HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOD-012-07 CI~mglOn REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee Date: April 1 0, 2007 Resolution #:lIffi.::..290- O'f Report #: COD-012-07 File#: By-law #: Subject: Joint Health and Safety Committee - Terms of Reference for the Structure and Function of a Multi-Workplace Joint Health and Safety Committee Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-O 12-07 be received; 2. THAT the Terms of Reference (Attachment #1) as endorsed by the C.U.P.E. Local 74 President for Inside and Outside Workers; Clarington Fire Fighters Association Local 3139 President; the Co-Chairs of the Joint Health and Safety Committee and the Chief Administrative Officer on behalf on non-affiliated workers, be endorsed by Council; 3. THAT a copy of the Report with attached Terms of Reference be submitted to the Ministry of Labour for approval. Submitted by: arie Marano, H.B.Sc., C.M.O. Director of Corporate Services .~<"-.~ ( ( (. ",Ze Reviewed by: j Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer 7 MM/SS/BT/gj Attachment #1 - Terms of Reference CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-5506 REPORT NO.: COD-012-07 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 In April 2006 and September 2006, staff prepared Council Reports outlining the recommended revisions to the existing Terms of Reference for the Structure and Function of Multi-Workplace Joint Health and Safety Committee. As outlined in both reports, the revised Terms of References were submitted to the Ministry of Labour for review and approval. 1.2 Since the April and September submissions, the Ministry has responded to the Municipality and provided specific recommendations for revised wording to the Terms of Reference. now formally advice and 2.0 COMMENT 2.1 On November 7, 2006; staff, including the Joint Health and Safety Committee Affiliated Co-Chair, Presidents of C.U.P.E. Local 74 and Clarington Fire Fighters Association I.A.F.F. Local 3139 met with the Ministry of Labour Occupational Health & Safety Inspector as well as the Regional Program Coordinator. The Ministry advised the approval of a Terms of Reference for Structure and Function of Multi-Workplace Joint Health & Safety Committees was a privilege and that there were probably only two-hundred such agreements throughout the province. 2.2 As the functions and criteria of the Terms of Reference are based on the Occupational Health & Safety Act and Regulations; the specific wording of the Municipality's Terms of Reference must reflect the wording used within the Act. Accordingly, a number of changes were required. In both submissions, there were a number of Municipal policies adopted for inclusion with the Terms of Reference. These Municipal policies exceeded the statutory requirements of the Act. As the Ministry can only enforce the Occupational Health & Safety Act and Regulations, it was recommended by the Ministry that any reference to Municipal policy be deleted from the Terms of Reference and maintained as Corporate Policy within the Municipality's Corporate Terms of Reference and Health & Safety Manual. 2.3 Once the Terms of Reference for the Structure and Function of a Multi- Workplace Joint Health & Safety Committee are approved by the Ministry, they in-fact become a Director's Order, and, the Terms of Reference cannot be changed without the approval of the Ministry. As such, opportunities for future changes to the Terms of Reference would be limited. 3.0 CONCLUSION 3.1 Staff has worked with the Occupational Health & Safety Inspector and Regional Program Coordinator to develop the Terms of Reference to be compliant with the Ministry requirements. The Regional Program Coordinator has now advised the document, once endorsed by Council, may be submitted to the Director's Office of the Ministry of Labour for approval and implementation. Attachment #1 to Report COD-012-07 TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR THE STRUCTURE & FUNCTION OF A MULTI-WORKPLACE JOINT HEALTH & SAFETY COMMITTEE As Agreed Between THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON AND CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES - LOCAL 74 AND CLARINGTON FIRE FIGHTERS ASSOCIATION - LOCAL 3139 IAFF AND THE NON AFFILIATED MEMBERS OF THE CORPORATION Terms of Reference Joint Health & Safety Committee - Revised @ April 10,2006 Revised @: May 5,2006 [CAO approved changes: A.5.0, B.1.2, B.I .3, B.5.2, C.1.2] CAO Amendments May 5, 2006 MOL Amendments - September 7, 2006 - Attachment to Report COD-049-06 Revised November 7, 2006 (MOL) Rev. 2.1 