HomeMy WebLinkAboutFD-20-99 ". .~ ~. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRA nON COMMITTEE File# p(t bE Res. #0fJfI-SI.3-91 Date: NOVEMBER 1, 1999 Report #: FD-20-99 10.12.6 By-law # Subject: EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Pnrpose and Administration Committee recommend to Conncil the following: I.) THAT report FD-20-99 is received for information; and 2.) THAT a By-law to provide for a prompt and co-ordinated response to an emergency (Attachment #1) is adopted by Conncil. REPORT In April of 1999 the CANA TEX exercise took place to test the new Provincial Nuclear Emergency Plan. As part of this exercise the Region of Durham and its municipalities took the opportunity to test their draft emergency plans. The Mnnicipality of Clarington's draft plan was used for the exercise and with the help of Jim Bruce, a consultant from Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), was put in final draft form. The plan forms part of the fire department record system and will be reviewed and updated as required. It is believed the plan will work well in the nnlikelyhood it is required. The next step in the Mnnicipality's emergency preparedness is to adopt the nuclear emergency plan, which is a legislated requirement, pass a By-law to provide for a prompt and co-ordinated response to an emergency, as attached, and devise a non-nuclear plan. A non-nuclear or peace time plan, as it is often referred to, is not legislated but is a requirement by a municipality that desires to be prepared for any nnforseen incident. As part of the non-nuclear plan the Municipality's Emergency Control Group will require the addition of a representative from the joint Clarington, Ajax and Pickering hydro group and a representative from the Durham Region Emergency Measures Office. This person will act as a liaison for regional resources, when required. Senior staff took part in a one day work shop (table top exercise), as part of the preparations of the non-nuclear plan. The work shop was conducted at the Municipal Operations Centre on October 6th and was devised by the Durham Region Emergency Measures office staff. It was very successful and well received. Such exercises and work on the non-nuclear plan will be ongoing to ensure the Municipality is well prepared for any emergency. We are also continuing our meetings with the Kawartha Pineridge Board of Education to utilize various schools in the Municipality for emergency shelters, should they be required. Continued. .... 903 . , FD-20-99 -2 - Another area staff is working on is the issne of pnblic alerting. Discussions are on going at both the regional and provincial level to resolve the lack of adequate notification for residents in the immediate area of the nuclear generating facilities. On October 13th & 28th meetings were held with representatives of the Region ofDurharn, the host municipalities, Ontario Power Generation and Emergency Measures Ontario. The agenda for the meeting was to look at a Project Plan for the installation of some form of approved alerting for the 3km Contiguous Zone. Staff had a concern about the lack of action related to the issue of the 3km to JOkm Primary Zone alerting. The issue remains unresolved and staff will attend a meeting with Dr. Young, the Assistant Deputy Minister, in Toronto on Tuesday, November 2od, to discuss the issue further. We will continue to work to resolve the entire issue of public alerting and report back on our progress. RECOMMENDATIONS It is therefore respectfully recommended that report FD-20-99 is received for information; and That Council enacts a By-law to provide for a prompt and co-ordinated response to an emergency, (Attachment #1). Respectfully submitted Reviewed by, cJ~~ Franklio Wu, Chief Administrative Officer. 904 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 99-_ EMERGEl'iCY MEASURES BY-LAW MUNICIPALITY OF CLARI:-IGTON E'lERGENCY 'lEASURES PLAN:-IING ANI} RESPONSE :'-Jovember, 1999 905 \ll.SKr'~~ITY 'elF ~-'-"R'''G.'.O~ C.'.ER"E~CYME"SURL';I-l\'.I.-,'.,. \V;[H~ 1')99 A By-Law to Provide for a Prompt and Coordinated Response to an Emergency The Council of the Municipality of Clarington under the authority vested in it by the l'vlunicipal Act R.S.O., 1990. and the Emergency Plans Act R.S.O.. 1990 and in conformance with the Regional _\1unicipaJity of Durham Emergency By-Laws 96-80 and 115-8]. enacts a Hv-{mv to Provldelor a Prompt and ('oordllluted Response to (Ill Emergencv as follows: Short Title This by-law may be cited as the "Emergency Measures By-Law" Interpretation o In this by-law. 1.3) "act" means the Emergency Measures Act R.S.O. 1990; fbl "agent" means a person, persons, company or any other organization employed to act on behalf of the :\-1unicipality of CIa ring ton : (c) "C AO" means the Chief Administrative Officer of the Municipality orClanngton; (d) "couocll" means the Council orthe Municipality ofClarington: (c) "councillor" means a member of the Council: 1.0 "director" means the Director at a .