HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-06-18Clarington General Government Committee Minutes June 18, 2018 If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Minutes of a meeting of the General Government Committee held on Monday, June 18, 2018 at 9:30 AM in the Council Chambers. Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor S. Cooke, Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor W. Partner, Councillor C. Traill and Councillor W. Woo Staff Present: A. Allison, J. Caruana, F. Horvath, M. Marano, R. Maciver, N. Taylor, G. Weir, J. Gallagher, S. Gray, R. Albright 1 Call to Order Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM. 2 New Business — Introduction Councillor Neal asked that a new business item, regarding Sidewalks on Robert Adams Road, be added to the New Business — Consideration section of the agenda. Councillor Neal asked that a new business item, regarding Sidewalk Locations on Tooley Road, be added to the New Business — Consideration section of the agenda. Councillor Partner asked that a new business item, regarding Seniors and Affordable Housing, be added to the New Business — Consideration section of the agenda. 3 Adopt the Agenda Suspend the Rules Resolution #GG -333-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to add Gord Robinson to the delegation portion of the Agenda. Carried - 1 - Clarington General Government Committee Minutes June 18, 2018 Resolution #GG -334-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Agenda for the General Government Committee meeting of June 18, 2018 be adopted with the addition of the new business items regarding: x Sidewalks on Robert Adams Road x Sidewalk Locations on Tooley Road x Seniors and Affordable Housing Carried 4 Declaration of Interest There were no declarations of interest stated at this meeting. 5 Announcements Members of Committee announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. 6 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting Resolution #GG -335-18 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner That the minutes of the regular and the Closed Session Minutes of the General Government Committee meeting held on May 28, 2018, be approved. Carried 7 Delegations 7.1 Andrew Clowes, Regarding Traffic Concerns on Old Scugog Road Andrew Clowes was present regarding Traffic Concerns on Old Scugog Road. Mr. Clowes explained that he is concerned with the area of Concession Road 4 and Old Scugog Road. Mr. Clowes made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. He is concerned with the volume and speed of the traffic in the community. Mr. Clowes provided a petition to the Committee containing 68 signatures. He explained that, of the 80 homes where the petition was delivered, there were only four negative responses. Mr. Clowes stated that community members are afraid when they go for a walk, ride their bikes, drive their cars, or when letting their children play in their front yards. He noted that, in the last nine months, there have been four serious accidents in the area. Mr. Clowes displayed pictures of previous accidents which took place in the community. He explained that Old Scugog Road is perceived to be a short cut and that the shortest route is not the fastest. Mr. Clowes noted that Old Scugog -2- Clariiw-n General Government Committee Minutes June 18, 2018 Road is designated as a Class 4 local road and has no sidewalks, which makes it unsafe to go walking or cycling. He stated that excessive speed was a major component in the previous mentioned accidents. Mr. Clowes expressed that there is no need for large trucks to cut through the community. He explained that he received a letter from Hydro One advising Mr. Clowes that they will use Old Scugog Road unless required. Mr. Clowes explained that there needs to be a deterrent for the short cutters driving too fast. He stated that he is requesting three solutions to the problem. Suspend the Rules Resolution #GG -336-18 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow the delegation of Andrew Clowes to be extended for an additional two minutes. Carried Mr. Clowes requested that the Committee install an all way stop at the intersection of Old Scugog Road and Fourth Concession, install a four way stop at the intersection of Old Scugog Road, Craig Court and Glenelge Court change the speed limit from 60 km/hr on Old Scugog Road to 50 km/hr, a sign be installed to prohibit heavy truck traffic, and that there be increased speed limit enforcement. He concluded by asking the Committee to take corrective action now and support the residents in the community. Resolution #GG -337-18 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Neal That the delegation of Andrew Clowes, regarding Traffic Concerns on Old Scugog Road, be referred to staff to report back to the Council Meeting of July 3, 2018. Carried 7.2 David Veenstra, St. Marys Cement Community Relations Committee Co - Chair; Ruben Plaza, Corporate Environmental Manager, St. Marys Cement; and Ernie Hamilton, Quarry Manager, St. Marys Cement