HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdmin-2-96 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Report #: ADMIN-2-96 File #: File # Fcf)". Res. tt:-'r"f'f7 - 4/- lb By-Law# 90-2:<; 9~-.z3 7'~ -.;;<.:r:: 9~- ;J..5 9(. - ;u, '1t. -,;;1..7 '14, -::<.S 7t. - ;;z'1 94, -.30 '7(.-31 '74, -,:52; Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITIEE Date: January 22, 1996 Subject: 1996 BUDGET RESTRAINT PROGRAM. FEE ADJUSTMENTS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report ADMIN-2-96 be received; 2. THAT the Attachments to ADMIN-2-96 be approved for implementation effective February 1, with the exception of the items identified for deferral to 1996 budget deliberations on Attachment #2; and 3. THAT the appropriate By-Laws be forwarded to Council to effect those fees and service charges that are governed by By-Law. Backs:round: 1.0 Meeting January 12, 1996 1.1 At a Special Council meeting on Friday January 12, 1996, Council met to discuss with Staff, the background and merits of fee adjustments and expenditure control in order to meet the Provincial grant reductions imposed for 1996. 2.0 The Provincial Grant Reduction 2.1 As identified in the attached letter from the Province (Attachment # 1), the grant allocation to the Municipality of Clarington for 1996 is $1,801,112. This is a reduction in the total grant allocation of approximately 37% from the actual grant valve identified by the Province on column 3 of the attachment at $2,892,717 (Municipal comparisons to date of 34% have been based on comparison of the grant reduction to the 1995 budget values). .cc"",t:\eoe." >'AO,' '<I:1 ".en,,, "',lS""",,,,-,~co;"rCYC"D"P":A 1 0 1 ADMIN-2-96 Pal!e - 2 - 2.2 The attached letter from the Province identifies that there is a 28.5% reduction on the base grant, and a further reduction representing the social contract deferral. There is an additional amount of $189,109 which is referred to as an MTO transitional fund reduction. The MTO was asked if this amount will be reimbursed to the Municipality of Clarington because there were no supplementary projects applied for in 1995. They have advised that it would not be refunded and they did not have the specifics of the calculations on that value. They referred Staff back to the Municipal Mfairs for further information. Municipal Mfairs is still to respond with the specifics of that particular value. 2.3 The 1996 total reduction when compared to the actual grant received in 1995, regardless of the reasoning behind it will be approximately 37% less revenue in the way of Provincial Grants to the Municipality of Clarington. 3.0 Coping with the Reductions 3.1 Methods of coping with the reductions were discussed on Friday January 12th by senior Staff and Council. Included in the discussions were increasing various fees and service charges and reductions to some levels of service. The target to be achieved to accommodate the 1996 Provincial cuts and uncontrollable expenses is approximately $1.5 million as identified on Attachment #2. 3.2 The recommended adjustments to fees affecting services provided to the general public are generally maintained at 10%, which is less than the value of the Provincial transfer cuts. Other fees impacting profit oriented organizations have been recommended for approximately 20% or more increases. New fees for services previously provided for at no charge are recommended for introduction in order to help accommodate the 1996 impart. 3.3 The recommended fee structure as suggested by each department is attached for approval as Attachments #3 through #7. These fees are to be effective, as appropriate, February I, 1996 in order to maximize the opportunities for revenue generation in 1996 and in order that staff may prepare the 1996 budget based on the recommended changes. 3.4 Items referred to the budget deliberations for either further discussion or direction at that time are shown in a separate column on Attachment #2. These amount to $305,000 and are added to the bottom line of $365,541 to be identified through the budget in order to avoid any tax increase in 1996. 