HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD-41-99 v.. "" ~-- .J-;-q. .",~..'. REPORT #2 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ;/'" '-" REPORT Meeting: COUNCIL File # /CJ_ 5 GL:- Res. # C-(P1)r-(l'j Date: October 12, 1999 Report #: CD-41-99 By-law # Subject: BY. LAW ENFORCEMENT DIVISION It is respectfully recommended: 1. THAT Report CD-41-99 be received; 2. THAT the part-time Clerk I position in the Clerk's Department be made a full time position, incorporating the duties carried out by the current part-time Clerk I and the By-law Division Clerk II; 3. THAT a new By-law Enforcement OlIicer position be approved; and 4. THAT staff be authorized to hire a part-time Clerk I in the Clerk's Department in to coincide with the transfer of the Provincial Offences Act Administration. REPORT: PresenUy, the By-law Enforcement Division consists of the Senior By-law Enforcement OffICer, one By-law Enforcement OlIicer, a full-time Clerk II, one full-time and one part-time Parking Enforcement OlIicer. The workload on the two By-law Enforcement OlIicers has increased dramatically over the last several years, to the point where the turn around time on addressing citizen's complaints is very often unacceptable. In 1996 and 1997 staff in the By-law Enforcement Division streamlined many of their investigative and recording functions in an attempt to reduce the number of outstanding files. This led to a reduction in the actual number of files opened from a high of 742 in 1995 to 442 in 1996 and 426 in 1997. A concentrated effort in these two years reduced a majority of the outstanding files. This advantage was countered by the fact that in these two years a total of 342 files were carried over to 1998. On average, the two officers can clear approximately 350 files per year. With provincial downloading of various responsibilities and increased growth of the Municipality, By-law calls for service grew to 572 in 1998. Of this number, only 411 could be closed by the year's end. So far this year there are 434 files and an outstanding balance for this year alone of 149. I ~, "r'" , . " "" ~ ' . Report CD-41-99 -2- October 12, 1999 These numbers do not include routine enquiries at the counter or over the phone. They also do not include a considerable amount of time devoted to the municipal sidewalk snow clearing program and the Line Fences Act process. Another major factor in the increased workload is the First Attendance Parking Facility. Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, at least one officer must be in the office and available to conduct the First Attendance Hearings. These Hearings are required by provincial law and are a necessary first step for persons wishing to discuss or contest a parking ticket. In order to provide a proper level of service to the public, one officer is required to be in the office at all times to respond to counter and telephone enquiries. Further, one of the two officers is in fact the manager of the Division who must also divide his time between management functions (reports, meetings, ete) and active field investigation. The following chart shows a comparison of municipalities across the Region with the exception of the City of Oshawa. MUNICIPAUTY POPULATION LANDMASS · NO. OF OFFICERS . Aiax 64,430 26.1 3.5 Brock 11,705 161.4 2 Clarinoton 71,000 234.7 2 Pickerino 78,989 87.S 4 Scuooo 18,827 179.0 1 Uxbridoe 15,882 160.7 2.5 Whitbv 73,794 55.2 3 . Landmass provided in square miles The chart shows the comparison of officers to landmass and population. The City of Oshawa has been excluded. Part of their By-law enforcement is handled through Durham Regional Police and partly through municipal staff. With the retirement at the end of October 1999 of the individual in the Clerk II position, an opportunity for reviewing staff functions has arisen. The Council Services Division of the Clerk's Department has a part-time Clerk I position. This individual works 24 hours per week, running Council and Committee agendas, providing switchboard relief and assisting with general office duties. It is recommended that this position be made a full time Clerk I and take on the added responsibility of clerical aspects of the By-law Enforcement Division. This new position will be a union position and will therefore be advertised in accordance with the Union contract. With the transfer of the Provincial Offences Act administration, the clerical workload in the By-law Enforcement Division will increase in the new year. The anticipated transfer date is April 2000. It is recommended that a part-time Clerk I be hired at that time to relieve the By-law Enforcement Clerk I of the non-By-Iaw related clerical duties and allow sufficient hours to complete the additional workload. '7 ..- ,..-'I- lI- i" r .. . . Report CD-41-99 -3- October 12, 1999 A comparison of the staffing in this area, present and proposed, follows: PROPOSED - PROPOSED - POSITIONS PRESENT OCTOBER 1999 APRIL 2000 Part-Time Clerk I $14,992 - $11,536 Clerk I - $22,694 $24,560 Clerk II $33,157 - - Bv-Iaw Enforcement Officer - $33,563 $36,560 TOTAL $48,149 $56,257 $72,656 In summary, the proposed staffing change in the Clerk's Department will resutt in the increase of one By-law Enforcement Officer at a cost of about $24,500 to be added to the 2000 Budget. The Chief Administrative Officer has reviewed the proposed changes and agrees the current level of service in by-law enforcement is unacceptable and must be rectified as soon as possible. The pending retirement of the Clerk II, presents an opportunity to re-tool and adjust the department organization, thereby meeting current and future needs ofthe community. Reviewed by C\~~~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Chief Administrative Officer