HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-37-99 ~ ' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File #: P'/D eA- Res.#c6P/t- 3.71-91 Date: June 21, 1999 Report #: TR-37-99 File #: By-Law #: Subject: CASH ACTIVITY REPORT - APRIL 1999 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-37-99 be received; 2. THAT, in accordance with provision of Chapter M-45, Section 79 (1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, the Treasurer reports the cash position of the Municipality of Clarington for the month ended April 30, 1999, is as shown on the attached schedule; and 3. THAT Part "A" of the expenditures for the month of April 1999, be confirmed. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: The attached schedules indicate the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington's cash transactions, the cash investment position, development charges information and statistical information for the month ended April 30, 1999 and the comparative information for the month ended April 30, 1999. The status of taxes receivable information has been included. However, the impact of Bill 79 _ Capping of Commercial, Industrial, and Multi-residential Properties may have a significant impact on the taxes receivable. The impact is not yet known due to delays in the implementation of OPT A (Online Properly Tax Analysis System) by the Province and is therefore not reflected in the attached Part B. Reviewed by: Or~~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P.,R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer. MM/NT/cd Attachments 830 DN: CASHPTA CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Analysis of Revenue and Expenditures for the Month of April 1999 PART "A" APRIL APRIL 1999 1998 REVENUE RECEIVED FOR GENERAL OPERATING AND RESERVE FUND PURPOSES: TAX PAYMENTS RECEIVED- 8,737.1~5 9,114,686 PAYMENTS-IN-L1EU: GOVT OF CANADA PIL MUNICIPAL TAX ASSISTANCE PIL 20,893 26,026 ONTARIO HYDRO PIL CHEC HYDRO PIL MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PIL BELL TELEPHONE PIL LCBO PIL REGION PIL SALE OF LAND COIW INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT 232,711 SUBSIDIES: HANDI-TRANSIT 16,204 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES-TOWN 183,391 367,479 GENERAL 549.432 480,601 INTEREST 46;004 148,932 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES-REGION/PUC 423A~3 430,977 9,960,327 10,817,616 USE OF FUNDS: PAYROLL 1,269,683 1,105,861 REGION LEVY 5,321,002 6,532,076 SCHOOL BOARD LEVIES 0 0 GENERAL-INCLUDING CAPITAL EXP. 1,529,527 1,496,863 8,120,212 9,134,799 NET CASH PROVIDED (USED) 1,840,114 1.682,817 BANK NET CASH BANK BANK BALANCE PROVIDED BALANCE BALANCE FINANCIAL POSIllON: Mar 31/99 (USED) ADr 30/99 Apr 30/98 GENERAL FUND 3,835,575 (343,604) 3,491,971 7,810,092 RESERVE FUND 1,149,181 256.495 1.405,676 2,745.438 MUNICIPAL POOLED INVESTMENTS 101,657 (21,277) 80,380 26,089 INVESTMENTS (GENERAL + RESERVE FUND) 41,885,720 1,948,500 43,834,220 34,597,947 TOTALS 46,972,133 1,840,114 48,812,247 5,179,566 NOTE A: Difference in comparison between years due to timing difference in receipt of funds. *'" First 1999 tax installment due date delayed to March 1999 OJ z a t9 z ~ < ...J U LL a ~ ::J < 11. 