4.0 The 1996 Budget 4.1 The 1996 Budget deliberations are tentatively scheduled for late March 1996, and further discussions on the deferred items will take place at that time. 4.2 The Province has not yet confirmed whether there will be any further cuts anticipated through their 1996 budget. 02 ADMIN-2-96 Pa{:e-3- 5.0 1997 5.1 The Provincial impart for 1997 is not confirmed and will be subject to further investigation by the Province. However, judging by the impact finally arrived at for 1996, staff anticipate that it will be significantly greater than the 20% originally announced. 1997 has not been accommodated on the allached analysis (Attachment #2) due to the uncertainty of the numbers involved at this point. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, / J /~ W.H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer. eA. Marano, H.BSc., A.M.C.T., Treasurer. MM/hjl Attachments 1 03 ~ Ontario Ministry of Ministere des Municipal Affaires Affairs municipaies and Housing et du Logement Council Information Municipal Finance Branch Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 Tel: (416) 585-6951 Attachment #1 Page 1 of 3 .lMt-9 m. ";""i-l' -'l-t"';.....,.T7'~...1P";i-'~^'-... r.'>"i, "C:,! !\'.. ! r,' ('" ,'( ':,I~i ,,'"-,", J .!.,f' ~1; i l.J.~. -t~".., Itt' ' JAN I C 199G 3 Z1 AH~ 1t.,0,' ~1:~j-~,~~, \ '( r~:o"'.-:" January 4, 1996 Dear Treasurer/Clerk Treasurer: j\ilUN!CiF'f\L!TI or CLf'.Rif'E1:un P,;,',CE r;,,':" ,',~-!--: On December 22, 1995, I sent you a letter indicating the 1996 Municipal t;:. :i;',;-;-'\ Support Grant entitlement for your municipality. A number of municipalities tiifl');tifTLJ have asked questions about my letter. As a result, I am now providing you 21-LULn~Jt.cn with further details, elk bCl'i- Hi)). N-a~,~( " {;(11< 4, . ....--' The attached table shows how your 1996 entitlement was calculated. The methodology applied is as follows: Column One shows the 1995 road grants adjusted by the Ministry of Transportation to account for the following: equipment, housing for +equipment, connecting link maintenance and traffic signals. Column Two shows the 1995 unconditional grant. This amount does not include the Ministry of Community and Social Services special allocation to municipalities that deliver welfare during the Social Contract period. Column Three shows the 1995 entitlement (adjusted for MTO road grants). On the adjusted base, municipal grants were reduced by no more than 28.5 per cent as a result of the November Economic Statement. This adjustment is shown in Column Four. If this 28.5 per cent reduction exceeded 9.5 per cent of a municipality's 1994 property taxes, the reduction was capped at an amount equal to 9.5 per cent. In addition, as you are aware, municipalities still had a reduction commitment under the Social Contract implemented by the previous government. This Social Contract deferral is shown in Column Six. As indicated in the Economic Statement, MTO in 1996 is holding back $100 million for pre-committed projects. The proportion of this hold-back assigned to individual municipalities was pro-rated by MTO based on the amount shown in Column One. This fund will be allocated to municipalities during 1996 to meet prior commitments and strategic priorities. This amount is shown in Column Seven. .../2 1105 @ Attachment #1 Page 2 of 3 . .I. -2- The final 1996 transfer is shown in Column Eight. The reductions announced with the November Economic Statement are no more than 28.5 per cent for urban municipalities, an average of 16.8 per cent for counties and the lower tier municipalities within them, and an average of 11.6 per cent for northern municipalities. The difference between 28.5 per cent, for example, and the percentage change between columns three and eight is largely the result of the reduction required