HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/02/2007 Council Meeting Minutes APRIL 2, 2007 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on April 2, 2007, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. Councillor Foster led the meeting in prayer. ROLL CALL Present Were: Mayor J. Abernethy Councillor A. Foster Councillor R. Hooper Councillor M. Novak Councillor G. Robinson Councillor C. Trim Councillor W. Woo Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Director of Planning Services, D. Crome Parks Supervisor, B. Genosko Solicitor, D. Hefferon Director of Corporate Services, M. Marano Director of Finance/Treasurer, N. Taylor Fire Chief, G. Weir Administrative Assistant to the Clerk, C. Fleming Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Woo clarified that he has sought a legal opinion respecting the disclosure of a pecuniary interest concerning the request for funding from the Memorial Hospital Foundation – Bowmanville for the Touching Lives, A New Door to Emergency Care Campaign as his wife is an employee of the Hospital, and has been advised he has no issue of pecuniary interest. However, Councillor Woo stated in order to remove any doubt and to address questions of objectivity, he would be stating a pecuniary interest with respect the request for funding. Councillor Hooper indicated he would be stating a pecuniary interest with respect to the applications by the AYT Corporation to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan, the Clarington Official Plan and the Zoning By-law to permit a large format retail centre on the northwest quadrant of Highway 401 and Bennett Road - Report PSD-083-06 and Addendum Report to PSD-083-06, Item 9 of Report #1. Council Meeting Minutes - 2 - April 2, 2007 MINUTES Resolution #C-160-07 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on March 19, 2007, be approved. “CARRIED” DELEGATIONS Libby Racansky addressed Council concerning the Hancock Neighbourhood Design Plan noting Council approved a review of options on October 16, 2006. Ms. Racansky conducted a PowerPoint presentation entitled “Without Social Conscience, Our Quality of Life Will Not Improve” expressing concern that the developer’s plan is no longer workable due to changes to planned land use and sensitivity since approved by the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) in 1998/1999. Ms. Racansky believes that a revision of the Neighbourhood Plan should be done to satisfy all stakeholders. Ms. Racansky feels the Plan is not conducive to the vision of the Growth Plan, will cause significant sprawl, cause expansion into the Greenbelt and significant wetlands will be compromised. She suggested a design alternative that would respond to Council’s vision for future communities. Keith Isnor, Chair, Clarington Museums and Archives Board, addressed Council requesting Council to reconsider their decision to approve a part-time position for the museum and to provide funding for a full-time staff member to be hired at a later date. Mr. Isnor stated it was the Museum Board’s intention to add a professional to staff who would respond to existing programs, add new programs and provide an opportunity for current staff to pursue funding. The Board has projected programs will increase revenue to offset the cost of hiring within the next two years and they are of the opinion that a part-time or contract position will not attract a qualified candidate. Mr. Isnor requested Council to support a full-time position at the Museum. Dr. Benjamin Fuller addressed Council concerning the Touching Lives, A New Door to Emergency Care Campaign stating he was not here to ask for a donation but an investment into the community. He stated the hospital redevelopment is in line with community growth and health care is part of taking care of the community. Dr. Fuller acknowledged that Council, Campaign Volunteers and the public are all on the same team and want what is best for the hospital. He urged Council to take a leadership role and support the Foundation’s request to go forward with the Plan. Council Meeting Minutes - 3 - April 2, 2007 Dave Leroy addressed Council concerning Item #3 of Report #1 regarding the applications for a proposed Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment submitted by Prestonvale Land Corporation. Mr. Leroy stated he was here on behalf of his neighbours on Oke Road who are opposed to the development due to its environmental, economic and social impacts. Mr. Leroy stated there is not enough greenspace in the area and questioned why it should be further destroyed when there is an abundance of undeveloped land in the area. Mr. Leroy expressed concern that every property