of $22,700. The agreement with Ontario Hydro provides for a maximum expenditure of $25,000. The consultant is prepared to work to the terms of reference in all respects with completion of the study scheduled for the end of June 1984. DSJ:nof Respectfully submitted, David r- Johnston, M.C.I.P., Chief�Administrative Officer