Revised February 28,2007 (MOL) Rev 2.4 Revised April 1 0, 2007 (MOL) Rev 2.5 MOL Amendments - Aprill 0,2007 - Attachment to COD-012-07 1 THIS TERMS OF REFERENCE IS SET OUT IN THE FOLLOWING FORMAT: A. GENERAL TERMS B. JOINT HEALTH & SAFETY COMMITTEE STRUCTURE C. JOINT HEALTH & SAFETY COMMITTEE FUNCTIONS D. JOINT HEALTH & SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETINGS A. GENERAL TERMS A.I.O Aareement of Parties A.l .1 Mutual Aareement This document respecting the Joint Health and Safety Committee Terms of Reference is mutually developed and agreed to by the noted workplace parties and is submitted to the attention of the Minister of Labour for sanction and approval, pursuant to Section 913.1) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. A.l.2 Ministry of Labour - Riaht to Withdraw The Minister of Labour reserves the right to withdraw the sanction of this arrangement if deemed appropriate for any reason after consultation with the workplace parties. A.1.3 Collective Aareement Not Applicable The Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) will not be empowered to amend, alter, subtract from or add to. any of the terms in the Collective Bargaining Agreement(s). A.1.4 Affiliated Workers For the purposes of the Terms of Reference, Affiliated Workers are represented by the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 74 (Full Time Inside and Outside Workers); and, the International Association of Fire Fighters, Local 3139 (Full Time Fire Fighters and Fire Prevention.) A.l.5 Non-Affiliated Workers Non Affiliated Workers are all full-time management workers, part-time workers (including seasonal and casual) and volunteer fire fighters. 2 A.2.0 Process to Address Concerns A.2.1 All employees will be encouraged to discuss their occupational health and safety concerns with their immediate supervisor. If unresolved, an employee may bring the matter to the attention of a Joint Health & Safety Committee member. A.2.2 If asked to assist in an unresolved matter, a Joint Health & Safety Committee member will ensure the factual basis of all unresolved health and safety concerns with the immediate supervisor responsible for the issue, before bringing it to the attention of the Joint Health & Safety Committee for immediate investigation. A.3.0 Review and Chanaes to Terms of Reference A.3.1 JHSC Annual Review The Joint Health & Safety Committee shall review this document, at least annually at a regular meeting: and, may recommend revisions to ensure continued compliance with the Occupafional Health and Safety Act and applicable legislation. A.3.2 Substantial Chanae Reported to Council If a change is considered, the proposed change will be brought to the Local Union and Association for concurrence and to Council for endorsement. The amended Terms of Reference will be forwarded to the Ministry of Labour for approval. Changes to the Terms of Reterence must be approved by the Ministry of Labour and changes will not come into effect until written approval has been received from the Ministry of Labour. A.3.3 Postina of Chanae to Terms of Reference Approved changes made to the Terms of Reference, will be posted in all workplaces noting the change and the revision date. 3 B. JOINT HEALTH & SAFETY COMMITTEE STRUCTURE B.1.0 JHSC MembershiD & Selection B 1.1 Representation The Joint Health & Safety Committee will be comprised of 50% workers and 50% management per the Onfario Health & Safefy Act, section 9(7). B 1.2 Selection - Worker Representatives The worker representatives will be selected by the Union or Associations who are party to the Terms of Reference. The names of the worker representatives selected will be submitted to the Chief Administrative Officer for addition to the list ot members. The selection process of the worker representative will be in accordance with the Local Union/ Association Bylaws and Constitutions. The Union/Association will be responsible to nominate o'r select representatives if there are insufficient volunteers to sit as a JHSC member. B 1.3 Selection - Manaaement Representatives The Chief Administrative Officer will offer the opportunity to the Management employees to participate as members of the JHSC from time to time. Department Heads and Managers are directed by the Chief Administrative Officer to encourage Joint Health & Safety Committee membership and participation in Health and Safety matters. The CAO will appoint Management representatives if there are insufficient volunteers to sit as a JHSC member. B 1.4 Number at Members A minimum of 4 members will be required on the Joint Health & Safety Committee. It is recommended for broad representation, thaf the JHSC will be composed of 1 member from the Municipal Administration Centre, 1 member from Community Services Department (facilities), 1 member from Emergency and Fire Services Department, and, 1 member from the Operations Department, as well as alternates. There will be no maximum restriction for members or alternates. 