on the street would be subject to a loss in value as they would no longer be backing onto a greenbelt and the street would no longer be a dead-end. He also suggested that children’s safety would be at risk as traffic volumes would increase and there was a potential for the street to be used as a short cut. Mr. Leroy submitted a petition in opposition to the development application by Prestonvale Land Corporation. Heather Muir was called but was not present. A representative of Dunbury Development (Green) Ltd. was called but was not present. COMMUNICATIONS Resolution #C-161-07 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the communications to be received for information be approved, with the exception of Items I - 1, I - 10 and I - 11. “CARRIED” I - 2 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated February 20, A01.CL 2007. I - 3 Minutes of the Newcastle Community Hall Board dated February 20, A01.NE 2007. I - 4 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council C12.DU that on March 7, 2007, the Region of Durham passed the following resolution pertaining to municipal representatives appointed to the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee: “a) THAT the following area municipal nominees be appointed as ‘area municipal representatives’ on DAAC: Council Meeting Minutes - 4 - April 2, 2007 Neil Guthrie, Town of Ajax Rein Westerbaan, Township of Brock Eric Bowman, Municipality of Clarington Hubert Schillings, City of Oshawa Paul Pistritto, City of Pickering Ivan Dejong, Township of Scugog b) THAT the following nominees be appointed as ‘at large’ members on DAAC: Farmers: Frazer Puterbough Ted Watson John Wolters Non-Farmers: Bill Gray Rick Lea Dave Risebrough c) THAT the Durham Region Federation of Agriculture nominee, Edward Beach, be appointed as the ‘Durham Region Federation of Agriculture’ representative on DAAC; d) THAT all successful nominees be advised of their appointment to the 2007-2010 term of DAAC; and e) THAT a copy of Report #2007-P-14 of the Commissioner of Planning be forwarded to the area municipalities and the Durham Region Federation of Agriculture.” I - 5 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council C12.DU that on March 7, 2007, the Region of Durham passed the following resolution pertaining to municipal representatives appointed to the Durham Environmental Advisory Committee: “a) THAT the following area municipal nominees be appointed as ‘area municipal representative’ members on DEAC: Council Meeting Minutes - 5 - April 2, 2007 Debbie Farmer, Town of Ajax Anna Edwards, Township of Brock Peter Klose, Municipality of Clarington Lois Gillette, City of Oshawa Atis Lasis, City of Pickering Larry Burt, Township of Scugog Scott Grieve, Township of Uxbridge b) THAT the following nominees be appointed as ‘at large’ members on DEAC: Bryan Karney David Middleton Kim Murray Jennifer Pashley Russell White c) THAT the appointments of Sanya Manchanda and Lisa Bearisto as youth members to DEAC be reconfirmed for the term of October 2006 to August 2007; d) THAT all successful nominees be advised of their appointment to the 2007-2010 term of DEAC; and e) THAT a copy of Report #2007-P-15 of the Commissioner of Planning be forwarded to the area municipalities.” I - 6 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council C12.DU that on March 7, 2007, the Region of Durham passed the following resolution pertaining to municipal representatives appointed to the Durham Trail Co-Ordinating Committee: “a) THAT the following area municipal Councillor nominees be appointed to the DTCC: Councillor C. Jordan, Town of Ajax Councillor J. Grant, Township of Brock Councillor M. Novak, Municipality of Clarington Councillor J. Kolodzie, City of Oshawa Councillor B. Littley, City of Pickering Councillor B. Drew, Township of Scugog Councillor H. Herrema, Township of Uxbridge Council Meeting Minutes - 6 - April 2, 2007 b) THAT the following area municipal citizen volunteer nominees be appointed to the DTCC: Richard Cooke, Town of Ajax Terry Clayton, Township of Brock Laura Tyler, Municipality of Clarington Graham Cripps, City of Oshawa David Steele, City of Pickering Jane Rowe, Township of Scugog Michael Tucker, Township of Uxbridge c) THAT all nominees be advised of their appointment to the DTCC; and d) THAT a copy of Report #2007-P-16 of the Commissioner of Planning be forwarded to the area municipalities.” I - 7 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council E05.GE that on March 7, 2007, the Region of Durham passed the following resolution pertaining to the Environmental Site Assessment procedure for processing requests to use non-potable standards and the reliance