to meet previous commitments under the Municipal Sector Framework Agreement of the Social Contract. Extra protection was given to northern municipalities because of their dependence on provincial grants and their limited tax base and fewer opportunities to restructure. However, northern municipalities will still need to become more cost effective. Should you have questions about the MTO portion of the grants as shown in columns one and seven, please contact your MTO District Office. Should you have questions about the other columns, please call the Municipal Finance Branch at (416) 585-6310. Yours truly, ~ -{b - Nancy Bardecki Director i r-";' CtE;:, IV. i.' rei\. 2' H'~.O.O' /. 0." If/" I .0' v'-^--" I OP1Gi' ."_ :':_ _. ~__ ! c' ,;.~- ... 0 0.. .0 . o. r" ~()4,u;o:. , )---.- ! ,----. , l~----" I I r---.- 1._ I _.~ _,'__ ,._, . 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" Attachment #2 Page 1 of 2 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON - BUDGET RESTRAINT PROGRAM R<po,tAdmin-2-96 _ FOR PROV!NCIAL GRANT REDlJCTIONS _ Attaclun<Dt # 2 F"d ~[ .. -.. 199!iTllclencdt;;l 1997 1 ]1.. .. RED.lJC:rI~_'!o",,,,11 REPUClTION__ll I PROVINCIAL REDUCTION - (Previously $631.000) 941 191 550.000 : ADD UNCONTROLLABLE EXPENSES: i Fire Primary Response I Negotiated Union Settlement 1 % Social Contract lmpact(mileage,uniforms,overtime) Insurance/Benefit Premiums 15% Building Permit Projected Revenue Loss Other Inflation Costs - utilities etc I Surplus no longer available i Net Assessment Revenue Contribution TOTAL AMOUNT REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN 0% PROPOSED BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS: General: 1995 Actual Vacancies Not Filled: . E.D.C. 55,000 '" P.W. Clerk 1 25.000 ,. P.W. Labourers rept. w/temps 125.000 '" PlaDS~miDer 35,000 '" Bldg. Maintenance Vacancy 28,000 .. Building Official Retirement - 3 mos Sub-Total Consulting - all departments Legal - all departments 203,000 231.000 ! Grants: : Reduction to Community Grants Planning: I Reduced Overtime 100,000 Public Works: Reduce Transfer to Reserve Equip. Delay Capital : Road Reconstruction Street Ughts Service Levels Reduced: . Rural Rds. gravel redllced . Pavement Markings reduced . Tree Planting reduced . Unopend Rd. aUow not maintained . Mad Vac sidewalk cleaning BlA deleted . BIA Snow Cleating in regular hours . Parks ~ reduced plantingf# grass cuttings . Senior's Snow Clearing Dufferin Aggregates - gravel value Other Reductions Works Operations REVENUES INCREASED: Increased & New User Fees New/l ncreased Service Fees Reserve Transfer-Pits & Quarries (130,000) (115,000) (50,000 (25,000) (150,000) (40,000) (160,000) 150,000 (130.000) (115,000) o (25,000) o o (600,000) 215,000 1461191 (I,Z05,OOO) o 30,000 55,000 35,000 30,000 15,000 175,000 40,000 30,000 i 55,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 20,000 5,000 550,000 125,000 960,000 0 o 200,000 50,000 100,000 o o 50,000 8,000 5,000 12,000 14,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 0 140,000 T.BA Wm@g~l o o o o o o o 30,000 o See Pg.2. ~MiligllUillRf o o 2342QOO !TOTAL REDUCTIONS IN MUNICIPAL BUDGET NET FUNDING EARNED I(STILL REQUIRED) ADD : COURTICE COMMUNITY COMPLEX: PROJECTED OPERATING COSTS: CORE : LIBRARY "DO: OLDER ADULT'S CENTRE:OPERATING ~DD: AMOUNTS DEFERRED TO 1996 BUDGET TOTAL UNfUNDED OPERATING TO REMAIN AT 0% 'Note 1 - Costs: $271,VOOinclurlio,Ma...er& ", U,orF" io"', Note_2 _.0 -ratin Cos,tslObeide:nti.fiedinre~hnuarv199Q. HOUSBOOiD-TAxllliJl'AcT M(Jnlcipal qp$ratiprl$.~()Ii~ InClUdin Oourtice<Cam- lex Janllaryl~j96 150,000 15,000 140,000 1.135,650 505,000 325541 (40,000 o o 40,000) (181 ,OOO)(N_ 'I (250,000) Note 2 (431,000 (305,000 . (365.5411 305 000 11.131 ,000) 3,3 % 3,7 % 7.0 % 11.3 % 1109 Municipality of Clarington Admin 2-96 Attachment #2: Page 2 1996 PROPOSED ADJUSTMENTS TO MEET PROVINCIAL CUTS IrDepll.rtmentC~ u__~~- ~~~------_..