\1unicipality of Clarington Department; I gJ "<.'mcrgency" means 3 present or immment event in respect of which the MunicipalLty of Clannglon believes prompt co-ordtnatlon of action or regulation of persons or property must be undertaken to protect property or the health, safety or welfare of people in Clarington: (h) "emergency planmng committee" means the emergency planning commIttee established pursuant to this by~law: (i) "employee" means a person employed either part or full time by the Municipality of Clarington; lj) "Fire Chief' means the Fire Chief of the .\1unicipalily of Cia ring ton: (k) "mayor" means the mayor of the \-1unicipality ofClarington or a councillor actlllg in the stead of the mayor: (I) "minister" means the member of the provincial parliament to whom is assigned the ;ldmimstration of the Emergency Measures Act and regulations: (ml "municipal emeq;ency plans" means plans, programs or procedures prepared by the \1ullicipality ofClarmgton that are intended to mitigate the effects oran emergency or disaster and to provide for the safety, health or welfare of the population and the prmection of property in the event of such an occurrence; (n) "municipal emergency measures coordinator" means the person appOinted by Council pursuant to this by-law: 10) "municipal emergency measures organization" means the organization established pursuant to this by-law: (p) "municipal control group" means the control group established pursuant to this by-law: (q) "muniClpalLty" means the Municipality of Cia ring ton: (rJ "state of emergency regulations" means regulations approved by the Govemor in Council as amended from time to time: (s) "state of emergency" means a state of emergency declared by the Municipality of Clarington pursuant to the Act or renewed by the rvlunicipaJity of Clarinb1:on pursuant to the Act and regulations made pursuant thereto and this by-law; 1 906 \jlfNIClPc'LJTYO"('L~_m;r,Tm" b,nr,E'lCY MEA.\URfS Ih.L.\w \UGU.>~ :')'j') (t) "volunteer tire tighter" means any individual who gives of their time, skills and knowledge by providing emergency services in accordance w-ith regulations for [he Municipality of Cbrington Fin: Service. l\"Iunicipal Emergency l\"leasures Organization 3. (1) fhe Council hereby establishes a ivlunicipal Emergency j\..leasures Organization. (~) rhe Municipal Emergency Measures OrganizatIOn shall consist of the follOWing committees and persons: (a) a Municlpal Control Group; (b) a Municipal Emergency .vleasures Co-ordinator; and (c) il Municipal Emergency Planning Committee. Municipal Control Group 4. 1'1'1 The Municipal Control Group shall consist of the Chief Administrative Officer. the Emergency \leasures Coordinator, and the director or chief of every municipal departmem or agency which is assigned emergency related functions under municipal emergency plans and, where no department or agency exists. a persall quaJitied to execute the required emergency function. fhe Chief Administrative Officer will chair the r\:lunicipal Control Croup. (2) The Municipal Control CJroup may also include persons responsible during an emergency to coordmate the following functions: (a) Income aSSIstance: {b} soc!:)l services: and (c) health services. (3) During emergency conditions wlthm or affecting Clarington, the following functions are the responsibility of the Municipal Control Group: (a) law enforcement; (b) search and rescue; (c) fire control services: (d) hazardous materials control services; (c) transportatIOn: (0 englneenng services: 19) water; (h) wastewater control services; (i) soltd waste control services: (j) teleconununications: (k) tinancial services; (l) legal services: (m) admullstrative services: (n) human resource management (including health and safety); (oj infonnation systems: (p) purchasing/materials management; (q) physical, social and environmental planning; and (r) publk intonnation. 2 907 \1'u"l:ClrALlTYOFCL.\"""~C~ h'(%EW'Y ME"SL'~L, I)v_l..w \;"""1999 1..1'1 Each member of the .\1umcipal Control Group shall prepare an emergency plan for the emergency functions assigned in municipal emergency plans to their department. agency or area of responslbilit),. \1embers will submit plans to the Emergency Measures Planning Committee for approvaL Plans include traming and exercise programs. (5) The Municipal Control Group shall: (a) assist the Municipal Emergency \1easures Coordinator in the preparation and coordinatIOn of municipal emergency measures plans; (b) J.ct as members of the Ivtunicipal Emergency Planning Committee tor the development oll11unicipal emergency measures plans; (c) tollowing activation of the municipal or departmental emergency plan or a declaration or state of emergency, prescribe, as necessary, duties to be tulfilled by employees, :Jgents, and volunteer fire fighters of the municipality; and (d) pertoml such other duties as may be required by the Municipal Emergency Measures Plannmg CommlUee or the Council. Municipal Emergency Measures Coordinator 6. (1) The .