Regarding the St. Marys Cement Community Relations Committee Annual Report David Veenstra, St. Marys Cement Community Relations Committee Co -Chair; Ruben Plaza, Corporate Environmental Manager, St. Marys Cement; and Ernie Hamilton, Quarry Manager, St. Marys Cement were present, regarding the St. Marys Cement Community Relations Committee Annual Report. They made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Mr. Veenstra explained that the St Marys Cement Community Relations Committee allows for a forum for discussion, and provides advice to St Marys Cement on effects to the community. He stated that there has been an updated terms of reference since the last Annual Report. Mr. Plaza provided the Committee with an update on the 2017 Annual Report and outlined awards -3- Clarington General Government Committee Minutes June 18, 2018 and certifications received in 2017. He mentioned that the environmental performance from 2017 was increased from 2016, and they plan to continue to reduce emissions in 2018. Mr. Hamilton continued by explaining mining operations and that there were no peak air vibration levels and no exceedances in 2017. Mr. Plaza noted that there were 24 complaints, and that the majority were due to blasting. He concluded by outlining the community initiatives within the Municipality of Clarington. Councillor Neal left the meeting at 10:18 AM. Resolution #GG -338-18 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Partner That the delegation of David Veenstra, St. Marys Cement Community Relations Committee Co -Chair; Ruben Plaza, Corporate Environmental Manager, St. Marys Cement; and Ernie Hamilton, Quarry Manager, St. Marys Cement Regarding the St. Marys Cement Community Relations Committee Annual Report, be referred to Communication Item 8.6. Carried Councillor Neal returned to the meeting at 10:21 AM. 7.3 Elizabeth Pierce, Catholic Family Services of Durham, Regarding The Hope of Durham Region Capital Initiative Elizabeth Pierce, Catholic Family Services of Durham, was present, regarding The Hope of Durham Region Capital Initiative. She made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Ms. Pierce explained that, in 2010, the Catholic Family Services of Durham (CFSD) submitted a major capital grant application to the Ministry of Community and Social Services (MCSS). She stated that, in May 2017, CFSD was awarded $1.12 million and in October, 2017 they purchased a property. Ms. Pierce explained that The Hope of Durham's vision is to provide a single point of access for key supportive services to all individual and families in Durham Region. She outlined the demographics including the regional breakdown of users. Ms. Pierce highlighted the benefits of the program, including increasing access to key services and an overall reduction in overhead costs for collaborative partners. She explained that she is requesting a financial contribution of $20,000.00 over four years from Clarington, to contribute to the capital costs of the Hope Centre, for the benefit of all four agencies and the clients they service in the Region of Durham. Clarington General Government Committee Minutes June 18, 2018 Resolution #GG -339-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Woo That the funding request (in the amount of $20,000 over four years) by Elizabeth Pierce, Catholic Family Services of Durham, regarding The Hope of Durham Region Capital Initiative, be referred to the 2019 Budget. Carried Recess Resolution #GG -340-18 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Neal That the Committee recess for 10 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 10:46 AM with Mayor Foster in the Chair. 7.4 Scott Parnell, General Manager, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, Regarding an update on the cleanup of historic low-level radioactive waste currently underway in Port Granby Scott Parnell, General Manager, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, was present, regarding an update on the cleanup of historic low-level radioactive waste currently underway in Port Granby. He made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Mr. Parnell reviewed how their obligations are met, which includes the pillars of the Port Hope Area Initiative (PHAI) and various safety programs. He provided the Committee with an update on the Port Granby Project. Mr. Parnell summarized the current work, future work, and the project schedule. Suspend the Rules Resolution #GG -341-18 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow the delegation of Steve Parnell to be extended for an additional two minutes. Carried He continued by highlighting the Port Hope Project status, community engagement and ongoing communication activities. Mr. Parnell concluded by reviewing the priorities of the PHAI. He answered questions from the Committee. -5- Clartw-n General Government Committee Minutes June 18, 2018 Resolution #GG -342-18 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner That the delegation of S FR W W Parnell, General Manager, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, regarding