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W f- a z " co '" '" '" '" ~ " co '" <0 '" '" " (I) co -E Ii; Q; " Q; '"' o co Q; '" " " <D '" '" '" co (I) (I) ~ (I) ..0 " (I) 1ii " 13 - "" "'$ (I) "' > 'ii,j '" co ;; 0 "' u ~o " co C ~ (I) '" .E ~ 19 0 IJ) .~ .S ro CL ~E .Q OU 1ii ~ ro ~~ roB .13 ro co (I) .::;: >- e ~ il.Q .9 " (I) Ii; ",s o i<; W f- a z ro co u: N w f- a z PART "C" STATISTICAL INFORMATION FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 1999 APRIL YEAR TO DATE Tax Certificates 7 283 Number of Properties eligible for Tax Registration (see Note 1) ** see Note 1 Accounts Payable Cheques Issued #29143 to #29666 524 2,263 Number of Births Registered 59 127 Number of Deaths Registered 42 159 Note 1: Number of properties eligible for tax registration not currently available due to impact of Bill 79. - l t1-) 3 ON: CASHINV INVESTMENTS OUTSTANDING AS AT APRIL 30, 1999 PART fto" FINANCIAL INVESTMENT INTEREST # OF DAYS MATURITY MATURITY INSTITUTION COST RATE OIS VALUE DATE GENERAL FUND BMO 2,488,050.00 4.87% 36 2,500,000.00 May 6/99 BMO 2,985,660.00 4.87% 36 3,000,000.00 May 6/99 TD 2,971,860.00 4.61% 75 3,000,000.00 Jun 30/99 TD 1,992,720.00 4.76% 26 2,000,000.00 May 25/99 TD 2,975,220.00 4.75% 64 3,000,000.00 Jun 30/99 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 13,413;51 0.00 RESERVE FUND RBG 34,731.25 7.20% 1,740 48,337.00 Aug 8/00 RBG 1,001,705.00 6.80% 1828 1,392,611.00 Mar 15/01 RBG 820,799.37 7.16% 1358 1,061,287.00 July 6/99 RBG 250,000.00 8.00% 184 350,000.00 Mar 1/00 RBG 61,000.00 9.00% 1460 82,960.00 May 1/99 RBG 999,999.48 7.70% 1718 1,417,032.00 Feb 6/00 RBG . 295,000.00 8.50% 3285 295,000.00 May 26/04 WOOD GUNDY 435,075.29 5.20% 777 484,272.00 Aug 18/00 RBG 2,063,610.92 7.95% 1688 2,937,391.00 Jan 13100 RBG . 514,000.00 7.75% 1625 514,000.00 June 8/00 RBG 1,109,499.87 4.75% 617 1,230,317.00 Mar 1/00 RBG 999,999.65 8.20% 1825 1,482,799.00 Aug 8/00 RBG 620,220.69 5.15% 1007 711,752.00 Apr5/01 RBG . 475,000.00 8.58% 2761 475,000.00 Mar 17/03 RBG 999,999.76 6.20% 1,252 1,229,256.00 July 6/99 RBG 138,709.23 6.25% 1,637 182,057.00 Aug 1/00 RBG 99,999.64 7.10% 1,906 143,061.00 May 14/01 WOOD GUNDY. 250,000.00 5.00% 2556 250,000.00 June 21/05 RBG 40,397.70 7.20% 1578 54,562.00 Aug 8/00 RBG 299,628.50 5.30% 1396 365,000.00 Sept 1/00 RBG 180,862.43 5.63% 1549 228,160.00 Feb 1/01 RBG 933,400.00 5.20% 1827 1,202,670.00 Nov 12102 RBG 58,479.40 5.95% 2032 80,639.00 Dee 15/02 RBG 25,125.57 5.95% 2025 34,613.00 Dee 15/02 RBG. 250,00000 4_75% 1639 250,000.00 June 21/03 RBG 427,625.00 5.50% 1628 542,878.00 Dee 1/01 RBG . 250,000.00 5.25% 160 250,000.00 Jun 21/04 (.1-) 4 ON: CASHINV INVESTMENTS OUTSTANDING AS AT APRIL 30,1999 PART "0" FINANCIAL INVESTMENT INTEREST #OFDAYS MATURITY MATURITY INSTITUTION COST RATE O/S VALUE DATE RESERVE FUND RBC 1,109,500.90 5.05% 1213 1,307,911.00 Apr1/01 RBC 20,558.85 5.20% 1310 24,645.00 Jan 9/0, WOOD GUNDY 402,102.80 4.82% 608 434,678.00 Dee 1/9S WOOD GUNDY 171,793.70 4.82% 608 185,691.00 Dee 1/9S WOOD GUNDY 528,412.46 5.34% 788 590,807.00 Aug 8/00 RBC 324,159.58 5.08% 592 350,974.00 Jan 31/0C RBC 898,314.97 5.00% 919 1,037,435.00 Mar. 8/01 RBC 2,160,071.68 5.70% 970 2,503,270.00 May 1/01 RBC 1,233,830.84 5.95% 1002 1,445,952.00 Jun 2/01 RBC 849,589.48 5.95% 1185 783,582.00 Dee 2/01 WOOD GUNDY 882,000.00 7.75% 301 