letter: “a) THAT Council endorse the Environmental Site Assessment procedure for processing requests to use non-potable standards, and the reliance letter shown as Attachment #1 and Attachment #2 to Report # 2007-P-18 of the Commissioner of Planning; and b) THAT a copy of Report #2007-P-18 of the Commissioner of Planning be forwarded to the area municipalities, the Greater Toronto Home Builders Association (GTHBA) – Urban Development Institute (UDI) – Durham Chapter, the Durham Environmental Advisory Committee (DEAC), and the Ministry of the Environment, for information.” I - 8 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham advising Council that C10.GE on March 7, 2007, the Region of Durham passed the following resolution pertaining to the resolution of the City of Pickering concerning the regulation of trans fats: “a) THAT the resolution of the Council of the City of Pickering respecting the regulation of trans fats, as detailed in a memorandum from Dr. R. J. Kyle, Commissioner & Medical Officer of Health, dated February 22, 2007, be endorsed; and Council Meeting Minutes - 7 - April 2, 2007 b) THAT the Prime Minister of Canada, Minister of Health Canada, Durham’s MPs, Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, Premier of Ontario, Ministers of Health and Long-Term Care and Health Promotion, Acting Chief Medical Officer of Health, Durham’s MPPs, and municipalities and all Ontario boards of health be so advised.” I - 9 Jim Hankinson, President and CEO, Ontario Power Generation, M07.GE (OPG) forwarding a copy of OPG’s semi-annual performance report “It’s All About Performance” containing highlights of OPG’s performance in 2006, and providing an update on their electricity generation, financial, safety and environmental performance, recent asset improvement initiatives and key challenges facing OPG in 2007 and their priorities for addressing those challenges. I - 11 Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Members’ Advisory A01.FC announcing the appointment of Winnipeg Councillor Gord Steeves as the new President of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, effective March 21, 2007. Resolution #C-162-07 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT a letter of congratulations be sent to Gord Steeves in recognition of his appointment as President of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. “CARRIED” I - 10 Dan Hefkey, Chief, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional L11.GE Services, advising that the Municipality of Clarington completed all of the required steps for the maintenance of the Essential Level Emergency Management Program as required under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act and associated Ontario Regulation 380/04 for the year 2006, and congratulating the municipality on its commitment to public safety in Ontario. Council Meeting Minutes - 8 - April 2, 2007 Resolution #C-163-07 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT staff be congratulated on their efforts in completing all of the required steps for the maintenance of the Essential Level Emergency Management Program as required under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. “CARRIED” I - 1 Minutes of the Clarington Highway 407 Community Advisory A01.CL Committee dated March 16, 2007. Resolution #C-164-07 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the Minutes of the Clarington Highway 407 Community Advisory Committee dated March 16, 2007 be received for information. “CARRIED” CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION Resolution #C-165-07 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Correspondence Items be approved as per the agenda, with the exception of Items D - 5 to D - 9, inclusive. “CARRIED” D - 1 Laura Suchan tendering her resignation from the Clarington Heritage A01.LO Committee due to a scheduling conflict. (Correspondence received with regret, and referred to the Municipal Clerk) Council Meeting Minutes - 9 - April 2, 2007 D - 2 Steven Finlay, M.S.W., Executive Director, Community Living M02.GE Oshawa/Clarington, advising the month of May has been designated as “Community Living” month by Community Living Ontario to promote and highlight the inclusion of people with an intellectual disability within the community and requesting Council to declare May as “Community Living” month in Clarington. This year’s provincial focus is on inclusive education to ensure all school-aged children who have an intellectual disability have the opportunity to be in a regular classroom and requesting Council to assist in reinforcing this message to the community. (Proclaimed) D - 3 Jim Bradley, Minister Responsible for