an update on the cleanup of historic low-level radioactive waste currently underway in Port Granby, be received with thanks. Carried 7.5 Jordan McCormack, Allison Ridding and Emily Allison, Regarding a Rainbow Crosswalk in Clarington Jordan McCormack and Emily Allison, were present, regarding installing a rainbow crosswalk in Clarington. Allison Ridding was unable to attend the meeting. Ms. McCormack explained that they are both long-time residents of Clarington. She stated that they chose to live in the Municipality of Clarington because of the close knit feel, a family supportive community and a large welcome sign. Ms. McCormack stated that the celebrations within Clarington are appealing to people looking for inclusion, celebration and human connection. Ms. Allison explained that communities across Canada are creating a movement of togetherness by painting rainbow colours over crosswalks. She stated that one of the most vulnerable groups in every community is the LGBTQ children and adults, and it is our responsibility and privilege to show public support, which is proven to decrease rates of depression, suicide and violence. Ms. Allison noted that there are 44 rainbow crosswalks in British Columbia, 17 in Nova Scotia, and eight in Ontario. She stated that these crosswalks promote the message of inclusion and acceptance. Ms. Allison would like to see Clarington be the pioneer of progress and inclusion by being the first municipality between Toronto and Kingston to publicly show that `Love is Love'. She proposed that the rainbow crosswalk be painted on Liberty Street in front of the Bowmanville High School, but noted that they are also open to other visible crosswalk locations. Ms. Allison explained that they have created a movement called #RainBowmanville and have received support from the community. Ms. McCormack concluded by reciting a quote from an article regarding rainbow crosswalks. Resolution #GG -343-18 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Woo That staff report back to the General Government Committee meeting of September 4, 2018 with preferred location(s) for a rainbow crosswalk in the Municipality of Clarington; and That the report include options for funding the rainbow crosswalk(s). Carried M Clar-ington- General Government Committee Minutes June 18, 2018 7.6 David Staines, Territory Sales Representative, LED Roadway Lighting, Regarding Report COD -025-18 Streetlight LED Replacement Turnkey Program David Staines, Territory Sales Representative, LED Roadway Lighting, was present regarding Report COD -025-18, Streetlight LED Replacement Turnkey Program. He made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Mr. Staines urged the Committee to purchase Canadian made products. He provided the Committee with thebackground of LED Roadway Lighting Ltd. He explained that the LED lights they produce are vertically integrated and the majority of the work is completed in Canada. Mr. Staines noted that the NXT streetlight product is an award winning design. He provided the Committee with an overview of the Clarington RFP. Mr. Staines explained the key features of the NXT Series Streetlight. He stated that the low bid imperative and altered specificiations cause bidders to choose the cheapest product, so no bidder carried the preferred NXT Series product in their proposal. Mr. Staines explained that he is requesting the Committee to direct Ameresco to purchase NXT Series streetlights for this conversion project. Recess Resolution #GG -344-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Committee recess for 5 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 11:45 AM with Mayor Foster in the Chair. Suspend the Rules Resolution #GG -345-18 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to be extended for an additional fifteen minutes. Carried -7- Clar-ington- General Government Committee Minutes June 18, 2018 7.7 Gord Robinson, Durham York Victoria Land Owners Association, Regarding Development Charges Gord Robinson, Durham York Victoria Land Owners Association, was present regarding development charges. Mr. Robinson explained that there is a need for this development. He stated that other municipalities have waived these charges previously. Mr. Robinson noted that the concept plan is complete. He advised the Committee that many seniors want to downsize and remain in the community where they have spent most of their lives. Mr. Robinson concluded by asking for relief of the development charges for the project. Recess Resolution #GG -346-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That the Committee recess until 1:00 PM. Carried The meeting reconvened at 1:00 PM with Mayor Foster in the Chair. 