950,355.00 Sept 1/99 RBC 857,943.90 4.97% 360 900,000.00 Nov 12/99 RBC 855,000.00 5.35% 1832 1,065,102.90 Mar 1/04 HONG KONG 2,219,998.68 5.05% 91 2,247,949.38 May 10/99 WOOD GUNDY 1,706,284.10 5.05% 380 1,795,994.00 Mar 15/00 RBC 1,683,101.00 5.30% 1096 1,683,101.00 Mar 3/02 RBC 548,000.00 5.40% 1507 548,000.00 Apr 7/03 RBC 534,978.37 5.20% 1729 679,942.00 Dee 1/03 TOTAL RESERVE FUND 30,420,710.06 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 43,834,220,06 * Bond investment. Interest paid on a semi-annual/annual basis '" Bond investment. Interest paid on a semi-annual/annual basis ;) J J DN:CASHPTE PART liE" April, 1999 Development Charges Total Town Region C.H.E.C. B. Soles 6,774.00 5,131.00 1,643.00 - 10R338 LD55/97 B/P#99.0079 Derek Baird Holding 8,676.87 5,131.00 3,545.87 - L.31, C.2 Darlington 40M1822 B/P#99.00521 D. Thomas 23,562.00 10,262.00 13,300.00 - 40R18613 LD 258/98 B/P#99.0138,99.0139 Delta Rae 49,756.00 20,524.00 29,232.00 L.17, C.1, Bowmanville 40M1907 B/P#99.0075-99.0078 Halminen Homes 43,118.16 15,202.16 27,916.00 L.34, C.1, Darlington 40M1931 B/P#98.0966, 967 99.0086, 99.0031 K & R Homes Inc 3,545.86 0.00 3,545.86 L.31, C.2, Darlington 40M1822 B/P#99.0052 Robinson Ridge Developments 125,406.48 45,606.48 79,800.00 L.34, C.1 Darlin9ton 40M1931 B/P#99.01 02-99.01 09, 99.0110-99.0113 Kaitlin Group 13,068.00 5,760.00 7,308.00 L.2 BFC Clarke B/P#98.1020 Kaitlin Group 20,608.00 0.00 20,608.00 40M-1940 L.17, C.1, Bowmanville B/P#99.0065-99.0067 Kaitlin Group 11,992.73 4,684.73 7,308.00 40M1904 L.17, C.1, Bowmanville B/P#99.0058 Kaitlin Group 39,900.00 0.00 39,900.00 40M 1 907 L.17, C.1, Bowmanville B/P#99.0080-99.0085 Haliminen Homes 24,878.00 10,262.00 14,616.00 40M 1820 B/P#99.0114-99.0115 L _ ( OJO DN:CASHPTE PART "E" April, 1999 Andelewood Homes 12,439.00 5,131.00 7,308.00 40M1847 L.34, C.2 Darlin9ton B/P#99.0072 Gay Company Ltd. 12,439.00 5,131.00 7,308.00 40R18787 L.29, C.2, Darlington B/P#99.0094 Thomas Simpson 6,774.00 5,131.00 1,643.00 40R18681 L19, C.2, Clarke B/P#99.0168 Ci ram Devel Corp. 80,388.00 0.00 80,388.00 40M 1776 L.10, C.3, Bowmanville B/P#99.0143-99.0152 Rob McKay 6,774.00 5,131.00 1,643.00 L.30, C.8, Darlington B/P#99.0183 Sandford Acres Ltd., 12,439,00 5,131.00 7,308.00 40R18491 L.31, C.2, Darlington B/P#98.0155 Sandford Acres Ltd. 12,439.00 5,131.00 7,308.00 40R18613 L.33, C.2, Darlington B/P#99.0154 Everest Davel 23,562.00 10,262.00 13,300.00 40M 1 954 L.31, C.3, Darlington B/P#99.0033, 99.0034 Liza Homes 36,572.76 14,648.76 21,924.00 40M 1902 L.30, C.2, Darlington B/P#98.1033, 98.1035 E. Stano 5,131.00 5,131.00 L.31, C.2, Darlington B/P#99.0153 Veltri Group 26,600.00 0.00 26,600.00 40M1886 L.12, C.2, Bowmanville B/P#98.0582,98.0585 TOTALS 606,843.86 183,391.13 423,452.73 0.00 OJ7 . . DN:CASHPTE PART "E" April,1999 CONTRIBUTIONS. CASH-IN-LIEU OF PARKLAND Les Colvin 585.00 L.35, C.2, Darlington LD 130/98 Cleamet SPA 99-004, 99-005, 99-003, 99-007 2.413.00 Magik Morm 509.36 L24, C.6, Darlington LD 107/99 Total Cash-In-Lieu of Parkland 3,507.36 CONTRIBUTIONS - ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION FEES 464367 Ontario Ltd. 4,157.09 Summitcrest Court 40M 1882 Total Engineering and Inspection Fees Contributions 4,157.09 CONTRIBUTIONS - ROADS Total Roads Contributions 0.00 0.58