4 B.1.5 Meetina Attendance Members are encouraged to attend ail JHSC on a regular basis. If however, a member is unabie to attend the regularly scheduled meeting, the member shail make every effort to ensure an alternate will be in attendance and advise the co-chairs. Alternate members are entitled to attend ail meetings of the JHSC. B.l.6 Postina of Names Names, work locations, and telephone extension numbers of Joint Health & Safety Committee members will be posted on the Health & Safety bulleting boards. Staff assigned to field locations will access JH&SC Boards within their Department or reporting location to which they are assigned. 8.2.0 Chief Administrative Officer B.2.l The Chief Administrative Officer is recognized by the Joint Health & Safety Committee as an advisor to the JHSC. Advice and direction may be sought by the JHSC, from the Office of the CAO, and the Chief Administrative Officer is invited to attend ail Joint Health and Safety Committee meetings as an observer or for purposes of providing direction and guidance. 8.3.0 DeDartmental Trainina B.3.1 Departmental Health & Safety Training, and training related to safe use of equipment will be the responsibility of the Department. B.3.2 Departments will submit their training program annuaily to the JHSC. Department training program specifics may be reviewed by the JHSC upon request by the Department involved. 8.5.0 Trainina of JHSC Members B.5.1 Roles & Responsibilities - Trainina The Co-chair(s) of the Joint Health & Safety Committee will review with all new JHSC members, their roles & responsibilities. This will be done at a regular JHSC meeting, or on an individual basis as appropriate. 5 B.5.2 Certification of JHSC Members The JHSC will ensure that at least two sitting representatives of the Worker Member group and the Non-Affiliated group are certified. Every effort will be made to ensure there will be a certified member representing workplaces from Emergency and Fire Services. Operations Department, Community Services (Facilities) and the Municipal Administration Centre. C. JOINT HEALTH & SAFETY COMMITTEE FUNCTIONS C.1.0 JHSC Mandate C.l.l In accordance with the spirit and intent of the Occupational Health and Safefy Acf, the functions of the Joint Health & Safety Committee shall be: (a) Workolace H & S Matters: to identify, evaluate and recommend resolutions of all matters including dangers or hazards pertaining to health and safety of the worker in the workplace; to the employer through the Chief Administrative Officer or designate. (b) Recommendations and Monitorina; to make recommendations to the employer and workers for the improvement of Health and Safety of all workers; and, to establish and maintain monitoring of programs and procedures respecting the Health and Safety of all workers. (c) Obtain Information - Hazards: to obtain from the employer, information regarding the identification of any potential or existing hazards in the workplace; and, to obtain experience and work practices and information related to hazards (d) Obtain Information - Testina: to obtain information from the employer regarding the conducting and/or testing of any equipment, machinery or similar in the workplace for the purposes of Health and Safety; and, to be consulted about, and to have a designated member representing workers be present at the beginning of all testing for the purposes of ensuring valid testing procedures are used and testing is valid. (e) Education & Trainina: to encourage education and training programs in order that all employees, including JHSC members, are knowledgeable in their rights, restrictions, responsibilities and duties under the Occupational Healfh and Safety Act, (I) Reaulations: to make recommendations on matters related to the OHSA and all relevant Regulations, including WHMIS and Designated Substances where applicable, and reports related to health and safety. 