HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOD-014-07 Clw:il1gton REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee Date: April 10, 2007 Resolution #: E.'rA1- :::tOO=t Report #: COD-014-07 File#: By-law #: Subject: Joint Health and Safety Committee - 2006 Summary Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-014-07 be received for information. Attachment #1: W.S.I.B. Letter Attachment #2: Municipal Health & Safety Association of Ontario article Attachment #3: 2007 Joint Health & Safety Committee Member list Attachment #4: 2007 Joint Health & Safety Committee Member list - Fire & Emergency Services Submitted by: j~, v ord Weir, Co-Chair Joint He & Safety Committee Craig Ma Ie , Co-Chair Joint Health & Safety Committee '- ;-e~~( ( ( Reviewed by: l..t Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer MM/GW/SS/CM/BT/gj CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-5506 REPORT NO.: COD-014-07 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Report COD-014-07 has been prepared to provide Council with an update of activities undertaken by the Joint Health and Safety Committee during the past year. The Occupational Health and Safety Act requires the Joint Health and Safety Committee provide the employer with an annual update if requested. This report also provides a summary of incidents and accidents that occurred in the workplace during 2006. 2.0 2006 HIGHLIGHTS 2.1 Terms of Reference for the Structure and Function of a Multi-Workplace Joint Health and Safety Committee The Occupational Health and Safety Act requires every worksite with twenty (20) or more employees must have a Joint Health and Safety Committee. One of the exceptions to this regulation is by development of a Multi-Workplace Joint Health and Safety Committee. The establishment of this type of Committee must be approved by a Director of the Ministry of Labour. The Municipality has been working under this structure for numerous years. Over the past year, the Committee has been working to update the Terms of Reference. The advantage of the one committee will allow consistent application of JH&SC information, training and sharing of resources including facility inspections. 2.2 Workwell Audit In July of 2005, the Municipality was informed by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board that the WSIB was in the process of reviewing the Municipality's safety performance. The frequency of injuries compared to other employers in the same category was elevated. Accordingly, the WSIB advised they were going to audit the Municipality's Health and Safety Program to determine why we were experiencing elevated accident and incident frequencies compared to other municipalities. The audit was mandatory and failure could result in a premium adjustment and fines ranging up to $180,000.00 The Director of Corporate Services and the Human Resources Manager; with the ongoing support of the CAO asked for volunteers from each Department to assist in preparing for the audit. Senior Management from nearly all departments and the Affiliated Co-Chair and Non-Affiliated Co-Chair rose to the challenge. In February, an Interim Health and Safety Officer was appointed to work with the committee and to assemble and coordinate the municipality's health and safety policies. Staff, supervisors, managers and department heads were involved in the process. All staff developed a comprehensive understanding of Health and Safety issues. Approximately thirty (30) policies were approved and introduced to staff. REPORT NO.: COD-014-07 PAGE 3 As a result of everyone's efforts, the Municipality scored an unprecedented score of 100% on the first audit. This score has never been accomplished by any employer in the province! A copy of the letter is attached. (See attachment #1) In addition, the Municipal Health and Safety Association of Ontario has recognized the Municipality's efforts and printed an article in their quarterly newsletter advising other Municipality's of our success. (See attachment #2). 2.3 First Aid I CPR and Certification and Corporate Training In assessing training requirements, the JH&SC recognized there was a deficiency in the number of staff qualified to perform first aid or CPR in the event of a staff injury. The OH&SA required the first aid stations be within the immediate vicinity of the workers and a qualified worker be in charge of the first aid kit. There were only eight staff members at the MAC who held current certification. The goal of the JH&SC was to certify 50% of the staff by 2007. Since that time, forty-four (44) staff members at the MAC have been certified in both First Aid and CPR; and seventy-six staff members at outside facilities have been certified. Other corporate training undertaken by various staff included: . Workplace Inspections for Supervisors and JH&SC Members . Accident Investigations . WSIB Basic Certification . WSIB Workplace Specific Certification . Early and Safe Return to Work . WHMIS . Slips - Trips and