HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-49-99 \~--- ~_ DN: T~9.99 " THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON . REPORT Report #: July 5, 1999 TR-49-99 FILE#: File #-,:::'/<6 ,;;: Res. #(dfl-,Zrs -1C( By-law # f9 - /I f- Meeting: 0.' General Purpose and Administration Committee Date:, Subject: TENDER CL99-7 - RECONSTRUCTION OF WELLINGTON STREET, CONCESSION STREET, ELGIN STREET, SILVER STREET, HIGH STREET, CHURCH STREET, DIVISION STREET AND MARTIN ROAD, BOWMANVILLE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-49-99 be received; 2. THAT Hardco Construction Ltd., Whitby, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $1,770,121.01 (including G.S.T.) being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL99-7, be awarded the contract for the Wellington Street, Concession Street, Elgin Street, Silver Street, High Street, Church Street, Division Street and Martin Road, Bowmanville, Ontario Reconstruction, as required by the Department of Public Works; 3. THAT the total funds required in the amount of $1 ,350,000.00 ($981,987.74 Municipality of Clarington portion of the tender + $71,170.15 contract design + $117,800.00 Contract Administration + $83,232.65 utilities and miscellaneous + $58,183.74 contingencies + net GST) be drawn from the various approved 1999 Capital Budget Accounts as identified on Schedule "A" attached; 4. THAT the additional funds required for the Reconstruction of Martin Road in the amount of $50,000.00 be interim financed from the Roads Contribution Reserve Fund #1110-174-X and recovered from pending land division applications; 5. THAT $15,000.00 of the remaining $20,000.00 required for Martin Road be reallocated from High Street Reconstruction account # 7205-99002-0261; 6. THAT the additional $5,000.00 for Martin Road be reallocated from the remaining funds for Wellington, Concession, Elgin and Silver Streets, account # 7205-99007- 0261 split appropriately between Development Charges and Tax Support; 7. THAT Staff be authorized to enter into negotiations with Hardco Construction Ltd., Whitby, to add to the contract Silver Street Reconstruction from King Street to Church Street; ~, ~ ~ ., - , REPORT NO.: TR- 49-99 PAGE 2 8. THAT Pending successful negotiations the addition of Silver Street be approved; 9. THAT should Council concur with recommendations #7 and #8, the Purchasing By- law 94-129, Section 5, Paragraph 5.06 be waived; 10. THAT the funds required in an approximate amount of $90,000.00 for the addition of Silver Street be reallocated from the $155,000.00 funds remaining from Wellington Street, Concession, Elgin and Silver Streets, account #7205-99007-0261 split appropriately between Development Charges and Tax Support; 11. THAT the attached By-law marked Schedule "C" authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the agreement be approved; and 12. THAT the award be subject to the approval of the Region of Durham. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT Tender specifications were provided by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates for the reconstruction of Wellington Street, Concession Street, Silver Street, High Street, Church Street, Division Street and Martin Road, Bowmanville. Tenders were advertised in the local papers, as well as the Daily Commercial News. Subsequently, tenders were received and tabulated as per Schedule "B" attached. The Municipality of Clarington's portion of the total project cost, including Project Administration, as detailed in the letter from Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, marked Schedule "A" is estimated at $1,350,000.00. Included in the total tender price of $1,770,121.00 is work to be performed on behalf of the Region, as identified in Schedule "AD for which they will be invoiced as appropriate. The original budget for this project was $1,580,000.00 as provided for in the Public Works Capital Budget, Pages 186,187,189,193 and 195. !.. ~ , REPORT NO.: TR- 49-99 PAGE 3 The total required funds will be drawn from the various approved 1999 Capital Budget Public Works Accounts as identified on Schedule "A". The low bidder has previously performed satisfactorily for the Municipality Clarington. For the combined projects tendered under CL99-7, the total costs are under budget by $230,000.00. The total funds required for the Martin Road Reconstruction exceeds the approved budget allocation of $170,000.00 by $70,000.00. However, approximately $50,000.00 of this over run will be recoverable through future development agreements resulting in a net over run to the Municipality of $20,000.00. It is