HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-32-99 "" DN:~R.32-99 \. <" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File#y\q00. Res. K --P A- - 301-97, Date: June 7,1999 Report #: TR-32-99 FILE #: DEV By-law # Subject: CO-OPERATIVE TENDER, CONTRACT NO. D99-12 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON I REGION OF DURHAM GRANULAR SHOULDERING AND HOT MIX PAVING Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-32-99 be received; 2. THAT Contract No. D99--12, tendered jointly with the Region of Durham for Granular Shouldering and Hot Mix Paving, tendered by Miller Paving Limited, be approved; and 3. THAT the funds in an amount of $606,580.36 (including G.S.T., Engineering and Supervision and Sundry work by Region), (accounts as identified on Schedule "B" attached), be drawn from the 1999 Public Works Capital budget FORTHWITH. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Since 1989, the Public Works Department have participated in a co-operative tendering arrangement with the Region of Durham for Hot Mix Paving and Granular Shouldering. Although the contract conditions include both the Region of Durham's requirements and the Municipality of Clarington's requirements, they are not independent of each other but rather are considered as one complete contract. However, the contract award is subject to the approval of the Region of Durham, and the Municipality of Clarington. In this instance, the Municipality of Clarington actually issues the purchase order to the Region, not the contractor. The Region is recommending that Contract No. D99-12 be awarded to Harden & King Construction Inc., Oshawa, Ontario. 814 '~ '1 . REPORT NO,: TR-32-99 PAGE 2 Part of Contract No. 099-12 includes work to be done on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington. The estimated cost ofthis work is $606,580.36 ($536,795.83 + Net GST + Engineering) The Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc., should be referred to the Director of Public Works. As the Region of Durham expects to award the contract immediately, a FORTHWITH approval for the Municipality of Clarington's portion is required. The subject firm has previously performed satisfactorily for the Municipality of Clarington. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ov~-:.~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P.,R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer arie Marano, H.SSs., A.M.C.T., Treasurer ~~ Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng. Director of Public Works MM*LS*km 815 . '. 9 " a: w e z => cc w > o "''''CD ll)O~ ~cwi "''''''' ..."'''' aj":lli "'0<< ~'" '" 000 000 .... cicici "'w 000 ",(!l 000 ",e Ul ci ci ~=> "''''CD "'-'" '" '" ..."'''' "''''0 -' NIDcO < ..."'''' "'...... .... l{)CO-...j 0 "'...'" .... "''''''' (!l 00'" ....Z>- ...-- CIla:a: ccimo Owe "''''''' .... uwz "''''''' o;;f~o:i z ' z => "''''''' w t;;(5C1l :;; WZOll Z w 0 -"'''' ;:: ..."'~ a: ....~ <ricDcci 0 "''''... 0- wuj v_C\! ""': z. zg.~ffi 0- (!l < .... '" 0 e "''''0 u 00... w r...:.,....:,....: a: a: "'OJ 0 w w "''''''' e e oj C\f oJ z z ......... w w "''''''' .... .... ~ -' a: w > 0 I- Z w !:$ w 0 '" :;; ~ t;;tu .... 0 u wWo J: 0 0"'< z....o :;; -' ~~'" < wOw J: 0...006 a: => aJ~Q e 1-0:;; "- 0 z .., "''''''' 0 .... "''''''' a z...J99 0 I w :J<cC<)CX) '" a: 01-00 0 '" 0-00 0 o~o~ '" OJ OJ '" < (,) I I I "l1)l1)l!) WOOD a::NNN ......... '" OJ I .., '" ~ :;; "'...'" :;; w I ~ ... '" o o d o o <ri '" '" ~II 0' 16:; IX) ."" r--.t'-- ol:t ~ ~ (0 N o '(0 eN co: o ;:::c;; "'... Ncn ...'" ~.(;17, ~ g ~ cw:i <0 oi ~ LO 0 crfcrf ~ fflffl~ l1) W: "'''' cci~ "'''' ,,":0_ zg.zg. o l1) II) N (") L(.i ai 0 cD C"') (0 :(7) q "": :0 ~ ~;.rt'J. fflW,"": I'" (!l z o it ~I-(") t; ",0.., ... wit z I a: 00 a;I ....z ii5 & mo C/) t" ~~~ ~ <<(00 o...IO ~ w u_ z'" <'" ZO Wi ....- z~ - 0 <0 :;;1 w~ a:~ "';: '" ~ .; Q), '1""" C1Ji '" o o d o o <ri o ... '" o 0: d o o It) o ~ V v'" O'l <.0 OJ NO 'It C") 0) C") l1) l1) 0 CO) Lri cri r...: t..:C\i cO cildi 'It l1) C") V C\l co 0:'01 ~ co_ C\!. <.0_ 0_ 0_ (")_.0) ~~~~~~;:-JD ffl ffl (I} .... -E:e- ffl f8- (0 ffl ('l') '49 <D 0(1') C"')COLf)O ~f'..f'-.,"""'QJOO r---,..:C\iMNMO O(')O)l!)oroo NOMCO('l)l!)Q ~ lO-<D- ciN' tti...: fflWffl....fflWffl! '" 0'l,....l1) '<t.... (") N \it C\J CD 0') CO) O'l 0 0 'I""' N a>"": cD ci Lri 0 N ~go;~~rog 'I""' ffl""':-"':criffl.,...:-f:ft ,... fflfflffl ffl ~ '" '" o I '" o o ;; I '" o '" ... C')Vcx)Ol~ 816 ~; '" m' 'l""'" v oj ,... r .. o o o o o It) lD ~ '" '" ci CD "' ~, 0: (0: * 18 gi <Q -Cf'j~ ~, UO>: 0)' ,f o ,.. '" "i'- ft :0 lD -Iii '" N' ed (1) 5 w g :;; + w < H;I 8:: < u ;i t- o I-