HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-25-99 . . THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON v;;1.\ . REPORT o~'p. -c;l4," 9 "1 Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: May 3, 1999 Report #: TR-25-99 Subject: ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT CHARGES RESERVE FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1998 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-25-99 be received for information; 2. THAT Staff be authorized to transfer uncommitted funds not required for 1999 capital budget purposes available from the Fire Development Charges Reserve Fund to the Community Services Development Charges Reserve Fund to cover uncollected levies for the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex Twin Pad. BACKGROUND & COMMENTS: 1.0 In accordance with the Development Charges Policy Report dated February 5, 1992, section 2.12.2, the attached schedules show the annual activity in the development charges reserve funds for the year ended December 31, 1998. The amounts for 1998 are interim values based upon budget commitments as the 1998 year end financial statements are delayed due to the volume of legislation in 1998 relating to taxation and the implementation of Bill 79- Capping of commercial, industrial and multi- residential properties. 2.0 The 1992 Development Charges Policy Report established growth related capital projects that were to be built and financed over a ten-year development time frame. In the Community Services category, the 801 TR-25-99 PAGE 2 primary projects were the Courtice Community Complex and the twin pad on the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex. 3.0 Since ten years of collection of development charges levies has not yet occurred and there was less that anticipated development growth during the recession years, insufficient levies have been collected to date in the Community Services Development Charges Reserve Fund to finance the full cost of the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex. 4.0 As indicated in Report TR-56-97 dealing with the financing of the twin pad, the current Development Charges Act allows for pooling of development charges reserve funds provided that the funds are only spent on growth related capital projects. TR-56-97 provided authorization to use uncommitted funds in both the Public Works and the Civic Administration Development Charges Reserve Funds to finance the shortfall in the Community Services Development Charges Reserve Funds. As Council is aware, the new Development Charges Policy in being drafted by Hemson Consulting. Based upon the current status of the reserve funds and the projected future capital requirements, it is recommended to use some of the levies accumulated in the Fire Development Charges Reserve Funds. This will optimize the use of the existing funds while allowing for 1999 Capital Budget requirements. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, dV'-~~~~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer. MM*NT *km 26 April 1999 802 <( w --' ::J o W I o 00 I- Z W :. W I- ~ 00 o Z ::J LL W > 0:: ZW 000 I-W C)O:: ZOO -W 0::C) ~~o:: OI<( LLOW 01->- ~Zex> _W~ --':'~ <(a.W 9:0I 0--'1- -W Z>o:: ::JWO :'OLL 't: " "C ex> CD c "C --' ~ o I- Z o I- C) ZO -0:: ~~ OI --' ~ o I- ID ::J 00 Z o i= ~ I- 00 O~ ~~ 0<( Z o i= o W WI- 0::0 _0:: LLa. >- 0:: ~ ID ::::; ~OO Zw ::JO :.- :.> offi OW OW -~ --'0:: IDO 1[5: ex> 8l . ~_l!! "'C ...... ctI t/) 5 ~~a3 -E~ ~ 15Eo~ - E'''' .C Q,) Q,) "C +-' QlQ..,- e.Q~ .~-g-g ~E.a a..t::.... 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