- - - I~ __u__. . __~Det~________ ~-~~v~~ntJ~jl~~~S I Treasury -- ~~;::'S:~n~r~~e::~:~ ::tf;;o:$:,~:: ~:~apprJ- ~~~ r-- - Tenders advertised only in Daily Commercial News 0 Increase Tax Certificate $15. to $20 ($25 in 97) 15,000 Interest Revenue increased 5,000 Planning Clerks Administration New I Increased Permit fees (see attached detail) Increase in existing planning fees/applications 127,600 48,630 LicenceslPermits & other (detail attached) Animal Control charges (attached detail) Parking MetcrfPennits - Direct to Reserve Fund 14,275 8,515 11,650 Court House - after hours rental ($20. per evening) Community Services Total per detailed sheet - changes to fee structure (New Charges - Ball Diamond youth fee) Public Works Fire General: Delete Roads Needs Study for 2 years New/Increased Permit Fees: Engineering Operations Cemeteries 10,000 11,500 8,500 30,000 Burning Permits @ $2.,.00 each Inspections @ $75./$50. wood stove inspections Sub~lolal 1. Mileage savings - lease vehicles/rotate existing vehicles TOTAL PRELIMINARY SAVINGS IDENTIFIED 20,600 176,230 22,790 n/a 1,500; 67,530 25,000 60,000 20,000 393,650 ,! I 3000!' , 'I 396 650 I I[D~f~;;~dto I J ~~~udget 4,000 4000 Report ADMIN-2-96 Attachment #3 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1996 Budget Restraint Program Fee Adjustments 111 1 l\.U8Cnmenl 1t~ " n ~ I I I ~ I ~ I I ~ I I i I '" I ~ I i f""" ?t.' n , i ~ ~ I II g~ '111' . c:11 o ~.. a ljDll c _~ n ... " ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ :!i IT no ~ ~ Z . n i! e 0. r " .... 3: / n~ '" r . ~ '" / : 8 '" "" ,- " ;: ;: g JJ ;: ~ ;: 0 Z z en Q en (l en ?J ... lI1 ~ ~ " ~" ~" ~" 0 ~ 0 ~ " ~ [ \l " ~ 3 3 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ , 5' il: g " ~ 3 ~ " 6' !!: 0 5" 0 0 ~ '" '" ~ ~ ~. 5" " 0 :IJ ... 5" " a " " c il " ~ :IJ ... ,. <1 '" 5: a , a :IJ ~ ~ " " 0 0. . .& ~ n <1 C1 3 " il: " " [ a " .. m n ~" ... . il: a ;; " ~ a ~ a '" .& en C1 3 a '" ;; C1 " 1 3 3 ;; c '" . :IJ :IJ " " 0 ... ~" '" 0 0 ;; ~ ;; 0 " " , C1 ,." " 3 ;; 3 3 ~ ~ ~ :!i . 0" a 5" 3 0 . :IJ . 1 " .. , " '" en ~ .. is n . ... 5" n ;: .. ... m C1 '" Z 0 m " 3 ;: . " c- o . " 3 " 0- " " " " " " " " . " . " n n " 11 " " '" m '" . n '" '" '" ~ '" '" .. '" ..., ..., '" ~ '" . =< ..., .. .. 11 g '" ~ '" "1l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :.. ~ ~ ~ :.. ~ ~ " ~ ~ .. 1I~ '" ~ 0 8 0 8 '" " '" '" 0 0 0 Q 0 " '" 1 0 . " 3: c: ;c n " ,. " .... e :IJZ " ~~ " " !l1en 1 em m'l! ". ,.- t: '" ., ..., '" '" '" '" .. '" '" ., '" '" III '" '" III :IJ" ~s '" '" '" '" ~ '" 0:1: .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :.. 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" g: 8 ~'" CO lIle :'i!ll " m8 " o!lj 1Il~ " ;C m " :'i " " " " m~ "'" ~ ~ ~ '" '" '" ;: '" '" .,,0 ..N II ..., '" 8 .. '" ~ 8 8 ~ '" " ~ 8 ~ .,,1/< .. " 8 8 g: .. ..., 0 ~z 1l " 0 0 8 _0 " ... ... ~" ... ~ ... ." ;:' ;r ... ~ ~ ... ;:' ... ~ ~ ... W ... o~ 0 ~ ~ 0 . ~ ~ "l' ~ 0- 0- c- c- o- 0- !;m " m.. 1 ~ ". ~ '" ., ..., '" '" ., '" .. ~ '" '" '" ..., ~ '" III "m ..., i 0 .. :< g: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2m 8" 0 me " ~8 " ~!lj 1 J2 Attachment #3 . ~ '" '" ~ '" '" '" '" ~ Page 2 of 7 , '" '" '" '" '" '" . I I ~ ~ ~ @ I I ~ 8 . , ., e , e I I I ~ :!j . d ~ ~ ~ ~ , z ~ e . !I: , . III / , r m / , ~n " , " " IISn 3: ('l ('l ~ ~ 0 0 " ~ " II n l: ., '" " " " n ~ 0 0 0 0 0 " " , ;p il' < . II . Q ~ ~ il' ~ " " . =] , ~ . it l ~ ~ 0 , , . . .. s' ~ m , , , . "' il' m .. m .. ., I , n ." ;: , , 0 " : ~ . ~ i:" &' &' " II 0 ~ ~ " .. il " II n " ~' . i5 II . . , Z II . !L II . , , II n " II I " " " " " II n n " II '" n " .. ... " '" .l!: .. S .. !!1 .. 10 :'lap" '" '" '" l" "' ~ ~ .. '" ,8:: ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ ~ '" .. 8 .. 0 " . !1 0 II il: n ~ il: . r e , "z , ~~ , , z., , em II , m~ II .. . " ~ .. m 8 'V- "0 n '" g n ~ .'" .. .. '" il1 ".. 8m nt ~ II. ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oll: ~ 8 n ~ 'V III CO Oe ~m n "0 ~ II m" " Om :!l " .... il: " m " :!j " II II II II II n n I . ' '" .. '" " '" '" '" m- ...n.. U n1nn1n ~ ~ @ ~ ~ '" ~ '" It W II c.n ~ ~ m_ nOllO !1Z " " _0 <" " " ." '" '" '" '" mm " " ." ." ;:' . . . . 01:; " " . . !l- "- "- "- "- n " 0" 0- 0" ~m " m.. " " " " " II " -" , - n , ~ II fl n .. 1Il .. ;j 8 R 'V- .'" '" '" ".. ~:r~ ~ .'" ell: ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mill n ~c: 08 z!:J " II II II II II II " " 1 1 3 COMMUNITY SERVICES - RATES & FEES Attachment #3 Page 3 of 7 ~- . - ---il€@It,iJ,yIiE-:I9~ ~'~~"~'~C:--r,y01'>"~ iJ~~ -"~'U:"" ~F'n" '0',--;' Vv 1I' "V ...~ " t .,J, ~'" ~~;) _" .l,f ,;>. J J,>-~ ! .-"_.__.~'---""'~' .". .-'.,"'-,.-: j ADULTS - DAILY 2.50 2.75 ADULTS - 10 TICK. 17.00 16.70 YOUTH - DAILY '1.50 1:75 YOUTH - 10 TICK. 11.00 12.00 FAMILY - DAILY 5.00 5.50 FAMILY - 10 TICK. 30.00 33.00 =~~'jJ1!!r~P1~,~.. YOUTH WORKSHOPS (3 hrs) YOUTH ACTIVITY PROGRAMS 25.00 36.00 27.50 40.00 64.00 66.00 110.00 ADULT FITNESS (24) 56.00 (36) 60:00 (46) 100.00 WATERBABIES-DOLPHIN 37.00 41.00 YELLOW-WHITE 37.00 41.00 UFESAVING 1.111 45.00 49.50 PRE-BRONZE 45.00 49.50 BRONZE MEDALUON 72.00 79.00 BRONZE CROSS 74.00 81,50 UOADERS 87.00 96.00 INSTRUCTOR/N.LS. 125.00 137.50 SEMI-PRIVATE (10) 60.00 66.00 PRIVATE (5) 70.00 77.00 ADULT INSTRUCTION 45.00 49.50 AQUA.FIT (12) 60.00 66.00 (24) 60.00 68.00 (36) 120.00 132.00 MASTERS (12 classes) (12) 65,00 71.50 (24) 100,00 110,00 ALL FEES QUOTED INCLUDE FEDERAL G.S.T. NOTE: Number In 0 IndIcates the number of classes Included In the program. 111 4 )MMUNITV SERVICES. RATES & FEES Attacnment #-:> Page 4 of 7 MEMBERSHIPS PROGRAM/SERVICE 1996 EXISTING RATE 1996 WITH 10% INCREASE 12 MONTHS 1 MONTH YOUTH 12 MONTHS 50.0€) 55.00 1 MONTH 12.00 13.00 FAMILY 12 MONTHS 160.00 176.00 1 MONTH 40.00 44.00 12 MONTHS 155.00 170.50 3 MONTHS 90.00 99.00 10 TICKET 55.00 60.50 COUPLE ~:ij~trllt'tilfl(%i~riljJjl'ljfl; 12 MONTHS 264.00 3 MONTHS 110.00 YOUTH/SENIORS 12 MONTHS 80.00 88.00 3 MONTHS 45.00 49.50 10 TICKETS 25.00 27.50 $ 150.00/Business 25% discount AdulVCouple Squash & Pool Membership CORPORATE ADULT 60.00 66.00 YOUTH 30.00 33.00 FAMILY 100.00 110.00 ALL FEES QUOTED INCLUDE FEDERAL G.S.T. 1 15 tMMUNITY SERVICES - RATES & FEES Attachment IF3 Page 5 of 7 . .. .~ INDOOR FACILITY RENTALS PROGRAM/SERVICE 1996 EXISTING RATE 1996 WITH 10% INCREASE PRIME TIME ({HOUR) ADULTS YOUTH NON-PRIME (!HOUR) ADULTS YOUTH 80.00 88.00 50.00 55.00 130.00 145.00 ADULTS 110.00 121.00 YOUTH 95.00 105.00 ADUL TSIMINORS SPECIAL EVENT SET-UP SPECIAL EVENT - COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION SPECIAL EVENT - PRIVATE 250.00 275.00 685.00 750.00 720.00 790.00 ..~::; :~~II((1@111~f ADULT 40.00 44.00 YOUTH 40.00 44.00 NON-RESIDENT 50.00 55.00 PRIVATE (2 GUARDS) CLUB/SCHOOL BD. SPECIAL EVENTS 80.00 88.00 35.00 38.50 48.00 43.00 UFEGUARDS (lHOUR) 12.00 13.00 COMMUNITY GROUPS 15.00 16.50 PRIVATE 25.00 27.50 NON-RESIDENT 40.00 44.00 ALL FEES QUOTED INCLUDE FEDERAL a.S.T. :ity of Oshawa fees quoted are for community arenas - NOT the Civic Auditorium 'ees quoted pertain to those special events/tournaments at which NO gate or admission fee is charged. . $ 95.00/hour for minors/youth. If gate is charged, ice rental is $ 137.00/hourfor adults: 1116 1117 :l> r r ." m m Ul o C o -l m o z () r C o m ." m o m :Il :l> r " in ~ ::E =i I )> o )> z () m Ol '" o o Ol OJ o o ::E =i I o C -l )> o )> z () m :Il m ." C Z o )> OJ r m o m "U o Ul =i "U m :Il C (j) m ^ ::j () I m Z ." m m Ul Ul o h i> Z '" o o '" ... o o z o z :D m !!l o m Z -l ." m m + '" o <f ." m m + '" o <f r o m Z (j) m o ~ o ()> o o o ~ ~ ()> '" o o I zll~z ~ ~l~~jt:l~ ~ C. H~~m~~..l,.. _:;:::~":'>:<:: ..u o :.;.;.:-,,~.:<. m ~i{fl ; :~~~:j~~ijt~ -;':"\:,:::::' ;::~::::::,::::: ...