6 C.l.2 Recommendations to Emplover bv Worker Representative or JHSC The JHSC and/or a Health & Safety Worker Representative may make recommendations to the Employer (CAO or Designate) for the purpose of making positive and lasting changes relating to health and safety matters in the workplace. Any active member of the JHSC. or the JHSC as a whole with the endorsement of the Co-chairs may submit the above recommendations to the Employer. Any employee may also submit recommendations through any member of the JHSC. Recommendations should be submitted in writing with all supporting information pertaining to the recommendation lie studies, investigations etc). Recommendations should be submitted to the Employer as soon as reasonably possible. C.l.3 Riaht to Refuse Unsafe Work A worker may refuse to work or do particular work where he or she has reason to believe that; a) any equipment, machine, device or thing the worker is to use or operate is likely to endanger the worker or another worker; or. b) the physical condition of the workplace or part thereof in which the worker is likely to endanger himself: or, c) any equipment, machine, device or thing the worker is to use or operate or the physical condition of the workplace or the part of the workplace in which the worker works, is in contravention of the Act or regulations and such contravention is likely to endanger the worker or another worker. In such an event, the worker will report the refusal to work to the appropriate supervisor who will immediately investigate the report in the presence of the refusing worker and one or more of the following: . JH&SC member representing the worker . Health and Safety Representative (Corporate Safety and Project Manager) . A worker who has knowledge, training and experience selected by the appropriate union or association. . Following the investigation, in the event the worker has reasonable grounds to believe the unsafe condition is unresolved or still exists continuing to endanger the worker or another worker, the employer will contact a Ministry Inspector to investigate. . The worker will remain in a safe place within the vicinity of the workstation during the investigation(s) . 7 . Both the worker ond the supervisor will adhere to the regulations of the Occupational Health and Safety Act; Section 43. C.2.0 WorkDlace InsDections C.2.1 Insoection Schedule The Worker Representative shall develop an inspection schedule and designate worker members to complete physical inspections of the workplace. Buildings that are not regularly used by workers, or where it is not practical to inspect the entire workplace monthly, must have at least part of this workplace inspected monthly, with an entire workplace inspection at least annually. C.2.2 Insoections of Workolace bY Worker Reoresentatives In accordance with the Occupational Health & Safety Act obligations, inspections will be conducted by Worker Representatives. Workers shall designate workers inspectors who are trained to inspect the physical conditions of the workplace(s) at least once a month in accordance with a schedule established by the Joint Health & Safety Committee. Where and when possible, a management person shall accompany the worker member. C.2.3 Insoection Records/Forms All occupational health and safety concerns raised during the physical inspection will be recorded on an appropriate prevailing workplace inspection form or logs maintained in the workplace, and copied or notice provided to the Management (Department Head or designate). If possible, identified concerns will be corrected during the inspection. Dangerous or Hazardous concerns will be immediately identified to the responsible supervisor for correction within a reasonable period. Recommendations will be addressed by the employer within twenty- one (21) days of posting the Inspection Record/Form. Inspection forms will be signed by member(s) performing the inspection. The worksheets will then be reviewed by the Joint Health & Safety Committee at regular meetings. C.2.6 Outstandina Items Outstanding items, deemed by the Joint Health & Safety Committee to be significant will remain on the outstanding list, and the status will be reviewed monthly at regular meetings until resolved. C.2.? Time Permitted to Conduct Insoections 8 Joint Health & Safety Committee members shall be entitled to one 11) hour (plus reasonable travel time) or such longer period of time as the Joint Health & Safety Committee determines is necessary to conduct workplace inspections. C.3.0 Accident Investiaations C.3.1 Definitions Accident - Definition: Unplanned event resulting in injury to people which requires medical attention in excess of first aid and/or potential lost time. or causing damage to property which may give rise to an insurance claim or monetary impact to repair damage. Incident - Definition: Unplanned event resulting in a "near