Seniors, requesting the month M02.GE of June be proclaimed “Seniors Month” in the Municipality of Clarington to recognize of the contributions of older adults; to promote awareness of active living and healthy lifestyle choices; and to spotlight local services and programs available in the community to help frail seniors live with dignity, and as independently as possible. (Proclaimed) D - 4 Garth Gilpin, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager, A01.BO Bowmanville Business Centre, advising of the following appointees to the Board of Management: Lori Allin, Cactus Clothing Co., Justin Barry, Justin Barry Optical, Angela Becz, CBS Group Inc., Edgar Lucas, Intowne Gallery, and Mark Hawkins, Edward Jones; and advising that although there are eight positions on the Board only five people were nominated and that additional seats may be appointed by Board motion. (Appointed) D - 5 D. J. (Deb) Shewfelt, Warden, Corporation of the County of Huron, C10.GE advising Council that the County of Huron, at a meeting held March 20, 2007, passed the following resolution: “THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron encourages the Province of Ontario to assume 100% of the Ontario Disability Support Program and further, that this resolution be forwarded to AMO and all municipalities in Ontario for endorsement.” Council Meeting Minutes - 10 - April 2, 2007 Resolution #C-166-07 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the resolution from the County of Huron concerning the Ontario Disability Support Program be endorsed ‘in principle’. “CARRIED” D - 6 Keith Isnor, Chair, Clarington Museums and Archives Board, A01.CL requesting Council to reconsider budget approval for a new part-time staff person at the museum and endorse the Museum Board’s original request for a permanent full-time position with a delayed start date as the Board feels the posting of a part-time position would not attract a museum professional capable of attaining the proposed increases in revenue generation to fund the position by 2009. Resolution #C-167-07 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the rules of procedure be suspended to allow for reconsideration of Resolution #C-143-07 concerning the Clarington Museum and Archives budget request. “MOTION LOST” (SEE FOLLOWING MOTION) Resolution #C-168-07 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Correspondence Item D - 6 be received for information. “CARRIED” D - 7 Jim Bradley, Minister Responsible for Seniors, extending an M02.GE invitation to Council to participate in the 2007 Senior of the Year Awards, an annual award established to provide each municipality with the opportunity to honour one outstanding local senior who, after age 65, has enriched the social, cultural or civic life of the community. The deadline for submission is April 30, 2007. Council Meeting Minutes - 11 - April 2, 2007 Resolution #C-169-07 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Maurice Richards be nominated as the Municipality of Clarington’s 2007 Senior of the Year. “CARRIED” D - 8 Dave Sebben, Kinsmen Club of Bowmanville, requesting permission M02.GE to place lawn signs at strategic points throughout the community to th advertise the 19 Annual Home Show and Carnival at the Garnet Rickard Recreation Centre to be held on April 20, 21 and 22, 2007. th If approved, the signs would be put up on April 15 and removed on April 22, 2007. Resolution #C-170-07 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the request from Dave Sebben, Kinsmen Club of Bowmanville, to place th lawn signs advertising the 19 Annual Home Show and Carnival at strategic points throughout the community from April 15 to April 22, 2007, be endorsed. “CARRIED” D - 9 George S. Graham, Clerk-Administrator, Township of Brock advising T.08.GE Council that on March 12, 2007, the Township of Brock passed a resolution requesting the Ministry of Transportation to consider allowing Durham Regional Police Service to develop a photo radar system to help enforce the speed limits within Durham Region and requesting Council’s support in this regard. Resolution #C-171-07 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence D - 9 from George S. Graham, Clerk-Administrator, Township of Brock, be received for information. “CARRIED” MOTION NOTICE OF MOTION Council Meeting Minutes - 12 - April 2, 2007 REPORTS Report #1 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report March 26, 2007. Resolution #C-172-07 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of March 26, 2007 be approved, with the exception of Items #9 and #21. “CARRIED” Councillor Hooper stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Item 9 of