-...:.;...... ~:~:~:~~ -...,;.;..... mi III ~~t~~ Ol '" o o o lar", ." Ig; lJl <_c.:.:.: ~::c;t{ + III ~ ::~-:.:~ ffl !2; '1"."" iiliI 1IIIi ~!l ::mg :~ill1 ~ I~j; ~ Im';1 '" t~:~~\j * ::I]:]I!: ,..,.:.".... :.:~::::::~::::. "Tl m m + '" o <f --J ~ '" o o ." m m + '" o <f r o m Z (j) m o '" Ol '" o o '" '" o o o '" '" o o o '" Ol '" o o z o z r- o m Z (j) m o I :l> r ." :I: :l> r r o )> "U :l> () ~ '" o S '" o o o . '" OJ o o o '" o o o o '" ~ o o o z o z , :Il m (j) o m Z -l ." m m + '" o <f ." m m + '" o <f ." m m + '" o <f ." m m + '" o <f c () m Z (j) m o '" '" o o o Ol --J o o o '" Ol '" o o --J '" '" o o z o z , r o m Z (j) m o '" --J !" o o '" '" o o o ... ~ o o o Ol o ~ o o ." C r r :I: :l> r r o :l> "U )> () ~ '" 1I1 S i$~~ ~:,;.vt1i .:.".:.:.x,->:. ,::::;:,::::::::::::: -:~:::::::::::::;;:: ::::~;~):~;):~ :.:.:.;.:.:.,.:.;.:. :@j:t~~3~ mjm~l ...,:<.;.,;.:.:. t:MM\~: ::~::::::::::::::: :: HMjijj ~ "I'. ~ tI~t\i[ :J: :m:~::::::::: C :Il Ul :::::~:n:::;:: ." ~ ",;JJit 1m; Iii lOT ;.:.:.:.;.:.>:.;.: ':,::;:::~ 3::: Ul C Z :.:.:.".:-:.:.:< -.......::::::;,'"' "W,';i.' :;:: o z -l :I: C :Il Ul . ,,-:-:::,;" HIMt :::::;J.3:;,~;, I ,;,':::,.... w.......-...-. ." :Il Ul C Z "tl :II o G> ;JJ ~ s:: -- rn m ~ o m ",;: "'-' ,~ f1.ttacnment *05 Page 6 of 7 o o :s: :s: c z ~ en m :0 :5 o m en :0 ~ m en R<> ." m m en ...... lD lD en m X rn ::! z G> :II ~ m ...... lD lD en :E ::j J: ...... s:: 0 C ~ ~ 0 Z .. (") :II"tl :II mC m z::c ~ -l"tl rn ~O m rrn rnm ::c 0 0 "" COMMUNITY SERVICES . NEW FEE PROPOSAL Attachment #3 Page 7 of 7 Youth Soccer Youth Baseball Following Calucations are based on 1995 Statistics $ 4.00/hr $ 4.00/hr Youth Baseball 1,496 5,407 TOTAL Staff estimate 25% reduction in permitted hours affecting practices. TOTAL LESS 25% TOTAL $27,612 $ 6,903 $20,709 1118 $ 5,984 $21 ,628 $27,612 Report ADMIN-2-96 Attachment #4 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1996 Budget Restraint Program Fee Adjustments 1119 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BUDGET RESTRAINT PROGRAM Friday, January 12, 1995 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1. Review of PropOsed Budaet Adiustments . The basis of Public Works proposed cuts was: NON-ESSENTIAL vs ESSENTIAL SERVICES Attachment 'ff''j, Page 1 of 3 This should be the basis for the final decision making, within the Public Works Department, other departments and Municipality-wide. vacancies Not Filled Consulting - Engineering - Legal Reduced Transfer to Equipment Reserve *Reduced Capital Road Reconstruction Reduced Streetlight Capital Service Levels Reduced Delete Road Needs Study for 2 Years New/Increased User Fees *Other Restrictions Dufferin Aggregates - Gravel Value * Represents ESSENTIAL SERVICES being cut. 2. Historical Road Svstem Adeauacies $ 95,000 30,000 2,000 125,000 200,000 50,000 124,000 10,000 50,000 75,000 140.000 $ 901,000 . % Adequacy = % of roads which are not presently deficient. . Summary of System Adequacies Mean % 1990 1993 Target Level % Large Urban Municipality Medium Urban Municipality Small Urban Municipality Urban & Rural Municipality 90 85 75 65 88.2 82.6 74.9 58.6 1120 88.7 84.5 74.2 59.9 Attachment #4 Page 2 of 3 . Medium Urban Municipalities (Km of road / % Adequacy) 1990 1991 1992 1993 Ajax 200.3/82.9 203.9/83.7 209.4/83.6 209.4/82.5 Oshawa 436.4/84.1 437.4/84.3 pickering 367.5/63.1 375.1/62.9 380.2/63.4 Whitby 332.4/81.0 334.6/79.8 337.2/78.8 333.8/76.0 . Urban & Rural Municipality (Km of road / % Adequacy) Clarington 810.1/68.5 809.1/64.1 816.7/64.5 819.2/65.3 3. Imoact of Deferrinq Road Maintenance . Consultant Fees . Vehicle Replacement . . . 1121 Attachment #4 Page 3 of 3 SUMMARY OF 1995 PROJECTS NORMAL PROGRAM Lambs Road Bridge %13 Baseline Road 13 Church/Temperance Streetscape 2 Tru11s Road 19 Sidewalks 3 Survey/Design for Upcoming Projects -1! SUB-TOTAL %64 INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS King Street West (MTO Grant) % 5 Church Street 14 Princess Street/Station Street 10 King Street Sewers 1 Lawson Road 2 Waterfront Trail --1 SUB-TOTAL %33 SPECIAL PROJECTS Hampton Works Depot Addition TOTAL L...l %100 = 22 Report ADMIN-2-96 Attachment #5 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I996 Budget Restraint Program Fee Adjustments 1123 Attachment