miss" that could easily have been an accident. Near Miss Accidents/Incidents - Definition A Near Miss Accident/Incident is defined as incidents or unusual occurrences in the workplace that could have resulted in harm to persons or property if circumstances had been slightly different. Criticallniurv - Definition: An Injury of a serious nature that: aj Places life in jeopardy: b) Produces unconsciousness: c) Results in substantial loss of blood; d) Involves the fracture of a leg. or arm. but not a finger or toe; e) Involves the amputation of a leg, arm. hand or foot, but not a finger or toe; f) Consists of burns to a major portion of the body; or. g) Causes the loss of sight in an eye. C.3.2 Criticallniuries Critical Injuries will be immediately reported to . The Health and Safety Representative (Corporate Safety & Project Manager) . Management (Department Head or Designate) . Human Resources . JH&SC Co-Chairs The Department Head will contact the Ministry of Labour. Except tor the purpose of saving life or relieving human sutfering; maintaining an essential public utility service; or public transportation system; or preventing unnecessary damage to 9 equipment or other property, the scene of a Critical Injury will not be disturbed tor the purposes of investigation until permission to do so has been given by the Ministry of Labour. C.3.3 Accident Notice to Co-Chairs and Corporate Safetv and Proiect Manaaer The Co-Chairs will be advised of workplace accidents and assign member(s} who are trained, to investigate and fill in appropriate documents. The Corporate Safety and Project Manager will be advised of all accidents, and will accompany, whenever possible, members assigned to investigate. A worker representative from the Fire Association may assist in investigation of fire incidents/accidents if investigation is required. C.3A Reportina of Near Miss Accidents/Incidents All near misses must be reported on an incident report. The Co-Chairs and the Corporate Safefy and Project Manager must be notified of all near misses within 24 hours of the incident. Near misses may be investigated by the Co-Chair, or trained members of the Joint Health & Safety Committee, and the Corporate Safety and Project Manager. C.3.5 Reportina Accidents, Incidents and Critical iniurv All accidents or incidents as defined herein, must be reported to the Department Head, the Joint Health and Safety Co-Chairs within 24 hours of the accident. C.4.0 Review of Trcininc Schedule & Obiectives CA.l The JHSC will review as part of its normal business, the Corporate training schedule proposed for the current year. The training schedule will be developed by the Corporate Safety and Project Manager. The JHSC may make recommendations for inclusion of certain training opportunities, in the annual training schedule. C.5.0 Review of Iniury Statistics C.5.1 The Joint Health & Safety Committee will review as part of its normal business, regular updates of current injury statistics, prepared by the Corporation. The JHSC may make recommendations or comments to the Department where the injury occurred, to assist in preventing future injury or incidents. 10 C.6.0 New EauiDment - Review C.6.1 The Joint Health & Safety Committee, upon request by any Department, will review Health & Safety material related to the use and care of new equipment which is unfamiliar to the Department. The Co-Chairs, Corporate Safety and Project Manager, and if appropriate, a representative from the Purchasing Division, will be invited to pre-inspections and/or staff training for new or unfamiliar equipment. The Co-Chairs, Corporate Safety and Project Manager, and Purchasing may request a review of new or unfamiliar equipment. and the responding Department will provide at a mutually agreeable time. D. JOINT HEALTH & SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETINGS 0.1.0 Schedule of Meetlnas The Co-Chairs will jointly create a schedule of meetings to be held during the year: at a minimum of once every three months. The schedule will be circulated to all members. The schedule will form part of the recorded minutes of the JHSC. 0.2.0 Quorum The Joint Health & Safety Committee shall have a quorum of (50%+ 1) members or alternates present in order to conduct business. The additional one (1) must be from the worker representative. One (I) Co-chairperson must be present in order to conduct business and chair the meeting. 0.3.0 Votina Voting by JH&SC Members will be limited to equal numbers ot either worker or management members present. 