8 Communications - Receive for Information 8.1 Minutes of the Newcastle Business Improvement Authority dated April 12, 2018 8.2 Minutes of the Newcastle Community Hall Board dated March 20, 2018 and April 17, 2018 8.3 Minutes of the Energy from Waste — Waste Management Advisory Committee dated November 23, 2017 and March 1, 2018 8.4 Minutes of the Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee dated May 24, 2018 8.5 Minutes of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority dated May 17, 2018 8.6 St. Mary's Cement Community Relations Committee Annual Report Resolution #GG -347-18 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo That the Communication Items 8.1 to 8.6 be received for information, with the exception of Communication Item 8.1. Carried Clarington General Government Committee Minutes June 18, 2018 Resolution #GG -348-18 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Partner That the Communications Item 8.1 be received for information. Carried 9 Communications — Direction 9.1 Alexander Harras, Manager of Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk, Town of Ajax, Regarding Red Light Cameras 9.2 Alexander Harras, Manager of Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk, Town of Ajax, Regarding Automated Speed Enforcement Resolution #GG -349-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Partner That Communication Items 9.1 and 9.2, be referred to the Director of Engineering. Carried 9.3 Don Mitchell, Mayor, Town of Whitby, Regarding Highway 412 Tolls Resolution #GG -350-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper Whereas the Council of the Municipality of Clarington supports the resolution of the Town of Whitby Council requesting that the tolls be removed from Highway 412; and Now therefore be it resolved that the Premier -Elect be requested to reconsider the matter and remove the tolls on Highway 412. Carried as Amended (See following motion) Resolution #GG -351-18 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the foregoing Resolution #GG -350-18 be amended by adding the words "Highway 418" to the end of the first paragraph and the end of the second paragraph. Carried The foregoing Resolution #GG -350-18 was then put to a vote and carried as amended. Clarington-General Government Committee Minutes June 18, 2018 9.4 Garry Cubitt, Chief Administrative Officer, The Regional Municipality of Durham, Regarding Affordable & Seniors' Housing Task Force Report Resolution #GG -352-18 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Hooper Whereas the Council of the Municipality of Clarington is committed to addressing the increasing issue of providing suitable and affordable housing needs for their residents; and Whereas more affordable rental housing for both low and moderately -low income households is required; and Whereas the requirement for seniors housing needs should be broader to support and address seniors financially and physically; Therefore be it resolved: That the Council of the Municipality of Clarington support the implementation of the Regional Municipality of Durham's Affordable and Seniors' Housing Task Force; That the Chief Administrative Officer or a designate be directed to take part in the Interdisciplinary Tactical Team (referenced in the Regional Municipality of Durham's Affordable and Seniors' Housing Task Force Report); That the Council of the Municipality of Clarington form a Clarington Task Force on Seniors' and Affordable Housing which will assist with the support, creation and maintenance of affordable housing; That Councillor Wendy Partner and Councillor Ron Hooper be appointed as representatives to the Clarington Task Force on Seniors' and Affordable Housing; and That Staff report back with proposed Terms of Reference for the Clarington Task Force on Seniors' and Affordable Housing. Carried Later in the Meeting (See following motions) Resolution #GG -353-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That the foregoing Resolution #GG -352-18 be amended by adding the following at the end: That staff report back in December, 2018, prior to the creation of the Clarington Task Force on Seniors' and Affordable Housing, with the proposed terms of reference. Motion Lost Later in the Meeting -10- Clarington Suspend the Rules Resolution #GG -354-18 General Government Committee Minutes June 18, 2018 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Committee to speak to the matter of the foregoing Resolution #GG -353-18 a second time. Carried The foregoing Resolution #GG -353-18 was then put to a vote and lost. Resolution #GG -355-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That the foregoing Resolution #GG -352-18 be amended by adding the following at the end: That staff be directed to advertise for community representatives to the Clarington Task Force on Seniors' and Affordable Housing, in accordance with the Appointments to Boards and Committees Policy; and That Councillor Traill be appointed as an additional representative to the Clarington Task Force on Seniors' and Affordable Housing. Motion Lost on the following recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Interest Absent Councillor Neal X Councillor Partner X Councillor Traill X Councillor Woo X Councillor Cooke X Councillor Hooper X Mayor Foster X The foregoing Resolution #GG -352-18 was then put to a vote and carried. 