IF';) Page 1 of 3 - I I >',j1'/") 1/ I 1 \I ATTACHMENT A1 BUILDING FEES CLASS OF PERMIT EXISTING PERMIT FEE NEW PERMIT FEE ESTIMATED ANNUAL REVENUE INCREASE To construct a A minimum of $25.00 or A minimum of $50.00 $ 120,000.00 building or addition to $8.00 per $1 ,000 or portion or $10.00 per $1,000 a building, thereof of the total or portion thereof of valuation of the work. the total valuation of the work. Increase to $1 0.50 per $1 ,000 in 1997. To demolish a $25.00 or $8.00 per 1000 $50.00 or $10.00 per building or portion of square feet of gross floor 1000 square feet of a building. area or portion thereof gross floor area or whichever is the greater. portion thereof whichever is the greater. To transfer a permit. $25.00 $50.00 $ 100.00 Master Plumbing $25.00 $100.00 $ 7,500.00 Licence TOTAL $ 127,600.00 IN: \.iN 1-2.L I 1124 Attachment #5 Page 2 of 3 EXISTING PROPOSED % ESTIMATED (per application) (per application) INCREASE 1996 REVENUE "~~~ INCREASE (DECREASE) 1. Official Plan Amendments ) ~ {i' ':>~v\~ 2,000.00 $ 2,200.00 10% ($ 5,400,00) Adoption ofO.PA's 19P 6Y - 1,000.00 New 1,000.00 2. RezonIng 700.00 600.00 14% (3,300.00) Removal 01 (H) Holding 700.00 350.00 (50%) (1,750.00) 3. Draft Plan of SubdMslon 600.00 1,000.00 25% 2,600.00 Amendment to Draft Approval - 200.00 New 400.00 (Applicant Initiated) Preparation of SubdivisIon Agreement (not including - 750.00 New 3.000.00 legal fees) 4. Site Plan Approval 500.00 600.00 20% 1,200.00 Plans Approval Only 300.00 350.00 20% (3,200.00) Amendments to 200.00 300.00 50% 600.00 Agreements/plans 5. Minor Variance Applications 150.00 200.00 33% 1,100.00 Tabling Fee 75.00 New 100.00 6. SubdMslon Compliance 30.00 60.00 100% 10,050.00 Letters 7. Zoning Clearance Letters 30.00 60.00 100% 39,780.00 8. Application to Remove Part 300.00 350.00 14% 200.00 Lot Control 9. Miscellaneous Clearance 30.00 60.00 100% 750.00 Letters (including outstanding work orders, buDding compliance) 10. Applications Requiring 300.00 400.00 33% (100.00) Additional Public Meetings - additional fee for each subsequent Public Meeting 11. Applications RequIring - 600.00 New 600.00 Additional PUblic Meeling where additional notice Is provided through the local newspapers 12. Applications Involve review 10,000.00 10,000.00 0% - under EPA and/or EAA process (additional fee) 13. Sign Permit Range $5.00- $25.00 per sign Range 1,000.00 15.00 to a maximum or A1teratlonJRepalr $100.00 per $2.00-5.00 application ATfACHMENT A2 PLANNING FEES 1 1125 EXISTING PROPOSED % ESTIMATED (per application) (per application) INCREASE 1998 REVENUE INCREASE (DECREASE) 14. Application Required by the 1,000.00 1,100.00 10% (1,000.00) Rental Housing Protection Act 15. Street Name Change Request 500.00 1,500.00 200% 1,000.00 16. Maps $1.00 - 2.50 $2.00 0% 200.00 Small Maps $1.75 - 4.00 $6.00 50%-240% 200.00 Mid Size Maps $6.00 - 10.00 $11 .00 10%-60% 200.00 Large Maps 17. Publications: Official Plan 35.00 45.00 29% New Official Plan N/A 50.00 New } 1000.00 Zoning By-law 35.00 45.00 29% } 150.00 Street Name Index 35.00 40.00 14% 50.00 Studies 501t/page under 40 pages - $10 40-100 pages $20 100-200 pages $35 over 200 pages - $50 (maps extra) Staff Report 501t/page No charge prior to Council Meeting. After meeting, no charge under 10 pages; 11-20 pages- $5; over 20 pages $10 18. Long Distance Fax Service N/A Flat rate $10 up New 200.00 to 5 pages, and $1 per page after 19. TOTAL $ 48,630.00 IfCRT.LT Attachment iF:> Page 3 of 3 OTE: All of the above fees are exclusive of G.S.T. 2 1126 Attachment #6 Page 1 of 1 rnlM Revenue generating fees Some ideas for the introducing of fees for service to be considered. 1 - Charge for burning permits issued to residents. $25.00 per permit / issued 323 in 1995. / Potential income $8075. r 0./ 2 - Charge for inspection requested for daycare / home daycare centres. $75.00 per inspection / 50 to 75 annually. Potential income $3750 to $5625. 