0.4.0 Aaenda & Items Considered 0.4. I Aaenda The Co-chairperson will jointly prepare an agenda and forward a copy of the agenda to all Joint Health & Safety Committee members if possible at least one [1) week in advance of the meeting. 11 DA.2 Issues/Items to be Considered The Joint Health & Satety Committee may only consider such occupational health and safety issues as have been listed on the agenda or have been agreed upon in advance by the two (2) Co-chairpersons. DA.3 Resource Soeakers In addition to the C.A.O., resource persons or speakers may be invited by the co-chairs to attend a JHSC meeting where an agenda or unresolved item requires additional expertise or comment. DAA Resolutions for Recommendations Normal business items raised from the agenda in meetings will be dealt with on the basis of an informal consensus vote. Recommendations from the Joint Health & Safety Committee, and matters deemed by the JHSC to warrant being recorded in the minutes will be put torward as a recorded motion which will be voted on by the JHSC and approved on the basis of majority. DA.5 Unresolved / Outstandina Items from Aaenda or Meetina Unresolved or outstanding items will be reported in the minutes and will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. Items that remain unresolved after the third meeting discussion, will be referred to the Co-Chairs and Corporate Safety and Project Manager for review and a recommended resolution to the JHSC. DA.6 Postina of Minutes Following the meeting, draft minutes will be circulated to all members of the JHSC for review; to be approved af the next subsequent meeting of the JHSC. Following approval of the minutes, the minutes will be posted on the JHSC bulletin board and corporate intranet. 0.5.0 Lenath of Meetina Monthly Joint Health & Safety Committee meetings should not exceed 2 hours in length (plus reasonable travel time) unless an urgent matter is being discussed, or as agreed by a majority of the members present at the JHSC meeting, or if 24 hours notice is provided in advance of the meeting. Remaining agenda items should be deferred to the next meeting. 12 0.6.0 Entiflement at Members D.6.1 Compensation All time spent in attendance at Joint Health & Safety Committee meetings or activities in relation to the function of the Joint Health & Safety Committee will be paid for at the members' appropriate rate of pay for performing work. in accordance with the Act. and the time spent is to be considered as time at work. Where employees are required to use their personal vehicles for inspections purposes. the employee will be compensated at the current rate paid for mileage. D.6.2 Time for Preparation JHSC members shall be entitled to one 11) hour or such longer period of time as the Joint Health & Safety Committee determines is necessary to prepare for each Joint Health & Safety Committee meeting. Appendix Attachments Appendix A - Workplace Sites with estimated number of employees effective signing date. Appendix B - Workplace Locations for School Crossing Guards effective signing date. Both Appendices are provided for the purposes of providing required information and are subject to change at the direction and approval of M unicipa/ Council. These Terms of Reference are endorsed by signatures: signed at Clarington ant.. this /0 day of jJ/'tU~20oJ FOR THE EMPLOYER (Non-affiliated) c2)~~ Frankli~ Wu. CAO /stt-- 0---- FOR THE WORKERS c: Co-Chair - Management President. CUPE Local 74 ~c,~" ~ ^.oo""'O" '000' "39 13 Appendix A - Workplace Sites Location Address EmDlovees DeDartment Function Animal Services 33 Lake Road, 6 Clerks Department Animal Control and Bowmanville Pound Bowmanville Indoor 2375 Baseline Road 8 Community Services Recreation Facility Soccer Bowmanville Denartment Indoor Soccer Bowmanville 1330 Haines Street 2 Operations Cemetery Operations Cemeterv Bowmanville Deoartment Clarington Fitness 49 Liberty Street N 25 Community Services Recreation Facility Centre Bowmanville Denartment Indoor Pool Courtice Community 2950 Courtice Road N. 50 Community Services Recreation Facility Comolex Courtice Denartment Indoor Pool & Fitness Ctr Darlington Sports 2276 Taunton Road 8 Community Services Recreation Facility Comolex Hamoton Deot. ISeasonall Indoor Arena Fire Station 1 (HQ) 2430 King Street West 38 Emergency and Fire Fire Station and Bowmanville 25 volunteer Services Denartment Administration Fire Station 2 247 King Street East 25 volunteer Emergency and Fire Fire Station Newcastle Services Denartment IVolunteer} Fire Station 3 5708 Main Street 25 volunteer Emergency and Fire Fire Station Orono Services Deoartment (Volunteerl Fire Station 4 2611 