Falls . Ladders . Confined Space Recognition . Fall Arrest . Traffic Control . Hazard Awareness . Fire Extinguishers . Needles and Sharps . Personal Protective Equipment . West Nile . Lock Out Procedures In addition, various departments offered job specific training where required such as: . Spill Containment . Brush Chipper . Chainsaws . Aerial Trucks REPORT NO.: COD-014-07 PAGE 4 . Aerial Trucks . Ice Water Rescue . Trenching Hazards . Ammonia Leaks . Natural Gas Leaks . Crime Prevention 2.4 2005 NEER Statement Results Throughout the course of the year, the WSIB monitors the number of reported incidents and accidents. Employers are required to advise the WSIB for any injury that only requires medical aid and/or lost time. The cost value of these claims is reported back to the employer monthly in the form of a NEER statement NEER is referred to as the New Experimental Experience Rating The individual employer's performance is measured through the WSIB Performance Index utilizing the previous three (3) year injury history and; are used in part to assess the employer's annual premiums. A rating of 1.0 is neutral; above 1.0 requires addition premium surcharges to be paid by the employer; and a rating below 1.0, the employer receives a refund of premiums. These adjustments are in addition to the base rate group premium of $1.70 per $100.00 of earnings. Clarington has been in a refund situation for the past number of years. Refunds for the past 3 years are as listed: Year 2006 2005 2004 Performance Index 0.09 0.27 0.63 Refund $41,681.75 $20.905.46 $30,940.37 The NEER program has been recently revised to reduce the number of employers eligible to receive refunds. Based on the 2006 claims history, the Municipality will be eligible for a similar premium refund in 2007. 3.0 EARLY and SAFE RETURN TO WORK PROGRAM 3.1 In order to reduce lost earnings costs to the above noted NEER program, the WSIB encourages all employers to develop an Early and Safe Return to Work program. The purpose of this program is for the employer to work with the injured employee to return to work as soon as possible after experiencing a work- related injury. 3.2 In most cases, employees who experience a work-related injury return to work within 24 hours and do not incur lost wages. However, in more serious injuries, employees may not be able to perform their normal duties. In the past, those employees would have remained off work until they were able to return to full duties. The Early and Safe Return to Work Program allows the employer to offer the employee alternate duties that would be meaningful to the employer, and not cause any further injury to the employee. By doing so, the employee returns to REPORT NO.: COD-014-07 PAGE 5 work earlier than they normally may; the employee does not collect WSIB payment for lost wages and the employer does not incur increased WSIB premiums. 4.0 ACTIVITES 4.1 The Joint Health and Safety Committee (JH&SC) is co-chaired by municipal staff representing both management and workers within the municipality. The committee represents management workers, Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 74 (both Inside and Outside Workers) as well as the Clarington Fire Fighters Association Local 3139. 4.2 The committee consists of 14 members (7 management and 7 workers) plus 14 alternate members who attend meetings in the absence of a JH&SC Member; and, assist with month facility inspections. (See attachment #1) 4.3 The Emergency and Fire Services also have an in-house JH&SC who meet quarterly to review health and safety issues exclusive to their department. There are four members on this sub committee, two management and two fire fighters. This committee provides updates to the municipal JH&SC at the regular municipal JH&SC meetings. (See attachment #2) 4.4 The municipal JH&SC members meet every month with the exception of July and August. All minutes are retained permanently and current minutes are posted for all staff on the Health and Safety Boards located at every workplace within the Municipality. A typical agenda may include: . Agenda Review . Introduction of Guests . Approval of Previous Minutes . Business Arising . Introduction of Guestsl Department Head Update . Review of Previous Month Workplace Inspections . Accident I Injury Statistics Review . Update from Emergency Services . Update from Corporate Safety and Project Manager . Workplace Inspection Assignments 4.5 The JH&SC members also conduct monthly inspections of municipal workplaces.. On a monthly basis, there are at least fourteen inspections carried out by the JH&SC. The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OH&SA) states that all facilities must be inspected monthly; and where it is not practical to for a complete inspection, at least part of the facility must be inspected. In addition the requirement to inspect municipal work sites, all other municipally owned facilities (Board operated community centres) are inspected at least once per