3 - Charge for wood stove inspections requested by home owner and insurance companies. $50.00 per inspection / 40 to 50 per year. Potential income $2000 to $2500. 4 - Charge for reports requested by insurance companies related to fire losses. $75.00 per report /30 to 40 annaully based on # of large fire. Potential income $2250 to $3000. 5 - Charge for inspections for chip trucks and hotdog carts. $75.00 per inspection / 25 to 30 annually. Potential income $1875 to $2250. We already charge for inspection requested in property transaction. At present we charge $50.00 per hour and will be increasing this to $75.00 per hour in 1996. This generated about $1500 in 1995. The potential income from thesefees would be in the area of $17,000 and $20,000 depending on how busy we are in the new year. Cambridge presently charges for these services as do some others. In this area Peterborough charges for daycare inspections as does rVhitby. Other charges are pending with many Municipalities do to the need for revenues. Although this department has not charge for these services in the past, it is believed that the time has come for the department to attempt to retrieve some of it's costs. We are presently looking into the feasibility of charging for motor vehicle accidents and fires on Municipal roads. We are presently compensated for this service on Provincial highways by the Ministry of Transportation, they inturn bill the operators insurance company. Once this information is obtained a report will be presented to Council during budget discussions. 1 28 Report ADMIN-2-96 Attachment #7 CLERK'S DEPARTMENT 1996 Budget Restraint Program Fee Adjustments 1129 ClERK'S DEPARTMENT FEES Attachment #7 Page 1 of 3 January 12, 1996 ESTIMATED ANNUAL REVENUE SERVICE EXISTING PROPOSED INCREASE 1996 LICENCES: Auctioneer $ 50.00 $ 60.00 $ 20.00 Kennel $ 25.00 $ 31.00 $ 75.00 Fireworks Display n/a $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Hawker/Peddler $200.00 $ 240.00 $ 40.00 Christmas Trees $ 75.00 $ 100.00 $ 25.00 Refreshment Vehicle $200.00 $ ~$ , 240.00 40.00 \ . Trailer Park $100.00 $ 120.00 $ 60.00 Tourist & Camp $100.00 $ 120.00 $ 20.00 Taxi: Vehicle $ 20.00 $ 25.00 Driver $ 10.00/2 yrs. $ 20.00/2 yrs. $ 120.00 Braker $ 5.00 $ 20.00 Duplicate $ 1.00 $ 1.50 Transient Traders $250.00 $ 300.00 Public Entertain./Profit $300.00 $ 360.00 $ 60.00 Photocopies $ .50/page $ .65/page Certifications $ 1.00 $ 1.25 Commission Documents n/a $ 15.00 $10,000.00 Snow Removal Admin. $ 10.00 $ 15.00 $ 1,970.00 Line Fence Viewing n/a $ 40.00 $ 400.00 Admin. Long Distance Fax Service n/a Flat Rate $10.00 up to 5 pages, $1.00 per page thereafter SUBSCRIPTIONS: Agendas - Council $500.00 $ 625.00 - G.P.& A. $900.00 $1,125.00 Minutes - Council $120.00 $ 150.00 $ 1,000.00 - G.P.& A. $200.00 $ 250.00 Agenda Pages $50.00 $ 62.00 '* ~Q.o\.w:..e lY ~\VY"lI"o....\--c. dlte. -to chCCr9CS -th(0~h hM:: to=>j. 1130 .. ESTIMATED ANNUAL REVENUE SERVICE EXISTING PROPOSED INCREASE 1996 PROPERTY STANDARDS: 1-2 residences $ 20.00/unit $ 25.00/unit Multi Commercial 2-5 $ 15.00/unit $ 20.00/unit Indudustrial Building 6-10 $ 75.00 $ 100.00 $ 5.00/unit $ 1O.00/unit 16 Units or more $125.00 $ 150.00 $ 1.00/unit $ 1.20/unit Free Standing Industrial $ 25.00 $ 30.00 Farm $ 25.00 $ 30.00 Vacant $ 20.00 $ 24.00 ANIMAL CONTROL: Sale of Dog Licences $ 20.00 $ 25.00 Sale of Dogs $ 51.75 $ 64.75 Sale of Cats $ 28.75 $ 35.90 Pound Fees - 1 st $ 30.00 & 10.00/day $ 37.50 & 12.00/day $ 8,515.00 - 2nd $ 50.00 & 10.00/day $ 62.50 & 12.00/day Trap Rentals $ 2.14/day $ 2.67/day Disposal $ 21.40 $ 26.75 TOTAL $22,395.00 Attachment #7 Page 2 of 3 1131 Parking Meters Parking Permits TOTAL CLERK'S DEPARTMENT - PARKING FEES EXISTING $ .50/hr $ 50.00/month PROPOSED $ .60/hr $ 60.00/month NOTE: This revenue will be credited to the parking reserve fund. <<1<' txlfDLS \b b",~. "t, .c: KeJl exN l2X.J ~ 1132 Attachment #7 Page 3 of 3 ESTIMATED ANNUAL REVENUE INCREASE 1996 $10,000.00 t'~ $ 600.00 ~ $10,600.00 Cult d kJ ef)i <i ~eJQ ,