HomeMy WebLinkAboutFD-19-99 ; ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON , REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMI1TEE File# Date: NOVEMBER I, 1999 Res. tt{jiff-5/:J...-o/1 Report #: FD-19-99 10.12.6 By-law # Subject: Y2K UPDATE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Pnrpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: THAT report FD-19-99 is received for information. BACKGROUND At the General Pnrpose and Administration Committee meeting of May 9, 1999 several recommendations were made to Committee regarding the issue of Y2K as it related to the Municipality of Clarington. This report is prepared to give Committee an update on those recommendations. REPORT The Municipality has purchased a large capacity generator and instrnction on its operation took place on October 8th. It will be stored at the Hampton Works Yard. Discussions continue to take place with the public board of education for the use of their facilities for any non-nuclear emergency within the Municipality. It is understood the facilities will be available but fmal details are left to work out and formal agreements presented. Contingency plans are in place for both the Public Works Department and Fire Department, the areas most likely to be affected should any Y2K concerns arise. Public works staff has prepared a plan to ensure they are able to contact staff, if necessary. The plan also includes the measures to be taken for winter road conditions and electrical failure. The flIe department is in the process of arranging for sufficient staff to be available at the uurnanned stations in Orono, Newcastle Village and Enniskillen. Also, extra staff will be available to assist the dispatcher answering the telephones in case they are extremely busy. Pamphlets will be mailed directly to each home in the Municipality and copies will be available in the Municipal Hall and libraries. These pamphlets will be a joint information package prepared and funded by Durham Region and contain information from the local municipality. The information includes helpful hints as well as telephone numbers for various agencies. Continued.. ... 901 . ;' FD-19-99 - 2- Public meetings were held as scheduled, September 16th in Bowmanville, September 30th in Newcastle Village and October 6th in Courtice. Agencies that were invited to join in the meetings included Clarington Hydro, Ontario Power Generation, Enbridge Consumers Gas, Bell Canada, Durham Region, Lakeridge Health and the Durham Regional Police. All parties attended at least one of the public meetings with the majority attending all. Our partner agencies made presentations and were available to answer any questions posed to them by members of the public. The information provided by the various agencies related to the testing that each had undertaken to prepare for the millenium. It was clear from this information that a great deal of time and money had been spent to ensure operations would continue, as planned, and that any interruptions in service would be minor and of short duration. All agencies have also prepared contingency plans to address any unforseen problem. COMMENTS The Y2K committee feels that everything that can be done to prepare the Municipality and its residents for the millenium is being done. We will continue to meet and to communicate with the various agencies until December 31, 1999 and January I, 2000 come and go. As the Y2K Officer for the Municipality I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to the members of the committee who have worked to ensure the Municipality is well prepared. The committee members are Nancy Taylor, Deputy Treasurer, Lou Ann Birkett, Purchasing Manager, Fred Horvath, Property Manager, Grant Ashton, Public Works Operations Technician, Rob Van Dyk, Systems Manager, Gord Weir, Divisional Chief and Dan Cousins, Manager of Arenas. I would also like to thank Scott Rose and Carol Gonder who represented the Community Services Department prior to Dan's arrival. As Y2K Officer my responsibility was to oversee the committee. The committee was so focused it could have operated on its own, but not without the assistance and tireless efforts of all, especially Fred and Lou Ann. I would also like to express my appreciation and that of many others to Fred, Lou Ann and Rob for their work on developing the Municipality's power point presentation. It was the most effective tool the committee had at its' disposal for the public meetings making the residents aware of exactly what the Municipality was doing to prepare and what they in turn could do. RECOMMENDATIONS It is therefore respectfully recommended that report FD-19-99 is received for information purposes. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, cS ;.~~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer. 902