Report #2 as his parents are the owners of property in the vicinity of the subject property. Councillor Hooper vacated his chair and refrained from discussions and voting on this matter. Item #9 Resolution #C-173-07 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report PSD-083-06 be lifted from the table; THAT Report PSD-083-06 and Addendum Report to PSD-083-06 be received; THAT Council Resolution #C-110-06 be rescinded; THAT the applications submitted on behalf of AYT Corporation to amend the Clarington Official Plan (COPA 2004-007) and to amend the Municipality’s Zoning By- law 84-63 (ZBA 2004-055) to permit a large-format retail complex with approximately 583,600 sq. ft. of total gross floor area at the northwest corner of Highway 401 and Bennett Road be refused; THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Municipality of Clarington recommends that the application submitted on behalf of AYT Corporation to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan (ROPA 2004-006) be refused; and THAT a notice of Council’s decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham and all persons or bodies who requested notification of this decision. “SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION” Council Meeting Minutes - 13 - April 2, 2007 Resolution #C-174-07 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the foregoing resolution be amended by deleting the third paragraph and replacing it with the following: “THAT paragraphs 17, 18 and 19 of Council Resolution #C-109-06, as amended, be rescinded.” “CARRIED” The foregoing Resolution #C-173-07 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. Item #21 Resolution #C-175-07 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Alexander M. Lyall and Barbara Joan Montague be appointed to the Traffic Management Committee. “SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION” Resolution #C-176-07 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the foregoing resolution be amended by adding the name “Shane Morris” prior to the name “Alexander M. Lyall”. “CARRIED” The foregoing Resolution #C-175-07 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. Councillor Trim Chaired this portion of the meeting. Council Meeting Minutes - 14 - April 2, 2007 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Resolution #C-177-07 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Mayor Abernethy THAT the request for funding from the Memorial Hospital Foundation Bowmanville – Touching Lives, A New Door to Emergency Care Campaign be lifted from the table. “CARRIED” Councillor Woo stated a pecuniary interest with respect to the request for funding from the Memorial Hospital Foundation - Bowmanville as his wife is an employee of the hospital. Councillor Woo vacated his chair and refrained from discussions and voting on this matter. Resolution #C-178-07 Moved by Mayor Abernethy, seconded by Councillor Hooper WHEREAS Council, at a meeting on Monday, February 26, 2007 was requested by Dr. Benjamin Fuller and Mr. Gerry Johnston to provide capital funding in the amount of $2,000,000 over a four year time frame to the Memorial Hospital Foundation – Bowmanville to fund capital improvements at the Bowmanville site of Lakeridge Health; WHEREAS hospital funding is the responsibility of the Province of Ontario; WHEREAS a commitment to funding of $750,000 has been made by the Region of Durham to be levied to all Durham taxpayers, including Clarington taxpayers; WHEREAS Council has already committed $131,000 to physician recruitment to address the physician shortage in Clarington; WHEREAS Council, at a meeting on Monday, February 12, 2007 was notified that the physician recruitment committee overseen by the Clarington Board of Trade will be addressing Council in the near future to request funds of approximately $20,000 to $30,000 for recruitment incentives for each new doctor with a view to attracting eight to ten doctors over the next several yeas; WHEREAS Council provided an exemption for development charges fees totalling $70,069.72 for the expansion of the Bowmanville Clinic at 222 King Street East, Bowmanville, in an effort to support and attract new doctors; Council Meeting Minutes - 15 - April 2, 2007 WHEREAS Council has provided an exemption for the Lakeridge Health-Bowmanville location for development charges and building permit fees, the value of which is estimated at $9,000; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council is unable to commit funding to the Lakeridge Health-Bowmanville capital program in light of the significant commitment already underway for the issues indicated above; THAT the local Member of Provincial Parliament, John