year. Inspection forms are also retained and the current forms posted on the JH&SC Boards for staff information. REPORT NO.: COD-014-07 PAGE 6 5.0 INCIDENTS AND ACCIDENTS 5.1 As a result of the Work Well Audit, staff has become very aware of the requirement to report all accidents and incidents to the employer. These incidents and accidents are summarized by the type of incident and the resultant actions. The summaries are used by the JH&SC to develop training specifics to reduce future accidents and injuries. In 2006, the following types of accidents were reported. Back Injuries and Lifting Injuries Footwear and Slipping Injuries Burns Eye Injuries Hand and Finger Injuries Elbow and Knee Injuries Miscellaneous and Near Miss Incidents Total 11 16 4 4 11 3 25 74 Treatment would include First Aid and Near Miss Incidents, Medical Aid or Lost time. First Aid Medical Aid Lost Time Total 48 18 8 74 Comparison to previous year injury statistics is difficult as staff is now reporting Near Miss Incidents which are incidents that occurred that may have caused an injury or damage; but did not. These incidents are reviewed to determine what caused the incident and what steps are required to avoid similar situations in the future that may lead to an injury. 6.0 COMMENTS 6.1 Support for the Health and Safety Program within the Municipality has been endorsed by all staff from the part-time occasional staff member to full time staff, supervisors, managers, department heads, CAG and Council. This support has been demonstrated by both reduced claims costs, reduced lost time costs. Continued support for staff training programs and awareness will continue to reduce injuries and costs within the workplace. / .A~ Workplace Safety &: ..~ Insurance Boarcf CSPAAT-~ Commission de Ia so!curi~ ~etdel'assurance conlre les accidents du travail Telephone: Telephone: 200 Front Street WE Toronto Ontario M5V 311 Gord Weir ATTACHMENT #1 Joint Health & Safety Committee Emergency and Fire Services ( RECEIVED MAY 3 1 7006 EMERGENCY & FIRE SERVICES Bruce Taylor- Corporate Health and Safety Officer Gord Weir, Chief of Fire Department Workwell Committee of : Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington May 26, 2006 1-8~63-6639 416-344-3878 Firm No 222111A Account No. 1623737 Workwell Health and Safety Audit Final Results Dear Mr. Taylor, Mr. Weir and Workwell Committee, Thank you for spending time with me during the health and safety audit performed on May 24, 2006 and May 25, 2006. I am pleased to both advise your firm has passed and share my findings with you in the form of this letter and audit report The report is based on time spent in discussions with you and members of your staff, plus observations I made during the inspection of the workplaces. ( As explained, no points were awarded for programs that are not documented, were incomplete or were in development. The scoring scheme gives either full points (100%) or no points at all (0%). Overall, your firm scored a total of 970 out Of a possible 970 or 100%. Congratulations, this score indicates that a formalized health and safety program exists. I compliment you and your staff on the positive actions you have taken to help prevent workplace injuries and illness. Your ongoing challenge Is to keep up the good work and build on the steps aiready taken to implement your health and safety program. To support you in this respect, I will monitor your performance for the next six months and follow up with you to provide any additional guidance you might need. Experience has shown that health and safety pays off, regardless of the size or nature of a business. The time, energy and resources a firm devotes to the development, implementation and improvement of a health and safety program are much less than the costs asscciated with accident recovery. I hope that this new health and safety initiative results in a consistent decrease in risk, accidents, and loss. I compliment you on your dedication and hours of hard work. Yours sincerely, ~ Lissa Belnap Workwell Evaluator, Central East Prevention Services Branch The WSIB sends a copy of employer correspondence about Worl<weIl audits to the Ministry of Labour end the HeaNh & Sefety Association (HSA). All information is confidential. We share" to help reduce workplace injuries and illnesses. The Ministry of Labour reviews documents to spot hazard trends. The HSA may contact employers to offer services to improve workplace safety. ~-:'::;~'_?L.,:; .~. ~,; .'.;.,..., THE.MUNICIPALJTYOF CLARINGTON PR.O~' 100%~SIB WOR~WELL..CAN BE ACHIEVEDHl . The MuniCipllli!.V(l# CI$lington 1"!!CElnt!y u~ a compul$Ol'Y WOrkplace Safety & Insurance. BOard WorKvvell Core Audit .After several montI1!l dfi'. preparation, Clarington scored an unprecec!eotec! 