Trulls Road 16 Emergency and Fire Fire Station Courtice 25 volunteer Services Denartment Fire Station 5 2354 Concession Road 8 25 volunteer Emergency and Fire Fire Station Enniskillen Services Deoartment (Volunteerl Garnet B. Rickard 2440 King Street West 40 Community Services Indoor Arenas and Recreation Comolex Bowmanville Deoartment Community Hall Hampton 2320 Taunton Road 30 Operations Roads. Parks and Fleet Operations Ctr Hampton Department Services Operations and Administration Municipal 40 Temperance Street 126 Main Administrative Administration Bowmanville Offices Centre Newcastle Aquatics 1780 Rudelle Road 40 Community Services Indoor Aquatics and Facilitv Newcastle IOoeninoFan2007J Community Halls Newcastle Lions 373 Beaver Street 12 Community Services Outdoor Aquatics Outdoor Pool Newcastle Denartment (Seasonall Orono Operations Taunton Road 10 Operations Roads and Parks Centre Orono Denartment Ooerations Orono Park Outdoor 61 Princess Street 12 Community Services Outdoor Aquatics Pool Orono Deo!. ISeasonal! South Courtice 1595 Prestonvale Road 40 Community Services Indoor Arenas and Arena Courtice Denartment Community Halls Tourist Information 181 Liberty Street South 3 Corporate Services Tourist Information and Centre Bowmanville Denartment Receotion Yard 42 2178 Regional Road 42 6 Operations Roads and Parks Bowmanville Deoartment Onerations Part time Staff Various Locations 79 Communitv Services Prooram Staff Crossing Guards Various Locations 36 Planning Department School Crossings See APPENDIX B 14 Terms of Reference for the Structure of a Multi-Workplace Joint Health & Safety Committee Appendix B - Workplace Locations - Crossing Guards Location School Served Ontario Street north of Victoria Street, B'ville Ontario Street Public School /623-5437) Corner of Liberty Street (14) and Jane Street, B'ville Ontario Street Public School /623-5437) Corner of Queen Street at Division Street, B'ville Bowmanville Senior Public /623-3323\ Corner of Mearns Avenue at Appleblossom Blvd., B'ville John M. James Public School /697-7817\/fax: 623-7341) Corner of Mearns Avenue at Soper Creek Dr., B'ville Vincent Massey Public /623-5502\ Corner of Longworth Avenue at Brooking Street, B'ville Harold Longworth Public School /623-3682\' Corner of King Street at Simpson Avenue, B'ville Vincent Massey Public School 1623-5502\ Liberty Street (14) at Church Street, B'ville Vincent Massey Public School /623-5502) Liberty Street (14) at Longworth Avenue, B'ville St. Elizabeth Separate School /697-9155) Scugog Street at Jackman Road, B'ville St. Elizabeth Sep. Schools Lord Elgin Public (697-9155) Longworth Avenue at Clayton Crescent, B'ville St. Elizabeth Sep. School /697-9155\ Waverley Road at Lawrence Gate (near mall), St. Stephens Sep. School B'ville(near Mall) (Uncontrolled Inti (623-3202) Waverley Road, north of Rhonda Blvd., B'ville Waverly Public School 11623-4323) Rhonda Blvd. at Rossalynne Street, B'ville ( Waverly Public School /623-4323\ TunnelunderHwy.57 Waverly Public School / St. Stephens Sep. Public School 1623-4323) West Side Drive, south of Bottrell Street / Bannister Dr. Ross Tilley Public School Street, 1623-3841\ Durham Highway 2 at Newtonville Road 18, Newtonville Newtonville Public School 1786-2550) Mill Street (17) at Robert Street, Newcastle Newcastle Public School /987-4262) King Avenue East at Harmer Walkway, Newcastle Newcastle Public School (987 -4262) Edward Street at Glass Crt., Newcastle Newcastle Public School /987-4262) Edward Street south of Rudell Road, Newcastle St. Francis of Assissi Separate Public School 15 /987-4797\ Prestonvale Road at Claret Road, Courtice Dr. Emily Stowe Public /433-8747\ Robert Adams Drive at Whittaker walkway, Courtice Dr. Emily Stowe Public (433-8747) Meadowglade Road at Robert Adams Drive, Courtice Dr. G.J. MacGillivray Public /436-2054I1REC'D FLASHING SIGN) Nash Road west of Cherryblossom, Courtice S.T. Worden Public School /436-0715) Glenabbey Drive (in front of Mother Teresa Sep. Mother Teresa Separate School), (between Robert Adams Dr. and Auburn Lane), (433-5512) Courtice Nash Road (between Richfield Sq. and Fourth Street), Courtice North Public Courtice /436-20551 Nash Road at Trulls Road, Courtice Courtice North Public School /436-2055\ Courtice Road (34) at Moyse Drive, Courtice Courtice North Public School /436-20551 Avondale Drive at Brownstone Crescent, Courtice Lydia Trull Public School /438-96481 Trulls Road south of Sandringham Drive, Courtice Lydia Trull Public School /438-96481 Trulls Road at Avondale DrivelYorkville Ave., Courtice Good Shepherd Sep. School (404-98681 16