O’Toole and the Honourable George Smitherman, Minister of Health be advised of Council’s decision. Further that Council’s position is that capital funding for this project should be provided by the Province of Ontario considering the importance of Lakeridge Health-Bowmanville to the local community; THAT Council direct staff to determine a strategy or program that utilizes our staff, website, and tax form insert, with the intent to support and encourage all taxpayers to participate in a voluntary contribution to the Memorial Hospital Foundation, in return for a taxable receipt; THAT Gerry Johnston, Dr. Benjamin Fuller and the Memorial Hospital Foundation be advised of Council’s decision in this matter. “MOTION CARRIED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE” Council Member Yes No Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Councillor Foster v Councillor Hooper v Councillor Novak v Councillor Robinson v Councillor Trim v Councillor Woo v Mayor Abernethy v Resolution #C-179-07 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the delegation of Libby Racansky be referred to the Director of Planning Services. “CARRIED” Council Meeting Minutes - 16 - April 2, 2007 OTHER BUSINESS Councillor Novak indicated a site has been identified on Courtice Road South for the construction of a new Emergency Medical Station scheduled to start this year. Councillor Foster indicated he was pleased to see the Provincial budget has included $400,000 in funding for the Durham Strategic Energy Alliance. Councillor Novak questioned what the financial impact of the business education tax rate, as outlined in Report #2007-F-27 from the Commissioner of Finance, Region of Durham, would have on the Municipality of Clarington. Councillor Woo advised of a situation at the March 19, 2007, Council meeting where he felt he was less than courteous to a delegate and apologized for his inappropriate behaviour. Councillor Hooper stated he attended the “Health Matters” Wellness Expo at the Clarington Beech Centre on Saturday, March 31, 2007, a very worthwhile event providing seniors with information on leisure, travel, local community health agencies, alternative health practitioners and entertainment. BY-LAWS Resolution #C-180-07 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2007-066 to 2007-073, inclusive, and that the said by-laws be now read a first and second time. “CARRIED” 2007-066 Being a by-law to authorize entering into an Agreement with the Owners of Plan of Subdivision 18T-89048 and any Mortgagee whom has an interest in the said lands, and the Corporation of the Municipality in respect of 18T-89048 2007-067 Being a by-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Barr’s Roofing, Newcastle, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Orono Operations Yard and Kendal Community Centre, Flat Roof Replacement 2007-068 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (1707526 Ontario Limited) Council Meeting Minutes - 17 - April 2, 2007 2007-069 Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the former Town of Newcastle [Dunbury Development (Green) Ltd.] 2007-070 Being a By-law for prescribing standards for the maintenance and occupancy of all property within the Municipality of Clarington and repealing By-law 98-123 2007-071 Being a by-law to prohibit noises likely to disturb the inhabitants of the Municipality of Clarington and to repeal By-law 89-184 and its amendments 2007-072 Being a By-law to appoint an individual as a Parking Enforcement Officer for Private Property and to Repeal By-law 2005-64 2007-073 Being a by-law to amend By-law 96-32, as amended, to require the payment of fees for information and services provided by the Municipality of Clarington and for prescribing the amount of such fees Resolution #C-181-07 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the third and final reading of By-laws 2007-066 to 2007-073, inclusive, be approved. “CARRIED” Councillors Hooper and Councillor Woo stated pecuniary interests earlier in the meeting, and refrained from voting on the confirming by-law. CONFIRMING BY-LAW Resolution #C-182-07 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2007-074 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at this meeting held on the nd 2 day of April, 2007, and that the said by-law be now read a first and second time. “CARRIED” . . . Council Meeting Minutes - 18 - April 2, 2007 Resolution #C-183-07 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the third and final reading of By-law 2007-074 be approved. "CARRIED" ADJOURNMENT Resolution #C-184-07 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the meeting adjourn at 8:08 p.m. "CARRIED" g-~- " /~