10 Presentations No Presentations - 11 - Clar-ington Councillor Woo chaired this portion of the meeting. 11 Engineering Services Department General Government Committee Minutes June 18, 2018 11.1 EGD -012-18 Building Activity Update January 1 to May 31, 2018 Resolution #GG -356-18 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Mayor Foster That Report EGD -012-18 be received for information. Carried Councillor Partner chaired this portion of the meeting. 12 Operations Department 12.1 OPD -007-18 2018 Winter Budget Report Resolution #GG -357-18 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report OPD -007-18 be received for information. Carried 13 Emergency and Fire Services Department No Reports for this section of the Agenda. Councillor Hooper chaired this portion of the meeting. 14 Community Services Department 14.1 CSD -009-18 - Clarington Recreational Hockey League — Request to Purchase Rink Divider Board System Resolution #GG -358-18 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Woo That Report CSD -009-18 be received; That Council approve the purchase of one set of rink divider board system at an estimated cost of $10,000; -12- Clariiw-n General Government Committee Minutes June 18, 2018 That capital funding in the amount of $10,000 be transferred from the 2018 - RRC Security Camera Replacement project, Account #110-42-421-84256-7401 to fund this purchase; and That all interested parties listed in Report CSD -009-18 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried Councillor Traill chaired this portion of the meeting. 15 Municipal Clerk's Department 15.1 CLD -017-18 Appointment to the Diversity Advisory Committee Resolution #GG -359-18 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report CLD -017-18 be received; That the vote be conducted to appoint three citizen representatives for a term ending December 31, 2020 or until a successor is appointed, to the Diversity Advisory Committee for the Municipality of Clarington, in accordance with the Appointments to Boards and Committees Policy; That the vote be conducted to appoint four citizen representatives for a term ending December 31, 2022 or until a successor is appointed, to the Diversity Advisory Committee for the Municipality of Clarington, in accordance with the Appointments to Boards and Committees Policy; and That all interested parties listed in Report CLD -017-18 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried The following appointments were made in accordance with the voting process outlined in the Council Appointments to Boards and Committees Policy for the Diversity Advisory Committee for a term ending December 31, 2020 or until a successor is appointed: x Ashfaque Choudhry x Derryck Lamptey x John Sawdon -13- Clarington- General Government Committee Minutes June 18, 2018 The following appointments were made in accordance with the voting process outlined in the Council Appointments to Boards and Committees Policy for the Diversity Advisory Committee for a term ending December 31, 2022 or until a successor is appointed: x Dorothy Koziorz x Rajeshwari Saharan x Laila Shafi x Rachel Traore Mayor Foster chaired this portion of the meeting. 16 Corporate Services Department 16.1 COD -021-18 Supply and Delivery of Tandem Diesel Dump Truck(s) with Plow Equipment Resolution #GG -360-18 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report COD -021-18 be received; That Premier Truck Group, having satisfactorily supplied one dump truck with plow equipment under CL2016-9 and approved in Report PS -006-16, be granted authority to have their contract extended for an optional year for the supply and delivery of three tandem diesel dump trucks with plow equipment with a 2018 total bid amount of $748,137.48 (Net of HST) as required by the Operations Department; That funds required for this project in the amount of $748,137.48 (Net of HST) be drawn from the following accounts: Fleet Roads -Replacement (2018) 110-36-388-83642-7401 $249,379.16 New Fleet -Roads (2018) 110-36-388-83643-7401 $498,758.32 That the required additional funding of $28,137.48 above the $720,000 budget be approved as follows: Operations Equipment R/F $ 9,379.16 Operations Development Charges R/F $16,882.49 Municipal Capital Works R/F $ 1,875.83 That all interested parties listed in Report COD -021-18, and any delegations, be advised by the Corporate Services Department of Council's decision regarding the award. Carried -14- Clar-ington General Government Committee Minutes June 18, 2018 16.2 COD -023-18 Green Road and Boswell Drive/Clarington Blvd Roundabout Resolution #GG -361-18 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Neal That Report COD -023-18 be received; That Coco Paving Inc., with a total bid amount of $577,701.53 (Blended HST), being the lowest compliant bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2018-22, be awarded the contract for the Green Road and Boswell Drive/Clarington Blvd Roundabout project as required by the Engineering Services Department; That the funds required for this project in the amount