therefore recommended that $50,000.00 be interim financed from the Roads Contribution Reserve Fund and recovered from pending land division applications, and that $15,000.00 of the remaining $20,000.00 required be reallocated from High Street Reconstruction account # 7205- 99002-0261, and that $5,000.00 be reallocated from the remaining funds for Wellington, Concession, Elgin and Silver Street, account # 7025-79007-0261 split appropriately between Development Charges and Tax Support. As the total combined project cost for Tender CL99-7, is approximately $230,000.00 under budget, it is recommended that a portion of the surplus be used to reconstruct Silver Street from King Street to Church Street. The cost of completing the work is . estimated at $90,000.00. Should Council concur with this recommendation, it is further recommended that Purchasing By-law 94-129, Section 5, paragraph 5.06 be waived and that staff be authorized to negotiate with the low bidder for the addition. It is recommended that the required funds be reallocated from the $150,000.00 funds remaining from Wellington Street, Concession, Elgin and Silver Streets, account # 7205-99007-0261. . .. ~ , REPORT NO.: TR- 49-99 PAGE 4 The Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc., should be referred to the Director of Public Works. After further review and analysis of the bids by Public Works, Totten Sims Hubicki Associates and Purchasing, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder, Hardco Contracting Ltd., Whitby, Ontario be recommended for the contract for the reconstruction of Wellington Street, Concession Street, Elgin Street, Silver Street, High Street, Church Street, Division Street and Martin Road, Sowmanville. Reviewed by, J r~-.:-,u~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P.,R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer ~ke~~ Director of Public Works MM*LAS*km "SCHEDULE A" I 513 DIVISION STREET. P.O. BOX 910, COBOURG ONTARIO. CANADA K9A 4W4 totten sims hubicki associates (905)372-2121 ~IECCIEITWIE~ JUN 2 a 1999 June 24, 1999 Ms. Lou Ann Birkett, CPP, AMCT Purchasing Manager Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario.' LIC 3A6 MUNICIPALITY OF CLAR!ilJGTON PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Mail & Fax: - Dear Ms. Birkett: Re: Contract No:CL99-7, Wellington Street, Concession Street, Silver Street, Elgin Street, Church Street, Martin Road, High Street and Division Street Reconstruction Tern1ers.fMthe above project were opened at the municipal offices on Wednesday, June 16, 1999. at 2:00 p.m. The bids received inclusive of GST are summarized as follows: .:.-.:.:.-,....-,...,.......,..,...,.".. , '.-'-'..-'-.....'...-..'.."....-','.-.....-...'....-----,------------------- -::.::-':>....-.-.-.-.-.._-.--:-.-.-_..-:-.-.-....-:....-.--.-:,-.-.-,-,-.-,.-.-.-,-,.-,:,-.-.:,-,-.-.>-.:.-.-."":'-". . ToTAL:BIDmOtlNT. .,-,- ..-",-"".-,. . lIard-Cp Const~ction Ltd., Whitby, Ontario Ron Robinson Ltd., Bowmanville, Ontario RN . Fenton Construction, Courtice, Ontario Cwder Hjlj CQnstructio!l, ThofDhill, Ontario MfWeICciilstructidri'LiIilited.; Stouffville;Ontario $1,770,121.01 * $1,771,524.41 * $1,940,893.81 $1,933,52Z.64 * $1,048,160.55 indi~ corrected tender amount ", The 10w"J>idder;~ssubmittedtern1er,hasbeen reviewed and is in order. Hard-Co.. Construction.Limited rec\lDStrUcted Church Street for the.MUlllcipality of Clarington in 1996 and Middle Road in 1998. They performed to an-lIeceptable standard; Inl998, they completed a number of contracts for.the City of OShawa, Region of Durham and private developers. All projects were similar in nature to the subject contract' and references eontiich:d indIcated that theirpeifoimance waS good. We;thefefore;recommend acceptance .(lIthe low.bidonthis contract. As you ~e aware; this contract is composed of a number of smaller projects. A cost apportionment is attached which pr<lvidesanestimate of the overall cost for each specific project. . All projects are within budget ~cc;pt for Martin..Rpad: In~lusion of work to seryice future devl:1opment: apd watermain lowering costs have resulted in;m:estiJIlated $70,000,00 overrun for the Martin .ROadproj~ct.,..A'pprQltimately $50,000.00 of this overrun will be recoverable through future development agreements resulting in a. net oVeD1lI1 to the MunicipalitY of $20,000.00. . ENGINEERS ARGHI'FEG'FSANDPLANNERS " "SCHEDULE A" t' " . Cprporation of the Municipality'of Clarington June 24, 1999 2 When considering all project budgets (including the Martin Road overrun), the Municipality is approximately $230,000.00 under budget. A portion of