1Ql1'l1. on all lipplicabkfelemeots during the initiallludit . For mUl1icipalitlell not familiar Vllith theprocells; the Workwell Audit evaluates workplace health and safet\l\~j'lle~qJrj.1!rves safety pra~and procedures in "cti?9;inspects the workplace; and, interviews both WCltkers and management staff. Failing to Pass the lnitialliudit leads to a second alld~\I\Iitl;l!!;\lIiJ(.m90thll.lf the sacl)l1(1 audit is unsuccessful, WSIB premium surcharge from 10 - 75 percent lup.amaxlro\lm of $600,000.001 can be i01pleme.~.ln Clarington's casa, the surcharge . coUld flave been in the ~OO,OO(} range, AWARD . Michael Muscat, Area Manager of MHSA, was appointed to the Order of St.john in the grade of serving member. This has been sanctioned by the Governor General on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen. Michael has been a Standard First Aid and CPR instructor for 26 years. This picture was taken at Queens Park in the Lieutenant Governor's Office on Saturday, June 3rd, 2006. Congratulations Mike! . Michael Muscat, Area Manager of MHSA ;;: ~,-.'':N/4:iJ,~~~ "~lluccessfvl CQmpletiollof this audit was fed by Mayor John Mutton and Council and Chief Administrative Officer Franklin Wu. Also, all Department Heads were committed to successfully passing the audit. WOrking with Ingrid Kalnins, Area Manager for the Municipal Health and Safety Association, the Committee developed a project model to follow to meet the time lines established for the audit The WorkWell Audit has been a positive experience for Clarington. Aside from the first workplace in Ontario to achieve a perfect score, all f11'J. municipal staff (full time, part-time andvolumee......have' all expanded awareness and kn<lvvleQge .!:If workplace safety. Both the. Municipal ~.~.althl!! .~af!tty. Association and the WSII'Wlltil~_i~... to the Municipality thrOUlJ/lOL!t .ttle$K:\it<pl'pce~ '\i' TRAINING EXCELLENCE Project staff includes: LF Ingrid Keelmins MHSA, Bl Kari Manninen MHSA, HL2 John Parish MHSA, Fe Pennyjane Murray, FR Janis Seaman, BR Michael Whitson, Be Martin Albinger, BR2 Wagish Yajaman The Municipal Health and Safety Association, in partnership with the Industrial Accident Prevention Association, received a "Canadian Award for Training Excellence (External Learning Program)" for the Confined Space Entry Program. The award was granted by the Canadian Society for Training and Development at their ceremony heid on November 7, 2006 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. >:-~~i'.:<" .,!l!1. " ~ ~ ~.~. . .:.-:.~",;i ['(J~ '" ,.Z:.~~:.*j;~..:."..-.',:; .' .,;,;-,?,\.!,,~.,.,~.:,,~...,^",i: ~'., "",~~":\"~;~,,,,",4J"lr ~fi:.~~~+ .~~l ,,;~:;:-.i~t;:-;;J,,-:/;~. ..::> \;2'::;, Yi:.. ".~, ~n JOINT HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS 2007 (All Phone Numbers - 905-623-3379 unless otherwise noted) ATTACHMENT #3 NON-AFFILIATED MEMBERS ALTERNATES Ext Ext Gord Weir' - Co-Chair 243 Nancy Taylor 259 Emeraencv Services - HQ Finance - 1" Floor MAC Lori Gordon' 244 Patti Barrie' 254 Finance - 1" Floor - MAC Clerk's - 2" Floor MAC Marie Marano 237 Mark Berney' 243 Corporate Services- 1" Floor - MAC Emeraency Services - HQ Sheila Schweizer' 225 Jennifer Cooke' 407 Corporate Services - 1" Floor MAC Corporate Services - 1" Floor MAC Steve Myers' 435-1061 Phil Broome' 263-2291 Community Services - SCA Operations - Hampton Andrew Piggott 263-2291 Jenny Bilenduke 205 (Operations - Hampton) Enaineerina - 3" Floor MAC George Acorn 405 Dan Welsh 623-3392 Community Services - 3" Floor - MAC Community Services - CFC Gerry Jordan 258 Corporate Services _1" Floor MAC Affiliated Members Alternates Craig Macklem' - Co-Chair 300 Rob Groen' 414 Clerks DeDt - 2" Floor - MAC Operations - 1" Floor - MAC Paul Neto' 343 Adrian Coolen' 286 Operations - Basement - MAC Enaineerina - 3" Floor - MAC Andrew Crossen' 623-3392 Marc Ladouceur 623-5126 Community Services - CFC Emeraency Services Steve Grigg 338 Gary Dusseldorp' 623-5126 Finance - 1" Floor - MAC Emeraency Services George Evans 263-2291 Bryan Rogers 623-5126 Operations - Hampton Emergency Services Frank Azevedo' 623-5126 Aidan McConkey 623-5126 Emergency Services Emeraencv Services Sue Arends 263-2291 Operations - Hampton Secretary Alternate Ellen Atkinson 273 Jenny Bilenduke 205 Finance Engineerina Advisor Corporate Safety & Project Manager Franklin Wu - CAO Bruce Taylor' 224 CAO's Office - 2" Floor - MAC Corporate Services , Certified Members I:\HEAL TH & SAFETYlCommittee\JHSC Members.doc Effective Date: January 3, 2007 Date Printed: April 2, 2007 ATTACHMENT #4 Cl~ JOINT HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE MEMBERS 2007 (Emergency and Fire Services) NON-AFFILIATED MEMBERS AFFILIATED MEMBERS Ext Ext Gord Weir* - Co-Chair 623-5126 Frank Azevedo* 623-5126 Emeraencv Services - HQ Emeraencv Services Marc Bernie 623-5126 Marc Ladouceur 623-5126 Emeraencv Services Emeraencv Services ALTERNATES Bryan Rogers 623-5126 Emeraencv Services Aidan McConkey 623-5126 Emeraencv Services Secretary Corporate Safety & Project Manager Sheila Roman 623-5126 Bruce T aylor* 623-3379 Corporate Services x224 . Certified Members I:\HEAL TH & SAFEmCommittee\JHSC Members - Fire.doc Effective Date: April 2, 2007 Date Printed: April 2, 2007