HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-2-99 .., . , , THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: Date: Report #: Subject: General Purpose and Administration commi~Gg_~D:S. Monday, January 4, 1999 Res.#G\"I'4-\I..\-q'7. '1'0 :2 9 sfile #: By-law # '19- 7" Municipa1 App1ication Partnership (MAP) for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-2-99 be received; 2. THAT the Project Management Plan prepared by SHL Systemhouse, dated December 22, 1998, be endorsed by Council; 3. THAT the Change Request from SHL Systemhouse in the amount of $18,225.00 be approved and that funds to be financed from the accumulated surplus and charged through the GIS Reserve Account 2900-7-X; 4. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Change Request; 5. THAT the Project Manager, Acting Director of Planning for GIS be authorized to approve future Change Requests which are less than 10% cumulative of the value of the revised contract value of $187,000 or $18,700 maximum, with funding provided from the accumulated surplus and charges through the GIS Reserve Account # 2900-7-X; and 6. THAT an appropriate by-law be adopted to implement the above recommendations. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 In September of 1997, staff recommended to Council that SHL be accepted as the Municipality"' s GIS provider. This recommendation was subsequently endorsed by Council. On February 1, 1998, the Municipality joined the Municipal Applications Partnership (MAP) by entering into a Municipal Applications Joint Development Agreement with SHL. The benefits to the Municipality of Clarington participating in MAP include: 8LJ9 , TR-2-99 Page 2 . shorter timeframe to realize the benefits of GIS at a reduced cost due to pooled resources . free access to future applications developed through the partnership . influence of new applications in the design stage . develop higher quality applications which are more compatible with municipal requirements . professional training included in cost of joining partnership 1.2 In addition to Clarington, the following municipalities in Canada are participating in the partnership; · Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton and all of the constituent municipalities · City of Windsor · City of Vancouver Other Canadian municipalities are currently considering participation. In addition, the MAP software has been marketed successfully in the USA, South America and China. 1.3 Under our Agreement with SHL, they provide not only a site licence for the software but consulting assistance in planning, installation, training and conversion of existing databases. The Municipality contributes staff time towards the development of new applications in addition to implementing the applications appropriate to Clarington. The initial applications identified for implementation in Clarington are: · Property Information System · Development Tracking System · Roads and Traffic System 2 . STATUS OF PROJECT 2.1 In 1998, progress was delayed due to other workload commitments, in particular, the installation of the new taxation system. A number of activities were completed as follows: · in April of 1998, a 3 day workshop, known as a Fit Analysis, was conducted. The purpose of the workshop was to determine the needs of the Municipality on a departmental level as they related to the MAP technology. · the Fit Analysis Report was completed in June. biD , TR-2-99 Page 3 . the GIS server was purchased in the summer of 1998 and subsequently loaded with the software in November of 1998 at SHL's offices in Ottawa. The system has been tentatively scheduled for installation on January 5, 1999. . staff training from SHL was provided on two separate occasions in Ottawa in October of 1998. . additional staff training in data conversion is scheduled for January 5-8, 1999 in C1arington. 3. PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN 3.1 The Agreement with SHL specifies that Council will approve the detailed workplans, referred to as the Project Management Plan (PMP). A copy of the PMP in its entirety is available for viewing through the Confidential Secretary to Council, the Clerks Department as a permanent record and also through the Planning and Development Department. The PMP defines, in detail, the scope of services to be provided by SHL. This Plan has been reviewed at the staff level, by the GIS Committee. The PMP adequately addresses the needs of the Municipality. The PMP provides for the following implementation steps: · Phase 1 - · Phase 2 - Conversion of data for a pilot project area; Implementation of Property Information System Implementation of Development Tracking System Implementation of Roads and Traffic System Planning for additional applications · Phase 3 - 3.2 The Municipality is responsible implementing the following: for preparing and . a Data Conversion Plan · a User Review Plan . a Training Plan 3.3 The project provides for 206 consulting days from SHL staff. It also requires a high level of staff commitment, in particular for converting existing business applications ready for the year 2000. 4 . CHANGE ORDER REQUESTS 4.1 The Agreement with SHL specifies financial contributions by b i 1 , TR-2-99 Page 4 4.2 the Municipality of Clarington totalling $169,200 over three years. 4.2 Subsequent to entering into the Joint Development Agreement, staff determined that an increase in consulting days would be required in order to support data conversion efforts and configuration of the GIS system. The conversion of existing databases is a Municipal responsibility but there are insufficient staff resources and expertise to complete this requirement in the required timeframe. As a result of the increase in consulting days, SHL has submitted a Change Request to the Municipality in the amount of $18,225.00. (Attachment #1). Funding will be included in the 1999 budget process. 4.3 In order to allow for more efficient and timely responses to any future Change Request from SHL, this report also recommends that the Project Manager for GIS be authorized to approve Change Requests provided that they are less than 10% of the value of the revised contract ($187,425.00). This approach is comparable to Municipality policy for construction contracts. 5. CONCLUSION 5.1 Staff recommend that Council endorse the Project Management Plan, dated December 22, 1998, prepared by SHL Systemhouse and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Change Order. It is also recommended that Council authorize the Project Manager for GIS to approve Change Requests provided that they are less than 10% of the value of the revised contract. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~~cccccccccc_ Oly~~t:5~ --------------------- Marie A. Marano, H.BSc., AMCT. Treasurer Frank Wu, M.C.I.P.,R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer WM!DC Attachment #1 - Change Order Request b12 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 99- being a by-law to amend By-law 97-201 and to authorize a Change Request between SHL Systemhouse and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS, 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the corporation seal, a Change Request from SHL System house as approved in Report TR-2-99; 2. THAT the Change Request attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this 11 th day of January 1999. By-law read a third lime and finally passed this 11 th day of January 1999. MAYOR CLERK () I 3 ATTACHMENT NO.1 CIalingllJlJ CHANGE REQUEST SHL An MCI Company Wi't\ll/<._~ MAP Implementation Release 1.1 Customer Name: The Municipality of Clarington Project Name: MAP Implementation Proiect: MoC 005 Project Phase: Phase 1 Date Issued: 98/12/14 Project Manager: Anna Dolan Date Due: 98/12/21 Request Name: Additional services Request #: MoC-CR-01 v1.1 Reason for Change - Prepared by: Anna Dolan Additional services required to accommodate requested changes to Phase 2 and to accommodate the needs of MaC staff. Description of Change - Prepared by: Anna Dolan 27 additional days provided throughout the implementation to support data conversion and configuration throughout the project. Refer to muc002(PMP)Project_Management_Plan_v1.3 and attached was, dated December 14, 1998 for details. Cost Amount - $18,225.00 Prepared by: Anna Dolan 75% of 27 days (20.25 days) @ $900.00/day Ramifications (eg. schedule and staffing) - Prepared by: Anna Dolan To provide ample support for successful implementation of MAP at MaC. (A)pproved/( R)ejected/( C )ancelled (A)pproved/( R)ejected/( C )ancelled Delivery Organization Customer Name: Name: Diane Hamre, Mayor Signature: Signature: Name: Patti L. Barrie, Clerk Signature: b /1 "t