HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-56-99 . DN, TR-S6 -98 . THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # F'J.7RP Res. #c,Pft- L(3!: -'11- Date: September 20, 1999 Report #: TR-56-99 FILE #: DEV By-law # Subject: UPDATE ON THE FINAL BILLINGS FOR 1999 CAPPED PROPERTY TAXES Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-56-99 be received for information, and; 2. THAT staff continue to keep Council appraised of the situation, and 3. THAT staff investigates the option of providing an Interim Billing to the capped Classes for 1999 property taxes if delays continue past mid-October 1999. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS: In By-Law 99-62, the Municipality of C1arington set tentative installment dates of October 1 5111 and November 19111 for the 1999 property taxes on the properties subject to Bill 79 Capping (Multi-Residential, Commercial and Industrial). To achieve these target dates and meet the legislative due date requirement of a minimum of 21 days after mailing, the 1999 capped property tax bills would have to be in the mail no later than Friday September 24, 1999. Calculation of the 1999 capped property taxes requires the Region of Durham to set both a 'Cut-Off Date' and specific factors for the Area Municipalities. A common 'Cut-Off Date' is required to ensure that all area municipalities use the same data set for the capping 816 REPORT NO.: TR-S6 .99 PAGE 2 adjustments. The factors include the decrease c1awback percentages for each class that must be set by the Region to ensure that the capping is revenue neutral. It is estimated that the Municipality of Clarington will require a minimum of 1 5 days after the 'Cut-Off Date' to analyze and verify the data, calculate the capping adjustments and produce the tax notices. The Region met with the Area Municipalities on August 27 to discuss issues related to the 1999 capped property tax notices. The initial 1999 analysis done on the On-Line Property Tax Analysis systems (OPTA - sponsored by the Province) was producing questionable decrease c1awback percentages. It appears that the problem was the result of both programming and data errors. At this time, it is not possible for the Region to provide a 'target' Cut-Off Date for the 1999 capped property taxes. The Region, Province, OPAC, MFOA and Reamined System (software finn who run the OPTA system) are working on correcting the problems. As such, the tentative installment dates set in By-Law 99-62 (October 15th and November 19th) are not achievable. Clarington staff will continue to assist the Region and advise Council on any new developments. When a Cut-Off Date is set by the Region, staff will advise Council on such and provide new installment dates. If it becomes apparent that the issuance of 1999 capped property tax notices will be delayed beyond mid-October, staff will investigate the option of providing the affected taxpayers with an interim 1999 property tax notice (base on approximately 50% of 1998 property taxes as revised under Bill 79). Council will be kept advised. 817 , . REPORT NO.: TR-56 -99 PAGE 3 Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ane Marano, H.BSs., A.M.C.T., Treasurer d ~~ GStc Frank Wu, Chief Administrative Officer. MM*DH*ls 818