of $742,600.00 (Blended HST) which includes the construction cost of $577,701.53 (Blended HST) and other related costs such as design, inspection, contract administration, materials testing and contingencies of $164,898.47 (Blended HST) be funded as follows: Green Road & Boswell Drive Intersection Improvements (2017) 110-32-335-83276-7401 $ 90,000.00 Green Road & Boswell Drive Intersection Improvements (2018) 110-32-335-83276-7401 $465,800.00 Green Road & Boswell Drive Intersection Improvements (2018) 110-32-335-83276-7402 $ 4,100.00 (Region Recovery) Green Road & Boswell Drive Intersection Improvements (2018) 110-32-335-83276-7403 $182,700.00 (Developer Recovery) That the contract award be subject to the Municipality securing funding for the developer portion of the contract; and That all interested parties listed in Report COD -023-18, and any delegations, be advised by the Corporate Services Department of Council's decision regarding the award. Carried -15- Clarington General Government Committee Minutes June 18, 2018 16.3 COD -025-18 Streetlight LED Replacement Turnkey Program Resolution #GG -362-18 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report COD -025-18 be received; That the proposal, received from Ameresco Canada Inc., being the most responsive bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of RFP2018-1, be awarded the contract for the provision of services for the Streetlight LED Replacement Turnkey Program; That the funds required for this project in the amount of $3,200,000.00 (net of HST rebate) includes the construction cost of $2,898,193.01 (net of HST rebate) and other related costs such as design, contract administration, and contingencies of $301,806.99 (net of HST rebate) be funded by the Municipality as follows: Street Lighting —LED Conversion 110-32-324-83201-7401 $3,200,000.00 That all interested parties listed in Report COD -025-18 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision by the Corporate Services Department. Carried on the following recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Interest Absent Councillor Neal X Councillor Partner X Councillor Traill X Councillor Woo X Councillor Cooke X Councillor Hooper X Mayor Foster X 16.4 COD -026-18 GBRRC and Fire Station #1 Parking Lot Rehabilitation Resolution #GG -363-18 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report COD -026-18 be received; That Coco Paving Inc., with a total bid amount of $1,573,858.54 (Net HST Rebate), being the lowest compliant bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2018-7, be awarded the contract for the GBRRC and Fire Station #1 Parking Lot Rehabilitation project as required by the Engineering Services Department; -16- Clar-ington- General Government Committee Minutes June 18, 2018 That the funds required for this project in the amount of $1,755,500.00 (Net HST Rebate) which includes the construction cost of $1,573,858.54 (Net HST Rebate) and other related costs such as design, inspection, contract administration, materials testing and contingencies of $181,641.46 (Net HST Rebate) be funded by the Municipality as follows: GBRRC and Fire Station#1 Parking Lot Rehabilitation 110-32-327-84256-7401 $1,755,500.00 That all interested parties listed in Report COD -026-18 and any delegations be advised by the Corporate Services Department of Council's decision regarding the award. Carried on the followina recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Interest Absent Councillor Neal X Councillor Partner X Councillor Traill X Councillor Woo X Councillor Cooke X Councillor Hooper X Mayor Foster X Recess Resolution #GG -364-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the Committee recess for 5 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 3:21 PM with Mayor Foster in the Chair. 17 Finance Department 17.1 FND-011-18 Investment Policy Resolution #GG -365-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Partner That Report FND-011-18 be received; That the proposed updated Investment Policy be approved; and -17- Clarington- General Government Committee Minutes June 18, 2018 That Staff be directed to explore options for transitioning to prudent investor, if feasible and report back in early 2019. Carried 18 Solicitor's Department No Reports for this section of the Agenda. 