this surplus could be used to reconstruct Silver Street from King Street to Church Street. The cost of completing this work is estimated at $90,000. Should Council agree with this recommendation, staff could negotiate with Hard-Co to include the work under this contract, Reconstruction of this section of Silver Street would complete the rehabilitation of infrastructure in the downtown core. Deposit cheques may be returned to all contractors except the low and second low bidders. Should you require any further information, please contact the undersigned. Yours truly, totten sims hubicki associates ,~~ ",)0 ('(~ William McCrae, P.Eng. Design/Construction Engineer WMc/jg 1768212l/lfC pc: S.A, Vokes, P.Eng. A.S. Cannella, CET K. Rand totten sims hubicki associates & '~ 'l! o ;: eSe QI 0 "e~ -E-g' ""'-.: C QI .. '0=0 > ~ ceo o"~ -eon ~:tt; !!: 0 0 cello oont; ~~41.1 c'cO" -.:..~ .!!>~ Uo'tl ~~QI 01,/11; ~1:E -Ql- 'iie"U .9-ww u>.... ceo ,,<>.'=' :ie.. -e e " "' :.: w _L ::l Cl w :r: u CJ) . " '" ! Ii 1 j i ~ i ~ ~ i ~ E E E 'Q ~ 1l ~ ~ ~ ~ . . . . . . 0 I w w w w Ul w Ul J !II t; 8 Iii on 111 ~ 1'l 5l 8 8 8 c ~ I ~ ~ m ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~. 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" Iii " 1l 0 Iii 0 ~ c 2 ~ a, '" c E .. ,. ~ Iii 0 " ~ ~ ~ c ';; . c 1l 0; 0 e ~ " c 0 2 ~ . 0> cIJ 0 ~ '" ;:: 0 :;; j' is .. c ~ '" 0 ;.: fp 1.> P [1J [l. to 0 '" '" 1i " " '" t; " . . . . . 0 ~ 0- n, 0- 0- 0- n " " "'.., H o~ :l~ ~i '!. :r .; ,..: SCHEDULE "B" BID SUMMARY WELLINGTON STREET, CONCESSION STREET, SILVER STREET, ELGIN STREET, CHURCH STREET, MARTIN ROAD, HIGH STREET AND DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE RECONSTRUCTION TENDER CL99-7 Bidder Hardco Construction Whitby, Ontario Ron Robinson Limited Oshawa, Ontario B.N. Fenton Construction Courtice, Ontario Calder Hill Construction Thornhill, Ontario Miwel Construction Limited Stouffville, Otnario * Bid amended - Extension Error Total Bid Amount $1,770,056.81* $1,771,567.25* $1,940,893.81 $1,933,522.64* $2,048,160.55* ..'.' "SCHEDULE cn THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 99- Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Hardco Construction Ltd., Whitby , Ontario, for Reconstruction of Wellington Street, Concession Street, Elgin Street, Silver Street, High Street, Church Street, Division Street and Martin Road, Bowmanville. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington with the Corporation Seal, a contract between Hardco Construction Ltd., and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this day of ,1999. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of ,1999. Mayor Clerk 11 .. I I ;1 " .. '.1 , ., :1. ;\ :'j "j~N-28799 MON 03:27 PM MUN OF CLAR-HAMPTON P.W. FAX NO. 1 905 263 4433 P. 01/02 . ~.~--"""''''''~~..~~~' '-".- .... MUNICIPALITY OF 40 TEMPERANCE STREE:'T BOWMANV1LLE. ONTARIO L1C :lAG CLARINGTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE: 905-263- 2291 t-AX: ~05-263-'44:'l3 FAX MESSAGE ATTENTION: b~, i/ ~~.~_~NY: AOP.!lESS: CITY & PROVIN~ !:OSTAL CODE: TELEPHONE,... FAX; .f2..iJ..2!i'l;';- ~~,. .1~/9P TIME: _ NO. OF PAGES: ;L . (Including-cover page) I.lcnnlnr. r A REPLY IS REQUESTED: YES: NO: SEND REPLY BY: FAX TELEPHONE A.S.A.P. URGENT NO RUSH SENT BY: JJ~ fl7k~ -- ---- i I \, -., ~~J'..~~- -_.=.:-=-=-..::-~ - . -, . ~.v'lJN-2~~99 lION 03:28 PI1 FAX NO. . tlUti OF CLAR-HAMP'l'ON p, VI, I 905 283 4433 p, 02/02 --;; V..e.-- ?/,_~ '- 6' r~~ 'J (~-. I,. "w.' .... _.__.-...~ -.,-.......--- '.----.-.-:"... ,. 5110.1__ '. .\ .. . .... ..... ....,. Memo , ( . ~ .. .....-.......1 Hill ~ r ..........,,~ l;":-u:,~-" ,.." I ; vwi'. i U :_'U'j ", " "~'_I 'PQr..:' ~'!__.__.____r::.~:::':.:.': . ,. ,.._, . I, -- 't'- I ~.. ._ ,,' I, r .;.'..':. . ','1 ',,1 ,.~:_'... '. "_,, '",. "'l-l :-. ..~~. ~---_._.... :~.:'~. L-....'-____ ....L............... lJ.i!I: -.....-_........._.L_ 40 Temperance Stnet Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 (90~) &23-3.17!l We are f'Flvipwing ex/ating Municipal pro",,,,, tillS to deterrmne if any are to be considered surplus. We will be advertising the current list of lIUijllLll'i nmpertilll previously aplJluv~d by Council shortly. Two properties that have raised interest are: 1. Part Lot 25. Concession 6 (Darlington) 2. Haydon - Lots 61-63 - Roll Number 3081817010150 10420 ? Would """ "">"';Jll~ ~ _ . . f/P': ~/~ ~<~-;A/, To: Fmm~ cc: Date: Re; . Page 1 David emme, Director of Planning Frederick J, Horvath, RO.M.R., R.RFA, Property Manager and Hpi'llth Ilo ~2foty OffiuoP Steve Vokes, Director of Public Works ............... June 14. 1999 SURPLUS PROPERTlFS