\1unicipal Emergency \1easures Co-ordinator shall be appointed by Council. (2) The .\lumcipal Emergency .\leasures Co-ordinator shall: (a) Corm and chair all Emergency Planning Committee to address planning issues within the mUlllclpality. (h) ..:oordinate and prepare municipal emergency measures plans. training and exerCises; (el be responsible for on-gomg public self-help education programs related to emergency preparedness: (d) tollowing activation of a municipal emergency plan or a declaration of state of emergency, prescribe, as necessary, duties to be tlllfilled by employees, agents, and volunteer tire fighters of the Municipality of Clarington: and (d) perform such other duties as may be required by the Council. Municipal Emergency Plannin~ Committee , , il) The l\:lunicipal Emergency Plmming Committee shall consist of the Municipal Control Group and othcr persons deemed necessary by the Municlpal Emergency \1c3sures Coordinator. (2) rhe \lullicipal Emergency Planning Committee shall: la) llnder the directIOn of the :Vlunicipal Emergency \1easures Coordinator, 3ddress emergency planning issues within the mUOIcipality; (b) develop emergency measures plans and procedures as required: (c) assist \vith the reviews of municipal emergency plans and agreements; (d) upon request, assist the Municipal Emergency Measures Coordinator with the presentation of municipal emergency measures plans to Council: and (e) pertoml sllch other duties as may he required by the Council. Agreements s. (I) Subject to preliminary 3pproval of Council, the MuniCipal Emergency Measures Control Group may. as part ofmunicipaJ emergency measures plans, negotiate agreements to be approved by the Council or person designated by the Council with the Government of Canada, the Province of Ontario, Regional Municipality of Durham, a municipality, city or town, or any other agency or any person. (2) Any agreement negotiated under subsection 7 (I) is not binding until approved by Council. 908 \j~~K[rALTY Qf CL.UJ~GTON F"ER(;EN<:YM;;A'URESBY_L~~' -\LGUTI999 , Duties of Council 9 11) The Council shall review and evaluate municipal emergency plans presented to it by the \1unicipal Emergency Measures Coordinator. (2) The Council may specif)! additional duties to be fulfilled by the Municipal Control Group. the Municipal Emergency Measures Co-ordtnator and the Municipal Emergency Measures Planning Committee. (3) The Council may appropriate and expend momes: (a) to pay reasonable expenses of members of the Municipal Emergency Measures Planning Committee. the Municipal Emergency Measures Co~ordinator and the Municipal Control Group; and (b) to fulfil the tenns and conditions of an agreement approved by the Council pursuant to Section 7. Declaration of a State of EmergenC)' 10. (I) The Mayor, acting under Section 4 (2) of the Act shall declare a state of emergency by completing the required documentation in accordance with current regulations. (2) \Vith the approval of the Minister. the Council may renew a state of emergency by completing the required documentation in accordance wlth current regulations. (3) The Mayor may tenninate a state of local emergency by completing the required documentation in accordance with current regulations. (4) A copy of a declaration signed under this Section shall immediately be delivered or faxed to the Minister. the Director Emergency '\'1easures Ontario, and the Director of Durham Emergency Measures Organization. (5) Following the signature ofa declaration under Section 9, the Mayor shall immediately cause the details of the declaration, or termination of the declaration to be cOlrununicated, or published by such means as considers the most likely to make the contents of the declaration or tenninatlon known to the people of the area affected. Duties During an Emergency ]1. (]) Following the activation of any municipal emergency plan(s) ever)' employee. agent, and volunteer tirefighter of the municipality who has a role in such emergencies as assigned in the municlpal emergency measures plans, and departmental plans. shall fulfil such duties as may be prescnbed by those plans and any additional duties as may be prescribed by the plans and the Municipal Control Group. (2) Following the issuance of a declaration under Section 9 and for the duration of the state of emergency every councillor shall keep the Mayor intonned of their whereabouts. Revisions of the Municipality of Cia ring ton Emergency Plans ]2, (I) The Emergency .\1easures Coordinator is hereby authorized and appointed to make minor reviSIOns and administrative changes to the emergency plans as required. (2) rhe Emergency Measures Coordinator IS hereby authorized and appomted to make substantive policy and procedural revisions to the emergency plans for review and approval by Council. Read a first and second time this day of:'\Jovember, 1999. Read a third tIme and finally passed this dayofi\ovember.1999. 1\:layor Municipal Clerk .. 909