19 Chief Administrative Office 19.1 CAO -007-18 Municipal Climate Change Action Resolution #GG -366-18 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report CAO -007-18 be received; That Council endorse the development of a dedicated inter -departmental working group on climate change to facilitate cross corporate issues, coordinate research and implement required actions; That the existing Energy Management Steering Committee be dissolved and its mandate be integrated into the mandate of the new inter -departmental working group on climate change; That staff be directed to prepare an application for the Federation of Canadian Municipalities' Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program - Climate Change Staff Grants initiative; That staff report back to Council once a decision on the Federation of Canadian Municipalities staff grant application is known and a framework for implementation has been determined; and That all interested parties listed in Report CAO -007-18 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried Clarington 20 New Business — Consideration 20.1 Election Sign By-law Resolution #GG -367-18 General Government Committee Minutes June 18, 2018 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That the Election Sign By-law 2016-004, be amended to delete Sub -section 10 d) to lift the prohibition of placing signs on boulevard V. Carried 20.2 Sidewalks on Robert Adams Road Resolution #GG -368-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That staff be directed to replace the heaved sidewalk bays in the vicinity of 55 and 57 Robert Adams Drive; That the trees be replaced; That the work be done no later than August 31, 2018; and That the funds required be allocated at the discretion of the Director of Engineering. Carried 20.3 Sidewalk Locations on Tooley Road Resolution #GG -369-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That staff report back to the Council meeting of July 3, 2018 on the sidewalks to be constructed on the west side of Tooley Road; and That staff advise residents, in the new houses, that the report will be considered at the next Council meeting. Carried 20.4 Seniors and Affordable Housing Seniors and Affordable Housing was considered earlier in the meeting during the communications portion of the agenda. -19- Clarington 21 Unfinished Business General Government Committee Minutes June 18, 2018 21.1 Laneway at Rundle Road [Referred from the June 11, 2018 Council Meeting] Resolution #GG -370-18 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Neal That staff be directed to attempt to acquire the laneway property abutting 2392 Rundle Road either by deed or by vesting order. Motion Lost on the following recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Interest Absent Councillor Neal X X Councillor Partner X Councillor Traill X Councillor Woo X Councillor Cooke X Councillor Hooper X Mayor Foster X 21.2 Delegation of Gord Robinson, Durham York Victoria Land Owners Association, Regarding Development Charges [Referred from the June 4, 2018 Planning and Development Committee Meeting] Resolution #GG -371-18 Moved by Councillor Cooke, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the delegation of Gord Robinson, Durham York Victoria Land Owners Association, regarding Development Charges, be received with thanks; and That Council grant relief of the Development Charges for the proposed project. Motion Lost on the following recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Interest Absent Councillor Neal X Councillor Partner X Councillor Traill X Councillor Woo X Councillor Cooke X Councillor Hooper X Mayor Foster X -20- Clarington Resolution #GG -372-18 General Government Committee Minutes June 18, 2018 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal That the Development Charges By-law be amended to permit the request for a site specific exemption by Gord Robinson, Durham York Victoria Land Owners Association, regarding Development Charges. Motion Lost on the following recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Interest Absent Councillor Neal X Councillor Partner X Councillor Traill X Councillor Woo X Councillor Cooke X Councillor Hooper X Mayor Foster X Resolution #GG -373-18 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Neal That the delegation of Gord Robinson, Durham York Victoria Land Owners Association, regarding Development Charges, be received with thanks. Carried 22 Confidential Reports 22.1 CAO -008-18 Delegation of Authority Resolution #GG -374-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the recommendations contained in Confidential Report CAO -008-18, Delegation of Authority, be divided. Motion Lost NOTE: The above resolution was a divide resolution, despite not having a resolution moved and seconded prior to the divide resolution. -21 - atsrington Closed Session Resolution #GG -375-18 General Government Committee Minutes June 18, 2018 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Cooke That, in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing a matter that deals with: a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; and • a matter that deals with labour relations or employee negotiations, Motion Lost Resolution #GG -376-18 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Cooke That the recommendations, contained in Confidential Report CAO -008-18 Delegation of Authority, be approved. Referred Resolution #GG -377-18 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That Resolution #GG -376-18, regarding Report CAO -008-18, Delegation of Authority, be referred to the Council meeting of July 3, 2018. Carried 23 Adjournment Resolution #GG -378-18 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Neal That the meeting adjourn at 4:26 PM. Mayor Carried t •0" j Y Deputy Clerk -22-